View Full Version : Evil: Humanities end. IC

2008-05-18, 01:23 AM
A new generation is born, one that will lead the humans out of the darkness and into a new world order.

You must stop this.

You sense this girl, this abomination the the natural order of might and evil, she who would take away the powers of the non-humans.

She will die.

And so, where ever you are, you move towards this creature, seeking to stop what might come to pass.

2008-05-18, 02:30 AM

The ripple of unease echos through out the planes. A messenger from Hextor is sent. 'A child is born that will change the face of the Prime. Destroy her.'

Knowing his master's will, and sensing the greratness of the task Than moves to resolve the issue. The ten and a half foot tall mongrel bred martial artist pauses in his katas. He steps over to his pack in the corner of the dojo and slips the bag onto his belt like a pouch. His black scaly skin riples in the near perfect darkness. He concentrates a moment before slipping into the Prime from his home on the Plane of Shadow. Aloowing the pull of hate to guide his shift between the planes.

With a thought he dissappears and launches himself skyward. Huge black scaled wings barely moving, he scans the country side looking for the possible source of this disturbance and other greater evils would be drawn toward this like moths. Knowing there would be a great battle soon he is also looking for allies to destroy.

Plane Shift from Shadow to the Prime.
Begin aerial search for the casue of the disturbance. If Than is notified, he will begin in a specific area. But until then he wants to find a couple of cohorts and maybe some allies to track down this girl and her protectors.

2008-05-18, 06:59 AM
Kaenis the Bright

Kaenis looks up from his eternal hunt for power.

"I feel it... The power of a God in mortal flesh..."

A cruel smile crosses his withered lips and he stands, the robe flowing around his papery limbs. A moment of concentration and he is transformed into the form of a handsome Aasimar- only the golden eyes and hair are shared with his original form, but there is a hint of similarity in it. Looking about, he leaves the mountains where he has secluded himself- as a powerful Sorcerer can- away from society, and teleports himself to a spot a few miles from the capital city. The hunt is on...

2008-05-18, 03:30 PM

Sif hated humans. Sif could not bear to think that they may rise in power and destroy his kind. Sif knew something had to be done. But he knew nothing, as he was an outcast, an exile. Did that matter? No. Sif had succeeded in almost everything up until now, and Sif did not intend to fail in the petty task of disposing of a human girl. No, that was too easy, for Sif's job was to kill and murder. He trusted his skills. There was no way he could fail.

But perhaps there was. Silently rushing through the shadows, Sif looked at the situation from every angle possible. Mayhap there were holy beings protecting the girl. Mayhap they were as powerful as the Naztharune. Sif knew that he could fail, could lose, could die. But he would not accept that fact. He would make sure that he would not fail, lose, or die.

Knowing the power of the girl, Sif deducted that there would be others seeking to destroy the human. Who were these people? Sif did not know. But they would be heading to the city at this moment, or maybe already there. Maybe they were disguised. Maybe they would mistake Sif for an enemy. No matter. It would all be a misunderstanding, after all, and misunderstandings would not be hard to dispose of under the current conditions. Their purpose was singular with Sif's, no doubt about it. And thus, allies would not be hard to obtain...

Sif stands on a high cliff, observing the city with his spyglass.

2008-05-18, 04:02 PM
The sound of wings precedes the approach of a large black scaly humanoid onto Sif's pinnacle, he drops invisibility about 50 feet out. Landing some distance back on the cliff, away from the city, the mongrel lands. He looks up the cliff toward Sif and says in a low even voice Her blood calls to be spilled.

2008-05-18, 05:06 PM

Sif pus away the spyglass. "She will die," he mumbles in his medium-deep, crackled voice. "No doubt others are thinking the same."

2008-05-18, 10:15 PM

She will be heavily guarded. There are other's like us who will be drawn to her. I do not need to use my talons to do the job. I do need to see that it is done. Than step forward to the pinnacle offering his broad back as a gesture of equality to the rahksasha, wings hanging low. He looks down on the city and gets lower to the ground so as not to raise a silohet. They will have already gathered their forces.

Slowly his frame melts and he stands as a human looking at his hands with a fouled expression Gah, even their body feels disgusting. They call me Than, or Mongrel.

2008-05-19, 03:02 AM

No sound accompanies the appearance of the tall, handsome Aasimar on the pinnacle. He simply appears, his magic bringing him to exactly the point he needs.

Seeing the two- a human and a rakshasha, or so it appears- he steps forward and says, "You seek to slay the Godling? I will aid you... for a price."

He allows the illusion to slip, and a sight emerges of a gaunt, spindly figure in grey robes. Papery, tight skin covers his narrow limbs, and his lips are cold and blue. From his head flows golden hair- far patchier than that of the handsome Aasimar he shows to the world, but still with a touch of the celestial being he once was. His golden eyes, once a sign of divine favour to him, are now the most alive thing about him- but alive with the fire of an all-consuming greed.

2008-05-19, 05:47 AM

Vilion hates humans. Granted, he hates everything (save maybe himself), but humans especially. His form had once resembled a human, but it's form is so convoluted that it is quite impossible to tell what he is (don't bother asking, he won't tell you). Vilion floats above the ground slightly, naturally, as he lacks feet to stand with. His small frame is beset with tusks and what used to be a white beard. Now, his body has been transformed into something even more inhuman. Branches have replaced limbs, twigs replacing his hair, etc. The actual occurrence of his transformation remains unknown, but most suspect something to do with a nasty old druid he fought a few decades ago. On his back lie two enormous (for his size, at least) scimitars, which are at least a foot taller than him.

As soon as he senses the abominable god, he immediately flies off swiftly to its location, joining the others. "Hehe, ickle god-childs got sumfing comin' for it, eh?" He unsheathes his scimitars with lightning speed and grins as he licks a spot of blood from the end of one.

2008-05-19, 07:02 AM

The incubi smiled. He was possessing a ring, resting comfortably in a halfling's finger. Barely half an hour ago, the ring bearer had strangled the air out of his brother's lungs just to get the "treasure". Anatharaxis had enjoyed the situation greatly, sending messages to the halfling's mind, inducing him murder his own blood. But now the fool was running towards some muddy caves to hide. Was it guilt? too late now, you murderer, you have already condemned yourself.

Anatharaxis frowned, and tried to use his divination powers to find some more interesting victim. While extending his senses and attuning to the different probabilities in the future, an image burnt into his mind that made him stop the power and retract back to himself. A girl. A human girl that would mean the ruin to all non-humans and lead that race to glory.

The incubus felt the burning need to purge her of the surface of the world. He also delighted himself in the possibilities that getting her soul would bring him. Meanwhile the halfling wandered deeper into the caves. Here we will be safe, yes we*SPLATCH*

A thin green ray coming from the ring had disintegrated the halfling's head. What a squeaky annoying voice! said Anatharaxis as he materialized out of the ring. It was fun, but I've wasted enough time with you. barely looking at the dead body as he dusts off, the incubus simply disappears and materializes miles away, near a large city.

Anatharaxis flies high, and observes the city and the surrounding terrains. His shadow-like wings seem to keep him aloft effortlessly despite the wind. Three figures atop a cliff catch his attention, mainly due to the heterogeneous nature of the group. An aasimar, a cat and a human all together. How strange? he wonders.

Opting to be careful, the incubus turns ethereal before descending slowly to overhear their conversation. Then the Aasimar turns out to be a lich. A pile of bones, a cat and a human he corrects himself mentally.

Vilion arrives before he addresses the trio, his twisted shape unsettling. Seeing how casually he talks of murdering a god seems to calm him down and amuse him, though.

Is it to late to join the party? he inquires telepathically. From what I've heard I think we all are aware of the birth of the child, and we all have good reasons to wish her death he adds. I don't know what kind of guardians may protect her, but if we act together that girl is dead he says, evaluating the other creatures, particularly the one that looks like a human. Does any of you know her exact location? he inquires, trying to find out if they have more than the apparent muscle.

2008-05-19, 09:52 AM
A cold smile crosses the Lich's dead, blue lips. "A Godling will likely be warded from such magics, but I can seek her out with my arcane power... Unless any of you would care to lend me the energy?"

He reaches out towards the Incubus with his skeletal hand, and energy plays around the fingers. A cruel smile crosses his face, and he adds, "No? Don't care to feel the touch of the grave on your shoulder?"

He turns away and shuts his eyes, chanting and making small gestures with his hands. He grasps a piece of fur, and releases the spell...

