View Full Version : Crime and Courage (Star Wars Saga)

2008-05-11, 12:08 PM
A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away...

First came the Mandalorian wars, A brutal enemy from outside the control of the republic began hammering outer systems, overwhelming the defenders in their push to the core. there are no doubts in the minds of many that if some of the Jedi had not rebelled against their masters and joined the fight that they would be slaves to Mandalore the Indomitable.

Then Sith war rocked the Galaxy to it's core, millions dead, atrocities committed every day by soldiers and commanders on both sides. Yet nothing compared to the complete obliteration of Taris. If it had not been for the intervention of the Jedi and their allies at the battle of the Star Forge, the combined might of the Galaxy would have been obliterated. Here the entire Galaxy realised how much they truly depended upon the Jedi

As the guns of both sides fell silent the purge came, Jedi around the galaxy were bieng hunted. within five years after the Sith wars end the Jedi Order has been reduced to a handful of Jedi scattered across the whole of known space. Out of this bleak time, an Exile of the Jedi order stepped out of the unknown and rallied men and women together to face the evil responsible. and on Malachor V he battled against his own mentor, carrying the future of every man, woman, and child upon his lightsaber.

His battle ended twenty years ago. The Jedi have begun to slowly repopulate the Galaxy. Yet even as they are returning, they are remaining hidden. The scars left on hundreds of planets because of their presence are fresh in their minds.

As time goes on the memories of battles won and lost are forgotten. History books record not what happened, but what the government wanted to happen. However as always seems to happen, a new threat has cropped up. organized crime is on the rise, and on the moon of Nar Shaddaa it has grown very powerful indeed.

The streets are quiet, the very noise of the city seems dulled by something in the air. shop windows now display several small stickers, with various logos adorning them. speeder traffic whizzes by, a band of street performers plays a mourning song, an old ballad that sings of the wars and the heroics they brought out in people. Pedestrians walk by with their heads down and their coats pulled up hiding their faces, going about their business and no one is going to stop them. Such is the beat of the new Smugglers moon.

Yet as always there are a few individuals who go against that beat...

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-11, 12:35 PM


Aaaah, just great. That was the last guy on the list. There goes this week's paycheck. What's happening to people now? It's as if no one needed blasters anymore. We're on the smuggler's Moon, for crying out loud! So "says" a young man, as he kicks a wall in frustration. Shrugging, he heads for his preferred tavern. It's not as if this hasn't happened before, and you get accustomed to hardships after going through them a few times.

Entering the Raging Rancor, the young fellow orders a double Corellian Ale. Sitting at one of the tables farthest away from the entrance, he takes out his credit chip and datapad, and starts up a haunting tune, albeit in a very low tune, as he sips his drink, and reviews his account. As the music slowly fills his mind, he starts reflecting.

So, Aiken, what are you gonna do now? You're low on cash, you still have half your bills to pay, and you're going to have to lick many boots and do it well to keep the job.

Who the hell am I kidding? I'm screwed. I better start looking for a new job, lest I cannot pay the rent and get kicked out of the Drunt maison. Overwhelmed by the impending financial disaster, Aiken sits back, and closes his eyes, letting the music do the talking for him:

"As they tick away, the moments that make up a dull day,
you fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around, in a piece of ground in your hometown,
You wait for something or someone to show you the way..."

2008-05-11, 01:49 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Karef Ar'gont was feeling well today. How couldn't he after getting paid? Walking among the street crowd, the Bothan's face was stoic, veiling his appeased mood.

That oaf of a wookie...

He had just returned from his visit to one of the Hutt crime lords, having successfully tracked down and located an evasive debtor. The target, a local wookie thug had worked up quite the debt it seems. Perhaps he was counting on his savage strength and intimidating appearance to keep the enforcers at bay. But you don't cross a Hutt, certainly not over issues regarding money. The Hutt rewarded Karef generously -for a Hutt- for the wookie's location. The Bothan freelancer was set to live on for another short while.

Now what?

No messages on his comlink. He didn't have any pressing matters for the time being. He could go to the docks and gaze at some of the starships he longed to own. Nah... I'm not getting myself depressed again so fast. Maybe just a drink at some local cantina. Might get lucky and find another drunk with loose secrets anyway.

Turning a corner, he headed towards the first moderately crowded looking drinking hole. "Raging Rancor". Sounds pleasant...

2008-05-11, 01:51 PM

Standing peacefully at the spaceport, a calm and distinguished man stands in patience and eagerness, yet seeming a little bothered.

"*Sigh* This doesn't seem right... You'd think a contact from the Academy's officials would be much more punctual and professional."

3 hours it has been. Standing outside where his shuttle dropped him off...Yet he remains loyally standing where he was instructed, yet can't help but ponder to himself.

"I wonder what this guy, Mr. Hutt, is like...it seems like an odd name for someone with affiliation to Onderon's high society.....then again they said Mr. Hutt was a Hutt, so he might have gotten caught up in a last minute meeting or is having trouble making his way out here. *Gasp* maybe he got mugged by some brigand from the slums....nah the academy said that nobility is law...no one would do something like that...still, something is irksome. Perhaps I can learn something from the nearby cantina, someone must know who he is!"

Staring at a cantina marked "The Raging Rancor" he feels this might help him find some answers.

Hmm, what if he goes to the spaceport? Oh! of course, I'll use the comlink the council gave me to contact him! Silly me!....Must be special....it feels rather lighter than the one I have, Ha! technology these days...

The young man gently walks to the cantina with elegance and grace and he approaches the bar of the cantina.

Pardon me good sir, I kindly request the purchase of one Looman Ale when you get the chance...

2008-05-11, 03:24 PM
Ryan Darkmatter

Exiting what passes for a transport ship these days, Ryan steps lightly, a rifle case over his shoulder and his other belongings in a dark blue duffle bag. His shoulder length black hair is a nice compliment to his plain black shirt and camouflage cargo pants.

"Nar Shadda? Who's idea was it to take a hunting trip with a layover here?" He looks up the loading ramp to the ship calling out, "How long is it going to take you to get repairs and run that errand you were mentioning?" He pauses, listening intently then sighs "Fine. You know my comm frequency. I'm going to go get a bite to eat." Tucking his bag onto his empty shoulder and lowering his sunglasses, he walks to the nearest cantina, a hive of scum and villainy known simply as the Raging Rancor. Ryan steps up to the bar, setting down his bags and ordering a drink and small bite to eat.

"I shouldn't have left Dxun..." he says gazing around the patrons of the dark bar. "I have a bad feeling about this."

2008-05-11, 04:41 PM

What a joy, Nar Shadda. He always seemed to end up here, the center of the universe. You think Coruscant or whatever is? You'd be wrong. He'd never even been to Cor-whatever.

No, it was this place. This wretched hive of scum and villainy, as he'd heard someone say before. He got a lot of stares as he waked from the transport place to the sheet. But he was Wookiee, and he was proud of that fact. Wookiees always got a lot of stares. No one ever wanted to talk to a Wookiee though.

He re-adjusted his bag and Bowcaster and decided to stop off for a little drink. A vice few Wookiees entertained, but he was different. The Raging Rancor seemed like a good enough joint, so he took a step inside and ordered before he sat down.

