View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 42: Beau Regard vs Wise William

2008-05-13, 08:46 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 42: Beau Regard vs. Wise William



XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Beau Regard - Lawful Evil (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=3919)
Wise William - KoG (http://www.campaign-blog.com/view.php?id=8429)

All gladiators please roll initiative

2008-05-14, 11:09 AM
The Wise William


2008-05-14, 07:24 PM
Beau Regard


{{ My first arena, so let me know if I'm out of line. }}

2008-05-14, 08:12 PM
My first one as well between two. Just follow the rules in the waiting room and we should be okay.

I win initiative so...

Actions outside of LOS
Starting in O21, Casting Manifesting Inertial Armor

HP 6/6
AC 16, Touch 12, FF 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Intertial Armor)

5/6 Power Points left
Inertial Armor - 1/3600 rounds remaining
Partial Cover from Hay

Your turn

2008-05-14, 08:46 PM
Beau Regard

Outside of LOS :

Starting at L5 with Spear in hand.
Hide (not sure if I should roll the hide now or wait till you have a chance to see me)
Half Move to M3.

Stats :

HP 7/7
AC 19, Touch 16, FF 14 (+5 Dex, +3 Armor, +1 Size)
In-Hand - Spear

Your Turn.

{{ The way I read the map description, there are no doors, just strange shaped openings in the magical stone walls of the barn. So.. we wouldn't have any sort of LOS }}

2008-05-14, 09:04 PM
It says in the Barnyard map rules on the waiting room thread that the doors can be opened or closed as a standard action.

Standard Action to open the Door, move to O17, Drop prone as a free action and obtain total cover.

HP 6/6
AC 16, Touch 12, FF 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Intertial Armor)

5/6 Power Points left
Inertial Armor - 2/3600 rounds remaining
Total Cover from Hay

End of Turn.

2008-05-15, 06:00 AM
Beau Regard

Rules (thanks) :

Trees do not provide cover. Instead they provide a circumstantial AC and Reflex Bonus when a character occupies the same square as it.
Hay is scattered as a standard action in 5'X5' squares
Hay is magical, non-flammable, non-dispellable
Roof is made of stone, like the walls
Doors can be opened or closed as a standard action


Break Hide
Double Move to Q7

Stats :

HP 7/7
AC 19, Touch 16, FF 14 (+5 Dex, +3 Armor, +1 Size)
In-Hand - Spear

Your Turn

2008-05-15, 01:56 PM
Crawling over to J16 as a move action

HP 6/6
AC 16, Touch 12, FF 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Intertial Armor)

5/6 Power Points left
Inertial Armor - 3/3600 rounds remaining
Total Cover from Hay; +4 AC while standing
Loc J16

Your turn

2008-05-15, 03:48 PM
Beau Regard


Hide .. (holding roll till you can possibly see me)
Half Move along wall maintaining hide to R9

Stats :

HP 7/7
AC 19, Touch 16, FF 14 (+5 Dex, +3 Armor, +1 Size)
In-Hand - Spear

Your Turn

2008-05-15, 04:14 PM
Standing up, moving to L11

HP 6/6
AC 20, Touch 16, FF 18 (+2 Dex, +4 Intertial Armor, +4 Cover)

5/6 Power Points left
Inertial Armor - 4/3600 rounds remaining
+4 AC from partial cover
Loc L11

I'm done, but I'm going to call of a LOS check.

2008-05-15, 05:36 PM
I'm assuming LOS means Line of Sight...

What are you trying to see? I'm in R9(which is outside of the barn). You are inside of the barn(L11).

I'll wait for a judge if you really want....

2008-05-15, 05:41 PM
I'm assuming LOS means Line of Sight...

What are you trying to see? I'm in R9(which is outside of the barn). You are inside of the barn(L11).

I'll wait for a judge if you really want....

Umm... You're not supposed to look inside the spoiler brackets :smalleek: You did read all of the waiting room rules, didn't you?

2008-05-15, 07:17 PM
I just re-read them. I can see how you might interpret them that way, but I don't see how one can expect matches to progress if you must wait for the judge to check each action to see if you can see.

It was possible that we both walked into the barn on the first action and therefore might have had LOS right away. I assumed the LOS checks were for disputed situations involving cover/trees/hiding/corners/hills/etc.

Following the waiting room thread, the judges are totally overwhelmed with stuff to do, I just couldn't conceive of them devising a system where they would need to mediate every round of every match.

So.. yes, I was looking at the spoilers. Especially after you called for LOS, as I was totally confused.

2008-05-15, 07:31 PM
(Tag indicating who can read spoiler. Tag can be dropped for refs only spoilers.)

Actions taken which are not visible to everyone in the match.

This is where I'm deriving my logic from. Unless specified, only refs can view the spoilers.

2008-05-15, 07:52 PM
I'm afraid based on that my concept will be intolerable to play. Too much hide and seek waiting for the ref's and so on.

I surrender. You may have the ref's call the match.

2008-05-15, 08:01 PM
Well, it wasn't supposed to be fast in the first place really... I'll bring a ref here first and see if he can say anything to keep you playing before accepting your surrender.

2008-05-15, 08:53 PM
High Ref Sam

Lawful Evil, unfortunately that is how these matches work, a lot of time we can't get to line of sight as often as some would like and the contenders merely have to be patient as we try and leaf through various rulebooks to come up with the fairest ruling for all parties involved. You're right, your sneaky rogue would cause for a lot of line of sight juggling, but we try and get the checks done fairly frequently.

I don't know what to say about giving up... other than maybe check into the matches in the archives and see if its something you'd be interested in? Some matches can be over in 5 rounds... but those 5 rounds last for a few days, maybe even a week.

I would hope you would reconsider your surrender, but if you aren't interested in the game, there's no point to continue playing half-heartedly.

2008-05-16, 12:57 AM
ref chilepepper
That is exactly how matches go. If you don't have LoS, or are unsure, you have to get a ref to check it. As for the pace of matches. Each player has two full days to make each move, so that could slow things down. Refs know LoS checks can grind a match to an intolerable pace, which is why there are so many initiate refs. Almost always, a ref will get to a LoS request the day it's posted. Whenever you need a LoS check, or you finish a move and your opponent will need a LoS check to make his move, post the request in the waiting room an you won't have to wait long. That's also why stat blocks are required. It should have all the info a ref needs to make a LoS check. That way, it's rare that a ref has to read more than a few posts to make the call.

If both contestants want to fight this match, we'll rewind to the beginning. If lawful_evil still wants to forfeit, that is his prerogative. If he doesn't post in two days, his forfeit stands.

2008-05-20, 08:17 PM
High Ref Sam

Wise William is the Winner.

2008-05-20, 08:23 PM
William dusts herself off from the hay and collects her winnings as soon as her hosting site comes back up....