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Lycan 01
2008-06-05, 11:19 PM
I finally played Dungeons and Dragons today. It was quite fun! :smallbiggrin:

My GF's best friend's bro had the Basic Game, and we all went over to play it. He was the DM, and he set up a really basic game. Village daunted by an evil dragon wizard who lives deep within a monster filled cave... you know the drill.

But here's the thing. It was the Basic Game, and it was 3.5 from what I could tell. It didn't explain how to create a character or pick a class; instead, it came with pre-generated characters and figures. So we picked out characters, and got to it...

We played it in a rather interesting way. While combat and stuff was handled in a straight-to-the-point manner, we made In Character comments and described certain actions, in order to help sate our Roleplaying appetite.

A few interesting experiences that occured were:

One of the players, ambushed by 2 rats (diseased and dire), tried to shoot one in the face. She got a 0 on her attack roll. The DM stated that the rats found her to be so pathetic that they rolled over laughing. To this I replied that they were so busy laughing that they passed up their turn, which allowed me to run over and get in a free hit for 14 points as the fighter. :smallbiggrin:

My fighter, down to 4 hp, was cornered by a dire rat and a kobold. The rat and the kobold both had 1 hp. Out of desperation, my fighter reached into his backpack, withdrew a container of kerosean, and dumped the contents of it upon the rats head. He then jammed his torch into its face, in hopes that it would burst into flames. The DM said the rat tried to run away, to which I protested because it wouldn't survive taking three steps, much less escaping from 3 battle-crazed adventurers. So he said that in its dying moments, it head-butted me in attempts to go out like a suicide bomber. He said that if it hit, it would do 2 damage, and whadya know it? He succeeded on his combat check... :smallannoyed: Down to 2 hp, the surviving kobold attempts to stab me in the crotch, only to miss. He then promptly got turned into a pincushion by my two friends...

Normally, when we killed kobolds, they'd drop a health potion, which we were in dire need of, since the DM said they only healed 5 HP. (I doubt that's right, but he lost the rulebook that came with the game...) Anyway, we killed one kobold, and instead of it dying and dropping something useful, it just pissed itself. So we're left with a dead kobold laying in a puddle of acidic piss... Yes, it was acidic, since the DM said one of the character's burnt her toes when she stepped in it. So my GF, the creative genius she is, decides to use an empty potion bottle to make a new weapon: Jarred Kobold Piss

The stats of Jarred Kobold Piss are...
1d4 when splashed on an adjacent enemy.
1d6 minus 1 per square when thrown at an enemy within 3 squares.
1d6 plus 1 per square when thrown at an enemy over 3 square away.

The reason it loses and then gains points is simple: gravity! Since thrown things arc, it loses damage at close range since it loses most of its momentum before impact. But if thrown at something far off, the arc causes it to gain speed during its descent, and hit with greater force. And yes, I am sorry for all the catgirls I killed, but it was so worth it to make such a random and oddly effective weapon...

And finally, my most proud moment...

We dressed up a dead kobold in a cloak and threw it to a dragon, which thought it was a teddy bear and decided to ignore us.

No, I'm not making that up.

One of the NPCs told us there was a dragon in the dungeon, and when I asked about its weaknesses, it said the dragon liked teddy bears. So my original idea was to kill a kobold, skin a rat, and put the fur on it so that it looked like a teddy bear. But the dragon appeared randomly by teleporting into the room we'd just cleared out of enemies - we argued with the DM over the fairness of this, but finally gave up since DM Fiats are unescapable - and prepared to do a breath attack on us. But before it did, I looked at the DM and said, "Is this the one who likes teddy bears?" He smiled and said it was. I then told my friend, who's turn it still was before the dragon attacked, to dress up the dead kobold she was dragging by putting her dark colored cloak on it, and throw it at the dragon. She did so, and upon catching the kobold, the dragon teleported away while gleefully exclaiming "Teddyyyyy!"

The session ended with the dragon teleporting away, and the 2nd half of the adventure will be done next week...

So yay! We somehow survived a dungeon full of crazy kobolds, rat ambushes, and a dragon with 80 HP and a 10 HP recovery per round ability (I know, WTF?!)... all while level one. Because apparently, he has no idea how XP works without the rules the game came with... >.<

And don't worry folks... I'm getting the 4e books when they come out, and taking over as DM for us. :smallamused:

2008-06-05, 11:36 PM
What did you play?

Lycan 01
2008-06-05, 11:40 PM
3.5e Basic Game. That's what it was called. "Dungeons and Dragons: Basic Game" -shrug- That's all I could figure out. It came with several boards, a bunch of figures, and some pre-made character sheets. The DM also had the 3.5e Dungeon Master's Guide, but no PHB or MM for reasons that are not worth discussing... The DM wrote up the session and stuff on his own, though.

And yes, I'm quite sure we did a ton of stuff wrong. But I'm sure we got the majority of things, like combat rolls and damage and stuff, right...

2008-06-06, 08:55 AM
Teddy?? That's just so wrong...

2008-06-06, 09:32 AM
And this is why I love D&D. Even though lots of things are being done wrong, as long as everyone is having fun the game is being played correctly.

2008-06-06, 09:43 AM
Now this is why D&D is so popular.

Nobody really undersants the rules, but everybody has good fun.:smallbiggrin:

Lycan 01
2008-06-06, 01:58 PM
Exactly! I know we screwed up on some of the rules, like kicking down a door. Actually, we might of gotten that right. The point is, when I kicked it down, it squished two Kobolds that were going to ambush us. We couldn't stop laughing at the oddity of it. So even though we didn't go by-the-book, we still had tons of fun. My GF's best friend went from loathing the game to wanting to play it every week with us now!

Oh, and Roleplaying was so fun. The DM threw everything at my character, the fighter, and never rolled high enough on his attack rolls. So I kept bragging that my armor was a great investment, and even exclaimed it when a Trogolodite (spelling?) jumped out of nowhere, and bit me, only to chip his teeth on my armor. :smallbiggrin:

And then there was Ted the Kobold........ poor Ted.......

2008-06-06, 02:04 PM
That has to be one of the most absurd and coolest sessions I've heard of so far.

I mean c'mon, teddy? :smallbiggrin:

Lycan 01
2008-06-06, 02:08 PM
Glad ya'll find it funny. I was kinda expecting some responses along the lines of "You suck! Learn to play right!" :smalltongue:

You guys want me to write the whole session out, or at least all the major/funny points? I took plenty of notes for future reference...

2008-06-06, 02:25 PM
if your dm wanted he could just tell you when to level up and not use xp.
ive played a few games like that, i like it better just because i dont have to keep track of xp.

Lycan 01
2008-06-06, 02:31 PM
He said we could level up once we finish the full session. We did the 1st half yesterday, and the 2nd half will be next week. The problem is, he doesn't have anything to go by on what exactly happens when we level up. Do we get more HP? More stats? More movement? He has no idea, and neither do we... :smallannoyed:

2008-06-06, 02:37 PM
If it really is DnD 3.5, this (http://www.d20srd.org/index.htm) holds most of the rules, including the class progressions, and the basics of the game. It's very useful, in my opinion - although whether you should spoil a good game with rules is another thing. :smallwink:

Lycan 01
2008-06-06, 02:40 PM
Hm, true. I guess we'll just go with our semi-accurate playstyle until 4e comes out. When does it come out, anyway?

2008-06-06, 03:01 PM
Well, people who pre-ordered the core rulebooks should get them today, as I understand. Everyone else has to wait until some time next week.

2008-06-06, 04:29 PM
Bah, rules are for the weak.

Also, you get an extra hit dice, better stats, and more bonuses and abilities when you level.

Lycan 01
2008-06-06, 04:39 PM
Ooooh, fun.

So my guy uses 2d6+3 for his greatsword. If he levels up, he'll be using 3d6+3? Sweet.

I figure if we do get the 4e books, we'll just get the PHB. I can get monster stuff off the internet, and DMing doesn't have to be so by-the-book that we actually need the DMG.

I guess the main point of all this is: DnD is fun, and me and my friends are hooked.

In fact, we have now agreed to do once-a-week sessions all summer, and 1/2 sessions per month once school starts back, since I'll be in college out of town...

2008-06-06, 05:03 PM
Well actually for the attack for the fighter if your to hit is like +3 it would now be +4 next level.

2008-06-06, 05:34 PM
Ooooh, fun.

So my guy uses 2d6+3 for his greatsword. If he levels up, he'll be using 3d6+3? Sweet.

I figure if we do get the 4e books, we'll just get the PHB. I can get monster stuff off the internet, and DMing doesn't have to be so by-the-book that we actually need the DMG.

I guess the main point of all this is: DnD is fun, and me and my friends are hooked.

In fact, we have now agreed to do once-a-week sessions all summer, and 1/2 sessions per month once school starts back, since I'll be in college out of town...

It's good you're having fun! Enjoy yourself- the early days of D&D, for me, were my best- hope the same applies to you!

Don't worry about the rules so much. Rules are second to fun. Let fun be your main rule. If the rule isn't fun and fluid, hurl it away and forget about it.

Lycan 01
2008-06-06, 05:49 PM
Why does it go up to +4? Is that one point from leveling up?

Oh, and on the back of my sheet, it had all my stats. Having played Knight of the Old Republic, I had a decent idea of how that worked. My Strength was 15, so it said +2. I add that to my attacks and stuff, according to the sheet. So I must ask... do I add it to the +3 to my attack? Or is it already part of the +3?

And I get 2 skill points per level, according to the SRD ya'll linked me. (Thanks for that, btw...) I think I have the leveling stuff down pat now...

Quick question: Where can I get character sheets? Preferably blank sheets I can just buy or print out...

2008-06-06, 06:00 PM
Fighter's base attack bonus (BAB for short) is equal to their level. Other classes (cleric, rogue, etc.) have a BAB 3/4 of their level, rounded down. Still others (wizard, sorcerer, etc.) only get half of their level. Since you went from first to second level, your BAB went from +1 to +2. You add your strength modifier to this (which you apparently already understand) to get the +4.

Lycan 01
2008-06-06, 06:14 PM
Okay, sweet. I think I'm getting the hang of this...

So if I were to make a character, I'd...

-Start with base character sheet, with 8 points in each stat.

-Add subtract race and class stat effects.

-Modify stats with 32 points, increasing the number of points needed as the stats get higher. (Thank you, Kotor...)

-Choose feats and weapons and stuff.

-Enjoy my new character!

Am I right? Or grossly mistaken?

2008-06-06, 06:24 PM
Why does it go up to +4? Is that one point from leveling up?

Oh, and on the back of my sheet, it had all my stats. Having played Knight of the Old Republic, I had a decent idea of how that worked. My Strength was 15, so it said +2. I add that to my attacks and stuff, according to the sheet. So I must ask... do I add it to the +3 to my attack? Or is it already part of the +3?

And I get 2 skill points per level, according to the SRD ya'll linked me. (Thanks for that, btw...) I think I have the leveling stuff down pat now...

Quick question: Where can I get character sheets? Preferably blank sheets I can just buy or print out...

Looks accurate...the Wizards site only offers 4th Edition sheets now.

Hit Dice refers to HP, not attack...confusing, I know. You get (class hit die)+CON modifier in HP every level. A Fighter's hit die is d10, so you'd get 5HP on average plus Constitution modifier. You've got character creation down, though some people just roll 4d6 and take off the lowest die instead of Point Buy (how you did it). You buy weapons with your starting gold...can't just grab everything in the book.

2008-06-06, 06:29 PM
Okay, sweet. I think I'm getting the hang of this...

So if I were to make a character, I'd...

-Start with base character sheet, with 8 points in each stat.

-Add subtract race and class stat effects.

-Modify stats with 32 points, increasing the number of points needed as the stats get higher. (Thank you, Kotor...)

-Choose feats and weapons and stuff.

-Enjoy my new character!

Am I right? Or grossly mistaken?

That's it, more or less. You only get to pick one feat at first level in general. You get an extra one if you're human, and you get a third (from a restricted list) if you're a human fighter.

2008-06-06, 06:34 PM
Hit Dice refers to HP, not attack...confusing, I know. You get (class hit die)+CON modifier in HP every level. A Fighter's hit die is d10, so you'd get 5HP on average plus Constitution modifier. You've got character creation down, though some people just roll 4d6 and take off the lowest die instead of Point Buy (how you did it). You buy weapons with your starting gold...can't just grab everything in the book.

5.5 average for a d10

I agree that 4d6 (personally, I prefer 5d6, but I like high-powered games) is more interesting than point-buy; it makes more unique characters rather than inherently min-maxed ones.

Lycan 01
2008-06-06, 06:45 PM
Eek. That's a very complex sheet. The ones the game came with only had 2 sides. One for HP, Armor, Weapons, Feats, Spells, ect... And the other side was stats and skills and items. The one you linked seems kinda... daunting. :smalleek:

So I've gotten it all - in theory - under control, then? Coolness... Well this makes things a lot more interesting now, doesn't it? :smallbiggrin:

Btw, how badly would we have done against that dragon (80HP with 10HP recovery per round...) if I hadn't thought of the Kobold idea? :smallconfused:

2008-06-07, 03:49 AM
-Add subtract race and class stat effects.

-Modify stats with 32 points, increasing the number of points needed as the stats get higher. (Thank you, Kotor...)

You're slightly off, here.

You start with all eights, and then you distribute your points or rolls according to the system chosen for the game (25 points, 28 points, 32 points, 3d6, 4db3, etc). After you've distributed your stats, then you apply racial modifiers and the like. So although you can't buy or roll higher than an 18 in any stat, an elf can have a 20 dex, or a half-orc a 20 str.

2008-06-07, 04:38 AM
It's always very nice to hear pleasant stories of one's start out. May you continue to have fun :)

2008-06-07, 12:02 PM
Actually, last night was one of my friends' GF's first experience. I proceeded to inundate her with lots of numbers and formulae until she began to cry. Literally. Luckily, she was soon thereafter pacified by the important advice I am about to give you: take it Sloooooow. Focus on learning only what it absolutely necessary to the game, like attack rolls, skill checks and the like. Learn a bit at a time. I had no idea why she was crying because I have been playing (3.5) for about three years and had completely forgotten how frickin' hard those rules seem when they come at you all at once. yeah, i felt bad. So then we started playing a game where one of the players wasn't available, so she got to whack things with a Bastard sword as a big, burly fighter, and she was much happier.

EDIT: Lycan, check your PM inbox.

Lycan 01
2008-06-07, 01:19 PM
Thanks for the advice guys...

Oh! Check it out!


I know its not perfect, since I still have to tweak the stats a bit, but hey... I'm proud of myself! And I'd be nowhere if it wasn't for all the people who have helped me figure this stuff out. Thanks everyone! :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-07, 01:34 PM
Oh! Check it out!

The Greatsword is a two-handed weapon. That means you add 1.5xStr (rounded down) to your damage, so you should be dealing 2d6+6.

It also means (in case you don't know already) that you get to add double the number you subtract from your attack roll to your damage rolls when using Power Attack.