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2008-06-10, 10:36 AM
Greetings, gentle readers!

As our last thread became truly legendary (over 300 pages, and OVER 9000 posts) we have created a new place to post our snark, and our collected wisdom.

If you are new to Dominic Deegan, here are a few scholarly articles to peruse.

The Encyclopedia Dominica (by Winterwind)
created by the joint efforts of all the Mookiemockers in this very thread, working tiredlessly to reveal the secrets and inner workings of the Deeganverse and the broken plots, drawings and writing of our most favourite (to make fun of) author.

Aberthast Cathedral
Resocialization centre. People who go there return as mindless sheep. It is a horrible place, where - no, please, no, don't take me, take Oracle_Hunter instead, please, it was him who---
Nothing to see here, citizen. Keep going. The Dominic is Your Friend.

Ass Shot, Inappropriate
Is a myth, or maybe propaganda spread by vile Mookiemockers opposed to the just rule of Lord Dominus. There is, in fact, no situation which cannot be improved by showing the behind of a female character. Especially well suited are scenes when the character in question is either dying, traumatised, despaired or fighting her former friends. In short, drama and tragedy are enhanced by ass shots. The more you know!

Balloon Boobs
A sexual ideal. Albeit I don't want to know for whom.

Basically the US in a supposedly (but not really) medieval setting, this unfortunate realm has drawn the relentless wrath of the Dominus upon itself. Therefore, it's failings must be pointed out and despised (instead of tolerated, accepted and embraced, as would be the case with other nations).
The population consists of either mindless sheep (see Deegandrug) or ignorant racists (who happen to be 100% spot on with their prejudices).
It is also hated by everyone else.

See Caste System.

Caste System
The Deeganverse has a simple caste-system, with five castes with a strict hierarchy.

The First Caste is the Deegan Family; they have practically a monopoly on good karma in the Deeganverse. They are good, perfect, always right (including and especially if they are not), and ultimately always win. Association with Dominic is more important than the Deegan name, in this regard: Luna is First Caste, Jacob is not.
Examples: Dominic, Gregory, Luna.

The Second Caste are the Deegan Friends. They, too, are good and (save for occasional moral slips, like Pam's Incredibly Unjust Punishment of Dominic) moral, but lack the power to overcome anything on their own, and therefore need the Deegans to help them. With everything.
Examples: Pam, Milov, Jayden

The Third Caste are the Anti-Heroes. These are morally wrong, but are handsome, powerful and therefore worthy of being saved. The major difference between them and the Fourth Caste is that, while both often exhibit the very same negative traits, the Deegans arbitrarily decide that members of the Third Caste can be forgiven, whereas those of the Fourth Caste cannot. Even if the Third Caste members do things actually much worse.
Examples: Siegfried, Szark, Snowsong, probably Karnak, maybe Celesto

The Fourth Caste are the Enemies. They are precisely the same as the Third Caste, except that they are not redeemable. The reason is: Because. Yep, that's the entire reason. Fourth Caste is often, though not always, ugly, and almost comically over-the-top in their negative traits, prominently racism.
Examples: Taggerty, Boris, any infernomancer

Fifth Caste is all the non-magical people who live their lives without any relevance to the plot.
Examples: per definition, Fifth Caste members do not have a name.

The Caste a character belongs to is determined at his birth and, save for a few exceptions, usually does not change. The actual deeds and alignment of a character do not matter: First and Second Caste characters can do things as evil as they wish to, and will be praised for that.
The only Caste-change which occurs often is from Third to Second: redeemed Anti-Heroes ultimately become Deegan Friends. The most prominent examples of this are Szark Sturtz and Bumper. A rarer case might have occured with regard to Celesto: arguably, by blowing Dominic's leg away, the fool might have sealed his fall from Third to Fourth Caste.
Another Caste change could be observed rather recently with the initiation of Nimmel's ascension to First Caste.

Celesto 5
Our last best hope for Dominic's fall.

See Death.

A common affliction in the Deeganverse, this horrible disease causes the victims to mutate into horrible things with a seperate mouth on both of their cheeks. Other side effects include a higher willingness to worship the Dominus, racism and inconsistency.

Since glasswood is the only kind of lumber that has been positively identified by the people of the Deeganverse as such, they are forced to use it for the purpose of warming their houses. Burning glasswood produces a smoke so thin, so volatile that it can pass through solid bricks, allowing the Fifth-Casters to not build hollow chimneys in their fireplaces. Instead, they build solid brick columns. However, while glasswood smoke can pass through bricks, it doesn't pass through cloth. For this reason, people wanting to look all badass and cool often prowl atop these chimneys, so that their capes will billow out dramatically, lifted by the fumes.
A side-effect of glasswood fumes is terminal stupidity.
Possibly the source of the Deegandrug. See Deegandrug, Glasswood.

A place for holding currently unused characters, while redeeming them if necessary. See also Aberthast Cathedral.

An event which, if directed against higher Caste members, is tragic enough for The Dominic to be sad. Possibly even for as much as ten minutes. But don't worry, it is a highly temporary affliction, since deceased higher Caste members can reincarnate to keep protecting the main characters. Even if it includes dying again.
See also Cheap.
If applied to Fourth Caste members, on the other hand, it is a reason to celebrate. These tend to be gone permanently, too.

An air-born substance released by the First Caste into the air. Causes sheep-like obliviousness to the First Caste's failings, blind following and deep admiration for all of the First Caste's deeds. Only few remain immune to the Deegandrug's effects.

Demonic Badass Leadership Disfunction
A law of nature states: The bad-assness of a demon lord is inversely proportional to his skills as leader. The stronger and combat-capable any given demon lord is, the more unlucky he will get with his followers: They will upstage, overthrow, betray and ridicule him. Thus any sense of bad-assness is drained from the comic again, and natural order is restored. All bad-assness to the First Caste!

A thing of beauty, which must under no circumstances be removed. But who would want to do that, anyway? Other girls and boys love hideous disfigurements! Isn't that good to know, kids?

The immaculate self-insertion character, the All-Seeing Eye who is never wrong and solves any problem before the problem even knows it is about to occur. His morals are not to be questioned (even if questionable), he is always right (especially when he is wrong), and his defeats can be but temporary. His mind is superior to demon lords, his perfection knows no bounds. Lord of the First Caste. The Dominus.

Dynamic Panel Layout
A way to put the plot on hold for a week. Means that the same layout will be used throughout that week each and every day, but it's a different layout than usual. Yay?

Characters meant to appear in the strip and then forgotten. Include the Oracle Hunter and Huk Thak. See Trailer.

This curious tree is the main source of building material in the Deeganverse - probably, because the inhabitants have not figured out that the green triangular mountains surrounding them are trees as well. They are hardly to blame for that. Unfortunately, glasswood has very poor properties as building material, for, true to its name, it is prone to shattering in a glass-like manner. For this reason, higher Castes prefer to live in stone-houses, while listening gleefully to the painful screams of the lower Castes as those are slashed to shreds by their walls and furniture. See Trees.
A second theory persists, however, which maintains that glasswood is actually not wood at all, and that lower Castes instead choose to build their houses out of baked pottery painted to appear like wood. Which, again, would be well within the limits of their stupidity, lacking a First Caste character to lead them.

A brainwashed god.

Problem solvers. No, really! There's no problem a well placed illusion could not solve! One might kinda call them Deus Ex Machinas, but that would be mean, right?
They are also well suited for fun activities, like children birthday parties or horribly traumatising friends. Fun times!

Prominently lead by h_v, the Inquisition serves to cart off all the heretic posters on this thread who dare to speak the name of Our Lord Dominus, Who Sees Everything, The Great Manipulator, The One Behind The Strings without proper reverence to Aberthast Cathedral. Main enforcer of the Dominus' control.
Noone expects the Deegan Inquisition!

Invisible King
The evil ruler of Callan who never appears or does anything in the strip, lord of the government. Which is evil. And never seen either.
We do not know why the government or the king are evil or why they do what they do, because they never actually appear in the strip to present their case, but since they are a government, they obviously must be evil. This is political sophistication for you.
Alternately, them being evil might be only propaganda, for they seem to be one of the last groups not yet under the Dominus' manipulative control.

People who mocked Mookie in school, and therefore are Fourth Caste material destined to die horribly.

Why won't he die?! WHY WON'T HE DIE?!

Basically Evil Twin Universe us. I can only assume there's each and every one of us represented there, with a goatee, babbling genuine praise towards Mookie and Lord Dominus. Also known as sheep.


...sometimes is just Magic.


The heavy artillery. As long as Dominic's mother remains around, we can rest assured that even if something should go awry, the good guys can always call on this Deus Ex Momina support. That helps to not make things too exciting.

The perfect psychological instrument, heals any depression, insecurities, mental trauma and shyness, may also induce a complete 180 degree personality flip. This occurs by the character taking 5 minutes to remind her or himself of their successes or the necessecity for them to behave that way.
It is unknown why Mookie has not yet patented this method, since it would easily replace all psychiatrists on the planet.
Note that a physical mirror is not necessarily required; it's the 5 minutes reflection that counts.

See Dominic. Sans perfection.

A strange creature, of which two races, mookius vulgaris and mookius nobilis, have been identified so far. Distinguished for their intellect and flawlessness, Mookinsertions are living avatars of the Mookie on the physical plane, and are, as such, immortal - the most lethal weapons will cause only minor injuries to a Mookinsertion, which will (of course) be forgotten as soon as the arc is over. Typically, a Mookinsertion lives in human disguise for up to thirty years, before it begins its metamorphosis to a fully grown Mookie Sue. This process can be easily observed in a rapid rise through the Castes - within only a few years, a Mookinsertion can grow from Fifth Caste to Second, bordering First.
A mookius vulgaris is lauded for its intellect and skills at all times, and may even every now and then save the day.
A mookius nobilis is Dominic Deegan. 'Nuff said.

A huge, gargantuan round orb that is always in the background. How it accomplishes that feat is unknown yet.

Minor infraction. May cause Death. Easily redeemable (see Caste System, Redemption).

Nineteen Eighty-Four
Main inspiration for Dominic Deegan.
Okay, not really, but for a major part of our MST3King anyway.

Noble savages. Can save by rape.

Is a lie told by Mookie's stupid art professor who didn't even like his awesome anime drawings.

A psychological disorder, leading to people behaving temporarily or permanently in a way completely inconsistent with their character as established previously (see Mirror).

There are two kinds: Callanians and Non-Callanians. The former are mostly individuals, but pay for this by having much more severe moral standards applied to them (see Callan).
Non-Callanians, on the other hand, are defined by single traits. Which is not racist at all. Obviously.
Of course, there are still single individuals who break with their races customs and redeem them that way, because, even though other cultures' traditions are great, they can't possibly be as great as our own, right?

See Death.

Salvation, if administered by a noble savage, preferably of Orcish heritage.

Handed out arbitrarily. Minor crimes, like murder, are redeemed easily, rendering everyone completely oblivious to them. Worse crimes, like speaking badly about the Deegans or thinking about other cultures in a somewhat critical way, however, cannot be redeemed (see Caste System). Even if they are, they still may lead to Spontaneous Fourth Caste Reemersion Syndrome.

Red Shirt Soup Wench
A very special specimen of the Fifth Caste species, this curious creature can live for as long as thirty years apart of the protagonists. However, sooner or later, in a fashion similar to lemmings' mass suicide, these beings are drawn into the proximity of First and Second Caste members, where their function is to serve them soup (though rarer sub-species have been observed to secrete other liquid beverages instead). When they do so, they produce special pheromones, which can be perceived by the current story arc's antagonist and throw him or her into a murderous frenzy, which does not end until the Red Shirt Soup Wench has been slaughtered horribly. Considering how unlikely it is that such a creature would have evolved on its own, it is probable that Red Shirt Soup Wenches have been genetically engineered by the First Caste to make their opponents look more bad-ass, and thus enhance the glory of the First Caste when they defeat them in the end.

Apparently some other term for 'deity', albeit much less likeable due to its scheming, manipulative ways.

The horrible malformation of the nose/mouth-region, implanted into prisoners in Aberthast Cathedral and into any new-born child. It probably serves to improve the inhalation of the Deegandrug.

Soul Displacing Mookie Possession Syndrome (SDMPS)
Even the existance of self-insertion Mookie Sues and the wide spread of the Plot plague do not suffice sometimes for Mookie's broadcast of his enlightened world-view and ethical opinions. In such cases, the force of Mookie can temporarily take possession of a character to force him to do Mookie's bidding. The character completely turns into a mouthpiece for Mookie's messages. A much more dangerous mutation of this affliction is the Karma Balancing Soul Displacing Mookie Possession Syndrome (SDMPS-KB), where Mookie specifically possesses Third and Fourth Caste characters to force them to deal completely just and not at all exaggerated punishment on other Fourth Caste characters, such as womanizers and people who happen to be athletic, who may spontaneously pop or be mutilated to a never-ending unholy existance of eternal torment and agony. In spite of its dangerousness, this is a very important thing to the ecological balance of the Deeganverse, for it keeps the hands of First and Second Caste members free of blood, while dealing appropriately with people Mookie finds somewhat unsympathetic. See also: Mookinsertion, Plot.

Overrated. Noone in the Deeganverse uses these anymore.
Same goes for all anatomy, really.

