View Full Version : Exalted: Saving Pinehull

2008-05-12, 12:35 PM
The Township of Pinehull

It stopped snowing just an hour ago, but the world is still covered in it. It’s heavy on the thin branches of the pine trees. Just as the world seems to be numbing beyond sensation, the trees clear to reveal a town…though calling it a town does seem more than generous.

Pinehull was built on a small, sloping mound. The town’s miserable cabins are arranged in three concentric circles, each slightly higher than the last. At its center, the top of the mound, there’s a well-worn plaza swept clean of snow and an unlit red jade brazier.

As you walk the meager paths that traverse Pinehull, you begin to notice how truly damaged it is. The outermost buildings are little more than wooden ruins, overgrown and out of use. The innermost are mostly in-tact, but they all look blackened, like scorched wood. Looking through the windows of the few houses that are still serviceable, you see entire families in thick fur huddled around miserable coals.

There is some small measure of life in the plaza. A woman with long blonde hair is kneeling in prostration before the brazier, a small stick of incense in her hand. A thickly-mustachioed man with a covered merchant’s cart is discussing something with an older gentleman. Three children are playing in the alleyways between buildings, tossing around a strange, glittering toy.

Most noticeable of all, however, is the young man in fine red furs arguing with the kind of old and venerable man who could only be a village elder. The young man has an exceptionally fine sword in one hand, and he’s gesturing towards the brazier angrily. You can’t quite hear what they’re yelling about, but it’s clear that they disagree.

2008-05-12, 01:10 PM
Stone Spring

Stone paces slowly through the town. It might wrench his heart more if it weren't the standard fare where he came from. As it is, he concentrates on his task. He pulls at the large fur draped over his back, hoping it doesn't expose his shield. Displays of silver finery are common in the North, but something feels off to him. His instinct to hide is on for some reason, and he knows better than not to listen to it.

Okay, If there's a chimera in the area, somebody's going to know about it. I should look for a community leader. That elder over there might be about right. I'll have to get his attention, though.

Stone walks up to the red-furred man and the elder, and towers near them both, not quite a giant, but imposing all the same.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," he says matter-of-factly.

2008-05-12, 01:23 PM
"Please interrupt," the elder replies to Stone Spring. If he had said it any other way it could have sounded sarcastic, but it's an honest plea. "How can I help you?"

The man in red is incensed by this and he sheathes the tip of his sword in the loose snow banks that ring the plaza.

"Why aren't you taking this seriously, Reis? I'm telling you I can do it this time! I can help. I just need the Tablet. It's mine by all rights, and you've no claim to keep it from me."

The elder responds with a quiet and respectful tone, firm and unyielding as the eldest mountains.

"Have you forgotten what happened last time?"

The man in red's mouth drops open to respond, but he can't find the words. He grabs his sword and storms off down one of the paths that leads out of town.

2008-05-12, 03:41 PM
The man in red makes it most of the way out of town before colliding with a slight figure in a fur jacket who is very clearly more interested in the world around her than the path in front of her. As he goes sprawling one way, she drops another, twisting so that she keeps the case strapped on her back from impacting the ground before she does and only barely managing to do so, and a small bird darts through the air away from both of them to settle on a nearby roof and give them a reproachful look.

The girl picks herself up quickly, and moves immediately to help the man in red, not even bothering to dust herself off or realizing that she's lost her cloak in the confusion. With the heavy fabric gone, it's clear that she's young, seventeen at most; her clothing is thick and layered, hand-mended in places, except for the shiny new wooden case strapped across her back and the strips of silk poking out from under her sash. "I'm sorry, sir, the silence was just so loud.... are you all right?"

2008-05-12, 04:47 PM
Honestly, Beigis had completely forgotten why he had come to Pinehull.

Now, he could retrace his steps easily enough. He'd been in a small town, some distance south, to regain a few supplies and talk with the locals. They'd been friendly enough, especially as Beigis hadn't asked anything of them.

Now, admittedly, Beigis didn't have a lot of direction to his actions. It hadn't been very long ago that he'd fought the dragon-blooded, that his new power ran through him. In retrospect, that was his typical response when he wanted to think - he went walking. Helped clear his head. But it was almost like something was guiding him here, guiding him to Pinehull.

And when he arrived... he was floored.

It was devastating - the feeling of misery culminated through the region. Beigis stood, a bit outside of town, just staring for a frame of time, as the wind blew through his open hair, his headband keeping it out of his eyes.

He shivered a bit, pulling his coat closer about himself. His silver eyes slowly shifted from astonishment... to determination. His adopted family would've recognized that look - it was the look he got when he'd gotten his heart set on something.

He tweaked the large belt buckle he wore - which kept his baggy pants up - and marched forward, boots crunching softly against the newly fallen snow.

He glanced around town as he walked, soaking in what he could of the area. There were clearly problems, but he didn't quite know how this town worked just yet - they may be limiting to outsiders. And simultaneously, he saw a pseudo-problem he could solve.

So first things first, he approached the children. It was slightly heartening, seeing them play amidst the devastation.

"Hey - you kids know how to play marbles?" He asked, as he approached. He shook his head, playing the role as he removed a bag of spherical rocks from his backpack. "I swear, kids these days - it's like nobody knows how to play them anymore - it's great fun, too. Here, lemme show you how it works."

He waited a bit for the kid's reactions to his offer. If they agreed, he could spin his story on how to play, otherwise he'd have to try something else.

This was when he noted that the object the kids were playing with was a little unusual looking. He glanced at it hazily, but was mostly attempting to make a pleasant showing for himself - making friends was a good way to be accepted, and being accepted by a group was a good way to learn about their problems.

Or maybe he was overthinking things. Either way, he wanted to help.

2008-05-12, 04:48 PM
The man in red balks as the girl attends to him. His aura--if one believed in such a thing--sounded strange, like an electric elegy played on an instrument that didn't even exist yet.

"Uhm...t-uh. Y-yeah, I'm just. Just fine. Thank you," he says, and he bows a little too low and almost tips over but catches himself at the last moment. "I'm Vermillion Beacon. And you are?"

2008-05-12, 05:07 PM
"Taraneh.... Taraneh Larkchaser." She whistles to the bird on the roof, then glares as it refuses to return, before turning her regard back to Beacon--or to a little way past him, it's hard to tell. "This seems like it would be a lovely place, but the key's all off, the tempo's wrong, it's all little notes, no harmonies, everything's so sad.... what happened here? Why are they troubled?" And then for the first time meets his eyes directly, sympathy in the gray of the sky overhead. "Why are you troubled?"

2008-05-12, 05:43 PM
Stone Spring

Stone Spring pushes the other business to the side. This town definitely has many more problems than he could hope to solve.

"I've heard there's a monster terrorizing the area. What can you tell me about it?"

2008-05-12, 05:45 PM
Vermillion Beacon

"I'm not troubled," Vermillion Beacon offers feebly, like some small trinket of solace. "But Pinehull's seen better days. When I was little, we were on our way to prospering. Then our Medium died and Fire-in-Ice betrayed us and now we've got a demon haunting the forest. But..." he looks up from his feet to meet her glance now. "That's all going to change very soon."

He looks wistfully towards the eastern horizon.

The Children

"We know how to play marbles, sir," the oldest of the boys says politely.

"Mom said not to talk to strangers, Autumn," the youngest says, tugging at his brother's coat tails.

The middle child stands behind both of them, quietly appraising the strange man. He's holding the toy--on closer inspection, a soft, silvery ball no larger than a marble. But wasn't it fist-sized a second ago? Curious.

The Village Elder

"Monsters? Are you from Glasheim? Where's Silent Meadow? Did she make it alright?" The elder's face flushes quickly with each question, and there's honest concern in his eyes now. He starts to pace back and forth, considering the matter. After a moment he stops, examines Stone Spring more closely with arms folded, and sighs.

"It appeared about two years ago: a slick, gray beast that could pass for an elk in the dark of night. But it isn't. It is...terror. Those who saw it started going mad. They became prisoners of their own fears. Some of them went out into the forest to hunt it...they either came back gibbering messes or didn't come back at all. It started raiding us about a year ago...some nights it'll sneak up and just rampage through a house. If we're lucky it'll take a house that's empty. If we're not, we can loose entire families."

2008-05-12, 06:22 PM
Taraneh rests a hand on his, eyes wide in curiosity and confusion. "Demon? Betrayal? Change? A melody is nice, but without a harmony it is only notes." She looks out to the horizon as well, as if seeing what he sees will give her an answer somehow. "...you give the sense of doing something. I wish to do something; the silence presses in. What something is to be done? Is there a something to help the something that might be a something I can do?"

2008-05-12, 06:45 PM
Beigis maintained his smile, as he put away the bag. His curiosity, however, was getting the better of him - he'd hazily noticed the orb change, and if there was one thing he'd learned from his stay in the Legions it was that magical objects tended to be involved with magical creatures - and this didn't seem like the work of bandits.

"Haha, alright, alright. Sorry - I should've guessed, you boys look sharp enough as-is. I just noticed you not playing it, and thus made a bad guess. Say, what game are you playing, anyway?"

He had to make a decision - ask them about it, or sneak a better look - and he decided on asking. The kids were clearly having a good time with it, whatever it was, so no sense removing it from them without due cause.

2008-05-12, 08:28 PM
Vermillion Beacon

The young man laughs, thinking at first that this strange woman is joking. After a moment of awkward silence, however, he realizes that she's quite serious and coughs before checking around to make sure no one's listening.

"You want to help me? Want to help all of Pinehull? Help me get the Tablet--my Tablet. Cricket has no right to keep it from me, not anymore. Not when it could change all of this," he says, gesturing wildly to the destroyed buildings. "Will you help me? Can you help me?"

The Children

"We were playing catch," the eldest--Autumn something, you guess--says. "We really have to be heading home mister," the boy says, motioning with his arm to physically intervene between Beigis and the two younger boys. He nods and all three of them walk away at a speed just a hare's breath from a run.

2008-05-12, 08:44 PM
Stone Spring

"Silent Meadow never made it to Glasheim, wherever that is. She's safe, though. As for the monster, will it come tonight? Is there any way of predicting when it will strike?" Stone doesn't turn his head. Better not to look at the destruction.

2008-05-12, 08:52 PM
"Below my hands are both shards and rubble; how do I piece together that which I did not see break?" Taraneh asks, perplexed. "Somewhere in these shards, the piece that brings the broken dish together, you say. But to not know the shape of the cracks, nor the color of the piece, nor guess under what it is buried.... A child reaches in without seeing, and grabs what feels like the right thing, and pulls it free, and behind her hands the pile falls with the treasure lost. Such a child cannot help you, but one who knows what leans on what, and what must be drawn free--such a one can."

2008-05-13, 01:07 AM
And away they shifted - Beigis could feel their intent as the conversation shifted.

Kids, being kids. Good ones, too - they were sticking together when dealing with a situation they were unsure of. Simultaneously, their hesitation was interesting - it was hard to tell if they were just cautious, or if they were being silent due to whatever had caused this. Frankly, he needed more information.

It was impossible to even notice that he'd reached out.

This, after all, was one of the very few tricks he'd learned he could do since he'd seen the light. But subtlety was his thing - the utilization of Stealing from Plain Sight Spirit was all but unnoticable. Almost instinctively, he utilized his peripheral pool but spent an extra mote therefrom to mute the sound - a better idea in case of a potential emergency in the near future. The music notes which normally would have danced from him danced through his eyes for an instant.

He knew he didn't have very long - the power of the charm would cease to hold their attention after then. Thus, he took a good long look at the orb - seeing if he could discern its function while the charm took place.

The goal is to just take a good long look at the item. I'm using Stealing from Plain Sight Spirit to steal it from the boy holding it - assuming he's an extra and not something else in disguise, anyway. Beigis is going to just take a good long look (during the severeal refreshes he has) at it to see if he can discern its function - if it's not dangerous or if it becomes a crunch for time, he'll leave it on the road where the kids were and get away from sight, figuring the kids will come back for it when they realize they 'dropped' it.

Charm used: Stealing from Plain Sight Spirit (5 motes)
Also: Night Caste ability utilized, so it's spent from peripheral (1 more mote)
Personal Essence: 14
Peripheral Essence: 28/34

2008-05-13, 05:24 AM

She comes into Pinehull leading about a half-dozen other riders. Her gleaming red jade-alloy armor reflecting brightly against the stark whiteness of the fresh snow, and instantly marking her as one of the Terrestrial Exalted. Entering into the edges of the township she gracefully dismounts, hopping off her warhorse as though the thick metal plates with which she is adorned weighed nothing. She grins broadly and runs a gauntleted hand through her short loosely curled red-orange hair. "Shale, take everyone and see about securing lodging, would you?" she says cheerfully to an older man riding behind her, who quickly answers in the affirmative.

"I think I'll see if I can't find the person in charge around here. Care to accompany me, dear sister?" she asks, striding off toward the center of town without waiting for an answer, magnanimously smiling and nodding to the locals as she walks.

2008-05-13, 09:04 AM
As the dragonblooded spoke another girl nodded lightly before she replied. "I will. The one in charge should be able to tell us about the strange things we have heard about this town.". The other girl dismounted carefully before following her sister into town, pushing her glasses back into place on the way. "I wonder what the people of the town will think when they see us. It is not every day one of the favored of Hesiesh enters a place like this and i don't exactly look like i am from around here either." She remarked this as she glanced down over the expensive hunting outfit her mother had sewn for her as part of trying to get her interested in proper dynastic pastimes. It was not like her long black hair, tanned skin or strange golden eyes weren't out of place either.

As she went into town along her sister she looked over the place and the locals trying to get a feel for what kind of town it was and what their problems might be. Her and her sister were sure to get dragged into it just by their presence after all.

2008-05-13, 02:31 PM
The Elder to Stone Spring

"There's no predicting such things, but ten to one it'll attack tonight. No idea which direction it'll come from, though," the old man says and coughs briefly before slapping a hand against his knee. "You really intend to have at this thing, then?" he asks, hopefully.

The Silver Toy

As Beigis swipes the ball from the child and examines it, there's little about it that seems truly extraordinary. It's still a marble-sized bit of bright, soft silver.
Care to roll Lore/Occult + Intelligence to know more?

Vermillion Beacon

"I...have no good response to that," Vermillion Beacon says, obviously flustered. After a moment shared in awkward silence, he shrugs it off. "If you want to know why, meet me tonight at my grandfather's house. It's right there," he says, pointing to a modest cabin on the second rung of the town's sloping mound. Without waiting for her response, Vermillion Beacon speeds off at a sprint, heading out of town and into the woods towards the East.

2008-05-13, 02:51 PM
Lore + Intelligence:


2008-05-13, 03:38 PM
Stone Spring

"Yes. But if anyone here knows how to fight, I hadn't originally planned on taking it on alone."

He turns around and looks back. Riders at the edge of the village, not too hard to see from the height vantage. And at least one of them definitely Terrestrial.

The Wyld Hunt. I wouldn't have thought they'd be sending even more this way. Maybe they're after the chimera. If I lay low...they could make this a lot easier. One thing's for sure, I'm not gonna let them see me if I don't have to. That's more than I'm prepared to handle.

He frowns, and turns back to the elder.

"I don't suppose there's room in any of the cabins for me to stay. Until nightfall, of course. Can't do much good if I'm in the wrong one, best to be outside waiting for it after the sun sets."

2008-05-13, 03:49 PM
Taraneh stares after him, slightly perplexed--until a very loud cheeping from her now-returned familiar and a puff of wind remind her that her cloak is on the ground and not her shoulders.

And then she notices the riders.

I did not need this.

She sighs, recovers her cloak and wraps it back around herself, and continues sauntering up the street towards the woman at the brazier, eyes on nothing and everything, distracted as if listening to something only she can hear.

2008-05-13, 04:01 PM
The Elder

"I'm afraid your options for help would be limited. Most left here are old. Our strongest left last Water to try and find help, and Silent Meadow left just two weeks ago to see what had become of them. She fought that demon off at least three times before it finally started to make her crack. But...you wanted a cabin, then? Well, it's not much but I'm sure there's some room with--" and he says a name, an impossible name that sounds entirely as if it has no vowels. Then he yells it in the direction of the mustachioed man towards the far side of the plaza. He approaches the pair of you, and you immediately notice both how very well dressed he is in yellow silk and black fur and how utterly hideous he is. His eyes are continuously bulged, and his skin is yellow and greasy looking.

"Yes?" he asks.

"Snvl--" the Elder says, confirming his impossible name, "--would you have room for one more in your cabin?"

The strange man appraises Stone Spring then nods, amiably enough but with a sort of nervous twitch in his left eye.

"There's always room for one more. It's right there," he says, pointing to a cabin just inside the first rung. "Two families are already sharing the living room, but there's one last spare blanket."

The Woman by the Brazier

As Tanareh approaches, she begins to hear the faint murmurings of the prostrate woman. They're low and harsh and they sound like rote-memorization of badly mangled Old Realm: the nouns don't agree with the verbs and the adjectives are off somewhere to the side trying to modify the articles. A few key words do, however, stick out: fire, sanctity, right, hope, and return.

"New here?" a voice calls at her as she approaches. Behind Tanareh, a young woman in white with short, dark hair approaches, a tall and grimy candle held in her left hand. "She won't answer you. Her shift's almost over, but she's still on duty until noon."

2008-05-13, 04:30 PM
"If not from her, then from you?" Taraneh smiles. "Sadness I hear in this place. Her words fall, but they do not echo; snow on puddles, melting before they can find their places, sparks landing on stone and not straw. What ails this place?"

2008-05-13, 04:49 PM
The Woman

"What ails this place is the ire of our incensed patron," she replies, cutting quickly but politely through Taraneh's poetry. Something in her eyes says that she appreciates the artistry of it, though, and she stoops to light the wick on one of the few little coals in the brazier. "He abandoned us two years ago, and he took all the fire with him. Since then, we've had to make due with ash and embers and little else. Watch this, though," she says, smiling, and points overhead. Somewhere in the distance, a chime is heard, but it comes from no specific direction but rather wells upward, as if from the ground. A flock of pure white bats fly overhead an instant later, roused by the sound of it.

The blonde woman stands and the short-haired woman takes her place slowly. Without respect to Taraneh, the blonde shuffles past her and into a nearby cabin. The short-haired woman in turn begins to chant, and does at least a better job of it, like someone who knows the words and just isn't sure about the exact order.

2008-05-13, 05:01 PM
"Beautiful..." Taraneh whispers, watching the bats... and then realizes that her information source got away.

....just once, I want a big sign over my head saying 'I will solve your problems if given the information to do so'. It may not be completely true, but at least it would get me some answers.

She turns around and quickly walks after the older woman. "Excuse me.... I think I might be able to help you...."

2008-05-13, 05:10 PM
Stone Spring

"I won't need the blanket," Stone reassures the man.

He takes another look at the Realmers.

"I'll be back in a while. I might be able to gain some information in the woods."

With that, he heads off to the woods. He knows that if any non-chimera Lunar had ever been here, they'd leave signs. They'd let him know where the Wyld was coming in, or where chimera might hide. Or maybe some bit of information he didn't know he needed. Whatever the case, it was best to look while the sun gave light.

2008-05-13, 08:17 PM

Chuckling at her sister's comments, she replies "I would hope they think us heroes come to save them from whatever has been destroying their village. And if they don't now, I intend to see to it that they do before we leave." She continues striding purposefully until she reaches the plaza and the huddled villages. Look at them, she thinks, how can they have been abandoned like this?

Looking over the townsfolk in the plaza, Seras rests her eyes on the village elder and walks over to speak with him. "Greetings, good sir, you look like the man to see about local goings on. I have heard tell of a dangerous creature terrorizing your humble settlement, and have come to see to the destruction of the beast. Anything information you can give us may help," she says, hoping that the elder will not see through her brazenness and wonder why she comes with such a small entourage and no soldiers at her back. Calm down, Seras, these people aren't looking for inconsistencies in your story, they just need help, she thinks. Making eye-contact with the elder, trying to let him see her sincerity, Seras continues "Please, I-i just want to help."

2008-05-13, 09:05 PM
The Elder

The elder examines Seras carefully, with growing worry in his aged face. As if ignorant of any social stigma, he reaches out to check her forehead with the back of his soft, deeply-lined hand.

"Dear child, why are you so red and flush? Is it the cold? The wind? You'll catch your death of something if you let yourself get into this kind of state. Doesn't seem like a fever, yet, but these winds are deceitful. And armor like this isn't for traveling. Are you alright? Do you need to rest? We've got hot embers, though I'm afraid we haven't got any fire to warm yourself by, not since Fire-in-Ice started slacking off."

The Older Blonde

The older blonde woman stops, rolls her eyes, and turns around on her heel with a frustrated manner.

"How can you help me?"

2008-05-13, 09:34 PM
"I know the language in which you're trying to pray," Taraneh replies, slightly irritated by the apparent brushoff. "I lived from a meeting of that walks the world and that which is the world. When first I walked, my feet were in two worlds. The other I hear, day in, day out, songs that you would not imagine. Their ways, our ways, your ways, all ways are my ways."

