View Full Version : Dark Heresy: Kill Team IC

2008-05-25, 11:06 AM
The choir ship Antero Vipunen currently lurks in warpspace near Karamonda like a fat scarlet shark. The otherwise classic imperial gothic design of the Retribution class battleship is marred by the bulbous astropathic cathedral a quarter of the way up the ship from the stern. The cathedral is easily Lord Inquisitor Marduk's most unique artefact, a fusion of mechanicus design an psychic power that creates the most receptive mobile communications array in the segmentum. The Antero spends much of it's time like this, floating in the turmoil of the warp, sensor masts extended and psychic discharge arcing across the hull as her master collates the data he receives from an untold web of operatives, each strand a cabal in and of itself. If the shadow of the rusty red leviathan sits another ship, tethered like a remora to her larger sister. The Joyeuse is by far a much smaller vessel, the 2 kilometer frigate dwarfed by its mammoth matron. But her occupants care not, for Joyeuse is their ship, their refuge against the clawing madness outside her walls.

Her occupants are the blades edge of Lord Inquisitor Marduk Domarev's entire web, his fangs. Her occupants are you. Your lean black frigate has been called to the side of you master's home as it is always when he wishes to speak to you in person, which means something has gone wrong.

Your ship has just begun its day cycle, the sounds of crew changing posts echoes through her corridors. The Inquisitor expects your party aboard the Antero at what passes for midday. The Captain of your vessel, a stern man called Dominguez, has already docked her, what you do for the next few hours is up to you, cherish this small freedom.

As far as layout of Joyeuse goes, most of her major offensive weaponry has been stripped out in favor of larger hangers and a drop pod array. Other than than, you guys have 2 kilometers of boat to play around with, whatever you think your characters and previous members of the team would have installed is there, garages, armory, shooting range, tactical reenactment deck, a ballroom for some reason, go nuts.

2008-05-25, 02:49 PM
Magnus looks at the chrono in his room, there were still a few hours left. Donning his armour, with the exception of his helmet he then takes out his bolter. Doing a quick field strip, cleanins, reconstructs, and reloads it in a few seconds. He does this over and over again until it takes him less than 12 seconds and is satisfied with the quality of his work.After he takes out his Power Sword scrutinizes the edges of his powerblade, looking for chips, cracks or bluntness. Afterwords he sheaths it then walks outside to the hallway.

Magnus enters an armory. Looking around for a bit he locates, and takes a stub revolver and twelve rounds for it. Magnus also looks for a combat shield, hopefully a round one of medium size. After he goes to a sparring room or the like to bang heads with other soldiers/ inquisitioners, and of course, hes not using his powersword.

2008-05-25, 10:28 PM

Akadia sighed for a moment, watching the explosive live up to its name before her in a small armory that she managed to sneak away on the ship. A moment later there was a terrible ruckas as something heavy and metal landed. Despite the distraction, the servitor in the room never stopped playing the music it was instructed to. Though, the term small didn't apply that easily. The space used to hold a small squadron of Leman Russ tanks, though the Lord Marshel put the area to good use. A fallen killa kan, one of the ork's monstrosities, sat in one corner, heavily marred and destroyed, often the primary target of her tests. In the other corner sat a servitor and a fairly elaborate piano, providing music as Akadia worked. A fairly stable partition, only failing to protect its master a few memorable times, blocked most of the explosion from escaping.

She removed her helmet, satisfied that the vox within was still working perfectly. It had better; it took more energy then she wished to admit to get a techpriest to make such a device. She went around the wall, kicking most of the shrapnel off to the side so a servitor could collect it later. Despite most of her attempts, she couldn't get the firing mechanism to only work on a single sticky at a time. The kan just couldn't stand up to four "Akadian Grenades" exploding at once underneath it. The Killa kan has an unseemly gash in it now, far more open and broken then it ever had been before. It too would need some time to be prepared before she could really test on it once more.

She sighed, kicking the broken body with her foot. A chirping on her wrist meant that her time in the garage was over for now anyway. She wanted some practice with a blade and some exercise before seeing her lord. Especially since she knew that they would also need to be presentable to him. She wore simple clothes, not bothering with rank or insignia on her ship. It was hard to mistake her white hair or the way she carried herself, as if she knew everything wrong that you had every done. She held her practice equipment, carrying it with her to a training area and hoping someone there was willing to help.

