View Full Version : Chaos in the Clans [Rokugan D&D]

2008-05-11, 10:16 PM
You awake in a large cart, trundling northwest across Crane farmlands. It is the fifth day since you left the Crane Imperial Capital. The cart was provided by the Ministry of Vigilantism, a small Crane government office which hires and dispatches mercenaries to deal with minor crimes and other complaints. In this case, the six of you have been asked to investigate an abandoned gatehouse in the Yasuki regions; reports suggest that a group of highwaymen have taken over the gatehouse and are using it to steal from travelers by posing as a tollbooth.

The driver is a friendly if somewhat dim fellow, and has been keeping up a steady stream of conversation. Now he looks at the morning sky; the sun is already high.

"Bit of a late start today, my apologies. We'll get there by the end of the afternoon though, we're making good time and I know the destination. Used to live in this area myself, you see."

(OOC thread and character list over here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4311520#post4311520).)

2008-05-11, 11:48 PM
Kakita Aoshi streches, then stands, in the rickity cart, keeping his balance in the swaying vehicle as he tries to work the uncomfortable knots from his back. "Make sure to alert us before we come into sight of the way station. We'll have to conceal the ratlings as the sight of them will immediately alert the men at the station that we are not just a standard traveling party." Aoshi glances over the cart, checking out the meager supplies that had been provided with. And as if that weren't problem enough, they also provided us with a drunkard and what's worse, a Lion. How are we supposed to conduct an investigation with their brash actions disrupting everything.

Rogue 7
2008-05-12, 12:45 AM
Kojirou loosens his katana, making sure that it's easy to draw. Confronting bandits would seem simple enouhg, but he was hoping to possibly simply capture them without incident.

" What is the plan? Should we simply demand identification and proceed to arrest them? It seems to be the simplest solution.

He shifted uncomfortably, glancing at the two nezumi sitting in the cart with him. He had never been in close proximity with their kind, and it made him slightly nervous.

2008-05-12, 08:26 AM
"The Drunkard"Kumatora

In all fairness, the last time she was actually dead drunk was three days ago after passing that sake brewery mid-afternoon (and she managed an apology for that). However, Kumatora hasn't really helped her case any regarding her drinking, and currently the guilty monk is sleeping it off on the floor of the cart.

It's a small accomplishment that she managed this up till now. However as all good things come to an end, the last bump in the road jolts her enough into consciousness as she rises up into a sitting position surprisingly fast.

"Hwaa?"she looks around, about midway through the samurais' conversation,"Ah, the mission. Why not send someone out to scout the place before we , uh, think of something..."

She then addresses (with horrifying casualness) the nezumi folk. "How about you folks? Any plan come to mind?"

2008-05-12, 12:10 PM
"Several though none without flaw." Aoshi glances down at the road, thinking to stretch his legs, but the clouds of dust coming up make him think twice. "Our party's compesistion as well as our distinct lack of trade goods would make posing as merchants difficult. Though perhaps any occupants will not notice this from a distance." The crane carefully folds his traveling clothes around him as he sits instead. "It is within our rights to simply arrest anyone their and bring them back to Kyuden Doji for trial, but without the testimony of a samurai no conviction can be made." Aoshi shrugs. "When we are closer I'll send our two furred friends out to take a look at the building and at least get an idea if it is even occupied. In all likelyhood these rumors are simply that and nothing more."

Random NPC
2008-05-12, 02:15 PM
Asahina Daisuke

Daisuke stayed quiet. It was the first mercenary mission he had ever been to. He looked the youngest of the group. Quite frail and refined. The white hair tied on the back, like many of the Shugenja on his family.

He only recognize Aoshi. Everyone else seemed so alien.

"I really doubt the Highwaymen would even try to do anything when they see us. What should we do if they just let us pass, Kakita-dono?" He adresses Aoshi in the most respectful way.

