View Full Version : Stupid phone.

2008-05-04, 07:27 PM
I'm full of indiscriminate rage because I lost my phone at a club.


Just needed to vent, sorry. Anybody have similar experiences?

2008-05-04, 07:35 PM
Yes. Cancel it immediately, if you haven't already. My sister got several hundred dollars worth of charges the first time she lost hers.

2008-05-04, 07:38 PM
Well, I'm going to see if someone handed it in tomorrow before I do that, but yes, good advice.

2008-05-05, 02:59 AM
Yes. Cancel it immediately, if you haven't already. My sister got several hundred dollars worth of charges the first time she lost hers.

And that, my friends, is why I use prepay.

Emperor Ing
2008-05-05, 03:36 AM
my recommendation is to call said phone from another one. If someone picks it up, tell them to bring it to you

2008-05-05, 02:07 PM
I had a somewhat similar experience...I jumped in a pond when my phone was in my pocket. (something I still kick myself occasionally for) I had to buy an entirely new phone.

2008-05-05, 02:44 PM
I actually just lost my phone this Saturday. My friends and I were up all night playing Silent Hill and my phone was on the couch arm next to me, and around 9 am when we finally left (started at like 12 hehe) I forgot it had beeon on the arm (had fallen into the cushions sometime). I realized I didn't have it like an hour later so I went back to the lounge to look and couldn't find it.

I had written it up for lost and was about to cancel it but I got a call saying it had been turned into the front desk ^^

Sadly someone else there left an ethernet cable and that was taken too but not returned. >.<

2008-05-05, 03:20 PM
A few years ago I lost my phone on a train - I was just sitting there and it was suddenly gone. I searched the whole carriage. Nothing.

I went to friend's house and got them to ring it so that hopefully I could get whoever stole it to at least return my sim card.

My bag starts ringing. It was in there the whole time.

I felt like such a fool.

2008-05-05, 03:25 PM
That's nothing. I once forgot my credit card at a club.
Yes I was drunk.
And the best thing of all:
They kept it and gave it back to me when I came later and asked for it

Mc. Lovin'
2008-05-05, 03:42 PM
I actually just lost my phone this Saturday. My friends and I were up all night playing Silent Hill and my phone was on the couch arm next to me, and around 9 am when we finally left (started at like 12 hehe) I forgot it had beeon on the arm (had fallen into the cushions sometime). I realized I didn't have it like an hour later so I went back to the lounge to look and couldn't find it.

I had written it up for lost and was about to cancel it but I got a call saying it had been turned into the front desk ^^

Sadly someone else there left an ethernet cable and that was taken too but not returned. >.<

A counter? Where were you playing?

2008-05-05, 04:19 PM
I once forgot my credit card at a club

Ouch. If it makes you feel better, to go with the missing phone, I also sat on my debit card and snapped it on Saturday. Leaving me with no money for the weekend.

2008-05-05, 05:09 PM
A few years ago I lost my phone on a train - I was just sitting there and it was suddenly gone. I searched the whole carriage. Nothing.

I went to friend's house and got them to ring it so that hopefully I could get whoever stole it to at least return my sim card.

My bag starts ringing. It was in there the whole time.

I felt like such a fool.
Meh. Nothing beats leaving your house, chacking your pockets for keays (while keys are held in hand), going back, opening the door with said keys, searching the whole damn house for those keys and then, despaired, looking at your hand and noticing your keys in it :smallsigh:

2008-05-05, 05:11 PM
I had a somewhat similar experience...I jumped in a pond when my phone was in my pocket. (something I still kick myself occasionally for) I had to buy an entirely new phone.

i too have jumped in a body of water with a phone.

2008-05-05, 05:16 PM
Well, I'm going to see if someone handed it in tomorrow before I do that, but yes, good advice.

You dont need to cancel it, just call whoever you subscribe to. Tell them you lost your phone and to freeze the account. They put the account on hold until you either find it, or get a new phone.

Raiser Blade
2008-05-05, 05:25 PM
And that, my friends, is why I use prepay.

Prepay is only a good option if you don't use your phone that much. If you do then you end up paying way more then what you would pay if you got a contract with a service provider.

2008-05-05, 05:32 PM
Prepay is only a good option if you don't use your phone that much. If you do then you end up paying way more then what you would pay if you got a contract with a service provider.

Seeing as I've got 5 euros left of the 15 the phone came with, and bought the phone in february, I don't think that's something I'm worried about :tongue:

2008-05-05, 06:53 PM
Yeah, losing phones sucks muchly.:smallyuk:

I haven't lost a phone ever, but I have:

Lost several articles of school uniform (jumpers, swimming gear) regularly,
Jumped into salt water wearing my watch:smalleek:,
Left umbrellas on trains (note: plural)
and last but not least, someone broke into our car when I was at swimming lessons and stole my schoolbag. Luckily, I was about five, so no phone or wallet or anything, but my lunchbox and library books were gone.
I was really looking forward to those books...:smallfrown::smalltongue:

2008-05-05, 08:04 PM
My second day with my first phone, I left it in my pants as it went through the wash. Short-Curcuited and everything, get a new one free, though, and it is a lot better. Still quite an Epic Fail.

2008-05-06, 05:27 AM
Well good news - I phoned it again, and finally someone picked it up - The nice people at Toffs Nightclub found it.

Now I just need to find the time to go up in the day and get it.

2008-05-06, 06:32 AM
In my 4 years of college, I've lost at least 6 cellphone (maybe more, I forgot).
One of them lost merely 2 weeks after I got it (I lost it directly in front of my boarding house).

Not counting other things like camera (one), usb flash disk (almost lost count), books, and dignity.

Yes, I'm really a forgetful person.

2008-05-06, 06:41 AM
Prepay is only a good option if you don't use your phone that much. If you do then you end up paying way more then what you would pay if you got a contract with a service provider.
Hm, depends, really. The cheapest prepay you get in Austria is six cents per minute of calling. To actually pay less with a contract is quite hard unless you use the phone a lot. If you use it mostly for short calls, like I do, it's definitely the way to go. I don't use more than thirty euro per year this way.

2008-05-06, 01:24 PM
Last week I dropped my phone out of the window. I was tired, not concentrating and being clumsy. Ok, but...

I live on the 24th floor.

You know that, "Oops, oh ****" feeling you get? Well, I that was me as I watched it sail regally down to the concrete below.

(And everyone keeps asking me if I did it on purpose during a fit of rage. :smallconfused: I find it hard to believe that there are people who would actually throw away that much money - plus photos, contacts, and everything else stored on the phone - just because they're in a temper.)

2008-05-06, 01:47 PM
One time a friend of mine accidentally threw my phone off a three story building.

She was trying to annoy me (not really doable, not by mortal means), so she grabbed my jumper and threw it off (Ha! Now you need to go get it! And the elevators not working). Phone was in pocket...

2008-05-06, 02:32 PM
I've never managed to loose a phone, but I have managed to wreck one and utterly destroy another. I dropped the first one onto the pavement and it broke the small pins that kept the battery attached. The other one I dropped from a bridge down onto a motorway where it hit a truck. The largest piece I could find was the size of a fingernail.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-05-06, 06:50 PM
I'm full of indiscriminate rage because I lost my phone at a club.


Just needed to vent, sorry. Anybody have similar experiences?
Happened to me. It ended up in my friend's of a friend's car tucked under a seat set on vibrate (that's why she never found it until she decided to clean the car despite me calling it 10 times). Check your friends just in case... Booze and remembering where you put your stuff don't go hand in hand.

2008-05-06, 07:57 PM
I never lost a phone but I'vs had 3 Iphones stolen from my car.......Im starting to think that the people who keep stealing them are guessing that I am getting new ones.

2008-05-06, 08:10 PM
(And everyone keeps asking me if I did it on purpose during a fit of rage. :smallconfused: I find it hard to believe that there are people who would actually throw away that much money - plus photos, contacts, and everything else stored on the phone - just because they're in a temper.)

As someone who has worked in the cellular field, yeah it happens pretty often surprisingly. The amount of phones Ive seen drowned, squished, busted in half....

2008-05-06, 08:12 PM
When people at my school get their phone stolen from them, they call their own number and scream bloody murder in a profanity laced speech.

I've broken my phone twice. My first was in my pocket when I was walking around in a store, and when I took it out, the screen was broken. The technicians said it was water damage, but I find this circumspect seeing as I was in the middle of a store in the summer. The other one I broke when I was laying down on a carpeted surface playing a videogame. The phone slipped out of my pocket and under my stomach, and I guess my stomach was too much to handle.

2008-05-07, 08:42 AM
Well, crisis averted.

I managed to get my phone back from the club just in time to make the aquaintance of a young lady. Numbers were exchanged.

2008-05-07, 09:40 AM
As someone who has worked in the cellular field, yeah it happens pretty often surprisingly. The amount of phones Ive seen drowned, squished, busted in half....

But why? Why do they decide to vent their anger on an expensive and highly useful object?

Well, I guess it's better than taking it out on your spouse/partner/friends/children. But still.

Oh, congrats Project_Mayhem. Hope you have fun with the young lady. Don't leave your phone lying around again.

2008-05-07, 10:17 AM
Oh, congrats Project_Mayhem. Hope you have fun with the young lady. Don't leave your phone lying around again.

Indeed I did :smallwink:

I didn't spot the hidden text until I quoted. That would be sensible, yes.

2008-05-07, 01:49 PM
My boyfriends dog used to eat phones and remote controls, he ate 4 of his mobile phones and 6 tv remotes, that was a FUNNY dog!

I have never lost a phone but I do slowly destroy them to the point that they are no longer viable phones. Buttons will fall off, screens will crack, Batteries will die never to work again. Ive once handed someone my phone and the entire thing fell apart in their hands.

Its ok tho cos it means I can then go out and buy a pretty new phone.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-05-07, 06:55 PM
Indeed I did :smallwink:

I didn't spot the hidden text until I quoted. That would be sensible, yes.
Or, you COULD leave it lying around again, this time on purpose... So when you come back to pick it up you make acquaintance with young lady's sexier older sister :amused:

2008-05-07, 07:24 PM
Yay Mayhem! Go karma!

But why? Why do they decide to vent their anger on an expensive and highly useful object?

Well, I guess it's better than taking it out on your spouse/partner/friends/children. But still.

Oh, congrats Project_Mayhem. Hope you have fun with the young lady. Don't leave your phone lying around again.

Rage issues. The best is when they complain that it doesnt work anymore. :smallconfused: