View Full Version : 2nd Annual Artist's Block Contest!

2008-05-15, 01:13 AM
Hey all, sorry it's been so long, and with no new OOTS art to show also.

But there's been next to no art lately.

So, just like I did last year, I am holding a contest.

Same Rules and reason as last time;

Is there something you want to see drawn? A character of yours perhaps? A character of someone elses? Whatever :) Just so long as it's an individual character I may draw it.

Here's Goff's winning character from last year

So post a description of a character(using the below format in a Quote tag like below) and if I like yours the best I just may draw them... FOR FREE!!

Yup, this is a chance to get a free, finished, color character portrait by yours truely :) You know you want it :D

Description Format:

Age/Apperent Age:
Hair Color/Style:
Skin Color:
Distinguishing Features:
Misc. Equipment:


The more detailed the better, and remember the better you spark my imagination the more likely I am to pick your character :D BUT, keep it concise and If you are including character background please keep it short and put it inside a set of Spoiler tags

Any available reference material (i.e. pictures) is appreciated but not to be used as a substitute for a written description.

Just remember the key to this: INSPIRE ME

Contest is open to all previous entrants and new ones. :)

So get cracking.


examples of my art(in case you've been under a rock):

The Extinguisher
2008-05-15, 01:56 AM
Sounds fun. Really fun.

The one problem seems to come from who do I have drawn.
I think I'll go with Seli, because I've been rather mean to her of late.

Character: Selinde 'Seli' Undomiel
Genre: Silly Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Bard/Illusionist
Race: Winged Elf. A lot like normal elves, except with wings and more bird like features.
Age/Apperent Age: Sixteen-seventeenish
Gender: Female
Height: 4'6''
Weight: 70 lb
Build: Very slim. Hollow bones make the winged elves frail. But they strong chest and shoulders.
Hair Color/Style: Light blond, short, down to the neck. Let down, with smaller bangs.
Skin Color: Light
Distinguishing Features: The most obvious: a large pair of fiery red wings by her shoulders, much like an angel's wings. And pointed ears. She is an elf. Less obvious ones, talon like feet. Sharp toes, and the foot is curved. The usually go tippy-toe in thier bare feet. Other stuff: Soft green eyes and a perpetual smile.
Clothing/Armor: First off, bare foot. Second, a simple but elogant (or fancy, is that the word I'm looking for?) purple dress. Nothing too limiting or formfitting, but down to the ankles and up to the top of the chest. Over top of that, is a somewhat baggy light blue t-shirt. Don't ask where the wings come out or how she puts it on, because I wouldn't be able to tell you.
Weapons: A medium (not in D&D terms :smalltongue:) sized scythe. Simple, light grey blade.
Misc. Equipment: A locket necklace with a pink jewel in the front. A bag hidden in her clothing. You may not need the latter though.
Personality: Light, bubbly and happy. She's very young minded, and sometimes naive. Very positive and joyful. Easily exicitable. Like a falcon in a patch of war current. Winged elfs are by nature more connected to life and airheaded (pun very much intended) then normal elves, but Seli takes it to the extreme. Except not the word extreme.

And a visual referrence, because I'd be amazed if you made sense of that :smallsmile:


Totally Guy
2008-05-15, 03:26 AM
Character: Obon Botibi
Genre: Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Cleric
Race: Human
Age/Apparent Age: 35
Gender: Male
Height: Quite Tall
Weight: Quite Heavy
Build: Stocky
Hair Color/Style: The early signs of what may someday be a mighty black afro
Skin Color: Black
Distinguishing Features: Party Tracker, muddy knees and inner ankles.
Clothing/Armor: Half Plate, intentionally dirtied, hates think he may be mistaken for a shiny knight.
Weapons: Broadsword
Misc. Equipment: Holy Symbol upon chest armour, hooded cape that is far too short to be considered a cape.
Personality: Highly disorganised, believes things will all work out in the end as long as everyone enters the situation with goodness in mind. Willing to pretend to be duped by bad influences for furthering the greater good. Hopes to teach. Wife and Kids at home, started off on a holy quest that has been all but abandoned for general quest vagueness, Kord is not specific about the result, it's about the journey.

2008-05-15, 10:59 AM
Ok, I'll throw in my "entry" then! :smallsmile: It will show that I'm an "old" gamer (with the reference to the second edition of AD&D)... :smalltongue:

Character: Maylénièle Amaranth
Genre: Low Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Warrior/Mage, Bladesinger (kit from D&D 2.5, can basically cast spells while fighting with a single-handed weapons, fighting style looks like ballet)
Race: Elven
Age/Apperent Age: 126 elven years old/20 human years old
Gender: Female
Height: 150cm/4'11"
Weight: 40kg/88 pounds
Build: Short and thin, but with thight muscles
Hair Color/Style: Brown, Shoulder length
Skin Color: Pale, Gray eyes
Distinguishing Features: Her family's golden lion crest (which is a stylized lion's face), that she wears on her jewelry, clothes and sword pommel, as well as a large tatoo on her back
Clothing/Armor: Flowy silver/gray loose dress that falls above the knee, Brown studded leather armor, Long night blue with a silver border cape that falls almost down to the floor, Tall brown leather high-heel boots that goes almost up to the knee, Sleeveless and very long (down to the ankle) brown leather coat with two deep pockets at the waist (facultative), Sword scabbard held by two belts over the coat (facultative)
Weapons: Longsword with the golden lion crest on the pommel (the sword also serve as a talisman for her magic), ornate and beautiful, only weapon she ever uses
Misc. Equipment: Spellbook (facultative)
Personality: Kind of a paladin for eleves, protector of the elven way of life, will sacrifice her life to save an elf in trouble, follows an elven code of chivalry, very graceful, likes to taunt her ennemies, has the attitude of the typical swashbuckler, noble, charming, likes to impress people with her fighting style by doing impressive tricks with her sword, diplomatic, charismatic

Here are two drawings (that I did years ago) of my character:
http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z82/Oblivion017/May1.jpg http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z82/Oblivion017/May2.jpg
Even though I already draw my character, I would love to see what your rendition of it would be. I don't have a clear picture of Maylénièle in my head and I don't totally like my rendition of it, which is kind of sad because it is the character I LOVED to play the most in AD&D.

By the way, can we submit more than one entry?

2008-05-15, 02:19 PM
I'm in!
Here's my character, he was actually the 1st I ever played in D&D.

Character: Arzach
Genre: Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Rogue/Assassin
Race: Vampire Drow
Age/Apperent Age: middle 20s
Gender: Male
Height: 4'5''
Weight: 65 lb
Build: Very slim, almost skeletal. He's undead after all... He has also a typical aggressive posture, almost hunch-backed.
Hair Color/Style: Silver white, a bit shorter than shoulder-lenght.
Skin Color: Dark gray
Distinguishing Features: He's a vampire, so vampire like-theet. His eyes are completely white. He has an "I'll kill you, but I want to have fun first" attidute.
Clothing/Armor: Satin black clothes, and a multi-layered leather armor, completely black. The pants are saggy, like "arabic", with tight and carved shin protections. Feet are wrapped in bandages.
He wears a spiky iron gautlet on his left hand, the other hand, istead, is claw-shaped and holds his dagger.
His clothes are hooded, so you could make him with the hood up (preferred) or down, your choice.
Weapons: A curved dagger, more like a jambiya, with a decorated hilt with silver arabesques and with a blood red gem in the pommel. The scabbard is black with similar decorations.
Misc. Equipment: Nothing else, just a small sack (filled with poison and thieves' tools) attached to his belt.
Personality: Calm and measured when sneaking, stealing and stealthing. Raging and fereal when it comes to killing or when he sees blood.
He's an high prized assassin: he decided to be vampirized to boost his abilities. He doesn't get along with others well, mostly because he doesn't care. He works good in team however.

I tried to draw him once, but I failed: so I don't have visual references, sorry.

2008-05-15, 03:59 PM
I'll Submit my Latest DnD character (Epic level Evil campaign)
Character: Niccoli Gadrathi IV
Genre: Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Rogue
Race: Hobgoblin(But spends alot of time disguised as a human, so you could draw him as a human)
Age/Apperent Age: Twenty-somthing
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Build:Slim, athletic (not bulky)
Hair Color/Style: Medium Length, Havn't decided on Color.
Skin Color: Red-Orange (When disguised as human, Caucasian)
Distinguishing Features: Four Arms (often hides these with the same disguise illusion he uses to look human so if you don't want to draw them feel free.)
Clothing/Armor: Chain Shirt, Wide-brimmed hat, Long coat (if you feel like drawing it the cloak has a stylized hydra insignia on it).
Weapons: Four Finely made Rapiers (one in each hand)
Misc. Equipment: None really.
Personality: Expressive, Personable, Mischevious.

The Four-Arms thing is explained in his backstory. It's an epic level evil campaign in a laid-back group. He's kind of a Villain With Good Publicity, so he's got great charisma. The Coat is a Robe of Blending that he had tailored to be a coat, if he wants to look human he presses his extra arms against his body and uses the coat's disguise self to hide them.

2008-05-15, 10:12 PM
Keep it up, good stuff so far.

I'd prefer one entry per, but I'll let you go 2 if you want.

Midnight Son
2008-05-15, 10:34 PM
Man oh man, I would really love some good artwork of The Midnight Son. I hope you don't mind, since I haven't roll played since I was 14(except for MMO's and the like), but I will be making some stuff up without any book guides. So, here goes:

Character: Midnight Son
Genre: Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Warrior/Mage
Race: Human(kinda-sorta anyway)
Age/Apperent Age: Mid-Twenties
Gender: Male
Height: 10 feet
Weight: 400 Lbs
Build: Muscular; think RVD (http://www.ipanetwork.com/ROB_VAN_DAM__3_-_R_480x600.jpg), not whatever this is (http://www.healthbolt.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/bodybuilder.jpg)
Hair Color/Style: Bald, with a French style goatee
Skin Color: Medium tan
Eye Color Green
Distinguishing Features: Stylized tribal tattoo on his head (can't describe it better, so just kinda make something up.)
Clothing/Armor: Black plate with bright glowing green runes on the breastplate.
Weapons: silver two-handed Falchion(he uses it one handed) held with the point grounded, his hand over the pommel. His other hand would have a deep green glow of mage-fire.
Misc. Equipment: Silver belt with a coiled whip and a dagger
Personality:He's a laid back kind of guy with a jovial attitude, but an aura of danger.

2008-05-16, 04:38 AM
Character: The Herald
Genre: Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Son/Herald of the Wizard-King of Hyperborea
Race: Living Statue / Human
Age/Apperent Age: Young adult
Gender: Male
Height: about six feet
Weight: 1500 lbs. (Solid brass!)
Build: Classically beautiful, muscled
Hair Color/Style: Cast brass, carved into elegant curls.
Skin Color: Solid, burnished brass
Distinguishing Features: See above. Straight, long nose and high cheekbones.
Clothing/Armor: A wide cloth and leather belt to hang his belongings to, nothing else.
Weapons: A staff carved of petrified wood,
Misc. Equipment: A round, shallow drum of jade with a white skin. Curved knife, enchanted by the goblins to pierce all armour and cause wounds that will not staunch.
Personality: The Herald (yes, that is his given name) is a human spirit bound into a living metal body. He has begun to get used to his new life and powers, but some vestiges of his mortal coil and previous life remain. He is still curious about everything around him and will take even foolhardy steps to satisfy his curiousity. Lately, his responsibilities to his father and the authority that comes with them have made his decisions more callous than they have been before, and added an element of pride to his formerly humble nature.

Profile sketch:

2008-05-17, 01:29 PM
So that's it? No more Submissions?

Wow... EPic fail lol

2008-05-17, 06:08 PM
Oh, at least one more will be coming, as soon as I finish typing it up. :smallbiggrin:

I can't pass this up.

EDIT: Here's Tamis Ryisan, but in the form of a short scene, since that's how I organize my thoughts best.

Hope you at least enjoy reading it!

Boarding the Rising Spirit, bound for the coast and the ship to Xen’Drik

The woman walking up the gangplank is a strange site even in Sharn. She is short and whip-thin, her neck-length black hair blowing wildly in the strong winds around the tower’s summit. Her deep green eyes dart about her, and her posture is that of one perfectly aware of her surroundings and ready to burst into action at any time.

But what makes her an oddity in this city of oddities is her attire. She wears a mix of mottled green and brown, her clothing loose, lightweight, and flowing, yet at the same time slick and tough, as if she planned on it getting wet or running through thorns. From one angle it looks like bark, from another, mud, from a third, leaves or grass. Her cloak is similar, although it seems to be all of these at once and more, as if even now, at the top of one of Sharn’s tallest towers, it was trying to blend her into the air itself.

She walks lightly and quickly, almost leaping instead of walking, her entire body moving fluidly and rapidly, like a spring coiling and uncoiling. There are no jerky movements, no clumsy steps to her stride; she moves with a grace and style seen not in humans or elves, but rather in the great cats that prowl the jungles and plains. It hints at speed and danger kept tightly wound, ready to explode at a moment’s notice.

She prowls—there is no other word for it—closer, her lithe form moving onto the deck, when a gust of wind catches her cloak and sweeps it aside, revealing her fully for the first time. She is a creature of balance, grace, and beauty. Even beneath her loose clothing the muscle definition is apparent, and the flowing garments highlight her curved figure—whether or not it is intentional is impossible to tell. Her tunic of hardened leather tries its best to hide her obviously female form, but is nowhere near enough to succeed. And yet she seems oblivious to the stares of the men helping to launch the ship, which seems unlikely, given her legendary scouting prowess. They are not subtle stares.

