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2008-06-02, 12:56 PM
IC thread for Eberron Kingdoms, a geopolitical game where the players run the various powers (famous, infamous, or non-famous) of Eberron and the DM quickly loses his hair. Onlookers are welcome, but (as always) please don't post IC unless you're in the game.

OOC thread is here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4394770

Recruitment is still open. Anyone interested in joining should go here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4346134

Most of this game's going to be conducted by PM. This thread reveals what all powers know or can quickly find out. Onlookers are free to speculate amongst themselves or in OOC as to what's going on behind the scenes. Turns occur every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, corresponding to Mol, Wir, and Far. Players are encouraged to send the DM only one PM per turn unless something dire comes up, due to the large number of players in the game and the quota on the DM's mailbox.

I'm posting this thread first before PMing you your private information; normally, I will PM first and then post, but for this time I want to have an IC thread to link. Bear in mind I'm still getting used to this; I've sent everyone differing levels of detail based on when I wrote the post, but should settle into a fairly standard setup after a couple of turns (especially as players start interacting and I don't have to make up stuff for them).

Turn 1 to follow!

2008-06-02, 01:06 PM
Turn 1: Mol, Therandor 15, 998 YK.

The Korranberg Chronicle

Disaster from the Mournlands!

Disaster befell along the borders of the Mournlands, once the Nation of Cyre, late Far evening as living spells emerged through the Dead-Gray Mist and began to lay waste to the surrounding environs. Fortunately, few settlements remain in close proximity to the Mist, and miraculously there were no casualties. However, fires sparked off by the spells burnt across the countryside for two days and nights, ending only with rainstorms summoned by House Lyrander late Sul afternoon.

Piracy Continues off Q'Barra

House Lyrander reports the loss of a merchant ship bound for Sharn, somewhere off the coast of Q'Barra, one week ago today. Three survivors including the ship's first mate managed to survive to reach shore, and they relate that their ship was attacked and seized by pirates operating out of the Lhazaar Principalities.

House Lyrander representatives have filed another protest with High Prince Ryger ir'Wynarn, who made an unusual gesture Sar morning by issuing the following brief statment: "The reported attack was not authorized by my crown and is contrary to all policies in force in this nation. A full investigation to identify whatever private individuals may be responsible has been launched. However, it is not the responsibility of the Principality to police the shipping lanes of Q'Barra, nor will we violate Q'Barran sovreignity by attempting to do so."

It's that time again.

In a completely unrelated note, this coming Far will mark the begining of the Spring quarter's tribute collection. Though Galifar no longer stands, the tradition of tributes, levies, and taxation remains as strong as ever, and all nations retain the four-times-a-year schedule. Expect a visit by your friendly neighborhood tax agent sometime in the next few weeks! Meanwhile, governments everywhere will be deciding how much to tax during the Summer quarter.

Fighting in the Shadow Marshes

Representatives of House Tharashk have reported an increase in raids in the vincinity of the Blackwater River, stretching from Arashuul in the north to Dhavin's Post in the south. While neither enclave has yet been attacked, tribes and clans in the vincinity have been harrowed. The confirmed death count has reached fifty as of Sar, with thrice that number missing or unaccounted for. The culprits have not been identified, but the violence is thought to be the result of either tribal feuding or raids from Droaam.

Expedition to Xen'Drik, Part XXIII: Exotic Aerenal
by Fetti Sadeen, Chornicle Correspondant

Having been rescued from the drow who had rescued them from the giants, Your Correspondent and the remains of Beron's Expeditions returned to Khorvaire by an unexpected route: riding aboard elven ships and stopping at the island of Aerenal. Though forbidden to travel beyond the port of Pylas Talaear, that alone was quite a sight -- elves with skull tatoos and mummified skin walked the streets, and the finest woodwork in the world was being done right before their very eyes. Their savior, Seni'arsa, explained to Your Correspondant that the apparently walking dead were actually living elves, and that their exotic appearance was their way of honoring their dead ancestors. She, on the other hand, was Silaes Tairn, who focussed on honoring the accomplishments of their ancestors in Xen'Drik. Seni'arsa also sought to explain the religious distinctions between the dead-looking elves, the Silaes Tairn, and the Valaes Tairn of Valenar, but Your Correspondant grasped few of the differences, save that the Silaes Tairn are focussed on Xen'Drik rather than Khorvaire.

The voyage from Arenal home was uneventful, and Your Correspondant arrived in Trolonport on the 12th of Zarantyr. Beron's Expeditions has since auctioned the dragonshards for over six thousand gold coins, the majority of which was used to raise Gladys from the dead using holy magics. Your Correspondant has been on leave for most of the time since returning, recovering from her experience. However, on the 1st of Therandor, she departed north by lightning rail to begin her next adventure. Look for the return of this collumn next Mol, as Your Correspondant delves into one of the deepest and most ancient secrets of Karrnath!

2008-06-04, 03:15 PM
Turn 2: Wir, Therandor 17, 998 YK

Koranberg Chronicle

Aundair Offers Relief to Mournland Victims

Queen Aurala has made an offer of assistance to those affected by the living spells. Aundair pledges assistance in reconstructing all damaged buildings and property to those affected, in the form of wizards and magewrights casting reparative spells. Teams have been assembled and await only permission from local rulers to enter and provide assistance.

Droaam Announces First Annual World Gladiator Tournament

Droaam has put out a general call for all fighters, warriors, adventurers, gladaiators, battle-wizards, and sports enthusiasts to take part in its First Annual World Gladiator Tournament. A thousand gold is to be rewarded to the victor, with five hundred for second place and one hundred for third, to be dispersed among next of kin.

2008-06-05, 07:28 AM
House Kundarak

With the current events in the Mournlands, Baron d'Kundarak has issued a proclamation..........

"As a result of the unforeseen tradegy within the Mournlands, I feel it is my House's duty to assist in any undertaking to remedy the situation. To help with the support, we will be reducing rates on large loans by half a percent. We hope that through this generous offer, the damaged areas will be restored quickly and minimal life alterations will occur. We also worry that the safety of individuals and their possessions can be at jeopardy from events such as this. As a result, our Warder's Guild will make inquiries into the event and try and determine if new security measures must be instituted to combat such events."

Policy Change:
The reduced interest rate is for loans of quarter million gold pieces or more, and only extends to monies that can be shown to remotely affect the recovery efforts for the Mournlands event.

With the World Gladiator Tournament, House Kundarak has decided to uphold dwarven honor and seek a worthy representative. Open inquiries have been made within the Mror Holds to find the best dwarf willing to fight.

2008-06-05, 12:40 PM
Due to recent raids from the Eldeen Reaches, we are anouncing a 50% increase in the local town guard. This wil both allow to defend ourselves, and if nescesary, foght back agaisnt them.

In other news we would like to say that we are intrested ina group of artifacts called the "Nanga Collection"and we will pay generously for them or their whereabouts.

Wizard of the Coat
2008-06-05, 05:48 PM

In response to the generous offer by House Kundarak King Kaius III has declared that he would sponsor investment companies that would be set up to take advantage of this new credit and restore damage done by the mournland and the living spells and other plagues coming from it.

Policy change: Karrnath allows people who restore land that is no longer lived upon or in use by it's previous owner and was destroyed by the mournland or things coming from it to keep this land as their own, protected by all the obligations and benifits of Karrnathi law. Former owners are asked to register at fort Zomby to take part in state sponsored reclaimation programs that will allow smaller farmers to make collective use of the offer by house Kundurak under the state ran investment funds, they are the first that may attempt to reclaim destroyed lands they once owned. Any lands that were not (or no longer) claimed however and are restored are a first come first serve (provided it's restored) basis.

He also promises that a full investigation is under way and that the government is confident that the hardy people of Karrnath will weather this storm and through the generous offer of house Kundurak and others be able to reset the clock on the mournlands damages.

2008-06-06, 10:16 AM
A point of correction. While I'm not normally a stickler for spelling, in this case the name matters. puppyavenger's group, the Society for Truth, is interested in the Nanga Collection, not the Nagonth Collection.

2008-06-06, 10:18 AM
A point of correction. While I'm not normally a stickler for spelling, in this case the name matters. puppyavenger's group, the Society for Truth, is interested in the Nanga Collection, not the Nagonth Collection.

oops sorry, I'll change it. Turn 3 starting soon?

2008-06-06, 05:05 PM
Turn 3: Far, Therandor 19, 998 YK

The Korranberg Chornicle reports the following: Council of Twelve Speaker Ir’Canith is retiring to focus on the politics of his own House, the Brelish Parliament is to meet on Mol (next turn), taxes start being collected today, and Fetti Sadeen will be testing a new magic trick that would allow correspondants to file reports from the field instantly rather than mail them in.

Inhuman Bot
2008-06-18, 07:48 PM
(is this dead)

2008-06-18, 08:31 PM
(Signs point to yes, last time I checked the OOC thread.)