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2008-05-23, 02:27 PM
The man across the table of the bar shakes his head in agreement and hands over the agreed upon amount. Remember, we want you to clear out the keep itself, but keep the damage to a minimum. And while you can keep almost anything you happen to find, the deed is mine. The rest of the group is should be leaving by the west gate tomorrow. Good luck.
The man then set a few gold piece on the table and leaves, and several armed men follow him out. You finish your meal, and head up to your rooms, already thinking what to pack.

You hear the soft chirp of birds in the morning air, and know that you need to get on the road soon. You wearily get out of your tent and set about preparing to break camp. As you work, you remember that today is your last day on the road before you hit Drellin's Ferry and can get on with the job.

2008-05-23, 02:36 PM
Staring into my haversack, I go over the list of items in my head that I might need. Finally, I close up the Haversack. I think I'm set. Thinking of the treasure I might find I hop onto my cart. I'll be waiting here, so do what you need to do.

2008-05-23, 03:49 PM
Feeling weak I crawl out of the tent and take a breath of fresh air. Glancing around I feel uneasy as blue sockets stare blankly at me. "Hey there Shield, sleep well? haha..."-Lucky tool doesnt have to sleep....doesnt have to wake up, doesnt feel fatigue- I mumble as I drag myself upto a bowl of water. I cup my hands and splash some into my face.

2008-05-23, 03:52 PM
Hey Glyn, did you have nightmares or something? You look shakey. I hop off my cart and walk over to Glyn.

2008-05-23, 03:57 PM
Feeling fresh from the cool water, I finaly fully open my narrow, keen eyes. Deep, green starbursts reflect the bright sun's gaze.
"I'm just not a morning person, sorry. Hey, I left my shoes back in my tent could you get them for me?"

2008-05-23, 04:03 PM
Sure. I walk into Glyn's tent and pick up his shoes. They remind me of drow shoes, but only slightly. Leaving the tent I ask myself why I just ran an errand for a sorcerer, but put that negative thought aside by asserting that he was a fellow adventurer.

2008-05-23, 04:05 PM
Shield sat on a tree stump nearby, from which he had kept watch the night before. Eyes facing away from the fire, he thought, so as not to ruin his night vision. He remembered the training from his instructors all those years ago, and wondered if any of them were still alive. "Not Likely..." he muttered to himself, realizing that no human could still be alive after the 200 years he'd been away from Cyre.

He surveyed the tiny camp, taking stock of his current comrades: Korren was there, though that was to be expected: Shield hadn't left Korren's side for many years. The young man was his charge, ever since Shield had saved his life in that tavern many seasons past. The shorter companion that he'd known longer than any of the others, save Korren, Anji was rustling through his haversack. Though the target of much verbal abuse, Anji was a trusted companion to both Korren and Shield, and had helped them out of a tight spot more than once. Shield smiled in the general direction of "Short-stack."

The others, who had joined them at the tavern many nights ago, were completely unknown to him, though these past few days on the road, he had gotten to know them slightly better.

Shield checked the Fullblade at this side. The Warforged made it a point of pride to keep his weapon in perfect condition, though it required a lot of work to do so, seeing as how the past few months he'd done much more than his fair share of fighting. He glanced down at the long gash that remained in his chest from the fight with the Dark Elves and their ilk. The mark left on him from a raging warrior's greataxe stretched from his left shoulder down to his waist. "Not that it matters much," Shield thought to himself. He was a Warforged, a warrior created to fight, and he served no other purpose in his life yet to do so. And even for a Warforged, he fought well. That was the reason he'd been inducted into an honor guard for one of Cyre's many political figures. The memories of that part of his life came flooding back to him...A snow-covered valley...hulking behemoths of metal...a flood of snow...darkness...that voice...

Shield snapped out of his daze, and back into reality as the receding whispers of that voice left him. He hefted his weapon onto his back, and made ready to help the others break down camp.

"Rise and shine, comrades, we must depart soon so as to make the most of the daylight."

2008-05-23, 04:09 PM
I cast my gaze in Shield's direction. I had known Shield and Korren from several previous adventures where, although putting up with several annoying nicknames, I had a lot of fun. Shield! What's up? It's rare to see you in such deep thought.

2008-05-23, 04:14 PM
Grabbing the shoes that Anji handed me, these shoes were special, they were from my first kill, a drow, who had attacked me when I was younger. After putting on my shoes I turn to look behind to the voice that spoke. I relize that Shield may not be staring at me, but for his eyes which have no pupils have no indication of what he is looking at.

2008-05-23, 04:15 PM
Shield glanced towards the Halfling. "I was just remembering something from a long time ago, my friend." The automaton smiled at his smaller companion. He wondered how the Halfling did it. He'd seen amazing feats of power that not even Korren could explain, performed by Anji, including disappearing in thin air, and blasting opponents from hundreds of feet away. Needless to say, Shield had been quite impressed by the array of powers the Halfling effortlessly employed. "You should rouse the others, we need to break camp soon."

2008-05-23, 04:17 PM
Nebraska crawled out of his tent, putting on his worn, brown hat. "Yeah, rise and shine," he muttered sarcastically. He was never much of a morning person, and this morning was no different. He quietly and slowly packed his things, put on his armor, and walked over to Shield, waiting for the others in the group to be ready to leave.

2008-05-23, 04:19 PM
I'd rather not rouse Korren, he tends to lash out at the first person he see's in the morning. I sigh, thinking about how I had first met Korren and Shield, long ago while delivering a pipe organ with my trusty mule, Bill. The sound of angry muttering caught my ear and I turned to see the source. It wa Nebraska, another of the adventurers hired for this expedition. I new little about him, but felt some respect for him as a fellow treasure seeker. Nebraska! You all set?

2008-05-23, 04:32 PM
Nebraska turned around to look at Anji. "Yeah, I'm all set. You?"

2008-05-23, 04:41 PM
I'm waiting for you all. I called back back to Nebraska. I would try talking him into dealing in rare items with me later.

2008-05-23, 05:43 PM
Korren! I called toward the one of the last two unopened tents.

2008-05-23, 05:58 PM
A moan of disgruntled acknowledgment issued from Korren's tent. He stumbled out and gave a quick wave to the rest of the party. Korren had never been a morning person, but this was a particularly dismal one. He smiled at Shield, always taking solace in knowing his friend guards him at night. He tussled his hair, checked his clothing, and stuffed his tent unceremoniously into his haversack. As a quick wake up, Korren opened his belt sack and took a quick nip at the hidden contents.

2008-05-23, 06:11 PM
Is Gore Dog awake yet? I asked.

2008-05-23, 06:13 PM
"Hey! Halfpint!", Korren calls, "Do you have first breakfast ready?"

2008-05-23, 06:14 PM
I'm not your cook!

2008-05-23, 06:15 PM
"Breakfast?" Nebraska's face lit up. "I didn't know food was provided on this little trip!" Nebraksa clapped his hands together and rubbed them exitedly.

2008-05-23, 06:15 PM
Shield loosed a loud guffaw at the acquired nickname Anji had received after their first adventure together.

2008-05-23, 06:19 PM
Turning back to his bowl of water he moisten and styles his hair. The beams of sunlight sparkle off his face as his face turns to the sweet scent of tobacco, filling his nose with the smell of a delicious fire. His thoughts trail back to his teenage years with Alanya and Roland. His father, a Forestlord elf, lolling around smoking from his pipe while his mother, Alanya, was cooking a boar his father killed that very morning. The shouts about him pull his mind back to now. Good morning Korren.

2008-05-23, 06:23 PM
Fine! I yelled exhasperatedly. I'll make you food if you give me ingredents.

2008-05-23, 06:29 PM
I used my special ability to Charm three small birds I saw in a tree. I took a moment to pray for the small creatures, then I broke their necks. Shield, light a fire would you?

2008-05-23, 06:30 PM
"We may have to hold on breakfast, or at least eat something on the road, we need to make it to Drellin's Ferry if we want to clear out the keep as soon as possible," Shield stated, twitching slightly with excitement for doing what he did best: Fight.

2008-05-23, 06:30 PM
---[OOC: Post made void by Blaine editing a previous post]---

2008-05-23, 06:35 PM
Fine. I said, plucking the feathers off the birds. When I had finished my task, I used some flint, steel and tinder to cook the birds on a spit. Half an hour later the birds were fully cooked and ready to eat. If anyone wants them, they're here.

2008-05-23, 06:46 PM
Glynthinx walked over, picked up a bird and began to eat, having not paided attention to the way the birds were killed. This is good. He looked aroud seeing no one enjoying this meal with him.Are you guys going to join me? If not may I have yours?

2008-05-23, 06:51 PM
Shield quickly averted his gaze from the young half-elf. He didn't know the youngling very well, but he had never liked watching the fleshier races consuming food. It still was wondrous to him, but he had realized that he often ended up staring at them in fascination. He instead switched his thoughts to the task at hand: Clearing out Drellin's Ferry for their employer.

2008-05-23, 06:54 PM
Is Gore Dog ever gonna wake up? I said exhasperatedly I want to start heading out.

2008-05-23, 07:00 PM
Grabbing my stuff I walk over to Shield. Is that adamantine?I ask nonchalantly, tapping on Shields chest. Not waiting for an answer, but still expecting one, I turn away and put out the small fire with my bowl of water.

2008-05-23, 07:03 PM
Shield pounded his chest with a closed fist. "Indeed it is, youngling. The finest in all of Cyre." As the words left his mouth, he mentally scolded himself for mentioning his now defunct home nation.

2008-05-23, 07:19 PM
"Wow, you were exspensive...I can't imagine how your owner would have let you out of his sight, what happened"

2008-05-23, 07:28 PM
Shield began folding up the group's tents, and loading them onto the cart. "Well, I was created for a government figure to serve as a member of his honor guard," Shield began. I served him loyally for several years, until one fateful day when-" Shield cut off when the flood of memories threatened to overwhelm him. The whispers returned to him, and soon all he could hear was that voice. "No...no...NO!" Shield screamed, dropping to the ground holding his head.