Instead she drops her hand to the mud-splattered pommel of the blade at her side. It to blends in with her attire, its handle dull, unpolished wood, its sheath a battered green and brown—even the blade is discolored to the point where it no longer reflects sunlight. The stares quickly cease, although a few furtive glances are still cast around. The woman seems not to notice them.

Her boots touch lightly on the deck of the ship, and she walks towards the prow. Her time in the city was over, and the world calls her once more. She stands there, her hand on her sword, as the airship slowly peels away from the tower and takes to the skies. The rushing wind tossed her hair about and catches her cloak, sweeping it out behind her, its fabric rippling and dancing in the breeze. Her hand comes up to her neck unbidden, and her fingers run slowly along the necklace she wears—fifty-four Seeker insignia—fifty-four minuscule emerald oak leaves—strung on the bowstring of Hiral Mosswood. Tamis closes her eyes and smiles for the first time in months. Sharn was finally behind her. And Xen’Drik waits just over the horizon…

And, if you need more, the scene describing her personality.

Office of Doctor Landul D'Amerila, Caminris Tower, Sharn

“Ah. You came back. Please, sit down. Are you comfortable? Good. Then we’ll begin today’s session. Please…tell me something new about yourself.”

Tamis Ryisan stares blankly at the man seated opposite her. This was not standard hiring procedure. Her reputation had preceded her once more.

“What is there to tell?”

The man sighs.

“Not this again. That attitude is not helping, Miss—”


“I’m sorry, Lieutenant Ryisan. Now, will you cooperate?”

Tamis’ face is expressionless. If they want to play games with her, well, then they can have their game.

“I see to reason to, sir.”

Dr. D’Amerila leans forward on his elbows.

“I’m trying to help here. You understand that? There’s reason to believe you’re mad.”

“Evidence, sir?”

The doctor takes off his glasses and wipes them on his sleeve industriously.

“Some might consider three suicide attempts within four months to be a sign. Myself? I don’t think you’re mad. I think you’re still in shock.”

He glances quickly up. There it was…the tiny flicker of movement, a twitch of the muscles. Hardly visible, but obvious to the trained eye. Dr. D’Amerila smiles inwardly.

“You lost everything, didn’t you? Everything except yourself and…what was it? Two others? Three?”

“Three, sir.”

“Three it is then. But I’ve heard you’re not close to them anymore. It would seem you want to forget it all. But I don’t think you can let it go. You want to forget about the war, but you won’t let yourself. You’re unwilling to simply break all connections, and unwilling to move on. Hence why you’ve been fingering that necklace ever since you came in.”

Tamis glances down. True enough, her treacherous fingers have unconsciously given her away. And this fraud had spotted it and made the connection. Damn him! She quickly drops her hand away from the insignias around her neck and glares at the doctor.

“Perceptive, aren’t you?”

He smiles weakly.

“I try.”

“Fine. You want to know about me? So be it. Have you ever lost someone important to you?”

“Of course. Everyone has, at some point.”

“And how did it feel?”

“I’m not actually sure I can describe it. A difficult emotion to place, certainly. Tragic and terrible is the best I can do, I think.”

“Good. Now, take that emotion. Magnify it to include losing everything you love in one fateful minute, while you stand and watch. Your entire life up to this point, your friends, your home, your homeland, your future…all gone before you can blink. And there you are, empty and alone, with nowhere to go. One hundred and thirty one years I lived that life. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE!”

“And then nothing. NOTHING! Everything I had worked toward, everything I had ever wanted…gone. Now all I have is myself and my memories…”

“And the worst part? Knowing there’s nothing I can do. I can’t have those years back, and my dreams are haunted by what happened, and what could have happened. I could be leading a happy life now. Instead I’m sitting here, getting a sanity assessment before going on some inane assignment for a handle of gold. What have I become? Is this really my life? Is this even me anymore?”

“I don’t think it is.”

Dr. D’Amerila leans back, his hands behind his head, his eyes closed. After a while he looks over at Tamis once more.

“And yet you seem so calm. This suggests that you simply push emotion aside, ignoring it completely. You told me two days ago that you alone did not shed tears when watching the…event. Have you always been that distant?”

“No sir.”
“I’m glad you find it so, sir.”

