View Full Version : The Last Comic

2008-05-06, 04:59 PM
The following is from the FAQ:

Q:How long will OOTS last? How far in advance do you have OOTS planned?

A: Pretty damn far. I have ideas for story arcs that will last at least five years, though I don't have individual strips written more than a few days or weeks ahead. Keep in mind that although OOTS has a joke-a-day, it has plotlines that are set up far in advance of their resolution. OOTS does indeed have a finite lifespan, however, and I already know what the last panel of the last comic will be, so don't expect it to linger around forever.
So, we all know it will end sometime, but what will happen in the last comic? Will it be upgraded to 4E? Will V get Ultimate Arcane Power? Will the MitD step out of the shadows? Will Roy defeat Xykon once and for all? Will it be a cliffhanger? Personally I'm thinking that it will be upped to 4E, but that may happen sooner, or not at all. So, what do others think will happen?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-05-06, 05:02 PM
The comic will end.


Surfing HalfOrc
2008-05-06, 05:32 PM
Everything EXCEPT upgrading to 4th Ed. :smallwink:

V will get Ultimate Arcane Power, Roy will defeat Xykon, and the MitD will step out of the shadows.

Actually, I'm not sure if it will end in a cliffhanger, since that would sort of defeat the purpose of the "end" of the story. You don't roll credits with the Snarl bearing down on everybody with a "Hope you all enjoyed the story, folks! Gotta go!"

That would be bizarre. :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-06, 05:36 PM
So, we all know it will end sometime, but what will happen in the last comic?

The end of comic. And we'll get to know the asnwer to the world, universe and everything. Oh wait, we know that since Douglas Adams made HgtG. Only end of comic then.

Will it be upgraded to 4E?


Will V get Ultimate Arcane Power?


Will the MitD step out of the shadows?


Will Roy defeat Xykon once and for all?


Will it be a cliffhanger?

No. Because everybody hates cliffhangers.

2008-05-06, 07:36 PM
Rocks Fall. Everyone dies.

2008-05-06, 07:46 PM
Reminds me of one of my first threads, I'll link in a minute. Most people there thought that Elan would marry Haley, Roy would kill Xykon but RC would help him. Belkar would either die and be shown conquering the abyss or go back to traveling and murdering. V would get the ultimate power, but use it all in 1 spell and beat the snarl, then be shown with hirs mate at Elan and Haley's wedding, Durkon would be died and be buried right next to an ancestor who was buried outside the homelands. Or the awful thing would be a tree incursion.

I now just want Haley will marry Elan, not much else seems certain right now. Except that V will be shown with an androgynous mate, and the MitD will be shown in blinding light (so we can't see him), then decide he likes the darkness.

EDIT:The old thread is here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70112) Please don't bring it back from the dead, just feel free to look over it. :smallwink:

2008-05-06, 08:14 PM
Rocks Fall. Everyone dies.
Hmm... Since the last gate is in a tomb in the Dwarfland, massive deaths due to cave-in, which was made by V using hir (or is it hes?) newly-found ultimate arcane power, is quite likely. Of course, that would be done to save the world and all OotS except Belkar will do this sacrafice willingly.

The Extinguisher
2008-05-06, 08:20 PM
No. V will have Ultimate Arcane Power, we will know what V's gender and what the MitD is, and all other secrets will be revealed before the last comic. Doing that on the last comic reaks of "oh wait, and here's something else" ness. All prophocies will be fufilled by the end. There will be a happy ending for at least Elan. And it will probably end in such a way so it never has to start up again.

And that's all we really know.

Lycan 01
2008-05-06, 08:29 PM
Does the writer even know V's gender? Or has he not decided yet? Or will he ever decide? (I would leave it up in the air forever, myself... :smalltongue:)

I'm thinking...

-Belkar finds a way to kill people without punishment. Executor or something?

-Haley and Elan get married... duh.

-V will be shown with a non-gender-specific mate, causing Belkar to spaz out or something.

-Our poor Dwarf will have died valiantly in battle (or maybe he'll choke on a sandwitch...) and be intered in his ancestral tomb. His ghost/spirit is shown grinning or something in the afterlife...

