View Full Version : Pius Fidelus: Convert the Niddog

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2008-05-27, 02:24 PM
This thread was created to allow interactions between various immortals, and the Niddog species, in the game Pius Fidelus. This post will be updated as the appearance of Niddog territory changes throughout the game, and the Status page will be updated on a regular basis as well.

As your viewing pool scans the landscape for settlements, you find yourself looking at a small lush corner of forest. At first glance the forest may appear as any other, wild and untamed, but as you look closer, you can see small hut-like structures. Little more than piles of brush and branches, but still something somewhat out of place in this otherwise undisturbed forest. Throughout the forest can also be seen a number of trails, where moderately sized creatures seem to have traveled on a regular basis. Perhaps this is the home of some budding civilization.

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2008-05-28, 04:04 AM

Turn 2.7

Tek arrived to the southern part of o17, his Avatar about 4 feet high. He moved in the upper branches of the forest using his light weight and dexterity, to avoid predators and attention of others.

He moved to the border of the local trails. “Not much time. It would be just some preparations for now”. Tek observes local’s scavenging for some time to determine local tribe’s gathering habits. His main purpose is to determine what type of food would attract them the most (like dead animals, bee hives with honey, apple trees etc.).

(OCC - Confused locations a bit, thanks to Rouge_Dragon for noticing)

2008-05-28, 09:22 AM
Ardannis, turn 2.1

The blue-and-green avatar materializes on one of the forest trails, and looks about intently, flexing his limbs and noting how much more constrained he seems here. Excited by the trails, he walks swiftly about them for some short time, taking care to restrain himself more in the presence of these creatures. Keeping his front two legs off the ground, he walks somewhat like a centaur as he approaches the small cluster of huts. Mm, a trail system - these creatures are already travelers at heart.
Raising his voice, he calls Are any here? I am Ardannis, god of Travel and friend to you.

2008-05-28, 10:27 AM
As soon as you call out, 3 Niddog standing about 4 feet tall step out of the crude structure and quickly walk over to you, seemingly curiouse of the newcomer. After a few seconds, one of them calls back towards the den "Come out, some....something new out here." After a few more seconds a much larger Niddog, standing closer to 5 feet tall, comes out of the hut, rustling the whole thing as she pushes through the opening. As she approaches you the other three seperate, so that they arn't obstructing her path to you, and she says "I know friend, but I do not know God, what is Travel God? What does strange friend want here?"

Watching the Niddog unawares is more difficult than you would have immagined at first, as you swing through the trees, the Niddog closest to you seem to hear your passing, and temporarily cease their scavenging, collecting together presumably for better defense, however when you do not take any aggressive actions towards them, they eventually go back about their daily lives. Generally they eat just about anything that is edible to them, though they seem to prefer large animals. However their lack of will to hunt, means that they rarely find a dead animal that is not already claimed by some other predator, so their diet usually consists of fruits and berries, and various roots which they dig up with their mantis like claws.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-28, 10:51 AM

Turn 2.9

Plamal appeared in one of the settlements, not near the edge but right in the middle, standing up with his powerful bear frame as he surveyed the forest. He'd got used to the frame but this was the first time he was meeting this species. "I Plamal. I come to help. I come to warn."

2008-05-28, 01:14 PM
At the sudden appearance of a bear like creature in the middle of their living space, the family living here bursts into action. The few younglings who happened to be visiting run and hide inside one of the crude structures, and the adults come out and line up in front of said structure, with the larger female standing behind the males. After a few seconds of standing on gaurd the female speaks "What warning? Why does beast slayer want warn us?"

OOC for all gods
Beast Slayer is the Niddog name for hunters/predators, anything that kills animals. Also the Niddog don't currently have any truly large settlements, as they generally live in families of 3-10, though with their primitive structures, only 3 or so can live within a single hut. The younger Niddog travel from family to family, being raised by many different families, so they can be found almost anywhere within Niddog territory.

2008-05-28, 01:26 PM

God is friend with power to help. You make trails to food, to where you want to go. When there are more and more of you, there will be more and more trails. I can help you make best trails, remember where all trails are, find ways to food, to get there first before other creatures, and to move to another area if food becomes scarce in this one. With a flourish, he pulls a flower out of thin air and hands it to her with a bow.

Yeah...so gods at this level don't have that much to offer. Using my Ledgerdemain skill to "pull a rabbit out of a hat" - there's no magic involved here, just sleight of hand.

2008-05-28, 01:49 PM
After his speech, the female Niddog looks consideringly at the flower, then after maybe a minute, she steps forward, reaches out with one of her long spindly arms, examines the flower for a moment, and then eats it. "I accept gift, god friend. You help find food and friends, we provide shelter and food, and friends."

2008-05-28, 02:49 PM
Turn 2.3


A young humanoid boy approached a Niddog settlement. He was riding in the back of a cart that had no beast to drive it, laboriously moving over the forest paths. He danced a jig in the empty cart playing a fiddle, Arasylon's Joy. The cart pulled into the center of the settlement. The boy finished his song and dance with a flourish and called out in the Niddogs' song like language.

"Hello friends and strangers! Come and sing!" He cast the miracle 'Ghost Song' and a wordless music started filling the area.

2008-05-28, 03:40 PM
Ardannis, Turn 2.1

Good. I go and learn your trails, then come to you with knowledge to find food better. I shall return before the sun disappears.

With a bow, Ardannis strides off down the nearest of their collection of paths, returning a few hours later.

((Turn 2.2))

An hour or two later, Ardannis returns along a different path, smiling broadly and holding a large branch of berries and small handful of roots. Friends? he calls. ((Assuming he finds the same lead Niddog as before)) To show my friendship, he says, offering them to the leader he spoke to before. I ask some questions to know best help for you. You always find enough food? Any of you ever lost on your trails? You have much danger from beasts?

This is primarily using Ardannis' Navigation skill, which is superficially similar to Survival (from DnD 3.5). He explores their nearby trails for some time, then returns with the best foods he's been able to find (In an ideal world, these would be foods the Niddog haven't seen yet, but that may be beyond the power of a young god). Using this same skill, he should be able to offer advice on how make trails, find the best areas to search for food, etc.

For ease of thread continuity, I think it's safe to assume he'll be gone by 2.3, when Arasylon shows up.

2008-05-28, 05:20 PM
Sedha 2.6

Appearing in the abundant shadows in the woods near a Niddog settlement, Sedha walks slowly towards the Niddog's dwellings. Once she sees the creatures, she opens her arms in greeting. "I am Sedha, goddess of Darkness and Mercy. I come to bring assistance and guidance to those who need it."

2008-05-28, 05:29 PM
Arasylon 2.3
As Arasylon's cart bumble's its way through the forest, the Niddog who hear it coming are greatly confused. It makes the noise that a large beast would, but it sings like the birds above. Needless to say when it reaches the particular Niddog family he was heading for, the inhabitants are already gathered, seemingly ready for anything. Anything except a singing talking boy, and music out of nowhere. Some of the younger ones sheltering here start to try to imitate the wordless music, curious as to its purpose. Finally, the leader of this family speaks up "What is sing? What is wordless speech all around us? What are you? Friend? By this time the younglings have learned to somewhat copy the sound that the ghost sound had created, and though they are often singing different parts of the short song they heard, they are surprisingly good at staying in tune.

Ardannis 2.1
As Ardannis walks into the forest he can hear some of the Niddog speaking among themselves "That one strange." "It brought food, it friend" "God get lost all alone." "God get eaten all alone."
Ardannis 2.2
When Ardannis returns, he does indeed find the same family, with the same leader, though they look a bit surprised to see him return. The leader stands up and walks over as soon as she see's the bounty of food that Ardannis is bringing. "You return, You ok, you bring good food." After eating one of the roots, and eyeing the branch of berries like a child with a box of candies, she tries to answer the young gods questions "There always food somewhere, Youngling eat much food, Younglings wander to find food elsewhere. Younglings get lost, but call out, we find younglings, bring them home. Beast Slayers do not like us. We do not like Beast Slayers. Younglings must hide from Beast Slayers. Mostly the Silent Claws, very dangerous kind of Beast Slayer."

Sedha 2.6
As Sedha calls out, she see's a huge amount of comotion within the small huts. After a second an unusually small female steps out of one of the huts, and calls out "Come closer. What is Goddess? We all home, have great feast, no need for guidance, or help. What need Sedha?" More Niddog can be seen coming out of their shelters, most of them barely 3 feet tall, and maybe 4 feet across.

OOC:Sorry Sedha, wasn't ignoring you, I just got ninja'd

2008-05-28, 06:00 PM

Well, this looked like an unpromising beginning, but perhaps it could be remedied.

"A goddess... a goddess is being with great power, and I seek nothing for myself, only for the creatures that live in the land here. Do you have any sick or injured among them? Perhaps I can make them better."

[[Yay, 1 rank in healing skill, and not needing to resort to witch doctoring like Plamal. And yes, I know she has failed to dumb down her language. She's the immortal of darkness and mercy, not social skills.]]

2008-05-28, 06:22 PM
Sedha 2.6
The leader tilts her head to the side considering Sedha intently. She speaks, almost reluctantly, "There is an injured, He very sick. Over here, he sleep alone." The female leads you to the smallest of the structures. As you look through the greeny walls of the hut, you see a Niddog lying on the ground inside, apparently sleeping, though you can easily see a large red area just behind his neck, with two large puncture wounds leaking some kind of green liquid. "He fought Death Tooth, He killed Death Tooth, now we feast, but he injured, he need sleep and food."

2008-05-28, 06:41 PM

Sedha looked at the niddog lying on the ground, feeling repulsed at the severity of the wound. Why did needless violence like this have to happen...

[[Here's assuming that Sedha's healing skill gives her the same knowledge that two wikihows on snakebites gave me. (assuming they are correct)]]

Sedha moved forward quickly to the creature. "I think he needs more than rest. The... deathtooth seems to have poisoned him, and guessing from the venom dripping from the wound, it seems likely he could become very sick or die. How long has he been like this? Do you have cold water? It would help if I had cold water to stop the spread of the venom..."

Sedha tries to move the injured niddog to an upright position so as to make it easier to suck the venom from out of its neck.

2008-05-28, 06:49 PM
Sedha 2.6
"He sick since he fought Death tooth. Not very long, Death Tooth still warm. Water in river. He needs be at river?" Says the female, though behind her you can see that some of the others are starting to gather around, a few of them with bits of meat in their hands, munching on it as they watch curiously. Sedha has no problem tilting the Niddog up, though she would be hard-pressed to carry him for any distance.

2008-05-28, 07:08 PM

Sedha sighed inwardly. She guessed she was simply used to having whatever she needed close at hand. If this worked, she would teach them how to make bowls as well. How did you make a bowl without simply willing it into being anyway?

However, that didn't matter now. The wounded niddog was of pressing importance.

"No, cold water from the river would be good, but it is not needed. I am going to try to pull the venom from bite." With that, she turned and looked at the disgusting fluids dripping from the creature's neck, shuddered inwardly, and forced herself to bend down and suck at the wound, spitting the revolting green liquid out onto the ground before going back to remove more.

[[If nothing stops her, she does this until she removes all of the poison.]]

2008-05-28, 09:25 PM
Ardannis, Turn 2.2

With swelling pride, Ardannis listens to the comments already passing about him. Good, good.

When he returns, he listens gravely to the leader before replying. Ardannis help make better paths so younglings don't get lost. Paths that confuse Silent Claws. Ardannis help fool Silent Claws so he not find younglings.

Preparing to take his leave, he says What you called? Ardannis will be your friend. Any of you need help, you call Ardannis, wherever you are, and I hear you and come help. Ardannis go prepare now, return soon to help make better paths.

With that, after waiting to make sure the Niddog have nothing further to immediately say, he dematerializes.
He will hear them in the Outer Plane if they call on him, right?

2008-05-28, 09:26 PM
Sedha 2.6
When Sedha lowers her mouth to the Niddog's neck, some of the ones outside make warning sounds, worried for their friend, and wondering what this strange being is doing, however they are quickly quieted by the female. "Goddess powerfull, He very sick. Goddess must help, All must trust." They all continue to watch untill the Goddess is done. Though the Niddog she helped continues to just lie there, he does seem to be in less pain, and he curls up comfortably around one of the larger branches, holding it tight. With obvious relief the female says "You help him! He look better. You good goddess, anything you want you have, always welcome in my home."

Ardannis 2.2
"You help younglings? You stop Silent Claws? You good Friend. Most call me Redclaw, it easiest name. Ardannis always welcome here. We owe Ardannis much for his help." After she says her name you would easily notice that her right claw has a streak of fur that is a darker redish rust color, meaning that the name is likely just one picked due to easy identification. As Redclaw speaks, she chops a little at the branch of berries, and distributes them amongst the others, leaving a small bit of the branch of berries for Ardannis, but not seeming to expect much from him, nor stopping him from leaving when he says he plans on working on the paths. Redclaw and her immediate family, 6 Niddogs total, now worship Ardannis, though their belief is not particularly strong, it is enough to form a connection with him, allowing him to hear their prayers, and though it has no tangible effect, it is enough for him to feel a slight increase in his powers.

OOC: Ninja'd again

2008-05-28, 11:39 PM

Sedha spends a few seconds to wipe the blood and venom off of her face. As disgusting as that had been, it had been worthwhile to see that she had eased this creatures suffering, and most likely renewed its life, and she had to admit that the praise was nice, although she didn't let it go to her head.

More importantly, she had to make sure that these creatures understood how to protect themselves from poison.

"Thank you, you are too kind. However, this sort of... power any of you can learn as well. The creature that bit him left a poison in its bite, and when left in his body, it spread, hurting him. You must remove this poison as quickly as possible, to stop it from causing any more harm. Any of you who wish to learn to how to help anyone who is bitten by something with poison can come with me, and I will teach you, as long as you promise to help anyone you come across who has been hurt in this way."

Assuming that any of the niddogs are interested, Sedha spends some time teaching this group how to treat poison from bites.

2008-05-29, 12:31 AM
Sedha 2.6
Though all of the Niddog present are gratefull for your help, very few seem to be interested in learning exactly what you did, however when the female speaks up, they all follow suite "We all need learn. Poison bad. Want all to not get sick. Teach all." Says the female. You can hear a few grumbles of discontent in the back, but they all gather around and listen intently to your teachings, though the female seems to be the best learner by far. After you have gone over the teachings with them the female speaks again "Sedha very good goddess. We take Sedha's teaching to others, teach younglings, help others. Us owe Goddess much." Sedha has started this young group of Niddog on their way towards learning the healing ways. After the recovery of their ill compatriot they start to worship her in their own way, a worship born of respect and grattitude. She can now hear their prayers, and she feels her powers increase, ever so slightly. A total of 8 Niddog Currently worship Sedha, but her followers will surely increase as her teachings spread.

(ooc: if you want to rp the teaching process you can, but it is not necessary)

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-29, 02:55 AM

Turn 2.9

Plamal looked at the other creatures and then said to them as he looked at them in turn. "Beware of creatures out of the normal. Look after nature, help plants. Help animals."

2008-05-29, 03:05 AM
Plamal 2.9
All of the Niddog present look confused "Eat plants, Eat animals, that take care of? You strange, not normal. We always carefull." Says the largest of the group, the same who talked to you before. The others spread out a bit in front of her, as if preparing for an attack, and the female re-positions herself to ensure that she is between the bear like creature and the younglings in the hut.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-29, 03:14 AM

Turn 2.9

"I not want to fight. You must be very careful. I goot out of normal creature. If you look after animals and plants taste better. They're also more filling. Easier to get." Said Plamal as he looked at the creatures. Hopefully they treated all the immortals like that.

2008-05-29, 09:18 AM

[[Well, I have very little time to post in, so I think I'll have to opt out on rping of the teaching.]]

After teaching, Sedha stands up. "I thank you all for your kindness. However, I should warn you: there are other creatures such as me. They all look different, but they have power rivaling my own. Some of them are good, and will try to aid you such as I have. However, many of them are bad, and will come to you with promises of power and other great things if you follow them. However, they will merely use you for their own amusement, and when they are done with you, they will cast you away to death.

"Listen if a creature such as me appears before you, but use caution, and be prepared to flee. If the creature offers you promises of what will happen if you follow them, or threatens you in any way, you must flee, as it offers you only a path to destruction.

"I have many things to do, but I will return to you as soon as possible."

With that, feeling slightly tired, but satisfied, Sedha steps into the shadows, and fades back to the outer plane.

2008-05-29, 11:25 AM
Plamal 2.9
The femal looks dubiously at the bear-like immortal "You make food easier to get? Tell us how?" Though she still stands on gaurd, it would appear that something about plamal, whether his appearance or his early speach has caused some amount of distrust within these creatures.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-29, 11:29 AM

"First create another shelter. You must capture many prey alive. Then you put then in shelter. Then you cover entrance. Then you give prey water and plants." Said Plamal looking at them. "But this won't work if people serve other immortals."

2008-05-29, 11:31 AM
Sedha 2.6
"You always welcome here. You need, you tell us, we get. With you teaching, we help all sick we find. We be carefull of others if you say so, but none have seen like you before." As Sedha leaves, she can hear voices in her head, almost incomplete thoughts, but they all seem to be wishing that she had stayed, wishing that they could keep such a good healer all to themselves, and hoping that someday they can become as good as she is.

Plamal 2.9
The femal looks at their makeshift shelters, and back at you, then back at the makeshift shelters again. The shelters are made mostly by piling branches together, untill they form walls and a roof, they arn't particularly strong, so extreme weather, or an angry beast wouldn't have that hard of a time knocking one down. "How catch food? How keep food from running? How?"

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-29, 11:42 AM

Turn 2.9

"How about we hunt together. I show you how to do it. We catch food." Said Plamal looking at the main talker. "But I may fail because of evil immortals. Evil immortals make food harder to get."

2008-05-29, 01:19 PM
Plamal 2.9
"Hunt? Us travel with Beast Slayer?" The speaker looks worried, but finally her curiosity gets the better of her "Ok, we learn to hunt from Beast Slayer, what we do?" The group will travel with you, though they leave 2 behind to guard the younglings, so a total of 4 are traveling with you. They follow your lead, and do what you say, as long as you don't tell them to do something obviously suicidal, though they don't have any known ways of capturing animals, and it is somewhat against their nature to attack an animal, rather than merely scavenging and defending themselves. After traveling for awhile through the forest you come across an unusually large lizard, nearly the size of a horse. It does not appear particularly aggressive, and it is sitting by a tree, occasionally standing on it's hind legs to let it reach the branches above, which it eats slowly, but steadily. Obviously it is some kind of herbivore that relies on size for defense.

2008-05-29, 01:40 PM
(sorry for slow posting, lots of work school etc.)

Arasylon 2.35

"Music is the sound of joy and sorrow," As he says this the first instance of Ghost Song fades and he casts it again, this time producing a mournful tone "It is emotion made into sound. With it you can tell great tales or just wordlessly show how you feel. I am Arasylon and Music and song are my gifts to you." At this the boy takes a bow in the back of his cart.

2008-05-29, 01:53 PM
Arasylon 2.35
The Niddog around Arasylon still look surprised, and protective of the children, but the younglings are more than intrigued by the sounds this strange creature keeps making. One of the younglings, more bold than the rest runs out between the adults legs and moves right up next to Arasylon "You teach us? Make good sounds forever?" The children that stayed back keep trying to imitate the ghost sounds, though surprisingly they seem much better at imitating the sad sound. After seeing that Arasylon doesn't seem aggressive, and the younglings seem to love him, the lead female speaks up "What you want friend? Have food and home. You take food. You teach song?"

2008-05-29, 02:05 PM

The boy laughed and danced with the younglings as the cavorted about him "I require neither food nor shelter of you. I will teach you of music and song and all I require as that you spread the news of these wonders to your brethren and remember me in doing so." Arasylon's avatar paused for a moment, it was one thing to create music but something entirely different to teach it.

"Younglings, gather rocks and logs and bring them back here. I will teach you how to make your own music."

He waits for the creatures to do as he bid. When they returned he took a branch and started beating it on a log in a steady rhythm. "Do as I do." He waited for the Niddogg to start keeping a beat with their own sticks and stones, it was uneven, but it would do. Arasylon changed his beat to a changing rhythm to provide some interest. "Now just make happy sounds!" he demonstrated by singing wordlessly and waited to see how the Niddogg preformed.

2008-05-29, 02:19 PM
Arasylon 2.35
The youngling rush out to the forest and start hauling back some logs, but they mostly just collect a few branches, two of the adults however manage to pull in some reasonably sized logs, at least large enough to make a hollow thump when hit, and rocks are easy enough to find as well. After a bit of practice they are able to keep a very basic beat, but they arn't very good at hitting things with their weak arms. Some of the younglings give up and merely start hitting the logs with their mantis claws, which are at least hard enough to not hurt when hit against a log. Their singing however improves much faster, especially the younglings. Though their language isn't quite advanced enough to create lyrics, their vocal chords are surprisingly addept at creating and holding tones, and with a bit of practice they learn to make a surprisngly large array of sounds from you. Though the adults arn't quite as impressed, the younglings seem very happy with what they are learning and the lead female adult says to Arasylon "You make younglings happy, You good friend. Will teach others song, will spread word of Arasylon."

2008-05-29, 02:27 PM

"If my greatest accomplishment is making children happy then I feel I have dome enough." Arasylon smiled "Please spread word of me and of music, if it is enjoyed I will return to teach you more."

He cast ghost song again this time mimicing the song that the younglings had been singing. "And one final gift to make your travels easier and your songs more joyous. He gestured to the cart. This will take you wherever you want to go, or carry your things so that you don't have to. Goodbye my friends. And may you always be blessed with music to lift your hearts."

The boy turned, bowed and dematerialized.

2008-05-29, 02:45 PM
Arasylon 2.4
As Arasylon disaparates, he hears the younglings singing the mournfull sound that he taught them, and as he returns to Pantheon, the song continues to echo in his head, as well as the hopes and dreams of the younglings. Though he can also hear some of the deepest hopes of the lead female (mostly ones regarding children) most of the prayers echoing in his head are those of the children, seeking more fun in a world filled with unkown dangers and worries. Arasylon's gift of music has convinced some amongst the Niddog, especially the children, of his kindness, inspiring a kind of love few others have met. 9 Niddog now worship Arasylon in their own way, granting him a small amount of power, as well as the ability to hear their prayers, though only 2 of those are adults. The artifact he has gifted to the Niddog now has a young female practically living in it, traveling from family to family spreading the joy of music.

2008-05-29, 03:21 PM
Krixal 2.7

Krixal manifests his avatar, only a foot tall, near a group of Niddogs.

Greetings mortals! I am Krixal, God of Fire. And I have come to teach you the ways of fire!

The last time he says fire, a flame appears in Krixal's outstretched hand and seems to dance before disappearing.

Who among you would learn from me?

3rd (final) use of miracle this turn: Manifest Flame

2008-05-29, 04:21 PM
Krixal 2.7
Most of the group you approach are fairly small, barely into their adulthood though they still tower over you at 3 feet tall, and a little over 4 feet wide. At Kryxal's sudden appearance they jump back, startled by the strange little beast, however when he speaks they merely stair dumfounded, right up untill the flame appears within his hand, at that the majority of the Niddogs jump back even further, or flee into the forest, however, one does not. As the flame flickers out, and Kryxal claims to offer the 'ways of fire' a Niddog much larger than the others, standing nearly 5 feet tall, and 7 feet wide, he is amongst the largest of the Niddog, however you can easily see that much of the left side of his body is covered in scar tissue, leaving the boyd somewhat deformed, and left claw almost entirely useless. He speaks up, with neither fear or hope in his voice "You make fire? Can stop fire? I will learn. Others need know." After he speaks, a few of the others return, though they all still seem scared of Krixal, and they hide behind their larger friend.

2008-05-29, 04:44 PM
Krixal 2.7

I am sorry to see that you have already been witness to the destructive power of fire, friend. Yes, I can show you how to control fire, but first tell me, how did you come to encounter the blaze that gave you those wounds?

For almost any answer the Niddog gives, Krixal will teach him (and any others that come to learn) how to dig a trench, and clear fuel out of the way to stop one from spreading.If there is a stream nearby, He will show them to put water into the trench, and soak the break-line. He will also tell them that crossing a stream is the best way to escape from an out of control fire.

If the answer is that they were using the fire and it got out of control, he will also teach them how to make fire pits and rings.

2008-05-29, 04:57 PM
Krixal 2.7
The Niddog speaks grimly, and only shortly on the fire that injured him "Great storm bring Great fire. Many die, few escape." He pays close attention to everything Krixal is willing to teach about fire. Though all of them pay attention to Krixal, it is almost always the Burnt one that asks questions. His questions are simple, but surprisngly advanced for a race that has of yet, never seen fire except in wildfires. "What use for fire? What cause fire? Can fire not hurt? Water always stop fire?"

2008-05-29, 05:53 PM
Krixal 2.7

Krixal explains, trying to make sure that there is no confusion about his teachings.

Fire is a very dangerous element, which is why you must always show great care when using it, but it will not hurt you as long as you are careful.

Krixal demonstrates using a fire-bow, tinder, and dry wood as fuel, to create a small camp-type fire. He makes sure to show the Niddogs what he meant by using a fire pit and ring.

Fire is what happens when something that can burn becomes very hot, so hot that it can't hold the heat anymore and it begins burning. See? When you rub the end of the stick quickly like this, it gets warm. (letting the burnt one feel the warmth on the end of the stick) If you do this for a while, you can make a fire.

Once he has made a small blaze, he continues his lecture.

Fire is very good for many things! When it is cold, you can stand next to a fire for warmth. At night, it will scare beasts away, beasts that might hurt you if they came upon you while you sleep. Fire can also be used to heat food and make it taste better; do you have any food I can use to show you?

If food is brought, Krixal will roast it on a stick over the small fire he has made, making sure that he has an appropriate spice on his hands when he handles the food.

While the Niddogs are eating, he continues:

As to your question about water stopping a fire, the answer is that water will usually stop a fire, but if there is only a little water, and the fire is large, it cannot stop it.