Locate Creature cast: if she's within 800ft and not blocked by lead, running water or a spell, I turn to face her.

This probably won't work.

2008-05-19, 10:45 AM

The incubus backs off as the lich stretches his hand. He buries his ethereal form deep into the ground and mumbles psychically. I would keep that hand away from me, unless you don't mind loosing it. Anatharaxis' telepathical voice seemed matter-of-factly, but the strange energies he had seen in the lich's hands had unnerved him. Those creatures shared the same goal, but any of them was as dangerous to him as it was to the godling girl herself, he realized.

One seemed a psychotic killer. At least he was sincere about his nature. The lich had just proved that he asked as much as he gave, and the other two were of the silent type, but their eyes were full of rage and bloodlust. Anatharaxis wondered if the blood of a god would be enough to quench it.

I can use my powers to get some vague indications about the location of the girl he said telepathically. but it takes quite some time, and it's not very precise, so... He waits for the lich to finish casting his spell. He also tries to identify it, just in case he's not casting a divination.

No need to roll spellcraft, with a +37 modifier, but hey, it's not like he would trust the lich immediately...

2008-05-19, 01:09 PM

The human formed one snarls sniffing at itself Gah, how can the humans stand to be like this? They smell foul even to their own feeble noses. He stretches out and continues to stretch, legs and arms growing, small black scale sprouting from him and a large pair of draconic wings bursting out from his shoulders. Ah, thats better. These soft skins make a good roast but they are nasty little things. Easily 10 feet tall, heavily muscular, he is dressed lightly in a vest and light shirt, a thick leather belt and well amde brown leather boots. His top knot signifies that he is a high ranking Ki Warlord, and the black sash woven through the leather belt in idicitive over a monks life style. Just what he is, that may take a while to figure out.

He looks at the gathered others I am not much of an arcanist. But I have a few tricks. He fades away into invisibility This will do well enough to hide my form from any observers. I think that if we start enough havoc just in general we can flush out any guardians of the girl. Once that starts we can follow any of them back to where she is and kill her there under their very own useless noses.

2008-05-19, 02:20 PM
Kaenis the Bright

Another cruel smile, and the Lich replies, "Havoc I can manage, as I am sure the rest of you can. I assume, though, that we wish to stay largely undetected? It will be much easier to find the guardians if they are searching blindly for some unknown killers than if they know where to find us, and if we are lucky, they may even be foolish enough to split up."

"I imagine it would unnerve them if they found an innocent impaled on one of their own weapons, too..."

2008-05-19, 02:32 PM

The voice of the mongrel comes A summoned monster would begin to suit our needs well enough I would think. We culd all easily watch from hiding as some sort of demon begins to wreak havoc in the middle of the city. I think that may be the best form of opener for this round. It will also give us a good idea of their capabilities before we need to engage them.

I for one prefer to fight any arcanist or godly soul they have standing. The sound of scaled skin rasping and the popping of joints cracks across the pinnacle those are my favorites.

2008-05-19, 04:36 PM

Anatharaxis looks at the mongrel as he transforms into his draconic shape. What a pleasant surprise he says so we're all capable of subtlety and complex thought too! The incubus "sounds" like rejoicing in their minds.

Their conversation spurs all kinds of plans in the demon's mind. I can try to summon a demon to get their attention he says but it may not listen to my call. Nonetheless, I can provide some distraction by animating a full building or somesuch in their precious city... or make them murder an innocent child or something. the incubus chuckles. Imagine their look with the blood of a human child in their hands.

The incubus emerges out of the floor, although a few steps away from the lich. About preferred targets, I can easily deal with anything not inmune to the powers of the mind or too protected against magic he declares and even some of those if they are not too tough. as an afterthought, he adds I can also heal you if you are close enough, if you need it and tell me so.

2008-05-19, 06:16 PM

"Ah, good plans. If it is not a problem, then I shall disguise myself and observe the chaos from within the city." Sif assumes the shape of a nondescript commoner. "Hm. I feel exposed."

2008-05-19, 10:12 PM

Than thinks for a moment, You can possess an entire building and have it move and attack? What about the threat to yourself?

Than pauses for a moment. We are being thinking too difficult here. These are humans. They will put her holiness in the largest most easily protected building in that city. All we need to do is go into the city and ask to see the holy child and someone will direct us there. But we will probably need to hide our selves. Can any of us hide our minds?