2008-05-12, 04:02 PM

The stockier ratling looks to his leaner cousin and tilts his head to the side. "Manlings is fun-fun," he twitters, black whiskers twitching slightly, then looks at the others within the cart, "but not too-too smart. How area look-look? Is it open-open or enclosed? Is there cover-cover for me? I get so close they no-no see, then WHUMP! One down. Easy-easy." He waves a hand disdainfully.

2008-05-12, 04:15 PM
Aoshi intentionally ignores the Ratling, he would have no such dishonorable actions occuring under his command. Unfortunately it wasn't his command. The department of vigilatism tended to be as loose with it's organization as it was with it's recruiting standards, they expected things to get done by committe. Once again Aoshi cursed his luck for not applying for a position with the army and then turned to the one voice of reason in this circus. "As I understand it, the outpost is currently supposed to be abandon, so any occupants can of course be evicted, though residing in a lodging of the clan's is hardly a serious charge it will give us reason to search the building and see if their are any signs of violence or banditry."

2008-05-12, 05:02 PM

The monk peers at the shugenja with a hand running over her reddish hair, impressed by the naiveté. "Kid, rules only impede honorable and good people...Or anyone who isn't desperate", she muses, glancing at the pair of Cranes,"If people are lurking there, my gold's on them either being harmless vagrants... maybe travelers who'll scatter at the sight of you two, or bandits who're prepared to deal with us.

So saying she stands and adjusts the mismatched scarves on her outfit. "Either way, if a lowly mendicant monk who's sauced happens by, they won't raise the alarm. I'll go ahead in plain sight, so they're busy noticing me instead of someone sneaky..."

2008-05-12, 05:20 PM

"I had thought of that too actually. The problem there is that one sauced monk is both, not particularly interesting to bandits who are looking for wealthy merchants, and if the aforemention monk does garner attention, he's rather vunerable to a dozen swords. Most of our group is not going to be able to sneak close enough to be able to offer assistance if something does go wrong."

2008-05-12, 07:16 PM

"Hmm. I suppose she would be vulnerable. But I don't like anymore the idea of just sending nezumi out by themselves either...

Kumatora feels around in the cart and plucks up the sake jug she gained a few days ago. "The biggest problem as I see it is getting you and Daisuke," the honorifics are notedly absent, "even near the place. Maybe Kojirou there too... So I suppose we need to figure out what you're going to do first..."

2008-05-13, 12:03 AM
The cart driver raises a hand. "The old gatehouse should be coming into view soon. I'll pull off the road till you folks figure a plan."

The horses whinny as he pulls the reins, and carefully guides the cart onto a patch of grass shaded by a couple of trees.

"If you don't mind me saying, I know a thing or two about the gatehouse. It's on a hill, so it'd be a hard time of getting up there without being spotted. Still, if there's bandits, there aren't a lot of them- at least not in the house itself. It could house a couple of men, maybe a half dozen at most."

He thinks a moment, then continues.

"All the same, if it doesn't matter to you I'd rather stay with the cart if it comes to blows- I'm afraid I'd just get in your way in a fight."

2008-05-13, 10:36 AM
Ruri'ko the Lazy

Ruri'ko rises from the unnaturally curled fetal position over by by Mat'chek, stretching lazily. Upon hearing Mat'check she tilts her head curiously at the two Cranes. 'Oh ho? Them like two big birds.. wonders if they preen themself.'

2008-05-13, 12:28 PM

"We're seriously overthinking this. Mat'chek can you take a look around the corner and find out for me if there's enough cover for you to approach the outpost unseen?" Aoshi tries his best to pronounce the ratlings name correctly but can't really manage the click between syllables. "Driver, how large is the hill? How long would it take to skirt around to the other side of it?"

2008-05-13, 01:02 PM
The driver thinks for a minute. "The hill's not too high- but there's no road in the area that doesn't come into view of the gatehouse. You should be able to get around the hill without being seen, but I'm afraid you'll likely have to go on foot, through the rice fields."

2008-05-13, 02:57 PM

The monk thinks for a second, also after taking a hit from the jug at the mention of the rice paddies.

"I'll go over that route. No offense to you Cranes and all, but I know how to move about without damaging much. Same drunk monk plan oughta work but this way we can come at em from all sides...

2008-05-13, 03:26 PM

Mat'chek nods to the group, but tilts his head at the monk. "Want go-go together? Me whisper quiet-quiet. I go look-look. Be right-right back." With that the ratling slips quietly out of the wagon and slinks along headed for a position to observe the gatehouse.

2008-05-13, 03:32 PM

"I'd actually rather reverse the plan and take a more honorable approach to this Asako-san. We'll give you and the ratlings about a 10 minute head start, and then the three of us will proceed up to the outpost to confront anyone who is there. The three of you can approach from the far side, under whatever cover you can find and stop anyone trying to flee the scene or provide immediate assistance should things go wrong."

2008-05-13, 05:49 PM
Ruri'ko the Sneaky

Ruri'ko rifles through a pouch on her hip, pulls out some strange, small bauble and clicks a series of words in her own native tongue in conjunction with numerous hand gestures and then ... Poof! She vanishes. Those listening, although she's not trying to be quiet in her passing, would hear her feet padding along the wagon and then out onto the open ground in the direction that Mat'chek took off in.

Ruri'ko casts Invisibility on herself.

2008-05-13, 07:16 PM

A pause. Once the nezumi disappears, Kumatora blinks and looks between her sake bottle and the last visible place Ruri'ko was standing.

"..You guys saw her vanish too, right?"

2008-05-13, 07:43 PM
Description of the hill and the guardhouse:
The hill gently slopes upward and is covered in grass on all sides except the southwest, where it appears the hill has eroded, leaving a roughly 60 degree slope covered with loose dirt and scraggly bushes. The road goes up the east side of the hill, then down the north. At the hill's highest point (about 40 feet above the surrounding countryside) stands a small two-story building. The paint is faded, and a few boards crudely nailed into place mark attempts to patch up holes in the walls. This is the old guardhouse. Anyone interested in knowing more can make a Spot check.

2008-05-13, 09:55 PM

Ruri'ko keeps a sharp eye out ahead for anything out of the unusual while masking the sound of her own presence by walking forward on all fours low to the ground.


Random NPC
2008-05-14, 12:11 AM
Asahinia Daisuke

"She indeed disappeared." Daisuke says as he ponders for a few seconds and thinks about the spell Ru'riko casted. "I believe it was the simplest form of invisibility magic users can cast."


2008-05-14, 01:27 PM

"I would think Asako-san, that such occurances would be common where you come from. Regardless you should hurry after them. We rely on you to keep those two undercontrol." Doji help us all.

Rogue 7
2008-05-14, 08:25 PM

OOC: Apologies for the absence. I'll be posting a bit more, hopefully, but I've been dealing with a very slow internet connection.
"I will simply follow along here. I have very little experience with this manner of undertakings. I believe that, being one who has not trained in the slightest for stealth, and wearing this bulky armor, I would be better served waiting with Aoshi-san."

2008-05-15, 11:05 AM

Aoshi will give those who depart the ten minutes he promised before climbing down off the cart and starting up towards the outpost on foot. (sorry to skip ahead but trying to move things along here.)

2008-05-15, 11:21 AM

Mat'chek slinks around keeping a sharp eye out for details which may prove important.


2008-05-15, 01:37 PM
Both nezumi notice...
that while the building itself is in disrepair, it appears that the boards over the holes in the wall are in good shape, and clearly haven't been there long. In addition, a small, flimsy-looking roadblock has been constructed on the road in front of the gatehouse.

In addition, Mat'chek spots...
a man standing in shadows on the second floor, watching the road through one of the smaller holes in the wall; he looks bored, and is lazily chewing on a peach.

There is still time to meet up with the party again, or to try and sneak up the hill.

2008-05-15, 03:36 PM
(OOC I'm in a tight spot with work; I'll be able to post again tomorrow afternoon)

2008-05-16, 10:30 AM
((Well shoot. Going away on the weekend, thought I'd be somewhere with Internet access. However that may not be the case. So while I'll try to post if at all possible, please do not be alarmed if you don't hear from me until Monday.))

2008-05-19, 05:00 PM
((And I'm back. Who's ready to continue the adventure?))

2008-05-19, 05:05 PM

Turning towards where he knows (thank you scent) his cousin stands, Mat'chek whispers. "We go back-back with knowledge?""

2008-05-20, 10:27 PM

Ruri'ko's voice comes as a hushed whisper. "Go back and tell. Through shadows I jump, lie in wait I does."

Rogue 7
2008-05-21, 12:24 AM
Kojirou shifts uncomfortably, waiting in his armor for something to happen.

2008-05-21, 12:26 PM
(don't know how long the ratlings are taking, but we're heading up after the 10 minutes are up since we don't know what's happening with them)

2008-05-21, 12:28 PM

The ratling nods and heads back to the wagon as quickly and silently as he can without being spotted.

Sorry. I read it and started to make my reply-post, but RL intruded!

2008-05-21, 03:34 PM

Ruri'ko moves quietly up the hill till she can gain a better vantage to look into the room through the boarded up window, spying for any shadowy places on the inside.

Move Silently[roll0]

2008-05-21, 04:03 PM

It seems nobody has heard you. You are able to sneak to a crack in the wall on the south side; from there, you can look inside the single 40x40ft room of the gatehouse's ground floor. A somewhat fat human guard sits by the door on the east side of the room; he seems to be passing the time by poking holes in the floorboards with his spear. A rickety staircase with no railing runs up the west wall. The room is filled with various barrels and sacks, and the only illumination is a couple of candles and a bit of light from outside. There are plenty of shadows to hide in behind the barrels or sacks, or underneath the stairs.

2008-05-21, 11:17 PM

Ruri'ko utilizes her Shadow Jaunt maneuver, becoming but a tiny mote of inky darkness and then slips through the cracks in the window. Seconds later she reemerges in the far corner of the room away from the obese guard, perfectly still, silent and invisible.

Move Silently [roll0]

2008-05-23, 05:29 PM
Having given the ratlings (and the monk, not sure if he left) their headstart. Aoshi makes his way up the hill towards the outpost.

2008-05-25, 09:06 AM
(She. Sorry for the ridiculous delay; I had a few more hurdles to to clear.. and the Tangled Web isn't letting me access the 3e profiler so I lost my damn character sheet. AGAIN. This may take a little while to fix)

2008-05-25, 02:32 PM
((It seems you're not the only one having character sheet problems... Also letting you know I'm still here, sorry for not posting recently.))

Rogue 7
2008-05-25, 07:36 PM
Kojirou follows, hand on his sword.

2008-05-25, 08:57 PM
(Since everyone can now see the gatehouse, I will repost the description here)

The hill gently slopes upward and is covered in grass on all sides except the southwest, where it appears the hill has eroded, leaving a roughly 60 degree slope covered with loose dirt and scraggly bushes. The road goes up the east side of the hill, then down the north. At the hill's highest point (about 40 feet above the surrounding countryside) stands a small two-story building. The paint is faded, and a few boards crudely nailed into place mark attempts to patch up holes in the walls. This is the old guardhouse.

Ruri'ko: You suddenly hear a shout from upstairs - "Three or four coming in east side!". The fat man by the door stirs, and goes to peer out one of the windows.

2008-05-27, 04:12 PM
[FINALLY. I get my sheet back, the board's up and working, I'm taking my shot now. >D ]


Kumatora takes her sweet time; once out of sight of the samurai the monk begins to boil. Stupid Crane, she though while taking a swig from the jug, it was just like some stuck-up to send away someone who wasn't presentable in social view while he gadded about...

Although, and this was after a moment of keeping her liquor, he did have a point to send the stealthy ones out first...


Full of rum and righteousness, Kumatora lightly traverses through the rice fields, up the hill finally coming around towards the other side of the gate post, against all luck managing to blend in with the brush...

Hide in the bushes! (1d20+5=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1607737/)

2008-05-27, 05:15 PM
As Kumatora approaches the gatehouse, the front door opens. A portly man emerges, clad in an ill-fitting teal robe. However, he seems to take no notice of you, instead looking down the hill to the east. There, the other three humans are already walking up the hill. He bellows out, "Hello travellers! Crane inspection and tollbooth. Toll will be 100 gold per person, plus any shipping fees."

2008-05-27, 06:41 PM

100 gold? How many people do they actually expect to pay that price? Aoshi waves in acknowledgment as he approaches the gatehouse and makes a show of reaching for his purse as he approaches. When he reaches the man though he stops fiddling with the purse. "I am Kakita Aoshi" he says with an air of someone who should be recognized. I am traveling with just my two companions, no shipping goods so your toll should be 300 gold. Though before I pay such a fee I'd like to know under who's authority you are collecting this amount..." Aoshi makes an effort to search the mans uniform for a family mon or other marking. "...crane-san" he finishes. (assuming he finds no mon, if he does he uses the correct family name.) during his speech his hand strays casualy to his sword hilt. It's not a threatening geasture but he is ready to draw if the guard seems to act like something is up.

2008-05-28, 12:09 PM
The man never ceases smiling, but he stands slightly straighter when he realizes you are inspecting him. In response to your question, he says, "Why... from Shijiku of course."

((If you have Knowledge (nobility) or (local), feel free to roll for a shot at recognizing the name.))

2008-05-28, 01:29 PM

"Shijiku?" Aoshi raises an eyebrow critically. He tries to put as warning tone on the word while his mind races. Damn me and spending too much time in the Dojo, I have no idea who that is. But if he's important enough to be assigning positions he's way to important to be on a last name basis with this slob.

OOC: Does the man have any markings that would indicate status or family?

2008-05-28, 01:44 PM
The man's robe is the correct color to belong to a Crane soldier, but beyond that you see no signs of family or status. However, upon further inspection of the robe it is obvious that this is intentional: you see bits of fabric clumsily stitched onto the robe over top of areas where a family mon would traditionally be placed.

2008-05-30, 12:56 PM

"And where are the rest of the soldiers stationed here? They shouldn't be lazing about while you're out here doing your duty."

OOC:Other people are allowed to jump in here too.

2008-05-30, 07:36 PM
OOC: Oh, I'm here, but Kumatora can't hear any of this can she?

2008-05-31, 12:53 AM
((Actually, Kumatora would be close enough to hear this probably, if you want.))

The man shifts nervously. "Listen, Kakita-san. Just pay the fee and you can be on your way. You are wasting my time and yours."

Rogue 7
2008-05-31, 01:02 AM
Knowledge: Local[roll0]

Assuming he's a fake here, if the results of my knowledge check indicate otherwise, I'll edit this.

"Let's quit beating around the bush, Aoshi-san. We're here for an inspection, call out your captain."

2008-05-31, 08:28 PM
Shijiku is the name of the Crane Minister of Trade, one of the top advisors to the shogun. it is extremely unlikely that he would bother to personally give orders to set up a tollbooth in the middle of nowhere; more likely the man just gave the first name he could think of that was in some way connected with the authorities.

In response to your statement, he gives a tiny yelp and attempts to get back inside.

Everyone Roll Initiative; if you beat a 16, you have a round in which to act before he gets inside.

Rogue 7
2008-05-31, 08:54 PM
"I don't know about you, but that does not look to me like he is going to get the captain."


OOC- what is it with me and 20's on initiative rolls? Kojirou will, if he can reach the guy, charge and attempt to trip him.
If he can't reach him, he'll advance a normal move and draw his sword.

Rogue 7
2008-05-31, 09:04 PM
Rolls for the above actions:

Unarmed melee touch- [roll0]
Strength check: [roll1]

2008-06-02, 12:05 PM
Initative [roll0]

2008-06-02, 12:11 PM

Aoshi makes a split second decision on the intentions of the fleeing man.
Sense Motive [roll0] and if he is indeed fleeing rather than getting his captain (or if I really blow this roll) Aoshi's blade flickers out of the scabard and slashed down on the man attempting to hamstring him. (don't have the feat so apply whatever appropriate penalties you want for a called shot type thing.)

Attack [1d20+10]
Damage [1d10+7]

2008-06-02, 12:12 PM
doh, gotta keep remembering how to do rolls

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Natural 1! stupid baggy pants always get my sword stuck in them.

2008-06-02, 02:47 PM
In a split second, Aoshi's blade is drawn. However, the man is already sprawled on the ground; Kojirou's hand has grabbed his left ankle, causing him to lose his balance and crash to the earth. He gasps, winded from the sudden fall. However, you hear a sudden sound above you, and a crossbow bolt falls from above and strikes Kojirou's shoulder. You hear movement on the second story; your unknown assailant is loading another bolt.

((The trip was successful, but Kojirou takes 8 points of damage from the bolt.))

2008-06-03, 10:20 AM

Aoshi lets out a loud shout to alert the members of his party he doesn't know where is. He leaves the bandit splayed on the ground for others to deal with Aoshi makes a dash for the front door of the guardhouse trying to shoulder it open.

2008-06-03, 11:50 AM
The door is blown off one hinge as Aoshi enters, sword still drawn. Inside the dimly lit gatehouse, you see that the room is mostly full of barrels and burlap sacks. A rickety wooden staircase with no railing runs up the wall across from the door you entered.

Rogue 7
2008-06-03, 08:30 PM
"argh, kuso! That hurt!"

Biting off more curses through his teeth, Kojirou draws his blade and attempts to knock out the man he had previously tripped.

I'll try to do nonlethal damage with my sword, but if not I'll use my fist instead. Either way, I want to put this guy out without killing him.

sword strike: [roll0]. Feel free to apply any modifiers.
damage- nonlethal. [roll1]

Fist- [roll2] again, feel free to apply the mods.
damage- [roll3]

2008-06-03, 10:57 PM
You smack the man with the dull side of your blade; although you barely break the skin, he squeals in pain and tries to roll away from you. However, he succeeds only in banging his head on the open door, and falls limp, drooling slightly.

((Sound off, who all is still here? I think we have lost Random's shugenja, but other than that I'm not sure...))

2008-06-04, 11:23 AM
Seeing no other rooms, Aoshi bounds up the stairs taking them two at a time. There has to be a look out of sorts here somewhere.

2008-06-09, 12:53 PM
((Sorry about the long break, my internet went dead over the weekend.))

As Aoshi reaches the top of the stairs, he sees a man leaning out of the window, aiming a crossbow. However, the man hears Aoshi, and whirls, pointing the crossbow at him. A bolt fires, but it glances harmlessly off of Aoshi's armor. Annoyed, the man chucks the crossbow into a corner and picks up a large spear.

Rogue 7
2008-06-10, 08:15 PM
Kojirou will run into the house, look around, and follow Aoshi. Dodge on anyone who hasn't engaged Aoshi, if not on crossbow/spear guy.

2008-06-12, 06:31 PM
(Bugger. First I get sick, and then my computer gets sick. Is it too late to join in again?)

2008-06-12, 11:07 PM
((No, welcome back. Feel free to read what's happened so far, and you are about 30 feet from the front door of the guardhouse.))

The man with the spear seems to be alone on the second floor. He drops into a solid stance, steadying the spear against the floor. He looks like he knows how to use the weapon, but he isn't advancing yet- also, he glances back out the window every so often.