View Full Version : Pius Fidelis: Convert the Sume: IC Thread

2008-05-27, 10:57 AM
This is the thread for detailing interaction with the Sume in the Inner Plane. To access the current description of the Sume, check out my post in the Species status thread.

Please do not post here until the beginning of turn 2.

OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81235)
Species Status Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?)

This post will be used to cover clarifications and GM rulings. The post below details the Sume at the start of the game.

Please refrain from both excessively long-winded posts and excessively brief posts. I'm available via AIM, though my time zone is GMT -7, so times I'm not busy may not coincide with yours. I prefer to do interaction in pbp format, but if you'd like an extended scene or to get some interaction over with quickly, feel free to use my AIM (which you can find in my public profile).

2008-05-28, 01:57 AM

Turn 2.1, i22, easternmost side

The avatar forms just out of sight from the nearest settlement, then stares in disbelief for a while. Soon enough Forneus gathers his wits, stretches a bit and starts walking. As he does so, he tries out to wave his arms around, swing his tentacles around, throw a few rocks, sump and sprint to get a feeling of what he is able to do in this form. After a few unsuccessful attempts to float like a cloud or to disintegrate into smoke he gives up. Finally he tries out his bow at a tree a few times and fetches his arrow (if necessary).

As the immortal approaches the small settlement and enters sight range, he takes in a deep breath, focuses all his divine energy and yells out as hard as he can.
Hunters of this land, come see your god descend! Do not be afraid, come and greet your protector.
Surprisingly, his voice booms much harder than he expected, echoing in the forest.

OOC: expended one miracle (Clamor)

As he walks on, Forneus keeps shouting an improvised agenda, though
his voice no longer has that booming edge. Come out and rise above the others! The land will no longer have secrets to you, the prey will no longer have a place to hide. You will move swiftly and quietly like the wind and you will consume all in your path like a forest fire. Answer me and rise to your destiny. Answer me and you will survive the perils your world has in store.

Pretty content so far, Forneus walks on, using his bow as a walking stick. He is alert for surprises, but so far he is on a roll and arrogance and rash actions seem to be well-justified by his apparent immortality (so he's not really expecting trouble).

2008-05-28, 03:44 AM

Turn 2.1, i22, southernmost side

The avatar of Gandoran appears and he is at first disappointed at how much.. smaller he seems to have gotten. At another glance he is pleased to note that he still seems to be much taller then the surrounding wildlife and people. With a few testing steps he notes that movement here is much the same as in their own little world. He briefly wonders what his other self is doing, before venturing toward the nearest village.

"Greetings to you all.. creatures. I am Gandoran, and I am your new god." He said, smiling wildly down at them. "I can offer many boons if you devote yourselves to me... and if you don't..." He continued, looking down at some rocks and stepping down hard, before pulling out his blade. "The consequences will be dire. What say you, creatures? And what do you call yourselves?"

2008-05-28, 03:51 AM

Turn 2.9

Tek arrived to i22, his avatar barely 1 feet high. He left his Mask of Benevolence in the Outer Plane. Using his superior dexterity he moved in darkness and shadow, hiding from the view of others. He purpose was simple – to spy. He listened to the conversations of Sume and when spotted scurried away into darkness.

Tek’s main points of interest are how the Sume communicate with each other (brief exchange of words, storytelling, and commands) and who appears to be in charge and respected. News of other Immortal’s actions is of interest as well.

2008-05-28, 03:46 PM
Krixal 2.5

Krixal's avatar (once again only 1' tall) manifests in the center of the Sume village he has chosen.

Greetings, Mortals! I am Krixal, God of Fire! Who among you would like to learn of me?

Krixal extends his hand, palm up, and a flame ignites in his palm, burning for several seconds before extinguishing.

1st use of a Miracle this turn: Manifest Flame

Don Beegles
2008-05-28, 03:50 PM
Kranolk: Turn 2

After visiting the Zygon, Kranolk goes to the territory of the four armed creatures that he saw before. He plans to try a similar strategy, and searches about for a beast to present them as a gift. Very quickly, a trail presents itself; he sees huge tracks, each as large as both of his hands, and a trail of bent branches an arm span wide, which he follows. At the end of the trail, watering itself from a pond, is a short, extremely stout, looking beast with giant protruding tusks, and a ridge of short spines jutting from its deep brown fur. Its tail is held up, and ends in a fan-like blade of bone. As Kranolk creeps up behind it, it turns and sees him. Lowering its head, it charges at him, catching him off guard and striking him against a tree. It draws back to gore him on a tusk and he rolls away. The animal turns to chase after him, and he retreats up a tree that is nearby. As it scratches at the bark and slams the trunk to dislodge him, he leaps down onto its back. It sweeps its tail over itself to dislodge him, and he ducks out of the way, ending up beneath the creature, where he tears into its soft belly flesh with his teeth and claws, killing it.

Upset that he was seen so easily, Kranolk uses his knives to skin the beast and fashion a rough circle out of its skin. Cuts a head hole in the circle and puts it on, allowing some of the spines to trail down his back. He folds a pouch into the side of his new coat and turns it to leather, giving him a pocket for holding his knives. When he can return to the inner plane, he has an idea.

Until then, he grabs the meat and hefts it with difficulty, onto his back. He takes it to the nearest settlement of the Sume and deposits it in the center of the group. "Come, my friends, and eat. This brute and those like it must kill your hunters by the dozen when they come against it. I had great difficulty facing it myself, but I was able, as its carcass proves. I am come to help you kill things like this that can give so much food to you. I know you can hunt, and I love that in you. I want to help you learn to hunt better, but until then, eat what I have brought for you."

2008-05-28, 04:50 PM
Sedha 2.1

A shadow near a northern Sume village darkens, and out of it steps Sedha. It takes a step, and stumbles. It would appear that I am heavier in this form. She takes several steps back and forth, adjusting to the non-godliness of her avatar's form, quickly adjusting to its limits. She then turns, and walks out toward the Sume village, until she is within earshot of the nearest Sume.

"I am Sedha, goddess of Darkness and Mercy, and I come to bring prosperity to your village. I wish to speak to your leader." Well, good start. Hopefully they would have something that she could do to win their favor.

2008-05-28, 08:24 PM

Turn 2.1, I22, Easternmost side

The eastern side of the area the Sume inhabit is less heavily wooded than the rest, as Forneus correctly predicted. The terrain is a sort of dry scrub with a few deciduous trees interspersed, so Forneus is quite visible to the moderately-sized group of Sume that have build a primitive village in the area.

The group recoils initially at the shout, though when it becomes clear that they have the advantage of numbers, they cautiously approach the smoky Immortal. Since they haven't gotten the hang of their language yet to the point where Forneus's entire statement is intelligible, it's a pretty good assumption that some of the meaning is lost on them. Still, one of the older females in the group seems to get the message, and responds with a tentative "What is god? What danger?"


Turn 2.1, i22, southernmost side

As the tall war-thing advances on the group and utters his challenge, it becomes clear to the smallish group that this taller Sume has both been in many battles (how else would he have lost 2 arms?), and wasn't friendly at all. The logical thing, then was for them to get the heck out of there, which they do with all possible haste. They aren't going all that fast, however, since the adults are carrying the children and many supplies, while also helping the elderly. It would be simple for Gandoran to catch them, if he so chose.


Turn 2.9

The Sume live in rather small groups (between 15 and 45) that are spread out through the hex very widely. There isn't a whole lot of communication between groups, but a few stories about strange happenings and things shaped like Sume (though by and large they are missing two arms, which is a point that keeps surfacing) that make odd demands. Leaders are usually a headman or headwoman, though in such small parties there isn't much call for central leadership. The language is primitive, guttural, and not very good. It becomes obvious to Tek that whenever one is asked something it does not know, it will make up something on the spot or spout some previously known superstition.

@Krixal 2.5
The Immortal's sudden appearance startles the village, and they briefly hide at the sight of the fire. One of the more curious children walks up to him and asks "what was that?" in a tentative tone.

((Responding to others now, just putting this up while I can)).

2008-05-28, 08:48 PM
@Kranolk: Turn 2

While initially nonplussed by Kranolk's odd appearance, the Sume in the village perk up at the sight of food, and dig right in. The fact that he killed such a fearsome creature does indeed impress them, and after the creature is almost entirely consumed, one of the adults, clearly a hunter, asks, "You can show us to kill these?"

@Sedha 2.1

It is clear that the Sume currently do not have a concept of Mercy, though they do understand darkness quite well. They find it odd that they cannot see through her at all, since they can usually hunt quite well at night. Since she did not appear overtly violent, they approach cautiously, before one of their number speaks up, "I Ghassan, headman. You want help us?"

2008-05-28, 09:55 PM
Krixal 2.5

That, young one, is fire. It happens to be my specialty. It is the most wonderful of the elements! It is to be used for warmth, and for keeping away animals that would attack in the night. It can even be used for your food, for making food better! Would you learn about fire from me? Would any of you learn?

If Krixal gets very many takers, he will make a fire bow, gather tinder and fallen wood, and demonstrate how to build a fire.

One of the first things you must learn about fire is that it is painful if not respected. You must never touch it, or allow it to spread uncontrolled. Fire could destroy this forest if not properly taken care of, but the uses of fire far outweigh the risks. Just remember that you must always be careful.

Would you like to see how fire can improve food? Bring me some food and I will show you.

If food is brought, Krixal will demonstrate roasting it on a stick, making sure to have some spices appropriate to the food on his palms as he handles the food, so as to make it extra savory.

2008-05-28, 11:03 PM

"Halt." Gandoran spoke loudly, and waited for a response. It seemed that they were afraid of him- and rightly so. He then rushed at one of the more battle-weary warrior looking types, but one still holding a child, and attempted to restrain them.

"I am Gandoran." He spoke to him, right in his face. He moved up a little to speak louder to the rest of the retreating group. "Stop- unless you'd like to lose these two. I will harm them- but only if forced. I am your god." He continued tersely. They hadn't attempted to battle him, but had ran. This screamed of cowardism, no place in war. But some of them looked strong- like warriors, but with compassion for those non-combatants.

"I only want to help you all- and have you join my cause. As I said, the boons will be great." He continued, still attempting to hold onto the one he had. "Listen to me." The large wargod said.

2008-05-29, 12:11 AM

"I Ghassan, headman. You want help us?"

Sedha looked at Ghassan. "Yes."

Maybe she should have thought this through a bit more thoroughly... what could she offer them? They already seemed to be doing fairly well, with no obvious problems that she could see, other than the crudeness of their huts, and it didn't seem that she could just suddenly will things to change to her will as she could in the... other place.

What could she do for them? A flash of darkness, as impressive as it may be, hardly would be the sort of thing to leave a lasting impact. Wait, maybe...

"Do you have any sick or wounded? Perhaps I could heal them."

[[While 1st level miracles can't effect sentient beings, 1 rank in the healing skill can xP]]

2008-05-29, 01:40 AM

Turn 2.1, i22, easternmost side

OOC: Forneus always manifests in his largest possible form (I put that in my status post, but I'm not sure everybody noticed), which is currently Large.

Forneus grins and watches the Sume approach him. They have no idea what they're in for. The world is dangerous. For you it is, for me it's not. You have to run and hide from bigger predators. I don't. I am the biggest predator and like a forest fire I can consume all.

OOC: using artefact (boots)

With a loud "fwoosh" sound from under his feet the immortal is launched forward and over the head of the closest Sume. The flight lasts for just a moment and the immortal tries to "tag" the creature while flying over it (just tapping it with a finger). With a loud stomp he lands behind the creature. Not caring if the tag succeeded or not, Forneus continues: If I wanted, I could have taken you by surprise and eaten you. There are dangers in this world that you do not suspect. There are hunters that can take down the strongest prey with a gesture.
Forneus draws his bow and lets an arrow fly at the nearest large tree. The arrow shatters the bark, sinks in deep, then returns to the hand of Forneus, leaving a deep gash in the tree.

...and it's as easy as that. Are you convinced?

Forneus realizes that he might have overdone it a bit, but he is on a roll. He doesn't much care if his speech is over the Sume's head, in fact that's part of the desired effect. The important bit is to get his point across.

2008-05-29, 02:08 AM
Turn 2.1

After finding himself on the surface of the world Tirus notices that he doesn't have any of his usual tools he only has his gloves chisel and shovel. Although he doesn't have all his usual belongings he ventures to the sume entering from the west. When he enters he notices the poor structure of there huts and how easy it would be to destroy them, Also notices the crude tools they use. He thinks of these tools to be so poorly made that they can hardly be used for any job. he says “ I am your God Tirus and have come to aid you.” as he enters the camp.

edit: (sorry origanaly posted in the wrong thread. I have corrected it now.)

2008-05-29, 02:33 AM
@Krixal 2.5

The group listens attentively while Krixal explains the basics of fire and fire-making. They enjoy the cooked meat, though some are tentative about the danger Krixal mentions about the fire. During the meal, it becomes apparent that the Sume don't really understand what, if anything, Krixal wants from them.


Gandoran catches one of the adult males, holding a child. He gets the drop on him from behind and takes him down, though once the child wriggles away it becomes evident that the Sume is stronger than Gandoran's avatar. Still, the Avatar weighs a lot more, and cannot tire, so after a few minutes of wrestling he manages to pin the hunter.

After a couple seconds of milling, the group seems to come to the realization that they can't outrun Gandoran, so they grudgingly stop to listen. It's clear that they don't understand the meaning of "god", "Cause" and "boons", though they get the general idea that Gandoran wants something from them, and now that they think about it that thing he's holding is really quite pointy. Gandoran realizes that he's probably pinned the leader of the group, and they're all waiting for him to continue, listening apprehensively.


To say that the Sume had no obvious problems would be a bit of an overstatement-- they are hunter-gatherers that haven't hit the limit of the land in terms of population yet. They have no knowledge of medicine, farming, sanitation or healing, and so live short, painful lives. They don't often starve (when it isn't a bad year), but there is an abundance of things that Sedha could help with. Ghassan leads her into the village, where they have the sick and wounded-- since it is a small village, with about 20 Sume in it, there are only two in the hut. One has what looks to be a minor cut that has become swollen and putrid, while the other has a broken bone that has not been set.

((Sedha's 1 point in healing allows her to understand that the bone needs to be set in order to heal correctly, and that the dirty nature of the hut is doing nothing to help the wound close)).


Forneus's antics do well to scare the bejeezus out of the leading Sume, who, along with the small party that ventured out, cowers away from the flying smoke thing while it gives its speech. After a small amount of time she musters the courage to talk, "God is danger?" She thinks for a moment, remembering something from his earlier speech, "God protect us?" She hypothesizes, clearly one of the great minds of her time.