She smiles. "You seek to ring a bell that will not sound, to light a spark the tinder will not catch. But to bring him back you talk without speaking, and you hear without listening the response and the silence. Tell me where the silence came from, if you know. Where sleeps the bell that will not sound? Why did it cease to ring? Tell me, and I will do all that is in my power to bring back your fire."

2008-05-13, 10:16 PM

By the dragons, she thinks, has it been so long since they've seen a Dragon-Blood? Taking the elders hand in her own, Seras slowly and kindly says "Do not concern yourself over me, I am a Child of Hesiesh, and I am my own fire. If one of your local gods is failing to fulfill its duties, I can bring it back in line as well. Just tell me. I can, I will, help."

2008-05-13, 10:28 PM
The Elder

"Hes...iesh? Hesiesh...don't know him. Is he the god of your village? Can't be worse than Fire-in-Ice...not that he was too bad until Rusted Edge died and...well, since Rusted Edge died. But that makes you a god-child! Never thought I'd live to see the day another godling strode around the plaza."

The elder considers her carefully now, as if examining her for the first time.

"If you really are a godling, perhaps you can bring Fire-in-Ice back into line. We would be eternally grateful, my dear. My name is Cricket of the Forgotten Prayer," he says, bowing lightly and informally.

The Older Blonde

"Hmph," she replies scornfully to the half-riddled tone. "You talk like a southerner. It doesn't matter if the prayer is wrong." She turns her gaze elsewhere and stares downward at the plaza's simple stone tiles, tracing the ancient grout. "Fire-in-Ice won't relent, not until it's Vermillion's bloody corpse set in the brazier as kindling."

2008-05-13, 10:38 PM
"I sense a story. Would you mind sharing?" Taraneh smiles at her hopefully. In the middle of it she catches the current conversation between the Dragon-Blood and the elder.

Can't she go fight the beast or something? This is my job she's horning in on and I am not about to let her go solve it with a daiklave when I can handle it with considerably more finesse. Nitza, go keep an ear on her, all right? The bird flutters away, alighting on what's left of a roof near the elder.

2008-05-13, 10:53 PM
The Blonde Woman

After a moment's silence she relents, and motions for Taraneh to follow her as she enters the small cabin she was headed to earlier. Inside, its...not exactly warmer, but certainly less cold. Glowing ashes are piled neatly in trays throughout the spartan room, and a few even have red-coals fresh from the brazier sitting in the center of the ashes.

She pulls out a chair politely for Taraneh and seats herself opposite the stranger at her small, circular table. Looking around, there are two small beds in this cabin, a few battered cabinets, and the beginnings of stained glass.

"We don't get many visitors...much less ones who claim to speak Old Realm. My name is Jeweled Flower, and if you really think you can persuade Fire-in-Ice..." she trails off, locking eyes with Taraneh's own, startled by something therein. She regains her composure and finishes her thoughts: "...if you want to try, you're right. You should go into this knowing full well what happened."

"Fire-in-Ice has been our patron god since...well, since. When Pinehull was built up on the splintered flinders of whatever was here before, Fire-in-Ice was already here, already waiting for us. He calls...called us his children, but it used to be more literal. He actually had a line of godlings from this village: they'd breed true for a few generations, and then he'd predict a girl born to his normally male-dominated line, and he'd renew their bloodline. But then, when I was a little girl, he predicted the birth of his next mate and...it came out male. Nicest boy you'd ever meet, but he had the boy named Rusted Edge because he'd blunted his bloodline."

"It's always been the job of the godlings to deal with Fire-in-Ice, keep the town in his graces. And Rusted Edge did a good enough job of it, but Fire-in-Ice demanded a daughter from him and got...another son. You've met Vermillion. There's nothing left of Fire's blood in him, or nothing worth even mentioning. Even still, Rusted Edge died and Vermillion tried to take over and ended up causing more harm than good. At first Fire-in-Ice was just annoyed, but then he got so angry he took all the fire from us. Vermillion did something to annoy him after that, to seal it. I don't know what it was, but Fire-in-Ice won't even appear to try and parley anymore."

2008-05-13, 10:59 PM
"....that definitely complicates matters. Can you tell me where his sanctum is? I may be able to at least attempt to parley with him." She smiles. "My name is Taraneh, by the way. Taraneh Larkchaser."

2008-05-13, 11:09 PM
Jeweled Flower

"He moved his sanctum shortly after whatever it was Vermillion did, because Vermillion did it there. I don't know where it is. Vermillion's been looking for it, unsuccessfully. Claims he could fix all this if he had the Tablet; I'm just thankful that Cricket's had the good sense not to give it to him and Vermillion's had the civility not to try and take it through force. That's all I can tell you about this stuff...I just say the prayers, I don't even write them."

Jeweled Flower removes a small, porcelain cylinder from a tray full of hot ash and unscrews its simple lid.

"Tea?" she asks.

2008-05-13, 11:12 PM

"Have no other Dragon-Blooded ever..." She begins to say, confusion evident in her voice, "No no, it doesn't matter. Rest assured, I am no mere godling, but one of the Terrestrial Exalted. My name is Seras. Oh yes, and this is my sister Miyuki with me." She gestures to the girl with her, with whom she bears a distinct but not overwhelming resemblance.

2008-05-13, 11:16 PM
Beigis's first reaction was to smile. So it was, in fact, a toy.

Slowly, he let it drop from his hands, carefully aiming for around where the children had been - he figured they'd be back for it as soon as they'd realized it was gone.

Almost before it hit the ground, he was gone - a short distance away, and around a corner.

Not too long afterwards, Beigis was walking through streets, thinking.

For one thing, words had jumped to his mind that he'd never heard of before. Words which he understood, at least somewhere in his head. Words which were new to him.

Being an Anathema was proving to be more complicated than he'd figured. He still lacked the overwhelming drive to kill innocents that Anathema was supposed to obtain at some point, however. Maybe that came later.

Speaking of innocents, however, he had other things to be doing at the moment. Following the toy had fallen through, at least temporarily - he could keep in mind the kids for a bit later, in case he needed more information.

As-is, he needed more information.

His wanderings took him to the plaza - he'd noted it hazily upon entering the town. There, he saw several things happening simultaneously - of particular interest was the prayer in front of the brazier - fairly focused prayer. Huh.

It was then that he caught the scornful response - mention of 'Fire-And-Ice', mention of 'It'. This caused him to remain where he was for a time - doing small, miscellaneous things in an attempt to hide the fact that he was remaining close to the wall of the cabin, and listening in.

Thus he too heard the story, and contemplated. That wasn't exactly his area of expertise, but it definitely outlined the problem.

He continued listening for a moment longer.

2008-05-13, 11:27 PM

"Dragon-Blooded? Again, not familiar with the term, but it's an honor to have two such godli...fine young ladies as yourselves," Cricket says diplomatically.

2008-05-13, 11:51 PM
"Thanks, but if I'm going to get this problem solved, I should probably start immediately." Taraneh bows to Jeweled Flower as she rises from her seat. "I'll take you up on that when you've a proper flame to heat it on, hm?"

And then she heads out the door.

This time, as she continues her wanderings around the town, her path is different. She moves first through places where there are people, then where there are none; she pauses once near Seras and her sister, once near where Beigis had watched the children playing with their ball, once near one of the places where Stone Spring had stood, once near where she had spoken to Vermillion, each time staying for a moment and listening before moving on, and once past them she steers clear of them. As she wanders, she looks around, at the damaged houses, the fallen snow, all with an expression halfway between sorrow and intense distraction, listening, always listening, and incidentally managing to spiral her way through every part of the plaza, then outward through all of the rest of town.

2008-05-14, 01:05 AM
Beigis followed Taraneh, keeping himself a bit away. He found himself using tricks he'd learned several times before, coincidentally keeping to shadows, remaining around corners, moving to ensure that he wasn't suspicious in the slightest. He recognized the first area - with the children and the ball.

It wasn't until he neared the second area - where Stone Spring had stood - that he even realized what he was doing. Why was he doing this?

In normal cases - ones he was more used to, admittedly - it was him alone dealing with the problem. But here he had the perfect chance - someone else who seemed willing to do all she could to help. She'd even gotten more information than he did.

And he was, currently, throwing that chance away for no particular reason other than his reflex was to be secretive about things.

So, the next time she shifted to an unpopulated area, he stepped forward. "Hey, hello!" He stated - it wasn't said too loudly, but it didn't really need to be, as he stepped forward.

Which is when he paused for a moment, actually a bit unsure of what to say. Especially since, as stated, he wasn't quite used to working as a group nor directly - he wasn't completely sure what words to utilize when being direct, and avoiding tricks.

That stated, he mentally shrugged. "My name is Beigis - Beigis Melrode. I overheard your conversation - may I help you with this?"

2008-05-14, 02:15 AM
Taraneh stops in mid-step as she hears his voice. "Ah... hi!"

Unexpected.... but assistance was always welcome.

"May, yes, by all means. Can--now that's a tougher question. Do you hear what cannot be seen, or see what cannot be heard?" She chuckles slightly, turns around and extends a hand. "Pleased to have the offer, though, and I'll let you know if I come up with anything else. You've probably already heard my name, but for politeness' sake I'm Taraneh."

For the things I've been hearing:
[roll0] the chorus
[roll1] the tuba
[roll2] the drum
[roll3] that buzzing noise
[roll4] the trees (or do you want two rolls?)
[roll5] the gong

2008-05-14, 03:57 AM
Beigis blinked, a bit taken back by her initial response. See what cannot be heard? Something that did not make a sound...

Regardless, he accepted the handshake. His mouth shifted to his typical half-smile as he did so. "I'm also glad to see another trying to help. Of course, I can't say much for finding his new sanctum - I would normally see if I could find more information around town. If you've got a lead, then I'll just follow along - I should be able to help a bit more when we're actually talking to Fire-and-Ice. Maybe see what's wrong."

He exhaled, returning to quick thought. It had occured to him that talking to people was a possible example of doing as she'd hinted - reading changes in tone and demanor. Simultaneously, he was a little surprised that the statement stuck with his mind as long as it did.

2008-05-14, 11:29 AM
The younger girl had stayed quiet for most of the conversation, preferring to let her sister do the talking and heroing, but hearing the concerns and ignorance of the elder made her step forward. "I hope we will be able to help you with your problem. However, i am afraid that we need a bit more information about Fire in Ice and his bloodline. In order to help deal with him we would need to know where he is and what he looks like. What his personality and capabilities are like would also be of great help. From what you tell i can gather a few things. He seems to be trying to establish power from himself away from the prying eyes of the Heavens, likely working outside the established structure of divine courts or at least on the fringes on them. He also seems inclined to use his power to withhold vital information from you, such as the nature of the dragonblooded. Am i right? Learning more about Vermilion and his family would also be of great help in our efforts to solve your problems."