If there is water available, he demonstrates by separating a branch from the fire and putting a little bit of water on it, demonstrating that it takes a lot of water to put out a fire. Then he shows them how enough will quench it.

It is important to know how to put out fires when you are done, always be sure that there is no heat left when you finish.

2008-05-29, 07:58 PM
Krixal 2.7
With the younger minds of most of the Niddog present, and the dogged determination of the Burnt-one, Krixal's teachings are learned fairly quickly, though by the end it still takes quite a bit of time for them to get a small fire started. The food Krixal is brought is an animal carcass, something similar to a deer, though it looks to have sat in the wilderness for awhile, and it is well along the path to putrification, though none of the Niddog seem to notice. After Krixal finishes cooking the meat, the Niddog seem a bit confused by it "The food different. Feel harder. What fire do to food?" The Niddog do not seem to dislike the taste of the food, but they also don't seem to like it either. You would have to guess that the culinary pallette of a scavenger is somewhat simplistic, especially when compared to the god of the culinary arts.

2008-05-29, 08:23 PM
Krixal 2.7

Krixal is surprised, it is hard to imagine indifference to a well-cooked meal. Dislike, maybe, creatures have different palates, but never indifference.

The food has been cooked. Many creatures like to eat food that has been cooked over a fire. Perhaps you do not prefer the taste, but when you are cold, eating food that is hot like this will help to warm you from the inside.

If the Niddog have no further questions, Krixal will ask some of his own. He is curious about this species who don't appreciate his cooking.

I am anxious to learn about your people. Do you ever hunt or eat other things besides dead beasts? Plants maybe?

If these questions are well-recieved, Krixal will continue to ask questions, branching out into things like how the Niddog are organized, who their leader is. He also tries to get a feel for how much the Niddog know of technology, do they use stone or wooden tools? What do they use them for?

2008-05-29, 09:27 PM
Krixal 2.7
When Krixal starts asking questions, and it becomes apparent that his teachings are done for now, the Burnt-one merely lays down inside one of the structures, watching the conversation, but not interjecting much, the femal who was almost unseed before now steps up, and gladly answers all of Krixal's questions, almost as if she is trying to make up for her long silence. As far as the food question her answer is simply this "We eat food. Berries are food. Roots are food. Plants are food. Animals are food. Most are food." None of the Niddog seem to have a decent answer for the question of leader, they barely even seem capable of understanding the word, though by watching their interactions you could pretty easily come to the conclusion that this group of Niddog are Matriarchal by nature, with the single female of the group generally commanding the 5 other males, though what position the Burnt-one fills you are uncertain, as he seems to work with them, but not truly be a part of their group. They also have no real concept of tools or technology, the closest they have being their extremely crude structures. The do however have a number of protrusions from their upper legs, which they use as hooks and wood chisels when forming their nests, and occasionally when trying to get food. If you stay long enough you would learn that the youngest, those yet to form a family, travel from group to group, learning what they can as they travel.

2008-05-29, 10:07 PM
Krixal 2.7

Krixal will stay with the Niddog ((Niddogs? What's the plural?)) for several days (until the end of 2.7), if they will have him. Teaching for at least a little while every day. If the Niddog(s) he is teaching seem to have the basic concepts down, he will continue into things like banking a fire overnight and keeping a coal in a pack of dirt for transport so it is not necessary to start over from scratch when building a new fire. He will find out what materials in the area make the best tinder and show the Niddog where to find it, and where to find both fast-hot burning soft wood, and long-cooler burning hard woods.

He also attempts to demonstrate the use of fire as light at night, teaching the construction of crude torches if the idea is well-received.

When he leaves, he speaks to his best pupils, and anyone who will listen.

I am leaving now, but remember what I have taught you. Fire is a dangerous tool, but a very useful one. You have learned well, and I am proud of you. I will be back sometime, but until then, remember me when you use it, and teach others.

2008-05-30, 01:24 AM
Krixal 2.7
The Niddogs are happy to have Krixal stay as long as he wants, especially since he seems to need to eat exceptionally little food, and he offers them much knowledge. The Niddogs have a difficult time with the more advanced concepts of fire, especially the idea of carrying fire around. Since they have no containers to protect them from the heat, or to carry water in case of an accident, torches, or hot coals are too much of a risk to carry around. However using fires at night are quickly addopted, as it provides them with light to see better, and protects them from certain predators. The whole family gathers when Krixal says that he will be leaving, however at the moment the Burnt-one seems to be the one commanding, rather than the female. After Krixal's fairwell, the Burnt-one says "Always remember. Always teach fire skill. You give much. Always remember." Krixal now has 6 followers amongst the Niddog. The Burnt-one and the five other males of the family will spread his teachings to any younglings that come to visit, and their belief in his teachings grant him a small amount of strength, allowing him to hear their inner-most hopes and dreams, most especially those related to fire.

2008-05-30, 01:46 AM

Turn 2.9
OOC: avatar is manifested Large

His approach tactics worked pretty well so far, so Forneus manifests just out of sight from a large Niddog group and approaches yelling out his agenda. Come out of hiding and meet your god. I am Forneus, master of the elements. I have come to show you the power of the elements.

Forneus keeps on approaching while still yelling out praises about the power of air and fire and offers his teaching.
(he approaches until some Niddog come out or if they don't, until he's more or less on top of them)

2008-05-30, 02:07 AM
Forneus 2.9
As Forneus calls out, the family of Niddogs comes out and collects, waiting to see what all the yelling is about, however when they see a large ploom of smoke, they start running. Despite the fact that the smoke is talking, they see no reason to let themselves get burned, however Forneus's speed is greater than the slower moving scavengers, and he is able to overtake them. Once they realize that they can't outrun the smoke, and see that no great conflagration is following in its wake, they huddle around eachother, the female in the middle with the males standing around her, claws up in the air. It would appear that something about forneus has put this group on edge. After a moment of listening to the praises that Forneus is yelling, the female speaks up, her voice quivering slightly "What you teach us? What you? What you want?"

2008-05-30, 02:34 AM

Forneus pauses and considers his next move from a moment. These creatures are much different from the others that he encountered. Obviously not very combatant and they don't look like they have what it takes to be hunters. Obviously not that fast, so they're not really lowly prey whose only chance of survival is staying big groups and running like hell. They don't look like they can take on the world like a forest fire, but there's potential still, Forneus considers his next move.

What I want... is not important. But it's important that I can teach you about the elements. I can show you the power of air and fire. I can teach you how to control them to get stronger... or to escape better.

OOC: using item (boots)

With a "fwoosh" Forneus is launched up into the air and flies around aimlessly for a few seconds, not going very high or far. He then descends and waits for the Niddog's reaction. In a moment, he continues I am Forneus, master of the elements. I am stronger than any creature on this land, but if I wanted to I could escape from any trouble with the power of air that I have. I can teach you to use the power of air and fire to make your life better and defend against your foes.

Forneus tries to mix his words with impressive actions, so he takes the bow off his back and shoots an arrow into a tree not very far off. A loud cracking sound accompanies the impact and bark flies around. The arrow reappears back in the hand of Forneus, leaving a deep gash in the tree. You can not see air, but air is all around you. You can feel air, he waves his hand to indicate, and if you know how to use the power of air you could be powerful too.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-30, 02:49 AM

Turn 2.9

"Watch me, capture." Said Plamal as he too a run at the large lizard, keeping quiet but not trying to hide the noise. As he runs at it trying to get a powerful slash at its legs.

2008-05-30, 02:52 AM
Forneus 2.9
At his first speach the female says, with much confusion in her voice "Controll fire? You teach controll fire?" As forneus shoots into the air however, the fire is apparently completely forgotten and he can hear murmurs of "He fly!" "He fly?" "He teach fly?" As he lands he notices that the Niddogs are more spread out, and seemingly willing to come much closer, their curiosity overcoming their fear as more and more amazing things are promised to them. After he lands the Niddog listen intently to what he has to say, barely jumping at all when he shoots the arrow. As soon as he appears to be done he is flooded with questions "How fly? Teach how fly?" "Air make fly? You make Air?" "Fire.....make air?" Some obviously understood better than others, but they all look curious, and most of their fears seem to have been allayed with the perceived promise of flight.

Plamal 2.9
Plamal is easily able to catch the slow Lizard, and criples its legs with a single blow, however despite its injuries it continues trying to bite at plamal in self defense, leaving a nasty mark on his leg when it gets ahold once. However, boldened by Plamal's charge, the Niddog follow shortly afterwards, and their surprisingly strong claws finish off the poor creature. Afterwards the female says "Much food now. Much food, Long time. Beastslayer good friend! What else Beastslayer know?"
((ooc: I know you'd planned on catching it for later, but they have short attention spans when they are getting hungry.))

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-30, 03:03 AM

Turn 2.9

"I am glad you like food." Said Plamal. "See you are very strong. You can hunt. You can fight. Do not over hunt. I teach you that. Never waste, never waste."

Plamal then started to drag the lizard back. "I must tell you. Some creatures not normal, don't like you. I like you. They want you to serve them. I not want that."
"Do you want to hunt again?"

2008-05-30, 03:11 AM
Plamal 2.9
The leader looks at the large lizzard, then around at her family, then back at the lizard, finally tilting her head slightly to the side she says "No need? Much food here. Much time eating. No need more food?" After a bit more contemplation the female asks "What is serve? Why others want us serve? What others? Beast slayers?" After the carcass is dragged back to their make-shift huts, the whole family sits down around it and starts peeling off bits of meat, occasionally cracking bones to get to the marrow inside, though they seem to leave most of the bones intact, and they offer a bit of meat to Plamal on occasion.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-30, 03:25 AM

Turn 2.9

"To serve. to work for others. The others want Niddog's to serve to make food scarce, worse. They want Niddog to be in much pain. The others are beast slayers. Very powerful. Different not normal." Said Plamal.

Plamal takes a peice of meat when offered. "Do you need anything? When I leave do you want me to return?"

2008-05-30, 03:38 AM

Turn 2.9

Probably Forneus should have expected the creatures to react this way, but he didn't. The Niddog were proving much different than the other species he had met and that caught him a bit off guard. Keen on flying, eh? Forneus considers the appendages available to those curious creatures. This will not be easy. Still, they seemed to grasp the concept of air right away and they did seem to know fire, which seemed promising.

Flying is difficult. To fly you first need to become a master of air. To become a master of air you need to train. To train and be a master of air you need to start simple.

Forneus looks around for some tools to show them better. He gathers a small pile of wood and makes sure there is nothing flammable around it. He also gets a few rocks and a bunch of dry leaves.
Do you know that all things fly different? Before you can fly you have to know how other things fly. Forneus illustrates the point by tossing one or two of each things he collected at a nearby tree.
Don't be afraid now, I will make some fire., Forneus stands over the pile of wood for the first time wishing that he had an easy way to start a small fire.

OOC: using fire cone skill, trying to make the fire blast as small as possible (which can't be very successful).

As the blast ignites the wood, Forneus takes a step back and kicks any stray flammable material back into the fire.
Okay, it's fine, things are under control. I am a master of air and fire, so there's no need to be afraid.
Forneus waits for the Niddog to settle down and keeps going: Mastery of air is useful, and mastery of fire is useful. Fire can keep you warm, fire can make your food taste better, fire can scare your enemies. But if you are really a master of fire and air, fire and air can make you fly.

Not giving the Niddog time to get confused over the issue, Forneus grabs a few small leaves and drops them. See, with no fire, the leaves fly down. He then drops a few small dry leaves from directly over the fire. The current grabs them and takes them twirling up higher. There is more than one way to fly. And mastering air and fire can give you more. Before teaching you how to fly I can teach you how to hunt, how to defend yourself and how to use air and fire to make your life better.

2008-05-30, 11:38 AM
Palmal 2.9
"Others want us hurt? Others want us hungry? How stop others? Can't slay Beast slayers, how stop?" As far as Plamal coming back the female is not particularly sentimental, but fairly practical "You good Beast Slayer, bring much food. Always welcome here."

Forneus 2.9
The Niddogs listen intently to chrono, though his more advanced speech and their lack of any knowledge on the subjects at all means that they spend an unfortunately large amount of their time confused. They can see the difference of how things fly when thrown, but any kind of aerodynamics is still beyond them. A few look ready to dart when the wood bursts into flame, but some inner curiosity keeps them all there. After Forneus's speech one of the males stands up and asks "First fire, then air, then fly? Need fire, need air, then fly. Teach fire and air? How I learn fire and air? Tell me, I do"

2008-05-30, 03:58 PM

Forneus is overjoyed by the creature's enthusiasm. The elements, air and fire, they are all around you. You can learn all your life and only know some of what air and fire can do. Air is life for all creatures, air is a way of life for some. To learn the way of air and fire you need to make air and fire part of your life. So show me how you live and I will start showing you how air and fire can help you live better. Agreed?

2008-05-30, 05:04 PM
Forneus 2.9
At your promises of learning air and fire most of the Niddogs seem overjoyed, however when you ask to be shown how they live, it is the femal who steps forward, now filled with a kind of hope "You want see us live? You want live with us? Come, Show life." The Niddogs happily show Forneus how they live. From their wanderings about in the forest looking for food, to their almost constant minor repairs to their home, and the frequent visit of groups of younglings who they harbor for a day or two, teach what they can, and then send on their way. The Niddog do not have a particularly easy life, but it is peacefull, and for the most part, they seem to enjoy themselves more than one might expect. The only violent part of their nature seems to be in some of their games, in which they mock fight against one another, though as with most similar animal games they rarely ever end in anyone being truly injured. And their are not obviouse uses of either fire or air in their lives currently (other than breathing of course.)

2008-05-30, 09:45 PM
Mandak, 3.1

Mandak manifests a couple of miles from one of the as-of yet uncontacted groups of Niddog , and plays with his new form. It is solid, and that is good. He has to try a few times to get his smaller arms to function properly, and develop some coordination with them. When he is satisfied with his progress he heads towards where he saw the group.

When he nears, he calls out in his low rumble of a voice, hoping to reach the ears of the nearby creatures without alarming them too much. "Greetings. I am called Mandak, lord of the Earth, and I wish to help you."

2008-05-30, 11:56 PM
Beginning of turn 3
Much has happened recently in the lands of the Niddog. Great immortals have decended into this small corner of forest, and undoubtedly changed the future of this species. Through the various teachings they have given, the Niddogs have started to develop the arts of healing, they have come to understand some of the mysteries of the great danger fire, and they have discovered the beauty of music. More importantly though, some of the Niddog have started to develop belief in something beyond themselves. Though their faith is week, it is still there, and if fostered and cared for, their faith could become as great a force as anything they have yet seen. Many rumors of greater beings have spread alongside the teachings that the immortals have spread. Throughout the land many legends have started to spread, including Music-bringer, a female who travels on some kind of unbelievable beast, spreading the joys of music. The Burnt-one, who now lives by a river and teaches passing younglings how to controll the might of fire. The rumors of the Smoke-beast, who will someday teach his followers how to fly like the birds above. The Slayers, who trained with the greatest of Beast-Slayers, and learned to kill instead of scavenge. Redclaw, who claims that soon no younglings will be lost thanks to the god of travel. And last but not least the Kind-one, who teaches the wonderous art of healing. Each of these legends spreads throughout much of Niddog land, though some do not seem to mesh well. The Slayers seem to disregard all other teachings, the followers of the Kind-one tend to be cautious of everyone, though they always offer healing. The followers of the Smoke tend to care more about learning more of their own art than of teaching others. None of these disagreements have yet had unfortunate outcome, but who knows what will happen in the future.

((OOC: sorry for the late turn change here, had some family matter to take care of))

2008-05-31, 02:13 AM
Mandak 3.1
As Mandak calls out the Niddogs come out of their crude structures and appear happy to gether around him. The largest among them steps forward, and says "I hear much of other god beast. Mandak new god beast? Mandak teach like others? Help like others? Need much help." As you look over the collected Niddogs, you can easily see that many of them have minor injuries, and their structures look even shabbier than one might expect, all but the largest seem to have collapsed.

((ooc: You don't have any way of actually knowing where other immortals have been or not, but since their are over 100 families, you statistically will reach one that hasn't directly seen any other immortals.))

2008-05-31, 02:24 AM


Arasylon's avatar appeared before the young Niddogg that had decided to travel with his cart and preach his word.

"May the song of life play long for you, Music-Bringer."

2008-05-31, 02:26 AM
Mandak, 3.1

"Yes, I am god-beast, and I will help you. We will build a 'wall', to keep beasts out of your homes." To quell any possible confusion stemming from that statement, Mandak moves to the outer edge of the settlement and begins to demonstrate. His great strength, along with the relatively soft dirt and magical aid of the Pupr Scupr EX1, makes the work go quickly, and soon he has dug a trench 5ft deep and 20 ft. long, piling the dirt he has excavated on the inside of the trench, so as to make a crude wall 10ft. high. "We make more. Keep beasts out. But first, you need tools." With that, he finds a rock, uses Sharpen Stone on it, and uses it to fashion a crude scoop out of some dead wood. "Use this to dig, so the Earth protects you."

((Let me know if I got too far ahead of myself there.))

2008-05-31, 02:52 AM
Arasylon 3.1
Guided by her frequent prayers it is not hard for Arasylon to find his young disciple. As she see's him she calls out "Arasylon! Arasylon back! I spread music, I did as Arasylon ask." Though she seems to be riding in the cart almost exclusively, there are a surprisingly large number of males traveling along side her, 10 total, and they all start in with a happy song when they realize that you are indeed the Music god.

Mandak 3.1
The Niddog take quickly to digging, they are already used to digging up certain edible roots, and they are willing to work hard if it will help them. Though as they work the female does ask "How dirt help? Need big wall stop beast. Big beasts not jump wall?" They also try their hand at using primitive tools, but the arms they use for grasping are not nearly as strong as their mantis like arms, meaning that the tools seem somewhat less effective in their hands.

2008-05-31, 03:11 AM


The childlike avatar laughs and plays his penny whistle to accompany the tune the Niddogg sing. When their song is done he claps and compliments them.

"Very good, very good. May it be said that the only thing more beautiful then Music-Bringer is her songs." Arasylon winked roguishly. "I am very pleased with all you have done and have come to reward you." Arasylon approached the wagon and presented Music-Bringer with the Vagabond's Drum.

Arasylon gave a brief demonstration of the drum, singing the song the Niddogg had used to great him and displaying an image of the scene from his point of view.

"Use this to help spread the joy of song and word of myself. I must leave now, but I will be watching over you. I also give you a warning. There are those who hold power much like I do, they cannot all be trusted. Any who would restrict your choices or distract you from the beauty of life with offerings of destruction should be forsaken. May the joy of music be with you always."

With these instructions Arasylon returned to the outer plane.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-31, 03:37 AM


Plamal decides to go back to the Niddogs at the time he thought would be the best to hunt. Plamal appears at the group that he first appeared at and first stretches while running around. When Plamal has finished that he shouts. "What has happened with Niddogs?"

2008-05-31, 04:08 AM

Wrapping up turn 2

Forneus did indeed stay with the Niddog for a while, closely paying attention to their way of life, trying to find ways to make air and fire fit in their daily routine. During the following days Forneus went out hunting and brought back some meat. Each time he roasted it over a fire and tried to convince the Niddog that food prepared like this not only tastes better, but is also healthier.
Air is a much more tricky matter, but to Forneus it was obvious that the Niddog could use some weapons. Their strange anatomy baffled him a lot, so he spent a few days making crude weapons of different designs to evaluate how well the Niddog could potentially learn to use them. For a start, Forneus made a blow pipe, a crude spear and a mock version of his bow made from a flexible branch and the tendon of an animal he had recently killed. Forneus explained that these are just to try out and if the Niddog liked them, they could practice a bit and make weapons by these designs that fit them better.

OOC: since Forneus has no idea how to make weapons which are actually useful (and his versions have a range of a few feet and lack the power to bring even minor harm), however they can be used to test how well the Niddog can throw things (i.e. spear) and use a bow or a blow pipe (if at all).
All of the above is technically demonstration rather than teaching. If the Niddog are interested in anything they have to research it on their own.

2008-05-31, 04:52 AM
Plamal 3.1
The Niddogs seem quite happy to see Plamal again. "Hunt much, no hunger here now. Other Beast-slayers see others. Teach others fire. Teach them heal, teach them sing. No trust others, no trust others teach. Plamal teach to hunt and not trust others." As Plamal looks over his slightly xenophobic followers he notices that they are much larger than they were before, however they also show signs of scars, likely from battling wild animals, and they have a somewhat more aggressive stance than they once did.

Chrono 2.more
There are few things the Niddogs wouldn't do to experience something completely new. They try hard to understand what Forneus is showing them, but their somewhat limited intelligence insures that they are not capable of taking it all in effectively. The arms that Niddogs use for grasping are somewhat weak, especially when compared to their scything talons, and the crude-ness of the example weapons makes them question why they would use such a thing, as their own natural weapons are easily more effective. Of the weapons, the blow dart shows the most promise, as they have a surprisingly strong breath, but the idea behind it is currently still a litle beyond them. However telling them that eating warm food is good is something that they can understand. They pick up a litle bit of Chrono's information on fire, and they are able to figure out at least how to make small cooking fires, and seem to entertain the hope that cooking meats (especially meats that have grown cold) will help them get stronger.

Emperor Demonking
2008-05-31, 05:59 AM

Turn 3.1

Plamal looked at his Niddogs. He felt a slight pang of shame with the fact that he had done what he tried to stop the other immortals from doing. Then again they didn't trust the other immortals. "You very good. Do you want help? Where tricked healers?"

Later turn 3.1

Plamal goes on a jouney to find a group of healers, trying to prepare his speach to convince them to leave the worship of whatever immortal they followed.

2008-05-31, 06:56 AM
Mandak, 3.1

At the new questions, Mandak pauses to consider his thoughts before answering. He should have realized the tools would not work as well for them, but it was too late to really worry about that now. As he answers the curious creatures, he continues working with them until they have completed the perimeter, and then continues around for the second time and, over the next few days, works with the Niddog until their wall is deemed big enough to keep out the beasts (probably in the 15-20ft range) "If there are bigger beasts, we will make the wall bigger, and then we will make the wall dangerous for them." When the complete wall goes all the way around, Mandak uses his sharpened rock again, this time to sharpen a stick, and plants the stick in the ditch outside the wall. "We make more. These will hurt beasts that try to cross your wall." If they seem unable to sharpen the sticks themselves, Mandak will use a combination of his existing cutting tool and a second use of Sharpen Stone to make more tools, so the Niddog can help. (EDIT: or not)

2008-05-31, 12:00 PM
Tek, Turn 3.01

Tek arrived at the predetermined place and waited for Ardannis. He wore his Mask of Benevolence and was about 2 feet high.

When Ardannis arrives, Tek would follow him and leave Signs – like “Food” and “Danger” where appropriate. Signs will be created from the materials Niddog could use themselves.

When they meet the locals, Tek would wait for Ardannis to introduce him to the Niddog.

2008-05-31, 03:44 PM
Ardannis, Turn 3.??

Outer Plane discussion still going on regarding when exactly in Turn 3 this visit happens. Best current guess is that it'll be 3.3 or so when we arrive, though it may well still be 3.01.

Ardannis appears with Tek, this time holding his staff in one of the topmost pair of hands. Walking for a few minutes, they enter the Niddog camp. Redclaw of the Niddog, are you here? If/when she comes out, Ardannis bows and present her with a bouquet of flowers he has picked on the way. Ardannis said he would come back, make better trails. Ardannis bring friend to help with trails. Redclaw, this Tek. Ardannis make good trails; Tek make signs. Signs tell Niddog which trail goes to where.

Feeling he has spoken enough for an introduction, Ardannis pauses before he overwhelms Redclaw.

2008-05-31, 04:02 PM

Turn 3.5 - 3.7

Forneus appears at the previous Niddog group and is impressed by all the progress they've made since his visit. He is quite pleased with their adoption of fire and encourages them to experiment with it. To be a master of air and fire, you need to understand fire. If I take something from the world, Forneus indicates different items around him, ranging from dirt to moss to rocks and different plants, you should be able to tell me how well it burns and how well it flies. Once you can do that we can really begin the fun part.

Forneus stays with the Niddog for a day or two, much like before and observes what has changed. These creatures, although primitive, seem to develop with great speed. As Forneus found out they were beginning to develop healing, he tried to tap into their newfound knowledge - after all, in order to heal one first has to know at least a bit of the problem. Knowledge about things that make the Niddog ill, anything from poisonous plants to venomous lizards, could potentially increase the impact of his air weapons.

Forneus explains that what makes the Niddog ill may make the others ill too. If this poison or ill effect is combined with his blow pipe (which so far seems to be the most accepted weapon), it could be used for defense to a greater effect, or even in prevention (by poisoning dangerous animals that stray nearby even if they don't attack).

After helping out with whatever he can, Forneus tries to spread his influence by asking the Niddog to contact any nearby groups that they can (if not, he finds them through his pool). He spends many days teaching how air (which is so far mostly for fun, except for the blow darts) and fire can make the life of the Niddog easier.

Don Beegles
2008-05-31, 05:46 PM
Kranolk: Turn 3.1

Kranolk, still brooding about the best way to reach the races, but sick of waiting around his room, teleports down to a random place on the Inner Plane, where he recalls seeing one of the races, though he doesn't really remember which one. Hungry again, he puts his nose to the ground, and soon picks up an unfamiliar scent, which he follows. It leads him very quickly to a small hexapedal creature digging in the dirt facing away from him. It is near the edge of the clearing, and he pounces on it easily. When he lands on it, it cries out with words and he realizes that it is one of the races that he could see from his scrying pool. Caught in the thrill of the hunt, he sinks his teeth into its skinny neck and enjoys his feast, oblivious to any violation of his vow not to harm the races. It tastes good, and he is soon hungry again. This was just a small specimen.

When night falls, he follows the young Niddog's trail back to the village, where he crouches under his cloak to wait for them to go to bed. He is not sure, but he thinks they might be looking for the missing youngster. He waits until they all disperse into the wilderness or return to their huts, when he stalks to the nearest and brushes aside the covering of the opening. There is a small family inside, and he silently reaches in with one of his Niddog-like claws, savoring the irony, and drags the fattest of the lot from the shelter. This deed done, he creeps away from the village, and enjoys his kill. He wants to go back for more, but he knows it is a bad idea. Instead, he decides to visit one of the races that he has not seen yet, maybe the strange amorphous one.

2008-05-31, 10:49 PM
Plamal 3.1
"Healers? Along river, past Burnt-one. You want us show? The Niddog are happy to go wherever plamal asks them to. Whether or not Plamal accepts the Niddog guides, he can rather easily find the 'healers' home a few miles south-east along a nearby stream, there are only two families living that close to the river, the other, and the first that Plamal would come across, is the home of the Burnt-one, which is rather easy to notice, as it has a small stone ring, and something akin to a campfire, surrounded by younglings who the Burnt-one is teaching, though none will approach the bear-like Plamal unless he speaks and tries to communicate with them first.

Mandak 3.1
After a time the Niddog finally start to see how big the wall could get. though they do not have particularly good digging appendages, they are very dilligent, and willing to try anything, as most of what the God-beasts have taught has lead to good things. After they realize that the walls can protect them from wind and animals, they love the idea, though due to their physical limitations, they have a very hard time making a wall taller than 7ish feet, especially one that is steep on both sides, they simply can't reach that high, and can't throw dirt that accurately. The Niddog are capable of sharpening sticks using their mantis claws, its just something that never occured to them, and they have a difficult time placing the sharpened sticks in a way so as to be dangerous to things coming over the wall, the idea seems simply to foreign to them at the moment.
((ooc: I'm a bit confused on one point, you said "once the wall goes all the way around"...wheres the exit? they don't have doors or gates or ladders, so how do they get past their own wall?))

Tek/Ardannis 3.~
Redclaw is there, easy to find for Ardannis, as he can hear her every time she prays(which is almost every time she leaves home), usually praying that the trails will be safe, and food will be easy to find. Her and her family are happy to see him. Red-claw happily accepts the flowers, and eats most of them, leaving a few for some younglings that happen to be visiting. "Make trails now? How signs work? Need help make trails? We help! Tek Travel-god?"

Forneus 3.5-3.7
The Niddog have done surprisingly well in their experiments, appaently they also gathered some of the knowledge of the Burnt-one, meaning that they even know some things about fire that Forneus wasn't expecting them to know yet. "Fire burn everything. Fire no burn Rock, no burn dirt, no burn bone, no burn water. Water kill fire. Much dirt kill fire." As far as what they know about healing, surprisingly little, they know some plants make people sick, and the anti-poison techniques they've learned seem to work on only a few creatures, among them are Death-tooths, a surprisingly large poisionous snake, usually close to 10 feet long. A lizard that generally only bites when threatened, and the talons of a strange kind of bird that occasionally tries to steal carcasses from the Niddog scavengers. As Forneus stays and works with the Niddog, younglings start to pass through on their usuall travels, and can't help but stay and watch the strange Smoke-beast Forneus, and try surprisingly hard to impress him with their knowledge of just about anything he seems interested in.

Kranolk ?3?.1
The lone Niddog, a youngling, was no match for a god of hunting. His sight and hearing were impressive, but not good enough, and his strength was formidable, but not nearly enough, especially due to the surprise. As Kranolk slips in to the small cluster the smell of death lingers in the air, these are not hunters, merely scavengers, dragging what others have killed back to their homes. He spots the largest of the group, sleeping a little apart from the others, slightly bloated from a day of feasting. As Kranolk reaches in and strikes at the female, he finds that the adults have far thicker skin than the children, as if a thin layer of hardened leather already covers their bodies, but nothing strong enough to stop the strike, his claw strikes true, and fatally wounds the Niddog. she of course screams, though it comes out rasping and chocked blood dripping out of her mouth indicating her lung was punctured. She tries to escape and strikes at Kranolk with her own claws, actually managing to harm Kranolk, leaving a long gash down his side, however after her first strike, her breath, her strength, and her life are gone. Kranolk drags her into the night while her family stands staring in terror and confusion. What strange creature took her? The surviving family now spreads word of the Niddog-slayer, a beast that uses their own claws against them.

2008-05-31, 11:11 PM
Mandak, 3.1
Mandak is pleased by the fervor of the Niddog, but finds himself having to remind them more than once that the inside of the wall does not have to be steep to keep out beasts, and that they should leave a small area of the ditch filled in, and the wall next to it lowered slightly, so that they can still leave their own camp. Once their toil is finished, Mandak speaks to the gathered Niddog. "Friends, You learn quickly, and I am pleased. I must go now, for there are others who need my aid, but I will return. Keep me in your thoughts." And with that, his avatar seems to mold itself seamlessly into the nearby earth, and he is gone.

(Sorry about the confusion. I'll admit I didn't really think about that when I made that post.)

Mandak, 3.7
Just as he promised, Mandak does indeed return. "I have a new gift for you. Beasts are easier to slay if they are trapped in the earth." To demonstrate, Mandak builds a simple pit trap with the Scupr and sharpened sticks, and covers it with branches and other things to conceal the opening. Then, he sits in wait with some of the Niddog for the coming of a beast. Assuming it works, Mandak blesses the Niddog and departs once more.

2008-05-31, 11:56 PM
Mandak 3.7
When Mandak returns, he finds that the Niddog have taken well to their new home. The wall does indeed seem to keep most predators out, and the Niddog no longer need to constantly rebuild their primitive shelters which were blown over so easily in the wind. The Niddog watch carefully as he digs the pit-trap, wondering what is to come next. When a large boar-like creature runs by, and clumsily impales itself inside the pit the Niddogs are overjoyed "Feast many days! Mandak teachings great! Mandak feed many days!" The Niddog are obviously pleased with the catch, and continue to celebrate as they slowly drag the boar back to their home. Struggling to get it up the crude ramp.

2008-05-31, 11:57 PM
Krixal 3.1

The flames of the Burnt-one's fire coalesce into a humanoid shape, 1 foot tall, and then solidify to form Krixal.

Greetings my student! I have returned as promised!

How have things gone spreading my teachings of fire among your people?

2008-06-01, 12:16 AM
Krixal 3.1
As the fire flares the Burnt-One steps back, as do the younglings gathered around the fire, many of them seem prepared to dart towards the nearby stream, however when Krixal steps out, the Burnt-one calls out to the younglings "No fear. This Krixal, this teacher of fire." In response to the question the Burnt-one merely motions at the 15 younglings gathered around the fire. "Teach many."

2008-06-01, 12:23 AM
Ardannis, Turn 3.~

Yes, make trails when Niddog ready. Signs tell Niddog which trail is which - one sign say this trail for food, one sign say this trail for go back to home.

Tek? Tek god, but not travel god. Gods like flowers; all flowers are flowers, but are different kinds of flowers, like different colors. All gods are gods, but different kinds of gods.

He turns to Tek to let him explain himself and his ideas better than Ardannis probably could.

2008-06-01, 01:27 AM
Sedha 3.8

Sedha stepped out of a shadow near the edge of the Niddog camp she had visited earlier. She had enjoyed her time with the Niddogs from before, and from their continued prayers, she decided that it was time to make good on her promise to return.

She looked around the village, greeting the first Niddog she sees. "Greetings. I am Sedha, the Kind-One. I have returned to you with more teachings."

2008-06-01, 01:44 AM
Tek 3.01

(Due to scheduling problems Tek can come only between 3.01-3.4, while Ardannis arrives at 3.3.)

Basically before arrival of Ardannis, Tek studied the available materials from which to make the signs, finding a balance between how available, how sturdy and how easy for Niddog to manipulate they are. He then crafted a lot of “Danger”, “Food” and “Home” signs.

Turn 3.3

When Ardannis arrived Tek followed him to the Niddog tribe.

”I am afraid that my attention is required with Karksh, those pesky mortals, as you say. I’ll try to teach Niddog how to craft signs and give you those I’ve already crafted, so you could leave them at the trails.”

When they arrive to the village and Ardannis introduces Tek to the Niddog.

“Greetings to all. As Ardannis told you, I am a different God with other useful skills. I’ll teach you to make signs, he spoke of. You can make them easily and fast, but they would help you greatly.”

“Ardannis would go and seek the best trails to you. And he would mark them with signs. Follow this one (“Food”) to find food. If you see this one (“Danger”) don’t go there. There is danger at that trails. If you get lost and see this sign (“Home”), you should follow that trail to return back to your nest.”

“If you start using signs, you could travel further in search of food, without danger of getting lost. And by marking dangerous places your young would know to avoid them.”

Tek remains with the tribes and teaches those, interested how to make signs. He also studies the social interaction in the group, trying to determine who is in charge and why.

2008-06-01, 02:09 AM
Tek/Ardannis 3.3
The Niddogs listen intently to what the Immortals say, focusing so that they can understand their advanced words and concepts, and generally speaking they do a fairly good job of understanding the basics. Their society isn't advanced enough to cause a need for any kind of written language, but the simplicity of the symbols makes them easily accepted and remembered. During the teaching tek would notice that generally speaking the females tend to lead the males. In this particular settlement there are 5 males who follow the lead female, Redclaw, though she listens to them if the males have more knowledge on something than she does. Tek would notice something similar amongst the younglings. Though they don't have any real leaders, the females tend to ask far more questions, and are more apt to innovate, while the males tend to sit quietly and merely copy exactly what they saw. After the Niddogs have a decent understanding of the symbols and how to make them, Redclaw says "Now no more lost. Old trails safe. How make new trails? How make better trails?" trying to adress both immortals.

Emperor Demonking
2008-06-01, 03:50 AM

Turn 3.1

Plamal decides not tot to take the Niddog guides. Once he gets to the river he yawns and then says. "What are you doing? You have been tricked. Tell me all you learnt. I shall show you the lies."

2008-06-01, 04:07 AM

Tek considers what his domains have to offer the Niddog. It’s a good opportunity to create specialization in their society. And with specialization comes power.

“You can scare predators away. Niddog need to make sounds like this”

Tek cries a powerful, frightening roar using miracle Winds of Words (sound amplification).

“Many Niddog make sound like this together. Predator would think, Niddog are big and scary. Would leave them alone”

Tek can help Niddog practice making strong roars (or whichever powerful sounds they are capable of making).

“Then some Niddog can become Scouts. Scouts don’t hunt, only travel and mark new trails. Other Niddog follow marked trails. They remain safe and bring more food.

“Scouts train to be best of Niddog to avoid predators and find safe trails. They do that better then average Niddog. Ardannis can teach Scouts how to travel best.”

“Make small groups. One is Scout Leader. Leader tells other Scouts what to do. Leader must be smart and think fast. Other Scouts do, what leader tells them. They must be fast and strong, work well together and follow commands.”

2008-06-01, 09:47 AM
Ardannis, Turn 3.3

((Yeah, both being here for 3.3 gives us a dozen days overlap, which should be plenty. That'll work out fine.))

Tek right. Scouts make new better trails. Ardannis will show any Niddog who wants to be Scout how to find food, avoid danger, and put up signs for other Niddog to follow and be safe. He speaks more slowly as his sentences get longer, making sure they can follow him.

Before Tek leaves: Ardannis says to him privately Tek, if you will show a few Niddog how to make copies of the signs you've made, we could have both Scouts and Signers; the Scouts in charge of making trails and putting up Signs, and the Signers in charge of making signs, perhaps even designing new signs for new things they encounter. That would make those who can't be Scouts less left out, though perhaps you can think of a better name than 'Signers'. I know you have to leave soon, but I can stay and teach them how to forge trails, and make sure that these ideas spread under both our names.

Waiting to make sure the Niddog "get" it before launching into orienteering lessons.

2008-06-01, 10:34 AM
Forneus 3.5-3.7

Forneus takes his time with the Niddog, most of which consists of taking part in their activities, and especially fire-connected chores. He also spends some time playing with the young ones and teaching them about air and fire.

When the creatures surprise Forneus with their "earth/water versus fire" argument, he is taken aback for a moment, but then explains: You only know of small, weak fire. Small fire is put out by water and small fire is put out by earth. But that is not important because small fire is still much more useful than a pile of dirt or a handful of water alone. But there is a big fire, very hot and very dangerous. Big fire destroys rock, makes water merge with the air and can take this whole area, Forneus waves his hands to indicate everything in sight, and only leave sooth. Big fire can not be stopped until there's nothing left to burn, and that's why it's dangerous. It is very powerful, so I will teach the Niddog about the big fire, but only after you learn how to control the small fires better.

2008-06-01, 01:26 PM
Mandak, 3.4

This time Mandak arrives near a different village, but approaches them much the same way as before. "Greetings, Niddog. I am Mandak, lord of the Earth. I come to teach. If you listen, you will Know to defend from beasts, and hunt them." He waits to see if the reaction is at all similar to the previous one.

2008-06-01, 07:08 PM
Krixal 3.1

Wonderful! You have done well!

I wish to stay and live with you for several days, and see how your people have applied my teachings.

Krixal will stay with the Niddog for the next several days, observing them and aiding the Burnt one in his teaching. He spends part of his time carving out a pipe, and searching for an herb that can be smoked, to see if any such grows nearby.

If he finds one (be it something along the lines of tobacco, marijuana, or even rosemary, or lemon grass, he will take up smoking it. If any Niddog show curiosity about his activity, he would be delighted to teach the habit to them.

I assume that I would Know enough to recognize plants and herbs that are smokable, at least by trial and error, given cooking (herbs) + fire (the act of smoking).

2008-06-01, 08:12 PM
Plamal 3.1
The Niddogs gathered are obviously somewhat frightened by a yawning bear, but when he speaks, a somewhat small Niddog steps out in front of the others "She teach to heal. To help, to keep others from sickness. No trick! Heal works!" As she speaks her voice starts to sound angrier, and a number of the males around her start to tense up. Though she may be small, the males here are not, one of them quite possibly the largest Niddog you've yet seen, and he's standing directly behind the angered female, his claws tapping the ground on either side of the female.

Tek/Ardannis 3.3
The Niddog take well to the teachings, the ideas of scouting and leaving copies of the signs goes well, though the social changes that Tek suggested seem a little strange to them "All learn, all scout. All make signs. Why seperate? No need." The Niddog already tend to yell alot when they see a predator, usually to warn others, and their natural defences are such that a group is fairly safe from all but the most savage of species. Generally it is the unseen predators that catch them.

Forneus 3.5-3.7
Though all the Niddog present are willing to learn, the younglings seem the most apt to figure things out, and the most dedicated to learning the skills Forneus is teaching. Most of the games that the Niddog younglings play involve essentially wrestling matches, where they push eachother back and forth, pressing mostly with their Mantis claws. With his superior size it is not hard for him to win if he tries, though their claws would dig into his hands painfully, meaning that he'd have to rely on his armor to avoid being injured by their play. As far as his actual teachings on fire, they go fairly well, as mentioned they already have a basic understanding of fire, so now the idea of different kinds of fire (big and small) isn't to hard for them to fathom, though they for now they focus on the small fires, since that what they have seen most by far.

Mandak 3.4
The small group that Mandak approaches is just starting to build a small campfire to keep them warm and safe for the night ahead. As Mandak calls out, they stop what they are doing and gather around him the female of the group speaking "You come to help? Like the others? We will learn! Defend from beasts? Like the fire?"

Krixal 3.1
The Burnt-one is happy to have Krixal nearby, and shows how he teaches any passing younglings how to safely use small fires. He no longer lives with the family that Krixal first saw him with, now he lives alone, but many of the younglings that seek to learn from him will bring him gifts of food, help repair the nearby structures, and of course help gather wood and rocks for their lessons on fire. Krixal does indeed find something that would smoke well. Its a kind of small vine that grows best in damp shaded areas, meaning that it grows fairly well near the river. The smoke of the vine smells slightly sweet, and seems to have a slightly calming and euphoria causing effect upon the Niddogs. The Burnt-one and the younglings are indeed interested in this, as they are interested in just about anything that Krixal does, and though at first they don't understand why smoking this would be good, they quickly take to it, as it does have obviously enjoyable effects. Though they don't have any way of easily carving a pipe, one of the younglings has the idea of digging a very very small fire pit, putting the vine in, and using dirt to keep the plant from burning too fast. Though it still burns much faster than it would in a pipe, and a number of Niddog will often gather around a single of the mini-fire pits since they can then all breath in the smoke.

2008-06-01, 08:34 PM
Mandak, 3.4

"Yes, like the others." Mandak realizes that he should have been expecting to find beings having already visited by the other immortals, and is really not all that troubled by it. He spends the remainder of 3.4 showing this group the same things he showed the others. He also tries to observe how they interact, knowing that at some point, a knowledge of their culture will aid in his attempts to protect them, especially from themselves.

2008-06-01, 08:40 PM
Krixal 3.1

Krixal is delighted at the success of the experiment with the smoke-vine. He leaves the Niddog, pleased with the way things have been in his absence.

I will return again soon, Until then, continue my teachings. And call on me if you need my help!

Krixal dissapeers into the Burnt one's fire.

2008-06-01, 09:10 PM
Ardannis, Turn 3.3 (wrap-up)

Having gotten the Niddog's permission, Ardannis bids farewell to Tek and spends the next month or so ((until 3.55)) teaching the Niddog how to scout and blaze trails more effectively. He shows them the art of marking a trail, breaking small branches or making a small cairn of rocks to show which direction the path takes at any confusing junctures. He shows them the best ways to find food, and mark those trails with the Food symbols Tek has left. He shows them how to notice the traces left by beasts and the areas they frequent, and mark those trails with Danger. He tries to teach the Niddog to climb if they do not already, showing them what a useful defense it is againt beasts who cannot.

Lastly, he gives them Tek's instructions for copying the symbols, and encourages them to make their own innovations. As example, he offers the possibility of a symbol for Friend, to mark traisl that lead to other Niddog camps. After waiting to see what kind of symbol they make, he tells them that they can improve on these skills, learn from experience what makes the best trails and become better at scouting, and invent new symbols like the ones Tek made for them.

After a month, he takes his leave. Having noticed that the predators the Niddog have the most trouble with are the ones they don't see in time, he says Ardannis must go now, but will come back some day soon. If Niddog make good trails, good signs, Ardannis will come back with tool to help Niddog hear unseen beasts better. Niddog keep practicing trails and signs, tell other Niddog about them. Tell other Niddog that Ardannis and Tek bring good signs, teach good trails, and can help all Niddog. Ardannis must go now, but he will hear any Niddog who calls his name. So will Tek. Wherever we are, will hear Niddog who need us, and come as soon as we can. Having finished, he swings up through the branches of a tree. Reaching the top, he swings up into thin air and disappears.

What would be a good shape for something the Niddog would hold? A staff seems like it'd be hard for them to carry, right? Would something like a headband work better?

2008-06-01, 09:20 PM

Turn 3.2

After a brief interlude in the outer plane Arasylon reappeared before a group of Niddogg he had not yet visited. He entered the area once more playing his magic Fiddle and singing, this time though he sang a song based on the ones he had heard the Niddogg sing. He awaited the presence of the residents.

2008-06-01, 11:08 PM
Arasylon 3.2
When Arasylon aproaches singing, the residents of the area quickly come out and join in the song. Though they have never seen an immortal themselves, Music-bringer has made sure that none have gone without hearing of Arasylon. The residents here immediately come out and join in with Arasylon's music. One of the younglings recognizes him from the stories she has heard and cries out "It's Arasylon, Arasylon bring more music!"

2008-06-01, 11:13 PM

Turn 3.2

Arasylon laughs, always enjoying the enthusiasm of the younglings. "Well said, youngling. I am Arasylon, it is good to know that word of my existence has traveled. I have come to entertain, aid and advise. Which shall it be for you today?"

2008-06-01, 11:17 PM
Arasylon 3.2
The children respond easily, and almost in unison "Entertain, entertain." Though one of the adults feels a little differntly. "I have question. Others have come. Others spread other teachings. Some say that Gods bad. Say that full of tricks or dangers. Why they say? What gods good and what gods bad?"

2008-06-01, 11:23 PM
Arasylon speaks to the children first. "Go gather things to use as drums... do you know about drums?" As the wounglings scatter for branches and rocks (or before they ask what drums are) he turns to the adult "Choice is the greatest beauty in life, and I say that you should choose who you wish to worship and who you don't. HOWEVER, I will say this, any god who tries to take your choices away is not a good god. And any god who offers gifts and teachings of destruction wish to silence the most beautiful song of all... the song of life. I can only ask you to choose wisely who you would worship."

Arasylon gave a grave smile and waited for any more questions.

2008-06-01, 11:41 PM
Arasylon 3.2
The younglings quickly run off and do as Arasylon bids, gathering the rocks and sticks that they can carry, only a few adults going to help them. The rest listen to the rest of Arasylon's words. "There is one not good god. Teaches to kill beasts, teaches to not listen. Tried to talk, tried to learn, His followers teach nothing, his followers learn nothing. What do against bad god?" By now a few of the younglings have started to trickle back, the ones who were fastest, and got to the few good rocks nearby first.

2008-06-01, 11:51 PM

Turn 3.2

Arasylon's brow furrowed, the Niddoggs' poor command of language made ti hard to decipher everything they said. Tell me this god's name. If his followers neither learn nor teach I would think they hold little threat, those who do not grow or help others grow will quickly dissapear." Arasylon paused for a moment to get the gathering younglings to start playing a rhythm. He cast ghost song having it play a lower and slower melody like the Niddogg seamed to prefer and started the younglings singing with it.

"The best thing to do about this god, whoever he may be is to warn others about him. Teach them about the right of choice, and those who say to not listen and not choose are evil and wrong. Tell all who will listen that those who follow this god have been lead astray and should not be trusted. If you encounter them try to encourage them to see the error of their ways, but do not endanger yourselves. Can you do this for me?"

2008-06-02, 12:01 AM
Arasylon 3.2
The younglings quickly take up the song, paying little heed to the words he speaks to the adults caring more for their music lesson than anything else at the moment. "Do not know name of god, they not tell, call him Beast-slayer." says the lead female "I think I understand. Just teach if they will listen, and avoid if the do not. We can do that, will tell others that too. Thank you Arasylon. Did not know what to do. Was very worried for them." By now the ghost song has worn off, but the younglings are continuing to sing a similar tune, their random thwacking of rocks and sticks coming closer and closer to actually forming the beat that their voices seem to carry so easily.

2008-06-02, 12:07 AM


Arasylon was pleased to help the Niddogg and was overjoyed that the younglings were learning to keep a beat. He sang with them a bit more and worked on their rhythm skills and departed once more for the outer plane.

2008-06-02, 12:15 AM
Mandak 3.4
Like the others, these Niddog are at first questioning of the use of these teachings, however through a bit of dilligence, they finally see the use of the walls and they love the pit that Mandak makes, though they have a very difficult time trying to make one of their own. There culture is relatively simple. The females lead the males in most things, telling them when and what to do. The males occasionally take command, but only when they know more about something than the female, at which point she usually will ask the male what to do anyways. Younglings occasionally come by and learn what they can, getting shelter food and training from their elders. There is relatively little violence, except in the games of the younglings which almost never ends in any kind of actual harm, and you never see it cause more damage than cuts and bruises.
((OOC: Sorry for not responding to your post earlier, I somehow managed to not see it.))

Arasylon 3.2
The Niddogs are saddened that Arasylon needs to go, but the adults understand that he must have other places to be, though they have no clue what else he has to do. The younglings however are much more saddened to see him go, which he can easily tell by the prayers he hears from them, asking him to return.

2008-06-02, 05:32 AM
Mandak, Turn 3 Wrap-Up

After staying with the second group for a while, Mandak decides it is time to leave once again. "Remember, Niddog, whever the wall stops a beast, or when the pits bring a feast, remember Mandak in your thoughts. Remember Mandak, and he shall be good to you." With that he disappears.

2008-06-02, 05:59 AM

Turn 3 wrap-up

As Forneus plays with the young Niddog he tries to get them to learn new 'air' games. Since the blow pipes were the most widely accepted he sets up a small accuracy challenge game where the purpose is to hit the largest number of (rather large) fruit set up not too far away. His other idea is to get the Niddog to practice throwing and catching so the game is playing "catch" with the hardest fruit Forneus finds which are even close to suitable for throwing.

As he does that, Forneus keeps encouraging the Niddog to use air and fire more in their lives and to spread that knowledge across nearby groups.

2008-06-02, 07:32 PM
Wrap up/End of turn 3/ Start of turn 4

The Immortals who visited the Niddog have returned, attempting to spread their names and their beliefs further throught the Niddog society, and a number of new Immortals have appeared as well. The songs of Arasylon have spread, so that almost every Niddog knows of song, and the Music-Bringer now spreads the image of her god using the story drum that he gifted to her, further proving his power through the items she weilds.

Ardannis has returned with his friend Tek, as promised and tried to spread the teachings of trails and the various ways of making and marking them. His teachings have gone well, and those that were present for them try hard to spread them throughout the Niddog, but complex teachings like symbols and trailblazing take time to teach, and time to spread, but the beginnings are there. Around Redclaw's home there are a number of new trails, all meticulously marked to indicate whether they lead to food, danger, or merely back to shelter, and any passerbys are taught the meaning of the symbols, and how to make them.

Forneus has also returned to spread his teachings of fire and air. The legends of the Smoke-beast Forneus are now far more common, and the younglings who he taught and played with now spread word of him, often while playing catch with various fruits. These games almost always end in the eating of said fruit, making things all the better.

Krixal the Fire walker has likewise returned, this time bringing with him a new teaching. With the advent of smoking now slowly spreading along the streams of the forest, more and more small fires dot the night-time landscape, and the sweet smell of the smoke-vine can be found on many of the younger generation.

The new Immortal Mandak has started spreading his teachings, and already two families live within the protective earthen barricades that he has taught them to make. They also now know that such things as pit-traps exist, but lack either the motivation or the tools to make them on a regular basis. However the walls that Mandaks students built are the envy of all their neighbors, and many younglings travel past to learn how to craft such impressive protection for their future homes.