2008-05-19, 11:51 PM

"I have a limited number of uses of Misdirection and Undetectable Alignment, but that magical energy could go towards more useful purposes."

2008-05-20, 01:37 AM

There is risk, that I can't deny replies the demon. Particularly if they know what they fight and how to fight it he concedes. Usually, if the possessed item is destroyed I just return to my ethereal form, and I can teleport away, but there are means to hold me, particularly if they are aware of my presence.

when he concludes, Anatharaxis materializes and shifts to the shape of a regular peasant. I can disguise my material form, and I can protect all of us from any scrying or mind affecting power he offers. However, I can't hide you from other detection means. For example he says, pointing at the lich, he could detect something about us is magic, or a paladin could detect me as evil. But I wouldn't worry much. he says, dismissing Sif's offer. I've meddled with humans enough to know that many of them are evil, or can be turned evil, which doesn't mean they get executed the moment they enter a city.

The demon turns to have a better view of Kaenis. What troubles me the most is those people capable of viewing our true forms even when disguised. If I were in charge of the girl's defense, I would be sure to include one of those. Perhaps our more arcane versed partner has a solution? he inquires, hopeful.

2008-05-20, 05:50 AM
"I have no abilities to block detection. However, Anatharaxis suggests possessing a building. I have another option..."

At this point, Kaenis takes a large jewel from beneath his robes.

"You may know the qualities and capabilities of a crystal like this. I can place my soul within it and possess another creature, as long as they are not too well warded. Now imagine the havoc it would cause if one of the girl's guardians were to begin attacking the rest of them..."

"I would still be able to cast my spells, but that may show the enemy that something has possessed their comrade. I would still be able to take their own spells and use them..."

2008-05-20, 06:36 AM

The incubus looks at the jewel and nods in approvement. Well, at any rate what we must do is get into the city unnoticed for anyone to possess anything. The demon in peasant form sighs, but I do consider your idea valid and good, it's just that we don't have enough wards against divinations. He turns inmaterial again and floats to a nearby tree where he disappears. I can get the protections we need to do the job he tells them telepathically just give me some time.

There, merged with the tree and barely aware of his surroundings, Anatharaxis begins concentrating in the series of decisions that have led him to obviate the need for such a power. His individualist side complains, since he can avoid detection on his own, but prudence steps in, reminding him that he could get discovered if the others raise the alarm. His intelligence adds that it could be useful for other purposes, such as concealing a future victim from rescuers. Arrogance wanted to show the others how superior he was. Little by little, individualism subsumes and the demon reviews his life experience.

Anatharaxis possesses the tree and begins casting psychic reformation to swap out the overchannel feat for the expanded knowledge feat. It's a 10 minute casting time, so you have some time to chat meanwhile.

2008-05-20, 04:43 PM

"One of us must survey the city's layout. We can formulate better escape plans if we know the structure of the city. Another of us should go into the city and gather more information about the girl and her guardians... and that person shall be me, I assume. We must just wait A to finish whatever he's doing..."

Sif waits for a moment. He suddenly realizes that nobody knows who he is. "My name is Sif'ur Muil chet kil Ignton, but just call me Sif. Evil spellthief, rogue, and assassin, combined into one package. If you have ever heard the great deeds of a human named 'Rufis,'" he says, "then you are greatly misinformed. For I am 'Rufis,' and everyone I work for dies sooner or later. That is my great web of deception."

He changes into his 'Rufis' form. "See, 'Rufis.' Look at me and my heroic, blue speech."

Then Sif transforms into the nondescript commoner he was a few minutes ago. "And now I am 'Bob,' the lowly farmer that is lowly and poor."

Sif zots back to normal.

2008-05-20, 07:40 PM

I could summon an elemental to draw them out [[elder]], or I cen take a looksee around the town if ya want me teh," he says as he promptly transforms into nothingness, barely visible as a small cloud of some sort of gas. The gas zooms around at extremely fast speeds, then forms back into Vilion's shape. "Or I cen go all invisible-like, walking the wind is easier, but invisibility is faster" he adds. "Be back in a jiffy, mates" he says as he vanishes and a faint breeze washes over you as he flies away.

Vilion soars over the city (still invisible), attempting to spot a suitable building for hiding a god.

Vilion is just gonna go ahead and do whatever he wants, he's not one for thinking ahead.

Elkhantar... "What a pleasant surprise he says so we're all capable of subtlety and complex thought too!" errr, no, just no. Vilion can track and be unseen, but he is anything but subtle and complex thought-wise. :smalltongue:

Vilion is activating his invisibility ioun stone and flying (135 foot fly speed) to the city, where he will attempt to spot the previously mentioned large, protected building. Spot check: [roll0]. Search check: [roll1]

2008-05-20, 09:30 PM

Or that one could just go and present himself as a target while we sneak in the back way. There are many options. With a squetch and slurp Than changes into a disheveled wild looking over weight human man, and drops his invisibility. If nothing else this form may be able to explain my mind.

2008-05-21, 03:01 AM

The incubus finishes manifesting his will, which produces a light blue flash of light and a low humming sound. He doesn't bother going out of the tree, which uproots itself and begins walking towards the others. I'm ready to manifest my wards against divinations, but I need you all to be close to me. he declares. He then notices that Vilion has already departed before he finished. it took me quite some time huh? he says, not really expecting an answer.

I'll need you to lower your magical or mental defenses, since I won't waste my efforts trying to overcome them he says, pointing at the others with a branch. My wards should last almost a complete day, so there's no need to rush, by the way he mentions. With that, Anatharaxis starts manifesting, beginning by himself.

Panther-man + Dragon-man + Bones-man + Demon, that makes 4 people.
Well, and the wendigo thingie, but he's far away so I'll count him when he comes back.

Escape detection is 5 power points, and Mind blank is 15. A hefty 80 power points! luckily we're gestalt, or I'd be severely low on resources after this. :smallsmile:

2008-05-21, 03:55 AM

"A little hasty, that one, but I am sure he wouldn't mind being used as a distraction."

A cold, dead smile again crosses his face.

"For the good of the group."

"I realise you do not know my abilities... I am a sorcerer of not inconsiderable skill, but I have a great ability with what our esteemed comrade so... eloquently called the art of the "spellthief..." I work best when my enemies do not know I am there. They tend to be quite surprised when a needle-thin beam of negative energy strikes them between the eyes and absorbs some of their magic."

2008-05-21, 04:31 AM

The tree bows slightly when Kaenis introduces himself and explains his skills. You're right, I guess, I haven't introduced myself either. he says telepathically. You can call me Axel or Axis, as you prefer. I have the power to shape reality with my mind he states. I can control minds and bodies, and possess both inanimate objects or living beings. I can enhance any of your weapons or armour if you allow me to possess it, and, for a limited time, two items instead of one. I can also bolster your strength or sharpen your mind, because such are the gifts I can grant to the one I possess.

Anatharaxis comes out of the tree, which falls to the floor, since it was not rooted anymore, and he resumes his human shape. I can also heal all of you if you are within 20 feet of me or the item/creature I'm possessing, and if all of those fail, I can simply blast, disintegrate, burn, freeze or tear into bits whatever gets in our way. Satisfied with the summary of his abilities and that of his partners, he looks towards the city, in the direction the wendigo meatgrinder could have followed.

By the way he says using his human's form voice. As you may have noticed I can communicate telepathically with any being within 100 feet, so it could be useful to coordinate in battle or for more subtle approaches. Just concentrate slightly on me, the real shape you saw or my names and "think" aloud. If I'm close enough I will hear it.

2008-05-21, 04:40 AM

"A useful skill, especially if we need to rein in the Wendigo."

A pause, and he adds, "As you may or may not know, the touch of a lich brings paralysis. I am sure we can use that to our advantage- not least, to paralyze a spellcaster. I am sure Sif will agree with me that a permanently paralyzed mage is a gift to those of our profession..."

2008-05-21, 08:28 PM

For apparently the first time, Sif realizes that Kaenis is a Lich. "The more the magic, the merrier," says Sif, an echo of his (sometimes insane) childhood Spellthief trainers.

Sif speaks with explanation.
"A Spellthief I am so, magics stolen from hostilities.
A thief I am too, attempts at my blood evaded and parried.
Bringing death to my opponents from behind and above,
with hidden daggers at essentials thrusted and vitals gouged.
A deadly combination of stinging and blasting —
so are my daggers called, so was the motto of my past adversary.
Sting: deadly speed. Unmending wounds. With accuracy it strikes.
Blast: combined fire, lightning, and ice. An oxymoronic destroyer.
Sting and Blast, not forged for power, nor seeking, nor accuracy, nor damage."

