View Full Version : Serenity: Hard Rain Falling

2008-05-10, 07:47 PM
Inbound to New Kashmir

The Dining Area

The last of the fresh food is on the table, liberally enhanced - if that's the proper word - by protein in a myriad of forms. The smell of coffee fills the room from the small brewer bolted to the center of the table by some prior owner of the ship.

The ship is inbound to New Kashmir. The word from that planet is grim. Three months of long battle has finally turned toward the Alliance. The Browncoats have fallen back to a small peninsula, where they're holding their own - for now.

Ships are converging on New Kashmir. Alliance cruisers, bearing reinforcements, and preparing to bomb the Browncoat lines from orbit. And rebel ships of a thousand forms, coming in to take the Browncoats off, back into the black, to fight another day, on another world.

But that's a day off. Tonight, at least, you're safe in the black, with a table of food and fresh coffee, the entire crew gathered around the little table.

2008-05-10, 09:17 PM
Taking a long, deep draught of the finest coffee in the black (which isn't saying much), Rusty leaned back and sighed. It had been a long time since his academy days with the Alliance. It had been six months since he fought against his former squadmates from Wolf Company. He'd been forced to kill three as they tried to apprehend them.

Rusty looked up. "So... anyone have any plans once we get on the ground? What's the news on our orders anyway? It seems like we're flying into the bloodiest mess of this war, without a care in the world. Or rather, I should say, in this 'verse."

2008-05-10, 09:35 PM
Quin bounds into the room from the cockpit.

"Izzat coffee? Woo!" She immediately pours herself a cup.

"Hey, I'm not the captain. Only orders I get 'round here are directions. Don't ask me what's goin' on." She drinks the entire cup in one gulp and sets to another one.

2008-05-11, 12:37 PM
Shuffling about, Keith stretches his arms and legs, yawning loudly. "Morning, everyone." A handsome man, Keith stood a rather unassuming height and weight. "So, we'll hit Kashmir within the day, right? Been itching to stretch my legs."

2008-05-11, 01:09 PM
She's been sitting around the dining area for a few hours now, mostly with her head stuck her interactive encyclopedia, glancing up and smiling to any who come by, throwing her opinion in when she thinks to look up from her reading.

"Stretch your legs Keith?" Elisabeth chirps up from her seat near the table, "If thats your priority then you'll probably be running doing it and doing it alone at that. Bianca told me it'll be pretty hectic wherever we set down, an' if thats the case you'll not see me following you out there."

She then alights to pick up the last orange, starts pealing it and listens to the others. She offers it around and eats whats not taken.

2008-05-11, 03:59 PM

"Bosh, it's a joke. I'm not going to risk anyone's head over a need to be planet-side." Keith chuckled, juggling a few spare tools lying around. "Besides, you know how it is. Work, work."

2008-05-11, 08:36 PM
"I dunno... your job seems pretty easy no? I run around a battlefield for a living... sitting in an engine room seems pretty tempting at times... then again I have no idea how engines work. I'd probably be lost in there within ten seconds.

Speaking of leg stretching, I think we'll have plenty of that down on the planet... they're stuck on a peninsula and we're probably going to have to do a lot of running to get the right stuff to the right places. That and we'll have to avoid that huge fleet of Alliance battlecruisers rumored to be en route there."

2008-05-11, 09:31 PM
Bianca enters the room, quickly snatching a piece of Elizabeth's orange when she offers it out. She looks around at her crew that has gathered.

"Well, Skystrider, he's gonna be down there with us. Make sure you learn who's who on my boat. Axel's still down in the engine room, makin' sure we have the fuel cells to make full burn if we run into trouble. Which we more than likely will.

When we touch down on New Kashmir, I expect all of you-I don't care if you're on or off the boat-to keep your wits about you. I'm not bringin' more than one piece of each of you back to command."

2008-05-11, 09:36 PM
"Ahh... the boredom of the black. Anyone feel like playing a game of sorts? I picked up a few tactical games during my time with the Alliance if anyone is interested."

He leans back and starts chewing on a few more tasteless protein bars.

Ellas Aramond
2008-05-12, 12:09 AM
"Don't even start on complaining about work Keith." Axel says gruffly as he walks in, his mechanical leg making dull clunks on the floor of the ship. "You're not the one that has to deal with this engine day in an' out."

He limps over to the table, snatching up a protein bar with one hand while trying futilely to rub some grease off his bald head. "'Sides," He glares at their handyman, Someone keeps using my tools, and doesn't put 'em back."

2008-05-12, 08:04 AM

Keith looks exasparated. "Man, what is it with you guys today? Everyone's picking on me. Was yesterday's dinner that bad?"

2008-05-12, 09:51 AM
"Keith...it moved. And seein' as we haven't eaten anything that was alive on this boat in a long time, I'm still tryin' to figure out how you pulled that one.

Anyways. Axel, how many fuel rods are we runnin' on? If we need to make a full burn, are we gonna end up dead in the water? Quin, are you gonna be able to fly this boat in and out of an alliance blockade if it comes to that?

Elizabeth, I want you to make sure that the infirmary is fully prepped and ready to go the second we step foot back on this ship. If we've got wounded, I wan'em patched up as soon as you can. Got me?"

Ellas Aramond
2008-05-12, 10:45 AM
"Why do ya think I've been working on that engine for days?" Axel turns his annoyed glare to Bianca. "We've got enough for a full burn if we need it. But refueling will be a necessity for us if we do."

2008-05-12, 01:05 PM
Chuckles along at the remarks before giving Keith a pat on the shoulder.
Pulls a mock salute at Bianca and announces "Already done, Miss-Boss-Sir. Cleaned it all up this morning so there'll be no problems there... oh an' while your all listening I want you all to stop by the infirmary around two hours before we land, if were talking people on then you'll all need your shots."

2008-05-12, 01:26 PM

Fallon also takes a bit of Elisabeth's offered orange, smirking at the banter going on. For having been on a ship for as long as they have, and in the circumstances they have been, her clothes are in pretty decent shape. Out in the black there aren't exactly clothing shops, and a girl needs to be presentable.

"'ey, Cap, is there anything in particular I need to be prepared for when we set down? Or would you rather I keep our lovely doctor company? Not to complain or nothin', but I've been feeling a mite useless lately."

She settles into a chair, slouching down so her shins were pressed against the table. When Fallon was like this, when she was relaxed for a change, one would guess she was several years younger than her actual age.

2008-05-12, 03:38 PM

"I suppose no one can appreciate the subtle texture of my cuisine. I'll drive, as usual, so Quinny can stay with the boat." Keith leaned back, putting the tools aside. Truth be told, he never fit in with the serious crowd, he was always chasing a new fancy, a new drink, or a new skirt. That made him the odd one out.

2008-05-13, 12:56 AM
"So Captain, what are we doing down on the planet anyway? The usual pick up a cargo and run like crazy? Or something more clandestine this time?"

2008-05-13, 08:37 AM
"The point, Mr. Skystrider," said Trevor Quartermain as he entered the galley, "is to rescue some poor browncoats before they are killed." Quartermain poured himself a cup of coffee and took a seat. He's a tall man with a boxer's body and a face that must have been sculpted by some experts on Ariel.

"Back on Earth-that-war, in the great War of the Twentieth Century, an army of Scotsmen found themselves under attack by the French at a place called Dunkirk. The United Americans rescued them with ships. That's what we're doing." His voice is rich and precise, belonging in the courtrooms of Osiris, not out here on a Firefly heading into war.

"Siren's Joy, and the rest of our friends, are going to run the Alliance blockade of New Kashmir, pull out as many people as we can stuff in the hold, and head back into space." His clothes are, as always, immaculate, and his hair is perfect. On ship, he's a technical supernumerary, with no assigned tasks. Officially, he's your liasion with the leaders of the Rebellion and, perhaps more to the point, the man with access to significant amounts of browncoat cash.

2008-05-13, 12:17 PM

Quin makes some sort of face. "So we're runnin' a blockade with no weapons, low fuel, and no clue what the ground looks like 'til we get there. Business as usual, then?" She rolls her eyes and crams about three mouthfuls of protein into her one, intent on chewing for a spell.