2008-05-23, 07:36 PM
Deeply distressed by my comrades behavior, I ran over to Shield and attempted to calm him down. Shield! Calm down! Focus on the quest at hand, think of nothing else but that!

2008-05-23, 07:45 PM
Shield began clenching and unclenching his fists in an effort to dispel the mental anguish he was going through. Picturing nothing other than the heraldry of his home nation, he kept up his battle of wits with the Demon Lord inside his mind until the pain subsided. "I'm fine now. Let's move out," Shield said with a grimace, the pain clearly visible on his features.

2008-05-23, 08:33 PM
After some shaking and a well timed bucket of water, you manage to wake Gore, and for a druid he seems surprisingly upset about the elements. The rest of the time breaking camp is relatively uneventful, and you are soon on the road. As the sun passes its zenith, and from what you were told before you set out, you should be nearing the town.

The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands to one side of the road. You've passed a dozen such spots much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong. Then, out of no-where armed warriors spring forward, fierce warriors-tall, hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces-are lying in wait. And as each one shows himself, he fires his bow.

The arrows for the most part are poorly aimed; many simply miss, or impact Shield's massive armor and simply bounce off. Only two arrows had any skill behind them, one simply giving Korren a small knick on his hand. The other, however, hits Nebraska James hard in the shoulder, impairing his arm.

http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/394/1stmapsx3.th.gif (http://img294.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1stmapsx3.gif)
Click on map to enlarge.
Blue= Shield
Nebraska takes 21 damage. Any skill or attack roll involving his left arm takes -2 until healed.
Korren Takes 2

Nebraska, Shield, Korren, hobgoblins, Gore, Anji, Glynthinx.

2008-05-23, 11:50 PM
Korren quickly leaps into the back of the cart, hoping to use its payload for some measure of cover. While his comrades fight on he strategically waits for an opportune time to catch these ruffians in an arcane fiery burst. When he gets the chance, his eyes turn completely black as he unleashes the mythic fury bottled inside him. On my turn, I use a move action to hop into the back of the cart and take cover behind the payload, drawing my sword as a free action. I then find the closest Hobgoblin within 30 ft, but far enough away from my allies that they do not get caught in a 5ft radius blast. I then use my Fiery Burst feat to deal [roll0] fire damage to that Hobgoblin in a 5ft radius burst, hopefully hitting for full damage(pending a 18 Reflex Save).

2008-05-24, 09:42 AM
Shield took quick stock of the rest of the party after the initial assault: Nebraska had been badly wounded, and Korren had been nicked by a lucky shot. The rest of the barrage had bounced of his chest, making him thank the Gods that they'd blessed his creators with adamantine. After checking the situation at hand, he charged into melee with the nearest opponent, bringing his Fullblade to bear against one of the menaces, imbuing his strike with the power his martial training had given him, he lashed out with a furious blow.

Shield charges the hobgoblin at I-17, and attacks with his Fullblade [roll0]. Assuming he hits, he will deal [roll1] damage to the unlucky hobgoblin. Also, assuming he hits, Nebraska recovers 2 hp thanks to the Martial Spirit Stance. Shield then initiates the stance Thicket of Blades (5ft. steps provoke attacks of opportunity.)

2008-05-24, 12:22 PM
Nebraska winced at the sudden pain in his shoulder. "Just great." He quickly looked around at the hobgoblin attack around him, and decided it a wise idea to take cover. He ran behind the wagon, pulling out his crossbow from his oh-so-handy haversack. When he got behind the wagon he loaded the bow, ready to take a shot.

I take a move action to get behind the wagon (C 21), drawing my crossbow as I do so. Then I load my crossbow as another move action.

2008-05-24, 12:35 PM
Anji braces himself for battle. Gazing around at the hobgoblin menace, Anji readies an invocation he had taught himself during his training. The nearest hobgoblin would regret ever messing with his friends.

I use Eldritch Blast/Spear on the nearest hobgoglin which [roll0] if hits does [roll1]

2008-05-24, 01:32 PM
Nebraska falls back behind the cart, pulling the arrow out with a gasp. Meanwhile, shield burst though the tree-cover, swinging his mighty blade in a arch, severing its arm. Korren focuses past the pain and causes a burst of flame to engulf the archer who fired at him, leaving the hobgoblin heavily burnt, but standing.

Suddenly, two black hound with fiery eyes bursts from the tree line, heading towards you. The hound is followed by two larger hobgoblins, obviously in charge of the lesser ones. One stays back, concentrating and moving his hands in a strange pattern, while the other follows the hounds. The uninjured hobgoblins draw swords with a strange battle cry Kar Necan and move to engage the party in melee, while the injured ones stay back. The injured archer manages to fire his bow, but the fire damage string snaps. One swordsman charges the group and gets a nasty hit on gore, opening a gash on the druids chest. The hobgoblin next to the one Dis-armed by shield makes a panicked attack at the warforged, not even connecting. His ally, however, managed to close with the Warforged an hits a joint hard with his blade, causing moderate damage.

Zach takes 7, Gore takes 7

New enemies at M7(caster), k9(other hobgoblin), and I and J 11(hounds)
The following characters know that the hounds are hell hounds:
Korren, Anji, Nebraska.

2008-05-24, 01:38 PM
Gore Dog transforms with a yell, his flesh melting and dividing as he turns into a swarm of rats and falls on the nearest hobgoblin.
Gore Dog uses shapeshift to trans form into his swarm form. in this state he takes half damage from normal weapons, his size is reduced to Tiny, he takes -6 to Strength, +4 to Dexterity, gains a swarm attack that deals 2d6 points of damage, and gains the Distraction ability. He hits the hobgoblin automaticaly with his swarm attack for 2d6 damage.

2008-05-24, 02:38 PM
Korren is both disturbed and angered by the appearance of the new combatant fiends, for he knows the carnage they can wreak. Korren racks his brain for any memory from lectures about these hellish canines, hoping to find some piece of information that would help him determine their weaknesses.

2008-05-24, 04:27 PM
"Oh boy. Incoming Hell Hounds!" shouted Nebraska. He'd have to deal with those later. Right now he had hobgoblins to tend to. He launched bolt at the nearest one, hoping he was hitting the goblin that shot his arm. Then he reloaded the weapon, preparing to fire again.
I use a standard action to fire at the nearest hobgoblin using a point of inspiration to add a competence bonus equal to my intelligence mod (+5) [roll0]. If I hit, I use another point of inspiration to add my int mod to the damage roll [roll1]. Then I use a move action to reload.

Used up 2 Inspiration points
Current Inspiration points: 12

2008-05-24, 05:01 PM
My mind quickly snaps into stratagy as I raise my hand and point a finger at the clearest golbin in my eyesight. After a quick utter of my mouth, bolts of pale blue energy spring forth from my finger and slam into the goblin I am pointing at. Intantly afterwords the bolt seems to fly through the body and continues at the second, and third goblin, slamming into each one.

I cast Chain Missile at the goblin in d12, no save, does 3d4+3 to primary target.After it strikes it ricochets to the other two near it dealing 1d4+1 each

2008-05-24, 07:22 PM
The hobgoblin who scored a lucky hit on Gore screams as the rats tear into its flesh, but is silenced by the bolt of energy that flies from Glyn's fingers. The bolt seems to bounce off the other hobgoblins sword and finally slams into the last archer, killing him.

Hobgoblins at:
C16, G18, H18

New enemies at M7(caster), k9(other hobgoblin), and I and J 11(hounds)
The following characters know that the hounds are hell hounds:
Korren, Anji, Nebraska.

2008-05-24, 07:38 PM
Shield, recoiling from the lucky shot by the hobgoblin, focuses on the two enemies at hand. He slices twice at the two hobgoblins in front of him, hoping to put them down before they could hurt his allies.

Shield initiates his Martial Spirit stance, then full attacks the hobgoblins in front of him [roll0] at H-18 for [roll1] and [roll2] at G-18 for [roll3]. He gains 2 hp for each successful attack. Critical'd the first one, totaling 42 damage.

2008-05-24, 11:19 PM
Recognizing a caster among the Hobgoblins, Korren diverts his attention away from the fray around him. He grabs a pinch of dust from his belt pouch, wipes the sweat from his brow, and begins to chant in a cold crackling voice. As he summons one of the most powerful incantations he knows his eyes become completely black with power. Suddenly, a dark storm cloud billows over the Hell Hounds and advancing Hobgoblins. Dark chunks of ice begin to fall from the cloud and pummel the hounds, the advancing Hobgoblin, and the caster.Korren casts Ice Storm, centered on K9 and catching the advancing Hobgoblin, the hounds (who take another half of damage), and the caster (provoking a concentration check). [roll0] bludgeoning damage to all four and [roll1] cold damage (plus 50% to the Hounds).

2008-05-26, 10:25 AM
Nebraska's shot hits the hobgoblin hard in the shield, knocking him back for a second, but the Hobgoblin recovers. Meanwhile, Shield annihilates the Hobgoblins around him with a few short swings, cutting through one of them at waist level. Korren's spell manages to deal significant damage to the newcomers, simply fizzling the clerics spell. The Hell Hounds continue their charge, reaching the casters, and in unison release their fiery breathe. The cones wash over Gore, Glyn, and Korren, leaving all singed in their wakes. The larger hobgoblin continues to draw closer, but the spell caster seems vanish as he does so. Finally, the last wounded hobgoblin attacks Glyn, and while his swings seem to do little actual damage, the wizard is left breathless after the attack.

Spellcraft checks to know what the cleric cast.
All casters are currently threatened(except Nebraska), and must make Concentration checks to cast defensively or Provoke an AOO.
Finally, here's the damage report.
Korren & Glyn: 11 damage
Gore: 9 damage

2008-05-26, 03:55 PM
Gore swarms the hell hound next to him, ripping and tearing with his hundreds of jaws.
Gore enters the Hell Hound's square, and uses his swarm attack, dealing [roll0] damage.