Sif runs out of things to say and transforms into 'Rufis.' "No doubt the well-informed and hugely mistaken will see me as a hero. Few know of the incident in which I was revealed, and they are all d-" Sif coughs, swallows, and continues talking. "-dead, no doubt, of course, such is my way. Ways." Sif coughs again. "None will doubt, doubt you if you stay by me. But your forms... are so unlikely. And my being 'Rufis' is too open. Come, I shall stalk you through the shadows as 'Bob.' None will know my coming, and secrecy, initiative, advantage will be preserved."

Sif transforms into 'Bob.' "Let us go— um." He clears his throat, and suddenly sounds much more peasantly. "C'mon, let's go."

2008-05-22, 09:42 AM
Kaenis' expression watching Sif's dsiplay is... interesting, to say the least. The Lich appears amazed at his companion.

"Quite," he says.

Transforming himself back into the Aasimar form, he says, "While I enjoy using it for... personal reasons, this form is a little conspicuous. I do not want to draw any attention to myself, and I always was quite striking..."

He uses the magic of his robe to disguise himself in a form breathtaking in its mundanity. Nondescript face, nondescript head on a nondescript body clothed in a nondescript smock.

[spoiler]If you've ever watched The Apprentice (British version), that expression is Nick's lemon-sucking face (only a bit more Undead). Also, Disguise check to be mundane (+10 from the Disguise Self effect): [roll0]

2008-05-22, 10:31 AM

The demon in human guise looks at the Naztharune as he transforms back and forth. He doesn't fully understand his actions or motivation, but he keeps well from letting it show. I agree he says telepathically. Let's go.

Without further warning, he disappears from the top of the cliff and appears at the bottom. His voice echoes in the other's minds I'd rather hurry, just to arrive before the wendigo causes too much havoc. I wouldn't like to miss the godling's death before we arrive. he begins slowly walking towards the city, so that the others can catch up. Stupid humans he mumbles psychically. walking is so... impractical he says, scraping some mud from his boots.

2008-05-22, 04:53 PM
Sif follows behind silently, keeping his distance from the group (30-80 feet), while acting as inconspicuous as possible.

[[ Disguise +22, Bluff +14 ]]

2008-05-22, 10:08 PM

Than shifts form again into another nondescript human and begins walking down the hill, he swiftly catche sup to the lead and walks along beside. Walking is good for the mind

2008-05-23, 04:30 AM
Kaenis jumps down the cliff, his hands scraping down the edge to slow his fall.

"Walking suits me- of course, I seem to be able to do it quite a lot faster than you."

The Lich's nonchalant stroll is deceptive- despite his lack of exertion, he seems to be travelling twice as fast as an ordinary human could.

"Of course, this is a little conspicuous," he adds, slowing his pace to the infuriatingly slow movement of an ignorant human.

2008-05-23, 05:19 AM

If you say so... replies the demon. Flying is truly more liberating for the mind he says, looking to Than besides him and I know quite some things about the mind! Anatharaxis winks, visibly happy to get on the move. Of course teleporting is more practical for any long distance travel he adds. I could teleport all of us, or take us to another plane if I so desired. Anatharaxis seems to switch between telepathic and regular speech without truly noticing, as if he was no tpaying attention. He then clears his throat. I guess we should try to act as humans while we prepare the attack

2008-05-23, 05:22 AM
"I too have those abilities- I have spent many years- decades- practicing my sorcery, which involved plenty of travelling- those spells were quite important to my work."

2008-06-01, 01:14 AM
Attempting to travel in the air around the keep would seem to be a bad idea, as apparently several other's had that idea.
You can still see some of the scorch marks from where you are, and as you watch a gargoyle is blown to bits by a blast of fire from a small fey girl perched on the Eastern most tower.
As you approach the city, you go over several hills, and as you approach the top of the last one, a breathtaking(for those of you who breath) view can be seen.
In a massive spiral around the central keep, the golden human city swirls with the people come today to the princesses name-day, all heading towards the mile wide courtyard in the center.
You can still see people streaming towards the gates, and you appear to be about 10 miles to the walls, or half again as far as the majority of the crowd.

2008-06-01, 01:49 AM

Than, in human form, walks confidently toward the city. Unafraid of anything in his way. Well, comrades, this will be but a minor slow down unless we just open a frontal assault. I suggest that the wendigo be loosed on the general populace to thin them and cause mass chaos and havoc. His kind are generally fairly resistant to spells and the like, he should be able to cause a great diversion of the protectors. That should allow us to slip in unnoticed.

2008-06-01, 04:21 AM

"Using the wednigo as a pawn, are we? That sounds like an acceptable plan. We may wish to keep him alive, though- his talents may be needed later."

Kaenis checks he still has his gem and adds, "I think taking over the body of one of our foes would be a useful strategy- I would need to find somewhere to hide my body, however. We should keep looking."

2008-06-02, 03:31 AM

The incubus frowns when faced with the perspective of waiting such a loooong line to enter the city. Patience he thought. It's not like after all eternity you can't wait some more time. After all, how often does one have a chance to slay a god? he then focuses on the other's conversation. If you want, I can try to speak to the wendigo telepathically he offers Although given the speed at which he moves, I'm not sure I'll be in range. Anatharaxis tries to establish the telepathic link with the wendigo. Before waiting for a reply, he continues talking.

I can take your body to any place in any plane in mere moments and come back he says, eager to speed things up. Do you have some safe hideout? I can teleport us there and then come back with the gem without effort.

2008-06-02, 03:47 AM

Kaenis shakes his head. "Unfortunately, the spell has a relatively short range- no more than a few hundred feet. If the spell's effect ends while out of range of my body, it will have some unfortunate consequences. Nothing I cannot survive- as long as nobody finds my phylactery- but I would prefer not to spend the next week building a new body."

2008-06-02, 08:54 AM

Well, that certainly is a drawback he agrees, trying to find a viable solution. I guess none of you carries around a portable hole or similar? he inquires. and being in a sub-dimension could also break the spell. Perhaps I could posses your body meanwhile, yes? he offers, thinking it will be good enough. I haven't tried it before, but if you can disguise its undead nature, I could try to animate it like any other inert body, it may work, and certainly you wouldn't have to re-build your body he chuckles

2008-06-02, 09:29 AM
"Unless you got it damaged somehow, of course." Kaenis considers for a moment. "I am not sure how this spell would affect my body if my soul went elsewhere- possibly it would stay disguised. That may also allow you to paralyze our foes... Quite an effective strategy- and, of course, if you left the body it may appear defeated, so our foes could leave it to concentrate on another problem- only for a returning tenant of this corporeal existence to give them a nasty shock."

Kaenis seems very pleased by that idea...

2008-06-04, 03:54 AM

Very well, then, how long does your spell last? because I think it'd be safer to enter the city with the spell already cast. The incubus looks for somewhere to hide to cast the spell and possess the body, so that all the people queuing up won't notice. Let's hurry and move to the line. It will be stupid, waiting in line as other mortals, but I guess it's the least conspicuous way. By the way, once I'm possessing Kaenis' body I'll have to talk via telepathy and my visual range gets shortened, just so you know.

2008-06-04, 05:31 AM

"The duration is unlikely to be a problem- cast by a skilled mage such as myself, it will last most of the day- nineteen hours, to be exact. One of us could carry the gem into the city- as long as it stays near my body, which will, of course, be moving, I am in no danger. It may be best to hide it somewhere within the town."

Kaenis takes out the gem and asks, "Are we agreed?"

2008-06-05, 04:40 AM

The incubus nods before turning ethereal. Sure! Cast your spell, lich they can hear telepathically. As soon as the Lich is done, the incubus enters the soulless carcass, giving it the semblance of life again. I'm ready He informs the others. Let's get to the accursed city once and for all

2008-06-05, 09:29 AM

Kaenis spreads his arms wide and begins to chant, fingers waving in arcane symbols. A brief glisten emerges from his mouth, then the empty shell of his undead body falls to the ground. The large gem glitters, waiting to be picked up and brought within the city, where it can once more affect the world of mortals by taking on a corporeal shell.

Spells remaining: Spellthief:
1: 5
2: 5
3: 5
4: 4


0: 6
1: 8
2: 8
3: 8
4: 13
5: 6
6: 7
7: 7
8: 6
9: 4

2008-06-05, 06:38 PM
Sif the Naztharune

The (disguised) Naztharune continues following silently behind, waiting for the chaos to begin.