She grins a bit at the man, having dealt with the business side of things. "And i am not a dragonblooded like my sister, nor related to the gods. I just have my knowledge and my mind to help deal with problems like this. Thank you for your confidence in my abilities."

As she finishes talking a small, white cat comes up to rub against her legs. While it seems healthy, it is clear from looking at it that wasn't always the case, despite its young age it already has a few scars suggesting it has been in fights in the past and it is slightly scrawny like it didn't get enough nourishment while young. Hi, Kagami. Sorry to keep you waiting but i had to play the hero out to save the town and walking in with my cat would ruin the look. I have a few things i want to ask you to do for me while i talk to this man, can you look around town and see if you can hear anything about Fire in Ice and Vermilion?. As she thought this she leaned down to scratch the cat behind its ears before it went off to looking through the wretched settlement.

2008-05-14, 12:15 PM

Cricket's eyes sparkle a bit as he takes in Miyuki's words like strong cordial.

"Now you...you are quite the firebrand, now aren't you. Yes, yes, you should know what you're dealing with. Fire-in-Ice was the god of this area when we settled here nearly eight centuries ago. He's been our patron since then, and a good one at that. He kept a line of godlings in the town, but then Rusted Edge was born a boy instead of a girl and Fire-in-Ice didn't take it too well. Then Edge had a son himself--that's Vermillion--and Fire-in-Ice just gave up. When the time came for Vermillion to negotiate with him, the boy did something to rile Fire-in-Ice. He's kept the fire from us ever since, holed himself up...somewhere."

2008-05-14, 03:15 PM
Taraneh chuckles. "I have ways of looking for it. You'd see it, if you were trained that way; I hear it. I'm a trained spirit-negotiator as well; this is why I'm here." She shrugs, steps close to one of the buildings, listens carefully. ".....and not here either." She shakes her head. "I think I know where he is, or at least where he left his mark, but there's a lot more going on here than we think. You are not alone in your power here." She mutters something under her breath in Old Realm, her tone almost awestruck. "....and this place is as close as I have heard to hearing everything, including things I have never heard before. Something of the forest is old, older than you or I, older than you-before-you, or I-before-I... but that is for later. I hear a demon--here." She points to the house from which Snvl had emerged earlier. "We have our work cut out for us, I think."

2008-05-14, 04:22 PM
Beigis placed one hand on his chin as Taraneh listened near one of the buildings.

A trained Spirit-Negotiator, she'd stated - and she seemed to compose herself as she knew what she was doing. Well, either that or she had no idea what she was talking about and was doing a wonderful job of looking like this wasn't the case. Regardless, assuming she knew what she was doing was preferable - he didn't have any other leads - and therefore he remained silent until she spoke again.

Her subtle aside caught his attention as well - alone in his power? Did she know, or suspect?

"Numerous great powers..." Beigis exhaled, glancing for a moment about the ruined town, his tone a touch more somber. "And it seems this is the result - innocent people's lives are ruined as usual."

His tone cleared up a bit, shortly after. "So! You're right - seems like there're several problems to deal with. I guess, once again, it's a lack of information causing confusion - speaking with fire and ice may clarify some things, as it's the most solid lead we have. Or, possibly, result in an angry god ranting and raving his troubles, but even that could be informative. Simultaneously, I'll defer to your judgement about interactions with him - You've got the experience."

Of course, he couldn't help but keep an eye on the building she'd referenced as well - he'd never interacted with demons in particular, and thus was cautious.

2008-05-14, 05:06 PM
Taraneh wends her way back towards the brazier in the plaza, her tone quiet enough that even he needs to make a bit of an effort to listen. "If his sanctum is anywhere in the city, it's going to be right there. It rings. So next step is to find a way to say hello without being too... obvious. Yet."

2008-05-15, 12:33 AM
Beigis nodded subtly, keeping his own voice similarly low.

"In Three Geese and a Lion, the lion caught the sprit's attention where the two elder geese failed. Perhaps he will not respond to small prayers - the quacking of geese - but will respond to the roar of a lion - a prayer done so ideally that he can't help but respond."

He paused, for a moment, halting in place. "...although by the same story, the answer would be to find the lion - because as geese, we're not the ones he wishes to hear. Fables can be curious that way, I suppose. But the first idea, perhaps?"

2008-05-15, 05:55 AM

"Well, I hope in time we will be able to assist with the Fire-in-Ice situation. Immediately though, I wonder if we should be more concerned with the creature that has been causing so much destruction? From the wreckage I saw coming into town it seems you folks are in need of a champion of some sort, " says Seras, still somewhat confused by the old man's seeming ignorance. How can he not have even heard of the Dragon-Blooded, she thinks, and the way he looked at Miyuki, like he knew... but how?

2008-05-15, 09:15 AM

"The creature...well, that we don't know much about. Started showing up when Fire-in-Ice left us--I think it could smell the desperation. Comes in every night almost, picks a house, tears it up. On nights we're lucky, it'll take an empty house. There's not a man or woman left in here who has it in them to fight that thing anymore, though. We don't even know what it is, because every night it looks a little different."

2008-05-15, 05:01 PM
Reminds me of one of my old teachers....

"If a lion can bring the forth the flame, then perhaps to make a lion of a songbird is the way to go. I wonder if they'd let me take a turn with the prayers?" She reaches a point not far from the brazier and sits down seiza-style in the snow, then closes her eyes the better to listen. "No harm in trying something, anyway." She lets her case slip off her shoulder and whistles for her bird; as it returns to her and takes its position on her shoulder she removes from her case a polished dulcimer and briskly tunes it to a modified pentatonic scale... then looks up at Beigis. "Sorry I can't ask you for help with this one; these things tend to work best semi-spontaneous."

Nitza, we're in nem. Elaborate, a'right?

And she begins to sing in Old Realm as she plucks a slower melody from the dulcimer and the bird on her shoulder starts chirping at eight notes to her plucked note, all of them seeming to modulate their tempo to a sound that none can hear.

"The cricket cold amid the ivy sings
Where have the flames vanished?
The silk no longer casts itself within;
The ink that boiled within their hearts sits dry.
Light-bringer, warmth-holder,
Where has your light fled to?

The lark that heard the cricket flutters down
Song-chasing, flame-chasing
From gardens where the lute forever sings
Where sadness silences the cricket host
Light-bringer, warmth-holder,
Songbird will sing to you.

Above a wreckage now the songbird flies,
Silence, loss and sadness.
Where songs of endings fill the silent air,
Where hope under the fallen beams is crushed.
Light-bringer, warmth-holder,
Is this what you desire?

O Garda's child, these forlorn ashes light,
Sing with me of rebirth.
From cold desolate ash build up your pyre,
And let the songs from heights return you there.
Light-bringer, warmth-holder,
I bring the light to you.

Now to this songbird sing what ails you so.
Your troubles I will hear.
Joy I will bring if given but a chance.
An end to that which drives the light away.
Light-bringer, warmth-holder
Of better times now dream.

And though a songbird has but little strength,
Young and meek but ready,
She flies from hands that shape the world around,
And sings the world brighter in their stead.
Light-bringer, warmth-holder,
Know now the choice you make."

The music spreads, encompasses all that is around it, and calls forth in all who hear it memories of what matters and feelings of an inherent rightness of purpose. One can almost hear it bend aside to accommodate other melodies; certain among her audience have a strong feeling that the melodies she bends for are their own. And as it comes together, she modulates her tune and sings in a more free-meter, still plucking rhythmically at the strings:

"In your name,
In heaven's name,
Your grace to gain,
New hope I bring.
Say "love is what you make of it"--
This hope I make of love."

She silences her strings, pauses, the world pausing with her, as if listening for the last gong that marks the end of the song, and on a cue only she can hear releases the notes and the energy as the bird on her shoulder exhales a final note and the world returns to a somewhat more cheerful version of normal.

2008-05-15, 07:53 PM
In the Plaza

As the last mote of sound finishes echoing through the clear, cold plaza, a spark of being rises from the hot ash and coals in the brazier. It flickers for a moment, then explodes into being: a glorious bird shaped from fire.

"From one songbird to another," the bird begins in a strangely feminine voice composed of nothing but the sound of crackling sparks, "I must say your tone is flawless."

The people gathered in the plaza drop to their knees in a mixture of fatigue and awe while those in the nearest cabins cling to the windows like vital ledges.

"My master will meet with you, if you like. With you alone."

2008-05-15, 08:11 PM
Miyuki got back up again as the cat went off to listen in on people in the village and what they were saying.

"You are right. The monster is the more pressing problem, though the best solution seems to be to wait for it to show up and deal with it then and there instead of roaming unknown forests hoping to bump into it. So until tonight we can try to learn more about Fire in Ice to prepare for dealing with that problem. This place needs our help more than any other we have been through..." As she speaks determination seems to come over her as she looks at Cricket. "So anything you can tell us about either the beast or Fire in Ice would be helpful. Or at the very least tell us where we can find Vermillion, he seems to be at the heart of this and might be able to tell us more."

2008-05-15, 08:13 PM
Stone Spring

Having finished his foray into the surrounding wilderness, Stone Spring marches warily back into town.

And he enters the plaza just in time to see a firebird spring from the brazier. And some young girl speaking to it. And beside the young girl was a man who...well, now, another twist.

This may be a record for most complications discovered in the span of a single instant. Even if it isn't, this is still very impressive.

He's not daunted, though. He continues strolling to the center of the plaza. He doesn't intend to let the firebird or the strange girl leave without talking to him first. He is, after all a Chosen of Luna. Dealing with the gods is his duty and birthright. Though, of course, he was never especially good at doing anything besides beating on them, and this wasn't the time for that. This is why he wasn't supposed to come alone...

2008-05-15, 08:20 PM
The Firebird in the Brazier

The creature of flame blinks, for a moment, if such a motion is possible for a creature without eyelids. She glances first to the horned-man, and then to the rather obvious Terrestrial standing beside Cricket.

"Good lords," she says, softly, "is this a carnival? Did I miss the part where all the clowns tumble out of the tiny carriage? Oh dear," she says, and sets her head between the bits of fire shaped into her legs and stuck her head into the ash and the coals. When she emerged a second later, she shook her head as if to clear her sight but found that both of them--and the girl, the sly priestess--were all still just standing there.

"Have you ever had one of those days that you just knew was going to begin badly and then continue on in that manner until it's Oblivion by noon?" she asks Taraneh in a very serious, bedraggled kind of way, like a tired old housewife.

