View Full Version : Graemoore, History Written in Blood (IC)

2008-06-04, 07:08 PM
"It must have been beautiful on the first tier today," thought Grail, "too bad I can no longer show my face up there anymore."

He had always enjoyed the sigh of autumn right before winter set in the city as a hatchling, so many leaves as far as the eye can see. Almittagir forest was a huge place, and if you could lay every leaf side-by-side it'd nearly cover the whole continent he most have thought. Too bad indeed that he could no longer enter the top tier. Just as the thought had crossed his mind it had left in a fleeting moment.

Grail moved over to the window, and peered out with squinted eyes. Alas though, all he could make out was his own reflection in the dirt smudged window. He admired his Dragonborn features a moment as he stroked his massive jowls.

"Cursssed underdark," he hissed aloud.

He was waiting on his guests to arrive, and hopefully they could make it through this hell-hole ghetto. He had business to attend to and he only hoped that one or all of them had made it safely past the numerous thugs and cut-purses.

A smirk played across his face as he thought the whole scenario over, "Would any of them even attempt to ssshow up he wondered. Quite an odd offering indeed. To receive a letter from ssome unknown individual promissing adventure, and wealth. Then directing any ssane person to meet them in the ssecond tier. Certainly ssounded like an abduction ssscandal if anything," he noted as he burst into a mighty roar of laughter!...

It is nightfall in the great city of Centrea, and curfew is just mere hours away. Each of you had received quite the odd letter this evening, a letter promising more adventure, and wealth then someone could handle in a lifetime. It's only direction was to meet up with it's portrayer at a shoddy bar in the second tier. For those that know it's reputation cringe at the idea of even attempting to open the door. It was norm for atleast one person to walk in only to be carried out by one of the locale undertakers every couple of days.


Greetings, friend. Your talents have caught my eye, and I could very well use someone of your caliber in an important task. Only wealth can lie ahead if we are successful, and the fame gained from our actions will be substantial. If you are interested I'd like for you to meet me at Redhorn Inn. at the heart of northeastern quarter of the second tier, after eve.

Grail Harbbrawn


We begin as each of our adventurers make their entrances at the forlorn building, and as each of you notice the taproom is oddly empty except for the people who have entered before you. Hardly anyone obeys the curfew in this part of Centrea, and common knowledge dictates to most that your possible employer might have quite the pull here in the underdark.

2008-06-04, 09:28 PM

OOC: I'm going to go with the idea that Kyra's pretty familiar with the shoddier parts of town, though a bit more background and info on the city and the "tiers" would be nice. Unless it wll thwart the plot, I'm also going to go with the idea that Kyra was not sent a letter, so much as her companion was, and she's guided him here. I can alter that if it will ruin anything you've got planned, Jazz.

The young tiefling girl looked around with curious interest... seeming strangely unconcerned by the place and it's reputation. She was clad in makeshift leather and cloth, most of it a dark brown. Her skin was a deep crimson red, and her eyes solid orbs of silvery white. Her hair was dark and straight, falling to her shoulders and pushed back behind short, curved horns that left her head to circle around and run towards her jawline. As she moved, a long, red tail swished behind her excitedly. Despite these sinister traits, the girl was energetic and cheerful, looking about the dank place like it was something exciting and mysterious... rather than a place to be feared.

"I don't... know this place." She said with a smile as she looked around curiously. "Oh! Look! There's other people here! I don't think they're muggers.

She turned to the tall, Eladrin man with her, smiling broadly at him. He was new and interesting and kind of handsome... and she'd been having a good time showing him around the city. The letter he'd gotten was curious, and she was looking forward to seeing what it was all about.

Kyra looked towards the others as they approached, her energy obvious. They looked a bit eclectic for robbers. Finally, she couldn't resist the urge any longer, and she took a step towards the new folk and spoke.

"Hey!" She said, waving to the interesting new people, "Which of you sent us a note?"

2008-06-04, 09:49 PM
Did you see the info about centrea in the OOC thread? I have no problem with you not getting a letter, and just guiding the eladrin around. Also since you are the first one here the room is empty aside from the barkeep. Since you make quarters in a brothel, I'd say you know the second tier pretty well. Couldn't get away with one running in the top tier.

2008-06-05, 12:36 AM
A chill wind blows...

I am prepared, as always, my Lady...

Brogrunn eyed the tavern he had sought out calmly, giving it only a cursory examination before stumping to the door. He paused a moment longer to savor the caress of cold air on his face before entering; with a slow motion, he removed his hood. He did not have the money to drink, nor for a room or warm food. He was here only to respond to a letter, thinking that perhaps at long last, the Raven Queen had given him some kind of sign.

A Tiefling in the tavern suddenly hailed him, inquiring about a letter. Perhaps even the same letter that Brogrunn had in his pack.

"It was not I."

When his task was finished, he would return home... and not a moment sooner. Without hesitation, the Dwarf moved to the bar, nodding curtly to the tavern keeper.

"I am here to meet with someone named Grail Harbbrawn. Is he in?"

2008-06-05, 01:16 AM

"Hmm, an interesting proposal," Excidium said quietly to himself after reading the note, "it would be rude of me to decline an invitation." He checked himself over to ensure his prestidigitation was still active, there was no need to him to walk around the second tier of the city in his normally rich blue overcoat with its fine silver buttons and clasps. Instead he had changed it to a dull gray color with scratched and dull clasps, as little as he knew of this city he could still recognize the bad side of town.

As he made his way over to the Redhorn inn his tiefling guide bounded the last few feet with her youthful exuberance. Upon entering Excidium decided to take a seat at a table that was about as comfortable as this inn could offer, while still ensuring he has a good view of the door. Kyra had said she didn't know anything about this place, but he decided to begin to ask her a few questions about this area of the city.

2008-06-05, 01:33 AM

"I... oh. Alright." Kyra said as the dwarf brushed her by. He didn't seem the friendly sort, but she was not so easily dissuaded.

"You're looking for someone named Grail? So are we! She announced proudly, "Did you get a letter too?

2008-06-05, 01:50 AM
"Gnnrrrrr," rumbles the large orc from behind the counter, as he turns around grabbing a mug from a shelf and begins wiping it down.

"Aye, dat mewling lizard-rot 's upstairs," he gorwls in a barbarous mannerism, as he sizes the dwarf up briefly before glancing the Eldarin over, "first he brings a midget, an now wes gottsa fey, can yar 'magin the humallity"

He pauses to wipe away some yellow ooze permeating from a recently sustained eye wound with the same cloth he's been using on the mugs, before vigorously continuing the task at hand.

"Yaw'd best chanc'd be dah firs' door up dere." He sits his mug down and leans closer over the counter, "nows we all 'ere noes yer kind'sa gottsa memory 'bout long as yah are high, 'gin dats dah firs' door."

"Memory 'bout long as yah are high." He roars loudly as he breaks into a hysterical fit of laughter, "Dats a good one righ' dere, hafta let Scrag in on dat one, definate knees 'lapper."

2008-06-05, 02:37 AM

Further along the bar, Ibrahim slumps his head into his palms and moans softly at the countertop, "Oh gods, you disgusting orc..."

This job was looking less and less promising by the minute. This orcish barman, fetidly mulching his kitchenware in his own juices, said even less about 'adventure' and 'excitement' than the thugs he'd had to run away from, repeatedly, on his way here. He supposed he could forget aobut 'wealth' in its entirety, too. Which was a damn shame, because that was the thing he really needed right now.

I wonder what the old wyrmkin upstairs is like - probably some half-dead, one-legged veteran, infected with scale rot and still dreaming about the last days of the Empire. Still, maybe the dwarf will take a hammer to the orc's face... A bit of excitement, at least.

The half-elf leans back on his stool and glances around the tavern, looking for the stairs and anyone well-dressed enough to rob if a fight starts.

2008-06-05, 06:37 AM
Binnar finally found the bar he was looking for. He knew he was likely late; it was hard enough understanding these cities, but then they had individual establishments within them...

The person who had sent the letters must have been watching him for some time, for he had not fought with any beast or man for nearly a month. This had worried him for a while, but he figured that if he did not seek out the individual, he would not be able to rid himself of them if they were a threat.

He opens the door, and the flood of light blinds him for a second. As his eyes adjust, he notices a motley gang of people in the bar. One is but a barkeep, and rude as these may be, they never seem to be harmful. Another is a tiefling, but she seemed different than most; namely, happy. She is next to an eladrin who seemed almost to cling to her. There is also a half-elf clad in some sort of wild armor, and a blatantly pious dwarf. All seem to be on guard. This was obviously not normal, but he knows nothing of these people, so keep himself on guard. He fingers the ebony rod by his side as he sits down, both to be reasurred it was there and to warn any who may be watching him.

He stays silent, only waiting for something to happen.

This feels like Clue, only Grail instead of Mr. Body; it was Brogrunn in the bar with the hammer!
Also, sorry to be posting late, but I fell asleep at like 8 and didn't wake up until about 7.

2008-06-05, 10:43 AM
"I think, since orcs are well known to have lives about as long as Dwarves are tall," Brogrunn returned, "Then I will forgive you your ignorance. Thank you for your assistance." With that, the Dwarf turned to the Tiefling.

"Yes, I received the same note that you did. Our summoner is here, in the first room. Follow. We will meet this man together." There is no hesitation, no uncertainty in Brogrunn's heavy step as he moves through the bar proper, pausing at the first door, before rapping on it gently with one gauntleted fist.

2008-06-05, 10:43 AM
*WHACK* A loud thud echoes through the small taproom, and you notice a male Dragonborn, his silver scales radiate in the low candle light that reaches him, his form towering well over anyone in the taproom as he stands atop the stairs as he assaults the floor with his tail.

"That'sss quite enough of you crude remarksss, Ssskula." His snout reveals a toothy maw as he speaks, "or would you like your right eye to match your left?"

The orc snorts obtrusively before hunkering off to the back, where the alcohol is kept.

"Now it seemsss we have one too many" he glances across the taproom at the tiefling, before dishing out a fang filled grin, which can only be described as quite a comedic site, watching a Dragonborn trying to grin wholeheartedly.

"No matter, but if you would pleasse follow me to my room," he gives a quick turn, matched by a soldiers march as he walks back down the dimly-lit hallway, and you can make out the sounds of a door opening.

2008-06-05, 11:08 AM
Binnar lifts an eyebrow as the dragonborn appears. This must be our host, he thinks, standing up to get a better look at him past all of the other occupants of the bar. He smiles a little at the dragonborn's threat to the orc.

One too many? That must mean everyone here was invited in a similar manner, save, of course, for one. He scratches his chin and gives a fleeting glance at all of the others, lingering on the misplaced tiefling for a second or so.

He silently follows the dragonborn, his hand wrapped around the ebony rod, ready to strike at a second's notice. As he passes the girl, he says to her Don't get too caught up in this man's affairs, littl'un, if you're uninvited. This could be dangerous, especially for you.

2008-06-05, 11:21 AM


Brogrunn did as he was bid, glancing only briefly at the Tiefling who presumably was bouncing about beside him before taking to the stairs, the wood creaking softly beneath his heavy booted step. His shield is slung over his shoulder, the haft of his warhammer thrust into a loop of his belt.

Let it begin, my Lady...

2008-06-05, 11:42 AM

The half elf watches the dragonborn, as well as the other travellers who react to his presence.

Maybe not, then. One too many? Ughh, I can't afford for this to be some kind of mistake...

He tightens the scabbard at his belt and follows the others up the murky tavern steps. He listens in to the what the little, child-like man says and thanks The Queen that he's not the improper one here. When he passes the tiefling he leans in to her and her companion and whispers, "Ignore what the little man says. This looks interesting, and certainly better than staying in this dump, yes? Besides, danger, it's just a thing, you know? Happens everywhere."

He mimes a fanged mouth opening and closing with one hand. He turns his head to address the eladrin and makes a greeting in elvish, asking his name, then finishes by saying:

"Stay sensible, and we'll all be fine."

2008-06-05, 01:22 PM
Hearing the elven-looking boy's response, Binnar purses his lips. He continues following the dragonborn, listening to the others' conversations, seeing if he can glean a bit of their attitudes off of them. It seems like the elfish boy is more than a little haughty, and the dwarf's introspection, especially with that symbol dangling around his neck, seems normal.

That eladrin boy seems more lost here than I am; a stranger in a strange land... He then hears the elfish boy's question, turning to face the eladrin and the elf-like one. He responds though it was not asked of him, in elvish of course, "I wouldn't go around reassuring everyone. Danger may be "just a thing," but it can be just a thing that kills. You don't need sensibility, you need to know what's more than likely going to happen, to prepare. Do not trust anyone here for a minute, except not to trust them."

2008-06-05, 02:27 PM

Ibrahim takes a step back, dropping a heel to to the stair below, and raises his hands at the fresh-faced little man's tirade.

"Sure, sure. Preparation is the key, and all that. But chance catches up with everyone, and everyone meets The Queen in the end. That's just the way things work."

He claps his hands together, hard, and holds them like that for a second.

"Dangerous as my nonchalance might be, I think having an argument is Elvish is probably a little more conspicuous to these 'untrustworthy' folks," He says, punctuating the word with that familiar, annoying bending of fingers.

Ibrahim switches back to common and reaches out an open-palmed hand, "I don't want to fight, anyway. What's your name, little man?"

2008-06-05, 02:27 PM
The sturdy Dwarf pauses on the stair, long enough to give those who seem to be bickering a baleful scowl.

"Enough. Whatever task is to be set before us, it is clear that we will be working together towards its completion. If a common employer and a common goal are not sufficient for you, then leave. Life is not meant to last forever; if you do not wish to be here, then do not waste your time."

My Lady... you are certain in all things... give me strength to do the same...

2008-06-05, 02:44 PM

OOC: (WOW you guys posted a lot while I was asleep. :P)

IC: Kyra followed the group curiously, looking over each of the newcomers as they entered... She tailed behind them quietly, arms behind her back, trying to imagine where each of them was from and why they were here. They were each armed... not an uncommon trait on the second tier... but still.

I'm Mr.Excidium's guide... He needs me. She said proudly, tagging along despite the protests.

She followed close to the Dragonborn, looking at the old lizard as he walked. He was apparently the mysterious Mr. Grail that had summoned everyone, and she was infinately curious why.

I won't be a trouble. I can help, Mr. Grail. She told the large dragon with a broad smile, Can I help?

2008-06-05, 02:48 PM
Binnar scowls as the elfish boy speaks of death so nonchalantly. His left hand balls into a fist as he begins walking towards the near-elf man. He says to him, quietly in elvish, "You talk calmly about death, young one. Have you ever had anyone you care about die excruciating deaths before your eyes, as "the Queen" takes them? You cannot truly talk about death more than a child can talk about love." Binnar turns back around, following the dragonborn, looking a the floor in an effort to ignore the elfin man's remarks.

As the man offers his hand to Binnar, he looks up again. He responds in common, with a slightly elven accent, "I would say that it is Binnar, but since you are asking all the questions, I feel you should be answering them first. He pushes the man's hand away, and while turning around responds to the dwarf, "Life is not to last forever, but I would rather not squander it with naive children who believe themselves to be more mature than they are.

2008-06-05, 03:07 PM

The half-elf replies tight-lipped, and in a neutral tone, "I am Ibrahim, Binnar, and I know death." Here he blesses himself with the bird-sign: two broad strokes of the thumb across eah pectoral, and one down the abdomen. "I've walked in the shadow of The Raven Queen under desert skies. Life is transient, and its impermanance is its only certainty. It is impossible to stop a passing hurt here," he clasps a fist to his breast, over the heart "like a wound, but know that the transaction itself is sacred. Life in death, under Her wings."

Ibrahim sighs, and drops his head in front of Binnar. "I am sorry to have offended you. I will enjoy life as I wish, and you as you do. In the end, the same fate will overtake us both."

2008-06-05, 03:22 PM

Binnar speaks to Ibrahim without turning around, in elvish, "Since we obviously have have differing views on death, as you seem to think it to be some act of the Queen, I think we should stop this conversation. Indeed, the only constant is change, and I think we should change the subject or stop talking. Preferably the latter. Binnar reaches down and pulls the ebony rod out of its slip, looking around at the shoddy walls of the hallway.

Binnar walks forward a little, to the heels of the dragonborn, asking in a matter-of fact tone, "What are planning for us, child of Io's blood? Why should you call four of us here for you?" He then tenses a little, and adds, "And by Ophiuchus, how have you been watching us?"

2008-06-05, 03:52 PM
As you make your way down the dimly-lit corridor you take notice of worn down discarded furniture, and a pile of hay tossed out into the middle of the hall way. The dragonborn makes a sudden halt and beckons for the group to enter his room.

"It'd be best if we ssspoke in here, Gnome." He fixes his eyes on the rag tag band following him, "I assssure you everything will be explained."

As you make your way into the room, you immediately notice most of it's contents are are extremely out of place. Resting in the center of the room is four chairs facing an elaborate ravenwood desk, with ornate carvings depicting the holy symbol of Bahamut. Laid out on the desk is four pouchs, and from their lumpy appearance you can only surmise it is filled with either coin or gems. Sprawled out across the bed is a recently polished suit of plate mail, and a longspear again emblazoned with the holy symbol of Bahamut. Bits of hay still occupy the floor making a neat trail into the hallway. A brazier washes the room over in light sufficient enough to read in. A satchel takes it's resting place beside the desk, it's opened flap revealing a choice few ancient looking tomes.

"I am Grail, asss you have probably already ssurmised," he adresses everyone as they enter, and you take notice the Dragonborn infront of you might stand well over seven feet tall, "holy warrior of the God of my kin."

He gestures to the chairs laid out infront of him as he takes his seat at the desk, "You may make room on the bed, Tiefling, just sscoot the armor over."

2008-06-05, 09:03 PM
(Don't mind me, just going to insert a quick remark into the conversation of earlier, since it ended while I was at work... >.>)

"One does not live on in death; to seek to deceive our Lady and extend one's life beyond what is your due, or to think yourself worthy of a "life" after death, is a thought full of sin." At that, Brogrunn turns more fully to the half elf, returning the sign of the Raven Queen perfectly, his holy symbol clinking softly as his armored thumb bumps it.

"Let us follow."


Brogrunn, for his part, stood quietly by the wall, folding his arms across his chest as he waited for Grail to finish speaking.

"Well met. I am Brogrunn Ironbeard, servant of the Raven Queen. What is your task for us? I wish to hasten onto our journey."

2008-06-05, 10:14 PM
Binnar nods at Grail, following him into the room. The dragonborn seems odd, as if he has some purpose he feels the need to involve us in. I do hope it's not religious; we have enough fanatics.

Binnar takes a moment to take in the room, sighing when his eyes fall upon all of the Bahamut decorations. The ornately carved table and the ceremonial armor and spear seems to be in such contrast to the general disarray and uncleanliness of the room. He watches the others enter the room, and rolls his eyes at the dragonborn's comment about being a holy warrior. Binnar strides over to the table and sits on a chair, reaching silently to grab one of the curious bags.

2008-06-05, 11:16 PM
Excidium silently follows the rest of the group up to Grail's room. This group should certainly turn out to be interesting, he mused to himself.

Upon entering the room he chooses to pull out the chair at the small desk beside the bed, trying to make himself as comfortable as possible.

2008-06-06, 12:40 AM

Kyra held her tongue as several of the newcomers rambled about death and religion. Boring. Morbid and boring. She did not much care for the fighting, but could do little to slip in a word edgewise. Instead, she simply stayed close to her escort and ignored their arguing.

Kyra smiled to be included amongst the group, and made room for herself to sit... watching the old dragon with curious interest. Everything it did was interesting... It's speech, it's scales. She felt the urge to poke him, but doubted he would take that well. Never one to hold her tongue, she was also the first to speak to the creature out loud.

"So... What was the letter for?" She said energetically, "Some kind of... secret mission?

2008-06-06, 04:51 AM

Ibrahim will grab whatever chair is untaken and pull it round to face the Dragonborn before sitting down.

Ugh, that didn't go well. I can see I'm really going to get one with these people: a little man with a big hangup and a dwarf who doesn't seem to see the balance in things, or anything other than seriousness. Calling me out about The Queen, too - idiot. He doesn't understand death, even if he's seen it. It's just... natural.

He glances over at the sitting Exicidium.

That why I saw more death in the feywild than anywhere else. Maybe I can convince the Eladrin to divulge a few stories. I'd like to hear someone talk about that place, again.

2008-06-06, 07:53 PM
"No need to russh masster Dwarf," he scoots backwards in his chair for a moment, and leans over. You hear a creaking sound as he slides one of the drawers open, immediately followed by the unmistakable sound of coins clanking together.

A few moments later he produces another equal sized pouch, making it five.

"Sssecret missssion, well you could call it that," he exposes a tooth filled grin in Kyra's direction, "Asss ssome of you might know, buried under this cssity, is a number of ancient monolithss, a right earned only by the mossst holy of my people from the ancient empire. Most of these burial ssitesss caved in on themsselvesss when Bahamut split the earth, and it was thought that the rest had already been excavated long ago."

He reaches into the satchel beside his desk, and produces an exceedingly oversized tome, "Now here recently I have taken notice of a local smuggling gang, as rumor ssuggestss they have been pawning off immense amounts of ancient gold coinsss, from what I can only guesss are thossse from the ancient empire. Rumor also hasss it that they sold off an ancient book, made well before the time of the great divide," he pats the book now sitting on his desk.

"I ssspent a large fortune accruing, this musty book," he looks down at the text with an almost zealous look in his eye, "I can't allow thesse misssfitss to belittle the history of my people in sssuch a manor. To sell our relicsss to ssstreet trassh and thievesss."

"If we can sssecure this ssssite from thesse thugsss, we can excavate it ourssselvesss," his posture straitens as he seems to tense up, and the normally regal, and dispositionate Grail, unravels himself with an angry, and vengeful expression his tone lowers a bit as he speaks, but it doesn't quite match with your expectations of someone who looks so angry.

After a few seconds he collects himself, before continuing, "Anywayss, my proposssal is ssimple, and I imagine quite favorable to you all," he begans with as he stands from his chair he grabs all the pouches laid out on the desk, before collectively placing one in each of your hands.

"One-hundred and twenty-five gold to all of you, and another three sseventy-five after you find and rid the burial ssite of thessse sssimple minded ruffiansss, not to mention the complete findersss fee for the entire treassure, except for my one requesssst. I'd like to keep one item of my choosssing for mysself assss a reminder of the faulty glory the ancient empire achieved. A personal guidance in my life of the wrath of Bahamut to thossse who fall from jussstice."

He now stands infront of his desk, leaning back on it allowing each of you to check your gold respectively, and to answer any questions.

2008-06-06, 10:10 PM
Binnar opens up the sack sitting in front of him and peers in, taking in the sight of gold. As the dragoborn finishes his speech, he straightens up and looks at Grail, saying, "Let me get this straight. You first invite us in here assuming us to be some sort of sellswords - or sellspells for some of us, " He motions his hand to himself and Excidium, continuing, "After, of course, spying on us or somehow hearing of us when I am sure I am not the only one who does not enter combat or dungeoneering easily. He continues to stare at the dragonborn for a second, then waves his hand and adds, "And then, naturally, expect us to take concern in something that I am sure an amazing holy warrior as yourself could easily do." He says the "holy warrior" part with more than a tinge of sarcasm.

He looks over at Ibrahim and glances at the dwarf before returining his eyes to Grail. He then adds, "You also expect us to work together when some of us have ... grave differences in opinion.". He lays his elbows on the table and crosses his hands in front of his face, straining up to do so. "Whatever gave you the iota of a thought that this is either a possibly successful or even useful idea?"

2008-06-07, 12:56 AM

Wait... why are you fighting? The little tiefling will finally say, unable to hold her tongue anymore. You're all important people, like in the stories! You're going to pass up a chance to be big, bold heroes and dig through an old tomb... or fight bandits... or... I don't know... set a dragon on fire... over some argument?

Kyra's tone was equal parts disappointed and confused... as if she couldn't figure out why ANYONE would turn down the chance to crawl through some old tomb and fight monsters. She would be red in the face, where she not already roughly that tint naturally. Her tail will swish back and forth behind her, as it seemed too when she was excited.

You two even follow the same god, right? Aren't you supposed to... you know? Put your differences aside and help each other? I'm sure you're all important and you have lots of things... but I live down here. The girl's voice flitted a second with emotion, but she continued, I don't... have a whole lot... So if this nice dragon-faced man wants to pay me to get him something... it means I can get out of here, and go someplace where I can actually see the sun, and feel the wind... I'll do it! But please! I can't do it by myself...

The last bit is a soft plea... and the girl will stand still for a second... seemingly embarrassed at her own outburst, and look down to the floor beneath her.

2008-06-07, 01:34 AM

Ibrahim grabs the nearest pouch of gold and draws the strings on it, opening it up to look inside. He grins, saying, "Five hundred gold goes a long way to assuaging any argument I have with anyone. And I most definitely am a sellsword - so I'm happy to do the job." He turns to the gnome and does his best to convey sincerity, "Look, Binnar - I'm not going to try and get us all killed. We'll go to this place, do the best we can to complete the mission, and then return and collect our payment. After that, if things are still sour, it's not a problem because we never have to see each other again. That's how I feel."

He swivels back round to face the Dragonborn.

"Grail... I do want an answer to the question that Binnar already asked, though - I can understand how you came by me, but what about the rest of these people? They're obviously not mercenaries."

2008-06-07, 03:38 AM
(OOC: This post was originally intended to go immediately after JJ's update; that's when I tried to post it, anyway... but it never came through...))

Brogrunn said nothing at first, and made no move toward a sack of gold. Instead, he stared at the Dragonborn intently, as if weighing his words against some powerful scale...

I'd like an Insight check if I could please, to see if Brogrunn can tell whether or not Grail's intentions are the same as what he's said they are.


At last, the Dwarf seems to make up his mind, speaking quietly, with a voice that sounds like it has been traveling for one day too many.

"So be it. I will aid you in this task, Master Grail; it could well be that I am destined to do so. Just so long as you do not seek these long laid to rest things for mere personal gain." With that, Brogrunn took a bag of gold.

((OOC: Okay, now for post Binnar/Kyra spewing...))

Brogrunn said nothing, even as the gnome interrogated their prospective employer, and the tiefling suddenly burst into confusion and emotion. With a gauntleted hand resting on his warhammer, the Dwarf intoned quietly.

"I will do this, as I have already sworn to do so. If my fate lay on this road, then who am I, a servant, to disobey the Raven Queen?" The Dwarf stepped forward, away from the wall, his eyes glinting in the candlelight, "I will remain by your sides, and the Queen willing, I will be able to help keep you alive... for however long that I may."

2008-06-07, 10:15 AM
Excidium calmly stands beside Kyra, gently laying his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. "Well it seems Kyra is more than willing to go, I was already convinced at the mention of relics from before when Bahamut struck the continent in half, who knows what forgotten knowledge is down there," he then slowly gets Kyra to sit back down on the bed after taking his own sack of coins.

2008-06-07, 12:34 PM

Do you really mean it? Kyra said softly with wide puppy-dog eyes.

After a moment of silence, she lunged forward and threw her arms around the gruff dwarf, hugging him tightly. Her tail swished about excitedly behind her, even after she released him... and her face seemed to beam with glee.

You're the greatest little hairy man ever! She said excitedly, almost hopping back to Excidium's side.

She plopped back down on the bed, this time, far less upset. Even if the others decided to go, she at least had two companions.

2008-06-07, 04:17 PM
Brogrunn did his best to deal with the tiefling's response with stoicism, remaining quiet as she expressed her joy (indeed, a small part of him feared she would explode if he spoke further) before finally bouncing back to her original place. The Dwarf nods.

"Aye. I am called by the Queen to seek my destiny in her name; those who cross my path are perhaps destined to die... perhaps they are destined to be kept alive a short time longer... and perhaps, ultimately, they are destined to bring my own death... So long as your intentions are pure, Master Grail, I will help as best I can."

2008-06-07, 06:09 PM
As far as you can tell everything he has said is the complete truth.

"It's quite simple Binnar, my friend."

He reaches into his belt and pulls out a small grey polished stone with smoky black swirls.

"Thisss iss a propheteer'sss 'tone, a holy artifact firssst manufactured by a sect of Pelorianss. It'sss intent it to alleviate suffering. If in plight this item will ssshow you what you need to fix it, and asss it ssso happenss it told me about the four of you." He tosses the small rock at the Gnome, "It alsso hass another purpossse, if you break it and sssprinkle the fragmentsss on sssomeone they will be completely healed, it can cure dissseasessss, even bring back someone from the dead. Thisss will desstory it though."

He moves swiftly back behind his desk and takes a seat, however, either way you ssslice it, you can only use it once. Ssso choosse carefully. If the sstone showsss you sssomething that iss all you will ever sssee from it, it is besst just to passsss it on to another. Conssssider it another enticssement for thiss tasssk, sseeing asss I can no longer ussse it."

"So now you know how and why I came to the conclusssion you all would help me, and everyone hass agreed but you Binnar. Will you help me?"

2008-06-08, 01:16 PM
Binnar catches the stone, looking at its luster. He scratches his chin a little, putting the stone on the table in front of him. His eyes wander from the stone, to the bag, to the dwarf, finally landing on Grail. He reaches out with one hand and picks the Prophet's stone up again, examining it a little. he then stows it away in his pants pocket. He points his rod at Grail, and says, "I will do this. But you still have not explained why you have not done this on your own. It will not effect whether or not I explore beneath the city, but it would be the respectful thing to do and it would very much make me trust this ... job, as it were, a great deal more."

Binnar hops out of the chair, snatching the bag full of money and peering inside. He puts the ebony rod in its slip and stands next to the door. "So, how long until we begin?" He look at all of the people in the room, taking in each individual one by one.

EDIT: I will also make an insight check to see if he's being truthful.
See the OOC thread for the roll.

2008-06-08, 04:41 PM

Kyra blinked at the coin in her pouch, counting it twice. She looked with even more interest on the stone, reaching out to touch it. She scowled momentarily when the gnome stashed it in his pocket. All was forgotten however, as Grail explained what the stone did. Her mind reeled with the possibilities.

"Wow... it can bring back dead people?" She said in soft amazement. "It must be worth a fortune..."

She beamed as the doubting gnome finally agreed... as well he should, seeing as he pocketed the gem. She made her way over to Exicidium excitedly, her tail swishing back and forth.

"I'm going!" She exclaimed to him with a bright smile, "This is going to be great! Just like in the stories!

2008-06-08, 05:51 PM
Grail leans forward resting his chin in the palm of his hand, "It'sss a long and boring en devour, but you sseem intent on hearing it, you mussst know the whole sstory or I'd have much fear about being misssjudged by you asss well." his fingertips stoke the scales at the end of his gaping maws as he drifts of into the depths of his own mind for a moment...

After a moderate pause he seems to come back from the realm of memories, "Right, exscusse me. Long ago when I wasss but a tad more then a hatchling, a boy of mere forty-three ssseassonssss, I had entered into the ssservice of Bahamut, as all my ssires have sso done, a line that sssstretchess further back then the ssscalesss of Mosolae, the most ancient wyrm among thisss land of Graemoore. A creature so ancient it could recite to you in full detail the days of Bahamut's reckoning upon this land," his voice raises into a dramatic crescendo as he weaves the tail of his own history, and you think it might not be the first time he has done so, "It wass very meager work at first, I ssstarted as nothing more then a lowly ssquire and ssstablehand, asss iss cusstom when one intendssss to enter the righteousss ranks of Bahamut'ss Paladins," his eyes sweep the room glancing over each person as he gauges interest in his tale, or perhaps his ability to tell one.

"I rosse through the ranksss at monumental sspeed, young and brasssh, sso full of life I was eager in my devotion and it sshowed!" his posture now straight up his arms rest flat on the edge of the desk, but he waves them about making proper hand gestures when he reaches a dramatic emphasis, "Sso young then, sso," his eyes lower down for a moment, "sso naive," he adds boldness and flare to his words with an added shake of his head.

"I wass ssuch a fool, to believe in this city and it's inhabitants. Like most I ignored the reality. Buried not sso far beneath this jusssstice, this peace was missery, pain, torment, injusssstice, and sssegregation. It wass sssoon after I had obtained my armor and weapon, implementsss of chivalry they where called, that I wasss ssent to quell a ssmall rebellion down here. A place buried in darkness, and in the mindsss of those who claimed to know jussssstice." His voice holds true grievance, words, and expression betray a normally clam and collective man.

"We had expected to find thugsss and murdesrss as we where told would be sssuch, but to our dissmay all we found where disstraught civiliansss looking for a way out of their missserable exissstence. They had placed minor explosssivess at the bottom of a support plate in the sssouthwest quarter of the ssecond tier, their attemptsss where in vain, and all they could manage wassss to crack the enchanted beam and ssshake the upper quarter a tiny bit. We decided to go against ordersss, and let them go with mere warning," he turns his chair about and gazes out a dust covered window into the darkness surrounding the modest Inn, a move meant to hide his face, but a reflection gives way to the shame weighing in on his expressions.

"It wass then a sssmall child approached me, covered in filth, esssspecially evident in the dirt and tearss caked around her eyessss. I could sssee ssuffering in every move sshe made, in every word she sssspoke. Horrorss, most here could never even claim witnesssss to," he calms himself before turning back around to face everyone, but he offers a nod of small acknowledgment to Binnar before continuing, "Sshe begged me to let her die, but it sssoon became apparent that decission would never be put into my handss as a hail of boltsss rained down into the gathering, no one esscaped. I myssself was hit with sseven misssles, I recall being kicked in the sssnout, and a man with a ssilver ssasssh with a sssmall badge attached to it ssstanding there as he spoke 'Thisss onesss still among the living, he'll make a nice fall guy if he ssssurvivess,' I lost conssscioussnesss again, but I remember waking nearly a week later, ssstripped of my rank, disssowned by both family and church. No one would lisssten to my accusationsss againssst the city, and I didn't really expect them too.

"Not too much later I found myssself sstanding in front of the tribunal, they sspoke at me with anger and conviction, they called it a trial, but I already knew the outcome, and it wass sssso, a guilty verdict sswept acrossss the whole fold of 'em. For the crimess of conssspiracy, military incompetence, and high treassson I was banisshed to the sssouthern tundra, which looked about as pleassssing to me as execution, it wassss practically the sssame idea," he finishes his story with a renewed conviction, although you could tell recalling it was definitely a mentally exhaustive experience for the aging Dragonborn.

"And that isss why I cannot attend to thisss matter with too ..."

A creaking sound permeates the air followed by a barely audible curse, and a medium-sized creature draped in a crimson cloak crosses from one side of the open portal to the other. His boots weighing heavy on the worn-out floor boards, and as from what you could guess is followed by the sounds of tumbling as one loses footing trying to make haste down a flight of stairs.

Roll initiative checks in the OOC thread.

2008-06-10, 04:05 PM
Brogrunn did not hesitate in his response; armor clanking as the Dwarf shifted-to, he charged out of the room and towards the stairs, intent on discovering this man's intentions. Brogrunn felt that Grail was trustworthy, but yet... Binnar had kept the Dragonborn hard pressed with questions. Perhaps, he had missed something, perhaps not. Only the Lady would know.

Well, that will be a double move, since that's the only thing that's getting me to the top of the stairs as mentioned in the OOC thread.

2008-06-10, 09:38 PM

What the...? Kyra said in surprise, turning towards the door as she heard the cloaked figure dashing past. She looked to the dragon-man for but a moment to see what he did, before leaping into action.

Kyra's next action depends on one thing... is there a window in Grail's room to the outside. Since he was waxing poetic about the first tier in the prolouge, I'll imagine there was... but I'm not sure. Thus... there are TWO sets of actions for Kyra.

If Grail's room has a window to outside. Kyra looked about for a second, spying the open window. Feeling nimble and adventurous, she made a run for it... and jumped into the open frame (or opened it, if it was not... which I'm guessing is a minor action). She then swung herself down... hanging by her hands for a moment before she dropped to the ground.

(Kyra will move from E-14 to the window, and use the other half of her action to climb down the window... which is either a climb or a acrobatics... at DM discretion. I'm guessing that will be a second move action. To make things simple, I'll make just one roll. [roll0] That gives her 23 if it's athletics/climb or 26 if it's acrobatics/tumble)

If there is NO window. Kyra darted towards the door, swaying past anyone in her way nimbly. She will move at a full run... and double move. Going from E-14 to F-16 (top floor) At the top of the stairs, she will yell out.

Stop that man! He tried to rape me!

(I figure that even if no one here does anything to stop him... that will, at least, confuse the living crap out of everyone there. Plus, I put the Chaotic in Chaotic Neutral :smallbiggrin:)

2008-06-10, 10:38 PM
When Brogrunn reaches the top of the stairs he sees the man who fell who looks to be unconscious at the bottom of the stairs, and directly behind him is five men in similar garb crossbows lowered ready to shoot the first thing that rounds the corner. Further back stands the barkeep wearing a very grim smile, and with that death seems almost imminent for our dwarven heroin as the strings snap and five bolts wizz there way towards the brave soul.

Luck happens to be on his side as three bolts stick into the wall behind him, but he doesn't escape uninjured as two bolts puncture his abdomen sending a searing pain throughout his entire body for a moment.

You do have 50% concealment at the top of the stairs.
You take 10 dmg from 2 bolts.
Initiative is reset so that the enemy acts before Brogrunn next round.

Yes there is a window. There is a roof outside the window first but that would be effortless to get to, so the roll counts from you getting off the roof, and you would succeed making it to the ground unharmed. And you are at I-14 which puts you at 13 squares from the main door. You also see the men inside that shot at Brogrunn through the window. Make a stealth check if you wish to avoid being seen through the window by the bandits.

Grid will be updated with positions.

2008-06-10, 11:44 PM

The little tiefling landed on the ground with a soft thud, crouching low and spreading her weight out to make as little noise as possible. She peered in the window... expecting to catch the fleeing man as he tried to leave the building. Instead she saw a small group of armed men downstairs. Nearly yelping in surprise, she crouched back down under the window, hoping they had not seen her.

Stealth roll:[roll0]

2008-06-11, 02:26 AM
You slip under the window sil and remain unnoticed.

2008-06-11, 08:33 AM
Upon hearing the snaps of crossbows as Brogrunn ran out of the room, Excidium moves to a corner of the room and blasts a small hole in the floor with a silver bolt from his fingers.

Moving from E13 - E16, W and uses Magic Missile to punch a hole in the floor at E15. If an attack roll is needed to hit the floor [roll0]

2008-06-11, 05:02 PM
Roll for damage?

2008-06-11, 05:35 PM
Here ya go [roll0]

2008-06-11, 07:41 PM
Your magic bolt strikes the floor and sends splinters flying in all directions, upon examining the damage you think it might take one or two more to break through.

2008-06-11, 07:54 PM
I put this in the OOOc, but you haven't seen it. JJ, I need to know if I have cover or concealment before I post.

2008-06-11, 09:10 PM
Yes I seen it and I replied a few hours ago to it.

2008-06-11, 09:59 PM
Reactive Stealth (Gnome Racial Ability)
Stealth: [roll0]
Binnar wraps himself in a bit of the shadow surrounding him, moving aside as the dwarf rushes past him. He swirls around and draws his rod as he moves towards the stairs, pointing it ahead of him as he follows Brogrunn. When he hears the bolts connect with the wall and the dwarf’s abdomen, he moves beside him looking down to see how critical the injury is.
Double move B13-F16, South
Warlock Curse's the closest opponent (assumed to be cloaked figure)
The move also raises his Shadow Walk, giving him concealment.

2008-06-12, 06:41 AM
Ibrahim runs after the others, stopping in the doorway to motion to Grail for help in the fight. He stops just short of the stairs, pressing himself against the wall and looking to the injured dwarf.

Double move to E17

2008-06-13, 12:12 AM
Grail moves to the bed and takes up spear and shield, as he mutters "Ssserve me well," before heading out the room behind Ibrahim.

Moves from e-14 to d-15 to pick up items, then from d15 to A15.
double move action, minor action to pickup items, and free action to speak.

One of the bandits shouts "Fire at will!", and they all take to loading their weapons before unleashing another barrage on their new found quarry, the unlucky gnome. Bolts start whizzing past Binnar, but two of them manage to graze him.

You get hit by 2 bolts for 2 damage. o.O Man that was the unluckiest rolls I have ever seen. Grids are updated.

2008-06-14, 08:52 AM
Brogrunn grunted as the bolts slammed into him, piercing his heavy armor, but he made no other sound. Leveling his gaze on the men before him, he drew his shield and hammer, before beginning to take the stairs slowly.

"Our destinies are now joined. I know not who you are, but one of us is destined to leave this world," the Dwarf intoned, his voice ringing like a low, heavy knell as he advanced down the stairs.

I don't know if I'm close enough to be attacking or not, but it looks like I'm close enough to issue a Divine Challenge, which I will do so on the closest conscious bandit. Drawing shield and hammer as my minor action, using my move action to get in close if necessary.

2008-06-14, 03:44 PM
Excidium mutters to himself in frustration before loosing another silver bolt at the same spot on the floor.

Magic Missile on E15 again,
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage

2008-06-14, 05:25 PM

My post, as it often does, has a few what-if's in it. For instance, since I could see inside from out, I assume there is no shutter... and since glass is A: expensive, B: probably often broken down here in the slums, and C: not needed, as the upper tier would block all the rain... I'm assuming that the window has sutters that are open, and there is nothing impeding her from jumping through the opening. If I'm off, please correct me and I will edit this post.

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! The young tiefling thought to herself, as she peered into the building. Her new group was in a bad spot.

Looking about for a moment, she tried not to panic... pulling a knife from it's place at the small of her back. This was why she carried the things, after all. She winced as she saw two shots hit her new dwarven friend. He seemed to be still standing... but he was outnumbered.

This is what heroes do! She reminded herself, trying to keep her hand from trembling, I can do this!

With one last moment to gather her courage, Kyra gripped her knife backhand, steeled herself, and leaped! She jumped through the open window gracefully, lannding on the other side in a crouch and slashing at the back of one of the men's knees with her knife. She tarried only a moment there... not even long enough to see if her strike had done it's deed, before she sprinted away from him, past the leader, and rolled over the bar to take cover... crouching again behind her cover, knife in hand... prepared to defend herself.

In summary, Kyra is using deft strike to move from I-14 to I-13, then move diagonally through the window to H-12, and slash her opponent... whom I'm hoping she has advantage against, since he does not know she's there. Then she will normal move to the left and swerve around the boss (who gets an AoO, but I'm hoping has no melee weapon out to use on her... or that he'll miss due to her artful dodger perk). She will end her move by rolling over the bar (I'm guessing that's the bar) at E-10, landing in E-11 behind cover... so that they'll have to approach her to attack, and turn their back on the group.

This is a crazy amount of movement in one turn... but that does seem to be the rogue's thing... so I'm hoping I can pull it off. Here are my rolls! For her acrobatics or athletics checks (not sure which is applicable) she'll take ten if she can, giving her a 19 or 15 respectively. If I can't take ten, use the rolls made below.

Athletics: [roll0]
Acrobatics: [roll1]
To hit: [roll2]
Damage (if she hits): [roll3]
Sneak Attack (if applicable) [roll4]

Holy crap that's a lot of rolls. Fingers crossed! :smalleek:

2008-06-19, 03:56 PM
First of all, sorry for getting this up so late. Car crash.
Also, the forums are evil and are having problems.
Second of all, I make a few assumptions here, and at one point it breaks into two scenarios. One assumption is that jumping over or slipping through the railing of the stairs is difficult terrain, as is the edge of the bar, for simplicity. Correct me if I am wrong.Binnar reels a little from the crossbow bolts, cursing once in Elvish. He glares at the bandits, pointing his hand at the unconscious one and firing a blast of bright black energy at him. "This will happen to you if you do not cease, fools."
He then runs down the stairs, slipping between two posts in the stair railing. He looks back at the bandits and sees the rogue crash through the window and take several quick strikes at a bandit. He sneers, jumping kipping up a little and sliding across the bar counter, as shadows wrap around him. He snaps his fingers, and a curse falls upon the closest enemy.Eldritch Blast on unconscious bandit - Attack [roll0] <bandit takes -5 to defenses> vs. Ref - Damage [roll1], [roll2] for Curse
Move G17 - E16 S, Shadow Walk grants concealment
Warlock's Curse bandit 5
If unconscious bandit diedBinnar feels a opening in the world as the bandit dies, a little hole to be exploited. He draw power from this hole, and faces the nearest bandit. "I dare you to get me, fool", he says as he waves his hand white and black light flashing in front of the man for a second.

Action Point - Dire Radiance on bandit 5 - Attack [roll3] vs. Fort - Damage [roll4], [roll5] for Curse <if the man moves closer, he takes 1d6 + 3 damage as well.>If unconscious bandit livesBinnar turns around, seeing his allies and enemies sparring. He sees the tiefling behind the counter as well, and says, "Came from nowhere. We must leave one to be questioned.

2008-06-21, 10:14 PM

Ibrahim slips into concentration and follows down the stairs without thinking, drawing his shield and longsword as he goes. At the last few steps, he moves off to the side and swings a fast slash towards Brogrunn's opponent, putting his whole body behind the cut and opening up the man for a subsequent attack. The dwar'f's intonation has set a paean running through his head, half-remembered from his feywild days.

Moving into combat with the same bandit as Brogrunn and using Hammer & Anvil, provided I'm in range.

My attack: