View Full Version : Calamity of Eternity, Part 1 [IC]

2008-05-21, 06:36 PM
The small clouds breeze by far above you, as the warm sun shines down in celebration of the day. On the ground, it is windy as well, a good omen for the start of the journey. Before you, a ship of titanic proportions is docked. It stretches nearly the entire length of the harbor, its seven masts currently furled to prevent it from a premature departure. All around you, people crowd in an attempt to see this magnificent boat, the Dragonbyrd, the greatest ship ever created. You smile inwardly, knowing that you have an advantage: you are one of the ship’s guardians, hand picked from across the land to defend the ship from any unknown enemies as it fulfills its mission of exploration. The docking has begun, but you’re in no hurry; they won’t leave until everyone is on. Around you, you can see clearly in the crowd various people who are quite clearly fellow guardians, based on both their different appearances and the general auras of competence they carry around themselves.

2008-05-21, 07:18 PM
Mason Yerst looks around him above the crowd (one of the many advantages of his 6'2, muscular frame). He is already dressed in his full-plate armor, trying to look as magnificent as he can at this important moment in his life. Stubble marks his other-wise well-groomed appearance, his brown (supposedly curly) hair shaved down to a shadow. His dull brown eyes are constantly moving, yet shrouded, haunted by memories still tormenting him. He notices among the masses a small number of people without the gawking expression shared by so many commoners. He is intrigued by these composed, confident individuals, and suspects that they are here for reasons similar to his own. He approaches the one standing closest to him, who also happens to be the most striking of the bunch. Mason is confused by the appearance of this seemingly wild beast, but soon recognizes the man as a Satyr. The second thing the sharp brown eyes of the crusader pick up is the silver holy symbol hanging from the Satyr's side. Mason walks boldly up to the man, his face blank but not unfriendly.

"Hello, sir. I am glad to have found another man here who does not seem to be struck dumb by the sight of a vessel of this size. Perhaps, like myself, you have been hired as protection for this ship? My name is Mason Yerst, crusader in the name of St.Cuthbert the cudgel. May I ask, my friend, by what name I might address you?"

2008-05-21, 08:30 PM
An eagle sits up among a nearby building, its head slowly turns, surveying the land below. Krum had no reason to reveal himself yet, so why should he. He quickly picks out the Large man and the Satyr from the crowd. Curious, not used to Satyr's out and about- or at all for that mater- and least of all with overly large people, Krum looks more intently. Deciding it was time to make his presence known, he reasons that to come in with a bang could be fun. He shifts into a large wolf, and uses the blending powers to grow a pair of wings too. He runs off the building and glides himself down towards the too. Hitting the ground he shifts back into his normal self, ignoring the commoners unused to such sights, and walks towards the pair he sighted earlier. Approaching he readies himself.
"Morning" he starts politely, "I couldn't help but notice you two look just as out of place as myself. I am Krum Dunher, Druid, and who might you be?"

2008-05-21, 09:03 PM
The crowd of people offended the halfling’s senses. Too many bodies, too closely packed, people shouting and gawking at the massive ship. It was shameful. More majestic things had been wrought in his lab then what stood on display to be admired by these fools. Anyway, the crowd prevented his movement, pushing his small body about. He didn’t have the strength to push this crowd apart, nor the motivation to dodge through it like a thief. He had a better method. Sliding to the edge, into a storefront where few people tread, he pulled a scroll off of his waist. Carefully spreading it out, he laid it on the ground and ran his fingers across it, chanting quietly. Suddenly, a large cloud of smoke burst from the halfling’s form and clouded the doorway. A second later he emerged, this time atop a massive golem. Humanoid in appearance, heavily armored and with a shield on one arm, its helmeted head turned to survey the crowd. The rider laughed as people quickly spread a path. “That’s right, move aside. Allow one of the guardians of this “great ship” to pass through!” He marched through the parting crowd, until he saw from his new vantage point several who seemed to not fear him. Turning in their direction, he saw a large man, a satyr and what appeared to be a well armored half orc standing together. Approaching them, he hailed down from above “Greatings! I believe you may be the others hired to protect this vessel. My name is Jirard, and this” he gestures to the puppet below him "is Wall. Whom do I have the pleasure of serving with?”

2008-05-22, 02:16 AM
Lirith had arrived early that morning and had been surveying the ship for quite awhile. The Satyr was unusual for many reasons; for a start it was unusual to see a Satyr at all these days let alone one on a harbour. Satyrs were not usually sea going people but this was not the first time Lirith had been on a boat and he hoped it would not be his last. Secondly Lirith was clearly a fighter. He carried 2 weapons, a couple of bags round his side and a symbol of Faith, yet what was unusual for someone of his profession, the Satyr wore no Armor.
Upon being reached by 3 people who it would seem to be were also travelling on the ship he thought it wise to introduce himself.
Mason, Krum, Jirhad and... Wall, The Satyr answered each in turn; My name is Lirith. Lirith of Panthera, Like you I also have been summoned to protect this great vessel. I am a man of faith and a crusader if you will, I will help with the divine magic of the Gods where I can. Well then fellow Guardians of The Dragonbyrd, so we go aboard?

2008-05-22, 02:29 PM
Mason raises his eyebrows at the showy tactics of the halfling and druid, but greets them kindly nonetheless. His confidence is boosted (despite the strange first impressions) by the obvious skill each of his allies possesses. The armored man smiles at the Satyr's suggestion, and nods.

"A fine suggestion indeed. We can continue our introductions once we are safely on board. I wouldn't want to delay the departure of the Dragonbyrd, since I doubt our employers would be pleased. First impressions are always important."

The crusader proceeds to clear a sizable path through the crowd, encouraging the others to follow him towards the ship.

2008-05-22, 02:50 PM
The halfling grins at the satyr's suggestion "A fine idea! I would like to examin this ship anyway. The engineering for such a vehicle must be simply amazing." His grin widens as he looks at the satyr again. "A simple mistake, but you mispronounced my name. Jirard, please, not Jirhad. And do not feel obligated to introduce yourself to Wall. He has no sentience of his own, mearly a puppet that dances on my strings." He laughs. "During this trip, you will get to meet the other masterpieces I have created over the years."

With that Wall turns towards the ship and begins moving towards it, the halfling's hands and fingers moving slowly to control the movements of the giant.

2008-05-22, 06:32 PM
Mason eyes the massive golem warily, surprised at the small halfling's ability to control such a monstrous construct. He envies Jirard's ingenuity, which is made obvious by the giant man he is currently riding. The well-armored crusader is becoming more and more confident as he witnesses the versatility of the guardians of the Dragonbyrd.

"A truly remarkable creation. How many years of study and preparation did it take to complete this giant? I look forward to seeing the rest of your constructs."

2008-05-22, 07:30 PM
"Hmm. Let me think. I believe it has been 20, no 22 years learning this art. I started at the age of 15, when I first built a puppet. Of course, it was useless in battle, and could barely move at all but it was an important learning exercize. Wall here took me months to finish, and I still upgrade him on a regular basis." The halfling takes a quick look down at the man next to him and grins again. "As for the rest, I'll introduce them in the future. Each represents a significant investment of time and energy. I hope to impress.

2008-05-23, 03:45 PM
Krum just nods while everyone talks, taking in the information posed by the others. He is not used to cities, so he is a bit overwhelmed by the number of people. He begins to follow the others onto the ship.
"Good idea," he says reffering to that of going on, "maybe I will have time for a quick swim before we depart. I have been wishing to go under the water again."
Krum continues his walk to the ship and listens to everyone else.

2008-05-24, 04:17 AM
Lirith walks on with the others listening to the halfing talk, He couldn't help but think sometimes, people talked to much.
So, Where are we all from then? I've not heard of any of you and yet they chose only the best to be guardians for this mission.

2008-05-24, 07:56 PM
"I hail from the great forest to the west, and my travels are to protect it. I seek a clan of Dwarves claiming to be from across the endless sea, they defaced the forest for mere minerals. The druidic circle I was part of destroyed that force, but I seek out the rest.

2008-05-24, 08:51 PM
"I come from a small city, which is of little importance. My life was naught but a joke before I entered the church of St.Cuthbert. The church trained me to keep the balance and seek out justice wherever it is needed. I have traveled the planes of Baator, and battled alongside some of the bravest warriors the world has ever known. Now, I seek to spread the word of the Cudgel through acts of valor."

2008-05-25, 12:16 AM
"Well, I come from a small town nearby. In an attack by an army of orcs and ogres, I destroyed and crushed so many of the enemy that they retreated in panic. They never returned. As for why I was accepted? Well, I cannot claim to be the strongest puppet master in the world. My master stands above me," his smile falters for just a second "and some others may as well. But I am a prodogy, mastering in less than twenty years what takes a life time for others. I have slowed down this last year, and I hope this trip will change that. If I can continue at the speed I was learning before, I will soon bypass all others who may claim themselves as the strongest among puppet masters!"

2008-05-25, 01:34 PM
"Well, I am going for a swim. See you guys later."
With that Krum dives off the side of the ship, shifting to a dolphin as he does. He goes under, then jumps out doing all kinds of flips, jumps and other tricks. He hasn't been in the water for ages, so this is a great experience.

2008-05-25, 01:44 PM
"Very well then. I shall go see about setting up a workshop. I will require somewhere to work on and repair my puppets." With that, the halfling turns away on the giant and will look for anyone in charge.

2008-05-25, 03:28 PM
Lirith watches the showy dolphin for a moment enjoying the show before deciding he should best head on the ship. Lirith heads aboard to look for the captain to report in.

2008-05-25, 08:36 PM
As Lirith watches, there is a flurry of activity on the ship. A pair of sailors carry a long board out and fit it into a section of the ship designed for that purpose. They then swing the boarding ramp down to the ground. This done, they step aside, allowing a clear view of a grizzled, immensely muscular and tanned man, clearly the captain. Clearing his throat, he begins to orate in a deep, loud voice. "Greetings all, and thank you for seeing us off on this fine day! We have finished preperations, and are ready to take on the rest of our crew before we sail off! Everyone who doesn't want to get left behind should board now!" He turns away and walks back onto the ship, disappearing from sight. Looking around, you can see numerous people, all carrying themselves with airs of skill, moving towards the ship.

2008-05-25, 10:05 PM
The halfling looks over the crowd moving towards the ship. So many of them. Ha ha. I doubt many are as good as they seem to think they are. His grin returns as he moves towards the boarding plank. "Excuse me, I have need to be on board this ship. If you don't mind, I need a bit more room." The giant puppet stomps through the crowd, parting the people as it passes.

2008-05-26, 05:44 AM
That halfling sure does have high opinion of himself, Still that's not always a bad thing. Lirith heads over to the boarding plank and boards the ship, making sure to stay within range of the halfling and his puppet.

2008-05-26, 11:46 AM
Mason follows the halfling in silence, taking in the large numbers of guardians that he hadn't noticed on shore. He wonders how many of them are as competent as they carry themselves, and chooses to stay close to Lirith, whom he already has confidence in. The crowd parts in front of the imposing man, and he finds his way onto the ship without any difficulty. He bows and salutes the captain of the ship before exploring the deck of the impressive Dragonbyrd.

2008-05-26, 12:56 PM
Lirith walks with Mason before striking up conversation; So then Mason whats your thoughts on all this so far? I think we're in for a hard time.

2008-05-26, 02:01 PM
"I suspect the trip will be far from a vacation. A ship of this size is sure to draw attention, and the amount of protection that has been hired tells me that the captain has the same worries as I do. I think we must be constantly on guard, never let anything come between us and the job we were hired to do."

2008-05-26, 02:09 PM

Then we are agreed on something... Good. I think we need to have a meeting with the captain. Us four and him. Find out what he expects.

