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2008-05-08, 06:46 AM
“Beneath the lost and lonely hill of grim and foreboding aspect, there lays a labyrinthine crypt filled with terrible traps and not a few quite strong and ferocious monsters to slay the unwary. Rich treasures both precious and magical fill the crypt, but beware: Beyond the guardians, the Mad Lich Acererak himself still guards his final haunt.
Be warned! Legends tell that this Acererak possesses powers that make him undefeatable! They say that few have ever found the chamber where he lives, and none have ever defeated him.”

Your guide clears her throat and says: “Sorry about that, the boss wants me to give that speech to every tourist who tries to enter the tomb. So any questions before you go off to die?”

Your group has been residing in this city for two weeks, preparing to enter the Tomb of Horrors and prove your worth. This city has an unusually strong tourism industry due to the sheer amount of suicidal adventurers and sadists who come to place bets. Since there is an equal numbers of people who want you to succeed and want you to die, you’ve decided to hire one of the local guides to help you learn more. You’ve learned that the Tomb is the final resting place of the Mad Lich Acererak, a powerful and eccentric mage. You’ve also learned that there are two fake entrances to the Tomb and one real one, all of them are buried shut. While gaining this information, your guide never missed the chance to mock you.

The guide had no impact on your starting gold, but you can continue to interact with her so long as you are outside the tomb. She’ll only stick around for an hour after you enter the tomb and she refuses to go inside.

I’ve made your first search check for you.

You have found two spots where you there might be an entrance. You may start digging through one of them or continue searching.

Robert Frost
2008-05-08, 12:47 PM
Cold eyes settled upon the guide as Essht's sparking Incarnum soulmelds made him seem more beast than sentient being. Claws that came out of hands that appeared razor sharp, a the outline of a gray render imposing itself over his form, and, his entire face covered by a mask which hid his actual facial expressions - energy hovering over his face. Essht seemed monstrous, and the guide's sense of humor didn't phase him at all.

"Better for us to die in the tomb than to mock those who attempt greatness."

Essht said to the guide, before walking over to the dirt that they had identified as a possible entrance. His claws were sharp, and though he did not have a shovel to dig, he decided he would attempt to dig with his clawed hands.

Yeah I don't know how well that would work, but that's what Essht would try...

2008-05-08, 01:15 PM
Your guide starts laughing uncontrollably, and collapses on the hillside.

2008-05-08, 05:28 PM

Aduro laughs with the guide at Essht's comment, then addresses her directly.
"So whadda you do, bury the entrance for each group? Is that part of the 'tourist experience'? Why dontcha just tell us show us where the right one is and save us the hassle of diging out the wrong ones and save you from having to put up with us?"

Aduro is dressed in simple faded grey clothes, only a few shades darker than his ash grey skin. His breastplate is a burnished silver with a bluish tint. He is wearing midnight blue boots of supple leather that extend up to his knees. Around his waist is a belt woven of thick strands of some unidentifiable cyan material. His hands are for some inexplicable reason stained a dusky blue color, extending up his wrists and under his shirt. His charcoal grey eyes are concealed behind a double set of lenses, one part of a pair of goggles and the other, made of some translucent blue crystal, floating just beyond the goggles. His head is shaved on the sides, leaving a wide strip of black hair running along the top of his head.

He absentmindedly rolls a small ball of flame around in his hand, passing it along from one finger to the next and back. The bright orange and red flame stands in stark contrast to the dark shade of his hands and the overall blue tones of his garb.

2008-05-08, 05:48 PM
The guide slowly regains her composure, wipes away a tear and says, "We don't do anything to the tomb at all. It's just that every time someone gives up on getting to the end, it gets plugged back up. It's the strangest thing."

"Even if that didn't happen, I honestly don't know where the real entrance is buried. I leave after the tourists get started, so I couldn't tell you if they came out alive or never come out at all. Even the ones who find the real entrance stay inside for days at a time, so it's hard to keep track."

2008-05-08, 08:17 PM

Keeping up with the group wasn't too hard on him, even though at 30, he was starting to get too old for this. His frame hasn't gotten heavy just yet, and his black hair is still sharp. Cory drew his cloak close to him as the guide talked and the group stared down the legendary tomb of horrors.

Cory gave a smile to the group. "Two entrances eh? Why don't I just see what'll happen if we go into this one." He sits down holding a marked wooden symbol, burns some incense, and after a minute's time speaks in a clear voice "O Boccob, what does fortune hold if we uncover and enter the tomb where Essht is digging?"

Cory is casting Augury, with an 80% chance of getting a correct answer.

2008-05-08, 08:27 PM
The smoke grows into a small silvery cloud and it starts to form letters.


2008-05-08, 08:46 PM

Woe indeed. Does that mean blisters and suffering as we dig and dig and find nothing or does that mean we find the tomb and the protective wards kill us?

Erika surveys the surrounding and watches the guide for subtle clues that she is knows more than she tells. The armor priest of Wee Jas wears a long black cloak over her plate armor. She drops a pile of gear(10 foot poles, ladders, and a backpack full of trinkets) she'd been hauling around now that the group was near the entrance.

She leans into the tour guide and in a soft voice inquires, "How long does it take to seal? Do you mean to say we will be sealed in?"

She looks at the clawed freak dig and shakes her head. Digging isn't my strong suit. I'll stand watch. She moves away from the hole being dug and stands watch, ready to offer her opinion to any who don't desire it.

Sure, she worshiped Death's Guardian, but she'd never really been in a tomb before, at least not one that wasn't a temple. She certainly didn't like the idea of being buried alive. As she waits, she removes her helmet, revealing her shaved head, covered in small droplets of perspiration. She holds the helmet in her free right hand while her left holds a black wooden shield.

2008-05-08, 08:52 PM
"I've heard that some people have been trapped inside and couldn't get out for a couple hours, but the seals never come back while someone's inside."

Your guide sits down, takes a book out of her backpack, and begins reading. The title of the book appears to be Elvish.

2008-05-08, 09:47 PM

Cory frowns at the letters, saying "Essht, please step away from that entrance. The other one may be better." I only have enough incense for my Divination left, and I'd prefer to save that one if I can.

Looking to the guide's book, Cory tries to make out the title (he speaks elven).

2008-05-08, 09:52 PM
The title of the book is Treatise on the Ramifications of a Magic-Reliant Society by Gustoff Higold. You recognize it as required reading for a classically trained mage.

2008-05-08, 11:04 PM

"Aduro's bored and doesn't dig, so he's going to go look look for the third entrance."
Aduro best be careful if he's on his own.
As he walks away, Aduro's belt becomes somewhat less vibrant, and simultaneously his boots shimmer and his armor shines briefly, after which a pattern of intersecting sets of deep blue concentric circles forms an odd grid along the shoulders and back of the breastplate.
Reallocate essentia from strongheart vest to impulse boots and armor.
Take 20 on search for a total of 43.
Mark third spot (if found) with an scorched X mark.

Robert Frost
2008-05-09, 01:26 AM

Growing more and more frustrated as he listens to the people around him, and the fact that he was told that this entrance wasn't correct, he stopped his digging, shaking off his dirty claw-hands.

Better to do something than nothing at all, whiners, one and all of them.

Essht thought, looking at Cory with a little disdain. He felt as though he were being talked down to, even if it wasn't the truth, and he didn't like it when people talked down to him.

"Fine, do better."

2008-05-09, 05:40 AM

A male halfling stands with the group, clothed in worn but serviceable woolen clothes that contrast sharply with his immaculate mithral breastplate and buckler. A similar contrast can be seen between his worn longsword hanging at his hip and his lightly shimmering shortbow holstered on his back. He seems to be equipped for war rather than travel as his only other possessions are his bedroll, blanket, and backpack, the latter seemingly empty but waiting to be filled.
The halfling himself is fairly average in size and stature but his sharp eyes and features make him remarkably more noticeable, his hair is trimmed short but his beard shorter still. His hands are thin and dexterous so that one might say "Here is a typical example of the mischievous halflings," but upon hearing him sing would take back their words, for his voice was as sharp as his eyes and his arrows combined.

"Friends, the time has come for us to enter the mighty tomb of horrors, and lo, we seem to be falling at the first hurdle. I say we have found an entrance and that is what we need, so let's get in there. Unless our guide wants to tell us a horror story of what happens to those who pick the wrong entrance?"

2008-05-09, 07:05 AM
"The same thing happens to the people who find the wrong entrance as people who find the right one, they die painfully."

After twenty minutes of careful searching, Aduro manages to find the last entrance.

Essht's hole isn't large enough for anyone to climb through yet.

2008-05-09, 07:15 AM

Erika nods at Cory looks over at the other mound of dirt and shrugs. After a moment she offers, "Tombs are often known to house undead. Perhaps a bit of divination will reveal which entrance has undead near it."

Standing atop the entrance, Erika invokes Wee Jas, Death's Guardian to reveal to her nearby undead. Once she feel the power flowing through her she directs her cone of detection down into the ground sweeping it around the entrance.

She then makes her way over to the other entrances and sweeps around them as well, hopeful she'll detect undead. Once that is done she'll start walking back and forth in a large zig zag over the area trying to pick up something.. anything.

Cast 'Detect Undead'
60' cone which she'll direct down at 45 degrees and sweep around in a circle near each entrance.
Lasts 7 minutes.

2008-05-09, 07:23 AM
After looking carefully at the entrances, you can not detect anything undead. You do see some nice daisies, however.

2008-05-09, 08:01 AM

Coming back around the hill (presumably after having come across Erika and told her where the the third entrance was), Aduro taps Cory on the knee.

"Tell Aduro something. If death is likely no matter which entrance we go in, how can any of them not be 'woe'?"

2008-05-09, 04:54 PM

Giving a shrug, Cory tells Aduro "You have a valid point, but I remember hearing in town that there are two false entrances to the tomb. I think that we have avoided one of them. Which if the remaining two do we go for?"

2008-05-09, 09:45 PM

A doughty dwarf in a dark blue breastplate approaches, finally catching up to the group. He carries with him a black waraxe and silver shield; a dark crossbow hangs from his stuffed pack, while a pick and quiver of bolts hang from his belt. The rest of his clothes are muted grays and browns, perfect colors for his line of work, except for his sleek black boots and black cloak adorned with silver runes.

"I'll go check out the door Aduro found" Rurik interurpts "Cedric could use some exercise before we enter the tomb." he says as he points at the badger following him.

He then heads over to the other spot and instructs Cedric to start burrowing, while afixing his goggles to get a better look at whatever he finds.

I didn't account for the Stonecunning ability in Rurik's spot check, but the goggles bonus is already included.

2008-05-10, 05:51 AM

Aduro follows the dwarf to the scorched 'X' he left on the ground, and peers down the hole the badger is making. For the first time in his life he wished he had the ability of his rock gnomish cousins to speak with animals such as Cedric.

2008-05-10, 08:35 AM
None of the holes are particularly large at the moment. Rurik's hole is steadily increasing in size.

Someone wanted description of the area, so I'm giving it to you now.

A low, flat-topped hill, about 200 yards wide and 300 yards long, protrudes from the earth. Ugly weeds, thorns, and briars grow upon the steep sides and bald top of the 60-foot-high mound. Black rocks crown the hilltop.

The first two entrances are about 60 yards away from each other on the same elevation and are about two-thirds to the top. The last one is a fifth from the bottom and its horizontal position is between that of the other two. They were identifiable in that there was gravel and sand where there should have been undergrowth.

2008-05-10, 12:06 PM

Erika watches the badger go at it. Dig dig dig. She really could use a slave or dedicated servant like that. Maybe some nice undead to help dig. Undead are just so useful. Perhaps a skeleton or zombie should be issued to every villager. That would really increase their standard of living. Cheap labor that doesn't complain for doing all those nasty chores.

Erika decides to make the rounds to each of the entrances trying out 'magic' words to see if the tombs just open. "Open Please." "Let me in! I wish to see Acererak." "Please open!" "I, Acererak, command you to open." "Open..says me!" "Open or we shall unleash a badger on you!"

Assuming it fails... Erika slumps her shoulder and sighs. Well, I tried.

2008-05-10, 12:53 PM
The hole for the third entrance you found has gotten large enough to see into, but not large enough to get inside.

You hear a short, feminine, giggle as Erika attempts to yell at the dungeon. If any of you looked at your guide afterwards, she has buried her face in her book.

2008-05-11, 02:58 PM

"Well, lets see what we have here."

Rurik carefully peers into to newly excavated entrance while making sure not to cross any thresholds.

Spot:[roll0] and I'll take 20 on the search check of the entrance, so 43 assuming its stonework.

2008-05-11, 03:26 PM

"C'mon keep diggin', badger! Aduro's small but he's not that small!"

Aduro peers into the hole to see whatever he can.


2008-05-11, 04:30 PM
Brilliant colors are everywhere; pigments painted on stone are undimmed by the passage of decades. The floor is a colorful mosaic, featuring a distinct, winding path of red tiles forming a 2-foot-wide, meandering trail south down the corridor. A few chips and gaps reveal that cement or plaster covers the underlying stonework of the corridor.

You cannot see to the end of the corridor, but it is 20 ft wide and 20 ft high.

2008-05-12, 07:36 AM

"Ooh, pretty. Bet there's a trap there. Is the red path the safe path, or the trigger for the trap? Or may be neither, and just a trick to lure the unwary into thinking the trap has something to do with the path when it doesn't."

Aduro patiently waits for the hole to be made big enough to crawl through.

2008-05-12, 06:06 PM
The hole is now big enough to crawl into. It is approximately 11:15 am.

2008-05-12, 07:12 PM

Having no luck with the verbal approach, Erika decides to scowl at the entrances a bit before heading back towards the badger. Patience may be a virtue, but it wasn't one of her virtues. Neither was she in a hurry to die. Having a 2 out of 3 chance of dieing right away didn't seem like the way to go.

Too bad they didn't have more information about the way you died. Did you die when you dug up the entrance? Did you die when you actually entered? Did you die because the false entrances were extremely trapped?

Erika sighs and watches the badger go at it. I could summon a couple more to help. For 40 seconds. Maybe if she'd had a metal shield she might have offered it to use as a shovel, but not her wooden one.

2008-05-13, 05:52 AM
"Well lets have a look whats in there" Torlo takes an arrow and casts light on it, he then nocks it "Stand back everyone we don't know what might happen" Once everyone is away from the entrance Torlo stands 20ft from the entrance and fires the arrow of light through the hole, lightning licks the arrow as it flies shining into the hole.

2008-05-13, 06:51 AM
As the arrows flies through, it illuminates the hallway until it gets out of your range of sight. The light spell wasn't very bright. With more light you can see that the walls are covered in paintings.

2008-05-13, 08:37 AM
"Hmm, I probably shouldn't of fired that so far, wonder if I'll get that back?" Torlo puts his bow back on his back and smiles to the others. "Well at least we know they're aren't any nasty fiendish monsters just out of sight range."

2008-05-13, 01:02 PM

"Time for an up-close look."
He looks around at the others... waiting for someone to volunteer...
"Alright, alright, Aduro will go.
I hope there aren't any invisible monsters."
The last sentence is mumbled under his breath as he crawls into the hole. He stops before he crosses the threshold onto the stone floor. He pauses, then manifests his fire lash, flicking it out into the air of the entrance.
Assuming nothing reacts to the lash, he dismisses it and begins examining the entrance. He starts with the first part of the red path, then works his way left along the floor, then up the wall and around until he comes back to where he started.
Shift 2 essentia from boots to belt.
Take 20 to search (total 43).
edit: having an issue logging into my character sheet, so i am currently unable to edit my essentia allocations there. here is what the current allocations should be:

Meldshaping: 4 melds, 2 binds , 8 essentia [max 3 per meld]
Hands: Theft Gloves, bound
+2 insight bonus to disable device, open lock, & sleight of hand (additional +2 per essentia invested)
Brow: Truthseeker Goggles [3 essentia]
+2 insight bonus to gather info, search, & sense motive (additional +2 per essentia invested)
Feet: Impulse Boots, bound [1 essentia]
Uncanny Dodge
+1 enhancement bonus to reflex saves per essentia invested
Heart: Strongheart Vest [2 essentia]
Reduce ability damage by 1 (additional +1 per essentia invested)
Armor: (lesser) SoulBound allows up to 2 essentia to be invested [2 essentia]
increase enhancement bonus by 1 per essentia invested

2008-05-13, 03:11 PM

Seeing our dwarven friend take the lead she rushes up and says a prayer for him. She then offers more concrete help, a 10' pole for poking and prodding things that he doesn't want to touch.

"Aduro! Here, take this.. it might help you discover traps without getting your fingers disintegrated."

2008-05-13, 05:43 PM
By the way, there is no lighting inside. You're going to be stumbling around in the dark without a torch or lantern.

Fendrin: You hear no reaction to your fire. Also, what is your path? I don't understand what you're saying. First part? Up the wall? Do you mean with your feet on the wall? Also, it takes 2 minutes to take 20 on a search check for traps in a 5 by 5 square. It's going to take a while.

Since you're inside, I'm going to provide you with a map of this entrance so far.

2008-05-14, 06:35 AM
After carefully searching, you find no traps.

2008-05-14, 09:16 AM

Aduro takes the pole, and almost falls down from the weight of it.
"Too heavy! That's thing's almost three times as long as me!."
He pushes the pole back out of the hole.
"If Aduro finds something to poke and prod he'll ask for it then."

He thinks for a moment.
"The entrance is clear, and Aduro would like more light. Somebody come down and hold a torch or something"

With that he begins searching the next section of the tunnel.

OOC: I'm going to repeat the search ad nauseum down the hall until I find something. Aduro won't go past the range of his low-light vision, though. With all these paintings, he wants to be able to distinguish color.

Also, I still can't log in to edit my sheet. I'm going to move it off that site ASAP.

2008-05-14, 09:22 AM
"Well if you go forwards far enough you might see a shining arrow, depends how far it went. But my bow glows so I'll come in with you." Torlo clambers through the hole and into the entrance, standing behind Aduro with his bow out and nocked, ready to shoot anything if necessary, the bow glows as the arrow did providing enough light to see by even without low-light vision.
"Come on guys, come in with us, whats the worst that could happen?"

2008-05-14, 09:44 AM

"Everyone dies instead of just us?"
Aduro sarcastically asks in response to Torlo's question.

2008-05-14, 09:51 AM
Half an hour later, Aduro finds a trap on the red path (second square across, fourth square down). It appears to be a trap door of some kind. What does Aduro do next?

2008-05-14, 10:50 AM

"Hey Rurik! Bring me that pole and at least ten feet of rope!"

2008-05-14, 01:51 PM

Looking at the dirty hole they want her to crawl through, she turns up her nose and says, "Perhaps your badger friend can make the opening a bit bigger. With this bulky armor, I'll probably get stuck."

Crawling into a hole in the ground is not proper behaviour for a priest either.

2008-05-14, 04:36 PM

"A little dirt never hurt anyone Erika, but I'll leave Cedric out here to finish excavating.

Rurik then climbs down the hole, and hands Aduro 50 feet of silk rope and his collapsible pole.

"Here's a bit o'Dwarven ingenuity for you. Just screw the ends into each other and it'll extend out to 12 feet or so."

2008-05-14, 09:46 PM

Aduro shifts his essentia out of his goggles and into his other soulmelds, then takes one end of the rope, ties it around his waist, and scampers around the dwarf. He then ties the rope off with about 10' slack between them.

"Ok, you stand there." he says to Rurik, pointing at a spot 5' from the edge of the trap door, in the direction of the entrance.

He takes the odd pole, and begins prodding at the corners of the pit, then around the edges, then he pushes on the center of it. Failing any reaction, he whacks the center of the trap door a few times, rather hard. Well, as hard as a 8 str whisper gnome can... if the trap door still doesn't open, he giggles, and, adjusting the pole so that he is carrying it in the middle like a tight-rope walker, cautiously steps out onto the trap door. He slowly edges his way to the center, and, if it still doesn't open, jumps up and down a few times.

Not sure if you would want me to roll the use rope checks or for yo to do them in secret. Feel free to use or ignore these rolls as you see fit.
[roll0] - tying the rope around his own waist
[roll1] - tying the rope around Rurik's waist

Meldshaping: 4 melds, 2 binds , 8 essentia [max 3 per meld]
{table=head] Chakra | Meld | Bound | Essentia | Effect
Hands | Theft Gloves | bound | 0 | Trapfinding, +2 insight bonus to disable device, open lock, & sleight of hand (additional +2 per essentia invested)
Brow | Truthseeker Goggles || 0 | +2 insight bonus to gather info, search, & sense motive (additional +2 per essentia invested)
Feet | Impulse Boots | bound | 3 | Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, +1 enhancement bonus to reflex saves per essentia invested
Heart | Strongheart Vest || 3 | Reduce ability damage by 1 (additional +1 per essentia invested)
Armor | (lesser) SoulBound allows up to 2 essentia to be invested || 2 | increase enhancement bonus by 1 per essentia invested[/table]

2008-05-14, 09:54 PM
As you repeatedly try to trigger the trap, the trap refuses to move.

Rurik: Staring into the inside of the room, you see that the floor mosaic hides a message in Common in barely noticeable runes. It says the following:

Go back to the tormentor or through the arch,
and the second great hall you’ll discover.
Shun green if you can, but night’s good color
is for those of great valor.
If shades of red stand for blood the wise
will not need sacrifice aught but a loop of
magical metal—you’re well along your march.
Two pits along the way will be found to lead
to a fortuitous fall, so check the wall.
These keys and those are most important of all,
and beware of trembling hands and what will maul.
If you find the false you find the true
and into the columned hall you’ll come,
and there the throne that’s key and keyed.
The iron men of visage grim do more than
meets the viewer’s eye.
You’ve left and left and found my Tomb
and now your soul will die.

2008-05-15, 11:30 AM

Cory walks in last, keeping his eyes on the paintings. Noticing the gnome jumping on the trapdoor, he gasps slightly but doesn't say anything seeing as Aduro is alright.

2008-05-15, 01:25 PM

"This is either the worst built trap in the history of tomb-building or it is, in fact a secret door and not a trap. If it is a secret door there should be a 'door knob' of some sort around here somewhere..."

Setting the pole down beside the trap door, Aduro begins searching every nearby surface for anything that might be a triggering mechanism, or give a clue to the location of one.

Still leaving all essentia on the total defensive, so taking 20 only produces a +37 search check

EDIT: I seem to currently be unable to access my sheet at all, but luckily, I put most of the information in a spoiler block in my first post in the OOC thread... I'll try to complete that ASAP, and then just use that as my character sheet. I'm sick of the 3eProfiler based sites screwing me up.