Spontaneous Fourth Caste Reemersion Syndrome
A highly dangerous condition, lethal in 100% of all cases, so far incurable. It may occur in redeemed Third Caste members if their previous failings were grave enough (i.e. murder would not induce SFCRS, but being displeased with another culture's murdersome traditions might). The effect is an aura of Fourth Castiness in an otherwise Second Caste character, which may resurface at any time, thus causing the Deeganverse to believe the character is evil and must be purged.

Strip Slays
Pure awesomeness. averagejoe, ElfLad, Mewtarthio and Turcano are just a few of the grandiose artists who turn meager B-strips into victory with win on top.

An abomination that must not be spoken of.

Tentacle Rape
Umm... let's change the subject, shall we?

Mookie's attempts to make it seem that something is happening, or at least will happen at some point in the future. A good bunch of trailers were forgotten, thus creating the Forsaken.
Might also be a genuine attempt of Mookie to find out just what the hell he is doing. This might explain such questions like "Who is XXX?" or "What does YYY want?".

Green mountains with snow on top. Weird.

The lifetime stealing device employed by Oracle_Hunter to fuel his ingenious evil plans (I'm on to you, pal!). Contains all the wisdom of mankind and the explanation for every dumb turn the comic takes - if you can find them.

Schrödinger beings, fluctuating between people in furry suits and raging racists prone to murderous frenzies. Best left alone, which fits well with the theme of them wanting to be left alone, being an isolationist, territorial species. Except for 90% of them, who are open-minded towards strangers.

Winter Archipelago
In Winter Archipelago, Mookie mocks you!

Why We Snark (Winterwind et al)
Since every few weeks somebody comes around and asks us why, if we apparently hate the Dominic Deegan comic so much, we still keep reading it instead of deleting it from our bookmarks. This post shall serve as a collection of all our stances on the comic and why we keep reading it after all, so that we can refer the person asking to this post (or just quote it), and be done with it.

Anyone who wants his opinion mentioned here - or who wants his previous statement changed - shall tell me so, so I can edit this post.

rubakhin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3678597&postcount=4332)
Honestly? I get more entertainment out of all the snark than I would probably get from Dominic Deegan if it were a good strip.

Also, it's interesting to read as a writer. For the same reason why in writing groups you're encouraged to listen to the critiques directed at other members as well. You learn a lot whenever you see the flaws in a work of fiction being dissected like this. You get a better feel for what works, what doesn't, and why.

Winterwind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3678941&postcount=4336)
Most (all?) of us used to enjoy reading DD and, when it went bad, stayed in the hope it might recover. Meanwhile, we kept discussing the comic, which invariably ended in mocking its failings. Over time, we found that mocking the comic is far more funny and enjoyable than the comic ever was even before its great fall. I presume you did not read this thread, else you would have noticed what this thread has spawned. There were many sides long parodies of Dominic's over-manipulativeness comparing the comic to 1984. There were parodies on his Mary Sue'ness, drawing an analogy to the Inquisition. There were such things as the Encyclopaedia Dominica, or just utterly bizarre and mind-blowing stories and explanations for the comic's logical fallacies. The strip slay thread, undeniably funny, is just the other side of the same coin, where this thread is the other - more of the same parody, except now in words, not in images.
Delete it from our bookmarks? Are you freakin' kidding me? Why the hell would we want to block ourselves from the fun which is this thread? :smallconfused:

MReav (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=3250)
Originally I read DD because at first it was kinda cute and funny, and the consistent updates were a welcome change from some of my more favoured webcomics at the time (namely, Captain SNES). Yeah, the preachiness was annoying, as was the constant portrayal of common people as ignorant thugs, but I could skip those comics by and large. But it got a lot worse.

Now I read DD because it's kinda like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. It's entertaining in a MST3K sort of way now, going over with fellow mockers the incredible amounts of Mary Sue-ness, the idiot plots, the poor art, the attempts at the fetishistic, the rampant anti-jock sentiment (which I really think was derived from watching college films than any real human interaction), the Deus Ex Machinas, the gobs of poorly-thought-out Fantastic Racism, and all the other entertainingly bad actions of the comic and its writer.

I won't bash Mookie too much, since I don't pay for his comic nor is anyone making me keep the bookmark, but since his comic is on the web for all to see, I'll enjoy snarking about it over here.

averagejoe (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3680542&postcount=4347)
If I could appreciate this thread, and strip slays, without reading the strip, I probably would. I've tried to quit several times, but these guys keep drawing me back!

M0rt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3686248&postcount=4367)
I can already say that I'm reading DD primarily out of curiosity- I want to see what will author screw up this time. But reading strips to them being mocked here is fun as hell too.

Oracle_Hunter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3686740&postcount=4368)
As I've said before, DD is compelling for me because of Mookie's guileless writing style. He is probably well read, and is in any case well familiar with a wide variety of Tropes, and he can even put a plot together in a Fridge Logic (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.FridgeLogic) kind of way.

Yet, despite all this apparent sophistication, the man writes Eragon-level stuff. Vastly derivative and often very loopy... yet he is not like the average attempted webcomic writer (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.SturgeonsLaw). He occupies a twilight realm between Total Crap and Graphic Novel Writer and that makes him unique, and worthy of study.

Nobody else can do what Mookie does, for better or for worse.

CrazyFatGoblin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3686990&postcount=4369)
I personally read DD for literary ideas, for Mookie *does* have some good ideas, but really sucks at execution. Well, if he *did* have execution, it'd be awesome, but thats not the point.
I read DD to try and wonder what it would be like if such and such happened, or if Mookie was actually good at writing.
I read DD because Mookie is a *genius*, transporting his readers in a masterpiece of suffering so powerful, a few weak-willed ones do not even realize they are suffering, and ask for more. I read DD because I cannot look away, same as if a trainwreck was shown on constant loop.
I read DD because the madness that is Mookie is fascinating, like a book that cannot abide, yet still read to find out what happens in the end.
In short, I read DD because, quite simply, I desire what twisted knowledge Mookie has at his disposal to make us suffer so. What could I do with that knowledge?

Spiryt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3754523&postcount=4637)
The whole problem is that we (or at least I) don't hate that comic. I, in fact, think that it will be rather silly thing to hate damn poor internet comic.

I just recently discovered that making fun of it is good entertainment.

I however had Stoped Reading : some strips appeared so horrible to me (Sword of Centuries... Arghhh) that I literally hadn't dared to read them.

kukn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3754662&postcount=4639)
The reasons are varied. Mostly, I wouldn't call it hatred, at least not for me. The posts here are mostly an intellectual excersise in criticism and satire. Which is fun. :smallcool: (It can get a bit too much at times, a negative stance makes people see only the negative side of DD, often twisting neutral or even good aspects of a strip into yet more negativism.)

We can get a bit full of ourselves here, to be fair. But then, we're only human. :smallsmile:

Johnny Blade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3814831&postcount=5102)
It all starts with the author, here, because you must think of DD not only as a webcomic that tells a story or tries to be funny, although it briefly (for the first few arcs) fell into the latter category. No, DD also serves as a means for Mookie to preach his opinionated world-view and show the greatness of his self-insertion, the namesake of this train wreck.
Well, I guess it’s unnecessary to discuss why a blatant Mary-Sue who knows everything about the setting, is always right, served as the chosen savior of the world and can solve almost every problem with his convoluted, logically questionable plans is not a sign of good writing.

So on to Mookie whoring out his opinions. First, it is done in a totally obvious way – the villains seldom let a chance to say how racist/sexist/homophobic they are pass, and don’t get me started on the “Nerds always get their revenge.” thing.
Second, it gets creepy from time to time. Well, often. Examples include Mookie using Celesto, one of the Third Caste (arguably) villains, to brutally kill Brett Taggerty as punishment for being a jock (by the way, there’s only one jock who isn’t stereotyped) and Mookie using Jacob, another Third Caste member, to torture Neilen as punishment for being a womanizer trying to get into Luna’s pants.
Third, Mookie is a pseudo-liberal hypocrite, though I don’t even know if he’s truly aware of this. Yes, racism is bad, but the cultures besides the United States of Wapan/Callan that he has shown us consist of noble savages oppressing their women and living in barbarism or bipolar nudist werewolves who are racists themselves. And yes, homophobia is bad, but yet Szark-who-is-gay’s sexuality is played for laughs where nobody else’s is (exception: Gregory, who now has a girl) and he is apparently unable to have any romantic feelings besides those for Dominic, shown by his reaction to Alseltio’s death. And yes, sexism is bad, too, but even though Mookie seems to be careful here, just take a look at Luna. A wonderful, intelligent, caring and whatnot woman, blah blah. Yet she obsesses about a (minor) physical detail and needs Dominic to save her from herself. Granted, this type of female character is an archetype in and of itself, but it really is a sort of damsel in distress who had the dragon holding her captive replaced by society and a bad childhood.
Fourth, Mookie likes to bash the United States in a way resembling Michael Moore. Callan is full of idiots, tries to invade another country every now and then and is run by an evil government of some sort. The Encyclopedia lists this as the Invisible King, but I guess it really is a president who came into office through election fraud by devising a system that didn’t count the votes of all Orcs in the country.

Then, there’s Mookie’s inconsistent world-building. Not only does it seem to be a really small world, given how at least Dominic apparently has friends everywhere. No, it’s also full of anachronisms which aren’t explained anywhere. It is generally assumed magic does the trick here, although we interestingly don’t get to see too many wizards besides the protagonists and the populace of Lynn’s Brook (GAH!) were quite easily scared by magic.
This leads to another point: magic in general and illusions in particular can solve everything. Everything, I tell you. Drive away an angry mob, trick extremely powerful enemies even if they know about magic, fake your death (to calm down loved ones in a frenzy, for example) and whatever else it is you want – illusions can do it.

Add in horrible writing, best shown by the recent proposal: So, we have Luna, who actively helped Dominic manipulate everyone back during the Snowsong arc, even if it meant risking the life of Greg and the rest of Barthis. And then there is Dominic, who as always been really patient when it comes to Luna being the emo crybaby she often was. But all of a sudden, Luna is pissed off by Dominic’s puppet-mastery and Dominic finds Luna’s emotional problems annoying, although they weren’t actually significant as of late – all we had was Luna running around babbling about how she feels inferior, which probably was done by Mookie to signify she still has these problems. Great. So they tell each other how annoying they are, bicker around a little, don’t resolve their problems at all, and then…marry! Yay!
I won’t even comment on the Snowsong arc with its downright bizarre jump-the-shark moments and yet another instance of Dominic saving the day with an overly complicated scheme.
Mookie’s laughable art also has been mocked to an overdue death and I wholeheartedly recommend reading the Encyclopedia entries on Balloon Boobs, Glasswood, Snout and Trees on this subject.
Actually, one Encyclopedia Dominica article is enough to prove why Dominic Deegan is bad, so I’ll just stop here. I forgot what I was going to write, anyway. Hopefully, more will come later, though.

But you shouldn’t think I hate Dominic Deegan. Most of those who post here don’t. I actually find it one of the most entertaining webcomics around, because no one can do what Mookie does. Yes, there are other webcomics which are so bad they’re funny, but Dominic Deegan actually has a setting created for it, relatively complex arcs, an extensive cast etc., yet it is a horrible train wreck that just keeps going on and on. Like Ed Wood producing comics with the subtlety of Ayn Rand’s works instead of movies.
Seriously, just look at a random DD strip, sit back, and think about it for two minutes. It may drive you insane, but it will make you giggle in a fashion implying you are in any case.
Oh, and this wonderful thread here is a great reason to love Mookie’s stillborn brainchild, too.


Not exactly part of our declarations why we keep reading the comic, but, as I feel, an important message to newcomers into this thread nevertheless:

Jerthanis (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3689489&postcount=4392)
If you like the strip, don't read this thread. I'm serious and am not being a jerk... this thread will indoctrinate you if you're not careful. You'll come to realize things about the writing, characters, art and so on that you would have never noticed, but once you see them, you can't stop thinking about them.

Basically, if you enjoy the comic, please continue enjoying it and don't let us ruin your fun. If, at some point, you find yourself scratching your head, dry heaving, or the like, remember that lambasting it here is still a way to enjoy it still. The sad fact is that while it would be nice to have an alternate opinion around these boards, we've all been burned by the comic, and to varying degrees we're all stubborn about our reasons for not liking it. Either way, good luck.

Listen to Jerthanis here, for his words are distilled truth.

Johnny Blade
2008-06-10, 10:47 AM
Character Guide - work in progress!

Dominic Deegan – Comprehensive Character Guide

Preface: Important Notes About Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire

Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire is easily mistaken for a work of fiction that would be considered below average by the merciful, utter garbage by the spiteful, and so bad it’s good by those who like this kind of entertainment.
Yet, beneath the veil of this tale of heroism, magic, love and all that mumbo-jumbo, in the bowels of this generic fantasy world populated by elves, orcs, demons, nudist werewolves and more strawmen than you’d ever care to count, lies a different story.
A hidden transcript, a glimpse at the mind of a nihilist, a cynical mockery of our own world and our time’s societies, ideals and literary conventions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Show,_don't_tell). Dominic Deegan is far from being limited to the crossover of high fantasy and cheap anime that it is often viewed as.
It has two times. One that could be described as a radiant light, and one that could be described as the dark shadow cast by it.
The latter is the story of a brilliant wizard who rises to a state of power that is close to godhood. Yet, at the same time, he falls into a bottomless abyss of deceit and insanity. All in a world where nothing ever seems to change – cataclysmic events aren’t even noted by the public, truly heroic deeds disappear in the shadows of history while the only time the mindless herds of sheep that most inhabitants of Dominion - the world the story takes place in - are could be motivated to work towards a greater good was when they got a charity concert in return (no white bands, though).
Dominic Deegan also brilliantly shows us that many of what we dismiss as stereotypes and social constructs given rise by power imbalances in social interactions throughout history are, in defiance of all intellectual efforts, still at large and therefore obviously hard facts that can not be denied. This is why, quite often, you will encounter the main characters – all of which are deluded or outright insane, as you will see – trying to make an argument against intolerance and stereotypes, while at the same time their actions and those of the other characters only prove the incontestable truth of these heuristics.
And rest assured that no one is spared, no word is minced. Everything is addressed – sex and gender, sexuality, race, intelligence and education, peer groups, even physical beauty. See also ‘Hypocrisy and Truth’, my upcoming work about this, for further reference.
For now, I shall be done with the description of Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, as attempting to give a real overview of this complex narrative would be futile and pretentious. To grasp it in all its brutal beauty, it is needed to at least read the whole work from the beginning on, while the collected works about it found in this thread and its precursor are an advisable supplement.
To give the interested reader a key to the nihilistic treasury that Dominic Deegan is, however, what I compiled this comprehensive character guide for. It is by no means complete, and many minor characters are missing, partly because some of them belong to the ‘light’ side of the comic, partly because they truly are minor and unimportant.
Yet, I hope it might still be of some use to you, dear reader.

The Characters:

Dominic Deegan:
Dominic, our protagonist, started out humbly enough as an ordinary seer in a little village. Not only that: he was dirt poor (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-08-22), not really good at his job (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-05-27), and absolutely desperate (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-09-09).
Yet, he harnessed his magic over the course of some small-scale adventures, and soon enough, he was endowed with far greater powers, becoming the Champion of Balance (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-03-01) in the process. Just how powerful he truly is now has never been revealed afterwards, although he is apparently able to rewrite laws (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-10-05) within seconds using his force of will alone, implying that he is a immeasurably potent entity (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MartyStu) close to divine might.
Ever since, he has shown increased clarity, too. His second sight worked nearly flawless, and he was even able to scry into Hell (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-05-23). His mind was also strong awesome (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-12) enough to allow him to fight a magic virus (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-02-03) inside his own mindscape and mindrape (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-03) a woman shortly after. Twice (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-30). Surely a considerable feat.
More than that, he has also been shown to exert (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-08-27) increasing (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-08-28) control (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-08-30) over the people around him, including his family (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-12).
Until recently. Within days, he was removed from his teaching position (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-04-25) (which he used to brainwash promising students into servitude) and learned that a surprising number of people regarded him as the dangerous manipulator (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-10) that he is, even likening him to a sex offender (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-08).
This left him a little flustered. (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-04-26)
Then, the bomb hit, both Dominic and the reader. When Dominic came to know that he could no longer buy Mavpel Candy (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-12) in Callan, possibly due to a ban of this particular substance or a general embargo against the Winter Archipelago, where it is produced, after Milov (see below) expelled the Luanian Church, he reacted (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-13) in a manner that appears exaggerated at first.
Yet, shortly thereafter, he suffered a breakdown (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-14) which showed that Mavpel Candy is far from being just some kind of sweets. It is a potent psychedelic drug, and Dominic was in deep withdrawal.
But, the inspection of this substance should begin with its first introduction back during the storm of souls (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-01-15), when a dose of Mavpel Candy enabled Dominic to make a major breakthrough (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-01-16). This, as was just said, marks the point after which Dominic evolved from a simple seer into a godly puppetmaster. This means that Mavpel Candy could well be one or even the source of Dominic's power. To specify, it is a psychedelic drug. And a seer taking mind-expanding substances is probably a lot more receptive to visions and can use any mindscape-related powers easier than normally.
This thesis is supported by Dominic’s craving for his candy courage (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-03-28), as he calls it, since he seems to believe he isn’t able to solve any problems without it.
Later (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-02-22), during the war in hell, we see that this substance is used by Dominic much like alcohol is by Milov – frequently (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-09-11) and even, or especially when the situation at hand is highly dangerous (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-10-02), for example when a demon is on the loose. It is debatable whether or not he could still function without it at this point, seeing how he didn't believe he'd be able to deal with the problems he had to face without his fix.
Anyway, Dominic was a full-blown addict when he suffered his breakdown, as there is no way a person – be it a human or Dominion Ape - that has faced demon lords and their servants as well as a cataclysmic event like the storm of souls could break after learning that some ordinary candy has been discontinued.
Of course, it also cannot be explained by withdrawal alone, as it happened so shortly after Dominic learned that he would be deprived of it.
No, it is safe to assume that Dominic, after constantly abusing this mind-expanding drug, has become absolutely delusional over time, fancying himself the puppetmaster who rules over all mankind. His failures then abruptly brought him back to earth. This is why he, after actually saving the world once, crumbled when he had to deal with mundane issues like planning a wedding or losing his job. It didn’t fit into his illusional world where everyone thinks, no, knows he is the most awesome man alive. To reassert his ego, Dominic knew only one answer: more candy, which he was denied.
As we are about to see, Dominic’s delusions, his drug-induced hubris, helped many of the people around him to exploit his position and manipulate the great manipulator himself for their own advantage.

When Luna was introduced, she appeared to be nothing but a distressed and depressed damsel for Dominic to save from her suicidal thoughts by showing her that she’s a worthy human being. She also was shown to be almost as intelligent as Dominic. This of course means that she was Dominic’s obvious love interest. Unsurprisingly, he took her in after he uncovered her mother’s scheme to get her killed and saved her after a failed suicide attempt.
Shortly after, she accepted to become his assistant, which made the area around Dominic turn gray (and stuff) (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-09-12), something which always happens when a person makes an important decision in his or her life.
Luna has been with him ever since. Besides giving Dominic opportunities to show his vast knowledge, she’s mainly used as artillery.
And, unsurprisingly, her depressions got better, too. Until she somehow relapsed, to which Dominic reacted by first insulting and then proposing to her.
Luna said yes, apparently without even thinking about it, as the area did not turn gray (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-12-23). After the recent fights between her and Dominic, this may seem odd, but there is a perfectly logical explanation: Luna made that decision a long time ago, presumably when she met Dominic’s parents, a rock star and the headmistress of a school for wizardry, both obviously filthy rich.
This may seem to go against her character. But, as you may notice, after being left by Serk Brakkis (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-09-12) in a not very gentleman-like fashion, driving away (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-07-09) the man she secretly adored with her hideous looks, discovering that her own mother wanted her dead (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-07-24), and seeing her die at his hands (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-08-06), it was disinheritance (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-08-07) that finally made Luna attempt suicide.
Interestingly, back at her family’s castle, she spent a few minutes just (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-07-16) looking (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-07-19) at the rope and was easily talked out of it. But as soon as she learned about her mother's will, she jumped off the next bridge without further hesitation (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-08-08).
Two other points are of importance here. First off, Luna shows typical petty bourgeois attitudes and pretensions, although she was born into a noble family, making it seem all too likely that she willingly put up with Dominic’s lifestyle, which she ironically belittled at first (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-08-22), for his money.
And, as you may remember, she was only subjected to her mother’s abuse for one year (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-08-05). Yet, as recently revealed, she showed her passive, depressive behavior before (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-04-01) that. As she was also shown to have no trouble with threatening or even hurting (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-10-11) people for minor offenses, this seems rather odd. Factor in her constant unexplainable mood swings, and you’re left with only one possible answer: Luna is obviously schizophrenic and suffering from dissociative identity disorder, constantly changing between one ruthless, scheming and greedy (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-12-06) personality and one that is shy, depressed and clumsy, with the first personality using the latter one's weaknesses as a tactic. (See also The Descent Of Man (Into Madness And Mookie) for a explanation of this.)

The head of House Danovich, one of the ruling families of the Winter Archipelago. Oddly enough, he seems to spend most of his time in Callan, implying that the source of House Danovich’s power are their trade relations. Yet, he never seems to strike any deals with merchants. Instead, he roams the lands with Jayden, a priestess, and Siegfried, a knight. Of course, there is a reason for this. One is that he considers those two to be “packmates” (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-29) and, in one case, even his significant other (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-10-04). Ahem (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-08-28). The other is that he uses his connections to the church and the executive to smuggle large amounts of the drug known as Mavpel Candy into Callan. After all, who would ever suspect him those companions?
This theory is also backed by his clothing style (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-10-28).
When Milov is not pushing drugs, he enjoys going on murderous (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-09-19) rampages (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-03-23).


Often mistaken for a cat, although his face (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-03-07) and general anatomy (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-04-16) obviously speak against this. Actually, Spark is some kind of bizarre hybrid, possibly a cross between Hobgoblin, housecat, and, looking at anatomy, pose and proportions, maybe even gorilla.
Why Dominic created such a weird creature?
First, creating such weird creatures is apparently considered a sport in the Deegan family, some kind of friendly competition.
Miranda's first shot at this was probably Gregory, and she apparently gave up after this failure.
Jacob, on the other hand, was about to win this little contest with his necromantic golem Quilt - before he decided it would be a good decision to make it hollow (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-02-13).
Second, it is of course a well-known fact that cats can see into souls. Therefore, Dominic created Spark to aid his divinations by looking into people’s minds.
Anyway, since a cat has trouble communicating with a human, he made his familiar part Hobgoblin.
The purpose of the assumed gorilla part, however, remains a mystery. Increased strength (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-06-21) may or may not be the reason for it.
After witnessing Dominic’s rise to power, Spark also seems to be aware of his true power and what sinister plans his master has thought up. However, whenever he wants to warn the world or has other ideas that go against Dominic’s machinations, his thoughts are overridden, and he can think and talk of nothing but fish (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-06).

The World’s Dumbest Wall:
A recently introduced (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-01-20) character, originally mistaken for a chimney despite the lack of a fume outlet, the WDW has since reappeared (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-03) in Faria, land of the elves.
Its apparent purpose is best explained by its absurdity: it is always spotted where it is obviously useless, yet it seems to be a natural part of both cities it appeared in. It also has to be noted when it was shown: The first time, a stereotypical mysterious cloaked assassin knelt on it. The second time, it was embedded in the structure of a clichéd elf village.
As you, dear reader, can probably tell by now, this was meant to illustrate that behind the cliché, behind the generic fantasy tale, behind this mask that appears almost too familiar is a world of absurdity.
The fact that this is achieved by randomly placing an everyday object like a brickwall inmidst a city, where it would normally belong but doesn’t truly makes it a dadaist masterpiece.

The first who actively sought out Dominic to join him. First by appealing to his self-image as a "savior" (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-01-26). Then, by showing his talent (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheChessmaster) by repeatedly beating Luna at a weird game resembling chess (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-12-17) and giving those jocks what they deserve (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-21). Finally, by good old sycophancy (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-02-20).
He had success, as Dominic entrusted him with an important part and relied on his fighting prowess during his trip to the Winter Archipelago.
Recently, he sent Dominic and Luna on a tour to see the world of Dominion, a stroke of genius that rivals even the brilliant plans of the Dominus (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-11) himself.
He knew that Dominic knows everything about the Mookieverse, for he is the Nerd God.
He also knew that he naturally (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MartyStu) strives to show this vast knowledge, as sycophancy is his nectar (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-18) and admiration his ambrosia (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-11-08).
And he knew that Luna doesn't know **** about anything besides magic theory.
Therefore, Nimmel sent them on their journey, to ensure the Dom's satisfaction by giving him ample opportunity to show his greatness.
A wise decision. After all, at least Prento and Steff (and maybe even Tara) compete for Nimmel's position of Dominic's first agent and professional bootlicker, one that is a sign of his divine favor.
And Nimmel will soon depart to the Winter Archipelago (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-20), which, while winning him some points for studying outside of the rotten waste that is Callan, will allow his two primary competitors to make their moves soon.

Steff is a misguided do-gooder – she clearly wants to help others (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-03), but appears to be very arrogant (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-04-28) and consider herself to be above others.
This explains her pragmatic approach to knowledge - she is eager for it and loves to show off (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-04), but obviously only learns what she regards as useful. Examining different points of view to reach a better understanding of how things work doesn't seem to have priority for her (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-01-16), as she obviously is convinced of her beliefs.
As she regards herself as morally superior to most others, she ultimately wants to become a god-like being of pure arcane power (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-03-19) to guide humanity.
Also note that Steffanie seems to know that Dominic has healed minds, implying that she knows about both Szark and Barnet, meaning that she has indeed followed his life pretty closely, although it seems highly unlikely that Dominic ran around telling people about his stay in Barnet (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-14).
Apparently, on her quest for god-like power and size, she has decided to monitor the only known being that is close to a deity - Dominic himself - to usurp his power.
Interestingly, another character that knew about Dominic’s powers was Snowsong (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-08-17), presumed last of the Chosen. It seems possible that, coincidentally or not, Steffanie stumbled upon Chosen pamphlets or other propaganda, learning about Dominic’s capabilities.
Maybe there even are some Chosen left, and Steffanie really is a sleeper agent. After all, not all of the Chosen were evil (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-02-25), some of them just wanted to make the world a better place (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-01-25), just like Steffanie.