Ellas Aramond
2008-05-14, 10:49 AM
"Yeah, business as usual, only this time we'll be loaded down with gorram soldiers." Axel sets down the protein bar and heads over to the cupboard. "Which will only add to our fuel troubles as we break atmo. I dunno, cap', I'm not feeling all too good about this."

"And how are we always out of gorram liquor on this boat!" he exclaims after looking through the containers.

2008-05-14, 01:29 PM
Fallon gnaws on a protein bar, grinning as she does so. Removing it from her mouth for a moment, she grins big,

"Yeah, but the soldiers make it more fun! Seriously, new people. You think I enjoy lookin' at all you're mugs all day?" The young woman winks at Axel before voicing her more important thoughts.

"My only concern is our lack of planning, not that that is anything new. Do we at least have a skeletal idea of where we'll be?"

2008-05-14, 02:05 PM
Quin makes another face (full of food).

"Feveval. 'Iphe wurb shoish, Phawom," accompanied by various bits of protein.

"Skeletal. Nice word choice, Fallon."

2008-05-14, 03:29 PM
"Soldiers...? Fun? What universe are we in? Who are you and what did you do with the real Fallon? I suppose our plan is just to fly in and grab some soldiers and go. I'll leave the flying bits to Quin. I'll just go and cut stuff up."

2008-05-14, 03:34 PM
"Yea, sure its going to be difficult having our day-to-day messed up but shouldn't we be welcoming them and not calling them troublemakers? I mean they are your comrade's in arms, an' all that-that entails."

2008-05-14, 03:43 PM
"Oh, come on Rusty. Siren'll be a practical party compared to what they're comin' out of. And you know most of 'em ain't even true soldiers. Even the toughened vets should have some interesting stories to share. You stick to you're cuttin' people up, I'll stick to the socializing."

Fallon grins like the Cheshire Cat. Everyone deals with stress in different ways, and this particular girl deals with it by getting way too positive.

2008-05-14, 06:45 PM

"I dunno, she might be onto something." Keith looks up from his lazy position. "And besides, we can't say that this situation isn't so bad. I mean, come on, gloom-and-doom. What's the worst that could happen?"

2008-05-14, 08:17 PM
"Those gorram soldiers have been fighting and dying for three months," Quatermain says with annoyance. "I'd suggest you show them some respect, Mr. Callahan." He pours something from a small flask into his coffee. "We have poor to no intelligence except some landing coordinates. We're one of the last ships in. Once we load a hundred or so soldiers, we'll be short on fuel, consumables, and air. So we'd better run fast, somewhere safe." He sips the coffee with a sour face. "If there is anywhere safe."

Ellas Aramond
2008-05-17, 06:27 PM
Axel rolls his eyes at Fallon's comment, not wanting to break the woman's good mood. He sees Quartermain's flask, but instead of complaing more, he lets a different comment slip.

"They knew what they were getting into when they got out there. So you'll excuse me if I find it hard to be sympathetic." He moves away from the cooking area and starts to head towards the bunks. "People die in war, thats the way it always has been. Ya want to stop the death? Then stop the gorram fighting.

2008-05-17, 06:34 PM

"Well, if you really think what we're fighting for ain't worth it, there's still plenty of time for you to bail. Out the airlock, anyway." Quin makes a bit of a 'hmph' sound. "Any drop-off spots in mind? If I know our course, I can get us away faster, and using as little fuel as possible."

2008-05-17, 10:17 PM
Bianca has been holding her tongue up until this point. After serving with her crew for a few months, she's learned it's best to let them have their say before she gives her piece. However, she gives Axel a quick smack in the back of the head and a stern look.

"'Lotta folk down there are just boys an' girls. Didn't know what they were signin' up for. Now, they got an armada comin' down on them. A lotta them probly think this cause is worth dyin' for, but I'd rather see the lot of 'em live to fight another day.

Quin, as for drop spots, I'm countin' on you and this nice gentleman here to find us a good spot. Quartermain, help our pilot get a good seat. I hate being in the back row."

2008-05-18, 06:07 PM
"You know... we could always try that funny stunt in that movie eh? Where the guy jumps out the cargo hatch onto a moving train? We wouldn't even have to bother with landing. Okay, just kidding, but I wonder... have we heard of anything about them recently? Are we even sure they're still down there?"

2008-05-19, 01:07 PM
Quatermain put down his empty cup, picks up some protein, and sniffs it suspiciously.

"Don't worry about our seat - we're the last ride out. We'll meet up with Lucky Gal and Steerage just outside of Alliance sensor range, and then head in. Some of our ships have promised a diversion. We know there are still friendlies on the ground and we know they're in trouble, if the increasing whimpering over our channels is any indication. Once we meet up with the others will have a final landing point."

He lets the protein slurp back down onto the plate. "Is this crate ready for it? Engines going to give us full-burn when we need it?"

2008-05-23, 02:53 PM
Far Orbit - New Kashmir

The lump of rock has no real name. A collection of iron and carbon, once mined, now a pitted little mass in a far orbit around New Kashmir. Just heavy enough to keep you off Alliance sensors. The comm bands are alight with traffic, the high-pitched whine of encrypted Alliance chatter, the low grumble of the cyphered Browncoat comms, and the distant ghostly voices of the troops on the ground. "Fall back, we cannot hold the line . . . you have to hold it there, I don't care if you . . . ."

From the cockpit, you can see Lucky Gal, another Firefly-class under Captain Jake Robard, and Steerage, an ore-hauler commanded by Captain Hwang Lu. Both vessels are hugging the asteroid closely, waiting for the promised diversion.

Down in the engine room, everything seems to be running at 100%. For now.

2008-05-23, 09:55 PM

In the cockpit, Quin is smoothly keeping the Joy's speed and alignment perfect to stay behind the mining lump. Too far off the center, and a stray scanner could ruin this thing before it begins. She seems pretty tense, but it's not from the difficulty of the task at hand, which is quite minimal. It's more the one coming up.

"Come on, come on, where's our distraction? Every second we wait is another one of ours stuck kissin' the dirt forever."

2008-05-26, 05:48 PM
The radio crackles to life. Bursts of loud static, then a booming voice: "This is cruiser Bremerton to unidentified vessel approach on azimuth zero three zero. Identify yourself immediately, you are in a quarantine area." A long pause. Then a new voice. "Go to hell, thug!"

"That's it," Quatermain says. "Roll us out, and you'd better give us every bit of power you've got. The landing coordinates are in the computer."

2008-05-26, 07:26 PM

Quin exhales, and flips three overhead switches. She moves a lever forward, and the ship hums to life instantly. The glowing bulb in the rear flares, and the Siren's Joy takes off.

Without the benefit of the satellite, the comm roars to life with chatter. Independent ships beginning their run, and unsecured Alliance channels going back and forth. But Quin doesn't hear them. All she knows is the ship. She finds a gap in the brigade and makes her run. The ship's going as hard as it can without full burn. Time to punch through.

2008-05-27, 02:15 PM
When she feels a sharp bank, Elizabeth quickly remembers the box of needles she left of the side in the infirmary, from the shots she gave to the crew earlier.
She darts from her seat in the Galley and tumbles down the stairs towards the infirmary.

2008-05-27, 08:33 PM

The Siren's Joy closes on the open space in the defenses. Open being a relative term, of course. Alliance and their big fleet, have more'n enough ships to spare to make sure every spot's covered. This one doesn't even have a cruiser in range, though. Just some gunships. Probably piloted by "crack" Alliance hotheads.


Quin doesn't even need to make a glance to notice that a couple of them turn on her. The Joy's definitely an Independent vessel, and the warning stage has gone by. Warnings flare off, they're getting a heat lock. Best way to track a ship for missiles. Nothing much that's hot out in the black, so they won't get confused. Evading them should require downright impossible luck or more skills than any computer could hope to imitate. Quin already knows she's got the latter.

She flips a set of switches, and the proximity alarm politely shuts itself up. She'll need the silence. The Joy veers hard directly at one of the gunships. The lock's getting solid. Once it's full, nothin'll stop them from firing missiles. Their loss. Quin pulls off from her fake game of chicken to the side of one of the gunship she was toying with. She timed the lock just right. Bright flares in the corners of her eyes mean that both the gunships she saw had just fired. She streaks past unafraid, and the missiles don't pursue. Unfortunately, they fired at exactly the moment they were facing each other, and seekers tend to have trouble differentiating one heat source from another. Both the gunships go aflame from their ally's warheads. No way they'll establish a new lock before Quin gets away. Time to hit atmo and rescue some soldiers.

2008-05-27, 08:44 PM
"Nice flyin' there Quin. Lets just hope the LZ isn't as hot as our reception up here was. My saying that probably just jinxed it too..." He then trips and falls over as a piece of debris detonated relatively close to the ship. "Hey... are you sure we're safe in this thing?"

Ellas Aramond
2008-05-27, 11:36 PM
"He wants more power? I'll give him more pow...gorram hell!" Axel begins to growl at Quartermain's order before one of Quinn's maneuvers knocks him onto his side.

"What's that stupid kid doing?" he grumbles as he gets to his feet, moving over to the spinning engine and doing his best to coax a tiny bit more speed from it. "She's gonna get us killed."

2008-05-28, 12:34 AM

"You're still alive, aren't you? Save your whine for when we're in some real f'n zse. Let's touch down and pray we can find another relative clear spot when we come on out."

Quin slowly adjusts her feel for atmo. She flips on the comm.

"Okay, kids, we're gonna be hittin' us some world soon, so hang on. Anyone feelin' likely to lose their lunch, get yourself a bucket."

2008-05-28, 12:48 AM

Sitting in the corner of the dining room, eyes closed, hands securely grabbing whatever they could find, Keith is crosslegged and chanting slowly. When the ship turns, Keith attempts to turn his body so he doesn't bang his head into anything.

"Exaltabo te Deus meus rex et benedicam nomini tuo in saeculum et in saeculum saeculi per singulos dies benedicam tibi et laudabo nomen tuum in saeculum et in saeculum saeculi."

Keith wasn't very religious, and all who knew him knew that he liked the Latin translations because they sounded mysterious.

2008-05-28, 02:48 PM

Fal has curled herself in a corner of her bunk, making herself as small as possible, and surrounded herself with pillows. Her walls are fairly sparse, no family photos or anything, and only a few souvenirs from her time in the Black. The less she has, the more she likes. But the pillows are her one vice. Not only are they comfy, but they come in mighty useful for rides like this one. She's also trying to read a battered book she picked up somewhere along her travels, but all the jolts aren't helping and her concentration is already ruined because of the upcoming task, even though she isn't directly involved.

2008-05-29, 05:33 AM
Spinning like a twig in the rapids, Joy drops toward atmo. Behind, Lucky Gal flies between two spires of the Alliance cruiser, hugging the metal surface of the massive ship. Steerage just bulls through, shrugging off missile hits on its heavy sides.

The engine is whining loudly, throwing off heat and sparks, but giving that extra edge that just might . . . .


Joy lurches forward as a missile detonates in her wake. She goes into a wild spin just at atmo interface, the window showing planet . . . space . . . planet . . . space in quick succession. Internal gravity struggles to compensate for the sudden spin.

Down in the medbay, supplies go spilling out over Elizabeth. Protein packs rush across the floor, and then the ceiling, of the dining room. Lights flare up in the engine room along with a dozen small alarms, and in Fallon's quarters, she's suddenly very glad for all the pillows as she bounces around.

2008-05-30, 12:59 PM
During the landing, Bianca goes to her bunk and begins to load up her weapons, taking with her several extra clips of ammunition. She grabs a small pendant off of her nightstand, and drapes it around her neck, giving it a quick kiss for luck. She heads back up to the bridge when she's finished, and surveys the situation.

"Alright everyone...remember, try not to occupy the same space of the enemies' bullets."

2008-05-30, 07:58 PM

Suiting up, Keith grabs everything he's going to need for the classic rescue. "Sounds like a plan, cap." When no one's looking, Keith grabs his lucky dice and gives them a quick toss.


EDIT: "Huh...10 the soft way? What the heck does that mean?"

2008-05-31, 03:23 PM
The deck rocks yet again. You hear a clatter as Rusty falls flat on his face a second time. You then here some muffled cursing.

"Here we go again..."

2008-06-01, 07:37 PM
Dropping into the atmosphere like a burning stone, Siren's Joy levels out. Down in the engine room, there's a high pitched whine coming from a feedback line.

Up on the bridge, there's music suddenly over the comms. An old frontier song, coming high and clear. Easy to home in on. As you break the high clouds, heading toward the battle, you can see it easily in the night. A small peninsula sticking out into the ocean, alight with fire and flashes. A pair of red rockets launch skyward, marking the landing zone. Lucky Gal, skewing slightly left, and Steerage are on your wings.

2008-06-01, 09:17 PM

Quin breathes a sigh of relief. Clear for a bit.

"Okay, I gotta keep the ship ready for takeoff. You guys don't die out there, 'kay?"

2008-06-03, 01:25 PM
Siren's Joy touches down softly on New Kashmir. Those in the cockpit can see browncoated rebels falling back toward the ships, firing as they go, while just beyond, in the dust clouds raised by the fighting, large shapes are moving purposefully forward, fire belching from their muzzles.

[OOC: OK, everyone should post where they are and what they're doing before things get hot.]

2008-06-03, 03:15 PM
Seeing the ground below, Rusty dashes to the cargo hold, preparing to hit sky... or rather... ground. Once in the cargo hold, he makes some last minute checks on his pistol, sniper rifle and Gilgamesh Shotgun. He then grabs his sword and prepares to drop into a live-fire combat zone.

2008-06-03, 10:35 PM

Keith, ready with his assault rifle, joins Rusty in getting ready to go to the CZ. He starts humming an old Earth-That-Was battle hymn.

2008-06-05, 07:37 AM
Takes a quick moment to clear what she can in the infirmary before taking a roost spot on the gang plank above the door. Her plan is to keep out of sight of the various hard things that will be flying in from out there and direct the passengers as they enter.

2008-06-05, 05:06 PM

Quin busily administrates the landing, and preps the cargo door to open from the cockpit.

"Soon as we hit the ground, that door's going open. Get ready."

Ellas Aramond
2008-06-05, 10:53 PM
Axel remains in the engine room, making a last few tweaks to the machinery.

"Engine's hot and running." he says over the intercom, patting his hip to make sure his derringer is still there. "Just say the word before we shove off."

2008-06-06, 07:36 PM
"Captain?," Quartermain asks quietly. "You have any orders here?"

2008-06-06, 10:20 PM
Fal remains in her bunk, putzing around getting her pillows back in order now that they have landed. Seeing as she isn't having to fight to keep her balance anymore, she settles down to read that book she wasn't able to pay attention to during the descent.

Knowing what is going on out there, Fallon still keeps her pistol ready on her lap. Just a precaution in this heated combat zone.

2008-06-15, 06:39 PM
The Captain rushes over to the back door and slams down the button to lower the ramp. The sound of battle, explosions, screams, and the dull roar of tanks fills the cargo hold. "Let's go and secure . . . ." she shouts, and 10 nanometers of coherent light punches into her frontal lobe. The Captain falls back on the deck, steam escaping from the hole punched in her skull, and all hell breaks loose.

2008-06-15, 07:12 PM
Rusty immediately takes action, crying out, "Everyone take cover! Keith, shoot at anything that moves and you're sure isn't one of ours. Got it? Somebody get me the gorram doctor!"

He then surveys the situation, attempting to locate enemy soldiers as well as get the scope of the outside world. If he determines that it's safe enough to cross the hold, he will dash out to retrieve the Captain's body and attempt to perform First Aid if she's still alive.

Perception Roll: [roll0] to do some scouting.
Medical Expertise Roll: [roll1] to try and stabilize the captain.

If the captain is dead or has suffered a fatal/debilitating injury, then I will go for my guns.

2008-06-15, 07:31 PM

"Cap!" Keith exclaims, taking cover the second the shot hit. Once Rusty moves out, Keith leans out and lets loose a barrage of suppressive fire, trying to keep the enemy pinned down so that Rusty can reach the captain.

2008-06-15, 10:03 PM
Forgot the roll

Agility: [roll0]
Guns: [roll1]

2008-06-16, 02:49 PM
A scream comes from the gangplank above the door and Elisabeth ducks down dodging imaginary bullets.

She hears Rusty calling out for assistance and this inspires her to stand up again and look over, with wide eye's she calls back "I... I'm up here."

2008-06-19, 07:15 PM
The Captain's alive, but barely so, or at least Rusty thinks so. There's almost no blood; lasers cauterize, leaving only steam and the smoking ruin of memories.

Keith starts laying down some suppressive fire out the back, shooting high, over the heads of the ragged soldiers backstepping toward the ship. "Move it, men, move it," someone's shouting over the battlefield din. "First company on the left Firefly, second on that ore hauler, third to the right Firefly!" The right Firefly - Siren's Joy.

Elisabeth can see rebel soldiers break out of the smoke, running full tilt toward the ships. Some of them seem to trip and fall, never to rise again, as the Alliance tanks roll on, dinosaur nightmares.

2008-06-21, 01:03 AM

"Come on, double-time it!" Keith shouts out ineffectively over the din of his assault rifle. Once he ran out of rounds, the enemy would have a few seconds to shoot down stragglers. It's at times like this that he wished he had a third arm to hold a pistol while reloading.

2008-06-23, 08:29 AM
Those with guns begin to lay down suppressing fire as the first soldiers stumble into the cargo bay. Two carrying a third, who missing a leg. A blind man being led by a bleeding man. Others take up positions at the edge of the main door, adding to the fire.

[OOC: If you're at the door, please make a perception check.]

2008-06-29, 11:41 AM
Keith shouting makes her shake off and think again about her options 'If the captain is dead then were all going to be blowing in the winds'. She starts making her way down the catwalk and horribly aware she's puttting herself in the line of fire, she ducks down to get what little benifit of cover there is around.

2008-07-01, 02:39 PM
More people are flooding on to the ship as Elisabeth makes her way down toward the Captain. From the open bay door you can see Lucky Gal, also boarding survivors. Suddenly, a stream of smoke flies from the mist into her open cargo bay. Flames leap out of the bay and the bridge windows of Lucky Gal shatter. Bodies fly.

Another streak of smoke darts out, right toward Siren's Joy.

2008-07-01, 07:46 PM

Rusty grabs everything he has and dives off to the side behind a crate. He desperately hoped it wasn't a seeker. He hated seekers. He'd seen his fair share of seekers during basic training.

Is it possible for me to destroy the oncoming projectile with my Gilgamesh Shotgun?

2008-07-01, 09:20 PM
Wouldn't be Serenity if you couldn't try.

Soldiers dive for the deck as a second missile slams into Lucky Gal, turning her into a fireball.

2008-07-02, 06:50 PM
Elisabeth screams again and throws herself down making the catwalk clatter.

good luck and good shooting, i really cant place what liz can do to help you... *bites his knuckes*

2008-07-02, 07:20 PM
Grabbing his improved shotgun, Rusty quickly chambers shotgun slugs. Rolling to the far side of the cargo bay, he pops up and takes careful aim, making sure to track the trajectory of the oncoming missile. "This better work..." he thought to himself, and then squeezed the trigger.

"Gorram Shotguns!" He missed.

[roll0] to hit the missile.
[roll1] for damage.

This better work... if I miss, I'm switching to my sniper rifle or possibly pistol. Hopefully the slug will detonate the missile. Erm. Guess not.

2008-07-02, 08:00 PM
The missile continues to spiral in . . . .

Don't forget your plot points . . . .

2008-07-02, 08:47 PM

"This better work..." Keith states to himself. He unleashes a burst of assault rifle fire at the warhead, hoping for a premature detonation.

Agility: [roll0]
Guns: [roll1]
3 plot points: [roll2]