((Rayzin, if you want, we could do a mini mock battle or something.))

2008-05-26, 02:38 PM
Knowing that they would soon be given another mission by the Inquisitor,Enoch polishes his powerswords.Slowly the tissue moves and as always,it has a rather soothing effect on him.After some time he inspects his work and starts swirling them around,to get him attuned to them.Fighting an invisible enemy,Enoch starts grinning.Whatever the mission will be,Punish and Redeem would surely get some good workout.

As an last test he pushes the button.Crackling to life,short spurts of electricity move over them.His grin grows even more as he turns his weapons off.Yes,they would do good work.Donning his swords and his armour,he takes a leave.

Thinking about what to do,he heads in the direction of the training room.A workout for him would´nt be such a bad idea.

2008-05-26, 06:26 PM
While Magnus is waiting for someone to fight he can hear a door opening. Seeing Akadia walk in Magnus picks up a training weapon from the side of the wall. Magnus walks over to the edge of the room, waiting for Akadia to get ready. Magnus gets into a fighting stance.

Are we actually fighting or just saying that to pass time away? If were actually fighting just do that in the OOC thread and post it up here later because i dont wanna waste time.
If we do lets say the rooms 15mx15m and ill roll initiative right now[roll0]. I guess well just play til we hit each other 3 times? Besides this is sorta a easy fight for me cause i got blade mastery, swift attack and lightning attack:smalltongue:. Your just alot better with a gun, specifically 2 pistols or gernades.

2008-05-26, 09:01 PM
Akadia grinned at Magnus, nodding only slightly before the two settled into their stances. She took off quickly, charging towards her companion and striking quickly with her practice weapon, hoping to catch him off guard and gain an early advantage.

See the OOC for Initiative of 9.

Charging, so +10 to WS. Need to roll under 42 then.


Blind luck can be more useful then you think though. :smallamused:

EDIT: Hit your left arm, thanks to sure strike, and wee.

2008-05-26, 09:21 PM
Magnus laughs at her pitiful attempt and parrys the blow to his left arm with ease, flicking his practice sword towards her attack. He goes to his knees and doing a downward chop. Tilting his blade up he does a quick thrust to the right arm. Rearing his blade back a bit he uses that space to swing his blade at Akadias stomach.
Need under 65 to pary(WS 55+10 Balanced weapon)[roll0]
Need under 55 under to miss

Its until someone gets three hits right:smallbiggrin:
Blind luck eh?

2008-05-26, 09:44 PM
Akadia sighed, hearing the three clangs as Magnus' sword touch her armor and made it ring. She stopped, sighing as she relaxed a bit. Magnus was a better swordsman then her, by more then a small margin. The Lord Marshal could hold her own against most of the Imperium, but that didn't make her a master. She held up her hand, acknowledging that he had won.


Ow, ow ow ow ow. My faith in Lady Fortuna is shaken.

[roll0] - Need under a 50 to dodge.

[roll1] - My attack, if I can.

EDIT: Do you just want to assume they keep training for a bit? I would imagine that Akadia would lose a lot, but might win one or two. Nice way to pass time though before meeting the big bad inquisitor though.

2008-05-26, 11:05 PM
Magnus smiles and walks over to the other side where Akadia started and raises his sword again. Magnus liked fighting, he did it for money but mostly the thrill.

We wlll assume that we fight for the rest of the time until we are called right? Blargh when will Tresson, and Voth post?

2008-05-27, 12:05 AM
Nicole's eyes snap open after what seems like an eternity of slumber. Slowly rising from her cot, she dawns her simple black robes and begins to walk through her room, slowly muttering to herself.

"Another day another day..."

"Well of course its another day! But this day is special."

"Thats right, this day is the day that Lord Inquisitor Marduk is meeting with us!"

"Thats right! Which means there is a mess that needs to be cleaned up."

"Oh I do so hate messes. They always end up so... bloody!"

Collecting her things, Nicole walks out into the hallway and begins to wander. After awhile, she comes to the sparring room and spies Magnus and Akadia crossing swords.

"Oh! A bout! I do so love a good bout!"

Quietly, she takes a seat and watches the two.

I hope I didn't take anyone's color. I've decided to use two to symbolize her unbalanced nature as a high powered psyker. Provides some more meat to her character. Also, I apologize for the wait. I had several issues come up in RL that needed to be dealt with.

2008-05-27, 02:00 PM
Hearing the sound of weapons hitting each other,Enoch fastens his steps.After a short time he enters the sparring room and sees the "fight" of Magnus and Akadia.

"Oh in the name of the Emperor,I´m late"

Lokking around,he spots Nicole.Moving next to her,he asks.

"Morning,you know how long they are at it?"

2008-05-29, 06:55 PM
By now Magnus has already exhausted himself. Fighting with Akadia was not hard but it was taxing on his energy."I think, we're done now."And he leaves to sit with the other Acolytes.

" Any idea what our employer wants?"

2008-06-01, 04:47 PM
The vox caster on the wall coughs and sputters momentarily, for a split second the sound of an ancient train whistle can be heard before the old wiring comes into sync with reality. The voice of the captain with his characteristic Castillian accented Gothic is heard.

"We just received a message from the Antero Vipunen, I don't dare wonder what makes an Inquisitor sound hurried, but the time table has been moved up, he wants his Claws aboard and in the audience chamber within thirty minutes. Emperor save you if you caused his mood."

2008-06-03, 08:33 PM
Donning his helmet, Magnus wastes no time rushing to the audience chamber.

2008-06-03, 08:35 PM

"It's time to be off!" Nicole says with glee as she hops up to her feet and heads off to the audience chamber, talking to herself along the way.

2008-06-04, 12:51 PM
"Oh Emperor," Akadia swore as she hurried. She put her training tools away, hurrying to where she kept some of her tools. she managed to make it to the audienc chamber quickly enough though, and ahead of their lord inquisitor.

2008-06-04, 01:13 PM
Already full epuipped,Enoch jumped up grinning.

"Finally,now we´re gonna know who to kill this time.

Joining his running fellow acolytes,he hurries to the audience chamber.

2008-06-05, 07:06 PM
The Audience chamber is a blank expanse of white ivory shot through with gold veins. Shaped in a semi circle with a domed roof it measures perhaps 50 meters deep. The doors through which you enter (a set of double airlocks) are at the apex of the curve. Directly opposite you a dais covered in piping and gears, culminating in what looks much like the chest unit from a dreadnought.

The dreadnought opens with a pop-hiss revealing you inquisitor. Marduk wheres his characteristic robes, half red and half black. His hood is pulled back to reveal an ancient face covered in data-plug sockets.


2008-06-05, 08:10 PM
"Not much has happened Lord, what has caused the change in schedule?"

2008-06-07, 02:08 PM
"Enoch reporting in for duty,master.Who has angered you and who shall be receiving death."

2008-06-07, 05:04 PM
The Inquisitor waves one hand and a circle of marble about 5 feet in diameter recedes and a gilt hololith rises in its place. An image of the planet in realspace below floats, red rings marking out areas of interest.

"This is what has gotten me irate. Heretics!" The Hololith hums as the planet spins, and then expands, the edges disappearing outside the projection field as the central continent comes into view. You can see that aside from the barren poles, Karamonda is a paradise world. Lush purple forests and sea green grass lands adorned by snow capped mountains and multi-hued canyons expand before the view settles on a thin ridge line.

From the ridge Sprouts a fortress like manse, replete with walls and a tower flanking the house itself, which juts out from the living rock. A few hundred meters south of the complex the ground drops away into one of the planet's colorful canyons. A spindly suspension bridge spans the canyon, serving as the only land approach to the manse as far as you can see.

"This Manse belongs to Arcturis Gholos, a man who was, until a few hours ago, under suspicion of heresy." An accompanying picture springs to life and begins to rotate. An older man in a purple ensemble that could have bankrupted small nations on the gold thread running though the cuffs alone. "I say was because a few hours ago..." The Hololith sputters as it resets the frame, almost as if it were reluctant to display the image. "...This happened."

The manse remains unchanged, the walls are perfectly intact, indeed the only thing that seems out of place is the smoking ruin were the bridge had once been. Then your eye catches the edges of what your mind had been frantically ignoring. Bodies, live bodies, covering the frontal gardens like a writhing carpet. They are surrounded by corpses, each clad in purple and green flak armor. You're mind takes in more the bodies outline the living who take the shape of a sign whose very geometry tears at the mind. They form a shape that is not some simple Chaos slur, not a mere blasphemy. They form a one of the Four greater signs, a net of crescents and orbs drawn out of the pink flesh.


2008-06-07, 10:01 PM
Magnus looks at the bodies, slightly disgusted by the sign, those four always meant trouble.

"Looks like weve got alot of work to do , whats the mission? Just killing him?"

2008-06-08, 12:07 AM
"Were it so simple." another wave of his wrinkled hands makes the picture a still, and a time line begins to form as the Inquisitor speaks. "If all he were doing was some run of the mill ritual with a bunch of decadent paradise world heathen dilettantes I'd lance cannon the lot of them and call it a day." a cut away of one of the corpses on the lawn is shown, from the increased detail you can clearly see that the man (it is a man) wears the uniform of the sole guard regiment Karamonda tithes. "but this... the entire Karamondan 1st. For that, he's bought himself a ticket to Salem Proctor!"

"I've had a team tracking him for months, sifting through financial records, worming there way into the very core of his enterprises. Distribution of heretical pamphlets and substances to His Most Holy an JUST Imperial forces!" a laundry list of charges appear, scrolling past Arcturis' face, the array of heresies are dizzying. "As always, I intended to handle this as a local matter, if a surprisingly intense one. Instead, he moves faster than my cabal had suggested he could. They had thought the ritual was months off, instead they were used to start it." another cutaway, film from a hand held pict caster. 5 acolytes of the Inquisition in front of a crowd of nobles and guardsmen, all cheering and howling like wild beasts, what follows is beggars belief, let alone description.

"Before they where, desecrated, my cabal managed to put a high gain beacon into the tower here." The large tower on the wall is highlighted. "Making a pin point drop pod strike the most expedient manner of insertion. Once you arrive, find Arcturis Gholos, subdue him, and drag his carcass back into orbit so that he can be shipped to Salem Proctor. You should be able to procure transport from the PDF and the arbites once you have pacified the situation."

Marduk is flustered, in all your years of service you've never seen him so unsettled. If theres something eating at him he's not letting it budge.

2008-06-08, 02:45 PM
Raising an eyebrow,Enoch releases a small whistle.

"Such a long list,the corruption of an entire Guard companie and the desecration of an acolyte cell.Do we know how many follow him and how good they are equipped?And foremost,when does our mission start?"

He raises his head from the image to the Inquisitor as he asks the questions.

2008-06-08, 03:11 PM
"His cell can number no more then fifty, but he has at least one skilled bodyguard. The rank and file are merely standard cultist filth with guard issue weaponry, I can hardly attest to the nature of his personal guard, but he has enough money and a foul enough soul to have hired someone or some thingworth being wary of." A podium rises from the floor in front of the hololith, a rack of dataslates on top of it.

"You can read up on the floor plans on the way down. Grab whatever you need from the armory aboard Antero, then get to the pod array on your own vessel, I'll feed you navigators the coordinates myself. You depart now."

2008-06-08, 06:08 PM
"Think they'll be a daemonhost this time? Or just some fool in powered armor?" Akadia asked as she relaxed slightly. She was standing at attention for the entirety of her lords talk. Most of her tools were close enough as it was, though even with them she didn't entirely relish fighting the servants of the dark prince. It was oddly disconcerning when they enjoyed being blown to smithereens. At least the rest of the chaos heretics had the decency to hate pain.

2008-06-08, 08:17 PM
"A Daemon host would certainly complicate things." Magnus did not relish the idea of fighting one of those creatures again, things get really messy in those situations.

2008-06-09, 12:16 AM

Oddly silent, Nicole stands and waits for the others to finish, occasionally moving her eyes back and forth as if watching something unseen move.

2008-06-09, 06:14 AM
"Hopefully it´s just some idiot proud of his armor.I love when my blades sear through them like paper.Their looks when that happens."

Enoch grins by those words and takes one of the dataslates.

"Master as you wish it will happen."

He bows to the Inquisitor and turns to leave.

2008-06-09, 09:30 PM
Magnus to turns to depart , this mission sounded easy enough. And there seemed like alot of bloodshed involved as well.

2008-06-14, 11:18 PM

As if nudged by an unseen force, which felt oddly like a toe, Nicole made her way to the door, pondering how best to go about bringing the Emperor's Justice.

2008-06-22, 12:14 AM
The drop array aboard Joyeuse is bathed in oscillating red light from the over heads as the vox caster blares a klaxon to warn that the pods are ready for launch. Captain Dominguez himself is on deck, and expression of curiosity evident by his cocked eyebrow.