((Sorry for response brevity and lag, everyone. Just started a new job this week and getting used to the workload, it'll probably be much improved by next week sometime. Since the turn is ending tomorrow, I encourage those of you who want to finish their interaction this turn to contact my AIM tomorrow. I'll be on after 5 pm GMT -7))

2008-05-29, 02:46 AM

Forneus smiles. He spreads his arms wide (hopefully appearing a bit larger) and says: God IS danger, he affirms. And I am god. There are other gods, who are also danger, but I am the strongest. I can teach you how to hunt better and in return you will learn from me and follow my instructions. Then I will protect you and I will be danger to those who want to harm you.

Forneus thinks for a moment.

I will protect you, but you have to learn. And when you are strong, you have to find the other Sume and teach them to be strong too. I will teach you about the elements: how to be swift like the wind and deadly like a forest fire. Now don't be afraid... come out and show me what you can. Tell me about how you live and I will teach you how to live better.

2008-05-29, 03:29 AM

Gandoran struggled against the Sume. These beasts were stronger then he thought, excellent. They would do well. Too bad the kid got away- he'd hoped to draw them close with sympathetically. But they all came over anyway, perfect.

"Now, all of you, listen. As I said... I am Gandoran." He said, hitting his chest with his fist. He examined them more, and realized they looked the most like him.. out of the creatures on this plane. Interesting. "I can see some of you are fit for fighting- you know what that is? The hunt?" He asked. "You can use these skills for a better purpose.. why work when you get others to do it? When you can use your superior power to force them? To take what they have? Its called War." He continued, hoping they were at least getting some of the concepts.

"I can help you with this. Teach you the ways of war, grant you objects of great power..." He looked at the leader he had. "You are very strong, and nearly a match for me. This is impressive. I tell you now, if you do as I say.. I will grant you a weapon like this one." He continued, showing them once more the amazing pointy thing he had. The sword. "Do you understand?"

2008-05-29, 07:53 AM
Krixal 2.5

Once the meal is over, Krixal stands up and begins giving another speach.

Now, friends, I have shown you what I can offer you! There are many more things that I could teach you, and I will, if you will have me.

All I want from you is for you to learn from me; take the things I teach you and use them! When you do, think of me. And when you see the good things that come from my teachings, remember that it was I that gave them to you!

OOC: This character uses more exclamation marks than anyone I have ever played :smallamused:

Don Beegles
2008-05-29, 11:48 AM
Kranolk: Turn 2.6((I forgot to mention the .6 before, sorry))

Kranolk is momentarily surprised. This was much starting much more easily than his meeting with the Zygon. Apparently this race put less stock in physical appearances. He is quick to nod an affirmative. "It is not easy, and at first some of your hunters will still succumb to them, but it is possible. The trick is in exploiting an element of suprise."

He finds a stick and begins to doodle on the ground, chuckling to himself over his resemblance to Falenra and Ripik. He draws a large circle with an obvious tail to represent the creature, and then makes several dots around it, with one side of the circle closer to it than the other and a line passing through the center. "He is not like most other plant-eaters; he is fearless and attacks his predators instead of fleeing. You must encircle him unawares. It is not terribly difficult, as his hearing is not excellent. Then your hunters here" (He indicates the side of the circle farther from the beast) "Must make some noise to startle him and call him towards them. He will charge, and he is clumsy when he does. Then, your hunters who surround him inside the circle and on the other side can move in when he is looking only for enemies on the other side of him. If you are hidden well-enough with long spears, you may even be able to stab him before he sees you, and drain the life from him slowly. You must keep up an assault on him from a distance, wearing him down and running when he comes to close, but constantly baiting him to remain in the circle. If you have the stamina, you can outlast him, or one of your number who is stronger can attempt to close with him and slit his throat, but this will be difficult because he will be nervous and trample anything in sight."

He looks around at them. "That is how you should hunt this beast; by knowing his weaknesses and exploiting them. It will not be easy. Your spears will break at first, or he will be too strong. But with practice I know that your hunting parties will be able to bring him down easily, and you will feed your women and children with ease."

2008-05-29, 07:58 PM

Sedha examines the injured creatures from a distance. She knew that she couldn't let herself leave these injured creatures untreated, but this might be somewhat alarming to somebody who didn't know what she was doing. Moving the bone to set it would likely be very painful to the creature, and the wound looked like it could probably use the help of some boiling water to kill off the infection, although it didn't look like they had anything that they could use to boil the water with.

She turned to Ghassan, and gestures to the injured creatures. "Your friend with the broken limb will not heal properly unless he is helped. And the one with the strange wound needs to have his wound treated as well, and would likely do well to move to a cleaner hut while he heals. While helping them might be painful for them, it will cause them much more pain later if they are not healed. Will you allow me to help them"

If her help is accepted by Ghassan, she will attempt to set the leg with a nearby straight branch, (which she will find) wash the wound with clean water, (if she can find it) and show the creatures how to keep an area clean to for the sick or wounded.

2008-05-30, 12:37 AM
I appologize for the double post, but it's bad enough to have to read through this post when it is conveniently separated from the rest of the text.

Sedha: end of turn rush!

She will then treat any wounded they have to the limit of her ability (1 rank healing), and teach them how to do any healing that she uses on them.

She will also answer any question they ask her truthfully, as long it is within her ability to do so. (she sees nothing to hide)

Any teachings she gives the Sume she asks that they not use against any others like themselves, and to spread the knowledge around to others in order to help them, not demanding that her name has to be attached to the teachings, but not objecting if they wish to do so.

If she needs to prove to them that she has godly abilities for some reason, and the healing and sneaking aren't enough to cover it, she will create a patch of blackness somewhere in the general area with her Dark Flash miracle, or use her Shadow Gown to envelope the area in darkness for a short period of time.

She never specifically asks for them to worship her, although she will acknowledge and accept their worship, as well as thank them for it.

If well received, she gives a speech to this effect as she leaves:

"I thank you all for your kindness. However, I should warn you: there are other creatures such as me. They all look different, but they have power rivaling my own. Some of them are good, and will try to aid you such as I have. However, many of them are bad, and will come to you with promises of power and other great things if you follow them. However, they will merely use you for their own amusement, and when they are done with you, they will cast you away to death.

"Listen if a creature such as me appears before you, but use caution, and be prepared to flee. If the creature offers you promises of what will happen if you follow them, or threatens you in any way, you must flee, as it offers you only a path to destruction.

"I have many things to do, but I will return to you as soon as possible."

If the Sume attack her at any point, and she feels her life is actually at stake, she will attempt to flee by using her Dark Flash miracle/ Gown of Shadows to create a distraction/ something for her to hide in as she runs for cover/ as far away as possible, and dematerializes as soon as she gets the chance. However, she will die before actually resorting to violence against them.

((...gods, I hate "choose your own" RPing like this, and for having to read that, I bet you do too. Lets hope I don't have to make a habit of this every end of turn.)

2008-05-30, 01:37 AM

((Interaction by IM))

After the surprise of Tirius's sudden appearance, the question on the Sume's mind is "What's a god?". A crowd gathers as Tirius mulls over his answer. Finally, his great mouth opens, "I am a God. I have a power that I may use to help you." This semi-circular reasoning further confuses the Sume, who jabber amongst themselves while trying to figure out exactly what this odd creature is talking about. Finally, one of the brighter ones in the bunch just comes out and asks Tirius, "What power?"

Tirius spends some time examining the tools layed out around the village, before spotting a medium-sized rock and saying, "You ask me what power I have? Let me show you." He then picks up the rock, and, using his Chisel, carves the rock into the shape of a finely-crafted hammer. "This should make it easier to work with."

They're amazed at the speed at which the chisel works and at the quality of the tool-- there is a period of several minutes while they pass it around, admiring it.

The older male with the most tool making experience introduces himself, "I Alim, Alim make tools. You show Alim to make those?"

Tirius grins, then responds, "I can show you how to make these. I can also show you how to make a better structures then these you have. Some structures that will not fall so easily. I ask one thing, that you pass on my teachings to all your kind and I shall teach you more then just this tool. With my teachings I will show you how to build my structure. My structure that you will seek shelter in and show that you are worthy of calling your work from me Tirus. If you can do this call my name and I will begin my teachings and protect you from your enemies."

The Sume in this village seem eager to learn, and Tirius spends much of the remaining time in the turn teaching this village to build, as well as encouraging the tribe to use their imagination.

((Tirius gains 15 worshipers, roughly 1/3rd of the village [those Sume of the correct age and physical disposition to build]))


The headwoman thinks for a bit (Forneus can almost see the steam coming from her ears), then arrives at a conclusion, "God protect us better than God hunt us. God teach us to hunt now?"

While that happens (assuming it does), Vahan, the headwoman, tells Forneus of the Sume way of life; they live the hardscrabble life of hunter-gatherers, though they are mostly on the top of the food chain, and their primitive tools serve fairly well. They hunt with sharpened sticks, or the occasional stick with a sharp rock wedged on the end. Their hunting tactics are extremely primitive, which consist of running things to exhaustion and then stabbing them, overpowering slower things, or just winning fights by virtue of the superior reach of their spears.


The group stands there, mostly silent, before the pinned hunter catches his breath enough to speak, "Yes, we hunt. Tahir hunt well." Tahir then explains that the various tribes of the Sume do occasionally feud, but never something like what he's described. Tahir in particular is interested in these objects of great power, but they still need some convincing on the possibility of war (or, more imporantly, the aspects of Conquest that Gandoran has described). As Gandoran speaks, they get less and less flighty, until it is more a conversation than an aborted retreat.

@Krixal 2.5

They seem eager to learn, and before Krixal leaves a number of them begin to try and imitate Krixal's fire-making trick. Its a safe bet that they'll get the hang of it before long, and Krixal can feel the faint whispers of power coming from some in the audience.

((Krixal gains 10 worshipers, f the 40 or so Sume in the village))

@Kranolk: Turn 2.6((I forgot to mention the .6 before, sorry))

As Kranolk draws, the Sume act surprised and talk amongst themselves-- the concept of using drawn images to represent real objects is a new thing to them. However, they follow along intently, and are soon eager to try it. The headman, Gulzar, and some of the other hunters set off, to try out Kranolk's new methods. Assuming Kranolk goes with them, the hunt goes off basically without a hitch-- the presence of the god makes the beast much less of a threat. Later, during the night they have another feast, and its clear that Kranolk has become a valued member of the community. After the hunt, Gulzar asks Kranolk where he comes from, what, exactly, he is, and what he wants from them.

((Kranolk can feel the beginnings of a feeling very pleasurable from the Sume around him, in particular the hunting party. It feels like it isn't quite complete, though and is missing something.))


Sedha examines the injured creatures from a distance. She knew that she couldn't let herself leave these injured creatures untreated, but this might be somewhat alarming to somebody who didn't know what she was doing. Moving the bone to set it would likely be very painful to the creature, and the wound looked like it could probably use the help of some boiling water to kill off the infection, although it didn't look like they had anything that they could use to boil the water with.

She turned to Ghassan, and gestures to the injured creatures. "Your friend with the broken limb will not heal properly unless he is helped. And the one with the strange wound needs to have his wound treated as well, and would likely do well to move to a cleaner hut while he heals. While helping them might be painful for them, it will cause them much more pain later if they are not healed. Will you allow me to help them"

If her help is accepted by Ghassan, she will attempt to set the leg with a nearby straight branch, (which she will find) wash the wound with clean water, (if she can find it) and show the creatures how to keep an area clean to for the sick or wounded.

Ghassan seems to realize that both of these Sume will either die or be maimed for life without something being done, so he suspiciously assents to Sedha's treatment. As Sedha sets the bone the Sume groans with pain, and then passes out. The other Sume in the hut recoil, then, after they notice that the leg is now in the correct position (if bruising rapidly), lighten up a bit. They're much more pleased with washing the wound, carrying the Sume with the infected wound to a nearby creek, that is fairly clean (as much as any forest creek can be). This village regards Sedha with some amount of respect, though her form and mannerisms keep them somewhat suspicious. While they're washing the wound, Ghassan asks Sedha, "How you lose lower arms? Why Ghassan not-see you?"

((Sorry everyone, lots of interaction this time, so it took awhile. The turn may end soon, but I'll allow yall 1 more response before turn 3 begins, since it took me so long.))

2008-05-30, 02:15 AM

Great!, Forneus exclaims and claps his hands. The outburst is so sudden that he aims to startle the closest Sume (however he does it with a wide smile and exhibits no threatening gestures afterward, hopefully showing them his outburst wasn't threatening). He continues with a calm voice. You are good hunters and strong too. I am pleased, but strong isn't enough to be the best hunter. I will teach you to use the elements around you to be the strongest hunters.

Forneus indicates the closest tree which has branches that are thick enough to support his weight and are at least somewhat high up. Remember: you should see your prey, but it should not see you. Can you climb up?

OOC: using item (boots)

Forneus flies almost straight up, carefully approaching the branch and grabs it, adjusting his legs and arms to have a comfortable grip. He then mimics looking in the distance and examining the surroundings. I have learned to be light and fast like the wind. Now I can see prey from far, but prey can not see me. He jumps off the branch, hitting the ground with a loud "thud" noise. When I see prey, I use my weapon to kill it. He lifts his bow and shoots at the nearest tree. Bark flies everywhere and the arrow returns, leaving a deep gash (and hopefully illustrating a point).
But what if there are many smaller animals?
OOC: Rhetorics 101, he does not wait for an answer
Alone you can kill just one. So you hunt in groups. But even in a group you will scare them and not get many.
Forneus takes a deep breath, contemplating how to illustrate the next point. For a moment he considers scribbling on the ground, but quickly rejects that idea. He asks a few of the Sume to assemble in a group, as if they're hunting.
If we see prey near there, he indicates a tree a small distance away, you do not run after it. Instead, a small group goes on the other side and scares it. You can scare it like I did before - by just shouting. Then it will run away from the small group and into the big group. Then the two groups hunt the prey and the prey is scared and has nowhere to run... Just be careful not to hurt each other. Forneus is pretty sure his explanations were clear and simple, but just to illustrate a point he circles around the tree and shouts, waving his hands a bit as he approaches the "ambush" group (without getting too close to avoid stressing them out) as if driving the animal toward them.
Forneus asks if they got it and suggests that he can show them for real if the Sume lead him to some place that they usually find prey. After giving them some time for the new tactics to sink in, he summarizes it again to be sure they remember: You start light like the wind., he points up the tree, When you see prey, you approach silently... like the wind again. He waves his hand through the air indicating that it makes no sound. A small group... or just me... circle around quick and silent like the wind and scare the prey toward the big group. Then the big group is deadly like a forest fire.
Forneus is getting a bit tired of explaining already, but he tries to make it stick in their minds by gesturing and showing the real moves whenever possible.

