View Full Version : fear fear fear scary boo ahhh

2008-05-25, 10:35 PM
I was going to post a thread about what you absolutely love, but I realized I have a million of those threads. (what do you love about yourself, whats the best thing thats happened to you today, etc. ive replayed it.)
But theres way too much negativity on here sometimes. Truly. Whenever somebody discusses themselves it seems to be negative. Positive to everybody else, but very self-depricating.

So, I know, how is fear anything even close to positive, AMIRITE?!

I dont know. Fear isn't all bad. It's kept us alive, has it not?? Moreover, for all the irrational, seems to me to get anywhere you have to realize what you dont want to realize anyways.

My point? Im not being negative, but im not going to be overly optimistic for the sake seeming overly optimistic. And I ALWAYS get to one of those threads some answer like "I love nothing. i hate me. LIFE IS A SUCKHOLEEE" and this way, if anybody says "nothing" then they can consider it a positive thing :smallsmile:
or they can be a flippin liar.

So cmon now. What are your worst fears? Moreover, how are you going to get over 'em? Or should you at all?
(im in a questions mood.)
((I am ALWAYS in a questions mood, have you noticed?))

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-25, 10:39 PM
Failure and change!
Oh, and being disliked.

2008-05-25, 10:41 PM
Hey, did you get your old avatar back? I missed it!

Well, my first fear that will always be closest to my heart is fear of needles. Just the thought weirds me out. Also, heights. They're very disorienting to me. Not airplanes and stuff, just when I'm, say, 100 feet off the ground...I'm one of those people who just can't rappel off rocks and stuff.

Odd thing, actually--when I'm afraid, I get increasingly polite. First I joke. Then I start peppering in "pleases" and "thank yous" like there's no tomorrow.

2008-05-25, 10:47 PM


It's weird seeing how I live in New York city, and the closest I'll likely get to an infected mosquito would be at a laboratory, but it still just makes me feel... uneasy.

I've been afraid of Malaria ever since I made the mistake of reading a national gegraphic article on it.

2008-05-25, 10:49 PM
I'm just afraid that I'm going to die before I can complete my work.

Well, not "dying" so much as "getting killed." For my politics, or because I'm gay. To the extent that once I started seriously thinking about it, I'm not sure if I ever want to go back to Russia.

I'm also terrified of HIV now ...

Em Blackleaf
2008-05-25, 10:59 PM
I'm afraid of the dark, but only when I'm outside, anyone I know getting hurt or killed, some of the cats I've met because those cats are EVILLLL, the body structure of greyhounds, and people that yell at me.
I'm also afraid of deadly illnesses, but that's a fairly rational fear, I'd say.

2008-05-25, 11:03 PM
I'd go with failure. Failure and social situations of pretty much any kind.

You know, fear is interesting. I've decided that bravery isn't about not being scared, it's about coping with what you are afraid of. There are very few things that actually scare me, but I cannot deal with the things that do scare me. Therefore, I am a nearly fearless coward.

2008-05-25, 11:12 PM
I have a fear of leaving forums for three months and coming back and seeing that I have alot of PMs to answer.

2008-05-25, 11:18 PM
i'm afraid of call of duty 4. you can get sniped through a steel shipping container!

2008-05-25, 11:24 PM
You were missed, Pocketa. *hugs*

Blindness. My father. The destruction of people I love and being helpless to stop it.

Alex is fearless. But I would never want to be that way. I cannot imagine the chaos such a person must feel. Law holds you in no bound, nor threat of pain and death. Reckless? Hmm.

2008-05-25, 11:47 PM
Failure and change!
Oh, and being disliked.
Oh, except the being disliked part. Im very disliked as is. Im pretty comfortable with it :smallamused:

Hey, did you get your old avatar back? I missed it!
Uhm no see my last avatar was controversial. In this one, instead of "No War" the sign just says "NO"
Eliminating controversy! Im ingenious, right??

Odd thing, actually--when I'm afraid, I get increasingly polite. First I joke. Then I start peppering in "pleases" and "thank yous" like there's no tomorrow.
Freudian defense mechanisms. It isn't too shocking, if you think of it on that level..
but then again, Im always thinking on that level so..yeah.
My mothers biggest defense mechanism is humor. During scary movies she laughs. Other example?? Yesterday after work she was laughing about this guy whose face was swelled up and when you pushed against it blood squirted out of his eye. Which made me ask "how on earth is that funny??" and she said "it isn't, i guess, it's just interesting." and i pointed out she was pretty hysterical about it and she shrugged. lol.