Next up: Gregory, Klo-Tark, Prento, and Donovan

By the way, I of course didn’t come up with most of this myself. So, thanks to anyone who submitted ideas over the course of the old thread. Which means pretty much everyone.
However, special thanks should probably go to Mewtarthio, whose interpretations of the comic are always … interesting.

Oh, by the way, I don't think our old thread is quite legendary enough to stay on the first page indefinitely, so a link may be in order. :smalltongue:


Aaaaand...Strip Slays:

2008-06-10, 11:00 AM
Awwww, I'll miss the Legendary Thread.
Not like I contribute or anything. I just like to read it every now and then.
(Might also want to pop in a link to the Strip Slays thread)

2008-06-10, 11:04 AM
Wow, it's like a whole new era. I dub it the Iron Age of Mookie, in honour of that grittier and edgier Mighty Man from not too long ago. ;)

Anyway.... the fifth panel today, with Dom and Luna standing next to each other with identical smiles, really brings home the whole "everyone looks the same" thing. Because if you flip the glasses and tusks, it would look like they swapped clothes when no one was looking.

2008-06-10, 11:07 AM
Although I've always lacked the twisted imagination necessary to become one of the prominent snarkers, I eagerly await the whole new tide of merciless mocking Mookie's excuse for a webcomic. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-10, 11:12 AM
so a link may be in order. :smalltongue:

Speaking of which: http://www.dominic-deegan.com/

Kurald Galain
2008-06-10, 11:31 AM
Greetings, gentle readers! As our last thread became truly legendary (over 300 pages, and OVER 9000 posts) we have created a new place to post our snark, and our collected wisdom.

It's over NINE THOUSAAAAAANNNND!!!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBtpyeLxVkI)

2008-06-10, 11:36 AM
It's over NINE THOUSAAAAAANNNND!!!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBtpyeLxVkI)


2008-06-10, 12:16 PM
I thought Elflad had dibs on creating the new thread.

Of course, it feels a little weird to be starting a new thread without Winterwind. Someone will have to quote him on the entirety of the Encyclopedia Dominica. Also, try to make few enough posts that Averagejoe can put his "One Panel Arcs" on the front page along with all the Evolutionary Dominology, the Encyclopedia and other aspects of the old thread too precious to pass up on.

2008-06-10, 12:59 PM
I thought Elflad had dibs on creating the new thread.

Of course, it feels a little weird to be starting a new thread without Winterwind. Someone will have to quote him on the entirety of the Encyclopedia Dominica. Also, try to make few enough posts that Averagejoe can put his "One Panel Arcs" on the front page along with all the Evolutionary Dominology, the Encyclopedia and other aspects of the old thread too precious to pass up on.

Due to an Epic Fail of my Internet, I was not able to keep posting The Canon.

So, without further ado:

The Descent of Man (into Madness) by Johnny Blade
A Treatise on the Dominion Ape

1. Preface

The Dominion Ape - and the world it lives in - are often considered bewildering, even absurd, by those who never had the chance to investigate this curious creature. This article has been compiled to give even those of us who have so far discarded the Dominion Ape as nothing more than a weird phenomenon they read about on the internet (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/) the opportunity to learn more it.
From a personal view, I can only say that I would never want to miss the experience of doing research on this fascinating topic, which however is due to the rewarding and compelling discussions I had with my fellow researchers InkEyes, Turcano, Gez, Jayngfet, Winterwind and Spiryt to a large extent. Yet, I remain confident that you, dear reader, will find the enjoyment which lies in Domiology and hope this treatise will have a part in it.

2. About Dominion

Of course, studies of the Dominion Ape have to pay regard to the world it lives in, since it clearly is highly different from ours to the point where it appears nonsensical sometimes. And yes, even a studied Domiologist must accept that it is saturated with magic, which, sometimes, is just magic (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-05-30). Yet, parts of the world are logically explainable or at least coherent enough to be debatable. The aspects which are both comprehensible and important to Dominion Ape research will now be discussed here.
First, the origin of Dominion itself is of course highly significant. For example, it has been argued that it was either created or at least shaped by a entity which refers to itself as Mookie. The presence and activity of this being are pretty much considered evident, yet it has to be determined to which extent Mookie tampers with the daily affairs of Dominion and its denizens. He does, for example, seem to choose avatars and grant them special powers as well as temporarily possess individual Dominion Apes, and it is probable that he has engineered or modified the genome of the species, a point that will be debated later.
Another theory posits that Dominion may in fact be an alternate universe version of Earth after a catastrophic event, possibly a nuclear apocalypse. This theory is contradicted by our current state of knowledge, since Dominion in general seems to be much smaller than Earth, seeing how most of the specimen seen in fieldwork reports so far apparently know each other. However, this may be due to the current uninhabitability of large parts of Dominion, and the theory has some merit, since it could explain the culture of the Dominion Apes. These creatures may not possess the intelligence and/or mental stability to create anything resembling a culture on their own. Instead, it appears they could have imitated aspects of modern US-American, Japanese and, in case of the species known as Orcs, Native American culture, although the availability of source material in a postapocalyptic world and the Dominion Apes’ supposed inability to read any human language apparently have resulted in a grasp of these cultures that can only be described as superficial.
It should, however, be noted that this theory alone can, at this point, not explain magic, which comes from certain planes of existence and is a vital part of Dominion. Not only does it play a big role in the everyday life and economy of Dominion Apes, it also probably shaped the world by being responsible for the exchangeability and temporary equivalence of mind and body, physical and spiritual sphere in Dominion.

3. Evolution in Dominion

Magic and the tampering of Mookie may also have affected evolution in Dominion, which apparently doesn’t really work as it does on Earth.
In a recent article (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4123944&postcount=7169), my dear colleague Jayngfet, a researcher widely respected for his innovative ideas, argued that magic stored in natural sites like caves could affect the evolution of new species. And while most fieldwork to this day has focused on observing the Dominion Ape in its natural habitat, not the habitat itself, this thesis is at least supported by the known fact of inanimate objects having a magical signature (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-05-02), and it elegantly explains why certain species are naturally gifted (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-06-15) in particular varieties of magic. Combining these two aspects, the moon seems to endow the Werewolves of Dominion with special magical powers.
An earlier theory (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4040422&postcount=6542) postulated that new species, of which there are and were many, don’t come into existence through a long, gradual process but after spontaneous mutations, which often leave the emerging species unfit for life. As a result, many of them are extinct not long afterwards.
An example would be the Qualenti (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-08), which are obviously prone to mutations that even affect their skeleton. They are still encounterable, though.
Another case may be the Hobgoblins (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-09), which have been depicted as always having to support themselves because of their soft bones and twisted anatomy. They are probably extinct by now, since otherwise, they would probably have invaded most of Dominion or at least be considered a global power because of their greatest invention – ranged weapons.
The Elves are an example of a once common race which died out during the last War in Hell for a reason that is undiscovered as of now.
The Nagasta, on the other hand, are a species that survived against all odds: being born with massive heads but without any legs and a very slim body, they probably helped themselves by using technical devices like walking sticks and have now become experts in manufacturing prosthetic legs (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-06-13), a development which only makes sense in a world like Dominion, where, due to magical mutations, evolution is much like Russian Roulette.

4. The Dominion Ape

The Dominion Ape, or Sahelanthropus mookiei, a taxon it was given by Turcano (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4117584&postcount=7094), a luminary of zoological systematics, is a memorable biological phenomenon, a species unlike any that you find on Earth. Therefore, the study of these beings is still in its infancy, and any attempts to craft a grand theory have to be seen as hypothetical. In fact, it may even be a genus, a theory that will be argued below.
Yet, a recent discussion initiated by a critically acclaimed essay (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4115735&postcount=7086) written by renowned Domiologist InkEyes has furthered the cause of exploring S. mookiei and its nature, so that it is now possible to at least present viable assumptions, as I will do in the following.

4.1. Origins

The origin of S. mookiei is still up to debate, to a point even where we don’t know where they came from and how they evolved. It is, however, generally believed that it evolved from Sahelanthropus tchadensis, the last common ancestor of Homo sapiens and S. mookiei, and was transported to Dominion before or afterwards. Like Turcano wrote (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4117584&postcount=7094),

It should however, be noted that we do not know what caused this evolution. It may have been a natural adaptation to Dominion, be influenced by magic, or be caused by Mookie in an attempt to mimick the species known as Sahelanthropus japonicus, S. japonicus dragonballiensis to be precise, which he allegedly is very fond of. Cross-breeding may have been executed.
It should be noted that we also do not know about how the Orcs, Werewolves and other (sub-?)species came into being. Again, they could have evolved on their own or have been engineered by Mookie to populate Dominion, which he apparently regards as his own world, with emulations of species he fancies, Orcus blizzardensis in this case.
The true question to start with here, however, is whether S. mookiei and the other humanoid species evolved from a shared ancestor or if Mookie brought, for example, a small population of Orcus blizzardensis, genetically altered or not, to Dominion. At this point, the former appears to be more likely, as S. mookiei is apparently capable of interbreeding with both Orcs and Werewolves. Therefore, at least these three species will be subsumed under the term Dominion Ape in this treatise. However, one should be aware of the hypothetical nature of this classification.

4.2. The Anatomy of the Dominion Ape

The anatomy of the inhabitants of Dominion is a complex issue, even if you ignore their generally weirdly composed limbs – their lack of a functional spine, the snoutface, their reproductive organs and, as we will see, their mind and brain all have many unique qualities that posed many a challenge for Domiology.
A point that has been debated for some time after originally being noted (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3806203&postcount=5016) by the prolific ElfLad is the Inflating Boobs Phenomenon. After a recent breakthrough (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4115735&postcount=7086), it has been found out that this can be traced back to the Limbic System of female Dominion Apes being located in their breasts. Since the bodily structure of Dominion Apes is pretty crude in general, the Limbic System reacts to being used by overheating, which is countered by inflating.
This is, by the way, a reason for the larger size and loose, less balloon-like shape of older females' breasts (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-04-13): Since they are all highly emotional, their tissue is bound to wear out from overstrain.
Their emotionality, ironically, may have been caused in the Limbic System occupying the breasts, as it has been argued (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4141931&postcount=7304) that this caused the mammary glands to move upwards, ending up as part of the tear ducts. After this development, female Dominion Apes that cried often were regarded as good mothers (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4143582&postcount=7321) by their male conspecifics, which caused more callous or stoic females to be ignored by potential mates.
It should be noted that certain specimen have been known to not show inflating boobs, especially Amelia Sturtz (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-03-18). In this specific case, however, it should be noted that she obviously had her breasts augmentated, be it by an alterist or glasswood implants. This probably caused her Limbic System, which could no longer freely inflate, to melt or implode, turning her into the cold-hearted person she was known as.
In the case of male Dominion Apes, of course, the Limbic System does not reside in the breasts but in the testicles. This possibly serves the purpose of showing the usually weak and emotionally unstable females that an aroused male Dominion Ape is more than capable of saving them whenever it has to be done. Unlike the females, by the way, male Dominion Apes do not have to live in fear of their testicles becoming worn out from overuse, although it would have been interesting to see what the specimen known as Siggy, who was known to be a highly abrasive and short-tempered individual, would have looked like had he reached old age.
Anyway, this phenomenon probably isn’t a singular one. It is generally assumed that parts of the brain are scattered all over the body (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4116575&postcount=7091), often developed into peripheric ganglia (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4118350&postcount=7097), rendering the spine useless and thus leading to its condition being more or less unimportant to natural selection, resulting in the deformations we see today. This theorem is backed by the Dominion Ape’s general tolerance towards blows to the head (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-06-04), even if they could outright kill a human being (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-01-26).
What brought this all about is believed to be the genesis of the mindsoulscape, which is located in the head, right where the brain is located in the human body. It has been reckoned that, at some time during the evolution from Sahelanthropus tchadensis to today’s S. mookiei, it manifested there, for reasons that have yet to be fully revealed. It could be assumed that it happened upon the arrival in Dominion, and a theory devised by the author of this treatise posits that it were links to the planes of existence (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-01-10) which emerged in the heads of the Dominion Apes and formed what could be described as a node or nexus of magical energies, a theory that can be justified with the look of individual mindsoulscapes, most notably the ones of the specimen commonly referred to as Gregory (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2005-02-07) and Szark (who is gay) (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2004-04-21).
Anyway, since physical and spiritual world are not seperated (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-01-31) in Dominion, the nascent mindsoulscapes taking up space in the head of the Dominion Apes probably (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4119694&postcount=7114) put massive pressure on their brains, which caused those with bigger ones to go insane. Evolution then took its course and S. mookiei ended up with its ganglia.
By the way, it appears that the mindsoulscape may have expanded beyond the cranium and be responsible for the snout, as the up (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-02-02) and down (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-02-04) of the snout belonging to the specimen Dominic while he was in inner turmoil suggests. Also, it should be noted that the Deegandrug could directly target the mindsoulscape.
A few words about the differences between mind and soul. It seems that the former is the operative part, while the latter is concerned with individual identity, assumed roles and the like. What is of interest however is that there doesn’t seem to be much contact between the two; information seems to circulate rather slowly, explaining why the specimen labeled Barnet punched (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-04-07) her savior (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-03-30) Dominic in the face after he cured her soul.
It also has been hinted at that the soul is more or less invariable, while the mind clearly is not, resulting in forgiveness generally not granted or denied after consideration of a Dominion Ape’s deeds, no matter how cruel they are, but after examination of said specimen’s soul (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2006-02-25).
What is left to be discovered is what role mindsoulscape and ganglia play in evoking certain moods and emotions. Given the generally erratic behavior displayed by Dominion Apes, it is possible that both can affect the psyche of Dominion Apes, meaning that the whole species suffers from dissociative identity disorder.
This ties into another theory (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4213048&postcount=7697) that was proposed lately, which states that every Dominion Ape suffers from a mental illness of some sort. The assessments made by its primary advocate, the illustrious Oracle_Hunter are surprisingly adequate after a few revisions, although it still remains open if the assumed conflict between ganglia and mindsoulscape is responsible for this, or if it is just one of them – reasons can easily be found for both.
The brain matter, on the one hand, can often be found in close proximity to muscles, which, given its rudimentary nature, may mean that it is stimulated by muscle tension, prompting often inadequate behavior.
The mindsoulscape, on the other hand, is probably linked to magic, which sometimes is just magic.

