View Full Version : Funny guy

Evil DM Mark3
2008-05-22, 06:19 AM
Who is, without any doubt, the funniest character anywhere anywhen?

My vote? Bluebottle from the Goons.

2008-05-22, 06:38 AM
Epic Fail Guy, of course!

2008-05-22, 06:47 AM
I think the only characters I've ever laughed out loudly at are Homer Simpson and Prof. Farnsworth.

Homer is a stupid stereotype in most ways, but in some of the more bizarre episodes he has incredibly funny lines. The way he screams is incredibly funny to me for some reason.

Farnsworth - Old people are hilarious. The mad scientist part is just a bonus. I think someone posted this before, or maybe it's deja vu.

2008-05-22, 06:51 AM
I think the only characters I've ever laughed out loudly at are Homer Simpson and Prof. Farnsworth.

Homer is a stupid stereotype in most ways, but in some of the more bizarre episodes he has incredibly funny lines. The way he screams is incredibly funny to me for some reason.

Farnsworth - Old people are hilarious. The mad scientist part is just a bonus. I think someone posted this before, or maybe it's deja vu.

Best Homer Quote "Look do you want it done right or do you want it done fast"

2008-05-22, 07:21 AM
I'm gonna go with Edmund Blackadder. Probably the Second.

2008-05-22, 07:31 AM


2008-05-22, 07:56 AM
Spider Robinson

2008-05-22, 09:29 AM
Homer simpson or Proff. Membrane
homers best line(paraphrased)
"We're goning to do this the simpson way"
"isn't that just the wrong way?"
But faster!
heh, sounds funnier

2008-05-22, 01:39 PM
Any given Gumby (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=IIlKiRPSNGA&feature=related).

2008-05-22, 02:13 PM
I second Bluebottle, though Eccles and Major Bloodknock are hilarious also... In fact, all the goon show characters are the funniest guys ever.

2008-05-22, 02:33 PM
Homer simpson or Proff. Membrane
homers best line(paraphrased)
"We're goning to do this the simpson way"
"isn't that just the wrong way?"
But faster!
heh, sounds funnier

Homer, having recently changed his name to Max Power: "There are three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way or the Max Power way."

Lisa (or was it Bart?): "Isn't the Max Power way just the wrong way?"

Homer Max: "Yes, but faster!"

Now, if only I could remember Marge's new names...Chesty LaRouix and something something...

- M

Evil DM Mark3
2008-05-22, 03:04 PM
I second Bluebottle, though Eccles and Major Bloodknock are hilarious also... In fact, all the goon show characters are the funniest guys ever.

Hehehe. One of my favourates:

Eccles: Knock Knock
Bluebottle: Who is that there?
Eccles: Its me, Eccles!
Seagoon: Its him, Eccles!
Bluebottle: Come in my good man.
*Extended sounds, including banging, rattling and a horn*
Eccles: I can't open da door.
Bluebottle: Eccles you twit, you turn the knob on the side.
Eccles: I haven't got a knob on my side.
Seagoon: On the side of the door you nit!
Eccles: OK!
*More or less the same extended sounds*
Eccles: OK fellas, i'm in, whats next?
Blubottle: We all goes out and finds that Morinarti man!

2008-05-22, 03:44 PM
Homer, having recently changed his name to Max Power: "There are three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way or the Max Power way."

Lisa (or was it Bart?): "Isn't the Max Power way just the wrong way?"

Homer Max: "Yes, but faster!"

Now, if only I could remember Marge's new names...Chesty LaRouix and something something...

- M

Chesty LaRouix, Busty St. Claire, and Hootie McBoob.

"Good night, Homer."
"Good night, Hootie."
"Let go of those."

2008-05-23, 02:47 AM

"If anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry dome!"
(later seen moping around a glass dome throwing his hands in the air and muttering to himself)

"Goodbye cruel world!
Goodbye cruel velvet drapes lined with what would appear to be some kind of cruel muslin, with the cute little pom-pom curtain pulls, cruel though they may be..."

Leela: Professer isn't it time for your nap?
Professer: Yes Damnit! (falls asleep)

"Yes, there's no safer occupation than mining. Especially when you're on a snowball whipping through space at a million miles an hour! Whoo whoo whoo whoooo! Safe!"

"Oh, yes, madness runs in our family. Some people even called ME mad? And why? Because I dared to dream of creating a race of atomic monsters... atomic supermen with octagonal bodies that suck the blood right out of..." (trails off as he leaves the room)

Leela: Is this some sort of brain scanning device?
Farnsworth: Some sort, yes. In France, it's called a guilloutine.
*Leela's head nearly gets chopped off.*
Leela: Professor! Can't you examine my brain without removing it?!
Farnsworth: Yes, easily.

"Sure, everyone's always in favor of saving Hitler's brain, but put it in the body of a great white shark... oooooh, suddenly you've gone too far!"

"Good news! It's a suppository."

More here (http://www.peelified.com/cgi-bin/Futurama/11-000411-1/)

EDIT: Needs more Farnsworth.

"Oh dear. She's caught in an infinite loop and he's an idiot. Well, that's love for you."

Fry: "Wait a second. I know that monkey! His name is 'Donkey'."
Professor: "Monkeys aren't donkeys. Quit messing with my head!"


"Now now, perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything."

2008-05-23, 07:30 PM
Farnsworth is definately a great character, but Homer is a close second. I sometimes find Zoidberg better because I can often relate to him. Gotta love Futurama.

Raiser Blade
2008-05-23, 07:55 PM

"My common sense is tingling!"