There are very few things that actually scare me, but I cannot deal with the things that do scare me.
This partially reminds me of me. Or, it did. Idk. I used to have my friends be like "Seriously, is there ANYTHING you're scared of?? Anything at all?" I dont know why this was such a common question but I'd always answer "uhmm. I dont like spiders." and this always got people to laugh but it is not very funny.
I am very, very,veryveryveryafdkjashraiVERY VERY VERY scared of spiders. Seriously. I know a lot of chix pull off that whole omg bugs ewz thing but I hate seeming all wimpy & the other day in class there was this spider on the ceiling and I literally screamed in the middle of a test. chyeah. it was uncool.
i cannot handle spiders :smallfrown:

I have a fear of leaving forums for three months and coming back and seeing that I have alot of PMs to answer.
I fear you're one of those people.

Law holds you in no bound, nor threat of pain and death. Reckless? Hmm.
That is exactly how I always wanted to live my life.

2008-05-25, 11:53 PM
Uhm no see my last avatar was controversial. In this one, instead of "No War" the sign just says "NO"
Eliminating controversy! Im ingenious, right??


2008-05-25, 11:53 PM
That is exactly how I always wanted to live my life.

Do you, Jae? Or do you want to live with an ability to disregard fear?

2008-05-25, 11:58 PM
I fear exposing my fears on a public forum where my unknown enemies could potentially find them out and then figure out that this avatar belongs to me in real life, then use the information against me somehow.

And porcelain masks creep me out. Just, agh.

2008-05-26, 12:12 AM
Shut up amo :smallfrown:

Do you, Jae? Or do you want to live with an ability to disregard fear?
Do I want to disregard fear? Absolutely not. I don't want to disregard anything. There isn't any strength in apathy.. How would I win, in that case??

I fear exposing my fears on a public forum where my unknown enemies could potentially find them out and then figure out that this avatar belongs to me in real life, then use the information against me somehow.
no joke thats why i havent said any yet!

And porcelain masks creep me out. Just, agh.
&& I used to have this porcelain doll && she was a september doll because my birthday is in september and she had a necklace with a sapphire and all that junk but every night she stared at me i knew she was planning my murder so I threw her in the hall closet and i locked it forever. and in retrospect this extreme fear probably stemmed from who gave me the doll..

2008-05-26, 12:31 AM
I have a fear of leaving bad first impressions on people, most of all. I hate not appearing as I'd like to appear in somebodies mind, I dunno about you.

I have a fear of walking to the bathroom at night. I start thinking about ghosts and freaking myself out. (No, this is all true).

A fear of being a bad kisser. I've been told by the receiving end I was good though. :smallcool:

2008-05-26, 12:47 AM
I'm afraid of losing someone i love.

and spiders. well, actually anything with more than the usual (usual being 4) amount of limbs. even lobsters and crabs creep me out, though not as bad.

2008-05-26, 12:51 AM
I lost a lot of my fears, but I don't like having to go down very fast. Like droping about anything about 6 feet or greater, but thats more of the healthly desire to stay alive and not have lots of broken bones. But I did find one way of making about everything else not very or at all scracy. But I am not telling what it is.
I'll maybe tell later but not right now. But it works, for at least two people.

2008-05-26, 01:28 AM
Blindnesss or deafness. Because with the amount of times I almost die weekly, losing a major sense ensures that I have less than a week if it happens.

That and never regaining my ambition. Because the future is meh.

2008-05-26, 01:34 AM
I think my only irrational fear is of fish. Pretty much any fish, although only when I'm swimming (I don't run screaming from desktop fishtanks or anything like that). When I was younger, other kids would sit with their legs dangling in water and let minnows nibble on their toes. I could never do that, it always freaked me out too much. Something about a miniscule or even altogether unseen creature slowing chipping away at my bits... :smalleek: *shudder*

I wouldn't really say it's a fear of mine for people not to like me, although it does make me feel sad when they don't. But I'm not sad for me, I'm sad for them. Don't they know what they're missing? (http://www.countyoursheep.com/d/20050207.html) :smalltongue: (Great webcomic, btw.)

