View Full Version : The Desru Campaign

Bloody Chaplain
2008-05-19, 03:22 PM
“Hey buddy, your gonna be ok.” The Navy Medic whispered softly, his blue uniform was stained with the Marines blood.

“Doc, I don’t feel no pain, trust me, I’m running on fumes, the drugs is all that keeping me alive. We got some worse wounded down the hall.” The Marine replied just as softly.

Captain Murggus didn’t want to believe the Marine would die, but he’d seen enough combat to know a dead man when he saw him. The Marine’s chest plate was just a pile of twisted crap; his left foot gone from mid-thigh down, both of the arms were also just twisted piles of flesh and armor. “Chaplain Oduss is here, do you need him?” He asked the dying Marine.

“Yes’r, I think I do.” A bad sign the Marine was starting to slur, the shock was wearing off. The Captain nodded and signaled the Chaplain over. His white and blue armor was specifically designed to bring comfort to the dying. He crouched next to the Marine and started conversing with him.

“Captain.” Another Marine trudged up the hall dragging one of his wounded compatriots by the arms.

“Lieutenant.” Murggus replied.

The Marine dropped the wounded man. “Down the hall we got some trouble, a cannon, its holding us up sir. The Ghurshea have the area zoned, we’ve only lost about ten men sir, but we need to take that hall. It leads right to the fighter storage deck, it also leads to the barracks and control deck.”

“Thank you, stay here.” Murggus looked at the assembled Marines, almost all had the dull green armor of the Tenth Regiment, scattered around were some Flame-Marines, their heavier red versions of the servo armor containing gas tanks connected to the wrist mounted flamethrowers. “Alright, all Marines who can fight with me, stay on my ass at all times.” He looked down at his special 30mm assault rifle and slammed back the bolt. “Move out!” With that he took off down the hall towards the in ship fighting.

After a few minutes of running Murggus ordered a stop at a three way split in the corridor. “Somebody take five men down the right, three men with me up the middle, the rest of you go left.” He ordered, he swung his weapon around, cleared the area and again started running down the hall.