View Full Version : Blackadder

2008-06-09, 09:52 PM
So, haivng finished this delightfully vicious series, I have decided to create a thread about it, dedicated to the awesomeness of the Blackadder dynasty.
Who else liked it?

2008-06-09, 10:31 PM
Blackadder is a wonderful series.

He is my idol and I seek to live life like him.

Emperor Tippy
2008-06-09, 10:42 PM
The first season was pretty crappy. The second and fourth were great. Haven't seen any of the third or fifth seasons yet.

2008-06-09, 10:48 PM
The first season was pretty crappy. The second and fourth were great. Haven't seen any of the third or fifth seasons yet.

There isn't a fifth season. It was never made.

That being said, I have my ideas.

After all, if there is always a Blackadder and a Baldrick at every point in time...

Why, what stops that from holding true in the grim darkness of the far future?

Raging Gene Ray
2008-06-09, 10:54 PM
Why, what stops that from holding true in the grim darkness of the far future?

They showed a glimpse of that in the Christmas special...one of them is wearing naught but a spiked codpiece.

2008-06-09, 11:00 PM
They showed a glimpse of that in the Christmas special...one of them is wearing naught but a spiked codpiece.

But were there skulls on the spiked codpiece?
Perhaps even skulls hung off the spikes, with spikes on the skulls?

2008-06-09, 11:01 PM
They showed a glimpse of that in the Christmas special...one of them is wearing naught but a spiked codpiece.

Do I really want to know?

Actually, I've heard a mention or two of BlackAdder, but don't know what it is. It was said to be good though, so I'd like to learn.

2008-06-09, 11:02 PM
I've got the whole series on DVD and watch it fairly regularly. I don't have the Christmas specials though.

My favourite series is the third, partly because it's an interesting era, partly because I think they really hit their stride and partly because I like the whole dynamic of Blackadder being in a lower station than before. The second and the fourth series are great too, and although the first has a different feel to it it's not that bad towards the end of its run (plus it gets bonus points for having Brian Blessed in his element!).

Since I haven't seen any House, I always associate Hugh Laurie with his roles with Stephen Fry and on Blackadder.

2008-06-09, 11:08 PM
The first season was pretty crappy.

True, but that's mitigated somewhat in that it had BRIAN BLESSED! in it.

2008-06-09, 11:17 PM
Incase anyone didn't get it, I am indeed advocating Blackadder season 5 be set in the WH40kverse.

Blackadder... IN SPAAAAAACE!

2008-06-09, 11:27 PM
Incase anyone didn't get it, I am indeed advocating Blackadder season 5 be set in the WH40kverse.

Blackadder... IN SPAAAAAACE!

Really? I hadn't noticed.

That being said, it's amusing idea for a Crossover, but would never work.

Grimdark future Blackadder however could.

2008-06-09, 11:31 PM
True, but that's mitigated somewhat in that it had BRIAN BLESSED! in it.
For me, anything that has Brian Blessed in a suit of armour roaring at people is by definition worth watching.

2008-06-10, 12:12 AM
That being said, it's amusing idea for a Crossover, but would never work.
Fear not, my lord, for I have a cunning plan!

Grimdark future Blackadder however could.
I think it's already been done.

2008-06-10, 12:16 AM
You've got a point there...

I'd always imagine he'd be a Tzeenchian Sorcerer and Baldrick would be like the Chaos Heretic in Dawn of War.

H. Zee
2008-06-10, 02:35 AM
I own the fourth series on DVD and think it's awesome, but haven't seen the other three series yet. I want to buy them on DVD, once I have enough money.

The ending of the fourth series is very sad, however. It's by far the saddest moment I've ever seen in a comedic show, mostly because I know that the 'going over the top' and having to walk into machine-gun fire and everything actually happened.

2008-06-10, 02:39 AM
I own the fourth series on DVD and think it's awesome, but haven't seen the other three series yet. I want to buy them on DVD, once I have enough money.

Youtube it.

2008-06-10, 02:42 AM
After all, if there is always a Blackadder and a Baldrick at every point in time...

Why, what stops that from holding true in the grim darkness of the far future?


Evil DM Mark3
2008-06-10, 02:59 AM
I like all of Blackadder, although the first series is a little weak.

For those interested all of the areas included in various forms are (in order):

Roman (Blackadder Back and Forth)
Crusades (in England, meeting Robin Hood, Blackadder Back and Forth)
The mythical era of King Richard IV (Blackadder)
Elizabethan (Blackader 2 and in Blackadder Back and Forth)
Civil War (The Cavalier years)
Napoleonic war (Blackadder Back and Forth)
Georgian (Blackadder the Third)
Victorian (Backadder Christmas Carol, also visits several series)
First World War (Blackadder goes Forth)
The year 2000 (Blackadder Back and Forth)
The far far far future (Blackadder Christmas Carol.)

The single best episode is the last episode of Goes forth. Personally I think that Third was aired out of order and that Ink and Incapability is the correct last episode (prince george mentions a bad dream, it all ends with blackadder getting his hope and dreams wrecked, far more of a blackadder finale.)

2008-06-10, 03:01 AM


In the dark grimness of the far future, there is only


"Yes my lord?" A filthy pile of mobile rags scampered out of a trench to prostrate itself at the feet of the Lord Blackadder, commanding officer of the 23rd Percian Light Infantry Regiment, the famous "Rowan's Raiders".

"Balrdick, you could make Nurgle himself heave and throw up out of all of his 8 stomaches with your sense of hygene.

Now, Balders, Sister Elizabith of the Nuns of Battle are coming to assist us in rooting out heretical scum, so I ordered the men to clean out their trenches and prepare for inspection a full week in advance of their arrival. And yet I notice that you, Baldrick, have the apparel of a plaguebearer, and the smell of something that crawled out of Slaneesh's underpants after a long night of depavity and degradation. Have you anything to say before the Sisters come here and try to burn away the protective layer of filth and dung you have managed to accumulate on your person?"

"Oh me lord, come on now. I'm sure the turnip garden I've planted out front will brighten their spirits!" Balrdick grinned. "Who doesn't like turnips?"

"Bladrick, 'out front' is a minefield designed to blow up the heretics with great prejudice." The Lord Blackadder paused to clean his gloves, dreading the inevitable explaination.

"Yes, me lord, and while you told me to lay the mines, I found that I had dug extra holes, so I went back to the trench, got some of my turnips, and planted 'em so I'd have something nice to look at." Baldrick answered proudly.

"Good thinking, Baldrick. Why, if you planted the turnips all over the mine field, you'd probably make everyone happier."

"Cor, thank you my lord! I knew you'd come around!" Baldrick bowed in pleasure, something hard to do as he was simutaniously trying to keep his prostrated position.

The Lord Blackadder turned to walk away. The rumble of approaching transport vehicals had reached his ears.

"Oh, and Baldrick, could you do me a favor?"

"Yes me lord?"

The Lord Blackadder carefully wrapped his boot in a towel and kicked the pile of rags into a puddle at the bottom of the trench.

"Try to perfect the art of drowning to death for the Sisters, will you?"

2008-06-10, 06:48 AM
Hmmm, snarky, check, coward, check, some how considered worthwhile despite all of his inadequacies, check, horrible womanizer, check.

Gentlemen, I believe there already is a blackadder in the GRIM/DARK far future, but due to a twist of fate (just as planned) he is known only as:


2008-06-10, 06:58 AM
Hmmm, snarky, check, coward, check, some how considered worthwhile despite all of his inadequacies, check, horrible womanizer, check.

Gentlemen, I believe there already is a blackadder in the GRIM/DARK far future, but due to a twist of fate (just as planned) he is known only as:


I think it's already been done.

Slow Verrukt is slow. :smalltongue:

2008-06-10, 07:07 AM
yes well, my text was bigger the appropriate size :smallfrown:

2008-06-10, 07:16 AM
Personally I think that Third was aired out of order and that Ink and Incapability is the correct last episode (prince george mentions a bad dream, it all ends with blackadder getting his hope and dreams wrecked, far more of a blackadder finale.)

Well Blackadder becoming King George the IV I found quite fitting, as George IV was a vile vile man.

His obituary in the times read "There never was an individual less regretted by his fellow-creatures than this deceased king. What eye has wept for him? What heart has heaved one throb of unmercenary sorrow? ... If he ever had a friend — a devoted friend in any rank of life — we protest that the name of him or her never reached us"

Quite a fitting description for Blackadder.

2008-06-10, 07:30 AM
"We've been sitting here since Christmas 1914, during which time millions of men have died, and we've moved no further than an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping."

We studied a bit of Blackadder Goes Forth in A level English for the synoptic unit.

2008-06-10, 07:34 AM
It is indeed true that the first Blackadder is rubbish and would be best forgotten (if not only for the fact that it actually has Baldrick coming up with the plans and Edmund as the idiot!). I'm gonna throw my vote in for the 3rd being the best, because it has Hugh Laurie doing what he does best. The man is a comic at heart, and I shall never be able to shake the image of that man as Bertie Wooster, and the buffoon Prince George is pretty damn close to that. In fact, the entire setup of The 3rd is a pretty obvious nod to Wodehouse, and that's surely no bad thing.

2008-06-10, 07:57 AM
I was introduced to Blackadder with the second season, but all in all I have to say that I think the fourth does it for me, considering the show managed to slip in a little political commentary and generally portray a view of the war that wasn't based on glory or valour. Something I can respect, especially since it didn't detract from the hilarity.

Despite that, I'm happy to admit that the third is one that made me extremely happy. Personally though, I rank pretty much every season after the first as equally fantastic.

Funnily enough, I actually read some Blackadder in Star Trek fanfiction once in script form. Most amazingly, it actually worked fairly well.

In any case, Ciaphas Cain is actually not nearly so much a case of 'Blackadder in Space" as people think. While elements of it, such as Jurgens role as the ever-obedient maloderous aide, do draw from the story of Blackadder, a lot of the books are more deeply rooted in the Flashman series.

Cains personality is much closer to Flashman than Blackadder, and the similarities don't end there. The military theme, the main characters competence at his work (even if he won't admit it), his ill-earned reputation as a modest hero, the constant footnotes etc... It all reeks of Flashman.

To those who haven't read the series, I heartily recommend you pick up Flashman, if only to recognize the copious similarities between the man and Cain. That's not to say that the story of Cain is plagieristic in any way- while there are many similarities, the simple fact of the setting ensures it goes in a very different direction, but it's pretty obvious where the base traits are being drawn from.

2008-06-10, 08:03 AM
Also because Flashman is FRACKING AWESOME.

2008-06-10, 08:07 AM
Well yeah, that as well.

2008-06-10, 08:10 AM
No love for Solo's creative outpourings?:smallconfused:

2008-06-10, 08:21 AM
Hey, I secured funds!

2008-06-10, 08:44 AM
There are many fanwritten blackadder staries in different settings (including Star Trek and Revolutionary America. 40K wold not be that much of a stretch.

Also, one site I saw had a list of various ways of theming chracters using Inquisitors: Inquisitor Holmes and Medicae Watson, Inquisitor Ventura, etc so Inquisitor Blackadder would not be that much of a stretch.

2008-06-10, 08:59 AM
Except Inquisitor Blackadder would pretty much find a nice backwater planet, steal a few billion credits and 'dissapear'.

2008-06-10, 11:26 AM
And then his plans would fall down in a manner which may or may not be Baldrick's fault. And then the Inquisition would somehow find him and sic an Assassin on him or something.

Either that or he'd discover much too late that the backwater planet he disappeared to was a Death World.

Moff Chumley
2008-06-10, 07:20 PM
Ah Blackadder, you inspire in us all such awe.

2008-06-10, 07:37 PM
He'd probably be the type to have had a few liasons with Slaaneshi Daemonettes, take back a Tau sept by popping the Ethereal in the head under the guise of a diplomatic mission, not have problems with liberal uses of Chaos artifacts and generally be perhaps the most corrupt Inquisitor of the 40Ks.

2008-06-10, 10:14 PM
So, haivng finished this delightfully vicious series, I have decided to create a thread about it, dedicated to the awesomeness of the Blackadder dynasty.
Who else liked it?

It has been my favorite shown since age 7. The first season is awful, the second is pretty good, the third and fourth are amazing

Evil DM Mark3
2008-06-11, 03:59 AM
No love for Solo's creative outpourings?:smallconfused:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

"Try to perfect the art of drowning to death for the Sisters, will you?"

"The emperor's peace be with you!" This voice had a good solid shot of mindless optimism screwed on the end, as did it's owner, spick and span in his formal dress uniform, Commissar George came bounding over the edge of the trench.

"Yes Commissar, although I was under the impression that the emperor's peace is the term used for putting a badly injured soldier out of his considerable misery."

"Is it, oh?

"Did you perhaps intend to wish me the emperor's grace?"

"Ah yes. Just popping round to check on the morale of the men."

"Oh yes, like you checked on the morale of the detachment of the Mordian 87th."

"By golly yes."

"The detachment that, after 8 weeks of endless assault by the most horrendous spawn of the warp without faltering had the utter gaul to fall back 3 feet."

"Terrible shame. A quick decimation soon sorted that out."

"Did it?"

"Oh yes. Mind you I realised afterwards that I had made a bit of a mistake on the lotts, made the error of having twenty times as many tens as the other numbers all together, still they looked much happier going over the lines."

"Where I hear they where trodden on by a titan."

"Yes, pity that."

"One of ours wasn't it?"

"Now now, you can't go blaming the titan crews."

"Oh I would never dream of it Commissar."

2008-06-11, 05:26 AM
I would imagine Melchett as a Commissar just for the duty of capping anybody for any random reason.

2008-06-11, 05:30 AM
I would imagine Melchett as a Commissar just for the duty of capping anybody for any random reason.

Wouldn't that be Queenie? :smallyuk:

2008-06-11, 05:37 AM
You want funds for a new Blackadder?
Here is a purse of money.
Which I'm not going to give you.

Moff Chumley
2008-06-11, 08:28 PM
No seriously, someone get on the phone with Rowan Atkinson, we start filming in a week. Solo, your the script writer, and your moving to Bermuda, were filming there.

2008-06-11, 08:32 PM
No seriously, someone get on the phone with Rowan Atkinson, we start filming in a week. Solo, your the script writer, and your moving to Bermuda, were filming there.

Yes, i hope so, but what about House?

Also, where did that sig come from? I've never seen that before

2008-06-11, 08:39 PM
No seriously, someone get on the phone with Rowan Atkinson, we start filming in a week. Solo, your the script writer, and your moving to Bermuda, were filming there.

Can we bring along EvilDMMk3?

2008-06-12, 01:14 AM
Yes, i hope so, but what about House?

Also, where did that sig come from? I've never seen that before
If you click on the little green arrow, it takes you to the place the quote is from.

2008-06-12, 06:23 PM
"Oh, and Baldrick, could you do me a favor?"

"Yes me lord?"

The Lord Blackadder carefully wrapped his boot in a towel and kicked the pile of rags into a puddle at the bottom of the trench.

"Try to perfect the art of drowning to death for the Sisters, will you?"

That last line should read, "Can you go pick a Turnip for me?"

Moff Chumley
2008-06-12, 06:29 PM
Yes, i hope so, but what about House?

Also, where did that sig come from? I've never seen that before

YES! I was waiting for you to say that, now I can change the quote.

2008-06-12, 06:50 PM
YES! I was waiting for you to say that, now I can change the quote.

eh what now?

Moff Chumley
2008-06-12, 08:28 PM
What's the point of including a sig quote that names a third party if said party doesn't react to it? in compensation, you can choose what I put in my sig now.

Avilan the Grey
2008-06-17, 06:09 AM
I would never agree that the first series is bad. It is not as good. Both the Witchsmeller episode and the marriage one are very funny.

For the four original series, my order of preference are:
2, 3, 4, 1.

2008-06-19, 08:26 AM
For me, it's more 3-4-2-1.
Also, there were rumors about a fifth series.
Either set during the Russian Revolution (odd, since the series is about Blackadder's place in English history) or during the fifties with a drummer called Bald Rick.