My social fears mostly revolve around how I am perceived by others. I think I am well liked by pretty much everyone, until I get into an arguement. Because I spend a lot of time making up my mind on things and I do a lot of research to support my decisions, I tend to be very adamant about my views. By attempting to be thorough and 'in the know,' I fear that I sometimes come across as arrogant and/or unyielding. I have been accused of "beating a dead horse" in an arguement. I think I do this because I want to make it clear that I'm not wishy-washy and not just making up my mind on the spot; I feel my position is well supported and I try to relate all of my reasons for feeling the way I do. If the horse is dead, I want to make sure it stays dead. I feel that my opinions are supported and justified but most people just don't put as much thought into various issues and aren't interested in doing so.

In short, I suppose I don't always know when to just shut up and I probably take myself too seriously when I really care about something. :smallsigh:

I am also afraid of losing someone I care about, although it's something I know I will realistically have to face a number of times in my life.

2008-05-26, 01:34 AM
Everything scares me.

Oh I wish I was kidding...

2008-05-26, 01:52 AM
Oh, god, I just remembered Chad.

This was a guy who was deathly afraid of apples.

You heard me.

Someone once duct-taped an apple to both doorknobs that allowed you to exit the room. Someone then put an apple in front of his face, he ran to one door, then another, then just stood there and screamed and screamed and screamed. After the apples were removed, he still wouldn't touch the doorknobs.

I *wish* I was kidding. :smallfrown:

2008-05-26, 01:53 AM
I'm very anxious when I have to call someone or go to a cashier. I'm not sure what it is about it that scares me, but I'm always shaking and nervous.

I'm alllways scared that I'll be a burden.

...and, recently, I've been terrified by the prospect of being touched by a man.

2008-05-26, 01:55 AM
Lets see...

Needles, fairly common.
Deadly insects/animals. See above.
Going blind, which really screws up some stuff I enjoy the most.

And my imaginations can come up with some needlessly creepy stuff. An example would be that I am temporarily sleeping in a room with a dead TV in it, and one night I got the image of a static built face that glared at me when my back was turned.
Shook it off of course, but its worse when founded on something. "Whats that noise?" syndrome I guess.

Tempest Fennac
2008-05-26, 02:00 AM
I hate change and uncertainty. I'm also really scared of spiders, needles and the idea of being disabled in some way. For some reason, death doesn't really bother me and I don't mind the dark that much.

2008-05-26, 02:15 AM
even lobsters and crabs creep me out, though not as bad.

Lobsters creep me out a bit, but that's mostly because I was slightly traumatized by working in a restaurant where they expected me to be able to chop them up and cook them. Ever seen how you prepare lobster? You pick them out of the tank, then hold a cloth over their eyes to calm them down and then you freaking chop them in half with a huge knife. It sounds like someone just broke a leg. Add a little butter and toss 'em in the oven. They still twitch the first couple of minutes they're in there. :smalleek:
Needless to say, I couldn't do that.
But I wonder why more people aren't freaked out by lobsters and crabs. They're basically seamonsters and probably some of the more alien-looking creatures we have on this planet.

2008-05-26, 02:16 AM
I'm not sure it goes far enough to be considered a "fear", but I definitely worry sometimes about how others percieve me. Like gw, I tend to have very strong views supported by a lot of thought and research.. I argue with people a LOT over them.

Main thing I'm afraid of is death. Yeah, death is pretty scary.

2008-05-26, 02:19 AM
Sharp things near my skin
Going to hell
Being hated by everyone

Those are the biggest ones, but there be more.

H. Zee
2008-05-26, 02:23 AM
I have so many fears! I'm afraid of wasps, big dogs, and heights - but not if I'm on a high building or in a plane, just if I'm outside and on a high-up edge. I'm also afraid of - and this probably sounds wierd - windows or doors being left open, particularly at night. Even if it's just a door between one room and the next. I'm also afraid of windows not being covered by curtains at night.

Oh, and death, don't forget that. Particuarly dying before I achieve my ambitions. The idea of oblivion always preys on my mind on lonely nights. I can't bear the thought that atheism is right, and that when I die all my thoughts and memory will be extinguished. I wish I could turn to Christianity or Buddhism for reassurance, but I've tried both and I don't have the strength of faith for either.

Despite the fact that I have lots of fears, I'm good at hiding them. I can be completely and utterly terrified, but no-one will notice because when I'm scared all I do is stand still and grin, which makes me look nonchalant rather than out of my mind with fear. I don't do this deliberately, but for some reason when I'm really scared I just grin, don't ask me why. Therefore, I have a completely undeserved reputation for fearlessness.

2008-05-26, 02:26 AM
I could repeat mf11, my primal fear is loneliness, losing or estranging from the people who are important to me. Also, sometimes I go crazy about not taken seriously. Not some petty "take me seriously" discussion stuff, though, more in the regard when I got really hurt and have the expression nobody(especially the hurting one) really cares.

And of course, spiders. It was really bad when I was a kid, but it got better when I got older. I still don't like them and wouldn't never touch the big ones (and of course I had a friend with a free-running tarantula), but I don't mind having the normal ones in the room anymore.
Ehm, well, but I wouldn't recommend my kind of therapy, actually. I got a time very carelessly about cleaning up and just stopped minding inhabitated cobwebs. And when my hygienic failures started to cause a fly plague, the spiders ate them, so that got sympathy points.

&& I used to have this porcelain doll && she was a september doll because my birthday is in september and she had a necklace with a sapphire and all that junk but every night she stared at me i knew she was planning my murder so I threw her in the hall closet and i locked it forever. and in retrospect this extreme fear probably stemmed from who gave me the doll..

The clown will eat me...

@MisterSaturnine Well, wow. Symply wow. (And first skimming through your post, I thought they had also duct-taped the apple to his face..:smalleek:)

2008-05-26, 03:31 AM
The technical term for a phobia of wasps is spheksophobia. It's what I've got. It's very annoying, and I'm considering getting therapy for it. Apart from that? Being laughed at, I guess. Someone cracking my shell. I act extremely confident, but sometimes people just break through.

When I say being laughed at, I mean maliciously. Being poked fun of by friends is fine.

Johnny Blade
2008-05-26, 06:17 AM
I'm also terrified of HIV now ...
Same here.
Since I'm straight, I guess I'm a little safer than you are (although I don't know any actual data about that), but I've seen someone die from it and...man, I just don't want to die like that.

Also, failure. To the point where I often don't even try to do anything. And if I commit myself to something (or someone, heh), I do it almost excessively, which, of course, isn't always the best way of ensuring 'success'. :smallamused:

And, somehow, going blind. There's no reason for it, no real history in my family or anything. I'm just afraid of it.

2008-05-26, 08:23 AM
Hmmm... Scary things, eh?

People, I suppose.

2008-05-26, 08:32 AM
Furbys, i absolutely hate them and they hate me.
Telephones, i HATE answering phones, i can text ok though.

2008-05-26, 08:46 AM
Furbys, i absolutely hate them and they hate me.
Telephones, i HATE answering phones, i can text ok though.

I reckon that telephones suck away part of your soul or something, like that old carpet I had that always gave me 'pins and needles'.

2008-05-26, 08:52 AM
I reckon that telephones suck away part of your soul or something, like that old carpet I had that always gave me 'pins and needles'.

what ever it is, its evil :smallbiggrin:

2008-05-26, 08:54 AM
Injections, and other medical things - medicine, diseases, hospitals. Mostly injections though.

I guess what scares me most is what the hell I'm going to do if I have to go into hospital. Being knocked out with pills(or gas, but that unnerves me as well) isn't that pleasant a prospect, but I guess that's what I'd beg would happen. :smalleek:

Butterflies unnerve me.

2008-05-26, 08:58 AM
My two big fears (that are rational):
(a) The fear of being influenced, commanded, mind controlled, etc. My mind is MINE. Hands expletive off. Nothing would scare me more than to know that something could influence me in a way that I don't want to be influenced. Propaganda scares the !@#$ out of me. (Not like a phobia, where I'd run away from it, and close my eyes. It's a more intellectual fear.) Nobody thinks propaganda works. Which is exactly why it does. Which in turn scares me. Because if I know it works then...

(b) I do not fear death (I don't exactly seek it though...), but if I were to be unable to comprehend my death, that would scare me. If I were to start dying from some outside force that was completely beyond explanation (be it paranormal, illogical, etc.), then that would NOT be a peaceful death for me.

And now for irrational, non-intellectual fears:

(a) Simple marine life. Algae, sea cucumbers, corals, worms, leeches. All these things that don't have eyes, digits, skeletons, and such scare the !@#$ out of me, in a phobia way. This isn't like the intellectual fears I have; this is a phobia. When I'm swimming, and I just think something brushes my leg, I start swimming to shore. FAST.
Living things should have eyes, and legs, and arms, and intelligence! There's so little difference between a puddle of ooze and a sea cucumber. Why does the sea cucumber move?! :smalleek:

2008-05-26, 09:00 AM
I am scared of the floor.


Recent studies have shown that people have rarely died from falling from a tall height, but more from hitting the floor. So it is more dangerous than you'd have thought.

2008-05-26, 09:02 AM
I am scared of the floor.


Recent studies have shown that people have rarely died from falling from a tall height, but more from hitting the floor. So it is more dangerous than you'd have thought.

Do these "recent studies'" have something to do with Rincewind the Wizzard at all? :smalltongue:

2008-05-26, 09:39 AM
I'm very anxious when I have to call someone or go to a cashier. I'm not sure what it is about it that scares me, but I'm always shaking and nervous.

I'm alllways scared that I'll be a burden.

...and, recently, I've been terrified by the prospect of being touched by a man.

Well, you'll never be a burden to me.

*emasculates self, hugs* :smallfrown:

2008-05-26, 10:43 AM
being a bad kisser.

I haz that:smallfrown:

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-26, 10:44 AM
I'm afraid that every time I make a post, someone is rolling their eyes at it and thinking "She seriously needs to shut up."

2008-05-26, 10:47 AM
I have an irrational fear of having doors open. Especially when I'm facing away from the doors. I'm also terrified of spiders, moths, clowns, and failiure.

2008-05-26, 10:47 AM
I'm afraid that every time I make a post, someone is rolling their eyes at it and thinking "She seriously needs to shut up."

The trick is to know that if someone takes a forum that seriously then they themselves are the April Fool... Or something like that.

...Ooo, and I'm afraid of failing my exams and consequently ruining my life.

2008-05-26, 10:48 AM

I really cant stand those creepy crawlies

2008-05-26, 01:59 PM
Okay so on the subject or arachnaphobia and my dislike of bugs in general (key word being dislike, not fear, i will only actually be afraid of spiders...) I wasnt as a kid. I used to play with spiders. Me and my brother did, actually. And I collected bugs of all sorts...I always had quite the obsession with anything living and animals&bugs were on the same level for me.
It wasn't until I had to listen to my mom and dad argue about whether it was OKAY for me and my brother to play with spiders that I got terribly afraid of them. terribly.

Okay so now that this thread is on its second page, Im irritated with it. Is that wierd?? As of late I'd rather my posts be ignored than mass replied to lol. thats definitely odd, but im not sure why i want it. hmm.

I fear that Im not going to be able to rid myself of this ridiculous jaw clench anytime soon. And my teeth are ****in killing me. the rest of me is pretty sore too..but my teeth? I dont know that I'll eat today. But even this pain is going to be uncompareable to what my cheek will feel like if I started chewing it in my sleep again. It's one thing to wake up and feel half your teeth ache, another entirely to wake up to feeling ridiculously sensitive bumps up and down your cheek and literal tissue. Just relax, right?
god damnit!

edit: and its not as much a fear as a curiosity, but im not sure what I may have done/acted like to make the lot of you like me. I mean, the PMs and stuff I get from you guys are WAY WAY WAY WAY nice. Like, saying amazingly nice things about me that I cant even begin to compare myself to. People like bor and saturnine say the sweetest things that really make me sound idk. brilliant and amazing and gorgeous and I feel bad that I am really none of those things.
&& the fear comes from me wondering if I completely faked this personality in order to get people to like me. I think you can do that subliminally, and I fear I must have. Because I am soo nothing like the person I tend to be describe as

Em Blackleaf
2008-05-26, 02:15 PM
I'm afraid that every time I make a post, someone is rolling their eyes at it and thinking "She seriously needs to shut up."
Just remember, there are much stupider people than you on the internet.

I was just reminded of this weird stuffed cat I used to have. It was completely white with black eyes and it always looked like it was staring at me. It seemed like such an evil cat. It freaked me out so much. *Shudders*
That probably stems from an episode of Hey, Arnold! with a creepy white cat in it.

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-26, 02:17 PM
Okay so now that this thread is on its second page, Im irritated with it. Is that wierd?? As of late I'd rather my posts be ignored than mass replied to lol. thats definitely odd, but im not sure why i want it. hmm.

But you create all these threads asking us for replies! Personal-reflectiony replies!

Another thing that freaks me out is the bathroom of that bar in downtown Fburg that looks like something out of a Tim Burton movie.

2008-05-26, 02:45 PM
hahah actually I noticed that all my threads are personal reflectiony threads.

I think I do that, for one, because ever since I was a kid I was surrounded by people who didnt want to talk (aka, everyone) and I learned that if you ask a question involving them, they almost always will answer. And its amazing because if you get one personal answer it just builds up this trust and thats another thing entirely but its amazing :smallbiggrin:

and, second, im intrapersonal and my mind is made up of entirely self-reflection. Even things that dont relate to me must relate to me in order for me to understand completely. wierd, ehh?

Mauve Shirt
2008-05-26, 03:42 PM
Personal reflection depresses me because I can't stand myself, but I do it anyway 'cause for some reason I trust you guys!

2008-05-26, 03:51 PM
Personal reflection depresses me because I can't stand myself..

Then you one of us.

One of us! One of us! One of us!

We're all psychos around these 'ere parts... Least ways, I am.

2008-05-26, 06:04 PM
I'm afraid that every time I make a post, someone is rolling their eyes at it and thinking "She seriously needs to shut up."

You really need to shut up.


Jack Squat
2008-05-26, 06:27 PM
I can't really say I fear anything

I used to be afraid of heights, but doing a bit of rock climbing fixed that.

I'm a little nervous around wasps and bees, but after having, umm..., discovered a yellow jacket nest while weeding, I consider that more of a conditioned response than a fear.

2008-05-26, 06:39 PM
Being disliked. Uuuuuhhhggg. *shiver* :smalleek:

2008-05-26, 06:50 PM
That everyone secretly hates me. :smallfrown:

That some day my mind will be spontaneously transported into someone else's body, like a performer or maybe a surgeon and that everyone else will be unaware that I'm me and not the other person and that I will be unable to do what I am supposed to be doing at that very moment. Like singing a song or knowing what to do. It's silly. :smalltongue:

Spiders freak me out a bit but not so much so that I cannot squish them with extreme prejudice. :smallmad:

2008-05-26, 07:01 PM
I fear...... nothing slimy. Or squishy.

Hmm, Actual Fears:
Dying before my Dad in a freak accident, so I can't dance on his grave. Which I plan to do. Frequently.

2008-05-26, 07:01 PM
Everything scares me.

Oh I wish I was kidding...

The Muffin speaks the truth, you know.
Poor muffin. *comforts in the least intimidating way possible.*

I have an irrational fear of having doors open. Especially when I'm facing away from the doors. I'm also terrified of spiders, moths, clowns, and failiure.

I don't consider it fear so much, but I HATE open doors. I can't concentrate when a door is open, even if there's no sound coming from it. It's just knowing that something could come through and I wouldn't know about it.

Personal reflection depresses me because I can't stand myself, but I do it anyway 'cause for some reason I trust you guys!

Well, you should be able stand yourself. I certainly can stand you. Can I stand you for yourself, please?

2008-05-26, 07:44 PM
I don't get why people are more afraid of bif spiders than small ones. It's the small ones that can kill you in a (literal) heartbeat! The smaller the spider, the more venom!

Also, once when I was on a class trip to the Mid-east, we were camping in the desert and so I tried going around to everyone to convince them a giant hyena monster lived in the desert and would come out to get us. It worked. . . On me and me alone. I got really scared.

2008-05-26, 07:50 PM
I don't get why people are more afraid of bif spiders than small ones. It's the small ones that can kill you in a (literal) heartbeat! The smaller the spider, the more venom!

Because they look more gribbley, to be scientific about it.

I don't see why people fear death... Either it's a no-score draw, I.e. There was no god/afterlife, or it turns out there was and then you'll be tortured for eternity/you'll bask in pools of warm happiness for eternity. What's to fear? ...The torture might be not so great... I suppose. :smalltongue:

2008-05-26, 07:50 PM
That everyone secretly hates me. :smallfrown:

That some day my mind will be spontaneously transported into someone else's body, like a performer or maybe a surgeon and that everyone else will be unaware that I'm me and not the other person and that I will be unable to do what I am supposed to be doing at that very moment. Like singing a song or knowing what to do. It's silly. :smalltongue:

i know that feeling, its horrible, you know its impossible but its still there!

2008-05-26, 07:55 PM
Needles, the injecty kind, I've had dentist work done with no anaesthetic to avoid the horrid things.

2008-05-26, 08:13 PM
I don't see why people fear death... Either it's a no-score draw, I.e. There was no god/afterlife, or it turns out there was and then you'll be tortured for eternity/you'll bask in pools of warm happiness for eternity. What's to fear? ...The torture might be not so great... I suppose. :smalltongue:

Why are you so constricted in your views of the afterlife? There could be an afterlife consisting entirely of flaming lemon pies that escort you to bingo on thursdays.

Wizard Guy
2008-05-26, 08:16 PM
I'm afraid that every time I make a post, someone is rolling their eyes at it and thinking "She seriously needs to shut up."

Same here, although with me it's more of an all consuming terror, this explains why basically no one even knows my name.

2008-05-26, 08:27 PM
On traditional stuff: Being hated by friends, Clowns

Not so traditional: Stickers, Stairs, Parasites, being wrong about anything, and Swarms of things... Like Ants. Or those flies that burrow into your flesh and lay eggs. :smalleek:

I also have a tendency to have the fear of being mocked and/or ignored by people when I post... Which may have something to do with the infrequency in which I actually post anymore.

2008-05-26, 08:57 PM
Hmmm. All of the bad dreams i have tend to involve a lack of bodily control - i.e. I try to run away from the monsters/zombies/cootieriddengirls etc. but my legs don't work and I fall over.

This has been the case ever since I was little. For those interested, my first memory of one of these was at about 7, after reading one of the Steve Jackson choose-your-own-adventure books. The last one in the series with the many flying snakes. Where you had to actually memorise all the spells at the start. Anyway, the big bad guy of that, he freaked me out.

2008-05-27, 11:27 PM
Why did it have to be snakes?

They're terrifying. I've had one positive encounter with a snake. It was with a single albino corn snake. The sound, the feel, the writhing, constricting movement. *shudders*

I'm also afraid of the possibility that my projects will never be finished. I still have to:

1. Carve a staff ending in a fanned cobra out of almond wood
2. Learn German
3. Learn Russian
4. Build and\ Ark of the Covenant
5. Etch Altoids tins
6. Brew mead
7. Collect a respectable number of hats
8. Collect a full uniform of each Italian, German SS, Japanese, and Russian
9. Learn to sew
10. Learn to work a loom
11. Perform as a leading role in a production of Sweeney Todd
12. Do the same in the Rocky Horror Show

What can I say, I'm a tilter at windmills.

2008-05-27, 11:55 PM
I'm deathly afraid of driving and moths. No, it's not funny. :smallannoyed: I simply cannot comprehend the concept of making that gigantic chunk of metal (and plastic) go around with a few pedals and a steering wheel.

Bicycle, I like- at least I know how it goes around and propels me forward. I don't think I'd like to understand how that beastly alloy named car works.

2008-05-28, 12:03 AM
I'm deathly afraid of driving and moths. No, it's not funny. :smallannoyed: I simply cannot comprehend the concept of making that gigantic chunk of metal (and plastic) go around with a few pedals and a steering wheel.

Bicycle, I like- at least I know how it goes around and propels me forward. I don't think I'd like to understand how that beastly alloy named car works.

That's so weird; I absolutely love the feeling I get when I essentially fuse myself to intricate machinery, and sort of cooperate with it to do thing a human alone could never dream of.

Man... I can't wait for my pilot's license...

2008-05-28, 07:22 AM
I've got a thing for heights. This means, consequently:

Planes (I love traveling).
A large amount of rides at shows (which, apart from the heights, I also love).
Tall buildings (I love views).
Mountains (I love hiking).

I annoy me so much sometimes.

2008-05-28, 08:32 AM
I fear no mortal man...
chicks scare the hell out of me.

Heh, in all seriousness though, I'm really going to have to be one of those oh-so-macho jerks who says that I'm not really afraid of anything, except the afformentioned chicks and God.

And Trog, I don't secretly hate you. Though, if I did, I wouldnt tell you.

2008-05-28, 10:26 AM
I don't see why people fear death... Either it's a no-score draw, I.e. There was no god/afterlife, or it turns out there was and then you'll be tortured for eternity/you'll bask in pools of warm happiness for eternity. What's to fear? ...The torture might be not so great... I suppose. :smalltongue:

Eh, for me it'd be the first one. You'd think that wouldn't be too bad, but y'see the thing is, I kinda like existing. Existing is awesome and ceasing to exist is, well.. not too appealing. It's hardly something that I'm constantly worrying about but it is a little disconcerting at times.

(Note: Not trying start a religous debate here or anything.. don't get any ideas)