View Full Version : Lost style flashbacks?

Green-Shirt Q
2008-05-30, 08:35 PM
In the most recent strip, Daigo said he was having flashbacks, which is obviously a nod to "Lost".

All I wonder is, will we ever see any of these flashbacks? What do you think?

I personally think that a flashback of Elan winning the lottery with 4 8 15 16 23 42 would be hilarious (albiet completly nonsensical) and that these flashbacks could shed some light on Daigo or Lien's past, makeing them a little more 3-D, would be pretty cool.

Or do you think that "On The Origin Of PCs" is all the flashback we're going to get?

David Argall
2008-05-30, 08:56 PM
We have about 110 strips left in the current book, much of which must be devoted to the reunion of the party, Roy getting raised, and the recovery of Azure City. That doesn't give us much space for the flashbacks of NPC's.

Now the announced cycle is the current book and then two more, presumably the other two gates, and one more prequel? book. My idea has been this will be a set of short stories, and that might include these flashbacks.

Morgan Wick
2008-05-30, 09:23 PM
In the most recent strip, Daigo said he was having flashbacks, which is obviously a nod to "Lost".

All I wonder is, will we ever see any of these flashbacks? What do you think?

I personally think that a flashback of Elan winning the lottery with 4 8 15 16 23 42 would be hilarious (albiet completly nonsensical) and that these flashbacks could shed some light on Daigo or Lien's past, makeing them a little more 3-D, would be pretty cool.

Or do you think that "On The Origin Of PCs" is all the flashback we're going to get?

I think that was a reference to when Daigo first appeared, when Hinjo and most of the OOTS were running away from arrows. Bit of a stretch though. Or it could be a reference to the OOTS' history of running away a lot; don't think too much about the fact Daigo wasn't there for any of them (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MST3KMantra). But even if it was intended to be a Lost reference, it would then clearly be intended to be a one-off. Don't get your hopes up for too many new flashbacks.

We have about 110 strips left in the current book, much of which must be devoted to the reunion of the party, Roy getting raised, and the recovery of Azure City. That doesn't give us much space for the flashbacks of NPC's.

Now the announced cycle is the current book and then two more, presumably the other two gates, and one more prequel? book. My idea has been this will be a set of short stories, and that might include these flashbacks.

I'm still not ruling out the idea that at least part of the OOTS finds itself at Girard's Gate before anything you mention in your first sentence takes place. In fact the reunion of the party could easily take place AT Girard's Gate. But I don't have any of the books and I don't have anything on this "announced cycle".

2008-06-02, 10:45 AM
I think that was a reference to when Daigo first appeared, when Hinjo and most of the OOTS were running away from arrows. Bit of a stretch though. Or it could be a reference to the OOTS' history of running away a lot; don't think too much about the fact Daigo wasn't there for any of them (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MST3KMantra). But even if it was intended to be a Lost reference, it would then clearly be intended to be a one-off. Don't get your hopes up for too many new flashbacks.

I actually think the Lost reference is deliberate, since a few panels before Daigo's flashback line, there's a sign referencing the "Greg Initiative." It's enough to indicate a deliberate reference.

Think about it this way: characters that reincarnate have been around for centuries, but if your reincarnating character is hanging out in a police box and waving a screwdriver around, you have a Doctor Who parody on your hands.

2008-06-02, 10:59 AM
I think it was just a joke for the sake of one strip filled with jokes. Anyone else think we might be overanalyzing it just a tad?....

Tholok Razescar
2008-06-03, 09:36 AM
I think it was just a joke for the sake of one strip filled with jokes. Anyone else think we might be overanalyzing it just a tad?....
