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View Full Version : Making StarCraft D20

2008-05-28, 01:12 AM
I've wanted to have a StarCraft D20 system for a while now, and I thought I would make a thread here. Is there anyone who would be willing to help me out with this? Here (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Modern_System_Reference_Document) is the core D20 rules that we would be working with. However I don't like the idea of "Action Points" very much, I'd like to cut them out.

About making classes: I'm not sure how this should go down, should we make a class for each unit, (ie Marines, Zerglings, Zealots, ect.) just throw on some stats, or a little bit of both? I'm open to ideas. Zerg would be creatures though, no classes for them.

Other then that, we'd have to make stats for races, vehicles, units, all that good stuff. So, who's with me?

2008-05-28, 05:18 AM
The main use of action points are to boost the action and make it more cinematic. So I think that Action points in StarCraft is more than suitable.

I suggest that Terran and Protost are the only character races possible. View Zergs like goblin. I never let my players play goblins at all.

And I highly suggest you to use StarWars SAGA for this game. Because d20 Modern progression is to slow. You need 3 level of a nowhere weak class before getting something cool.

Anyway, this is your project.

2008-05-28, 05:29 AM
I've wanted to have a StarCraft D20 system for a while now, and I thought I would make a thread here. Is there anyone who would be willing to help me out with this? Here (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Modern_System_Reference_Document) is the core D20 rules that we would be working with. However I don't like the idea of "Action Points" very much, I'd like to cut them out.

About making classes: I'm not sure how this should go down, should we make a class for each unit, (ie Marines, Zerglings, Zealots, ect.) just throw on some stats, or a little bit of both? I'm open to ideas. Zerg would be creatures though, no classes for them.

Other then that, we'd have to make stats for races, vehicles, units, all that good stuff. So, who's with me?

Starcraft d20: The Final Attempt (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=107.0)

2008-05-28, 05:40 AM
I'm in dude I'm in.

And I know someone else who very well might be too.

I think making Zerg into a race with different types of mutations available, some with LA or costs (making them equipment) would do well, as well as a template for infested creatures like infested Kerrigan.

Then make advanced/prestige classes for the special kinds of characters, not marines, which can do with strong/tough hero and possibly soldier. Same goes for Zealots, although the feats and stuffings would have to be different.

the ones in need of classes would be ones we should list, from the top of my head:

those sniper/nuke dude that I can't recall the name of
Dark Templars
High templars
potentially some piloting something classes as well.

in addition we might want an archon template, and yes stats for all of the vehicles and weapons... perhaps something on the warp system of the Protoss as well?

Pie Guy
2008-05-28, 06:38 AM
The sniper is called a ghost.

2008-05-28, 07:33 AM
I'm also in ^_^

As much as it may dissapoint people, the Zerg cannot be a player race. The reason for this is simple - ONLY ONE OF THEM HAS A MIND. The rest of them are quite literally subserviant to Kerrigan, and are little more than animals even when they do break free. Without a mind, they cannot be played - plain and simple.

(And I let my players play goblins. Goblins are sentients too.)

The next question is, do we want to base this off of D&D, or D20 Modern? We can use both under OGL, but it's important that we decide now. D20 Modern makes the most sense to me, BUT, there's the important factor to consider of people like Ghosts, or High Templar, who are born into their positions/powers and thus, reasonably, don't "level up" into their careers.

I'm on board to design races, feats, adaptations for old feats, and possibly classes, but we need to decide if we're going with the 20-level base class/PrC model, or the Base/Advanced/PrC model.

2008-05-28, 08:41 AM
The next question is, do we want to base this off of D&D, or D20 Modern? We can use both under OGL, but it's important that we decide now. D20 Modern makes the most sense to me, BUT, there's the important factor to consider of people like Ghosts, or High Templar, who are born into their positions/powers and thus, reasonably, don't "level up" into their careers.

I second the D20 Modern opinion. It works much better for this. That said, Ghosts and High Templar obviously have feats that they need to take to qualify for their advanced classes, and thus they do "level up" into their powers. Alternatively, High Templar could be a template, but Ghosts need some training before they are ready for war. I'd say feats for both.

I'm on board to design races, feats, adaptations for old feats, and possibly classes, but we need to decide if we're going with the 20-level base class/PrC model, or the Base/Advanced/PrC model.

