View Full Version : El Goonish Shive

The Rose Dragon
2008-05-12, 08:30 AM
So, it's been a while since we've had an EGS thread. Seeing how it is one of my favorite webcomics, despite its glaring flaws, I thought I'd start the new one.

So, Catalina is gay for Susan. Who didn't see it coming?

Tempest Fennac
2008-05-12, 08:35 AM
I didn't expect that to happen if I'm honest. In regards to flaws, were you thinking about the update schedule?

The Rose Dragon
2008-05-12, 08:38 AM
No, I was talking about how almost every character is either a Mary Sue, or a Woobie. And the art. And Grace's Birthday Party. Oh gods, don't get me started on Grace's Birthday Party.

Tempest Fennac
2008-05-12, 08:45 AM
The party was a bit drawn out. I always thought the art was fine, though. What are Mary Sues and Woobies?

The Rose Dragon
2008-05-12, 08:47 AM
Well, every main character is a Woobie, some are Mary Sues, and the art used to be much more tolerable before it got "upgraded".

For the definitons of Woobie and Mary Sue, see TV Tropes.

Tempest Fennac
2008-05-12, 08:54 AM
I don't honestly see how either of those terms can apply to that many character being as they all have flaws while often not being that sympathetic (unless I'm just emotionally unusual).

2008-05-12, 09:10 AM
I contest that using a trope to say something is wrong goes against


Also if you like the comic, what does it matter if it breaks "rules?"

The goal is entertainment and storytelling, El Goonish Shive does all of the above and in a funny and quirky way. Originality be damned, EGS rocks my socks.

The Rose Dragon
2008-05-12, 09:21 AM
One or two character being a Woobie, I can handle. Every character is a bit too much. Then again, the entire cast of BtVS were Woobies, and it was still a great show. And I did mention EGS is one of my favorite webcomics. I even went ahead and opened my second thread about it.

But still, Grace's Birthday Party...

2008-05-12, 01:23 PM
I like EGS and the only things that i have to complain about the arc is that it was more dramatic that silly most of the time, considering other arcs before it (even Paint it black had more funny moments :smalltongue:) and that it was a little lenghty.

also, about this arc, we need more info on the shadowy guy and his intentions...and i didn't saw the Catalina issue "comming" until today, i have considered it, though, along with a lot of other possible follow-ups, so it didn't fall on me like a ton of bricks. Which is just fine.

One sereus claim: the comic lacks Dr. Germahn! the hive demmands more of him!
((and yes, typos were intended))

2008-07-30, 07:58 AM
What I didn't liked is the change of personality of Eliot and his change from main cast to second cast.

Come' on! He didn't did anything significant since the first jelly attack and his personality are very different from the first comics. Ellen behave more like Elliot in that regard.

2008-07-30, 08:37 AM
Elliot faded into the background a bit because he's the Straight Man and because we've had major storylines centered on Grace. Tedd's dad even proved so http://www.egscomics.com/d/20041117.html (here), with charts and all.

The most horrifying bit about the Birthday Party was its sheer length combined with a slow pace of updates. Reading it now in the archives, it feels a lot better. And Dan's learned his lesson - we've had regular updating for months now :)

2008-07-30, 07:54 PM
(even Paint it black had more funny moments :smalltongue:)[/COLOR]

Painted Black. Paint It Black is a Rolling Stones song.

2008-07-30, 08:44 PM
One or two character being a Woobie, I can handle. Every character is a bit too much.

I'd disagree with every character being one. Elliot and Sarah seem fairly well-adjusted, since they're the Straight Couple. Or at least they don't have the heaping spoonful of issues the others do.

The Rose Dragon
2008-08-23, 12:05 PM
Sooo... can anyone make any sense out of what Susan says?

2008-08-23, 02:05 PM
Not detailedly, but still, the main thing seems to be that people can have potential for magic, but you have to realize it and "open up" to it, which is the awakening. You can awaken in controlled circumstances, which has little to no ill effects, or you can awaken wrong, which is what seems to be happening to the Dunkel brothers, and which is going to have unpleasant consequences, most of which we are yet to find out (all except the fact they seem to be unable to contain pent-up magic, which manifests in uncomfortable - and maybe even dangerous - ways).

The fact Susan seems to define herself as "dreaming" seems to place her somewhere between "normal" and "full-fledged magic user", which would fit with her usual lack of use of it despite there being proof that she technically can do a bit of magic.

She hasn't really given a lot of info - but then, that's a Susan hallmark -, but what she has given seems pretty clear, actually. Or maybe I just read too many fantasy novels.

2008-08-24, 09:10 AM
I don't get why it's a big deal suddenly that Elliot can use magic, since the anime-based martial art style he was practicing with Sensei Greg is definitely not powered by mundane capacities... This is a big "well, duh" moment.

The Rose Dragon
2008-08-24, 09:18 AM
No, it didn't call upon magic. It called upon "inner demonic power". There is a difference (though I'll be damned if I know what it is). Besides, Justin also practiced the same art and he is one of the two most mundane characters in the comic.

2008-08-24, 12:01 PM
I don't get why it's a big deal suddenly that Elliot can use magic, since the anime-based martial art style he was practicing with Sensei Greg is definitely not powered by mundane capacities... This is a big "well, duh" moment.

Not only inner ki and magic don't seem to be exactly the same thing, but I'm seeing that the main point is that, even if you want to treat ASMA as "magic", the Dunkels got exposed to another type of magic, under uncontrolled and potentially dangerous circumstances, and are starting to develop freaky-bad side-effects. I think that should be enough to get nervous.

2008-08-24, 12:51 PM
Besides, Justin also practiced the same art and he is one of the two most mundane characters in the comic.

This doesn't say much... :smallamused:

Midnight Lurker
2008-09-02, 09:12 PM
And we now have a reasonably full explanation. Fairly straightforward and not as dangerous as we feared...

The Rose Dragon
2008-09-10, 04:47 PM
Woo! EGS: NP updates!

I love EGS: NP.

2008-09-28, 05:43 PM

Tess + Eliot..... did not see that coming........out of the blue Mindscrew for ya
question: why didn't Sarah's name change?

2008-09-29, 05:28 AM

Tess + Eliot..... did not see that coming........out of the blue Mindscrew for ya
question: why didn't Sarah's name change?

Maybe she's still a girl, just a very butch and mannish one.

2008-11-16, 06:31 PM
No, it didn't call upon magic. It called upon "inner demonic power". There is a difference (though I'll be damned if I know what it is). Besides, Justin also practiced the same art and he is one of the two most mundane characters in the comic.

Not only inner ki and magic don't seem to be exactly the same thing, but I'm seeing that the main point is that, even if you want to treat ASMA as "magic", the Dunkels got exposed to another type of magic, under uncontrolled and potentially dangerous circumstances, and are starting to develop freaky-bad side-effects. I think that should be enough to get nervous.

Ha! (http://egscomics.com/d/20081113.html)

That is all.

2008-11-17, 02:35 AM
I like EGS, although I too find the pacing very slow.

I'm not talking about the "a year and a half for a single birthday party", but more about the fact that the whole damn thing, since strip one, has taken place in like 2 weeks.
All of that in two weeks is just too much for me.

Also, I don't understand Dan's need for buffer. He keeps saying that it's so he can update regularly, but every time his buffer hets a bit shorter, he end up having fillers. So, really, why have a buffer at all? It ends up being the same either way.

The artstyle is cute although I have a bit of trouble with the lack of foreheads. And the story is utterly bizarre, but seems to be more and more planned now, which I guess is a good thing. I just wished it had a planned ending, I find it usually better when the artist has an end in sight.