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View Full Version : Help on Creating Legacy Weapons...plz

2008-05-10, 10:40 PM
Hello ladies and gentleman. i have one question for you and i hope you can lend me a hand.

Ive been working on and ebberon campaign. and in it i have taken the liberty of creating a lot of custom items and other such things. "Dragonmarks and all that kind of stuff. but my party is at the point were we have decent gear, but not very cool weapons. now as A DM i feel that it is my duty to allow the PC's to create there own unique weapon. but sometimes that just wont do. which is when i stumbled upon WoL book. i loved the idea. but i want to make something that also ties into their dragonmarks. they each have a dragonmark that uses elemental powers instead of the usual. Ill post the party to elaborate.

Andrew Synada- lvl 6 Human Rurouni (ToB custom class) - Dragonmark of Fire
Errol "Numbers" d'Jorasco- lvl 6 Halfling Rogue - Dragonmark of Air
Voal Stonecleaver- lvl 6 Dwarf Cleric - Dragonmark of Earth
Laucian d'Pharlian- lvl 6 Elf Sorcerer - Dragonmark of Water

I want to give them something that they can customize to there liking while still sticking to there core element. any suggestions

2008-05-10, 10:51 PM
If it will help the weapons they wield are below

Andrew- Katana,Wakizashi
Numbers- two Daggers
Voal- Dwarven Waraxe
Laucian- Rapier

2008-05-12, 09:17 AM
Ohh, for the air make a pair of crystal daggers that are chaining, returning daggers. X amount of targets per throw per character level (legacy weapons advance with the wielder correct?) that return to the thrower. I'll see if I can come up with some others. Is this a fairly high powered campaign?

EDIT: The waraxe can cause a shockwave (like the similar Wu Jen spell) once every X diex rounds dealing X damage per character level. Standard action

The samari weapons could be the same idea, as a standard action the two weapons are brandished together shooting forth a cylinder of flame, incinerating the enemies. The cylinder can become larger and deal more damage per character level or every other. Your choice your the DM.

This water one presents a challenge...

2008-05-12, 01:57 PM
"Flowing Water"- depends more on repeated strikes than high damage, so you could say it does less damage than a normal rapier, but if you hit a target in a later round it does a bit more, then more, then some status effects... Call the ability "Wear Away the Granite"

2008-05-12, 09:34 PM
"Flowing Water"- depends more on repeated strikes than high damage, so you could say it does less damage than a normal rapier, but if you hit a target in a later round it does a bit more, then more, then some status effects... Call the ability "Wear Away the Granite"

Its a sorc that would be wielding it. At 1/2 BAB consistantly landing blows can become a bit of an issue. Especially since whe he is using the rapier chances are he running low on spells.

2008-05-12, 10:59 PM
The Sorcerer's Rapier Could have a starting ability like "The wielder may expend a spell slot to gain a base atk bonus equal to the wielder's caster level for a # of rounds equal to the level of spell expended. If the spell has the water or cold descriptor, it lasts for a # of rounds equal to twice the level of spell expended."

or something like that.

2008-05-13, 10:40 AM
DrizztFan24- the party is high powered. i like the ideas so far

Chokuto- i love this idea...i think ill use cause that would give the sorcerer if anything a momentary ability that could aid him greatly. though i think ill change it to depending upon the spell lvl you sacrifice thats how many rounds it lasts.