2008-05-15, 04:33 PM
Just to be clear, you're on top of a 10 ft by 10 ft trap door in that map square.

Six minutes of searching later, you find another 10 ft by 10 ft trap door (second square across, fifth square down).

2008-05-15, 07:23 PM

Once the badger has cleared a more respectable opening, Erika climbs down into the tomb and starts soak up the holiness of the place. Ah... my first real tomb.

Checking out the hallway casually and watching Aduro, prompts her to speak, "Aduro... I think the idea is that we don't set off the traps. You have no idea what the trap door does. Maybe it sprays acid all over you or makes your nose grow or something equally horrible."

Erika checks out the trap door and the floor and simply says, "Maybe if you just mark the trap door with a nice chalk outline, we can all avoid setting off whatever sort of deviousness it conceals."

Seeing the text on the floor and having no confidence that her companions can read, Erika reads it outloud, "ACERERAK CONGRATULATES YOU ON YOUR POWERS OF OBSERVATION. SO MAKE OF THIS WHATEVER YOU WISH, FOR YOU WILL BE MINE IN THE END NO MATTER WHAT! Go back to the tormentor or through the arch, and the second great hall you’ll discover. Shun green if you can, but night’s good color is for those of great valor. If shades of red stand for blood the wise will not need sacrifice aught but a loop of magical metal—you’re well along your march. Two pits along the way will be found to lead to a fortuitous fall, so check the wall. These keys and those are most important of all, and beware of trembling hands and what will maul. If you find the false you find the true and into the columned hall you’ll come, and there the throne that’s key and keyed. The iron men of visage grim do more than meets the viewer’s eye. You’ve left and left and found my Tomb and now your soul will die."

Erika stands there and reads it again to herself and the says, "Well, sure. Obviously." Seeing Aduro give up on the trap and discover another, she says, "Ah, yes, check. Two pits. Perhaps you simply need more weight to open them little guy. Maybe Essht will jump up and down with you..."

Attempting to follow directions, Erika examines the walls near the traps for markings, colors, diagrams, pictures, levers, buttons, etc.

2008-05-15, 07:46 PM
From which spot are you looking at the walls?

The images depict fields with cattle grazing, a copse with several wolves in the background, slaves—human, orc, elven, and strange human-animal mixtures of pig-human, ape-human, and dog-human—going about various tasks. Certain frescoes are more focused and show rooms of some building—a library filled with many books and scrolls, a torture chamber, and a wizard’s work room. Chairs, windows, boxes, bales, doors, chests, birds, bats, spiders, and all manner of things appear on the walls.

2008-05-15, 08:00 PM

Erika stands opposite the two pits while examining the walls on first the left hand side and stepping up along side the pits to examine the wall adjacent to the pits on the right hand side.

{{ Pits are at 2nd across and 4th down and 2nd across and 5th down. I'll stand 3rd across and 4th down to examine 4a,4d and 4a,5d}}

{{ Then move to 2a,3d and lean over to examine the wall adjacent to the pit(2,4). Then move around the pits to 2a,6d to examine the wall adjacent to pit(2,5) }}

2008-05-15, 09:34 PM

As soon as Aduro stops jumping on the frst trap, Rurik pulls out some paper and charcoal and writes down the hidden message.

"Well I guess this is our first clue. Not quite sure what we're supposed to do now."

Robert Frost
2008-05-15, 10:41 PM
OOC: Ugh, my week has sucked, sorry about lack of posts.


Essht too waited for the opening to become respectable, staring off at the guide and then watching the Badget itself dig its way into bliss. Or at least deeper into the Tomb of Horror. Hard to say which. After he entered into the Tomb he surveyed the area, taking care to avoid moving much into the Tomb.

"Bah, boring."

He said with a grunt, wanting very much to fight something... Even though he probably wouldn't for awhile.

2008-05-16, 04:38 AM

Torlo looks at the pictures, attempting to remember any knowledge he has learned from his bardic companions about the tomb of horrors that may prove useful at this junction. He then moves towards the note and does the same for Acererak

Bardic Knowledge - Tomb of Horrors [roll0]
Bardic Knowledge - Acererak [roll1]

2008-05-16, 06:05 AM

Erika pulls out an everburning torch to help her light the drawings/paintings/etc and then looks further down the hallway for that light enhanced arrow.

2008-05-16, 07:10 AM
Erika, Torlo, which paintings are you looking at?

2008-05-16, 08:11 AM

Not looking at any particular one in detail, but just looking briefly at all of them to get the general feel for what we have.

2008-05-16, 09:01 AM

"Yeah, maybe the paintings will give us a clue. You guys look at 'em, I'll keep sussing out traps. Anyone got chalk or something? Aduro expected that halfling chap to come prepared for this sort of thing, but he;s so unprepared he forgot to bring himself!

He picks up to pole.

Uh, Rurik, Aduro still needs you. Can you stand over there?"

He points to a spot 5' to the side of the second trap door. When Rurik is in place, Aduro repeats the procedure he used to try and open the first trap door (i.e. prod the corners and edges, then the middle, then whack the middle, then walk out to the middle, then jump on it).

2008-05-16, 01:07 PM
You hear a grinding noise as the tile splits in two, revealing a 10-foot-deep pit filled with spikes.

2008-05-16, 04:04 PM

Erika hops back a few inches when the trap opens. She says, "I guess it wasn't all rusted up after all." Seeing the extend of the trap and lethality of the spikes, she becomes curious. Standing across from the pits, she looks up and down the paintings on the walls to try and get a general feel for whether the paintings near the pits might be more 'green' then the paintings away from the pits.

{{ Where were Aduro and Rurik? Side by side(E-W) or (N-S)? }}

{{ How far down the hallway can we see? Can we see the magically glowing arrow? }}

2008-05-17, 10:39 AM
No picture in particular, plenty of time, torlo will study each intently until he's satisfied that he does/doesnt know anything about them.

2008-05-17, 12:11 PM

"Don't step there."
Aduro giggles a little.
"I still think there's gotta be a hidden switch for that one, though."
He peers into the recently opened pit to see if there is anything interesting in there.

I would presume that Rurik and Aduro are standing next to each other on the east(?) side of the 2nd trap door. I'm assuming the top of the map is the entrance, and is north.

2008-05-17, 12:19 PM
The pit has spikes in it. The spikes are very thick, about a inch in diameter at their midpoints. They also appear to be very shiny, as if somebody had polished them recently.

None of the wall artwork appears to be any more green than any of the others. You do notice that there are two paintings that are significantly less random than the others: A painting of a wizard's workroom and a painting of a torture chamber.

You can see as far as your torch and your vision allows. Which isn't very far. At least not far enough for the scenery to change. You still just see a tunnel with a winding path.

2008-05-17, 04:47 PM

Erika attempts to closely examine the paintings of the wizard's workshop and torture chamber, those being most closely associated with her god. She holds her torch up close to the paintings to get a good look at the details and content. She pays attention to the edges of the painting to see if she can tell if this painting was, perhaps, added after all of the others.

After a close examination, she'll try to get close enough to sniff the painting to see it has a scent and will then try to touch it with her silver dagger and then, assuming nothing bad happens, with her hand so she can feel the texture.

She'll start with the workshop and then move to the torture chamber.

2008-05-17, 05:08 PM
The wizards workshop painting (Located next to the unactivated trap door):
Two jackal-headed human figures in this painting are portrayed as if holding bronze chest—which is real, and protrudes slightly into the corridor! The chest is hinged on the bottom so as to allow the lid to swing down.

Torture chamber (Located next to the open pit trap):
This portion of the fresco contains an illustration of an iron door that evidently confines some sort of a horrid creature (its clawed and scaled hands grasp the bars of its small window) that can be loosed to torment prisoners.

2008-05-17, 06:20 PM

"Well, I never." Erika holds off on touching anything and calls over the weird gnome and his funny glasses to check this tiny chest for traps, "Aduro? What do you make of this? The tiny chest in this painting seems to stick out from the painting. Maybe it is related to this trap door?"

After pointing it out to the gnome, she steps back away from it and moves 15 closer to the tomb entrance.

2008-05-17, 07:20 PM

Aduro pulls his head out of the pit he is all but falling into.
"Wait, what? You found something? Excellent!"
He runs over to painting, gasping and falling to his feet as he exceeds the slack of the rope tying him to Rurik.
"C'mon Rurik! Uh, you'd better stand on that side of the door."
He points to the side of the trap door towards the entrance.
When Rurik is in position, Aduro begins examining the chest and painting.

Aduro's excited and getting (over-)confident, so he's not being as careful. Taking 10 to search, total 27.
Quick question: is the entrance/top of map North? Knowing the direction would make descriptions easier.

2008-05-17, 08:01 PM
OOC: It is indeed north and it is indeed the entrance at the top. Also, the hallway is longer than my map indicates. It's just that your characters can't see far enough for it to make a difference.
You should just remake your character sheet on Myth Weavers. Do it soon, I don't like having to guess what your modifiers are.

There is a stud on top of the box. It looks like the box opens if you push the stud.

2008-05-18, 12:13 AM

"A-ha! Rurik, hold that rope tight, Aduro thinks this button opens the box, but it could be a trick and open the door."
His hand hovers over the chest, one finger pointing down at the triggering stud.
"Ready... Set... Go!"
With a quick and decisive motion, he jabs the button.

Recreated the sheet on Myth-Weavers as requested. Link in my sig goes to the new sheet. As before, potentially frequently changing temporary modifiers from Psionic Focus and Soulmelds are not included in the numbers, but can be found in the 'notes' section.

2008-05-18, 09:18 AM
Once the stud is depressed, a thin needle pops out of the middle and pokes your finger. As you pull your hand away, you feel a slight, painful sensation. It passes.

Looking back at the box, you see that the bottom of it has swung open.

2008-05-18, 09:35 AM

Aduro waves his hand back and forth.
"A trap on a trap? How is that fair? Oh yeah, evil lich, fair doesn't matter. Then again, that was either the lamest trap ever, or...urk!"
His voice cuts off, then falls to the floor spasming. Then he stops moving altogether.

Then his eyes pop open and he starts giggling.
"Just kidding! I'm fine. You should have seen your faces, though."
He stands up.
"I've been waiting days to pull that one. Don't worry, though, I won't do it again. It's only funny once. Back to work, then."

He peers inside the chest.

2008-05-18, 09:43 AM
Once you stick your head under and look inside the chest, you see nothing. The chest appears to be empty.

2008-05-18, 03:00 PM

While Aduro lay on the floor twitching, Erika scowls and shrugs. When he gets up and proclaims it a joke, she says with all seriousness, "Oh yes, quite funny."

After finding out about the chest contents she rubs her hand across her bald head and says, "Perhaps if we put treasure into the chest, it will do something more exciting." She offer Aduro a gold coin to place into the chest, adding, "Here, try this."

While he does his thing, she gathers the belongings(ladder, 10' poles, backpack, etc) she had dropped at the entrance and piles them just inside the dungeon.

2008-05-18, 05:40 PM

"Two pits along the way will be found to lead
to a fortuitous fall, so check the wall."

Rurik repeats a few lines of the hidden message, then holds the rope tighter, lest he gnome take a less then fortuitous fall.

I hope this works

2008-05-18, 07:12 PM
OOC- sorry about the lack of posts, internet went down for a few days.


He listens to everything going on, trying to take it all in and figure out the riddle to the phrase Erika said. Coming up with nothing, he watches them fiddle with paintings and traps until Aduro collapses. Seeing as the gnome jumped back up in a moment, Cory breathed a sgh of relief and let go of his holy symbol. That guy's gonna get us all killed.

2008-05-18, 09:14 PM

Aduro takes the coin from the cleric.

"Put a coin into a bottom-less chest? Sure, 'k, that makes sense..."

Aduro positions the coin on his thumb and flips it up into the chest. Assuming it falls back out again as expected, he catches it and tucks it into his pocket.

Assuming nothing unexpected happens. Aduro reaches into the chest and feels around for anything concealed or invisible.

2008-05-18, 09:28 PM
As expected, the coin follows the laws of gravity and falls out. When reaching inside, you feel a lever affixed to the top of the chest. It appears you can pull the lever down.

2008-05-19, 08:48 AM

"A ha! A lever. If this doesn't open this floor-door, I'll be quite surprised. Everybody stand clear."
He reaches up to pull the lever, but then stops.
"You know, I really don't want to be on this when it opens, rope or no. There might be spikes like in the other one."
He takes untied end the rope tying him to Rurik, and ties it around the lever.
He moves over to the dwarf, safely off the door.
"Here we go..."
He tugs on the rope.

2008-05-19, 04:38 PM
Aduro is on the 3rd tile down, 2nd across

Once you pull the lever, you hear a familiar grinding noise, and a loud *CLANG*

It appears that lever did activate the trap door. This pit is much deeper than the previous one, but the bottom looks the same, full of spikes, There appears to be a shiny object down there. The rope is still attached to the lever.

Here's your map:


2008-05-19, 07:22 PM

Having recovered her stuff and walking back in when Aduro manages to open the pit. "Wow, thats great. You finally managed to set off a trap which could not have injured us that we could have left alone." She walks up and peers down into the deep hole(from C4) and says, "Well, that one is a bit deeper. That's what 30'? Say.. whats that shiny thing?" She holds her torch out over the opening to try and get a better look.

She eventually says, "I could fly down to check it out, but if we can get down there without squandering the divine gifts of Wee Jas, I would prefer that option. Rope anyone?"

2008-05-19, 08:52 PM

"Those spikes don't look too 'fortuitous' to me. Somebody should climb down and get that shiny, though."
He looks around at the others.
"Not me this time. I'm no climber. Though I suppose you could just lower me..."

2008-05-20, 04:09 PM
OOC: This was brought up in the other thread, but I'm giving out experience based on clearing sections of the tomb. Triggering/destroying every trap will give you no more experience than skipping all of them.

2008-05-20, 06:14 PM

"Hmm...I wonder if its magnetic?"

Rurik pulls a magnet and twine out of his pack. He ties the twine around the magnet, then positions himself on the edge of the trap and lowers the magnet down into the pit. He tries to avoid the spikes and is aiming for the shiny thing.

Use rope check: [roll0] to tie the knot

2008-05-20, 06:15 PM

Erika nods and pulls out a length of rope and ties a loop on one end.


Once the knot seems secure enough, she hands the loop to Aduro and says, "Here slip this 'round your neck."

She has no doubt that she can hold his weight, but all the same she braces herself and lowers her center of gravity, waiting for him to start to lower himself down into the pit.

2008-05-20, 06:21 PM
You cannot confirm that the shiny object is magnetic. You can confirm that neither of you know how to tie knots and the spikes are magnetic. The magnet sticks to one of the spikes and your attempt to pull the magnet back out caused the knot to be undone.

The knot around Erika's rope undoes itself, then causes a bit of a tangle which takes her a minute to undo.

2008-05-20, 10:30 PM

"Well that didn't work. Alright Aduro its your turn now. And this time I promise I'll tie a better knot. And if you don't mind can you grab my magnet while your down there."

Rurik secures the rope around Aduro's middle and then helps Erika with the rope, slowly lowering Aduro into the pit of spikes.

OOC: yeah, porbably should have just taken 10 or 20 on that, guess thats what I'll do for Aduro. Use Rope: 20+5=25

2008-05-21, 07:59 AM
"No no let me do it, I want to go into the pit and help everyone get the shiny." says Torlo who is nearly hopping up and down with excitement, he seems oblivious to any danger anyone might be in.

2008-05-21, 09:55 AM

"Hey Erika? Not around the neck. That's a bad idea if you want to know what the shiny is."

Untying the ropes from the various parts of his body, Aduro smiles.

"Yeah, Torlo can do it. I'll go start looking for any more pits or other nasties that we should be wary of."

He ties the rope securely around the bard's waist and thighs, making a sort of harness.

"There, that should hold you up fairly comfortably. Watch out for the spikes, they could be poisoned. Have fun!"

Take 20 on use rope, for a 25. Aduro will then take the pole and go search for more pits, taking 10 for a 27. Note that he will not step onto any pits he finds to try and open them, though he will prod them with the pole.

2008-05-21, 09:56 AM

Erika raise an eyebrow at Torlo's enthusiasm and then shrugs. She takes the end of the rope walks back towards the entrance so that she can slowly lower him down.

2008-05-21, 04:36 PM
Aduro finds traps on 5c, between 7b and 7c, and on 9c. He stops at 9b. It appears that prodding them with a couple of pounds of force triggers them. All of the traps you've found, except for the one on 9b, have been triggered and opened.

OOC: Is Torlo ready to descend into the pit yet? Also, who's holding the other end? The rope used to pull the lever is still attached to it. You never bothered removing it.

2008-05-21, 04:42 PM
"All right guys I'm ready, but I'd like to be held up by someone, you know, becauss otherwise I'd just be falling onto spikes. Maybe poisoned spikes, but hey it'll be fine, won't it?"

2008-05-21, 06:53 PM

Erika continues to hold the other end of her own rope as she waits for Torlo to be ready. She stand over by the entrance holding the rope with it securely tied to her so she can not drop it. She'll walk forward towards the pit, thus lowering Torlo down into its depths.

2008-05-21, 07:03 PM
New map is here. It appears I made the previous maps one square too short in the middle. I've fixed it.

2008-05-21, 07:15 PM
Torlo holds tightly onto the rope as he leans over the edge of the pit, but once he is being lowered releases it and relaxes slightly, looking around for anything of interest he finally reaches towards the shiny object and picks it up, unless for some reason something worth noting happens before he can reach it.

2008-05-21, 09:14 PM

Not one to leave a woman to be the only one holding a rope, Cory walks over and grabs the rope as well. Both of us should have no problem holding the bard up.

2008-05-21, 09:21 PM
It's still quite dark in the hallway, but Torlo can see that the shiny object happens to be a pair of goggles. The lenses of it are made of silvered crystal. Having large spikes close to his face is making Torlo a bit uneasy.

2008-05-22, 05:31 AM
If Torlo can reach them he takes them, otherwise he'll ask for some kind of grabbing implement.

2008-05-22, 04:39 PM
Despite the spikes, Torlo can easily reach the goggles. You also see Rurik's magnet, attached to a nearby spike.

OOC: Besides fendrin's character, how many of you are currently using a light source? I want to know whether or not you can see in color.

The rumbling in your stomachs is telling you it's time for lunch.

2008-05-22, 06:01 PM
Torlo takes both the goggles and the magnet. "Rurik I got you your magnet, and the goggles, so pull me up now please."

OOC: Torlo's bow glows as though it had light cast on it permanently, however it's on his back. And Torlo's ring of sustenance stops the rumbling.

2008-05-23, 07:43 PM

With Cory's help, Erika backs away from the pit, thus slowly pulling Torlo back up out of the pit and away from deadly spikes.

2008-05-24, 12:04 PM

OOC- Do we have a light source? I thought there was a rock with light cast on it. If not then I have no light source.

Cory helps Erika pull Torlo out of the pit, then asks him "Does your bow always glow like that?"

2008-05-25, 09:14 AM
"Yeah, it's a feature of some magical items, particularly weapons. This old bow has been a friend to me for years now, so when I had it's first enchantment put on it I decided to have it glow as well, since I don't have eyes for the dark like some people. Unfortunately it doesn't bestow that upon the arrows which is why I had to use some of my own magic on that one earlier. I've always thought that I should find a way to make my arrows glow too, it would make them much easier to find." Torlo unties the rope around him and hands it back to Erika and Rurik his magnet and thens sets about searching the goggles for any significant markings or clues to their function.

2008-05-25, 03:38 PM

Nodding at Torlo and Cory, Erika says, "Indeed." She shifts her everburning torch away from her and throws open her cloak to reveal her massive Morningstar and its soft glow. She asks Cory, "Don't your weapons glow?"

Once Torlo is clear of the hole, Erika goes over to the little remaining natural light of the entrance and sits down adding, "Time for lunch I think."

Robert Frost
2008-05-26, 05:51 PM

Having had nothing to do for quite some time, and mainly following the others and wondering why he hadn't gone off to kill something (or in most cases someone) Essht followed behind. He wasn't much of a thinker, or a philosopher, or for that matter much of anything save brutal killer. Still, he enjoyed the adventure, which explained his presence. He did glow as an entity, though, so the comments regarding magical weapons glowing sorta related to him.

But he had nothing to add to the current situation.

2008-05-27, 08:13 AM

"Aduro's weapons glow."

The gnome states simply, not even mentioning the blaze of fire surrounding his left hand that he had been using as a torch.

2008-05-27, 04:53 PM

Erika glares down into the dimly lit hallway at her compatriots. Aduro needs to learn another word... I. It is simple to say, and very simple to spell.

Calling down the hall to the rest of the party, Erika says, "I can create water, if anyone needs any... can anyone cast Create Food today?" Erika is hungry.

2008-05-28, 12:35 PM

I can create some food for us. With a few waves of his hands he conjures up some food for the party.

2008-05-28, 05:13 PM
Torlo is pulled out of the pit and you all have a nice lunch.

2008-05-28, 06:10 PM

Erika smiles at Cory and says, "Thank you, that did, indeed, hit the spot. Back to it I suppose." She wanders down the hallway to the last of the open pits(B7) and presses herself against the wall while peering off into the darkness. Using her magical weapon for light(dim to 40') she tries to see how much further this hallway might go.

She wasn't anxious for death, but if she wanted to fall into holes or look at primitive drawing on the walls, she would have either gone into mining or run an orphanage.

2008-05-29, 08:05 AM

Picking morsels of the magically manifested meal from his teeth using a thin hook he has taken out of his toolkit, Aduro meanders between the pits until he stands beside the lady-priest.
"See anything? Watch out, there's another pit-door here that I haven't opened yet."
Aduro peers towards the unknown end of the hall.

2008-05-29, 09:00 AM
OOC: It's not that you can't open it, it's just that you chose not to. You are free to hit it with the pole if you choose to.

2008-05-29, 10:18 AM
OOC: ah, I misunderstand. I'll edit my previous post.

2008-05-29, 04:04 PM
It appears that the hallway continues on beyond Erika's vision.

2008-05-29, 06:36 PM

Erika casts a disdainful look at the midget and says, "I shall be sure to avoid them. I do in fact see something. The hallway continues south from here. No doubt filled with more traps."

I wonder who they are fooling. After the first few, we are sure to search and find the rest of them.

Erika turns her attention to the unopen pit and pokes it a few times with her everburning torch before moving back north towards the exit.