The doctor looks down at his parchment. It is covered with point of interest from previous sessions, but one point in particular stands out, circled several times in thick, dark strokes.

“One last question for today, Lieutenant. Please be honest. Have you had any casual or intimate relationships since the death of Jallain?”

“No sir.”

“Any ideas as to why?”

“No, sir.”

There it was again…that tell-tale movement of the facial muscles as the lie flowed from her lips. Something to take note of, certainly.

“That will be all. Same time on next Wir, if that fits in with your schedule”

“Thank you, sir.”

As Tamis walks from the room, Dr. D’Amerila begins writing furiously. There is something there…something hidden. Something that he would find out.

And he might have...had Tamis ever come back.

Now for a quick summary:

Character: Tamis Ryisan
Genre: Pulp Fantasy (Eberron)
Class/Occupation: Scout
Race: Elf
Age/Apparent Age: 135/24
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 98lbs
Build: Short, thin, and quite obviously female. See the first scene for more details.
Hair Color/Style: Black shoulder-length hair. Not particularly styled...kept however the wind happened to leave it.
Skin Color: White, but leaning slightly more towards tan than usual.
Distinguishing Features: Her posture is probably her most distinguishing feature outside of her normal appearance, but if you want to include it she possesses a marking from her Scout unit that reveals itself to magical detection: A pattern of golden oak leaves and branches that winds its way across her forehead and down each cheek.
Clothing/Armor: Leather armor, cloak, boots, quiver...the rest is described in the first scene.
Weapons: Shortbow, Shortsword. The sword is described in more detail in the first scene, the Shortbow is fairly normal, if decorated with a few inlays of vines.

2008-05-21, 08:26 AM
Bumping, because:

- this deserves more attention;

- I want to read some good character descriptions;

- I'm sure I will win anyway, so I'm not afraid of new contenders:smallcool:

I took a look at you DA page, your art kicks ass!

2008-05-21, 07:09 PM
I'm a DM I have no memorable characters :(

Well... except for

Character: Blue

Genre: Fantasy

Class/Occupation: Swordsage/ Bloodclaw Master

Race: Half-blue dragon Elf

Age/Apparent Age: How do you show a half-dragon's age? Youngish, I guess?

Gender: Male

Height: 5" 6'

Weight: 110 lbs

Build: Slim, but muscular

Hair Color/Style: None

Skin Color: Blue scales

Distinguishing Features: He's a half-dragon! e: he has blue dragon (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG72.jpg) characteristics, like a largish horn on his head.

Clothing/Armor: He wears a rust-red (but not rusty) chain shirt over a long-sleeved brown tunic. And, uh, pants. Also has a belt with an oversize belt buckle, that depicts a scene from one of Kord's stories.

Weapons: In his scabbard, he carries a longsword which appears to be blurred and constantly moving to an outside viewer. It is not very well taken care of, however, and the metal is dull, but runes might have been carved into it once upon a time.
But it's mostly for show, as he mainly uses his claws and feet.

Misc. Equipment: Cloth wrappings on his arms, hands, and legs (but they don't cover his claws)

Personality: Placid and laid-back, he lets the other party members do their thing most of the time. However, during combat, he explodes into action, viciously biting, kicking and clawing, ripping enemies to shreds in instants (even faster if they grapple him (it's a long story)). So, uh, he's like an, um, ocean? Or a river? Or a volcano? Whatever.

2008-06-01, 09:15 PM

This still going on?

2008-06-02, 11:47 AM
Haven't seen you in a while Ten, good to see ya again.

Character: Larigos “Larry”
Genre: Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Sorceror/Scholar
Race: Dragon/Human Alternate Form
Age/Apperent Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Weight: 154
Build: Lean
Hair Color/Style: Brown/Long bangs parted in the middle
Skin Color: Slightly tanned
Distinguishing Features: Goatee
Clothing/Armor: A brown stitched up hat, dark brown cloak, two belts going diagonally over his chest, on over his right shoulder holding all of his spell component pouches, the other over his left holding a chain to a spell book that hangs on his right hip. He wears a thin dark brown robe under a thicker and shorter lighter brown coat. Brown trousers with black, for lack of a better analogy, pirate boots.
Weapons: A staff with a head like a crooked crescent moon with a black crystal floating in the middle
Misc. Equipment: None
Personality: One would never be able to guess that Larry is actually a very old black dragon, with the silent, brooding persona one would expect from an ancient being replaced with an energetic, funny and determined persona. He and his mate left his people because they felt the dragons were too detached from the world watching it from their high mountains, or underground caves. He and his love chose to experience the world first hand as one of the mortal races. Larry has an insatiable thirst for learning about everything he can about the people and cultures of his world, though he prefers to do it by first hand observation.

If you need a bit more inkling into his personality, I give you a splash page I drew.


2008-06-03, 02:30 AM

Funny, cause I have a char named Seli (short for Selithum) cept he's a man.

Also, Midnight Son, Woo! RVD! coolest thing is that my "girlfriend" has the same initials.

Anyway, this looks fun.

Character: Rimurryn "Rimu" Novell
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Discount Mercenary
Race: Human
Age/Apperent Age: Approx. 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4''
Weight: Oh... I couldnt really say. Maybe... 95-100 KG's?
Build: Average. Rimu is tall, and his shoulders are somewhat broader than usual. Quite musclebound, but realistically, not DBZ style.
Hair Color/Style: Oaky brown. Rimu's hair is semi-long, slightly wavy, greasy, and often untamable.
Skin Color: Caucasian, Tanned.
Distinguishing Features: Probably the first thing noticed about Rimu is the rough, casual way he comes off. He walks with good posture and is often grinning. His dusty blue eyes are also a stiking feature, with a streak of intelligence and wisdom well evident beneath his gaze.
Clothing/Armor: Rimu's clothes are patchy and frayed - he has several outfits (if you do choose me I'll pick one), but his most common is pair of long black trousers, a muted red shirt, and a patchy (like, more patchy than the rest) black jacket.
Weapons: Warbrand. (http://membres.lycos.fr/dreossk6/d6/mls/warbrand.jpg) Not actually a lot like that one - Rimu's blade is straighter and thicker, and the hilt is bound rather than inlaid. He also carries a 'gold' dagger and several long knives, though neither of these are usually visible.
Misc. Equipment: Oh, now that's a list that could go on and on. Seriously, this guy is like the medi-eval batman with his utility belt (carousel reversal spray, anyone?) however probably the most typical things would be a coil of rope, a set of keys (y'kno, the long, thin, old timey ones?), and probably a spare shortsword (cant be too careful).
Personality: Rimu is a character with such diverse sides it's almost like a split personality disorder case. On one side, he's a laughing, drinking, fighthing, happy-go-lucky mercenary, but on the other side, the moment he smell's danger, he sobers up and turns into the ultimate tactician. He rarely gets angry or irritated, and has a courages, "oh bring it on," kind of self-destructive streak. Rarely one to shy away from a challenge, if theres a fight going on, you can be sure Rimu will be in it, generally the only peacemaker who also happens to weild a massive weapon. Silly, but serious, jocular, but intelligent - you can always count on Rimu to be a good friend and to rally to the banner of a good cause. Also, pay helps.
Example Text

Before the bandit could even act, Rimu took a quick swipe at this blade, knocking it from his hands and far up to the sky. Rimu caught the blade as it fell, bringing the pommel down hard on the bandits head, and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

“And that is why you always hire discount mercenaries,” he proclaimed to the crowd who had gathered to watch the spectacle, gesturing towards the ruins of the front caravan with the bandits blade. “Because no matter what you get, it’s always more than you paid for.”

Obviously if you do choose me PM me before starting anything. And I have to say, your art is bloody awesome - do you do comissions?

Hell Puppi
2008-06-03, 03:36 AM
Ummm...well holy poo....I'm an aspiring author, so I have tons of characters to choose from.
I guess I'm gonna choose the ones I find the most interesting.


Character: Jeremiah, last name unknown
Class/Occupation: A paladin...of...sorts?
Race: Rettuli (my breed...humanish except taller)/human
Age/Apperent Age: looks to be around 25
Gender: male
Height: Around 7 foot.
Weight: unsure of exact
Build: thin/muscular.
Hair Color/Style: brown, slightly long for a male. unkempt and unnoticed (to him)
Skin Color:white, slightly tan
Distinguishing Features: face is riddled with scars, is a generally imposing person
Clothing/Armor: Red robe, gold chain
Weapons:a gun and 'magic' sword (it's imbued with power, but doesn't do anything nifty aside from being not broken and bound to it's keeper)
Misc. Equipment: occasionally insence (bad spelling) to ward off demons
Personality: A severe person. Doesn't show much of a personality although he does have one. Your common 'stoic badass', really.