2008-05-15, 10:26 PM
Beigis had, originally, reached for his flute as Taraneh prepared to begin. But as she started, he could only watch with mild astonishment - watch, and listen.

It was beautiful. His hand lowered, flute forgotten - this was no dabbling performer, this was a master. As it ended, he almost wasn't surprised to watch the result - the creature appearing.

"Huh." He crossed his arms, muttering to himself. "That certainly worked."

He took a step backwards. The statement was for Fire-and-Ice to speak to Taraneh alone - and at this point, he didn't wish to cause any problems - not when there was one more chance at success.

Her words, however, were curious. Still, if glanced at again, or if the rest of the plaza were to move, Beigis prepared to back away - the problem being solved was more important than his personally being involved. It seemed, however, that there was something slightly more which had startled the creature.

2008-05-15, 11:03 PM
As her master was speaking to the other human, Kagami carried out the orders she was given. The town was boring and lifeless, nothing interesting to look at or do or to tell her master. Until the bird appeared from the embers at least. That was interesting, it reminded her of her masters sister all flames and strange abilities. The cat wandered over to lie down by the brazier, enjoying the warmth it gave and listened to the conversation unfolding above her, even as she didn't understand most of.

Meanwhile Miyuki herself was borrowing the senses of her familiar to listen in on the concerns of the villagers and couldn't help but hear the conversation between the firebird and Taraneh. Standing attentively she hid this as she kept her focus on the elder and any further information he might give. Even so the conversation at the brazier was interesting and she paid careful attention to what was being said, as she thought about how she would approach the singer later on.

2008-05-16, 09:13 AM

"Every night the beast comes? Then tonight I shall defeat it for you," she says confidently. "Unless there is anything else you can tell us about the creature, I shall locate the rest of my group and begin preparations." Seras then nods her head in acknowledgment to the old man, and goes off to look for her retainers. What he said about it changing every time it appeared, she thinks, could it be Lunar Anathema, one of the Moon Mad? Can I face an Anathema alone? No, not alone. Miyuki is with me. And if we can't stand up to a lone Moon Mad, we won't last long once the Wyld Hunt catches up to us anyway...

2008-05-16, 12:29 PM
Taraneh, having finally finished stowing her instrument, rises to her feet and bows. "I will be honored to meet with your master. Would you prefer that I follow you, or would it be simpler to provide some sort of direction?"

And then grins conspiratorially. "Those days? And then you get past noon and next thing you know you're beyond Oblivion because there's no way Oblivion would be that chaotic? Yeah, I fully understand the sentiment."

2008-05-16, 12:39 PM
The Firebird

"I would normally take you, but my master prefers his privacy," she says, glancing around the plaza at the two obvious Exalted besides Taraneh, and even still she gives a moment's scrutiny to both Miyuki and Beigis.

"I can tell you where you may find him, but you must come alone after nightfall."

2008-05-16, 01:14 PM
"Understood. I look forward to meeting with him, then. " She bows again to the firebird, then turns around to Beigis.

"First problem--solution in process. Lot easier than I thought it would be. Now, for our nex--er....." And then she realizes that almost everyone in the plaza is looking at her.

"....ummm...." She shrinks back ever so slightly from all the people looking at her, then recovers almost as quickly and steps up with the cheerful smile of a performer fresh from her first concert. "Thank you, everyone, I'm here for the foreseeable future, I do take song requests, my accompanist accepts any sort of seed, and yes, I can do lessons."

2008-05-16, 01:59 PM
As the conversation between the firebird and Taraneh wore on Miyuki listened with interest. When it seemed to be about to end, she half-turned to see what kind of spirit was talking and who the one talking to it was. She took a long enough look at Taraneh to recognize the girl later on. There was more to this woman than was immediately visible, talking to her looked like it would be vital in dealing with the situation in the town.

"My sister is right, we will prepare to face this beast tonight. We promise to end this menace against the village once and for all." She looked up at the elder, her expression serious as she talked. "And now if you will excuse us i need to discuss this with my sister so that we can prepare for tonight." With that she turned to follow her sister in the direction of their retainers. "Before we prepare can we go somewhere private to talk. I have heard a few things that can influence our plans."

2008-05-16, 02:57 PM
Stone Spring

As the apparent conversation between the girl and the spirit ends, Stone takes his cue to enter.

"You, young shaman girl, and you, man," he says, indicating Taraneh and Beigis, "We need to talk. There are enough empty cabins for us to find privacy." He doesn't sound like he's asking.

2008-05-16, 03:50 PM
Nitza, you know who to keep an eye on, watch out for the cat, don't draw attention.... yes, I know that sounds funny coming from me, now get going.

As the bird takes off to go watch the other people, Taraneh smiles up at the newcomer. "I was wondering when you'd ask. Now's good. Pick a cabin." The words are slightly faster than her normal, and she maintains a tight grip on the shoulder-strap of her dulcimer case even after she jauntily slings it back onto her back.

2008-05-16, 04:22 PM
Beigis smiled, at Taraneh's hesitant statement. "Heh, it seems to be solved indeed." He said, after her statement on lessons. "I may take you up on those lessons - but later. Perhaps we should - "

He blinked, as another man jumped into the conversation. This was not done, however, with friendly comfort - it was more of a demand set, which put Beigis on edge.

"Jus - " He began, as Taraneh responded to him. Beigis, for a fraction of an instant, raised an eyebrow - she seemed awfully accepting of his tone, or didn't seem to notice. Perhaps she knew him? Regardless, he flowed with it, at least for now.

"I noted an empty cabin just over there - should be private enough." He stated, pointing to where he'd noted.

2008-05-16, 06:45 PM
Stone Spring

Stone turns toward the cabin Beigis suggests. He motions the other two to follow.

He holds the door open for them, and closes it when they're both inside. He hangs his large fur cloak up, but it looks like something fairly large is under it. It's obvious now that he has silvery tattoos all over his body, including a particularly ornate symmetrical design on his chest and back. Despite the fact that his upper body is bare, he does not seem to mind the temperature at all. He sits on the floor. He motions for them to do the same.

"In the interest of politeness, you may ask your questions first. I have many, and I am not interested in a heated back-and-forth."

2008-05-17, 12:58 AM
"No, it's all right. You go ahead." Taraneh sits down calmly. "I'm not entirely sure where I'd start."

2008-05-17, 05:26 AM
It takes Beigis a moment, but he too plunks down. "Yeah, go ahead. I'm mostly curious as to what you're going to ask."

There was a nagging something in the back of his head - one of those irritating feelings, like he was forgetting or overlooking something important. Still, he paid it no mind.

2008-05-17, 01:47 PM
Stone Spring

"Very well. What are your names, and on whose authority do you invoke the gods of this land, as you are both foreigners?" Straight and to the point, as one might have expected.

2008-05-17, 01:56 PM
"My name is Taraneh Larkchaser, and I am here by my right as an enforcer of the heavenly order and training as a spirit-negotiator." She chuckles. "Word of Fire-in-Ice's dereliction of duty spread beyond his borders, and between that and the other difficulties this town was having.... well, someone had to come here, and I was what was available, so here I am."

2008-05-17, 03:57 PM
Stone Spring

"So what's wrong, and how are you going to fix it?" Either he didn't notice the evasiveness of Taraneh's response, or he just didn't care.

2008-05-17, 04:08 PM
Enforcer of the heavenly order?

"I'm Beigis Melrode." Finding his current pose to be a bit uncomfortable, he shifted his weight. "I'm not here on any authority - when I came, I saw the devastation and opted to do whatever I could to help."

He smiled. "Taraneh is then clearly more skilled at speaking to spirits, so my goals have shifted to 'help her how I can', as that seems to be a better method of solving this particular problem."

He also had the question 'And you are?', but he figured he'd wait on that one. "Ah, and no, I'm not from around here."

2008-05-17, 04:20 PM
"Divine negligence, the rampaging whateveritis, heavy signs of destruction, one person dabbling in things unknown, and that's only the parts people bothered to tell me about." Taraneh sighs. "So I've been doing triage, for starters. Figured that doing something about the Fire in Ice issue might at least help against the beastie, since it seems to have arrived around when he stopped tu--stopped allowing flame here, and that's slightly more suited to my skills, so I arranged an invitation to negotiate. I imagine there will be visitors standing in line to smack the rampaging beastie tonight, but I'll try to show up once I've finished with my negotiations.... and I've another lead involving a resident that I'm probably going to try to follow up on. After that.... well, I caught signs there might be a demon here, and there are a few other features of the surrounding area I'd like to look into more closely, and knowing my kind of luck everything I solve will reveal to me two other things that need to be done...."

2008-05-17, 05:40 PM
Stone Spring

Stone seems to pause to absorb all that.

"It sounds like you have a lot you want to do. I hate to press more on you, but have you ever heard of a place called "Jaerg"? It's old, and I never really studied much history."

2008-05-17, 08:27 PM
"No, unfortunately. That sounds like pretty obscure history, even for... this sort of thing."

Taraneh looks at him more closely. "Do you have context? And while we're at it, might you be willing to provide us with your name?"

2008-05-18, 08:32 AM

Wandering about the village a bit to get a lay of the land, as well as attempting to locate her retainers, Seras speaks in low tones (and High Realm) to her sister. "What is it that you've heard? Something to do with that commotion while we were speaking with the elder, I assume," she says somewhat distractedly, obviously deep in her own thoughts. There is an odd feel to this whole situation, like I'm missing important still...

2008-05-18, 01:10 PM
Miyuki fell into step next to her sister, nodding slightly. "It is. The girl who managed to call the spirit by praying to Fire in Ice is likely more than she seems. The spirit seemed to hint at that and her skill was profound, she is not a priestess of Fire in Ice, she sacrificed nothing and Fire in Ice has talked to anybody. She was able to just walk in and get an audience with him. At the very least she is a truly remarkable mortal who can be of aid in making Fire in Ice return life to this village, but she might be more. A godblooded or one of the dragon's children perhaps. This also means that we need to talk to her soon and beware of her, a conflict with her could be dangerous for the people here, while an alliance with her could be of great help. I have Kagami spying on her for now, but i hope to make contact soon. Possibly even today."

As she spoke she looked over the town and the villagers daily life. The pattern of life in this wretched place might give hints of why it had reached the condition it had. And learning more about Fire in Ice and his cult could be of great help in negotiations with him.