2008-06-06, 02:46 AM

The shape changed Ogre Mage walk confidently clearing a way as they walk by sheer intimidation and some light rough handling of peasants. He does not try to injure anyone but is in afraid of painfully gripping someones shoulder or elbow to get them to step aside.

2008-06-18, 02:14 AM

The animated body of the lich follows the shape-changed mongrel. Animating an inert body to seem alive required more concentration than simply moving the appendages, so Anatharaxis concentrated himself to at least pass up unnoticed.

well, I'm leaving today for a short trip for a couple of days. I just wanted to let you know in case you finish your exams and decide to resume the game right now. And I'm still interested in this game!

2008-06-18, 06:38 AM

The immortal Aasimar's spirit waits patiently in the gem, passively feeling the life around him and searching for a particularly strong specimen to inhabit.

What is a few minutes to a being that can endure the centuries?

2008-06-18, 06:45 PM

Continuing his slow walk, the Naztharune suddenly lost his patience. But why was this? Only eighteen seconds had passed since this procession had began. The strange forces of nature stirred, lengthening those seconds to days. When would this strangeness end...?

2008-06-19, 04:40 AM

The Lich doesn't notice the stretching of the minutes- years pass as seconds to an immortal.

2008-06-19, 05:11 AM

The mongrel gets impatient and jabs a peasent in the kidneys. Dropping him simply to the ground, curled in pain.

2008-06-23, 01:48 AM
You all arrive at the city, except for Kaenis's gem, which continues to sit sparkling on the ground.
The citizens swirl around you, all of them dressed in bright colors and heading towards the center of the city, the houses decked out in bright and glowing colors.
All around you, you can hear the excitement and expectation of the crowds, each one waiting eagerly to see their princess.
No one seems to care about the rag-tag group wandering through the city, and you can see that you are not the only obviously evil "things" in the party.

2008-06-23, 03:18 AM
Kaenis glitters.

I did ask someone to pick me up, didn't I...?

2008-06-23, 10:06 AM
Well, I guess we didn't say it explicitly, did we? That said, if Kaenis was holding the gem or had it on himself when he cast the spell, well, Anatharaxis is posessing his body and should be carrying it along, shouldn't he? Nonetheless, I'll walk outside the city and come back to pick it up if I have to. Otherwise this whole plan of possessing someone would be plain stupid. I mean, I may be a fool, but my character has 30 int, he shouldn't overlook such a detail.

2008-06-23, 10:16 AM

Than pushes his way deeper into the city. His strength easily moving horses if need. He will lead the others, clearing a path as he goes. He glances up occaissionally to see if the wildling is up there.

2008-06-23, 03:56 PM

Sif acts like a poor commoner, unable to afford the luxuries that others might have, but still all the eager and anticipating.

2008-06-24, 04:18 AM
Kaenis keeps watching for a sufficiently powerful life-force to house his spirit.

Some info on creatures nearby via jar-sense would be good...

2008-06-26, 02:39 AM
There is, in order of closeness to you:
A mole
A trio of sparrows
A half dead wolf
A small family
A large group of pilgrims
The city

As the rest of you head deeper into the city, it grows more quite.
Even as the crowds double and triple, pressing you all tight in together, the silence and expectation grow, a shiver seeming to run through the people nearby.

Make spot checks.

2008-06-26, 04:32 AM
I don't think I can see...

Also, I probably wouldn't get that much detail from the jar-sense- SRD says, "While in the magic jar, you can sense and attack any life force within 10 feet per caster level (and on the same plane of existence). You do need line of effect from the jar to the creatures. You cannot determine the exact creature types or positions of these creatures. In a group of life forces, you can sense a difference of 4 or more Hit Dice between one creature and another and can determine whether a life force is powered by positive or negative energy. (Undead creatures are powered by negative energy. Only sentient undead creatures have, or are, souls.)"

2008-06-26, 04:45 PM


Sif looks up expectantly, like any old, poor humble man would.

2008-06-28, 12:55 AM

Than looks around in between his decided onslaught into the painful parts of humanity.

spot [roll0]

2008-06-30, 01:52 AM

The incubus concentrates on his senses and tries to find out what happens spot-[roll0]