View Full Version : Iron Avatarist Contest -- Fine Arts

Roland St. Jude
2008-06-01, 04:13 PM
Welcome to...
Iron Avatarist

This Iron Avatarist contest will be judged by

(Vorpal Tribble/Oblivion/Bookman/Gorbash Kazdar/Possibly Pirate Roland)
(Final lineup subject to change - If any of you want to draw instead just let me know!)

Our theme this time is...
Fine Arts

What does fine art in the OotSverse look like? Reimagine all your favorite (Playground-appropriate) works of fine art with OotS characters. Elan as The Thinker? V as Whistler's Mother...err...Parent? Erfian Gothic? Whether it's inserting the OotS Characters into classic art or just recreating the classics in OotS style, it's time make all things old new again!

Remember: All artwork must be your own. Do not take, alter, or use any of the The Giant's art. Thanks. :smallsmile:

As usual there will be a First through Third place award for each of the following, with trophies by Oblivion:

Best OotSified "Painting"
Best OotSified "Sculpture"
Best OotSified "Photograph"
Best OotSified Other Art
Best Erf Art

And, as always, the Best Overall award.

As usual, I'll be giving the collectible Roland’s Choice Award to the avatarist's creation that most appeals to my, admittedly pretentious, sensibilities.

Every entry must include a bolded introduction as to what category you are trying to enter in.

Every entry must include a bolded introduction as to what your entry is.

For example:
Best OotSified "Painting"
Roy Crossing the Delaware

Links to the underlying source is always appreciated.

Only the avatarist who created the avatar may submit it.
However, you may submit old creations as long as they have never been entered into an Iron Avatar Thread before. It does not have to be something made specifically for this thread.

All entries must be completed by July 6 at Noon Eastern Standard Time.

2008-06-01, 05:10 PM
DIBS on Andy Warhol's and Van Gogh's.
Also, some Da' Vinci's

Roland St. Jude
2008-06-01, 05:36 PM
DIBS on Andy Warhol's and Van Gogh's.
Also, some Da' Vinci's

Just so everyone is clear, it doesn't really work that way. :smallamused:

2008-06-01, 05:49 PM
I know it's Fine Arts, but for Best Photograph, could I use Vietnam-era pictures?

2008-06-01, 08:52 PM
I have a question, given that this is the first time I consider entering...

Do the entries have to be 120x120 max, too?

2008-06-01, 09:13 PM
I have a question, given that this is the first time I consider entering...

Do the entries have to be 120x120 max, too?
Unless the rules have changed in the last month or two, no. The "best group" ones tends to be fairly large; see the ones in my sig for examples (although in retrospect those are a bit on the large side).

This is an interesting topic, so I'll see if I can get something done this time.

2008-06-01, 09:35 PM
Shoot. I have no idea what to do for this one. I guess I'll just have to be sure I win the previous one.


2008-06-01, 09:40 PM
HHhhmmm... would the lincoln memorial count as fine art?

also, does it have to be roy or someone? Or can it be whoever?

2008-06-01, 09:43 PM
Entry for Best OotSified "Sculpture"
Title: Oh no! I'm out of Toilet Paper


2008-06-01, 11:00 PM
I'll proably enter an Oots ... erm, I forgot what it was called, but it was that Man that Da Vinci drew with the arms and legs moving around and such.

2008-06-01, 11:33 PM
Entry for Best Ootsified "Painting"
Title: The Kiss


Original Painting:
The Kiss (http://www.lifeinthefastlane.ca/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/kiss_gustav_klint_sfw.jpg) by Gustav Klimt.

2008-06-01, 11:35 PM
This is awesome. I told you before via msn, I repeat it here. Congratulations!!

2008-06-02, 01:10 AM
Oooo. Ideas gallore... Roland, if you can find someone to replace me (I know, it'll be difficult :smallwink:), I'd like to enter this one. If not, well, I'll just have to be extra-critical!

2008-06-02, 01:47 AM
Best OotSified "Painting"
American Gothic

Best OotSified "Painting"
OOTS Gothic

Best OotSified "Sculpture"
Thinker Roy

2008-06-02, 12:04 PM
Best OotSified "Painting"
The Screaming Xykon
Original: Edvard Munch's "The Scream".

2008-06-02, 01:26 PM
I had this idea of having Elan and Haley in a picture as Pygmalion and Galatea, but first I would like to know if it would be appropriate, as I realise it might be a bit out of theme.

Roland St. Jude
2008-06-02, 01:39 PM
Let's see if I can answer your questions..

1) Yes, you can do famous photgraphs - that's why the category is in there. I certainly would think they are art. Along with say, the classic VJ Day Kiss and others.

2) Avatar size is much preferred, but not strictly required. Somewhere around 117 square or 120 square is prefereable, though.

3) It could certainly be any monument you like.

4) It can involve any OotS Character you prefer or even just a person in OotS style.

5) Serpentine, I'll take you off the judging list. Have fun drawing!

As always, read the rule broadly when it comes to subject matter. :smallsmile:

2008-06-02, 11:26 PM

Best Ootsified "Painting"
Son of Stickman

Original. (http://www.duiven.org/Worth1000/source-The-son-of-man.jpg)

2008-06-03, 12:20 AM
Best Ootsified "Photo"
Celia by Qwernt Warhol?
(Is this one a photo? I think it is...)

Best Ootsified "Painting"
Rene Magritte's Le Pelerin-julhu

Best Ootsified "Painting"
Creation of OotS

Best Ootsified "Painting"
Creation Relation of OotS

Creation of Man (http://8thwood.com/images/michelangelo-creation-man.jpg)

Ninja Chocobo
2008-06-03, 05:54 AM
I'm considering entering, but I'm new to IA. Thus, I have a question. If someone has the same idea as you, but manages to post it first, are you still allowed to enter yours? I mean, in this context it's much more likely than in a lot of the previous ones that I've seen.

2008-06-03, 06:01 AM
There's no rule against submitting something someone else has already done. No bagsing subjects, etc.
So. Go for it :smallsmile:

2008-06-03, 06:07 AM
Best OotSified Sculpture
Neolithic Woman

2008-06-03, 06:13 AM
Best Ootsified "Painting"
Creation of OotS
Creation of Man (http://8thwood.com/images/michelangelo-creation-man.jpg)

Well, if you can enter this, I'll have to submit my old piece:

Best Painting
The Creation of Elan

2008-06-03, 07:45 AM
Perking man? :smallconfused: Do you mean Peking Man? Spoilers are thusly:
"Luke, I am your father."
Roland, you said a while ago that you prefer them to not be spoilered for judges. How does that go with borderline pictures like that one, aside from it being preferable that it be shrunk down a bit?

2008-06-03, 08:27 AM
Um... if you want it to actually get judged, I suggest you put
Best Painting (Other?)
Evolution of Man
outside of the spoilers, or it won't get noticed.

2008-06-03, 11:36 AM
Best OotSified "painting"
Haley Leading the People



2008-06-03, 11:42 AM
Whoa... what happened to those entries?! :smalleek: Aww, I didn't drive him away, did I? :smallfrown: They weren't bad or anything... It was just stuff that needed tweaking... Awwwww :smallfrown:

Dr. Bath
2008-06-03, 03:59 PM
Best OotSified "Sculpture"
Eros in Piccadilly Circus by Alfred Gilbert RA (http://static.flickr.com/85/274510258_9ac598417d_o.jpg)

Best OotSified "Photograph"
Raising the flag on mount Suribachi by Joe Rosenthal (http://www.montney.com/marine/iwo.jpg)

Best OotSified "Other" (pencil drawing)
"Eye" by M.C. Escher (http://seanism.com/art/EscherEye.jpg)

Hmmm...very black and white. Oh well. 'Tis all art.

2008-06-03, 05:16 PM
Best OotSified "Painting"
The Miko Lisa, by Leonardo DjinnVinci


2008-06-03, 05:31 PM
Bath! The good doctor is back! Whoo!

2008-06-03, 09:57 PM
Well well well. Welcome to the competition, Doctor.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2008-06-03, 10:37 PM
YAY! Bath's back!

Roland St. Jude
2008-06-03, 10:45 PM
More official answers:

1) Don't spoiler images.
2) Don't make images that would need to be spoilered due to size or content.
3) There is no calling dibs or pre-emption of ideas. It doesn't matter how many times it's been done before, you're welcome to submit your version.

2008-06-04, 12:28 AM
Best OotSified Other Art (pencil drawing)
Another View of OOTS 123

And welcome back to the good Dr.

2008-06-04, 12:57 AM
yay! Doctor Bath's back! :smallbiggrin: I think some of your avis for Curly might apply, in case you didn't think of that...

Qwernt: Very cool :smallbiggrin:

Dr. Bath
2008-06-04, 10:07 AM
Best Ootsified "Painting"
Roy I of Nowhere by Holbien the younger (http://www.crankyprofessor.com/Henry-VIII-kingofengland_1491-1547.jpg)


Oh, it's on Nathan. Again. :smallbiggrin:

I suppose so, Serpentine... but that would mean searching through my photobukkts. All 938 images of it. And I'm far too lazy to do that.

@Djinn: Oooh, the puns. The painfully awesome puns.

2008-06-04, 10:59 AM
Consider the gauntlet thrown!

Best Painting (OotS character as..)
Nude Descending A Staircase No. 1

Based off of: Nude Descending A Staircase No. 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nude_descending_a_staircase) by Marcel Duchamp (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_Duchamp).

Dr. Bath
2008-06-04, 11:53 AM
Retort! Vectors at Dawn!

Best OotSified "Sculpture"
Fountain by Marcel Duchamp (http://everydaytrash.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/marcel-duchamp-fountain.jpg)

I was going to do this anyway, having seen this particular "scupture" a week ago, but you spur me on to greater things Nathan.

Ego Slayer
2008-06-04, 12:07 PM
Argh. I was thinking of entering something, but... damn, there are some really awesome things already! :O

2008-06-04, 12:11 PM
Fountain by Marcel Duchamp

Laughing so very hard right now.

2008-06-04, 06:43 PM
Best OotSified Painting
Bitterleaf's Red Period (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_period):


2008-06-04, 07:23 PM
Best OotSified Other Art
The Vitruvian Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitruvian_Man)

2008-06-04, 07:47 PM
man... I was going to post mine... but I think that it needs a little work before even standing a chance against all these other magnificent entries from bath and everyone (by the way, welcome back!)

2008-06-04, 10:07 PM
Best Portrait (Group?)
The Birth of Venus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_Venus_(Botticelli))

2008-06-04, 10:45 PM
I had this one in mind for a while, but finally got the time to throw it together.

Best OotSified "Sculpture"
David by Michelangelo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_(Michelangelo))

2008-06-04, 11:53 PM
Best OotSified "Sculpture"
David by Michelangelo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_(Michelangelo))

A banner of this would be awesome!!!

2008-06-04, 11:55 PM
I had this one in mind for a while, but finally got the time to throw it together.

Best OotSified "Sculpture"
David by Michelangelo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_(Michelangelo))

Can't draw anymore. Laughing too hard.

2008-06-05, 01:04 AM
Let's see if I can answer your questions..
3) It could certainly be any monument you like.
As always, read the rule broadly when it comes to subject matter. :smallsmile:

Best OotSified Sculpture (Monument?)
Moai of Easter Island

Best OotSified Painting
Triple Self Portrait - Norman Rockwell

2008-06-05, 02:37 AM
Best OotSified Painting
Triple Self Portrait - Norman Rockwell

You did a very good job on this - I like it a lot.

Edit: For shiz.

2008-06-05, 03:34 AM
Aha! Finished, finally.

Best Painting

Original. (http://www.fotos.org/galeria/data/570/Rene-Magritte-Golconda.jpg)

Dr. Bath
2008-06-05, 06:11 AM
Just a quick skim through the photobucket.

Best OotSified "Painting"
Birth of CurlyKitGirl

Best OotSified "Photograph"
Marilyn Monroe

Best OotSified "Sculpture"
The thinker by Rodin

Best OotSified "Other" (sketch)
The vitruvian Girl

Note that these were all made months ago, no cramper of other's style am I.

