View Full Version : Tying the threads together

2008-05-09, 01:31 PM
For the first time in OotS the Giant has about five different story arcs going on. There's Elan's, there's Haley's, there's Ochul and Xykons, there's Roy's, and there's the linear guild (though they havn't shown up in a while).
This thread is for predictions and ideas on how they'll string together

2008-05-09, 02:31 PM
For the first time in OotS the Giant has about five different story arcs going on. There's Elan's, there's Haley's, there's Ochul and Xykons, there's Roy's, and there's the linear guild (though they havn't shown up in a while).
This thread is for predictions and ideas on how they'll string together

V will find Haley after Cloister wears off. (4 groups) They will raise Roy. (3 groups) The order will set off to Girard's gate, where they will meet up with Xykon. (2 groups) O-Chul will stay with the order and rejoin Hinjo and the rest of Azure City people, and they will build a city near the gate to protect it, because the order prevented Xykon from using it. Either that, or they'll blow it up. The linear guild just jumps in once and a while to complete one of Nale's way-too-complex scemes to kill Elan (without success). Really, there are usually 3 stories, linear, order, and evil. And the three groups of the order is very simple to get back together, all that needs to be done is V finds Haley and Durkon raises Roy. There are any better things to make theories on, like that V will get Ultimate Arcane Power by joining Xykon! Becoming evil just for power is probably 'all the wrong reasons'...

2008-05-09, 02:41 PM
Well as V suggested, if Lien dies there could be some communication from Elan's group to Roy, and Roy could tell Lien about Cloister. Or someone else in the party that Therkla isn't crushing on could die, with similar results. (Obviously this wouldn't work as well if said person turned out to be Durkon, which is unfortunate because he's a Northerner and also LG so he would wind up in the same heaven as Roy. Daigo and Kazumi's alignment aren't known. HINJO is LG, but he hasn't been seen on the island yet.)

The Linear Guild may have headed to Cliffport to get their stuff back, and that's where Haley's headed.

Although I really suspect Haley and Celia gonna wind up having to stop at Greysky city because it's closer, (and possibly due to Belkar misbehaving in some fashion). Haley's reluctance to go there suggests it's the home of the Thieves Guild, and she's no longer a member, and that's a plot waiting to be explored. AAAAND Greysky City is also somewhat close to "Lair Island," which Xykon or Redcloak might zip off to if they wanted to pick something up that they might have left behind.

EDIT: spoilered

David Argall
2008-05-09, 04:46 PM
Since we are predicting the future here, this is precisely what we have had requested to be Haley will arrive in Cliffport and will interact with the LG [possibly not knowing that]. She will then try to contact the party and will find she has to go to them. The LG [disguised?] will go with her as Nale tries to take out Elan again. When they meet, V will likely misunderstand that Haley has found her, not the other way around. Haley will walk in on Elan and Therkla in a compromising [but likely innocent] situation.
After dealing with Nale again, the party heads back to Azure City, and finds Xykon has gotten bored and is letting them have the city. Everybody then heads off to the next gate.

2008-05-09, 06:07 PM
Let us not forget that Nale was talking about going to another gate 3 months ago (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0458.html), So I doubt they will be coming into play anytime soon. It might end up that Hinjo's group will go to greysky city looking for mercenaries or other allies, when at the same time Haley and Cielia will be there, having them meet up and raise Roy(and possibly some kind of side plot for Haley). They will probably then find some kind of allies and either 1. try to retake the city, or 2. get the city back cause Xykon was bored(yes I know this theory has been said before...). Then the OOTS goes to the same gate that the linear guild and Xykon were heading to, since we know what gate Xykon is going to. That would tie things up quite nicely...

(Btw, how do you put in spoilers?)

2008-05-09, 06:25 PM
(Btw, how do you put in spoilers?)
[spoiler ] insert whatever you want to say here [/spoiler ], except without the space between r and ].

2008-05-09, 09:20 PM
They all burst in after going through Giriard's maze separately and fight a 3 way battle in the gate-room! :smallbiggrin:[/LUPYNESS]

I think they will all fight a 3 way battle, but Oots has to get back together too. And maybe have Hinjo and Celia with them, and have Oots battling team evil and their minions when the LG punch through to the gates, only to be stopped by RC and Roy who temporarily team up to fight off the LG, and find they respect each other.

Morgan Wick
2008-05-09, 09:48 PM
V will find Haley after Cloister wears off. (4 groups) They will raise Roy. (3 groups)

This may be "simple" but it's also predictable and thus isn't going to happen as planned. The OOTS may find themselves at Girard's Gate by the time they reunite. Remember, we already know that Haley's and Celia's plan is to find a spellcaster of some kind able to make long-distance contact with the V/Elan/Durkon group. Therefore, such a thing is not going to happen as planned (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnspokenPlanGuarantee), unless maybe we never hear from Haley/Celia/Belkar until the moment the spellcaster makes contact, but the arguing between the three we saw the last time we looked in on them makes that unlikely.

2008-05-10, 12:27 AM
Remember that Redcloak is attempting to entrench the hobbo's in Azure City. I don't think they'll be easily dislodged, even if Xykon gets bored and leaves. Also, I've noticed Rich seems to be uprgrading the monsters the party faces. First goblins, now the (presumably higher level) hobgoblins, and orcs could be the next step up, as is hinted at by the recent sojourn with "cannibal" orcs on the island. If this is so, Xykon will likely bring only one goblinoid with him; Redcloak.

Also, keep in mind that multiple sub-plots tend to run on until someone falls through a portal to an alternate universe in which they are all simultaneously resolved.