2008-05-26, 04:01 PM
Sensing something odd about the aura of battle, Anji recites an incantation which causes him to quickly vanish from view. Anji cautiously hops off of the cart and moves silently through the battle, hoping he has not been detected, waiting to make his move.

I cast Walk Unseen to turn invisible. Then I move 20ft to the right so I end up in a straight line north of the visible hobgoblin. Bear in mind that I have Entropic Warding up and cannot be seen or tracked now.

2008-05-27, 08:20 PM
I pull out my wand of mage armor and use its powers upon me, After carefully moving away from any enemies near me

2008-05-27, 08:53 PM
Nebraska, confident in the abilities of his friends to keep the foes at bay for a moment, takes some time to recooperate. He grabs hold of a holy symbol he found a long time ago, and channeled holy energy through it into him. Almost instantly he feels rejuvinated and ready to fight again.

I use a standard action and an inpsiration point to use Opportunistic Piety to heal myself 17 hit points (Factotum level x2 + int mod).
1 inspiration point used
Current Inspiration Points: 10

2008-05-27, 09:15 PM
Shield seizes the opportunity slaying the hobgoblins afforded him to leap towards the larger combatant striding purposefully towards his companions. He slashes at this new foe with the zeal of the mountain, and drives his blade home with as much force as he can muster.

Shield moves to G-14, initiating Bonecrusher as part of a melee attack [roll0]. If it hits, the attack deals [roll1] and [roll2] and the hobgoblin must make a DC 17 Fort save or all rolls to confirm criticals gain a +10 bonus. Also, Korren receives 2 hp of healing.

2008-05-28, 10:18 PM
Korren yells to his allies "He wont be able to do that again, clerics can't cast invisibility often!" Then, regaining his focus, Korren draws a bead on the closest Hell Hound. Focusing arcane frost into a sharp spike between his two outstretched fingers, he launches the dagger at the demonic canine. I cast Ice Knife at the Hell Hound in E16, making a ranged touch attack of [roll0] (+3 for ranged attack, +6 for caster level, -2 for firing into melee). If I hit with the shard I deal [roll1] cold damage (+50%:smallbiggrin:) and 2 points of dexterity damage (fort save negates dex) to the Hound. If I miss, treat the shard as a missed grenade weapon that deals [roll2] cold damage to everyone in a 10 foot radius burst.Addendum! +2 for being in an elevated position.(please) Total attack of 11. And does firing into a square where someone is being swarmed count as firing into melee?

2008-05-29, 03:31 PM
The swarm that was Gore overwhelms its foes, biting large rivets out of the hell hounds hide as it crumples to the ground. Anji, meanwhile, also turns invisible, perhaps to even the odds with the cleric. Glyn also withdraws and casts a simple spell, and a simmering breastplate appears around him. Nebraska also shimmers momentarily, and his wounds close further, almost completely closing. Shield's charge manages to pass through everything the hobgoblin can muster, cutting a deep gash in his side, and the hobgoblin simply crumples. Korren eagerly attempt to dispatch the last foe, but the idcy spike misses the hound by a whisker and shatters in the ground. Even in a miss the missile works, however, its shards deeply injuring the wounded hound, but also spreading to cover allies. The Hound falls first, but Gore and Glyn both feel the warmage's power.

Suddenly, more Hobgoblins appear around the bend, all with longbows already strung, and they let fly, but the distance is long, and most shots bury themselves harmlessly in the ground. One lucky shot manages to hit Glyn hard, overcoming the caster's fortitude, and Glyn drops like a sack of rocks.
Gore and Glyn take 7 cold damage
Glyn takes 8 damage, dropping him to -5
Nebraska, Shield, Korren, Cleric, Gore, Anji, Glynthinx, hobgoblins.
Maps will be emailed to those I have email addresses from.
Oh, and please update sheets with your current HP[spoiler]

2008-05-29, 05:03 PM
Nebraska saw Glynthinx fall. "Great, I suppose I'll have to take care of him." He sped to Glynth's body, yelling at Korren to blast those hobgoblins up, "and keep an eye out for the cleric, too." When he reaches Glyth he flicks his wrist and a wand of yew wood falls into his hand. He concentrates for a moment, trying to remember how to work the stupid thing, and attempts to use it to heal his dying partner.

Nebraska takes a move action to move next to Glyth, but away from the hound (C16). He then uses a swift action to remove a wand of cure light wounds from his wand bracer and uses a standard action to make a Use Magic Device check to use it (using 1 point of inspiration to add his level to the roll). [roll0]
Inspiration points used:1
Current Inspiration points: 9

2008-05-29, 05:14 PM
Making a mental note of the distant foes, Shield steps backwards in order to finish off the last of the hellhounds. He raises his sword, and infuses his strike with the holy power his discipline had given him.

Shield 5-ft-steps to F-14 (Tomcat, lol) and attacks the hellhound, using Revitalizing Strike. The attack roll is [roll0], and if he hits he deals [roll1] and heals [roll2] to Glynth, and another 2 to Nebraska. He then uses a swift action to activate Iron Guard's Glare (Enemies take -4 on attacks made against allies.)

2008-05-29, 07:29 PM
Korren's anger boils over as he sees his allies falling in combat. His eyes darken so much they seem to be absorbing the ambient light. He points his finger at the troupe of Hobgoblin Archers, mutters a dark word of destruction in Draconic, and lets a small mote of pure elemental fire leave his fingertip. The bead streaks towards the bandits with deadly haste. Finally, the party feels the heat wave as the golden fire blossoms to deadly effect. With the immediate threat subdued, Korren tries to filter out the screams of agony and search for the missing cleric using his less than phenomenal hearing. I cast fireball at the intersection of R1, R2, S1, and S2 dealing [roll0] points of fire damage (1/2 on a Ref save of 19) in a twenty foot radius, catching all the Hobgoblins. Then, with my move action, I attempt to pinpoint the cleric by sound with a Listen check [roll1].

2008-05-31, 08:52 AM
The last screams of the hobgoblins fall to silence, and the sounds of the forest soon resume.
Combat over. Time to check the bodies!
Oh, and just to make one thing clear, the HH/larger hobgoblins came from the farmhouse(the black blob on the maps).

2008-05-31, 10:23 AM
Concentrating, I cease to be invisible. I walk over to Glyn and hold out a magic wand. You look like you can use this. I say, activating the wands magic properties.

I rescind the effects of Walk Unseen and use a charge from a
Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Glyn for 8.

2008-05-31, 10:29 AM
Korren leapt down from the cart, and began to check over the rest of the party, as Shield began to check the bodies for any survivors. "None made it through that last blast, Korren," Shield said, with slight awe at the power his charge controlled. Shield then checked over his equipment. His Fullblade had a few notches in it, due to the larger hobgoblin's skeletal structure being somewhat harder than normal. Nothing that a few minutes of work couldn't repair, he thought to himself. As Korren and the others checked the goblinoids for supplies, Shield decided to search the farmhouse that the hellhounds and the larger hobgoblins came from. Before doing so, he gives a call to the others, saying, "Keep an eye out for that caster, he might return, and we must not be caught off guard." He hoped that Anji would remain hidden until the caster did choose to show himself again, in order to make use of the element of surprise. With that last thought, he pushed open the door to the farmhouse.

I leave the looting of the bodies to the rest of the party, and search the farmhouse.

2008-05-31, 11:15 AM
I rise from the ground, my face red with blood. My blood boils as I begin to swear and curse in a mix of elven and common. Falling in battle pains my ego and destroys my pride. Glancing at me allies I feel even more embarased and hobble over to the nearest tree and rest down against it, trying to calm myself down. "Excuse me..."

2008-05-31, 08:23 PM
Feeling curious, I make my way to each of the fallen hobgoblins and hellhounds looking for various interesting odds and ends that may be worth turning a profit.

I perform a search check to find any items the hobgolbins and hellhounds may hold [roll0]

2008-06-01, 10:42 AM
Nebraska put the wand back into the bracer, but did not let his guard down. He remembered that there was still an invisible cleric unaccounted for. He listened carefully for any sound that might reveal his location (should he be around) then took a glance at the forest surrounding him in case the spell had worn off, and the cleric was only hiding.

I make a listen check with inspiration, and then a spot check without. Listen: [roll0] Spot:[roll1]
Inspiration points used: 1
Inspiration points remaining: 8

2008-06-01, 01:11 PM
After performing a cursory inspection of the bodies I decide to turn my attemtion elsewhere. I saw Shield walking toward the farmhouse and decided that he should at least have some backup if something where to happen, concentrating I cause myself to vanish from view again. I quickly make my way over to the farmhouse. Before I enter, however, I attune my senses to check for any magical auras or strange sounds. I whisper to Shield I'm right next to you. Don't do anything to give away my position. I'll cover you.

I use Walk Unseen to turn invisible. I go to the farmhouse but do not enter. I use Detect magic to see if the cleric or any other magic user has cast anything in the farmhouse and perform a listen check to hear any sounds [roll0].

2008-06-01, 02:10 PM
The Rank and File Hobgoblins' gear is og generally good craftmanship, the longswords especially so, but you can easily tell that there is something odd about the larger hobgoblin's swords: the hilts show they have seen much use, yet the blades appear freshly made. The regulars also appear well supported, each carrying a small vial with a sweet-smelling liquid inside.

Shield& Angi

You hear nothing from the interior, but as you open the door a rank smell washes over you, and the source is easily apparent: in the corner are several bodies, some of which appear to be partially eaten. Opposite the bodies is a pile of equipment, most of which is of somewhat shoddy make, the only item of note is a small money pouch.

Possible loot: 12 Masterwork longswords, 3 longswords, 3 light crossbows, 12 composite longbows(226 arrows), 2 unusual shortswords, 12 potions(Angi, Glyn and Korren know they are cure light wounds, Nebraska may use an inspiration point if he so wishes), pouch of gold(355), 3 sets studded leather armor, 12 heavy steel shields.

Add what you want to your character sheets. Make note of the wieght, though.
Tell me once you start on the way once more.

2008-06-01, 03:12 PM
Curious about the nature of the unusual shortswords, Anji decides to take a closer look.