2008-05-18, 04:07 PM
The Town of Pinehull

Life, if one is generous enough to call it that, seems somewhat normal in Pinehull today: most huddle inside the remaining cabins, telling stories over red ashes. One particularly healthy-looking woman--a cause for no small amount of wonder given her surroundings--has a huge, old pot cooking over coals fed by her husband's bellows. A small que is forming in front of her cabin as the soft scent of thickening soup fills the cold air of the plaza.

Besides the cook, activity is limited: the merchant in yellow silk and expensive furs is back, smoking a pipe. He seems to need his nerves calmed--he's shaking a little, but it is also quite cold in all fairness.

Cricket, the village elder, has joined his priestess at brazier, and both are examining the hot, glassy shards left from the appearance of the garda bird, prayers always on their lips.

2008-05-18, 07:26 PM

Nodding and thinking seriously for a moment before replying. "You know where she is now? No sense in waiting then," she says and gestures for Miyuki to lead the way.

2008-05-18, 08:39 PM
Miyuki shook her head, as she started to half turn. "Unfortunately no. I cannot talk to Kagami without her being there and she did not follow the girl, but if she is not outdoors she is probably indoors somewhere. And most likely didn't go far from the brazier. We should look in that area" She headed in the direction of the brazier and approached Cricket and the priestess. "Excuse me. Did either of you see where the young singer who managed to contact Fire in Ice went. I believe she can help me and my sister in our efforts to help you."

2008-05-18, 09:12 PM

"Hm? Uhm...well," the old man begins, stammering slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't. Can't have gone too far though, can she? Not with a standing invitation like that from Tears of Glowing Ember. She's probably just getting warm in one of the cabins," Cricket says, never taking his eyes off the brazier.

2008-05-19, 09:24 AM

"No matter, she'll be out and about soon enough I'm sure," says Seras with a good natured grin, and takes her leave of the old man again. Another decent essence wielder could be of great help if this beast turns out to be a Moon Mad. She must be around here somewhere...

Strolling briefly around the nearby cabins, Seras looks closely at each before realizing she has no actual idea what she is looking for. Chuckling she says to Miyuki in high realm, "Oh this is senseless, I'll just tell the others to keep an eye out. We should be getting under shelter ourselves, and perhaps a little sleep before dark..." She takes a long look up at the sky before finishing, "It may turn out to be a long night."

2008-05-19, 09:59 AM
After properly thanking the old man, Miyuki headed off to follow her sister. "We could always try knocking on doors and hope she opens. Other than that about the only thing we can do is have Kagami watch the area, that way i can see should she leave her cabin. Or we could just wait until tomorrow to talk to her, but we should find her. But let us gather the others and prepare ourselves for tonight."

2008-05-19, 10:15 AM
Stone Spring

Stone exhales audibly.

"I did ask you to get your questions out of the way first. However, it is fairly important that you know the answer to this one, I suppose."

There's a slight pause. A telltale sheen on Stone's forehead accompanies the sudden pronouncement of the antlers on his head. Though there is no true sound, it is like a clarion bell in its forceful appearance.

"I am Stone Spring, Chosen of Luna. I believe you've already guessed my business here."

2008-05-20, 08:58 AM

After a quick look around Pinehull, Seras locates her retainers. "Blossom, can you make sure to wake me before dark? I may be up all night waiting for the local beastie to make an appearance so I want to get some rest now," she says, stretching and flexing a bit while casting a thoughtful glance down at her armor. How long has it been since I've taken off my armor? No, something could come up before nightfall, to risky to sleep unarmored. Not like I smell that bad, not compared to the locals anway...

"And River, could you make sure there is something warm for me to eat when I awaken? Thank you. Oh everyone, there is a woman around here that we'd like speak with, possibly a god-blood or something like that, Miyuki can describe her, but do rouse me if you she turns up before dark," she says, before settling down to attempt sleeping for awhile. Still feels like there is something else important I should be doing right now... Probably just nerves. This may turn out to be my first big fight on my own after all.

2008-05-20, 01:31 PM
Miyuki nodded slightly at her sister's direction to the retainer. "I will try my best to describe her. I did not get a clear view as i was talking to the elder at the time and i did not want to scare her by paying too close attention, me and Seras aren't exactly inconspicuous." She frowned a bit as said that last bit. "But in any case i did not get a clear view. She is young, not much older than me i think, and from her clothes it should be obvious that she is not from here. She carries some kind of musical instrument and tends to speak in a strange indirect manner. I think that is all i can say. If you find her, come talk to me and Seras."

Having said the last bit to the retainer she sat down next to Seras, looking at the dragonblooded with a slightly worried expression. Something was preying on Seras' mind, it was clear. It was probably nothing important, but still. The last year had not been easy on either of them and worries over it might be what was eating her sister. Betraying everything you had ever learned out of sheer trust would be hard on anybody. She shrugged off her worries, she needed sleep if she was to face a beast that might quite well be a lunar exalted that night. She lay down on the cabin floor and tried making herself as comfortable as possible on the cold, hard floor.

2008-05-20, 04:16 PM
So I did see and hear correctly.... why couldn't Solada have told me the proper protocols for this? Taraneh sucks in her breath sharply, then grins. "Eeeeexcellent, someone who's better suited to fighting off rampaging beasties than I am. It is an honor to meet you, moon-warrior, and I look forward to our work together. You will, I hope, pardon me for not going shiny in kind; I'd like to do a little more looking around town, and being conspicuous--all right, more conspicuous than I've already managed to be--tends to be counterproductive to my work."

2008-05-21, 06:44 PM

Stone raises an eyebrow at Taraneh.

"I think I missed the part where you said you were Exalted, unless there's some other kind of person that can make themself glow at will. Are you a mutant?"

2008-05-21, 07:01 PM
"No, no, I'm normal.... as normal as any of us get, anyway, not that that's saying much." She chuckles. "So yeah, I just skipped an explanation is all. There anything else you need?"

2008-05-21, 07:13 PM
Stone Spring

"You skipped the explanation again. But I really don't feel like interrogating anyone, and I'm not particularly good at it, so you, Taraneh, may go. Beigis, we need to discuss other matters."

2008-05-21, 08:19 PM
"Fine. Yes, I am an Exalt." Taraneh sighs. "You lot have fun. You know where to find me."

And she turns on her heel and walks out of the cabin, then looks around to see who's where and what needs doing.

2008-05-23, 06:09 AM
Beigis' eyes widened, as he visibly tensed as the antlers appeared.

'Chosen of Luna'?

Then Taraneh seemed to flow with it - actually, she seemed pleased if nothing else.

The term 'Exalted' was then used. Honestly, both that term and 'Chosen of Luna' struck a familiar chime with him - but it was a nagging understanding. There was something here he wasn't quite catching.

Regardless, this 'Stone Spring' was rather unfriendly. Beigis actually had quite a few more questions - about everything he'd just heard about - but wasn't particularly intending on asking them now. Thus, he shifted to a stand. "Other matters? I'd like to help Taraneh solve this - to the best of my ability, anyway. So what were you thinking of?"

2008-05-26, 07:03 PM

A young woman approaches Taraneh as she exits the cabin, carrying herself with a dignified sort of air and yet remaining approachable. She smelled like stewed rabbit, but only faintly. Her eyes glanced from Taraneh to the instrument and back again.

"Excuse me, miss, are you the priestess who summoned Fire-in-Ice earlier today?"

2008-05-26, 07:19 PM
"Yes, I am she." Taraneh smiles at the young woman. "Did you need something?"

2008-05-26, 10:31 PM

"Not I," the woman says, bowing politely and softly. "But my ladies would have a word with you if such is not unpleasing."

If Taraneh assents, River leads her to the house where Miyuki and Seras wait.

2008-05-26, 10:41 PM
"Such would indeed be agreeable." Taraneh follows.

2008-05-27, 10:36 AM
Awakened by the retainer returning with Taraneh, Miyuki fumbled around for her glasses before she went out to meet the young priestess. "Sorry for calling you here like that, but me and my sister wants to ask for your assistance in helping this town." She gazes out over the wretched place for a bit before continuing. "If you would come inside where we can talk more undisturbed, i would like to explain."

2008-05-27, 04:41 PM
Taraneh smiles and enters, nodding to her before heading inside and finding somewhere to put down her case.

2008-05-28, 01:20 PM
Miyuki smiled at the priestess as she sat down on the floor to be more comfortable as she talked. "Once again sorry about calling you like this, but me and my sister were trying to get some sleep before confronting the beast tonight. We just agreed that talking to you was more important. My name is Miyuki and my sister's is Seras, and we want to ask for your help. As you clearly know the beast is not the only threat to this town, the strange behavior of the local god is troubling as well. Your ability to call a garda bird serving him is quite clear proof that you are talented in handling gods, perhaps you are even godblooded yourself. You seem to want to help this place yourself seeing as how you called upon Fire in Ice, so i wanted to ask if we could work together. If we work together it will be easier for all of us to help the people of this place." The young solar smiled a bit at the priestess as she finished speaking, hoping that the proposition was acceptable.

2008-05-28, 11:42 PM
"Pleasure to meet you. Something of the sort could be arranged.... as long as you don't insist on coming to my meeting tonight. I don't think he'd be very happy." Taraneh half-smiles. "So... what are you yourselves currently planning?"

2008-05-29, 10:03 AM
She smiled slightly at the comment about Fire in Ice not enjoying extra company. "Don't worry. I had no intention of forcing my way into the meeting. No need in offending the local god or screwing up the one meeting anybody has with him. I would like to hear what you are planning on discussing with Fire in Ice, just to know what i can reasonably expect to come from it. As for what me and my sister is planning, then we are going to confront the beast tonight. Hopefully we will be able to defeat it and if not we will at least be able to learn something more about it than what the villagers could tell, which will allow us to prepare for the next confrontation. What are your plans beyond meeting with Fire in Ice?"

2008-05-29, 04:38 PM
"Afterwards? A little bit of investigation on some related topics, mostly. Helping out with the monster if it's still there to help out with--I'm not likely to be too much use, but I can't exactly sit back, now, can I?" She shrugs. "As to the discussion, mostly his reasons behind his behavior and what sorts of things might convince him to do his job again, and seeing if I can learn a little more about this place in the meantime."

2008-05-29, 04:51 PM
"That is great. It was the very same things i hoped to eventually talk to him about. He is quite a neglectful god who is hurting people here and forcing them to do as he wants instead of what is in their own best interest. So we work together for the time being, at least until this town is in a proper condition again?" The question painted on her face as she looked at the priestess.

2008-05-29, 06:07 PM
"Yes." Taraneh grins. "I look forward to the success of these ventures."

2008-05-29, 06:21 PM
She nodded. "I am glad we have an understanding. Those of us with extraordinary capabilities, whether skilled mortals, dragonblooded or others, have a duty to help those less capable. I hope to see you tomorrow with news of our victory over the beast and to hear news about your meeting with Fire in Ice." She yawned a bit, looking slightly apologetical. "I'm afraid i will need some rest to prepare for meeting the beast. I hope you understand."

2008-05-29, 06:30 PM
Oh, you have no idea how much 'must' goes into extraordinary capabilities. Taraneh smiles. "I'll excuse myself, then; I should probably go find a place to doss as well, at least until evening."

2008-05-30, 06:12 PM
She looked slightly interested at the pause before the reply. "Then let's both get some sleep. See you tonight or tomorrow, unless the monster kills either of us but i doubt that. And i certainly hope not. " Having seen Taraneh off, she returned to her sleep hoping to get enough to be well-rested when the beast arrived.

2008-05-30, 10:36 PM
Time passes in Pinehull, and the Sun overhead slides slowly towards the horizon. The world goes bold and orange and quiet as dusk approaches. The people of Pinehull huddle together in a few of the last cabins of the innermost rung, dimming the faint glow of their remaining embers. Cricket says one last prayer over the brazier and then leads the priestess away into her cabin before finally returning to his own home.

Assuming everyone's ready for nightfall, we're moving along. Decide what you're doing and where you're at. If it matters, you've probably all had about four hours to rest if you've used any of your Essence. If you'd like to have retroactively done something for that period, that's copasetic. Otherwise...let's see how the night goes

2008-05-31, 02:19 PM
As night started falling and the time for battle approached, Miyuki got up and began preparing her equipment for battle. She didn't really want to have to fight, battle was horrible. She had the ability to make a difference, however, and should give it a try. The poor people of this town deserved that much. It might even be deep enough in the threshold that she could use it as a base, saving random people from immediate threats was all well and good but it did nothing to address the issues truly facing the world.

"So are you ready, Seras? This is it, time to end one of the major threats to this place."

2008-05-31, 07:05 PM
Taraneh, having found a cabin to rest in and something to eat, gets up and ready to go about fifteen minutes before nightfall. After giving a quick goodbye to whoever--seems interested in seeing her off, really--she heads out down the northward path through the forest, all senses (particularly hearing) alert to everything around her.

2008-05-31, 08:07 PM
As Taraneh makes her way deeper into the forest surrounding Pinehull, the air fills with the sound of old brass: simple in measure, heavy in tone. When she comes at last to the marked tree, the notes crescendo into a burst of music. A small scorchmark burns away on the tree's surface, leaving a small hole that, an instant later, frames a soft, yellow eye.

"Is it her?" a voice from within echoes, deep and old like a rusted tuba.

"It is," the garda bird's familiar voice remarks as great red feathers pry at the edges of the hole. More and more of the tree burns away under her red-hot touch and after a moment's work the opening is person-sized.

The garda bird smiles at Taraneh and motions inward, careful to close the doorway behind her. Within, the god's sanctuary is an antechamber of clean shale-stone smoothed and polished to look like marble, and a strangely man-shaped gout of flame sits in a crystal throne. Impossible flowers with wispy petals hang from the domed, green ceiling, and as the flame turns what should be its head to look at Taraneh, the flowers turn in unison with it.

"You're Sidereal," he says simply, clearly masculine. The more Taraneh examines him, the more his features become clear: he's like a statue carved from weak flame, wrinkled and bearded but still undeniably a presence.

2008-05-31, 08:57 PM
"It's a pleasure to meet you too." Taraneh smiles as she switches into her most formal Old Realm. "My name is Taraneh. Your behavior regarding the village has been noticed upstairs, and my superiors have requested, among other things, that I discuss the matter with you so we can come to an understanding beneficial to both you and the village." She smiles. "So. First off, if you could please tell me your reasons for withholding fire...?"

2008-05-31, 09:24 PM

The god's physical form flickers for a moment, taking on the trappings of a giant praying mantis before resuming a more human shape. He examines Taraneh briefly, sizing her up without tenderness or malice.

"Do you even know where you stand, Vizier? Older Chosen than you lived here, died here...may even still be here. I've done all that Heaven's asked and demanded of me for so long, but now all that keeps me here is the shadow of a promise: mangled by Fate, but still unbreakable. It's true, though, then? About the state of the world?" he asks as he pours a thick red liquid into a glass and sips it slowly. He pours a second and motions to offer it and a seat at the small table before his throne.

"Tell me, who in Heaven 'took notice?' Creation may be in sad affairs from what I hear, but Yu-Shan must truly be a shambled relic if one hand doesn't know that the knife's in the other!"

2008-05-31, 10:13 PM
Taraneh sits down and takes the other glass. "Er... oh. That. Long before my time. Not exactly popular in those quarters. Still hearing about it." She sighs. "Yet the world cycles, and that which once had fallen rises. It is not mine to stand in the way of a brighter sky, only to fade away as black turns to blue." She sighs again, takes a sip. "Leaving aside who is to blame for what where--there are problems to be solved, and I am here to solve them. I cannot change the past, but there is much I can do for the future. They told me some of why you withhold your gifts, but the echo never rings quite like the sound that cast it. What happened?"

2008-05-31, 10:27 PM

The god considers this for a moment and allows himself a brief sound of amusement, something like a chortle but older and hollower.

"You're direct. It's refreshing in your breed, if you're anything like the Fellowship I remember...or like your friends in green, then. But that's not the point, is it?" he asks, setting his glass down. The garda bird flies over and settles in an empty chair beside Taraneh, taking a flute of wine between awkward wings with surprising skill.

"The point is...why am I doing this to my own domain? The answer is simple, child. I want it to not be here anymore. I've told them to leave after that boy and his shenanigans almost...that is..." he says, then stops to cough. His tone has softened, his voice is careful and measured. "I use to have a purpose. This place used to have a purpose. Now, it's all just shadows of air: insubstantial vapour, supremely worthless. The best I can do for these people is convince them to leave. That's why I took away my blessings and my fires. But they're obstinate. They think they love this place, and they might, but they'll need to be more desperate to leave. The same thing that keeps me here beats in their heads too, a softer sound than in mine, but a drumbeat nonetheless. You...you, though," he says, taking up the glass between splayed fingers. "You could convince them, you could say it louder than I can, louder than that stubborn drums that tell them to stay put, to stay rooted."

2008-05-31, 10:50 PM
"Please, tell me more. What was its purpose? Why do you wish to leave? I heard the forest... it was beautiful, and I had hoped to hear more. There are harmonies...."

Taraneh sighs. "....there is a desperation amid the fallen timbers, among the trees, in holes from which smoke rose once. There is a loss, more lasting than gold through the fingers, deeper than lives vanishing around them. Would it really be a service to them to take away the rock to which they cling, to send them down the river? Identity is a valuable thing--they have lost their ability to call themselves your favored ones, do they need to lose their place as well? What makes it so important?" Her voice cracks on the last word, and she tries to recover her dignity by taking a long sip of wine while her nerves settle again.

After a moment's pause, she looks up at him and continues, softer. "My apologies.... I am probably still too close to mortal for work like this. What I mean to ask is, is there an alternative to moving them? Could what was lost be regained? I could convince them to move, but...."

2008-05-31, 11:34 PM

"Did I call you direct? I may have spoken too hastily," he says, eyebrow arched as the garda bird--he calls her Aja--passes a small pillbottle with a cork stopper. Inside, there's a small measure of Ambrosia: bright and potent and waiting to be something, anything. Fire-in-Ice measures out a thimble-full and stoppers the bottle, then pours the Ambrosia on the table before him, working it by will alone into the shape of the hill of Pinehull as he props his head up.

"Suffice to say, Pinehull was not originally my charge. It is only built over the ruins of it. My original domain was...how would it be said? Taken off the grid. Barely registers in Fate because the place itself was plucked from the Tapestry as a gift for exemplary service. I didn't mind, so much, when my first home fell. I was asleep," he said, adding that detail with a strange tone of bittersweet annoyance. "And when I woke up, the earth had healed itself over the entrance to my old home and my old friends, and there was a brash young Lunar building up a home, hidden away here. So I took on new charges, pitiful charges. But I had the Tablet, and Pinehull flourished."

The god looks away for a moment, gazing at a blank wall. Aja glances briefly at Taraneh to telegraph her concerns, then flies to Fire-in-Ice and set a one wing around his neck and another across his chest.

"About five years ago, the Tablet stopped working for me. I blamed Rusted Edge, but it can't have been him. I don't even know what his boy's done to try and help, but it just feels wrong. Without the Tablet, I can't give these people the food and protection they need. Already, the bounty it provided is fading. They'll die if they stay here. I thought, without fire, it might be enough. But they'll starve themselves to hear that pounding, the distant drums. The same power that binds me to this place tells them to stay."

2008-06-01, 12:59 AM
"Tell a story, need a dozen." Taraneh chuckles wryly. "This tablet.... how did it work? What did Beacon try to do? Do... do you know if it can be fixed?"

She pauses, then somewhat more hesitantly asks, "May I listen to it?"

2008-06-01, 10:08 AM

"When we took this world, many died for our cause and our freedom. This place was a reward and a refuge, a gift to the survivors. It wasn't their world anymore, that mandate had passed to a new generation. But a grateful lord plucked this place's fate the Loom and gave it here, to me. That's the drumming: this place's fate isn't part of Creation anymore. Live here long enough and you can hear it."

Fire-in-Ice smiles for a moment, eyes closed as Aja blazes into blue-white flames. The god waves his hand over the Ambrosial model and it changes, reshapes itself into a thick square of gold with a long hole at its middle, a single thread of bright light pulled taught across the center.

"Old friends who had inherited the world took that Fate and strung it into the Tablet, they gave it a song in the Sun's own voice. The Tablet strengthened us all, protected us all. I don't know why it stopped working, but it did: one day, the thread went black, and the sound of it changed. It just couldn't...I couldn't, and Aja couldn't, and you need Essence to even try and my kin had lost that."

2008-06-01, 01:44 PM
"So it needs to be.... retuned, then?" Taraneh asks tentatively. "I... might be able to assist with that. I imagine some of the work might require the kind of... specialized training that my lot tend to drill into their new recruits...." She trails off.

Did I say too much? Is he going to take that as presumptuous?

2008-06-01, 08:07 PM
Stone Spring

Perched atop one of the cabins is a snowy white owl. It swivels its head around to survey the town.

No chimera yet.

It looks down at the two warriors standing below.

The Immaculate I can see fighting. But the other girl looks mortal...and unarmed. She might be an Immaculate too, or maybe a sorceress, but I thought Terrestrials of that caliber showed their breeding. I wish I had some wisdom to draw upon, but I don't.

