View Full Version : A Goliath's Tale: The Trail of Mystery

Beren One-Hand
2008-06-04, 12:00 AM
Oblivious to the others gathering their gear and readying for the task set before them, Meeka slowly stalks through the camp searching for the invading scent to match the monstrous prints. With a whine, she lays down next to Wolfbrother, flattening her ears and hiding her snout under her forepaws.

To all looking for the tracks within the camp
The tracks within the hard-packed earth of the camp are hard to make out amongst all the various comings and goings of the tribe. An occasionally deep print stands out, notably for its twisting, lopsided outline. Each print found is different from the last, some having as many as four claw marks while others are devoid of any.

While you can't be sure with the twisting nature of the prints, at many points you they seem like canine paw-prints, albeit twisted painfully.

While you can't be sure with the twisting nature of the prints, at many points you they seem like canine paw-prints, albeit twisted painfully. Also, it seems like most of the time it was in the camp it was walking on two legs.

2008-06-04, 12:24 AM
Spilk Spiderbane

"Do we know what we hunt? And how many?"

2008-06-04, 02:03 AM

Working to keep himself clear of the prints, Adjudicator slowly works his way around the tracks, at one point sticking a finger into the earth marred by a print and tasting the soil. Finally he quietly says "Don't know...like wolf, but it doesn't walk like a wolf..."

2008-06-04, 10:51 AM

While Meeka did her thing, Wolfbrother took a look at the tracks in the ground. Strange... Letting Adjudicator announce his findings first Wolfbrother knelt beside Meeka and scratched her behind the ears.

"Agreed. It seems to me that whatever this thing is tried to walk upright while it was in camp. What concerns me is Meeka's findings. She can't seem to find anything out of the ordinary. The only scents she is finding are those of the tribe." Standing Wolfbrother continues, "While it is possible for scents to be lost over time, I doubt this is the case. What bothers me the most is how and why all of these prints are scattered throughout camp like this. The Dawncallers would not have let something get so close to camp like this, and Silver-claw did call out. Which leads me to think that whatever or whoever this is started inside the camp. Whatever the case may be, we should proceed with caution."

Clapping his hands Wolfbrother signals to Meeka that the hunt is on.

Since everyone else is doing it.
Init for me - [roll0] for Meeka - [roll1]
Spot for me - [roll2] for Meeka - [roll3]
Listen for me - [roll4] for Meeka - [roll5]
Tracking for me - [roll6] Assist Track for Meeka - [roll7]
2nd mile - [roll8] more assist - [roll9]
3rd mile - [roll10] more assist - [roll11]
Know (Nature) to recognize tracks, just in case they become regognize able once we get moving - [roll12]

I think I have everything I need done.

2008-06-04, 01:16 PM

Ever stranger... After a few minutes of helping Wolfbrother look for tracks ((OOC: Aid Another was successful)), he realizes they are much better than him, and quietly settles on a rock, clearly mastering impatience to get on the path after this beast.

Ready to go whenever everyone else is.

2008-06-04, 01:45 PM

Following along, Adjudicator works to keep an eye out for any tracks Wolfbrother might have missed, as well as trying to measure the length between the tracks to get a feel for how fast this strange beast is moving.


Wolfbrother and DM only:
Are we allowed to roll our IRL dice? I've been using the board rollers, but if that's kosher, I'll swap on over. I prefer rollin' the bones to typin' code.

2008-06-04, 04:35 PM
Spilk Spiderbane

Spiderbane can't take point without messing up the tracks, so he goes on fire support, instead. Padding (semi-)quietly behind the trackers, he readies shield and javelin, and keeps his eyes scanning well ahead.

AC -> 16

Beren One-Hand
2008-06-04, 08:03 PM
I'd rather you keep it to the board roller if it'll have an effect on the game. If it is just for roleplaying purposes (such as a self-impossed Will save to see if you're frightened by something, or a self-impossed Fort save to see if you're "overcome" by your wounds and start defending instead of attacking, etc.)

To be continued...