Don Beegles
2008-05-30, 03:00 PM
Kranolk: Turn 2.6

Kranolk eagerly goes along the hunt to help the Sume, and equally eagerly participates in the revels afterwards. Why didn't it work like this with the Zygon? The races are obviously more different from each other than I expected. When they ask him about himself he answers jovially. "I am the God of Hunting, the greatest hunter who has ever lived, and I live in a strange world full of people like myself. There are Gods of darkness, fire, and animals, some of whom will help you, and some who will just use you to help them with their strange plots and experiments. I am here because there are none among them who are as great hunters as me, and I saw you and came for companionship. I want to teach the Sume everything I know so you can excel in hunting. I was hoping that you could spread what I have taught you to other groups of your people, so they would all gain the benefit of what I have taught you."

2008-05-31, 01:24 AM

Sedha looks up at Ghassan from her work on the wound. "I am not one such as yourself. This form has never had more than two arms. As to why I am hard for you to see, the answer is not quite as simple. I am not just darkness, but in a way, I suppose that I am the very idea of darkness, the part of the world that is hidden. I am hidden from your sight the same way that you are hidden from the sight of others creatures when you are in the shadows."

2008-05-31, 12:56 PM
Tek, Turn 3.7

Tek appears in the lands of Sume, 16 feet high, wearing Mask of Benevolence (He would return to Outer Plane for Medals of Tek before the Contest starts). He waits for Ardannis and together they find a suitable place to hold the Contest.

He walks from one tribe of Sume to another, speaking in words of kindness and sincerity:

“Clever Sume. I am Tek. I help the smartest and strongest. I seek Sume, who is smartest and strongest. I wish to give him a gift. So all would know he or she is the best of Sume.”

“I would test Sume to find the best. Come to the place of Contest. There would be bright fires and food. Many Sume are coming there.”

2008-05-31, 04:04 PM
Ardannis, Turn 3.7

Ardannis appears a few moments behind Tek, holding a staff that he shakes with a slightly worried glance. He is approximately the same size as the Sume. The prize isn't ready yet, though hopefully it will be by the time the contest is over.

Walking as the Sume do, on one pair of legs, Ardannis holds the other two pairs in front of him so as to have two sets of arms as they do. Tek, I think once we agree on a location, we could split up to advertise this contest. Perhaps tell the Sume it will take place in ten days time to give us a chance to prepare properly for it?

If Tek agrees, he takes a different path from him, visiting the several Sume camps he is able to find. At each he approaches nonthreateningly, calling Sume! Come and listen! Storytellers! Listen to Ardannis! If he gathers their attention, he will explain the contest, where and when it is, and promise wondrous prizes to the winner.

We can RP an interaction with one village if you want, or we can gloss over it with a summary - up to you, depending on how much time we have - the contest may take up a lot of time to play through as well.

2008-05-31, 06:51 PM
Awlruts, 3.3 Northernmost i22

A tornado of rose petals erupts from the ground a distance away from the village, rising up and up to five feet in height, then just as suddenly as it appeared the spinning stopped. The petals slowly falling down to reveal the avatar of Awlruts, clasping her spear and rustling her silken garments to get the petals off she spoke quite clearly. "Now that's an entrance!"

Right. Those thingy-me-does should be around here. Somewhere. She thought this as she moved north through the underbrush and then stopping before she get very far, remembering how she could move herself around in a flash of rose petals in the not here. Making a firm decision to try she looked ahead and willed it, nothing happened. "Sod." She mumbled under her breath, if she even has a breath, she isn't sure. First, she thought, I saw some sort of path thing, twisting her head this way and that, "that way!" She exclaimed as she marched away and quickly found the path, and at ounce set down the path towards the village, Oh and mental note, remember to appear on a path.

2008-05-31, 09:30 PM

Forneus's teaching is very effective, and soon the Sume are imitating him relatively well (though they are best extremely clumsy climbers-- they climb only the most easily reached branches). When Forneus asks them to show him these new skills, they take him to a meadow nearby, where, when the Sume climb a tree and point, a large number of small, rabbit-like creatures graze. Vahan says, “Sume only catch one, sometimes catch none. We try God way.” She then points to three of the village's hunters and points to the other side of the meadow, and then Vahan and the village's four other hunters hide in the brush on their side of the meadow. The driving group sneaks around, and then makes a great deal of noise, throwing rocks, shouting, and in general scaring the creatures toward Vahan's group. Some of the creatures disappear into holes in the meadow, but about a quarter of them run to the other side of the meadow, where Vahan's group is waiting with spears. In total they kill about ten of the creatures.

@Kranolk: Turn 2.6

Gulzar is happy to spread around the new hunting methods, and he's soon talking it over with some of the other Sume from his village. He seems to accept Kranolk's statement about the world he comes from at face value, though he's less overtly enthusiastic about it than he was about Kranolk's other tales (which were backed up with food and immediate proof).

((Kranolk still feels that something is missing-- like an unscratched itch)).

@ Sedha

Its clear that Ghassan understands almost nothing of what Sedha says, though he does remark, "Sometimes Sume child born with not-right limbs. Not live very long."

@Tek, Ardannis, Awlruts: Dinner. Responding after.

2008-05-31, 10:08 PM
Mandak, 3.3

Mandak materializes about a mile from one of the Sume camps, reacquaints himself with his avatar, and goes to town. He stops within audible distance of the camp, and rumbles loudly, "Greetings. I am Mandak, lord of the earth, and I come help you defend against beasts." Having made himself known, Mandak waits on the Sume to make the next move.

2008-05-31, 11:07 PM

Sedha almost smiles at Ghassan's remark. "I am not sick. I am different."

Sedha stands up and looks out on the gathered Sume. "I have much to do, so I cannot spend much time with you. However, if you promise to aid anyone you find who is wounded, I will teach you how to clean your injuries to make them heal better, and how to help fix broken limbs."

If they accept, then Sedha teaches them as well as she can for the tenth of the turn before leaving, otherwise, she simply thanks them for their hospitality and leaves.

2008-05-31, 11:19 PM
Turn 3.1

When Tirus returns to the sume he greets them with a friendly face “hello my humble followers.” he pauses for there reaction.

With a curious face he asks “ what new knowledge have you found?” again he pauses for them anxiously awaiting there answer. He is looking around for anything new they have done without him.

After talking to the sume for a while he realized he left them with an empty definition of what a god is. With this in mind he contemplates the best way to begin. he explains the concept to the sume again with the hope they would finally understand what he is. “I feel i have left you with an unfinished answer of what I am. I have told you that I am a God. I have told you that I am here to help you. This is true. What is also true is that a god is an idea, an overseer of that idea. I am your God Tirus the overseer of tools and architecture.” after telling them this he seems pleased with his explanation. He then explains why he has returned. “When I was here last I taught you how to build structures using wood and showed you how to use it. I will now show you how to make a wheel. I know you don't know what this is or how to use it. I want you to show me that you can find a use for it.” Tirus takes his chisel and a big piece of wood. He chips away the unwanted wood to leave two circular pieces with a smaller circle in the middle. On the outer edge of the wheel he carves a crude image of himself. Tirus shows how the wheels can roll to give them a hint with what they can do. :smallsmile:

After watching the sume begin to play with the wheels Tirus asks with a sincere look “ Is any sume willing to journey with me. I wish to venture further and seek more knowledge. I will share this knowledge with the one that travels with me to share with all sume.”

((edit: i was hoping to rp with tek before i posted more but this will do for now.))

2008-06-01, 01:24 AM
@Tek, Turn 3.7

Such a large creature (nay, such a large monster) can be seen and heard approaching a Sume village for quite some time, and by and large when Tek enters a village he finds that its residents have, or are in the process of running the boop away. Occasionally one of the braver hunters would chance to speak to it, though always from a distance. Tek spreads the word, but he's pretty sure the Sume don't trust him very much.

((Tek believes that this response was due both to his monstrous appearance and to his monstrous size-- since the Sume are not completely on the top of the food chain, they have well-ingrained flight responses))

@Ardannis, Turn 3.7

OOC: Glossing over is fine.

Ardannis has considerably more success than Tek, and it appears that the Sume would be happy to attend this sort of event (if Ardannis can stand all the pidgin). He has a great deal of trouble explaining a location to them; eventually, it becomes clear that a general direction and "look for large fires" is about all they'll readily understand. They like the sound of prizes, and pretty much every village has at least one gasbag with a Theory about Everything, so it looks like the contest will have plenty of subject matter.

@Awlruts, 3.3 Northernmost i22

The Sume are nonplussed by the appearance of Awlruts, who looks like yet another maimed Sume. She gathers a bit of a crowd, who look at her expectantly.

2008-06-01, 02:08 AM

Fazed by his failure Tek cries to the sky:

“Curse my overly majestic and fearsome appearance. Maybe I should ask Ark or that new one, whats-his-name, Arwultus, to give me a make-over.

Tek considers that for a moment, but then rejects the idea with scorn: “They’ll just have to change their inferior views on beauty to appreciate the wonder that I truly am. Still there should be at least three other Immortals recruiting. I should go and help with the organization on the site.”

Tek proceeds to the place of the Festival. He “cleans” it and helps Krixal gather firewood, drags logs for the seating places, gathers food (if he can get away with it and confident it is not poison).

2008-06-01, 02:42 AM
((Noticed I never got around to a turn 2 - 3 post. Doing one now.))

Over the most recent stretch of time, the Sume culture has had a huge influx of new ideas, mostly stemming from the maimed Sume and odd creatures running around with funny powers. In particular, they've made a commitment to learning Tirus's building techniques, Krixal's teaching of fire, and both Forneus and Kranolk's methods of hunting. Additionally, they've gotten just a tidge smarter, though that might just because their brains have build a head of steam and there's a bit of inertia.

Mandak, 3.3

Mandak materializes about a mile from one of the Sume camps, reacquaints himself with his avatar, and goes to town. He stops within audible distance of the camp, and rumbles loudly, "Greetings. I am Mandak, lord of the earth, and I come help you defend against beasts." Having made himself known, Mandak waits on the Sume to make the next move.

Mandak receives much the same response as the other Immortals that simply show up and aren't huge and/or violent; a mix of curiosity and suspicion. One of the Sume that comes out to rubberneck asks him, "What beasts? How?"


Sedha almost smiles at Ghassan's remark. "I am not sick. I am different."

Sedha stands up and looks out on the gathered Sume. "I have much to do, so I cannot spend much time with you. However, if you promise to aid anyone you find who is wounded, I will teach you how to clean your injuries to make them heal better, and how to help fix broken limbs."

If they accept, then Sedha teaches them as well as she can for the tenth of the turn before leaving, otherwise, she simply thanks them for their hospitality and leaves.

The Sume culture has yet to become wealthy enough for selfishness to go far enough that they wouldn't try to aid another that is wounded. Ghassan readily agrees to Sedha's proposal, and does his best to learn the techniques.

Turn 3.1

When Tirus returns to the sume he greets them with a friendly face “hello my humble followers.” he pauses for there reaction.

With a curious face he asks “ what new knowledge have you found?” again he pauses for them anxiously awaiting there answer. He is looking around for anything new they have done without him.

After talking to the sume for a while he realized he left them with an empty definition of what a god is. With this in mind he contemplates the best way to begin. he explains the concept to the sume again with the hope they would finally understand what he is. “I feel i have left you with an unfinished answer of what I am. I have told you that I am a God. I have told you that I am here to help you. This is true. What is also true is that a god is an idea, an overseer of that idea. I am your God Tirus the overseer of tools and architecture.” after telling them this he seems pleased with his explanation. He then explains why he has returned. “When I was here last I taught you how to build structures using wood and showed you how to use it. I will now show you how to make a wheel. I know you don't know what this is or how to use it. I want you to show me that you can find a use for it.” Tirus takes his chisel and a big piece of wood. He chips away the unwanted wood to leave two circular pieces with a smaller circle in the middle. On the outer edge of the wheel he carves a crude image of himself. Tirus shows how the wheels can roll to give them a hint with what they can do.

Alim goes out to meet the God of Building. He listens to Tius's speech and definition. He still seems confused, but he ventures, "God... rules? God rules idea? Tirus rules idea of Building?"

As Tirus continues on, he watches the construction of wheel. Why you'd want a circular piece of wood baffles him at first, but he rounds up his posse and they start to experiment with it, since Tirus showed them useful things before. Before long, they've got the idea that it rolls, but beyond an interesting plaything, they're still not exactly sure, until one of them gets tired of picking it up and uses the hole in the center to pick it up with a stick. This gives him another idea, and he jams the stick through the hole in both of them, forming a sort of axle. Before much more time has passed, they've got the basic idea that if they had four wheels, two axles and a board to put between them, they'd have a fairly useful device for transporting things.

2008-06-01, 05:27 AM
Awlruts, 3.3 Northernmost i22

Looking around the small crowd she had gathered and the beyond she tries to make an estimate how many of these beings live here. Finishing her survey for a moment she lowers her spear to point to the ground, hopefully allowing it's impeccable crafting do some talking before she begins in earnest, "I am Awlruts, Awlruts means me. I am the Goddess of Lust and War, I have come from the heavens to guide," she said emphasising guide, and giving the area around her a quick look, her grin ever present, and her dress while not magical yet she at least tried to make it seem alluring, "and to teach you how to live better, and how to fight better to protect you're better lives." With this last statement giving emphasis to the word teach, live, and fight, she looked into the crowd of (sue me I'm not coming up with vague terms for them till she learns their name) Sume before speaking again, "but I also come to learn. About you, you're people, your way of living." With her finale statement she focused on the words learn and you hoping they would know these words if not the rest, walking forward a bit to the crowd of gathered Sume, and then sits as if ready to learn.

2008-06-01, 10:28 AM
Ardannis, Turn 3.7

Go figure, it helps to look like the natives. Hmm...I'll have to look into that. Ardannis spends eight days traveling and spreading the word as far as he can, telling the Sume to tell nearby settlements that he cannot reach. He also tells them to bring some food to add to the feast. Getting to the place for the celebration two days ahead of time, he helps out with whatever he can, especially making sure that there is enough room for as many Sume as may come. Then, he checks with Tek, discussing the schedule for the planned celebration.

Figuring out how the contest will work will go a *lot* faster OOC than RPing it. I'm sure the Communication god had a lot of ideas already, so I'll throw mine out there and see how well they mesh.

I figured the contest would start with each god introducing himself and/or the prize they had. We're keeping it simple, I'd assume - or had you planned on categories in the contest? I thought the feast might work well as a celebration after the contest - maybe a medal for one prize, the staff for another, and a particularly succulent dish for a third.