-Roy smites Xycon and honors his Oath, but Xycon somehow returns. 'Cus c'mon... Xycon's just awesome. :smallbiggrin: (I hope I'm not the only Xycon fan here... Eep!)

-MitD is shown off screen, resulting in anybody in the general area dying/going blind/going insane/freaking out/ect, and then decides he likes the dark more, or something...

-The roaches are making comments...

2008-05-06, 08:54 PM
Does anyone else get the feeling that V will attain Ultimate Arcane Power long before the end of the strip, misuse it, and go through a period of atonement afterwards? That's the feeling I've had ever since the oracle's prophecy.

As for the ending...
I don't think we'll conclusively discover V's gender, although we'll see his/her equally non-gender-specific mate.
I'm about 60% in favor of not getting to see what monster-san looks like to be more likely.
Haley and Elan will get married.
Durkon will die heroically.
Strangely, I have a feeling Belkar may also die heroically.
Roy will defeat Xykon.
Redcloak will die. But he'll see the error of his ways first. In fact, he might even have a hand in Xykon's demise.

Green-Shirt Q
2008-05-06, 09:07 PM
I seriously doubt the Monster in the Dark will come out of the shadows.

My wild prediction:

Xykon will try and call :mitd: out, but is interupted in the middle of doing so. Xykon is killed by Roy but :mitd: ever got the signal to come out of the shadows.

The :mitd: IS understandably upset, and O-chul comforts him. :mitd: joins O-chul/ OoTs and goes for adventures with his new friends and everybody is happy!

But probably not. That is just a wild prediction. Not what I think is actually going to happen.

Although Monster-san as a PC would be funny. He would probably have a level adjustment that was sky high!

2008-05-06, 09:44 PM
The Order arrives at the last gate just in time to see Redcloak and Xykon complete the Ritual. Redcloak, not needing Xykon any more, immediately shoves him through to be devoured by the Snarl, and then uses his control of the Gate to permanently repair the Rift in reality (yes, this is possible, from what we know of Redcloak's plan). He then attempts suicide, but Roy stops him, and gives him the chance to atone for his past by repairing the damage he's done to the world.

2008-05-06, 10:46 PM
Rocks Fall. Everyone dies.

And here, ladies and gentlemen, are V's famous four words.

Thank you and good night!

2008-05-06, 11:22 PM
The series will end with roy turning evil and miko dyng in childbirth, delivering twin children of his and hers, a boy and a girl.

Either that of they'll all be eating onion rngs in a restraunt, someone will start playing "Don't stop believing" and the last panel will be all black.

2008-05-07, 05:36 AM
And here, ladies and gentlemen, are V's famous four words.

Thank you and good night!
That is five.

The series will end with roy turning evil and miko dyng in childbirth, delivering twin children of his and hers, a boy and a girl.
Very Star Wars.

2008-05-07, 07:59 AM
Actually, I think the LAST strip will begin with Haley & Elan kissing at their wedding, and everything's all happy, and everyone (minus Belkar, who got killed, and Durkon, who died in a valliant effort to save his friends) standing around, and the last panel of the last strip will be a group shot with just about every remaining character (possibly even redcloak and his possible future family), with Durkons happy spirit floating above them all. The End.

That was all ONE sentance. :smallconfused:

2008-05-07, 08:22 AM
That is five.

Very Star Wars.

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/everyone it's 4.

2008-05-07, 08:44 AM
Did anyone say D'd die while the OOTS storyline? He'll probably return home after the story and one day'll die of old age or so.
Also, me thinks B - though not seeing his next birthday - will die about the final fight or so. Maybe even sooner and come back as some evil overlord of darkness, crushing Xykon beneath his hairy feet. Hehe...
Naw, honest. Haley and Elan will have a happy ending. Roy will crush Xykon, probably once and for all. RC will probably do his part in repairing the rifts and then either run off or make peace with the order, hopefully founding a kinda peaceful goblin nation (at least I'd hope so)
I like the idea of MitD staying in the dark for some reason... And the idea of O'Chul keeping him from acting in the last fight... Though, I'm afraid he will fight the order and then be either up against V's ultimate magic or B who'll maybe do a double k.o. against him or so...
And V... yeah, probably will get the ultimate power at the end... and will have an equal looking mate, shown at some time, hehe...

