View Full Version : Them's Fightin' Words!

2008-06-02, 03:36 PM
2) Over-inflated expectations. We expect LOTR, we get Willow.

Excuse me, Willow is one of the best movies ever made! Patricia Hayes, and Val Kilmer were in it! Plus, there's Jean Marsh!

Don't tell me you never thought of wanting to be Joane Whalley's slave!

Anyway.... I'm a HUGE fan of Willow. It was the first movie to have CGI! It had General Kael! He had a huge stock pile of HP!

The story line was exceptional! and it had action, and even Cheech and Chong. IN A FANTASY MOVIE!

It was fun for the whole family, AND IT HAD VIOLENCE!!

2008-06-02, 03:52 PM
Willow had Cheech and Chong in it?! Excuse me, I must go re-watch this.

By the by, whatcha quoting?

2008-06-02, 04:01 PM
I didn't like Willow cus you have no idea why the villain is a villain. I mean, it seems to me that the queen is just doing what any sane person would do: protecting her position of power. I mean, the only reason why we should assume that she's evil is that she looks like she is. And the story wasn't that great. To me it was a lame crapfest.

2008-06-02, 04:26 PM
By the by, whatcha quoting?

<, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82023).

Sorry, but I just can't get past "Willow" being a "LOTR" knock-off, right down to the Hobbits Nelwyns and the two comedy midget idiots. Val Kilmer sucked as the Strider Expy (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Expy), and I just can't fear a BBEG's Dragon played by Bomber (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0730053/) from "Auf Wiedersehen Pet". :smalltongue:

"Quick Frodo-manque! We have to save the world. Throw the baby into the volcano!" :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-02, 04:31 PM
Willow had Cheech and Chong in it?! Excuse me, I must go re-watch this.

By the by, whatcha quoting?

I'm quoting another thread.

As for why Queen Bavmorda was evil, I thought it was pretty obvious. She wanted to rule the entire world. She did the equilavent of a Medieval nuclear bomb on an entire Castle town. Thats one reason...

Cherlindrea pointed out that if that she managed to get rid of Elora Danaan, everyone would live in a reign of terror. That sounds like "evil" to me.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2008-06-02, 05:32 PM
Excuse me, Willow is one of the best movies ever made! Patricia Hayes, and Val Kilmer were in it! Plus, there's Jean Marsh!

Don't tell me you never thought of wanting to be Joane Whalley's slave!

Anyway.... I'm a HUGE fan of Willow. It was the first movie to have CGI! It had General Kael! He had a huge stock pile of HP!

The story line was exceptional! and it had action, and even Lenny and Squiggy. IN A FANTASY MOVIE!

It was fun for the whole family, AND IT HAD VIOLENCE!!

Fixed that for ya.*

*Actually, it was Kevin Pollak and Rick Overton, not Micheal McKean and David L. Lander. But they were more Lenny and Squiggy-ish than Cheech and Chong-ish. :smalltongue:

2008-06-02, 05:50 PM
*Waits for mod to put this under Media discussions*

I never finished Willow. Tried thrice but never had much appeal. Last time I ended up taking appart the ATV/VCR remote and putting it back together badly. Meanwhile someone else did the same with our food processorAfter that anything taken apart by accident was known as "Willowed" In that apartment.

2008-06-02, 06:58 PM
I found the Willow VCR and popped it in when I was younger. I don't think I understood much of it as I was eight maybe? Anyway, it was the first movie I saw with real violence and blood, so it freaked me out. If I were to watch it again, I bet that there would be almost no violence and it was just my younger mind. I still liked it, I do only remember a few parts. Willow does the magic tricks, woman runs away with baby, guy turns to ice(?) and then stabbed, Willow tricks the evil woman. I'll look around and try to find my orginal copy of it somewhere :smalltongue:

2008-06-02, 07:48 PM
Willow was a great movie. Overanalizations aside, it's really enjoyable as a fantasy adventure film.

Excuse me, Willow is one of the best movies ever made! Patricia Hayes, and Val Kilmer were in it! Plus, there's Jean Marsh!

Don't tell me you never thought of wanting to be Joane Whalley's slave!

I didn't get what or who this line refers too...

2008-06-02, 07:57 PM
I have to say, the end was kind of annoying.
I mean, the queen is destroyed because of a cheap magic trick? I gotta say, I was less than impressed. I was staring at my screen thinking "That's how the big bad queen with super powerful magic is beaten? A guy holding up a cloth beats her?"

2008-06-02, 08:08 PM
Well, Dragonprime, what the end meant was that the prophecy was fulfilled because the Queen messed up the ritual to kill the baby by spilling the potion on herself. Thats why she was struck by lightning.

2008-06-03, 12:16 AM
I should probably actually watch it, but I kind of felt that avoidance was necessary. I mean...Val Kilmer and a midget?

2008-06-03, 12:17 AM
I should probably actually watch it, but I kind of felt that avoidance was necessary. I mean...Val Kilmer and a midget?

Willow is to movies what Final Fantasy I was to video games, except Willow never got a sequal, or anything resembling one.

2008-06-03, 12:19 AM
Willow is one of my favouritest movies ever!

2008-06-03, 12:37 AM
Willow is to movies what Final Fantasy I was to video games, except Willow never got a sequal, or anything resembling one.

I...don't know if that's good since I'm really not a fan of Final Fantasy.

2008-06-03, 01:12 AM
Willow is a fine movie. You can hardly accuse it of being a Tolkien knock-off more than any other modern fantasy movie.

2008-06-03, 12:03 PM
Val Kilmer sucked as the Strider Expy (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Expy)

I always though Kilmer was the only redeeming thing about the movie. I could see where you get Strider but honestly his portrayal was nothing like the Strider character. In fact he was more interesting. I don't recall Strider dressing up in drag to avoid fighting with some woman's husband or hung up in a cage left to die for petty theft.

2008-06-03, 12:07 PM
It was the first movie to have CGI!

not even close.

It was the first to make use of morphing, but hardly the first film to use computer graphics.

Iku Rex
2008-06-03, 12:14 PM
I don't recall Strider dressing up in drag to avoid fighting with some woman's husband or hung up in a cage left to die for petty theft.It's in the extended edition.

2008-06-03, 12:25 PM
not even close.

It was the first to make use of morphing, but hardly the first film to use computer graphics.

I"ve got the DVD right here, and it says it was the first movie to use CGI. :)

Edit- Its not important anyway. :)

2008-06-03, 01:05 PM
From the Wikipedia article

2D CGI was first used in movies in 1973's Westworld, though the first use of 3D Wireframe imagery was in its sequel, Futureworld (1976), which featured a computer-generated hand and face created by then University of Utah graduate students Edwin Catmull and Fred Parke. The third movie to use this technology was Star Wars (1977) for the scenes with the Wireframe Death Star plans. The first two films to make heavy investments in Solid 3D CGI, Tron (1982) and The Last Starfighter (1984), were commercial failures, causing most directors to relegate CGI to images that were supposed to look like they were created by a computer.

The first real CGI character was created by Pixar for the film Young Sherlock Holmes in 1985 (not counting the simple polyhedron character Bit in Tron).The technology emerged from New York Institute of Technology. It took the form of a knight composed of elements from a stained glass window. CGI did not win over the motion picture industry until 1989, however, when The Abyss won the Academy Award for Visual Effects. Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) produced complex CGI visual effects, most notably a seawater creature dubbed the pseudopod, featuring in one scene of the film. CGI then took a central role in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), in which the T-1000 Terminator villain wowed audiences with liquid metal and morphing effects fully integrated into action sequences throughout the film. Terminator 2 also won ILM an Oscar for its effects.

It was the 1993 film Jurassic Park, however, in which dinosaurs created with CGI were seamlessly integrated into live action scenes, that revolutionized the movie industry. It marked Hollywood’s transition from stop-motion animation and conventional optical effects to digital techniques. The following year, CGI was used to create the special effects for Forrest Gump. The most noteworthy effects shots were the digital removal of actor Gary Sinise's legs. Other effects included a napalm strike, the fast-moving Ping-Pong balls, and the digital insertion of Tom Hanks into several scenes of historical footage.

2008-06-03, 01:38 PM
Hm. I see. o.k.