View Full Version : Calling All Clones IC - Beta

Duke of URL
2008-05-22, 09:25 AM
Graduation Daycycle, 0915

It's been a long, grueling time, going through this additional training, but the end is now in sight. And the benefits are worth it, too, a promotion to Red clearance! Clearly you have earned the trust of The Computer. Life is only going to be easier from here on out!

You look around, seeing the other dozen or so fellow citizens who have made it this far with you. Some workers from PLC start moving among the class, presenting each of you with your new (well, new-ish) Red jumpsuit to replace your infrared-clearance black one. The presiding officer, Quentin-Y-4, starts a speech welcoming you to your new responsibilities in the glorious service to The Computer, when a messenger comes into the room and starts whispering into his ear. Quentin-Y-4 calls out a few members of the class, including you, to step into the next room with the messenger.

The messenger says nothing, but hands each of you a note, and a box. The note reads:

Friend Citizen!

Congratulations on attaining Red clearance! The Computer is pleased with your efforts and wishes to remind you that [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS]. Because of this, The Computer has determined that from this day forward, you shall be reassigned to the ranks of its most trusted Troubleshooters.

Please report to briefing room TQW-32A12 at 0930 today for your first assignment.

Each box contains standard Troubleshooter gear:

1 Laser Pistol
2 Laser Barrels (red)
1 Reflec Armor (red)
25 plasticreds

The time is now 0925, and TQW sector is at least 10 minutes away.

2008-05-22, 09:32 AM

Reginald takes the supplies given to him and begins his trek to the meeting room. Once out of the current room, he will begin running. Friend computer would not like it if he were late.

2008-05-22, 10:55 AM
ERS-R-1 enters the next room and resignedly reads the message. Finished, she strips out of her infra-red jumpsuit and slips into her new red one, pulls her reflec armor over that, and attaches the laser barrel to her new blaster before sheathing it at her belt.

That done she quickens her pace and tries to think of a shortcut.

For GM eyes only

Dutchess of URL
2008-05-22, 01:37 PM
WILY-R-01 leaves the room to examine the contents of the box. She smiles knowing that the computer knows that she can be trusted and quickly heads to the assigned room.

2008-05-23, 05:46 AM

Spark smiles softly as he reads the note, taking the box with him as his other classmates and himself are lead into the next room. He quickly pulls on his new jumpsuit and Reflec Amour as he pockets the Plasticreds. With a soft ‘click’ he eases a Laser Barrel onto his Pistol, not wanting to be unprepared for his first mission.

He makes his way to the service areas between this sector and sector TQW, areas that he’d known a bit from his repair work in Power Services, hoping that his knowledge of the service areas as well as his quickness would scrape off the extra minutes needed to reach the briefing room in time to report for his first assignment. He was proud to be so lucky to have an assignment so quickly, and he hoped that his work would please The Computer.

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-26, 09:35 PM

Janis quickly pulls on his new jumpsuit and dons his Reflec Armor, counting the seconds as they pass. Jamming the plasticreds and a laser barrel in his pocket, he walks briskly out of the room. Once in the hall, he begins running as he finishes affixing the barrel to his laser pistol, and heads toward TQW sector the fastest way he knows how.

GM Only

Duke of URL
2008-05-28, 12:06 PM
Briefing Room TQW-32A12, 0934

Panting and sweating from racing to the briefing room, each of you arrives not more than a few seconds apart. The room is spacious, with a lone, distinguished looking man in a green jumpsuit sitting at one end with a small table in front of him. He is reviewing a small stack of computer printouts and doesn't even look up as you enter the room.

A quartet of blue-clad Vulture Squadron guards lean against the opposite wall (where the door is), and one of them sneers, "try to be on time in the future, cherries, if you survive that long.".

An awkward silence follows, until finally the man at the far end looks up. He speaks with a pronounced lisp. "Oh, you're here... ith it that time already?" He stands and starts pacing back and forth in front of the five of you. "I am Travith-G-5, and am pleathed, quite pleathed, to thee that theveral of you were memberth of the armed forthes before becoming troublethooerth. Great thervith branch... buildth character! And, ath for you otherth... well... try and learn from the real cloneth on your team.

"Your athhinement will be to deliver this package," he gestures to a small case sitting on the table, "to Mithhelle-G-4 of HPD&MC in thector NQQ. Be thure to let no one exthept Mithhelle-G-4 thee ithh contenth or in any other way hinder the delivery. You may now thpeak, and I will anthwer your quethionth about thith mithhion."

2008-05-28, 01:25 PM

Reginald snaps to a quick salute, as only an armed forces trained troubleshooter can.

"You have my personal gaurantee that no one will gain access to this box save for Mithelle-G-4" he says, without a hint of a smile as he mimics the lisp.

Dutchess of URL
2008-05-28, 02:27 PM

She silently accepts the mission with a nod and is planning her best course of action.

2008-05-28, 02:45 PM

Thank you sir, says ERS. Is there anything in particular we need to know about the package in order to ensure that it reaches its destination safely and with minimal civilian casualties?

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-28, 02:48 PM

Janis nods a little violently, keeping his mouth tightly shut and his hands behind his back.

2008-05-28, 08:42 PM

“Yes, of course…” Spark takes a moment catching his breath, not at ease with the Vulture Squad in the room, but not showing anything but the utmost happiness to be doing the mission.

Duke of URL
2008-05-29, 01:34 PM
Travis-G-5 glares at Reginald-R-1, shuffles through his papers, and makes an annotation on one while muttering "inthubordinate".

Anyone who cares to check may notice that he marks this on Janis-R-1's sheet, not on Reginald-R-1's.

"Ah," he says, looking at ERS-R-1, "very good quethion, Wily-R-1. Unfortunately, that informathion ith clathhified. Juthh keep it out of the handth of anyone exthept yourthelveth... and the rethipient, of courth!"

He refers again to his printouts. "Before you go, we need to have a team thructure in plathe. Firtht ith Mithhion Leader, that would be you, ERTH-R-1," he says, handing Janis-R-1 a bag containing a half dozen extra red laser barrels. Then he turns to Reginald-R-1. "Thpark-R-1, you are the Communicationth and Recording Offither," he continues, handing Reginald-R-1 a Multicorder Mark I.

To Janis-R-1, he says, handing over a filled-out requisition form, "Reginald-R-1, you are the Equipment Offither. It ith your duty to see after all equipment ithhued your team."

Perception DC 15 check to notice that Travis-G-5 slipped an additional note to Janis-R-1 along with the requisition form

"Wily-R-1," he says to Spark-R-1, "you are the Hygiene Offither." Spark-R-1 is given a hygiene kit. "And finally, our Loyalty and Happinethh Offither ith Janith-R-1," said to ERS-R-1, who receives a small supply of mixed pills.

10 doses of Gelgerine (Inner Happiness), 5 doses of Visomorpain (Little Black Friend), 5 doses of Sandallathon(Sleepy-Sleepy), 10 doses of Xanitrick (Wakey-Wakey), and 5 doses of Pyroxidine (Wide-Awake)

"Now, it ith time for you to complete your mithhion! Let nothing delay or hinder you, and keep watch for thothe who might theek to dithrupt thith important delivery!"

2008-05-29, 01:47 PM

"Have you reassigned our names as well, friend Travis? You seem to be referring to us as names that we were not given previously. For instance, you referred to me as Spark-R-1 and my name is Reginald-R-1. Or it was before you reassigned it to that person there..." he points to Janis.

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-29, 01:53 PM

Janis quickly pockets his papers, and says hesitantly (without making eye contact with anyone for more than a moment), "I'm sure Travis-G-5 has a very good reason for everything he does, and-and it's not your place to question him!" Janis' voice get more confident as he speaks the last few words.

Duke of URL
2008-05-29, 01:56 PM
Travis-G-5 pays no attention to Reginald-R-1. The Vulture Squad team stops leaning against the walls, and look even more menacing than before.

2008-05-29, 02:09 PM

ERS nods. That's right friend Spark-R-1. As Team Leader I won't have one of my subordinates delaying our glorious mission for such a trivial manner, especially one that's obviously based on their own delusions. I'm afraid your happiness levels are of insufficient quantity, please take these. Her eyes are on Reginald as she speaks, and she hands him not one but two doses of Sandallathon. She then gives Janis a pointed look and speaks in a flat tone while holding out the remaining supply of medicine. Trade friend Janis.

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-29, 02:22 PM

Whatever you say, friend.
Janis hands over the bag of extra laser barrels, and accepts the medkit.

2008-05-29, 02:27 PM

ERS flashes a smile at Janis. Looking quizzically at the bag with no handles, she holds her laser pistol to it and shoots a hole in each side, and then slips her arm through the new holes so that it fits securely about her shoulder.

2008-05-29, 02:32 PM

"As my name is Reginald and I am the Equipment officer for this mission, I will see to it that all equipment is redistributed to the correct official, once we leave this office... Please, let us leave now before we delay the mission any more." he says, clutching the pills in his hand.

2008-05-29, 04:17 PM

Spark glances at the Vulture Squad.
“We can sort things out on the way, we have a mission to do!” He says firmly, nodding thankfully to Travis-G-5 before heading towards the door, waiting a bit for the team. He’s slightly confused by all of this, but has good faith that Friend Computer is just testing them on their first mission and that petty squabbling will be looked down upon as well as lingering here too long. The Vulture Squad is also really making him nervous, though he’s trying to not let it show as he smiles warmly to the rest of his group, gesturing to the door.

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-29, 04:19 PM

Janis looks grateful at the chance to leave, and heads for the door.

2008-05-29, 05:09 PM

ERS goes out into the hallway as well. Alright, Spark, you take point, Reginald, center, you other two guys, right and left flank, and Janis, you're with me in the rear. Oh and take your pills Reginald, your hallucinations are doubtless a symptom of insomnia.

2008-05-29, 08:18 PM

Spark Nods to ERS, moving to the front of the group as they file out of the office.
“Name’s Spark, as he said. Glad to be working with you all. Oh, Janis, anything on the Requisition sheet that we need to pick up? If we’re going to be issued supplies we should acquire them before heading to sector NQQ.” He says turning back, remembering that Travis-G-5 handed Janis the requisition forms before heading out. Spark looks considerably more comfortable to be out of that room, understandably.
“I’m not that bad with a Multicorder, mind passing it to the front so that we don’t miss anything? I think I was supposed to be the Comm. officer, but I’m not too sure on that.”

2008-05-29, 08:21 PM

"'Corder's all yours. Name's Reginald... Used to be in the Armed Services." He nods to Spark, handing him the Mulirecorder. He slowly raises the pills to his mouth, speaking just before he puts them in... "I believe I'm the equipment officer for this mission. Let's make sure we all know what we're supposed to have..." and he swallows the pills.

WTF does that do to me?

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-29, 08:59 PM

I believe these are supposed to be yours, then, Reginald, says Janis as he hands over the requisition papers (but not the other note, which he left in his pocket). He is also visibly more comfortable out of the presence of the higher-ups.

Dutchess of URL
2008-05-29, 09:01 PM

Still is saying nothing. Just watching her fellows and accepting whatever is given.

Duke of URL
2008-05-30, 10:37 AM
Reginald-R-1 is unable to take the offered papers, because seconds after swallowing the pills, he collapses into a heap on the ground.

2008-05-30, 12:32 PM

ERS takes the requisition papers and reads over them, and then nods over at Spark. You can carry him.

2008-05-30, 03:28 PM

“It’ll be a little challenging to keep Reginald up and I’m not sure if I can keep point with him, but I’ll try.” Spark pockets what he’s holding to help Reginald up, easing his shoulder under Reginald’s arm for support.

Dutchess of URL
2008-05-30, 08:15 PM

Wily-R-01 edges closer to the "sleeping" Reginald-R-01, slowly and carefully removing his laser pistol and looking for any concealed weapons he may or may not be carrying. "If you'd like, I can help lighten the load. Allow me to remove all of Reginald's burdens. This should make him much easier for you to carry."

2008-05-30, 09:04 PM

“Thanks, but the weight of a pistol isn’t going to make much difference. He’ll probably need his gear when he comes to and it wouldn’t do us any good to have someone else holding it. If you want to shoulder the other arm though, that might help.” Spark replies, shifting a bit as he walks, supporting Reginald.
“And unless we can get him up and to his feet, this is going to be a long walk.”

2008-05-30, 09:20 PM

Friend Spark, it doesn't help unit teamwork when you refuse the helpful assistance of your teammate. She nods over to Wily. You can take that pistol. And if you can't walk fast enough, I suggest you run. I'm afraid we can't delay the mission due to your personal technical difficulties. Now move out people! As soon as she reads the paper to find out where exactly she's going, ERS directs her team there.

2008-05-31, 01:53 AM

Sighs a bit, hurrying up.
“Certainly. If you’d like to help I’d more than appreciate it, Janis. If you could hold his Reflec Armor, that would help as well. Unit teamwork is a priority that I should work on a bit.” He turns to Janis, smiling a bit. His experience with teamwork being a bit different as a troubleshooter than in previous experiences, but he quickly adjusts. He pulls out the Multicorder, making sure that it’s on and running, not wanting to neglect his duties as they quickly head out.

Dr Bwaa
2008-05-31, 03:02 PM

Janis scurries to help Spark with Reginald.

2008-05-31, 03:08 PM

Reginald snores. Loudly.

Dutchess of URL
2008-05-31, 08:44 PM

Wily takes Reg's pistol and conceals it inside her uniform. She nods at her fellows and quickly follows ERS before she is made to help carry the sleeping Reginald-R-01.

Duke of URL
2008-06-03, 07:45 AM
(( No other actions, then? Okay, on to our next stop... PLC. ))

PLC, 1012

You arrive without incident at PLC to receive the rest of your equipment. As expected, the place is crowded with clones, mostly infrared, requesting various pieces of equipment. You spot a sign on the wall that reads ALL REQUESTS ARE HANDLED IN THE ORDER THAT THEY ARE RECEIVED. Fortunately, despite the crowd, there doesn't seem to be much of a line... perhaps the infrareds are steering clear of the gang of troubleshooters (one of whom looks to be "wounded") who just marched in.

(( You may present your requisition form. Also, any personal shopping using the equipment list in the rulebook may be requested. I'm not saying you'll be guaranteed to get it, but you can always request it... ))

2008-06-03, 03:01 PM

ERS looks around thoughtfully, and then hands a single plasticred to Spark. Get me a bag of algae chips while you're on line please, Friend troubleshooter. Meanwhile I need to perform an exciting bonus inspection on that cleaning bot, I'm not sure that it's operating at maximum efficiency. With that she steps over to the cleaning bot and kneels down over it while the others are on line.

2008-06-03, 05:59 PM

Spark nods to ERS, not minding the wait as he moves to wait in line, still shouldering Reginald.
“Mind helping Reginald over to a wall while I make requests?” He asks Janis.
“If you have the Creds, I can also request things up for you so that you don't need to wait in line as well. Also, that may help to speed things up.” He offers, not wanting to make the line longer than it needs to be.
“Oh, and do you want me to request anything for you as well, Reginald?” He asks his unconscious teammate, not wanting to be neglectful.

2008-06-03, 06:09 PM

Reginald snores.

Dr Bwaa
2008-06-03, 06:57 PM

Sure thing. Could you get me a Bouncy Bubble Beverage while you're up there?

Janis hands over three plasticreds, and then begins carrying/dragging Reginald over to the nearest wall.

Dutchess of URL
2008-06-05, 10:42 AM

She walks around the periphery of the room, with a look that makes the IRs do everything in their power to stay away. They know she is a troubleshooter and seems to think that she already knows more about them than they want anyone to even suspect.

In the meanwhile, all she is trying to do is to scope out the area activities assigned by friend computer.

Duke of URL
2008-06-05, 11:17 AM
The Infrareds in line budge aside to let Spark-R-1 through. The infrared clerk at the window reads off a card taped to the wall in a flat, emotionless monotone, not even pausing at sentences. "Greetings friend citizen my name is Teresa-2 I am here to serve you how may I be of assistance to you today."

2008-06-07, 06:17 PM

Spark smiles to Teresa-2 as he moves to the window.
“Greetings friend Teresa. I’m Spark-R-1 and I’m here to request a Bag of Algae Chips, two cans of Bouncy Bubble Beverage, and a Happiness Energy Bar.” He pulls out a few Plasticreds before pausing for a moment as though he forgot something before continuing.
“Also our Troubleshooting Team has a Requisition form…”He turns to glance over at Janis, waving him over to hand over the Requisition forms assigned to them.

Dr Bwaa
2008-06-07, 07:06 PM

Janis hurries over after hastily stuffing Reginald against the wall, and hands over the forms. "Here they are."

2008-06-07, 07:33 PM

“Thank you, friend Janis.“ Spark nods warmly to Janis, taking the forms and glancing them over.
“This Requisition form.” He smiles to Teresa, handing over the form.

Duke of URL
2008-06-09, 07:22 AM
Teresa-2 hands over a bag of (slightly crushed) algae chips, the two cans of bouncy bubbly beverage, and the happiness bar. She then takes the requisition form and starts typing in the requisition ID number into her terminal.

Just then, the door bursts open and a heavily armed Blue Vulture squadron comes stomping in, heading straight for the head of the line. The infrareds in the area start stampeding...

Literally. Everyone except Spark and Janis make three Reflex saving throws (vs. DC 10) to avoid being trampled by the Infrareds. Well unless you want to open fire on them or something, because I'm sure that will help calm the situation down.

Reginald, you can attempt a new Fortitude save (this time against DC 14) to wake up from the commotion before the reflex checks. If you succeed, roll a second Fortitude save against the same DC to shake off any "grogginess" from the drug.)

... as the elite troops march unheedingly straight for where Spark and Janis are.

2008-06-09, 07:29 AM
C'mon.... wakey time... [roll0] and if that succeeds [roll1]

2008-06-09, 09:06 AM

ERS jumps up from where she was examining the cleaning bot, backs up to the wall, and begins opening fire on the infrareds.

Dutchess of URL
2008-06-09, 08:11 PM


Wily dodges all of the infrareds with ease. She almost laughs at the sight, but is still watching out for her "team".

2008-06-10, 02:56 PM

Spark nods warmly, picking up the things that Teresa sets out as she starts to input the requisition number. He turns, a bit hesitant as he hears Laser Fire and people panicking behind him. Seeing the Blue Vulture Squadron he quickly turns back to the requisition officer, not saying anything yet to keep from distracting her

Duke of URL
2008-06-12, 11:34 AM
ERS-R-1 fires into the crowd, which scatters, driving more infrareds toward Wily-R-1 and Reginald-R-1.

ERS, make an attack/damage roll to see if you hit anyone. Wily/Reginald, one more reflex save, please.

Two of the Vulture Squadron members turn immediately toward ERS-R-1, start moving toward her, and draw their weapons as one of them barks out, "drop the weapon and explain yourself, citizen!"

The other two heavily armed troopers march straight up to the requisition desk. One shoves Spark-R-1 out of the way while the other thrusts a requisition form at Teresa-2. Despite the large, bulky build, he has a small, squeaky voice that nevertheless carries the full authority of one accustomed to getting what he wants. "We're in a hurry. Fill this now." Teresa-2 says nothing but starts working on teh new form immediately.

2008-06-12, 11:46 AM
[roll0] Reflex

Reginald blinks heavily a few times, fighting off the effects of the pills before standing upright and sees the mass of infrareds coming at him. He attempts to duck and weave out of the way, reaching for his pistol, only to find that it isnt there. He growls softly and begins throwing punches to keep people off of him.

Unarmed combat is a +5. [roll1] ... not sure how much damage i deal atm. but there's an attack roll if you need it.

2008-06-12, 12:55 PM


ERS drops her pistol and snaps off a crisp salute. Sir. Those citizens were engaging in unlawful disorderly conduct as outlined in section 891-L, paragraph Z. Furthermore, judging by their panicked and terrified expressions, their happiness was at treasonously low levels. Their execution was necessary and just.

Duke of URL
2008-06-13, 06:30 AM
One infrared lies seriously wounded on the floor, while another is dead from the laser blast. At ERS-R-1's explanation, the other soldier backs off slightly.

"Hmmph. Disorderly or not, next time, try to resolve the situation without wasting precious resources," he says, gesturing to the corpse on the floor. "Who's your team leader?"

I rolled a Fast Talk check for ERS, 17 after modifiers -- lucky, because you probably should have gotten plugged for that one.

By the way, did anyone actually take the package y'all are supposed to be delivering?

2008-06-13, 12:08 PM

ERS bows her head. Of course, sir. Our team leader is ERS-R-1. She gestures to her nametag. That's me sir.

2008-06-13, 05:42 PM

Respectfully keeps his distance from the Vultures, making sure not to shake or drop anything as he waits patiently on the side. He knows how important the Vulture’s Mission must be, as well as how dangerous they can be. With a warm smile he waits patiently for the new forms to be finished before his, checking to make sure the Visible Light Program function is currently working on the issued Multicorder Mk 1 that is still clipped to his belt. He puts the Happiness Energy Bar and Algae Chips away in one of the many pouches his belt has as he carefully holds the two cans of Bouncy Bubble Beverage.

Dutchess of URL
2008-06-13, 08:48 PM

reflex3 - [roll0]

Wily-R-01 slides out of the way of the new infrareds running towards her, slightly concerned for her safety. She glares at ERS.

Duke of URL
2008-06-17, 07:18 AM
The vulture soldier stares at ERS-R-1 for a second and then breaks out in a humorless laugh. "You are the team leader? Oh, man, are the rest of you guys in so much trouble! Okay, Leader, clean up this mess and try to save that one," he waves in the general direction of the wounded infrared, "before he dies too. So what's your big important mission, anyway?" Not that he seems to be waiting for an answer, as up at the counter, a box arrives from the back storeroom; the Vulture leader takes it and starts to leave, with the other three soldiers following him out of PLC.

2008-06-17, 02:03 PM

ERS sighs miserably. Yes sir, of course sir. We uhh, have to deliver a package, sir.

She glances around with a frown. Where is our package anyway? Friend Spark, let me see that multirecorder, I need to look over the transcripts and find out what happened to our package.

2008-06-19, 06:43 PM

Spark moves back into place in front of the now empty window.
“Yes, of course, here. It started recording after we got outside when I received it.”
He fiddles with the Multicorder a bit, getting it to playback mode, or the best he can get it to, before handing it over to ERS.

(OOC: Sorry bout the long delay, GitP Wouldn't load for me for some reason.)

Duke of URL
2008-06-26, 01:36 PM
(( Ok.. no one else wants to act? ))

A review of the multicorder clearly shows not only that the team has left the package in the briefing room, but it also plainly shows Travis-G-5 slipping a note to Janis-R-1.

Meanwhile, Teresa-2 clears her throat discreetly, as a box arrives from the storeroom and now sits on the counter.

Dr Bwaa
2008-06-26, 04:52 PM

I suppose now is as good a time as any to ask you to explain that note, please, Reginald, says Janis quickly. I was going to wait until all of us were somewhere a little more private to ask you, but this will have to do. Here it is, he says, producing a crumpled note, and as it doesn't make any sense to me, I have to assume he meant it for you, along with the requisition papers.

2008-06-26, 06:09 PM

ERS frowns darkly as she watches the recording. She speaks thoughtfully and carefully. Friend Spark, I need to speak with you in Private. Bring the Multicorder as well. The rest of you... she waves her blaster at the corpse and the wounded infrared, causing the latter to cringe. Clean up that mess, eh? She steps out into the hallway and finds a secluded alcove.

2008-06-26, 06:49 PM

"Hmm, yes, I will look into this. I wonder what it is." He says, reaching for the note.

2008-06-28, 06:39 AM

"Thank you.”
Spark smiles warmly to Teresa, accepting the box as he glances though it, handing her several plasticreds for the rest of the supplies. He then turns and follows ERS with the Multicorder, handing Janis that bottle of Bouncy Bubble Beverage as he passes.

2008-07-02, 07:28 AM

"It is clearly an access code or password that will be needed on our mission." He says, folding the note and tucking it into his pants pocket. "Now, I have been out of commission, what have we managed to accomplish?" He looks around for his teammates, picking them out easily by their red jumpsuits.

Duke of URL
2008-07-02, 09:01 AM
When Spark-R-1 looks in the box, he can tell something is clearly wrong. There is a bottle with a blue-striped label reading "Benetridin", a blue-striped bullhorn, 8 blue laser barrels, and an oddly-shaped device (blue again) labeled "Mr. Nuke".

Dr Bwaa
2008-07-02, 03:19 PM

We've just picked up our supplies and certain members of the group have just caused this nasty scene, Janis answers to Reginald with an over-the-shoulder look at ERS.

2008-07-03, 10:29 PM

“Err, excuse me for a moment, friend ERS, I have something I need to clear up about our package.”Spark quickly excuses himself, returning to the room after the short conversation and quickly heads over to Teresa at the counter, wanting to clear this up as soon as possible. He's quite fearful that they may have received the Vulture’s box on accident.

2008-07-03, 10:44 PM

ERS is whistling as she joins the others. She hands the multicorder back to Spark and then looks over the package. What's going on here? Have you cleaned up the garbage yet? She waves a hand idly at the ultraviolet bodies with her pistol.