2008-05-29, 06:57 PM
Erika hits the pit lightly, then hits the pit hard. The pit opens.

2008-05-29, 07:36 PM
"I wonder if theres anymore shinies about, I like this one, don't you think it's nice Rurik?" Torlo says while looking at the new goggles, then he sharply turns around and walks to the other pits, looking into each of them and waving his bow in to see better. After this he sits against a wall and examines the goggles. Looking for markings of any kind, after a while he puts them on and looks through them.

2008-05-29, 08:05 PM

Slightly startled with how easy that pit opened compared to that one they were jumping on, Erika steps back up against the wall for a moment. After getting her sense of balance back she heads north and stops to frown at Torlo as he examines the googles. Trying to helpful(sarcastic), she says, "I think they go on your eyes."

She head back to the entrance and remembering that the entrance will somehow self seal itself, grabs her stuff and drags it 20' or so into the dungeon. Once her stuff is safe she grabs a 10' pole and heads down to the pitted area again.

2008-05-29, 08:38 PM

Cory stays behind everyone even after the buttons are pushed and pits are examined. I'm not very good at finding these traps, I should stay away from them.

2008-05-29, 09:12 PM
When Torlo puts the goggles up to his eyes, everything looks a bit less bright. He doesn't feel any other effects.

2008-05-30, 06:49 AM
"Aw man, I can hardly see, I bet these are for people with better darkvision than me, here anyone want to try them on?"

2008-05-30, 05:25 PM

Erika shakes her head and calls back over her shoulder at Cory, "Don't look at me, I can barely see even with this torch." She waves the torch around as she walks.

Erika looks around at the pits and such and says, "There as got to be a faster way. I'm squandering my youthful beauty stuck down here waiting for Aduro to find the next pit."

Erika walks back to the furthest pit the group has found 9c and stays along the right hand wall as she walks south. She takes a deep breath and puts her faith in her God. She then walks south a bit.

Move from 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b(keeping tight to the western wall). Holding my torch out in front me so I can see. I'll stop if I notice an open pit, trap, or something obvious.

2008-05-30, 06:00 PM
Erika is staring casually at the floor, hoping to spot something unusual while walking down the corridor. As she is about to finish her trip, the floor below her opens up! Erika screams as falls sideways into a spiked pit. Her body assumes a spread eagle formation to absorb the impact, but it only makes it easier for the spikes to harm her. Multiple spikes skewer her body as the poison enters her veins. The pain combined with the poison has knocked Erika unconscious.

OOC info:

Erika walked onto 11b - Pit trap activated
Failed Reflex Save - She fell in
Pass tumble check - No fall damage
Rolled number of spikes - 7 have a chance to hit
Rolled spike accuracy - All of them hit
Rolled Fort Check - Failed
Rolled poison - 3 CON damage

Erika has taken 48 damage from the spikes and 3 CON damage

Erika is at -4 HP. Erika must roll stability checks. You only have a few rounds to save her.

2008-05-30, 06:37 PM

When the floor opens up, she is initially happy that her reflexes kick in and she manages to tumble avoiding anything to harsh from the impact. That is, until the spikes. She screams out, in Infernal, "******", before falling unconscious.

The 10' pole she was carrying clatters against the bottom and the spikes and ends up leaning against one of the corners of the pit.

2008-05-31, 12:08 AM

Seeing his companion scream and fall into the pit, Cory gasps and rushes towards it. She didn't find any traps before that one so I should make it.

1st round- Cory runs as fast as he can (double move should take him 60 feet) and jumps into the pit. He looks down to see Erika and notices the spikes, so he casts feather fall in midair and attempts to use the slower falling speed to avoid the spikes.
2nd round- Cory reaches out and calls on the power of his God to restore Erika's health (cure moderate wounds to Erika).

Please be alright...

2008-05-31, 09:23 AM
Erika is farther away than Cory thought, and it takes him 12 seconds to get to the hole while avoiding pits. Cory dives into the pit, trying to lower himself down to avoid the spikes. He gets to Erika's body and uses his divine power to heal her. Erika is now conscious, but still in severe pain. Worse, she feels like she's going to get sicker.

OOC: Erika now has [roll0] HP. It took Cory two rounds to get into the pit and one to heal her.

2008-05-31, 11:23 AM

Seeing as he didn't do quite enough yet, Cory takes out his white healing wand and taps her with it, saying a short magic word. (cure moderate wounds from wand to Erika) "Don't worry about the poison. While I'm not able to get rid of it right now, once it runs its course I can restore your body back to normal."

2008-05-31, 12:19 PM

Ugh. Erika allows Cory to help her pull herself off of all these spikes. She stares down at all the bleeding wounds dripping with poison and says, "Uh. Hold of on the wand. I've got some spells memorized, now that I'm conscious."

Erika invokes Wee Jas and purges some of the poison's effect from her body and then heals some of her wounds.


Cast Lesser Restoration [roll0] con damage
Cast Cure Moderate Wounds [roll1] HP

That puts my at 58 / 64 HP. The 3 points of CON were restored and 1 point of restoration lost. Hopefully I'll make some Fort Saves in a few rounds...

Looking around, she finds herself at the bottom of the pit and says, "Well... lets not do that again."

{{ OOC : Can I use a Heal Check to 'Treat Poison' on myself to give me another shot at making the save? I have the Heal Skill at +7 }}

2008-06-02, 05:51 AM
Oh Erika, that was far too dangerous, be more careful, you're lucky Cory got to you in time. Torlo frowns in disapproval, lets move on shall we?

2008-06-02, 06:49 AM
OOC: Heal doesn't work that way.

2008-06-02, 07:58 AM

Erika holds her stomach and turns kind of green and gets sort of sweaty and say, "I still don't feel so good. I think maybe the poison is still working it course. Do we have anyone trained as a healer? ...besides me?"

Erika leans against the wall of the pit to wait for the poison to finish its deadly work.

2008-06-02, 08:36 AM

Aduro peers down into the pit at the spiked lady.
"Youth and beauty? Why risk your life trying to preserve something you haven't got anyway?"

Stepping back from the pit he adds "Silly impatient human. if she wanted me to do it faster, she shoulda just said so. Or been smarter about it."

He then takes the pole he had been using and proceeds further south along the hallway, whacking the floor in front of him with the pole the way a blind man taps the ground with his cane, but much more vigorously.

straight along the left hand wall 10C, 11C, 12C
then weaving back and forth 12B, 13B, 13C, etc.

It occurs to me that Aduro would have to release his 'hand afire' ability in order to hold the pole in two hands without burning it. So, if he can, he'll use 'weapon afire' to surround the pole in flames (considering it an improvised weapon, I suppose). If that doesn't work, he will just rely on his darkvision and any color info he gets from his low-light vision.

In case you need them...
Defenses(with current essentia allocation factored in) are:
Fort +18, Ref +17, Will +10
AC 26, Touch 21, FF 18
Ability damage reduced by 4

2008-06-02, 04:41 PM
Aduro finds that arrow someone shot into the hallway a while ago. It is close to the end of the corridor. (12C)

He finds no more pits.

(Wall at B13/C13)
A fork of the red tile path leads directly to a leering devil face set in the mosaic at the corridor’s end. The devil’s mouth gapes wide and empty—in fact it is dead black, emitting no hint of light and allowing none entry.

(Wall at C12/C13)
A section of the red tile path leads into a mist-filled stone archway. Three large stones are embedded in the arch. Each has a different hue—yellow on the lower left, bluish at the top of the arch, and orange on the lower right.

New map:

Erika only has a short time left to get someone to help her before she feels the poison's effects again. (OOC: Four rounds, but if you don't feel like waiting, just make a fortitude check in your next post)

2008-06-02, 06:44 PM

Erika resigns herself to suffering as it seems no one is willing to come aid her. Once the poison lashes out at her again she takes a moment to recover and calls out, "Could someone bring the 10' ladder over so that Cory and I can climb out of this horrible pit. Thanks!"

Save vs Poison


2008-06-02, 07:01 PM
Erika spasms slightly as the poison tries to reach her heart. Through sheer grit she endures it. The poison begins to subside and be cleansed from her body.

2008-06-03, 07:56 PM

"Erika, if you're still ailing allow me to use the wand." If she allows it this time, Cory uses the cure moderate wounds wand on her. [roll0] healing.

2008-06-04, 06:04 AM

Erika is shocked at Cory and briefly snaps at him. "I am a priest you know? I can heal my own wounds." She takes a deep breath and tries to control herself, adding, "Besides, from what I've heard we are going to be in here a long time. We should conserve our wands so long as we have our daily benefit of spells remaining."

Seeing as she is trapped in pit she spends her time searching the walls of the pit for secret doors and such while she waits impatiently for the ladder.

She calls out again, "Ladder!" and as an afterthought, "Please" Her ladder is on the floor 10-15 feet from the entrance of the dungeon near another 10' pole and her backpack.

2008-06-04, 01:21 PM
Cory puts his wand away. "Ah, I see what you mean. Someone should be getting us out of here soon." I hope...what are they doing up there?

2008-06-04, 03:26 PM

"Would someone please get her that ladder? The yelling is giving me a headache." He yells down the hall. "Then come take a look at what I've found. No more pits though, unless they're as tough to open as the first one."

2008-06-04, 04:03 PM
Erika finds nothing in the pit except for her own blood stains. Her cries for help are beginning to annoy the other adventurers.

2008-06-06, 07:21 AM
"A ladder? Ok I can do that, then we can go see what Aduro has found." Torlo then goes and gets the ladder and lowers it into the pit, helping Corey and Erika out. "Sorry I took so long, my light isn't that great and I wanted to avoid the other pits."

2008-06-06, 10:01 AM

Finally getting some results.

Erika secures the ladder and tosses out the 10' pole she was carrying when she fell in. She then climbs out herself. When she reaches the top she glares at Aduro and then smiles at Torlo and says, "Thank you."

She also calls out and says, "I think the spikes in the pit were poisoned. I don't have the tools needed, but maybe someone would like to try and extract some of the poison in case it proves a useful weapon?"

Once out she extracts the ladder from the pit and brings all of her gear down and sets in the corner at the end of the hallway(B13). She puts on her backpack and takes a look at what was found(without touching anything).

She comments, "What is up with that mist? Maybe its like a toll bridge. You toss a coin in the mouth of the statue thing here." She gestures at the devil head. "... and then the doorway opens."

2008-06-07, 02:28 PM

"Toll? Could be... but that'd be a little odd, wouldn't it? Ol' Acerack is trying to keep people out, not charge for admission, right? Aduro bets it's a trap, and it bites people... but that might be too obvious for a smarty-pants lich."

He takes the dwarven pole he's been using and waves the end of it around in the devil's mouth.

2008-06-07, 03:09 PM
The pole is now two feet shorter when you pull it out.

2008-06-07, 08:49 PM

Lost the tip of his pole... Erika giggles to herself as she ponders various red-light district style jokes.

She says, "Let me try." She takes out a gold piece and using her thumb, flips the coin several feet through the air and into the devil's mouth.

{{ Did it bite? Did we see/hear/smell anything? }}

Looking around, the chaotic nature of this place was starting to get to her. It seemed like things should be more symmetrical. Unless something happens when the coin enters the Devil's mouth, she starts searching the western wall opposite the misty portal for secret doors and such.