Stone stays high on the roof. In this form, his antlers were near impossible to see, but he felt no reason to risk it. He keeps quiet, and waits for hell to break loose.

2008-06-01, 08:47 PM
She ran her hand over the bow. The battle was imminent and even though she trusted Seras and her abilities in battle she was still in danger. She was not a warrior by any means of the word, but she was one of the chosen of the sun. She could not just stand back and let her sister go into battle alone nor could she leave the village to its fate for even a single night longer. She had to fight.

Looking into the darkness covering the town she tried to predict where the monster would come from, but it was hopeless. It came from different directions every night, in different forms. There was no way of predicting what she would see before it was there. As long as they got enough of a warning that she could get out of its reach and use her bow properly she would be safe...hopefully.

2008-06-02, 02:15 PM

"Maybe it can be fixed," Fire-in-Ice said, "but it took the most brilliant Spiders to build it in the first place. I'm tired, and these people deserve better. If the Tablet will sing for you, if you can claim it and make it function again, then it will be yours. When the Tablet is yours..."

He stops for a moment, and closes his eyes, sighing deeply like an old steam vent.

"...do not give it to me."

2008-06-02, 03:07 PM
"Understood." Taraneh finishes her drink and sets it down, then folds her hands on the table in front of her, stubbornly attempting to hide the way her fingertips press into the tablecloth.

Merciful Maidens, what have I gotten myself into?

2008-06-02, 03:22 PM

The god nods softly and then motions to Aja, satisfied.

"I'll be here."

2008-06-02, 03:40 PM
Taraneh stands smoothly, bows to both Fire-in-Ice and Aja, and steps back out of the sanctum and begins walking back to the village.

....and then I get to hope that I don't find the beastie by accident....

2008-06-08, 10:13 PM
Taraneh makes her way safely and uneventfully back to the plaza square; the air is cold and still and utterly quiet: the only sound, mundane of magical, are the familiar sounds of the Exalted, the brass orchestra in Cricket's home, and the slight twinge of drumbeats from Snvl's dwelling.

Cricket himself emerges into the plaza square soon after she returns, looking from Miyuki to Stone Spring and back to Taraneh. Without speaking, he offers each of them in turn a bit of sweet bread, the only bit of succor Pinehull can spare for them. A distant howl pierces the silence, a howl like the crazed offspring of wolf and whale mixed with the screeching of bats. It's a distant, silver sound, angry and tarnished.

2008-06-08, 10:26 PM
Miyuki took the bread, smiling at the old man as she did so. "Thank you, the hospitality of this town is appreciated. I just hope i will be able to repay it by aiding with your problems." Her eating was interrupted by the cry piercing the night, causing her to quickly down the last bits of the food before putting an arrow on the string and preparing for what was to come.

2008-06-09, 12:00 AM
The bread is halfway to Taraneh's mouth when she hears the howl; she takes a quick bite, looks at it, realizes she's lost her appetite. "Well, here's the exciting part...." She looks at the bread again, sighs, and sets it down on a clean surface next to her familiar, then gives the bird a last scratch behind the ears. Leave some for me, I'll be back.

"You ready? I think I'm ready...." With that, she sets down her case next to the bread and the bird and begins working her way towards the sound.

2008-06-11, 03:53 PM
Beigis' initial reaction was to continue what he was doing last - which would mean to look for Taraneh.

Simultaneously, her sudden spike in popularity mixed with the fact that she was meant to meet with Fire-and-Ice alone caused him to change his mind. Turning, he instead chose to wander - simply search around the town aimlessly, keeping away from the central plaza. He spent his time restfully, relaxing and watching.

He was actually a bit surprised when he noted the sun was, slowly, leaving the sky. He hadn't figured that he was wandering for quite that long. Then again, he knew what was comforting for him.

He made his way near but not quite into the central plaza. One other thing he could help with, after all, was with the more direct problem - or at least, he could see what it was and decide how well he could help from there.

Thus he remained - a bit hidden, but watching.

2008-06-15, 08:00 PM
The howl repeats, this time high, rapid, and metallic: a symphony of trills followed by a distant booming drum-like voice.

It changes again into a metallic hum, and grows louder with each passing second. A blur of light like a comet streaks through the woods, illuminating dark trunks. Finally, the blaze settles on a cabin in Pinehull's second tier, one of the few left still largely in tact. As it cools, it shapes itself like thick ooze until it's barely recognizable as an elk with greasy black fur and two lime-like eyes. It sharpens it's antlers against the sides of the cabin, tearing back thick slices of bark in a haphazard pile...all in all, it resembles the way most people would peel an orange. Inside, two barely audible voices cry out in fear.

...But it hasn't taken notice of you, or moved to harm you in any way. Curious.

Rush over and Join Battle if you'd like; Serpent-Skinned Elk really doesn't care one way or the other. :smallsmile:

2008-06-15, 08:11 PM
The string was on the bow and she was ready, as she leveled it and took aim, not wasting time to move over to the beast. It would not be needed anyway and the father from the being the better. Aiming carefully she let the arrow fly, cleaving the air with almost supernatural precision before lodging itself firmly in the flesh on the back of the elk-beast.

Not the best description ever, i'm afraid, but it will serve. And i uses my first excellency to its full effect using motes of personal essence.

Join Battle: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]

Base damage is 4L, plus whatever extra successes i get. And ping will be 3 damage in any case.

2008-06-15, 09:44 PM
Taraneh is slightly more direct in her opposition to the incoming creature, darting across the snow towards it in what might appear to be a race with the arrow. On the way, she sings a barrage of words in front of her, sharp, quick sets of four short notes in an upswinging scale, with every emphasized word rising a note in the scale as her foot slams down on the packed snow. "I may not know what you are but this I can't accept!"

Along with hopefully getting the little so-and-so's attention, Harmony in Opposition Stance. Join Battle: [roll0]; Per+MA: [roll1]

2008-06-15, 10:12 PM

Great, it picked a full one. I was hoping to let the Terrestrial take care of it, but those people need to be saved.

The owl takes flight from the roof and speeds toward the house. When arrives above the cabin, it literally stops in midair. This is because it no longer has wings. It morphs, attaining the shape of a man, or maybe an elk. Then it has both. The seven-foot elk-man drops from the air and lands in the house. Silver tattoos glow along its exterior.

"Sorry to drop in suddenly," it says in Stone's usual deadpan voice, apparently unhindered by the inhuman jaw, "but I'm afraid I need to take you both to safety." He looks around for whoever he needs to scoop up.

Join Battle: [roll0]

2008-06-16, 02:53 PM
Beigis noted the creature's choice of target and cringed for an instant, blitzing towards the building. He grasped hold of a window (at least, he thought it was a window - in immediate retrospect it was probably simply a hole in the building) to leap in... when he noted the man from before.

This lead to a moment of hesitation before he pulled away. It seemed as though he - Stone? - had the people within helped - something that would be futile if the creature was simply permitted to continue.

Summarily, he peeked around the corner at the creature. He remained out of sight, both watching and fingering a knife. He could note the others being more direct - thus he opted to remain hidden until the creature extended itself. Better to wait to see what it could do.

Join battle: [roll0]

2008-06-20, 11:31 AM
Miyuki's bowsnap is the first sound to fill the cold air, and the arrow catches the beast in it's cheek. It turns it's head slowly and deliberately to fix its gaze on Miyuki, and the arrow drags half it's mouth into a too-wide smile. As it turns, Taraneh catches it's attention, though her essence-filled words fail to have any visible effect.

In the momentary distraction, Stone Spring manages to get the people of the house out and running towards the plaza. Even as Beigis remains beyond the creature's attentions, the creature rears up and moves to swipe Taraneh aside, growling deeply like a brass tiger as his hoof becomes a disturbing, fleshy blade.

See OOC for Resolutions and Tick Order.

2008-06-23, 07:08 PM
The beast's attack falls short of Taraneh as she jumps back. Even still, it's sharpened hoof leaves a great gash in the snowy path. Stone backs away with a fierce look in his eyes, arms raised protectively to block off any path of ingress for the monster while the frightened mortals continue to flee towards the plaza, stumbling in fear.

2008-06-24, 07:42 PM
The battle had begun and the beast seemed to hardly take notice of the actions of her and the people who seemed to help her fight it. This was bad. She was no warrior and the girl she had talked to earlier didn't seem like one either. Kneeling down she stringed another arrow, feeling the tension of the bowstring under her fingers as the power of the sun flowed into her arrow guiding it to its target, a barely audible prayer to the Unconquered Sun on her lips as she finally let it fly.

I use my first excellency to buy six more dice to hit the creature.

Attack 12d10

Base damage is 4L and ping is 3L.

2008-06-26, 02:52 PM
And there it went.

Most creatures, when shot at by a bow, recoil. They attempt to defend themselves, attempt to do /anything/ to defend themselves. A grim smile, however, is not 'anything'.

There was no sound to his step. The knife was silent as it left his hand, was silent as it split the air around it as it traveled. The essence he'd utilized was also invisible - internalized by the blade - but still there, amplifying his aim and focus.

Beigis was no longer hidden; and hopefully, this would make further conflict that much more simple.

Utilized Joint-Wounding Attack for three motes. Beyond that, throwing a knife at him, by necessity stepping into visibility to do so.


2008-06-28, 05:03 PM
Another arrows catches the beast's other cheek and draws it's entire face into a disturbed grimace, though it remains seemingly unwounded. A knife whirs past its head, and in the distance a sound like an organ plays for Taraneh alone: a sad song, a quiet song.

Nonetheless, the beast screams with a giddy sort of rage and sickly, pulsating plates of hardened skin spring up across the monstrosity's unholy flesh.

2008-06-28, 05:23 PM
It didn't work.... why didn't it work? Taraneh takes a step back, then narrows her eyes. Okay... resonate with what I do know. He's a shapeshifter... modulate about half a step I think.... slightly more rapid.... all right, let's see what we can do here.... And she tries the notes again, in a slightly different rhythm and with slightly different pitches; singing one, dancing a step over, singing another, upping her pitch slightly to account for the changes and singing a third; the pattern is slightly more off-key than her last, but with a definite commonality to it, and sung in notes that start loud and fade immediately like bell-tones. "All right you lug let's try this again..."

Harmony in Opposition again. [roll0]

2008-06-28, 05:42 PM
Taraneh's strikes meet only empty wind as the beast's protean form slides away from each blow. In return, Stone Spring rushes forward, his own shape slipping into that of a man-shaped elk, thickly muscled and broadly built. He delivers a mighty blow, striking the beast with his antlers as he aims for it's neck with a thick hoof-like hand.

"Mockery of Luna!"
