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View Full Version : Haste and Telekinesis, what wonders [class progression]

2008-05-14, 04:02 PM
I've had an idea to try out a prestige class that I found a while ago. It's called Master of the Unseen Hand, and, oddly enough, it's in Complete Warrior.

Then I found the Swiftblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327) class on wizards.com, and now I have an idea for a really fast one of the above.

The Problem(s, plural): To take all the levels of both classes, I'd need to be a wizard, but I really like spontaneous casters better.

Also, at half BAB progression (and BAB is something I'll need), I'd be languishing on an extra half a point.

The other problem is that the flavor and way the build works will change dramatically once I start gaining levels in Swiftblade. Suddenly, the character goes from "I cast a spell" to "I run up, whack my opponent, and run away". I really think the bard class would work better, but it ups the level for SB by 1 and doesn't get TK

Then, this build has be played at a higher level, because, if you stop taking the full-caster class and go with Swiftblade, the first level you can cast TK is 12 (11 for wizards).


My questions are: Is there an arcane caster who gets 3/4 BAB, and also the spells I need at sorcerer levels or earlier. (I need haste and Telekinesis, BTW) Or perhaps a good way to get them as spell-like abilities without a huge LA or racial HD?

And does the progression have a good potential to be helpful in battle?
*The leveling structure would look like this: sorcerer 6 / SB 6 / MUH 4 - and after that finish out SB. I really want to play it as a whisper gnome, but only time will tell.

2008-05-14, 04:10 PM
Battle Sorerer has 3/4 BAB and armor proficiency. However, they know even less spells than normal.

2008-05-14, 04:14 PM
Really? Where is that? Knowing less spells isn't really an issue, as SB is reduced caster progression, and MUH drops it completely (for some nifty bonuses, though).

2008-05-14, 04:26 PM
There's one version in Complete Mage and one in Unearthed Arcana. I think the one in UA is better. They also get d6 HD instead of d4 for normal sorcs.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-14, 04:27 PM
UA, but you can find it on the SRD.

But drop Master of the Unseen Hand. It's made of Fail.

2008-05-14, 05:21 PM
But drop Master of the Unseen Hand. It's made of Fail.

How so? I know it isn't an overly optimized choice, but being able to telekinesis grapple stuff seems like a good choice. Especially the enemy caster :smallbiggrin:. It would work fairly well, I think. Plus, I like telekinesis.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-14, 05:23 PM
You're not going to hit with TK pretty much ever. DR will screw all the gimmick. It REALLY sucks a lot. Maybe you can negotiate getting something similar to the force spell adepts, which is a lot less sucky.

2008-05-14, 05:28 PM
Wait, you mean SR, right?

2008-05-14, 06:36 PM
Wait, you mean SR, right?
DR if youre planning on throwing stuff with it.

2008-05-14, 06:50 PM
My original plan was grapple/disarm anything my sizeish, not be chucking stuff at them, since I could hit them with my sword better than that, and I'd run out of stuff to throw eventually...

2008-05-15, 07:58 AM
I love me some Telekinesis, but I think it would be easier to add this functionality to a build by bargaining with your DM for a magic item with Telekinesis/Grasping Hand type spells in it and building a brawler. (I'm sure there's some sort of Batman build that can work this angle as well, but wizards are usually too much for me.) It's not that it isn't a great idea - the PrCs as printed just don't really work for it so far as numbers are concerned. You'll be relying on melee combat because your spells are nerfed, but like AK and Griffin mentioned you're going to have to focus the rest of your build (I'm thinking of feats) on beefing up what few spells you have if you want them to work. I think there's a more subtle way to get what you're looking for.

2008-05-15, 08:33 AM
You can hit them with a sword with telekinesis.
Ring of telekinesis lets you use it at will.
metamagic rod of chaining might help. 11 weapons:smallsmile:
The main thing is telekinetic full attack and versatlie telekineses. Practiced spellcaster can get your caster level up to 20, so you have a base attack of 24+ to hit.
DR is a real problem, but you could try the fling up ability to launch them 200 ft up.