The Beast-slayer plamal once again returned, leading his followers to want to spread word of him more, but it seems that few listen to them, believing them to be mistaken in their ways. Plamal himself tried to speak with the Kind-one and her followers, but to no avail.

The Kind-one was once again visited by her Goddess, who brought with good will and kidness as before. Her teachings were once again of healing, which all present were greatly thankfull for, though Sedha often found herself re-teaching points from her previous visit that some of the younger Niddog were having difficulty understanding, and that the Kind-one was haveing difficulty explaining. But in the end, the travelers understood the kindness that was Sedha, and word of that kindness spread even further than before.

Not all Legends are of the Immortals and their exploits. In the darkest nights when there are no fires to keep them warm, and the sounds of the forest are filled with predators, the Niddog speak of the Niddog-slayer, a great best with claws of a Niddog, that hunts them, and can slay even the strongest leader before she has a chance to fight. Surely such a creature can not exist, but the story spreads none the less.

((ooc: sorry for the delay on that, I was alot bussier these past few days than anticipated, so I didn't have time to write it bit by bit ahead of time as I had planned, the Status page should be updated shortly with numbers of followers etc.))

2008-06-02, 08:46 PM
Ardannis, Turn 4.6

Ardannis rematerializes near his Niddog friends, swinging down into the top branches of a tree in the same way that he left. Redclaw! Niddog friends! Ardannis back. How go trails? Redclaw teach many Niddog about trails?

Similar to Tumine, just want to let people know I'll be around the Niddog through 4.6-4.7, most likely.

2008-06-02, 09:31 PM
Mandak, 4.1
This time when Mandak manifests, he takes his maximum size, a towering sixteen feet, emerging from the ground near the first family he helped. This time, he has a request for them. "Friend Niddog, your lives are good here, in this safe place. But there are others who do not have the Knowing of this protection from the beasts. I wish one amongst you to aid me, as I spread the Knowing to others, that they might prosper as you have. Who among you is willing to brave this great task?"

(So you know, if the reaction is positive the next step is to do the same thing at the other family, so if it is, go ahead and move things to that point.)

2008-06-02, 10:15 PM
Ardannis 4.6
Redclaw and the rest are of course happy to see their god return. "Teaching goes slow. Teach those that pass, teach younglings, hard to teach others. Symbols make area safe, trails easy travel. Younglings not get lost."

Mandak 4.1
The first group is glad to see their god return, though somewhat startled by his recent enlargement. The lead female looks somewhat dismayed at the thought of letting one of her family go "Why must leave? Can't stay here? Teach younglings traveling?" However before Mandak has a chance to respond one of the males near the back of the group steps forward and says "I will go. I travel with Mandak, Help teach, learn more." The female considers for a minute and then grudgingly agrees "Take Three-eye, he good digger."
The second group is quite a bit easier to find a creature willing to travel with him. One of the younglings of the family has just reached the age where she should start wandering about, and since she has had as much training as anyone else, she should be as knowledgable as any of the adults from the group.

2008-06-02, 10:29 PM
Krixal 4.5

Krixal manifests in the Burnt One's fire again.

Greetings, how goes it, my students?

2008-06-02, 10:37 PM
Krixal 4.5
The younglings gathered around the fire once again jump back, startled by it's sudden manifestation, however the Burnt-one does seem too startled. The Burnt-one responds slowly, but with confidence "Teachings good. Many many younglings learn. Fire less danger now, many know way to stop fire. You do much for Niddogs." As Krixal looks over the Burnt-one, it becomes obvious that he is not as strong as he once was. His skin has a slightly greyish color to it, and his movements are slow, also, though he has continued to grow into his old age, his limbs look thinner than they once did, as if they muscles underneath his hardened skin are slowly decaying.

2008-06-02, 10:52 PM
Krixal 4.5

That is good, I am glad that my teachings have been good for the Niddogs.

Saddened at the aging of his old friend and first deciple, Krixal will stay with the Niddogs for almost a month, teaching them if they wish, but also just enjoying seeing his teachings put to good use (and enjoying the smoke-weed).

Towards the end of 4.5, Krixal will ask several of the Burnt-one's students if they would come with him to spread his teachings among other Niddog.

2008-06-02, 11:06 PM
Krixal 4.5
Any younglings that Krixal asks are more than willing to travel with him. Since all of the Burnt-ones are already traveling on an extremely regular basis, they see no reason not to travel wtih Krixal, and in fact, some students who should have moved on long ago have remained with the Burnt-one and Krixal, hoping that Krixal might give them more insight into fire and the Smoke-vines. Though there are probably at least 14 younglings to choose from, there are 4 that stand out above the rest, 3 males, and one female, all of them seem to have a natural grasp of how to use the basic fire-teachings that Krixal has taught, and some of them even help the Burnt-one with his lessons on occasion.

2008-06-03, 01:15 AM
Tek, Turn 4.6

Tek arrives to the tribe of Redclaw, where he is known. He is the same height as Niddog and wears Mask of Benevolence.

He begins gathering information on communication between tribes:

1. How often and why different tribes contact each other?
2. Do they share with each other or trade?
3. How efficient are the teaching methods of Niddog? How new ideas are spread?

Tek greets Ardannis and shares with him his latest ploy:

“I have an idea. There seems to be a lot of Immortals coming to the Niddog. Each brings a new idea with himself – a commodity. Why don’t we try to persuade Niddog to send out small groups that will learn knowledge of others and teach it to their tribes? They will be the first Traders, of Ideas. This way new concepts would spread faster among all Niddogs”

“You could help with organization of traveling parties – they’ll need to be prepared for longer journeys and might have to carry extra weight”

“I’ll see if I can help them to improve their teaching techniques and help them to develop trader’s speech and diplomacy”

2008-06-03, 02:01 AM

Turn 4.3

Forneus arrives once again to visit his Niddog followers. He plays air games with the young ones again and encourages their use of fire. As Forneus spends considerable time with the Niddog (this turn and in the past), he soon learns of their fears at night.

Come now, darkness should not be scary when fire is your friend. If used wisely, fire can pierce even the darkest night. Forneus suggests that one or two Niddog can maintain small fires close to where they sleep, in the direction from which beast howls are most often heard. Beasts know the power of fire and they are afraid. Even a small fire can scare a big beast. Forneus asks what they've heard about the Niddog-slayer, trying to figure out if that isn't a trick by some of the other immortals. If the slayer was actually sighted or there are first-hand accounts of disappearances, Forneus will investigate, but first he says: I am your friend, but more importantly, I am Forneus, master of air and fire, the strongest creature in this land. If you have trouble with the other Immortals, if the slayer ever shows or if you are attacked by predators that you can't handle with fire and air, shout my name. If all of you shout, I will hear you and come to help, even if I am far, far away, Forneus points at the clouds in the sky.

2008-06-03, 02:50 AM
Tek 4.6
Redclaw and her kin gladly welcome Tek into their home, and gladly answer any questions he asks. Though by tribe I assume you mean family, as there social structure is still such that a single female leads 3-10 males, +younglings, which isn't quite a tribe.
1. Different families occasionally speak to eachother when out hunting nearby eachother, but most of their contact comes from younglings traveling from family to family spreading news. A small group of younglings will generally come through every 3-4 days, and stay at least a night, but sometimes more if they feel that they can learn more there.
2. Younglings will sometimes bring gifts to families that are known to be extraordinary good teachers, and gifting to prospective mates is rather common, but most Niddog are willing to share almost all they have, so trading is so far unneccessary.
3. Generally, adults teach by showing what should be done, and then having the younglings try to do it. This lets the younglings figure out their own ways of doing things, as well as learning what previous generations have done, but it is by no means very organized, and many teachings get distorted as they spread further and further from their source.

Forneus 4.3
"Fire keep away all beast? Keep back Niddog-slayer?" Ask some of the younglings, but in the background, you can already hear the adults talking of how to take shifts watching the fires. "If it keep safe, always have fire." says the female of the group a fairly average sized female, though she has a streak of white fur along her stomache, leaving her the name White-belly. The Niddog are used to calling out when they are in trouble, so the idea of calling to Forneus in particular isn't to hard for them to grasp. Though one youngling does ask "How live in sky? Why come here, if home in sky?"

2008-06-03, 04:16 AM
Tek, Turn 4.6-4.9

Tek considers what he learned about Niddog.

“Learning… Learning... Perhaps some mnemonic devices would help. They’ll improve their memory and teachings wouldn’t be distorted. They are more fun as well. I should seek out Araslyon, to compose music for my rhythms.”

Tek formulates several easy rhythms and first-letter mnemonics, designed to impart some basic knowledge to the younglings. He then tests them with the younglings of the Redclaw tribe.

If the results prove satisfying he’ll spend time developing other rhythms. He would spend time traveling with the younglings (protecting and helping them on their journey). As he would visit other Niddog families, he’ll see what innovations they have (earth walls, fire etc.) and compose mnemonic devices about them as well. After gathering enough knowledge, he would return to the Redclaw tribe and help their teachers by introducing the concept of mnemonic devices, teaching them knowledge of other Niddogs and generally improving they ability to communicate information to their students.

”If this works and rumors of “great teachers” spread, a lot of younglings would come here to learn, perhaps it would spark some further changes. Of course I shouldn’t get my hope up this early.”

If Tek meets Araslyon on his travels:

“Greetings. Araslyon, Master of Music. I offer a joint project for you. I’ve been composing mnemonic rhythms to help teach Niddog. Perhaps you can turn them into catchy tunes – they’ll be easier to remember, faster to spread and more fun to learn this way. Then each of us would be able to teach them to Niddog. What say you?”

2008-06-03, 05:44 AM

Forneus smiles at the younglings. I am an immortal and I am a master of air - I live in the sky like you live on the ground. I live up in the sky, beyond where you can see, beyond land creatures can fly. Everything up there is possible by just thinking about it. Here on the ground you have to know what you want and you have to work to get it. Forneus pauses for his strange words to sink in. That's why I come down from the sky, I want to help you live better. I want to show you all the things air and fire can do for you and if you try, you can learn to use them to be happier.

Forneus explains that the Niddog should decide where to put their fires and plan during the day: they need to gather the firewood and clean up the areas of the fires ahead of time. When night comes they should start the fires and not have to worry about going in the dark for firewood or worry about the fires getting too big because they didn't clean up the area.


Forneus pauses a bit and thinks. Wouldn't it be easier to guard if there were more Niddog? If there are more Niddog, most could sleep and only few can guard. With few Niddog if you guard well you won't get much sleep, which is not good.

Forneus considers his next question/suggestion. Why don't the Niddog live in larger groups? If there's not enough food, I'm sure I can come up with air weapons to get you more food. Forneus tries to figure out if the Niddog are able to create simple traps to shoot projectiles at small animals grazing nearby.

2008-06-03, 07:32 AM
OOC: Was this a typo? "Since all of the Burnt-ones are already traveling on..." If it wasn't, I have some questions...

Krixal 4.5 - 4.8-ish

Krixal asks two of the males, and the female to accompany him, along with two of the less-experienced students who seem to be promising (males, we don't want any power-struggles :smallwink:). He will then travel for the next several months among the Niddog, visiting as many groups as possible. He leaves the other male with Burnt-One, telling him to take care of him as he is getting old, and needs companionship in his late years.

Whenever they come upon a group of Niddog, Krixal will go forward and introduce them.

Greetings Mortals! I am Krixal, God of Fire! These are my follower's, students of my disciple, Burnt-One. I have come to teach you of the uses of fire!

If they are well received, Krixal and the Niddogs stay for a day or so and teach about fire pits, building fires, good material for fires, and of course, smoke-weed. Also, Krixal never gives up cooking his food every night, and trying to see if any of the Niddog come to appreciate cooked food.

Feel free to RP individual encounters, or, if the visits are sufficiently similar, we could do one encounter and say that the others are like that one.

2008-06-03, 01:17 PM
Tek 4.6-4.9
The Niddog are slow to learn the ideas, but eventually they understand. Younglings in particular seem to like these new methods, as they tend to keep their knowledge more easily accessable, and the mnemonic devices allow younglings to check eacothers learning, by simply seeing if it 'sounds right.'

Forneus 4.3
The youngling tilts its head slightly, indicating that it is somewhat confused and it slowly responds "Up there no work? How prove abilities? How play? You come down here to work and play?" However his suggestions on clearing the area and collecting materials ahead of time quickly takes root, and now almost no vegetation grows near their primitive structures, and a pile of sticks and small logs lies near the center of camp.

White-belly seems somewhat taken aback by his suggestion "More together? Like sisters? Can't live like that. Takes away.." White-belly pauses for a moment, looking around at her family, and thinking of the small patch of land they call their own, and though she never finishes her sentance, Forneus can hear the rest in his head, as if it is a prayer that she herself cannot name or understand "Freedom." Generally speaking food isn't to scarce, theres almost always something to eat. Sometimes it's not the most appetizing meal, but the Niddogs don't seem to mind, and usually don't have problems feeding everyone when a large group of younglings occasionally travels by.

Krixal 4.5-4.8...ish
That was indeed a typo, I meant Burnt-one's students, sorry for the confusion

The male left behind seems saddened that he doesn't get to come with as well, but he willingly accepts the duty of watching the Burn-one.

The groups that Krixal encounters welcome him gladly. Few groups would turn away a being known to bring helpfull teachings, and younglings are likewise welcome almost anywhere. Krixal's teachings are well recieved, though most that he come across already have some knowledge of what Krixal will teach. However in the first family he visits, there is a particularly curious youngling, one too young even to go on his journey, but he almost never stops asking questions "Why burn food? Not waste any? Why Smoke-vine so good? Does cook food make food like smoke-vine?"

2008-06-03, 02:36 PM
Mandak, 4.1-4.6
(At the first family)
Mandak speaks to the female. "I thank you for Three-eye. Know that I will remember your family. Come, Three-eye. We have much to do." Mandak has a similar message for the other family. Once he has his followers, Mandak takes them and sets off into the forest in search of other Niddog families. As they travel, Mandak has questions for Three-eye and the female. He asks them what the biggest problems of their families are, and what they fear, though usually not so directly. He also observes them as they and other Niddog dig, and tries to come up with ways the process can be improved. At each new family they come across, he introduces himself and his intention, much as before. Unless there is a serious objection, he then shows them how to make a wall and a pit trap, having them make some of each without his aid (part of a wall and one trap, that is). If an individual seems to understand both the reason for digging and the actual digging, he will ask the family matron if they can accompany him on his travels. When this time period is almost over, he heads towards what passes for a small mountain in the woods, and uses a combination of the Scupr and his miracles to either reach a small underground cavern, or make one of his own. Then he speaks to those gathered with him. "Friends, you are truly among the best of your kind, and are chosen. Know that is coming times your people may see troubles the likes of which have never been seen. Know as well that for the survival of not just you, but your entire race, you must be as solid and strong as the Earth that surrounds us. Come here to meet and to remember me. Most of all, keep teaching my works to the rest of your kind. Teach them my name, and prosper. I will return to you soon." Mandak bows to the floor, and then becomes one with it and disappears.

OOC:Obviously, a lot going on here. Mandak will reach as many families as possible, and gather more followers when he can, though never more than one per family. As for the room underground, I figured that somewhere in the hex a hill of some sort exists. Mandak will have scryed for an ideal site.

2008-06-03, 03:29 PM
Mandak 4.1-4.6
In the months that Mandak travels abroad he meets many of the legends that the Niddog know of. He meets the wandering Music-bringer, who shares a song with him, but seems somewhat un-interested in settling down and building something, he meets the Burnt-one, now too old to build on his own, though some of his students help to build the earthen barricades for him. He meets the followers of the Beast-slayer, who would likely do well to learn of his pit-traps, but refuse to listen to him, and tell him to leave, low growl-like sounds echoing their sentiments. From most groups, the females are somewhat reluctant to let one of their males leave, especially the one most skilled in this new method of protecting the family. However, one group that readily joines him, is a group currently terrified of the beasts in the wild. Not all too long ago, a great beast with the claws of Niddog took their female. When asked to, they devote themselves full to the cause of building, especially if it keeps out the beasts, and quickly become amongst the best of those that follow Mandak, having already lived in the world awhile they have the skills necessary to live as adults, and they quickly gain skills in buidling and digging as well.

The Primary method of digging for the Niddog is currently to soften the earth using their stronger Mantis-claws, and then using one of their legs to slide the loosened dirt out of the way. Much like using a pick to break off chunks, and then shoveling them away. The walled in areas that Mandak is best known for are relatively easy, though time-consuming for the Niddog to make, the Pits on the other-hand, take far more practice. Since they Niddog have no ladders, and little jumping ability, they are forced to instead make long ditches, where they slowy create a ramp down into the earth. Since few feel a need to hunt, and due to the difficulty of makeing them, the pits are not widely created, though knowledge of at least their existance does spread.

There are not many hills within this small forest, but Mandak is able to find one large enough for his purposes near the weastern edge of Niddog territory. The Niddog are approrpriately awed by his ability to rapidly create such a large area within the hill, knowing it could have taken them a lifetime to achieve such a thing. As Mandak dissappears into the floor of his new creation, he can hear the voices of all that followed him there echoing in his head, filled with thanks for this great gift.

((ooc: If you want to rp with any of the npc mentioned, just say so. Also, it's not unreasonable for you to run into another immortal, as some of them are likewise traveling the Niddog's trails, however it didn't feel right forcing immortal interaction.....yet.))

2008-06-03, 03:49 PM
Ardannis, Turn 4.6

That is good news, Redclaw. Ardannis want teach all Niddog how to make good trails, travel easy, safe living. Will one or two Niddog come with Ardannis to teach other families? Those who do not wish to come should not feel less important; teaching those that pass is also very important.

Whether or not he obtains volunteers, Ardannis travels for the next few weeks to the villages reachable from the one he started in, showing the inhabitants the same skills in making safer trails and traveling. In each village, he will pick up another volunteer or two, but only recruits actively when the group traveling with him drops below six or so. If he comes across Niddog who have already learned from another god, he takes no offense, admitting that the other god probably has useful things to say as well. He still tries to teach them, however, saying that his skills are still useful. ((Example: if he comes across followers of Tirus, he will, in addition to trailblazing and marking, show them how to make their roads a little flatter and broader, to provide easier passage for the carts.))

He will also slowly introduce the ideas of cunning and trickery. In each village, including the first (Redclaw's), he stays at least a couple days, if he is permitted. Around mealtimes or at time when he is not actively involved in teaching trailblazing, he introduces the Niddog to the game Threes, hoping they enjoy it. If they are confused, he explains that its purpose is to teach Niddog to practice outsmarting someone else, so that they can think faster to outsmart beasts. If any of them particularly take to the game, he will tentatively introduce Fives as well. In addition, if they encounter beasts during their travels, he shows them how beasts are different from each other and how different tactics may be used against various beasts.

Lastly, knowing they are scavengers, he will offer to teach them how to catch larger prey that they usually don't get to eat. If they accept, he teaches them how to make various traps ((pitfalls, lures, snares, etc - I can describe these in further details if need be)), crafting many for them if they appear to appreciate it. ((Using Trapcrafting skill, level 2))

Ok, that was a whoooole lot. If any of those different ideas don't seem welcome, he'll drop it relatively readily and focus on the others. If that's too long, and you want to drop out of it at some point to RP a specific interaction, that's also cool. I PMed you the game descriptions for Threes and Fives.

2008-06-03, 04:23 PM
Ardannis 4.6
While many of the adults seem reluctant to leave their home for an extended time, any youngling would jump at the chance to journey with the god of travel. Though young, some of the volunteers are surprisingly capable, and would surely be a help in aiding Ardannis' teachings/

Ardannis does indeed come across groups who have teachings from other gods. From fire, to singing, to signs, to large walls surrounding their homes. Though the ones he encounters are still open to anyhing he teaches. As before, the adults seem most concerned with makeing existing trails safer, and finding better food close to home, but the younglings are always willing to try to learn anything that is thrown at them, as long as they can find some kind of purpose to it.

This new game of trickery takes off slowly, but after a bit, it is embraced by most of the Niddog that Ardannis teaches it to. Perhaps not surprising, the younglings once again pick it up much faster, often beating the adults in the same game. Ardannis teaches them the more complex game of 5s, but as he watches them play, he can see that it is slightly too advanced for them, the winner often being decided more by luck than anything else.

Trapcrafting is a different matter. When Ardannis tries to explain pit-traps to a group living within an area surrounded by crude earthen walls, they take him out a little ways into the forest, and show him a large ditch, obviously dug out, with what were once slightly sharpened sticks. "This trap you mean?" Asks the guide who brought Ardannis here. "Sometimes flee past, when Silent-tooths chase. Hard to make, not work well. Walls better."

2008-06-03, 06:06 PM
Ardannis, Turn 4.6

Ah...yes, hard to make, Ardannis says casually. Hmm...traps could probably wait for some time, when they actually need more free time. Right now, even if they saved much time with trapping, they would have little use for it. He drops the subject for the time being.

He visits as many villages as he can in about a month of travel, enjoying every day on the road with the younglings, playing small jokes on them with Flicker of Shadow and Moment of Seeming, and encouraging them to play them back, always with a laugh or a smile, and quick reassurance or apology if the joke frightens or go too far. He also uses his juggling and sleight of hand to amuse Niddog and pass the time in spare moments.

After a month or so ((Turn 4.85)), he regretfully says on the road one day that it is time for him to leave the Niddog for a time. He congratulates the younglings on helping spread his ideas, and thanks them for their enthusiasm. Swinging up into the trees, he swings up from the top branch and disappears, as usual.

2008-06-03, 06:27 PM
Mandak, 4.1-4.6
Mandak is pleased to meet such a positive and beneficial force in Niddog culture, and understands her distaste for digging. It is hardy work, and not for everyone. "Music-bringer, your songs make Niddog glad, and for that I am glad. Remember that your music may also serve other purposes. Some who would not hear am idea may reconsider one placed within a song. What Immortal taught you this art?"
Mandak recognizes the usefulness of fire, and so has little objection to Burnt-one's teachings. "Burnt-one, your fire does good in many ways. I am glad that you teach it to others. Tell me, what Immortal taught you this skill?"
This group worries Mandak. He is not willing to risk his avatar or, more importantly, his followers, in teaching the slayers the error of their cold ways, so he leaves them in peace. He resolves to make a note of the location of the slayers, and listen for prayers from there.

Mandak also makes a note of the family who lost their female, and realizes something must be done about this predator.

2008-06-03, 06:59 PM
Sedha 4.1

Sedha fades into existence near the dwelling of her Niddog followers. "Greetings my friends. Is there anything you wish me to aid you with?"

2008-06-03, 07:18 PM
Ardannis 4.6
The Younglings take well to the tricks that Ardannis plays, and try (completely unsuccessfully) to play similar tricks on Ardannis, though they have to rely on natural shadows to hide things, and thrown objects to cause the appearance of movement(usually a thrown fruit that isn't too hard to notice.) However when they start playing the tricks on eachother, it leads to the invention of some basic games that hadn't been part of their life before, most similar to hide-and-seek, or capture the flag(fruit).

Mandak 4.1-4.6
Music-Bringer: The Music-Bringer gladly tells the story of Arasylon, who came to the Niddog witht he gift of song. As she tells the story of how Arasylon arrived in a self moving cart, and taught the younglings how to sing, she plays a strange drum, and though the language isn't advanced enough to allow true songs, her voice has a certain musical quality to, above and beyond the way most Niddog speak. As the story progresses, an image appears floating in the air above the drum showing exactly how she remembers events. If the drum itself is not enough proof of her story, she rides in the cart that Arasylon first appeared in, using it to easily travel from place to place, and sharing it with the males that follow her. "Arasylon bring much goodness, but you bring goodness to. Will tell Arasylon of your help for Niddog."
Burnt-One: The Burnt-one is likewise willing to tell of his teacher "Krixal Fire-walker brought the teaching. He teach to controll fire, to keep all safe. He teach of the Smoke-Vine, so that all fire usefull. He teach much to help. Your teaching seems good, helps protect. Walls could stop fire. I will teach others of walls. Thank you for help." The Burnt-ones words are slow, and it is obvious that he is an unusually old Niddog, though there is another, a youngling, who is slowly taking over the Burnt-ones teachings, and this youngling echoes the Burnt-ones Sentiments.

Is this 4.? or back in 3, fixing the mistake on my part?
The Kind-one greets Sedha "Welcome back Sedha" She says. "We spread teachings, help all we can, but can't help all. Some bring injured here. Injured young come here if can. Some here very sick, no way of helping, no know what to do." The Kind-one brings Sedha to a series of the primitve structures, and shows her the Ill. About 6 Niddog lie on the ground. They all look extremely thin, as if they have been starving, though the Kind-one assures her that they are fed more in fact than anyone else there. "They eat and eat, but always hungry. Do not know what to do."

2008-06-03, 07:48 PM
Sedha 4.1

Sedha examines the creatures to the best of her ability, asking a healthy Niddog to allow her to compare it to the sick one, as she admittedly has a limited knowledge of Niddog anatomy. Ask she does this, she questions the lead healer.

"Did the sick ones all come from the same place? Were they brought in at the same time? What were they all doing before they became sick? You say they have been eating. Have they had water?"

If the healer is unable to answer any of her questions, Sedha softly and politely questions the sick Niddogs about anything the healer is unable to answer.

((OOC: Sedha has recently improved her healing ability up to rank 3.))

2008-06-03, 09:23 PM
I'm still wondering just exactly when this is happening, but I'm guessing 4.something if you have your improved healing skill
"We give them water, but they seem to dislike it, makes them very sicker. Most come from nearby, can't move sick very far. Not same place, just nearby. Sick say wake up, and very hungry, then stay hungry. Always hungry now." As Sedha and the Kind-one talk to eachother, some of the Niddog bring back some fruits, which they feed to the sick. Though obviously weekened they devour the fruit as quickly as they can, obviously filled with an unusual hunger for something that supposedly ate not long ago.

2008-06-03, 11:15 PM

Turn 4.2

Arasylon once again appeared before Music-Bringer and her entourage. He awaited any greeting or celebration that might come at his appearance and finally spoke? "I have heard your prayers, daughter, and wish you to know that your faith is always inspirational. I shall speak to Mandak as you requested. Is there anything you'd like to know while I am in your presence?"

2008-06-03, 11:38 PM
Arasylon 4.2
As always, the celebration is loud and happy, and filled with jumping about. "Happy to see Arasylon. Mandak help others, happy of that too. Stay some time, enjoy food and song." Assuming that Arasylon does indeed stay awhile, the Niddog set up a small campfire and sit around it sharing stories of their travel and singing, and eating food that they haul around in the cart. As the fire slowly dies down a bit, the Niddog dig a much much smaller pit, in which they make a small fire using strange vines. Then they sit around the fire breathing in the great plumes of smoke, and singing their old songs (though now slightly off tune). As Ardannis breathes in the smoke as well he notices that it has a sweet smell to it, and causes a certain kind of calm happiness.

2008-06-03, 11:43 PM


Arasylon spent time with his followers joined in their song, danced with them, ungainly as their dance may be. He listened to their stories and told some of his own. When they started burning the vines he frowned a bit.

"These vines produce a calming aura which is indeed pleasant, but it distorts your song. While it is pleasure and joy that is the root of song I warn you, as an expert in the field, that indulgence is a pleasant thing, but overindulgence can be dangerous. I pray you keep this in mind."

2008-06-03, 11:58 PM
Arasylon 4.2
The Niddog look sadly at the vines as Arasylon speaks "We know it distorts sound. But vines make happy too. What if take turns? Some sing, some smoke? Then goodness of both?" Asks one of Music-Bringers males.

2008-06-04, 12:04 AM
Sedha 4.1

Sedha was confounded by the disease. The only thing that she could think of would be a parasite of some sort. But why did it make them feel sicker when they drank...

She turned to the Kind-one. "This might spread from one Niddog to another. I am not sure yet, but until I know what is going on, you should probably shouldn't touch them. I'm not sure if I can get sick, so I should be safe." Sedha looks around for several seconds. " ...How often do they... create stool?" ((There really isn't a dignified way to say that, is there? But it seems like an important question to ask for something clearly digestive in nature.))

After getting an answer, she turned to one of the sick Niddogs and asks it "It hurts when you drink? Where and how does it hurt? Does it feel like a stabbing pain, an ache, or pressure? If necessary, she explains what each of these are to the sick Niddog.

((OOC: This one's tough. Is assuming that, since I didn't apparently find anything from examining them, it's a disease that actually exists in the real world? Thought it might be rabies, but then they wouldn't still be alive, and they wouldn't want to eat... is it a bad thing that I get the majority of my medical knowledge off of wikis?))

2008-06-04, 12:05 AM
"This would be acceptable. I promote all things that bring happiness to you, so long as they impaired not your song."

Arasylon rose and bade farewell to his followers. He left to the outer plane and reappeared in a settlement he had not yet visited, once again entering playing his fiddle.

2008-06-04, 12:24 AM
The Niddog listen intently to what Sedha has to say. When she asks of the stool, the Kind-one thinks for a moment, and then actually looks around the structures "Nothing, what that mean? They eat much but make nothing? They eat much but starve?" When Sedha speaks with the ill one, it is obvious that he is somewhat dillusional, having some difficulty focusing or speaking clearly (making communication very difficult), but he is able to inform Sedha that the pain is close to where she would expect his stomach to be, though he seems unable to explain the kind of pain.
(ooc: I still need to know what part of the turn this is happening in, and you might want to check your pms)

Arasylon 4.2
"Thank you Arasylon, will be carefull with.....with sing-hurters." Says the Music-bringer.
When Arasylon moves to a new family, he notices that they have a large wall around their primitive structure, needing to use a ramp to get in and out. When Arasylon arrives they invite him in, seeming to recognize him instantly "Come come, warmth and food for you here. Music-Bringer says much of you. She say you friend of all, and make all happy. What brings you here?"

2008-06-04, 12:29 AM


Arasylon strode in peering at the ramp quizzically. This was a new behavior, almost certainly inspired by another god.

"I just come to hear your tales and help where I may. But first I am intrigued at your dirt wall what is it for?" Before he could be answered he turned to the younglings. "Do you like music? If you get together and come up with a new song for me I'll have a special prize for the best singer!"

2008-06-04, 12:36 AM
Arasylon 4.3
The younglings look confused for a second, but quickly run off to think up a new song, you can hear them say as they leave "Singing can be contest?" "It is now!" The adults are happy to answer Arasylon's questions "Wall gift of Mandak, like Music gift of you. Keep out slayers, keep out wind."

2008-06-04, 12:39 AM


"This is a good gift. I will have to meet this Mandak. What other news do you have? are there any problems that need to be solved?"

2008-06-04, 12:56 AM
Arasylon 4.3
"Mandak leave not long ago, he solve many problems. Now have food and safety, need not more." By now some of the younglings have started to come back, sitting quietly by while the Adults talk, but fidgeting quite a bit.

2008-06-04, 01:04 AM


Arasylon was pleased to hear that the Niddogg were doing well, and even more pleased to hear the youngling's song. It was a good attempt for the younglings, but would take improvement before it was good in and of itself. As the younglings sang Arasylon accompanied them on his fiddle and wove between them. He picked out a tiny female with a clear and steady voice. She was smaller then the rest and stood in the back, fidgeting nervously through the whole song. Arasylon knew that this was the child who would receive the prize. He quickly cast Amplify voice on her, and let her be heard as the ebst singer above all the others.

2008-06-04, 01:26 AM
Arasylon 4.3
Many of the other younglings seem surprised by the sudden volume of the small girl, and cease their song as they stare, however the girl continues. By the time that Arasylon notices her and casts the spell he notices that she is growing less and less nervous, untill near the end she isn't even seeing the others stare at her, nor hearing that the others are quieting down, though her song is simple it is filled with a clarity that few Niddog can match, and she shows an almost unprecidented ability to hold a tune.

2008-06-04, 01:40 AM

Turn 4.3 (continuation)

Forneus smiles at the young ones as he thinks about his next answer. There is something about this species that keeps him genuinely amused.
Forneus tries to explain the Outer Plane while avoiding concepts like infinity (which isn't very easy for what he's trying to say). It is easy to play when you can do everything. Where I live I can make any toy and play any game I wish. And I don't need to prove my abilities there because I know I can do everything there.
Forneus shrugs and continues: But you are right, I come down here to work and play. To tell you the truth, most of the other immortals aren't usually much fun to play with. The Niddog are more fun and I like coming here.

Forneus considers the link between population and loss of freedom. It is important to feel free, like the air above. If bigger groups will make you unhappy, I will not insist. But think about this: many creatures live in large groups and that makes them more free. With many Niddog it's enough that some go for food and keep the fires against predators. The others are free to do what they want. And with more Niddog around you can play more games.

Forneus is silent for a moment With more Niddog in one place I can tell stories and teach things that more Niddog will hear.

2008-06-04, 01:55 AM

Tek returns to the Niddog lands, same sizae as before, wearing Mask of Benevolence. He sits on a branch and composes a children story – “Little youngling lost in woods”. It’s a story about a youngling, who gets lost in the forest and finds his way back to his family using various survival techniques he learned or figured out himself.

“Education. Earliest form of thought control, targeting those most vulnerable.” – Tek smiles a genuine smile of self-satisfaction.

Tek travels the Niddog lands, gathers younglings and tells them this story. If it takes well, he’ll think of new ones. He also tries to find the limit of individual Niddogs capacity for knowledge.

“A single person can’t know how to survive in woods, make fires, build walls and sing songs at their best. When there will be too much knowledge, specialization will be required. And their families would have to grow into proper tribes.”

2008-06-04, 02:14 AM
Forneus 4.3
The younglings laugh and say "Like Forneus. Like fires at night, Like traveling with Forneus too."
The adults are still slightly concerned with this new idea. "Seems dangerous, but you make sense. If you find other group that willing, We will try. You say make easier, so we try. You say make safer, so we try. But idea feel....wrong."

Tek 4.3
The younglings do indeed like the story, none of them even coming close to guessing at the purpose behind it. As for the memory of the Niddog, with the many new teachings influxing from across the land, most Niddogs minds are rather full. Though Tek would notice that the youngest generation seems to already have as much knowledge as many of their elders, indicating a kind of increase in the intelligence of the Niddog over time. However, even the younglings are hard-pressed to learn everything, and if the many teachings continue, it is only a matter of time before they become incapable of amassing their species knowledge into an individual.

2008-06-04, 08:35 AM
Krixal 4.5-4.8ish

We cook, not burn, food for several reasons, young one. It helps keep the food from being bad, sometimes it kills sickness in the food. Also, it changes the flavor, so you don't have to eat it the same all of the time. I don't think that it makes the food like the smoke-vine, although, maybe you could try grinding up the smoke vine and using it like a spice? I do not know if it will do anything, but it won't hurt to try!

Krixal helps the Niddog in this experiment, showing them how to grind up the vine.

2008-06-04, 08:47 AM

Turn 4.3-4.4

OOC: looking for the closest group (which hopefully would have heard much about Forneus by now).

Forneus uses his scrying pool to get a good idea of which direction to send his avatar. He tells the Niddog group that he will go and visit their closest neighbors and if the trip is not very long, Forneus asks if one or two Niddog would like to accompany him on the way there, hopefully to give a first-hand account of how fun it is to be visited by this particular immortal.

The plan is more or less simple: upon arrival, Forneus would introduce himself, show a few tricks (definitely using the flying as the pinnacle in the show) and then tell the Niddog what they have been missing out in terms of games and protection. If invited, Forneus would stay for a few days and if they like him as much as the first group, he will suggest for them to move together.

2008-06-04, 01:52 PM


Arasylon waited for the youngling's song to finish.

"Your voice was the most beautiful today little one. As your prize I saw to it that it was heard far and wide. Let this be a lesson that amazing things can come from the most surprising of places."

Arasylon blew the tiny winner a kiss and once more departed to the outer plane.

2008-06-04, 08:30 PM
Krixal 4.5-4.8
The Niddog take well to the experiment, their natural curiosity overcoming their aversion to waisting the somewhat uncommon vine. After the spicing and cooking process, the Niddog taste the meat, and seem to truly enjoy the taste. When Krixal takes a taste he likely finds it almost unbearably sweet, as if the cooking process after spicing it with the vine has somehow candied the meat, but it is one of the few things that the Niddog have so far noticed the difference in the taste. After tasting the meat some of the odler Niddogs start asking questions "What this tastes? Vine good yes? Other tastes? How make other tastes?" Though sadly thats about as far as they get before the intoxicating powers of the vine hit their systems in full power, rendering them somewhat loopy for the remainder of the night.

Most, actually, All families currently live within at most one days travel of their nearest neighbor. Forneus reaches the next family with ease, traveling with a few of the Niddog from White-bellie's family. The nearest neighbor has indeed heard of Forneus, though up untill his appearance they were not among his followers. This new group is greatly impressed by Forneus' abilities, especially flight, and are more than willing to learn what he has to teach, especially when the Niddogs that accompanied Forneus mention that he will eventually teach them to fly. The new family however is somewhat reluctant to move in whith another, portraying a similar fear of it somehow infringing on their freedom. The female of the group, a relatively normal looking Niddog save for her bright blue-eyes, sums up their questions and concerns, "Few Niddog do what want. Many Niddog do what others want. If many Niddog together, always must do what others want. That is no good? How that help? That needed to learn most?"

Arasylon 4.3
After finishing her song, the young female shifts back, curling up into an even smaller space than she had previously occupied, but Arasylon can easily detect a certain amount of pride behind her shy demeanor. Some of the younglings show a small amount jealousy(mostly other young females), but the vast majority cheer her on, congratulating her on her singing. She says nothing as Arasylon leaves, but as he returns to the Outer-plane, he hears here inner voice from deep within "Thank you, Arasylon."

2008-06-04, 10:35 PM
Sedha 4.1

Sedha gets up from the creatures. "I believe that there are small creatures living inside the sick-ones, and they are eating the food inside of them. I think I can get rid of them, but I have three questions, and a warning. How long have each of the Niddogs been here? Have you cared for any other Niddogs who suffered like this, and if so, what happened to them? Also, there are some plants that hurt you, or make you feel sick after you eat them. Do you have any nearby? Sometimes, helping somebody get better can hurt them very much. However, in this case, we can most likely help them anyway."

Based off of the answers she receives, she divides them into several groups. She has all of them stop eating, as she explains that it makes the creatures inside them stronger, and tells them that even though it hurts, they need water to live, and tries to persuade each and every one of them to drink sips of water.

If some of them have ever gotten better on their own, then she encourages them to drink, but lets them wait it out.

Otherwise, she will try to poison the parasites, although exactly how she does this varies depending on the source plant.

2008-06-04, 11:16 PM
Sedha 4.1
"Never seen this Sickness before. Not know of others with it anywhere. Creatures inside sick ones? Eating food? But how poison hel...Oh! I think I know. Come, Bad plants this way. Little berries no good, make younglings sick, some die." The Kind-one leads Sedha to a small valley nearby, and shows her a plant with numerous larger pink flowers that is coverd in small bright yellow berries. "This bad plant, make sick if eat berries. This help heal others?"
When Sedha tries to feed them water the sick Niddog gladly accept, but shortly after even a small sip they start writhing in pain. Sedha can easily deduce that whatever is inside them reacts quite strangely to the water, though whether it is killing it, or merely making it stronger, it is almost impossible to tell.

2008-06-05, 12:13 AM

Sedha forced herself to watch the Niddogs, standing by their side and attempting to comfort them. She knew that she had to give them water to let them live, but it agonized her to see them in pain. However, she knew that they needed to drink, regardless of it, as they would die if they didn't. However, she reduced the amount of water she game them, giving them only a tiny sip at a time.

Sedha examines the berries. "We want to have enough to kill the creature, but still the smallest amount possible. We don't want to risk hurting the sick-ones any further. Kind-one, I hate to make you visualize this, but I know little of poison. Can you guess how many of these it would take to kill one of your children? I think that a fourth of that each day would be a good starting point."

2008-06-05, 12:29 AM
Sedha 4.1
The Kind-one considers the logistics for awhile, obviously having never thought about amounts it might take to poison someone, however after awhile of contemplation she collect 5 berries for each of the sick ones, and brings them back. The Ill Niddog consume the berries without even noticing that they are poisionous, or the bitter taste they leave in the mouth, and they continue to take sips of water, always writhing in pain afterwards. But some-time in the following night, many of them seem to cease their constant wimpers and painfull fidgeting. And by morning, all but the largest of the Niddog seem to be sleeping peacefully. The Kind-one and many of her family look on in disbelief "They better! Yellow berries make them better! Thank you Sedha. Sedha saved them. How repay Sedha? Give Sedha anything she want!" Says most of the group, though slightly more disorganized, and not all as one.

2008-06-05, 01:07 AM
Sedha 4.1

Sedha could almost have grinned. Almost. If only the others would let the all of the creatures in this world be as these Niddogs were right now.

"I need nothing from you, more than knowing that I have helped you. I will teach you what I know about this sort of sickness, and try to show you how to avoid it. All that I ask of you is that you help anybody who you can give aid, and that you teach what I have taught you to any who wish to listen."

Sedha spends a good deal of time with the Niddogs (up to 4.4), taking nothing from them, not even food, (unless they insist) nursing the sick Niddogs back to health, teaching the Niddog what she knows about how to prevent the parasites from returning, clearing up any issues of how to use the berries to get rid of the parasites, and simply observing Niddogs and their daily life.

At about turn 4.4, Sedha tells the Niddogs that she has much more to do, and must leave. "There is an art to remove bad things like what was in the sick-ones from food. I do not know the art myself. However, I believe that I know of one who can. When I return, I promise you that I will guide you to someone who can teach you."

With that, she accepts their farewells, and then disappears into the shadows.

2008-06-05, 01:13 AM

Turn 4.4

Forneus sits down and is silent for a bit, thinking about which way to start off. He advises the Niddog to settle down as he has much to tell. You know that immortals like me visit the Niddog, but how many have you seen? Forneus realizes that counting is probably not their strongest skill and rephrases. You have heard of immortals, but you have not seen all of them. I visited the group very close and showed them all of this before - if more Niddog were in one place, more Niddog would play with the immortals and more Niddog will be protected when the immortals are there.

Forneus makes sure the Niddog get this point before continuing.

If Niddog are in one place, there is less work and more play. Only a few need to watch the fires at night and the rest are free - even if you are many. When a few Niddog find much food, many Niddog can eat. And when you play, there will be more Niddog around to play with.

If the Niddog seem at least halfway convinced, Forneus continues: If more Niddog try to live together I won't have to travel so much and I will have more time to come visit. In fact, I will visit very soon to see how living together works. And if the Niddog try hard to live together and help each other, I will come back with a gift from the sky.

2008-06-05, 01:54 AM
Sedha 4.1-4.4
As Sedha stays with the Kind-one and her healer, she sees some of the changes of the land that a single settlement alone might not display. Many Niddog pass through, some carried by their families, some coming on their own, most with simple broken bones, or large gashes across their hardened skin. With them they bring evidence of some of the things that they are learning elsewhere, as well as the stories and legends common now. She see's niddog who smell of smoke and sweets, and tell stories of the gods of fire. Those who sing and dance (once their broken bones heal) and tell stories of Arasylon and the Music-Bringer. Those who smell of dirt, and usually need their wounds cleaned out more than the others, but tell stories of the great Mandak, and his gift of walls. And of course those who spread tales of trails, safer and more prosperous than any other, if you can read the signs. All though, are gratefull for Sedha's help.

Forneus 4.4
This second group stays somewhat pessimistic at the the thought of moving (much like the first group.) The female also raises the same issue of loos of freedom, but with promises of prosperity and gifts from on high, the female reluctantly agrees. "Give some time, younglings just born. Let them grow, then, we move where you ask."
((ooc: the younglings will likely leave home around the end of the turn, conveniently, so you can start them moving in together beginning of 5.))

2008-06-05, 03:29 AM
End of turn 4/Beginning turn 5.
Once again, the Niddog have undergone a rather large advancement in their culture. The influx of new ideas, and new activities has finally taken its toll on the youngest generation, which are now developing at what once would have been phenominal speeds. Furthermore with the advent of songs, stories, and certain newer teaching styles, the Younglings have started making their own words, advancing the Niddogs language farther than it has ever been before, and allowing the Niddog to talk about more complex ideas. Furthermore many of the skills the Niddog previously had developed have seen a rather impressive migration across the whole culture. Through the influence of traveling gods, smarter youth, and simply the time that has passed, the teachings that once were considered specialties have largely spread throughout much of the forest, though there are still those who are experts in the fields. Truly, this is the first real change in the Niddog, not just their ammassed skills, but the very way that they think.

Though many things have changed, some things remain the same, or mostly the same. The Music-Bringer and her family continue to travel the many roads, spreading the joy of music, and word of the great Arasylon. Burnt-one spends what are likely his last days in comfort, his aprentice slowly taking over the teaching of fire to the passing younglings, and spreading word of Krixal the fire-walker, who himself traveled the land spreading word of fire, and continuing his goals of trying to get the Niddog to finally start to cook in earnest. Ardannis has wandered the paths of the Niddog continuing to spread knowledge of traveling the wild, and those that followed him have truly started to learn the art of trail-blazing. Furthermore, Tek has started to help collect all the teachings of the Niddog, so that their skills may be all learned and taught in a single place. Forneus has begun to try to form the first non-familial social structure, planning on bringing two families to a single home, though few will hear of this grand experiment untill its results become obvious. Sedha has returned once more, this time spreading knowlege of things which live inside of others, and teaching how on occasion, that which once caused sickness, can be used to heal the sick. And last but not least, Mandak has wandered the land, spreading far the teachings of earthen walls, though now, he becomes most renown for the great hallow, a god-made cave underneath a hill, in which some of his greatest students now reside, teaching those who wander by, the skill of crafting barricades of earth.

Will the skills of the Niddog continue to develop, or will some new Immortal, and new teachings, overcome these, spreading entirely new ideas in their stead.

2008-06-05, 08:03 AM
Krixal 4.5 - Wrap Up

Wonderful, yes, they... Oooh. I think that I am done teaching for the night.

That sentence can be interpreted either way, either Krixal can be affected by the sweet vine, in which case he doesn't really feel like teaching (I say can, because if it's a choice, he will), or he noticed that his student's weren't really paying attention anymore.
The next morning, Krixal will gather the sweetest fruits he can find, as well as sweet herbs, and try cooking meat with them. (Stewing the meat in the fruit jucies) ((Cooking: 1))

Any successes he takes with him when he leaves, and adds them, along with the cooking of the smoke-vine, to the things he is teaching the Niddog on his journey.

If the Niddog who are following him wish, he will take them back to the Burnt-One before leaving, otherwise, he leaves them where they wish, with promises to return eventually.

2008-06-05, 01:14 PM

Turn 5.1

Arasylon descended once again into Music-Bringers camp. Entering he awaited the typical celebration before speaking to Music-Bringer.

"Beautiful daughter. You have done so much good for music and myself I can barely describe it. I have another gift for you, and another charge. I entrust you with these responsibilities because, though it may make your journeys more difficult, I have faith in you. How many of the gods have faith in their own followers, instead of only demanding the other way around? Sometimes burdens are blessings in disguise. But I digress. I have collaborated with the other gods to amass the knowledge we have brought you and written songs that hold the knowledge. In this way it will be easier to remember the information, and more fun for the younglings to learn it."

Arasylon started to teach the learning songs to the Niddogg and her followers while answering any questions they gave him.

2008-06-05, 01:32 PM
Arasylon 5.1
The celebration when Arasylon arrives is a bit more than usual, as there is a surprisingly large number of younglings around at the moment, but they listen to his speach, and are more than willing to learn the teaching songs. Music-Bringer learns with all the speed that Arasylon would expect, and the Drum makes it even easier to show the teachings of the song. As Arasylon teaches the Niddog he notices something somewhat strange about the younglings, though they are fast to learn, they are unusually small, small enough that they probably should not be wandering far from their parents, yet Music-Bringer and her entourage are at least a few hours travel from any other family.

2008-06-05, 01:40 PM


After the songs were learned Arasylon distracted the younglings by having them go try to write their own teaching songs about their favorite subject. "I'll teach the best one to the gods themselves!" once they had scattered he turned to Music-Bringer. Why do so many younglings travel with you? And so tiny at that?"

2008-06-05, 01:46 PM
Arasylon 5.1
Most of the younglings scatter towards the Cart, which Music-Bringer surprisingly wasn't riding in when Arasylon arrived, merely walking beside it, guiding its path. Music-Bringer says with a happy voice while looking back over her shoulder at the singing younglings "That easy anwser. They're mine, to small to travel alone, to young to pick new family, so they come with on journey, Learning from all families from beginning."

2008-06-05, 01:55 PM


Arasylon balked for a moment. "They are... all, your children? That's... congratulations Music-Bringer. You are a bringer of life too! How splendid! Do they fare well on the travels? Staying safe? Nad how long, by your reckoning, has it been since I last came to see you?"

2008-06-05, 02:04 PM
Arasylon 5.1
The Music-Bringer laughs a little at Arasylon's reaction. "Yes, all are mine. You have been gone awhile, you are always gone awhile. Younglings were just eggs when last you came. Younglings very safe. Sleep nights at other families, spread music, learn what they teach, move on in day. Many males here protect younglings. Cart help carry younglings. All been very safe, all learn very fast, especially sisters."

2008-06-05, 02:12 PM


The childlike avatars hand came to his chin, stroking a beard which wasn;t there. "This is all very good to know. If there is any more you require of me I am always listening to your prayers. But before I leave, I believe the younglings have teaching songs for me." He turned and played a variant of the song the younglings made for him at the last village he visited on his penny whistle and beckoned the younglings back to him.

2008-06-05, 02:21 PM
Arasylon 5.1
The younglings sing their songs, and perhaps surprising, or perhaps not, the two females of the group (there are only two female younglings) sing their song together. Though it is not necessarily better than any of the others, it is in fact their first try at a duet ever. The song is about traveling the Trails of the Niddog, and how every family is the basically the same, but they all know different things. The best singer however is a male younglings, somewhat larger and bolder than the rest, who sings about wanting to travel beyond the lands that they've seen, to see what no Niddog has seen before.

2008-06-05, 02:31 PM


Arasylon applauded for each youngling that came before him and complimented on the strengths of their song. When the two females sang together he sat forward and took notice. "A beautiful duet. Your voices twine together with such beauty, and you song does indeed have a worthy lesson. You will have to tell me later how many duets you have heard before."

When the large male came forward Arasylon knew he had a winner above the rest. "While not a teaching song your song was beautiful and had a glorious message. To want to travel the lands and see the unseen is a noble and fantastic undertaking. I encourage you to learn as much as you can while with Music-Bringer and harbor that dream. When she says you are old enough and strong enough to go I hope you start walking and never visit the same place twice. And when that day comes. If your faith in me is strong enough, I will hear your prayers and see you off on your journey."

Arasylon listened to the last remaining songs and gave his judgement. "I will sing two songs for the gods. First the song of the two young ladies, showing it craftsmanship in creating a harmonic duet. Second I shall sing the song of traveling to honor its beauty and beautiful message."

He sent the younglings off to play again but called the two females forward to ask them about their duet.

2008-06-05, 02:47 PM
Arasylon 5.1
All of the Younglings are pleased with the praises that Arasylon gives to them. Some of them look slightly saddened when they are not chosen, but they all congratulate the winners, and show no real signs of jealousy.

The larger male is quite pleased with Arasylon's praise,"Thank you Arasylon, I am glad you think my song was good. I worried, it was not a teaching song, but it was best song I could think of. You will really help guide my travels? To travel beyond this small forest? Really?" As the young male speaks Arasylon would notice that like his song, his voice is surprising deep and resonanant. However as he grows more and more excited about what Arasylon has said he voice grows slightly higher pitched, untill on the last word his voice cracks a bit, and afterwards the male remains silent for awhile, obviously embarrassed by his temporary lack of vocal controll.

