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2008-05-05, 08:34 PM
If there was to be an OOtS movie, who do you think should play each character?

My picks are tenuous and just to get discussion started:
Roy - Samuel L. Jackson or Will Smith
Durkon - John Rhys-Davies (Who else could do it?
Belkar - Matt Damon (Mini-sized.)
V - No idea...
Haley - Kirsten Dunst (I liked the red hair in Spiderman, sue me. :smalltongue:)
Elan - Maybe Owen Wilson?

Xykon - Anthony Hopkins or Robin Williams (Voice acting)
Redcloak - ?

Hinjo - Russell Crowe

Draco Dracul
2008-05-05, 09:59 PM
If there was to be an OOtS movie, who do you think should play each character?

My picks are tenuous and just to get discussion started:
Roy - Samuel L. Jackson or Will Smith
Durkon - John Rhys-Davies (Who else could do it?
Belkar - Matt Damon (Mini-sized.)
V - No idea...
Haley - Kirsten Dunst (I liked the red hair in Spiderman, sue me. :smalltongue:)
Elan - Maybe Owen Wilson?

Xykon - Anthony Hopkins or Robin Williams (Voice acting)
Redcloak - ?

Hinjo - Russell Crowe

I'd say Will Smith would be a better Roy than Samuel L. Jackson.

2008-05-05, 10:09 PM
I'd say Will Smith would be a better Roy than Samuel L. Jackson.

But Sam has a closer body build to Roy...

Mando Knight
2008-05-05, 10:19 PM
Belkar - Matt Damon (Mini-sized.)

No... Elijah Woods!:smalltongue: Not really.

For V, we need someone who can be entirely androgynous in both appearance and voice... a somewhat effeminate face, high-pitched male or a lower-pitched female...

Mark Hamill (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_Skywalker) could do the voice acting for Xykon, he's done other psychotic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joker_%28comics%29)villains (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobgoblin_%28comics%29) before...

2008-05-05, 10:25 PM
Maybe Natalie Portman for V?

Draco Dracul
2008-05-05, 10:28 PM
But Sam has a closer body build to Roy...

I was thinking that Will Smith was better suited to the genre (action comedy).

2008-05-05, 10:31 PM
Ah, it's that time of year again. Casting calls for the OotS movie once more. :smalltongue:

Started a thread like this myself a long time ago, though it's been so long my suggestions have probably changed.

:roy: If you want to add a little extra humor, go with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. But Will Smith works too.

:durkon: Yeah, John Rhys-Davies is about the only one I can think of too.

:vaarsuvius: I remember someone once suggested Johnny Depp. I find myself agreeing.

Okay, this next pair of suggestions may get me in trouble...
:elan: Ben Affleck, and

:haley: Jennifer Garner.
Please don't hurt me, but I think it'd be funny to watch Ben act stupid(er).

:belkar: Verne Troyer. Just imagining Mini-Me on a psycho rampage makes me smirk.

Now, the Linear Guild...
:nale: Ben Affleck with goatee.

:sabine: Either Halle Berry or Vivica A. Fox might work.

:thog: Any pro wrestler in orc makeup could probably do it. Perhaps Dave Batista. Don't ask me why.

Team Evil...
:xykon: For some reason, I still think of him having a voice like Strong Bad.

:redcloak: Voice of Rowan Atkinson. Ideal blend of plotting villain and snarky wit.

:tsukiko: Lucy Liu just seems ideal for this part... although I did consider her in another role(see below)

Miscellaneous characters...

:miko: I had thought of Lucy in this role, but seeing another poster suggest Russel Crowe as Hinjo made me think outside the box a little bit. So, for the butt-kicking psycho paladin from Heck, I suggest Kate Beckinsale(in a colors-modified version of her outfit from Underworld).

:shojo: I can see John Cleese having a lot of fun with this role.

:hinjo: Russel Crowe is good, but what about Viggo Mortensen?

:eugene: I could see Samuel L. Jackson in age makeup having a lot of fun as Roy's dad.

:celia: Tough one here... what about Keira Knightley?

:julio scoundrel: I'm gonna have to suggest Orlando Bloom.

That's all I got for now. Too many more characters to continue at the moment.

2008-05-05, 11:19 PM
:julio scoundrel: I'm gonna have to suggest Orlando Bloom.

That's all I got for now. Too many more characters to continue at the moment.

Actually I'd think Antonio Banderas might make a good Julio, especially with the Spanish accent.

I do see your point about Viggo Mortensen. I still think Russell seems more like Hinjo especially after movies like Gladiator where he was a badass but still had a calm and collected demeanor. Still, Viggo is definitely among my favorite actors so I don't know... Also in the spirit of LOTR, what about Sean Bean?

As for O-Chul, I was thinking Gerard Butler, especially after his performance in 300.