2008-05-07, 09:05 AM
Hmm... Since the last gate is in a tomb in the Dwarfland, massive deaths due to cave-in, which was made by V using hir (or is it hes?) newly-found ultimate arcane power, is quite likely. Of course, that would be done to save the world and all OotS except Belkar will do this sacrafice willingly.

Eeeeew -- this kind of lends merit to the doom prophecy of durkon returning to the dwarven lands.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-07, 09:17 AM
Did anyone say D'd die while the OOTS storyline? He'll probably return home after the story and one day'll die of old age or so.
First of all, the oracle said he'd return home posthumously, meaning he will die before he reaches home.
Also, according to OTOOPCs
when Durkon returns home, horrible things will happen to the dwarven homeland. Whether or not this includes him returning after he's died we don't know.

2008-05-07, 05:33 PM
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/everyone it's 4.
I actually was reading the thank you and good night part, which is 5 words, now it makes way more sense!

2008-05-07, 05:36 PM
Oh, for a minute I thought I'd been spelling everyone wrong my whole life. That's why I went to the dictionary. It's entirely reasonable that I had. I was kinda relieved that it was there. But hey, I'm one of the first people to admit when I'm wrong. :smallsmile:

2008-05-07, 08:00 PM
It'll be another fan-mail page of unanswered questions.

Alternatively, the last panel will say "The End"

2008-05-07, 08:32 PM
The very VERY last page? Probably some variation on the ending "What happened next?" montage. A series of panels showing every major character and where they went--even the dead ones, since we can see their afterlives.

Also, I predict that we won't see Miko ever again until that page, when we finally see her playing with her horse.

[Insert Neat Username Here]
2008-05-07, 08:44 PM
Alternatively, the last panel will say "The End"

You know, that would fit remarkably well with the Giant's statement that he's drawn the last panel.

2008-05-07, 10:04 PM
Man, I can't believe no one blew a headgasket over my "Soprano's" bit.

Lord, has the outrage over that finally died down? I didn't think it was possible.

2008-05-08, 03:47 AM
First of all, the oracle said he'd return home posthumously, meaning he will die before he reaches home.
Also, according to OTOOPCs
when Durkon returns home, horrible things will happen to the dwarven homeland. Whether or not this includes him returning after he's died we don't know.

Actually his question was when will he FINALLY be returning home.

He could go home, very much alive, then go out one day and die, then he'd have to be brought back home.

It doesn't really he'll die before he goes home. Just the last time he goes home will be when he's dead.

2008-05-08, 05:32 AM
Roy will not destroy Xykon, because he has been destroyed a few comics ago. This comic will be like 10 years later, and it shows single panels of each of the characters, Celia and Roy getting married, Elan and Haley are too, V finally got Ultimate Arcane Power by saying 'This is so boring', Belkar running lose in the countryside killing goblins, Durkon smiling from the afterlife. Earlier, Nale, Sabine, and Thog had visited Orc Island, and Thog decided to stay, and Nale and Sabine are attending Elan's wedding. Also shown is the temple of Banjo, with thousands of Orc worshipers (including Thog). And at the very end Elan says, "I love happy endings!"

Evil DM Mark3
2008-05-08, 10:05 AM
The order will fail and the gods will be forced to start the universe over AGAIN.


That would be hilarious!

2008-05-08, 11:24 AM
why are there so many people out there expecting Nale (and Sabine) to turn towards the good side? I mean... what the ****? RC, MitD and probably even Miko (in the afterlife) have a better chance of getting a happy ending than these two. They're evil from the depth of their heart.

2008-05-08, 11:34 AM
why are there so many people out there expecting Nale (and Sabine) to turn towards the good side? I mean... what the ****? RC, MitD and probably even Miko (in the afterlife) have a better chance of getting a happy ending than these two. They're evil from the depth of their heart.

Morgan Wick
2008-05-08, 01:47 PM
One thing to keep in mind: The name of the comic is the Order of the Stick. I don't want to see any "Redcloak/Miko/MitD/Therkla/whoever stops Xykon" theories unless the OOTS still plays a very significant role in the ending. This has to be THEIR story. Similarly, if the universe gets remade or the OOTS fails, remember, it's still THEIR story.