View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 43: Froy vs. Arrows Fall

2008-05-22, 11:01 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 43: Froy vs. Arrows Fall


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Arrows Fall - SamtheCleric (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=3886)
Froy - Chile God (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=49745)

2008-05-23, 05:53 AM
Have at thee!


2008-05-24, 01:54 PM
Oh, wow. That was a bit quicker than I'm used to.

Init - [roll0]

2008-05-24, 02:04 PM
Arrows Fall - Round 1

[[No purchases cause I'm broke.]]

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Start in X13, Longbow in hand.

Swift Action: Activate Travel Devotion

Cast a Spell
Expeditious Retreat

Move to N9


Position: N9
HP: 9/9
AC: 19, Touch 15, FF 14
Spells: Blessed Aim, Shield of Faith, Expeditious Retreat
Guidance, Virtue, Resistance

Buffs: Travel Devotion 10/10, Expeditious Retreat 10/10

2008-05-24, 02:10 PM
No purchases because, well, 4.98g ain't going to go nowhere.

"Oh, and you too! The last guy didn't talk very much, all he did was hack me to pieces."

Start in B14, double-move to K14.
...In similar pattern to the last match. Froy's rather unoriginal.

2008-05-24, 02:45 PM
Arrows Fall - Round 2

"Oh, I can relate. I was stabbed in the face by a guy on a horse. No respect."

Swift Action: Move to H14

Fire an Arrow...
Damage [roll1]

Then move to J21.

2008-05-24, 02:46 PM
Confirming the critical...


Additional Damage if successful: [roll1]

2008-05-24, 02:47 PM
One last try... (im bad with this roller thing)


2008-05-24, 03:01 PM
Go ahead. Confirm that second natural 20 to see how many times you pierce a hole through Froy's brains with a single arrow.

2008-05-24, 04:25 PM
Haha, i don't think we do rolling crits here in the arena...



2008-05-24, 04:36 PM
We don't, and I don't think we do triple-20-insta-kills either. I just like to find out what would have happened if we did have those wacky rules.

In hindsight, the better course of action would have been to ready action to throw a torch when you attacked, but Froy would have had a 1/20 chance of hurting you anyway (go -2 to hit).

Either way, the arrow shoots through Froy's left eye and out the other side of his head, ricochets off of the wall and shoots back through Froy's right eye.

Well played. :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-24, 04:51 PM
And then Arrows burns the shield of faith for a cure light wounds.... [roll0] , shakes Froy's hand and goes to buy him a beer.


2008-05-24, 05:14 PM
Whoo beer!

Unfortunately, Froy is actually dead rather than just dying.
(7+13=20 damage total, Froy had 6hp, now -14hp.)

...Eh, technicalities. *Drinks beer*

2008-05-24, 05:16 PM
Poor beer in the gaping wound? :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-24, 07:52 PM
Initiate Ref Flymolo

Sammy the religious inclined wins the match and collects the spoils!

2008-05-24, 08:44 PM
Poor beer in the gaping wound? :smallbiggrin: I'd prefer good quality beer, but I suppose poor beer fits Froy better.

2008-05-24, 08:45 PM
I'd prefer good quality beer, but I suppose poor beer fits Froy better.

If I had a nickel for every time I screwed up a homonym...

2008-05-24, 08:56 PM
You'd have a nickel, right?

2008-05-24, 08:57 PM
You'd have a nickel, right?

Approximately. :smallbiggrin: