View Full Version : The Grinder (douglas Solo)

2008-06-06, 01:29 PM
You find yourself standing in the basement, finding the secret entrance to the Grinder after a long journey has brought you here. You do not know what perils and horrors await you, but the promise of power is great. You all have your own reasons for being here, but you all stand ready to take the plunge.

Before you stands a large opalescent sphere, the portal entrance to grinder.

ADDENDUM: We'll just use your other thread as the OOC if we need it I think.

2008-06-06, 01:53 PM
Your divinations give you only little information, this place seemingly beyond the reach of legends and gods. One thing that you do get is a series of formulas that are unclear at first until you put the combined might of the groups phenomenal brains to work.

Included in the formulas are two equations, one showing exponential growth while the other shows normal linear growth. The two touch at only one point.

While the characters have no concept of "levels" the point at which the two lines touch is coincidentally 18.

2008-06-06, 02:08 PM
What does Analyze Portal (Spell Compendium) tell me?

Edit: I am moving into an apartment tomorrow (Sunday), and my internet access won't be set up until at least Wednesday. I may be able to post from work or the library, but don't count on it.

2008-06-08, 06:28 AM
Sorry, I'm not familiar with that spell. If you could give me a brief description of what it does?

No problem on the time thing...

2008-06-09, 10:37 AM
I sadly do not have the details available at work, but I remember it gives a fair number of details about the portal's characteristics and a peek at the other side. Each piece of information requires a caster level check to obtain, but the DC is low enough I can't fail. If you have the Spell Compendium, you can look it up in there.

Edit: The spell description that just got PM'd to both of us matches what I remember, so you can use that. I will continue concentrating long enough to get all possible information from it.

2008-06-11, 05:02 PM
Studying the portal reveals that it is a one way portal with no keys beyond stepping in. Further analysis grants you a fleeting glimpse of teh other side. As none of your divination effects extend across the portal however the information is rather limited. All you see is pure white.

2008-06-12, 10:07 AM
Not all of my magically enhanced senses are from divinations. In particular, my darkvision, low-light vision, blindsense, blindsight, tremorsense, ability to ignore magical darkness, and ability to ignore snow glare/whiteout conditions all come from transmutations. These senses, I believe, should function out to the 60' range limit of Analyze Portal. The rest are indeed divination-based and won't work until I actually step through.

But, I think we've wasted enough time on this already, and I'm fairly sure anything I might see that I'd need to act on before entering would have caused some sort of warning with the Divination too. Just keep that reduced list of senses in mind for any subsequent portals I examine.

The group enters the basement somewhat more rapidly than the single doorway would normally allow. Vesran leads the procession as the toughest of the bunch, but Cergar and Vordano walk merrily through the wall on either side of him, expecting no opposition yet and confident in their ability to handle it if their expectation is wrong. Loratai, Harachel, Zamek, and Nyeron follow, with Nyeron's giant bear Lorch squeezing through the doorframe.

"So this is it," Cergar says, looking at the spherical portal. "Seems like it should have a warning sign posted. There's no indication on that thing of just how extreme the danger of going through it is."

"Ah, but we already know that, and any fool should know better than to jump through an unknown portal like that without researching it first," replies his brother. "Enough chatter, it took us long enough to find this place, let's get to work already."


The pair set to work on their divination (the Legend Lore already answered), while the rest of the group fans out, searches the basement for hidden dangers, and then sits down to watch while the brothers go through their castings.


"You think they'll learn anything useful from that?" Vesran asks.

"Maybe. It can't hurt, and every fragment of information we've found so far indicates that there is no such thing as excessive preparation where this place is concerned," Loratai replies.

Harachel's deep voice booms out, "We shall see. Even my Lady knows little of the Grinder, and her resources for gathering information are far greater than this. Granted, I do not know of her ever casting such a spell in the presence of an entrance to it, but I do not expect to learn a great deal in this way."

Some time later, the wizards finish their casting and report the results. "Nothing immediately obvious, just a bunch of esoteric equations."

"Well, we're not going in until morning, might as well try puzzling them out now."

"Hmm, interesting..."

*time passes*

"Aha! So the Grinder responds with force depending on the power of those who enter. And if I've figured the scale of this right, whatever powers the place is able to generate things capable of crushing deities like insects."

"Good thing we're not deities yet, then," quips Zamek. "I just hope we're close enough to that point where those lines touch."