"A couple of drinks of.." He scanned the menu, which sucked, "Corellian Ale." He finished. If this much got him slightly.. damnmit, this guy wasn't taking his order. In fact he looked absolutely terrified. He sighed and put his fist on the table and ordered again, louder. Maybe he had been on Kashyyyk too long. Because no one likes a loud angry Wookiee in a bar.

2008-05-11, 06:32 PM
CNE-41 (Connie)

The contact, she observed, was now precisely one standard hour late. It didn't speak well for her hopes of receiving more supplies. The last delivery had not arrived at all; and now, her arrangement to speak with the freighter captain or one of his crewmen was apparently going to go unanswered as well. There were two obvious reasons why that might be the case: one, that the semilegal independent shipper Taron's Folly had been prevented from arriving by the application of violence, or the threat thereof. That might have been simple piracy, or it could have been actively directed at her efforts. Two, the supplies had been diverted by the application of large sums of money, which would certainly have been directed against her. Of course, there were other possibilities, such as the captain being arrested for something unrelated, or deciding to abandon the job for a better one.

Connie believed in coincidence, but that didn't mean she would ignore what might be a threat. Nor did it change the fact that she was running low on medical supplies, and would somehow need to arrange to get more—or possibly lie low for a while.

The drink in front of the droid—which hoverered beside one of the tables along the wall—was a formality, of course; bartenders didn't like patrons who never bought anything. The screen that normally displayed her representation had gone blank, although it would flick back on in an instant if she were addressed. A droid in a bar attracted enough attention without constantly depicting the image of a human.

She'd give them another half-hour, she decided. Then she'd begin looking into finding a replacement shipment, and maybe try to find out why they hadn't arrived.

2008-05-11, 07:51 PM
Raphael Spinola (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53073)

The air had a strange stench to it, Ensign Spinola has been on the moon for a weeks already but he had yet to get used to the smell. He was the latest addition to a Republic Naval Intelligence officer to be assigned to the moon to keep on the lookout for threats to the Republic, be they renegade soldiers, pirates, or perhaps even a reemerging Sith threat.

His bright blue naval uniform stood out from the general drab of the crowd. He told himself every trip out that he should replace the noticeable uniform with more appropiate clothing but he was proud of his service to the Republic...and maybe, just maybe they would take him for a corrupt officer so he could get the leads he was searching for.

They told him during training that cantinas were often the contact points for undesirable elements, and this one..."the raging rancor" seemed like any a good place to start. Entering the cantina he removes his service cap and looks around the dark room.

Approaching the bar, Raphael futilely tries to get the attention of the busy bartender but his polite motioning seems to go unnoticed.

2008-05-11, 08:26 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

As he stepped through the doors, Karef instantly heard the easily recognizable howls and grunts, and glanced around him. Shyriiwook. Wookiee's? Here? He didn't need a sharp set of eyes to spot a furious tower of fur and claws. Well. Not dealing with that, thats for sure. Taking note of the agitated-looking patron, Karef proceeded towards a spot of the bar farther away. His ingrained habit of maintaining his stoic composure in public had spared him from staring at the Wookie. However, as he walked past the hovering droid, Karef had to will himself to not pause and stare. Droid...patrons?

Finally arriving to the bar, Karef sat on a vacant stool and signaled to the barkeep. "You serve any Bothan drinks? I prefer brandy, but anything will do right now." Paying the barkeep, he sips at his drink, savoring the soft burning sensation. Drunk Wookies, drinking droids...And here I thought I had Nar Shaddaa figured out... Glancing around the cantina a second time, Karef noticed the officer in full uniform, and smiled for a short instant. A Republic officer. Looks a little fresh on the job. He could still know a thing or two though... Swallowing his drink, he takes a second sip. Better hold off till he's had a drink or two...

2008-05-11, 09:01 PM
"Sir, Sir. Over here." Finally getting the bartender's attention he orders himself an ale and tentatively taking a sip before looking around the cantina.

The Hutt's moon was an extremely cosmopolitan world filled with dozens of alien species all stuffed together in a confined space. His homeworld of Coruscant was largely multi-special but the general population was mostly human and atleast on the upper levels very civil and regal. Here, it was completely different, the dreges of society.

2008-05-11, 09:09 PM
Sir... if I could just-- as he continued to get the bartender's attention for the fourth time. He couldn't get why.

Please just a Loo....man....Ale....right... as the barkeep's ignorance proceeded.

*sigh* must be busy...oh well...maybe heading out would be a good idea...though my feet still hurt a little...and I'm still thirsty

Confident in his last chance he called out once more
Good sir, a Looman Ale please....!

Still ignored, he couldn't contemplate how his mannerisms were failing him in the Raging Rancor...

2008-05-11, 09:11 PM
Ryan Darkmatter

Ryan smirks at the stuffed shirt trying to slum it with the low lifes. He whistles sharply, raising his hand in the air.

"Hey! This man wants a Looman Ale. I got 5 credits that says he can't hold it down." Turning to the man, Ryan winks once and then takes another bite of his dinner.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-11, 09:31 PM

Gazing at the wookie's vain attempts at communicating with a man who obviously didn't speak Shyriiwook, Aiken chuckles, cheered up by the realization that no matter how bad your situation is, there's always someone who's in a worse situation.

Probably a tourist who's slipped out of his reach and seems almost out of his mind. It's incredible that some Wookie's and Gamorreans still lack a Vox-Box.

2008-05-11, 09:50 PM
His final attempt failed and gazing at an angered wookie nearby he felt inspired to secede.

*sigh* oh well, perhaps I will find more luck elsewhere, but not now... he muttered to himself back to the port...I hope Mr. Hutt isn't there kept waiting

He stands up from his chair and proceeds to walk away with the same distinguished movement as he entered...not looking forward to possibly waiting even longer than before, but still willing to do as he was asked.

2008-05-11, 10:30 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Karef was beginning to feel irritated. The officer wasn't succeeding in getting any drinks. Too polite, officer. Too polite. Put some command in that voice... This isn't some high class joint in Coruscant. At least the officer wasn't alone in his endeavours. Another person, clearly also of nobility origins, had inadvertantly joined him in begging for the barkeep's attention. It was amusing at first. But now it was just getting painful to watch.

Noticing the noble leave, apperantly given up, he glances at the officer. Still trying are you? Maybe... Standing up, he shouts as he walks over to the leaving man. "You there! Hold up a minute!"

2008-05-11, 10:45 PM

The Wookiee tried to enunciate his words properly to order a drink, then figured out that this barkeep didn't seem to speak his language at all. Sure, the loud roars, the subtle nuances in his language could be difficult- but barkeeps were supposed to know these things. He did, however, manage to have a glass of ale sat in front of him. Not the kind he ordered, however, and probably just to shut him up. He sighed and sat at the bar, figuring it was better then nothing.

He hadn't been on Nar Shadda in a while, but it hadn't really been that long, had it? Well, last time he was hear he didn't talk to most people except his masters, some fellow slaves, and that other Wookiee, but he knew most people couldn't understand him. This was going to be a problem, he surmised, while trying to lift the glass with a large clawed hand and take a swig. No wonder most Wookiees didn't drink, this glass was obviously made for a much smaller person. Sometimes you couldn't even catch a break in the small things. But he did allow himself a look around the room, suppressing a chuckle at the obviously up-scale guy trying to order a drink. Looks like he wasn't the only one having problems.

2008-05-12, 12:07 AM
Blake Sven

A young man walks down the ramp of a recently docked passenger shuttle. He's dressed in sturdy boots, rugged trousers and a long coat that flows out behind him, stirred in the wind created by his swift stride, it does nothing to obscure the jumpsuit and expensive looking blaster holstered at his hip. Casually slung over one shoulder is a blaster carbine, again, new and polished, this one cost a pretty penny. He pauses a little way from the foot of the ramp, far enough not to obstruct anyone still disembarking and looks around.

So this is Nar Shadda, a place to begin my new career. There's bound to be bounties aplenty here, but where to start? The Blue Gamorean cantina always had rumors and talk, I'll probably be able to pick up some gossip at a cantina here. He thinks to himself.

He picks up his stride again, following the general filtering of folks leaving the space port into the streets. Looking around, keeping a careful lookout on his surroundings and those beings that share the street with him, he keeps watch for a likely establishment. There's one, "The Ranging Rancor", it has a nice ring to it. The young man ducks in through the door.

He pauses to let his eyes adjust to the interior darkness. Looking around he sees a typical bar, patrons trying to be noticed by the slovenly bartender, whispered conversations, a ratchety band playing and a number of girls plying their 'dancing' trade. Perfect he thinks. He saunters to the bar and immediately manages to snag the bartender's notice with sheer force of his personality. "Corellian brandy. And in a clean glass." he says, flipping a small denomination cred chip onto the bar, plenty to cover the expensive drink and a handsome tip. Receiving his drink with a nod, he flips his coat away from his blaster and leans the other elbow onto the bar, looking around for a likely source of information.

2008-05-12, 08:54 AM
A Sudden shout of "Hey Kid, Your not supposed to be back here" draws everyones attention. a moment later a young man, his eyes filled with fear, bursts out of the kitchen. quickly he turned and threw the heavy kitchen door back closed, drawing a grunt from an unseen person. The kid rushed ahead into the main floor of the Cantina. His body was thrown back and forth as he stumbled his way through the crowd of tables and patrons.

Three seconds on his tail two human men, dressed in matching black sportcoats, came through the door. in stark contrast to the kid their eyes were completly calm. their actions were measured as they reached into their coats and drew out black blaster pistols. the whine of the pistols filled the room as they fired at the young kid.

the kid's bright red hair whipped around as he pointed a blaster at the two of them. his pistol spat out angry red beams at the two men, passing between them and thudding into the wall.

The kid however wasn't as lucky. three steps from the door a bolt slammed into his left shoulder, throwing him into the ground. the two men in black coodly put their pistols back in their coats and began to walk across the room. the few patrons who haden't taken cover moved quickly out of their way.

Did you really think you'd get away this time Onjo?

2008-05-12, 08:55 AM
Fairly dead to the world, he proceeds to walk out until he matches a voice that grew louder and louder appear right in front of him, matching with a Bothan before him...

Oh!!! Pardon me good sir, I didn't see you there for a moment. I apologize. *clears throat* I am Vandrel Swift of Onderon, what do you require Mr.....

2008-05-12, 09:03 AM
Ryan Darkmatter

"Holy Hell!" Ryan exclaimes as blasters begin firing in the cantina. He quickly drops to the floor, putting his back to the bar. Oh great, just what I needed...

2008-05-12, 09:09 AM
Raphael Spinola

His drink now spilled and his body on the floor from the shock of the whole situation, the ensign pulls himself back to his feet, picking up his cap from the dirty floor and shaking it clean.

There seems to be a situation going on here, people can't just go around blasting one another that was against Republic law and he was supposed to uphold that law. Placing his cap on his head, his hand dropping down to grip his blaster he approaches the gunmen and the injured kid.

"Excuse me gentlemen." He says with all the authority he can muster "What seems to be the problem here?"

2008-05-12, 09:15 AM
None of your business. one of the men said in a gruff voiceas he looked up at Raphael. his partner grabbed the kid and hoisted him up onto his shoulder.

No one asked you to be here Republic scum. this moon can handle itself without you. the other said, his voice showing strain from carrying the body.

2008-05-12, 09:44 AM
Raphael Spinola

Raphael directs his attention towards the first man who seems to be greater threat and unencumbered by the body. "Nar Shadda falls under the jurisdiction of the Republic and you are in violation of Republic law!"

Removing his blaster slowly from its holster, he holds it low and keeps it pointed towards the ground but ready to be pulled up should it be needed. "With the power given to me by the Galatic Senate and the Supreme Chancellor I order you to explain yourselves."

2008-05-12, 10:35 AM
I aught to make a smear of you now. the first man said, aint like the police'll do anything 'bout it. he reached into his coat and began to pull his blaster out.

Don't Aves. the second man said, placeing his hand on his partners chest. Boss won't want any more of a scene than we already have. mabie a small sum can clear this up... what do you say... Ensign isn't it?

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-12, 11:01 AM

For Aiken, time seemed to freeze as the boy was shot. He knows that the Hutts have power, but attempting something THIS close to the starport and the republic authorities...that had some nerve. But regardless of that, he subtly unholstered his blaster. This was not right. The boy was injured, and this men could care less about his state. Something had to be done.

Rapidly scanning the Rancor, he noticed that most of the patrons had approached the two thugs, curious about the reason for the attack. A few had left or were about to leave. Good. It would make things easier.

His attention returning to the thugs, he noticed one last thing. His table. Perfect cover, right in front of him. Good. Now, it was time to act.

Wordlessly, Aiken lies down on his seat and rolls. Then, as he positions himself below the table, he takes a few shots at the first thug.

Call it rash, but Aiken doesn't like bullies. Not a little bit. Thus, I use a surprise round to do a move action to roll under the table, and take a Rapid shot at the guy who's not carrying the boy. I THINK I get cover from the table, as well as denying the guy his dexterity to reflex.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage roll: [roll1]

2008-05-12, 11:23 AM
with a loud whine several blaster bolts flew across the room from under the table. two of them hit Aves in the chest, picking him up and slamming him into the door. as he slid down to the floor his face took on a look of suprise as he slowly died.

The second thug dumped the body onto the ground, drawing his pistol at the same time. As he lined up a shot with where the bolts came from he grabbed the young Ensign, trying to use him as cover.


2008-05-12, 11:53 AM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Karef's eyes were stinging, and he felt sore in the back. Of all the endless scum joints in Nar Shaddaa... He was walking over to that noble, his drink in hand when the kid tore in the room. He didn't have time to get down when the thugs blasted away at that kid. The panicked patrons around him did however, as they inadvertantly knocked him down, spilling his drink over his face. Two of them. On whose payroll? Slowly and carefully reaching for his holstered blaster, he rolls a little to the side, behind a table knocked down by his panicked benefactors. The sooner they leave the bet-

"Nar Shadda falls under the jurisdiction of the Republic and you are in violation of Republic law!"