I'll agree with Lucy Liu for Miko. She totally fits the part.

Gabrielle Union would be my :sabine: pick.

Ardal O'Hanlon might make a good Elan actually. After watching him in My Hero and Father Ted, I think he could easily play to Elan's character.

2008-05-05, 11:24 PM
I see your Antonio for Julio, and raise you a Chuck Norris for O'Chul. :smallbiggrin:

The Extinguisher
2008-05-05, 11:31 PM
Is it sad that I've written this down on a sheet of paper?

Animated Oots! Because live action would work. And no Samuel L. Jackson.

:roy: - Bruce Willis
:elan: - Alan Tudyk
:haley: - Tara Sands
:belkar: - Johnny Depp
:vaarsuvius: - pick any emo singer. Any. :smalltongue:
:durkon: - I will admit, I have no clue.

:xykon: - John Cleese or Ray Wise. One of the two. Maybe both.
:redcloak: - Simon Pegg
:mitd: - Callumn Blue
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/Tsukiko.png - Kathy Coppolla
:roach: - Nick Frost

:nale: - Alan Tudyk
:sabine: - Helena Bonham Carter
:thog: - Not a clue

:miko: - I'm at a loss here. Really.
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a311/estelindis/hinjo.gif - Eric Szmanda
http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-8/1204323/Shojo.jpg - Alan Rickman
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/O-Chul.png - Mandy Patinkin
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/lien.png - Anna Belknap

http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h87/osiris32/celiasmiley.png - Olivia Wilde

2008-05-05, 11:53 PM
Greg Kinnear as :Xykon:.

I think of his performance in Little Miss Sunshine, then I think of Xykon's butch or bitch rant in Start of Darkness, and I can think of no other.

:mitd: should be voiced by Ahmed Best.

I kid.


Doug Lampert
2008-05-06, 04:11 PM
:durkon: Yeah, John Rhys-Davies is about the only one I can think of too.

He had a very nasty allergy reaction to the makeup required for that role, and I've heard it said has basically said, "never again".

If it's animated he can do the voice acting. But I don't think he'll do a live action dwarf again.

Broadly almost any good male actor can do it. Rhys-Davies is 6'1" tall and he was under very heavy make-up. You need someone with an appropriate accent, but that's not really hard. Go for some relatively unknown Welsh or Scottish actor, no law that says they all have to already be famous.

Jade Falcon
2008-05-06, 04:27 PM
:thog: - Not a clue

Ron Perlman could work I think

:miko: - I'm at a loss here. Really.

I would like Lucy Liu in this role

http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-8/1204323/Shojo.jpg - Alan Rickman

perfect ! :smallbiggrin:

I like the idea of The Rock as Roy. He certainly has the body and the humor for the role

2008-05-06, 05:04 PM
Oh please don't let white people play all those pseudo-Asian characters. This is not only absurd, it's also condescending. Reminds me of 19th-century comedy plays which featured "black" characters who were just white actors with facepaint.

Who is Olivia Wilde, and why should she play Celia?

2008-05-06, 05:38 PM
:eugene: I could see Samuel L. Jackson in age makeup having a lot of fun as Roy's dad.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration? Pity it's a cross-class skill.

Bowie as V.

2008-05-06, 07:44 PM
Ardal O'Hanlon might make a good Elan actually. After watching him in My Hero and Father Ted, I think he could easily play to Elan's character.
Yes! You are so right! Ardan O'Hanlon could be a perfect Elan! His character from "Father Ted," Fr. Dougal, has just the right blend of good nature and utter cluelessness. :smallbiggrin:

The Extinguisher
2008-05-06, 08:08 PM
Oh please don't let white people play all those pseudo-Asian characters. This is not only absurd, it's also condescending. Reminds me of 19th-century comedy plays which featured "black" characters who were just white actors with facepaint.

Who is Olivia Wilde, and why should she play Celia?

Given that I'm looking more for voice actors than regular actors.
I'm sorry that the people I think would be good actors aren't the proper race. Geez.

Anyway, Updating the list slightly.

:miko: - Tara Sands works better for her. If you don't know her, she's the person who played Anna in the Shaman King dub. Which works perfectly.
:haley: - Missy Peregrym, of Reaper fame.
http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h87/osiris32/celiasmiley.png - Anna Belknap works better for Celia, thinking about it.
http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/trytoguess/lien.png - Which leaves me at a loss for Lien. I don't know.

Olivia Wilde plays Thirteen on House. Yes, yes, I don't watch a lot of movie, and my actor name generator is fairly low. I could start bringing music into it (I already did, actually) but then we'd get even more confusing.

EDIT: And I will further the notion of Samuel Jackson as Euguene, and not Roy.

2008-05-06, 08:23 PM
I saw this topic title, and I immediately thought Olivia Wilde ("Thirteen" from House, M.D.) for Haley.

2008-05-07, 10:21 AM
Jeff Bridges for :durkon:. I wouldn't have thought of him initially, but after seeing him as Obadiah in the Iron Man movie (shaved head, huge beard, right build), I immediately thought of Durkon.

2008-05-07, 10:39 AM
I like Robin Williams as :xykon: or maybe the :mitd:

2008-05-08, 07:34 AM
How about Lawrence Fishburne as :roy:? He has experience in action/comedy (Matrix) plus he played Othello. Works fine for me.

2008-05-08, 09:09 AM
For V the best option I could come up with is Tilda Swinton because of her role in Constantine as Gabriel.

2008-05-08, 10:45 AM
For V the best option I could come up with is Tilda Swinton because of her role in Constantine as Gabriel.

That would actually make a lot of sense... I couldn't tell what gender Gabriel was supposed to be in that movie.:smalleek:

2008-05-08, 11:12 AM
Its too bad he's dead but Vincent Price would make a real good :xykon:

2008-05-08, 11:17 AM
Its too bad he's dead but Vincent Price would make a real good :xykon:

[Sick thoughts] That's even more reason for him to be cast in a live-action oots movie. [/sick thoughts]

2008-05-08, 11:28 AM
That would actually make a lot of sense... I couldn't tell what gender Gabriel was supposed to be in that movie.:smalleek:

Gabriel is an angel, so s/he (it?) was supposed to be androgynous.

And yes, I thought of Tilda Swinton as V too.

I think Lawrence Fishborne is good for Roy. After Snakes on a Plane, I just can't take Samuel L Jackson seriously...

I'd really much rather see an actress born in Asia as Miko, instead of Lucy Liu. Choosing her just seems like "oh she's asian!" but eh :/ I can't see her in the role.

And i LOVE alan tudyk as elan, that'd be great.

I'm kind of new here, btw. Been lurking awhile, but I think this is my first post. Hi! ::waves::

2008-05-08, 12:08 PM
:celia: Tough one here... what about Keira Knightley?

:julio scoundrel: I'm gonna have to suggest Orlando Bloom.

:Elan: Ben Affleck

Julio Scoundrel -- Ugh. I would have to hate Orlamo Blooser for any part that's on screen more than 5 minutes. How about Mandy Patinkin from Princess Bride?

:celia: -- I can't see Keira in a role that passive, or without an english accent... I think we need someone that would play better with Will Smith/Sam Jackson...Natalie Portman? no idea really.

:elan: -- Oh boy would Cary Elwes be sweeeet...funny without noticing, and dramatic out the wazoo! he he, even better, have him play :nale: as well...

:shojo: -- Ian McKellen or Christopher Lee

:mitd: -- I def agree with whoever suggested Robin Williams :D

:vaarsuvius: -- Marton Csokas? Craig Parker? Don't know, they can look the part I think, but I've not seen either act all that much.

And then we come to Viggo Mortensen :biggrin:

I think he'd be lost playing a purely physical character like O-Chul (we just have to have Chuck Norris there ;) ) So Hinjo I think has been suggested? Or maybe for Lien's hubby of no last name? I can't think of anyone that fits Viggo well enough...he's not even right for :roy: even beyond the whole race thing.

2008-05-08, 12:39 PM
:vaarsuvius: - Sean Young

Watch Ace Ventura: Pet Detective if you don't understand why.

2008-05-09, 12:43 PM
I think he'd be lost playing a purely physical character like O-Chul (we just have to have Chuck Norris there ;) ) So Hinjo I think has been suggested? Or maybe for Lien's hubby of no last name? I can't think of anyone that fits Viggo well enough...he's not even right for :roy: even beyond the whole race thing.

Wait, but how would we get Chuck Norris to shave his head? Or, more to the point, where would we find a blade with the power to cut Chuck Norris' hair?

Maybe Johnny Depp could play V?

Scarlett Johansson might make a good Celia.

2008-05-09, 02:04 PM
People, keep in mind that all of the humans in their parties range from 21(Elan) to 29(Roy.) Lawrence Fishburne and Samuel L. Jackson are too old.

Now, if this were animated, I know exactly who would play Elan. Vic Mignogna.

2008-05-09, 02:28 PM
For Xykon: Robert De Niro. He's got that aura about him. Whenever he plays a "bad guy" role, he does the "evil" deeds in such a chaotic, unexpected, and, sometimes, humorous way...much like Xykon.

For Belkar: We need a short, loud, angry man with questionable morals and spends most of his time around people twice his size... Danny DeVito. Oh yes... Oh yes. Just imagine Belkar and The Penguin... violent bloodlust and biting? Oh yes... Oh yes.

DeVito makes me think of another role that, while there would be many, many better actors...I'd just love this. For the Monster in the Darkness: Arnold Schwarzenegger. I've never thought of it before, so, don't think I'm super wierd. But, I think everything becomes hilarious when said with The Governator's accent, and the MitD's lines are so childish that the accent would throw them over the edge of obscurity. Beauty.

V would totally be that guy from the Viral Video. "LEAVE BRITTANY ALONE!"

2008-05-09, 02:37 PM
:roy: I'd say a toss-up between Will smith and Donald Falsion (Turk from Scrubs). Will smith is kind of by default (seriously, Roy is at least 4 years shy of 30, SLJ is what, 50?) Donald Falsion is a good actor, and he can pull off bald pretty well, but it's an open question whether he could pull off genius bruiser/deadpan snarker
:haley: I cant think offhand of any actress that would work. She'd need to be a. capable of pulling off Haley's spunky personality, b. not stick thin.
:elan: Owen Wilson. He can manage wacky innocence. But, some younger actor with real skill would work as well
:durkon: For the love of Thor, do you really want to typecast Rhys-Davies like that? Anyone would do. Brian Blessed would do.
:vaarsuvius: ????????
:belkar: I like Matt Damon for that role.
:xykon: Christopher Lee, John Lithgow, or Hopkins.
:redcloak: Alan Rickman. Prefferably comboed with John Lithgow as Xykon
:miko: Lucy Liu. Asian, decent acress, can do serious action roles, meaty phisique. Perfect.

2008-05-10, 07:58 PM
:roy: Will Smith
:haley: Kirsten Dunst or Amanda Bynes
:elan: Owen Wilson
:durkon: Jeff Bridges
:vaarsuvius: Marylin Manson (YES) or Mark Hamil
:belkar: Matt Damon

Team Evil
:xykon: Hugh Laurie or Robert Downey Jr.
:redcloak: Rowan Atkinson
:mitd: Tony Robinson

Linear Guild
:nale: Owen Wilson w/ Goatee
:sabine: Halle Berry
:thog: ANYONE
Tsukiko Lindsay Lohan (Just for Kicks)

Azure City
:miko: Lucy Liu
Shojo Sean Connery
Hinjo ???

2008-05-14, 06:13 PM
:roy: I'd say a toss-up between Will smith and Donald Falsion (Turk from Scrubs). Will smith is kind of by default (seriously, Roy is at least 4 years shy of 30, SLJ is what, 50?)

And Will Smith turns 40 in September. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000226/

Just saying.

2008-05-14, 06:49 PM
:roy: I'd say a toss-up between Will smith and Donald Falsion (Turk from Scrubs). Will smith is kind of by default (seriously, Roy is at least 4 years shy of 30, SLJ is what, 50?)Actually, Roy is 29. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0500.html)

2008-05-14, 06:51 PM
I'm at a total loss when it comes to actors. But what about the score/composer? I doubt anyone's ever heard it, but I think some kind of variation on "The Humors of Winnington" would be excellent for the opening scene and end credits of an OOTS movie. As for the composer, I don't know... Hans Zimmer? That's the only name I can come up with right now. I don't think John Williams is the type for an OOTS movie, so I'll rule him out.

2008-05-14, 07:20 PM
Am I the only one who remembers The Princess Bride?

:belkar: Wally Shawn!

Also, I could see Bowie as V. It would fit oddly well....

Renegade Paladin
2008-05-14, 07:35 PM
:haley: I cant think offhand of any actress that would work. She'd need to be a. capable of pulling off Haley's spunky personality, b. not stick thin.
She's not professional, but I know just the person. (http://www.youtube.com/user/zendulo) Seriously, looks just like her, attitude to match, and is a decent amateur actor.

los olvidados
2008-05-14, 07:38 PM
I was thinking of actors for this, and I'm glad I'm the first to suggest this, in this thread (because I think it is inspired! :smallbiggrin: )

Kate Winslet as Haley :smallcool:

Plenty of curves too. :smallwink:

2008-05-14, 07:40 PM
I was thinking of actors for this, and I'm glad I'm the first to suggest this, in this thread (because I think it is inspired! :smallbiggrin: )

Kate Winslet as Haley :smallcool:

Plenty of curves too. :smallwink:

I second that.

2008-05-14, 07:44 PM
:redcloak: Rowan Atkinson
:mitd: Tony Robinson

I concur.

Shojo: Stephen Fry.

2008-05-14, 08:11 PM
Okay, Owen Wilson as Elan would be hilarious. It's official now.

2008-05-14, 08:42 PM
Just for the fun, i actually googled every main character of OotS a choose the first one that had decent hair.

The most reasonable choice was Haley James Scott for Haley

Roy Sesana has Roy. A wee bit old

The Antique Elan Snowmobile has Elan. I'll let you guess where I imagine the hair.

The avatar of Raging_Pacifist has Durkon. First humanish thing that came up except Durkon himself.

V from V for Vendetta has Belkar. I do think they share... something psychotic.

Kenny has Vaarsuvius. At least he/she fits the primordial condition for the role.

2008-05-15, 10:10 PM
:roy: - Not Samuel L. Jackson.
Shojo - Two Words: Christopher Walken Or, Different Two Words: Christopher Lloyd
:thog: - Hulk Hogan. (Seriously. 'Suburban Commando', anyone?)
:elan: - Why do I get the urge to say Adam Sandler?
:belkar: - Steve Buscemi, maybe? He's good at the whole crazy thing. Then again, so is Nick Cage......
:vaarsuvius: - Sigourney Weaver could pull off the androgynous look.
:xykon: - I second the Hugh Laurie
:redcloak: - And I also second Rowan Atkinson
:miko: - Maggie Cheung, from 'Hero'
:nale: - An evil Adam Sandler would be pretty fun.......
O-Chul - Chuck Norris is the only guy who could do it. Plus, he's already got the beard.
:mitd: - Steve Odekirk (It's not like you'd see him and he's good with wacky)
:haley: - Winona Ryder
:sabine: - Yeah, I Halle Berry, I guess. Since I can't really think of anyone else to fill that role.
:durkon: - ....... Sean Connery? Ridiculous, but still......

2008-05-15, 11:01 PM
My daughter says :roy: = Nick Cannon (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0134244/) (Devon from Drumline)

2008-05-17, 05:17 PM
My daughter says :roy: = Nick Cannon (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0134244/) (Devon from Drumline)

Nick cannon is a little too Nickleodeon/Break-Dance Movie to be roy, in my opinion. He just doesn't have the personality that say Will Smith would bring to the character. Maybe a young Morgan Freeman would have been a good Roy...

As for whoever said Sean Connery as Durkon, I can only say that that would be THE best episode of Celebrity Jeopardy EVER.

I was also thinking Zooey Deschanel for :haley:. H2G2, anyone?

2008-05-17, 05:33 PM
Will Smith is now how I picture Roy. And I think Elijha Woods needs to make a cameo appearance in all those Destroy the Ming scenes, with Belkar muttering *stupid two-bit halflng wannabes* :smalltongue:

2008-05-17, 07:47 PM
Ugh...why do people continue to say Owen Wilson? I'm fairly sure that Elan is....what, twenty three? Twenty five? I agree that he would have been a brilliant Elan, if this was several years ago, but now it just wouldn't fit. I have no idea who I would use for a live action movie, but it would be someone in the right age range. Or, at least close.

2008-05-17, 09:25 PM
:elan: No idea. Matt Damon ten years ago, maybe.
:haley: In my head, she looks like Hayley Williams (lead singer of Paramore), but she'd probably be played by some unknown rookie. These two are hard to cast.
:belkar: Verne Troyer. I concur with whoever said that Mini-Me killing stuff is made of win.
:durkon: Oh god, there was this one guy...was he in Braveheart? Eh, can't for the life of me remember his name, but I can picture him. Not helpful, I know.
:roy: Will Smith. He still looks like he could pass for late-20s, and he's got the humor thing pretty well down.
:vaarsuvius: Bowie, Marilyn Manson or Tilda Swinton. I so can't decide.
:xykon: Made of CGI (dude, freaking SKELETON), voiced by Ralph Fiennes.
:redcloak: Hmm... no damn clue.
:miko: Joining the chorus of Lucy Liu.
:mitd: Made of CGI, voiced by Dakota Fanning. :P

2008-05-17, 09:35 PM
Animated Oots! Because live action would work. And no Samuel L. Jackson.

:roy: - Omar Epps. For those who don't know, he plays foreman on house.
:elan: - Orlando Bloom (if he were still alive, I would have said Heath Ledger)
:belkar: - Robert de niro. Seriously, i'd love to see him doing this.

:xykon: - I would love to see Shawn connery as Xycon
:roach: - Adam Sandler

:nale: - Orlando Bloom with a goatee
:sabine: - Hallie berri
:thog: - Will Ferrel.

:miko: - Luci Lu

2008-05-17, 09:38 PM
I have one word for this Miei Amicis. WIN

2008-05-17, 09:50 PM
If we're just selecting voices in an animated features, my vote for all characters would be to let Andrea Romano cast whomever she wants.

Then again, I wouldn't mind hearing Michael Rosenbaum play Elan and Nale, Mark Hamill as Thogg, Gina Torres as Sabine, and maybe Regina King as Belkar. (Hey, anyone who can do Riley and Hughey arguing with each other is more than qualified to play a psychotic halfling. Plus, she can carry a tune.)

Izar Goldbranch
2008-05-17, 09:57 PM
If we're just selecting voices in an animated features, my vote for all characters would be to let Andrea Romano cast whomever she wants.