2008-05-26, 06:15 PM
"Not a bad idea at all, my friend. I'll find the captain and request an audience if you could find the others. I believe Jirard, the halfling, mentioned finding a lab for his creations, and the druid appears to have turned into a dolphin."

Mason nods to Lirith before setting off, looking for the captain of the vessel. He asks those around him if they know where the captain lodges, and how he might find him.

Gather info.:[roll0]

2008-05-26, 08:11 PM
The halfling begins stearing the giant around the deck, asking where he can find the captain. When the satyr finds him and explains the plan he agrees quickly. "Very well. It may be prudent to speak to the captain together. We can handle all the questions and requirements at the same time."

Just a quick gather info check to see if I can find the captain. [roll0] I'll let you apply any modifiers you feel appropriate for me stomping around on a mechanical giant.

2008-05-31, 08:11 PM
After a bit of searching, the group finds the Captain, who is busy shouting directions to a group of men carrying a large, oblong object wrapped in oilcloth. "Watch it, Johnson! That slips, We're all doomed!" He laughs loudly, although it doesn't seem like a joke. He turns away from the struggling sailors, noticing you. "Ah, hello. You must be some of the guardians. Name's Arrack. What can I do for you?" He holds out a bear-like hand.

2008-06-01, 05:29 AM

Lirith steps forward and shakes the captains hand; I am Lirith. Yes I am a Guardian of your ship but I'd like to know a few things, maybe know is not the best time however, Lirith motions to all the business on board; However if we could perhaps meet up later we could have a chat about everything. What is you're expecting us to defend you from? And more importantly how much trouble will there be?

2008-06-01, 06:17 AM
Arrack's handshake is a brutal one, crushing Lirith's hand painfully. "Lirith eh? Pleased to meet you. As for things to defend against...that's kind of the point. We just don't know. This is an explorational voyage. It could be anything from sea beasties to flying beasties to native beasties, if we ever find land. Why do you think so many Guardians were taken on board?"

2008-06-01, 09:20 AM
The halfling politely nods at the captain when he extends his hand, but makes no move towards it. "Please forgive me captain, but I cannot reach from up here, and I do not beleave you have any need, or wish to shakes Wall's hand." he gestures at the puppet. At the captains words to Lirilith he covers a smirk. So many guardians. How many of the others would be able to match me? And the others here, I suppose. They seem fairly compitant as well.
"I have my own question for you though. Is there any way for me to procure a lab, or at least a room large enough to act as one? I will need somewhere to repair and upgrade my puppets as necessary. I simply need enough space to set up two tables at least and set the puppets around."

2008-06-01, 09:43 AM
Arrack tilts his head to the side at Jirard's unique request. "Hm...yes...I suppose you haven't visited your quarters yet? Each of the guardian's rooms has an add-on for personal use, which should be more than big enough for your needs."

2008-06-01, 10:26 AM
Mason listens intently to the captain's answers, and seems satisfied as a small smile breaks across his face. "I suppose that would be an obvious answer..." he thinks to himself.

"Thanks for taking the time to speak to us, sir. You obviously have your hands full. Perhaps you could point us in the direction of our personal quarters so we could get a bit more settled?"

2008-06-01, 04:23 PM
"Sure thing!" Arrack points in the direction of a staircase in the deck. "Just take those stairs down a floor and you'll be on the guardian level. You can pick your own rooms. They're all identical, so it doesn't really matter. Oh, and don't be so formal. We're gonna be facing the unknown, and if you don't know and treat the man beside you like a brother, then who knows? Could be your life." He laughs once again.

2008-06-01, 05:57 PM
Lirith looks over to the staircase and motions with his fellow guardians; Well then, shall we get settled in? If we're quick we can watch the ship pull away.

OOC; I am right in saying we are still in port?

2008-06-03, 03:56 PM
((assuming no one objects to going belowdecks))

The group goes down the staircase, following Arracks directions. Arrack was right; for ship lodgings the guardian's rooms are quite spacious. Each one is identical, with a bed or hammock, small table, chair, and larger, empty adjoining room. You see an assortment of groups like yourself conversing and picking rooms out.

2008-06-03, 05:29 PM

Lirith checks over his room and then, choosing to keep his equipment on him he heads out into the corridor and waits for the others to reappear from the quarters.

2008-06-03, 05:32 PM
Mason decides to use the room next to Lirith's, unbuckling his armor with care and laying it in the larger room. He puts the rest of the equipment near his armor before heading back into the hall to wait for his teammates.

2008-06-04, 09:25 PM
The halfling nods his thanks at the captain when he is told about the rooms. When they arive below decks, he chooses a room next to the big man and settles in. He carefully examines the empty room, ensuring that it is truely empty, then takes his bag of holding and begins removing some of the puppet materials within. He stacks planks of wood, sheets of thin stone and other puppet components carefully, ensuring that they will not be harmed by the ship's motion. His table is soon moved into the empty room by the giant and several tools are set on its surface. Finally, he removed the scrolls from his belt and stores those in the bag. Inspecting the room one final time, he nods, satisfied at the layout. He quickly re-mounts the giant and leaves his room to find the others waiting for him. "Greetings again. Do you find your rooms as acceptable as I find mine?"

2008-06-08, 06:28 AM
As you settle into your rooms and head out, a young man emerges from across the hall and nearly bumps into wall. At the last second, however, he agilely dodges aside. "Oh dear, I'm sorry, er, sir..." he looks up and sees Jirard. "Oh. I guess it wouldn't have mattered much. Oh well." You get a chance to examine him for a second. He is dressed in a simple outfit of nondescript cloth, and wears a likewise simple cloak of well-worn oil cloth. Only two things stand out about him: a truly immense hat that could qualify for a work of architecture, with a feather that looks like it came from a roc, and the magnificent rapier that hangs at his side. "My name is Sebastian. How about you guys?"

2008-06-08, 10:10 AM
Mason looks quizzically at the absurd hat, but shakes it off quickly. "I wish I could say that the hat was the most absurd thing I've seen here..." he thinks to himself. He steps forward and inclines his head to the strangely dressed man in respect.

You may call me Mason. The halfling controlling the enormous golem is known as Jirard, master puppeteer and my friend here is Lirith, a fine cleric. We are guardians of the Dragonbyrd, as I assume you are. If I may ask, what skills have earned you the right to protect this vessel?

2008-06-08, 10:35 AM
Sebastian smiles broadly. "Why, that's quite simple. Allow me to demonstrate." His arm and sword blur in wide arc for a second, moving across a wall before returning to the sheath. On said wall, a fairly complex carving of a halfling sitting atop a puppet, a satyr, and a large man appears. Although he seemed clumsy and foolish before, Sebastian's eyes show total focus during this time, although it lasts only about three seconds. "Satisfied of my skill?"

2008-06-08, 02:10 PM

Lirith looks over Sebastian. Hmm, Well I guess you show great skill yes, still it's not how well you control your blade its who you use it against. I for one only strike to evil. It is good to meet you. I hope we get on well. Lirith gestures towards the stairs; Well shall we head up on deck?

2008-06-08, 04:01 PM
Sebastian nods his head. "Of course. I would never raise my blade against an innocent, or someone who didn't deserve it." He looks to the stairs. "Yes. I think the boat will take off soon, and I wouldn't want to miss the launch."

2008-06-08, 04:44 PM
The halfling nods at the man exiting the room, expecting him to move on fairly quickly. When he intoduces himself, the halfling shakes his head and indulges in a little wave as he is introduced. When the thin man shows his skill though, the halfling starts actually showing interest. Crouching Wall down, he gets a closer look at the sketch. That is actually, quite good. I may be looking at another deserving of my respect...

"Fascinating. Your speed and control are quite amazing. You have the focus and minor hand control rivaling that of most artists, yet you can do so over the length of a sword. Most fumble when their tool is a mere pencil. Are you an artist yourself, or is this mearly something you have practiced for the express purpose of impressing those who doubt you?" He examines it closely. When the conversation continues, he spares a quick glance over "Myself, I use my puppets only in self defense. As those attacking me are rarely of the innocent nature, I beleave that I have indeed only wielded my puppets against those who are deserving of it. I will accompany you upon deck, if you wish. We may do well to ensure the launch goes well." Though why any would be so fascinated by it is beyond me.

2008-06-08, 06:00 PM
Sebastian nods. "Yes, I suppose you could say I'm something of an artist, although I prefer bladework. It's more of a hobby." he seems to listen for a second. "I'm interested in the launch because it's rather fitting to be up on deck when a ship launches. That's just the way I see things."

2008-06-13, 08:02 AM
You quickly make your way to the top of the deck. Sebastian says his goodbyes and heads off out of sight. The ship seems ready to depart, and Arrack is shouting orders like crazy. "Johnson, put that down! Dran, pull harder! Leeson, get that damn dolphin up on deck!" Krum gets back on deck. "ALRIGHT! Go!" The ship begins moving away from the docks, sailing out of port towards the great beyond of the horizon. A few hours pass. The sea is peaceful, for the moment. All of a sudden, the tranquility is interrupted by a series of loud crashing noises, the ship rocking as something heavy assaults it. A nearby sailor dashes to the side of the boat, looking over the side. He pulls back in horror, his face white with fear. "Kraken attack! Kraken attack!" Similar call are being sounded from all over the ship, and the Krakens are pulling themselves farther out of the water so as to get a good look at their chosen prey.

Alright, everyone roll initiative and post your actions.

2008-06-13, 10:25 AM

Mason turns around in alarm as the cries echo around the ship. A flash of panic crosses his mind before the calm of battle comes over him. He turns to the nearest Kraken, drawing his sword and advancing on it quickly. His blade flashes down three times in. quick succession, but his eyes are peeled for his allies. Mason wants to be sure of their locations lest they need help immediately.

I'll attack the nearest kraken if there's one within reach
Attack 1:[roll0]
Attack 2:[roll1]
Attack 3:[roll2]
Damage 1:[roll3]
Damage 2:[roll4]
Damage 3:[roll5]
Additional damage is needed if these Krakens are considered Evil.

2008-06-13, 10:31 AM
Let's try this again.
Crit Confirm:[roll1]
Crit Damage:[roll2]
Holy Damage 1:[roll3]
Holy Damage 2:[roll4]
Holy Damage 3:[roll5]

2008-06-13, 02:09 PM
Jirard stats: hp 75/75, AC 19
Wall: hp 96/96, AC 22
Colpo: hp 86/86, AC 22, main puppet

"Ha. Not even a few hours. They just couldn't wait for us, could they?" Seeing Mason move to intercept one of the kraken, the halfling calls out "Don't worry. I'll provide cover fire for the moment."

He crouches down on Wall's back and pulls another scroll off his waist. Unfurling it, he slides his fingers across and concentrates. Another cloud of smoke is released and suddenly an new puppet appears beside Wall. Smaller, but also human shaped, its right arm rises and a crossbow bow unfolds from the sides of its arm, while a bolt is suddenly pushed up from inside the arm. The arm begins tracking towards the kraken Mason is fighting, as the halfling calls out "You wished to meet the others, right? Well, this is Colpo. I admit he's not quite as impresive as Wall, but don't worry, he's a good archer to make up for it."

Full round action to summon and take control of Colpo. Declairing Colpo as my primary puppet. Attacks next round.

2008-06-13, 10:14 PM
Mason hacks into a nearby Kraken, landing a powerful blow. The Kraken rears back, before climbing higher onto the ship. Seeing an opportunity, Mason darts forward, plunging his blade hilt deep into the beast's eye before pulling back. The horrific scream of the pained Kraken echoes around the ship as it plunges back into the water. Mason has just enough time to feel good about himself before the Kraken's tentacles emerge from over the side, lashing forward towards him...

Tentacle 1: [roll0]
And Damage: [roll1]
Tentacle 2: [roll2]
And Damage: [roll3]

2008-06-14, 06:51 AM
Lirith runs over to the Kraken the others are attacking and seeing it fall into the water Lirith takes advantage of the momentary lapse and Heals Mason.

Init; [roll0]
Heal Check; Cure Moderate Wounds; [roll1]
Conc Check; [roll2]

2008-06-14, 07:38 AM
The Kraken angrily lurches towards you, slowly bringing its full strength to bear against you. All around, you hear shouts and cries as other groups of adventurers battle other Kraken. Steeling yourselves, you strike again at the Kraken...

expirement10K14 seems to be missing, so I'll continue with combat. The Kraken also has a very low initiative, so you guys go first.

2008-06-14, 11:17 AM
AC: 28 (realizing this is too low...hmmmm...) HP:132, Delayed Damage Pool:18

Mason nods his thanks to Lirith quickly before turning back on the beast. His sword, now dripping the blood of the kraken, feels light in his hands as he swings towards the monster. Mason knows that the kraken might take him under the waves if he cannot kill it quickly enough, so he mutters a quick prayer to St.Cuthbert and brings his blade around with new vigor.

I'll be using Divine Surge on his first attack for +8d8 damage. I'll also enter the Martial Spirit stance to heal 2 hit points on each successful attack.
Attack 1:[roll0]
Attack 2:[roll1]
Attack 3:[roll2]
Damage 1:[roll3]
Damage 2:[roll4]
Damage 3:[roll5]
Holy Damage 1:[roll6]
Holy Damage 2:[roll7]
Holy Damage 3:[roll8]
Divine Surge Damage:[roll9]

2008-06-14, 08:07 PM
Jirard: AC 19, hp 75/75
Wall: AC 22, hp 96/96
Colpo: AC 22, hp 86/86
Yeah, it occurs to me that maybe I should up Wall's AC.

The grins at Mason's attacks. "Well done, big man. Remind me to stay friends with you. I'll support from here, for now."

Spinning his hands, he quickly directs the crossbow puppet to aim at the massive creature, and fires off. A second later, the crossbow is cranked back and another bolt slides out of the arm into place.

Aiming at Mason's target if possible, but going after another in necessary.


2008-06-15, 05:16 AM
Lirith runs over to the Kraken and lays into the best way he knows how. Lets send this beast back to the void!

Attack [roll0]
Damage; [roll1]

OOC; Hmm Attack isn't my best bit....

2008-06-27, 07:37 PM
The Kraken roars once more, a hideous, loud hissing noise, before releasing the Dragonbyrd and plopping back into the ocean, drenching you all with a wave of water mixed with oily black blood. Looking around, you see similar sights all around as the other guardians fend off the other Krakens. Soon enough, the attack ends. Arrack strides across the deck, speaking with knots of guardians. He quickly reaches you. Up close, you see a large axe clutched in one of his hands, and he is covered from head to toe in black Kraken blood.. "HA! Those Krakens won't be messing with any more ships for a while. Good showing lads, I'm glad to have you aboard. We should have no problems on our voyage." He leaves as suddenly as he came, heading off towards another small group.

2008-06-28, 05:16 AM
Lirith cleans blood off his weapon before looking in the direction of Arrack,Well, he seems confident. If we were going to have no problems why all these defenders? Lirith looks over the edge of the ship and into the distance.

2008-06-28, 05:14 PM
The halfling sputters as he and his two puppets are covered in kraken blood and salt water. "Gaaa! This will need to be cleaned off quickly! This salt could cause terrible corrosion to Colpo. Urgh." Looking up at the captains approach, he manages a thin smile at the man, then turns to Lirith. "Maybe he know something we don't. Or maybe he figures that if we can drive off a bunch of kraken, we can handle anything." He begins looking over the puppets, gripping about the kraken blood in the joints and salt water on Colpo's firing mechanism.