...What? The officer was standing up to them? A clean officer? Here? He *is* fresh. Karef didn't have time to ponder this, as several more blaster shots pierced the air and tagged one of the thugs, slamming him to the door. Might as well, then. Drawing his blaster, Karef takes careful aim at the second thug as he attempts to grapple the officer. Come on officer, move out, give me a clear shot...

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-12, 11:54 AM
((Hmm....does the thug have the Pin or Trip feats? If he doesn't, he has to do a Grab attack. And he takes a -5 penalty to it.

Hmm...how does he get the actions to do it? It would be a Move or Standard action to drop the body, another Move to get to the officer, and a standard to grab or grapple. Seems like a two rounder. In which case, we all get to act 'fore the guy.))

2008-05-12, 12:06 PM
Awaiting introductions, Vandrel heard a loud thud near the doorway. Turning to gaze at the eyes of a dying man. He quickly turned to address the Bothan but soon saw him with a blaster drawn plotting to aim at the fellow that was next to the deceased and the small child.

What.....you're....oh my...th-th-this was not a good idea...

Looking at the body remaining quite dead to his eyes he stares, eyes wide open, and lightly vomits near the ground he stood...All the training he got at the academy never planned to prepare him for seeing death before his eyes.

What....why...why did I..come.......here as he falls on his knees trying to gain control of his emotions.

2008-05-12, 12:37 PM
Ryan Darkmatter

Heh, told you he couldn't hold it down Ryan thinks to himself, peeking around the corner to get a better vantage point on the thugs. Ok, one down, one using an officer as cover. They seem are ok without my help...But, no use being a coward

Ryan lays down his metal Rifle case and lifts the rifle from it's hiding place. Just like Mynocks... Just like Mynocks.

"Hey! You, with the weak stomach! Get down!" Ryan calls out before propping his rifle on the bar and getting the thug in his crosshairs. Ok, adjust for breathing... lead the target... keep breathing Ryan...

2008-05-12, 12:46 PM
Raphael Spinola

Opposed Grapple check: [roll0]

(If on success)

Raphael lets out a yelp as the man tries to grab him and wiggles himself away from his opponent bringing his blaster up from the hip he fires a shot towards the thug.

attack: [roll1]

2008-05-12, 12:49 PM
(damn. I doubt that is a success...unless he gets the -5 penalty!)

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-12, 12:54 PM

With a silent curse, Aiken exits his hiding spot. Standing up, he calmly walks towards the thug to get a clearer shot, then fires once again, making sure not to hit the officer.

Normal shot this time, accounting for the penalty of firing into melee.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
It doesn't matter this time, but for the next fight, could we have a map? I can make it if it is a problem.

2008-05-12, 01:08 PM
Blake Sven

The cantina erupts into a frenzy of running, pushing, spilling, tumbling and blaster bolts. Blake instinctively ducks for cover, taking his drink with him. He watches the scene unfold as the two thugs gun down the kid and move to retrieve his body. He stands once again, back to the bar as the republic officer confronts them. Bold move that, going up against two thugs without backup. I wonder if there's an opportunity here. Before he can step up to offer his assistance, for a small fee of course, more blaster bolts fly and one of the thugs dies. Blake watches calmly as the remaining thug attempts to use the officer as cover from the increasing number of weapons raised in his direction. I wonder how this is going to pan out.

2008-05-12, 02:18 PM

Two killers came busting from the back to kill some kid in cold blood. It was all Jikazza needed to see. The Republic Officier tried to help, but then one of the murders was shot to death. Jikazza smiled, as much as Wookiees can, that was more his style. Downing the rest of his drink, he stood up and looked at the remaining killer.

Then he popped his knuckles, roared loudly, then started charging at the guy holding the hostage. Hopefully, this guy wasn't as trained as Jikazza thought he was, would panic, and start shooting at the Wookiee instead. Everyone panics at charging Wookiees. And everyone especially panics when they Wookiee gets to you and starts pounding your face...

Assuming I'm close enough to make my charge. (I'm not sure, they came from the back, killed the kid, i'm at the bar.. should be close?) Then i'll roll attack. Assuming nothing got in my way either.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2008-05-12, 02:49 PM

The bar fight breaking out attracts Connie's attention, and the droid swivels to watch, screen still blank. Seems as if somebody has some sort of operation going on in back; she files that away for potential later investigation. For now, the younger one looked like he'd need medical attention. Apparently, he'd brought friends... or there were more bleeding hearts on Nar Shadda than she'd thought. She takes particular note of the apparent Republic officer; that was a gutsy thing to do, especially here.

Connie floats silently towards the commotion, attempting to reach the downed kid without drawing too much attention to herself. Vertical slits on the underside of the dome open, and a pair of appendages unfold themselves—four-fingered hands, with all four fingers opposable; the designers had taken advantage of the fact that there was no need to humanize the design. One of them holds what looks like the contents of a stripped-out first aid kit.

She'll move closer to the kid, trying not to draw the remaining thug's attention; if he looks like he's pointing the gun towards her, she stops. She'll also draw out a medpac.

Or, well—she does if the boy looks like he's still breathing. Perception check to see that is [roll0], I guess.

2008-05-12, 05:38 PM
The last thug quickly gets the officer turned around, hiding behind his body from the pain he knew would be coming at him. (Grapple check won by thug 9 to 4) the bolts from the figure who had been under the table missed him by almost a meter, blowing chunks out of the wall behind him. as his attention was focused on the person with the blaster he completely missed the big hairy mass that was charging in on him. A massive fist slammed into his face, throwing him back into the doorway, tearing the Republic officer out of his arms in the process. As he recovered from the attack he realized that this was an unwinnable fight. taking only a second to pause he ran out the door and disappeared into the crowd outside.

the young man he had been chasing was on his back, blood oozing out of his shoulder. the stench of burnt flesh filled the area near him. however he is breathing, but his breaths are shallow. his condition is unstable, and he is going to need first aid right away.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-12, 06:08 PM

Chasing the thug out, Aiken soon lost him to the crowd.

Taking a second to help the man with the weak stomach and the grabbed officer up, he then focused his attention on the boy. Speaking towards the droid, he asked:

You're a first degree droid, right? I suppose you can treat this young fella alright. If he needs long term care, tell me.

Then, he strode right to the downed thug, to look up his vitals. He didn't expect the man to be alive, but it would be best to be sure. Then, once he completed his analysis, he picked up the guy's blaster.

Just in case, I'm checking if the guy I downed is truly dead. If any check is needed, tell me. Also, I pick up the blaster he has. What kind is it? I'm placing a bet on a normal pistol or a heavy one.

2008-05-12, 06:26 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Upon witnessing the poor thug receiving the wrath of the wookie, Karef looked up from his blaster scope, slightly stunned. Wookiees and intoxicants. A frightful combination. Confident the brawl was over, he holsters his blaster, stands up, and surveys the scene as he dusts off his coat. That hovering droid and the human seemed to be attending the kid.

Realizing the small puddle of vomit at the nobleman's feet, Karef turns and walks over to him. "You're not from around here, are you?" He dusts off some dirt from the noblemans shirt. "I was about to say, in drinking holes here, you leave manners at the door."

"Oh, and welcome to Nar Shaddaa."

2008-05-12, 06:38 PM

The Wookiee tried to follow, but was cut off by the other guy that attacked them, who soon returned empty handed. Jikazza offered a sigh of regret at not grabbing him and keeping him here. A guy like that probably had powerful masters, and when he told those guys what happened.. more thugs would come. There were always more thugs.

With only a quick glance over at the one they were chasing, turns out he wasn't dead, small miracles, he walked over to the one thug they did hit. Not bothering to ask any questions, no one could probably understand him anyway, he watched Aiken and the, hopefully, corpse to see what his diagnosis was. He also bent down next to it and tried examing it for ID, maybe see who was probably out to kill them now, what he had gotten into, and why.

2008-05-12, 07:04 PM
Gaining a little bit of sense back from the little courtesy he found, he catches his breath and gets himself up with the short gratitude of the soldier just before he headed toward the wounded lad's direction. Hearing the Bothan's welcome he gathered his speech back

Thank you...I think......why would they send me near such a forsaken place. All lack of mannerism, violence, and-- pausing for a moment as he gazed at the deceased body and the bleeding lad.

death.....I must get back to my business, heavens know what'll happen if my contact is waiting for me all this time.

Dodging the puddle of the newly made puddle of vomit, he double steps for the door, ignoring his postures and with the look of....well the look of someone who's just seen a dead man...as he should seeing that it was his first true encounter with a little bit of reality in the vast universe.

He quietly mutters to himself
Ok Vandrel, keep together, remember your teachings, keep focused on your task, calm mind, calmer tongue... he steps to avoid the droids work and the soldier who gave him a hint of aid. Nodded to him quietly, as he nearly passed the door. Remembering his common courtesies he politely plans to head out while saying.

I must be going. Thank you...to those who showed some manner of respect and compassion, but now I must be going. I have a previous engagement I must attend to at the spaceport concerning a Mr. Hutt. Best of luck
After such, he starts to walk in his similar manner again, regaining himself.

2008-05-12, 07:20 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

"A "Mister Hutt"? At the spaceport?" Karef looks quizzicaly behind the nobleman. "I could have sworn you hadn't had a drink yet." Shrugging, he walks over to the lying kid, observing the droids curious appendages working on the wounded body. "And how's this poor pup doing?"

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-12, 07:31 PM

He's dead alright. Seems like I got a lucky shot in, Aiken told the wookie. If you want to make sure with a punch or two, be my guest, though, he said, concentrated in thinking what to do now. However, when he heard the rookie officer, he turned around.


Stepping away from the thug, Aiken quickly covered the distance between him and the very green officer.

Are you daft? He said, as he grabbed the officer from the shoulders. You have to see a Hutt? He'll eat you for lunch! And if it is the same Hutt that sent this thugs, that'll be a sweet and much longed for release. Trust me, you DON'T want to see a Hutt unless you enjoy being a sacrifice. I don't care who you are, going to see a Hutt is suicide if you're not in his crime syndicate. Now, boy, instead of walking into your doom, you should help us clean up this mess. It's better than ending on a real Rancor's belly.

Turning around, Aiken yelled to the droid.

How's the boy doing? We need to get out of here, FAST, before enforcers arrive.

2008-05-12, 07:38 PM
I said his name was Mr. Hutt, sir....does that simply constitute he IS a hutt? Perhaps you're the daft one for starting the shooting with the 2 you never knew the situation of! I require nothing more to cleaning things up. You placed your own burden and I thank you for helping me up, but now you've pressed your rationale. Now, If you'll excuse me I have to fulfill my duties as a diplomat for Onderon.

Annoyed, he rushes out the door, motivated to return even more quickly.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-12, 07:46 PM

Once again speeding up to catch up to the officer, Aiken opted to put himself in front of him this time.

You certainly having been around for long, boy. EVERY Hutt calls itself X the Hutt. And only a fool would leave a name as Hutt if he or she didn't belong to that race.

Not to mention, by the laws of the republic, you must stay around until the local police shows up to testify. You wouldn't like to break the law, considering you are a respectable citizen, would you?

And for your information, the ex-soldier sneered, I have a high enough moral standard not to let thugs and bullies start to shoot people who cannot fight back. Perhaps you should learn more of it, he says, and with that, he walks back to the Rancor, and starts checking the premises out, the short "chat" with the officer reminding him that there could be thugs coming or hiding around.

2008-05-12, 07:56 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

An Onderon diplomat. Meeting with Hutts? What business would they... Noticing the soldier now arguing with the diplomat, Karef hurries over. "Hold up a minute. Surely you at least know the full name of this "Mister Hutt", otherwise you'd get lost real fast here. There are plenty of Hutts to go around. None of them exactly pleasant to deal with."

2008-05-12, 07:58 PM
Hmph. Ignorance. he acts as if I'm some local enforcement officer. He mutters to himself continuing to walk

Can't blame his passion...but for a diplomat their missions are marked far more important, especially when it is for betterment of the galaxy, as the council instructed me. Oh well, he resides from a different school of thought...Still, ignorance...why, that boy could've been off stealing for months and was warned to be shot if he....well did whatever he was doing...still he was rash, he didn't try talking things out as there should be more of in the galaxy, not killing to solve an issue................maybe my dreams for adventure were a mistake, if it turns me into something that judgmental.....but perhaps it wasn't and those 2 men did wish the boy harm....I do hope he pulls through, if anything he can give a side of the story to that soldier...oh well......though he's right....now that I think of it the Hutts aren't very friendly to those not in their cartels....Ha! what am I saying? I was sent by nobility! I have no need to worry so long as they guide my path.

Upon his complex soliloquy, he soon arrives to where he was...retuning to his post...but having the events just occurred spur on his mind.

2008-05-12, 08:07 PM
Nearing his self-mutter he notices the kind Bothan that helped him before.

Oh! you again....sir. Rather rash place for me... forgive me for being so rushed. Well sure there are many hutts, we orbit their homeworld. My orders made it simple. I was simply meant to wait for this Mr. Hutt at my spaceport and meet for some diplomacy, the council didn't diclose the rest of his name because they wanted to keep things private..no need some gossip listening in on my orders when all I have to do is come here and wait for my contact. He's taking quite a while go...before that commotion in there I have waited for 3 hours...but he's a diplomat as well i'd imagine he might be caught up in something and running late.

2008-05-12, 08:10 PM
Raphael Spinola

Trying to take control of the situation and restore his position of authority until the local authorities arrived to remove the body and gather evidence, Ensign Spinola begins cordoning off the area.

"Please everyone this is a crime scene. Step away from the bodies. Only the droid treating the victim should be allowed near anyone. Everyone else will have to stay back." He motions to the crowd his palms extended outwards.

He looks around, he wasn't sure who fired the shot exactly but he knew the wookie was the one who intervened on his behalf at the end. He approaches the wookie "I would like to thank you for your timely intervention in the situation, sir..." he waits for a name.

OOC: Az can you change your font color for speech? Neon green burns the eyes.

2008-05-12, 08:16 PM

Blake lifts his drink off the bar and takes a couple of steps back as the gutsy officer starts to place a cordon. He doesn't complain about being pushed out of the way and complies without a word. Taking another sip he watches with an amused look in his eye. Let's see what happens when the fuzz show up, he thinks to himself, this should be good.