Then again, I wouldn't mind hearing Michael Rosenbaum play Elan and Nale, Mark Hamill as Thogg, Gina Torres as Sabine, and maybe Regina King as Belkar. (Hey, anyone who can do Riley and Hughey arguing with each other is more than qualified to play a psychotic halfling. Plus, she can carry a tune.)

Based on his voice roles in the Pixar films, I think Brad Garrett would be an awesome Thogg.

As for Vaarsuvius, what about Adrien Brody? All he needs to do is grow out the hair a bit and he LOOKS like V.

2008-05-17, 10:03 PM
Hmm, I'm gonna have to join the will smith group on roy.

Any ideas on who would play therkla?

2008-05-17, 10:46 PM
For a live-action version of the story..I would have to say...

:roy: - Donald Faison
:haley: - Kirsten Dunst (?)
:elan: - Orlando Bloom (Without his British actors accent)
:vaarsuvius: - Someone horribly flamboyant...Bowie? (Manson is WAAY to dark)
:belkar: - A shaved Ejijah Wood (Irony!)
:durkon: - Umm..not to sound racist...a very dark Scottish person
:xykon: - CGI with Chris Lee for a voice-Over
:redcloak: Tobin Bell (He's young-ish and his voice screams Redcloack)

2008-05-17, 10:49 PM
:vaarsuvius: Bowie, Marilyn Manson or Tilda Swinton. I so can't decide.

:vaarsuvius: - The beautiful people, The beautiful people!

:vaarsuvius: - Hey man, she's a total blam-blam!

2008-05-18, 01:36 PM
If it's just voice acting, I think Gina Torres would be an awesome Sabine. Actually, she could maybe pull it off live-action, too. We don't know how old Sabine is supposed to look, anyway, do we?

After his Joker, Mark Hamill can be anybody he wants in any animated movie AFAIAC. His is my favorite Joker by far. Hands down. Nicholson eat your heart out.

Now don't get me wrong... I absolutely adore Will Smith. He's a fantastic actor, and he's hilarious. But no way does he look like he's in his 20s. LOL. Notice how he doesn't play guys in their 20s any more? He would get my vote for a voice acting part, though, if we're talking animated.

2008-05-18, 07:48 PM
My suggestions from the voice acting thread were:

Roy - Harrison Ford
Elan/Nale - Ron Howard
Haley - Christina Applegate
V - Linda Hunt
Belkar - Fred Willard
Durkon - Ian McKellen
Roy's Dad - Peter Boyle
Xykon - Christopher Walken
Redcloak - Michael Keaton
MitD - McCaulay Culkin
Celia - Yeardly Smith
Sabine - Helena Bonham-Carter
Thog - Richard Moll

Unfortunately, most of them are too old for the parts if you do a live-action film, or have a completely wrong look, or both. Walken, Keaton, and maybe Culkin would still work, I think.

2008-05-18, 09:48 PM
You know, most of these, I just don't see them as the charries. here, my imagination is in stupor.
But on a side note, Olivia Wilde would make a great Celia.

2008-05-18, 09:52 PM
If we're on the idea of voice actors again, allow me to once again repeat that Vic Mignogna would be a perfect Elan. If any of you have seen Fullmetal Alchemist, he's Ed.

2008-05-19, 12:06 AM
Samuel L Jackson would clearly be Roy's grandfather.

Dacia Brabant
2008-05-19, 10:00 AM
:roy: You all are going to kill me for this, but...Vin Diesel. Hey, the guy is a hard-core D&D gamer, if I'd trust anyone for the Main C in any D&D-themed movie, it'd be him.

:elan: / :nale: Granted he's too old now, but I like the Cary Elwes/Cary Elwes with a goatee idea for this. Even better if Mandy Patankin is Julio Scoundrel.

:haley: I like Kirsten Bell for this, she could always dye her hair red like another famous Kirsten.

:vaarsuvius: Tilda Swinton makes as much sense as any.

:durkon: Was beaten to the punch on this, but for maximum comedy, Darrell Hammond as Sean Connery playing the role of Durkon.

:belkar: Andy Serkis. Gogogo Smeagol as Sexy Shoeless God of War.

:xykon: I always thought of him sounding like David Warner, but John Lithgow or Hugh Laurie are hilarious choices.

:redcloak: Rowan Atkinson is spot on.

:mitd: Seconded on Tony Robinson.

:roach: Gilbert Gottfried. He seems to do all the annoying-evil animal voices.

Tsukiko: Devon Aoki. Hawt.

:sabine: I'm not sure about this one, but maybe Angelina Jolie.

:thog: Anyone.

:miko: Ziyi Zhang--her English isn't great, but her Wuxia characters all tend to remind me of Miko.