2008-06-01, 11:27 AM

Turn 2 interaction (wrap-up)

Forneus is rather pleased with the effect of his hunt. After congratulating the Sume and telling them that with practice and air (thrown) weapons they could do even better, he sets up a small fire to demonstrate how cooked food is tastier and explains that cooked food and boiled water are much healthier. Forneus encourages the Sume to practice what he taught them and to try and use air and fire more in their daily routine. Soon afterwards the immortal leaves, promising to return.


Turn 3.8

Forneus returns to the Sume and asks them how well they have mastered his teachings and if they were finding their life better or easier because of them. If he gets an affirmative answer, Forneus suggests that the Sume should spread the word to other Sume to help make their lives better too.

2008-06-01, 12:11 PM
Mandak, 3.3

The hulking earth god pauses. He had assumed that the Sume would be having some of the same problems with beasts as the Niddog. If they did not, this was truly to be a test of any persuasive abilities he might have. Not seeing any way to continue the defense angle, Mandak invents the art of pretending you were talking about something else. "I will show you how to kill beasts more easily, for food. Who is hunter? I will show hunter new way." Assuming someone steps forward at his prompting, he will lead them into the forest for a while, and then use the Scupr to dig a hole, in which he will place sticks sharpened with his Sharpened Stone (made in a different species' thread). He then covers the trap with branches and other camouflaging elements, and lays wait with the accompanying hunter.

2008-06-01, 12:32 PM
Turn 3.1

When Tirus watches the sume play with the wheel he has given them. He is amazed at the speed that they find a use for it. “ wow Alim I am very pleased to see you and your people have found a use for this wheel. I and some other gods are having an event to see what all sume can do. Yes there is more then just you. I will reward the sumes tribe that brings the most amount of rocks of this size and larger ” Tirus holds up a rock the size of the sume's head. “ and the sume's that use there resources to best of there ability, like.” Tirus points to the wheel's and tools and any material around to show what he means by resources. “yes to which ever tribe of sume that brings the larger amount of rocks and shows the best use of resources i will reward with a tool of there choice. I will make it myself. It can be what you want like my chisel, shovel, or my gloves.” Tirus holds each item out and demonstrates there use if the sume do not already know. "When you see a large amount of smoke like a black and gray billowing cloud forming in that direction.” Tirus points out to the middle of the sume lands. “ then begin your journey. There will be much food, much rejoicing and much knowledge that all sume may have.” Tirus pauses for there response and(assuming the sume do wish to go) Tirus then asks “ will one sume come with me to spread the word of this and to learn more knowledge that I seek to teach to all sume?"

Turn 3.2-3.7

Tirus ventures out with any followers and seeks out all sume.
first He begins his introduction with a description of what he is. using the description that he used with his first group of sume.
second he shows them his ability to make tools and for each sume group he crafts them a tool of a different type and shows them how to use it as a tool. ((the first group i made a hammer for, i will make knifes for the groups learning how to hunt, torches for the group that is learning how to use fire, a chisel to show how how they can carve rocks into stronger tools, a lever to teach how to lift heavier objects that they normally can't, another i teach how to make a better structure, I teach how to make shovel to move dirt, a bucket to move water or liquid, an axe to chop wood, another i teach how to make grinding stones.))
Third I will only give each group one tool that i teach them how to make but try to teach each group a different tool then the one before. Any group that already has a god teaching them i will only try to help and give them tools that can help like the hunters getting knifes.
fourth After teaching the first tool to each group and how it works i then show them how to make a wheel like i did with the first group and encourage them to come to the event explaining what it is and to bring as many rocks as they can in my name. I also tell them about the other events that the other gods will put on and to venture out when they see the billowing cloud of smoke and where it should be coming from.

((ooc: this is a list of the different tools i teach: hammer, knife, torch, chisel, lever, structures, shovel, bucket, axe, and grinding stones. Let me know if i need to change this or if i cant reach all the groups. I'm thinking it would take about a day to teach each race one tool and teach them how to make a wheel then to leave them with that so they can experiment and get ready for the big event. sorry for the long post ))

edit: relized i couldnt teach sume to use tongs so i changed it to torches.

2008-06-01, 01:21 PM

((Turn 2 wrap up))

After teaching the Sume to clean their wounds, Sedha stands and addresses Ghassan. "Thank you for letting me help you. I have much to do, and I must leave you now. I will return to try and help you more.

"However, before I go, I must warn you: there are others like me. They have much power, and not all power good. Some of them will try to hurt you, although some of them will try to help you as I do. Listen to their words, and accept any offer of help they give you. However, if they offer you hurt, then run from them. If they offer you something, but make you do strange things to get that something, then they only mean you harm as well, and you should run."

With that, Sedha fades into the darkness, and back into the outer plane.

2008-06-01, 02:58 PM

Before the Festival would begin, the Immortals gather and discuss how it should be organized.

Tek presents the following plan:

Please confirm if you agree with this plan and what you wish to be modified.


Ardannis, Immortal of Travel finds the best location for the event. It should have enough space, be not very hard to get too and have a supply of wood and water nearby.


Tek, Ardannis, Krixal and Tirus are the main organizers. They contribute work and prizes to the event.

Araslyonn is welcome, since his master of Music and could bring greater entertainment for the event. (But I’m not sure if someone told him about the festival.)

Other Immortals can celebrate as well, as long as they don’t cause a disturbance or use the festival, as opportunity to loudly preach their own creeds.

The Feast:

Fires: A very large fire, producing a column of smoke would be made before the start of the event. Its purpose would be to guide Sume to the site. It could be used for ceremonial purposes later.

Krixal would prepare wood for big, impressive fires. As the night would fall, more of them would be lit, turning night into day – banishing the fears of darkness.

Food: Sume would bring some with them and Immortals would gather food available nearby. Krixal’s Domain is Culinary Arts, which should lead to the most divine dishes.

Accommodations: Some basic accommodations can be prepared – like logs made into sitting places, chairs for the Immortals. Tirus, Immortal of Architecture can organize the construction of basic infostructure for the event.

Entertainment: Bright fires, food and chance to win prizes should be enough to put Sume in a good mood. If Araslyonn would be present he could add music to the mix.


Challenge of Craftsmanship:

I believe Tirus already set it up. The Sume will bring resources and then try to use them in the most efficient way to craft an item.

Quality Tested: Craftsmanship and Invention
Judge: Tirus
Prize: A choice between Chisel, Shovel and Gloves

Challenge of Storytelling:

Sume would tell stories and try to impress the judges with their intelligence and creativity.

Quality Tested: Creativity, Knowledge, Persuasion
Judge: Ardannis, with Tek assisting.
Prize: Staff of Hungry Nose

Challenge of ???

Okay I’m actually stumped. There is a third artifact – Medal of Tek, which was specifically designed to be a prize. But since my interaction with the Sume so far was very limited, I just don’t have the right feel for them. So I can’t come up with a proper contest idea.

So as long as anyone else can come up with a good contest idea, I’d provide a prize for it.

2008-06-01, 05:54 PM
Ardannis, Turn 3.7 (pre-festival)

Having shown the other immortals a good location for the contest before leaving, Ardannis works on improving it for the event. Swinging through the trees with great agility, he marks broad trails to the nearby stream and to several stands of dead trees, one arm reaching out to break a small branch or otherwise mark the path, or pick up a dry log, while the other four or five arms manage locomotion.

Though quick to make excuses, as he doesn't really like standing on his head to use the strongest two limbs if he can avoid it, he will help with the manual labor if another Immortal manages to pin him down. When he has free time, he practices his juggling and sleight of hand so as to put in a good appearance.

He takes personal responsibility for the stage on which the storytelling contest will be held, making sure that there are torches that can be lit on both sides of it, in case the storytelling goes into the night.

Tek's game plan looks great - I'm good with that.

Third contest: Art! It's got both Communication and Symbols, so it should be great for Tek. :-)

Rough schedule: Sume arrive throughout the morning on the day of the contest. When the sun is at high noon, the Immortals will introduce themselves *briefly* and announce the start/rules of the various contests (I think the event would go a lot more smoothly if we saved the bulk of the proselytizing for smaller interactions during the event with the various Sume we chat up, rather than grandiose speeches all at the same time which may break out into argument between Immortals).
Contests can happen in parallel, but should probably go in order so that Sume can watch all three. When they're done, hand out prizes, eat drink, schmooze, go home happy. Whaddya say?

2008-06-01, 06:53 PM
Krixal 3.7

Krixal will spend days gathering the longest-burning wood for the festival, and building four bonfires around the outside of the festival-area, and a larger bonfire in the middle. He will build the large bonfires by de-manifesting and re-manifesting multiple times, arranging the tinder and kindling as a foot tall, then the larger wood as six feet tall, then the large logs as 16 feet tall.

From early the morning before the festival (before the Sume begin arriving) he will be cooking over several smaller fires, as well as having dishes already ready in slow-cook pits.

I agree with the plan, but wish for the festival to last long into the night, which means we could start at sundown instead of at noon. Don't worry about light, I promise that there will be plenty. :belkar:

2008-06-01, 07:00 PM
turn 3.7 (party plan)
Tirus says during this meeting." Ok the changes I see with the schedule are as follows."

Accommodations: accommodations are prepared by Tirus and with this he takes great pride in his work to make every possible accommodation for this party. He makes enough chairs for all the sume and all the immortals that are coming. All the chairs are the same. The chairs have a back that is held on with arms to the main part of the chair there are 4 armrests enough for all the sume's limbs. The chairs are carved to more or less be shaped to the sume's form. Each of the armrest's is carved with a hole in them. it looks like the arms could hold somthing in these arms. these chairs are the most conferable chairs the sume have ever seen or used. Every chair is marked with the simble of Tirus on the back. Tirus also makes 18 places where each of the sume tribes can put there rocks so they can be counted to see who has brought the most. And each group will be judged on the manner in which they bring in the rocks. This is the contest that will determine which sume tribe is the most resourceful.

((My challenge is:))
Challenge of resourcefulness:

The sume will be tested on there use of resources that they have and how well they use them to the best of there ability. So they have to find the best way in which to bring in the most rock.

Quality Tested: resourcefulness
Judge: Tirus
Prize: any item that I can craft. So they will tell me what they want and I will craft it for them.

((edit: i was wondering if we just want to say we spend most of this turn preparing and at turn 4.0 we start the great fire? also that way we could just post this all and not have to use aim. we could roll into turn 4.))

2008-06-02, 08:19 AM
Krixal 4.0

tugboat: as I said on AIM, 4.0 works for me. I'm not sure of how everything is working out time-wise, so lets just assume that various preparations have taken place from 3.7 on, and we can commence the party on the first day of 4.0

Let the festivities begin!

Krixal finishes with the last of he meal.
Waterfowl: roasted on spits.
Fish: grilled on heated rocks.
Deer-like animals: both grilled on rocks as the fish, and made into a stew with tubers and vegetables.
Boar-like animals: roasted by stuffing them with fruits and vegetables, and burying them in a roasting pit for a day.
A great heap of salad, dressing provided by oil from the boar-like animals+spices from Krixal's pouch.
Fruits, as many different kinds as can be found.
To drink: Wine! made from various fruits, which Krixal will ask Araslyon's help in selecting/preparing.
Also to drink, teas, made from dried herbs.

If anyone wants to suggest something for the menu, Krixal will gladly try to provide it as well.

((I assume that Krixal will have time for all this, as he has devoted 3.7 to the beginning of 4.0 to preparing for this party.))

On the day of the festival, Krixal has the central bonfire blazing, and he throws green branches on to it to create a smoke-column for a marker to the Sume.

Don Beegles
2008-06-02, 04:39 PM
Kranolk: Turn 4.0

It has been a long time since Kranolk visited the Sume, and he has never shaken the feeling that his warm reception was not as warm as it could have been. He finally resolves to deal with this feeling. He manifests himself in the forest of the Sume, relatively near where he recalls first meeting them, and begins to look around for a better gift to bring them. He remembers that he has not shown them the secret of leather yet, and hunts for a deer-like or bovine creature, which he soon finds; a large, passive looking animal with a long neck, and an equally long tail. He sees it across a clearing in the forest, and hurls his spear towards it. He strikes it in the haunch, and, as his spear pulls out of its flesh, it runs. Cursing, Kranolk snatches his weapon and gives chase, bounding through the woods after the creature, following the broken branches and trail of blood, which gradually peters out until it is clear that the creature has almost bled out. Very soon after this point, he finds it, lying on the ground as it asleep. He pauses a moment to catch his breath, panting, before he picks up the carcass and looks around for the trail back to the Sume village.

Instead, he sees something much more interesting: a large plume of smoke rising from the trees. When he saw the Sume last they hadn't discovered fire, and he is curious. He brings the carcass, and goes to see what is burning.

Soon he stumbles on the festival: he sees many Sume gathered around, and several Gods of the rival faction. Angry at their arrogance, gathereing together so many Sume like this, but not wanting to make a scene and repeat his failure with the Zygon, Kranolk brings the deer into the circle. Approaching quietly so the other gods don't see him, he comes up behind thm. "Krixal, Ardannis. How good to see you here. It seems we are having a party. Why wasn't I invited?" He drops the carcass with a wet thud. "I brought an appetizer. I think there's enough for everyone if we take small portions."

2008-06-02, 08:16 PM
Turn 3-4, Changes with the Sume:
As new ideas continue to pour in, the Sume continue to expand their abilities. They've taken Tirus's teachings about the wheel to heart, and soon carts clog the forest, the Sume moving things around it real quantities for the first time. His teaching of tools took root as well, with some semblance of craftsmanship beginning to emerge.
All these new ideas seems to have really helped out their brain capacity, as once again it improves, and their language becomes a great deal more sophisticated. Some of the Sume have begun to play with the idea of communicating things in scrawls in the dirt, though it is by no means a written language. Still, the roots are there, and it is improving quickly.

Awlruts, 3.3 Northernmost i22

Looking around the small crowd she had gathered and the beyond she tries to make an estimate how many of these beings live here. Finishing her survey for a moment she lowers her spear to point to the ground, hopefully allowing it's impeccable crafting do some talking before she begins in earnest, "I am Awlruts, Awlruts means me. I am the Goddess of Lust and War, I have come from the heavens to guide," she said emphasizing guide, and giving the area around her a quick look, her grin ever present, and her dress while not magical yet she at least tried to make it seem alluring, "and to teach you how to live better, and how to fight better to protect you're better lives." With this last statement giving emphasis to the word teach, live, and fight, she looked into the crowd of (sue me I'm not coming up with vague terms for them till she learns their name) Sume before speaking again, "but I also come to learn. About you, you're people, your way of living." With her finale statement she focused on the words learn and you hoping they would know these words if not the rest, walking forward a bit to the crowd of gathered Sume, and then sits as if ready to learn.