2008-05-12, 09:07 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Karef nods, listening intently. "Well, I'm no politician, but I've dealt with many Hutts pal. And I can tell you this with confidence: They hate tardiness...Actually, they pretty much hate anything not going their way. I doubt your contact would leave you hanging for 3 hours without sending word, by comlink or messenger." He pauses for a second, gently tugging and scratching at his goatee. "What's more strange however, is the prospect of you meeting him here, in a public spaceport of all places. Hutt's I've come to know aren't widely known to travel to meet a person, they much rather having that person brought to them. Besides, this spot is hardly suitable for diplomatic meetings and talks." He smiles. "It *is* rather suitable for mugging what few lost tourists who visit this place, however. There's always one or two gangs of various thugs making their rounds about. Wouldn't be too long before they took notice to an outsider like you."

"I know it's not my business anyhow, and I know nothing of your superiors. But if they explicitly ordered you to come here and wait for an individual named "Hutt" to receive you. I'd very much say you've been sent on a snipe hunt." He pauses again, looking around, and leans in. "In fact...considering the setting, they might even have sent you here to get hurt. Seriously hurt."

2008-05-12, 09:25 PM
A well seen point good bothan...much more logical than some that rather choose to shoot things than ask questions. Upon mentioning it that would makes sense for contact if they were late....and this comlink they gave me just doesn't make much sense. they said it was from their contact. Ever have a comlink with this matter of weight? as he calmly hands him the comlink.

You've done dealings. So tell me what you think. Because I find nothing different beyond the weight...

2008-05-12, 09:28 PM
Ryan Darkmatter

Ryan looks at all the shouting and commotion, taking the momentary distraction to put his rifle away.

Good thing I didn't get a chance to fire, sounds like these guys are going to get in enough trouble as is.

He then looks up... "Did anyone bother contacting the authorities or are we just standing around arguing about it?"

2008-05-12, 10:02 PM

The Wookiee nodded at Aiken, before checking the body a little. It seemed like a dead end, no more weapons, no money, no clue who set this up. But this guy was starting to smell, he'd stink up the joint sooner rather then later. He ignored most of the arguing going on, but knew one thing- this Aiken guy spoke his language. It was the right thing to do to interfere, he felt that in his gut, and a Wookiee always trued their gut. Just as he was finishing up his brief search that officer from before, the hostage, started trying to crime scene up the place, then approached him- and offered his thanks.

Jikazza eyed his a little at first, then pondered speaking to him. But, eventually, he gave in- it would be this guys own fault if he couldn't understand him. "Jikazza." He belted out, "I don't approve of guys that like- he'd have gotten a fist eventually. I didn't really do much, it's that guy you should be thanking. He took down the first one." He finished, gesturing toward Aiken. He didn't like really being thanked like this, and tried to divert the attention away from him.

2008-05-12, 10:05 PM

Blake looks across the bar at the , well, big game hunter if the rifle and outfit are anything to go by. "Ha! A good question neighbour. On any civilized planet the authorities would come running at the sound of so much blaster fire. It's going to be interesting to see what happens here. I wager the security force is under the 'direction' of the same gang those thugs were members of and that it's not going to go quite as well as our intrepid young officer thinks it will."

2008-05-12, 10:08 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

"Really? Let's see here, maybe there's something to it." Taking the comlink from the diplomat, Karef pauses. "Oh, and don't take the fierce attitudes so gravely here. In a place like Smuggler's Moon, one blaster shot speaks a thousand words. Think of it as the local color, if you will." Smiling again, he begins to inspect the device closely.

OOC: Now what would it take to study the device? A mechanics check? If so, would using the tool kit add a bonus? I'll roll the skill only for now.

Mechanics: 1d20+8

OOC: Edit: Ah hell, how do you work this thing?
Here's an invisible castle roll for now (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1594586/)

2008-05-12, 10:26 PM
Raphael Spinola

"Jikazza..." he repeats, "once again thank you. Can you please make sure that none of these people interfere or disturb the bodies...you are a more imposing figure than I am."

He leaves the wookie alone for now and walks over to Aiken "Fine shooting there."

2008-05-13, 01:36 AM

The wound hadn't fully cauterized, which was both good and bad: fewer burned areas to treat, but it also meant he was losing blood. The shot was bad, but it hadn't punctured the lung from behind, or hit the spine; either of those would probably have been fatal. Connie begins to apply a bacta patch to the area that was bleeding worst; another pair of spindly limbs unfold themselves at the same time. One ends in a small needle, which takes a tiny blood sample and withdraws to analyze it; the second ends in a syringe rather than a hand, and is likewise withdrawn after injecting a small dose of anasthesia. The third ends with a disinfectant swab, which Connie begins to dab gently over the burned areas. Lucky for the boy, he'd landed blaster wound up rather than down; she wouldn't have trusted the floor here to be up to galactic cleanliness regulations. In fact, she would have bet a reasonable sum against it.

Only once she'd begun the process and is reasonably sure what the outcome will be does she bother to respond to the questions directed at her. "All right, there... he should be okay," a female voice says, sounding very preoccupied. "It's a nasty flesh wound, but they didn't hit anything vital." To somebody looking at her from the right side, the display screen now shows a young woman in a windowless office, peering rather intensely at a computer.

Treat Injury [roll0] with the bonus for a medical kit included.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-13, 06:57 AM
((Funny thing. I changed the colour precisely because I wanted it to be different since we had a colour repetition already. But I Hear and Obey.))


Don't even mention it, I just got lucky, the ex soldier says.

Since it seems like no one's going to come pick the body, I think it's best if we call the janitors and get the boy to a hospital, he says as he takes his datapad from his table and sends a pair of distress signals: One to the republic police, the other one a call for medics.

2008-05-13, 09:06 AM
OOC: You could try deeper colors like This (DarkRed) This (Navy) or something... It's hard finding a unique color with such a sizable group and little options. Just a thought...

2008-05-16, 04:57 PM
The young man's shoulder stops bleeding once the bacta has a moment to soak in. his eyes flutter for a moment, his mind still wrapped up in pain. he inhaled sharply as the needle breaks through the skin and bone, bieng injected directly into his bone marrow. His face slowly looses the pain that had been painted on it. two minutes after Connie begain her treatment his eyes snapped open, and looking directly into her projected eyes he says simply no... no hospital... before lapseing back into uncontiousness.

the comlink in Keref's hands is indeed heavier than normal, by about half a kelo. the caseing comes apart easily enough, revealing none of the componants of a comlink. there was a reciever, designed to translate digital codeing into tangable language again, however the circitry was gone. in it's place was a grey rubbery substance, with two wires leading to the reciever.

as the crowd began to dissapate loud sirens began to ring, the expected police presence was finnally about to arrive, however judgeing by the sound, there would be another minute before they arrived.

OOC: sorry for the absence, I was feeling sick the past couple days.

2008-05-16, 05:43 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Upon spotting the rubbery substance, Karef can't help but inhale sharply, his eyes widening momentarily. Oh no. No no no. This better not be what I think it is. Glancing around to make sure no one is watching, he gives the substance a closer look, inspecting it very, very carefully.

OOC: Welcome back! Hope you're feeling much better :smallwink:

Is there some sort of check Karef can do to accurately identify the substance? If it's what I'm thinking it is, I was thinking of mechanics again, but not completely sure.

Just in case:
Mechanics: [roll0]

2008-05-16, 06:02 PM
inside the comlink is a full half kelo of Detonite. it is an old trick, give someone a comlink that is stuffed with Detonite, and when you give them a call... Boom.

the only question that remains is when the final call is coming in.

a closer look dosn't reveal any sort of secondary device to prevent tampering.

2008-05-16, 06:22 PM
Why is this in here? They don't have clay substance in comlinks....do they?

Still meditated on the cantina events and the discoveries of the comlink, Vandrel once starts to question his authority, interested in inquiring them of his assignment, and why this comlink is has extremely questionable qualities when it was meant for a contact to locate him...something is out of place in his mind...

He snaps to reality a second later and questions the bothan with curious tone.

Have you seen such things on Nar Shadda before? you know, diplomats such as I or...odd modifications to simple equipment?

2008-05-16, 06:55 PM

With the sound of sirens in the background Blake makes his way around the bar towards the game hunter who is slipping his rifle back into its case. Holding out his hand he says , "Hi, the name is Blake. Nice weapon you have there, seen much cause to use it?"

2008-05-16, 07:27 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Glancing at the man for a second, Karef reaches into his utility belt, retrieving a vibro-cutter. "A "comlink" such as this makes me wonder what sort of friends you have back in Onderon." Carefully, he cuts off the wires, disconnecting the Detonite from the receiver. Making sure there are no other connections, he sighs with considerable relief. "Yes, I've seen this sort of thing here before. I've also seen diplomats on Nar Shaddaa, although quite rarely, and never without protection. But seeing both together? Never until now." Placing the vibro-cutters back in his belt, he holds the device to the man. "Scratch my last assumption. Whoever gave you this and sent you here didn't plan to get you hurt. He planned to have you go out with an amazing bang. This was rigged to explode the instant it received a communication signal."

Letting all this sink in for a moment, he leans back in and smiles. "I'll bet you could really use that Looman Ale just about now, eh?"

2008-05-16, 08:45 PM
That...it's explosives? Onderon gave it right to me.......they send me to my own destruction?! It......no... I just graduated. I was a top student. This was my first assignment...I-I-I have a clean slate with Onderon...I should have known....All I read about Nar Shadda. The comlink weight. The.....oh my.....those ruffians in the cantina could've been like those meant to set this off!...I'm....I'm such a fool...Onderon...wants me to die?

His mind raced and scattered no manners of logic could prepare him to the terrible truth he is contemplating. Onderon had sent him for a mission alright, a mission to die and never return on a moon filled with vice and apathy for the death of even the most honest of diplomats.

He didn't know weather to still be afraid for the hit on him, angry for the betrayal of the Onderon high society, or sad from seeing his life completely crushed around him, but he remembered his training, he kept himself as stable as he could and manage a sense of dignity.

I fear....that I am very much alone now *head dropped* and left to rot on this moon...possibly hunted and never to return home......*grimaces* I guess I'll be having an adventure in my life after all...an adventure to survive.*raises head* Mr....uh....bothan...what do you propose we do next?

2008-05-16, 09:07 PM
Raphael Spinola

The naval officer continues to keep everyone back away from the scene of the shooting as he waits for the police to arrive to conduct their investigation.

2008-05-16, 10:50 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Karef scratched at his head with an air of confusion. He hadn't seen this coming. The diplomat he hoped to wiggle some information out of, instead turned out to be a fresh graduate, who had unwittingly made some enemies already. Still, perhaps there's more I haven't picked up on yet. Looking back at the detonite, he begins to slowly scoop it out. "Well, Nar Shaddaa is a place of opportunities. As long as you're not very picky, there are always ways of getting by. For now, I suggest we return to the Raging Rancor." Scooping out the Detonite from the comlink casing, he molds it into a rough ball. "This alone merits me a second drink, and you could probably use some too. Besides, I'm curious about that kid now."

Placing the detonite into one of his empty belt pouches, Karef offers his free hand to the diplomat. "Oh, and the name is Karef. Karef Ar'gont. You don't mind if I take this explosive do you? You never know when they can come in handy."

2008-05-17, 05:03 AM

"No hospitals," the woman on the screen soothes as the patient's eyes close again. Lovely. Criminally involved, or he has rich enemies. Or both. Looks like I'll be doing charity work again for a little while.

Most of the limbs fold themselves back into the lower portion of the droid, which rises back up to maybe four feet off the ground and turns to the Wookiee and officer standing nearby. "Can one of you help me get him to a safer place?"

2008-05-17, 08:31 AM
Very well Karef, we shall head back. There is no need for me to have such dangerous material so by all means take it so it may be put to better use. Perhaps a drink will calm my nerves. Oh! silly me... I am Vandrel, Vandrel Swift of Ond--- well...was of Onderon. I suppose I will have to leave that title behind me now seeing that someone wishes me dead. I do hope the child pulls through. Maybe we could gather some understanding to what's going on... I just hope that gruff soldier hasn't started another firefight without asking questions.

((OOC: This next part I'm assuming this will take a few rounds to get back and therefore, the police are closer or have arrived))

Seeing/hearing the sirens of local law enforcement proceeding closer to the Raging Rancor. Vandrel says with a little more confidence than he did moments ago,

Ah! the impeccable timing of the city law enforcements...soon enough, this matter may be concluded and well away from us...

2008-05-17, 10:39 AM
Ryan Darkmatter

"Not to... you know.. get in the way of your jobs and all... But I think we should probably... clear the area? Or..." looking at the oddly wired comlink "... at least ... do something with that?"

2008-05-17, 12:40 PM
Raphael Spinola

Moving to assist the droid in moving the body he hooks his arms underneath the mans shoulders and gently lifts him up to bring him to a safer area.

(If possible, I want to take a 20 on this roll)

2008-05-17, 02:16 PM

"Great." The Wookiee says, looking around the crime scene and surveying everyone around. No hospital? The police coming soon would probably take him there.. and they would detain him for questioning. Maybe even figure out he was a runaway slave. Was slavery still legal here? Would they force him back to his old life?

With a quick glance down at the injured guy, and the officer distracted, he started to slip as silently as a Wookiee can out the back.

2008-05-17, 03:47 PM
The Republic officer easily lifted the kid onto a table, one that looked at least halfway clean. Connie moved in again and placed the arm in a sling, finishing up her treatment.

as their attention was on the kid the police came in the front door. they were dressed in dark grey jumpsuits, covered in plenty of pockets for their gear, along with the utility belts that were at their waists. the sholders of their uniforms were red, with a red stripe going down the legs. the first thing they did was examine the dead body, wordlessly running the id through their datapad. next they moved to the kid, asking in a gruff, gravely voice
"who helped this kid?"

2008-05-17, 06:49 PM
Raphael Spinola

Raphael introduces himself to the police officer "Officer, I am Ensign Raphael Spinola assigned to Nar Shadda with Republic Customs" giving his cover story, "I observed the victim," he motions to the kid "being chased by two men. One of them shot him as you can tell. I intervened in the matter and it quickly turned violent and I was assisted by fellow like minded citizens. One suspect was neutralized after pulling a blaster, the other unfortunately escaped out of the cantina and into the crowd outside."

2008-05-17, 07:56 PM
"We're glad to have your help Ensign. We've already requested the hospital to send some medics in. this kid is going to be under our personal care." as he turned to write on his datapad his upper left pocket buzzed with something that is just to garbled to understand. the second officer stepped out of the room and out of sight.

"now for my report I'm gonna need to know who treated the kid."

2008-05-17, 08:05 PM
Raphael Spinola

"Luckily this droid is a medical unit and was able to stabilize the victim before it was too late."

Moving on to the next topic "Do you have any units out looking for the other criminal? And do you know who the one who was shot is?"

2008-05-17, 08:16 PM
"Yeah, my partner just left to coordinate the search for the other guy." his hand brushed his chest, straightening out some wrinkles in the process. "This guy here is Aves Saar. or at least this is what his id says. We are running it through our system now, looking for any known alieses. You should know the standard procedure, it is the same as Customs."

The partner steps back into the room and meets eyes with the first policeman once, giving only the smallest shake of the head.

"And it looks like we lost the other guy."

2008-05-17, 08:25 PM
Raphael Spinola

"Blast! Well, I made sure no one left the cantina since the shooting. I am sure you will want to take statements and interview the witnesses. If there is anything you want me to do feel free to ask."

2008-05-17, 08:27 PM
Ryan Darkmatter

Ryan stays sitting at the bar, drink in hand, as if nothing had happened at all, he continues to look forward, hoping to evade too much attention.

2008-05-17, 08:48 PM
the two men began to go around the room, walking up to everyone and asking three questions.

"Can I get your id?
What is your purpose for bieng here today?
And Could you discribe the events that you saw?"

2008-05-17, 08:51 PM

"My ID? Sure... here. Why am I here? I was here for a drink, a bite to eat... my transport docked to get some minor repairs done." Ryan looks up to the officers, smiling slightly. "It all happened so fast. First the kid burst through the door... then the two men came in after him with guns out. Then one of these guys shot the other guys and the thugs used some stuffed shirt as a body shield... so that Wookiee ran up to him. I sat behind the bar... and I think I spilled my drink."

2008-05-19, 02:51 PM
the officer looks at the id card, grunts, and hands it back

"You are good to go, Ryan. You're gonna be of no help to us. and he procedes to move on to the next person. his partner looks at Ryan and hands him enough credits for the drink, his face appologetic.

2008-05-19, 03:29 PM

Blake turns away from the game hunter who is apparently ignoring him and hands his Id card to the officer. "Just landed on the moon, officer, felt a little dry after the trip and this was the first place that looked like it might fix that problem. I didn't really see anything, there was a lot of shouting some pushing and then blaster fire. All very uncivilized."

2008-05-19, 04:20 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Approaching the Raging Rancor, Karef halts upon seeing that the enforcers have arrived and entered the cantina, and turns to Vandrel. "It's a good principle to have in general here, avoiding enforcers. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa though, with a little persuasion and maybe credits, it's not impossible to coax them into ignoring a few minor acts of mischief." Leaning against the wall across from the cantina entrance, he gazes inside as much as he can, scratching at his goatee. "For more serious charges, you're pretty much out of luck talking them down. Unless of course, you both happen to be in the payroll of the same Hutt."

2008-05-19, 04:44 PM
"What? those law enforcement officers? Seems to me they're just following standard procedure by establishing perimeter and likely investigating the scene of the crime by means of minor interviews of witnesses and the arrest of any guilty members...being no one inside I assume seeing that one is deceased and the other has escaped...So what are you suggesting bothan...that we don't comply with going inside to meet with the droid, wookie, the trigger-happy fellow, and any other fellows inside to learn more? I feel we have done no wrong and will help to end this investigation even sooner "

2008-05-19, 04:44 PM
((Oops, Sorry, I didn't see your post!))

Ryan smiles up to the man, "Name's Ryan. I've used it a few times back home... Dxun... and on Onderon. Only used it to hunt animals. That's the first time I've ever had cause to put a man in the crosshairs. Not sure if its the way for me. What is it that you do, Blake?

2008-05-19, 10:51 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

"Well, if you wish, we can head on inside. It is true that we have nothing to hide in this case. I just don't trust them is all." Realizing he was still holding the empty comlink case, Karef idly tosses it away. "You're the diplomat here. Hope you can talk them down if they decide to give us trouble for whatever reason."

2008-05-20, 12:39 AM

Blake waits for the officers to hand back his ident card and move on before turning back towards the hunter named Ryan. "Pleased to meet you Ryan. I am in the field of Location and Recovery, if you know what I mean. Stopped off on Nal Hutta to try and pick up some work."

2008-05-20, 12:41 AM
Ha! You amuse me Karef. Of course I can negotiate in case of perilous affairs. However, there should not be a need for such things as we are innocent bystanders, but if you feel to be cautious then by all means do what you wish and try not to wander off or appear suspicious. Else we might become entangled into rash misunderstandings.

Vandrel proceeds to walk to the scene and calmly approaches one of the officers likely establishing the perimeter.

Apologies good sir, but may I inquire what is currently happening within the Raging Rancor? Oh! and I am Vandrel Swift *reaches out hand*...

2008-05-21, 11:56 PM
There was a shooting, we are currently trying to figure out who is responsible, but it is taking longer than we'd like.

At that moment another two speeders of police arrived on scene. most of them were wearing the standard red-trimmed jumpsuits, however one of them was not wearing a jumpsuit. he was wearing a black sport coat with rugged cargo pants. cooly he walked up to the officer talking to Vandrel

Sate, what are you doing here? arn't you supposed to be off duty?

Yes sir. I was in the bar up the street when it got toned out, and I decided to respond, see what I could do to help.

you were out getting a drink in your uniform? The man looked at him with intense eyes for a moment, finally saying, well, we could use all the help we can get. And he walked inside.

2008-05-23, 07:24 PM

Blake continues to sip his drink as he watches the cops come and go. He watches the activity around the kid from the corner of his eye.

2008-05-23, 10:25 PM
Karef Ar'gont


Race: Bothan, Male
Class: Scoundrel 1
Current HP: 19/19
Initative: +3
Speed: 6
Fortitude Defense: +12 Reflex Defense: +16 Will Defense: +14
Weapons: Heavy Blaster (3d8), Stun Baton (2d6 S), Hold-Out Blaster (3d4)

Full Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=53023)[/table]

Upon hearing the conversation between the two officers, Karef's ears perk up momentarily. An off-duty cop who just happened to be in uniform...Right. Straying far from the officers as best he can, he heads towards the bar, determined for a second drink.

2008-05-28, 12:00 AM

Spotting the large wookie attempting to sneak out the back Blake grins at the hunter before walking over towards the large walking carpet. ""You know, someone as big as yourself, friend, doesn't sneak all that well." He smiles broadly. "Nice try though."

2008-05-28, 01:26 AM

The large wookiee rubbed the back of his neck and slowly slide back into the room as if he wasn't trying to escape. "Err.." He offered as means of an explanation before trailing off and just looking large, harry, and embarrassed.