Shojo: James Hong, if he's still alive. Shojo's sarcasm always reminded me of Hong's character in Big Trouble in Little China. "You were not put on this earth to 'get it'." :smallbiggrin:

Hinjo: Can we resurrect a young Toshiro Mifune for this part? No? Oh well, how about Jason Scott Lee? He's too old, but it works if Hong is Uncle Shojo.

O-chul: No mere mortal could possibly fill O-chul's shoes, but Ken Watanabe should do okay.

2008-05-19, 12:45 PM
:roy: Omar Epps deffo. his facial expression in house is exactly how i imagine roys would be, were he fleshy

2008-05-19, 12:52 PM
Hah! Now I desperately, desperately want an OOTS movie just to see John Cleese as Shojo. I think that'd kill me. :D

2008-05-23, 08:02 AM
Animated Oots! Because live action would work. And no Samuel L. Jackson.

:roy: - Omar Epps. For those who don't know, he plays foreman on house.
:elan: - Orlando Bloom (if he were still alive, I would have said Heath Ledger)
:belkar: - Robert de niro. Seriously, i'd love to see him doing this.

:xykon: - I would love to see Shawn connery as Xycon
:roach: - Adam Sandler

:nale: - Orlando Bloom with a goatee
:sabine: - Hallie berri
:thog: - Will Ferrel.

:miko: - Luci Lu

AAAAAAH! You've infected me! Now I can't think of Thog as anything but the bumbling Will Farell from ELF! And after he redeemed himself in Stranger Than Fiction too! DAMN YOU! I must Suggest Dwane, "The Rock" Though I don't know if he's the right man for the job. Haven't seen his movies, but he has the right build.

Also, note, I'm voting for Ziyi Zhang as Miko. If you don't remember, she was the "crazy B*#( in Rush Hour 2. Also voiced Karai in TMNT. Apparantly, her English is getting pretty good (it was stated during filming of Rush Hour 2 that she hardly spoke any.)

As for V, I hate to suggest anything related to the prince of Peroxide, but Orlando Bloom DOES look mighty androgynous when put into elf makeup.

As for Roy . . . Well, that's a toughie. I haven't seen that recent Will Smith movie, so I don't know his current acting talent range, but Will seems to bring too much 'crazy' to a role, whereas Roy is very reserved (and his dry sense of humuor doesn't play to Will Smith's Strengths.) Strangly Enough, and again, I'd hate to suggest this, I think ICE CUBE could do the role decent. He's proven he can do funny in "Are we there yet" and badass in "XXX 2" (though those films were horrible, it wasn't him, it was the writing.)

Not Hugh Laurie for the voice of Xykon, nor SIR Anthony Hopkins. Rowen Atkinsen maybe. He's just the right about of competent and "having-the-wisdom-of-a-three-year-old."

As for Redcloak, I always assumed him to be a slightly more-devious version of Kif from Futureama, voiced by Maurice LaMarche.

2008-05-23, 08:36 AM
Hm... I'll have to admit, a lot of those are hard, especially I'm not that much of a movie fan, but... I have at least two ideas...

Roy: I'd go for Will Smith, I think... He has the ability and he can make a funny, but also serious character... Also I'd throw in Samuel L Jackson as Eugene, possibly.

Miko: Why not Lucy Liu? I think she might be suiting...

(add. ideas:
Elan/Nale: Er... dunno. About any, blond, good looking actor, who was some experience in childish+wanna be genius roles? (Why springs Johnny Depps' Jack Sparrow into my mind?) Though, he's probably too old... any good newcomers around?

Sabine: might second Angelina... though there are a lot of other's out there)

2008-05-23, 08:50 AM
Am I the only one who hears Strong Mad whenever Thog speaks???

I'm definitely in the 'animated' camp, though I don't know what art style would work best (animated stick arms would get lost in backgrounds too much, I fear).

Jewel Staite as Haley
Gina Torres as Sabine
Ron Glass as Durkon (don't forget, it has to be a bad Scottish accent, so you wouldn't want a native)

Oh hell, I'm recasting Firefly again.

2008-05-23, 09:47 AM

Haley: Katee Sackhoff, who agrees with me here?
Shojo: Either John Cleese or Sir Michael Gambon would be great here.
Eugene Greenhilt (voice over only): Sir Michael Gambon
Miko: Lucy Liu
Kato or Lien: Grace Park?

Ok, I'm out of ideas.

Evil DM Mark3
2008-05-23, 09:59 AM
I don't know who, but Stephen Fry has to play someone.

2008-05-26, 09:57 AM
Greg Kinnear as :Xykon:.

I think of his performance in Little Miss Sunshine, then I think of Xykon's butch or bitch rant in Start of Darkness, and I can think of no other.

:mitd: should be voiced by Ahmed Best.

I kid.


