View Full Version : Team Shiro (Naruto D20)

2008-05-24, 02:53 PM
It was one of your average normal morning... at least, as average and normal as one could get in a perpetually dark ridden village populated by outcast ninja. Our young heroes awaken to find a note next to them. It read;

"A suitable mentor has been found, you are now part of the new Team 7. Meet your instructor at the north gate at 10 sharp. Your probation status has officially been lifted."

You don't quite recall being on probation, but that would explain why it has taken so long to be assigned onto a squad.

At the north gate, a man seeming to be in his late 20's is sitting on the ground, staring at a map and occasionally fiddling with his forehead protector. He is a rather plain looking man, with short brown hair wearing a standard ninja outfit and vest. You get the feeling that if there were any other people around, you wouldn't have noticed him at all. "All present and accounted for? Good. I guess let's start with introductions. My name is Shiro. I've recently been allowed into the village and I'm still trying to get used to being in one spot for so long. I believe in being diverse and flexible, minimizing weaknesses and creating opportunities. While I may not stand out in any particular area, I happen to be well versed in all areas of being a shinobi. Which, I suppose, makes me an adequate teacher. Now you go.

2008-05-24, 04:27 PM
Uchiha Kenro

Thankfully Kenro woke up early enough to get to the spot on time - despite beeing in Kagekure for some time now (on "probation" as the note explained it) he still didn't knew the town as good as he wished. After arriving and hearing what his new teacher had to say, he decided to speak first:

- My name is Uchiha Kenro - I was sent to Kagekure by my clan, due to some agreement I have ben told little about. Anyway my specializations are Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu. I was told I have a strong affinity to fire element, though I had so far found only one Katon technique worthy of the time it took to learn, that was within my current abilities. Other than that I recived a quite broad training in typical shinobi skills. That's all I think, unless you have any questions sensei.

Afterwards Kenro went silent again and looked at his new companions - he was curious who they were, though his attention was slightly distracted by thoughts about his family. It has been quite long since he recived last message from them...

2008-05-25, 11:18 AM
Zengin Kino

At exactly 10 PM sharp the Uchiha wasn't the only one who was showing up in the nick of time. There was at least one other, a tired looking kid with dark circles underneath his eyes that yawned frequently as if just roused out of bed. Nothing more then a black long-sleeved button up shirt and pants that looked vaguely dressy, not even a headband tied at some obscure location. Sunken brown eyes peered out at the world and took in the sight of Shiro and Kenro with a nod before he spoke up.

"I am Zengin Kino. I am proficient with chakra control techniques and taijutsu though my ninjutsu isn't half-bad either. I don't know many techniques at all but I'm sure that I'll be able to surprise somebody with what I do know."

Afterwards he looked around to the other one, and to the third whenever they showed up and flashed a wry smile before asking. "So did you know you were on probation either?"

2008-05-25, 12:00 PM
Ekaki Kirishira

Kirishira rolls out of bed with a stifled yawn and a look of self-content. Her dream last night had been a wonderful frolic through the forests of fortiifed minds attempting to resist her most tempting tortures. She blinked, and completely disregarded the note until after she had bathed, dressed, and bun'd her hair. She opted for the dark gray Kagekure uniform with the chain mesh armor beneath. The young woman had developed a little later in life than her companions, and it showed through her significantly less physical development. A combination of her small size, flat chest, and introverted personality made Kirishira into a social pariah, which she cultivated as a method of cover for her advanced ninjutsu, medical jutsu, and kekkai-genkai.

The clock read nine-fifty-five by the time she was finished, and she still hadn't gathered up her equipment. Kiri took the time to gather the important things she used--a set of kunai, smoke bombs, rations, her scrolls, and a few needles--then rushed out the door at five-after-ten. The littlest kunoichi wore her headband wrapped around the strap on her sidebag, mostly because her hair would have gotten in the way of it anyway. The young teen had dyed black hair, with blond bangs hanging down over her forehead. She finally arrived--breathing hard after her run--ten minutes late to the meeting. She takes some time to catch her breath, then looks toward the assembled group and just says one word. "Yo."

She just stands there with her hands behind her back with a blue sidebag meant for an adult resting against her left hip. Her hair is done up in a bun, and anyone looking can pick out the two sharp pencils stuck into the black mass of hair. A red shuriken holster--strapped to her right bicep--jingles with each movement. Her skin is naturally pale, but her eyes are ringed with black makeup while her lips are painted a deep crimson. Both deep blue orbs settle on the older man, then dart toward the two young boys at his sides before finally coming rest on the gate itself. "So what are we doing here again?"

2008-05-25, 02:33 PM
Shiro scratches his head. "They all start like this. Patience. I don't know. Why are you here? There obviously was something more important to do than to arrive on time. Now you'll have to familiarize yourself with your team on your own time, because your mission starts now. Some old guy lives up north of here in the mountain. Not sure why the village thinks it's important, but you three have been commissioned to take him his supplies."

He pulls a slip of paper from a pouch, and hands it to Kenro. "This is his shopping list, so to speak. It also contains a pass from the higher ups so you don't have to pay for any of it. Phase one of your mission; get the supplies and bring them back here. Easy. Questions?"

2008-05-25, 03:39 PM

- Well I suppose it will be better to take a look at what we have to gaher in cease something on the list might arise questions... - said Uchiha taking a look at the list - Other than that - do we have to move out of the village soon, or doe we just have to get the stuff as fast as we can but without set timelimits?

2008-05-28, 12:39 AM
"He's expecting the delivery today. Beyond that, there really isn't an official time frame."

On the list is a large amount of various non-perishable foods (mostly instant ramen), random sundries, some hardware, tools, lumber (specific sizes are noted), and a custom ordered cooking pot. Immediately you notice that this is not a small list, and the load is likely to be very heavy. Proffered stores are listed for certain items, while a specific craftsman is listed for the last item.

2008-05-28, 01:19 AM

"Wow. That is alot of heavy stuff." Kirishira was always looking for a moment to practice her art, and this was perfect. "Well.. I guess you two big strong men will be carrying that." The sneaky kunoichi remarked dryly. "Why, with you on the job I wouldn't even need to get involved. After all, I am just a scrawny little girl." Kirishira flexes her right arm to prove her point, which only served to draw attention to the distinct lack of muscle on her small frame.

2008-05-29, 05:40 PM

"Nice try girl but from the looks of it we're all going to have to go get some of this stuff." Zino dead-panned as the scrawny looking girl tried to weasel her way out of doing any of the labor. He kept on staring for a couple moments longer, as if trying to figure something out then gave nothing but a shrug and turned back to the list. "Hmm...looks like it could take some time to get. Hey Shiro are you going to help us get this stuff or are we on our own? Because if we are...then Keno can get the lumber and tools and stuff, our girly friend here can grab the food and I can go grab the cooking pot. Sound good to everyone else?"

The kid sure sounded confident in his decision if anything...

2008-05-29, 08:01 PM

"Right.. Well, lemme be blunt. I can't carry that much stuff. If the cooking pot is an actual pot and not a kettle, then I might be able to carry it." She speaks calmly and to the point while resting her right hand on her hip.

2008-05-30, 04:07 AM

- I agree with Kino here - I won't ask you to carry more than you can but you will carry some part of the stuff. As for splitting - don't we have only one payment pass?

2008-05-30, 11:58 PM
Shiro grins rather mischievously, "Yup. Like it or not, you're stuck with each other all day. Well? This stuff isn't going to gather itself."

He sits back down on the ground and returns to his map, quietly humming to himself.

2008-06-02, 11:57 AM

"True, we only have one pass but that doesn't mean one of use can't start carrying things back while the rest of the shopping is finished. Though in that case it seems best to get the heavy construction stuff out of the way and I can help carry it back. Sensei do we need to do all of this ourselves or can we...enlist help?"

Twisting about to look at Shiro once more, the genin waits patiently for an answer while he thinks about the problem in his own head. Hiring laborers would do wonders to speed along the process with the heavy things like the pot and lumber things but the food would be easy to get.

2008-06-02, 10:46 PM
Indeed, only a single document has been supplied. Shiro looks up from his map and grins at Kino, "Technically this is your mission. However, the greatest shinobi have always been the ones who best utilized their resources. If you can find a sucker, feel free to abuse him. Just know that it will be you to suffer the consequences if any arise."

2008-06-03, 01:45 AM

"We should get going with that stuff. Like he said, we don't have all day to goof off."

2008-06-04, 05:57 AM

- True, lets get going - the faster we gather all this stuff the faster we'll get on the mission.

Requesting one DM induced plot push into important/interesting stuff :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-08, 10:52 PM

"Hmph. I'll just need to make sure that nothing goes wrong then, huh?" The tired looking kid says with a grin as he took the payment pass and began to trudge back down the hill into the village proper. Once he got there, with all the haste he could without tiring himself out for the tribulations ahead, he looked around with a keen eyes for those with the right look to them. People who had the air of the working man to them, who put in a good day's labor for an honest buck at the end of the day. Those were the ones who would be the most trustworthy for him to temporarily hire and not have to continuously look over their shoulders to insure a proper job.

Course people who worked an honest day's work might also be doing that honest labor today too which would make it hard to simply pull one of them off of the job. He'd need to find people off-work or who had a day off and for that...food stalls seemed the best places to check for off-duty workers or people on break, there he could offer them some coin if they'd spend their well-earned break hours helping his team in this special task. And just as obviously he touched the story up to draw more sympathy from those he spoke to about this. Empathizing that the old man was in fact ancient and in need of proper caring and downplaying the fact he was only doing this because he had too.