I make an appraise check to see what I can ascertain about the blades [roll0]

2008-06-01, 03:17 PM
Still curious, I decide to return to the farmhouse anperform a more thorough check of the bodies and equipment.

I perform another search check on the dead bodies and shoddy equipment, just to see if there's anything useful [roll0]

2008-06-01, 07:11 PM
Shield, saddened by the loss of life that was incurred by the hobgoblins and their hellhounds, hardens his facial expression. "Anji, get me a lot of wood, and a lot of kindling. Right now. GO!" Shield shouts the last word, expecting it to be followed without question. He was unable to save these people, but he would make sure that their bodies were properly respected.

Korren began sifting through the different items that the party had accrued as a result of the last battle. After grouping all of the items together, he looked about, hoping to find the best way to handle transporting the spoils of battle. "Hey, does anyone have a way to carry all of this? I mean, there is the cart, but what about our packs? And does anyone object to just selling these weapons?"

2008-06-01, 07:27 PM
Startled by Shields sudden outburst, Anji hurried off to gather some wood. He had known Shield long enough to know that he didn't like to see needless death, especially of innocencts. After several trips, Anji had gathered enough wood to make a decent sized bonfire. This is for a funeral Pyre, correct? he asked somberly.

2008-06-01, 07:50 PM
"Exactly. Gather what little remains of use in this farmhouse, and leave me to my task," Shield told Anji. This was what pained him the most: seeing the defenseless cut down like wheat to the scythe. This was why he had chosen the path he followed, so as to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The whispers returned to plague him as his gaze swept across the interior of the farmhouse: This is all your fault Shield. They died because you were too weak. If you'd just give in to me, I'd make you strong enough to save them all...bring them back to life...end their eternal pain and suffering. The demon began to cackle loudly in his mind, thoroughly enjoying the twisted agony that wracked Shield's form. Get out...I couldn't save them...it wasn't my fault...I WILL make this right... With that, Shield prepared the bodies for the pyre. When all was ready, he lit a torch with his lighter, and threw it into the pile of wood arranged around the corpses. As the farmhouse began to catch, he offered up a prayer for their souls, and turned to leave the house. On his way out, he turned to look at the faces of the victims, at least, those who still had intact faces, and memorized every nuance. If he did make it to the afterlife, he would find them, and apologize for not being able to save them in time. With that, Shield left the farmhouse, and began to stack the bodies of the hobgoblins to the side of the road.

2008-06-01, 08:04 PM
Removing the armaments of the dead bodies from the farmhouse, Anji watched as Shield began piling the wood against the farmhouse. Anji thought that Shield was taking the whole thing harder than he should, after all, judging from the state of the bodies they had been dead long before Anji and the others had arrived in the area. Suddenly guilt started to stab at Anji. He felt angry at himself for first focusing on their possessions rather than giving them final peace. Putting the mixed feelings of anger and pity out of mind, Anji went and rejoined the other members of the group. In regard to your question, Korren, the cart will serve well to transport the loot into town, where Shield will carry our haversacks. I don't believe he will be averse to the task.

2008-06-02, 07:23 AM
Gore reverts to human form Damn, that was fun he says nonchalently.

2008-06-02, 07:57 PM
"I still hear something." said Nebraska loudly, warning his allies. "I think its the cleric, but I don't see anything. Got any ideas on how to find him before he finds us?"

2008-06-04, 07:32 PM
Loading items onto the cart, Anji calls back to Nebraska If he is still around, he shouldn't be much of a threat by himself. In any event, We've wasted too much time on this skirmish and should be heading out. We should be able to reach town before sundown.

2008-06-06, 09:37 AM
Striding up to the cart, Shield unslings his Fullblade from his back, and hops onto the cart. He sits down, and begins to work fervently to buff out the dents and dings in his armor, as well as his weapon. He would be at this for some time, due to the nature of the repairs, and the thoughts clouding his mind.

2008-06-06, 04:08 PM
Gore climbs into the cart, absentmindedly whistling an old tavern song his father taught him.

2008-06-06, 10:34 PM
After waiting for everyone to board the cart, Anji gave the signal to his trusty pack mule, Bill, and the cart began to move. Anji felt excited. It seemed like ages since he had been in a town.

2008-06-07, 02:30 AM
Korren hops on the back of the cart and takes a position facing backwards to guard the rear of the column, a habit from the military training of the Warmage college. He whistles nonchalantly as the cart rolls over the charred remains of the hobgoblins he expertly vanquished.

2008-06-07, 12:02 PM
Noting the cramped cart, Shield points out We're gonna need a bigger cart." (Wow, I couldn't resist that one.) Shield turns towards Korren, checking him from sole to crown for injuries. Other than a few minor cuts and bruises, his charge appeared fine. He smiled to himself, or rather, contorted his jaw in such a fashion as he'd seen the other flesh races do. Being an automaton, Shield was unable to comprehend all of the slight nuances between the other races.

He looked out of the cart and saw Nebraska still on the ground. He pulled the human onto the moving platform, and sat him down next to Korren. He patted his new friend on the back for a job well done back at the farmhouse. Before the cart lumbered too far away from the dying blaze, he also extended his arm to pull the brooding half-elf onto the cart as well. He set Glynth down next to Anji, so as to conserve the space in the cart itself.

Finally, they were all on board, and ready to continue on their journey.

2008-06-08, 07:47 PM
The rest of the journey is uneventful, and you reach the outskirts of Drellin's Ferry as the sun is rinding just over the hills. The road descends into a small town built mostly on the neat side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long think ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.

A group of armed townsfolk-three in leather, on in mail-stands guard, watches you warily, and as you approach the one in mail calls out:
"Halt and State your buisness, strangers."

2008-06-08, 11:15 PM
Korren stands in the cart, raises both hands in a sign of good nature, and speaks loudly, "Good lords, we are headed to Vraath's Keep on a contractual obligation. My companions and I have just emerged victorious from a skirmish with Hobgoblins on the road. We are in relatively good health, but believe that there may be more in the wilderness, possibly waiting to besiege this town. Please grant us temporary sanctuary in your town, so as we may bandage our wounds, barter our spoils, and possibly provide any aide your town may need should the siege fall on our stay." Korren is surprised to hear his father's voice coming out of his mouth. His guild family had negotiated many such passages and had always followed the same formula: "Clearly state that you are only passing though", "Make it seem that you are in a weakened state", "Imply that imminent danger may be at hand", "Offer to help, should the need arise".

2008-06-09, 03:28 PM
Shield looked over the group of armed guards in front of him, and took stock of the situation. He was weighing whether they would put up an effective fight, should things get hostile. Noting the way the guards slightly slumped at attention, he could tell these were not the caliber of soldier that Shield was used to fighting alongside. He realized that if things really got out of hand, that more would come, of course, but he was prepared if these four decided to makes things difficult for his charge.

Shield hopped off of the cart, and landed in a crouch. He slowly uncurled himself from this position, rising as he did. When he reached his full height, he was standing a good head taller than the next tallest person among both his party and the armed guards. There would be no problems, thought Shield. He checked his blade at his back, made sure it was secure, and strode up next to Korren, assuming a neutral, yet ready stance.

2008-06-09, 08:36 PM
Anji felt mildly annoyed that he and company had hit this snag. We don't want any trouble. We simply have business in a keep beyond this town, like my comrade said. We would certainly be grateful if you were to let us pass, maybe provide us with information regarding our destination. Do you know anything of a Vraath's Keep? After speaking, I wave my hand and fix my gave on the center guard.

I use Charm on the center guard, DC 18

2008-06-09, 08:55 PM
Gore was annoyed. Now they had come across a problem that could not simply be eviscerated, so he was mostly at a loss for what to do. he decided to be polite but blunt. Pardon, sirs, but we are under contract to clear Vraath's Keep of monsters and recover the deed for our employer. we were very recently attacked by hobgoblins, which I presume to be based out of the keep, unless there is another similarly defensible structure nearby. if you could kindly point us in the direction of a place to stay the night, we can be off to the keep in the morning. Steady, boy. these are just ignorant crap-covered farmers, they don't deserve to die, have to save the slaughtering for the bad guys

2008-06-10, 01:28 PM
The gaurd gives a bark of a laugh at the groups apparent confusion in the group, but stops suddenly, blinking a few times, then turns to Anji, speaking with an odd tone."Varrath's keep, eh. Well, be careful. Those forests are crawling with goblins and other creatures.", and then turns to the others that spoke, speaking without the strange tone noticed earlier."You were attacked by Hobgoblins? Where? They've been sneaking around the town for awhile now. You're lucky if you got through. In fact, if you made it through, I think Winston might like to talk to you. If you'd like to stay, the Old bridge Inn is just ahead, on the left, or the Green Apple is on the other side of the square. I'd suggest the Old Bridge, but it's your choice. You can go on through.

Charm Person succesful.
Korren, the head guard also has a grudging respect for you.

2008-06-10, 04:17 PM
Where might we find this... Winston was it? asked Anji curiously.

2008-06-10, 04:56 PM
THe guard scratches his chin for a moment, obviously in though, Well, he could be at one of the inns, or perhaps....Oh, nevermind, I'd better send a runner. Hey, Jerask, go find the Speaker and tell him that some travelers have come into town and were attacked by hobgoblins.

2008-06-10, 06:29 PM
Thank you M'lord. Korren says, breathing a sigh of relief. He can't believe Anji, a halfling of usually sound judgment, would be so rash. His magical training had taught him to recognize a charm effect when he saw one. His father had always taught him, "If you need to charm someone, you're not trying hard enough." Korren silently reminded himself to admonish the shortstack later and accept the current situation as is. Good sir, you wouldn't happen to have an armory merchant, or perhaps a requisitions officer in town would you?

2008-06-10, 07:46 PM
Shield strides past the guards, pats the one in mail on the shoulder, and whispers "I will help stand watch tonight, as a token of my good will. In return, may I ask for assistance in repairing some damage I sustained during my run-in with the hobgoblins?" in his ear. He waits for the reply, hoping that this will allow his companions to go about their business freely and quickly. He dreaded the idea of staying in a place that was such a target of raiding, knowing that he would most likely end more than one life before his stay at Drellin's Ferry was over.

2008-06-10, 08:09 PM
Anji was growing more impatient ever so slowly. He had not counted on the possibility of more hobgoblins, least of all ones that had the audacity to frequently raid a town and keep him from his business. Again Anji felt a small pang of guilt at his concern for money over the safety of others, but he had been like that since his parents died. Anji noticed Shield speaking quietly with one of the guards. Probably offering to defend the town, good natured person that he is. I just hope he doesn't get carried away with his promises or else we may never be able to complete our task. he thought. Anji was sure he had heard Korren ask the guard about merchants or something like that and was anxious to pawn the spoils of their earlier victory, but it seemed that they might have to wait for the runner to get back with this "Winston" first. Sighing, Anji slumped back in the seat of his cart.

2008-06-10, 08:09 PM
"Wha?? you..tal....I mean, sure. We can always use another set of eyes. You'll have to talk to Morlin's about repairs." The guardsman takes a half-step back, clearly unnerved by Shield, though he wasn't so wary before Shield spoke.

2008-06-10, 08:19 PM
"Wonderful. I would also like to inquire as to the likelihood of acquiring a composite longbow more suited for me...I feel like the ones we've found are too weak for me." Shield made his best attempt at a smile, which to a human looked like something between a grimace and a grin. He had been trying to blend in with the flesh races ever since he met Korren, so as to not draw unwanted attention to his charge, but often, he simply failed. He usually made up for it with his undeniably good nature, disarming even the most ill-natured commoner or ruffian.

Shield turned to the rest of his party. You should try to sell as much of that as possible, but I would like to keep the arrows...I feel as if they will be of use in the next few days." He hoped that this request wouldn't be too much to ask of his fellow adventurers. Besides, it was equipment that they wouldn't need to carry from that point on. "Also, someone look into getting a wagon, as well as horses to pull it. We may need the extra space and carrying capacity." He turned back to the lead guard. "So, where would I find this Morlin?"

2008-06-10, 08:28 PM
Pleased that they were finally making some headway, Anji turned to Korren. After we sell the loot, I'll see if I can't get us a more sizeable wagon and a few more horses, so long as I get to keep Bill. Also, I could just sell the stuff while someone waits for this Winston character and split up the money when we meet at the inn, after which I would probably buy the wagon, unless of course you have any objections?

2008-06-11, 07:12 AM
No, that sounds fine to me shortstack. Korren says with a smile. Make sure to get us a good price on the mundane equipment and try to identify those shortswords if you will. Remember to get us a good...fair...price, Anji. Shield, your assistance in transportation would be invaluable to Anji at the moment. You can then lend your insomnia to the night watch. Gore, Glyn...would you two be so kind as to rent us a room at the inn, I'll be sleeping on the floor. Nebraska, I'd love your insight when speaking with the Speaker of this town. Thank you all. Korren hopes his comrades did not feel ordered around, but someone needed to organize the situation.

2008-06-11, 11:37 AM
Fine. If you're not too busy Shield, let's go into town and do some... inventory. said Anji. He thought it was a little pretentious of Korren to take command like that, but Anji had known Korren for some time and this behavior was not new to him. Giving his mule the signal to go, Anji called out See you at the inn! and made his way into the town.

2008-06-11, 02:41 PM
No problem, Morlin's is right down this path, on your left. Can't miss it.
As you leave, you can't help shake the feeling that the guard is glad to see your backs.
Morlin's smithy is easy to find, as you can see the titular Morlin working at an anvil set in a small courtyard, though hearing your approach he looks up.
Wow there! You're a big fellow. The Sargent sent you?

2008-06-11, 09:44 PM
"Yes sir, I would like to know the likelihood of acquiring a stronger composite longbow than the ones that we have. Also, I'd like to see if we could interest you in some merchandise we picked up from the hobgoblins we vanquished earlier. In addition to these wares, I would like to know if you could help me repair some of my wounds from that battle."

Shield rolls a Diplomacy check in order to see if he will be able to negotiate a fair price from the blacksmith for the acquisition of a new bow [roll0] + any modifiers for having slain hobgoblins (I assume that might add a little.), to sell the items they've gathered from the hobgoblins [roll1] (And any modifiers for being so badass.), and lastly, to get repairs [roll2]

2008-06-11, 10:46 PM
Meanwhile, Korren decides to walk into town to reserve a room or two at the Old Bridge Inn. He strolls into the Inn and takes a good look around, getting the general atmosphere of the area. If possible, he sits at the bar to enjoy a cool ale punctuated with secretive nips from his belt sack. Gods I need to relax, he thinks, I'm beginning to loose control of myself. I nearly torched that whole forest in that last fight, and those were only Hobgoblins! I need to remind Shield to watch me in that keep. Putting his thoughts aside, Korren takes the first chance he has to speak with the barkeep about lodging.

2008-06-12, 05:12 PM
Just a moment, sir interrupted Anji Before we do business, I was wondering whether or not you could give us any information as to the nature of these swords. Anji extracted one of the blades from the cart and took it into the smith's shop. Setting it on a table, Anji examined the sword once again. The odd thing is, the hilt shows signs of use, while the blade seems brand new. If you can tell us anything about it, that would be very helpful. If not, then would you perhaps know someone who would know something?

2008-06-13, 06:28 PM
The Old Bridge Inn has a friendly, boisterous atmoshere without being too rowdy, and the ale is common, but hearty. The innkeeper looks up when you inquie about rooms, obviously interested in any customers.
"You want a couple rooms for the night? traveler's aren't common this time of year, so its 4sp per room. You staying long?

Bow? Can't help you there, try the fletchers, down the road. But if you have good steel, I'll take them. If their good enough, I can sell them to the militia, if not more scrap is always useful. And the damage is light, no more than an hour or 2 to repair it all.... If you don't mind me asking, what is that metal? I've never seen the like. Morlin turns at Anji's question, obviously intriuged by the nature of the sword.Let me see it here. Morlin holds it steady, inspecting it as only a craftsman would.Good balance, and no sign of warping....hmm, I can't say for sure, but this is at least master quality, but there's something odd about the whole thing...you should try asking the wiz, he might know more than I.

2008-06-13, 06:41 PM
"Thank you, Morlin, I appreciate the help. Also, I hope that you can put these weapons to good use." With that, Shield sat down in the Blacksmith's shop, waiting for him to be ready to begin the repairs. "The metal on my body? That's Adamantine, a very strong, powerful metal. Would you like a piece?" Shield pulled a sliver of the metal off of his waist, and handed it to the aging blacksmith. "Please take this as a token of my gratitude, and make sure to guard that. It's worth a lot to scoundrels."

2008-06-13, 06:46 PM
Anji was growing ever more curious about the swords, but decided that he should get down to business in the interim. Sir, I have for sale 15 longswords, 12 of which are master quality, 3 light crossbows, 12 composite longbows, 12 heavy steel shields, and 3 sets of studded leather armor. Certainly you could turn a profit buying these from us at face value and selling them to the militia for more. Anji hoped that he would find the terms acceptable so he could investigate the swords further.

2008-06-13, 10:07 PM
Morlin looks shocked at your gratitude, and says"Adamantine? Really? I've heard of it, but never actually handled any. Thank you..." before being interrupted by Anji's proposition. Suddenly, Morlin's nostrils flare, and he glares at the halfling.
You want me to cheat my family? My friends? Simply to line your pockets? If I wasn't inclined to think this was a mistake, I would tell you to get out, and stick those weapons up your scrawny ass. Now, either take half the value of the items, determined by my sole expectation, or leave it.

Remember that if you want more than normal, you have to use diplomacy to convince them.

Diplomacy check failed.

2008-06-13, 10:54 PM
My sincerest apologies. Where I come from, business practices are a little different. I mean you no insult. Half price is perfectly acceptible Said Anji, honestly surprised at the shopkeeps reaction. Back in his home village, things were usually bought and sold at full price and, to be honest, he had never really encountered this problem before on any of his deliveries. Eager to change the subject to something less upsetting, Anji turned his mind back to several minutes earlier. By the way, you mentioned a... "wiz" was it? Pray tell, who is he?

2008-06-14, 12:05 PM
No, not long. My friends and I are just passing through on the way to Vrath's Keep. Two rooms for eight pieces of silver sounds like a deal and I'll make it a gold piece if you can give me something a little stronger than this ale, Korren says with a wry smile. Now, my good man, has there been any word around town about Hobgoblins in the area? We were hit by a rather large raid on the way here and stumbled across a farm they had sacked. Korren raises his voice slightly with this last question and hopes to find out a little more than was shared by the border watch. He also hopes that the locals in the bar hear him and chime in. His father had always told him, "Theres not much that isn't discussed over a pint."

2008-06-14, 03:19 PM
[[Forgive me for not posting in forever]]

Nebraska, I'd love your insight when speaking with the Speaker of this town. Thank you all.
"All right."Nebraska hopped off the cart and strode up to Korren, "We're off to see the speaker." Nebraska then followed Korren to the Inn. Once inside, he let Korren do the talking with the innkeeper.

2008-06-14, 05:37 PM
The dwarf inspects the swords and armor, quickly coming to a conclusion about the worth of it, and exchanges the necessary gold, then gives direction to the Fletcher's residence and the Wizard's manor house is. The fletcher is an amiable elf by the name Avarh, and he makes much the same deal as Morlin. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a bow quite up to your standards, but if you are willing to wait a few days, he could make one to your specifications. If not, you could use one of the ones available.

Gain 3325 gp.
Possible bow: there are 2 Composite Longbows +2 and a single masterwork Composite longbow +3, in addition to other choices.

No problem. I have some wine below the counter, though if you want the good stuff you'll need a bit more of the shiny stuff. Varrath keep you say? Haven't had much to do with it, something about it being haunted, and its been deserted for long enough. Hobgoblins, on the other hand, had much more experience with them, you might say.The halfling says with a shake of his head and a small smile.They've been raiding the town off and on for, what, oh, I don't know, ever since there's been a town here, I guess. We're close to the mountains, and we're on the trade road, so I wouldn't expect anything else.Now, the halfing turns much more serious.But recently the raids are stronger, more frequent, and they all seem to be from the same tribe. And Merchants aren't ge--

An affable, strong voice interrupts the innkeeper with a laugh, Not giving away any town secrets now, Kellin. The newcomer is a tall balding man, around 50 if you had to guess, in affluent clothing and a smile on his face belying his words. He immediately turns to Korren, and sticks out his hand, obviously for a handshake.So, your with the group of adventurers that just came into town? My names Norro Wiston, and I'm the speaker for Drellin's Ferry. I heard you had some trouble with Hobgoblins. Could you come by my house, in about an hours time? I'm right across the green, and I would like to speak to you about some... recent occurrences. You can bring the others of your group, if you like.

2008-06-14, 06:35 PM
Korren shakes Norro's hand in a firm, yet friendly manner. Pleased to make your acquaintance Master Winston. I am Korren D’Oriandas, of the House Orien, although my friends call me Korren Manyblades. My associates here are Nebraska James, Jack of All Trades; Glynthinx Elandor, Master of Dragons; and Gore Dog, Savant of Nature's Fury. Also among us are Anji Mito, a Halfling of deceptive arcane strength; and my guardian Shield, although I believe they are handling our business affairs at the moment. We would be honored to join you in discussion of this Hobgoblin matter. Hopefully, we can be of mutual aide to each other. But for the time at hand, sit and speak with me. Allow me to buy you a pint. Kellin, if you would please. . . Korren hopes that Norro might become more than a one time contract employer. The Speaker as a contact and friend may be of use in the future.

2008-06-14, 07:02 PM
If I can be of service I will serve, but for now I am tired and weary of travel, so let us sit and sup.

2008-06-14, 10:29 PM
Anji accepts the money, gives his thanks to Morlin, and makes his way out of the shop to the home of the wizard.

2008-06-14, 11:01 PM
House Orein, you say? They send several caravan's though this town, but I think you just missed the last one. It is a pleasure to meet you, sirs, but I have some pressing business to attend to, and simply came here in order to arrange a meeting. Til then, goodbye.The speaker gives a short bow to all in the inn, and then leaves.

Wizards house
You come to a old manor house on the bluffs near the river. When you come to the door, you knock once, an here a voice from within.
"Just a second!", and the door opens revealing a middle-aged halfling with disheveled grey hair and spectacles. He is looking up at the space where your head would be if you were one of the big folk, but quickly recovers. He guides you into his front hallway, talking as you go." Come in, come in. I get so few visitors, and rarely one of our kind. So, what brings you here?"

2008-06-14, 11:14 PM
Although shocked that the eizard is actually a halfling, Anji soon regains his composure and sets one of the blades down before him. I have come across an odd blade during my travels. It was in possession of a hobgoblin who was dispatched by a member of my traveling party. The odd thing is, the hilt shows signs of wear, but the blade seems brand new. I inquired about it at the local smiths but he could not help me and referred me to you. Pray tell, can you give me any information at all regarding the blade?

2008-06-14, 11:24 PM
Perhaps. If Morlin sent you to me, then he suspects that its magic, and while I can reveal what that means, it will cost you. Assuming you can wait till tomorrow, I can identify the item, but it will cost about 150 gp for the shortsword. Are their any other items you need identified?

2008-06-14, 11:36 PM
Anji frowned slightly. He had not expected that he would have to pay for an appraisal, but he was too curious to care. Actually,yes. There is another sword of similar construct. Would you mind apparaising that as well? said Anji, extracting 300 gp from his pouch. I shall see you tomorrow then. said Anji who decided to return to Shield and begin searching for a larger cart.

2008-06-15, 12:40 PM
Slightly put off by the abrupt exit, Korren looks to Kellin quizzically. Is he usually that abrupt? Korren asks as he sips his ale. He seemed like a nice enough fellow. He mentioned that House Orien sends caravans through here. Any idea as to what the last shipments contained? Also, you were about to say that the merchants have not been receiving something. What hasn't been getting through? Korren then realizes he sounds more like an inquisitor than a friend and quiets down as he drinks his ale. He casually places a few more gold pieces than necessary on the counter.

2008-06-15, 02:09 PM
Anji retured to Morlin's hoping that Shield was nearly done being repaired. Anji made his way over to Shield who was still being worked on by Morlin. Pardon me. If you're not too busy, may I have a word with my associate? said Anji in his most polite tone so as not to anger the already irked dwarf.

2008-06-15, 03:54 PM
Shield looked up from his stasis at the dwarf working on his armor. "Thank you, Morlin, but I must see to this. My apologies for the interruptions, and thank you for your help." Shield presses 4 gp into the dwarven blacksmith's hand, closes it, and pats him on the shoulder."It's not much, I know, but I want you to accept it as a token of my gratitude." Shield then walks outside with Anji, curious as to why the Halfling needed him. "Yes, Anji? What's the matter?"

2008-06-15, 04:16 PM
It looks as though this may take a while, so I figured it would be easier for me to aquire the new cart myself. Also, I had the wizard look at the swords, but he won't be able to tell me anything until tomorrow. After I get the cart, I'm going to meet up with the others at the inn. You can stay here as long as you like or until you are repaired. I just wanted to tell you so you wouldn't be left in the lurch. Incidently, the wizard was a halfling, how cool is that? said Anji in a brief moment of excitement. Anyway, see you later. said Anji, making to leave.

2008-06-16, 05:20 AM
Shield stopped Anji before he left. "It's fine, Anji, I'm fixed enough. Lead the way to the inn, if you will, and I'll let you go about acquiring the wagon." Shield then picks up Anji's backpack, and slings it over his shoulder with the other one from the cart. "I'll drop this off in your room at the inn, ok?"Shield began to walk off, then remembers, "Oh, one more thing: Could you go by the fletcher and ask for them to make a a Composite Longbow more to my liking? Tell them I'll pay them when I pick it up, if they don't mind."

Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Strength bonus)

2008-06-16, 01:46 PM
Very well. said Anji, leading Shield to what he thought was the right inn. He had heard one of the guards mention the Old Bridge Inn, so he assumed that's where everyone was. Here we are. I'm going to look around town for a cart and some horses. This may dip into our communal funds a bit though. Anyway, I'll be back shortly. said Anji, going off in search of carts and horses. After what seemed like hours of walking around town, Anji found a carpenter's which he hoped made carts of a decent size. He walked in the front door and called Hello!

2008-06-16, 02:21 PM
Normally? No, but with the hobgoblin raids, everybodies a bit anxious, and he's gotten much busier. Can't say much about the caravan, they just came through here and stopped for the night, and the next day where headed up the road, for Brindol, I believe.Before the speeaker came, i was simply going to say that fewer merchants have been coming through these past few weeks than previously, and a few have come in reporting attacks. Not good, not good at all. With this the Innkeeper shakes his head slightly as if to dispel his worries. You here the door opening, and the innkepper looks up, and slightly whitens. Turing, you Shield has returned.

2008-06-16, 02:45 PM
Shield tried to make his way to the bar as inconspicuously as possible, though failed due to the fact that he was made of substances other than flesh and blood. He eventually made it to the bar next to Korren, greeted the Innkeeper with a hearty smile, this one being more human in appearance, and sat down gingerly upon the stool next to his charge. "Hello again, Korren, and it's nice to meet you," he directed towards the Innkeeper. " I am Shield, what is your name?"

2008-06-16, 07:14 PM
Evening Shield! Korren says, truly elated to see his friend again. Kellin, this is my very best friend, Shield. He's the exalted fellow who gave the poor souls in the barn we encountered a proper send off. You need not fear him, he's a gentle soul.

2008-06-16, 07:58 PM
Shield beams at Korren's praise. "Truly, sir, it was nothing. I was simply doing what was right," he told Kellin. "Korren, what is the status of our party? I know that Anji is looking for a wagon, and Glynth is moping over in the corner by himself, but what of Gore Dog? And Nebraska?" Shield then looks past Korren, and realizes the scrawny adventurer was on his charge's other side. "There you are! Any news on the Speaker?" Shield realized that he was still drawing eyes from around the room, and decided to ignore the growing curiosity his metal skin attracted. "Also, the fletcher is going to make me a Longbow that won't sunder at my touch." Certain that that last statement would throw off any of the patrons' interests in examining the automaton, Shield said in a subdued tone, "Just to stave off curious eyes and roving ears, my friend. I'm assuming that this was a conversation best kept private, right? What have I missed?"

2008-06-16, 08:23 PM
"You didn't miss much." stated Nebraska in low tones, "He said that caravans are sent through here. We arranged a meeting, and then he had some business to attend to."

2008-06-16, 09:23 PM
Your search for a carpenter and wagon leads you to the ferry, as you find out that Sterrel's Provisioning might have the item. Unfortunately, its on the other side of the river, and the ferry has made its last run for the day.

2008-06-16, 09:46 PM
Tired and annoyed, Anji goes back to the inn.

2008-06-16, 10:25 PM
Speaker's House
As you enter the the speakers house, you are directed to a large room off to the side. Inside are the town speaker and a capable looking swordwoman. "Thank you for coming. As some of you know, my name is Norro Wiston, and I'm the Town Speaker for Drellin's Ferry. This is our guard captain, Soranna. I'll get to the point: We're in alot of trouble, and I was hoping that you could help us out.

Our town is under attack. Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying our lands for awhile now. They've attacked and killed people in the outlying homesteads, and they've been waylaying travelers along the Dawn Way."

Captain Soranna adds, "We've had some trouble with them before– a quick raid on homesteads on a the west side of the river, usually not that bad– but this time its different. It looks like a large, aggressive tribe has moved down out of the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. Frankly, I fear they might be numerous enough to sack the town."

"Beyond the immediate threat to our homes, the road is our lifeblood," The Speaker continues. "If the Hobgoblins make the Dawn Way impassable to the west, trade won't come this way, and we'll be ruined. Not only do we need to repel the Raiders from our town, but we've got to keep that Road open. Can you help us do it?"

2008-06-16, 10:49 PM
Well, as much as I'm inclined to offer my aide, what does Drellin's Ferry have to offer me? I could certainly help defend a direct siege and probably lend my expertise to your defensive preparations, but that is only a temporary solution. The greatest aide I could offer is to search for the center of the Hobgoblins, but even that may lead me significantly off my path. I feel like my compensation would need to be significant in order to divert me from my current obligations. Otherwise, I may have to leave town in order to preserve my own safety!

2008-06-16, 11:36 PM
Korren, said Anji in a whisper that only Korren could hear, It stands reason that those hobgoblins may have more of those odd swords we found, among other things. Personally, I'd like to see what loot we can take from the hobgoblins. I'm sure the townspeople will reward us.

2008-06-17, 07:02 AM
Korren kicks Anji in a friendly, yet firm, manner. As if to say "Let me do my thing." He was well aware of the monetary gain from fighting the Hobgoblins, but wanted to make sure of pay from the town. His last remark was intended to slightly frighten the Speaker into making sure the adventurers were paid.
I make an Intimidate check against the Speaker's sense of safety. [roll0].

2008-06-17, 04:23 PM
"What time is it?" I ask, feeling very weak from our last battle and in terrible need of rest. When I try to think back to the battle nothing comes to mind. I cant even remember how I got to this house from the Inn...

2008-06-17, 06:59 PM
Nebraska smiled to himself at the tactics of Korren to get more money, and the ensuing interaction with Anji. He thought about them stopping on their journey to do a favor, and how that might effect the keep, but he was confident that anything waiting to be discovered in the keep would still be there after the detour.

2008-06-17, 07:48 PM
Deciding that it woul behoove the party to let Korren do his thing, Anji decided to shut up until negotiations were complete.

2008-06-17, 07:48 PM
The demon in Shield's head, hearing Glynth's question, replies in his mind, Time to DIE!!!

2008-06-17, 08:26 PM
Growing bored, Anji decided to strike up a conversation. Turning to Nebraska, Anji said Hey, Come with me outside for a bit. I wanna talk to you.

2008-06-17, 08:28 PM
"Sure." Nebraska said, and followed Anji out. "What do ya want?"

2008-06-17, 08:31 PM
Noticing his comrades' departure, Shield's curious personality got the better of him, and he left his charge in the capable hands of Glynth and Gore. He followed Anji and Nebraska outside of the Speaker's abode. "What's on your mind, Anji?"

2008-06-17, 08:34 PM
Have you ever considered mindflayers? asked Anji, They're pretty much squids on human bodies right? How do they breed?

2008-06-17, 08:40 PM
"Dunno." said Nebraska. He had never thought about it before. He racked his brains for anything he knew about Mind Flayers.
I make a knowledge check (Dungeoneering or Arcana)? [roll0] +10 if Arcana, +14 if Dungeoneering

2008-06-17, 08:51 PM
"What in the Nine Hells are Mindflayers?" Shield blurted out. "Anyway, lets go cut down a tree!"

2008-06-17, 08:52 PM
Yes, let's.

2008-06-17, 08:54 PM
Realizing that his companions were leaving, not out of disinterest, but out of trust for Korren's negotiating ability, he moves forward to discuss matters with Norro and Soranna. Don't mind them, they are confident in my judgment.

2008-06-17, 08:55 PM
"A tree? Whatever for?" Asked Nebraska. It was quite the change in subject.

2008-06-17, 08:57 PM
Probably to build a bridge.

2008-06-17, 08:58 PM
"Why did the Warforged chop down a tree?" Shield paused for a moment..."To get to the other side! Let's get that wagon!"

2008-06-17, 09:00 PM
"Wagon? What?" Nebraska turned to Anji, looking for an explination.

2008-06-17, 09:03 PM
We need a bigger cart and some horses, they lie across the river.

2008-06-17, 09:06 PM
Nebraska glanced toward the room with the speaker and Korren. He was confident that Korren could handle the politics. Getting a cart now seemed like a good way to save time. "I'm in." He said with a smile.

2008-06-17, 09:14 PM
After several minutes, Anj ihas led his comrades to the river.

2008-06-17, 09:14 PM
Shield began to tie the rope around his waist.

2008-06-17, 09:16 PM
"We not sure about the exact numbers, but there are probably only about a hundred warriors, about 50 minimum. If you could just scatter them even, you'll be helping alot of people if you deal with the problem, and we could pay each of you about 500 or so to each of you.", the speaker pauses, then continues with:
"Actually, the hobgoblins might be using Vraath keep themselves. It's supposed to be haunted, but they might not care, and there really isn't a better place to make a permanent camp out there."

Nebraska remembers hearing about mindflayers creating small larva and then implanting them in mind-slave's heads. Eventually the spawn creates a mindflayer.

2008-06-17, 09:18 PM
Nebraska followed anji to the river, pulled out his everburning torch and began to look around for a tree big enough to cross the river with.

Using inspiration, I use survival. [roll0]
Inspiration points used: 1
Inpsiration points remaining: 7

2008-06-17, 09:35 PM
50?! Thats a small army! I'm pretty sure that we could handle the whole lot of them if we made the proper reconnaissance and preparations. I'm sure my comrades would be ready for a little Hobgoblin murder, but I'm also sure they don't want to risk their lives for, to be blunt, a ferry town. "With the exception of Shield," Korren thinks. We would be eternally grateful for any aide you could provide us. I have full confidence in the power of my friends to destroy 50, but we would need proper help. We are currently in the market for a wagon, which, with little work, could be modified into a war wagon. Shield, my Adamantine Guardian, also needs a bow to comply with his considerable pull. Other than those material needs, we need a good night's rest and a good meal, any healing you could provide, and any tactical advantages you may have gleaned. Remember, although these needs may seem great, we are planning on assaulting a small Hobgoblin army. Korren hopes to continue to use his previous Intimidation to persuade his employers to help him with his needs.

2008-06-17, 09:43 PM
On second thought Nebraska, we probably wont need a tree. Shield can just walk through the water.

2008-06-17, 09:45 PM
Nebraska stops his search short. "Excellent. I was getting bored, anyway." He walks up to the bank of the river and awaits to see what will be surely an amazing spectacle.

2008-06-17, 09:46 PM
Shield, noticing the rope near the edge of the river, decides to pull the ferry across to this side, instead of walking in the murky depths.

2008-06-17, 09:50 PM
Anji, growing bored, decides to watch Shield do his amazing feat of daring-do.

2008-06-17, 09:55 PM
Speaker meeting
"None of that sounds unreasonable. I'll have to set it up, but I should get everything to you by tomorrow around noon. As for tactical advice, I think Capitan Soranna will be more help there."

Well is ther eanything in particular that you would like to know, or do you just want a standard summary?

You begin to slowly pull the ferry across, getting it halfway across in about 6 minutes, but by this time a window of a nearby house lights up, and soon after a man comes out of the house, yelling as he approaches." What in the nine hells is going on here. Stop right now, you hooligans, our I'll call the guard on you."

2008-06-17, 10:02 PM
Anji turned to stare at the new voice like a deer caught in a headlight, whatever that was. Excuse me?

2008-06-17, 10:04 PM
Soranna, what do you know about their distribution patterns? What outposts have they hit in the past two weeks? Are they following a pattern with their attacks, or is it a random raid. Do you notice anything interesting of different when they attack? If they are holed up at Vrath's Keep, do you happen to have a map of the Keep? Do you have a map of the area?. . .Sorry, I was trained in military tactics. I'm just trying to get the full scope of things. Korren hears a commotion outside and decides that, whatever it is, his companions can handle themselves.

2008-06-17, 10:37 PM
Nebraska, thinking quickly, put away his everburning torch at the sight of the light in the house coming on. As the man screamed about hooligans, Nebraska used his Hat of Disguise to seem dressed in the armor of the guard of the city, and assume the guise of one of the guards he saw at the gate. Thinking on his feet, he began to weave a story to the man."Don't worry, we're here on business. Some adventurers came into town today, and one of them warned us that the river might get rough tommorow, so we're pulling it back to this side of the bank to secure it better."
Nebraska uses hat of disguise and makes a disguise check with it to look like the guard that ran to get tell the speaker about the adventurers. [roll0] He then tries to bluff the man (using inspiration). [roll1] Also, with his torch out, the darkness probably gives the man a penalty to his spot check to recognise him.

2008-06-17, 10:54 PM
Soranna quickly begins to answer your questions by first unfolding a map of the town, though you get the feeling that she is greatly relieved that someone with real experience is here to help.
"Most of the raids have been from the west, though there have been a few reports of hobgoblins in the east, near the road, and there has been one raid from that direction, though it was the lightest of all the raids so far. The biggest problem are those hellhounds: the militia can't face something like that. And they have some magic, probably tribe shamans, helping them, which only makes things worse. Now, we've tried to send men into the forest to follow the raiders back, but the Hobgoblins are smart, and left reserves. So we don't know where they're coming from, but they have to be somewhere on this side of Skull Gorge, as the raids have been too frequent to be any farther back. I'm sorry, but the most I can tell you about Vraath Keep is that it's an old Rhestilorian border keep that was abandoned around the empire's fall, something about giants attacking it. But it is the only real place suitable for a staging ground, unless you wanted to clear out a section of the forest, so its would be a good place to start."

After finishing the dialouge, she sits down, obviously lost in thought for a minute, then speaks up again.
"If you're going out into witchwood, you might want to seek out Jorr. He knows the forest better than anyone else around here, even makes his home in it. If you take the Witch trial in, take a left at the big crossing, and just follow the trail. If you take the Dawn way, take a right on a trail about nine miles from the forest's edge."

Then why didn't you just ask me to do it? Betsy and Ed aren't to tired. Well, it looks like you have everything covered here, just tell me before you move my Ferry next time, okay?
The man finishes and begins to walk back into his house.

2008-06-18, 07:18 PM
Funny you would mention the Hell Hounds. We encountered a couple of them on the way here and dealt with them in short order. Just make sure your local mages hit them with powers drawing from elemental ice. Hopefully we put down the majority of the Hobgoblins on the Eastern shore of Drellin's Ferry, although a single shaman turned invisible and ran away when the tides of battle turned. I think that dealing with the Hobgoblins on the Western shore is the obvious next step. About whether to start at Vrath's Keep or the forest, I'd say the forest would be the most thorough. I don't like the idea of leaving Hobgoblins behind us when we assault the Keep, then the enemy would be on both sides. I feel like starting in the forest may also allow us to gather important recon on the Hobgoblin tactics, plans, and possibly grant us a strategic advantage when we assault the Keep. Now, concerning Drellin's Ferry defensive structure, the river is your best defense. Post guards at both sides of the ferry with quick lighting signal torches. If an enemy approaches from the west, the torch is lit and the east instantly knows. Also, I suggest moving all non-essential personnel and provisions from the Western side of town to the Eastern side, at least until we send word back about the woods being clear of Hobgoblins. My companions and I will attempt to drive back the Hobgoblin forces and push them to Vrath's Keep. I know what I say sounds drastic Speaker, but this is a time to declare a state of emergency. This is the best way to avoid open war with a tribe of Hobgoblins; A war you would most likely loose.

2008-06-18, 08:37 PM
Does that say druid circle? I could go there and talk to the druids, get their help? and consult with them on any other things in need of evisceration

2008-06-18, 09:44 PM
Growing still more bored and wary of their situation, Anji decides to return to Norro's house.

2008-06-18, 09:53 PM
Shield, remaining as silent as possible, strode up to the house of the speaker, akin to a scolded puppy. Once inside, he sidled up next to Korren, and whispered into his ear, "So...did I miss anything?"

2008-06-18, 10:35 PM
Yes, casters can make trouble for hell hounds, but we don't have many around here, and they can't be everywhere at once. And I didn't mean to set up a false impression, but the keep is in the closer third or so of the forest, right off the road, which is why it makes a good staging area. If these hobgoblins are anything like the normal tribes, they'll be centralized to keep control, and the keep offers the perfect place to do it. In any case, the road will take you straight to the keep, but if you want to get off the road you'll need a guide. The witchwood can be hard to navigate at times. And we have called a state of emergency, thats why the militia is out full time. Thank you again for helping us with this.

Why, yes, that is a druid circle. Avarthel would appreciate a visit from another of Natures defenders.

2008-06-19, 11:15 AM
Nebraska stood, jaw agape, at the sight of his friends leaving. He had just saved them from being caught by the guard for tresspassing and possibly ruining the entire party's relations with the town. He had just told a story about how they had to tie the ferry down on this side, and now, once the man bought the story, they left. Shield had only got the blasted thing halfway across when he left. Nebraska mumbled a curse under his breath and jogged over to the bank. Once there, he let a few more curses fly as he took hold of the rope and pulled.

I make a strength check to pull the ferry over to this side (And my Brains over Brawn ability lets me add my INT mod to the roll). [roll0]

2008-06-19, 02:59 PM
Before Korren could respond, Shield remembered that they'd left Nebraska at the river. Without a word of explanation, he bolted out the front door of the Speaker's home, and booked it back to the river to help his friend.

2008-06-19, 03:11 PM
Anji watched as Shield ran out the door. Suddenly he remembered that they had left Nebraska back at the river. Anji wondered why he would bother to stary there, especially when the old man had bought their impromtu lie. It was odd, out of all of the people present Anji always thought that Nebraska would be the least likely to do anything rash. After all, like Korren, Nebraska was like the voice of reason. Deciding that he didn't care enough to see what Nebraska was doing, Anji remained in Norro's house and listened to what he had to say.

2008-06-19, 03:54 PM
"How nice of you to join me." remarked Nebraska sarcastically as he noticed Shield approaching. He grunted as he tried to pull the ferry by himself."Where's Half-Pint?"

2008-06-19, 07:07 PM
Anji, where is Shield off to in such a hurry?Gore asks the halfling, fairly confidant that the reason the warforged bolted was because something interesting was happening

2008-06-19, 07:54 PM
Anji thought about how to answer Gore Dog's question, but decided to exaggerate and see if he's believe him. Well, Shield is off to aid Nebraska in appropriating a ferry. he whispered. Don't tell anyone though. Anji took a moment to reflect on what he had said. On second thought, no. I'm sure Shield just went to fetch Nebraska.

[roll0] bluff check to see if he believes me the first time... just for the hell of it. I told the truth the second time, so it's ok.

2008-06-19, 07:56 PM
Anji thought about how to answer Gore Dog's question, but decided to exaggerate and see if he's believe him. Well, Shield is off to aid Nebraska in appropriating a ferry. he whispered. Don't tell anyone though. Anji took a moment to reflect on what he had said. On second thought, no. I'm sure Shield just went to fetch Nebraska.

[roll0] bluff check to see if he believes me the first time... just for the hell of it. I told the truth the second time, so it's ok.

2008-06-19, 09:24 PM
"Does it matter where he went?" Shield asked. "Besides, I couldn''t leave you here to hurt yourself too badly." Shield smirked, truly impressed with himself at this attempt at humor. He began to help Nebraska pull the ferry across.

Shield aids Nebraska with pulling the ferry across using aid another [roll0]

2008-06-19, 10:26 PM
Well then I guess we'll go to the Keep! Korren says exasperatedly. I still want to hit that Druid's circle first. They may have some information that we could use, or aide they could give. Slightly exhausted at the blatant impetuous nature of his friends, Korren refuses to ask what mischief they have gotten themselves into.

2008-06-20, 03:44 PM
With both of you pulling, the task goes much quicker, taking only 4 more minutes to pull the ferry to the other side.

Speaker's House
Well, then, if I thinks thats all we can do for today. You could visit the circle tomorrow morning, and then later that day set out. Thank you again for this assistance, and goodbye.

2008-06-20, 06:54 PM
Tired and ready to go to sleep, Anji thanks the Speaker for the explaination of the situation and exits the house. Crossing the street to the inn, Anji reflects on the events that had transpired today. At least it should be just as interesting tomorrow. he thought as he entered the inn. Inquiring the manager as to the room that his friend had reserved, Anji walks into the room, climbs into the bed, and goes to sleep thinking about what fate would hold in store for him tomorrow.

2008-06-20, 10:45 PM
"All right. Now all we need is a rock or a tree or something to tie this to the bank." Nebraska looked around for one.

2008-06-21, 12:30 AM
You find a lack of good trees or stones, but the ferry docks on this side could probably be used.

2008-06-21, 06:21 PM
Oh, right. The docks. Nebraska thought, feeling rather stupid as he tied the ferry to the dock.

Use Rope check (with inspiration for good measure) [roll0]
Inspiration points used: 1
Inspiration remaining: 5

2008-06-21, 06:33 PM
Shield helps Nebraska tie the ferry to the dock.

Aid another [roll0]

2008-06-21, 11:00 PM
Korren bids the Speaker and Sorrana good evening and leaves the house. He heads straight to the Inn, up to his room, removes his armor, and gets good and comfy on the floor beneath Anji's bed, using his pack as a pillow. He also puts his sword in prime position to grab and slice at the ankles of any intruders.

2008-06-23, 09:09 AM
Finally able to go to sleep, I walk up to my room and into my bed.

"C'mon Glyn! If we don’t hurry we will miss the fireworks!!" called Myriatha, looking up at me from the road. This was our last time seeing each other before I had to head out to Kergan's Academy for the Arcane Arts for my last year of training. I ran to her side and then the fireworks started, it was amazing. Turning to look at Myriatha I saw her staring at the show above with wonder and awe, her eyes were reflecting every burst of color, trapping the moment within the depths of her emerald eyes. I move my hand to touch hers, and when we touch-

I wake up from my hand moving. A fleeting hope moves through me as I look around the room to see if she was really here. But she's not. I lie back down and try to sleep.

2008-06-28, 03:46 PM
The knot seems secure, and but you begin to feel the events of the day catching up to you, and the thought of a nice bed at the inn seems very attractive.

2008-06-29, 10:16 AM
Gore, tired from the day's events, goes to the inn for a well deserved sleep.

2008-07-22, 11:39 AM
After a job well done, Shield turns to Nebraska and says, "Let's get back to the inn. You need your rest, and I don't particularly enjoy being away from Korren for this long."

2008-07-26, 09:29 AM
"Good Idea." Nebraska returned to the inn with shield and passed out in his bed.

2008-08-30, 12:51 AM
That night, Anji had an odd dream involving him killing a giant spider. It was an odd dream that took place in New Zealand, wherever that was.

2008-09-08, 11:48 PM
Suddenly, Koren awakens to the sound of the rooster's crow destroying his eardrums. He slowly rolls out from under the bed, checks his belongings, and decides to leave the others to wake in their own time. Good morning Shield, he says as he begins to walk down the stairs. He sits at the bar of the inn and orders a breakfast as cordially as possible. Excuse me, can I get the cure for Dionysus' curse? The Barkeep looks at him quizzically, but plays along. What, pray tell, curse are you lookin' to cure lad? Remembering that he is far more traveled than his server, Korren rephrases his question. Best food for a "darn it whats the word, whats the western word Korren" Ah! Hangover, what is the best food for a hangover? The barkeep smiles and hands a plate over with some sliced apple and hard boiled eggs. Koren thanks the man, pays his copper, then proceeds to sit at a nearby table and enjoy his curse cure.

2008-09-10, 06:16 PM
The world around Koren suddenly shifts. Things become less concrete and sharp and it takes his eyes to adjust. He looks at the barkeep, who untill now had been meticulously cleaning a glass, and finds that he has stopped to stare at the chime-clock on the wall. The clock just stopped for three seconds, he said in an almost drol tone. Koren observed the silence in the room, then began to eat his food again. He didn't know what had just happened, but it felt as if the Gods had just held their breath. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90627)