Lorch yawns pointedly and settles down on the floor to sleep.

Nyeron announces, "I believe my furry friend has a point. It is getting late and we have a big day tomorrow. It is time to rest."

The rest of the party agrees, and soon bedrolls are scattered around the room.


The next morning, Cergar tries his Divination. Following his report of no dire warnings about holes in their preparation, everyone gathers around the portal to examine it one last time before going through.

Weapons drawn, the three gray elves, two humans, spellscale, solar, and dire polar bear all step into the portal simultaneously from all sides. The humanoid members of the party each have a 3" tall clone of Zamek riding on one shoulder.

Checklist of senses:
ignore natural and magical darkness
ignore snow glare/whiteout
Magic auras within 120' vision, automatically identifying spells and magical effects.
Evil auras within 120', including power and location
Darkvision 300'
Blindsense 150'
Blindsight 60'
tremorsense 30'
Detect Scrying 40'
See Invisibility
True Seeing 120'
Presence or absence of portals, secret doors, and undead within 60'
know shortest direction to place of "safety" (defined in spell description in the Spell Compendium, environmental only, straight line path ignoring barriers. Don't worry too much about this one, I probably won't care about it most of the time.)

2008-06-14, 12:47 PM
Ah good call on the divination stuff. My bad. What you see is the top of a stone pillar and tons of windblown snow (whiteout). Its night too.

Just before you step in the Foresight spell clamors warning of stepping into a dangerous situation.

The group appears in the midst of hellish snowstorm. The winds are howling with incredible strength trying to rip you from the top of the small marble pillar you find yourselves standing on. About 60 feet away standing on the ground you see a huge glowing mass of metalic rubble. It shift and moves and you quickly deduce that it is an elemental of some sort, and highly magical to boot.

Need to make Fort saves for everyone and roll for initiative to determine your peoples order of action.

2008-06-14, 02:34 PM
If the fort save is for the wind, I don't need to make it. Stormrage, among other things, says "You are completely unaffected by natural or magical wind, easily able to hold your position and not subject to other adverse effects of extreme wind."

Fort saves (take the better roll for each):
Vesran: [roll0] [roll1]
Loratai: [roll2] [roll3]
Zamek: [roll4] [roll5]
Harachel: [roll6] [roll7]
Cergar: [roll8] [roll9]
Vordano: [roll10] [roll11]
Nyeron: [roll12] [roll13]
Lorch: [roll14] [roll15]
Clone1: [roll16] [roll17]
Clone2: [roll18] [roll19]
Clone3: [roll20] [roll21]
Clone4: [roll22] [roll23]
Clone5: [roll24] [roll25]
Clone6: [roll26] [roll27]

Initiative is a dexterity check, which is a kind of ability check, which benefits from Choose Destiny, so initiative also gets the roll twice take better effect.
Vesran: [roll28] [roll29]
Loratai: [roll30] [roll31]
Zamek: [roll32] [roll33]
Harachel: [roll34] [roll35]
Cergar: [roll36] [roll37]
Vordano: [roll38] [roll39]
Nyeron: [roll40] [roll41]
Lorch: [roll42] [roll43]
Clone1: [roll44] [roll45]
Clone2: [roll46] [roll47]
Clone3: [roll48] [roll49]
Clone4: [roll50] [roll51]
Clone5: [roll52] [roll53]
Clone6: [roll54] [roll55]

Maneuvers not granted: [roll56] [roll57] (if the second roll is higher, add 1 to it. Use the order maneuvers are listed in Vesran's sheet in the OOC thread).

Knowledge checks about the monster and surroundings (ignore anything not relevant, I'm just rolling everything that I think might conceivably be relevant):
Arcana: Zamek [roll58] [roll59], Cergar [roll60] [roll61], Vordano [roll62] [roll63]
Dungeoneering: Zamek: [roll64] [roll65]
Geography: Cergar [roll66] [roll67]
Nature: Nyeron [roll68] [roll69]
Religion: Loratai [roll70] [roll71], Cergar [roll72] [roll73], Vordano [roll74] [roll75], Nyeron [roll76] [roll77]
The Planes: Loratai [roll78] [roll79], Zamek [roll80] [roll81], Cergar [roll82] [roll83]
The group stands steadily, unaffected by the wind, and looks around quickly. The more educated members of the party think back to their studies for any tidbits of information that might be useful here.

