View Full Version : Catch 'em all

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-07, 10:18 AM
It was a small town and as such this peice of news was the biggest that had his the town in ages. There was going to be a festival about the greatest trainers in the town and their greatest monsters.

Its happening now but its your choice of where to be.

2008-05-07, 10:42 AM
John, the gravedigger

*reading a pamflet*

"hmmm ... see this Haunter?" a Haunter materializes over the sholder of the gray dressed man ... "Might be fun ... at least it will be a nice change of pace" he says as he continues his way to the graveyard. he puts the pamflet away in his backpack and the ghost looks at him "Hauntaar!". the man looks at him, and then turns around "OK, OK, I'll see if we can enter it ... but don't complain to me if you get pummeled ...". the ghost makes 3 around him and then fades into nothingness "Hauntaa...". The man picks up the pace and walks to the subscription-area.

((ooc: what is the mood setting? as the anime? more serious?))

2008-05-07, 03:43 PM
The forge flares around Dwyn. Thick dwarven sweat rushes down his dreadlocked beard in channels, slothing onto the floor with each stroke of the hammer onto a scalding stone floor.

The young apprentices work hurriedly in the back of the room against the broken stone wall. Each scoops a bucket of water from the small underground stream cut against the corner of the room. In quick precision the lads toss bucket after bucket over Dwyn, his smoldering leather gloves, and his tools.

With a final clang and sizzle Dwyn drops his tools into an awaiting bucket. "That'll be all fer taday Cumbus, reel it back in there."

Now visible within the heart of the forge, the only source red shadowy of light in the chamber, Combus shivers and calms. "Combusssss." The intense heat lessens and the flare of light reduces to a charcoal red simmer over the body of the small elemental. "Combus?"

"Ya, ye deserve tha break, come on now," the dwarf holds out the monster ball and the elemental slips inside for a comfortable rest.

A moment later the apprentices are all abuzz at the arrival of a runner. The youth is out of breath, but passing out flyers to the rest. Dwyn catches one of the papers and reads it over.

A monster festival eh? Would be a nice break ta be outside in a cool breeze fer once. And Combus could use the workout anyway.

Dwyn, his mind made up, kneels and dunks his head right into the stream. The tips of his smoldering beard go out at once. Soaking and steaming he makes his way up the stone steps to the surface and starts off to the centre of town to see about this festival.

2008-05-07, 06:48 PM
Tucking the flier into his shirt, Steven put down his shears. Hmm...Might want to check it out...Ajax! Get yourself up here!

The blue dragon popped his head out of the ground and looked quizically at the gardener and speaks in a light lilt. 'Lo Guv'ner!

Cut that out! We're going to be checking out this festival, so come along.

The dragon pouts, and grumbling in a deep, rumbling voice Do not want!

Steven was prepared for this. The dragon was intelligent, yes, but it was immature and easily bored and incredibly stobborn. He reached into his tunic and pulled out a worthless quartz crystal.

The dragon perked up, burbling excitedly. Yessyessyess. Give it!

Only if you come.

Yesyess, I come!

Steven handed over the rock and the dragon issued a sound that sounded exactly like laughing children and followed the gardener.

2008-05-08, 05:12 AM
A humming sound invades the street as Vanthis flies by riding Tarsis. Hurry up, Tarsis, or grandpa will be upset when we arrive! The troubled expression of the halfling gives away that he doesn't really want to upset his grandfather. Perhapz if you ztarted dieting I could carry you fazter replied the insect-like Tarsis with her contralto voice.

Vanthis almost chuckled when he heard her reply. Her always defiant and biting attitude contrasted greatly with her voice. The slight mispronounciation of the "s" sound didn't contribute to make Vanthis take her any more seriously, either.

Advespas were difficult to tame. They weren't one of those monsters that one kept as a pet, for sure. Cunning, strong, they weren't too affectionate, but when they were handled properly you could get some kind of mutual recognition. And Vanthis and Tarsis had developed a deep respect for each other a long time ago.

The halfling was taken back to reality when the Advespa made a sharp turn to the right and stopped in front of a colourful poster in a wall. zzHey! Thiz one iz new! she said, hovering in mid-air. Letsee... mumbled the halfling while reading the sign. Hey, this is great, Tarsis! a monster festival! we have to check it! The movements of the halfling on the saddle guided Tarsis to turn back and go check the festival location.

zzzWhat of your grandpa? Won't he zpank you when you get home? said Tarsis, mockingly. Vanthis recognized the gesture for a smile on her face, but he just dismissed the comment with a movement of his head, as her translucent orange wings propelled them to the festival area. He was the proud trainer of a great advespa, and the festival was the perfect place to show the world.

2008-05-10, 08:16 PM
The dwarf makes it to the festival grounds and looks around.

{spot = [roll0]}

2008-05-11, 04:38 PM

Thomas was mingling through the crowd that had gathered to watch today's tournament. He was passing polite greetings, feeling the crowd, and staying close to the grounds where the battle would commence.

He had been waiting for this day for nearly a month now. Business was hitting the dry season, and this competition would be an excellent place to show off his skills as a trainer. After this day he should have plenty of customer to keep him busy, from workmen who need points on controlling their newly acquired helper, to children with dreams of becoming battlers. He's helped them all.

Thomas hopes that Rover will do him proud today, perhaps taking a prize before the professional trainers take the final stages. Rover was currently in his capsule, as he wasn't terribly friendly, and a crowd this size would tempt him beyond measure, and he would certainly wreak havoc on these people. Thomas still couldn't understand why Rover was the only name he had ever found the beast to respond to, but it had proven worthy indeed once trust had finally been achieved. Rover was certainly the most difficult monster Thomas had ever handled, and he was quite proud.

Soon he made his way to the arena, to scope out the competition.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-12, 11:14 AM
The five of you came to the same point in the road, and you could see two large dragons, one red and one silver fight in the sky, while the crowd is cheering.

2008-05-12, 12:01 PM
"Oie, that'll be wee bit outta our league. Right gorgeous creatures those be though."

Dwyn makes his way to the registration desk to enquire about entries. If he sees any bookies taking bets on the current fights he might listen in on the numbers and put down a few gold on the red dragon.

2008-05-17, 01:37 AM
The blue wyrmling looked up at the two battling dragons and started moving his throat.

Silver dragons are ugly!

Yeah? Well red dragons are stupid!


Grr, now I'm angry! Take that!

You hit like my grandma and smell like her too!


Now I use my super breath

Oh no! It smells awful!


The dragon stopped talking, and grumbling in a subdued voice,
Never like fun, Mr. grumpytrousers.

There will be enough time for that later. Right now, we need find out more about this gathering

2008-05-17, 05:35 PM

"Well, it looks like we're in for quite the show today. This should be great!"

With that, Thomas starts looking through the crowd around the sign-ups, trying to find who his opponents may be.

2008-05-26, 07:12 AM

"dragons ... meh, in the end they also die ... though they seem quite powerfull."

John walks up to the registration booth ...

"Hello, I was wandering if I could register for battles, even though I have only one critter with me"

2008-05-27, 10:20 AM

Dragons!! do you see that, Tarsis? said the halfling with an excited voice. Do you zzink I'm blind? replied the advespa caustically.

You know I didn't mean that.... sigh The halfling looks up to the fighting dragons when the red one seems to get the upper hand for a moment. His mind accompanies each of the dragon's movements before returning to earth. Only then he seems to notice the others congregated there.

One of them was already registrating for the event, so, he decided to talk to the others in the queue. Hey, hi there! I'm Vanthis! he introduced himself. And this is... ...Tarsis interrupted the advespa. Funnily enough, despite the "s" sounds in her name, she pronounced her name perfectly. I can zzzpeak, you remember, kid? I can introduze myzelf if I want to. With that, the advespa turns sideways, so that the halfling has to turn in the mount to speak to the others. Don't pay attention, she's just being grupmy says the halfling just before Tarsis shakes and he has to grab the saddle to prevent falling. Woops! so... are you monster trainers too? do you have many? do you come from remote lands? inquires the halfling in a torrent of questions.