When Arasylon call the twins over, they at first appear slightly timid, as if they fear they might have done something wrong, but when he merely asks about their duet, they gladly answer. "We have never heard a duet before. It just seemed, right, somehow. We figured we do everything else together, so why not sing together. Was it really good?" Arasylon would also notice that while some Niddogs are difficult to tell apart to the untrained eye, these two sisters appear to be exactly the same. When standing side-by-side, you would think that one must be a mirror-image of the other, and as they speak, they tend to finish eachothers sentance, making it diffuclt to tell exactly who's talking, but at least you know they agree on what they're saying.

2008-06-05, 03:10 PM


Arasylon spoke to the girls first "It was beautiful and skillfully done. That was the first time you ever heard a duet like that? Simply amazing. It is a skill I would practice if I were you two, see if you can teach it to the others, or get groups larger than two. Are you two twins? They say that twins are lucky, you know."

Arasylon then turned to the young male. "To travel and see new things is one of my favorite pastimes, it is how I became as powerfull as I am today and came to meet the Niddogg. I found that a good song or tale is welcome wherever you go. And it sounds like you are coming of age soon. Perhaps your journeys will start sooner than I though." Arasylon gave a broad smile.

2008-06-05, 03:17 PM

Forneus intentionally comes to visit the Niddog as soon as he is able. He does not try to teach anything new - right now his task is to get the species to live together so he is there to prevent and solve any issues that may arise. Forneus helps out with getting food and setting the fires, plays with the young and if needed acts as arbiter (hopefully solving issues pro actively before they become serious).

OOC: it's a bit late and getting the two families together is the #1 priority so I can't really think of anything to add.

2008-06-05, 03:21 PM
Araylon 5.1
The twins giggle a bit "We can teach them to sing together, that should be easy. We just didn't know if it was right to sing differnt parts of the song or not. And of course we are twins! Why else would we look the same?"

At Arasylons words the young male grows ecstatic "You really think I can start soon? It really make my strong? Help me learn to sing like you? I have to go tell the others!" Before even waiting for a response the young male runs off to the other younglings, litterally jumping with joy as he runs.

Forneus 5.0ish
The two families meet together relatively peacefully, in a new area somwhere between where their two homes used to be. The Males seem to get along with eachother relatively well, though they rarely have to. One group out scavenging is almost always enough to feed both families, and it is not a problem for them to switch off, day after day. The females however are slightly harder to controll. Each one wants to be the one to decide when which group goes out scavenging, or goes to collect burning-materials, or repairs their homes, etc. And if it wasn't for Forneus' intervention, they likely would have split apart after the first day. However given a bit of time, they eventually fall into a kind of set pattern. Neither female really in charge, but the both understand who should be doing what at what time, simply out of shared habbit.

2008-06-05, 03:31 PM


Arasylon laughed at the exuberance of the three younglings he spoke with. As they ran of he called out "Wee will meet again, and sing together of the happy days of youth!"

He bowed to Music-Bringer and dematerialized.


Arasylon reappeared in the last village he had visited to see what had changed for them, what news they had of the god Mandak and how the young female with the crystal voice fared.

2008-06-05, 03:40 PM
Arasylon 5.2
As Arasylon arrives he sees many of the younglings from before just starting to crest the top edge of their home's wall. As they see Arasylon they cheer and rush down off the wall cheering for Arasylon. "You returned! Arasylon is back!" come the cheers of the younglings, though they are now much larger than they were when Arasylon last saw them, and the girl with the crystal voice is indeed with them, in fact in the front of the charge towards Arasylon, her voice easily ringing above the others.

2008-06-05, 06:17 PM
Mandak, 5.0
Planning on making a habit of it, Mandak forms himself out of the back wall of his sanctuary. This time he is not the huge behemoth that visited them last time, but instead a mere eight feet tall. "Friends, I have returned, as I always will. How go things here in the forest? Is all well with the Niddog?" He will carry on this line of conversation, but eventually gets around to the main purpose of his visit. "When last I visited you, one of your families told me of a beast who prowls, and took their female from them. Now I go, to find this beast and protect you from its wrongdoing." He sets off in the direction of that family's wall.

((OOC: I overlapped the conversations to save time. How long does it take to reach the destination?))

2008-06-05, 06:45 PM
Mandak 5.0
The Niddog at first are startled by their wall moving out towards them, however once they recognize that it is Mandak, and not a collapse, they Gladly welcome him in. "The forest safe lately. No worries, much health and goodness." When Mandak speaks of the beast, a low murmur goes through the crowd "You kill beast? You have that power? Come, we show you place." Two of the larger males offer to accompany you to a housing area about 3 days travel from there. The males were part of the family that lost their female, and hence have joined the family Mandak created under the hill. When Mandak reaches the old home-stead, he finds a fairly young family now living there, keeping the walls in good repair, and a large fire pit at the top of the ramp, surely to keep predators out at night.

2008-06-05, 06:53 PM
Mandak, 5.0
"It makes me glad that all is well. Be sure to think of me when something is wrong, so that I may come to aid you." Then, when they reach the formerly abandoned wall, "Greetings. I am Mandak, the Earthlord. I am come to best a great beast that once roamed these lands. DO you know where it is?"

2008-06-05, 07:02 PM
Mandak 5.0
The new inhabitants greet Mandak warmly "Thank you Earthlord. We have not seen the Beast. We heard tales of such a creature, but it has not come here in the weeks since we made this our home. We hear great roars though. At night we hear horrible sounds from the east, could that be the Niddog-slayer?"

2008-06-05, 08:55 PM
Mandak, 5.0
"It may be. Stay here, Niddog." With that he ventures off in the direction indicated by the Niddog, being careful to listen and look for anything that might indicate the presence of the beast. He is willing to look for days, if it is necessary.

2008-06-05, 09:08 PM
Mandak 4.1
The first day goes by un-eventfully as Mandak travels towards the origin of the suposed horrid sounds. However shortly after night-fall, Mandak hears them. The echoeing calls of some large creature, that could be none-other than the sounds the Niddog had heard. Mandak moves closer and closer to the sound, untill suddenly, when Mandak Knows that it should be nearby, the calls simply cease. Then Mandak hears rustling in the bushes to the left of him, and to the right of him, then all around him at once, the darkness of the forest night making it unable to see what creature, or creatures waites in the shadows. Then out of the corner of his eye, Mandak spots something moving towards him, something with a large tooth-filled maw, and two shining eyes, intent on making this 'Immortal' their next meal.

2008-06-05, 09:18 PM
Ardannis, Turn 5.1

Ardannis locates as best he can the younglings who had been traveling and teaching his wisdom. If he can't find them, he goes to Redclaw's family. In either case, he greets them warmly, and asks how the teachings have been going.

2008-06-05, 09:23 PM
Mandak, 4.1
"Halt" Mandak does not move except to pivot perfectly around his torso, and brace himself for a possible impact. In short succession, he Commands the ground in front of the creature to change, softening and (hopefully) trapping the creature in a knee-deep sinkhole it cannot quite escape from. Then, he molds the stone around its legs farther up, making sure of its immobilization. "You have hunted the Niddog, and made them unsafe. You are not worthy."

OOCBasically, I assumed that this thing has legs, and that two uses of Soften Earth would be enough to either slip and trap or just trap it. Then, one use of Shape Stone for each leg to trap them. I also left the post open-ended, in case this thing can communicate. Might be a fun RP. If I assumed anything incorrectly, let me know and I'll change it.

2008-06-05, 09:39 PM
Ardannis 5.1
Ardannis is easily able to find the younglings he contacted before, being guided to them by their frequent prayers. He finds them on the north-eastern edge of the Niddog territory, helping some of the newer families find good places to build their homes, with enough food and water nearby to be safe, but also relatively free of dangerous predators. "Ardannis! Teachings are good. We are helping make new paths. We are teaching others to make new paths too."

Mandak 5.0
((ooc: Sorry about messing up the turn time there, must have just made a typo.))
The suddenly soft ground does in fact slow the creature, but not as much as Mandak would have suspected. It does however give Mandak a moment to fully view the creature. It appears to be a serpent nearly 20 feet long, with numerous tiny leggs along its sides, similar to a centipede, though the legs look like they would be far too small to be of any real use in movement of a creature this size. Luckily for Mandak it appears that the creature usually attempts to keep the majority of it's body on the ground, and only raise the front 4 or 5 feet off the ground. Though it does not fit the description that Mandak heard of the Niddog-Slayer, it's 2 foot wide head filled with what look to be razor-sharp teeth would surely be a threat to any creature that passed by. The Shaped stone seems to firmly trap the middle of the great serpent in the ground, however with most of it's massive body free to sqwirm, its only a matter of time before it escapes, and now it's angry. (Right now you've only used one shape-stone, and one soften earth, if you want to throw more at it go ahead.)

2008-06-06, 01:44 AM
Turn 5.0 (sorry, forgot to mention that the first time)

Forneus tries his best to keep the peace between the females (while trying not to annoy them at the same time) and thinks about his next move. The two families seem to get along better than he expected, but getting the leaders (females) to accept each other's authority might prove to be more difficult than initially expected (and initially Forneus expected little trouble there).
Forneus plays with the younglings, making a point of playing with both families at the same time. His plan is to get them to mingle up to the point that they accept their peers as equals/friends regardless of what family they belong to. To further encourage mingling, Forneus tries to get the males to go into mixed groups - ideally half of the group would consist of one family and the other half of the other.

Forneus doesn't really introduce new teachings at this point, but helps the Niddog with the fire and encourages use of air weapons and toys (blow guns, frisbee, tossing fruit). He tells the younglings stories to help them adapt to the idea of living together from an early age. You see the birds in the sky? They usually fly in flocks because the air creatures already know that living in groups is good. And the fire is made up of many small flames, but together they make the powerful flames that can burn down a fores.

2008-06-06, 02:04 AM
Forneus 5.0
While the males have no problem living together, they are less apt to get along when working together on something that they feel they could do without the help of the other family, but more importantly, they seem to have similar problems in not knowing who should be in charge. Amongst the males in a single family, everyone knows who is the best scavenger, who is the best builder, who is the best at defending, etc. However once the groups start to mix, they at first have no clue who is 'better' than the others, so they have no clue who to listen to when there is a dissagreement. However with Forneus' efforts to mingle the two families together, the males eventually start playing some of the 'childrens games' against eachother, testing their skills and knowledge of the world around them. After perhaps a week of Forneus' watchfull care, the males have a relatively good idea on who is best at what, and the arguments between the mingled hunting parties dissappears almost entirely. Alass, the children know no games regarding how best to lead a family, so a similar method will likely not work for the irritable females.
During one of Forneus' sessions with the younglings, a small, and usually quiet female steps up ahead of the others, having watched Forneus peace-keeping with the women, and seeing his success with the males, but she seems unable to make the connection to this most recent enlightenment. "Who leads a bird pack?" She asks, "Which flame leads the fire? Which flame says where it goes? Which flame keeps the others from burning the wrong way?"

2008-06-06, 02:48 AM

Forneus is struck by the realization of how tricky yet valid the question is. After a bit of consideration, he sits down and replies. This is a very good question. Fire does not like order much. Fire is strong and it finds its own way without needing anybody to tell it where to go. Each flame goes where it wants to go and it works because there are so many flames. If a flame goes the wrong way it's not a bad thing - the flame will see there is nothing to burn where it went and go back to the others. It will then go another way, again without need of instruction.

Forneus grabs a few leaves and blows them in the wind. Birds, like the Niddog are not as strong as fire yet, and they are not as many as the flames inside a fire. Birds also go where they want, but like the Niddog they want to stay together in groups, because alone they are weak and in a group they are strong. What the Niddog can do is try which female leads them where most Niddog want to go.
Forneus explains that the Niddog can try a rotation decision-making principle - one female is in charge for a few days and the others help her. Then another one is in charge and so on. Ultimately they would see which female leads best and others can learn from her.

2008-06-06, 07:24 AM
Ardannis, 5.1

Wonderful. It is good to see you helping new families. He unassumingly joins up with them, helping a traveling for a couple of days, aiding, improving, and encouraging their work as usual. One evening during the meal, he asks Do you all like to travel? Have you met many Niddog who like to travel? Have any of you ever thought of traveling farther north than any Niddog has ever gone, being explorers for your people?

He regales them with stories of the Karksh and the Oque, emphasizing that these are neither beasts nor Immortals, but rather beings who think like the Niddog, though looking very different. He'll probably run into a snag when he describes the Oque as having six legs, since he does, but he'd respond that unlike him, their legs are black, and all six look the same.

Unsure of what questions this is likely to raise, so I'll stop there.

2008-06-06, 02:42 PM
Mandak, 4.0
A giant serpent. Mandak had not been expecting that. But now it was trying to destroy his mortal form, so the point was, as some race might eventually come to call it, moot. Mandak takes a couple of steps backward, positioning himself for his next move. Waiting for the brief lull following the first of the beast's expected lunges, Mandak calls forth the Earth twice more, in attempt to pin the creature momentarily. Then, as the beast struggles to escape again, Mandak step closer and brings one giant stone foot down on the back of its head. "Sleep, beast."

OOCMore Shape Stone. Once just behind the head, and once a little more than midway down its length. As always, if I assume too much, ignore that part.

2008-06-06, 06:06 PM
Forneus 5.0
The concept is still somewhat foreign to the Niddog, but Forneus can see that what he is saying is starting to make sense, especially to the younger generation. "So we all live together, and do what we want. The one who's best at something tells the others how to do it?"

The lead females accept the notion of taking turns leading, though generally speaking when one female is leading, the other is skulking in her hut. And though that may not be the optimal condition, life does go on, and the two Niddog families fall into a peacefull, (if somewhat tenuous) daily routine.

Ardannis 5.1
"Traveling is good, it makes new homes for others, it finds us more food. Never thought to travel further, Niddog not nead trails further." Is the first reaction of the Niddog Trail-blazers, however after Ardannis starts talking about the other races, their interest is most definately peaked. The immediately start asking questions about the other species. "They live like us? They think like us? They talk like us? How far away are they? It would be ok to go see them? How many should go?"

Mandak 5.0
As the stone shapes istelf further and further up the great serpents neck, the creature obviously starts to panick, and a horrid sound erupts from its mouth. Echoing through the tree's probably for miles before it fades, and Mandak would easily recognize it as the sound that had scared the Niddog, and that he had come to find, though he expected a far different beast. As Mandak's crushes the serpents head beneath his foot, the serpents body begins to flail about madly. The large tail of the creature striking a powerfull blow across Mandak's back. Though it does little harm to the great earthen avatar, Mandak is sure that a similar blow could have easily wounded a Niddog, if it didn't kill them outright. This was not the legendary Niddog-slayer, but it surely was a menace none-the-less.

2008-06-06, 07:50 PM
Mandak, 4.0
Although dissappointed that he has failed to find the "Niddog-slayer", Mandak is sure this beast was also a threat to his smaller friends. After all, a small dirt wall will do little to stop a 20ft long snake. He breaks the stone bonds around the beast, and scoops it up, making sure the weight rests mostly on his strong arm, and heads back to the encampment. "The Niddog-slayer is gone from these lands. It was the cries of this beast which troubled your nights, and it shall bother you no longer. Rest peacefully, for if the Niddog-slayer rears its head in these woods again, it will find them far more dangerous prey. Remember, event the greatest of beasts can die. Know that many of you together for a common goal can do many times more than just one."

2008-06-07, 12:28 AM
Ardannis, 5.1

They live and think little like you, but they are similar in some things. They are all smarter than beasts, and can be reasoned with and talked to, unlike beasts. They are not gods, and some are quite friendly. Some live under the water, some talk without speaking out loud, some have six legs, some have none.

Well, we would not leave right away - it is a long journey, and preparations must be made. But it is good to think of traveling where you wish to go, rather than where you need to go. Niddog who can make trails, avoid beasts, find food do not need to be stuck in one spot. They can travel and see wonderful things, like other races.

These races are in many different places, and the closest are four or five tendays' travel from here. I have told you of them so that you may be ready when the journey begins. For now, continue traveling and teaching as you have been. But now, tell those you teach of Ardannis' Journey, and that Niddog who wish may come. How many should come? Well, as many as wish - but the trip will be easier if there are not more than ((twenty)), the size of two families or so. It will be a long journey, but a safe one, with Ardannis. If Niddog wish to come back afterward, I will bring them back as well. I must go to visit other races and prepare them to meet you, but I will return to help the Trail-Blazers progress and prepare the Niddog for a great Journey.

Ardannis stays with them a short time longer, answering their questions.

Etc etc - he'll give more detailed answers to questions like "what do they look like" and so forth if they continue to seem curious. He's a relative font of information on these races, in fact, as long as the Niddog seem excited by the info - he'll tone it down if it starts scaring or intimidating them, assuring them that these races are not that much different or more powerful than the Niddog.

2008-06-07, 02:12 AM
Mandak 5.0
While the Niddog are at first saddened that the Niddog-Slayer was not destroyed, when they see the great-serpent that Mandak slew they are ecstatic. "That Biggest Death-tooth ever! Small Death-tooth kill many, never seen one so big, could never have stopped that. Thank you, you save many. We always remember Mandak, remember that anything can be stopped." If Mandak allows, the Niddog will have a feast in his honor, the main course being the enourmous snake that Mandak has brought back.

Ardannis 5.1
The Niddog take fairly well to anything that Ardannis is willing to tell them, seeming relatively unafraid of anything that he tells them, and always curious for more. The Trail-blazers promise to find the best travelers in all the Niddog and prepare them for the journey. The rest of Ardannis's teaching also is not lost on the Trail-blazers, travel is a usefull tool, but it can be fun, and be for purposes other than just utility.

2008-06-07, 02:31 AM


Arasylon greeted his followers and sat with them. He inquired to their status since he had seen them last and if they had had contact with Mandak since then. When he was done with pleasantries (and discussing any problems they were having) he asked to speak with the clear voiced female.

2008-06-07, 06:50 AM
Mandak, 4.0
Mandak does indeed allow. He does not, of course, eat, and can do little to express his gladness at the Niddog's joy, as he lacks a face, but he attends nevertheless. After the festivities have died down, Mandak decides it is time to go. "Friends, remember my words, and remember this day. When trouble comes and when trouble stays away, think of me. Live Well."

2008-06-07, 02:01 PM
Ardannis, 5.1

Glad to hear their enthusiasm, Ardannis travels with them for about a week, helping share the news they bring to the Niddog they pass. When he takes his leave, he says that he will return soon, and that the Journey will begin in about eight tendays, if all goes well.

Beginning at 5.8 will make the journey go well into Turn 6, so I'll be back later this evening to begin that.

2008-06-07, 02:07 PM

Turn 5.0-5.1

Forneus stays around a bit longer, watching the Niddog and enjoying his success. It seems that his plan worked well enough for two families, but most of the Niddog have certainly not realized that his idea was to get many more Niddog together.
As some time passes (i.e. at the end of his stay in 5.1), Forneus gathers as many of the Niddog from the two families as would come and asks them how working together was going for them so far.
I am glad that you followed my advice, and I see that it is working. The Niddog have much to learn and by now some of you can see that they can learn from other Niddog, not just from me and other visitors. I will leave, but while I am gone I wish you to live together and be strong as if I am with you. Remember that if you meet serious trouble you can call me and I can help. Forneus eyes the two females (if they are present) and continues. I know some Niddog are happier together, but some aren't used to it yet. In time you will like it, but only if you do like the wind and fire and find your own way. Remember, I want you to stay together and be happy, not stay together and be unhappy. If you are not happy yet, try different things and see what makes you happy.

2008-06-07, 09:04 PM
Arasylon 5.2
This particular family appears to be in a good place. They are close enough to the middle of Niddog territory that most of the outlying families deal with the majority of the dangerous predators, yet they arn't in an area where it is difficult to scavenge for food. The clear voiced singer still sits quietly while the others talk to Arasylon, but when he asks for her specifically she readily steps forward and the others quiet down and listen (unless he wanted to talk to her alone, in which case she wanders off with him.)

Mandak 5.0
The Niddog say their farewells to Mandak, and continue to thank him for slaying the great serpent. All the Niddog promise to remember Mandak and what he has done, and to think of him whenever they are in need, or aided by his teachings.

Ardannis 5.1
The word starts spreading relatively quickly that a group will soon be traveling to go see strange new races in distant lands. Some take the news with indifference, some even worry of what these new races may do. However, there are those that wish to go with, wish to see the wonders of the world, and now they have a chance. A makeshift home is built near the northern border of the Niddog lands, and the best and most curious of the Trail-blazers start to collect there, awaiting Ardannis to return, and tell them that it is time for the journey to begin.

Forneus 5.0-5.1
The Niddog have few duties that can not be post-poned, so when Forneus asks them to collect he recieves the full attention of both familes. They all listen to what Forneus has to say, and after a bit of goading from the younglings, he recieves a promise from both the females "We will...we will try to find a way. It is hard task, to live together, but it does seem better for males, it seems better for younglings. We will find a way."

2008-06-08, 01:22 AM
Ardannis, Turn 5.8

Swinging down from the sky into the top branches of a tree, and from there to the ground, Ardannis addresses the Niddog gathered there.
Trail-blazers! Ardannis is back, and I am prepared to visit the Karksh, who live under the water. I go now on another journey, to the water's edge, where we will meet them. The journey may be long, but you will see sights that no Niddog has seen before, and the stories you will bring back will be passed on to younglings for a very long time. If you wish to stay behind, you certainly may, but to anyone who wishes to come, now is the time!

He seems almost giddy at the prospect of such traveling, as if he has nothing in the world he'd rather be doing (which he...really doesn't). He waits for them to be ready, if that takes any time, and then they set out. To the Karksh!

They will head north and then east, through hexes n17 and m17 to m18. Ardannis will use his Wilderness Survival skill (level 2) to navigate, find food, etc. If they are attacked at any point, he will use Flicker of Shadow to hide the Niddog while they run, or Moment of Seeming to make some fearsome creature and try to intimidate the beast. If they are persistent, he will use Weary Legs to make it tired. If necessary, he will lead an attack against it, using his incredibly superior speed and dexterity to offset his lack of toughness, striving in all cases to drive off the beast if killing it can be avoided (mostly because killing takes so much more effort). I don't remember if the Niddog can climb tress, but if they can, he will emphasize that as a defense mechanism. They wil take as long as is needed on the trip - Ardannis himself has Celerity 4, but speed will be determined by the Niddog. If one gets especially tired and the situation is important, Ardannis will use his Burst of Energy miracle on them (saving it for a good time, as he has only one left of those this turn, as opposed to as many level 1 miracles as he wants).

That...should about cover most contingencies on the road. If a strange situation comes up, Ardannis will also rely on the Niddog's knowledge, as they have surely dealt with most situations that can arise in a forest before.

2008-06-08, 01:33 AM


"Have you been singing much, young one? Do you practice or is your gift not your love?" Arasylon waited patiently for her answers as he strolled through the nearby woods.

2008-06-08, 01:47 AM
Ardannis 5.8
There are quite a few Niddog gathered, probably around 30 at least, though it seems that quite a few are there to see off their friends, and out of curiosity at the first great traveling of the Niddog race. Most of the Niddog who are prepared to travel look quite familiar, as they were taught the skills of trailblazing by Ardannis himself, however one that stands near the back of the group is unfamiliar to him, and he continues to shift his weight from side to side, looking around anxiously, as if he's expecting someone that isn't yet there. One of the trail-blazers speaks up "We are ready Ardannis. We are ready for the journey."

Arasylon 5.2
"No Arasylon! I sing everyday, I like to sing...I.....I just don't like the others listening." Says the youngling, now very close to being ready to travel out on her own. "Is that wrong?"

2008-06-08, 01:53 AM


Arasylon thought for a moment Sometimes we wish to express something that we don;t want to tell someone else. And the feeling burst forth in song, or sometimes we are bash full about our skill. These are not bad things, but music is something meant to be shared. Why don't you like the others hearing you?


Arasylon appeared in the camp where ARDRANNIS had assembled his followers. He was surprised, at first to see another gods avatar but took command of the situation swiftly. He strode to Music Bringers cart and his childish form stood on it to gain altitude. "Well met, Ardrannis. What is the meaning of this gathering? One of my followers has called me here for a blessing to travel with you, but I know not where or why."

2008-06-08, 02:14 AM
Ardannis, 5.8

Ardannis smiles broadly to see another Immortal. Well met indeed. You know my name, but I do not yet know yours. Are your followers the fire-users, the healers, the singers, or perhaps the wall-builders?

After awaiting a reply, he continues. The most adventurous of the Niddog have gathered here to journey with me. I travel now to the Karksh, which species I do not know if you have yet met. They are however intelligent and friendly, and the Niddog seem ready for a chance to truly stretch their legs. Your company is welcome, too, if you would like to accompany us for some or all of the way.

He'll engage in a little conversation, but he's ready to hit the road (and thinks you should totally come). Mostly, this is because I'm going to bed, and the turn is basically over, so I have no more time to RP a longer conversation. But, he's basically amicable, as long as you don't try to stop the whole shindig, so feel free to write whatever wrap-up seems best.

2008-06-08, 02:35 AM


"I am Arasylon, God of Music and patron of Music-Bringers clan. I fear my presence is required elsewhere, but I approve of your aid of the kind and gentle Nidogg. Though I have met no other races yet one of my followers is prone to wanderlust and wisely asked for my blessings before he left. Arasylon turned to the young male who is visibly shaken.

"You have my blessings to travel with Ardrannis if Music-Bringer gives you hers. Arasylon waited for her to indicate her approval. "Go in my name then, and teach the joys of song to all you meet.

"I leave you two gifts for your journey. First," He produced a wineskin "I gift you with the Vagabond's Wineskin. So long as you carry this you shall never fear thirst. He bestowed it upon the youngling and continued. "Second, a follower of mine should have a name when he goes to see the world and its wonders, and you have taken none yet. I give you the name 'Journeyman' for it is both your wish, and your skill with song. SHould your faith in me stay strong, and you spread the joy of music I will return with another gift for you, to lift the aches of the road from you and your fellow travelers backs." Arasylon cast Ghost Song projecting a fanfare to see off the traveler's and dematerialized.

2008-06-08, 02:47 AM
Arasylon 5.2
"I like to sing. But everyone always focuses on me when I sing. I do not want that much attention. I just want to sing without worrying about everyone else."

Traveling group 5.8
Music-Bringer of course grants her first-born permission to go on whatever travels he wishes. The newley names Niddog, Journeman accepts the wine skin graciously "Thank you Arasylon, I'll make sure to sing some everyday." The last goodbyes said, and the last blessings given, the First journey is now ready to begin. The path is long and uncharted, but the reward for success is the whole world, never before seen by any Niddog.

2008-06-08, 02:51 AM


They focus on you when you sing because you are, from the Niddogg I have had perform for me so far. The best singer of your race. This can be frightening, I know, but it is good to know when you are skilled at something. What would make it easier for you to sing for the others?"

2008-06-08, 02:56 AM
Arasylon 5.2
"You really think I am the best? There must be better somewhere? Besides, when they all watch me, it just feels wrong. It would be easier if they were not stairing at me though, I do not like them all watching me."

2008-06-08, 02:58 AM


"I encourage you to practice your gift, for you are truly amazing. I will think on your dilemma and if you keep practicing and stay faithful I will return with a solution that will allow you to perform without fear."

2008-06-08, 02:59 AM

Turn 5.1

Forneus contemplates for a second, then says: Your progress and will to learn makes me very happy. I will go now, because I wish to visit other Niddog families and help them too. But I will do as I promised and after that I will start working on a gift that will allow the Niddog to fly. Forneus waits for the reaction of the Niddog to settle down. Even in the sky, even with my powers, making things like this takes very long. So my gift will at first work for a single Niddog, so you will have to find a way to share. If more Niddog were in one place, I would spend less time visiting from group to group and I would have some more time for gifts. Now you know why I wanted two families together, and you also know why I want even more families together once you feel happy with the two families.

Turn 5.3-5.9 (yes, due to OOC Forneus was left with plenty of time to spare)

Forneus studies the location of the closest Niddog families and goes to visit them, just as he visited the second family. He introduces himself, checks if they have heard of him, shows them some tricks, tells them about using air and fire and plays with the young ones. This time, however, he doesn't suggest living together (because he isn't sure the two Niddog families are ready for more yet).
The point of this is twofold: Forneus wishes to expand the number of Niddog who have seen him first-hand and he wishes to pick the most enthusiastic family to add to the settlement he's trying to form.

2008-06-08, 11:13 AM
Ardannis, Turn 6.1

On a relatively random day a few weeks into their travel, Ardannis suddenly stops cold. Eyes wide, he declares The Oque need me. They are in great danger. I apologize, my Trail-blazer friends, but I must attend to them. If you do not wish to travel without me, you may remain here until I return - it should not be long.

With that, he disappears, not bothering to swing up into the trees as usual.

2008-06-08, 06:58 PM
Turn 5 Summary/turn 6 beginning
The changes in the Niddog were not as profound recently, however they continue to change none-the-less. With the collection of the greatest Trail-blazers in all of Niddog lands, they have shared much of their knowledge with eachother, and the cause of safer trails has surely benifited from it. Furthermore, the first true Niddog expedition has started, with a brave group of 16 traveling through rugged forests in the hopes of being the first to meet the strange Karksh near their watery homes.

The Music-bringer, herald of Arasylon, has finally started her own family, and her children are actively attempting to spread music and joy throughout all of Niddog-kind, now there are few parts of this small corner of the forest where a song can not be heard on the winds, cheering any who hear it.

Mandak, the Earthlord, is also known now by some as the Serpent-slayer. His gift to the Niddog now houses the remains of a great monster that once slew all in it's path, and the hallowed halls of Earthome are visited by any who wish to learn to protect their families with the strength of the earth.

Finally, the Smoke-beast Forneus has travelled the land, spreading word of himself, and bringing safety and joy to any family he comes across. Some children spread rumors that his followers have started to combine families, with two females living like sisters, combining their families together, though surely this is exageration.

The progress recently does not seem as fast as it was before, but it is progress, and it is nearly universal across the race, no longer are small sects leaps-and-bounds beyond their neighbors, and progress now is not merely the teachings of immortals, it is their own. Their own ideas, their own curiosity, and their own attempts to better their lives. The race as a whole now understands that there is more than what they already know, and if no immortal ever returned, they would still continue to develop and progress, now it is merely a question of what guidance will the immortals give to this budding race as they bring themselves together, and as they spread across the land to meet others.

2008-06-09, 10:10 AM
Ark 6.4 - 6.5

Ark manifests his own avatar, Ades: A great green ball of light descends like a comet towards the Earth, increasingly slowing down as it approaches upon the figures on which Ark had scried. Hovering in the air, the green cocoon of light opens ever so slightly, and a figure appears in front of the Niddog at a height of 8 feet tall, it stands, full height, and speaks in a soft voice.



Strength: 1
Toughness: 3
Celerity: 1
Dexterity: 3
Hardness: 1
Monomorphism: 1
Regeneration: 4


Midwife 3

This skill encompasses the avatar's ability to care for or assist the mother, examine and determine the conditions of a child's health and help the act of conceiving altogether.

"Greetings to the Niddog. My name is Ark. I am the God of Fertility, here to bring you my help."

Taking a look at the creatures, he closes his eyes and speaks a word of command, particles of light fathering inside the palms of his hands:


+ Read Breeding System:

Ark closes his eyes and, focusing on a sentient creature, he will be able to determine the mechanisms of its breeding system, how long pregnancies are, how they are sustained, how they occur and generally work. This Miracle does -not- encompass rituals or cultural behaviors of the races that relate to breeding itself.

And with the knowledge that that gives him, Ark will simply state to the Niddog the way they have children, emphasizing on the fact that it is his first time visiting them, and that he would learn more of them, for he wouldn't be able to judge a race simply by how they do the nasty. ((His version is more lyrical than that :p))

He will attempt (during the first decimal of this turn) to gather as much information as possible about the Niddog.

2008-06-09, 10:39 AM
Mandak, 6.4 NOT! PSYCH!
Mandak materializes out of the wall of his cave again, but he seems somewhat... disheveled (probably ~30% health, results fairly soon). He keeps himself to a manageable 2m, and is holding a huge amethyst. "My friends, I come to you with a gift, and a warning. The gift is this." He indicates the gem. Interestingly, as he says this, the Niddog begin to realize that they can see, despite the darkness in the cave. "You have been faithful to me, and so I make life in this cavern easier." He pauses a bit, to distinguish the ideas he presents from one another. "My warning is all too urgent. None of you must ever harm another of your kind. I have come from a distant land, filled with strange creatures. Some of these creatures were wise, like you. But others were filled with anger. They slew others of their kind, and now I fear for the future of their race. This shall not come to pass here. You are Niddog. You are one, as you are many. Always Know the truth of these words."

2008-06-09, 11:21 AM

Turn 6.2

Forneus appears near the two-family Niddog group and instead of asking how they are doing, he shouts: Forneus has returned to the Niddog with the gift that was promised. Come and see the gift of flight.

Forneus goes on to gather the Niddog and explains. I brought you a gift which allows a Niddog to learn what it feels like to be light as air and fly. He explains that the Niddog can fly with this gift, but only one at a time and the bracers need to rest after each flight. The Niddog are learning well, but you are still not masters of air. That is why this gift will not allow you to fly for long, so don't fly very high.
Forneus goes on to explain that he wishes that his gift is left in the care of the female who is leader (so when the females switch they will pass the gift). The female is responsible for keeping the gift safe, but other than that she can decide who and when gets a turn to use it.
Before giving the bracers to the current female leader, Forneus says: I will first show you what it is to fly, and then I will teach you to use the gift. If the female isn't scared to death, Forneus will pick her up and fly around for a minute or so. Once his boots are more or less exhausted he will land. If the female wasn't totally terrified from the flight, he will give her the bracers (which are controlled at will so it doesn't take much to use them except for willingness to fly).

2008-06-09, 04:32 PM
Turn 6.2

Tek arrives to the location of the Niddog, traveling to Karksh, with Ardannis. He uses his Primary Avatar, and appears slightly larger then Niddog, wearing Mask of Benevolence and carrying Sphere of Recording.

“Greetings to you. If you remember me, I am Tek. I helped some of you with Ardannis to make better trails, by teaching symbols.”

Tek he speaks: “I know you are traveling to meet with other race, called Karksh. But I need to make sure Niddog can understand Karksh. Can you help me?” Tek shows them Sphere of Recording “Try to use it and tell me if you can hear or feel anything. It is filled with recorded thoughts of Karksh”. Tek briefly explains how to use the artifacts and waits for the Niddog’s answer.

Mask of Benevolence can change tone of voice into benevolent
Sphere of Recording is capable of recording an hour of Karksh telepathic conversations. It gives away a strange smell.

2008-06-09, 05:56 PM
Ardannis, Turn 6.2

Ardannis rematerializes about two days after he has left. He looks slightly battered, with many strange small wounds, but mostly all right, and answers any questions as to his state with Some of the Oque are dealing with a rather new problem. One that, thankfully, I do not think will trouble the Niddog.

After making sure that they have been all right in his absence (he doesn't think there will have been any problems, as he heard no prayers from them), he introduces Tek. Tek is another god - you may have met him. He will help us be able to speak with the Karksh, who talk very differently than the Niddog.

2008-06-09, 06:47 PM
Sedha 6.3

After what seemed like an eternity of nonstop walking, Sedha arrived at the Niddog's area. She was tired and filthy, and she had just started, but it seemed she was healing at the same rate she was being damaged.

Sedha wanders around the area for a day, stopping only when she finds a group of Niddogs with more than 10 members. Even then she waits only long enough to deliver this message.

"If you do not know me, I am Sedha. I do not bring teachings of healing today, but knowledge of what lies outside of your forest. This in my arms, is the body of a very wise and brave Karksh, who asked me in their dying wish, for me to bring you his body to show you what the Karksh look like, and to bring you all a message:

'Greetings, other thinkers. We are the Karksh, and we live in the water. We have been told of your existence in the land, and wished to contact you. We wanted to let you know that we are here as well, and wish to learn of you. The one before you now has died, but is shown to you so that you may see what we look like, as we are told you see differently than we do, and can see things that cannot move. We think that there are many ideas that could be shared between us, and wish to learn all we can. We will be waiting.'

"I wish I could stay to explain more to you all, but there is much more to be done. I must carry her message to all of the creatures living in this land. I will return soon. Until then, farewell."

With that she leaves, off to the next group. She continues this for an entire day, before turning towards the Oque.

2008-06-10, 12:00 AM
Ark 6.4-6.5
With his Miracle Ark would know that the Niddog do not have live births, instead they lay eggs. A female has a special organ which stores and replicates the dna that she recieves from a male, and when she seeks to lay an egg this organ fertilizes it with a seemingly random selection from the dna it has stored. This means that a Niddog young could potentially be the child of more than a single father. What causes a female to actually lay an egg is uncertain, meaning that it is probably some environmental or social reaction. The Niddog are not overly impressed by Ark's knowledge of them so far "Is that not how others do it?" ask some of the Niddog. While they were unfortunately not impressed by his knowledge (though genetics is a bit beyond their full understanding) they are willing to listen to anything else that this new immortal has to say, and even if he has no teaching in particular they welcome him in, offering him the safety of their walls, and the warmth of their fires and their songs.

Mandak 6.4
When Mandak returns the first thing he would notice is the skeleton of the great-serpent that he slew during his last visit. Curled around a crude symbol which Mandak would recognize as the Niddog trail-symbol for 'Home'. The second thing that Mandak would notice is a strange sense of belonging here. Despite it's obviouse differences, this little hole in the ground reminds Mandak somewhat of his room in the outer-plane. Not the look of it so much, but the feel of it. Though his powers here are no greater than anywhere else, Mandak knows that this place is his. The Niddog listen intently to what he has to say, and willing abide with it "If that is your wish, we will obey. Never harm another Niddog, though, we do not hurt eachother as it is." Says a young female, one that Mandak does not recognize right away. A youngling, one too young yet to travel alone gathers the courage to ask a question though What about play? We can play still right? We do not have to stop fights, as long as others do not get hurt, right?"

Forneus 6.2
The Niddog are glad to have Forneus back, and while they may not be the most harmonius family-type-group-thing in the Niddog lands, they have reached a kind of peace, with the Females switching off controll as Forneus had suggested. The female is indeed somewhat scared by the beginning of the flight, however she quickly addapts, and truly seems to love the new experience. The Niddog literally sing praises about Forneus, and the gift of flight. After the celebration has died down a little bit the female who was taken flying says "Some say Niddog can not fly. Now we prove them wrong, we always will remember this. We will work hard to learn more of fire and air, so that all Niddog can fly. Thank you Forneus, we always remember this."

Travelling Group 6.2
"It is ok. We can travel on our own...We did go the right direction right?" Says one of the males near the front (they DID go the right direction though. Then one of the two females in the group pipes up "What was the problem with the Oque? Do we get to see them after the Karksh? Maybe we help them with their problem?"
Tek easily recognizes one of the larger males in the group, he was amongst Tek's better students when he first started teaching the Niddog to make signs for their trails. When Tek says that he needs information from the Niddog, the male gladly steps forward to aid him. After studying the ball for quite awhile, turning it over and over in his hands, sniffing it, even tossing it up and down a little bit, all on top of repeatedly activating in the manner that Tek described, he looks Tek square in the eyes and says "I think it smells a little funny.........maybe. I don't hear anything though. Karksh maybe talk really really quietly?"

Sedha 6.3
The family that Sedha encounters is relatively interested in what she has to say, and willingly leads her to an area where many more Niddog are likely to be. As Sedha walks, she notices that the land around her is far more...developed than anywhere she's been in Niddog lands. The Niddog frequently lead Sedha past small walled-in areas, and around large ditches seemingly placed at random. After a relatively short time (perhaps half of a day.) Sedha reaches an area where there are many younglings of various ages, most of them working on digging ditches, or building walls, though they all stop what they are doing and collect when Sedha arrives, and when the elder Niddog tell them she brings a message from far away. Everyone present listens to the message, oogling the dead body. One of the adults present says "Thank you for the message Sedha. Other Niddog will soon meet the Karksh, they will not be waiting long. Good luck on your journey, Healing-one." Though in the background Sedha can hear much curiosity from the younglings, barely being stifeled by the watchfull adults. "Was that really alive?" "Was that really smart?" "How does it talk with no mouth?" "How does it eat with no mouth?" "How does it breath with no mouth?" "It does not breathe, they live in the water, you should listen closer to the teachers!"

2008-06-10, 02:45 AM

Turn 6.2-6.3

Forneus looks as happy as the Niddog when they seem to have no trouble with flying. I am glad that you like my gift. I will try to make more, but for that I wish to add one more family to your group. Forneus explains that it will not be very soon (not before turn 7) and asks if the Niddog can think of any reason not to do that. He hangs around for a while and then says he is off to help more creatures, but he will be back as usual.

2008-06-10, 05:02 AM

Tek is surprised to see Ardannis’es Avatar wounded and when no Niddog are listening he asks: “What really has happened to you? Were you in a fight with another Immortal? I was planning to visit Oque after I finish my buisness with Karksh, what is going on there?”

2008-06-10, 05:54 AM
Ark 6.4-6.5

"Indeed, the other races I have visited have peculiar ways of mating. For the Oque, the spider-like creatures with a singular eye, they need at least 3 of their species to procreate. Also, they do not have either female or males among them, rather they all share the same reproductive organs. The development of the children is similar to an egg. For the Zygon, it is like yours, but they cannot be mated my more than one, and they do not lay eggs, the females hold the singular egg inside them and her womb expands as the infant grows. He will come out much like in the same stage as one of your infants would come out of their egg, but is a rather more painful process, coming out of their own flesh."

Ark is intrigued by the race and seems to enjoy them so far. He talks of the other races and how they greeted him, mentioning the fear of the Oque and the bravado and pride of the Zygon. For him, they were probably the first group that showed curiosity and lack of fear or pride, and thought they were all assets to their race.

He then goes on to teach what he usually is good at ((Midwife skill 3)), explaining in various ways how to get better children. For example, he mentions the strength of the eggs shells are directly related to the presence of a particular type of food in their bodies (Whatever you'd like that to be). He also suggests things like particular diets for the females and suggests particular foods to improve the males performance further. (Again, if you want something specific to the Niddog)

As they listen to him on the corner of the fire, he then explains things he has taught the other races occasionally, such as basic numbers, teaching them from one to ten, he also explains that there are lots of assets to be learned from other races. For example, he mentions being able to grow things to feed themselves and using herds at the same time.

On herds, he mentions this:

"The Zygon have been productive with their herds. They are nomads, they move a lot and thus, they do not need to worry about feeding their animals. But they are also mainly carnivores and generally consider anything green a waste of time. Not you however. You could grow fields of green and field an impressive herd. Then, there is no need for laborious hunting, you can focus on guarding your herd and nurturing the young."

He then moves towards one of the females and ask gently if he could see some eggs. If he is shown towards a group of them, he will look at them, hovering his hands above each and determine which one is warmer. Whichever one it is, he will utter a word of command:


+ Conceive, Lesser (Sentient):

Will make a fetus or egg be conceived earlier.

If it was close to maturation, the egg might start cracking. If less than that, probably would move a bit or budge slightly, but it will clearly be closer to coming out.

Ark then smiles to the Niddog and stands up once more.

"If you wish my presence in the near future, simply will it in your mind. Think of me, and I will come to you."

He then continues teaching the Niddog of other races, particularly relating on mistakes of pride, greed, fear that they made and emphasizing the importance of humility in his stories.

2008-06-10, 06:24 AM
Ardannis, Turn 6.2

Ardannis moves on with the group, wishing Tek well in his endeavours. Walking some little ways away from the group with him, he answers his question. No, not another Immortal. This god of travel got ahead of himself, and one of the groups I was teaching tried to teach a relatively unadvanced group. They got along fine when they were meeting their neighbors, but by the time they ranged farther afield to share what I'd taught, they were much more advanced than the group they met, which caused a lot of jealousy. The jealous Oque went unchecked, mainly because they were averse to talking to any Immortals and we frankly didn't notice. They got upset enough to train their jolt in private, and overwhelmed the small number of Oque who had been visiting them. I'm afraid their success will make them very aggressive. This avatar, while not very tough, is fast, so I was able to get away, though unable to save any of the captured Oque. Mandak managed to protect one by hiding him under a shell of earth, but Mandak's avatar was destroyed, though when I visited him it seemed to be reforming, very slowly. Mandak and I are still discussing what to do next, but one of the possibilities is that we would have to remove these Oque before they became a threat to other groups, as they seem very hostile to all Immortals now.

Any case, I wish you luck. I'm sorry you had no luck teaching the Niddog the Karksh language. Perhaps the reverse could work - you could teach the Karksh the Niddog language? That's probably a bad idea - Communication's not my forte, anyway. Best of luck!

As he continues along with the Niddog, he answers their questions gravely.
[O]ne of the two females in the group pipes up "What was the problem with the Oque? Do we get to see them after the Karksh? Maybe we help them with their problem?"
Considering this question for a moment, Ardannis responds, wryly and obscurely, but not untruthfully: They met a new kind of beast, and a very nasty one. I do not know if you'll get to see them. They are fascinating beings, but can be scared easily. When they heard of other races, they were worried that trying to meet them would add much danger and complication to their lives - they did not seem to wish to meet you. However, going near where they live on our way back from the Karksh would not be far out of our way. I will go and ask them again before we leave the Karksh, but I am not sure their answer will change, now that they are dealing with this new threat.

Continuing on with the Niddog toward the Karksh.

2008-06-10, 06:57 AM
OOCI have recently been informed that, contrary to the rules that the recruiting thread links to, my avatar has to be at full health before it is usable again. Therefore, my previously posted actions for 6.4 are not possible. I'll go edit my post now.

2008-06-10, 08:01 PM
The Niddog continue to listen to what Ark has to say, learning all they can about the other species. He finds that they do in fact have a basic understanding of numbers, though they only count to about 20 before having problems, as they rarely need to count above that. When Ark aks to see an egg the female looks somewhat apprehensive at first, however after a bit of contemplation she calls over one of the males, and tells him to retrieve an egg. The male then reaches into a small pouch (similar to marsupials pouch) between the arms on the bottom of the Niddog, and pulls out an egg, about 1 foot long, and shaped like a chickens egg. The male holds the egg up for Ark to see, and allows Ark to handle it if he so wishes. The egg is extremely warm to the touch, obviously having been warmed inside the pouch. Shortly after Ark commands the egg to concieve, small cracks start to appear along the sides of the egg, and Ark can hear a high-pitched keening from within the egg, and the female quickly approaches and takes the egg from Ark, ordering some of the males to fetch some fruit. All of the Niddog are amazed by the sudden hatching of the Egg, as it should have been several weeks at least before they would have begun to expect the youngling. They listen intently to anything further that Ark has to say, listening especially carefully when he says that he can help the younglings be healthier. The idea of growing plants also seems to go over fairly well, and they ask if the plants could be grown on or within their earthen walls, to keep other animals away from them, as well as questions on what type of plants they should grow, seeming especially interested in a pumpkin like plant, and a strange vine that Ark doesn't recognize off hand. The ground fruit however would in fact be relatively healthy.

"Flight very good Forneus! If more living together will make more fly, then we can get more to live together. We will make room. When you find others to live here, we will be ready."

"Well, we will visit them at least, if they run then they run. But at least we see them. No harm in looking right?" Asks some of the curious Niddog.

2008-06-10, 09:31 PM
Ark 6.4-6.5

The vine and the pumpkin-like plant, need, as far as he knows, sunlight. Light could be artificially made with fire, but it implies having to care for that lightsource constantly. Grabbing a stick or anything of a similar form he shows them a rough plan on the ground. He draws a circle and tells them this would be their home. The line that constitutes the circle, is their earth walls.

"Now when you care for those vines and earth plants, all you need to give them is space, water and light. Space so they can grow. Water so they can live. And light so they are healthy greens."

He draws another circle around the first one and explains. He explains this new one as another wall. One wall is good, but two walls is better was what he was trying to convey. He mentions they can plant in the space between the two.

"I also have another alternative. It involves digging up small holes the size of your hands or smaller, and letting light go through those holes. For example, the one room you have your plants in could be opened at the top to let the sun in."

He recommends planting both types of greens that they showed him and will generally help them with anything they need and the younglings before demanifesting, promising his return.

2008-06-10, 09:59 PM

I will ask them - I cannot promise more. If they strongly wish not to meet you, perhaps we can find another group of them I do not already know. I cannot say for certain until I get some chance to visit them again. If not the Oque, then we can always visit another race.

Aaaand moving next post over to the Karksh thread. :D

2008-06-11, 03:11 PM
Turn 6 end, turn 7 Beginning
Forneus' experiment with the first tribe is continuing, and the addition of the bracers greatly improve the Niddog's incentive to continue living together. Rumors of the non-sisters living together are no longer rumors, many now know that Niddog can live together peacably, and some say that those who do can learn anything, even the wonders of flight. The Trail-blazers have apparently made peacefull contact with the Karksh, though few will hear of their travels any time soon. Furthermore, a new teaching has started to spread throughout the lands, something that many Niddog find relatively simply and prosperous, farming. By building a secondary wall outside of their first, they are able to have a relatively large growing space, protected by their walls, and watched over by the many Niddog that are sure to pass by. Though a few Niddog travel the land far and wide, it would seem that most are on the path to setteling down, building larger and larger homes, and tending to simple daily routines.

2008-06-11, 08:26 PM
Sedha 7.8

Sedha appears near the gathered colony, and steps out into the open. "Greetings, I am Sedha. I am sorry for leaving so swiftly the last time I arrived to show you one of the other thinkers that lived in the world. I promised the dead thinker I showed you that I would show his body to the many thinkers that live in this world, the Niddog only being one of them.

"However, now I have time to spare, and I can answer all of your questions that I had to leave before answering last time. What do you wish to know about the other types of thinkers?"

2008-06-12, 05:39 AM
Ark 7.0

The avatar: Ades, appears, his usual size (8 feet), near the Niddog he was encouraging. He examines what they have done until now and congratulates them on their work. He looks at the diverse plants they have planted at the moment, smiling slightly.

"Though it seems you have little need of my help, let me congratulate you on your achievements in a more appropriate manner."

He closes his eyes, joining his hands together and makes a hand seal of some kind. Power flows through him into the ground and a slight tremor is felt in an area of 7 feet wide around him in the fields between the two walls of the Niddog. Any that are near would feel it, and suddenly, all the plants seem to grow somewhat.


+ Pollen:

Will make all plants spread their pollen/fruits as if it was spring in an area of 7 meters wide.

The plants around Ades grow and bear either fruits or spreads pollen in the area. (Basically spreads whatever the kind of seed it uses) He then advises the Niddog that they should always collect the seeds of the plants and replant them away from the parent for they will otherwise have a hard time growing out of the seed state into a healthy green.

He will then spend time with the Niddog, asking what happens to make the Niddog lay eggs. He will also ask how children are brought up and what exactly makes them adults.

If nothing needs Ark's attention, he will simply take some of young Niddog on a "field trip" (literally) to see the fields and explain to them how trees, flowers and plants in general grow.

((This is before leaving, don't hesitate to throw in some interaction)) Lastly, he will explain that another being of power of Ark will come to the Niddog later on, he explains he is -extremely- tall and is there to protect their land and help them. He gives them a description of the being and the manner with which he will come. His name is Akam.

2008-06-12, 02:31 PM
Sedha 7.8
As before, the Niddog are extremely curious about the other races. "Are they all like blobs? What do they eat? What are their families like? How many are there?" Are the most common questions, however one of the traveling younglings recognizes Sedha from the descriptions they have heard of her "You are the healer right? Do the other thinkers heal the same? Are they dangerous at all?"

Ark 7.0
When Ark returns he finds that the Niddog did indeed add a second large wall around their first, and the area in-between seems rather full of large pumpkin-like plants, as well as some berry-laden bushes. The Niddog here look to be in much better moods than they were last time, and when Ark arrives he would easily notice the surprisingly large number of Niddog younglings running about in the fields between the walls, playing in the abundance of plants. As the ground starts to shake everyone present stops dead in their tracks, looking at the walls that leave traces of dirt falling down their sides, however when the many plants in the field suddenly release plumes of yellow dust, and their fruit obviously grows larger, everyone rejoices, bigger fruit, and berries is always something to celbrate. When Ark starts to explain more about the plants, some of them make a connection to what he did earlier "So the yellow dust is them breeding? And the fruit is their eggs? We eat their eggs, so do other animals, how do new get born if all their eggs get eaten? We now know that we need to save some, to make more, but what happened before?"

During the field trip the Niddog take Ark to a small area on one side where they were having trouble growing anything. The area is covered with a green plant that has many long thin stalks covered in long thorns (think thorny grass). "We try here, but can't get rid of spikey plant. Nothing grows nearby it, can't dig up, to spikey. How get rid of?"
When asked what causes a Female to lay eggs, some of the Niddog present give him a somewhat confused look "What do you mean? Female really wants younglings, then, a few weeks later, she lays eggs. What causes that? Maybe the Female wanting the eggs?"

2008-06-12, 09:14 PM
Mandak, 7.2
Mandak materializes out of the wall of his cave again, once more returning to the full five meter form in which he had traveled the lands of the Niddog. He is holding a huge amethyst. "My friends, I come to you with a gift, and a warning. The gift is this." He indicates the gem. Interestingly, as he says this, the Niddog begin to realize that they can see, despite the darkness in the cave. "You have been faithful to me, and so I make life in this cavern easier." He pauses a bit, to distinguish the ideas he presents from one another. "My warning is all too urgent. None of you must ever harm another of your kind. I have come from a distant land, filled with strange creatures. Some of these creatures were wise, like you. But others were filled with anger. They slew others of their kind, and now I fear for the future of their race. This shall not come to pass here. You are Niddog. You are one, as you are many. Always Know the truth of these words."

(Assuming he gets the same response)

Mandak 7.2
When Mandak returns the first thing he would notice is the skeleton of the great-serpent that he slew during his last visit. Curled around a crude symbol which Mandak would recognize as the Niddog trail-symbol for 'Home'. The second thing that Mandak would notice is a strange sense of belonging here. Despite it's obviouse differences, this little hole in the ground reminds Mandak somewhat of his room in the outer-plane. Not the look of it so much, but the feel of it. Though his powers here are no greater than anywhere else, Mandak knows that this place is his. The Niddog listen intently to what he has to say, and willing abide with it "If that is your wish, we will obey. Never harm another Niddog, though, we do not hurt eachother as it is." Says a young female, one that Mandak does not recognize right away. A youngling, one too young yet to travel alone gathers the courage to ask a question though What about play? We can play still right? We do not have to stop fights, as long as others do not get hurt, right?"

"Yes, you may still play." He is puzzled by the line about fights, as he was not aware there were fights that were in need of breaking up. "The most important thing is that you are always kind to one another. This is the best way to be sure the Killing does not take you. But enough, this has been too much talk about this for one day. How go things for you Niddog?"

2008-06-12, 10:31 PM
Mandak 7.2
"Many come to learn the ways of the earth. The area here seems safe, and we have heard that some Niddog have learned how to keep lants near their homes so that food is always near. No one hear knows how to do that yet though." As the Niddog speak, more seem to come in from outside, untill after a bit, an unusually large group seems to be forming, probably around 40 total, though most of them are younglings, still at the age of travelling.

2008-06-13, 07:43 AM
Ark 7.0

"Well, there's other ways plants may grow. Sometimes the yellow stuff goes in your fur or travels through the wind. So you can't always have it or eat it. The fruits themselves don't give plants."

He shows them the inside of the fruit and shows them seeds. He explains once more. "Seeds are difficult to eat. You will sometimes spit them out, or even sometimes they come out through another way. If a fruit goes bad on the ground, the seeds will drop out eventually. Sometimes birds spread them around when they eat, or other animals."

He pauses before continuing. "The best way to control how many plants you have is to pick up all of it, eat most and keep the seeds."

During the field trip, he is shown to the plant itself, looking at it curiously, he nods to them all. "A plant will use up water and food from the ground to feed. If you try planting things next to this, they won't have anything to eat because this big patch of thorny grass eats everything already."

He pauses, looking at it with scrutiny.

"There's two ways you can solve this. You can prevent 'water, light or space'. Any of those would work... but they are slightly difficult to achieve."

He then speaks of the other solution. "The other way is fire. You can burn this plant up. I suggest controlling the fire the same way you do inside your homes. Rocks. Earth works too. Whenever the fire is done or if it is going out of control, you only have to bury it or keep it to a confined space."

2008-06-13, 08:08 AM
Ardannis, Turn 7.6

After scanning the Niddog hex through his scrying window, Ardannis realizes that some of them are building higher walls and making more permanent settlements. ((Please tell me if I may not assume that I can see the double-walled encampment with the garden))

Finding the village that looks to have the largest and most permanent walls, Ardannis swings down from the trees there in his usual fashion. Greetings Niddog. I have good news - the Trailblazers, who left the Niddog nearly ten tendays ago, met a new kind of being on the shores of the Great Water three tendays ago - the Karksh! He briefly summarizes the meeting that happened in the surf.

I see that your walls are growing ever stronger, and some of you now grow plants between them. Your villages are strong and safe - I think it would be wonderful if you could travel between them even more safely. He travels from village to village for a few weeks, spreading the tale of the meeting with the Karksh. He also teaches every group of younglings he meets, as they are the travelers and therefore of particular interest to him. He shows them how, instead of just marking a trail, they can use their pincers to cut out the minor underbrush that begins to grow across the path, so that they can begin to make blazed trails, instead of just marked paths. This way, Niddog can see the trail ahead, and it's harder for beasts to surprise youngling travelers. There's also more room for carts, for those who build them following Arasylon's teachings.

He travels from village to village, spreading his story and teaching, for a few weeks.

2008-06-13, 09:30 PM
Ark 7.0
The Niddog seem to take well to Ark's explanations. "With so much food nearby, we have much more time. More time to teach younglings, more time to fix homes, more time to make trails. You give us the gift of time, thank you." Says one of the females, shortly after telling some of the males to start building a small wall around the grass so that they can burn it. To Ark's question of what makes a youngling into an adult, she replies "When they are old enough, large enough, the youngling decides that it is time to choose a mate, a name, and a home. It is the younglings choice, and the choice of their mate."

Ardannis 7.6
((from the outer-plane you can see both the double walled area, and Earthome, an area with many walls and ditches in the area surrounding it.))
"The Trail-blazers are safe? Thank you Ardannis, thank you for leading them there safely. When will they get back? How much have they learned of the others?" When Ardannis comments on their walls the female says, "With food near our home, we have far more time to build, and to make trails. You will help us to make better trails?"
((also, currently there is only a single Niddog with a Cart, Music-bringer rides in an artifact cart, gifted from Arasylon, but no one else has learned how to make them.)

2008-06-13, 10:23 PM
Ark 7.0

If they have nothing else to speak to him about, Ark will simply counsel them and tell them how the temperature of the eggs often alters the gender of the newborn. In this fashion, he talks of their offspring and ways of making birth more comfortable. If there are no more questions or problems, Ark will finally de-manifest at the end of the turn, leaving in a green globe of light towards the sky.

Ark 7.4



Strength: 3
Toughness: 3
Celerity: 1
Dexterity: 1
Hardness: 1
Monomorphism: 1
Regeneration: 1


Farming 1 This skill encompasses the avatar's ability to care for or assist plants, their growth and health: The overall process of nursing them.

Akam arrives among the Niddog. A golden globe of light descends among them, hovering before the cocoon like object expands and expands, then opens, leaving room for the creature inside to move out. It is Akam, as Ades described him. A 15 feet tall male with a powerful body.

Akam looks to the Niddog and smiles, the glow of light slowly fading. "Greetings to the Niddog. I am Ark's avatar: Akam. I come to teach you the ways of farming."

And with that, and once the Niddog settle down from the surprise, he will stand outside the city and use the earth there as an example, showing them how to till the earth by simply raking the ground with a finger.

2008-06-14, 12:07 AM
Mandak, 7.2
"Yes. I have seen this 'farming' from... Another place. I have no doubt that a traveler will teach you this skill soon. Know when this happens that farming is always related to the Earth. Everything is related to the Earth. When you die, you become Earth once more. Know that when you farm, put a piece of flesh in the hole. It will make your farming more bountiful. When you have done this yourself, teach it to others." He stops. As he looks at the gathering crowd, he feels pride, and then realizes he has been rambling about something they have not even seen yet. "I am proud of what you have built here, and that is a strong family. Family makes life easier for all, and a big family is even more fearsome than the biggest wall, to a beast. You are stronger together than the strongest amongst you." He knows he has said these things before, but it has been a while, and he wants to make that message clear. "Now come, I want to meet all of you." As he meets each one, he listens intently (for a rock) to what they say, and gives them a small blessing. As time nears 7.3, he leaves in his traditional manner of entering the wall in Earthome.

2008-06-14, 01:57 AM

Sedha explains all that she knows about the other thinkers, not limited to the Karksh, drawing figures in the dirt to show the Niddog roughly how they look.

She stresses the similarities of the sentient species more than anything else. She explains that most of them seem to heal roughly the same way, as she has treated all of them at one point or another. Also, she explains that they can be dangerous, but only as dangerous as a Niddog is to another Niddog.

She also explains that many of the other thinkers were facing many troubles, and that she would have to help them as well, as they currently needed it much more than the Niddog.

After answering any more related questions that pop up, Sedha disappears once again into the darkness.

2008-06-14, 11:18 AM
Ardannis, Turn 7.6

I do not know when they will return. They may wish to travel further, see more different races of beings. They are well, though, and learn much from the Karksh - after some effort, the Karksh were able to change their shape to make different forms or symbols, and the Niddog were able to make those same symbols and place them on the Karksh so they could feel them, and they communicate in this way.

I ma glad you have so much more time now. With better trails, trails that are more permanent than some markings in the forest, you will travel faster and more safely.

((Rest is same as in previous post, still - he travels as widely as he can, showing the basics of actual trail-making instead of simply marking a path. That is, making paths that actually become commonly traveled and worn down, and cut out of the forest, clearing away underbrush and such instead of just making a blaze in a tree to mark where you went.))

2008-06-15, 07:09 PM
End of turn 7, beginning of Turn 8
The Niddog explorers have finally made real contact with the Karksh, and given time and a bit of determination, they now can communicate in minor ways with eachother. Some continue to practice the ways of trail-making, and Ardannis has brought them all to understanding what needs to be done to build the first rudimentary roades. However, the greatest advancement in reacent times has been the advancement of farming. The Niddog were once mere scavengers, wandering the forest in search of food, but now they need wander no more. Their small walled camps, now have lush rings of green around them, growing the various plants that the Niddog normally would have spent hours upon hours searching for. Both Ark, and Mandak have spread this teaching, and now very few families indeed can be found that do not have at least a small garden that they call their own.

The Great Storm 8.5
It starts with a distant cloud on the horizion. A great black shadow slowly moving towards them from the north. Then the small streams turn into rivers, and the rivers become impassable white-watters, flooding parts of the forest. Then, as if to signal the beginning, a great peal of thunder echoes through the forest, and torrential rains start to fall upon the land. Tree's that have been standing since before the Immortals first set foot on the world are felled by the mighty winds, and the echoing cracking of branches and trunks can be heard for miles around. The day is dark as night, as the storm in it's fury blocks out the sun, yet the nights are now brighter than before, the near constant flashes of lightning leaving the eyes no chance to accomodate to the dark. The great walls of the Niddog at first keep out the winds, if not the rain. But as the storm continues to rage, the walls turn to mud and wash away, the carefully maintained trails are covered with branches and up-rooted bushes, and any Immortal who holds any respect amongst the Niddog can hear their cries for help echoing in their heads. Not a single Niddog knows what to do against a storm such as this, so they turn to the only beings that might be able to help them.

2008-06-15, 07:56 PM
Ark, Niddog 8.7-8.8

Unable to answer the plea of his followers on the spot, Ark comes in once the walls start to give in and the floods seem to never stop. Akam, in his entire might, fifteen feet of strength and flesh declares his presence to the Niddog.

For the roof of the inner building, he takes the time to weave, in the same manner he would have with the Oque, a great "blanket" of greens to shelter and divert the water to the space within the two walls. As the rain destroys the walls little by little, he uses his skill in farming to teach the Niddog how to create irrigation canals to spread water out to their crops. This is really more of an excuse to drain the inside of the wall, however. Creating holes in the outer wall as well as slopes, he leads water outside.

If there are any natural slopes, he digs up channels that eventually lead to that one slope. If there are none, he digs channels towards an area and starts digging with all his might, creating earth walls around the pit as he digs.

Whenever he sees the end of this task, he will then focus on the problem of food. Fresh of his knowledge of the storm at the Oque, he calls out to the Niddog to harvest every ounce of food they have and store it inside. As he does so, he teaches the Niddog about one form of 'green' that grows without any regards to light: mushrooms. He explains they need dampness and dark.

He also suggests they build other pits if the water actually fills up the one he dug, and for good measure, he will walk outside and dig himself the second pit and counsels the Niddog to warn any that have no knowledge of this and help them in return.

Once the storm's eye leaves the Niddog, Ark will finish helping the Niddog with their kids, counseling to keep them near warmth and most importantly fires, as the males and the pouches might not be hot enough for them to hatch. He also tells them the fire provides a small amount of warmth to reduce the speed at which the walls are getting wet. He also suggests using greens and big leaves to channel water outside as well, as they usually provide good isolation and virtually no permeability. He helps them with all of this, his avatar never wavering under the storm, a tower of flesh amidst the rain.

He will also assist in protecting them from any starving beasts should they try to go for any of the Niddog that are working.

2008-06-16, 08:45 AM
Ardannis, Turn 8.6

Having been engaged with the remainder of the Oque's exodus, Ardannis comes as soon as he is able. Leaving the wall and garden salvaging to the gods who taught such tools to begin with. He will help save them only if directly asked (digging trenches to lead water away from them, etc).

He mostly focuses his efforts on ensuring the Niddog have food to eat during the destruction of their gardens. He tells them not to worry overly about the trails for now - they will be cluttered and the Niddog can do little about that for now. To try to clean and restore them before the end of the storm would be only to see them quickly ruined again.

Instead, he teaches them how to weave rough nets out of vines, to take advantage of higher, more swiftly flowing streams. To supplement the fish, he helps them find types of plants and roots that are less ravaged by the storm than others. If the Trailblazers have arrived home by this point, they may hopefully be able to help with this.

2008-06-19, 07:17 AM
Ark, Niddog, 8.7-8.8

Akam manifests himself to the Niddog once more. He tells them of the storm that has devastated multiple other races and that it has passed. They are, for now, safe from any other disaster.

Teaching them about farming again, he moves around the different families and tells them of a new way of preaching. Recently, there has been an increased amount of prayers directed towards him. He hears them all. This makes listening particularly difficult at times when they need him the most.

"This is why you should build inside your earthen walls a room. A room that is dedicated to me in which you can all pray. This room would be ruled by a Priest, or a Priestess, chosen among you, to act as a messenger. Then the prayers can reach me through that messenger and be easier to understand."

Moving towards them, he then explains another resource they have around them but have likely not used much: Resin.

Finding an appropriate tree with an exposed wound, he will show the Zygon how resin can be used as glue to stick things together. He demonstrates with leaves or sticks, using resin to glue them together. He proceeds showing them that using resin, warped wood and greens, they can create rough sorts of baskets (He will probably have a hard time doing it himself, but will be able to direct their efforts) to carry water or items around, a lot handier than lumbering themselves with all this weight under their arms and over their shoulders.

Akam also helps canalizing (He is at full height) water from nearby streams for him to teach the Niddog about irrigation. He also asks for the leader (Either a he or a she), and tell him/her he can make an egg come out faster, askin which one among all of them he (or she) would like to promote. Whichever that one is, a miracle is cast upon it.

+ Conceive, Lesser (Sentient):

Will make a fetus or egg (or whatever the medium is) be conceived earlier.

2008-06-19, 01:41 PM
[Posting for Rogue Dragon due to bad access.]

End of turn 8/Beginning of turn 9
((OOC: Take 2, I tried posting onceTake 3 I've tried posting twice now, but apparently the boards lost my post, sorry for my lack of existance, the boards have been extremely angry at me, apparently they need more goat blood or something. Until I can acquire the requisite sacrifice, I'm going to see what I can do with AIM and have other post for me after writing it up.))

The Great-Storm Finally passes, but the Niddog are still left with problems after the storm. The forest is left in ruins, with branches and up-rooted bushes left everywhere, many of the prey-animals have left the area, and many of the fruit-bearing plants have suffered great damage. It will be some time before the land is able to recover, and many of the Niddog are talking of moving to other areas, where food and shelter may be more abundant and easier to find. However the greatest damage to the Niddogs was not to their homes, or to their food, but to their faith. While before many great beings had called the Niddog friend, and came to them in their times of need, only two arrived when they suffered nature's fury. And while the elders still hold faith in the old gods, the Younglings as a whole turn to these two Deities alone, Ark and Ardannis. The teachings of the others seem to have gone more into disuse. The home of the Burnt-One flooded, leaving no-one to experiment with newer ways of fire. Earthome, likewise flooded, it's walls collapsing burying many of his worshippers, and hiding his artifact beneath the muddied ground. The great experiment of forneus has now shattered, the families he brought together separating in the storm to go their own ways, though one group still faithful to him yet holds the bracers of flight. Music-bringer, now growing older, wanders the many Paths of the Niddogs, singing out to her missing god, and calling out to the younglings who she lost track of in the storm.

Ark 8.7-8.8
Ark finds that many of the older generation are somewhat jaded, not caring much to listen to beings other than Niddog, however the younglings gladly circle around you and listen, learning what you have to say, and taking almost anything you say with a blind trust. Though the adults present do not seem to like the idea of building a room just so that he can hear them, many of the younglings promise to do so when they have a home of their own.
The younglings also take well to the idea of using resin as glue, however when AKam starts trying to get them to make baskets and buckets, they merely ask "Why do we need to move water by hand? You just taught us to have the ground carry the water for us, carried to our crops, near to our fires, what else needs carried?"

2008-06-19, 09:56 PM
Ark, 9.7-9.8

((Sorry, the previous post was a 9.7-9.8 post))

Ark tells the younglings the idea is to make things easier to carry, and not so much the idea of having water in it. Though when floods occur and there's lots of water getting inside, you can use those to scoop water out of the area. Mainly, however, they would be designed to hold and stabilize objects.

"Fruits could be carried, unharmed by the strength of the holder. Wholesome and fresh off the tree for enjoyment." He continues saying the baskets could also be used as a convenient holder for bringing water or food to sick Niddog that can't move on their own.

He also asks after showing them seeds of a particular plant: "How would you carry lots of these as well? Instead of carrying them by handfuls and risking dropping some, you can carry them in those. And what of earth? It must be fairly hard moving things around."

And, demonstrating, he gathers seeds from all a same type of plant and puts them all in one basket. He then holds it up, and if held up effectively and not shaken, no seed would come out.

He also insists that the Niddog should remember that in times of hardship, all elders, younglings and adults agree and work in the favor of the group. Ark helps all of them without exception, and he will insist that even if there isn't any hardship, the young should listen to the old when experimenting in the older ways, and the old should listen to the young when experimenting with the new ways.

Moving on, he then also explains they should gather the extra food that they don't eat as soon as it matures, for then they will have a reserve of food that lasts. If they leave it outside, animals, birds and other green-eaters will come pick them up and steal their work. He then explains how to keep that food away from other non-sentient beings: "You should store it in a separate cool -but not damp- room, with one entrance that is roughly Niddog-sized, but off the ground, because otherwise animals can crawl in or jump in, so it must be a good distance off the ground."

Before he leaves, he speaks to the Niddog and would, if any are willing, give his blessings to the younglings inside the eggs. And once he is done with that, he will ask them if they know of any other Niddog that need help. Once he knows this, he will prepare for departure, walking a distance away and waving to the Niddog.

"Farewell! I will come back for you, do not fear. For now, I will call your home Tilled Fields in congratulations to your new ways."

And finally with those words, he demanifests, leaving only a few floating particles of light suspended in mid-air.

2008-06-20, 05:17 PM
End of Turn 9/Beginning of Turn 10
Some time has passed, and the land of the Niddog seems to be growing more stable once again. The elders are slowly phasing out, and the younglings are becoming more and more enamored with the new ways, though a slight divide does seem to be forming. Some are merely happy to sit in their homes, tending their garden's and slowly expanding their walls. Others however grow tired of the day-to-day life of farming and building. They seek adventure, and travel. For now they spend much of their time wandering the trails, which now grow closer and closer to becoming true roads. But it is only a matter of time before there are no new sites left for the Niddog to see in their small corner of the forest, and an expansion is bound to occur soon.
The two Primary deities of the Niddog remain the same. Ark, who teaches them to grow and prosper. And Ardannis, who teaches them to explore and love the world that has not yet been seen. Though Sedha still holds some sway amongst those few specialized in healing, her following is neither growing nor shrinking.

2008-06-20, 09:10 PM

Ardannis returns to the Niddog, glad to see them so well recovered from the storm. After making sure the trails had been cleared again and that younglings could once again travel freely, he gathers some younglings to him and begins to teach them.

Now that walls and gardens allow the Niddog to remain in one place as long as they wish, trails can be made larger into roads. Since you always know the family you travel to is going to be there, you can spend the energy to make the trail wider and safer, since it will be in use for some time.

He travels for some time (.25 of a turn) around the Niddog lands, helping the younglings expand the trail system. If they have advanced ot the point where they have goods to carry, he shows them how to make simple carts that a Niddog can push or drag, which should encourage them to make their trails larger. He also plays lots of games with them on the road - tag, catch, hide'n'seek - expanding on the ones he taught them earlier. Lastly, he teaches them how to call on him.

Building another sign for a new trail one day, Ardannis makes it larger and slightly more elaborate, with two posts to rest on instead of one. On it, he forms a symbol, a circle bisected by a vertical line. The line is the staff of Ardannis, which he carries to aid him on his journies. The circle is the sun, which shines on all the lands that Ardannis travels. Build a sign like this at the beginning of each trail. Then, when Niddog set out on a journey, stop by the sign and think to Ardannis, asking him to lend your feet strength and your ears wariness to see the journey safely through. Then I will hear you ,and can watch over your travels.

Ardannis spreads these teachings as far through the Niddog as he can manage before leaving.

2008-06-21, 06:44 PM
Ardannis 10.1
The Niddog do not have a particularly large amount of storage, mostly they use their bucket-like baskets to carry water and seeds, though a few carry food from one area to another. While most seem happy to work with Ardannis on merely expanding the trails into roads, others amongst the younglings seem to have a case of wanderlust that mere road-building would not likely cure. A young female, who suffers from this wanderlust says to Ardannis "I wish to travel further, past these roads, and the gardens. I want to see the wilderness, I want to make my home where no Niddog has travelled before. I want to make my home at the end of a new road. Can you help me?"

Furthermore the Sign that Ardannis has given them is now placed at the beginning and end of every new road that the Niddog make. Though not all pray to Ardannis at the sign, everyone begins to recognize the sign as a signal that the path is newer and better maintained than most.

2008-06-22, 12:24 AM
Ark, 10.6, Tilled Fields

Ark descends upon the Niddog in a great sphere of light, opening slightly, a familiar figure comes out. It is Ades, not Akam, that has come back to Tilled Fields. He is as tall as a tree, standing at fifteen feet tall like his brother and his green eyes glow brightly. He moves with grace, approaching the Niddog and crouching down to see them in the eye.

"Greetings to the Niddog of Tilled Fields. I come to you because Akam has told me of your recent plight under the great storm. He had protected you, but many other families have been destroyed in this event. I come to you so I may set out to find them, help them as I may and lead them back here to help you in Tilled Fields."

"For there is lots to learn of other Niddog, and the more numerous you are, the better you will be prepared against enemies and the more work can be done on the walls and the fields."

He pauses, looking around for something, or perhaps someone. Pushing a strand of hair back behind his ear, he watches the Niddog curiously.

"I see the elders have come and gone. So tell me, what of the room I told you about? Is it ready? Can I see it?"


After the interaction (We can still go at it.), Ark will then prepare to move to an area that was in need of assistance after the Storm.

2008-06-22, 01:46 AM
Ark 10.6, Tilled Fields
A farely large female leads the groupe that greats Ark's Avatar, "Ades! You're back! We built the room, just as you asked. At first the Elders didn't like the idea, but we made it out in the fields. We do the work there, so they can not tell us no there." The female leads Ades to a green bushy structure in the field. Though at first it might look like little more than a tangled patch of bushes, when Ades inspects it closer he finds that it is actually a frame of wood, covered with a bind-weed like plant. Burrowing down under the entrance is a hole into the ground leading to a small underground chamber, held partially together by the roots permeating the ceiling. Hanging from the walls are many baskets, filled with seeds from the various plants that the Niddog grow. "All the tillers come here before they start the gardening, and think of Ark. Have we done well?" asks the female, a tinge of worry in her voice.

2008-06-22, 03:06 AM
Ark 10.6, Tilled Fields

"You have done very well. Excellent. What is your name? I'd like you to take care of this worshipping place."

After she tells him her name, he scrutinizes the entrance and the hideout, claiming that they might later need to make it even bigger. He continues, looking inside and telling her that he will bring something for them next time, to make the area more comfortable. For now, he suggests they create a bit more room.

He then moves towards the outskirts of Tilled Fields and asks about other Niddog. He tells them he will come back with all the refugees he can find and that they can mingle and expand this village as well as teach the arrivals.

He then moves towards Earthome, hoping to find survivors. And if he finds any, approaches cautiously. If he meets any Niddog on the way, he will ask for directions, making sure he has it right.