Actually I chould see Jar Jar as the MitD

2008-05-26, 10:31 AM
:roy:Will Smith
:haley:Jewel Staite
:durkon: ?
:belkar: Jason Lee (not convinced? go watch the Child's Play seres of movies)
:vaarsuvius: Jonhny Depp
:elan:who ever did Tom Sawyer in the movie version of the legue of extrordinary gentlemen
:xykon:Hugh Laurie (watch an episode of House if you don't belive me
:mitd:ahmed best
:nale: same as Elen
:miko:Jenifer Hale
Eugine: Kevin Michiael Richardson, the guy who did this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl2ifpzVEgg&NR=1

Mando Knight
2008-05-26, 11:52 AM
:xykon:= Mark Hamill! Seriously, can't you just hear the maniacal laughter? He's gotta be CG'd anyway for a movie...

:vaarsuvius: Johnny Depp could fill the role...

:redcloak: If CG'd, the voice actor should be Hugh Laurie. Otherwise, I'm not sure he has the physical build...

:roy: Will Smith

:elan: and :nale: should be the same person, so that we catch on the "twin" bit faster than Elan does.

2008-05-26, 02:59 PM
One thing first: I'm from Germany, and most movies here are dubbed (although I occasionally watch subbed movies in original instead). What I want to say: I don't know how the diverse stars sound in the original.

My suggestions:
- :roy: Yes, the usual suspects (Will Smith, Laurence Fishburne, SLJ) are getting too old. Some comedian (Dave Chappelle?) or rapper instead?
- :haley: Alyson Hannigan or Kirsten Dunst.
- :durkon: Not sure, but there should be enough potential actors.
- :vaarsuvius: That actress who played in this transsexual movie
- :elan: I also tend to Owen Wilson. Are there any actors in the right age bracket in tv shows?
- :belkar: Some guy I know. No actor, but fits the personality, and also is a bit short.

- :xykon: Robert de Niro
- :redcloak: Yes, some British comedian seems to be the right direction. (Should we make that a theme? Humans, elves and so on speaking with American accents (except the dwarves), members of evil races with English accents? @all the English: Sorry :smallwink:)
- :nale: Same person as Elan. Are there some twins in the right age bracket available? The only twins acting IRL I know of are the Olsens.
- :sabine: I also tend to Halle Berry.
- :thog: Some minor actor who's done monster mooks in funny animated shows

2008-05-26, 03:30 PM
Hehe... I like the idea of Hugh Laurie... Just not sure if RC or Xykon... Might be RC a little more suiting... Xykon needs someone with less... charisma. But I kinda can't put my finger on whom...
Also, any good ideas for a MitD voice acting?
And any good ideas for O-Chul? How about good old Jackie Chan? ^^

Still, I'd stay with the following:
Roy: Will Smith
Haley: a red hair as... Allyson Hannigan or Kirsten Dunst... Maybe Keira Knightley as well...
Elan: I like the idea of Owen Wilson... he'd also be a good Nale with the goatee. (Or we go with the Olsen's ^^********)(on the other had... Zack Braff yould surely play the character perfectly well... he'd just act as J.D. would... but I don't think of him as a good Nale)
V: I can't think of a good actor with undefined sex... But I like Johnny Depp, he might be able to pull it off.
D: Er... some famous dwarf... *shrug*
B: Hehe... I'd like to see Colm Meaney again in a role... and he has at least red hair ^^'
Miko: Stay with Lucy.
Sabine: Halle Berry sounds good...
Thog: Some wrestler... maybe Hogan or whomever.

2008-05-26, 06:05 PM
:redcloak: Tobin Bell (He's young-ish and his voice screams Redcloack)

the guy who did JIGSAW are you nuts thats the worst idea in this entire thred (on the other hand who ever said roy was foreman was right on the mark)

2008-05-26, 06:50 PM
I would have belkar being played by dane cook mini sized

The Extinguisher
2008-05-26, 08:52 PM
Hehe... I like the idea of Hugh Laurie... Just not sure if RC or Xykon... Might be RC a little more suiting... Xykon needs someone with less... charisma. But I kinda can't put my finger on whom...

Xykon has a Charisma well into the 20's.

He's a sorceror :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-26, 09:00 PM
Christopher Lee for :xykon:!

2008-05-26, 10:11 PM
I've got to agree with you people who say Xykon would be good as Hugh Laurie. He's already got that sadistic, genius personality down, and I can already hear his voice coming from that CGI skeleton body...

2008-05-27, 12:28 AM
Ooh! *vote* for Allyson Hannigan as :haley: !! Not sure how old she is, but she never seems to age anyway.

How old are Elan & Nale supposed to be, again? Corey Feldman also never ages. Check out the trailer for the Lost Boys sequel. LOL.

2008-05-27, 12:44 AM
IIRC, Elan is 21/22, Haley's 24/25.

2008-05-27, 12:47 AM
Thanks. :smallsmile: