View Full Version : Star Wars: The calm before the storm Group B

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-20, 03:26 PM
Star Wars: The Calm Before the Storm

A Long time ago, In a galaxy far, far away... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSrBftHfmUI&feature=related)

It is a time of turmoil for the new galactic republic. Some time ago, an alien force entered the scene, causing tremendous upheaval and imprinting fear into the hearts of the Republic's citizens. That force was no other than the mighty Yuuzhan Vong, the Enemies of the force, the haters of technology. In a stunningly short amount of time, the Vong conquered planets in the Outer Rim, killing or enslaving every man, woman, and child in the planet. Stunned by the blitzkrieg, the Republic took time to respond. Now, as fierce battles rage across the Mid and Outer Rim, the Republic and the New Jedi Order find themselves overwhelmed by the ferocity of the Yuuzhan Vong. In this dark times, all enmities are forgotten, and because of this, the Imperial Remnant has joined the fight.

You are on the Home Caller, a frigate ship, heading for Ryloth, preparing to join the battle to mantain control of the planet, which has been deemed a key position. It has been a relatively calm journey up to now, but everyone on the ship knows it is only temporary. Soon, you will land on Ryloth and a frenzied battle will start.

In fact, a saying is spreading across the ship as you approach the planet: "We should enjoy this night...for it may very well be our last."

And this way we kick off the campaign. Feel free to post an introduction, and to be as descriptive or succint as you want.

2008-05-20, 04:56 PM
Tyrath was sitting down in the mess hall of the ship Home Caller, or at least thats what they told him it was called. He had awoken in the med bay a few hours ago. The medical staff told him they had stumbled upon his wrecked TIE Interceptor, pulled him out and patched him up. They told him how lucky he was to still be alive, but right now he wasn't feeling so lucky. A long, long way from home, he was now among what a few short years ago used to be the enemy, and on top of that, they were heading into a warzone. They needed every man, and since he had combat experience, he was conscripted to join the fight.

Looking around the mess hall, Tyrath is drinking some hot tea to try and relax. He is sitting alone, as would be expected: old grudges die hard. "With the way things are going...I wonder if I'll ever see Bastion again..." Tyrath mumbles to himself as he takes a sip from his tea.

((OOC: I kinda took some liberties with how he got picked up by the Home Caller and how he will be intergrated into the battle/team. Let me know if this is ok. Also, I am taking Blue for my font. Long live the Empire!))

2008-05-20, 05:24 PM
It's been a long week for Wenton. First, he found himself a new job, only to be told at the last minute that his ship was headed for a war zone. Now he has to decide if he's going into the battle as a Jedi or a normal crewman. To make matters worse, there's an Imp on board and the crew has seeming decided that they're going to die.

Seeing the state of the crew, Wenton goes down to the mess to get some caf, grabbing his "walking stick" as he heads out of his quarters. The Force only knows what his next few hours will be like. As he gets his drink, he sees the Imp sitting drink some tea and decides to go and speak with him.

"Mind if I sit and have a drink?"

((OOC: The spoiler is for any Jedi who came out of the Praxeum))
You guys will likely recognize me from the Praxeum, and you will definately recognize my walking stick as bing a lightsaber. It's no secret among the Jedi that my character has separated himself from the order.

2008-05-20, 05:45 PM
Tyrath looks up from his tea to see a man about his age with a walking stick standing over his table.

"Mind if I sit and have a drink?"

Tyrath gestures to the many empty seats around him. "Feel free to take your pick."

2008-05-20, 05:53 PM
Wenton takes the seat opposite Tyrath.

"Name's Wenton Miles. You're a long way from home stranger. How'd you get stranded out here, anyway?"

2008-05-20, 05:58 PM
"Vong ambush. Shot down my TIE during our retreat. Pretty lucky the Vong didn't pick me up, but I'm probably listed as KIA back home, though that might be true enough after tomorrow. Names Tyrath, Tyrath Cyneus by the way." Tyrath takes a sip from his tea. "So what's your story?" He nods to the walking stick, "were you injured?"

2008-05-20, 06:06 PM
"Me? I'm just a spacer, one of trillions in the galaxy. I signed on thinking this would be a fairly mundane tour, and now we're out here to fight the Vong. I'm not sure the crew has seen much action. Too much worry, not enough thought about action. As to the stick, nah, I'm fine, it's just a souvenir from a past life. Something to remind me where I came from, and if I'm ever in trouble that there's still a home for me out there." Wenton looks around at the nervous crew members. "I just wish we could get this over with. This anticipation is almost as bad for us as the actual fighting. Too much thinking about the future pulls you out of the now, and that can be deadly in a fight. So are you being pressed into helping us?"

2008-05-20, 06:36 PM
"Pressed? Well, I wouldn't exactly say that...it's a difficult situation. I mean, the crew here saved my life, so in return they are holding it over my head and 'requesting' my services until the time comes when I can get home somehow. At least I'll get to fight some Vong...though I'd rather be doing it with people who I know and trust...they haven't even told me what I'll be doing yet... Tyrath sighs and takes a long sip from his tea and looks around the room. The tension is high with the upcoming battle, people are trying to keep up appearances, but eveyrone is definitely nervous. Tyrath turns back to Wenton.

"I'll level with you. I need someone I can trust. Entering a battle with nobody you can count on is tantamount to signing your own death certificate. Nobody here on this ship trusts me, they probably would sooner watch me die then come to my aid. You're the first person since I've woken up on this hunk of scrap to treat me like a normal guy, so that basically makes you my best friend right now. When it hits the fan, I'll watch your back. I'd like to know if you could to do the same for me. I would really enjoy living to see the end of this."

2008-05-20, 06:54 PM
"Can you really blame these folks for not trusting you, though? Most of 'em lost someone to your side in the war. I'm not saying what they're doing is right, but think about how you guys would treat one of us in a similar situation. I'll watch your back as long as you have mine, but just so you know, this here stick is my weapon of choice. Blasters and all of that really doesn't suit me, I like to see my enemy, know who it is I'm fighting. That way, when it comes down to who wins, I can always remember that they're a person. Not that I'm trying to get all philosophical on you, I just want you to know that the lines as we'll see them won't be where I'm looking." Wenton takes a sip of his caf and is clearly calmed by the stimulant. "Sometimes, I wish the fighting were over, the hatred gone. then I remember that we're where we are now by being the meanest, most vicious creatures in our environments. So now we get to play soldier boy to defnd ourselves. I hear there's a Jedi running around the ship somewhere, what say we go and try to find him.

2008-05-20, 07:07 PM
Tyrath sighs. "Well, I guess things would probably be the same if the situation was reversed, though I would like to think that I would be the one in your shoes, helping to extend the hand of peace to a former enemy. Both sides lost a lot in that war, so I know that theres going to be bad blood...but with what is going on now with the Vong and all, we really can't afford to be weighed down by the past."

"A Jedi on the ship? I've never met one personally, only really heard stories and such back home. They don't really come into our territory too much... I'll tag along if you're going to go looking around, beats sitting around. Tyrath says and he finishes up the rest of his tea. "By the way...that stick is your weapon of choice? No offense, but how do you expect to beat the Vong with that?"

2008-05-20, 07:34 PM
"Honestly? I'm not sure. We'll just have to see how useful it is when we run into them."

With that, Wenton rises and heads toward the hatch.

"C'mon, I heard that the Jedi's this way." With that, Wenton sets off in search of the Jedi on board, unsure if he does or does not want the Jedi to be someone he knew well at the Praxeum.

2008-05-20, 08:51 PM
Gian Bernini

Gian wandered about the deck of the ship, his head held up high with a certain aloofness and air of confidence around him. He was a Jedi, he would be able to face this threat head on. Force blind abominations they were, and they were attempting to bring their monstrous thinking and way of life to this galaxy...

Continuing his stroll around the ship, he largely attempted to keep to himself. Many of the crew aboard would not be able to relate to him, and some still had unfounded resentments towards the Jedi. Gian knew best to keep to himself.

2008-05-20, 09:14 PM

The massive and imposing figure of the Chykkatarr made many pause or press themselves up against the walls for that extra inch of room. This allowed them to continue on their way and be further from the dirty and battle worn look of the Wookiee.

He had been assigned to this ship and was still not sure what battle group he belonged to. He would prefer to meet the foe alone in the heat of battle but he also had to make sure he didn't cause too much trouble. The rampant stench of fear was beginning to take its toll on him so he had left his cabin and wandered into the mess hall.

He could hear them whispering when he passed, some were comments about his size but most were mumbling about their last night. Ignoring these cowards Chykkatarr moved over to an empty table and looked around the room noting that there were two people sitting apart from the others a drifter and Imperial. They were conversing in what looked like low tones, probably just cowards like the rest.

Chykkatarr had got some food for himself after a minute of sitting alone, when he got back to the table he looked at the disgusting brown meat. He could not remember the Human name for this, he just knew it tasted horribly bred in.

In a low mumble and growl to himself "Smells like it lived with Humans, now I have that gross idea of a farmed animal. The looks don't help either."

Not one to turn a meal down he quickly dug into his food, clumsily he wielded the little thing they called a fork. It was definatly slow eating, the small meal size bothered him greatly too. Least he had food in his stomach, he just relaxed and sat back as he ate his food.

2008-05-20, 10:13 PM
Dash McGurk

Exiting out into the Corridor from one of the maintenance areas, In his grease stained work coveralls, Dash was exhausted after spending 10 hours helping preforming last minute maintenance check on the ships fighter craft. Needing food and rest, Dash a Lean 6ft tall human, with Sandy Brown hair, blue eye and rugged features, Heads for the mess hall to get some food and drink. As dash walks to the mess hall he meets a human walking the ships decks, Dash says, Good evening there, having a good walk tonight.

2008-05-20, 10:28 PM
Gian Bernini

The Jedi stops to appraise the mechanic. "Yes, yes I am." he responds looking up at the man. "How are you this fair night?"

2008-05-20, 11:22 PM
Tyrath stood up and stretched his legs, putting his empty cup in the proper receptacle. "Alright, lead the way Wenton." Tyrath followed Wenton out the hatch, but not before noting the rather large, fierce, and somewhat grumpy looking Wookiee taking a seat and growling at his food. That could be trouble... Tyrath thinks to himself, Wookiees have no love for the Empire, and he looks mad enough as it is...best stay out of his way...

2008-05-20, 11:29 PM
After leaving the mess, Wenton turns down a side corridor. His directions from earlier where hardly precise, simply guiding him "that way." After only a couple of minutes of walking, he hears a voice he recognizes. He whispers to Tyrath.

"Sithspawn. Look, I recognize the Jedi's voice up ahead. The two of us...Well, we don't have history, but needless to say we don't completely agree on our views of the galaxy. If you don't want to get involved in this, I won't blame you for heading the other direction. We won't fight, per se, but an argument might be pending."

2008-05-21, 07:45 AM
"So you know this Jedi? Well, if you might have some conflict with him, I can't very well abandon you now since I'm supposed to be watching your back and all. Besides, isn't arguing against the Jedi Code or something?" Tyrath flashes a grin. "However, if you think being seen with an Imperial will make things worse with the Jedi, I'll take a walk the other way."

2008-05-21, 11:01 AM
"Your presence shouldn't cause any more problems than mine will." With that, Wenton goes to join the conversation.

"Good evening gentlemen."

2008-05-21, 11:11 AM
Cam Antares

Stepping out of a washroom after finally managing to get the last of grease and muck from the repair bay off, a young human looks around a bit nervously up and down the halls of the frigate. Grabbed up on the spot by someone looking for decent mechanics, Cam didn't realize that volunteering meant he'd end up on some ship hauling out for the fighting. "Cam, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" He muttered quietly to himself as he picked a direction that looked like it'd lead to the mess halls and went for it.

It didnt take long for him to learn to pay attention and keep out of everyone's way, especially that Wook. He may know which end of the hydrospanner is up, but the didnt mean anyone here was going to put up with him. Raking his fingers through his semi-long black hair Cam made his way to get some food and try to figure out how he was going to survive this mess.

2008-05-21, 12:38 PM
Gian Bernini

Switching his attention to the new arrivals, the person before him seems vaguely familar. He gives Wenton the once over, eyeing the cane carefully.

"Good day, I see you decided to come back and work for the Republic once again."

2008-05-21, 12:52 PM
"I've been working for them for a while, actually. Mostly just doing some cargo hauling. Speaking of it being a while, I haven't seen you for years, Gian. How's the family, still squabbling?"

2008-05-21, 01:08 PM
I'm doing fine tonight, just a little hungry and tired. oh, by the way my names Dash, Dash McGurk, Dash stick his hand out to shake the mans hand. that's when two others approach he hears one of them call out "Good evening gentlemen." Dash turns and says, Hello but it soon becomes apparent that the two know each other, and that's when Dash recognize the other person, Hey your the Imp pilot we pulled in today, Dash Had been on deck when the pilots destroyed ship had been pulled aboard

2008-05-21, 01:23 PM
Gian Bernini

Gritting his teeth a what he considered an unneccesary barb. "Things are always the same, the galaxy is stuck in cycles." Trying to get his own jab in "Has hauling freight been agreeing with you?"

2008-05-21, 01:31 PM
"I can't complain. It's what my parents did, you know. Besides, I can always hope to become a legendary freight hauler, like General Solo. In the meantime I had hoped to have a relatively peaceful life, but those hopes were dashed." Wenton looks at his new friend and remembers to introduce him. "Oh, and let me introduce you to my new friend, Tyrath Cyneus. As has been noted, he's the Imp we picked up earlier. It looks like he's going to be fighting with us, come tomorrow. Tyrath, this is Gian Bernini, Jedi."

2008-05-21, 01:49 PM
Gian Bernini

The Jedi had little against the remnant, the Empire was before his time and the only reports he had to go were the holovid documentaries and lessons back at the academy. It was never about the Empire per se to him...but instead the dark siders who controlled it.

"It is good to have you aboard Tyrath. We are going to need every man we can get if we want to push the Vong back."

2008-05-21, 01:52 PM
Tyrath nods to both Gian and Dash. "Pleasure. Never thought I would meet a Jedi face to face like this." I wonder if he's ever met Luke Skywalker? Tyrath continues, "Either of you have much experience fighting the Vong?"

2008-05-21, 02:06 PM
"So, a Jedi and an Imperial walk into a bar... Nh, we've all heard that one before. So, any of you have an idea on how to deal with the moral problems? I mean, short of a lightsaber duel through the corridors." Wenton chuckles at the thought. "Though that might be fun. I always did like those holovids."

With a wink at Gian to let him know he's only joking and a nudge in Tyrath's side, he irreverently adds, "Besides, where will we get another saber? I'd hate to have to do it all myself."

2008-05-21, 02:18 PM
It doesn't take long for the wookiee to finish his tiny meal. The looks of other soldiers just betrayed it had been a small meal for them as well. A warrior should go into battle full if he is to have top performance, he wondered how well they would perform. They all looked so tiny to him, how could they possibly control so much of the stars and how can there be so many. They were always the most crazy as well, always rushing headlong into battle. Even the ones who claimed peace were far more eager then most of the species of the galaxy.

His thoughts distracting him from his hunger he walked off around the ship, he was always impressed with ships and technology. While he never had a hand for it, he always did like to look in wonder at all of it. This ship was amazing by the small standards he used to have. Wasting no time he got up and left the cafeteria.

He did not even notice that he was following the imp and strange man, soon he was in the hallway and he could hear voices to his right. Looking that way he seen the imperial and the spacer, there were two others there as well. He started to walk towards them, but paused when he seen one was a Jedi.

He hated the Jedi, when had they ever helped the galaxy at large... always fighting each other... non-force users could solve their own problems. The Vong were a testament to this, and in a small way he respected them for this. He was unsure if he wanted to continue in that direction, so he made it look like he was interested in a little sign near by that stated the nearest escape pod in case of an emergency.

2008-05-21, 02:29 PM
"Lightsaber duel? I'd probably just end up decapitating myself! Tyrath says with a chuckle. He notices something big and furry out of the corner of his eye and sees the huge Wookiee seemingly inspecting something on the wall. Didn't even hear him approach. Well at least if he comes over here he won't rip my arms off with the Jedi around...I hope...

2008-05-21, 02:43 PM
Noticing the Wookie, Wenton laughs and invites him to join.

Come, friend wookie, it's the eve of battle and all around is worry and fear. We here, alone, are a bastion of cheer and hope and bravity...Is bravity even a word? Either way, come and join us. The way the crew is carrying on is horribly unbecoming of warriors. Even if we do die tomorrow, we can do it knowing we spent our last night in good company smiling, facing death with our own mad, merry grin."

2008-05-21, 02:45 PM
Gian Bernini

Gian gives Wenton a strange look following what seems to be a near random outburst, slightly confused he goes back to addressing the Imp's question "This will be my first assignment away from the academy on my own. But, I have trained with the masters of the academy who have already dealt with the vong...I do not expect any surprises."

2008-05-21, 02:48 PM
"Either of you have much experience fighting the Vong?"[/QUOTE]

Some but mostly at long range as we retreat and abandon are bases, but mostly i whined up trying to keep ships running long enough to get away.

By the way my names Dash McGurk.

2008-05-21, 02:51 PM
"Names's Wenton Miles. Like many out here in the reaches, I've run into them before, but at range and always running like a gullipud. There may not be honor in that, but still, I'm here now to face them in what we can call an almost even fight."

2008-05-21, 03:26 PM
...I do not expect any surprises."

"Well one thing I've learned is to always expect surprises where the Vong are concerned. They are always growing some new way to kill us. By the way, does anyone know anything about the battle tomorrow? I was unconscious in the medbay for most of my trip so I haven't been briefed. Everybody's dour mood around here has me expecting we are going up against a whole fleet all alone."

2008-05-21, 03:35 PM
"Yeah, forget what you've learned at the Academy. This is the real galaxy, chaos is endemic. You can learn the ebb and flow of everything, but it will eventually catch you by surprise. And don't use the Force as a crutch. Especially against the Vong. What you've likely heard from your masters is true, they're dead to the Force."

2008-05-21, 03:57 PM
"I heard about that. They are force blind monsters. They were most likely rejected by the force for their wicked ways."

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-21, 04:09 PM
As Gian speaks, the communication systems suddenly flare up, as the voice of captain Icelock, the commanding officer of the Home caller, can be heard resounding through the halls.

Gentlemen, we are now entering the Rylothi atmosphere. We shall arrive to the safe zone in a few hours. Please, prepare yourselves for landing. Icelock out.

2008-05-21, 04:25 PM
"Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.
Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.

Don't forget the code."

2008-05-21, 05:13 PM
The wookiee seeing that he was invited slowly made his way over. People had to practically jog to keep up with his strides so it looked like he was walking a normal pace.

He had heard one of them speak cheerfully of battle, maybe they were not all cowards. Intrigued at this person he came over, he still had no idea if they could understand him. Most here are not able to, just some of the officers who are used to a variety of recruits.

Speaking Shyriiwook:
I heard you speak cheerfully of battle, more so than the rest of these so called warriors. What is your name? Mine is Chykattarr.

2008-05-21, 05:32 PM
"I don't speak cheerfully of battle, just the night before. Battle is what it is, bloody, messy, nasty. But sometimes necessary. Wenton Miles at your service, great warrior."

2008-05-21, 06:56 PM
Chykkatarr was very curious now, not many knew how to understand Shyriiwook. This human was worth investigating after all, it had been rather lonely on this ship with no one at all to talk to except officers to give him orders or information.

"How did you learn to understand my language? Very few have the skill and ability to understand it. It would be an interesting story to hear how you picked it up."

2008-05-21, 07:39 PM
Just as Dash says, Nice to meet you Chykkatarr, Chykkatarr specks again, dash smiled as he say, when i was 15 years old i was lucky to get an apprenticeship with two very talented Techs, the wookiee Dewbecca and his Sullustan business partner Sien Kyak.

2008-05-21, 08:21 PM
"I learned it here and there. You hang around in space long enough, you catch things like this. For a while there, I was speaking Huttese as my native tongue. Still can, if I'm really angry. Nothing quite matches Huttese for cursing. Besides, on Nar Shaddaa you need to speak it. Now, Shyriiwook...Well, that's a long story. I had a few teachers, but as I said, I just sort of picked it up. Didn't hurt that there was a wookie or two around as I grew up. So, what brings you here to join us in this intrepid adventure?"

2008-05-21, 08:54 PM
"I have come to meet these invaders in battle and truly test them to see if they are a worthy foe. I have fought many battles all over the galaxy, I have seen a lot of martial techniques in battle. That and since I have so much time on my hands seeing the galaxy never hurts. Of course there are always things you don't wish to have seen. This is all in my past of course, I am just here to fight and protect what I feel is worthy of protection."

2008-05-21, 09:18 PM
"That's all anyone should ever ask of another. Well, that and a nice bottle of Whyren's Reserve for their birthday."

2008-05-21, 09:39 PM
Gian Bernini

"I know the code, do not presume to lecture me on it." Ending the point there as he turns to face the approaching wookie. They were truly a popular bunch. Gian quickly went from being alone with his thoughts to the center of attention.

"Greetings Chykkatarr. I am Gian Bernini. And it is why we are here. I signed up for this. We have to get rid of the vong before they destroy everything we have built"

2008-05-21, 09:50 PM
"Just making sure you remember it. Sometimes Kyp's lot can forget that the Vong are still living creatures. By no means go easy on them, but if one asks for mercy, remember what you are. Well, I'll see you gentlebeings later, I want to get some exercise and maybe a small bit of shut-eye before we begin."

After saying his good byes, Wenton goes through the ship, looking for an empty cargo room or training bay.

2008-05-21, 10:05 PM
Tyrath gathered from the conversations going on around him that the Wookiee was named Chykkatarr. Having no knowledge of Shyriiwook, Tyrath had really no idea what the Wookiee was saying, but since everyone was introducing themselves, he figured he would do the same.

Turning to face Chykkatarr, Tyrath nods "Name's Tyrath." He continues to stick around in the conversation until Wenton leaves. "I think I will be taking my leave as well. I'm going to go see if I can find this Captain Icelock or someone else in charge and find out exactly what we expect to be up against." and with that Tyrath turns to leave, and heads off to find a ranking officer on this vessel.

2008-05-21, 10:09 PM
Chykkatarr just looks offended at Tyrath, he was Imperial scum. Never trust Imperial scum, Chykkatarr just gives a growl and yell that no one can make out, maybe a local dialect curse of some sort. After that he stalks back to the cabin he was assigned for some rest before the battle.

2008-05-21, 10:43 PM
Finding an empty room, Wenton begins running through kata with his saberstaff unlit, practicing and reminding himself of how to use his weapon. If any observer happens by and watches, they notice his practice starting out almost jerky, as if he hadn't done it for a while. But as time goes on, he gets smoother and more precise, flowing from one kata to the next like a trained warrior.

After an hour or two of practice, Wenton goes back to his quarters and meditates.
I'm using Force Trance for four hours. UtF Check, DC10, I'm taking 10 for a total of 17

2008-05-21, 11:32 PM
as the small group starts to brake up Dash says, Well it was a pleasure to meet you gentlemen, i think i'll take my leave also i need to get some food and rest, so good evening to you all, and may we all die proud tomorrow. Dash then continues on to the mess hall where he gets a meal and quickly eats, he then goes to his cabin and gets several hours worth of sleep.

2008-05-22, 01:06 AM

Heading for the mess, Cam's ears perked a bit upon hearing folks talk about lightsabers and Imperials just like it was during the old days during the Galactic Civil War. He notes that he saw a couple of those 'Jedi' wandering round the ship, but he was just happy to keep his head down. Force or not, seems they attracted more trouble than they could handle more often than not,"best avoid those Jedi nuts. force or not they're gonna end up getting you killed." Cam thinks to himself.

Perks a bit hearing folks going back and forth in Shyriiwook, leans in a bit to listen to what they're saying, but otherwise keeps his mouth shut, and tries to not appear like he's listening too hard.

2008-05-22, 03:45 PM
Gian Bernini

As everyone else is leaving, Gian retires to his lodging to rest up before they reach the safe zone and the start of their mission.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-22, 03:51 PM

Suddenly, the whole ship is shaken by what seems to be an attack from a Death Star. Instantly, red lights flare up and sirens start wailing. Over the ensuing chaos, Captain Icelock's voice can be heard:

Gentlemen, we have just been attacked by an unknown force and have sustained heavy damage. We are now on a crash course towards Ryloth.

Brace yourselves, guys, this is going to be a rough landing.

For the next minutes, there is panic, as everyone tries to grab hold to something and steady themselves as the Home Caller falls to the planet, wreathed in flames.

As it hits the ground, and the world seems to shatter, you can hear the terrible screech of metal against ice....

A while later, you wake up, apparently having hit something. The temperature seems to have dropped quite a few degrees, and you can hear Icelock's voice coming out of a wrecked SoundSys.

Soldiers, listen up! Everybody who is not injured, head for the main bridge and report to me Immediately! This is an order, people, so get moving! I repeat, get your lazy asses to the main bridge immediately!

2008-05-22, 05:02 PM
Tyrath is headed towards the bridge when the ship is hit. Trying to brace himself he is flung violently around as the ship hits the ice and everything goes dark.

As Tyrath is coming to the sound of the broadcast breaks through the ringing in his ears.

..ain bridge and report to me Immediately! This is an order, people, so get moving! I repeat, get your lazy asses to the main bridge immediately!

Tyrath gets up and steadies himself on wobbly legs while mumbling,
"Whatever happened to the karking safe zone? This is just great..." Tyrath clears his head and makes his way into the bridge, hand near his pistol just in case.

2008-05-22, 08:37 PM
After the darkness recedes and Wenton hears the captain's announcement, he rises and shuffles around the room for his staff. Finding it safely after a few seconds, he ignites it with the telltale snap-hiss of a lightsaber being ignited and carefully makes his way towards the bridge, ready to fend off boarders.

2008-05-22, 08:59 PM
Gian Bernini

As soon as he can regain his footing, Gian is up and running towards the bridge. So much for an easy go, but now it was time to prove his mettle against the Vong and show everyone else what a Jedi is capable of.

2008-05-22, 10:25 PM

A few minutes after the crash he finally decided it was table enough to move. While many had been knocked unconscious he was spared that fate. He managed to cling to his bunk tightly during the crash and since it was secured to the floor it was just what he needed.

After hearing the message on the com system he starts his treck off towards the bridge. First thing is first, he opens his trunk and pulls out his gear, he loads a quarrel into the bottom of his bowcaster with a sound and firm click. The soldiers in the room seem bolstered just from seeing such a massive warrior, now that they seen the equally huge gun they felt secure. After he was set and loaded Chykkatarr left for the command deck.

2008-05-23, 12:48 AM

For a while, Cam is sure he wasn't ever going to see Coronet City again. Then he figured that wasn't such a bad idea since he'd never have to pay the folks there back those credits he owed them. Which is the last thought he had before the frigate crashed and everything went black.

Cam scraped himself up off the floor and staggered back to the billet he'd been assigned when the message from the Captain boomed through what was left of the systems. Touching his hand to his forehead, Cam felt the a bit of dampness and felt sick as he pulled his hand away. There was a bruise, but no blood. Instead it was some of the topping from whatever it was they were serving in the mess. He made his way to the billet and grabbed his utility belt and splashed a cup of water in his face to wash off the worst of the grime, then made his way to the bridge. Not that he was much of a soldier, but it was better than getting shot at for not obeying.

2008-05-24, 12:26 AM
Dash has barely been asleep an hour when the ship is hit and he is violently tossed out of hid bunk, Hearing the announcement Dash makes his way to the bridge as quickly as possible.

Azerian Kelimon
2008-05-27, 07:10 AM
Arriving to the bridge, you find Icelock giving order to some of the crewmembers.

And get those supplies ready! We'll need as many as we can get.

Turning around and seeing you, Icelock approaches you. Dressed in a captain's uniform, the Rodian's soft tone and calm voice sharply contrasts with the stereotypes of his race.

Good to see you're here, gentlemen. Apparently, most of the soldiers are bruised, but otherwise okay. Now, listen... he says, as he creates a hologram from a wrist device. The hologram has the shape of the planet, with a single red point on a side.

That's where we are. Now, we have fallen into the perpetually frozen hemisphere. We need to get to the dividing line, and we need to do so quick, because we don't have much food and there's some pretty nasty stuff here.

I've given everyone access to the ship's armory, the rightmost door on the lowest deck. Arm yourselves as you see fit, then prepare for leaving. As soon as we have gathered up all the food we can and salvaged the ship's technology, we'll be leaving for the dividing line. Dismissed!

And with that, Icelock turns around and begins calling another officer.

Now, you can get a few items. It's not going to be nothing too extreme, but you can get some equipment.

2008-05-27, 06:15 PM
Indicating his now-extinguished blade, Wenton replies, "I'm ready when you guys are. I've got everything I need. Someone wants us dead before we reach our battle, and I aim to disappoint. Though, would someone be so Kind as to toss me some thermal clothing? I didn't pack expecting to end up down here."

2008-05-27, 08:29 PM
Gian Bernini

"I am ready to go whenever else. Like, Wenton all I require is an all weather cloak and I will be ready."

2008-05-28, 12:56 AM
Cam Antares

Sighing and looking at the red dot on the hologram, Cam keeps his mouth shut but is visibly worried about the possibility of ending up in a worse situation than the one they're in now. While the others are a bit conservative in their choices, Cam grabs himself an All weather cloak and a heavy blaster from the armory, and a pair of extra power packs for the gun. While the armors wouldnt help much for him, he does grab a blast helmet, at which point he steps out and looks around for whichever group looks ready to head outside.

2008-05-28, 08:55 AM
Looking around the armory Chykkatarr is amused at the tiny armor, poking around none of it would fit. Instead he settled for two all temperature cloaks which he managed to combine into a very large one. Even with his fur he could feel the cold, the all temperature cloak would help greatly. Finally he manages to find a spare if basic utility belt, never know when basic utensils would help out.

OCC: Can someone send me a link to the OOC thread? I misplaced it when I reformatted my computer, also for the record that is also 100% operational again. Yay!

2008-05-28, 09:29 AM
Karking Ryloth... It was only as Tyrath saw the frozen tundra that he remembered the unique feature of the Twi'lek home world.

Tyrath poked around the armory for a bit, eventually settling on a blaster rifle that felt as close to Imperial issue as he was going to find, and a heavy blaster pistol. He grabbed a couple of extra power packs, a comlink and a holster for his pistol. Finally picking out an all-weather cloak that fit, Tyrath was ready. "Alright, I'm ready to go. Let's get the frak out of here before we freeze to death."

2008-05-28, 01:08 PM
Wenton Grabs an all-weather cloak and leans against the bulkhead, waiting for the others to finish readying themselves. "Before we move out, Who knows Ryl?"

2008-05-28, 01:27 PM
"I only know the basics. The planet rotates on it's axis at the same speed that it revolves around it's sun or something like that. The same side faces the sun at all times, becoming a scorching desert wasteland, and the other side being this frozen tundra we have found ourselves in. Only place to go is the band of perpetual twilight between the two hemispheres. Makes sense to head towards the light if we can see any, but since the captain has that holo-map we should be able to pick the right direction regardless. Though if we crashed in the middle of the "night" side, I would say we're pretty frakked unless we find some transport." Tyrath says as he slams home a new power pack into his rifle.

2008-05-28, 02:48 PM
"We've gotta hurry. We have no idea what's out here, and I'm willing to bet half the continent saw us crash, let alone whoever shot us down. Chess Ko."

((Those who know huttese:))
Chess Ko: Be Careful

2008-05-28, 09:04 PM

Wrapping the all weather cloak around him, Gian looks over the tundra before him. The situation was generally bleak, but on the plus side the Tundra could not conceal there any enemies, they would know of any enemies approach.

"We should get moving as soon as possible. It will be some time before anyone can get here and we will see them coming."

2008-05-28, 09:37 PM
Chykkatarr gets off the ship with the others, after he finishes properly adjusting his massive cloak he finally gets a glimpse of the planet for the first time. He gives a low groan, sounds like a cross between irritation and sorrow.

He squints and looks across the dark and vast plain, he looks like the isolation is already wearing on him. A gust of wind blasts him in the face messing up his fur and making him look all the more lonely and irritated. Slowly he takes a few more steps out onto the plain before stopping. He mumbles and growls to himself in low tones.

What desolate planet is this, I felt the cold on the outside but now I feel it inside me too. No life, who could stay sane here in this vast open and cold space.

After he finishes his growling and mumbling he squares his shoulders resolutely. He turns to face the group and await their marching orders. He notices others are not finding comfort in this planet either. In a way that reassures him of their sanity in some small way.

2008-05-28, 10:23 PM
Tyrath steps out, hesitant to leave the relative warmth of the ship. Pulling the cloak tighter around himself, he hears the Wookiee say something in his native language. I can't understand what he said, but it sounded like we probably feel the same way about this... Tyrath looks ahead over the endless expanse of snow. "Its true that we have a better chance of seeing our enemies, but the same applies to them...they have a pretty good shot of seeing us as well. Anyway, the sooner we get moving the sooner we get out of this winter wonderland."

2008-05-28, 11:04 PM
Moving off of the ship, Wenton scans the horizon for any signs of life. As the Wookie speaks, he moves a bit away from the group, lost in though. After a few seconds, he rejoins the others.

"Let's go. I don't see anything, but I'm worried about things living beneath this snow and ice as well as on top of it. Does anyone know which way we want to travel in order to get out of this sith-forsaken hole?"

2008-05-29, 12:09 PM
Cam Antares

Stepping out of the ship, Cam pulls the cloak tightly around him and angles the helmet down enough to cover his eyes. His personal sidearm holstered, and tightly gripping the heavy blaster he took from the armory, Cam grumbles underneath his breath. "Of course, we couldnt crash on a nice planet, no, it had to be an ice planet." Looks over at the wook and his expression darkens a little more under the helmet, and muttering to himself in Bothese. "Of course, some of us aren't as well insulated as others. Ugh." Cam takes a couple steps from the frigate and turns back to look at it. "Yeah...that's gonna take more than a coat of paint. So, anyone think to ask the Captain which way this dividing line is?"

2008-05-29, 05:20 PM
Dash take from the armory a all-temperature cloak, a bandolier, 4 frag Grenades, 4 power packs, a electrobinocular, a heavy Baster rifle, and a blast vest and helmet. Before joining the others out side the ship.

2008-06-04, 12:18 AM
Well I may as well make one last post, I will just let you know I am disappointed on how you just walked out on the group. Could have at least said something. Farewell guys, looked like it would have been a good game.