View Full Version : Weird Dreams

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-14, 08:43 AM
I haven't seen a thread like this and thought it might be interesting to see if anyone else has a bizarre subconscious.

So, in my dream last night I was packing up my college stuff and preparing to leave the dorm, while at the same time touring this other house...it was like, my mom and sister were deciding what should be thrown away etc. and packing my stuff while my father and I were looking at this crazy house. This house was in a computer or something, it was on a screen, you would scroll through it with a stylus to find the room you wanted to see, and then it would just materialize around you. Except it wouldn't, because then you had to put the room together like it was a jigsaw puzzle, based on the picture you'd seen on the computer screen. In some rooms it was just objects out of place, and in others you had to put it together like it was a picture, with a wall and a shelf with stuff on it all being one piece. We went and did a few rooms like this, I ran into a few of my college friends. My mom and sister would occasionally interrupt and ask me if I needed X to be packed. At one point we couldn't find the floor to one of the rooms and we had to jump through the floor to the next room, onto a convenient trampoline. The ceilings were very high in this building.

And then we went to a restaurant, and I ordered a piece of pie. The waitress told me that by ordering pie I'd won a gift certificate for a free $400 crabcake at this restaurant. :smallconfused: Then I found out that the pie cost $300.

...then I woke up 'cause a gnat flew into my eye.

2008-05-14, 08:58 AM
Thanks Mauve, I feel much better knowing I'm not the only one with freakish dreams. I tend not to remember the details of my dreams past the day after but I had one a while back that I kind of remember.

This happened a while back. I was andering around the Santa Cruz boardwalk if that means anything to you, except that there was no beach and the buildings looked like they belonged in Disney Land's Toon Town. Then I went into a building and there was a party going on. It was a single room and then a hallway with a stair case going to infinity. For some reason my friend from LA was there as well. Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, I was looking at a giant grass hill with a building that looked like Monticello on it. When I got inside I saw that it was actually a hospital. There was a singer and her family in the entrace hall. Her sister was really sick for one reason or another. I can't remember what happened next but somehow we decided to form a band. We were out on the grass outside, talking about the band, and the singer said she wanted some eclairs. Then the clouds turned into eclairs and I woke up because my cat jumped on me.

Tempest Fennac
2008-05-14, 09:07 AM
Most of the dreams which I can remember "play" like Starfox, House of the Dead or Residant Evil games (I'm not complaining due to how fun most of these dreams are). I occasionally have some where I'm a half (or full) animal which I like as well.

2008-05-14, 09:14 AM
I've given up trying to log my dreams, since the resulting block of text usually makes no sense and has absolutely no flow.

Raiser Blade
2008-05-14, 09:21 AM
My dreams tend to be scary realistic. To the point of confusion sometimes. I will be dreaming and then wake up and not be sure that I was dreaming.

2008-05-14, 10:31 AM
They pop up every now and then. I'd give you a link but, you know, laziness.

When my alarm went off this morning, I jumped, and was kinda relieved. At the end of my fairly long and involved dream (I think stairs, lifts and boxes were involved), I was very under pressure and stressing out. I was being hurried to get ready for my cousin's wedding because I was a bride's maid and had to get going. I was deciding whether to wear my nice gown, or a plum-coloured fruit-covered man-costume.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-14, 10:47 AM
@ Silent Night: That dream sounds so much more awesome than mine. XD

They pop up every now and then. I'd give you a link but, you know, laziness.

When my alarm went off this morning, I jumped, and was kinda relieved. At the end of my fairly long and involved dream (I think stairs, lifts and boxes were involved), I was very under pressure and stressing out. I was being hurried to get ready for my cousin's wedding because I was a bride's maid and had to get going. I was deciding whether to wear my nice gown, or a plum-coloured fruit-covered man-costume.

You should totally wear the second one. :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-14, 10:51 AM
That is, indeed, what I had decided upon o.O

2008-05-14, 11:01 AM
Okay, so the other night this one came up.
There's two sides to this, but basically, it's post apocolyptia. World in ruins.

On one half, Norwich, my nearest city, has been flooded. These guys are trying to get by when these giant mutant bat things come out of the ruins screeching at them and trying to kill them. Everybody panics and is shooting at them until there's just this chick, a police officer or something, and three guys left. They climb into this rowing boat and sail around the ruins a bit until this airship then comes flying over and drops a ladder to help them up. The chick talks to the captain of these sky pirate dudes, and together they decide to go kill Dracula, who apparantly flooded Norwich and filled it with his evil mutant bat minions.

Second half actually involved me. Apparantly now there were these weird little crab things that were jumping onto people's faces and would then take control of them. Then whoever was controlling the crabs (I think it was Dracula) called these new minions away, and they got these giant welding mask helmets and these big irons gauntlets fused to their skin so they couldn't escape from the face crab. They kinda looked like black cybermen.
The government is trying to get this warning about them across to England via a movie and poster campaign, but apparantly someone in marketing got it all wrong and it was accidentally being advertised as Cloverfield 2. Few people were thus seeing the movie and so kept getting face crabbed. I, being a sucker for Cloverfield, dragged my friends along to see it in this cinema, that was built into a castle, completely unaware of how everywhere seemed to be in ruins. I think it was in Norwich too. I don't know why we didn't catch on. I blame Sam.
Anyway, while we're watching this movie the screen cuts out and the Cybermen rip offs come in with all these face crabs. We run out, somebody grabbed a fire extinguisher while I grabbed a torch and lighter. We flee into the back of this cinema, which is actually all the castle sections, and spend a good few minutes just running everywhere in a blind panic as the Not-Cybermen come after us. Eventually, I get trapped in this room with one of them, so I set fire to the table between us with the lighter. Turns out Not-Cybermen hate fire. It runs away and leaves behind this crystal thingy. The face crabs poop them out or something and it let's you understand the speech of the Not-Cybermen.
I then discovered that if there has been a fire in a room, Not-Cybermen won't enter because it's "been burned out." and they move on. I gathered everyone I could while setting fire to every room until I got us all into the courtyard, surronded by burnt rooms so the Not-Cybermen couldn't follow us. They were all just standing looking at us through the windows that apparantly went straight through each room. It's pitch black at night and the only light we have is from my torch and what remained of some of the fires.

I woke up shortly after that.

I think the sky pirates were then going to come and save us, we'd meet up with the chick, find somewhere safe and then prepare to go attack Dracula in his castle, but we couldn't, because nobody knew how to kill Not-Cybermen. There was something about wearing dead face crabs that didn't cover your mouth, that would allow us to sneak by, but I think that was only mentioned in the warning film.

Yeah, I get dreams like this every night.
They're usually a lot scarier.

2008-05-14, 11:16 AM
My dreams are big budget ridiculous. :smallsigh:

Last night I was dreaming that I was in a huge sprawling playground, that was full of lions and other nasty stuff. The real problem is that a bunch of the people and beasties were also vampires.... So I was running around trying to not get eaten and convince the baddies that if they ate everyone then there would be nothing left, so they needed to keep a lot of people alive as a blood bank otherwise they'd soon starve. Cant remember how it ended. I think I might have been eaten.

Trying to type that nonsense out makes it even more ridiculous.

2008-05-14, 11:20 AM
The other night I dreamt that I moved to Kansas with this hustler from Prague that I knew. We had, like, a little farm. I think a tornado killed him toward the end.

I thought that was weird until I realized I had been reading way too much Scott Heim lately.

2008-05-14, 11:42 AM
I had a weird one last night, well early this morning, I couldn't sleep so REM came around 6am (and they played "Everybody Hurts" and everyone called them sell outs! No, not really.). Basically was going up this huge industrial elevator with some friends, open air, lots of beams, kinda like Disneyland's Space Mt but open air and light and straight up in a crowded skyscraper way. Anyway, so the inertia makes me slide off, I grab on to some pipes and what not but some hand keeps twisting a knob on each one to make it slide open piston style and water or steam pours out and I loose my grip and fall further. Eventually there isn't a bottom and I'm kinda floating about in this surreal industrial environment, half swinging half floating between pips and floating bits of metal and plastic and shapes, like pushing through a crowd. So eventually I end up on the end of this mass of things and I push my way through what seems to be a bunch of orange hand tanks (like paintball c02 stuff) and after struggling through weeds of that stuff, it opens to space. Like outer space, and in the distance there's a space station. So I get this fear of falling, because you know, if you keep falling in space you keep going, so frantically trying to get back inside the mass I realize I can't breath, so I grab a orange tank and apparently there are some air masks around and attach them together and start breathing through that. I struggle back through the weeds, this time like I'm floating in outer space and could go flying off in some strange direction at any second, and then back into the mass I'm suddenly underwater. Like soft sands, clear water, Hawaii kinda thing. Weird fish and some leopard print like eel. So I try to catch it but then it shocks me, electric eel or something I guess, and I reel back and swim away. I get to the shore and it's like I was in a huge lake and everything around me is green and nature. Then a feeling of, well knowing actually, like it wasn't a hunch, it just was, that I'm the last person on earth. I suddenly find a video camera on the ground, pick it up and notice my hand is bleeding, possibly from the eel, then I start wandering off filming stuff. Then I had to wake up to go take a final. The end.

2008-05-14, 11:54 AM
Like most people (apparently) I usually don't remember my dreams for very long. However, I had a dream once that for some reason has stuck with me. It's not quite the strangest, but its the strangest I can remember.

In this dream, I was the Human Torch. The dream began with me flying over a vast, completely un-populated freeway interchange system at night. All the street lights were on, but there were no big buildings or cars or people anywhere. Inexplicably, a woman fell out of thin air, and I caught her and carried her for a while. Then, I dove down into the road system and dodged between the freeway ramps (the woman was nowhere to be found at this point, but I don't remember dropping her off) until I arrived at a short, red brick apartment building no more than 5 stories tall and flew in an upstairs window, extinguishing my flame as I did so.

Apparently, the Human Torch likes to wear a nice black suit when he sets himself on fire, for that's what I was wearing. My entire family was inside the room, sitting on squishy couches along the walls. Apparently it was Christmas and my dad's birthday (which in real life is in October) at the same time. I was really frustrated because I wanted to be out flying through the city saving people and fighting crime (you know, cuz I'm the Human Torch), but I had to stay and celebrate this weird holiday comglomeration instead.

After a while, I started to think that I might be able to go back to my crime fighting. However, just then my uncle Tom brought out this model train that he got or purchased. It really wasn't that cool, but he insisted on passing it around and having everyone examine it. Just as I was contemplating about going "flame on" and flying out the windown, I woke up.


Tempest Fennac
2008-05-14, 01:00 PM
A lot of my dreams are like tt, Sammich (I've nver tried keeping a journel though: I've only ever jotted dreams down if it was relevant to a meditational exercise I was trying at the time). I also know what you mean about dreams often feeling real, Raiser (I find that some of them are actually painful).

2008-05-14, 06:37 PM
mmm I have been known to have some strange dreams, and weird moments right after dreams. Like most people here, I can't remember all of it, but I'll tell you what I can.

The Vampires

I got this funny little book from a flea market, a joke book by Max Tailleur (dutch people might know him). And as always when I get a book, I read it every night before I went to bed. First night, I had a dream about going to school one day, and finding that my favourite teacher had been replaced by a vampire, not a good dream, but not that bad either. Second night, the vampire had singled me out, picking on me in class, making me stay after school, and at the end of the dream wanting to saaaaahk my blaaaad. Third night, I don't remember much of, except that the entire dream I got chased by vampireS(!). When I woke up, I was still scared out of my mind. I never opened that book again.

The Snakes.

Don't remember much about this dream, but it ended with snakes all over me. When I woke up, I felt something heavy lying across my throat. And having just dreamed about them, I was sure it was a snake. I moved my left arm to touch it, my right arm was stuck under something. So as my fingers reached where the snake should be, I felt something soft and warm. Then I realize that the snake WAS my right arm, lying across my throat, with no feeling in it, because I'd lain on it all night :smallredface:

The Sequel.

This happens to me a lot, just having a dream, interesting enough to somewhat remember, and then a day,week,month,year later, I'll have a dream that starts off where the other dream left off. Had one like these a month ago. I always figure I get the "sequel" because I've progressed in my life, solved some issue, something. Anybody else have this?

Shas aia Toriia
2008-05-14, 07:43 PM
The Sequel.

This happens to me a lot, just having a dream, interesting enough to somewhat remember, and then a day,week,month,year later, I'll have a dream that starts off where the other dream left off. Had one like these a month ago. I always figure I get the "sequel" because I've progressed in my life, solved some issue, something. Anybody else have this?

Happens to me all the time.

2008-05-14, 07:58 PM
Okay, my weirdest ever... Got it a while ago (like 6 or 7 years ago)

okay, its the only one I remember.. Scracth that, I have a second

I am going to New York city. (at the time I had never been there) I get there and find this giant pulsing vein thing that is made out of rubber that all of the little children (me included) than came out of no where are climbing on. It goes up like 4000 feet into the air... Then theres a slide down thats like vertical. I climb it and start freaking out at the top. I end up jumping off it and waking up.

Okay, the second (and more funny)

This one was recent.

I am wearing nothing except for ski boots and im on a glass stairway. The whole building is glass actually. I walk up the stairs and above me a party is going on, and all kinds of friends are up there. I walk through the room to the stairs and realize wait a second, I don't know any of them. None of them had noticed me until then. Then a guy shouts, 'hey! theres a naked guy! lets get him!' So I run away. my ski boots are clunking all over the place and im terrified. Then I reach a door but it doesn't open. Its locked. The stairway ends there, so im stuck with my back up against thhe glass doorway. The people get to me. I aim at the first guys face, kicking as hard as I can... and BOOM! I drill him, and my foot hurts a lot... And then im in bed and I realize I just kicked the foot of my bed. It was a really good kick though.

2008-05-14, 08:37 PM
I've had a three times reoccuring dream, and a dream where I killed a Dragon. (And incidentally one where I have been eaten by a dragon...)


2008-05-14, 09:06 PM
My dreams tend to be scary realistic. To the point of confusion sometimes. I will be dreaming and then wake up and not be sure that I was dreaming.

You may be gifted with the ability to have Lucid Dreams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream) ; They can be exactly that; scary realistic. I find myself having these consistently; and I find them to be a source of comfort and focus, in a way.

2008-05-14, 10:27 PM
The Weirdest.
1. Mob came to my house to kill me. I woke up, and didn't realise I was dreaming.
2. Several dreams involving odd situations with whatever girl I like
3. A dream where my two friends set us up on a date with one of our friends which was a WTF moment.
4. Shopping mall zombies. Go to security room for supplies. I see shadow of sheep around corner. I here it bleet. It comes around corner as sillouhette. Zoom in-Zombie Sheep. It shouted BLOOD then charged me.
5. Got the human torches power. And it was fun. and I felt like I had it. I mean, literally felt it.
6. Had a dream someone parked a car on me while I was having a conversation. Then I got a peg leg.

2008-05-15, 12:12 AM
Ok now this is cool topic..props Mauve Shirt...props.

Weirdest dream...is not pg rated so I can't tell it here. However it ended in VERY strange fashion. I had dreamed that I had woken up and was talking to my daughter (who is 7 but in the dream was like 13 or 14) and I was doing the dreaded sex talk. I woke up for real when my daughter ran into our bedroom and jumped on the bed for a cuddle. I hate that when you dreamed you woke up and then you really wake up.. It's damn confusing.

Worst dream... The worst one was where I had been working some crazy 16 hours days at work for like 5 days straight...and I dreamed I was at work. When the alarm went off I swore, and went to work feeling like I'd been there for hours.

Coolest dream..Big budget blockbuster. If I could remember it it would make a kick @rse movie. My wife and I were werewolf hunters...and these werewolves were scary mo fo's. So there we were battling these HUGE 12ft werewolves and we ran out of ammo and had to rely on silver tipped knives, knuckledusters, and a wicked looking spiked chain. BEST FIGHT SCENE EVAR!! And the coolest thing was I got wounded and my wife kicked their arses. *sniff*.... so proud. :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

2008-05-15, 12:22 AM

I'm amazed no one had made reference to this one...

2008-05-15, 12:23 AM
Really, it depends on what you mean by "weird." Do you mean out of the ordinary in correlation to the world, or out of the ordinary in correlation to your other dreams? Because, taking the former view, all of my dreams are weird. Taking the latter view, none of my dreams are weird.

I've literally invented bunches of games based on my dreams.

My dreams are basically random scenes with no basis based on things that have/could/might/would happen in my world. Each scene lasts about ten seconds, somehow seamlessly fading into the next. Yay, randomness! I don't even know if I had a themed dream before... I think all of them are basically as described above.

2008-05-15, 01:43 AM
The Sequel.

This happens to me a lot, just having a dream, interesting enough to somewhat remember, and then a day,week,month,year later, I'll have a dream that starts off where the other dream left off. Had one like these a month ago. I always figure I get the "sequel" because I've progressed in my life, solved some issue, something. Anybody else have this?

Boy, how I wish that hold would hold true for a certain dreams of mine. Had it once and it was cut short. Never saw(dreamed) the sequel. Hope dies last, however, so perhaps it will happen once.

As for my dreams, they are few and far between. So far, in fact, that even nightmare would be a relief. That is, dreams I can remember. Supposedly, you dream three of four times a night. I just can't seem to recall any of them.

2008-05-15, 01:46 AM
my dreams are strange. to the point that i've given up trying to make it make sense.
it ias almost as if i have two "save games" when im awake i play on this one. when im alseep i play the other. becasue when i dream i suddenly remember everything ive dreamt before, every places ive visited, every people ive met, every thing/person that have brutally killed me(dont happens often tho') and better yet, i meet them and visit the same places again. just last year i had a dream where i was in a forest i hadnt dreamt about in like five years!
*shakes head* its beyond me. so i just try to have fun when i am there :smalltongue:

2008-05-15, 02:05 AM
I dreamt of differential equations... Lots of dy/dxs and whatnot... How sad am I, huh?

2008-05-15, 06:29 PM
For some reason I don't dream very much these days (or nights, rather...), but there are some I had several years ago that I vaguely remember for their wierdness.

The first one, I believed, involved a Daffy Duck zombie, and the second had something to do with a shopping mall, polar bears, ghosts, and burritos.

On the other hand, sometimes when I wake unusually early to, say, go on an early walk, I accidentally go back to sleep and then dream that I did it. Only to wake up a few minutes later and realize it was a dream. It really does get annoying sometimes. :smallannoyed:

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-15, 08:07 PM
I can remember a dream I had over 10 years ago...sort of..
I was at the thunder hill swimming pool, my sister had driven me there despite the fact that she was <10 years old at the time. She was all upset because this giant crow in a straw hat had stolen her car. A gas station appeared in the center of the pool, and there were synchronized swimmers...

2008-05-15, 09:56 PM
I had a strange dream the other night. I was at ballet class, and my teacher was chastising me for wearing the wrong socks. Not all that odd, except I was wearing bright pink sweatpants because my tights were in the wash.

This makes some sense, because I did wear sweats to a ballet class for precisely that reason. They weren't pink though.

2008-05-15, 10:08 PM
I have some weird dreams, but I never remember the details. I also have some recurring dreams where I have nothing but a t-shirt on, and I'm trying to find my clothes. I'm usually in a public place on a school feild trip in those dreams.

2008-05-15, 10:19 PM
I usually don't dream or remember I do, but when I do remember my dreams I always make sure to type them out. I tend to remember most of the details, so they're pretty long. Too long to post all of them here here, but I'll post the most interesting one. It's really long, though, so I'll spoiler it.
It started out normal, it could've almost been real. I was getting up, getting ready for school. I stepped out of my house, and, for some reason, it was a different house with a house-like garage attached to it where, in my dream, I kept my six 'imaginary' creatures(as I had referred to them in my dream) which, for whatever reason, were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Splinter, and Shredder. That was weird. Anyway, I went to school, and school, for some reason, was a mix of my current school and old school. I tried finding my class, but couldn't no matter how hard I tried, so I went home. I began to watch a movie, one that wasn't real and probably doesn't exist, and for some reason a purple swirling portal opened up next to me. Cautiously, I entered it, and found myself within an army. A black haired lady, who, oddly enough, looked like Rukia from Bleach, was the first one who noticed me. I kept on asking where I was and how I could get back home, and eventually they brought me to their city. There was a forest maze I had to go through and, for some reason, I suddenly looked like Marth from the Fire Emblem games or Leon Magnus from Tales of Destiny(which is weird, cause I've never actually played either of their games). So, I followed them, and I had a brief thought of what was going on in the real word, where my 'imaginary creatures' were wrecking the guards and policemen(in PINK uniforms, oddly enough), came up to investigate and were attacked by my 'imaginary creatures'.

Anyway, when I was brought back to 'reality' in my dream, I found myself in front of a maze made of gigantic tree roots floating in the sky. They said that someone had to lead us so we wouldn't get attacked, and what looked like a Tonberry walked ahead and led us to an elf city, oddly. Then, soon after, I was told I was special or something, and so I soon found myself clinging on an object next to 'Rukia'(as in, the elf-lady who looks like Rukia) and some nameless laid-back guy with orange hair(something tells me he might've been supposed to be Ichigo, but he didn't look like him). We were all on a grate, and all clinging on to an object, but the nameless guy(I'll just name him Fred) suggested that we just let go and run our way to what they called the Iron City. 'Rukia' said no, that it would be too dangerous, and so eventually we found ourself inside a palace inside the city. There were lava and platforms to stand on, and we were jumping across them trying to find the leader of the Iron City. We DID meet up with him, but apparently something had happened and he was stronger than before and wearing a lot of armor. 'Rukia' told us(me and Fred) to run, and so we did. The lava began to rise, and eventually we both made it to a safe place. We were walking, when we, oddly enough, found the king of the place on a computer, oddly enough, and he asked us if we wanted to see something funny.

I, thinking that it wouldn't be funny at all to us, said no, and we began to run. The 'Iron King' began to follow us, and Fred told me to run and I exited through a door that somehow led to a beach. I walked down it for quite some time, and eventually I found myself outside what looked like one of my old schools, that for some reason had a giant machine that did something to clay. There were little kids and a couple of adults there working on something, and for some reason I had a drink. Clay exploded out of one the machines, and the pieces landed in my drink and I threw it away. I then, oddly, walked to my 'house', the one that I, in my dream, apparently lived in, and entered it. I looked like myself as I told my parents, who were there, that I had not actually gone to school. They got mad, but still showed me things they had bought, which were actually just yo-yos of various size. After apologizing to my parents, I left the house, and began to walk. An old man walked up beside me and asked me how my day was going. I said that I thought this was only a dream, and suggested that I was maybe lucid dreaming, or something. The old man chuckled, and eventually I found myself outside of the elf city, and began charging along the roots, leaping over monsters that were now on the path.

I leaped towards a large blanket that was hung and attached to one of the roots, and began to climb up that. I eventually made it, and continued my way to the entrance. Two guards were there, and they told me I couldn't enter unless I had approval from someone on the south side of the entrance, so I ran there. The person there was a girl wearing a white dress with brown hair and blue eyes who had a slight bit of attitude. Her appearance was actually that of a character I created, though she didn't have as much attitude as this person. During our conversation we were snuck up on by two monsters, one like a snake with a flashing black sphere of light on its neck, and the other was a humanoid monster. The scene changed so that it was sort of a turn-based battle, oddly, and the humanoid monster went first, and cast what the text-box that was in Final Fantasy games that pops up to tell you what move you or your opponent used called 'Life-2'. I knew of the Final Fantasy spell, so I thought it might do something different, but a black sphere just appeared in front of the snake-like monster and did nothing but disappear. I had already changed back to looking like Marth when I was entering the elf city for the second time, and I had a sword.

I was cycling through menus(apparently, I had a lot of different skill types), and I remember thinking abut making 'Feathere'(I named the person behind me after the character I had made because of the similarities in appearance) cast Holy, thinking it would work on them. Of course, I couldn't do that because she wasn't a member of my party, though she was on my side in the battle. Eventually I went to a skill-menu called 'Crystal Façade', strangely, and I had only two spells that I remember in that menu, 2 Crystal and 4 Crystal. I found out that 2 Crystal was supposed to prevent enemy movement while 4 Crystal was supposed to actually hurt, so I cast 4 Crystal and did 200(it had the Final Fantasy-esque pop-up numbers, though these were fancier) damage to the humanoid creature, which killed it, and 0 to the serpent. Something concealed jumped onto the screen, and revived the humanoid creature, and I was told to use a spell to constrict movement. I went to my menu to cast 2 Crystal, but that's when the dream ended and I awoke.

2008-05-15, 10:54 PM
My friend once told me about a strange series of dreams. He said they would happen at random and all had different plots but they would always end with him jumping off of his house. The last of the sort he ever had though, ended with his butler saying, "Please sir, allow me," and jumping off instead. Weird huh?:smallconfused:

2008-05-15, 11:50 PM
I have many, most recently (in short):

Myself as part of a Rebel squad fighting Imperial Stormtroopers in Seaworld while the University's table tennis team contaminated their water with jars of minnows.

Then I half woke up, so the dream continues into a concert with 150 bands playing one after another from giant poles. A girl won an Areosmith guitar but was annoyed since she wanted a Metallica one. I laughed since the program said one of the Muse songs was from 1902.

2008-05-16, 12:14 AM
My dreams are generally pretty awesome. Mainly due to the fact that all of my senses are fully functional in my dreams (meaning I can taste, smell, feel stuff in my dreams). This is normally pretty awesome but currently I'm on some antibiotics that cause nightmares so...I'm actually dreading going to sleep for the next couple of days. The nightmares I've had have been pretty scary...not helped that my senses are functioning in these nightmares.

2008-05-16, 12:46 AM
The last of the sort he ever had though, ended with his butler saying, "Please sir, allow me," and jumping off instead. Weird huh?:smallconfused:

Your friend has a butler? That's not the odd part?

2008-05-16, 02:00 AM
Worst dream... The worst one was where I had been working some crazy 16 hours days at work for like 5 days straight...and I dreamed I was at work. When the alarm went off I swore, and went to work feeling like I'd been there for hours.

Oh, I've had one of those. That's horrible. It happened when I was working part-time doing these insane 12-hour shifts. Never doing that again.

My dreams tend to go away very fast. I've tried writing them down but it usually doesn't make any sense later. Most of them are pretty basic, being chased by something, climbing very tall things (and sometimes jumping off) and sometimes doing everyday things.
What I do remember are usually fragments from dreams when I was younger. Here's a sample:

- getting fried in a huge pan. I remember waking up sweating and a little short of breath, That was pretty creepy.

- facing off masked villains (I remember them as looking like mexican wrestlers) wielding pitchforks and other farming tools at an old farm.

- climbing a ziggurat, then falling off it.

- being inside of those pictures that has stairs going in too many directions (I forget the name of the guy who makes them)

- getting an injection from a nurse. I remember this being extremely scary for some reason, and it was a recurring dream for a while. I've never been especially scared of needles, which makes it even weirder.

- being chased around a maze. I forget by what.

2008-05-16, 02:29 AM
- being inside of those pictures that has stairs going in too many directions (I forget the name of the guy who makes them)

M.C. Escher (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M_c_escher).

Anyway, I had a dream I went to some camp where I was meant to learn German. (I've gone to one IRL previously.) There my dad handed me a gun, it looked like a USP. And I found out that my parents both had pistols with them, and a suitcase full of ammunition. Why was never revealed to me. Then I found my guitar, and went to a room at the camp that had amps everywhere, and tons of books full of tabs and real notated music. That was fun. :smallbiggrin: But my guitar didn't work properly, it sounded really muted. I found that there was a piece of tape that I somehow missed covering the strings. Then I found out that AMEN (silly message board games -> town) had a band there, and I met the members. Not the players, the characters. I met Magtok, and Hitomi, and they said that Draken was in the other room.

EDIT: Izzy was there, but was just watching everyone play.

2008-05-16, 08:23 AM
Your friend has a butler? That's not the odd part?

No, he had a butler in this particular dream. Sorry for the confusion.

2008-05-16, 06:46 PM
Ok, this one happened maybe 8 months ago, but the details are still vivid in my head, as I recall this dream all the time with friends.

Ok, it starts out in a small, enclosed room with dark blue walls, for some reason, there is an impression that it is winter. The majority of this room is a huge pool of vanilla pudding, leaving a little space at the walls to sit. In this room is I, and about 15 fat, nerdy like folks. We are all lounging around the edge of the wall and I become friends with the one right next to me. At one point, I pull a red stream of ribbon out of the pool.
Wierd enough yet? And then suddenly, one of the walls is gone, and there is an entire city behind it, the buildings are blue and paper-like. A sedan then pulls up with , yes, I know it's carzy, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is driving it. He yells for me to hop in and we drive around. I then realize that I can start the whole scene were he picks me up at any part of the city. One of these pick-ups, I end up being near the orginal room, but the car is on the other side of town. I try to run acroos, but a large army has gather between us, and they emit a sickly green shade. I try to run through them, ready to die. They shoot plasma guns at me, and I (I was playing WoW at the time) Start casting Arcane Explosion. I notice they are deliberately missing me, and a soldier grabs me and carries me fireman style. They start bringing me to this door with a long hall. I notice some are carring away the guys at the pool. They are green and seem to be melting and falling apart. They reach out to me, and I yell to take them too, but they say they are infected.
Next thing I know, I am at a dinner party. I go to grab a chicken wing, when someone bumps me. I realize it was the nerd I had befriended, but he is skinnier. He is also with a woman in a red dress. We sit down at a round table, he with the wings, and many guest are staring at us. He then pulls off his nose and begins to laugh as I am repulsed. He then lifts up his shirt and drops a wing, and a mouth appears and eats it, and then everyone begins to laugh uncontrollably. I then woke up. Really strange, huh?

2008-05-16, 07:00 PM
I had a dream where I ran a taco stand in hell, and hell looked like an airport.

Shas aia Toriia
2008-05-16, 08:05 PM
I had a dream where I ran a taco stand in hell, and hell looked like an airport.

If I had room in my sig, this would go in it.
You just won one (1) free bloggoblag (Internet)!

2008-05-18, 06:52 AM
I had pretty average dream life, now I sleep the opposite way and I seem to have much happier dreams.

This is perhaps the most pathetic thing ever, but since me and my closest friends dont get to get together very often, I had a dream where they all just arrived and I was so excited I woke up. It SUCKED.

2008-05-18, 08:05 AM
My dreams kind of go with my personality and events that I'm excited about.

If anyone has read the pellinor books you would know what was going in my dream.Last night I dreamed that I was Maerad and that I was following her adventure exactly.then my dream swiched to random images of cheese,flowers,movie posters,pandas,and dolphins.

yes I know my dreams can be random but they follow my personality.:smallbiggrin:

2008-05-18, 12:46 PM
I had a very science fictiony dream.

I was a scientist in a lab for Special Containment and Research of Abnormal Biological Warfare. The reason they were abnormal was because our field team literally just found them roaming forests, cities, or anywhere in the world and they were incredibly powerful. One of the things we had were these green blobs that looked like hand-sized amoebas, but were in fact deadly explosives. They could move anywhere and explode things. They could turn into a foam and go inside cracks in the wall in order to take out weak points in the building, or could even shape themselves into gernades and launch themselves at enemies. So...stuff like that, except they were wild and couldn't be controlled.

We had just got a new specimen in who was currently occupying "the play room" which is a portion of the lab that is the size of an aircraft hangar, completely white, completely empty, and impenatrable. We always used that room to determine what the creature can do just in case there are any surprises. This one was odd though. It was just a large black trail of smoke that moved in patterns. We didn't really know what it did, but were assured by our field team that we should keep a special eye on it. It had been there for about two days changing shapes showing nothing really harmless.

So of course, like all dreams about things like this, it was my turn to take the night shift and be the only one in the lab.

Basically, the smoke made two spirals and then joined in the center creating what looked like a fountain of smoke pouring all over the floor. And from that center emerged a blonde woman. While the smoke was creating clothes for her, she walked with purpose to the door of the playroom which was made of the same protective transparent material as the windows to the playroom (for observation). When she arrived at the door, she smiled this wicked smile and just...knocked. Three times. Very gently. Suddenly the transparent protective door began cracking and that's when I started to run.

I heard a shatter, but didn't look back. By the time I reached the hallway she had already gotten in to the specimen room and let them all out. The ones that she deemed redundant she killed with a simple whisp of black smoke. And somehow, I think it was the use of the smoke, she controlled them to attack me. Thankfully, my knowledge of the specimens helped me out.

The rest is a bit of a blur that I'm going to try and remember later...I remember thinking that I had acquired telekinetic powers due to exposure of a specimen, but it ended up being the smoke lady toying with me in the hopes that I would get dependent on that power.

But yeah....VERY weird stuff.

2008-05-18, 01:19 PM
One weird dream I particularily remember is when I was at school normally, with two things being different:
-There wasn't anybody in shool except my class and teachers
-It was one day after World War I ended, and I was wondering what will happen to us now that Austrio-Hungarian Empire is gone the way of the dodo. However, noone but me was very interested in it.
It was after I woke up, I remembered that I "forgot" some preety important historical facts in this dream. Overall, I blame this dream on reading about Habsburg dinasty before falling asleep.

Mr. Mud
2008-05-18, 01:41 PM
Wow, ironically, I just woke up and had the weirdest dream of my life this mourning! (yeah, I know, I wake up at like 1pm but still)...

So, I was in school, and hungry me takes a bag of chips out of my friends lunch, and I find $1,000,000 in it instead of chips. With that 1 million, instead of buy a savings bond, or investing it the stock market* I bought a dumptruck, and more chips... not very smart because after you open the bags they dont have much of a resale value :smallbiggrin:.

*maybe buying those chips was a better idea that invest in this economy :smalleek:.

2008-05-19, 08:28 AM
My dream is almost always weird. Every single night.

Like what I dreamt yesterday (I've posted it in a wh40k related thread in media discussion)

just yesterday I dreamt the craziest dream involving WH40k ever.

In my dream, I was a new Space Marine fresh from the training, with armor and implant and such. Except, the setting isn't dark or gritty at all. It's just a mundane metropolis, with Imperial Guard acting as the police force, and Space Marine acts more like a swat team.

So, on my first day, there's a hostage situation on a bank, and the Imperial Guard called the Space Marines. I'm the only one sent (because it's mundane). I realized that they're actually looking at me for command, except that I'm completely inexperienced, on my first day. So I just say

"Just bust the door, I'll take care of the rest"

They bust the door, and with my superhuman speed and reflex I casually shoot all of the bad guys with my lasgun.

crazy... There's a romantic subplot involving sister of battle, but I forgot what happened.

Inigo Montoya
2008-05-19, 09:09 AM
Weiredest dream I ever had:

I was working for the UN, as a security guard for an important diplomatic meeting. The peace treaty between monkeys and lemurs, who had been fighting a vicious war for seveal years. One day however, the elevator that the lead diplomats were riding in crashed. The tech specialist, a guy named Bob, said it was sabotage. Eventually I tracked down the bad guy, who looked a lot like this...http://www.uesp.net/w/images/OBCreature-SpiderDaedra.jpg
I was about to arrest her, but David Duchovny came in and took her away. Apparently, he's a secret government agent.

2008-05-19, 11:25 PM
I dream every single night, so to go through every single weird dream, or even just to skim over the weirdest, would take longer than i have the patience for...
I usually get my inspiration for writing from dreams, and dreams always cure my writers' block.

i often dream of the same setting more than once, though often these dreams are several months between each other, and i'm always aware that i'm dreaming and have a great amount of power over my dreams, so if things start to happen in them that i'm not too keen on, i'll simply guide myself away from it and rewrite what's happening.

I've been having this recurring dream of late though, where me and my family are living in a post-zombie apocalypse world. The thing is, the world hasn't actually changed that much, i mean, there are less people, but during the day-light hours everyone goes about their business as usual. As soon as the sun starts to go down though, everyone retreats into an underground city, because the zombies come out at night and run rampant, killing and eating anyone that's left on the surface.
In the dream i have this special power that when i scream i disintegrate all zombies within i 1km radius of myself, which comes in handy when my little brother and i get stuck on the surface (like we did in last night's dream). Also, despite the fact that we live in an underground city at night, the zombies also 'live' underground and emerge from the sewers at nightfall.
It's really quite similar to a dream i used to have when i was at school where there were strange mutant (zombie-like) creatures living under the city, that would come out at night, or drag you down storm-water drains and eat you.

I keep stopping during the dream though and analysing the world and the zombies, thinking about how it would all work on paper, if i were to either have a short story set in this world, or to write it up as a campaign setting.

2008-05-19, 11:30 PM
I dream every night too. I hate it. Every time I need to wake up it seems Im at an interesting part of a dream. So my body and mind betray me and go back to sleep to find out the next part. When I do manage to force myself away from it, I usually find myself feeling odd or unsettled for the morning. Damn annoying.

2008-05-20, 05:29 AM
This morning, I woke up from my alarm clock, slammed it out. And rolled back into sleep for a short while. I don't usually dream.

I can't exactly remember the details but this is what I remember :
I stand up, dress in military uniform, put to hoove-shaped magnets on my head(one in front of my eyes and one following the bridge of my nose upwards.)
I'm standing on a small ramp. Behind me are some other military dressed guys and some women dressed in wedding dress/old 18th/19th century dresses, as some guys jump with a parachute of the ramp onto a mat a few metres away(yet the ramp was not tall, about kneeheight) helping a lady each(who also jump with parachutes)
Before I jump the drill sergeant comes. He shouts at me that some of his larger magnets were missing and that I should get on with it.(while I wore small ones) I then jumped of the ramp, onto the mat and stood beside it.
A beautifull lady then jumped, I was instantly attracted to her. We spoke a bit, which was unclear for me, then she showed me a box with a namtagg with my name on it. As if reminding me to get something for her to. She said, maybe I can give it to you, moving so that I could read it better, with me saying I get it... And then she walks away and I wake up.
And all of this was in black-and-white...

Anybody have the faintest clues of what this means?

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-20, 08:07 AM
Must type it down before I forget!

I was running errands with my parents in Columbia, my friend Mel asked me to drive out to this one store to pick up something she'd left there. St. Johns Lane goes all the way to Columbia Crossing, apparently. So I did. My mom had given me $500,000 for some reason, but I wasn't complaining. The shop I was going to was an antique store. I picked up the item Mel wanted, and I had to pay for it for some reason. This old crone behind the counter demanded a dollar bill with my name written on it and knocked me over, I said no because she'd use it to curse me and my family. Then something happened that I can no longer remember, I think it was a brief chase scene. Then the shop turned into a GameStop, and I was shopping with my friend Andrew. I had $500,000, so I was going to buy a nice expensive gaming console. But then we found a Wii on sale for $50! So I bought that. Then we bought Guitar Hero for the Wii. I think the old woman from the antique shop was there again, but then I woke up.

2008-05-20, 08:11 AM
I had a dream where my long-time Danish friend Lea (who doesn't actually exist) showed up in my local shopping centre. We ate waffles then I introduced her to my other long time Danish friend Kasper (who doesn't exist). Then I sat there for the rest of the night watching them converse in Danish.

I don't know Danish. I live in Australia. I've never known anyone from Denmark.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-20, 08:23 AM
I had a dream where my long-time Danish friend Lea (who doesn't actually exist) showed up in my local shopping centre. We ate waffles then I introduced her to my other long time Danish friend Kasper (who doesn't exist). Then I sat there for the rest of the night watching them converse in Danish.

I don't know Danish. I live in Australia. I've never known anyone from Denmark.

:smallbiggrin: That's amazing <3

2008-05-20, 10:30 PM
:smallbiggrin: That's amazing <3

My subconscious does things like that to me. Seems to think its funny :D

2008-05-21, 02:02 AM
I had the Zombie Dream again last night... it woke me up at about 4am this morning.
I spent about a half-hour sleepily thinking about how if i were killed by zombies while i slept no one would be able to look after my lizards - especially the one hibernating next to me - and they'd more than likely starve or die of dehydration
I resolved not to succumb to any undead, including the ones i half-asleep imagined were in my room, for the sake of my lizards, and went back to sleep.

2008-05-21, 04:32 AM
I know exactly what you mean Raiser. Sometimes I have a dream that's so real that a few days later I actually think it's real and can start a conversation with someone that was in my dream but they'll have no idea what I'm talking about. So it happens a lot that I have to think for a moment before saying something just to make sure it wasn't a dream. It can get very, very confusing.

I also have frequent deja vu's only that they happened in dreams and sometimes a slightly different situation but almost the same. One time I had this dream and then the next day a friend of mine said something and I was like 'yeah you told me already' and he was like 'uhm... it happened this morning'.

2008-05-21, 01:39 PM
Okay, so I was in a labrynth with two nameless and faceless companions. We were warriors, seeking the golden harmonica that lay at the end. We come to a large, open area, with a door on the opposite side, guarded by a some ogre-guy. He had three eyes, but he had the power to "combine my eye strength of three into one!" And could change at will. We said "k" and then tried to kill him, at which point he grabs a huge pencil out and drives it through the neck of the first guy, and then into the second guy who was standing directly behind him.

I said "I'm sorry Jim, I'll do my best to take him out before you bleed to death!"

And so I drew my rapier, and began an epic battle with the pencil-wielding ogre with three-or-one eye(s).

Eventually, we began to tire, and he said "You're too weak to fight! Give me your best shot, I'll make it a freebie! You can't hurt me!"

So I stabbed him in the eye (just the one), and he exclaimed, "Why the hell did I have to combine them?!" and fell over, dead.

I proceeded to the door, only to find it was locked. I claimed the ogre's massive pencil as my treasure and went home.

The Rose Dragon
2008-05-22, 08:20 AM
I love weird dreams.

Tonight, in the Rose Dragon's Dreamscape:

I was a girl. A very pretty, very peppy, very girly girl. Anyway, I was walking around, when this newly-wed couple found me and the bride (who was also really pretty) gave me her wedding dress in exchange for my clothes. Apparently, they married in secret and the groom didn't think his family would approve. He introduced me as the bride, and they all liked me, so I had to fake being the wife. But the groom had a brother, who was drop dead gorgeous, and we fell in love, but neither of us could act, because he didn't know I wasn't married to his brother, and I had to keep up my act. There was this Russian gypsy band who decided to celebrate my "marriage" with, as custom dictates, smoking pot from a hookah and drinking a lot of vodka - apparently I had to participate. There was this devil in the form of a villain from one of these Turkish soap operas, but who assumed the form of Darth Vader in his secret hideout. He was after the family's money (the family was filthy rich), and we foiled his plans by infiltrating his hideout and doing... stuff. Anyway, after he was defeated, we came clear, explaining that the other girl was married to the guy, at which point I confessed to being in love with his brother. Later, we had kids, and one day, we were out riding bikes near the beach, when I met a friend and we started talking during which my guy disappeared, and while I was looking for him, there were this fireworks from under the sea that formed a heart, and a giant prop of a sea monster rose, with a sign saying "Will you marry me?". I said yes, and the dream ended.

I make a pretty girl.

2008-05-22, 08:24 AM
I had a dream where my long-time Danish friend Lea (who doesn't actually exist) showed up in my local shopping centre. We ate waffles then I introduced her to my other long time Danish friend Kasper (who doesn't exist). Then I sat there for the rest of the night watching them converse in Danish.

I don't know Danish. I live in Australia. I've never known anyone from Denmark.

I'm sort of intrigued. Can you describe what it sounded like when they talked?

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-22, 08:27 AM
Last night's dream....It happened in the first sleep cycle, so I don't remember all of it...

I was having an argument with my parents over something trivial, so trivial it never came up in the dream, and my sister instructed me to just drop it and told my parents to chill. Then I had to go across the street to babysit the family I usually sit for. Aaaand....they invited my family and I out for dinner... then something happened involving killer mosquitoes. It really didn't become a wierd dream until then. After a chase scene involving bugs and a police car, we went out for ice cream.

2008-05-22, 08:31 AM
I love weird dreams.

Tonight, in the Rose Dragon's Dreamscape:

I was a girl. A very pretty, very peppy, very girly girl. Anyway, I was walking around, when this newly-wed couple found me and the bride (who was also really pretty) gave me her wedding dress in exchange for my clothes. Apparently, they married in secret and the groom didn't think his family would approve. He introduced me as the bride, and they all liked me, so I had to fake being the wife. But the groom had a brother, who was drop dead gorgeous, and we fell in love, but neither of us could act, because he didn't know I wasn't married to his brother, and I had to keep up my act. There was this Russian gypsy band who decided to celebrate my "marriage" with, as custom dictates, smoking pot from a hookah and drinking a lot of vodka - apparently I had to participate. There was this devil in the form of a villain from one of these Turkish soap operas, but who assumed the form of Darth Vader in his secret hideout. He was after the family's money (the family was filthy rich), and we foiled his plans by infiltrating his hideout and doing... stuff. Anyway, after he was defeated, we came clear, explaining that the other girl was married to the guy, at which point I confessed to being in love with his brother. Later, we had kids, and one day, we were out riding bikes near the beach, when I met a friend and we started talking during which my guy disappeared, and while I was looking for him, there were this fireworks from under the sea that formed a heart, and a giant prop of a sea monster rose, with a sign saying "Will you marry me?". I said yes, and the dream ended.

I make a pretty girl.

Is this why your gender icon is female now?

The Rose Dragon
2008-05-22, 08:34 AM
Is this why your gender icon is female now?

Yes. You noticed that, huh?

2008-05-22, 08:34 AM
This one was damn weird in a sense that it didn't had any sense at all.

I dreamed that I woke up, and through the window of my room I saw Tiamat (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/artgallery_tiamat.jpg), perched on the roof of another building. Next thing I know, I'm running around with people I don't know, my sword in hand (I actually have one) and fighting Ninjas dressed in white. And since we knew that Tiamat was actually hatching them (don't ask), we had to kill her in order to end the evergrowing threat of Ninja invasion. So we devised a plan that we could shoot her from my window with a taser gun which was augmented by attaching it to an Ipod Nano. Unfortunately, Tiamat was protected by a bunch of sniper wielding ninjas, so we had trouble getting a clear shot. I don't remember what happened afterwards.

But seriously, Tiamat and Ninjas? WTF? I've been playing Red Hand of Doom too much, I guess... Still, it was awesome seeing a living, breathing, 5 headed dragon. I still remember feeling awed at the sight...

Flying Elephant
2008-05-22, 11:25 AM
Have you ever seen modular cat tents? They're like little tents, but you can connect doors with little fabric tubes, like gerbil tubes. My cat has one. In my dream there was a compound made of these, a whole bunch of them. Many people were living there. I was one of them. There was a forest on three sides, and a field, a chain link fence, a playground, and then a stream, with another field behind the stream. This is pretty much my real backyard, but with forests instead of the road and neighboring houses. The compound was where my house is. I knew (I don't know how I knew) that the world was overrun by monsters, and that we were the only humans we knew still existed. It was like a town in that compound, with men, women, children, and babies. We constantly had to post gaurds, scout around the area, and fight monsters. The monsters attacked us about once a day, at any time. I had a steakknife that I used to fight. I have a real steakknife just like it.
On the first day of my dream, our best warrior, who had tons of armor and a big sword, betrayed us to join the monsters as they attacked us. He ran away when we killed the monster. We then went to sleep. I was incredibly afraid, because I was right next to the door, and the monsters would be able to kill me in the night. We were attacked, and a weird man-sized praying mantis thing ripped the door open, right into my tent. I stabbed it with my steakknife and it bled green blood all over me, and died. We ran all through the compound, fighting off assorted monsters, and finally drove them back to the woods. I saw the traitor warrior in the distance, watching us.
For several days and nights (I got the impression of it being months) we weren't attacked. Me and two others were scouting in the field behind the river when we were attacked by something we called a titan. It was big (at least 20 feet tall) and blue. We sprinted towards the compound, splashed through the stream, went through the playground, and vaulted the chain link fence, to warn the compound. The titan was at our heels the whole time, and when we made it back, I kicked it and squeezed it under the porch (which exists in real life). It was like a human-shaped jelly. It was stuck there as I kicked it to keep it back, and it said we were the last living humans. The other two wanted me to let it go, because it was the only monster we had heard talk, but I didn't. I then woke up.

2008-05-22, 11:54 AM
Two dreams, same night. Uncommonly for me I remembered them both upon waking and still do.

In one I was carrying someone's metal cabinet thingy down some stairs and I got upset at her for some reason I can no longer remember so I threw it down the stairs and it broke. I was happy I did it for some reason.

In the second dream I went down a snowy hill in a sled and somehow came in 3rd in fastest time in Olympic sledding. I got a medal and was just as surprised as the other competitors. Doubly weird since I wasn't aware there was a competition at the hill I was at. The sled ride was fun though and very fast.

*has shiny bronze dream medal now*

2008-05-23, 06:05 AM
Recently, my dreams have been disconcertingly realistic. Like, the following day I'll think, 'Oh yeah, she said yesterday... no wait. That was in my dream.'

For weirdness, I remember a couple:

1) I was standing around somewhere countryside-y, when I saw my dad run past on his morning jog. He didn't see me, and I decided to take a shortcut and get home before him. Around this point I think it went into 3rd person, like it was a video game. I ran off, then everything faded to black because I had left the area. Then a list of options for where I could go next appeared on the screen. If there was more, I've forgotten it.

2) I was in a classroom in school, having a conversation with a couple of friends. Doesn't sound weird, you say? That's what I thought when I woke up. I tried to imagine how the conversation might have continued, then gradually it occurred to me that:
a) The conversation made no sense.
b) I never go in that classroom.
c) The first of my friends had moved to Canada several months previously.
d) The other friend was Cloud from Final Fantasy VII.
e) WTF?

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-23, 08:43 AM
Ok, the first dream involved me posting in SMBG, so it was no fun.

The second dream....I was watching a movie with my family, my parents, sister and grandmother. It involved a woman who was a recovering alcoholic, and she was getting married, but she got incredibly drunk and her fiance left her at the rehearsal dinner. Then, still in the movie, playing cards started raining from the sky, and they turned into $10 bills, and she wound up with a million dollars. And a pirate, who was her unrecognizable childhood friend, also drunk, started giving her relationship advice and she eventually got her fiance back and they got married.
That was the movie. The rest of the dream involved video games.
I'd gone shopping earlier that day, and I'd gotten "Dance Dance Revolution, Extreme 2". I really wanted to play it, but my sister was playing something that seemed like a cross between The Sims (except her Sim was the dancing monkey from DDR), Mario kart and Pokemon, and since it's her PS2 she wouldn't let me play. But we'd had a big dinner, so my mother insisted that I play DDR for exercise. My father started playing Madeline's game on the PSP, and I played DDR, and then I woke up.

2008-05-23, 08:55 AM
I had a dream.

I was a child and I was an orphan. I was on a deserted island on a beach of black gravel and I met a gruff man who then proceeded to teach me the ways of combat and many life lessons. Then, when I was returning from gathering firewood I heard a great battle, a clashing of titans. I fell prone to avoid detection and looked up to see my mentor being decapitated by a unknown evil swordsman-guy. Then, after waiting a while so that I wouldn't be found, I searched my mentor and found a pendant of some description...

Then the dream ended. Pretty weird eh? I guess I live in the realms of fantasy a bit too much, even my dreams are clique.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-25, 09:24 AM
Last time I play Pokemon Diamond before bed.
I've reached the part where you have to catch Mesprit and it's super irritating. In my dream I was actually chasing something and I had to catch it. Then I got to a gym, one of the courts here at Mary Washington, and I got it to stand still by using mean look on it. Then 7 other people came in to try at catch mesprit, but it evolved into something like a dragonite, which meant a massive HP boost and no moves could hurt it at all. So we all started throwing pokeballs at it until eventually we gave up. And the dragonite was like HAHA you can't catch me and it "fled"

Next dream had me waking up and wanting to make a post about that dream, but the thread had derailed into talking about sumo wrestling, and a mod had already given lectures and tried to put it back on track, but eventually had to lock it. And I was sad.

the HZ
2008-05-25, 01:43 PM
I have weird dreams almost every night. A few nights ago I dreamt that someone stole my foreskin and drove off in an ambulance with it.

2008-05-25, 02:11 PM
Last night I had a dream about receiving a SMS from my ex, telling me that indeed, the movie wasn't worth it, and that it would have been better if she hadn't seen it. Then I woke up. I don't think it was any particular movie.

2008-05-26, 02:25 AM
Last week I had a six-part Resident Evil-type dream. Most of my dreams tend to be about either 1) zombie apocalypse or 2) going back to college. I usually enjoy these types of dreams, although the ones about going back to school somewhat depress me (I miss college).

The dream(s) I had last week were especially odd because I kept waking up and then, when I fell back to sleep, I'd fall right back into the dream at almost the exact place I was when I woke up. I've had two-part dreams before but never more than that. I've had dreams that follow up on previous ones from several nights ago (sometimes weeks) and I occassionally have re-run dreams where I dream virtually the exact same thing as I previously have.

I don't remember much from the six-parter except one bit where a giant zombie monster (looked like those undead monsters in World of Warcraft that guard Undercity - the ones with the scars and cleavers) picked up a school bus and started dumping the occupants into its mouth. The only other bit I have clear re-call of was when a couple zombie tigers (more like the dogs in the RE movies than 'real' zombies) got on a shed and jumped through my bedroom window on the second floor of the house I was staying at in the dream.

Last night I had a dream about receiving a SMS from my ex, telling me that indeed, the movie wasn't worth it, and that it would have been better if she hadn't seen it. Then I woke up. I don't think it was any particular movie.

When I was going through a bad break-up a few years back I repeatedly dreamed of my ex in a variety of odd circumstances. In one dream, we were checking into a hotel together except she couldn't talk and, when we got to the hotel room it was nothing more than a cot, a sink, a wall-mounted mirror, a toliet, and bare concrete block walls. There was a drown rat in the toliet. Throughout the rest of the dream she either couldn't talk or I couldn't hear what she was saying. At the end, though, she finally was able to say something but I woke up the minute I heard her voice.

I've also had a nightmare that I was living in a house will ALL of my exes and my current girlfriend. They were all both plotting against me behind my back (omniscient narration in that dream) and against each other but trying to act as if they all liked each other and were being super nice to me. It was terrifying an if that kind of dream won't make you paranoid, I'm not sure what else can! I mean, zombies I can handle, but ex-girlfriends? EEEeeeek! :smalleek:

2008-05-26, 02:51 AM
Okay, one I had last night.

I managed to somehow miss the last of my exams, for two of my subjects, so it was an automatic fail. I was so down that my friends all got together at my house for a sleep over and we tried to decide what I should do now. Eventually we decided that I would have to do something to better the world in some way, so we ran through some ideas until we came to removing all scary things in the world.
It just so happened that there was a way to do this. There was this haunted house where people said all scary things in the world came from. So, with my friends, we made plans to get inside and stop it. Since this was my mission, I would get in first and then make it safe for them to join me. Something happened that I don't particularly remember, but there were monsters on the lawn, but I got past them and indoors.
Now, it turned out that inside it was an almost miniature military base. Seto Kaiba or my friend Seth, one of the two, had installed a bunch of computers that were used to control all scary things in the world. I set about removing the personell by distracting them, hitting them over the head, that sort of thing, until I reached the main computer. I deactivated the lawn monsters and called my friends in, and then we shut down the whole thing.
But then, Seto Kaiba or Seth appeared on the monitor and told us that it was pointless. He had a backup facility that was now powering up. After some investigation we located the second base that was actually built into the house I used to live in. We did some scouting and discovered it was collectively run by all the people we disliked most but this just made it easier to get in since most were unbelievably stupid. After some bluffing I was in, but then we found the computer was totally different and we spent ages trying to work it out. Eventually, we turned off all scary things in the world.
And then, Kaiba/Seth showed up on the monitor again, and I woke up.

the HZ
2008-05-26, 07:35 AM
Tonight I had a dream about a houseplant that you could play old video games on. You simply stuck a game cartridge into it and then connected it to your TV. It didn't need electricity, but you had to water it to be able to play.

2008-05-26, 08:26 AM
Tonight I had a dream about a houseplant that you could play old video games on. You simply stuck a game cartridge into it and then connected it to your TV. It didn't need electricity, but you had to water it to be able to play.

Best console EVER.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-26, 08:48 AM
Jibar, it was definitely Seto Kaiba. :smallbiggrin:

Ok, so I didn't bring a lamp with me when I came here for summer school. My parents came down to bring me a desk lamp, but then when they got here it turned out I had a bedside lamp that had never been there before. Except we weren't here in my apartment, we were in my bedroom at home. So we already HAD lights. But we needed to find a light bulb for this lamp. We looked all around for a box of light bulbs, which I had brought with me to college. But since we were in my room, we couldn't find it, and we were confused because we thought we WERE here. Then we found a box of christmas lights on my dresser, and I started rummaging through there trying to find something that would fit this lamp. I couldn't find anything. Finally we gave up, and I went shopping with my sister. And we met her ex-boyfriend at the store. Then there was a discussion about video games, and the dream changed, and I'll try to remember it later.

Edit: Oh yeah!
My friend Matt found my parents' email somehow and sent them an email about how I had a new address and email address so they should send everything there. And that's why I haven't been getting mail/email from them.

2008-05-26, 10:04 AM
Well, I can't quite remember the first part of last night's dream but this is what I can recall. It was pretty weird.

I was in front of my house in the middle of the night. I live on a little, one block long side street and at the left intersection on was an empty fountain and a lamppost. They were in the middle of the T intersection and these two guys from my school, who aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer y'know, were jumping over the fountain on skateboards. Then one says, "I'm gonna do a backflip over the lamppost." Then he walks over to where the houses should be at the top of the T but instead there is an enormous cathedral. This was like if Notre Dame was sized for Titans. That big. The street was on level with the big circular window in the front and had two little bridges going across. So the guy started climbing up to the window and was going to do a backflip off of it and over the lamppost. Then my mom and some other people showed up for some reason and shouted at him to get down. Then I started to follow him but the bridge collapsed and I found myself in a dark crypt that I somehow knew was inside the cathedral. I found a wallet on one of the bodies that had $61 in ancient money. Then I started to wake up and thought, "Oh crap, this is going to turn into a zombie dream." So I woke myself up.
Wow, that was pretty big. I wish I could clean out my subconcious. Maybe throw in a few cool dreams while I'm at it.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-27, 08:05 AM
Last night I kept waking up so my dreams were boring. I seriously spend too much time on the internet, so I had an email/gitp/kol boredom dream. Then I had a dream in which my parents encouraged me to skip sociology.

2008-05-27, 08:07 AM
You're not the only one; read my dream, it involved HALO and AMEN making a band...

2008-05-27, 08:31 AM
I keep dreaming about myself in a real awesome movie, I'd do all my own stunts and everything that went into the movie had to actually be done so it would be more realistic. Did some deeds, sewed some seeds :wink:

the most awesome part is when I had to kill Zombies for some reason, I love those films...

2008-05-27, 08:49 AM
Ooooh! That reminds me of a dream I had.

It went like this.

Some zombie god opened a rift to let zombies through in my school's choir room. Zombies poured forth, and we had to evacuate. The prom committee at our school was desperately trying to sell prom tickets as we evacuated, promising chocolate cupcakes to anyone who bought one. I and someone else, that I don't remember, found some ancient swords of zombie punishment and general ass-kicking, and went to fight the zombie god. The dream ended while we were being awarded for our deeds.

2008-05-27, 11:50 AM
Last night I kept waking up so my dreams were boring. I seriously spend too much time on the internet, so I had an email/gitp/kol boredom dream. Then I had a dream in which my parents encouraged me to skip sociology.

If it's any consolation, talking with my friend Seth he decided that it must have been Seto Kaiba, since he wouldn't be in charge of everything scary in the world.
I'm also coming to realise just how ridiculous that is. Everything scary in the world? I'm a toteophobe, so that must have been everything.

2008-05-28, 06:48 AM
Well, the other day I was spending a night at a friends house, and in the morning we had to catch a train at something like 0516 or so. We got to sleep at 0100. Five times, I woke up dreaming that he was over me, shaking me telling me it was time to go. Every time I woke up, and he was asleep in bed. Five times!

2008-05-28, 06:51 AM
I was dreaming that I was walking through a field of grass singing an incomprehensible tune to Gorillaz DARE and then I started falling! Falling! Falling! Falling! And then I realized, 'oh sh*t!!!'.

I really was falling. When I woke up the ground rushed up to meet me and then SLAM!!!! Ouch... my beds pretty high up.

2008-05-28, 10:33 PM
I have a wide range of dreams. I most often get those normal dreams where you know it is a dream and it has the usual outlandish over the top experiences. However, I also get some really weird ones, recently I have had a dream over the last year or so where it continued. It would unexpectedly pop up on random nights and would continue right where it left off.

The worst for me tho, are my nightmares. I think I might be screwed up because so many of my nightmares involve "torture porn" like from the saw movies, but inflicted on me. The last one I had was horrible, it scared my so much I actually stayed home crying all day.

Basically, this was the dream. I walk into a hotel room, it seemed like the penthouse, and there I get thrown into a chair by an unseen force. At this point, my point of view switches to that of an observer camera above me and to my back right. At this point the unseen force pulls out its device. The device basically looked like a metal ring with curved razor spikes around it. Then, it gets drilled into my head, clockwise, and this whole time I am experiencing dream pain. It ends with me watching myself stumbling around bleeding and trying to remove it. The worst part, it felt like I was actually in pain, and when I suddenly woke up, it didn't stop for about 2 seconds.

the HZ
2008-05-29, 06:25 AM
I have a recurring dream in which I play Guitar Hero. And let me tell you, it's hard to play Guitar Hero in dreams. The coloured notes can change size, come in from the side, decide to not stay on the fretboard, slide offscreen and be unpredictable in general. And the plastic guitar always has a funny shape.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-29, 08:00 AM
This one was VERY strange.

I was at my house, and it was all decorated for a party, I guess it was Christmas because my sister was singing "The Night Santa Went Crazy" by Weird Al. Then Santa shows up, and he has indeed gone crazy and wants to destroy the world, but my sister and I keep telling him no, he CAN'T destroy the world. It's impossible without..um...this stuffed animal. And then we have to hide the stuffed animal, and I'm communicating with my sister and father about how to do this, via AIM and text messaging so Santa can't detect us. The government is involved somehow.

Then the dream changes, and I'm water skiing with someone, probably my sister again, using those foam noodles. Then the boat stops and I fall forward and land in it, and my sister's like "It's just like an Indiana Jones movie!" and my mom's like "I told you not to water ski in those flip flops!" and I'm like "But they're the best shoes EVER!" and then I wake up.

2008-05-29, 08:04 AM
Wow, that sounds awesoms. I haven't been able to dream for the past few days. Maybe I'm just to tired.

2008-05-29, 08:31 AM
Here's an interesting dream that you're free to pick apart...

The dream starts with me standing in the center of a darkened street. A thick layer of fog permeates the disturbingly quiet street and traces of a recent rain play on the senses. I am clad in simple khakis and a t-shirt, my feet bare. My hair is wet with a mixture of sweat and rain. The streetlights in the surrounding area glow a soft green against the fog and there is no moon visible.

A sense of need washes over me and I begin to walk down the street past a dilapidated playground, the swing creaking eerily in the wind. Each house I pass is a blur, the features taken away showing me that they are not my destination. As I get closer to the house at the end of the street, the haze begins clearing and I see a large white Victorian manor with a dying tree in the front lawn. This is where I am meant to be.

I approach the tree hesitantly, not sure what to make of this situation. Stuck to the trunk of this old hollowed out tree is the fresh corpse of an infant. The infant's body is strapped to the tree using long black chains, each link in the chain edged like a razor. Dried blood covers the tiny cadaver, empty eyes stuck motionless, gazing at me. Fighting back the feelings of revulsion this ghastly sight gives me, I move closer to inspect the body in the chains only to make a disturbing discovery. The baby's heart was still beating, though no blood seeps from its wounds and no breath escapes the tiny lungs, only the heart was still functioning. The eyes follow me as I examine the chains that are wrapped around tree. I cut my finger on one blade as I drag my finger across it, testing the sharpness, instantly placing my finger in my mouth and absorbing the pain and blood.

I look towards the old doors of the manor wondering if I should proceed inside. Seemingly out of nowhere a large red circle appears in the lawn before me with a lit arrow pointing towards the door. Without hesitance, I step onto the circle, knowing that it was my goal. Within seconds, the black chains shoot out of the ground all around me and begin encircling my wrists, waist and legs. The cutting razors burn as they slice through my flesh, black blood oozing from the fresh incisions. I whip my head back and let out a piercing howl of shock and pain. My scream is silent and the dream freezes in this image.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-31, 08:23 AM
I was hiking with my father and sister to this cabin. When we got to the cabin, there was an avalanche, of course, and we were trapped in the snow. Then this wizard guy appears in the cabin and turns all our hiking supplies into a comfy chair, which my dad sits in.
AAAAAH I can't remember the second half of the dream, so I'll come back later.
Edit: I do now!
Then I wake up, but not really, I wake up in the dream.
I'm at my house, and I've slept through Mel and Colleen's visit, and I am saddened. Then the doorbell rings, and I go downstairs in my pajamas and Mel and Colleen are there and are all like "Geez, Emily!" And I apologize, and ask them how they found my apartment, 'cause suddenly we're in my apartment here. That question is never answered, and we decide to walk downtown. Then I'm like "Fburg is boring, let's go to downtown Eltville instead!" So we get into Mel's car and drive to Eltville, park in front of our old house and walk to the Fussganger Zone. I'm telling them about the ice cream place there and how delicious German ice cream is, and I tell Colleen how to order ice cream in German. Then Mel says "How did I drive here?" and I wake up. Actually wake up.

2008-05-31, 09:31 AM
Weird dream indeed.

Okay, for some reason I was J.D. from Scrubs and then Dr.Cox comes and tells me that I need to do a transfer, whatever that is. Anyway, I go through a door, through the cafeteria and suddenly I'm in a kind of convention center/courthouse for lack of a better term. And the janitor is there and for some reason he has a car key thingy that opens all the doors in the building. And I'm thinking, "Damn that's cool." There's a choir there for some reason or another and then the janitor tells me that they need me to tell terminally ill patients that there is hope yet. But I wake up before I have to.

I know it's badly worded but I'm tired, sue me.