Longer description: Jeremiah comes from a race of warriors (the Rettuli) the find humans inferior. Being that he is part human, he was generally looked down on up until demons started showing up and he proved himself to be a damn fine warrior.
Jeremiah doesn't fight to prove himself, he fights to save the innocent.
Sounds like a decent person in theory, but in practice he's very severe. He'll kill anyone in the name of his god, and though revered as a savior he's more than a little frightening. No one will spend a great deal of time around him, as they become unnerved by his very presence, and if not that then the thought that Jeremiah will brand them a heretic and slay them.

his facial scars have never been explained, and are never asked about. They cover his face in long, thin lines, as though someone took a blade to him.

Auryn Santos

Character: Auryn Santos
Genre: action...ish...? fantasy
Class/Occupation: fighter
Race:vampire/human (was human)
Age/Apperent Age: looks 19
Height: 5' 2"
Weight:medium...not really fat but not perfectly thin
Hair Color/Style:black later on, orionally auburn. Very unkempt. cut short because she just doesn't really care about it.
Skin Color:pale
Distinguishing Features: a scar over her lip
Clothing/Armor: anything she picks up. usually uncoordinated. she'll wear anything...gothic, middle eastern, bodices....anything. She just doesn't seem to notice her appearance. One thing she constantly wears is a charm necklace that features two scimitars crossed.
Weapons: two swords, kind of like 2 katanas but without the bend in the middle. One is plain-looking with a black leather wrapped handle. The other has an ornate hilt covered in gold (she loses the gold blade, so 1 sword later on)
Misc. Equipment: Carried 2 revolvers up until she lost them, because they reminded her of Roland from Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' series)
Personality: A mix. She's normally happy, and will look on the bright side of any situation. Although she's a vampire, she almost never thinks about it. She hasn't learned any magic or shape-shifting, and just seems to use a vampire's superior speed and strength for an edge in battle.
She'll call anyone a friend, and won't engage in battle until she's worn out all other options. When she does engage in battle, though, she's a dance of whirling blades and occasionally a well-aimed bullet.
She does have the memory of an ADD ferret, and occasionally forgets important details, much to the chagrin of her companions.Though she's ancient in age, she stills acts like a well-meaning ditz.
'Huh? That statue actually holds the soul of a dragon?'
'Auryn, we told you that a month ago.'
'Hey, there's lots of soul-chamber thingies, how am I supposed to remember this one?'

Willem (last one, I promise :smallwink:)

Character: Willem
Class/Occupation:being scary
Age/Apperent Age: mid 20's
Height:6' 4"
Build:thin, described as a 'starved wolf' in apperance
Hair Color/Style: White-blonde. Would probably be white but he didn't seem to get the proper nutrition growing up, so it's a yellowed white.
Skin Color: pale
Distinguishing Features: silver eyes, being generally creepy
Clothing/Armor: always wears black and white. Normally black pants, white shirt, black trench coat. Occasionally seen wearing grey
Weapons:none. doesn't really need 'em
Misc. Equipment: none
Personality:Creepy and forceful. Willem's the type of person that if you just look at him, you know somethings wrong. It may be his thin build or odd color, but if you saw him shopping at your local wal-mart you'd probably make a wide berth around him.
He seems to easily crack a smile or laugh, but it's generally at the expense of someone else. The weird thing is, he doesn't seem to know how to have fun 'the right way'. He'd probably laugh at a puppy with a broken leg because he wouldn't know it would be wrong to. He doesn't seem to have a sense of empathy when it comes to anything, even himself.

2008-06-03, 07:16 AM
I've always wanted a good picture of Axl.

Character: Axl James
Genre: High Fantasy, Modern
Class/Occupation: Fighter/Sorcerer, Mercenary
Race: 7/8 Human, 1/8 Celestial
Age/Apperent Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6"1
Weight: 155?
Build: Axl is pretty toned and muscular, after 10 years of constant workout, but he has a slight build, and is thin and wiry.
Hair Color/Style: Shoulder-length light brown, often in a messy style.
Skin Color: Light tan
Distinguishing Features: One of the first things noticable about Axl are his green eyes. They are both inquisitive and highly intelligent. The other thing easily noticed is a thin scar on the side of his neck, gained when he was attacked by reaper-wielding cultists. Also, he is left handed.
Clothing/Armor: As he's semi-retired from adventuring, Axl doesn't wear armor usually, choosing to dress in dark jeans and a t-shirt with leather boots most often. When the situation demands it though, Axl wears dark studded leathers, often disguised as clothing so as not to invite suspicious and fear.
Weapons: Axl wields a simple longsword, once owned by his adopted father, Sir William of Starhaven, and usually keeps it in it's decorated scabbard at his hip. (http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m278/Sophistemon/Inkscape/axlssword.png)
Misc. Equipment: Axl wears an ornate golden bracelet on his left wrist, a golden wedding band on his right hand, and a necklace with a red and white charm (The white part being made of his wife Kismet's hair) around his neck.
Personality: Comments about Axl by those who have met him range from Irresponsible, to Loyal, to Loving, to Reckless. Indeed, Axl has been all these things at one time or another, but on the whole, he is a good person. He does his best to keep his friends and family out of harm's way, though he doesn't always suceed. He has a positive outlook on life, and is happy to spend the day fighting his enemies, hanging out with his friends, or snuggling with his wife.

One artist's interpretation of Axl. (http://www.tektek.org/dream/avatar.php?a=13706141)

2008-06-03, 02:20 PM
If we are allowed to enter two characters, then here is my second favorite one:

Character: Orynn Svetlann
Genre: Low Fantasy
Class/Occupation: Bard Skald (Viking Poet/Warrior)
Race: Human
Age/Apperent Age: 21 years old
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160 pounds
Build: Muslcular (for a female)
Hair Color/Style: Red head, shoulder length, straigth
Skin Color: Pale ('cause she lives in the North)
Distinguishing Features: Average looking, but very charismatic
Clothing/Armor: Dark blue, pale blue and silver kilt (knee length skirt and shoulder wrap); blue shirt; grey skin boots (like seal skin) that go up almost to the knee and help in place with leather straps; very big silver-grey fur coat (like artic wolf fur) that goes down to the floor; light and dark blue head band; studded leather armor
Weapons: Small round wooden shield; battle axe
Misc. Equipment: Conch shell; small lyre; rugged leather spellbook; leather bracers
Personality: Outgoing, extroverted, optimistic, expressive, rugged, loves to fight, not afraid of death, entertaining, appreciated, strong

And here is an old drawing that I did of my characters many years ago (though again I never was really satisfied with it):

Fingers crossed!

2008-06-08, 07:36 PM
Live damn you!!! This art needs attention!


Green-Shirt Q
2008-06-08, 08:37 PM
I suppose I can make a request. Here is a character from my comic.

Character: Gilligan Grinly.
Genre: Fantasy.
Class/Occupation: Cleric.
Race: Human.
Age/Apperent Age: VERY OLD!
Gender: Male.
Height: a little bit taller then adverage.
Weight: heavy.
Build: a little bit chubby.
Hair Color/Style: white and messy. He is partially bald. He also has a bushy, thick white mustache and a thick, bushy goatee.
Skin Color: white.
Distinguishing Features: eye patch over his right eye.
Clothing/Armor: odd robes with very, very long sleeves. Grinly has cut holes slightly under the arms because the sleeves were far too long and heavy. Having said that, he usually puts his arms in his extremly large sleeves for warmth. His robes are large and thick, hiding his fatness. He also has a fuzzy, racoon tail hat.
Misc. Equipment: a green medalian
Personality: Grinly is a very complex person. He is known for a long life of evil deeds and great deeds. Sometimes he's nice, and sometimes he's nasty. He is very mysterious, and nobody knows a lot about his past since he disappered for 50 or 60 years. He is very wise, and always knows the best way out of a situation. For unknown reasons, he has dedicated his life to the destruction of the Darkness-Wanderer. Grinly also is very sad and depressed sometimes, often said to be recalling his tragic past, which he hasn't told anyone. He has a deep, dark secret which he is careful not to reveal, even to his teammates. Most of the time, however, Grinly is tough and sadistic, never above torturing his enemies mercilessly before utterly destorying them.

Tempest Fennac
2008-06-10, 07:11 AM
Please could someone do a character who I started playing as in a freeform game a while back?

Character: Dem.
Genre: Serious D&D.
Class/Occupation: Domain Wizard using custom Assistance Domain.
Race: Phanaton. ( http://www.geocities.com/isledawn/ecology/phanaton.html and page 32 of http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/rules...ndex-Races.pdf )
Age/Apperent Age: 15.
Gender: Male.
Height: 3' 1"
Weight: 28 Lbs.
Build: Light.
Hair Color/Style: Brown fur all over body.
Skin Color: light grey toes and fingers.
Distinguishing Features: N/A.
Clothing/Armor: A green leather apron with a lot of pockets. It goes down to his knees while being secured to his ankles by straps to avoid it getting in the way when he's gliding. Other then that, nothing.
Weapons: N/A (unless a purple aura which is that colour while surrounding both of he's hands counts as a weapon.
Misc. Equipment: None.
Personality: Cheerful and curious. He also like helping other people.

EDIT: The first link doesn't work anymore, so I found a different picture to link to.