Rolls :


After two rounds of searching, assuming she finds nothing, she will use her Wand of Detect Secret Doors(although the spell description allows it to detect much more than just secret doors). She'll then scan the western wall area, then southern wall, the eastern, then scan back up the entry corridor.

2008-06-07, 08:52 PM

"Arg! Aduro, watch what your doing with my pole. Crazy gnome...grumble grumble"

Rurik looks sadly at the now 2ft shorter pole and wonders what the demon head did to it. Taking matters into his own hands, he pulls out some thieve's tools from his backpack, adjusts the goggles on his face, and begins to search the area around the devil head, being careful not to put anything into its mouth. Then he searches the archway, paying close attention to the three gems embedded in it, while not entering the mist.

Rurik will take 20 on each search check for a total of 43 if its stonework or 41 if its not.

2008-06-08, 07:22 PM
Erika is now one coin poorer with nothing to show for it. The coin went into the mouth, and that's it. She hears no noise, she neither sees nor smells anything new. Erika does find a secret door behind the painting of a torture chamber. It is now unfortunately blocked by a spike pit (4 A/B).

Rurik learns that the rock around the demon head is just that, rock.

2008-06-09, 09:32 AM

Disappoint that she didn't find a secret door where she thought one would be for sure, she slumps her shoulders and continues to scan. When she detects the secret door, she immediately brightens up and says, "Oh oh! There is a secret door back there. " She focuses the scan on the spot to get all the details(from rounds 2 and 3). As she narrows down the position she says, "Its just there, across that pit."

She slowly and carefully makes her way back towards the entrance a bit so she is just across the pits from the secret door. Proudly she points and says, "There."

2008-06-09, 10:58 AM

After climbing out of the pit, Cory looks around again. He watches Rurik examine the statue with curiosity. As the door is found is attention turns to Erika again, to make sure she didn't fall into another pit. Seeing her still standing, Cory goes back to looking at the devil's head and casts detect magic on the statue. What is this thing? I doubt I should put my hand into it, but I'm curious.

2008-06-09, 03:24 PM

Aduro hands the now shortened pole to Rurik.
"Uh, I broke it... Aduro said that might happen when you gave it to me."

Aduro follows Erika back along the hall.


He grabs the ladder and drags it to the pit, then climbs down it, carefully avoiding the spikes. He then moves the ladder around to the wall-side of the pit, bracing it's bottom against the spikes. He climbs up the ladder and begins examining the wall for any sign of how to open the door. First he looks around as much as possible to see if there are any clues in the paining or any concealed triggers. If he cannot see how to open the door, he will try to feel for a trigger. He runs his inky-black hands along the wall, hoping to feel the slightest change in texture or depth that might indicate a latching mechanism.

Take 20 to search for a total of 33. If that doesn't yield results, he will shift two essentia from his armor to his Truthseeker Goggles and try again.
Net changes would be -2 AC & +4 gather info, search, & sense motive

2008-06-09, 04:34 PM
This portion of the fresco illustrates an iron door that evidently confines some sort of a horrid creature (its clawed and scaled hands grasp the bars of its small window) that can be loosed to torment prisoners.

You feel that the painting isn't really secure. The door is most likely behind the painting.

Cory senses strong transmutative magic coming from the statue and strong necromacy from most of the back end of the corridor. The archway is emitting strong conjurative magic, however.

2008-06-11, 06:17 PM

Seeing the part of the wall Aduro is interested in says, "A secret door behind the painting of a door with a trapped beast?" She is silent for a moment and then adds, "Is that supposed to be a warning that there is a beast or some sort of psychological trick to try and keep us from opening the door?"

Erika leans against the far wall and holds up her torch to provide some minimal amount of illumination.

2008-06-11, 07:45 PM
Erika sees pretty much the same thing as she did before. If the thought occurs to her, Erika does not see, hear, or smell anything new.

2008-06-11, 10:41 PM

Taking his attention off the wall for a moment, Cory asks "What do you guys think? Should we open it?"

2008-06-12, 05:56 AM

Twisting her bald head around in a manner that would normally flick her hair in a 'did you really just say that' sort of way, Erika answers, "Well. Of course. If it has a horrible beast inside we do have this nice pit to catch it in."

After a moment she adds, "... and if not, it obviously will have priceless artifacts or be a safe passage around some deadly trap, or something."

She then asks, "Aduro? Can you see how to open it?"

2008-06-12, 07:42 AM

"The door seems to be under the painting... hand me a dagger or something so I can scrape the painting away."

While he waits for a blade, he enflames his hands to see if he can burn the painting away.

2008-06-12, 07:50 PM

Erika glares at Aduro critically for a moment and then says flippantly, "My only dagger is silver. It isn't really suited for that."

She removes her helmet again and rubs her bald head and then says, "I do have a crowbar... which might work. Why don't you just knock use one of those spikes to use?"

If he whines too much about the spikes, she'll hand him(or toss down if he is out of reach) her crowbar for him to use.

2008-06-12, 09:31 PM
You learn that the plaster the painting is composed of is nonflammable, you might be able to chip or slash it off, however.

2008-06-13, 06:39 AM
"Hmm, now I remember, a dagger!" Torlo says when Aduro asks for one, "Never did get one of them, always forgot, suppose they'd come in handy sometimes."

2008-06-13, 06:58 AM

Aduro rolls his eyes.
"Knock off a spike? Hello? Small, wiry gnome? Not gonna happen. Just give me the crowbar and let me get to work. Unless you would like to be precariously balanced over poison spikes? I'm sure you'd do just fine and not become a pincushion... again."

He glances at Torlo, but just shrugs.
If I had thought to bring a dagger, I wouldn't be asking so I can't really fault him for not remembering one either...

2008-06-14, 05:55 AM

With a sigh, she tosses down the crowbar and says, "I want that back. Intact."

2008-06-14, 07:14 AM

Catching the crowbar, Aduro says "Aduro is not responsible for any damage that may occur to your property. No guarantees, but I won't intentionally damage it."

He gets to work scraping at the painting.

OOC: 'Spike'? Was that supposed to be 'crowbar'? I'm a wee bit confused.

2008-06-14, 10:16 AM
OOC: Crowbar.

Now that you have tools, removing the painting is possible, but difficult. You scrape off the plaster in the shape that allows you to peel the remainder off. A door is soon revealed.

2008-06-14, 11:44 AM

"Vuh-wah-lah!" Aduro exclaims as he pulls the painted surface off of the real door. One small bit at a time.
"Whew! That got the blood pumping."
He tucks the crowbar into his belt and starts examining the door itself, looking for a way to open it.

2008-06-16, 06:32 PM
The door easily opens inward.

2008-06-16, 07:11 PM

When the door starts to move, Erika ducks to the right(toward the entrance) and covers herself with her shield. When nothing tragic happens she hoots and says, "Nice." She shifts her weight a bit leaning left and right to try and see around Aduro eventually giving up and calling out, "Anything in there?"

2008-06-16, 10:33 PM

Cory hangs back behind the door as the others investigate it. No sense getting in their way.

2008-06-17, 07:59 AM

"So, who's going to leap across the spikey pit to come take a look with me?"

He looks at his companions, noting that likely few if any of them would be able to make the jump without much risk.

"Ok, nevermind. Let's try this instead."
He steps into the doorway, then pulls the ladder up behind him and slides it kitty-corner across the pit.

"There, a bridge. Just crawl across it as if you were climbing up it. Hmm, so far we've seen pits and some sort of demon-statue-mouth-dark-destruction-field-thing. I wonder what we'll find in here..."

He extends his lash of fire and then sends another even more vigorous pulse of fire along it, making what was little more than a slender thread into a thick rope of flame.

"Let's find out."

The fire reflects in his eyes, making him look all the less sane. As the others cross, he steps through the doorway, eyes open for any traps, doors, creatures, or other interesting features.

activated fire lash, then used weapon aflame on it.

2008-06-17, 03:38 PM
At the mention of jumping across the spikey pit, Torlo's eyes momentarily light up and he goes to step forward, but then looks rather disappointed when Aduro suggests the ladder, nonetheless he steps onto the ladder after Aduro kneels down and crawls into the door.

2008-06-17, 07:42 PM

Erika raises her eyebrow at the little runt and sighs. Walking or crawling across that ladder wasn't likely to be something she could do. She knew she could make the jump, if she had a running start, which she didn't. As Madam Gilette used to say, 'Stick with what you know.'

Erika takes a 10' running start from across the hallway and leaps across the pit into the open doorway.

Rolls :

[roll0] against... DC 20(assuming its 10')
[roll1] against... DC 15(assuming I fail the previous and need to grab the ledge)
[roll2] against... DC 15(to take less damage from the fall assuming I fail both the previous)

2008-06-18, 06:24 PM
Entering the hidden door leads to a 20 ft long and 10 ft wide corridor with an ordinary door at the end.

2008-06-19, 05:42 AM

Erika smiles an evil grin and turns around to the others waving her arm in a come on sort of gesture. To make it perfectly clear she also calls out, "Come on." She turns back around and looks over the hallway calling back again, "Another door. Aduro? Can you check it out?"

Erika stays within 3 feet of the secret door entrance prepared to help anyone needing help to get in. When not needed, she'll check out the walls in the hallway to see if they also have paintings.

2008-06-19, 06:26 AM

"Work, work, work..."
He says with a grin then traipses down the hall and examines the door.

2008-06-19, 08:50 AM

Jumping isn't my strong suit...maybe I can crawl on it Cory will attempt to crawl across the ladder.

balance check to stay on ladder: [roll0]

((I'll be out of town for the next few days so please npc me as you see fit))

2008-06-19, 05:38 PM
Erika, Aduro, Torlo, and Cory manage to get into the little corridor unharmed. Aduro sees that the door is perfectly mundane. He finds no traps. The corridor is entirely undecorated and there is nothing here other than that door.

2008-06-19, 06:00 PM

Erika shrugs to herself and says, "Must be like a maintenance hallway in the palace. Something the slaves use to get around." After a moment of silence, she inquires, "You hear anything behind the door? You want me to open it?"

Erika pauses and quietly listens for any sounds in the dungeon and behind the door.


2008-06-19, 06:53 PM
Erika hears nothing.

2008-06-19, 09:56 PM

With a fiery twinkle in his eye, Aduro nods an affirmative to Erika.

2008-06-20, 11:43 AM

The cleric readies herself, pulling her shield up high to protect her torso and face. Pressing herself as much as possible against the lefthand wall, she reaches out and tries to pull open the door. Assuming its latched, she'll work the handle(clockwise) and pull again. If that fails, she try pushing.

2008-06-20, 10:54 PM
Erika pushes open the door and finds the following:

A grotesque, winged humanoid statue with a horned head and stony hide lunges, its four arms each tipped with wicked rocky claws. Around the creature’s neck is a collar studded with huge, gleaming gems.

She looks at it for a second and sees it's alive. It sees that you've opened the door.


OOC: Now, while I don't want to kill the suspense, I want to know if you still want to go on with this battle with three players missing.

2008-06-21, 01:13 PM
[roll0] Torlo peers under the shield of Erika and sees what is undoubtedly the same ornament he has in his garden! "Hey who's been stealing statues from my garden?" he says angrily, and looks at the other members of the party "Because I am not cool with that."

Then hearing Erika's warning and attack decides he should probably do something and casts haste on every member of the Party, (+1 to hit, AC, reflex saves, and one extra attack at full BA in a full round attack. for the next 10 rounds, double base land speed)

AC 24
HP 37/37
Saves: +5/+15/+9
Attack: +14 shortbow (1d4+3+1d6)
Full Attack: +12/+12/+12/+7 Shortbow (1d4+3+1d6)
Speed 60ft.

2008-06-21, 04:35 PM

Erika grabs her morningstar and swings at the creature as it lunges for her and the team while calling out a warning for those in the back that might not be able to see, "Argh! To arms!"

ROUND 1 Rolls :


<< Move action to draw weapon >>

[roll1] (crit on 29 or 30)
[roll2] (if needed)
[roll3] (if I hit)
[roll4] (if I crit)

I always forget something... if I hit and its flat footed, I have sneak attack for an extra 2d6 damage.

2008-06-21, 05:44 PM
OOC: Just checking, does Erika move towards the monster to attack? It's not directly in front of the door. I've also lost track of Quxelopqr's sheet. Does anyone know where it is or should I improvise? I'm just going to go on with the battle and we'll see what happens. I also should have looked over the sheets better. Erika can't have a keen morningstar, it's for slashing weapons only. There are equivalents to keen in the MIC for other types of weapons though.

Battle map:
Red is Aduro
Purple is Erika
Yellow is Torlo
Green is Cory
Grey is the monster

That brown thing is the open door.

2008-06-22, 09:19 AM

"Torlo, you've got some weird garden art. Let's see if we can make it angry..."

He makes a spitting motion and sound, but instead of spit, a small blast of fire shoots from his mouth towards the gargoyle-thing. He then steps back from the doorway.

Fire Bolt, then 5' step back.


[roll2] fire
[roll3] fire

Also one small nit to pick... shouldn't Aduro have a small dot, as his is a small creature?

EDIT: figures that I would roll crappy for the regular damage but decently for the unused crit damage.

2008-06-22, 09:35 AM
OOC: I completely forgot he's a whisper gnome. Battle description will come on monster's turn.

2008-06-24, 05:22 PM
The flames hit the creature squarely in the chest. It sees the man who burned it and feels rage.

"GRAAAAAAGH", roars the creature as it charges towards the door. As it approaches, Erika stands in front of the door, trying to fend it off. The weapon collides with his flesh, causing the beast to stop, but not harming it. Finding a new source of annoyance, the creature strikes Erika with a claw, trying to force her out of the way.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Erika: Make a reflex check equal to the damage if you get hit.

2008-06-24, 05:39 PM

Erika's lovely soft flesh is ripped away by the massive stone thingy. As Erika staggers from the the blow she vaguely realizes that her magic weapon was unable to affect the beast. Never one to give up after one failure, she swings her magical morningstar again.

ROUND 2 Rolls :

[roll0] DC 22

First Bludgeoning/Piercing Attack :
[roll1] (crit on 29 or 30)
[roll2] (if needed)
[roll3] (if I hit)
[roll4] (if I crit)

Second Bludgeoning/Piercing Attack :
[roll5] (crit on 29 or 30)
[roll6] (if needed)
[roll7] (if I hit)
[roll8] (if I crit)

2008-06-24, 06:12 PM
Erika is knocked to the ground, just off to the side of the door.

OOC: I used your previous rolls and you can only take up to a standard action when you ready an action. In other words, you didn't get a second attack.

2008-06-24, 06:25 PM

"Ia! That looks nasty."
He takes a step back from the gargoyle creature and with great speed snaps the end of his lash at it's chest.

5' step back, then full attack with the fire lash.

[roll0] ranged touch
[roll1] + [roll2] fire

[roll3] ranged touch
[roll4] + [roll5] fire

2008-06-24, 06:44 PM
After providing some assistance to everyone else Torlo decides to check if he can hurt it at all, but first he steps back a bit and then promptly sends 4 arrows flickering with lightning flying at the creature.

5ft step back and full attack


[roll0] - Attack Roll 1
7 base, 3 dex, 1 haste, 1 enchantment, 1 size, 1 PBS - 2 rapid shot
[roll1] - Damage Roll 1
1d4 base, +1 str, +1 enchantment, +1 PBS
[roll2] - Lightning Damage Roll 1
[roll3] - Attack Roll 2
[roll4] - Damage Roll 2
[roll5] - Lightning Damage Roll 2
[roll6] - Attack Roll 3
[roll7] - Damage Roll 3
[roll8] - Lightning Damage Roll 3
[roll9] - Attack Roll 4
[roll10] - Damage Roll 4
[roll11] - Lightning Damage Roll 4

That was 11 damage, then 7 damage, then 8 damage then 10 damage. It might bypass the DR for 1 Damage :smalltongue:

2008-06-24, 07:11 PM
Good call on the haste. Modifying my previous results for the +1 and rolling a third attack yields:

attack1 - (1d20+13)[28] ranged touch
damage1 - (1d8)[3] + weapon_afire1 - (2d6)[12] fire

attack2 - (1d20+8)[13] ranged touch
damage2 - (1d8)[6] + weapon_afire2 - (2d6)[6] fire

[roll0] ranged touch
[roll1] + [roll2] fire

2008-06-24, 07:28 PM
Cory repositions himself to strike the beast with magic. He points his finger at it and a black beam of energy comes surging out.

Touch attack roll: [roll0] - Estimate
Number of negative levels [roll1]

2008-06-24, 08:02 PM
OOC: I still can't find that guy's sheet. The monster gets cover from Aduro and Torlo, so it misses anyway.

As the black beam fires from Cory's finger, he tries hard not to hit his comrades and hits the ceiling instead.

The flaming whip hits the creature with three lashes, leaving three large burns on its chest. Erika tries to stand after being knocked down by the creature. It reacts, striking her again with a claw. Erika then assaults the monster with her morningstar, hitting it square in the stomach. It looks like this time it feels the pain.

It walks through the door, ignoring Erika, and attacks Aduro with its claws, teeth, and horn.

Three of Torlo's arrows hit the creature in the chest and arms. They bounce off harmlessly, but the energy still stings it.

The monster provokes an AoO from Erika, and a battle map is coming soon. If the full attack drops Aduro, it cleaves on Torlo and finishes its attacks on it.

AoO on Erika
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Full attack on Aduro
Claw 1 Attack: [roll2]
Claw 1 Damage: [roll3]

Claw 2 Attack: [roll4]
Claw 2 Damage: [roll5]

Claw 3 Attack: [roll6]
Claw 3 Damage: [roll7]

Claw 4 Attack: [roll8]
Claw 4 Damage: [roll9]

Gore Attack: [roll10]
Gore Damage: [roll11]

Bite Attack: [roll12]
Bite Damage: [roll13]

Running total of damage

8 fire
38 fire
5 weapon
10 Lightning

2008-06-24, 08:25 PM
OOC: I forgot to compensate for squeezing. Subtract four from all of the gargoyle's attack rolls, all it does is make the gore attack not hit. I know I said Erika was by the door last time, but the point of the monster hitting her was to knock her out of the way, so she's been moved. She also would've died this round if she were trying to block the door.

Cory is shocked at seeing his friend being slashed repeatedly. He runs behind Aduro and heals him.

Spontaneous conversion to cure critical wounds:


2008-06-24, 08:49 PM

Erika barely gets to her feet after that last swipe and then watches the creature really open up on Aduro.

Contingent Actions

1. If she can take a 5' step into a flanking position, she will do that and then use a full round attack.

[roll3] (crit confirm if needed)
[roll4] (crit confirm if needed)
[roll5] (crit confirm if needed)

[roll9] (extra crit damage if needed)
[roll10] (extra crit damage if needed)
[roll11] (extra crit damage if needed)

[roll12] (if applicable)
[roll13] (if applicable)
[roll14] (if applicable)

2. If not, she'll take a 5' step back and cast Searing Light on the creature.
[roll15] (ranged touch)

3. If she can't move back(or thinks the creature has 10' reach), she'll cast it defensively.
[roll17] (DC 18)

{{ Map wasn't posted when I started... looks like option 2/3 is the one that applies. }}

2008-06-24, 09:44 PM

He shrieks as the beast's stony claws and teeth rend his flesh.
Ow ow ow... but I can't move any further back...
Gritting his teeth, expecting to be thoroughly dismembered, disemboweled, or other really bad dis-word, Aduro once more sends his rope of fire rapidly at his foe.

Ok, by my calculation*, Aduro was hit by Claw 3 and the Bite, for 48 damage, then was healed 28 for a net change of -20 hp.
*Normal AC is 24, +2 from essentia invested in his armor, +1 from haste = 27

[roll0] ranged touch
[roll1] + [roll2]

[roll3] ranged touch
[roll4] + [roll5]

[roll6] ranged touch
[roll7] + [roll8]

2008-06-25, 02:59 PM

HP: 43 AC: 17

Seeing Aduro getting hurt even worse then before, Cory heals him again.

Spontaneous Conversion to Cure Serious Wounds: [roll0]

2008-06-25, 04:36 PM
The beast is struck by the flames in front of it and the light from behind it. It looks over past Aduro's head and runs towards him. Once in range, he instead strikes Torlo with a fierce swipe of its claw, trying to knock him into the pit behind him.

Everything hit.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Orran, make two reflex and one fortitude check, just in case.

2008-06-25, 05:17 PM

Having a free moment to deal with her wounds, she looks around at the room she is in while casting Cure Moderate Wounds on herself. The creature was really whooping Aduro.. but.. he could take it.


2008-06-26, 04:44 AM
Reflex: [roll0]
Reflex: [roll1]
Fort: [roll2]

I'll save my actions until I know what happened to me. But I don't think he beat my AC. As an educated guess I'd assume that since he didn't beat my AC and my reflex beat his damage, either nothing happened to me or I was minorly injured.

If I was minorly injured I will cast CMW 2d8+10
If I was untouched I will defensively cast 1d20+13 DC 17 invisibility, and move silently 1d20+11 forwards 5ft and press myself to the wall.

2008-06-26, 12:18 PM
Can't edit in rolls

CMW [roll0]
Defensive Casting [roll1]
Move Silently [roll2]

2008-06-26, 04:32 PM
The creature misses Torlo entirely.

2008-06-28, 02:30 PM

HP: 43 AC: 17

Cory takes one of two actions.

1. If Aduro looks like he's still under 50% hp, Cory casts Shield Other on him.

2. If Aduro looks like he's over 50% hp, Cory casts Scorching Ray on the gargoyle. Ranged attack rolls: [roll0] [roll1] Damage: [roll2] [roll3]

2008-06-28, 07:17 PM
Cory attempts to use his magic on the creature. Sadly, his companions are blocking him so he can't get a clear shot. He just barely misses.

2008-06-29, 06:26 AM

Finding herself out of offensive spells, Erika steps up and attempts to damage this beast with her flail again. She swings repeatedly as hard has she can(which isn't very hard).

Attacks :

Take a 5' step(so she is flanking with Aduro if he steps up) and Full attack (2 plus bonus 1 from haste)

(Flanking bonuses NOT factored in)
(Threat on natural 19-20)



If flanking... sneak attack damage(and +2 to hit above)

2008-06-29, 06:55 AM
Seeing that his companions are taking some damage, on his action Torlo will sneak over to Aduro and cast blur on him, to give him a decent chance.

move silently - [roll0]
For the next 10 minutes, Aduro has 20% concealment

2008-06-29, 08:26 AM
OOC: Waiting for Aduro's turn.

Lawful_Evil, you don't get a flank because nobody has weapons which threaten. You're also too far away for a full attack.

2008-06-29, 09:18 AM
Aduro (round 4)

Seeing the monster attacking his less hardy companions, Aduro does what he can to get the monster's attention, despite the fact that he really doesn't want to get hurt anymore.
"Hey! What are you, a gargoyle who's mother got knocked up by a cockroach?"
He then does something that actually might get the monster's attention, snapping his lash at it's face.

CHA 6 people just shouldn't try to be insulting. It won't work.

Attack 1:
[roll1] (fire)
[roll2] (fire)

Attack 2:
[roll4] (fire)
[roll5] (fire)

Attack 3:
[roll7] (fire)
[roll8] (fire)

As note, Aduro does threaten, just not with his fire lash. The Hand Afire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/pyrokineticist.htm#handAfire) ability he's been using as a torch makes his unarmed attacks be treated as armed attacks.

2008-06-29, 09:27 AM
OOC: Looking at the map again, Erika can indeed get a full attack action. You still can't get a flank, however.

2008-06-29, 09:39 AM
Round 4...I hope
The creature is again harmed by the flames, it grows wary of it. It hears the chanting from behind it. Buggg!, it exclaims and tries to strike the woman behind it. The creature then begins to attack the woman without remorse.

Claw 1 Attack: [roll0]
Claw 1 Damage: [roll1]

Claw 2 Attack: [roll2]
Claw 2 Damage: [roll3]

Claw 3 Attack: [roll4]
Claw 3 Damage: [roll5]

Claw 4 Attack: [roll6]
Claw 4 Damage: [roll7]

Gore Attack: [roll8]
Gore Damage: [roll9]

Bite Attack: [roll10]
Bite Damage: [roll11]

Possible Rend

Running total of damage

8 fire
38 fire
5 weapon
10 Lightning
39 fire

2008-06-29, 09:41 AM
OOC: I forgot this stuff.

Rend damage: [roll0]

AoO Attack: [roll1]
AoO Damage: [roll2]

2008-06-29, 09:46 AM
The creature's claws tear into Erica. The first two strikes missing by inches, but the third makes its mark. The fourth claw drives deep into her stomach and with the aide of another claw, tears her apart, leaving a deep gash in her stomach.

It moves its horn towards her collapsed body, missing it. Yet that wasn't its aim. As a final injustice, it sinks its fangs into the gash in her body, taking a bite out of her and swallowing it whole. It proudly stands straight and extends its wings GRAAAAAAGH!


OOC: Critical too.

Confirm critical: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-06-29, 10:58 AM
Aduro (Round 5)

Seeing his companion be viciously torn apart and eaten, Aduro is rather sickened.
He mercilessly strikes at the monster's back.

Attack 1
[roll1] (fire)
[roll2] (fire)

Attack 2
[roll4] (fire)
[roll5] (fire)

Attack 3
[roll7] (fire)
[roll8] (fire)

2008-06-29, 12:29 PM

Boccob help us... Seeing his companion fall is more then enough reason for him to attack it again, this time choosing a spell that won't miss.

Magic Missle at the monster: [roll0]

2008-06-29, 01:46 PM
The magic bolts strike true and the flames singe the beasts back. Rather than continuing to fight, it moves away from you, through the door, and closes it shut.

OOC: 5d4? Isn't your caster level 7 and it should be 4d4?

Running total of damage

8 Fire
38 Fire
5 Weapon
10 Lightning
39 Fire
32 Fire

2008-06-30, 05:18 AM
Round 5

"Erik-" The invisible halfling screams out, stifling himself too late, but the beast runs into the next room, so Torlo runs over to Cory and casts blur on him as well. "Quick, lets go after it before it can heal itself, I've given us what I can to help us, but when we go in I shall sing us a song to mourn Erika."

2008-06-30, 07:01 AM
Aduro (Round 6)

"Torlo, open the door but stand clear."

Delay action until the door has been opened.

2008-06-30, 09:39 AM
Torlo moves over to a 5ft square to either side of the door and opens it, if nothing jumps out to kill him he will start inspiring courage (+ 2 to attack, damage, and saves against fear and charm effects)

2008-06-30, 02:17 PM
((OOC-Whoops, that is correct. Take [roll0] off then.))


"Thanks Torlo." Cory prepares to blast whatever's in the room.

2008-06-30, 04:08 PM
The door opens away from you, and Torlo is having some trouble opening the door. A lot of trouble in fact. The creature appears to be pushing it shut from his end. The door stays shut.

OOC: You should revise your actions. Orran can make a strength check if it makes him feel better.

2008-06-30, 06:23 PM
Ill forgoe the str check, and of course wasn't singing. "Well I can get us in there, but it will get to hit us before we do anything, such is how teleportation works, are you up for it?"

2008-06-30, 08:11 PM
Death's waiting room:
The last thing you remember were the claws sinking into your stomach in the middle of a dark dungeon. You find yourself in the middle of a gray desert, very hot and devoid of life. You look down at your stomach and see its perfectly fine.

"We don't keep you like you were when you kicked it, it tends to cause too many people to puke. Of course, you no longer have anything to puke out of."

2008-06-30, 08:35 PM

Eh? This doesn't look like Hell. Where are the flames and the pitchforks? Didn't I follow the rule strictly enough? Why don't I get to go to Hell?!?! This had better not be the Happy Hunting Grounds..... That voice.... who was that? Wee Jas?

2008-06-30, 08:50 PM
Death's waiting room:
"HAHAHAHAHA! Pitchforks! What the hell did they teach you in missionary school?" As you look towards where the voice comes from, you see a figure that looks unmistakably like the guide who led you into the tomb.
"Don't worry, I'm not her. I just chose a form that you would most likely want to strangle. Hell may not be like you think, but this still isn't it. This is just a place where your soul gets to rest until you get to come back. That tomb is directly connected to here."

2008-07-01, 11:49 AM
Aduro (round 6, part 2)

"If we teleport over there it can just run to this side of the door and hold it shut again. No, it's time to make some music."

He then proceeds to try to burn down the door.
Details to follow once I know the answer to my question on the OOC thread.

2008-07-01, 04:56 PM

Obviously you are not a god or you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question. I can't believe I'm stuck in the afterlife with a moron... I mean.. do I look like I spent time in any missionary? I stole the holy symbol and sorta fell into the whole priest thing kind of sideways.

Pausing and looking around the nice desert landscape Erika wishes she could sigh. Relax my soul until I go back? So.. where's my hot bath and scented oils? Perhaps a handsome slave to massage my feet?

2008-07-01, 07:37 PM
Cory will go along with whatever plan is needed.

2008-07-01, 08:03 PM
Death's waiting room
"Don't you know what a joke is? Or a figure of speech? Life on the street ain't an excuse for a head full of fluff. And of course I'm not a god. A god wouldn't listen to your crap even if he had a pound of pure baccaran. If you'd like, I could expedite your return. It'll cost you though."

2008-07-01, 08:15 PM

Ah HA! See.. I got that one. Are you crazy? I don't want to go back till after those clowns have finished off that freaky four armed lawn ornament. I'm content to be a little dust in the wind for now.

2008-07-02, 07:20 AM
While the door is burning Torlo offers the others some healing. "I can't do much healing but I'll give what I can if you need it. We don't want anyone to die like Erika did."

2008-07-02, 08:35 AM

Repeatedly smacking the door with his flaming hands, Aduro looks over his shoulder and responds to the offer of healing.
"No thanks, I'm good."

2008-07-02, 04:30 PM
Aduro's fists hit the door repeatedly. He notices that the door isn't being held back with very much force. Thirty seconds later, the door is aflame and the top half completely broken off. It is then that he notices what is being used to keep the door closed. The creature propped Erika's body in front of the door in a bizarre position in order to keep it closed.

2008-07-06, 09:19 AM

"Terrible..." If there's time (as in, they don't see the gargoyle), Cory will place Erika's body on the ground and administer a form of last rites on her. When he's finished he looks up to the rest of the group. "Where'd that thing go?"

2008-07-06, 09:32 AM
Well it has to be through there somewhere, but what if it's waiting to jump out at us?

2008-07-06, 03:03 PM
The door is now wrecked. You see that Erika's blood-stained body was dragged from where she died, and the walls are covered in thick streaks of blood. It's possible the creature was wiping its hands. Looking straight ahead, you do not see the creature. Does anyone wish to step inside?

2008-07-06, 04:11 PM
Torlo will not merely step inside, he will dive inside and roll like the little gymnast his mother wanted him to be, hoping to avoid being butchered by big nasty claws.

Tumble [roll0]

2008-07-06, 05:17 PM

Aduro mutters about mess-making monsters, and summons forth his flame whip, then enflames in further before cautiously walking into the room holding his still flaming left hand high to shed maximum light.

Fire Lash + Weapon Afire, then go in. For the sake of timing, that's 2 standard actions before moving.

2008-07-07, 03:27 PM

Cory hangs back, not allowing his feelings to rush himself into certain doom. He'll wait for the others to go in before following.

2008-07-07, 05:11 PM
OOC: Who is going in first? Or are you going to play rock-paper-scissors in-character?

2008-07-07, 05:36 PM
OOC: I thought it was fairly obvious Torlo is going first, what with the tumble roll and everything.

2008-07-07, 05:40 PM
OOC: Are you still invisible? The effects of blur have worn off. The hallway is ten-feet before it becomes the big room.

2008-07-08, 04:28 AM
OOC: Invisibility lasts for 10 minutes so I suppose so yeah, nice catch on that, I had forgotten. Can you move silently and tumble at the same time? If so [roll0]

Edit: Actually blur and invisibility both last 10 minutes so if one's gone the other is too. If I'm still invisible I'll attempt to move silently, if not ill just tumble.

2008-07-08, 05:36 PM

As you walk into the area, the creature hears you approach. It takes a mad swipe in the air, trying to strike the originator of the sound.

2008-07-08, 05:39 PM
[roll2] -On 1-50, he misses.

2008-07-09, 05:25 AM
OOC: Are we still in initiative order?

Either way Torlo screams out and then moves away from the creature, and heals himself. CMW [roll0]

2008-07-09, 01:38 PM
Aduro (round ?)

"Not again!"

Aduro dashes into the room and spits fire at the monster.

"Fight me you... thing!"

More Low Cha taunting. You;d think I'd learn. :smallwink:

[roll1] (fire)

Correction of a previous post: Activating Fire Lash and Weapon Afire are move equivalent actions, not standard actions. Thus Aduro would have activated them both last round (the round that Torlo went in & got attacked).

2008-07-09, 04:07 PM
HP: 43 AC: 16
Drawing on divine power, Cory thrusts his hand out towards the creature, a ray of light firing out at it. ((Casting Searing Light on the Gargoyle))

ranged touch attack roll: [roll0] damage: [roll]3d8[roll]

2008-07-09, 08:01 PM
OOC: Due to the door frame and the fact that only its arm is poking out at the time, Cory does not have line of sight. I'm just going to go with the current initiative order, for simplicity sake, starting with Torlo.

lawful_evil, are you still there?

2008-07-19, 02:01 PM

Whoa... this is taking a while. I wonder if I'd find out if they all died so I could stop waiting. I wonder if this is one of those planes of existence with a time dilation thingy.

2008-07-21, 07:46 PM
Death's waiting room: "It's not, time just seems to be slower when you've got nothing to do. Wanna play 52 card pick-up?"

OOC: Yay, the boards are back up!