2008-05-31, 07:38 PM
So, this was actually a night or two ago but I had this dream that I was at school. I knew it was in the middle of summer, school was out (a bunch of people were there, anyways, for some..event? im not sure) but it wasnt sunny. It was rather dark, gloomy. not a bad thing for me, really, i love dark and cloudy weather. but, anyways, i know like a whole CHUNK of my dream im missing but the next thing i remember (same setting) Im talking to one of my friends, not anybody i remember, and a proff. photographer is like "you! i want you to pose for me!" no real reason. and modeling is not something id ever do or be into but because its photo, I do it. but at this time an extremely strong wind starts up, and doesnt let up. It's so strong, it's literally hard to breathe against it. photographer took no notice, he still wanted to take pictures and obviously i couldnt work against the wind, it would knock me where it wanted. no pose came out right, and everytime the wind knocked me some wierd direction he got mad. he was there, he could feel the wind, and everybody surrounding was on the ground but he took no notice and still got mad at me. lol a part of me wanted to scream ARENT YOU PAYING ATTENTION IM DOING AT LEAST A FAIRLY DECENT JOB UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES! Im still trying, everybody else is giving up and holding onto something. eventually, the wind gets WAY too forceful and breathing hurts way too much. so when it knocks me down at that point, i stay down, face to the ground, only looking up to find if theres anywhere indoors I could run and then maybe I could breathe. yeah, thats what I remember caring about, it being painful to breathe. The nearest place is the boys bathroom, but I figure nobody would be in there anyways, but I didnt care if they were. I was putting up with the pain for a bit but I knew I couldnt and I couldnt stop breathing, I'd die. couldnt go on with the pain, I'd want to die. So i ran in there and remember catching my breath and crying a bit. a lot like what one feels toward the end of a panic attack...I could breathe, but I was still in a panic. Somebody was in there and i remember knowing who, even though I never actually SAW them, I just knew. I dont remember much after that..maybe faintly calming myself. i really wish I could remember if the wind stopped after that, but I dont know.

what maybe this means, even though i havent tried my hand at this in years..
The fact that I was a model would mean Im trying to remodel myself. be somebody im not, for whatever reason. Maybe it was asked of me, because it was asked in the dream. Photographers represent memories, a past point, holding onto that past point. Pictures are reflection, or the need for a clearer and more accurate viewpoint. Obviously, theres something I want to hold onto probably causing the self-change, being what Im not. I probably need to see this same situation from a different or clearer viewpoint, an objective one. One outside myself. Winds in general suggesting change, strong winds suggesting stress. Maybe both are involved. Perhaps, a change is causing me stress. A change from what I'd like to hold onto and am seeing in a skewed manner, causing me to try and change myself to save the past which is looking toward my own demise. Likewise, holding onto my breath because of this stress is likely to suggest me being stubborn due to this stress. I need to see other perspectives, regardless of this anxiety that seems to take over my mind entirely. (I say that because, upon waking up, I realize that in my dream even when I was out of the immediate stress I dwelled on it to the point of bringing me to tears..) bathrooms representing the cleansing resentful or heavy feelings. Obviously I mustve felt like if I didnt get all this in the open, it was going to completely destroy me. Although, I ended up freaking out anyways so its starting to look like sophies choice. However, since I dont remember the end of said dream, I dont remember what happened with the wind and the feelings and the blahblah. So, it's unhelpful to not know if these feelings worked for or against me.

in short, im stuck in the past and what I want things to be which is forcing me to change myself to fit this past. Stress an anxiety play a part, and that's causing me to get an extremely unclear view on whatever it is im trying to look at. Im being stubborn, and acting upon that and feelings. i dont know where this ended up, but if its anything like my real life, Im guessing not good

haha that was spoilered for not only being long, but probably irrelevant. no need to read any of that and especially not the interp but I havent taken a dream and tried to figure it out in years for extreme fear of being wrong and stupid. that all sounds really accurate, though. on one hand it feels nice and (dareisay?) more like myself to type all out...on the other hand? it seems like a repeat of everything I already knew, and it presents no solution. no way to fix anything, including myself. :smallconfused:

2008-05-31, 07:59 PM
I dreamt I was a butterfly, flittering hither and thither... Then I awoke... Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man...

Mauve Shirt
2008-06-01, 09:52 AM
The first part had a dystopian future setting and a flying car, but I don't remember the rest.
The second part Hugh Jackman (why?) had given me a book with a red leather cover and it was a book that had all these spells in it, and I would wave my hand over something and say a word and whatever the spell was for would happen. And for some reason I was the only one that could do this. I used healing spell on this cut that I got during the first part, and then I used a spell that made this tiny spot appear on my palm, and whenever I put my hand under a light source the spot would turn into this big burning hole and I had to remove it from the light before my hand disappeared completely. Someone I know, I think it was a teacher of mine, came and lectured me about using a spell I didn't recognize. I was like "But I don't recognize any of these!" and then I woke up.

2008-06-03, 04:43 AM
The weirdest dream I ever had was when a scarecrow-man was following me and my friend home. And then my friend just LEFT me and the scarecrow started throwing exploding tongues at me, so I panicked and ran, which was stupid. And he blew the sports-teacher whistle he had round his neck, and suddenly people just came flooding out of every house and road around me. And there was a background noise of laughing, like in a playground or something. And all these people, the rollerskating kids and the dog-walking elderly and many more besides, began milling about and I knew that I had to get through the crowd without being touched by any of them, so I ran faster than I’ve ever run before, because I was terrified. But this young girl with freckles and pigtails broke out of the crowd and chased me, and when I had my hand on my front door and I was almost safe, she grabbed my arm and the laughing got louder and louder and everything started spinning and went black.

And that's why I'm scared of boohbahs. no, I don't see the link either, but the phobia started after this dream!

the HZ
2008-06-03, 03:56 PM
Have anyone ever woke up and found a weird note that you wrote in the middle of the night? I have done that a few times. I wake up in the middle of the night after having dreamt something awesome, thinking "I've got to write this down". Then I go back to sleep, and the next morning I find a note that doesn't make any sense at all.

Once, the note said "Eat music." I have no idea what I was dreaming.
Another time, I wrote "Crush the computer" on a document I was studying.
The best one was that time I woke up laughing and just had to write down the hilarious dream I just had. I wrote a note, put it on my desk and went back to sleep. The next morning I found the note. It said "Chocolate". Nothing else, just "Chocolate".

2008-06-03, 04:52 PM
Life is normal. people go to work, eat, pick up their kids from school,
kids go to school, people get there hair cut and every one in a while you have to stop and kill some zombies.
then start over slightly different the next morning.

Mauve Shirt
2008-06-03, 07:07 PM
Have anyone ever woke up and found a weird note that you wrote in the middle of the night? I have done that a few times. I wake up in the middle of the night after having dreamt something awesome, thinking "I've got to write this down". Then I go back to sleep, and the next morning I find a note that doesn't make any sense at all.

Once, the note said "Eat music." I have no idea what I was dreaming.
Another time, I wrote "Crush the computer" on a document I was studying.
The best one was that time I woke up laughing and just had to write down the hilarious dream I just had. I wrote a note, put it on my desk and went back to sleep. The next morning I found the note. It said "Chocolate". Nothing else, just "Chocolate".

:smallbiggrin: I don't know why, but that cracks me up. I never wake up long enough to write anything, and if I do I'm not delirious enough to write something that makes no sense.

MR.PIXIE, was that a dream you had?

Cristo Meyers
2008-06-03, 07:15 PM
The fact that I still remember this much of it after this long makes it weird to me. That and I dream in color, I'm told that's weird for guys.

I'm alone with a woman. Not sure exactly where, probably inside a building somewhere. I know her, at least, that's what my mind is telling me (meaning I have no idea if she was supposed to be someone I actually knew). We dance, close and slow (I can't hear any music) and she says "Miss you." and I catch a glimpse of brown eyes.

That's when I woke up. I swear I actually heard those words, though, not just in my head.

Though I suppose I should be glad I didn't have one of my usual, more violent, dreams *shudders*

Mauve Shirt
2008-06-04, 07:14 AM
Ok, so these evil people are chasing us, I think it was me and my cousin. We go into this hotel, and get a room in the basement. Our room has a secret compartment that leads down to this dungeon sort of thing with a big stone statue in it, and this giant stone coffin in the middle. We open the coffin, and it has a wooden bottom. We think that's weird, but then we find a keyhole, and it's another secret compartment. We have to go back to the front desk to get the key, a little gold key. We open it, and it's completely empty. My cousin is like "Haha, those evil people chasing us won't get the treasure." We exit that room of the dungeon and go down this hallway, all dingy and old, like the church basement in the 3rd Indiana Jones movie except without the rats and the sewage. We find another room, and while it's still part of the dungeon it's filled with office furniture, and my aunt is there sitting at her computer. I use her computer to check my email, yahoo answers and GITP (jesus I spend too much time here) and my aunt tells me "You're going to have to leave, or those evil people will catch you!" We never learn anything about the evil people, but they were probably the nazis from the third Indiana Jones movie. Suddenly there's this creepy little girl, dressed in a white gown, who can't talk but knows where we're supposed to go. She guides us down the passageway, jerking her head and pointing, all of this is in complete silence. We reach a room that has another big stone statue in it, and we have to somehow crack the statue open. We keep trying to accomplish this, when the evil people catch us and are like "We'll let your family go, but you, we're gonna kill you." So I'm tied to the statue and they're shooting at me, but none of the bullets are hitting me, they all keep bouncing off the statue. Suddenly my father is there, with my uncle, and they're all trying to free me. The little ghost girl has vanished.

Then I wake up, exactly an hour before my alarm goes off, and I was sleeping in the same position I was in tied to the statue.

There were also references to a few books, like there was something about angels and the alethiometer, and also Harry Potter was mentioned.

2008-06-04, 11:52 AM
Have anyone ever woke up and found a weird note that you wrote in the middle of the night? I have done that a few times. I wake up in the middle of the night after having dreamt something awesome, thinking "I've got to write this down". Then I go back to sleep, and the next morning I find a note that doesn't make any sense at all.

Once, the note said "Eat music." I have no idea what I was dreaming.
Another time, I wrote "Crush the computer" on a document I was studying.
The best one was that time I woke up laughing and just had to write down the hilarious dream I just had. I wrote a note, put it on my desk and went back to sleep. The next morning I found the note. It said "Chocolate". Nothing else, just "Chocolate".

Yep, done that a fair few times. Usually it's crap poetry, sometimes written in the dark and therefore barely legible. I swear, at the time, it was GENIUS! :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-04, 11:55 AM
Have anyone ever woke up and found a weird note that you wrote in the middle of the night? I have done that a few times. I wake up in the middle of the night after having dreamt something awesome, thinking "I've got to write this down". Then I go back to sleep, and the next morning I find a note that doesn't make any sense at all.

Once, the note said "Eat music." I have no idea what I was dreaming.
Another time, I wrote "Crush the computer" on a document I was studying.
The best one was that time I woke up laughing and just had to write down the hilarious dream I just had. I wrote a note, put it on my desk and went back to sleep. The next morning I found the note. It said "Chocolate". Nothing else, just "Chocolate".

I have the ultimate win version of this. Woke from a dream, walked across the room in a sleepy daze, wrote something down, walked back to my bed, and went to sleep.

The written down thing? The correct answer to a homework problem I had been stumped on when I went to sleep hours before. That's right, I dream of physics. :smalltongue:

2008-06-04, 02:54 PM
I did that writing down thing last nite(since i always wake up a two AM) and the note
said funnypolerbearicenostril
I was laughing all morning

Mauve Shirt
2008-06-07, 09:27 AM
I was on a cruise ship, with a bunch of people that I sort of knew but not really, and then it was attacked by robots, and then we were on an airplane, but I can't remember anything else.

2008-06-07, 09:31 AM
You want weird?

How about going to Area 51 on some top secret mission, and finding out that Area 51 was an underground electronics store, a Best Buy if I'm not mistaken!

2008-06-07, 09:48 AM
Life itself is only a vision. A dream.

Nothing exists save empty space and you...

And you are but a thought...

Raging Gene Ray
2008-07-05, 09:38 PM
Okay, so I'm watching the TV and this commercial comes on. A lot of my dreams involve watching the TV and blurring the line between viewer and subject.

At any rate, it's this stop motion commercial where a little boy in his pajamas walks into a disco club. Standing in the middle of the dance floor is this giant, anthropomorphic Pop-Tart.

This giant, anthropomorphic Pop-Tart is leaning all smug like against a giant Pop-Tart box. He kind of snears at the boy and then pulls out a normal-sized box of Pop-Tarts, pulls two different flavored Pop-Tarts out, and smiles benevolently as he mashes them together.

This causes the normal size Pop-Tarts to magically transform into a giant, Spanish Disco-Man. The little boy says: "you don't...LOOK like a Pop-Tart..."

And the giant, Spanish DiscoMan replies: "NO!!! I...am a Fancy...Llama Vagina!!!

And they disco dance together as the announcer says "New Kellog's Fancy Llama Vaginas!!!"

...I had no problem repeating that line to my friends later on...

2008-07-05, 11:11 PM
Now with my dreams the major oddest is that I control them. Yes Every single one for over 8 years. Lately they have been about Organization XIII because I want them to be that. They created great villains when they came up with the idea.

Mauve Shirt
2008-07-05, 11:13 PM
That's so neat, D_Lord! I've wanted to lucid dream.

2008-07-05, 11:14 PM
Here's my dream.

I was on some sort of battlefield. WW2 type stuff. Trenches and stuff. People laid dying and bleeding all around me. A wave on enemies are on the horizon, approaching quickly. I look down. I'm totally naked. I have nothing.

I run, but I can't escape them.

Almost symbolic, no?

H. Zee
2008-07-06, 01:53 AM
Life itself is only a vision. A dream.

Nothing exists save empty space and you...

And you are but a thought...

That's from that creepy Mark Twain claymation thing, isn't it?

Anyway, regarding weird dreams - Oh God, where to begin? I've had so many weird dreams it's not even funny.

Probably the weirdest was when a tsunami was about to hit my town, and I had to buy a Star Wars figurine from a shop before it was too late.

And then there was the one where a zombie infestation hit my school, and me and a few of my classmates escaped from them in an old-fashioned Model T Ford which appeared from nowhere. We camped out on a pebble beach, but a zombie tooth washed up on the shore and scratched one of my classmates, who turned into a zombie and began eating everyone... This one was probably triggered by reading World War Z in bed. :smallsmile:

And then there was that time when I dreamt of a salmon's journey upriver, from the salmon's POV.

And when I was a Roman legionnaire fighting the Daleks with a lightsaber...

I should probably seek professional help.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-06, 02:24 AM
How do you control your dreams, D_Lord? I've had a couple like that, but I'd like to learn how to control more of my dreams. I tried programming myself to wake up after dreams so that I can write down what happened in an attempt to improve my lucid dreaming capabilities, but it never worked. :smallfrown:

Raging Gene Ray
2008-07-06, 02:42 AM
I also have a few lucid dreams...but the thing is my dreams always happen the way I expect them to. I build up an expectation of what will happen, and I am still not sure how much control I have over this, and it occurs after a short delay. Sometimes, when I start to lucid dream, I try to find the exact point between expectation and delay where it's too late to change what will be perceived.

I imagine that my dreams work by first bringing a set of random associations to the front of my consciousness, giving me a short time to choose what to expect, and then I perceive it.

Most of the time, however, I don't know I'm dreaming and it just seems like everything is...interestingly predictable.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-06, 02:44 AM
I'm sonetimes like that in real life. (I sometimes feel as though things have happened before. I don't know if I dream about them before hand or not; once the events have happened, I'm unsure about whether I had dreamed about it in the past.)

Raging Gene Ray
2008-07-06, 02:57 AM
Do you predict what is going to happen as it goes on? Like I said, I think lucid dreaming involves finding that part where you're predicting what happens as it happens and taking control of that prediction before it's turned into a perception by your brain.

I personally don't think I'd like being in full control of my dreams. Being limited only by your imagination is actually a pretty harsh limit for me.

Sorry if I overused the word "predict" back there.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-06, 10:01 AM
Don't worry about overusing words (I tend to say "If I'm honest" and "admittedly" a lot). It's probably more like de ja vu when this sort of thing happens (there is 1 occasion where I realised I was dreaming, but the whole dreak sort of disintegrated when I tried to take control of it).

Mauve Shirt
2008-07-06, 11:38 AM
In my dream last night....I had a desk job, but I was fired. No actually, I was promoted, and I was told to clean out my desk 'cause I would be moving. I cleaned out the neighboring desk instead. Then my roommate from first semester came and was like "Why are you taking all of my stuff?" as I tore her calender down from the wall. My new boss was a penguin, who sat in a throne on the other side of this Olympic-size swimming pool.
Then we were in this hallway filled with robots, who had antigravity thingies and were floating around. One of them had this bin full of plants, except they didn't look like plants. They looked like those pokemon, Unknowns, and we (my friend Meredith had shown up) were supposed to take them and place them around this complex. So we did. And they sat there blinking giant eyes and shooting lasers at other robots. They were actually big metal robot plant pokemon things.