We'll need a Protoss race (representing the standard Zealot) and some Zerg monsters, but no new base classes. Advanced classes, on the other hand...Medic, Ghost, Pilot, High Templar, Dark Templar, Archon, Dark Archon (I'd make them classes just to fit the pattern). Everything else is simply a vehicle with one of those characters driving it or a character with a different weapon, and thus doesn't need it's own class.

A few new weapons wouldn't go amiss either.

2008-05-28, 09:20 AM
Two 'toss races, actually - the Dark Templar have distinct physical, psychological, and psionic differences that warrent their own race (in addition to the advanced or prestige class to represent their warriors, which will need a different name now).

2008-05-28, 09:43 AM
+2 Stength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma, -2 Constitution. The Protoss were created to be physically perfect, but their bodies are lithe and frail and their rigid caste system is highly detrimental to their sense of self.

Medium Humanoid. As medium creatures, Protoss recieve no bonuses or penalties associated with their size.

Base Land Speed 30ft.

Telepathy (Su): A Protoss has no verbal communication, but may communicate telepathically with any being that has a language within 100ft.

Racial Weapon Proficiency (Ex): Protoss are automatically proficient in Templar Wrist-blades.

Naturally Psionic (Su): Protoss begin play with two power points.

Iron Will: Protoss recieve Iron Will as a bonus feat.

Language: Terran (Kopulu Dialect) and Protoss. Protoss have no mouths, so cannot speak aloud, but still understand those two languages.

Dark Templar
+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -4 Constitution. Dark Templar have a much stronger sense of self than their Protoss brethren, but removing themselves from the communal psychic connection has severly damaged their bodies.

Medium Humanoid. As medium creatures, Dark Templar have no bonuses or penalties associated with size.

Base Land Speed 30ft.

Telepathy (Su): A Dark Templar has no verbal communication, but may communicate telepathically with any being that has a language within 100ft.

Racial Weapon Proficiency (Ex): Dark Templar are automatically proficient in Templar Wrist-blades and Dark Templar Warp Blades.

Naturally Psionic (Su): Dark Templar begin play with two power points. They know a single first-level power, chosen from the [Insert Psionic Class Here] skill list.

Voidwalker (Su): Whenever they so choose, a Dark Templar may make themselves undetectable by psionics. Additionally, they deal an additional 2d6 points of damage when attacking beings with power points, provided that they are using a psionic power or a Dark Templar Warp Blade to make the attack.

Iron Will: Dark Templar recieve Iron Will as a bonus feat.

Language: Terran (Kopulu Dialect) and Protoss. Dark Templar have no mouths, so cannot speak aloud, but still understand those two languages.

Zeta Kai
2008-05-28, 11:38 AM
Uh, guys, Solo already pointed this out, but I guess that you must've missed it: Starcraft d20: The Final Attempt (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=107.0). It's a D20 Modern conversion that appears to have done most of what you're propsing to do already.

But, if you wanna re-invent the wheel, by all means, go ahead.

2008-05-28, 11:39 AM
I didn't miss it, I just have no life and a lot of creative energy that either goes into D&D or plots to kill my enemies. Thank'ee, though ^_^

2008-05-28, 01:17 PM
:smalleek: Wow, OK guys, I didn't know there was already some concise rules. They don't seem to be complete, but if you look at the posting dates, it looks like this guy isn't done. I vote we just wait for him.:smallwink:

Unless someone really wants to whip up some Toss stats that is. I won't stop him.

2008-05-28, 03:57 PM
I tried making a SC d20 game several years ago. It fell through because I couldn't get enough people interested. This seems to have the Terran down pretty well but is missing Zerg and Protoss...which is what I focused on. ^_^

I can offer my material here for critiquing and editing to assist. Here's a sample if you all would like:

• +2 Intelligence
• Medium: As Medium creatures, protoss have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• A Protoss’ base land speed is 35 feet.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against powers and psi-like effects.
• Naturally Psionic: Protoss gain 1 bonus power point. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
• Psi-like abilities: 3/day—detect psionics, missive, verve. Manifester level is equal to Hit Dice (minimum 1st). The save DC is Intelligence-based.
• Low-light vision: Aiurans can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of low illumination.
• +1 natural armor bonus.
• Telepathy 60 feet.
• Racial Empathy: All protoss share an empathic psychic link which allows them to feel the pain and joy of their general race, but segregates them from other races. All Aiuran protoss grant a +3 bonus when assisting each other instead of +2.
• +2 racial bonus on Autohypnosis and Concentration checks.
• Automatic Languages: Aiuran.
• Bonus Languages: English, Xel'Nagan. Protoss with high Intelligence may extend their telepathy by 30 feet instead of taking a bonus language. This extension can be taken multiple times for bonus languages.
• Favored Class: Any Psionic Class.
• Level adjustment: +1.

• +2 Wisdom
• Medium: As Medium creatures, protoss have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• A Protoss’ base land speed is 35 feet.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against powers and psi-like effects.
• Naturally Psionic: Protoss gain 1 bonus power point. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
• Psi-like abilities: 3/day—detect psionics, missive, verve. Manifester level is equal to Hit Dice (minimum 1st). The save DC is Wisdom-based.
• Low-light vision: Shakurans can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of low illumination.
• Darkvision: Shakurans can see perfectly well even in the total absence of light out to 30 feet. They cannot distinguish color with this vision but can apply psionic abilities to it as normal vision.
• +1 natural armor bonus.
• Telepathy 60 feet.
• +2 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
• Automatic Languages: Aiuran.
• Bonus Languages: English, Xel'Nagan. Protoss with high Intelligence may extend their telepathy by 30 feet instead of taking a bonus language. This extension can be taken multiple times for bonus languages.
• Favored Class: Any Psionic Class.
• Level adjustment: +1.

Zerg have bizarre anatomies, strange abilities, and alien mindsets. See Table: Zerg for physical ability scores, recommended minimum Hit Dice, and damage based on size.
Hit Die: d8.
Base Attack Bonus: Total Hit Dice.
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude.
Skill Points: 2 x Int score, plus 2 points per Hit Dice beyond 1 HD.
Feats: Int modifier (minimum +0), plus 1 feat per 4 Hit Dice beyond 1 HD.
Zerg share the following additional traits.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Zerg are proficient with their natural weapons and any attacks mentioned in their entries.
• +2 species bonus Hide and Move Silently checks, +8 while underground.
• +4 species bonus against all poison and disease.
• Speed: All flying zerg retain their fly speed in space and other zero-gravity environments. Non-flying Zerg of large size or smaller have a burrowing speed equal to half their base land speed. All other zerg a +10ft. bonus to their land speed.
• Ability Scores: Most zerg have Intelligence scores of 1 or 2 with the exception of cerebrates, overlords, queens, the current overmind, and infested creatures who’ve escaped the swarm’s influence.
• Bonus Feats: A zerg gains the bonus feat Zero-G Training.
• Darkvision (Ex): Zerg have darkvision out to 60 feet.
• Tremorsense (Ex): Zerg have tremorsense out to 30 feet.
• Damage Reduction/psionics (Ex): Zerg normally have a damage reduction/psionics equal to 5 + half their total hit dice.
• Hive Mind (Ex): Zerg are always aware of what other Zerg within their radius of them are doing and seeing, even if they can’t actually see or hear the other Zerg. Anyone trying to read the thoughts of the Hive Mind cannot do so unless they are Zerg.
• Natural Armor (Ex): All zerg have natural armor equal to their hit dice + 2.
• Natural Weapons (Ex): All zerg have natural weapons which are considered adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and hardness.
• Regeneration (Ex): Acid, Fire, psionic energy and psionic weapons deal normal damage to Zerg. Zerg have a fast healing equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1), which allows them to regrow a lost limb in 1 hour or reattach it as a full-round action. This regeneration does not heal damage taken from natural causes such as starvation, dehydration, or fatigue.
• Vacuum Survival (Ex): A zerg can exist in zero-atmosphere environments.
• Zerg Metabolism (Ex): Zerg do not need to sleep or breathe while they are within range of their colony’s creep for at least one hour a day to absorb nutrients. Separation from a zerg colony works just like starvation for a human. See Starvation.

2008-05-28, 04:26 PM
It would be interesting to play a character like Kerrigan or a runaway Zerg that somehow developed a mind of it's own.... dare I say mutant zerg?

2008-05-29, 08:33 PM
This might be pushing the envelope, but you could play an overlord that, as class levels, can gain control over more and more HD worth of creatures, effectively acting as himself..... Just an idea.

Also, if you want to run a campaign with this, I'm totally in. PM me.

2008-05-29, 10:27 PM
I was recently thinking of doing this myself, but not basing it on anything and rather making it from scratch. Although I was planning to use some of the standard 3.5 stuff, like move/standard action probably and roll for hit vs. AC, although reworking weapons, leveling, equipment, etc.

2008-05-29, 10:44 PM
I would assume Zerg would end up being monsters, but I can imagine some stats. Others can tack on abilities.

Medium Zerg
Base Speed: 40 ft (60 if augmented)

Large Zerg
Base Speed: 30 ft (40 if augmented)

Large Zerg
Base Speed: Fly 40 ft (poor).

Small Zerg
Base Speed: 40 ft

Large Zerg
Base Speed: Fly 40 ft. (average)

Large Zerg
Base Speed: 20 ft

Huge Zerg
Base Speed: 40 ft (60 augmented)

I can only see overlords, queens and defilers being playable.

2008-05-30, 02:42 AM
I have Templar and Dark Templar classes made. I can post them here if anyone wants.

Ghost and Zealot advanced classes in progress.

Medic = Field Medic from d20 Modern

Marine/Firebat = Soldier from d20 Modern

Reaper = Gunslinger from d20 Modern

Vehicle pilots (both Terran and Protoss) = Pilot from d20 Modern

SCV = Techy from d20 Modern

(just edit skill points and feats from d20 modern to include non-human racial traits)

Zerg have no classes but just gain more hit dice and gain bonuses according to their zerg traits except for Cerebrates and infested humanoids who've been freed from the overmind's influence who can take class levels.

2008-06-03, 12:19 PM
I think this is a GREAT idea. ^_^ Count me in! Also, I'm all for making the Zerg a playable race. I would totally play as one. :P

2008-06-03, 11:40 PM
Well, I could imagine the queen and defiler having "spell" lists and I think hydralisks would be the easiest to give character class progression. Give it a ranged spine attack and two claws that progress with experience, a few class features, and you have a 6-8 level monster class.

Anyway, I was thinking of another monster

Sunken Colony
HP: 36d8+612(724)
Collosal+ zerg (yes, I know it's a building, but it is just a super-modified drone)
Speed (0ft)
Natural Reach(80 ft)
STR:46, DEX:2 CON:45, Int:-, Cha:- WIS:-
Full Attack: 1 colossal tentacle +45(not sure on damage dice + 26 damage)
CR: Decent, but shouldn't be overwhelming to a competent team with sufficient equipment for the job.
Terrain: Creep
Organization: Solitary (zerg outpost) clutch 5-7 (smallish to mediumish small colonies) or boil 13-24 (larger colonies)
Tremorsense 100 ft. Blind.

Notes: This is a massive biological nightmare that we are talking about and it should be easily dispatched by heavy weapons, air units and siege weaponry. I do not want Joe the level 3 marine to be able to take one out and I do not want bill the level 17 marine to take this thing on without breaking sweat and possibly getting smeared against the creep. The thing is, you can always run away from those nasty tentacles.

Edit: Cut down the strength and took away the possibility of taking out low-flying aircraft by making it blind to anything not touching the ground.

2008-06-04, 11:00 AM
It seems really overpowed.

In my experience with SC, 8 marines can take a sunken, but that thing would rip them apart and not feel a thing.

I mean, if you treated it like a gargantuan sized weapon (spear of some sort...) It would do probably at least 20 damage a pop, easily killing your average marine. The attack bonus is impossible to beat.


Also, it isn't that big. It's more like huge-gargantuan size.

2008-06-04, 11:23 AM
In order to play as a Zerg, it must be exceptional. Kerrigan is a ghost with the "Infested" template, the Devouring Ones are dire zerglings, Hunter-Killers are dire Hydralisks... The backround would make them sentient (as opposed to mindless slaves of the hivemind) that can be explained away as a hiccup in the borked up mutation process. Heck, in the case of Kerri, it was a big enough hiccup that she is not the woman in charge. The joys of unnatural selection and forced evolution eh?

2008-06-04, 11:30 AM
Wadda' ya say we try to get a game started up?

I mean, I've been a massive fan of SC for a while, and I would really like to do so.

I can't DM, seeing that I'm already DMing two online games, and playing in another three, and then there's real life. Plus, I'm not really farmiliar with the D20 future time rules. I would love to play, though.

2008-06-04, 08:25 PM
A bazooka in d20 modern does like what, 6d8 damage per shot? 8 marines 2 with bazookas, 2 with grenades, and 4 with rifles can't miss a colossal creature and should be doing about 28d8 damage per round? Keep in mind some sense of realism. In the original game you couldn't arm a marine with grenade launchers, bazookas, sniper rifles, hand guns, etc. In a d20 game you're more prepared and equipped.

I think that sunken colony is only slightly overpowered as it has a Strength score too high for its size. A Colossal creature has a +32 bonus to Strength and +16 bonus to Constitution just for being colossal, plus base 10 is only 42 Str and 26 Con. Assuming all its hit dice are devoted to Str and Con (36/4=+9/2=4) meaning you've given it at least a +21 racial bonus to Strength and +15 racial bonus to Constitution when in reality it would only have between +4 and +8 at most.

2008-06-04, 08:36 PM
Well, the strength can be knocked down a bit, I agree with that.

But flame-throwers, explosives, rocket launchers, bombardment, yeah, the thing will go down in a pile of slime, blood and puss.

In the game, a stimmed swarm (I mean swarm, around 24-32 I believe, not quite sure) of marines could take down a behemoth class battlecruiser. This thing has heavy armor and is supposed to be really really big.

2008-06-04, 09:40 PM
You don't even need that many. I did it with micro and 12 marines. Only two died.

Hopefully you know what micro is.

2008-06-05, 03:55 PM
Micro can mean a lot of things as it is part of many different words. Not sure exactly what it is you're refering to.

You might also want to give the Sunken colony at least 1 point of Charisma and Wisdom as it is at least smart enough to know the difference between itself and other creatures and able to be aware of other creatures nearby so it can attack them. Without such, the sunken colony would be unable to act without being directly puppeteered rather than commanded.

Oh yeah and here are some of the classes: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4425278#post4425278

2008-06-05, 11:22 PM
I fixed the sunken colony I am going to flesh out the deflier a bit more

Large Zerg
(10d8+40) (85)
2 claws + 5 (1d6) + 1 bite + 7 (1d8)
Base Speed: 20 ft burrow 10

Plague: A defiler, being concieved of genetic rejects and virulent slime and other nasty things, can release a cloud of plague-ridden puss and slime that covers any creature (even other zerg) within a 30 ft radius. Creatures who come in contact must make a DC 19 fortitude save or immediately take 3d6 constitution damage. If they fail, they must save again for 1d6 CON damage every hour afterwards until a successful save is made.
This does not work against robots like reavers or probes or vehicles, though the crew may be subject to damage if they come in contact with the puss. This ability can be used once every 6 hours.

Swarm: A defier can release a cloud of small organisms that consume each other at an astounding rate. The resultant cloud is 30 ft in radius and acts as total darkness, incurring normal accuracy and movement penalties. Darkvision devices will not work in the swarm. The swarm lasts for 6d4 rounds before the organisms consume each other and die. This ability can be once every 3 hours.

Cannabalism: A defiler can eat fellow zerg to increase the rate at which it metabolizes. A defiler that eats a medium size or large size zerg reduces the time needed to wait for the Swarm and Plague abilities by 1 hour and huge zerg by 2. This ability cannot be used more than once per 6 hours as the defiler digests the food.

Well, that's the defiler for you.

2008-06-06, 10:02 AM
For those interested..... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82478)

2008-06-06, 07:15 PM
Huge Zerg
HP: 24d8+168(278)
AC: 28 (10 -2 size, + 20 natural)
Attack: 2 claws + 27 (2d8+11) + 2 legs + 22 (2d6+11)
Abilities:STR:32 CON:24 DEX:10 INT:2 CHA:2 WIS:12
Base Speed: 40 ft (60 augmented)
Special Abilities: DR 5/-, Battle Claws, Heavy Chitin. Trample
Organization: Solitary, group 2-10, or crush 11-24

Heavy Chitin: An ultralisk has a heavy carapace that is very resilient to outside trauma. An ultralisk can survive conditions that would be considered extreme to other lifeforms. Extreme cold or heat do not effect an ultralisk as it would other creatures (though immersion in lava will continue to do damage and it takes half damage from such effects). Also, an ultralisk in not subject to any damage from extreme pressure differences (such as if in space or deep underwater).

Battle Claws: An ultralisk's claws do more damage than huge claws normally would. Also, the claws threaten a critical hit on an 18-20.

And 'cause I could:

Large Beast
HP 10d8+50(95)
Abilities: Str 18: Con 20: Dex 10: Int: 2, Cha 4, Wis: 8
Special abilities: Explodable

Explodable: If an ursadon is poked continuously for 20 rounds without interruption, it explodes.

2008-06-06, 08:04 PM
Large Beast
HP 10d8+50(95)
Abilities: Str 18: Con 20: Dex 10: Int: 2, Cha 4, Wis: 8
Special abilities: Explodable

Explodable: If an ursadon is poked continuously for 20 rounds without interruption, it explodes.

I've always failed to see a point in the creatures.

Although, it's fun to MC one with a DA and then use it as a spy.

2008-06-07, 11:04 AM
I really think the defiler's abilities are too strong. Make them a bit weaker and useable more often and that would be more suiting. Also, didn't the defiler's swarm ability make zerg invincible, not invisible?

Great job with the ultralisk, but you should really just state Cold/Fire resistance 10 or 20. That would save you a lot of wordiness. Or if you didn't mean THAT extreme of temperatures you can copy/paste the explanation from the Endure Elements spell from 3.5 D&D. I have a bunch of zerg traits already listed in my earlier post: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4383970&postcount=13

Much better job on the Sunken colony. Personally I think it should be dealing 4d6+19 damage.

2008-06-07, 11:15 AM
Where can I get a list of D20 modern stuff (rockets, guns, vehicles, pretty much anything not covered in D&D)?

2008-06-07, 11:51 AM
There shall be more posters in the recruitment thread we have set up on pain of dying with a metal spike up your behind.

Zeta Kai
2008-06-07, 01:32 PM
Where can I get a list of D20 modern stuff (rockets, guns, vehicles, pretty much anything not covered in D&D)?

There are several D20 Modern SRD sites. Here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/msrd)are (http://www.12tomidnight.com/d20modernsrd/Home.php)a (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/modern/smack/srdhome.html)few (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/MSRD:Modern_System_Reference_Document)of (http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/srd/srd_modern_html/index.html)them (http://www.dominion-x.net/d20-msrd/). Take your pick.

2008-06-07, 05:40 PM
There are several D20 Modern SRD sites. Here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/msrd)are (http://www.12tomidnight.com/d20modernsrd/Home.php)a (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/modern/smack/srdhome.html)few (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/MSRD:Modern_System_Reference_Document)of (http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/srd/srd_modern_html/index.html)them (http://www.dominion-x.net/d20-msrd/). Take your pick.

Ah. Thank you VERY nuch.

For anyone who doesn't know, I'm gonna DM a game of D2O SC, and the thread is down in the recruiting forum. There are two to three player slots left.

Edit: I can't find this on any of the sites. A friend of mine said that, unlike D&D, D20 modern gave you two feats on character generation (+1 if you're human.) I just want to make sure if this is true or not. Help?

2008-06-08, 12:35 AM
In modern, are we allowed to make 'gunkata' a feat?

Zeta Kai
2008-06-08, 12:48 AM
I can't find this on any of the sites. A friend of mine said that, unlike D&D, D20 modern gave you two feats on character generation (+1 if you're human.) I just want to make sure if this is true or not. Help?

Since humans are the default race of D20 Modern, characters are assumed to get 2 feats at 1st level. Non-humans still only get 1 feat, though, so there is no real difference.

2008-06-08, 12:50 AM
Since humans are the default race of D20 Modern, characters are assumed to get 2 feats at 1st level. Non-humans still only get 1 feat, though, so there is no real difference.

As for skills, is it just int mod + class amount?