By this point, the sight of these two-armed Sume has become, if not something ordinary, at least not something especially extraordinary. When they hear her speech a decent portion of the crowd disperses, leaving a few of those smart enough to realize that the two-arms have by and large brought something useful. They seem happy to oblige her curiosity, describing their daily lives ad nauseum. ((See many above posts about Lifestyles of the Stinky and Cave-dwelling)). They seem especially interested in what Awlruts has to say, as they keep steering the conversation back that direction.

Ardannis, Turn 3.7

Go figure, it helps to look like the natives. Hmm...I'll have to look into that. Ardannis spends eight days traveling and spreading the word as far as he can, telling the Sume to tell nearby settlements that he cannot reach. He also tells them to bring some food to add to the feast. Getting to the place for the celebration two days ahead of time, he helps out with whatever he can, especially making sure that there is enough room for as many Sume as may come. Then, he checks with Tek, discussing the schedule for the planned celebration.

Aside from the futility of telling hunter-gatherers to bring food anywhere (think pot-luck in Ethiopia, but without stoned Western college dropouts), Ardannis is fairly well received.


Turn 2 interaction (wrap-up)

Forneus is rather pleased with the effect of his hunt. After congratulating the Sume and telling them that with practice and air (thrown) weapons they could do even better, he sets up a small fire to demonstrate how cooked food is tastier and explains that cooked food and boiled water are much healthier. Forneus encourages the Sume to practice what he taught them and to try and use air and fire more in their daily routine. Soon afterwards the immortal leaves, promising to return.


Turn 3.8

Forneus returns to the Sume and asks them how well they have mastered his teachings and if they were finding their life better or easier because of them. If he gets an affirmative answer, Forneus suggests that the Sume should spread the word to other Sume to help make their lives better too.

@Turn 3.8
Vahan explains that the new hunting techniques have aided them greatly, and that a number of new inventions have popped up over the past span of time (see turn 2-3 post, above). She also mentions that they've already taught the techniques to a number of neighboring villages.

((Forneus can feel the faint vapors of power from the Sume of this village, and it seems to get a bit stronger when he's around. He knows that where there's smoke, there's fire, but isn't sure exactly how to throw some kindling on this particular fire.))

((Responding in bursts so I don't hit the post length limit.))

2008-06-02, 08:48 PM
Awlruts, 3.3 Northernmost i22 till 3.6 wrap up

After hearing much of their culture and way of life she will probe with questions specific to her domains, just in case they have the notion of Lust and War, or at least a vague notion, something' for her to work with. Depending on the answers she gets, she will then answer questions they have, trying to make sure they are answered with her domains in the best light. If she can she will try and introduce the idea of styling hair to produce eye pleasing designs, trying to guess through questions and what she knows of them what designs they may be interested in. She will proceed to introduce concepts as clothes if they take to hair styling well, if not she will break the subject to them, if they continue to show the voracious appetite for knowledge then it would be obvious where this will go, continuing to answer questions as before (till I can get some non-wrap up interaction with them).

2008-06-02, 09:54 PM
Krixal 4.0

Kranolk! Wonderful of you to join us. As to you not being invited, I would blame the confusion of comings and goings on the outer plane. I assure you that no one was trying to keep you away. Although you might have shown up in time to help with the catching of those boar-beasts! It was quite an adventure!

Unless Kranolk resists, Krixal will put the deer-cow on to grill, and serve it as the first course.

I hope you enjoy the festivities, oh, since you don't know, we are all refraining from making any big speeches about our specific, um, teachings. Feel free to mingle and teach to individuals though! The more the merrier!

2008-06-02, 11:02 PM
Mandak, 3.3

The hulking earth god pauses. He had assumed that the Sume would be having some of the same problems with beasts as the Niddog. If they did not, this was truly to be a test of any persuasive abilities he might have. Not seeing any way to continue the defense angle, Mandak invents the art of pretending you were talking about something else. "I will show you how to kill beasts more easily, for food. Who is hunter? I will show hunter new way." Assuming someone steps forward at his prompting, he will lead them into the forest for a while, and then use the Scupr to dig a hole, in which he will place sticks sharpened with his Sharpened Stone (made in a different species' thread). He then covers the trap with branches and other camouflaging elements, and lays wait with the accompanying hunter.

The Sume are by no means bright enough to pick up on the fact that the Immortal changed trains of thought, and so go along with his logic. The hunter, Ismat, quickly tires of waiting for something to fall into the hole; it seems the Sume are not very patient creatures. While the trap does eventually catch a small deer-like animal, Ismat remarks that they could have caught much more if they were actively looking for it.

Turn 3.1, Tirus

When Tirus watches the sume play with the wheel he has given them. He is amazed at the speed that they find a use for it. “ wow Alim I am very pleased to see you and your people have found a use for this wheel. I and some other gods are having an event to see what all sume can do. Yes there is more then just you. I will reward the sumes tribe that brings the most amount of rocks of this size and larger ” Tirus holds up a rock the size of the sume's head. “ and the sume's that use there resources to best of there ability, like.” Tirus points to the wheel's and tools and any material around to show what he means by resources. “yes to which ever tribe of sume that brings the larger amount of rocks and shows the best use of resources i will reward with a tool of there choice. I will make it myself. It can be what you want like my chisel, shovel, or my gloves.” Tirus holds each item out and demonstrates there use if the sume do not already know. "When you see a large amount of smoke like a black and gray billowing cloud forming in that direction.” Tirus points out to the middle of the sume lands. “ then begin your journey. There will be much food, much rejoicing and much knowledge that all sume may have.” Tirus pauses for there response and(assuming the sume do wish to go) Tirus then asks “ will one sume come with me to spread the word of this and to learn more knowledge that I seek to teach to all sume?"

Turn 3.2-3.7

Tirus ventures out with any followers and seeks out all sume.
first He begins his introduction with a description of what he is. using the description that he used with his first group of sume.
second he shows them his ability to make tools and for each sume group he crafts them a tool of a different type and shows them how to use it as a tool. ((the first group i made a hammer for, i will make knifes for the groups learning how to hunt, torches for the group that is learning how to use fire, a chisel to show how how they can carve rocks into stronger tools, a lever to teach how to lift heavier objects that they normally can't, another i teach how to make a better structure, I teach how to make shovel to move dirt, a bucket to move water or liquid, an axe to chop wood, another i teach how to make grinding stones.))
Third I will only give each group one tool that i teach them how to make but try to teach each group a different tool then the one before. Any group that already has a god teaching them i will only try to help and give them tools that can help like the hunters getting knifes.
fourth After teaching the first tool to each group and how it works i then show them how to make a wheel like i did with the first group and encourage them to come to the event explaining what it is and to bring as many rocks as they can in my name. I also tell them about the other events that the other gods will put on and to venture out when they see the billowing cloud of smoke and where it should be coming from.

((ooc: this is a list of the different tools i teach: hammer, knife, torch, chisel, lever, structures, shovel, bucket, axe, and grinding stones. Let me know if i need to change this or if i cant reach all the groups. I'm thinking it would take about a day to teach each race one tool and teach them how to make a wheel then to leave them with that so they can experiment and get ready for the big event. sorry for the long post ))

edit: relized i couldnt teach sume to use tongs so i changed it to torches.

Turn 3.1

Alim volunteers to go along with Tirus for the journey, as Tirus's teachings, and Alim's rapid understanding of them, have brought him a good deal of prestige. Alim's village meanwhile seems very pleased with the promise of food and learning, and soon begin loading carts for the trip.

Turn 3.2-3.7

News of Tirus has spread around a bit, with his improved building techniques. With his actual appearance at many of the villages, he feels the power coming from the Sume soar. ((Tirus gains worshipers, to a total of 45)). The Sume at each village take to heart the lessons of toolmaking, and are soon busy piling their carts with rocks.


((Turn 2 wrap up))

After teaching the Sume to clean their wounds, Sedha stands and addresses Ghassan. "Thank you for letting me help you. I have much to do, and I must leave you now. I will return to try and help you more.

"However, before I go, I must warn you: there are others like me. They have much power, and not all power good. Some of them will try to hurt you, although some of them will try to help you as I do. Listen to their words, and accept any offer of help they give you. However, if they offer you hurt, then run from them. If they offer you something, but make you do strange things to get that something, then they only mean you harm as well, and you should run."

With that, Sedha fades into the darkness, and back into the outer plane.

Ghassan gives Sedha a blank look as she offers her warning; Ghassan is probably going to be pragmatic about the other Two-Arms running around, since they've been so helpful in the past.

((Bear with me, still clearing the backlog)).

2008-06-03, 01:39 AM

Turn 3 wrap-up

Forneus is very pleased with the progress the Sume have made and spends some time in their midst. He tries to suggest using air and fire in their past-times in addition to the hunt. Forneus looks for appropriate materials and comes up with a few games: playing catch with hard fruit, tossing a frisbee-like wooden disk and throwing mock spears at targets.

Turn 4.1

Forneus returns once more to see the progress of the Sume. He is by now fairly confident that they have great potential which can be extended with better air (thrown) weapons. Forneus suggests that they use their better tools for crafting better air weapons. Remember, air and fire are great allies even when separate, but when combined they are invincible. He goes on to suggest that the Sume could use fire and smoke to drive prey out of holes or otherwise dangerous or inaccessible habitats (i.e. bear's cave or other predator's dens) and use the air weapons for ambush. He also suggests that once they master fire more, they could throw lit spears (which so far has mostly use for scaring animals at a distance). Take care, because air and fire are dangerous if not respected. Make sure you leave no fires unattended, Forneus warns.

2008-06-03, 01:54 AM
@Pre-Festival stuff

Ardannis, Turn 3.7 (pre-festival)

Having shown the other immortals a good location for the contest before leaving, Ardannis works on improving it for the event. Swinging through the trees with great agility, he marks broad trails to the nearby stream and to several stands of dead trees, one arm reaching out to break a small branch or otherwise mark the path, or pick up a dry log, while the other four or five arms manage locomotion.

Though quick to make excuses, as he doesn't really like standing on his head to use the strongest two limbs if he can avoid it, he will help with the manual labor if another Immortal manages to pin him down. When he has free time, he practices his juggling and sleight of hand so as to put in a good appearance.

He takes personal responsibility for the stage on which the storytelling contest will be held, making sure that there are torches that can be lit on both sides of it, in case the storytelling goes into the night.

Tek's game plan looks great - I'm good with that.

Third contest: Art! It's got both Communication and Symbols, so it should be great for Tek. :-)

Rough schedule: Sume arrive throughout the morning on the day of the contest. When the sun is at high noon, the Immortals will introduce themselves *briefly* and announce the start/rules of the various contests (I think the event would go a lot more smoothly if we saved the bulk of the proselytizing for smaller interactions during the event with the various Sume we chat up, rather than grandiose speeches all at the same time which may break out into argument between Immortals).
Contests can happen in parallel, but should probably go in order so that Sume can watch all three. When they're done, hand out prizes, eat drink, schmooze, go home happy. Whaddya say?

Ardannis, Turn 3.7 (pre-festival)

Having shown the other immortals a good location for the contest before leaving, Ardannis works on improving it for the event. Swinging through the trees with great agility, he marks broad trails to the nearby stream and to several stands of dead trees, one arm reaching out to break a small branch or otherwise mark the path, or pick up a dry log, while the other four or five arms manage locomotion.

Though quick to make excuses, as he doesn't really like standing on his head to use the strongest two limbs if he can avoid it, he will help with the manual labor if another Immortal manages to pin him down. When he has free time, he practices his juggling and sleight of hand so as to put in a good appearance.

He takes personal responsibility for the stage on which the storytelling contest will be held, making sure that there are torches that can be lit on both sides of it, in case the storytelling goes into the night.

Tek's game plan looks great - I'm good with that.

Third contest: Art! It's got both Communication and Symbols, so it should be great for Tek. :-)

Rough schedule: Sume arrive throughout the morning on the day of the contest. When the sun is at high noon, the Immortals will introduce themselves *briefly* and announce the start/rules of the various contests (I think the event would go a lot more smoothly if we saved the bulk of the proselytizing for smaller interactions during the event with the various Sume we chat up, rather than grandiose speeches all at the same time which may break out into argument between Immortals).
Contests can happen in parallel, but should probably go in order so that Sume can watch all three. When they're done, hand out prizes, eat drink, schmooze, go home happy. Whaddya say?

Krixal 3.7

Krixal will spend days gathering the longest-burning wood for the festival, and building four bonfires around the outside of the festival-area, and a larger bonfire in the middle. He will build the large bonfires by de-manifesting and re-manifesting multiple times, arranging the tinder and kindling as a foot tall, then the larger wood as six feet tall, then the large logs as 16 feet tall.

From early the morning before the festival (before the Sume begin arriving) he will be cooking over several smaller fires, as well as having dishes already ready in slow-cook pits.

turn 3.7 (party plan)
Tirus says during this meeting." Ok the changes I see with the schedule are as follows."


Accommodations: accommodations are prepared by Tirus and with this he takes great pride in his work to make every possible accommodation for this party. He makes enough chairs for all the sume and all the immortals that are coming. All the chairs are the same. The chairs have a back that is held on with arms to the main part of the chair there are 4 armrests enough for all the sume's limbs. The chairs are carved to more or less be shaped to the sume's form. Each of the armrest's is carved with a hole in them. it looks like the arms could hold somthing in these arms. these chairs are the most conferable chairs the sume have ever seen or used. Every chair is marked with the simble of Tirus on the back. Tirus also makes 18 places where each of the sume tribes can put there rocks so they can be counted to see who has brought the most. And each group will be judged on the manner in which they bring in the rocks. This is the contest that will determine which sume tribe is the most resourceful.

((My challenge is:))
Challenge of resourcefulness:

The sume will be tested on there use of resources that they have and how well they use them to the best of there ability. So they have to find the best way in which to bring in the most rock.

Quality Tested: resourcefulness
Judge: Tirus
Prize: any item that I can craft. So they will tell me what they want and I will craft it for them.

((edit: i was wondering if we just want to say we spend most of this turn preparing and at turn 4.0 we start the great fire? also that way we could just post this all and not have to use aim. we could roll into turn 4.))

Let the festivities begin!

Krixal finishes with the last of he meal.

* Waterfowl: roasted on spits.
* Fish: grilled on heated rocks.
* Deer-like animals: both grilled on rocks as the fish, and made into a stew with tubers and vegetables.
* Boar-like animals: roasted by stuffing them with fruits and vegetables, and burying them in a roasting pit for a day.
* A great heap of salad, dressing provided by oil from the boar-like animals+spices from Krixal's pouch.
* Fruits, as many different kinds as can be found.
* To drink: Wine! made from various fruits, which Krixal will ask Araslyon's help in selecting/preparing.
* Also to drink, teas, made from dried herbs.

If anyone wants to suggest something for the menu, Krixal will gladly try to provide it as well.

((I assume that Krixal will have time for all this, as he has devoted 3.7 to the beginning of 4.0 to preparing for this party.))

On the day of the festival, Krixal has the central bonfire blazing, and he throws green branches on to it to create a smoke-column for a marker to the Sume.

Kranolk: Turn 4.0

It has been a long time since Kranolk visited the Sume, and he has never shaken the feeling that his warm reception was not as warm as it could have been. He finally resolves to deal with this feeling. He manifests himself in the forest of the Sume, relatively near where he recalls first meeting them, and begins to look around for a better gift to bring them. He remembers that he has not shown them the secret of leather yet, and hunts for a deer-like or bovine creature, which he soon finds; a large, passive looking animal with a long neck, and an equally long tail. He sees it across a clearing in the forest, and hurls his spear towards it. He strikes it in the haunch, and, as his spear pulls out of its flesh, it runs. Cursing, Kranolk snatches his weapon and gives chase, bounding through the woods after the creature, following the broken branches and trail of blood, which gradually peters out until it is clear that the creature has almost bled out. Very soon after this point, he finds it, lying on the ground as it asleep. He pauses a moment to catch his breath, panting, before he picks up the carcass and looks around for the trail back to the Sume village.

Instead, he sees something much more interesting: a large plume of smoke rising from the trees. When he saw the Sume last they hadn't discovered fire, and he is curious. He brings the carcass, and goes to see what is burning.

Soon he stumbles on the festival: he sees many Sume gathered around, and several Gods of the rival faction. Angry at their arrogance, gathereing together so many Sume like this, but not wanting to make a scene and repeat his failure with the Zygon, Kranolk brings the deer into the circle. Approaching quietly so the other gods don't see him, he comes up behind thm. "Krixal, Ardannis. How good to see you here. It seems we are having a party. Why wasn't I invited?" He drops the carcass with a wet thud. "I brought an appetizer. I think there's enough for everyone if we take small portions

((It all looks good. I'll be online tomorrow from 5-6pm GMT-7 to about midnight GMT -7. PM me with your AIM address if you want to work this out in a chatroom, or just respond here.))

As the fire is lit, the Sume begin to show up, in small groups. It looks like mostly healthy adults came, those that could be spared from day-to-day duties. Of the 20 or so groups, each sent 2-5 adults, totaling about 70 Sume, which is by itself the largest gathering the race has had in living memory. Almost every group arrives toting a primitive cart with a load of stones on it, and it seems to be a matter of pride as to how many they each had.

At the sight of the gathered food, beverages, seats and fires, most stop and stare, slackjawed, for awhile. Eventually they come to their senses and start to mingle, first talking amongst themselves, and then meeting those from other villages that arrived. A few of the more curious ones wander over to the Immortals, looking in unabashed greed at the food.

Don Beegles
2008-06-03, 11:49 AM
My Granny's here from Texas, and there's unfortunately no way I can get on for long enough to do anything worth while without looking like a rude jerk, especially after she gave me $500, which I would say buys some attention.

Kranolk: Turn 4.0

"That seems fair. We would not want to influence these people too much, and with all the competition, if we all got on our stump, nothing would get done." When Krixal throws the deer-cow on the grill, he winces and drags it out of the flames. He whips his knives from the pocket on his cloak and dismembers it, skinning and boning it, and chopping off a sizable hunk of bloody meat from the haunch. The rest he throws back on the grill, and shakes his head at Krixal's folly. "I don't know why you'd want to ruin a perfectly good steak, but save some for the smart fellows.

When the Sume start showing up, he takes his portion of the feast and the hide and sets up camp near the fire. When he sees a Sume that he recognizes, as he must, considering how many there are here, he calls it over. [color=Maroon]"How has your tribe been doing? Have you succeeded in hunting any more of those horned-beasts? Here, have some meat." He tears a hunk of the deer-cow off and hands it to the Sume and any others who want some.

2008-06-03, 02:53 PM
Mandak, 4.7
(I think little enough happened in that brief exchange that we can safely put the entire thing in turn 4, unless you have any objections)

When Ismat mentions that hunting would have gone faster with actual hunting, Mandak has a reply, eventually. "Show me your hunting. Then I help." Assuming they show him the herd-and-shoot method described earlier, Mandak does indeed have an idea. He asks to be shown the next field they will hunt in. Then, he digs a long pit trap along one side of the field, and tells the Sume to herd the creatures towards it.

2008-06-04, 12:42 AM
Turn 4.0

as Tirus watched the sume bring in so much rock, he was pleased to see that all had made some kind of cart to bring the rocks in. He noticed that none of the sume tribes really shined above any other. So has Tirus pondered a way to find the most resourceful he thought of an idea. “ you have all used your resources and so much rock but you all have done just as good as the next. But i promised you a prize so to determine the victor we will use this rock as the final part of the challenge. “ Tirus creates a small model for the sume to see. “ This is my challenge. build this structure. each tribe will build one side.” The model has 19 sides 1 for each tribe and 1 extra. The sides are made of stone and clay for a mortar to hold them together. The roof has logs hanging off the edges of the walls working there way to the center of the building. At the center the logs rest on the one next to it all the way around leaving a hole in the middle but is very stable. To finish the roof it is covered with wood with and then hide stretched of the wood to cover the holes. “This last side will be built by all sume.” Tirus points to the extra side that holds an entrance. “ each tribe must make a name. This name will be the symbol that describes each sume tribe. This name will be put into each of the sume's wall in any form they wish like symbols. After building this place that all sume my seek shelter, seek help and seek comfort my contest will be done. And to the victor's i will begin working on there item.” Tirus shows them how to make a mortar to hold the stone and how to use it with the stone. He also watches and points out any flaws to make sure the structure is strong and will not fall down.

2008-06-04, 12:45 AM
Awlruts, 3.3 Northernmost i22 till 3.6 wrap up

After hearing much of their culture and way of life she will probe with questions specific to her domains, just in case they have the notion of Lust and War, or at least a vague notion, something' for her to work with. Depending on the answers she gets, she will then answer questions they have, trying to make sure they are answered with her domains in the best light. If she can she will try and introduce the idea of styling hair to produce eye pleasing designs, trying to guess through questions and what she knows of them what designs they may be interested in. She will proceed to introduce concepts as clothes if they take to hair styling well, if not she will break the subject to them, if they continue to show the voracious appetite for knowledge then it would be obvious where this will go, continuing to answer questions as before (till I can get some non-wrap up interaction with them).

((Non-wrap up interaction... GO!))

Styling hair would appeal to them a bit, if they had any way to make it stay that way. As is, their hairstyles are mostly "keep it out of our eyes". They have a basic concept of Lust (as in, they have all the same drives as normal animals). Their concept of war is very rudimentary, mostly consisting of interpersonal conflicts, rather than inter-village conflicts..


Turn 3 wrap-up

Forneus is very pleased with the progress the Sume have made and spends some time in their midst. He tries to suggest using air and fire in their past-times in addition to the hunt. Forneus looks for appropriate materials and comes up with a few games: playing catch with hard fruit, tossing a frisbee-like wooden disk and throwing mock spears at targets.

Turn 4.1

Forneus returns once more to see the progress of the Sume. He is by now fairly confident that they have great potential which can be extended with better air (thrown) weapons. Forneus suggests that they use their better tools for crafting better air weapons. Remember, air and fire are great allies even when separate, but when combined they are invincible. He goes on to suggest that the Sume could use fire and smoke to drive prey out of holes or otherwise dangerous or inaccessible habitats (i.e. bear's cave or other predator's dens) and use the air weapons for ambush. He also suggests that once they master fire more, they could throw lit spears (which so far has mostly use for scaring animals at a distance). Take care, because air and fire are dangerous if not respected. Make sure you leave no fires unattended, Forneus warns.

Forneus is again given a warm reception, and his new ideas are taken to heart, as the Sume begin refining their weapons into something useful for ranged fighting. As they practice with throwing, they begin to notice certain things that make certain spears fly better than others, and they undergo a considerable amount of revision.

((Had a conversation with other DMs, standardized my definition of worship. Forneus has had 20 worshipers among the Sume for awhile, apparently.))

((Crashing early tonight. Dealing with festival stuff tomorrow.))

2008-06-04, 01:52 AM

Turn 4.2

Forneus spends some time with the Sume group, trying to figure out how he can help further. He asks around for any trouble they've had recently or if they had any problems dealing with air and fire. Once that's done Forneus suggests a few Sume to accompany him on a small trip to a nearby group to see if they need any assistance.

OOC: out of ideas this morning, pretty much looking for GM hints ;)

2008-06-05, 01:00 AM
turn 4.0

on completion of the new sume structure Tirus addresses them. “ sume you have all used your resources well. I have found that Alim shows a great deal of knowledge of resourcefulness and ask all sume what problem do you have the most, that I my craft Alim a tool to help all sume ease there worry.” after they have answered him with a problem Tirus stays and enjoys the rest of the festival. At the end of it he leaves to begin work on the sume artifact.

2008-06-09, 08:41 PM
Sedha 6.9

After what seemed like an eternity of nonstop walking, a thoroughly exhausted Sedha finally arrived at the Sume's area.

Sedha wanders around the area for a day, stopping only when she finds a group of Niddogs with more than 10 members. Even then she waits only long enough to deliver this message.

"I am Sedha, a being of Darkness and Kindness. I bring knowledge of what lies outside of your forest. This in my arms, is the body of a very wise and brave Karksh, another thinker such as yourselves, who asked me in their dying wish, for me to bring you his body to show you what the Karksh look like, and to bring you all a message:

'Greetings, other thinkers. We are the Karksh, and we live in the water. We have been told of your existence in the land, and wished to contact you. We wanted to let you know that we are here as well, and wish to learn of you. The one before you now has died, but is shown to you so that you may see what we look like, as we are told you see differently than we do, and can see things that cannot move. We think that there are many ideas that could be shared between us, and wish to learn all we can. We will be waiting.'

"I wish I could stay to explain more to you all, but there is much more to be done. I must carry her message to all of the creatures living in this land. I will return soon. Until then, farewell."

With that she leaves, off to the next group. She continues this for an entire day, before turning towards the sea. She had worked long enough, but so had Fip's poor body. It was time to lay him to rest.

2008-06-10, 01:26 AM
The Festival

The Festival is a good time for all, with the many different events awing, entertaining and astounding the Sume in turn. The extremely large amount of food, and the huge fires do well to fuel Krixal's worship, and the myriad of events of plans by the other gods worked well. All in all, pretty much every Sume at the gathering walked away revering one or another of the deities at the festival, spreading their faith among their home villages.

What followed was a period of relative peace and silence among the Sume, as several generations passed with little of import issuing from Sume lands. The population grew, as did the faiths among the respective Immortals, and all was relatively peaceful. Those Immortals that showed up during this period found the Sume peaceful and friendly, but not terribly rousable, and were generally well-received but not significantly heeded.

A new generation has grown up, and the old leaders have by and large stepped down. The waters of conflict are once again rising, as the now-larger tribes begin to compete for resources, and their varying "religions" and philosophies have have divided them.

Worshiper counts:
Mandak: 15
Kranolk: 30
Krixal: 90
Forneus: 80
Awlruts: 30
Tirus: 120
Sedha: 30
Ardannis: 40
Tek: 40

((Basically, I did the numbers as though I hadn't been a lazy, lazy DM and neglected the thread while I took care of family crap. Consider all interactions prior to this post wrapped up, and feel free to begin new ones (just... in a slightly smaller volume, capiche?))


In this period of peace, the Sume go through a series of physical changes that leave them much stronger, much more resilient, and much faster. Additionally, all those lessons in hunting seem to have sunk in, and been realized through a massive increase in the quality if their weaponry. They've gotten far more intelligent, and their crude scrawlings in the ground have changed into a formalized, written language (albiet a language that must be carved into large rocks). Their language skills have increased such that they are now capable of forming most features of Modern Human languages.

2008-06-10, 09:32 AM
Ardannis, Turn 6.7

Ardannis appears near the group that contains the Sume who won the Traveler's Boon ((staff for winning storytelling competition)). He swings out of thin air into the topmost branch of a tree, as if he just swung from an invisible higher one, then continues down until he reaches the ground. Greetings, Sume, he calls happily. How goes it?

2008-06-10, 11:33 PM
turn 6.4
Tirus appears at the structure he had them build in hope that they would be there so he could give them there prize. If no sume are there he starts a fire in the fire pit to summon the Sume. When they do or if they are there he presents the prize “ I have crafted the reward for all sume to use. This is my crafted hand that will show you the weaknesses in your structures.” He shows them how to use it. “ I have also returned to show you how to make rope.” Tirus shows them how to make rope by cutting leather into strips and using the leather strips weaving them into longer strips. “I leave you with this to find more uses for it and will return here again to show you how to make more tool.” Tirus shows them how they can tie sticks together with it

2008-06-11, 01:44 AM
Tirus and the Temple

After the festival, the Sume are very interested in this plan that Tirus has. It certainly helped that they each carted in a load of stone, but it becomes apparent that more materials will have to be procured on-site. It becomes evident that the structure cannot be finished before the Sume at the Festival must return to their tribes, so they split the labor up over time. It becomes a cooperative effort by the tribes at the Festival, such that a few Sume would return to the site from each tribe when conditions permitted and work on their bit of the temple. The temple becomes the work of generations, and eventually does become finished. On the 19th wall, each tribe picks a name in the newly-minting Sume written language, and carves it in.

While this construction was going on, the first permanent village sprung up around the temple. It is quite small (~20 Sume), and it makes its living on gathering, hunting, and trade from the builder/pilgrims that come from other villages. This is the center of Tirus's worship, and the home of Rauf, the son of the Sume that won Tirus's contest of resourcefulness.

Each tribe is actually a subset of a larger, for lack of a better word, "cultural" group. As such, they don't really identify each village as a tribe. Each village gets a side of the temple, but there are four major groups of Sume, which each pick out a symbol.

4 major Sume Cultural Groups:
The Baqi: The Baqi live near the coast, in the rainy forest. They're the most advanced of the Sume, and the Temple Village is derived from Baqi villagers.
Important Sume: Rauf, holder of Tirus's Building Hand-Thingy
The Fouad:
They live in the scrub on the Eastern portion of the hex. They're the best at wheels and carts, fire, and the tribe most influenced by Krixal.
The Husni: Semi-nomadic Sume that wander around in the central and southern poritons of the Hex. Heavily influenced by Ardannis.
Important Sume: Amar, holder of Traveler's Boon, an old Sume who was present at the great festival.
The Armen: The group that lives in the northern portion of the hex, they've been influenced by Tek, and Gandoran a bit before him.
Important Sume: Malik, holder of the Medal of Tek (assuming Tek gave that as the prize for the Art contest). A great artist, who inherited the Medal from his mother, the headwoman who won the art contest.

Ardannis (Coming soon.)

2008-06-11, 02:34 AM
Turn 7
Turn 7.0-7.4

As the Sume wake up from their peaceful era, clouds gather on the horizon. A massive storm strikes Sume lands, at first with high winds and then torrential rains. Due to the wooded landscape and the Sume's primitive shelters, they aren't severely inconvenienced for the first few days, but as it becomes clear that the storm isn't leaving, hunting becomes a problem, and gathering is difficult. As the days go by, food gets more and more scarce as plants lose foliage, and streams and rivers start to swell. After the first 5-10 days, the Sume begin beseeching their respective Immortal friends for a solution.

2008-06-11, 07:54 AM
Ardannis, Turn 6.7-6.95 (wrap-up)

((So, he would have materialized near Amar, in a group of Husni))

After being received by the traveling group of Husni Sume, Ardannis travels with their group and other groups for most of the end of the turn, going from one group to another after he's finished with each group. He attempts to reach as many of the Husni as possible. In addition, he visits Tirus' village shortly before leaving ((so from 6.9-6.95 or so)).

While traveling with each different group of Husni, Ardannis teaches them storytelling - how to "enhance" a story and make it more interesting without losing the core of what it conveys, how to read an audience and suit your performance to them. He shows them how stories can be passed on, and changed, how history and teaching can be passed on through a good story, how an important story can be preserved through memory to pass on to other groups or later generations of Sume. Lastly, he teaches them some simple verbal games they can play while on the move.

He also teaches them how they may easily become better travelers (this assumes that semi-nomadic means "likes to travel, but tends to stop when there's ample food"). He shows them how to navigate, find food in the wild forest more effectively, so that they are less dependent on any one spot to settle, simply because there's adequate food there. He shows them how to mark a trail so that a following Sume can find where they've gone, or so that they can find that creek again later.

All his time with them is spent making them more self-sufficient and creative. He tries to get to all the Husni groups, if possible.

((You can describe it a Bard School, I guess - wandering and storytelling effectively.))

Examples:Example story (lesson): Two Sume were traveling together when a great beast rushed upon them out of the woods. One Sume quickly ran away and climbed a tree, where the beast could not follow. The other Sume, not so quick, and seeing that he could not get away, fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. When the beast came up to him, he held his breath, while the beast smelled him all over. Thinking him to be dead, and wanting live food to kill, the beast soon left. The other Sume came down from the tree and asked "what was it the beast whispered in your ear?" (not understanding that it had been smelling him). The first Sume replied "He told me never to travel with a friend who leaves me to die at the first sign of danger."

Example story (history): Long ago, the Sume used to play a game that involved throwing a round stone to each other. They would try to get it past another group of Sume, who tried to steal it from them in return. There was a selfish young Sume, who never thought he got thrown the ball often enough, and so one day, he made a plan. He would catch the ball, but not throw it to anyone, just holding it tight and running past the other group so that they could not steal it from him. This was against the rules. When the next game came, he did just that - he caught the ball and held onto it, no matter how much his friends called to him to throw it. As he ran by the other players though, the stone began to get bigger in his hands. Frightened, he tried to drop it, but was unable to. The stone got bigger and bigger, and began to rise into the air, taking the selfish young Sume with it. Eventually it rose so high and got so big, that it was above the highest tree and the highest mountain. It became the moon, and if you look hard enough, you can still see the face of the selfish young Sume in it, to remind all Sume not to be selfish like that young one.

Verbal games: He will teach them a collaborative story game, where one Sume starts a story with a few sentences, and then the next one must add a few more sentences, and the next, and so forth - the result often turning in unexpected ways as different Sume do unexpected or silly things with their part of the story. This game is called Shared Story.

If they appear to have a good grasp of the written language, he will also teach them a game called Word Trap. In this game, One Sume starts with a single letter, then the next Sume adds another, and so on. When a Sume adds a letter to make a word, he gets a point. The game can be played for as long or as short as wished, which makes it great for traveling. When the game is done, the Sume with the fewest points wins. If a Sume adds a letter that cannot make a word (example: g-a-m is passed to him, and he adds 'r' so as not to end it by spelling "game"), that round is over and he gets a point.

At around 6.9, he heads to Tirus' city. He does not linger if not welcome, and does not try to steal worshippers or ask them to like him more than Tirus, just befriends them. To them, he teaches some of the more interesting stories that he has heard the Husni make up, and shows them how to inscribe the best stories on walls or wood so that they are not forgotten. He also teaches them Threes and Fives, two games he has already developed. When showing them the games, he emphasizes that they will teach the Sume to plan and grow smarter.

Threes: Tic-tac-toe, pure and simple.

Fives: Much larger board than Threes, usually around a 10x10 grid, though grid size is fluid and can be changed by players who want a longer or shorter game. Players take turns placing pebbles of their color, which must be adjacent or diagonal to an already-placed piece (of either color). Winner is the first to get five in a row of their color. Simple in design, plenty of room for serious strategizing. :-)

2008-06-11, 10:01 PM
Awlruts, 7.3

A tornado of rose petals erupts from the plains picking up dust and pebbles on the road near the Sume she had visted before, it grew in size and power, quickly it rose up, and up to six feet in height, then suddenley the rose petals erupt outwards covering the surrounding area to reveal the Avatar of Awlruts. With her normal entrance done and out the way she began walking down into the Sume village trying to see if she could find the Sume she had talked to before.

2008-06-12, 12:00 AM
@Ardannis, Turn 6.7-6.95 (wrap-up)

((So, he would have materialized near Amar, in a group of Husni))

After being received by the traveling group of Husni Sume, Ardannis travels with their group and other groups for most of the end of the turn, going from one group to another after he's finished with each group. He attempts to reach as many of the Husni as possible. In addition, he visits Tirus' village shortly before leaving ((so from 6.9-6.95 or so)).

Amar and his village are flabbergasted by Ardannis's sudden appearance; many of them had heard only stories about Ardannis. Amar and the rest of the group exclaim and chatter at his appearance, and seem very pleased to see him. They explain that recent times have been quite prosperous, especially given the utility of Traveler's Boon.

While traveling with each different group of Husni, Ardannis teaches them storytelling - how to "enhance" a story and make it more interesting without losing the core of what it conveys, how to read an audience and suit your performance to them. He shows them how stories can be passed on, and changed, how history and teaching can be passed on through a good story, how an important story can be preserved through memory to pass on to other groups or later generations of Sume. Lastly, he teaches them some simple verbal games they can play while on the move.

He also teaches them how they may easily become better travelers (this assumes that semi-nomadic means "likes to travel, but tends to stop when there's ample food"). He shows them how to navigate, find food in the wild forest more effectively, so that they are less dependent on any one spot to settle, simply because there's adequate food there. He shows them how to mark a trail so that a following Sume can find where they've gone, or so that they can find that creek again later.

The Husni find Ardannis's constant stream of teaching bemusing, but soon take to it quite well. Their foraging skills improve as Ardannis talks, but it becomes evident that they won't be able to adequately store their stories without some better means of writing; currently, they have no recourse but to carve their stories into rocks with crude tools, a laborious process that can take days, and cannot be taken with them without being loaded on a cart.

All his time with them is spent making them more self-sufficient and creative. He tries to get to all the Husni groups, if possible.

((You can describe it a Bard School, I guess - wandering and storytelling effectively.))


Example story (lesson): Two Sume were traveling together when a great beast rushed upon them out of the woods. One Sume quickly ran away and climbed a tree, where the beast could not follow. The other Sume, not so quick, and seeing that he could not get away, fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. When the beast came up to him, he held his breath, while the beast smelled him all over. Thinking him to be dead, and wanting live food to kill, the beast soon left. The other Sume came down from the tree and asked "what was it the beast whispered in your ear?" (not understanding that it had been smelling him). The first Sume replied "He told me never to travel with a friend who leaves me to die at the first sign of danger."

Example story (history): Long ago, the Sume used to play a game that involved throwing a round stone to each other. They would try to get it past another group of Sume, who tried to steal it from them in return. There was a selfish young Sume, who never thought he got thrown the ball often enough, and so one day, he made a plan. He would catch the ball, but not throw it to anyone, just holding it tight and running past the other group so that they could not steal it from him. This was against the rules. When the next game came, he did just that - he caught the ball and held onto it, no matter how much his friends called to him to throw it. As he ran by the other players though, the stone began to get bigger in his hands. Frightened, he tried to drop it, but was unable to. The stone got bigger and bigger, and began to rise into the air, taking the selfish young Sume with it. Eventually it rose so high and got so big, that it was above the highest tree and the highest mountain. It became the moon, and if you look hard enough, you can still see the face of the selfish young Sume in it, to remind all Sume not to be selfish like that young one.

Verbal games: He will teach them a collaborative story game, where one Sume starts a story with a few sentences, and then the next one must add a few more sentences, and the next, and so forth - the result often turning in unexpected ways as different Sume do unexpected or silly things with their part of the story. This game is called Shared Story.

The Bards-to-be already have a number of stories about the origin of common objects, but they particularly like the story about the origin of the moon. The game catches on, and it does well to pass the time on the path to a new camp.

If they appear to have a good grasp of the written language, he will also teach them a game called Word Trap. In this game, One Sume starts with a single letter, then the next Sume adds another, and so on. When a Sume adds a letter to make a word, he gets a point. The game can be played for as long or as short as wished, which makes it great for traveling. When the game is done, the Sume with the fewest points wins. If a Sume adds a letter that cannot make a word (example: g-a-m is passed to him, and he adds 'r' so as not to end it by spelling "game"), that round is over and he gets a point.

This game is a bit dicey (mostly as a result of Ardannis's lack of knoweldge of the Sume language, and the oddness of speaking intent, not literal words), but they do eventually figure out what Ardannis is trying to say. This game is less well received, because not very many of the Sume are literate. It does catch on in some small measure among the more educated Sume, though.

At around 6.9, he heads to Tirus' city. He does not linger if not welcome, and does not try to steal worshippers or ask them to like him more than Tirus, just befriends them. To them, he teaches some of the more interesting stories that he has heard the Husni make up, and shows them how to inscribe the best stories on walls or wood so that they are not forgotten. He also teaches them Threes and Fives, two games he has already developed. When showing them the games, he emphasizes that they will teach the Sume to plan and grow smarter.

Threes: Tic-tac-toe, pure and simple.

Fives: Much larger board than Threes, usually around a 10x10 grid, though grid size is fluid and can be changed by players who want a longer or shorter game. Players take turns placing pebbles of their color, which must be adjacent or diagonal to an already-placed piece (of either color). Winner is the first to get five in a row of their color. Simple in design, plenty of room for serious strategizing. :-)

Calling the settlement around the Temple a city is a bit of an exaggeration, as it has a rather small population. Still, as some of the most well-versed craftsmen, and those most familiar with written language, the strategy games soon become a major pass-time. Fives is a bit complicated for them, but those Sume that stick with it quickly decide its the most interesting thing since the opposite gender, and take to it quite well.

2008-06-12, 12:20 AM
@Awlruts, 7.3

A tornado of rose petals erupts from the plains picking up dust and pebbles on the road near the Sume she had visted before, it grew in size and power, quickly it rose up, and up to six feet in height, then suddenly the rose petals erupt outwards covering the surrounding area to reveal the Avatar of Awlruts. With her normal entrance done and out the way she began walking down into the Sume village trying to see if she could find the Sume she had talked to before.

The Sume that Awlruts had talked to before is long, long dead. Its descendants, however, were still around, and at her appearance make a big spectacle, forming a circle around her (despite the torrential rain) and discussing her among themselves. What appears to be the Headwoman of the tribe asks her, "I am Sanya. My mother's mother told stories about one who looked like you. Are you Awlruts?"

2008-06-12, 07:21 AM
Ardannis, Turn 7.1

Ardannis arrives shortly after the prayers begin. I fear I cannot make the storm disappear, or food fly into your hands, he regretfully tells the Sume. My powers are over cunning and travel, not the forces of nature. Yet he does for them what he can.

He teaches them how to make crude rain shields out of large leaves, to keep the worst of the weather off, though he does not expect that to be a large concern to the Husni. He also teaches them how to weave nets from vines and let them drag through the swelling streams, catching the fish that are being swept downstream in the heavy current. If this is enough to satisfy the Sume's needs, this is all he teaches, passing from group to group and showing as many Sume as possible, as well as telling them to spread it to any more Sume they meet.

If this does not suffice, he gauges how interested they would be in traveling away from the storm for a short while. If they show interest, he shows them the manner of making crude but stable rafts on which they can swiftly travel out of reach of the storm. This is a lesson he avoids if necessary, knowing the dangers of traveling far on such uncertain craft.

2008-06-12, 09:38 PM
Mandak, 3.3-3.5
Mandak returns to the same group he had visited who knows how long ago. "Greetings, I am Mandak. I have seen your flood, and have come to aid you." Assuming there is no hostility in their reaction, and a moderate willingness to listen, he will begin by showing then how to make the simple digging tools (think shovels) they need out of wood. The he will begin with the idea of food storage. "Sometimes times like this will come, when food is scarce. You must be prepared for this." He proceeds to dig a primitive cellar, and line the floor with wood. Then, he finds a salt rock in the woods, grinds some of it off using another stone, and sprinkles it on the first piece of meat they will let him get his hands on. Next he hangs it in the cellar. "This wood is to keep the floor from becoming covered in water. [...] This stone is called salt. When you put it on meat, it will become drier, so that you can store it for when food is scarce. [...] Under the ground, the air does not become as hot, so meat will stay edible longer. I am sorry I could not teach this to you before the storms devastated your lands. For a time, I was unable to visit your lands."

((More in the 3.5ish area, once the rains have stopped))
Mandak once again takes the Sume that will listen out for a lesson on forest living. "When the rivers grow too full, they can sweep into nearby lands. To stop this from happening, you must make the sides of the rivers higher." He shows them how, moving earth to the riverbank and raising it.

2008-06-12, 11:04 PM

Ardannis arrives shortly after the prayers begin. I fear I cannot make the storm disappear, or food fly into your hands, he regretfully tells the Sume. My powers are over cunning and travel, not the forces of nature. Yes he does for them what he can.

He teaches them how to make crude rain shields out of large leaves, to keep the worst of the weather off, though he does not expect that to be a large concern to the Husni. He also teaches them how to weave nets from vines and let drag them through the swelling streams, catching the fish that are being swept downstream in the heavy current. If this is enough to satisfy the Sume's needs, this is all he teaches, passing from group to group and showing as many Sume as possible, as well as telling them to spread it to any more Sume they meet.

If this does not suffice, he gauges how interested they would be in traveling away from the storm for a short while. If they show interest, he shows them the manner of making crude but stable rafts on which they can swiftly travel out of reach of the storm. This is a lesson he avoids if necessary, knowing the dangers of traveling far on such uncertain craft.

The Sume forest has a very pleasant climate normally, so cold and exposure are not significant problems. As such, the leaf umbrellas do not see wide usage, though the Sume catch onto the premise fairly easily. The idea of using woven vines as fish nets, however, is immediately appreciated, and the Husni and Amar quickly set to work on that. Within a few days, they have a number of workable nets, and full bellies. This group of Husni loads its nets onto its carts, and, hopefully with Ardannis's company, travels throughout the forest spreading the discovery. The villages that are saved by the vine nets are immensely grateful to Ardannis, and his following sees a very large increase in numbers.

((Ardannis's following grows to 100))

@Mandak ((Response forming))

2008-06-13, 02:35 AM
@Mandak, 3.3-3.5
((Uh... 7.3-7.5?))

Mandak returns to the same group he had visited who knows how long ago. "Greetings, I am Mandak. I have seen your flood, and have come to aid you." Assuming there is no hostility in their reaction, and a moderate willingness to listen, he will begin by showing then how to make the simple digging tools (think shovels) they need out of wood. The he will begin with the idea of food storage. "Sometimes times like this will come, when food is scarce. You must be prepared for this." He proceeds to dig a primitive cellar, and line the floor with wood. Then, he finds a salt rock in the woods, grinds some of it off using another stone, and sprinkles it on the first piece of meat they will let him get his hands on. Next he hangs it in the cellar. "This wood is to keep the floor from becoming covered in water. [...] This stone is called salt. When you put it on meat, it will become drier, so that you can store it for when food is scarce. [...] Under the ground, the air does not become as hot, so meat will stay edible longer. I am sorry I could not teach this to you before the storms devastated your lands. For a time, I was unable to visit your lands."

((More in the 3.5ish area, once the rains have stopped))
Mandak once again takes the Sume that will listen out for a lesson on forest living. "When the rivers grow too full, they can sweep into nearby lands. To stop this from happening, you must make the sides of the rivers higher." He shows them how, moving earth to the riverbank and raising it.

The Sume already have shovel-like implements (though the Pupr scupr is far superior), and at this point they're willing to try just about anything. The woods don't have a lot of salt just lying around, though there is, of course, some, but with the wetness of the soil at this point, and large hole is almost immediately filled with mud and water. But the Sume do manage to use the shovels to erect some earthen barriers against the flood, which stops the village from flooding too badly. The Sume in this village are grateful if morose over their conditions, and Mandak's following grows a bit.

2008-06-13, 08:37 AM
Ardannis, Turn 7.1 (effectively Turn 7 wrap-up)

Ardannis does indeed travel with the group, spreading the helpful new technology as far as possible in the few weeks he spends with them.

Before leaving, he tells them he will be back to swap stories with them more, and to enjoy their journies while he is gone.

EDIT: Ardannis also makes some special effort to find the groups that Tek has described to them, explaining that Tek's powers are not as useful against nature, and more in communication between Sume - and that Tek asked him to help. He shows them the nets, as with all other groups.

2008-06-13, 12:01 PM
Awlruts, 7.3-7.4

Listening to Sanya and hearing of her mother’s death became bemused by it, "Are these creatures truly this short lived?" Then turning to look at how much the Sume had developed since her last visit she continued this thought "But they have advanced so much. Perhaps such a short life has advantages.". Shaking her head to dislodge her thoughts before she made a fool of herself by staring into space. "Yes. I am Awlruts. It has been a long time since I was here." She clicked her teeth a few time in a rhythmic pattern before continuing. Not planning to stay long here, just long enough to reaffirm belief in her she will get down to the work of learning more about their culture, and if her last visit told her anything it was the Sume loved to talk. After learning much of their culture, she will then spend the remaining amount of time trying to teach them about shield. She will demonstrate how they work and what materials to use and if needed how to create them. When she is satisfied with their progress with the shield her time with them comes to end. With a very satisfied smile she will close her eyes and begin to Demanifest.

OOC: She will feel satisfied with how they have progressed with the shiled at 7.4, convient. Aint it?:smallamused:

2008-06-14, 12:13 AM
Mandak 7.3-7.5 (Yes, that is what I meant...)
"It is unfortunate that the best time to prepare for a storm is before it occurs. Prosper, and overcome this adversity. If you prove you can live past it, you will be all the stronger for it." With that, the Earthlord departs his shell and returns to the outer plane.

2008-06-14, 01:40 AM
Sedha turn 8-10 autopilot

8.8-9 Sedha observes the Sume from the shadows, learning as much as she can about them without actually revealing her presence (gown of darkness, +1 stealth, and the fact that she's a goddess of darkness should help)

2008-06-15, 02:18 AM
Awlruts, 7.3-7.4

Listening to Sanya and hearing of her mother’s death became bemused by it, "Are these creatures truly this short lived?" Then turning to look at how much the Sume had developed since her last visit she continued this thought "But they have advanced so much. Perhaps such a short life has advantages.". Shaking her head to dislodge her thoughts before she made a fool of herself by staring into space. "Yes. I am Awlruts. It has been a long time since I was here." She clicked her teeth a few time in a rhythmic pattern before continuing. Not planning to stay long here, just long enough to reaffirm belief in her she will get down to the work of learning more about their culture, and if her last visit told her anything it was the Sume loved to talk. After learning much of their culture, she will then spend the remaining amount of time trying to teach them about shield. She will demonstrate how they work and what materials to use and if needed how to create them. When she is satisfied with their progress with the shield her time with them comes to end. With a very satisfied smile she will close her eyes and begin to Demanifest.

OOC: She will feel satisfied with how they have progressed with the shiled at 7.4, convient. Aint it?

The Sume do not understand the point of the shield-- the prey animals almost never fight back, and those predators that can take out a Sume use main strength and ambush tactics, neither of which a shield is much good for. It seems like an awful lot to carry around (stone shield? One word: HEAVY!) for such rare circumstances. They appreciate that Awlruts is spending time with them, but amid the floods no progress is made on the concept.

Sedha turn 8-10 autopilot

8.8-9 Sedha observes the Sume from the shadows, learning as much as she can about them without actually revealing her presence (gown of darkness, +1 stealth, and the fact that she's a goddess of darkness should help)

((Duly noted))

Turn 7 changes

Ardannis's teaching of fishing has seen very wide acclaim, and a parallel change, the invention of ropemaking, has gone along with it. An unexpected outcome of the Sume using vines to spin into ropes is the discovery that if this is done to fur, thread can be made. Its a pretty short trip between that and full cloth, which the Sume do manage to make by the end of the turn. While it is coarse and primitive, it serves to cover things that need covering, for now.

Mandak's attempt to help with the flood resulted in the Sume understanding that they could alter the flow of water features by building things in their way. There aren't a whole lot of uses for this right now, but a few of the brighter Sume have noticed that plants grow better in areas they've diverted the floodwater into.

It seems that as time goes on, the Sume get better and better and getting along with one another. Ardannis's stories and games may have played a part, but some of it may be attributed to the increasingly sophisticated language. At any rate, Sume groups are getting larger, as the rate of interpersonal conflict per capita goes down.

2008-06-16, 08:47 AM
Ardannis, Turn 8

Ardannis visits the Sume in Turn 8 only once, and very briefly. He appears near Amar, and explains that the storm continues to sweep southward across the world, and that there are other beings that require his help, as the Sume did during the storm. He promises to visit again when he can after the storm passes, and then leaves.

2008-06-17, 11:50 AM
Ardannis, Turn 9.05

Ardannis swings down out of the trees near Amar and his group, greeting them as usual and asking how they managed through the rest of the storm. ((Assuming here that they're mostly okay, based on your recent posts.)) Glad to hear how they've been, Ardannis begins traveling with their group as before, noting the recent addition of cloth and rope into their culture with pleasure.

He shows them how cloth and rope may be combined to make crude sacks (at this point, simply items wrapped in the cloth and tied up by the rope to hold them in place), showing them how much easily something is carried in this manner. He also shows them how, with a little patience, a tied-down sapling can provide the force to snare an unwary creature with rope, given a little ingenuity and some bait (basic noose snare trap for small creatures), thus adding a little more fresh meat to their diet. He travels with them for a week or so, swapping stories on the trail and enjoying himself greatly. He leaves them with a smile, and encouragement to keep on traveling, seeing new things, and sharing stories.

Ardannis travels across Sume lands, stopping in briefly with this traveling group or that, and showing them similar skills with rope. When he gets to Tirus' village, he shows off particularly how snares reduce the time they need spend actively hunting, giving them more time to build the temple better, or for games. He also shows them his new game board, on which playing Fives is as easy as telling the board "fives". A grid outlines itself on the board, as well as a small heap of shiny black and white pebbles to use as game pieces. The first Sume to grab one and run off, however, quickly realizes that anything the board makes vanishes swiftly once it leaves the board. While in the city, Ardannis asks how they're doing, whether they have recently heard from Tirus, and what he has instructed them to do.

2008-06-17, 03:57 PM
Tek, Turn 9.01

Tek arrives 8 feet tall, Primary Avatar, wearing Mask of Benevolence.

He travels among Sume, seeking out his followers and teaches them the art of storytelling. He also composes several children’s stories, that are both interesting, and provide good advise for living.

2008-06-18, 02:36 AM
Ardannis, Turn 9.05

Ardannis swings down out of the trees near Amar and his group, greeting them as usual and asking how they managed through the rest of the storm. ((Assuming here that they're mostly okay, based on your recent posts.)) Glad to hear how they've been, Ardannis begins traveling with their group as before, noting the recent addition of cloth and rope into their culture with pleasure.

He shows them how cloth and rope may be combined to make crude sacks (at this point, simply items wrapped in the cloth and tied up by the rope to hold them in place), showing them how much easily something is carried in this manner. He also shows them how, with a little patience, a tied-down sapling can provide the force to snare an unwary creature with rope, given a little ingenuity and some bait (basic noose snare trap for small creatures), thus adding a little more fresh meat to their diet. He travels with them for a week or so, swapping stories on the trail and enjoying himself greatly. He leaves them with a smile, and encouragement to keep on traveling, seeing new things, and sharing stories.

Ardannis travels across Sume lands, stopping in briefly with this traveling group or that, and showing them similar skills with rope. When he gets to Tirus' village, he shows off particularly how snares reduce the time they need spend actively hunting, giving them more time to build the temple better, or for games. He also shows them his new game board, on which playing Fives is as easy as telling the board "fives". A grid outlines itself on the board, as well as a small heap of shiny black and white pebbles to use as game pieces. The first Sume to grab one and run off, however, quickly realizes that anything the board makes vanishes swiftly once it leaves the board. While in the city, Ardannis asks how they're doing, whether they have recently heard from Tirus, and what he has instructed them to do.

The Sume are waterlogged after the storm, and a number died in the floods and some starved, despite the new fishing nets, while the ecosystem was rebounding. It has been awhile since Ardannis's last visit, and the Sume are, as always, glad to see him. Amar has now retired, allowing his sun, Jafo, to do most of the leadership for the Husni.

The Sume in Tirus's village have not seen or heard of Tirus for some time, and this has undermined, if not destroyed, their faith in him. Ardannis's trick with the board makes them very impressed, but it doesn't seem to be in the Sume's nature to set something as malicious as a trap-- somehow it doesn't feel very sporting, and the practice does not see wide acceptance.

Turn 8 changes:
As the Sume recover from the storm, and are basically unbothered by the Immortals, they begin to notice another, more subtle force at work. A sound, beyond description, that resonates through everything around them becomes evident to some of the more astute Sume, and, after some studying, they begin to use it notice things that may be motionless, heatless, and soundless. "The Worldsong", as they refer to it, soon sees very wide use, as Sume hunters adapt to listen to it to find those things that would normally be invisible to them.

A few of the Sume that do not use the Worldsong to hunt have started experimenting with following the sound they hear with their own voices. While they do that, they feel much more in tune with the world, and there have even been a few instances of Sume especially good at following the Song manifesting some very small amount of control over natural phenomena.

2008-06-19, 02:41 PM
Tek, Turn 9.01

Tek arrives to the lands of Sume. He is using Primary Avatar, 6 feet tall and wears Mask of Benevolence.

He goes from one group of Sume to another – “Greetings. If you have a little time, would you tell me of the time of great flood?”

Tek composes different stories about Sume and the Great Storm using his Storytelling skill (1).

2008-06-20, 01:26 AM
((Forums are terrible for me right now. I'll respond to stuff tomorrow))

2008-06-24, 07:21 AM
Ardannis, Turn 11.8

Ardannis materializes among the Sume, and upon asking how they have fared, quickly learns of the Worldsong. He is greatly excited by this, and discusses with them its use and potential, attempting to discover the following:

1. Can the hunters who use it find anything, or only living things?
2. If they can find things they normally wouldn't, can they reverse it to make themselves harder to find?
3. What natural phenomena can the singers control?
4. If you're using just your voice to follow it, would your control be stronger if you sang?

In addition, he shares stories with as many wandering groups as he passes in his travels. When he reaches the city, he shares a number of these stories, and speaks of the desirability of keeping the stories known and not forgotten in each generation of the Sume. If they seem receptive to the idea, he tries to teach them the basics of writing, beginning with symbols and icons for things like "food", "hunt", "city". If this works, he moves on to individual letters like the one he's seen on the table-imps' table, explaining how each symbol makes a sound, which can be strung together into words. He takes as long as he needs until the basic idea gets across.

If they take to it, he shows them how these symbols can be carved into their walls as a permanent record of stories, and even history, such as the building of the temple.


2008-06-29, 09:26 PM
Ikeklos, Turn 12.4
Ikeklos had never walked among these creatures before. It was strange, to have had them there the whole time, but never have seen or met them! A true travesty. Perhaps it would make up a bit for lost time. So, it sends it's form of Kelkik to chum it up...

Up till turn 12.6(Or, rather, the point he would have to leave to get back to the inner plane at 12.6), Kelkik moves around the settlements of the Sume, just... spending time with them. He does some light teaching, more name-dropping than otherwise, but really he wants to learn about how they're all getting along. He never stays more than two days in one place, more eager to keep moving than otherwise.

However, as it hikes, it keeps itself engaged by making... symbols. Using rocks and its claws, it carves It's snowflake symbol, either on the item, or by carving it into a snowflake. It gives these items to any Sume who will shelter him for a night, a reminder to them, and him, that there's a god who owes them a favor...