2008-07-06, 11:57 AM
Lots of these dreams are really interesting... usually don't have anything to post though because I can't remember a majority of my dreams.

I do have one reoccurring one though.

I always float in an endless abyss of nothingness. But it is all white light, like in old Looney Toons cartoons where they joke about going outside of the paper and everything is just white. I'm wearing bright white clothes that radiate more white light. Like a white button up shirt and slacks in summer that reflect the light and are hard to stare directly at. I keep floating and eventually I come upon black stars... as if you were looking at a picture of space and inverted all the colors. I keep going into a nebula and a star forms around me, with me at the center. Then I wake up. Thats about it.

2008-07-07, 02:02 AM
what we need now is a person that can tell us what our dreams mean monotoring this thread

and I can do exactly that:smallbiggrin:

I always float in an endless abyss of nothingness. But it is all white light, like in old Looney Toons cartoons where they joke about going outside of the paper and everything is just white. I'm wearing bright white clothes that radiate more white light. Like a white button up shirt and slacks in summer that reflect the light and are hard to stare directly at. I keep floating and eventually I come upon black stars... as if you were looking at a picture of space and inverted all the colors. I keep going into a nebula and a star forms around me, with me at the center. Then I wake up. Thats about it.
sounds like you're afraid of change

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-07, 02:10 AM
Doran, please could you tell me what you think my dreams which involve shooting zombies mean? I'll find a video on Youtube if you're not familiar with the games which they feel like.

2008-07-07, 02:19 AM
Doran, please could you tell me what you think my dreams which involve shooting zombies mean? I'll find a video on Youtube if you're not familiar with the games which they feel like.

can you say exactly what you say in your dream? PM me about it so I can see it later

2008-07-07, 11:05 AM
what we need now is a person that can tell us what our dreams mean monotoring this thread

and I can do exactly that:smallbiggrin:

sounds like you're afraid of change

Nah, I love change. Dreams don't actually mean anything don'tcha know :smallwink:

2008-07-07, 11:13 AM
what we need now is a person that can tell us what our dreams mean monotoring this thread

and I can do exactly that:smallbiggrin:

Joseph how can we ever say...
All that we want to about you...

Here, a challange for you then:

Dream from the other night.

There were people called Slates, who were basically people with superpowers. Except we all started out with the potential for powers, then one a life changing event happens to you, this potential would change into a unique power based on what happened. If you still had your potential, then this group called the Foundations were trying to recruit you so that they could bestow a chosen power upon you. The Foundations were good guys apparantly, they were the first Slates.
But there was all kinds of crazy stuff going. There was some girl whose power was, essentially, getting to people, who grew obsessed with me. My friends got these powers, like being able to build dinosaurs from stuff, or one who could vanish and then reappear, and all kinds of other stuff.
But then, my power was memories, I came across this slate who kept talking to me, and then when I looked into his mind he had memories of things yet to happen, one of which was a giant monster attacking. Except he didn't know about this. Then he grabbed my hand and I was teleported to the future.
And then, then I was in this place called Slate City that the Foundations built. But there were these robots or cyborgs or something that hunted down Slates. Nobody knew where they were from, but people thought the Foundations so that they could be the only people with super powers. Then I tracked down my friends who told me about the city, about their new powers, about how I'd been missing for about five years.
Apparantly the finding girl was trying to track me the whole time. They were also all homeless, living in wherever they could get to, because people refused to employ Slates. But then nobody knew about the giant monster, nobody. And I tried to warn them, but then this bank exploded and these guys died in the explosion. Apparantly I was a wanted man since I was known as a Slate before, and my dissappearence was considered suspect, so I grabbed a big coat off one of the dead guys and we all ran.
Then, after escaping from some of those robots, we ended up in this elevator, and I was trying to warn everybody again, but then the whole thing started shaking and get stuck. We climbed out and got out to the nearest door, on top of this one section of building, and we looked across the city to where stuff was exploding until stepping out from behind a building came the giant monster.

Mauve Shirt
2008-07-07, 11:26 AM
Ha! Dream interpretations are for the silly!
I was riding in my sister's car, we were driving around the parking lot of a strip mall. We saw this huge butterfly, the size of my palm, with tie dye colors and smileys on it's wings. My sister is like "OMG that's so neat!" So she parks the car, and we catch the butterfly and take it over to this greenhouse that just appeared out of nowhere. There's an insect collection in there, and we put the butterfly in it. Then this big cat comes out of the trees and attacks us. My dog is there, and my parrot. The cat wants to eat my parrot, and my dog is too afraid of the cat. Eventually Ralph bites the cat and it walks back into the trees. Then I wake up.

I've had weirder.

2008-07-07, 11:42 AM
I had a really weird dream last night, but the weirdest thing about it was how vivid it was, usually I can tell it's a dream while I'm dreaming but this seemed so real. Anyway...

Me and my friends were in this building when we heard banging from one side of the corridor, so we look out the window and there's an army of people in black, no weapons or anything just non-descript people in black. We didn't know what was happening so we just stood there, then it reset, the second time around we decided to run away from them so we left through one door that was hid around a corner:smallconfused:. When we got outside we realised we were trapped, they got to us, it reset.

The third time my friends were like lemmings so I told them to run outside, I reinforced the windows with tables and stuff and went outside, there was a rope with that was really difficuly to pull and my friends were struggling and as I'm stronger than them(IRL), I pulled the rope and a piece of paper fell into one of my friends hands, the army burst outside, it reset.

We repeat the last run through until the rope, this time my friends pull it while I wait for the paper, this time a key falls down. Then some fences open up to a field, but we're still trapped at this point so we run onto a field, at this point the army is near the rope and we all panic so we decide to jump some fences as we do the army's suddenly right behind us:smallconfused:, my friends jump over one part while I'm separated from them down the field, I then jump over a fence on my own and the army follows me. Then it ended...

I think it may have something to do with anxiety over going to college and losing friends and being surrounded by strangers, but I know nothing about psychology.

2008-07-07, 04:16 PM
I had a dream that I was sitting in a French cafe, sipping on some coffee. Then the Green Lantern walks in, with his full costume on and everything.
I say, "Hey, can I buy you a drink?"
He agrees and I end up drinking coffee and chatting with the green lantern, getting juicy gossip on other members of the Justice League (apparently Wonder Woman gets around...and he desperately misses being able to fully utilize the color yellow.)

Then, he checks his watch and says that he has a meeting with the American Ambassador to France. He gets up and flys away, leaving behind enough money to cover both of our tabs.

I woke up with and was all like WTF? Mainly because of just how casual it was, like seeing the Green Lantern walking into a French cafe was a common occurence.

There was another dream I had where I was the Leader of a Fascist-like nation. That was pretty awesome too... I never actually knew the name of the country, or where in the world it was located. But seeing uniformed people marching and saluting me always gets the little dictator in me excited!

Edit: Got a quick question, has anyone ever been able to achieve a lucid dream? I have once, and it was the best night of my life...

2008-07-07, 04:34 PM
I had a lucid nightmare once... My eyes were open at the time... Not so much fun, really...

Also, I dream in black and white... I can place a colour to things, but I don't see anything in colour. Anyone else do this?

...My last dream was about gaining ten thousand in each of the three main characteristic attributes... That is, Strength, Dexerity and Intelligence. I did it by poking something or other... And then I fought something or other.

2008-07-07, 06:43 PM
I had a lucid nightmare once... My eyes were open at the time... Not so much fun, really...

Also, I dream in black and white... I can place a colour to things, but I don't see anything in colour. Anyone else do this?

Actually, I think that it is said that about 70% of people dream in Black and White. So you are definitely not alone.

I definitely dream in color, myself. Else I wouldn't have as easily identified Green Lantern.

And sorry about the lucid nightmare, I have read about those. They say that's its a possible explanation for such things as alien abduction stories/monster/etc.

Corrupted One
2008-07-07, 10:03 PM
My dreams generally fall into two distinct categories. Short, impossible to remember dreams which, judging by the few cases I wrote down immediately after waking up, are for the most part incoherent seeminly meaningless images and pictures. And the incredibly realistic, fantastically long, nightmarishly vivid terrors that are mercifully equally easy to forget. Although I did write the most recent one down ( about a week ago) which, even by my standards, is pretty dark.

I was being hung upside down by my feet in a cold damp room. It was all white and looked sterile to a fault. It looked incredibly modern ( perhaps even a bit futuristic) with no obvious source for the painfully bright lights and no doors or windows. The walls and floor were completely featureless. And, while it looked spacey and surreal, it had a unnamable quality to it which, for a moment or two, forced me to superimpose a middle ages dungeon over it. And then I began to hear voices. Thousands of them, painfully familiar ( whenever I go over this part in my mind I never fail to feel like I know these voices) all whispering. Some female, some male, some laughing and yelling, others screaming and crying or begging or pleading. Then a deep, knife-across-stone voice that couldn't possibly stem from a normal human drowns them all out and says in a voice that even now sends shivers down my spine, " You must escape, boy. Free yourself. Kill them. Kill them all. Hunt down those who have done this. Rend the flesh from their bones! They sit atop their thrones and high places! Swollen with pride and made stagnant by the slightest taste of what they believe to be power! Free yourself boy! And then free them. Free them from their delusions. Show them what true power is!" During this monolouge the lights began to flicker and the room's temperature plummets. The rooms begans to shake as towards the end of the speech the voice begans to yell with fury and rage and its voice begans impossibly loud. I suddenly hear sounds from behind me ( which gives me a start because up until this point the only sound I'd heard were the voices) and see a rectangular hole in the wall in which are standing three soldiers. I know nothing about guns, so you must forgive me when I can give no more an accurate description than saying that they all had machine guns. Complete with full camo-body armor complete with helmets which tent out their eyes and have ( layman's terms here) those breath filtery thingeys. At this point my eyes waters with tears and I am unable to see straight. I see them lift up their guns and one of them flips off the safety and aims it directly at me. At which point the voice says " Now boy! Kill them all!" On que the soldier with the raised gun's shadow disattaches itself from him and reaches up and rips his throat out. I try to shut my eyes but I am no longer in control. The other two soldiers immediately flip the safety off their guns, at which point one of them gives an inhuman scream and falls to the floor clawing at his helmet. He eventually rips it off, still wailing, to show that blood is pouring from his eyes and ears. Mercifully, I've no recollection of his face only the eyes and ears. Judging from its context, I am fairly sure it was nothing pretty. The other has successfully opened fire and the bullets pierce my stomach. Instead of blood and gore coupled with unbearable pain, I only feel my stomach moisten as blood spreads from my wound. The remaining soldier then gives an unearthly shriek and throws his gun down and attempts to run. He trips over himself running and falls to the ground. He begans to back away on his hands screaming "No" over and over and begging for mercy. While all this is happening the already freezing room seems to be getting even colder, and disturbingly enough the cold seems to be spreading from my wound and following the path of my blood which is defying gravity by traveling all over my body and has already overed my feet, legs, and the rest of my lower body. As it approaches my head I hear the voice laughing ( which is no longer booming but sounds far away and faint and can only barely be heard over the sound of the soldier's frenzied screaming) . The blood envelops my head and is deathly cold and pitch black. The soldier screams even louder and I feel my body moving. I feel my legs breaking from unseen bonds, the soft padding as my feet touch the sterile ground, and the increasingly fearful screaming of the soldier. I step over the still bleeding bodies of his comrades ( I feel rather then see this with some sort of 6th sense present only in dreams as my sight has been stripped by the pitch blackness of my blood) and approach him. He manages one more scream which turns into a death gurgle as I feel my hand descend upon his throat. The voice is all around me bellowing with laughter and the blackness recedes from my eyes to a show a scene too grisly to be described within the pg-13 confines of this forum. And then I see my new form for the first time and I wake up terrified of myself and sleep.

Mauve Shirt
2008-07-07, 10:05 PM
I had a lucid nightmare once... My eyes were open at the time... Not so much fun, really...

Also, I dream in black and white... I can place a colour to things, but I don't see anything in colour. Anyone else do this?

I dream in color.

Cristo Meyers
2008-07-07, 10:14 PM
I dream in color.

I've been told that men usually dream in black and white and women usually dream in color.

I remember thinking that weird at the time because I dream in color.

2008-07-07, 10:25 PM
First of all, i dream in color, now, let me tell you about some whacky dreams:

Whacky dream #1: OK, somehow, for no reason at all, my eye starts bleeding, like if i were crying blood, then, the eye turns white and i cant cover the blood with my hand because the blood goes through my hand like if it was incorporeal or something.

Whacky dream #2: My uncle shhots me with a shootgun, somehow, my ribs stop the bullets, but i found later that i have a small orifice in my chest and i can see inside of my body through it.

Whacky dream #3: I once dreamt of a city, it was completly white and it was built in the dessert. The city was divided in nine different layers, each one in top of the other, being the closests to the ground the poorest and the highermosts the richests, actually, each layer functioned like a separated city, all of them conected through a tower in the center of all the cities. On top of the tower, the king. People from the southern part of the city practiced magic, although it was forbidden by the law of the king. That's all i remember from the dream.

And i have more of this, but lets see first what do you think of this three first.

Raging Gene Ray
2008-07-07, 10:48 PM
The city was divided in nine different layers... People from the southern part of the city practiced magic, although it was forbidden by the law of the king. That's all i remember from the dream.

When you say the Southern part, do you mean the Southern part of each layer or just the top one where the king lived?

And was the city essentially a giant tower, or a series of towers connected by bridges with only the one central tower to connect the layers?

2008-07-07, 11:32 PM
First note

Whacky dream #3: I once dreamt of a city, it was completly white and it was built in the dessert. The city was divided in nine different layers, each one in top of the other, being the closests to the ground the poorest and the highermosts the richests, actually, each layer functioned like a separated city, all of them conected through a tower in the center of all the cities. On top of the tower, the king. People from the southern part of the city practiced magic, although it was forbidden by the law of the king. That's all i remember from the dream.

Make that into a book man, That sounds freakin awesome. Seriously man.

Second note
I had a dream I was mauled by a bear.
Me and friends sitting in the back yard of a random persons house. One of them was sitting in a kiddie pool. Then the bear popped its head over the fence and screamed at us. they ran. I hopped the fence, which I could never do. There was a parking lot. There bear was chasing after me. I said "Ah, screw this." and stood still. The bear attacked me. And I felt nothing. just stood there, thought to myself "This should hurt, I'm being mauled by a bear."
THen I woke up.

Tempest Fennac
2008-07-08, 12:14 AM
I'd never heard of male and female dreams having different colours (all of mine are in full colour all the time).

2008-07-08, 12:17 AM
Last week I had a dream that my friends and I were swimming at the local lake. And while we were swimming I saw something in the water. My friends thought it was a duck so they kept on swimming, but when I looked at it harder I realized it was a bear. I seemed to be the only one who could see the bears... and suddenly there were bears everywhere. Then I fell in the lake, and I can't swim so I flailed around and then I woke up.

Hooray water phobias.

2008-07-08, 01:05 AM
Well so far I'm the only black and white dreamer, huh? I suppose that makes me special. Like a superpower...

...Also, I would start trying to remember my dreams, but I have a feeling I couldn't post the majority of them here anyway... Heh...

Em Blackleaf
2008-07-08, 01:16 AM
Last night, I dreamed that I was trying to take the cap off my eyeliner pencil. But it wouldn't come off. And then I woke up.
Which doesn't make any sense. :smallconfused:

2008-07-08, 01:22 PM
First note

Make that into a book man, That sounds freakin awesome. Seriously man.

Well, since i had that dream, i've been using the city on my DnD campaigns, but i was also trying to do something new with it. I just need to dream some more plot, or characters.

EDIT: Oops! I missed Raging Gene Ray's post. The city was like this:http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm122/Coplantor/city.jpg

2008-07-08, 01:36 PM
Last night, I dreamed that I was trying to take the cap off my eyeliner pencil. But it wouldn't come off. And then I woke up.
Which doesn't make any sense. :smallconfused:

I had a similar dream, only it wasn't makeup, it was the cap to my Mouthwash.

Mauve Shirt
2008-07-08, 01:46 PM
Another completely bizarre dream!