2008-06-05, 02:57 PM
Waaaa, the doctor is cool!
I'm withdrawing the contest because I find it very hard.

2008-06-05, 07:35 PM
mah, same here... I have too much homework. And I even procratsinate on fun things if they're hard enough...

2008-06-05, 08:17 PM
What exactly constitutes fine art?
Does it mean hanging in a museum?
Or a famous piece of art?
Or a piece of art by a famous artist?

Roland St. Jude
2008-06-05, 08:18 PM
What exactly constitutes fine art?
Does it mean hanging in a museum?
Or a famous piece of art?
Or a piece of art by a famous artist?

As always, read the rule broadly when it comes to subject matter. :smallsmile:

2008-06-05, 08:41 PM
Best OOTSified Painting
MitMalvich's Black Square (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Black_Square.jpg)


Original Black Square by Kasimir Malevich

2008-06-05, 08:42 PM
*cry* well, looks like any chance I had of winning is dead and gone. Props to the other artists.

Uncle Festy
2008-06-05, 09:01 PM
Zarah, that's hilarious.
Welcome back, Bath! (Again)
Great stuff by all. Good luck - I'm not even going to try and compete, unless I have a really great idea sometime soon. :smallsmile:

2008-06-05, 09:14 PM
Best OOtSified Sculpture
Michelangelo's Pieta (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Michelangelo_Petersdom_Pieta.JPG)--Roy and Mother


2008-06-06, 06:48 AM
Roland, were you still going to be doing that thing what I suggested, or are you leaving it until the next contest? Just probably worth letting the newbies know, if you are...

2008-06-06, 02:54 PM
And yet another.

Best OotSified Painting
Emperor Napoleon - by Anne-Louis Girodet-TriOotSon

(and yes, the N is backward in the original photo I used... could be that it is a scan/poster of the original painting - but I liked the backward N better)

2008-06-06, 03:58 PM
And yet another.

Best OotSified Painting
Emperor Napoleon - by Anne-Louis Girodet-TriOotSon

(and yes, the N is backward in the original photo I used... could be that it is a scan/poster of the original painting - but I liked the backward N better)

I get the feeling that Evil Elitest will want this as his hew avatar.

2008-06-06, 05:47 PM
I get the feeling that Evil Elitest will want this as his hew avatar.

Well... if you noticed his thread... I offered;^)

2008-06-06, 10:55 PM
Time to start drawing again. :D

Ninja Chocobo
2008-06-07, 12:34 AM
I probably should've done this earlier and/or read the thread, since now two people have done the same thing, only better.:smallfrown:
Best OotSified Painting
The Birth of Haley
By Sandro Bottichocobo.
Original. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7d/Botticelli_Venus.jpg/800px-Botticelli_Venus.jpg)

2008-06-07, 01:13 AM
I probably should've done this earlier and/or read the thread, since now two people have done the same thing, only better.

Nonsense. The more the merrier. Besides, yours is completely different than both Bath's and mine. OotS versions FTW.

2008-06-07, 02:35 AM
I agree with nathan - the more the merrier. The only way to improve is to do and submit (cause if you don't submit you won't put enough effort into it).

And along the lines of "the more the merrier":

Best OotSified "Other" (Pencil Drawing)
Drawing Hands - M.C. Escher

Best OotSified "Other" (Pencil Drawing)
Up a Level, Down a Level?
Ascending and Descending - M.C. Escher (http://www.worldofescher.com/gallery/jpgs/P45L.jpg)
(Thanks Skarious for the FABULOUS idea for this one)

2008-06-07, 02:41 AM
I really like the up/down level one, great job.

Ninja Chocobo
2008-06-07, 06:03 AM
Best OotSified "Other" (Pencil Drawing)
Up a Level, Down a Level?

I was literally just about to start drawing this. It even had the same title. I even had the stairs drawn already, albeit poorly.
Why do you people do my ideas far, far better than I ever could, before I get a chance?:smallfrown:

Ego Slayer
2008-06-07, 12:13 PM
Time to start drawing again. :D
Yay, hey Pikonn! :smallbiggrin:

Djinn, your "Black Square" entry is awesome. xD

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-08, 08:28 AM
Oh, I knew this would be a nice horrible experiance to look throu. Luckily noone have published the one I thought (yet) :smallbiggrin:.
Well, time to go back and to add more fruit. (the solution of everything: add more fruit :smallwink:)

2008-06-09, 05:19 PM
EDIT: Took down my Last Supper for renovations.

Best Photograph
Caparojo Heroico (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che_Guevara_(photo))

Redcloak as the Guerrillero Heroico version of Che Guevera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che_Guevera).

2008-06-09, 07:35 PM
Best Portrait
The Last Supper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Supper_(Leonardo))

I've been working on it for a long time and I'm still not very happy with it so.. hopefully I'll find the motivation to improve it.

That's sweet! Are you joking? Didn't Jesus have a beard, though?

2008-06-09, 08:10 PM
Didn't Jesus have a beard, though?

He did! All my versions of the beard turned out horrible so... He's clean shaven for now.

2008-06-10, 12:05 AM
I probably should've done this earlier and/or read the thread, since now two people have done the same thing, only better.:smallfrown:
Best OotSified Painting
The Birth of Haley
By Sandro Bottichocobo.
Original. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7d/Botticelli_Venus.jpg/800px-Botticelli_Venus.jpg)

You can still post it in the OotS House of Fanservice thread though. It's really cool.

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-10, 08:36 AM
Well, there it came - luckily I added some more fruit. :smallwink:
I'm quite uncertain if this fall inside the frame of the contest (I started out on the right path, and then... well... things happened...) - but I had much fun making it anyway. :smallsmile:

Best OotSified "Painting"
The Last Party
Original: "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Leonardo_da_Vinci_%281452-1519%29_-_The_Last_Supper_%281495-1498%29.jpg)

2008-06-10, 11:46 AM
Best OotSified "Painting"
The Last Party

Very well done! Now I have to go back and fix mine up. Gogo gadget spirit of competition.

2008-06-10, 12:34 PM
Well, there it came - luckily I added some more fruit. :smallwink:
I'm quite uncertain if this fall inside the frame of the contest (I started out on the right path, and then... well... things happened...) - but I had much fun making it anyway. :smallsmile:

Best OotSified "Painting"
The Last Party

Wow, that looks great. Though you should add more pie and make Elan's mouth covered in blueberry stuff, just like in the latest OotS comic. Also, I can't see what Durkon and V are doing.

2008-06-10, 01:00 PM
Wow, that looks great. Though you should add more pie and make Elan's mouth covered in blueberry stuff, just like in the latest OotS comic. Also, I can't see what Durkon and V are doing.

Durkon is convincing V on the merits of his faith via an Espresso machine.

Excellent, Elder Tsofu, the details are wonderful - I especially like the punk-rocker dude.

2008-06-10, 03:02 PM
Best Ootsified "Photograph"
Hobgoblins Raising the Flag at Azure City

And larger, so's you can see it the way it was made:

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-10, 05:49 PM
Durkon is convincing V on the merits of his faith via an Espresso machine.

Well I thought that V would need a bit espresso to continue standing upright. :smallwink:

Nice that you like it - it kind of indicates that I'm getting a little better (even if it goes at the speed of a 100m snailrace :smallsigh:). I'll see if I will change it a bit later on, but atm I'm stuck at a stoneage-computer and you wont see much more from me. :smallbiggrin:
(And I'm quite set in my ways that when I put up the candidate it is the final one, that way I can think of something else afterwards :smallsmile:).

Good luck to all now!
(I think we only have seen the top of the ice, and it will be interesting to see what the big elephants have put their effort into)

2008-06-10, 07:18 PM
I'm currently working on something big for this, something you probably haven't heard of.

2008-06-10, 10:53 PM
Best OotSified "Sculpture"
The Mátyás Fountain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Lovski_vodnjak1.jpg)

2008-06-11, 03:27 AM
Wow, that's a cool statue and a great rendition of it. I think the dogs let it down somewhat, though... If you look at the Giant's work, he's a lot freer, in terms of geometric shapes, with animals than people.

2008-06-11, 10:14 AM
I don't know why I should even bother entering, everything is so amazing, there's no way I could possibly come close, but anway, I had fun making this

Best OotSiefied "Painting"
Sarah and Roy as Madonna as the Yarnwinder

2008-06-11, 12:48 PM
I don't know why I should even bother entering, everything is so amazing

I like this one a lot. So... Welcome to the "everything is so amazing" category.

2008-06-12, 01:30 AM
Kwarkpudding - I have to agree with Nathan: Excellent! Your's too Kd7sov & Szilard!

I have really enjoyed this IA - both seeing other people's creations and getting inspired by real art. Just so many ideas.

Best OotSified Painting
Haley's view of OotS 381
Portrait Félix Fénéon by Paul Signac (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Signac.jpg)

Best OotSified Sculpture (bronze statue)
Another view of OotS 174
Statue of Kusunoki Masashige (http://www.sarukoen.com/archives/0506%20120.jpg)

(you said "fine", not "famous")
Best OotSified Sculpture (bronze statue)
Bigger Ears
Big Ear by Chen Ming-li (http://www.president.gov.tw/en/prog/gallery/images/200511/pic_1131701610_20677_366f0580290f27d3.jpg)

2008-06-13, 12:32 AM
Hey Ego :P Still havent started drawing, but Im loving all the entries, hopefully soon heh.

2008-06-13, 09:35 PM
Ahhh. There is so much GREAT art here. It's a wonder I'm bothering to enter this, but I had alot of fun with it. Even though it looks somewhat demented. It's still my baby.

Best OotSified Painting
The Girl with a Pearl Earring


Original: "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Vermeer (http://www.essentialvermeer.com/catalogue/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.html)

Incase you're wondering why she doesn't have a mouth, I always thought that, in the original painting, you could never tell the girl's expression - since that proved to be hard, for me, in oots style, I decided to make it EVEN harder to tell her expression. :smallsmile:

Ninja Chocobo
2008-06-14, 06:47 AM
You can still post it in the OotS House of Fanservice thread though. It's really cool.

Fanservice? It's Art!

Also, my self-esteem thanks you for the compliment.

Ashen Lilies
2008-06-14, 07:08 AM
I too, have no idea why I am posting. The rest of the stuff on the board is epic. (and took all my good ideas)

Best OotSified Painting:
Maybe-Roy Lichtenstein (http://www.students.sbc.edu/kitchin04/artandexpression/roy2%5B1%5D.jpg)


2008-06-24, 12:22 AM
Nathan: Just saw your "Under Renovations" placeholder. I love it! :smallbiggrin: And also that you spent so much time and effort doing that rather than actually fixing it! :smalltongue::smallbiggrin: Wonder whether it could count as an entry... it does have the painting in it... Even if the real one is on a whole wall...

I noticed a bunch of "Image has been removed" notices. Be a waste if they're not fixed... :smallfrown:

I has finished all my work for this semester, so stand by for a something :smallsmile:

2008-06-24, 04:31 AM
Nathan: Just saw your "Under Renovations" placeholder.

Ahhh. Thank you! I totally forgot about that. I guess at some point I should upload and link to the reluctantly final version of that.

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-24, 06:25 AM
I don't know what I have missed as I constantly fail to see any removed images.

Is it some strange power you have, or shall I go and clean my glasses?

2008-06-24, 07:25 AM
Apparently someone decided to make me look like an idiot. :smallannoyed: Or went back and fixed them. Who knows?! Probably them.
There were only two, I think, anyway.

2008-06-24, 09:09 AM
Apparently someone decided to make me look like an idiot. :smallannoyed: Or went back and fixed them. Who knows?! Probably them.
There were only two, I think, anyway.

:smallredface:, those were mine, Nathan had warned me that they weren't appearing, so I fixed them.

2008-06-24, 10:26 AM
I just thought I'd make some entries, I know I'm not going to win though.

These are both sculptures, I hope they count.:smalleek:

Best OOTSified "Sculpture":
Freddie Mercury

Reference (http://www.martinemartin.co.uk/uploaded_images/freddy_mercury_statue_montreux-728509.jpg)

Do not want to be entered(just here because people have referred to it):
Phil Lynott

Reference (http://www.dublinblog.ie/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/phil2.jpg)

I might do some more later.

EDIT: Thanks for that Szilard, I must have failed my spot check there.

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-24, 10:39 AM
Nice ones, but is Phil Lynott's body supposed to be all-black? (I can understand if it should, judging by the reference, but it would be a shame if it wasn't the case)
Nothing is set before the judges have said their part oregano. :)

And nice that the missing pictures came back, thats what count in the end.

And for the judges, wouldn't it be nice to have a post at the beginning updating with all the participating entries?
- And yeah, I know it is a lot of work just to let people be lazy. :smalltongue:

2008-06-24, 10:43 AM
Well from all the photos I've seen of it, never actually seen it(I might go look at it when I'm in Ireland next) it is all that dark brown, which is a pity really.:smallfrown:

2008-06-24, 11:48 AM
Oregano, you have to put the category for the drawing aswell, so the judges will actually judge it, examples are on the first post.

2008-06-25, 01:54 AM
Nothing is set before the judges have said their part oregano. :)'specially seeing as an awful lot of the time, whenever someone says "omg that winzorz, no point entering now!" that one gets nuthin' :smallannoyed:

Oregano: How about different shades of brown? Looking at that statue, I'd suggest... slightly darker hair, slightly lighter vest, maybe some shading/highlighting if you feel like going to the effort but it doesn't really matter. They look very cool, though :smallbiggrin: Where are those statues? Never seen 'em before.

2008-06-25, 06:02 AM
I might actually do that Serpentine because it looks a bit bland with just the brown. The Phil Lynott statue's in Dublin and The Freddie Mercury statue is in Montreux in Switzerland.

I've updated Phil Lynott, does this look better?:smallconfused:

Best OOTSified "Sculpture":
Phil Lynott

What should I do with the original image in my earlier post?

2008-06-25, 04:52 PM
I love the Freddie one! :smallbiggrin:

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-25, 04:57 PM
Well, I think it look better now - although the greatest effect came from changing computer (last time I looked that brown was midnight-black).

I suppose you could enter both, although it may split votes = not good. Just remove the one you are least statisfied with, I don't think anyone should get mad at that.

2008-06-26, 02:42 AM
Best OotSified Painting
Another View of OotS #481
A Sunday Afternoon on La Grand Jatte-1884
by Georges Seurat (http://www.allthingsmike.com/IsItArtGallery/Images/SundayAfternoonSeraut.jpg)

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-26, 03:38 AM
Qwernt, an new masterpiece - although I do not "fall in love" with it as your other "another view of" (probably due to that this lack outlines). :smallsmile:

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-06-26, 07:24 AM
Qwernt... that is bloody awesome.

2008-06-26, 09:40 AM
Qwernt, an new masterpiece - although I do not "fall in love" with it as your other "another view of" (probably due to that this lack outlines). :smallsmile:

Thanks. (both Elder Tsofu & The Vorbal Tribble)
I did the no outline thing on purpose - trying to get a closer match the style of the painting. I realized it wouldn't work for everyone but I wanted to try the style.

2008-06-27, 12:35 AM
Qwernt.. I.. I want to destroy you.

P.S.: It is fantastic. For shiz. Fantastic.

2008-06-27, 06:39 AM
I've updated Phil Lynott, does this look better?:smallconfused:Yep, much easier to look at. Great! :smallbiggrin:

Qwernt: Awesome. But, I dunno, looks a bit half-arsed, y'know? I mean, it's not as though you did every single dot :smallamused: :smalltongue:
Nah, brilliant. It looks kinda like it really was painted...

2008-06-27, 10:07 AM
Qwernt: that's bloody amazing!

2008-06-27, 10:41 AM
Thanks all.
Serpentine - you are right, I didn't do every dot... hurray for Paint.NET's Noise feature.

As I looked through the entries again, I found 14 "painting" entries done by other people that are good enough that they would have won most IA competitions.
I am so glad I am not a judge, because I couldn't decide.

2008-06-27, 10:45 AM
Serpentine - you are right, I didn't do every dot... hurray for Paint.NET's Noise feature.You know I was kidding, right? I've already been told off for being overly critical >.>

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-27, 11:05 AM
Qwernt, I think you are right. The judges can't have easy choices to do.
But hopefully will competition give us:
Gogo gadget spirit of competition.
I do hope thou that it don't scare away too many people, that would be depressing. :smallfrown:

Btw, I found that your latest picture is one of the few that I seen that manages to keep the quality high even when I zoom in on it.

2008-06-27, 03:23 PM
Here's another Celeb statue by Oregano, this time of Bruce Lee.

Best OOTSified "Sculpture":
Bruce Lee

Here's the reference image. (http://www.baltaisruncis.lv/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/bruce-lee-statue.jpg)

2008-06-28, 09:03 AM
Best OotS Sculpture
Discus Thrower (http://www.utexas.edu/courses/introtogreece/lect23-24/img34myrondiscobls.html)
It's not unfinished, it's a style.

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-28, 09:55 AM
Well, here comes my second:

Best OotSified Other Art
"Favorable Winds"

It is "based" (notice how rough I used the poor word) on ~1000 year old rockcarvings of ships that the vikings "drew" (they thought that images drawn in stone pleased the gods more, or something in that way). Whatever their motives they are still here today, and was the top notch of the art at the time. :smalltongue:
A Carving (http://www.vitlyckemuseum.se/hbilder/930411049058.jpg)
A second Carving (http://www.vitlyckemuseum.se/hbilder/930411049043.jpg)
I put it into "other art" as it is "based" (see, I do it again) of carvings in stone.

And as you clearly can see I just wanted to draw a old nice longboat and needed an excuse for it. (and yeah, I know that it is supposed to be a dragonhead at the front, but the tails are so much nicer and fun to draw :smalltongue:)

2008-06-29, 12:43 AM
Yet another...

Best OotSified "Painting"
Just before OotS #511
Jean Francois Millet's "The Gleaners" (http://www.usc.edu/programs/cst/deadfiles/lacasis/ansc100/library/images/110bg.jpg)

2008-06-30, 09:28 AM
Ahhh, finished finally. And it was hard! Still not entirely happy with the positioning, but I can't think how to make it better...

Best Ootsified Painting
Fallen Angel by Luis Royo

Based on. (http://www.daoine-sidhe.org/galeries/img/Luis%20Royo/Fallen%20Angel.jpg)

2008-06-30, 10:28 AM
I lack the words to describe the pure awesomeness of this picture.
Just one minor flaw: It was done by Royo, not Giger.

2008-06-30, 11:02 AM
I lack the words to describe the pure awesomeness of this picture.
Totally agree.

2008-06-30, 11:07 AM
Hmm... I found that painting one day doing a random search for some Giger stuff, and it came up several times. Did the same for Royo, and it came up the same... "Giger angel" and "Royo angel" both have 2 on the first page. "Giger "fallen angel"" comes up with 3, "royo "fallen angel"... comes up with a lot more, including what appears (http://www.artistsuk.co.uk/acatalog/FallenAngel_Luis_Royo.jpg) to be a full version...
Alright, looks like it is this Royo fellow (who looks like he's done some nifty stuff), I'll go fix that now. I wonder what happened there?

Also: Thnx guise :smallredface:

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-30, 11:15 AM
Well, not much more to say than the others - it's really good.
Any more comming up serpentine? :smallsmile: (waits eagerly)

2008-06-30, 11:29 AM
Wait, would art from the MM count?

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-30, 11:31 AM
Modern museum? Why should it not? :)

2008-06-30, 11:36 AM
Monster Manual actually, couase I have a githyanki that might work.

2008-06-30, 11:41 AM
Any more comming up serpentine? :smallsmile: (waits eagerly)Awwww ^_^
I think this is about the end of my inspiration:

Best Ootsified Photograph
Le violon d'Ingres by Man Ray
Original. (http://cri-image.univ-paris1.fr/fresnault/manray.jpg)

Couldn't figure out how to get her face right, so didn't bother trying =/

Lizards: Well, Roland said it's flexible...

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-30, 11:41 AM
Haha, and thus you see that I am not a DnD-player (yet). :smalltongue:

2008-06-30, 01:18 PM
Ahhh, finished finally. And it was hard! Still not entirely happy with the positioning, but I can't think how to make it better...

Best Ootsified Painting
Fallen Angel by Luis Royo

Based on. (http://www.daoine-sidhe.org/galeries/img/Luis%20Royo/Fallen%20Angel.jpg)

Sure, lull me into a false sense of security about not sucking and then push something like this on the last day of the competition. Gee thanks ;^)

Excellent stuff.

Elder Tsofu
2008-06-30, 01:21 PM
...then push something like this on the last day of the competition....

Lucky for you that you have one week left to come up with something better then. :smalltongue:

2008-06-30, 01:22 PM
Serpy: that OOTS painting is so amazing. Words fail to describe it.

The Vorpal Tribble
2008-06-30, 01:49 PM
Have mercy on us poor judges :smallfrown:

2008-06-30, 05:29 PM
Wow. Some truly impressive stuff has been posted lately.

Here's hoping my last piece (coming later today) can stand up to the competition...:smalleek:

2008-06-30, 08:58 PM
Best ???? (It's a Painted Woodcut...I'll let the Judges decide if it's a Painting or Other)

Escaping Azure, based on The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai



2008-06-30, 09:10 PM
Holy crap, Djinn... that is AMAZING!

2008-06-30, 09:12 PM



2008-06-30, 09:37 PM
Aw, no love for poor ol' Man Ray? :smalltongue: Thanks everyones ^_^
Djinn: I don't know about oots-style, but that really is beautiful. I'd suggest that if you can call it something other than "painting" you should. Will increase our chances of winning your chances of winning make it a bit more of an even spread. :smallwink:

2008-06-30, 09:40 PM
Djinn: I don't know about oots-style, but that really is beautiful. I'd suggest that if you can call it something other than "painting" you should. Will increase our chances of winning your chances of winning make it a bit more of an even spread. :smallwink:

Firstly, it is OOTS style...look at Hinjo's junk and then those ships, and notice Azure City in the background. The rest not so much...but hey.

Secondly, thanks for the compliments. :smallbiggrin:

As for painting, I did mention that it's technically both a painting and a woodblock (I think it's a painted print), so I'm just going to let the judges call it as they see fit. :smallbiggrin:

Gorbash Kazdar
2008-06-30, 10:04 PM
Judging for this contest is going to be extraordinarily difficult. Not least because my favorite painting, full stop, inspired one of the entries...

2008-06-30, 11:32 PM
Oooo, which one?

Djinn: I saw that. Gorgeous, anyway ^_^ I still reckon you should just stick it in "other" but eh, 'sup to you.

2008-06-30, 11:44 PM
Firstly, it is OOTS style...look at Hinjo's junk and then those ships, and notice Azure City in the background. The rest not so much...but hey.

Secondly, thanks for the compliments. :smallbiggrin:

As for painting, I did mention that it's technically both a painting and a woodblock (I think it's a painted print), so I'm just going to let the judges call it as they see fit. :smallbiggrin:

Bah. Beat me to figure out how to use OotSify that. I have been trying since day 3 of the competition to think of a way to make it OotSified. Pretty sad, since my wife is Japanese...

Great stuff.

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-01, 12:55 AM
Whoa, you will have no problem in standing up to the others Djinn_In_Tonic, no problem at all. :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-01, 01:30 AM
Best OotSified Painting (Yeah, I should really do some other types... but these are fun)
Whistler's Mother's Cousin's Best Friend?
Whistler's Mother's Cousin's Best Friend's Former Roommate
Whistler's Mother (http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/whistler/i/mother.jpg)

Best OotSified Painting
Picasso' Lutist?
Picasso's Guitarist (http://staff.fcps.net/aaford/art/images/Picasso/Picasso_Guitarist.jpg)

2008-07-01, 02:28 AM
Whistler's Mother's Cousin's Best Friend?
Not Whistler's Mother's Cousin's Best Friend's Former Roommate? Because that would make you extra-awesome. Also: What's with the questionmarks? Also also: They're both great ^_^ I don't have even one suggestion! =O
...Is that a photo in the background?

2008-07-01, 02:31 AM
Not Whistler's Mother's Cousin's Best Friend's Former Roommate? Because that would make you extra-awesome. Also: What's with the questionmarks? Also also: They're both great ^_^ I don't have even one suggestion! =O
...Is that a photo in the background?

Double bah - you even name my own stuff better than I do. Stolen ;^)

(zoom in and you may be able to tell that the picture in the background is a previous entry...)

2008-07-01, 02:36 AM
Hey, it was your naming that made me think of it :smalltongue:
You do know where it's from, right?

Zoom in? *squints* A... donkey?

2008-07-01, 02:43 AM
Hey, it was your naming that made me think of it :smalltongue:
You do know where it's from, right?

Zoom in? *squints* A... donkey?

Donkey?!?!?! Is it zoomed out that much? :smallconfused: :smallsmile:
(it is my version of Sunday Afternoon on la Grand Jatte)

2008-07-01, 02:49 AM
You know, I did think that... Must be the colours. Good move :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-02, 09:19 PM
Meh, things are getting far too beautiful in this thread, kudos all!

For some reason this is what came to mind when I thought of fine art, I don't know what it is about art teachers but I swear ALL of them have a soft spot in their hearts for the ever-repulsive cow skull, so, in honor of all fine art students:

Best Ootsified Other
The Obligatory Cow Skull

2008-07-02, 11:15 PM
Heheh, awesome. Friend of mine was going to paint a cow's skull for year 11/12 art... Too bad she was horribly slack :smallsigh:
(any soft spot certainly didn't help her there)

2008-07-03, 01:40 PM
Best OOTSified Other
Fountain by R. Mutt
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_mutt for explanation.

2008-07-03, 05:43 PM
^ Priceless. :smallbiggrin:

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-04, 11:56 AM
Best OotSified "Painting"
Lord Shojo
Larger version:
Jacques de Molay (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_de_Molay)

It was fun to do an "avatar" for once, although I will use "traditional" OotS chainmail next time.

2008-07-04, 05:28 PM
Who says performing arts don't count? I give you:
Best OOTS Other: The MitD's Interpretation of 4'33" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4%E2%80%B233%E2%80%B3) Through the Medium of Dance:

2008-07-04, 10:36 PM
I'm making an OotS version of the "love" Lady and the Unicorn Tapestry.

@^: :smallamused:

2008-07-04, 11:10 PM
ooo, I think I know that tapestry! Look forward to it! :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-05, 05:13 PM
The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry #6: Love
Best OotSified Other


Based off of this (http://homepages.luc.edu/~avande1/unicorn.html#)

2008-07-06, 01:28 AM
It is the one I know! Beautiful! :smallbiggrin:

edit: Wait... Wasn't there one with the unicorn in a field... Hmm, I think I might have assumed that two different tapestries were the same one.

2008-07-06, 01:47 AM
Ahhh, finished finally. And it was hard! Still not entirely happy with the positioning, but I can't think how to make it better...

Best Ootsified Painting
Fallen Angel by Luis Royo


Based on. (http://www.daoine-sidhe.org/galeries/img/Luis%20Royo/Fallen%20Angel.jpg)

.... I retract all previous statements about OotS being low art.

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-06, 02:58 AM
Glad you found something to convince you. :smallsmile:

2008-07-06, 03:35 AM
It is the one I know! Beautiful! :smallbiggrin:

edit: Wait... Wasn't there one with the unicorn in a field... Hmm, I think I might have assumed that two different tapestries were the same one.

You mean this one (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/53/128910419_e07b2fa839.jpg?v=0)?

It's one of another series of unicorn tapestries. They are now in the Cloisters, in NY, where I saw them quite recently :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-06, 03:53 AM
Ah, yep. So there are two different ones.

...Now I'm sad noone's done that one :smallfrown:

Hmm... What's the date? The 6th... And what day does this close? ...The 6th, you say? Hrm... And I have stuff to do :smallfrown: Oh well.

Roland St. Jude
2008-07-06, 01:49 PM
This contest is now CLOSED! Thanks everyone for playing; there was some really amazing stuff here!

Expect results before the next contest closes. (Expect the next contest to start within the next week or so.)

Gorbash Kazdar
2008-07-10, 02:32 PM
As I expected, picking the painting category was extremely difficult. The other categories were "easier" only in comparison.

Just a plethora of fantastic pieces here. Congratulations to all for making my job so hard! :smallbiggrin:

2008-07-11, 06:16 AM
I look forward to seeing the results of this one :smallsmile:
(incidentally, another HoF update <.<)

2008-07-23, 12:34 AM
This contest is not CLOSED! Thanks everyone for playing; there was some really amazing stuff here!

Expect results before the next contest closes. (Expect the next contest to start within the next week or so.)

You know, I just noticed something...

not != now
So we can keep entering stuff... obviously just kidding Roland St. Jude. I have more typos in my small number of posts that you have in your huge number, but I found this typo just a bit to enjoyable not to point out. ;^)

2008-07-23, 01:03 AM
Meh, I was going to do a number of things, but I could never get things like, Haley knighting someone, like in the accolade (just search it), or something like Hinjo on the Lincoln memorial. All the people actually in the comic were too hard for me to draw. (because nothing I draw really comes out the way I want it to, but since oots characters are already there and that I can see the horrendous mutations which I accidentally placed on Hinjo's face.)

I got discouraged, and my procrastination instincts overpowered my will to dominate this contest (like that would ever happen...)... eh, it was fun to see the results.

2008-07-23, 02:48 PM
You guys are nasty! It took me almost an hour just to pick my 3 winners for the best painting category. There is so much good stuff!

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-23, 02:57 PM
So you already got them?
You are even nastier telling us that as you now can walk around with a smug smile on your face while we are doomed to go around pondering wich you actually choosed. :smallwink:

Gorbash Kazdar
2008-07-23, 03:08 PM
So you already got them?
You are even nastier telling us that as you now can walk around with a smug smile on your face while we are doomed to go around pondering wich you actually choosed. :smallwink:
It's worse, cause I picked already too :smalltongue:

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-23, 03:12 PM
Gaah, you horribly horrible people. :smallsigh:
But then I suppose you might soon be ready to announce the results (if you don't drag it out just to watch us sqirm :smallwink:).

2008-07-23, 06:22 PM
Grrr...moderators holding this knowledge over our heads...

*jumps up, falling short of the tempting, tempting information*

It's even worse because I have high hopes for an entry of mine...and am incredibly nervous about the stellar level of the competition...

And I must wait...

*sobs into keyboard*

Gorbash Kazdar
2008-07-23, 07:07 PM
Actually, I only know what I picked. We judges have to wait for the final results, too.

2008-07-23, 07:34 PM
Actually, I did know that. I just felt like being dramatic. :smallbiggrin:

Thanks for reminding us of that, though. :smallsmile:

Roland St. Jude
2008-07-23, 10:10 PM
You know, I just noticed something...

not != now
So we can keep entering stuff... obviously just kidding Roland St. Jude. I have more typos in my small number of posts that you have in your huge number, but I found this typo just a bit to enjoyable not to point out. ;^)

That is quite a typo. :smallredface:

As for the winners, not even I know, as I have received some of the votes but have not yet run them through the vote-count-o-matictm

I think the last needed vote and trophies came in today though, so maybe it won't be much longer. Or maybe it will muhahaha!

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-24, 02:03 PM
Owowow, and here I will be stranded without the internet for the next few days! :smalleek:

May I ask if the next competition is going to be something very special indeed (in theme that is) now when there have been a months rest for everyone?

Roland St. Jude
2008-07-29, 10:15 PM
And now...the results of Iron Avatarist Fine Arts Contest...

Best OotSified "Painting"

Fallen Angel by Luis Royo, by Serpentine

Elder Tsofu's The Last Party

Escaping Azure based on The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai, by Djinn_In_Tonic

Best OotSified "Sculpture"

Zarah's David by Michelangelo

Fountain by R. Mutt, by Defenestrator

Eros in Piccadilly Circus by Alfred Gilbert RA, by Dr Bath

Best OotSified "Photograph"

Caparojo Heroico by Nathan

Marilyn Monroe, by Dr Bath

Qwernt's Celia by Qwernt Warhol

Best OotSified Other Art

Drawing Hands - M.C. Escher, by Qwernt

Favorable Winds, by Elder Tsofu

Ascending and Descending - M.C. Escher by Qwernt

Best Overall

Escaping Azure based on The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai, by Djinn_In_Tonic

Roland's Choice

Fallen Angel by Luis Royo by Serpentine

Thanks everyone! That was some really great stuff! Special thanks to our judges and Oblivion, our amazing judge & trophy-maker! Oh, and super-special thanks to Gorbash Kazdar for volunteering to judge in Serpy's place so that she could draw.

Oh, and never fear there is another contest around the corner. :smallsmile:

2008-07-29, 10:22 PM
This was an AWESOME Iron Avatarist. Congratulations to the winners!

2008-07-29, 10:39 PM
I must agree with Haruki-kun. I didn't participate or comment, but I lurked. All the submissions were very creative and funny. Kudos to all of you who got awards, and kudos to those who didn't.

2008-07-29, 10:55 PM
Omg omg omg. I got a first! :smalleek: AND a Roland's Choice! :eek:

...even if they were both just the one :smalltongue:


Man. >pokes self< Be more positive and satisfied! >poke<

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-30, 12:19 AM
Wee, I got 2 silvers! That was most unexpected (in a good way). :smallbiggrin::smallwink:
Congratulations to all the winners, you really did deserve it! (although I still don't know wich of Zarahs "David" or Qwernt's (sadly not figuring in the lists) "Haley's view of OotS 381" I like the most).

Good work done judges, must been hard to choose from a contest that probably could have had prizes for place 1-6 without lowering the bar!

Now I just have to wait eagerly for the next contest. *waiting*

2008-07-30, 12:35 AM
Boy, that was fun!

If it weren't for the quality of the winners, I might feel bad about entering so many "paintings" and not winning. But, as I said before, there were at least 14 that I thought could easily have won so missing out on that category doesn't bother me at all (in fact, had I missed out on all the categories I would not have been too surprised there wasn't a bad image in the entire competition).

Funny that my one gold was for an item that nobody commented on. Of course, it was one of my top 5 favorites when I went back through the ones I produced.

All that said, I am going to take my three trophies and run, before someone asks for a recount and I lose the second time through ;^).

Again, GREAT Stuff EVERYONE! And thanks to you, Roland and the judges, for your time.

2008-07-30, 06:41 AM
Awesome. :smallbiggrin:

Thanks for the incredible contest, everyone. This was, by far, one of the best yet.

Elder Tsofu
2008-07-30, 04:03 PM
Ah and the next "Iron avatarist" is up now, nice! *making a point of not looking further than the first post of the thread* :smallwink:

Btw, did anyone see wich 4 forumists I included in favorable winds?
The first is easy, and the second easiest is just mentioned by name...
The last 2 of them are quite "hard" to see (on purpose). :smallwink:
And as you can see I set it as they just had raided the exhibitionhall. (just a little sidenote now when the results are set).

And the names are (for those bothering to come this far :smalltongue:): Nathan, Ninja Chocobo (http://i313.photobucket.com/albums/ll382/ElderTsofu/NinjaCh.png), Roland St.Jude and Oblivion (http://i313.photobucket.com/albums/ll382/ElderTsofu/RolandAndoblivion.png)

2008-07-31, 08:25 AM
Btw, did anyone see wich 4 forumists I included in favorable winds?
The first is easy, and the second easiest is just mentioned by name...
The last 2 of them are quite "hard" to see (on purpose). :smallwink:
And as you can see I set it as they just had raided the exhibitionhall. (just a little sidenote now when the results are set). [snip]

Woah, I'm in one of the art pieces... :smalleek: Cool! :smallbiggrin: And with Roland! :smalltongue: Though that was tough to spot!