2008-06-16, 10:05 AM
The group stands unperturbed by the raging storm. The only things that are obvious to the group are that they are not on their own planet (as these kinds of conditions do not exist there), the creature is some sort of elemental and appears to be held together by unstable arcane energy. A quick glance over the edge of the crowded pillar top reveals that the column stands on island surrounded by some sort of green fluid. To the northeast there is a larger lake of the green fluid. The liquid seems only mildly perturbed by the storm and you suspect magic is at work though none is immediately apparent.

Heres the list of your initiative order I think (presuming everyone chooses to take the higher). If you could compile it in the future it would be easier for me, but if you don't have time its not immediately neccesary. Anyways Zamek or Harachel act before anyone else. The knowledge checks happen on their respective users turns (though they don't take up actions

Zamek: 38]
Harachel: [38]
Clone6: 36
Clone4: 36
Vordano: 36]
Loratai: [35]
Lorch: 34]
Cergar: 33]
Clone2 33]
Clone3: [31]
Vesran 31
Clone1: 27
Clone5: 24

2008-06-16, 11:39 AM
With the extreme wind drowning out any attempt at speech, Vordano falls back on the group's telepathic bond. "Whatever it is, I expect the Grinder spawned it to kill us."

"Indeed. Vesran, take the lead," replies the clone sitting on Cergar's shoulder.

"All right. CHARGE!"

Zamek, Harachel, and Vordano delay. Clone 4 uses White Raven Tactics on Vesran, setting his initiative to 35.

Vesran then uses War Master's Charge, with all non-clone party members participating.

Attack: [roll0] + 93, [roll1] + 91, [roll2] + 86, [roll3] + 81, [roll4] + 76
Damage: [roll5] and [roll6] holy, sonic, [roll7] and [roll8] holy, sonic, [roll9] and [roll10] holy, sonic, [roll11] and [roll12] holy, sonic, [roll13] and [roll14] holy, sonic

Attack: [roll15] + 92, [roll16] + 90, [roll17] + 85, [roll18] + 80, [roll19] + 75
Damage: [roll20] and [roll21] holy, sonic, [roll22] and [roll23] holy, sonic, [roll24] and [roll25] holy, sonic, [roll26] and [roll27] holy, sonic, [roll28] and [roll29] holy, sonic

Attack: [roll30] + 95, [roll31] + 93, [roll32] + 88, [roll33] + 83, [roll34] + 78
Damage: [roll35] and [roll36] sonic, [roll37] and [roll38] sonic, [roll39] and [roll40] sonic, [roll41] and [roll42] sonic, [roll43] and [roll44] sonic

Attack: [roll45] + 92, [roll46] + 90, [roll47] + 85, [roll48] + 80, [roll49] + 75
Damage: [roll50] and [roll51] holy, sonic, [roll52] and [roll53] holy, sonic, [roll54] and [roll55] holy, sonic, [roll56] and [roll57] holy, sonic, [roll58] and [roll59] holy, sonic

Attack: [roll60] + 93, [roll61] + 91, [roll62] + 86, [roll63] + 81, [roll64] + 76
Damage: [roll65] and [roll66] holy, sonic, [roll67] and [roll68] holy, sonic, [roll69] and [roll70] holy, sonic, [roll71] and [roll72] holy, sonic, [roll73] and [roll74] holy, sonic

Attack: [roll75] + 92, [roll76] + 90, [roll77] + 85, [roll78] + 80, [roll79] + 75
Damage: [roll80] and [roll81] holy, sonic, [roll82] and [roll83] holy, sonic, [roll84] and [roll85] holy, sonic, [roll86] and [roll87] holy, sonic, [roll88] and [roll89] holy, sonic

Attack: [roll90] + 92, [roll91] + 90, [roll92] + 85, [roll93] + 80, [roll94] + 75
Damage: [roll95] and [roll96] sonic, [roll97] and [roll98] sonic, [roll99] and [roll100] sonic, [roll101] and [roll102] sonic, [roll103] and [roll104] sonic

Attack: [roll105] + 96, [roll106] + 94, [roll107] + 94, [roll108] + 88
Damage: [roll109] and [roll110] holy, sonic, [roll111] and [roll112] holy, sonic, [roll113] and [roll114] holy, sonic, [roll115] and [roll116] holy, sonic

Each attack also gets extra damage depending on the creature's size category, but I don't think it's going to matter.
Do you mind if I start using Invisible Castle (http://invisiblecastle.com/) for rolling? Its roller has much fewer limitations than the forum roller, and its notes and search features make cheating by selective reporting of rolls impossible if you know the name the rolls will be made under in advance. For example, I have discovered that the forum roller does not allow combining the "take best X" option with adding a number, and it also does not allow rolling multiple different die sizes in the same roll. I would roll under the name "Team Solars".

For an example of how it would look:
Vesran attack roll: (2d20.takeHighest(1)+73=83) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1629456/)

The storing of character name appears to not be working at the moment, so I can't demonstrate that right now. :smallfrown:

Edit: Huh, apparently saving the character name only works when logged in.
Does the name save now? (2d20.takeHighest(1) 73=91) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1629497/)

You can see all rolls made by Team Solars by going here (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/search/234193/) or clicking on the "link to character" link on the individual roll page.

2008-06-16, 01:08 PM
Your foresight has been going off constantly since before you stepped through the portal, the best way to protect yourself being to flee with all possible haste across dimensional boundaries.
Sure you can use invisible castle, no problem. I don't really care about the cheating thing, I presume you're honest enough. Do you want to stick with these rolls you have or roll up a new batch over there? I can resolve this hit when you've decided.

Also again for making my life easier but not terribly critical if you can't if you could add damage by type on huge attacks like this that would be lovely.

2008-06-16, 01:50 PM
Right, warnings that the Grinder is dangerous. I'll just ignore warnings that general, they tell me nothing I don't already know. When it tells me to stop before I walk into a Sphere of Annihilation, then I'll pay attention.
Since I've already rolled these, keep them.

Assuming its AC is 81 or below:
weapon damage: 3915
sonic: 113

Excluding the bear, 5 of the attacks are piercing and bludgeoning (morningstar) and the other 30 are slashing. All are epic, good, and adamantine. The bear's 3 claw attacks are piercing, slashing, magic, and good. The single bite is piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, magic, and good.

Additional damage based on size from Fell the Greatest Foe probably will not matter.
The elemental type confers immunity to crits, so I won't bother with those.

2008-06-16, 03:03 PM
Well the thing about Foresight is that it warns of impending danger, not specifically what kind. Also "the spell gives you a general idea of what action you might take to best protect yourself." The best way to protect yourself now is to leave because you are constantly in impending danger. If you choose to ignore those warnings I don't think the spell determines what's ok and what's not to warn about.

The beast collapses with a colossal thud. The wind continues to howl and the snow continues to fall. It begins to pile up slightly on the windward side of the creature until the wind shifts and wipes its work away.

2008-06-16, 04:53 PM
This spell grants you a powerful sixth sense in relation to yourself or another. Once foresight is cast, you receive instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm to the subject of the spell. You are never surprised or flat-footed.
That implies that the warnings are fairly specific. A general "you're in a dangerous place" warning would be largely useless and doesn't seem like it would prevent surprise any better than routine caution in known hostile territory. While Foresight might give such a warning, negating surprise would require separate warnings for specific individual threats.

When another creature is the subject of the spell, you receive warnings about that creature. You must communicate what you learn to the other creature for the warning to be useful, and the creature can be caught unprepared in the absence of such a warning. Shouting a warning, yanking a person back, and even telepathically communicating (via an appropriate spell) can all be accomplished before some danger befalls the subject, provided you act on the warning without delay. The subject, however, does not gain the insight bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
That implies the warnings are only for immediate danger that requires action within a very short time period (1 round or so). "This place is trying to kill you" does not require acting immediately to deal with it. "The ceiling is about to drop on you" does.

A warning and advice to leave the Grinder entirely is possibly something Foresight might give, but specific threats like collapsing ceilings or Spheres of Annihilation would cause separate, readily distinguishable, warnings with advice relating to avoiding just that specific threat.
With the immediate obvious threat dealt with, the group begins searching the area for signs of where they should go next. Flying 50' above the ground, they spiral out from the pillar they arrived on, scanning the area in all directions for magic and portals.
Arcane Sight has 120' range. Analyze Portal has 60' range, and presence or absence of portals is detected immediately.

2008-06-17, 12:07 PM
bump just to make sure my post gets noticed despite the time-delayed double post

2008-06-19, 02:55 PM
thanks for the catch. I have a sketchy connection here so sometimes I'm reloading after I make a post.

Concerning Foresight. While it has a specific rules affect of making you never surprised or flatfooted (these are very specific conditions under the rules) and giving you armor and save bonuses the concept of "impending danger or harm" is much more open ended in its interpretation and I think you're probably running the wrong characters to be trying to argue the intent of the spell:smalltongue:.

Your flybys detect nothing out to 1000 feet of your entry point beyond the arcane energy surrounding yourselves and the fallen elemental beast.

2008-06-21, 04:03 PM
I'm hoping the "down for an upgrade, check back in 12 hours" thing this morning means the performance problems I've been having with the forums are fixed for a while.

Actually, while I have abused quite a bit of cheese for these characters, I don't think any part of the build depends on a questionable interpretation. The Magic of the Land + Spellguard trick would have, but I didn't end up using it. Anyway, from now on a random clone is on advance scout duty.

Hmm, do any of the party members know about the "rooms (sort of) and portals" structure of the Grinder, assuming the pattern set for the first group I was in extends to the whole thing? I can make some rather high knowledge check DCs.

Also, what's the ground like around here? Rock, dirt, ice, snow, a combination, or something else?
The party returns to hover above the pillar they arrived on.

Loratai: "Nothing significant nearby, it seems. At least, nothing with line of effect to the air."

Nyeron: "I think it more likely that there would be at least some sign of where to go next in the vicinity than that we would have to explore a large portion of the landscape surrounding us. My bet would be that it's covered up by that green liquid."

Cergar: "That, or underground somewhere, but the strange lakes seem more likely. Might be dangerous, though."

Vordano: "We're standing in the middle of a blizzard several orders of magnitude worse than anything the Prime Material has ever seen, having just fought a gigantic elemental so unusual none of us could identify it, and you're saying something might be dangerous???

Cergar: "Granted, we're already in what would be a deadly situation for the vast majority of the population back home, but my point is that some extra caution is warranted."

Vordano: "True, that liquid is magical somehow, and the nature of any threat it might pose is not yet clear. All right, we need an expendable scout."

Harachel: "I doubt anything I could summon would be capable of surviving long enough to report anything useful."

Zamek: "Looks like it's time for my other selves to earn their keep." He selects one at random and points. "You, go investigate those strange lakes."

The clone flies down to the bottom of the pillar and tries to determine what he can with his magical senses and knowledge before diving into the green liquid.
Spellcraft for strange liquid: (2d20.takeHighest(1)+54=69) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1635682/) (Detect Magic + Arcane Sight + Spellcraft (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/spellcraft.htm)'s "Understand a strange or unique magical effect, such as the effects of a magic stream." use)

He relays his observations and deductions back to the party telepathically at each point before continuing.

2008-06-22, 06:30 AM
The pillar is stone, everything else looks like snow or ice

The clone figures the opaque green liquid is probably being obscured by some sort of magic aura type effect, since it is very clearly magical, and equally very clearly not registering as such to detect magic and the like.

Upon diving in he finds the fluid itself is vaguely viscous, something akin to slightly runny vegetable oil. Diving down he finds that next to the pillar the liquid bottoms out about 50 feet below the surface. There is a slight slope down wards towards the larger lake

2008-06-22, 07:55 AM
Zamek: "Hmm, I have an idea..."

After some brief mental discussion, another clone departs and sinks through the snow and ice next to the large lake, seeking to discover how far down it goes and what's under it.

Meanwhile, the first clone rises out of the pond and performs a small test with his Reverse Gravity spell-like ability. Using only two of the fifteen 10' cubes available to him, he creates a 10' square section of reversed gravity extending from 5' below the surface to 15' above. After observing the effect of this zone and the wind on the pond, he dismisses it.

2008-06-24, 02:53 PM
The liquid flows up, seemingly against the pull of the ground. While suspended in the air it still does not seem affected by the wind, nor does it appear magical to your spells.

Meanwhile under the ice, the other clone guesses that the lake is aproximately 300 feet deep, though the bottom is not at all even with large crevices and raised pillars.

2008-06-24, 05:03 PM
Oops, poor pronoun use. I meant for "it" to refer to the "snow and ice", not the lake, but I'd probably have gone for this information next anyway. So, in addition to the results of the investigations performed below, what does the investigation I intended to make discover?
Having satisfied himself about one aspect of his plan, Zamek proceeds to borrow a sizable rock from Cergar's bag of holding and have four of his clones dip it into the lake to see what happens to it - one supporting on the bottom, the other three in a triangle on top stabilizing it (technically just one has plenty of carrying capacity, but this avoids any potential argument about how a 3" tall mini-clone is going to grip it). Meanwhile the two other clones continue exploring the lake, one searching for the lowest point on its bottom and the other just seeing what his senses can discover.

While his clones do this, Zamek himself tries to estimate the size of the lake.
Blindsight and blindsense should work below the lake surface, I think, along with the various Detect spells and possibly Analyze Portal. Any special properties of the green liquid might change this, of course.

As for what I'm trying to do, I'm planning to drain the entire lake. :smallbiggrin: I should have enough information to tell if my plan will work after you respond to this post, along with the numbers to crunch.

2008-06-25, 03:56 PM
The ice seems compact and sturdy enough that the reversal of gravity doesn't have any readily noticeable effects.
As soon as the rock touches green liquid it begins hissing sizzling, rapidly corroding away from the caustic substance.
The lake doesn't have a regular outline, looking more like a paint splat then anything else. Its (very) roughly 1000 feet across, and perhaps 2000 feet long.
The bottom of the lake is if anything, more irregular than its shores. Determining the deepest point would take carefully constructed depth measuring equipment as the crevices all descend to varying depths into the ice below.

2008-06-25, 04:31 PM
The ice seems compact and sturdy enough that the reversal of gravity doesn't have any readily noticeable effects.
Where'd that come from? My mention of bad pronoun use was in reference to this sentence:

After some brief mental discussion, another clone departs and sinks through the snow and ice next to the large lake, seeking to discover how far down it goes and what's under it.

To rephrase, I am attempting to determine how thick the ice is and what the ground is like under it (rock, dirt, sand, mud, etc.).
Watching the shrinking rock, Zamek muses, "Well, at least I performed that test before wasting our time with the full scale project. Still, it might be possible to salvage something from the idea. That lake isn't dissolving its way into a deepening hole in the ground..."

With that, the clones abandon the rock and attempt to determine what the lake bottom is made of, bringing a chunk of it to the surface if necessary.
In particular:
Is the lake bottom ice? If not, does the lake dissolve ice?
If the lake bottom is not ice, is it the same as what is under the ice elsewhere?
Is the material under the ice movable by the Move Earth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/moveEarth.htm) spell?
If not, would an application of the Soften Earth and Stone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/softenEarthAndStone.htm) spell change that?

2008-06-25, 05:54 PM
oooooh, sorry I thought you were casting reverse gravity on the ice. How are you moving through the ice incidentally? Incorporeally? Ethereally? Pass through ice and snow?
Moving downwards the ice remains to aproximately (the clone doesn't have a measuring stick so its completely guessing here) 1000 feet below the bottom of the lake. Some of the crevices seem to extend down this far as well.
The ice continues downward, this is an "at least" 1000 feet marker so you can decide what to do next. The lake bottom is ice. The lake does not eat through the ice, beyond normal snow falling in and turning to slush.

2008-07-03, 05:18 AM
Sorry for the delay, I've been distracted by other things recently and now I'm heading out of town for American Independence Day. I'll be back Sunday evening.

2008-07-05, 07:21 AM
lol no worries, I've actually been distracted too. Good job on the American Independence day vs Independence day thing by the by. If I gave experience you'd get a little bonus :smallcool:

2008-07-25, 09:59 AM
I'm trying to decide whether to continue with my original plan to drain the lake or to just cast Find the Path, possibly accompanied by an Augury or Divination.

Questions for if I try draining the lake:

Is there a suitable downhill location to dump everything where it won't come back?
Can I use Polymorph Any Object to change a thin layer of the surface of a piece of stone to ice?
If so, how thin can that layer be? I'd need something on the order of a fraction of an inch, I think.
Assuming I have a suitable tube made by Wall of Stone and protected from the acid by PAO'd ice, how fast would the liquid go through it if I use Reverse Gravity to funnel it into the end? Assume a 10'x10' cross section.

2009-10-22, 08:00 PM
hey finish this its a year old!