I was with this big group of people, all my friends from both college and high school, and we'd gone to see Spamalot. We were sitting in an auditorium and being lectured on how the play is incorrect both historically and in terms of literature. :smalltongue: Meanwhile, me and my friend Adrienne are being chased by the Terminator. I see my friends Mel and Sheckells in the crowd, talking to each other. They wave at me. Suddenly the seats in the auditorium turn into bleachers, and we're outside. Adrienne leads me through this line of trees and down a stone staircase into a workshop. My high school art teacher is instructing us on how to make teddy bears and other stuffed animals. I'm building a water pistol under the table, because the Terminators are allergic to water. I give it a bayonet for some reason. I have to look like I'm making an animal or the teacher will fail me, so I have an unfinished dog on my table. A talking cat shows up, a cat who we learn is a very advanced robot made of the same material as the Terminator, but he's a good guy. Then we're confronted by a bad robot wielding a super soaker. He's shorter than me, around 4'9'', and he's wearing a felt fedora with a red feather and a bright orange shirt. I shoot him with my water pistol and he runs away.

All through this dream my head is playing "The Song That Goes Like This" and "Find Your Grail." I wake up with "His Name Is Lancelot" in my head.

2008-07-08, 01:54 PM
Another completely bizarre dream!

I was with this big group of people, all my friends from both college and high school, and we'd gone to see Spamalot. We were sitting in an auditorium and being lectured on how the play is incorrect both historically and in terms of literature. :smalltongue: Meanwhile, me and my friend Adrienne are being chased by the Terminator. I see my friends Mel and Sheckells in the crowd, talking to each other. They wave at me. Suddenly the seats in the auditorium turn into bleachers, and we're outside. Adrienne leads me through this line of trees and down a stone staircase into a workshop. My high school art teacher is instructing us on how to make teddy bears and other stuffed animals. I'm building a water pistol under the table, because the Terminators are allergic to water. I give it a bayonet for some reason. I have to look like I'm making an animal or the teacher will fail me, so I have an unfinished dog on my table. A talking cat shows up, a cat who we learn is a very advanced robot made of the same material as the Terminator, but he's a good guy. Then we're confronted by a bad robot wielding a super soaker. He's shorter than me, around 4'9'', and he's wearing a felt fedora with a red feather and a bright orange shirt. I shoot him with my water pistol and he runs away.

All through this dream my head is playing "The Song That Goes Like This" and "Find Your Grail." I wake up with "His Name Is Lancelot" in my head.

Can't get much more random than that, I thought that I had random dreams. You, my dear, take the proverbial cake!

2008-07-09, 07:39 AM
Well, my dreams i dont normally remember but there are a few that i do, the clearest one is not appropriate for this board (not pg :P) but that one is in full color as i remember all the colors of the meadow/mountains and trees and all (i still dont think it was a dream but a memory from my past life (it does explain a few things) or possibly a future event that is going to come to pass), but most of my dreams that i remember tend to be clairvoiant dreams as they normally happen in my life anywhere from a day to up to 1 year past the dream, its like ... hey ive done this, i know whats gona happen in the next few seconds, pretty cool accually :P

Other then that my semi-councois (SP) dreams that i have when i wake up and are trying to go back to sleep, those are ever so interesting, so very random and ... weird, i tend not to remember those but they are always interesting!

Shas aia Toriia
2008-07-09, 11:15 AM
Alright, I was in a cold, northern region, covered in snow and ice and frigid rivers, but the landscape has many mountains and canyons.
Anyways, one day I'm out hunting with a rifle looking back towards the lodge (don't know when that got there) and I start shooting at some rabbits. I have perfect aim, and hit them all. Then there's a bear standing on top of a hill, but this bear is also a hunter/huntress. I debate whether to shoot it too, and my hunting lust takes hold of me.
I shoot the bear three times, killing it, but then its the hunter, who is still alive.
I walk down a the hill the bear was one with the hunter towards the lodge. The hunter isn't there anymore, and I shoot in coldblood the three people who live in the lodge. The hunter, who is back now is with me. I notice there's a fire in the lodge, which is odd because nobody's lived there in years.
We go in, kindle the fire, and talk. The hunter is now somebody I know, but I'm not sure who. I go outside to move the bodies of the dead people, 'cause the police/law enforcers are going to arrive soon. As I grab the first body and start hauling it away, the police arrive. I'm lying on the body, trying to cover it up, but they don't think its wierd.
So the hunter, myself and the police start talking, but they get to a topic that relates to my murders (which the hunter is somehow a part of). So that we're not convicted, the hunter suddenly grabs me and pretends to make out with me, but I love the hunter so I'm trying to actually do it. Then I realize its a ploy to stop them from talking about us, so I stop. However, I have to cover us up with my arms everytime they look at us.
Eventually, I'm on the ground somehow, and either the hunter or myself (I'm not really sure) says "We have to go . . . golf".
Yes, those were the actual words.
The landscape, which is now grassy and perfect for golf leads towards a golf cart. We get there, put our clubs on the cart, and then I wake up.

Wierd, no?
Anyways, I dream in colour.

2008-07-09, 04:45 PM
The color vs black and white argument is actually pretty controversial and you can only really find conflicting studies. They arent saying the same things they said a few years ago..

wierd as hell dreams lately..
The other night I had a dream that my town was like..at war or something. There are two main high schools in my town, my own and our rival high school...and in my dream uhm the rival high school wanted to kill my own high school. Literally. It was very..children-of-the-corn...
I wont go into details because that would be bloody but Im just going to describe it as unpleasant. Oh, and I think I was taken hostage at one point. Which was..wierd because I wasnt even too scared or anything and when I got out of the situation I remember just mentioning to my friends "oh yeah, i almost died." Nobody was too amused by it, either.

ugh and last night I had like five little dreams that involved it being christmas eve..?? wtf?? I dont even really like christmas.

2008-07-09, 08:58 PM
This is an old dream I had when i was 15, I was defending together with a couple of friends a fortress in the middle of a jungle, then, an expedition to the ice caves lead by another friend of mine stole the sacred statuette from the altar of ice. This done, the ancient dragon of the apocalipse wakes up together with an army of gigantic worms that start devouring the forest in wich I am. i response to this, I get on an helicopter and start chasing the worms, the dream had no defined end.

I have lots of adventure-like dreams and quite often.

2008-07-10, 06:44 AM
When i was young (around 10ish i think) i had a nightmare where it felt like i was shinking or the room was growing, and i was looking up at the roof that was getting farther and farther from my bed, and even if i openned my eyes and wake up it would still feel that i was shinking or something, really weird, and scared the crap outa me, nowadays it just kinda makes me feel sick to my stomach if something like that happens (more of the feeling of it)

2008-07-10, 01:30 PM
I had a dream once. I was in the Sheraton hotel in Washington DC. Everyhting was a little different thought. Like the hotel was from the movie labrynth or an MC Escher painting.

In my dream everyone but me was either in a suit or a tourist outfit. And they were all insanly fat.

And they turned into zombies and came after me. Fast zombies.

So i had very fat people dressed in suits or tourists cloths sprinting on the walls and ceiling in an attempt to eat me. My only saving grace was that they couldnt jump and that i didnt seem to take fall damage.

This was a fever dream, by the way, which ment that even when i briefly woke up the dream kept on rolling and reality was a very blurry and distant thing.

Luckily me fever broke and i got some sleep. The dream ended when Jesus came out of a store in the lobby and he held up a staff carved from the wood of the holy cross (its just one of those things i knew when i looked at it) and the zombies fell on their kness before him.

I have had other wierd dreams. One in which i was having a normal day but everytime i turned my back whatever was behin me would change to a different setting and time period so that whenever i was forced to turn around i was in a different place and time during the week. In another dream of mine i almost had sex with a hermaphrodite.

the HZ
2008-07-21, 03:52 PM
I had this weird dream where I was in my garden when three small children came running towards me. They were about five years old, and one of them was being chased by the other two with sticks. I became very angry and grabbed one of the stick-wielding kids and yelled at him to stop with this bullying. I then lifted him up in his legs and dipped him into the compost bin head first. Then I put him down under the apple tree, beside an enormous pile of rotten apples, which I then shoved so they fell and completely covered the poor kid.
I thought that I had taught him a lesson, but then I noticed that he couldn't dig himself out from underneath all the rotten apples, so I had to dig him out myself. He was very dirty and sad when I had dug him out.

2008-07-21, 03:57 PM
I had a 'not safe for posting' dream. Heh.

Not really weird so much as horribly disgusting.

Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it yet then I'm haunted by a dream I had as a child where I was crushed by the sky, while in space. It was made of stone... And I think there was a girl, too.

2008-07-22, 06:12 PM
I make a pretty girl.
So do I, though not very preppy.

Nice to see I'm not the only one.

I dreamt of differential equations... Lots of dy/dxs and whatnot... How sad am I, huh?
Yeah, that happens a lot to me too.

My weirdest dream was when I was 8 and I dreamed I was out on a picnic with my family and I fell into a small pond which suddenly grew to become a huge lake became filled with piranas! After desperately swimming around and kicking the killer fish I found a solution. Pause. File->Exit :smallconfused:
Yep, I exited from my dream. When I was 8. And hadn't ever used a computer.

I also get the video game dreams and most of my dreams are semi-lucid.
It took me three years of self-training but I finally figured out how to wield omnipotence (or various other powers as the situation demands) in the dream world without destroying it, waking up or even realising I'm in a dream!:smallbiggrin::smallcool: My dreams are highly action orientated and I long for a good nightmare to test things like pyrokinesis and shape-shifting.:smallfrown:
Who else here has managed to get reliable self-teleportation in most dreams?

2008-07-23, 03:10 AM
A while ago, I had this weird dream, one which felt at the time like a continuation of previous dreams.
I was at school, in the staff room, except it looked like my old science classroom. There were a lot of people in the room; it wasn't safe to go outside. Monsters had attacked; the grunt force of them were things nicknamed "Toads", for their skin colour, head shape, and bulbous eyes. From previous experience, we (the survivors of the monster assault) had discovered that Toads had difficulty opening doors, and so we shut the staff room door. We were so proud of having thought this up, that we treated ourselves to a bottle of champagne.
I'm at the window with my glass, and suddenly I see five Toads running towards the door. I charge at the door and try to force it shut, but there are more of them than me, so I give up and run to the other side of the room, and the other door located there. However, I remember that this door only leads to an office, which has no exit. I have no choice but to escape the way the Toads got in.
People are screaming and running; it's a pretty much goreless dream, but I know some people have died or are wounded. I run to the other door, but as I leave I see an unopened bottle of wine sitting on top of the piano. I reach for it, thinking of improvising a weapon, when I realise I can't waste all that wine - It's a large bottle. Casting my eyes around for the already-drunk bottle, I find it sitting on the piano lid and smash it with surprising ease. Despite losing about 70% of its mass, the smashed bottle weighs the same. The edge isn't quite jagged enough, and this annoys me.
I try to charge the nearest Toad, but spot a handgun on the ground as I do so; I pick it up, and shoot at the Toad whilst charging. The bullets have little effect, but my bottle sinks a few centimetres into the Toad and his white shirt becomes bloodied. Despite the fact that the wounds are quite superficial, the Toad collapses onto his back and I move on to the next. It, too, dies with only minor wounds. The last two Toads - One has disappeared - Flee immediately. I can still see them outside the window; I take a shot with my gun, but I don't really want to shatter the glass...The bullet doesn't do ANYTHING to the glass, and the Toad doesn't notice me fire. People are hailing me as a hero; people are saying that we can defeat the monsters after all. I get the sense that there's military resistance somewhere, who are failing to harm the monsters due to their immunity to bullets. Someone contacts them and tells them to start using knives, somehow.
I wake up.

2008-07-23, 03:45 PM
Almost had sex with a hermaphrodite once in a dream. He/she was so nice too.

2008-07-24, 08:32 AM
This is a childhood nightmare I had:

I'm at the local Frontier Days Parade with my momma. I've brought with me my big orange plastic bat, and three wooden number blocks.

There's a big wagon with three clowns in it, throwing candy for the kids. They invite me to join them in the wagon. So I run over and they help me in.

Then, they grab my blocks and bat away. the place all three blocks on the floor, and smash them flat with the plastic bat.:smalleek:

That's when I woke up. What a nightmare.
__________________________________________________ _________

Another nightmare, too short to be on it's own:

When I was about 6 or 7, I dreamed I was in my back and my brother and sister told my to go catch a bee with my bare hands. I awoke just before I caught it.

It might not seem so scary now, but when I was a kid, the thought of grabbing a bee was terrifying.

2008-07-24, 11:22 AM
today i was judge in a boobie contest, it was the normal-est dream this year.

EDIT: Now i remember the rest of it. After i woke up and sleeped again i dreamed that i was a tatoo artist in london. i was bald, that was kinda nightmarish...

2008-07-26, 11:21 PM
I have a few weird one, the first three are from a while back, the third happened around this christmas.

1. I was trapped in some giant, glowing, purple room with spiderwebs all over. For some reason the Backstreet Boys were there, then there was this giant half spider, half old woman (she was topless, ew) who was keeping us all hostage. We then had to duel to the death to avoid being eaten alive (for some reason the prize was a box of keychains.)

After I defeated my opponents and won I was still going to die, so I tried to run away all I remember after that is leaving the purple room and running down a hallway that ended with a door, after I opened it there was just a bright white light on the outside, but somehow the spider-woman cought up to me and blocked the doorway, after that I woke up.

2. All I can remember is a giant mountain, and at the top there was a building that kind of looked like the houses from the Jetsons (just the top part) the problem was that the top of the mountain was very small, and the building would teeter. All I remember was a few other people came and we were running from side to side, trying to keep it from tipping. Eventually it fell, I woke up before we hit the ground.

3. I did a flip forward in the air, and couldn't land for a long time until I fell and snapped my neck (somehow I lived.)

4. The most recent is a little vague, all I remember is the I was fighting a Yeti and I had slippers that could make electricity, and I kept kicking the yeti with it. (Maybe it was a wendigo, I don't remember, could be I remember it having horns.)

Phae Nymna
2008-07-27, 03:05 PM
The other night I had rather NSFP dream involving someone I didn't remember ever meeting. I was convinced my imagination had excelled to super imagination, but then I realized that he was actually the guy I couldn't stop staring at during a local production of Aida that I saw with a friend.

Totally Guy
2008-07-27, 03:46 PM
Just recently I keep dreaming about joining a nudist retreat. Tried it once and didn't really like it but maybe I should find a way of giving it another go.:eek:

Edit: My biggest concern it that it makes you an "acceptable target".

2008-07-27, 03:51 PM
I've had several nightmares where a bug/spider is climbing on my bed and making its way into my mouth.
I always wake before it manages to climb in.

2008-07-27, 03:51 PM
My latest dream was of Banjo posting in Fatbelly, typing that I should stop posting.

Weird ehh?

Phae Nymna
2008-07-30, 03:59 AM
It seems that some of my absolute best dreams involve vampires and becoming one. Analysis please?

2008-07-30, 03:24 PM
I had weird dream last night, which is odd, because I rarely seem to dream...

I was in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, on a double-decker bus. People just spontaneously turned into zombies... but they were intelligent. They were basically still human, but cannibalistic. It was only when you killed them that they turned into your bog-standard shamblers. I believe I found this out when the bus driver pulled out a pistol (this was in Britain, too!) and shot the old lady sitting behind me who had started changing...

Then it was a haze of making it to a well-suppiled location, barricading the entrace with the bus, getting armed...

Then I woke up.

Weird. :smallconfused:

Mauve Shirt
2008-07-30, 09:23 PM
I had a bizarre one a few nights ago.

I was at Champs with my friend Rachael, and we had a sort of fight, I started yelling at her. The waiter alerted the police when I threw a glass at his head. Rachael and I ran out of the restaurant without paying, and Rachael advises me to get out of the country to avoid trouble. I call my parents and tell them I’m staying over at Rachael’s for a few days, and then I get on a plane to Germany. I start thinking about accommodations, deciding that I can’t stay at the American base because then the police could find me.

This isn’t an ordinary plane; it actually looks more like a movie theater. The seats are arranged diagonally upward, away from the cockpit and the giant screen in the front. Almost every seat has its own little TV screen on the seat in front of it. I take an aisle seat by the window, next to this little old lady who looks like my grandmother. She talks to me about how she’s going on a trip to Georgia with a few of her bridge friends. I’m like “Georgia? Doesn’t this plane go to Germany?”

The plane lands in the airport in Georgia, and I skip the luggage nonsense and go down an escalator to leave. I didn’t have any suitcases to get, though I remember having to fight with a security person about my carryon, the green bag containing my needlepoint and my DS. I pass windows, and through them I see 2 huge skyscrapers, a glass building and a parking garage. At the bottom of the escalator, I meet Katie Ballard, who tells me she needs a ride to the hospital for a CAT scan or a heart problem or something. We get on a train and ride to the hospital. I decide to get an MRI. The dream skips the whole MRI scene and I’m standing at a counter to get my prints. It looks more like I’m getting photo prints from a drugstore than a hospital, but whatever. This fat guy with a mustache behind the counter hands me a few 2”x4” scans, not of my brain but of my whole body. Curiously enough though, the head is the only see-through part, and you can see that the parts they took out are missing. The guy looks at me suspiciously and asks if I really am getting this scan on my doctor’s orders. I of course tell him yes. He tells me that I should take those to my doctor, and I only need to pay for them if they’re any good. I leave without paying, since I was given the option of thinking they weren’t good. I find Katie again and we get on a train to go back to Ellicott City, stopping at Union Station in DC to change trains.

I get back to my house to find Rachael there. The cops are holding her and my grandmother hostage unless my parents make me come out of the house. My parents tell them I’m not there, but the cops don’t believe it until I walk up to their car and tell them to go away. They do eventually leave, after my parents come out and confront me about running away using very expensive transportation, and not paying for anything.

Another chase dream. With lots of lying, stealing and sneaking. Hm.

2008-08-02, 02:30 PM
This is a dream I once had

I wake up. **** I'm late for work!!!! And it's my first day, aaahh. I'm sooo gonna get fired. Get up to get ready.

Next scene. I'm in a old nurse uniform (you know, white dress, buttons down the front. Little nurse hat. White stockings and heels.) and heading for my, truck? It's my RL 1990 S-10. But this is the `50s, right? Anyway, I get in.

Next scene. I'm approaching the head nurse. She's a middle aged, pleasantly plump woman.
HN: New girl, right? You're late.
Me: I'm sorry, the alarm...
HN: Follow me.
She leads me to the elevator. We get in and go up a couple of floors.

Next scene. The doors open. The corridor is split in three sections. Have you ever played Tomb Raider? Each section has active traps.

Section 1- Both the entrance and exit of the section has thick "doors" opening and closing in a timed manner. The entrance door is a horizontal double sliding panels, one half going up, the other going down, and both crushing in the middle. The exit door is the same, except it's diagonal.

Section 2- It has buzz-saws, moving throughout the whole room. Some going horizontal, some diagonal, and some vertical.

Section 3- Same as Section 1, but faster. The first door is vertical, not horizontal and the exit door is the opposite of the first exit, diagonal the other way.

HN: Watch me.
The head nurse jumps through each section with a graceful ease that is near impossible, especially with her size. After watching her get all the way through, I jump through the first door...

Next scene. HN: Well, this is where you'll be working. Don't be late tomorrow.
Me: I won't. Thank you.
I look around, it's the geriatrics ward.

That's when I woke up.

2008-08-02, 03:45 PM
I have a few that deserve telling:

When I was three I had a dream that I was in a cave with Winnie the Pooh and Piglet and the bats came out of the ceiling. Pooh and Piglet covered the hole they were in with a bucket, then they fell off the ceiling and the bats ate them. :smalleek:

I had a dream not to long after that Pooh and the cast of the show and I were riding in these gravel carts in these factories on tracks trying not to drive into furnaces by turning the tracks. For some reason it scared me to death.

When I was much older I had a dream that the grim reaper took me to a giant hellish arena type thing in hell. In the center of the arena was a group of people with Satan in the middle who were trying people in the chair in front of them for crimes like love and honesty. They went through several people and then they got to Jesus, who looked the way he does in all those medieval pictures. When the sentenced him to enternity in Hell I stood up and shouted at them to try and take him. My grim reaper tried to sit me down, but I was suddenly in the chair. Satan was mocking me when a woman who was so evil it made me nauseas came in and pointed at me. I woke up then.

2008-08-02, 05:51 PM
My strangest dream was an image of a beautiful woman who reached out to touch me (Around my chest, for those of you with gutter minds) but as her hand got closer she started breaking out in strange looking zits and she looked like she was rapidly losing weight and her eyes sunk into her head and got blood shot. I looked at her hand reaching toward me and right before she touched me her zits seemed to "open" and they were all tiny eyes looking straight at me.

So this really creeped me out and I started running from her and went to my bathroom (which was in my dream) and the tub, sink, and toilet along with several cups and bowels were filled to the rim with cloudy water, the clouds just seemed like steam trapped under the waters surface.

I looked into the mirror over the sink, looking at myself trying to make sense of what happened and then the womans hand reached out of the sink and grabbed me by the neck as several other arms reached out of all the other surfaces of water and my image in the mirror started changing to show the dessicated woman looking at me, the corners of her mouth started pulling out like someone had cut open her cheeks so I could see all of her teeth and gums (kinda like Two-Face from bat man but on both sides of her face).

Her hand clenched my throat tighter and her face leaned through the glass til our noses touched and she told me to "Stop It" and then I woke up.

Weirdest dream I've ever had.

2008-08-05, 10:24 AM
SO check this out. I’ve been lingering around this site all night, trying to post some stuff to make deadlines for certain games I’m trying to get into. I have a hectic time to say the least.

I finally get to sleep, and I dream I am a post or something, and there is another post 2 posts ahead of me. And this post posted the embodiment of the female essence, and its text was like a translucent nude woman covered in echoes. Meanwhile, I am posting a counter point with the male essence (same translucent body thing), and somewhere between comparing the two texts, a force begins to pull them together. They begin to draw closer, moving slow, tightening together like a vice-grip. These two translucent posts merging in the most intimate of ways and you can feel their heat interlocking with one another. Everything began to blur in this warm sensation, and I awoke.

I check the boards, and it turns out I made all the games I tried to get in. This can only mean one thing guys…

I’m psychic! And horny!!

Mauve Shirt
2008-08-05, 10:30 AM
Wow, 10:51 XD

I dreamed in German last night. As a consequence I don't remember anything that happened.

2008-08-05, 10:33 AM
I've dreamt in German before, but I don't know if it was fake German, or ridiculously easy sentences repeated in a million different variations. I just don't remember. I'm pretty sure it'd be fake German.

2008-08-05, 10:35 AM
weird dreams (nightmares) i've had:
1: You know that girls form grudge/ring? huh? whaddya mean its not the same girl!? offcourse it is! geez, i havnt even seen the movies! anyways, i dont remember much of it, only that i had been fleeing for a long time, and in the end i ended up outside a friends house and she caught up with me. it was about then i realized it was a dream and i remember saying "i cant run anymore..." she got closer and i turned and punched her in the throat shouting " i dont believe in you!" at first seems like it had worked, but she just snapped her neck back in place and begun towering over me. then it all went black.
I dont remember much (again) only that a black cloaked figure with a cutlass was after me. in my city. and it was so gods be damned real! to every last detail! i ran and i ran, trough houses, along streets and in the end up the mountain. i didnt get far up before IT finally caught up and grabbed my shoulder... then some insane tremors started and it fell down a crack in the ground... i was SO relived. i woke up with my dad shaking me saying "get yer lazy bum up. you cant sleep all day."
happy ending! :D

The Bushranger
2008-08-05, 12:27 PM
Well, normally I don't dream hardly at all. But this morning I slept late and did - very clearly.

This one falls under the categories of:

A) Weird
B) Been watching too many Stargate DVDs
C) Spending WAY too much time on the boards :smalltongue:

...because the dream was myself and Mauve Shirt running through the SGC being chased by killer bees, yelling for Thor to beam us up before they got us (he did).


2008-08-05, 03:39 PM
2 night ago I had the weridest dream...

It was halloween and I had a really cool costume something to do with a shark and something else I dunnno. But everyone was at school without their costumes and so I skipped my last period to spend time making-out with some girl in some room with a stage. We ended up being caught (not kissing) but were late for class. I'm still trying to remember who the girl was, I think it was someone I know but I'm not sure...

2008-08-06, 06:13 AM
Not weird dream. It was pretty awesome.

I was in some kind of camp place, where I got to go horseback riding. Of course, this being a dream, I didn't have to deal with the smell. Anyway, the rest of my group left, so I got to ride through the forest and castle ground that was the camp thing, and catch up with them. Then when I caught up, I randomly started making out with one of the camp-goers, who looked suspiciously like a mix between Meg White and the actor who played the fencing girl in Spiderwick Chronicles.

Then the next dream had me playing for my school's team, playing some cricket/baseball hybrid. The random person I was making out with was there, but became Northern Europified. Blond hair, accent, the works. Anywho, two members, one from my team, one from Doha's team, got in a fight, and the game was called off. Turns out their guy was on steroids... Then more random making out with her.

Then I became flipping James Bond!! And ran through some guy's penthouse, trying to get his laptop, while dodging "BondBots", which were small automated turrets. Then ended up running through some mall infested with the robots.

2008-08-06, 06:21 AM
When I close my eyes I see chess pieces. And Trogdor.

2008-08-06, 10:23 AM
Hey, horses dont smell! Well most of the time at least!

2008-08-06, 10:47 AM
I can usually remember dreams if they're especially interesting. I had one a few nights ago that revolved around the idea of most people on the planet spontaneously vaporizing off into this spooky collective consciousness thingy. Quite a bit more too it than that, and like most dreams it consisted of a bunch of unrelated and independent stories all mashed together.

But I'm short on time at the moment. Maybe I'll expound further later...

As for bears...

Let's just say that any dream that I have relating to a forest has a very high probability of ending with me being mauled by a bear. I have nothing against bears, but apparently they have something against me. >_>

The Extinguisher
2008-08-06, 10:59 AM
I had this weird dream that I was in a school choir (not my school's choir, mind you) and I kept having wacky adventures. Choir adventures.

2008-08-06, 11:06 AM
Choir adventurers! Awesome. BTW, mixed identity week starts in two days.

The Extinguisher
2008-08-06, 11:20 AM
I'm aware of that :smallamused:

I'm just starting a little earlier.

The Bushranger
2008-08-06, 03:15 PM
As for bears...

Let's just say that any dream that I have relating to a forest has a very high probability of ending with me being mauled by a bear. I have nothing against bears, but apparently they have something against me. >_>

Perhaps it's simply that they cannot bear you.


2008-08-06, 11:00 PM
So I go to a resort club thingy to meet up with some friends, realize that there are a bunch of my old flings there instead, all hanging out, and no one wants to talk to me!

Why must my unconscious doubt my sexual prowess!!

2008-08-07, 09:05 AM
Anyway, so I was trying to protect this royal family or something and the building we were in was basically air-tight and everything proof. The nthis woman comes in in a nurses outfit and says she's here to help us relax. Then she starts playing a CD and then says something like, "Ha! that's poison gas you're all going to turn into zombies now! " What was weird was that no one was doing anything. I simply started listening to my iPod and laid down on the floor. I think my thoughts were along the lines of, "If I'm going to die I might at least listen to some good music." Anyway, eventually everyone was turned into a zombie except me, this old guy and a little kid. Then we took on the lady and the zombies. So weird. After that we were all in a level from that old Tony Hawk's undergroung game and the Persian Mafia was trying to kill us. Go figure.

2008-08-08, 05:56 PM
I had a wierd dream last night.
I was beside a river, probably at a camp in a big line to leave. All my friends were way ahead of me and left before me. I was almost to the top when a huge snake appeared. It weaved in and out of people and people got kind of scared so i left. When i met up with my friends they were having a party and had finished all the food without me. There was a strange man outside looking in a large window staring at my friends. So i went to the roof and sat down when suddenly the strange man to the part of the roof i was on and it started flying across the city. Then i woke up.

Duos Greanleef
2008-08-09, 09:57 PM
Dreams don't come to me often. Never a pleasant dream when they do. Most of them probably border night terrors. Come to think of it, I can't seem to recall ever having a good dream.

For instance: I was at camp last month and in the middle of the night, a smoke alarm went off in real life. In my dream, I had the sensation of driving through the woods at some ungodly high rate of speed. When it occurred to me what I was doing, and that there was a sharp turn up ahead, I tried to slow down. I couldn't find the brakes. Panic flooded me and I woke up maybe a split nanosecond before my car made impact with the trees in front of me...

That's not the only one.
I've had dreams of being on a scissor-lift up hundreds of feet as it collapses.
I had a dream where I was being sucked into a tornado. Not just any tornado; It was one of those dark vortex tornadoes you see in bad sci-fi.
I had a dream that my nephew was caught in a boat propeller in the channel just outside my grandparents' home.
I've had dreams where I wake up in the hospital after some kind of shxt hit the fan.
The first dream I remember having was one of a cartoon deer faded into a skeleton.


2008-08-18, 08:27 PM
alright... i know this threat hasn't had anything posted to it in a while, but i just woke up from a really upsetting dream and i need to share (and am home alone).

So I dreamed that I caught a male Eastern Bearded Dragon in a forest that was going to be cleared for a road, or shopping centre, or something, so I caught him. It was late afternoon so I decided to take him home and re-locate him in the morning.
He was already asleep when we got home so I put him on the end of my bed and had a shower and went to bed myself – I was feeling really, really tired.

I get woken in the middle of the night by a bunch of vet nurses who wake the little guy up and force-feed him a whole lot of baby-food. I ask them what the hell they’re doing but all I get is chastised for not feeding him sooner. I argue that adult lizards don’t need to eat every single day and that not feeding him at all his probably going to a whole lot less stressful than waking him up in the middle of the night and forcing food down his throat, but they won’t listen.

I remember my mum being there, but she wasn’t actually my mum – you know how dreams can do weird things like that.

Then Dr. Kate (one of the vets I work with) comes in with all these kids. The kids start pestering the poor lizard and asking me stupid questions about him, while Kate and the vet nurses pick up the bedding under him (like human nurses do when they move a patient) and start to take him away.

I was getting really, really angry at this point but felt as though I’d been sedated or something as my mind was just all a fog and I couldn’t move or react to anything very quickly.

I demand to know what they’re doing and where they’re taking him. Someone I think my ‘mother’ said that they’d decided that he needed to be put down because I’d messed up natural selection by taking him out of the wild.

I think I started to cry then.

I snatched him back and shouted that I was going to let him go tomorrow morning, that I never had any intention to keep him. Then turn to my ‘mum’ and scream “Are you happy now?!” at her. She looks to be and at that I really snap and start screaming at her that’s she’s a b**ch and that having your habitat destroyed and then being run-over or starving to death because of humans and their F-ing development is not natural selection.

I threw a glass of water in her face and then I woke up crying and really, really angry.

2008-08-18, 08:40 PM
Had one the other night. I was on a 3 day hike with a bunch of friends, and sharing a tent with a guy called Rohan who I had had nothing to do with him before (I don't really know him that well, but we're relatively good mates now...both keen Red Dwarf fans!). On the first night, in the tent I deamt:

Rohans girlfriend was extremely jealous and angry that I had shared a tent with him. I'm trying to explain to her that nothing happened, in fact, I didn't want anything to happen, because, you know, I'm not gay. She didn't beleive it and was throwing stuff, and getting madder and madder, and eventually I had to run away, whilst trying to dodge sniper fire. I ended having to take up shelter with a few friends at my college, with her hunting us.

Oh, and our college is designed after an American Anti-Riot centre. True. Oh, and, as far as I know, Rohan doesn't have a girlfriend in real life.

2008-08-19, 10:54 PM
I dreamed that I needed to shower when I woke up one morning. So I went to Jack in the Box and used the public restroom which was equipped with a full bath and shower.

In my dream this seemed totally natural. Naturally I should shower at Jack in the Box.

When I finished my shower and stepped out of the restroom, the floorplan of the restaurant had changed. This was markedly noticeable since the entrance was on the other side from where it had been.

Even having noticed the change, I accepted it as a completely natural occurrence and went on my way.

It seems, in my dreams I live in a world of absolute acceptance of any situation no mater how strange.

2008-09-09, 08:53 AM
(not sure if this is considered necromancy, but if so then call me a necromancer!)

Anyway, this isnt exacly a dream per say, more of a daydream when i was driving to work last week, but i was swimming at a sandy beach (definately not around here for ours are rocky) but i got caught in a rip tide, and was being pulled out to sea, and so i just sat there, didnt struggle or anything, and when i was far far out to sea, it stopped and a pod of dolphins came around and offered to bring me back in, i think i asked a couple of questions but i dont remember the answers if i did question, and i did ask if he (i had a feeling that the dolphin i was holding onto was male) knew anything about 2012, if anything bad is going to happen, from what i gathered is that noone knows for sure if anything will happen or not,

could just be my imagination but it felt pretty real, (not like a pregoc dream but i was wake at this time as i was driving just letting my mind wander instead of accually being asleep)

2008-09-09, 09:09 AM
I had one that could probably be described as the weirdest dream I've had in years.
It started when I was at a comic shop (I've never been in one, they don't have them round here, I guess).I was browsing the comics when I suddenly realized I had a superpower: I could change "l" 's into "r" 's and the other way round. Weird. So I started messing with the books, until the owner threw me out. But then the really interesting part began:
I was approached by Indiana Jones. He told me that for an exposition at a museum he needed to catch a living Tigel. Since he neither knew what a Tigel was, what it looked like or how to catch it, he wanted to hire me. His plan was to catch a tiger in India, and then let me transform it into a Tigel.
After that came a long and complicated hunt in a jungle and I woke up moments before I could find out what a Tigel was. It still bugs me.