4.3 The Good, the Bad and the Dispensable

Magic, or at least the potential to learn it, may also be responsible for a division (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4122144&postcount=7129) that seemingly can be found among all species of Dominion Ape, the split between the Noble Nerd, who is generally favored by Mookie and enjoys this god-like being’s protection, and the Jackass Jock, which Mookie may or may not actively hunt when possessing individual Dominion Apes.
The Noble Nerd, or S. mookiei magus, a generally frail and diffident being prone to mental instability, seems to have risen to power at least in the society of Callan, which may be due to their ability to cooperate to some degree, an ability unique among Dominion Apes, the blessings of Mookie, their capability to cast spells, which may also be their defining trait, dumb luck, or a combination of the above.
A good desciption (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4119864&postcount=7115) of the Jackass Jock, or S. mookiei carnacaputa, has been given by the eclectic Winterwind, founding father of Domiology:

There may be two other breeds of Dominion Apes, called Pseudojocks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4120392&postcount=7123) and Random Redshirts.
The term Pseudojock, or S. mookiei blanditius, is at this point used to refer to Dominion Apes that migrate between Nerd and Jock populations, generally joining the group that can offer more protection and opportunities for personal gain.
The Random Redshirts, zoological taxon S. mookiei tunicarufus, are best characterized as being insignificant up to a degree that makes it unsurprising that they were recognized last. Gez, the observant researcher who discovered them, wrote (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4123075&postcount=7152) that they are “physically indistinguishable from S. mookiei magus but do not share their magical powers”. In fact, they do not have any special abilities besides blending in.
Many questions about the relation between the different breeds remain unanswered, however, especially since Dominion Apes, with the exception of the Noble Nerd, are generally “wary of fieldworkers”, as Turcano stated (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4122144&postcount=7129).
Theorists have argued (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4124611&postcount=7175) that S. mookiei turnicarufus could be weaker S. mookiei carnacaputa, for example.
Also, it is still not absolutely sure what sets the breeds apart. The key here seems to be the axiomatic conflict between Noble Nerd and Jackass Jock, but researchers are not sure what caused this divide.
An influential theory argued (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4119864&postcount=7115) that the capability to evoke magic was the defining factor, and that the mindsoulscape of Jackass Jocks atrophied, turning them into the drooling brutes that they are generally regarded as nowadays.
The first theory, which was pursued by aspiring Domiologist Spiryt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4123315&postcount=7159) and the author of this article (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4120705&postcount=7126), however, argued that it was pretty much the other way around, positing that it was the strength or nature of the mindsoulscape (the links to the planes of existence) which was responsible for the segregation between S. mookiei magus and carnacaputa, as their different mindsoulscapes meant that they were naturally predisposed for different ways of life.
Recently, this theory has been elaborated on after the discovery of the Magus Allele, which is believed to be responsible for a Dominion Ape’s potential to learn magic. Yet, it has to be determined if the Allele allows magic or if it blocks it. Turcano, who discovered the allele, originally argued (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4136625&postcount=7263) that it would do the former, while this essay’s author, in defense of the theory postulating that the mindsoulscape emerged from links to the plane of existence, which would make every Dominion Ape magical, responded (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4137664&postcount=7269) by positing that one of the Magus Allele’s variants could prevent a Dominion Ape that possesses it to channel the magic it carries within itself.
Another point that has yet to be resolved is the scale of the division between Noble Nerd and Jackass Jock. In fact, it has been argued that the two are different species by now. This claim, however, has been rejected by some (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4122144&postcount=7129) researchers (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4123994&postcount=7170) who stated that, given that contact between the two groups is still common and interbreeding is still possible, we are looking at the process of speciation. The general trend, however, is widely recognized and found in all subspecies of the Dominion Ape, which is attributed to sexual selection, an assumption that rests on the strength of the links to the planes of existence being hereditary.
Finally, it should be noted that a connection between group and Caste status can be seen: Noble Nerds are, generally, found in the upper Castes, and recorded history does not know a single 4th Caste Nerd. Jackass Jocks, on the other hand, are the complete antithesis: not one of them is a member of the First Caste, and the only one (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2003-02-05) belonging to the Second Caste may be a hybrid or pure-blooded Pseudojock (if Pseudojocks are not defined as hybrids, which would be viable at this point). This suggests the conclusion that the Caste Status is somehow linked to the shape of the mindsoulscape, which would also work towards explaining why entire species are considered to be inherently superior - since each species is particularly skilled at a specific variant of magic, their mindsoulscapes are probably different, too, and apparently, some are (considered to be) simply more favorable.

5. Closing Remarks

The Dominion Ape may be excused for displaying general ignominy after having fallen, though maybe not through his own exertions, to the very bottom of an abyss of lunacy and inanity; and the fact of his having thus fallen, instead of having been aboriginally placed there, may give him hopes for climbing back up to a existence which makes sense in the distant future. But we are not here concerned with hopes or fears, only with the truth as far as our reason allows us to discover it. I have given the evidence to the best of my ability; and we must acknowledge, as it seems to me, that the Dominion Ape with all his miserable failings, with senseless mood swings which he goes through at the most inappropriate moments, with his generally illogical behavior that makes him the humblest living creature, with his toad-like intellect which has produced formulae such as 5x2=Arcana - with all these imbecile characteristics – the Dominion Ape also bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of Mookie. Which makes it much, much worse.

If you caught that reference (http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?viewtype=side&itemID=F937.2&pageseq=422), you are, well, pretty good, I guess.

6. Speaking of References
































One Panel Arcs (Classic) by Average Joe

One Panel Arcs (Contemporary) by Average Joe

EDIT: I guess I yanked the new thread 'cause Elflad hadn't already made it. Wanted to get a move on. I miss Winterwind too, though. What happened to that man?

2008-06-10, 01:30 PM
I miss Winterwind too, though. What happened to that man?

It starts with "Aber" and rhymes with "ghast"...

2008-06-10, 01:58 PM
It starts with "Aber" and rhymes with "ghast"...

We all warned him. But did he listen? He had it coming.
Also, in The Descent of Man (into Madness) article, the latin names for S. Mookiei subspecies seem to be off. I belive the proper names would be Caput Carneus and Tunica Rubidus.

Johnny Blade
2008-06-10, 02:00 PM
Due to an Epic Fail of my Internet, I was not able to keep posting The Canon.
Heh, Canon. :smallamused:
Anyway, is there any reason why you didn't copy it into the first post?

Oh, but I'd like to take the Dominion Ape stuff if everyone is okay with this.
(So far, this would only cover the Descent of Man and InkEyes' article on the Werewolves as well as links to the discussions in the old thread, but more will come in the future, as I plan articles for every race visited over the course of this arc.)

EDIT: I guess I yanked the new thread 'cause Elflad hadn't already made it.
Eh, I don't think ElfLad was all that serious. :smallwink:
After all, he already has the best thread ever, that should be enough.
Oh, and I think we more or less agreed that you should start the new thread.

Wanted to get a move on. I miss Winterwind too, though. What happened to that man?
Well, when the old thread reached page 297 I wrote him a PM, to which he hasn't replied yet.
However, I also stalked him did a quick forum search, and apparently, he's writing his PhD at the moment. So maybe he simply doesn't have enough time right now.

Um, and while I can't find this post again now, it looks like he's on vacation right now (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4424359&postcount=497). And of course, he went on this vacation one day before I wrote him the PM. :smallamused:

@ M0rt:
Really? Well, I wouldn't know, so I'll leave it to people who actually have an idea about Latin to discuss this.
(But, it has to be said, Carnacaputa sounds better than Caput Carneus. :smallwink:)

2008-06-10, 02:55 PM
One Panel Arcs (Contemporary) by Average Joe

No, these are the Contemporary One Panel Arcs


Take that, Art Since World War II!

2008-06-10, 02:55 PM
First page!

I have nothing to contribute today, but I look forward to snarking along with the legends of the old thread, since I was a latecomer.

2008-06-10, 03:17 PM
All hail the new thread, all hail Lord Dominus! :smallbiggrin:

I have to say, this latest plot turn with Suin kind of reminds me of something that happened to me when I studied in Germany. Bunch of the American students took a side trip to this nice little town called Blaubeuren, and right next to this beautiful natural springs, there was this crazy old dude. Started rambling to us about his time back during the War.

Man, Mookie brings up unsettling memories even when he isn't trying. :smalleek:

2008-06-10, 03:37 PM
We all warned him. But did he listen? He had it coming.
Also, in The Descent of Man (into Madness) article, the latin names for S. Mookiei subspecies seem to be off. I belive the proper names would be Caput Carneus and Tunica Rubidus.

We are talking about Mookie. Correct Latin would be fundamentally wrong, as far as the Dominion is concerned.

2008-06-10, 03:54 PM
We are talking about Mookie. Correct Latin would be fundamentally wrong, as far as the Dominion is concerned.

Good point. Mookie's attempts at latin make me cringe even though I'm as much of a latinist as he's an artist and a writer.

2008-06-10, 04:55 PM
Hurray! Everyone knows the third part of a trilogy is the best! *Blocks out Spiderman 3, POTC 3, and Shrek 3*

Anyway, it's time for an image dump!

This is a one-panel representation of every female character in Dominion (drawn by Mookie himself):

This is a one-panel representation of every fat person in Dominion (Not Safe for Mind):


This is a cursory map of Dominion (updated 6/10/08):


A link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4432924&postcount=8926) to my small essay on Werewolves in Dominion.

2008-06-10, 07:46 PM
Did someone say face swapping? Hehe. :smallbiggrin:


2008-06-10, 07:52 PM
Did someone say face swapping? Hehe. :smallbiggrin:

Honestly? I noticed no difference until you said you swapped their faces. Looked again, and saw the tusks are glasses are switched.

2008-06-10, 07:59 PM
Gee, they look a fair bit better with their faces reversed. Luna looks good with glasses on, and Dom pulls off a toothy half smile quite well.

2008-06-10, 08:01 PM
Honestly? I noticed no difference until you said you swapped their faces. Looked again, and saw the tusks are glasses are switched.

Clearly, Dominion is the planet colonized by PSmIth (http://www.airshipentertainment.com/buckcomic.php?date=20070804) :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-10, 09:07 PM
I thought Elflad had dibs on creating the new thread.


2008-06-10, 09:08 PM
Perfect epilouge to today's comic:

"Then we realized that we just missed the airship.


So we killed the old man and stole his car."

Johnny Blade
2008-06-10, 09:19 PM
Heh. This thread certainly started good enough. :smallbiggrin:

Also, the placeholder is no more, for the place need no longer be held. It is now filled with words (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4444517&postcount=2).
But, regrettably, not quite as many words as I wanted, since I underestimated the amount of work that this little project would mean, all the stuff I have to do for my so-called studies, and the impact the Euro 2008 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFA_Euro_2008) would have on my schedule (and productivity/sobriety on weekends). Oh well...
So, instead of waiting for more than ten pages again, I just put up what I have now, which are mostly just collected works from the old thread. New characters will be added when I have enough time to write.
I plan to add Klo-Tark, Gregory, Donovan and Prento before the end of the week.

2008-06-10, 09:42 PM
Also, the placeholder is no more, for the place need no longer be held. It is now filled with words (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4444517&postcount=2).

Jayden's profile is the best.

2008-06-10, 09:43 PM
Gee, they look a fair bit better with their faces reversed. Luna looks good with glasses on, and Dom pulls off a toothy half smile quite well.

Curse you Trazoi! Now I can't stop imaging a Gender Bender (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenderBender) DD in which Dominicia is a bookish girl (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NerdsAreSexy) who took in the isolated-yet-Bishie (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Bishonen) Lunos after his father disowned him for looking so effeminate (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DudeLooksLikeALady) , even after his father sent him to an alterist to get some badass fangs... which turned out kind of cute (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CuteLittleFangs).

It would include the beautiful but brutal (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HotAmazon) Sigfreda Damaske and her meek lover Jay, a priest of Luan, and her werecat (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CatGirl) ally, Mila.

This is all your fault :smallfurious:

2008-06-11, 12:27 AM
Someone should totally turn that into a slay.

Also, I can't see anything in spoilers, stupid PSP!

Oh and you forgot crossdresser Ray Hart, and suzette(who is a lesbian)

2008-06-11, 12:42 AM
Someone should totally turn that into a slay.

Also, I can't see anything in spoilers, stupid PSP!

Oh and you forgot crossdresser Ray Hart, and suzette(who is a lesbian)

Ugh, and Celestia and the evil Travoria Brothers.

:smalleek: Erossus is all yaoi!

Must... find... acid... to soak... brain in...

*shakes fist in rage* Trazoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

2008-06-11, 01:36 AM
Anyhoo, on the newspost mookie said he's aware that:

Lunas been telling her feelings

...and Acibecs colors are off.

2008-06-11, 02:02 AM
New strip with Disguised Pissfartpuke!

Apparently the Naga have good seafood. Perhaps they'll put another shrimp on the barbie :smalltongue:

Also: Mookie has gone meta with his puns.

2008-06-11, 02:17 AM
At least he has clothes on now.

2008-06-11, 02:18 AM
Ugh, and Celestia and the evil Travoria Brothers.

:smalleek: Erossus is all yaoi!

Must... find... acid... to soak... brain in...

*shakes fist in rage* Trazoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
...am I strange that I think all of this sounds amazingly awesome?

New comic: Three points.

Is this going to be the Deeganverse's Land Down Under? I really hope so.
For some reason my brain interpreted the words "poke fun" with "pokémon". This has more to do with my own lack of sleep than anything in the strip, but I found it amusing.
The Big Guy in today's strip doesn't really look so much fat as he looks eight months pregnant, lending more weight to the theory that everything is better with their genders reversed.

2008-06-11, 02:21 AM
Is this going to be the Deeganverse's Land Down Under?

And will beer flow, and men chunder?

2008-06-11, 06:09 AM
Small point about the Luna entry in the character guide:

"Something which always happens when" and it stops there, going on to a new paragraph. Otherwise, looks great. I look forward to seeing the entries for Gregory and Donavan.

2008-06-11, 10:41 AM
Wow, Naga are water things! Mookie is cleverly original.

Today's comic really irks me. I know Mookie crams a lot down our throats and tries to call it entertainment, but the last four panels is just Mookie trying to shove a fat joke down our gullets and making it really obvious.

Heck, even Dominic's expression looks stale and bored in panel six, when he's trying to ram the joke down.

2008-06-11, 11:13 AM
"Best seafood in the world! And I should know!"
"Good sir, you have just mentioned food in my presence. Your morbid obesity indicates to me that you probably love food a bit too much. I can only assume that you are attempting to trick me into making fun of your weight by referencing your love of seafood. Well, it's not going to work. I'm not going to find a way to have a laugh at your expense. Instead, I'm merely going to mention your problem directly and to your face: You are overweight, and you disgust me."

Okay, taking bets now: Who here thinks that, by the end of the trip, Lord Dominus will "cure" this man of his eating problem?

2008-06-11, 11:19 AM
So the fat guy made a good-natured joke at his own weight, and Dominic treats it like a personal attack against him. Dominic will certainly never be tricked into insulting someone.... to their face.

2008-06-11, 11:38 AM
Did someone say face swapping? Hehe. :smallbiggrin:

Jesus crap, that is creepy.

Because I also almost didn't realize you'd swapped them. I was right.

This brings me no pleasure, only pain.

2008-06-11, 11:49 AM
It's excruciating enough when Mookie tries to be politically correct. It's even worse when he's backpedaling.


2008-06-11, 02:06 PM
Why can't skinny people say the "f" word? That's racist.

2008-06-11, 04:05 PM
Glory be! Pissfartpuke is heavy with the child of Dominic and Luna's pure heterosexual love! The day has come sinners: Repent! Repent!

2008-06-11, 04:36 PM
It's excruciating enough when Mookie tries to be politically correct. It's even worse when he's backpedaling.


Mookie is the reason your avatar drinks.

2008-06-11, 04:52 PM
Mookie is the reason your avatar drinks.

Dude, sigged.

2008-06-11, 05:43 PM
Ugh, and Celestia and the evil Travoria Brothers.

:smalleek: Erossus is all yaoi!

Must... find... acid... to soak... brain in...

*shakes fist in rage* Trazoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

The infernoancer, who looks nearly the same.

Guess where Mookie would stick this trop (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RapeIsOkWhenItIsFemaleOnMale)e.

Johnny Blade
2008-06-11, 08:42 PM
Hm...first we had FARIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-07). Then FaRIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-10). And now FARIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-11) again. Strange.
I guess it means that humans simply can't squeak like the Elves can.

And -- Ooh! Nagastrali is next!
And Luna doesn't know **** about it so Dominic has to give a little expo speak, although they both worked with Fierla for some time now.

Okay, taking bets now: Who here thinks that, by the end of the trip, Lord Dominus will "cure" this man of his eating problem?
Nah, he'll just turn out to be a really nice guy who is actually content with the way he looks, and even Dominic and Luna will see that maybe they have to learn a little lesson about tolerance.
After all Mookie probably got complaints from his fans is sooo progressive and all.

Although I kinda expected Dominic's response to be: "Look, sir, I can tell you're baiting us to poke fun at your weight. It's not going to work. You're so ****ing disgusting that it's not even funny anymore, fatso. Just look at your neck! Seafood, my ass! That looks like a whole Nagasta is snaking around in your gullet, man!"

Instead, we get the unifying power of ridiculously bad puns.

But, um, about those last four panels: did they have any purpose besides pleasing Mookie's overweight fans? (I bet he tried to appease them by saying he'd give them all a candy bar at the next Con first, by the way.)
I mean, that dialogue is ridiculous, even for Mookie's standards. And that last panel - is that supposed to be an attempt at lampshade hanging?

Also, character guide stuff:

Also, the placeholder is no more, for the place need no longer be held. It is now filled with words.
Jayden's profile is the best.
Hmmm...trying to tell me something? :smallamused:

Small point about the Luna entry in the character guide:

"Something which always happens when" and it stops there, going on to a new paragraph. Otherwise, looks great. I look forward to seeing the entries for Gregory and Donavan.
Argh...this is what happens when you copy/paste your texts around too often. Oh well, should be fixed by the time you read this.
Anyway, thanks.

By the way, the next entries will be ready on Friday, as I didn't get them done today and Germany plays again tomorrow.

2008-06-11, 09:10 PM
Hm...first we had FARIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-07). Then FaRIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-10). And now FARIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-11) again. Strange.
I guess it means that humans simply can't squeak like the Elves can.

Maybe Faria gives off radiation that makes people speak with random syllables in lower case.

Johnny Blade
2008-06-11, 09:14 PM
I think Helium is an element, not some kind of radiation. :smalltongue:

2008-06-11, 09:34 PM
I think Helium is an element, not some kind of radiation. :smalltongue:

No, but Tritium (a hydrogen atom) IS radioactive :smallamused:

2008-06-11, 10:17 PM
Hm...first we had FARIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-07). Then FaRIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-10). And now FARIA (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-11) again. Strange.
I guess it means that humans simply can't squeak like the Elves can.

Except when (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-05) they (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-07) can (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-09) :smalltongue:

Seriously, Mookie, you added one stupid flourish to elven language, and you can't even keep it consistent.

Oh hey, I wonder what quirk the Naga are going to have?

2008-06-11, 10:19 PM
Except when (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-05) they (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-07) can (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-09) :smalltongue:

Seriously, Mookie, you added one stupid flourish to elven language, and you can't even keep it consistent.

Oh hey, I wonder what quirk the Naga are going to have?

Nagsta, nagsta, totally different:smallbiggrin:.

2008-06-11, 11:09 PM
I just remembered the caste system's anthems...

1st Caste
Mac Davis - Hard to Be Humble

2nd Caste
Weird Al - Close But No Cigar

3rd Caste
The Killers - When You Were Young (or maybe Joan Jett - Victim of Cicumstance)

4th Caste
Michael Jackson - Bad

5th Caste
The Beatles - Nowhere Man

2008-06-12, 02:09 AM
New Comic: It's a Very Special Episode (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VerySpecialEpisode) of Dominic Deegan :smallmad:

What happened to Acceptable Targets (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AcceptableTargets) people? Did Mookie really get hate mail from his fans and decide to do an awkward segue from Naked People Are Funny (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NakedPeopleAreFunny) (particularly fat ones) to showing the goofy-but-alienated jerk the error of his ways?

Lord Seth
2008-06-12, 02:33 AM
I thought the first four panels of this one was funny.

2008-06-12, 02:53 AM
Nagsta, nagsta, totally different:smallbiggrin:.

Nagasta, actually.

2008-06-12, 03:48 AM
Added links for great merit:

1st Caste
Mac Davis - Hard to Be Humble (http://my.break.com/content/view.aspx?ContentID=433613)

2nd Caste
Weird Al - Close But No Cigar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymzIkSpBxEI&feature=related)

3rd Caste
The Killers - When You Were Young (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVCkSMwaGGc)

4th Caste
Michael Jackson - Bad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG5NhkxQJQc)

5th Caste
The Beatles - Nowhere Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHLjYBsl2zA)

All great choices, though I'd try to find something else for the 5th caste.

2008-06-12, 05:11 AM
"Parting of the cheeks"?! Seriously?! A butt-naked guy stood in front of them and did a maneuver called "parting of the cheeks"?!

Are we really to believe that this guy showed them his, ahem, rusty sheriff's badge, so to speak? :smalleek:

Johnny Blade
2008-06-12, 05:19 AM
Except when (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-05) they (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-07) can (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-09) :smalltongue:
Oh, I knew that humans have occasionally pronounced Elvantic right.

I didn't know that you know when exactly they did it correctly and when they screwed it up, though. :smalltongue:

I think the 'a' in FaRIA is simply one of the little subtleties of a language that you always miss if you aren't a native speaker.

Truly, Mookie's knowledge of linguistics is only equaled by his progressiveness.

Also, today's strip is pointless and slows an arc that is already rather light on action down even further. Really. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CaptainObvious)

2008-06-12, 05:21 AM
"Parting of the cheeks"?! Seriously?! A butt-naked guy stood in front of them and did a maneuver called "parting of the cheeks"?!

That's a little too reminiscent of a certain shock image for my comfort.

2008-06-12, 05:31 AM
I didn't even bother reading past panel 2. It was too painful.

2008-06-12, 06:00 AM
Page three! We're already at one-percent of the epic thread! :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-12, 06:37 AM
Page three! We're already at one-percent of the epic thread! :smallbiggrin:

And we are not even using 1% of our Posting Power Level! :smallbiggrin:

Also: "rusty sheriff's badge" is a new one on me. Seems like I learn new things every day.

2008-06-12, 07:20 AM
And we are not even using 1% of our Posting Power Level! :smallbiggrin:

Also: "rusty sheriff's badge" is a new one on me. Seems like I learn new things every day.

There's a million more where that came from, but I'm sure you don't need to know. :smalltongue:

2008-06-12, 09:37 AM
Why did the fat man think the best way to make friends was to shove his bare anus in their faces.

2008-06-12, 09:56 AM
Why did the fat man think the best way to make friends was to shove his bare anus in their faces.

Dunno, but it seems to be working out OK for him thus far. :smallwink:

2008-06-12, 11:16 AM
There's a million more where that came from, but I'm sure you don't need to know. :smalltongue:

People can always just pull more out of their ass.

2008-06-12, 12:30 PM
In what bizzaro world do they live in where cripples, and people with facial deformities not get messed with (especially ironic since it was shown early in the comics history that they indeed do get messed with)?

2008-06-12, 01:24 PM
So, Mookie-D is the patron saint of political correctness, and if he has an attitude towards someone that is less than politically correct, clearly it is the fault of the other party.

*passes out shot glasses* I think we all need some of this.

2008-06-12, 01:29 PM
* takes out the bottle *

2008-06-12, 01:38 PM
What's the hell is up with his(coincedently mouthless) cheeks in panel three?

2008-06-12, 05:49 PM
Today, we have learned that exposing one's enormous buttocks in Dominion is seen as an act of deep love and friendship. I'd go on about how this behavior in Dominion Apes is similar to the friendly grooming many primates give each other, but right now I'm frantically looking through the cupboard below my sink for some brain bleach.

2008-06-12, 06:07 PM
Today, we have learned that exposing one's enormous buttocks in Dominion is seen as an act of deep love and friendship. I'd go on about how this behavior in Dominion Apes is similar to the friendly grooming many primates give each other, but right now I'm frantically looking through the cupboard below my sink for some brain bleach.

You've been using the internet for how long and don't keep one right behind you're monitor?

Occasional Sage
2008-06-12, 06:44 PM
I haven't been reading DD in quite a while, had some spare time and thought I'd check out the thread to see if there's been some improvement.

Needless to say, a new friendship based on shameless flaunting of grotesque nudity is a new low. Who makes friends like that?! Who thinks it's a good idea in the first place, and how does ANYbody go along with it?!

2008-06-12, 06:48 PM
how does ANYbody go along with it?!

The, ahem, 'mahogany coin' opens doors, it seems (okay, I have to stop with these). But seriously, who among us here can honestly say they haven't made friends that way? Hell, its how I met my wife!

2008-06-12, 07:29 PM
You've been using the internet for how long and don't keep one right behind you're monitor?

I ran out after browsing ED yesterday.

2008-06-12, 07:38 PM
What happened to Acceptable Targets (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AcceptableTargets) people? Did Mookie really get hate mail from his fans and decide to do an awkward segue from Naked People Are Funny (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NakedPeopleAreFunny) (particularly fat ones) to showing the goofy-but-alienated jerk the error of his ways?

You really think Mookie's fans would send him negative feedback, much less hate mail? I'd guess that the positive fanbase it has is pretty fanatical by this point.

2008-06-12, 07:44 PM
This is from a long-time lurker, first time poster, but one thing strikes me as odd with this current fat guy storybit. Maybe it was just me, but with the two previous apperances of fat guy I got the impression that he was a happy-go-lucky dude who was comfortable enough in his own skin that he could make make light-hearted jokes about it, but was unfortunately careless in bending over. Then again, maybe I missed something because it seems like the only four emmotions Mookie can draw is happy, angry, emo, and smug (Dominic only).

Then poof, he's really just an angry trouble-maker who has to appologize to Dominic and Luna for offending them. Which seems to go against Mookie's constant mantra of unattractive\disabled people are poor little victims who are all saints. Or is that rule automatically null and void because fat guy accidently offended the Lord Dominic so any sympathy or bullies Dominic could've saved him from and given a self-rightous speech to are all gone? Or that because he was confident with who he was, thus making any of Luna's angsting and whining look stupid by comparison, Dominic had to manipulate things to make fat guy look bad?

Tussy the Druid
2008-06-12, 08:01 PM
So, I'm lenient when it comes to entertainment. I accept most things, and it's fairly easy to entertain me. While most bash Eragon, I read it, and I enjoyed (regardless of me now looking back and realizing how awkwardly written it was). I don't question it if it entertains me. So when I was first reading DD (which I found about from you guys) it entertained me. But recent strips, and particular this strip, have actually been so ridiculous, that possibly for the first time, I just sat there looking at the strip for 10 min., wondering where the hell Mookie comes up with this stuff. He's immensely creative in the fact that I wouldn't be able to come even close to creating some as ridiculous as this or that elven war veteran. I mean really?

/poorly organized rant.

2008-06-12, 08:09 PM
/poorly organized rant.

Highly traditional! :smallbiggrin:

Welcome to the fold, and yes, we all have our own Zen-esque attitudes to this strip (see first page!). How he does it is one of the great mysteries of the universe, but at the moment, it seems like he's influenced by D&D and 4Chan... which is horrifying.

... :smalleek: oh god, what if the fatty has some kind of Freudian Excuse (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreudianExcuse) which we'll have to learn via Whole Week Flashback (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WholeEpisodeFlashback)! The horror... the horror...

2008-06-13, 02:11 AM
What? They can't all be creepy liches.

2008-06-13, 02:13 AM
... :smalleek: oh god, what if the fatty has some kind of Freudian Excuse (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreudianExcuse) which we'll have to learn via Whole Week Flashback (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WholeEpisodeFlashback)! The horror... the horror...

You just couldn't keep your gob shut, could you.

2008-06-13, 02:44 AM
What? They can't all be creepy liches.

Actually, it makes a bit of sense to me. A person who works with death would either a) try their best to overcome their mortality (Jacob) or b) the jolly fat dude.

It's like if Santa was a mortician. He'd still be jolly and fat, but he'd deal with dead people instead of children.

2008-06-13, 02:55 AM
So, now we're going to get further exploration of necromancy in this world. Honestly, I'm sort of interested.

It ... it could be cool! Right? Maybe? At least in the hypothetical?

2008-06-13, 02:59 AM
It's like if Santa was a mortician. He'd still be jolly and fat, but he'd deal with dead people instead of children.

This sentence terrifies me to my very core.
Congratulations sir, you have ruined Christmas.

2008-06-13, 04:02 AM
Oracle Hunter: Either that or like Mookie he'll be the victim of meanie jocks/preppies.

TGecko: Actually I like the idea of a nerco-Santa. He could have zombies make toys with reigndeer skeletons that man his sleigh. It practically writes itself.

EDIT: Just read today's comic, you guys were right, he is a nercomancer. This could go three ways...

-Fat boy is still a decent person and teaches Dominic that not all nercomancers are bad. Given that Jacob (IMHO) started out kinda cool in his first apperance when he saved his brothers from that cult which made me hope that he'd be an anti-hero that could put Dominic in his place when he got too big for his britches. (Before Mookie decided no one could be as cool as his self-insertion and turned him irredemably evil by the next strip.)

-Fat boy is just a innocent victim who doesn't know what he's getting into (with a good chance that he's a pawn of Jacob) and it's up to Dominic to show him the error of his ways.

-It's all a trap and their new friend is Jacob in a literal fat suit, waiting to get his revenge on his brother. Either that fat boy is working for Jacob or has his own evil scheme.

2008-06-13, 04:59 AM
Oracle Hunter: Either that or like Mookie he'll be the victim of meanie jocks/preppies.

TGecko: Actually I like the idea of a nerco-Santa. He could have zombies make toys with reigndeer skeletons that man his sleigh. It practically writes itself.

The Nightmare before Christmas and The Hogfather.

2008-06-13, 05:52 AM
"He knows when you are sleeping... Wait you are sleeping, right? Hello? Dammit Santa!"

2008-06-13, 06:13 AM
"He knows when you are sleeping... Wait you are sleeping, right? Hello? Dammit Santa!"

"Don't you worry, little one. Santa will wake him right back up!"

Christmas - the great Santanic Ritual.

2008-06-13, 09:11 AM
The stage is set! Mookie will save the fat dude from fatness AND necromancy!

2008-06-13, 02:43 PM
I know we've already got many compendiums about Dominic Deegan and its universe, but today I've had another idea: "What Do We Get To Know From Dominic Deegan" Compendium. So far I've got:
-Women are either whores who exploit their sexuality or spineless, emotionally unstable doormats utterly reliant on their male partners.
-Homosexual people are shallow; they can't form lasting relationships and their love interests tend to end when they encounters anything mildly distressing about their object of interest.
-Murder is a minor offence if you've had a troubled childhood, have been posessed by a demon, are related to main protagonist's girlfried, or any combination of the above.
-All rich people are cruel, heartless bastards.
-Manipulating your friends and loved ones is fun and profitable.
Undoubtedly there'll be more. Anyway, what do you think?

2008-06-13, 03:03 PM
Actually, it makes a bit of sense to me. A person who works with death would either a) try their best to overcome their mortality (Jacob) or b) the jolly fat dude.

I don't think jacob wanted to escape mortality as much as he did "emotions" or something stupid like that (I'm reminded of a comic where a race attempted to ascend to godhood by renouncing their emotions and some other stuff. and would have been overjoyed when it worked....if they could feel joy. Long story short they attempt to end the universe or something of that nature).

As for the jolly guy seems completely logical (for once) that someone wanting to enjoy life to the fullest would attempt to find ways to cheat death (look at the man he's a walking heart attack).

2008-06-13, 03:59 PM
I know we've already got many compendiums about Dominic Deegan and its universe, but today I've had another idea: "What Do We Get To Know From Dominic Deegan" Compendium. ?

I know we've already got many compendiums about Dominic Deegan and its universe, but today I've had another idea: "What Do We Get To Know From Dominic Deegan" Compendium. So far I've got:

So true. But how about we call it, "Everything I know, I Learnt from Dominic Deegan"? Let's not forget...

-All jocks are evil jerks who love to beat up nerds and mistreat women.
-Falling for your rapist is NOT a sign of depression or Stokholm Syndrome, but tru wuv.
-Orcs and those with Orc blood have magically shifting tusks that can go from the front of the mouth to somewhere between front and back teeth (when the characer is in profile). All while still being able to talk properly without the need for a major underbite or a larger mouth.
-There is never a wrong time for a bad pun.
-Exploiting your gay characters with "from behind" jokes and having them constantly drooling over your self-insert is a sign of open-mindedness.

And the one that might get me in trouble...
-No matter how untalented you are as long as you draw in an anime style, you will have fans who think your work is at the same calibur as Joe Linser.

2008-06-13, 04:15 PM
The stage is set! Mookie will save the fat dude from fatness AND necromancy!*smacks*

Dom will not mess with the win that is the Silly Fat Man!

2008-06-13, 05:10 PM
God, why does Chubbatub have wrinkles in his neck? It's like there's just a collar of fat right in the middle. And the weird lines on either side of his eyes? I think hope those are crows feet (http://beauty.ivillage.com/skinbody/antiaging/0,,82l2,00.html) (even though no old person I could find in comic has them) otherwise it means that the fat guy has lumps of fat under his eyes.

2008-06-13, 05:41 PM
Awesome fat man is awesome.

Oh, and Ganurath, I think your suggestion on the DD fansite, of renaming the Silly Fat Man is probably the best thing to do at this point.

Also, Mookie has an interesting plot twist? I am shocked. Still, like others who have figured out why Fat Man would turn to necromancy, it makes a certain amount of sense to me.

2008-06-13, 08:39 PM
Awesome fat man is awesome.

I like him, too. They should kick out the Deegans, Luna, Spark (especally Spark), and just have the series be about Fat Guy enjoying life, putting on undead puppet shows, and maybe have Celesto hang around as his Sancho Panzo to his smarter and less insane Don Quixote.

2008-06-14, 12:37 AM
Unlike the other characters, I do like Mr Fat Man. Also, I did crack a smile at the end, even if a smile it was. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

2008-06-14, 02:08 AM
New Comic!

What? I wasn't aware that necromancers did anything useful (for other people). What would you hire them for? Did Miranda's school have a course in necromancy, what?

The "explanation" of another school of magic just makes it more confusing :smallannoyed:

Evil DM Mark3
2008-06-14, 02:16 AM
I suppose the police might find them useful. "You know, oh shade from beyond the veil, who killed you?"

2008-06-14, 02:20 AM
I suppose the police might find them useful. "You know, oh shade from beyond the veil, who killed you?"

Yes, that's far better than having someone look back in time and see who did it :smalltongue:

2008-06-14, 02:32 AM
I guess you could bring someone back from the dead if you had...

Pissfartpuke, Necromancer for hire.

2008-06-14, 09:02 AM
Yes, that's far better than having someone look back in time and see who did it :smalltongue:

This reminds me of something that's been bothering me for a while now: if Seer's testimony is admissible in courts, then do they also not allow witness testimony? The major reason I've seen for not allowing Seer visions is that it's easily tampered with, but multiple studies have shown that witness testimony is very unreliable IRL. You'd think people would be even more skeptical of witness testimony in a world that practically oozes illusions from every pore. Really, any evidence should be admissible because of how easy it would be to tamper with it using the absurdly flexible magic system Mookie has invented. How the hell do courts function in Dominion?

2008-06-14, 09:09 AM
How the hell do courts function in Dominion?

They work as it is convenient for Lord Dominus. Like everything does.

2008-06-14, 09:40 AM
Yes, that's far better than having someone look back in time and see who did it :smalltongue:Actually, yes it is. A seer has the bias of perspective. The murder victim, however, knows damn well that they want justice.

As for how one makes a living as a necromancer, consider this: You know those people who say they can communicate with the dead? How they charge people money, and give people closure with loved ones? Yeah, it's that whole communicating from the dead that necromancy gets its name from. It also explains why he doesn't like people: He has to put up with the same crap Dominic did at the beginning of the comic.

"So, uh, honey... Did you have any secret bank accounts I should know about?" "You're dead, there are no more consequences! Why won't you admit to having cheated on me?!" "Do they have cupcakes in heaven, Klo Tark?"

2008-06-14, 10:49 AM
Guys! guys! Look! (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z122/Myrdhale/noboldomg.gif)

No randomly Bolded words in the entire wordy Panel! I was skeptical at first, but now I'm coming around; Silly Fat Man truly is the hope for the future! :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-14, 11:16 AM
Actually, yes it is. A seer has the bias of perspective. The murder victim, however, knows damn well that they want justice.

As for how one makes a living as a necromancer, consider this: You know those people who say they can communicate with the dead? How they charge people money, and give people closure with loved ones? Yeah, it's that whole communicating from the dead that necromancy gets its name from. It also explains why he doesn't like people: He has to put up with the same crap Dominic did at the beginning of the comic.

"So, uh, honey... Did you have any secret bank accounts I should know about?" "You're dead, there are no more consequences! Why won't you admit to having cheated on me?!" "Do they have cupcakes in heaven, Klo Tark?"

Hmm... I suppose that's reasonable, and that is what Miranda was using it for (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-01-29)...

I wonder, though, what Mookie is going to say it's used for, if anything.

2008-06-14, 12:04 PM
Here's another interesting thought.

1. Tomorrow is a splash page, so something dramatic is going to happen.
2. Dominic has not appeared on panel since Badass Fatass confirmed that he is, in fact, a necromancer.
3. Dominic hates necromancers.

With that in mind, what do you guys think is going to happen?

2008-06-14, 02:17 PM
No, Dominic was cured of his hatred of necromancy back in the Storm of Souls. Distrusts it still but doesn't hate it. After all, the perfection of Lord Dominus cannot be marred by something as inconsequential as prejudice. Even if two of the three necromancers he has ever met were evil. And the third had a strong respect for life.

Somehow I doubt that the funky fat guy is Rillian though.

2008-06-14, 04:48 PM
Guys! guys! Look! (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z122/Myrdhale/noboldomg.gif)

No randomly Bolded words in the entire wordy Panel! I was skeptical at first, but now I'm coming around; Silly Fat Man truly is the hope for the future! :smallbiggrin:

Once again, another good reason to give SFM (Silly Fat Man) his own strip. That and when Mookie did another of his god-awful puns, I didn't mind it so much. That might be because it wasn't at an entirely inappropriate time and it wasn't coming out of Dominic's smirking mouth.

2008-06-15, 02:09 AM
Why do they both look like they're thinking impure things about him?

OH called it, Luna digs the fatties.

2008-06-15, 02:48 AM
I'm still wondering how anyone could think it would be a sound idea to offer a free and copious supply of alcohol to a bunch of powerful mages on board an airship.

2008-06-15, 04:25 AM
Luna's fangs look as if they're falling out of her mouth. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-15, 08:42 AM
Luna's fangs look as if they're falling out of her mouth. :smallbiggrin:

Almost as if they were fake all along, and only worn to get attention and sympathy from the Dominus?

2008-06-15, 12:02 PM
Almost as if they were fake all along, and only worn to get attention and sympathy from the Dominus?


Heh, I'm glad the Dominic's imperfections are all cleared up, or he might have thrown a hissy-fit (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2007-12-11) about hanging out with a necromancer.

2008-06-15, 12:47 PM
The Silly Fat Man will now perform experiments upon their drinken bodies!

2008-06-15, 01:00 PM
So we've known this guy a week now and we still don't know his name... that means he's not sticking around, right? That's a shame.

Also, what the heck is wrong with Luna's right hand?

2008-06-15, 01:25 PM
Interesting. Looking at the evidence presented in this picture, all of the glasses present appear to belong to Luna. Look at how they're arrayed in respect to her.

This means that Dominic has apparently become drunk merely by being in the presence of alcohol.

It also explains why we've never seen him drinking before. (A single panel containing half a wine-glass in Two Thieves, but that could easily have contained water.)

Green Bean
2008-06-15, 02:09 PM
This means that Dominic has apparently become drunk merely by being in the presence of alcohol.

Actually, that almost makes sense. Dominic has mental powers, and those links have been shown to work two ways. If there's some sort of low level contact even when he's not "saving" someone's mind, he could inadvertently absorb or duplicate their drunkenness. That would also explain why he hates jocks/frat boys so much; every time he gets within fifty feet of a kegger, he blacks out and is found three days later, singing Danny Boy in a dirty gutter.

2008-06-15, 03:25 PM
Interesting. Looking at the evidence presented in this picture, all of the glasses present appear to belong to Luna. Look at how they're arrayed in respect to her.

Luna does have an alcoholic history.

Speaking of which, when has having an addiction ever been shown negativley?

Dominics smoking, no big deal; Mapvel candy, no problem so long as you aren't a mess crying on the floor;Luna and Melena's alcaholisim, she realised how much she loved him while drinking!

2008-06-15, 07:00 PM
So we've known this guy a week now and we still don't know his name... that means he's not sticking around, right? That's a shame.

Remember back when the Oracle Hunter didn't have a name? Remember how worthless she was after she got her insipid name Barnet?

If I had to guess, Silly Fat Guy is going to be named Johunket or Biddlegibbly or Maj Tweepist or something lame like that and we'll wish for the days of Silly Fat Guy.

2008-06-15, 07:10 PM
That would also explain why he hates jocks/frat boys so much; every time he gets within fifty feet of a kegger, he blacks out and is found three days later, singing Danny Boy in a dirty gutter.
Am I the only one who instantly thought "That would be awesome if it actually happened?"

2008-06-15, 11:33 PM
The look on Dominic's face in this one seriously creeps me out.

2008-06-16, 12:48 AM
SFM better be kept, he is the only character even a tiny bit likable.

2008-06-16, 12:57 AM
Also, what the heck is wrong with Luna's right hand?

It was drawn by Mookie.

2008-06-16, 02:06 AM
New Comic!

Oh the perspective, it is killing me! What is with that bridge in the lower right - or is it a ramp to nowhere? I cannot tell!

Also: Compare (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-03) and Contrast (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-16).

2008-06-16, 02:12 AM
Is it just me or does the closest tower have windows smaller then those from the more distant main one?

God what's with the bridges? Is this R'lyeh?!

2008-06-16, 02:14 AM
Why do bridges surround buildings?

...and Kei...

Ia Ia Mookie f'tagan!

2008-06-16, 02:26 AM
Hehehehe. Luna's butt is reeeeeally low in the last panel.

huh huh huh... i said butt. :smallamused:

2008-06-16, 03:37 AM
It all makes sense.

Lord Dominus's rule is the only thing keeping the peoples of Dominion from succoming to the cosmic horrors that have invaded their world! As Lord Genome kept the humans safely underground to save them from the Anti-Spirals, Lord Dominus uses the Deegandrug to keep the people of Dominion in a stupor to save from the mind-warping horrors that live so close to them!

This also explanes the entire caste system.

The first caste are the only group to not be effected by the Deegandrug, and cause it to spread, they can see the horrors that the other castes cannot, and they fight to maintain their sanity because of it.

The Fifth cast, or 99% of the population, are those for whom the Deegandrug was made to effect. The drug makes them immune to the maddening effects of the monsters they share the world with, but, this comes at the cost of their intelligence, forcing them into a symbiotic relationship with the first caste. Technically speaking, a member of the fifth caste may never need to come into direct contact with a member of the first caste; the latent deegandrug in the air for miles around a first caste member is all that is needed, as the drug is increadibly potent.

The Second Caste are those who, while still effected by the Deegandrug, the effect is less than that of the people of the fifth caste: the second caste are less intelligent than the first caste, but still more intelligent than the fifth caste. It has been hypothisised that members of the second caste, although incabable of creating new Deegandrug, can soak the latent Deegandrug out of the air and then refresh it (to a degree) and redistribute it.

The Third Caste are are unfortunate lot, they are people that have a adverse reaction to the Deegandrug, causing them to senselessly, but mostly non-violently, rebel against the first caste. It has been shown that extended exposure to large quantities of fresh Deegandrug (such as staying in comparitively close proximity to a member of the first caste) causes this adverse reaction to subside; they are otherwise identical to members of the second caste.

Those of the fourth caste are similar to the third in that they have an adverse reaction to the Deegandrug. However, the reaction that the fourth caste has is a more extreme version of the third caste, rather than the non-violent rebellion, the fourth caste members actively attemt to kill members of the first caste. The reasons for this are odd, but in most fourth caste members the reason for this seems to be a more extreme case of the third caste's malidy compounded with the Deegandrug's intended perpose: making people immune to the cosmic horrors that inhabit their world by decreasing their intelligence; not occuring. The member of the fourth caste are extremely dangerous, as there is no way to make the Deegandrug effect them short of rewriting their genetic code.

Any oppinions?

2008-06-16, 07:55 AM
I miss Winterwind too, though. What happened to that man?
Well, when the old thread reached page 297 I wrote him a PM, to which he hasn't replied yet.
However, I also stalked him did a quick forum search, and apparently, he's writing his PhD at the moment. So maybe he simply doesn't have enough time right now.

Um, and while I can't find this post again now, it looks like he's on vacation right now (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4424359&postcount=497). And of course, he went on this vacation one day before I wrote him the PM. :smallamused:To put your worries at rest, no, I am not dead, and neither have the Aberthastian Inquisitors found out the location of my carefully chosen hideout this far (even though I'm sure it's more of a matter of when then find me than whether they do :smalleek:).
The actual reason for my sudden disappearance was a mixture of temporarily diminuished available free time on my part with a most vile vicious cycle - I had put off updating the Encyclopedia for so long that, to make the major update I had promised, I would have had to go through some 80 pages or so, for which I had little time and even less motivation at that point - so I procrastinated instead, telling myself that, at the next opportunity, I'd finally start looking for Encyclopedia material - and not posting in the thread because, frankly, I was ashamed of procrastinating and not holding my promise :smallredface:. Since, however, I knew I would find something I would want to comment upon if I kept reading the thread, but at the same time didn't want to post until I could make the Encyclopadia update, I stopped reading the thread entirely. Of course, the next day, I still didn't have more motivation, so I delayed the update again... and again... and after some more agains, I reached the point of having more than a hundred pages I would have to go through, and thirty or more I would have to read to catch up with the thread alone.
(Also, you know yourself how slowly the last arc progressed - using the word loosely here - at some point, I didn't even keep reading the comic, and I just read the entire last month in one go.
Ow. I really, really should know better than this.
Mookie owes me a new desk now.
Though a new forehead would come in handy, too.)

Anyway, I think I've learnt my lesson; instead of trying to concoct some mammoth-post I never feel like doing in the first place, I'll just stick to making a single article every now and then, and not let the Encyclopedia get between me and this thread anymore. :smallsmile:

I'm probably posting old news here, and this has already been mentioned before in the Epic Thread, but Mookie seems to be at his hypocritical best here - fat people are something to be either made fun of or be repulsed by, until the time comes to show how progressive Mookie is, at which point their previous role as comic relief is immediately forgotten and a moral statement is being made. And the characters, of course, follow the author's indecissive zig-zag trail sheepishly.

Also, I agree that this scene looks way too similar to the one in Faria.
The good news is that there's a fair chance Great Cthulhu will emerge any second from the murky waters, which will instantly trigger Dominic's Mindbreak*1 and make him devour Luna's flesh.

*1 Dominic merely saw that if they didn't go on the journey he would suffer from, presumably, this ailment. However, he did not check whether he would not suffer it if he did go on journey.*2

*2 This, of course, assuming that my second theory is wrong and Dominic did not suffer Mindbreak a long time ago, driving everyone he came in contact with permanently insane, which would provide an alternative explanation for the alien mind-state Dominion Apes appear to be in.

2008-06-16, 09:23 AM
Holy crap it's Winterwind. Awsome. Wasn't the same without you.

Water is the best cure for a hangover, and there's no shortage of that here.

Oooohhhh. That stuff is supposed to be water in the last panel. I had to read this several times to figure out what he meant.

2008-06-16, 09:45 AM
Ah, so one of the chief Domiologists returns. There is still hope for Anti-Dominus Resistance, then.
In other news, am I the only one who feels that four-armed snake-like humanoids and aquatic enviorment don't mix very well?

2008-06-16, 10:51 AM
Why do bridges surround buildings?
Those aren't bridges.

They're waterslides.

2008-06-16, 02:26 PM
Maybe this is my own silly logic, but shouldn't the buildings have a reflection on the water? Because it looked like snow to me as well.

2008-06-16, 02:32 PM
Those aren't bridges.

They're waterslides.

That's... that's awesome. :smallbiggrin:

I mean, if Dominion is a Theme Park Version of a legitimate setting, why not have cities of waterslides? I declare this canon!

2008-06-16, 03:48 PM
Maybe this is my own silly logic, but shouldn't the buildings have a reflection on the water? Because it looked like snow to me as well.
Mookie's already shown an inability to do good reflections. So, from just aesthetic value, you shouldn't want them - they'd just result in a lot of 'WTH is that supposed to be' comments.

Second, it'd go against the long-standing 'simplistic art' rule. To speed up his delivery, Mookie cuts out frills (like reflections).

2008-06-16, 05:42 PM
Second, it'd go against the long-standing 'simplistic art' rule. To speed up his delivery, Mookie cuts out frills (like reflections).Which is fine, generally, but... okay, no, it's not fine, either, but at least it usually does not significantly impact upon how well a strip works (the general drawings and the writing take care of this part handily). Here, however, we have a large panel with the explicit purpose of showing off an exotic location. When the landscape is the main focus of a scene, failing at providing sufficient detail to make it live - or worse, be recognized as what it is - is a much more severe failing and a testament to Mookie's laziness.
Of course, considering he ripped off the scene from himself in the first place...

Also, it seems the two races we have seen this far on the journey both have a soft spot for tower-like structures, intertwined in complex manners.
I think this is a counter-measure undertaken by more evolved races to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the Deegandrug/glasswood fumes - assuming these linger at lower altitudes. This would fit in well with the wisest and most powerful elves being granted the privilege to live high up, whereas specimen such as these (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-05) unfortunate (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-06-06) elven merchants are condemned to a life on the ground, thus explaining their perpetually gleeful state for not much reason (beyond the sheer presence of the Dominus, of course).

2008-06-16, 09:15 PM
I think this is a counter-measure undertaken by more evolved races to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the Deegandrug/glasswood fumes - assuming these linger at lower altitudes. This would fit in well with the wisest and most powerful elves being granted the privilege to live high up...
Where does your theory lie with the Nagasta, however? If this horrid 'splash' page is any indication, their main city is like Venice with a significant difference... namely, a number of inhabitants would live beneath the water. Given the amount of seawater that would pass through the city every moment, and the sheer volume of water in the city, any attempt to deliver Deegandrug to the Nagasta would require saturation of the currents that feed the city...

2008-06-17, 02:26 AM
Having seen today's strip, these lines alone from the disabled tour guide (whose missing a hand) definately made me want to slam my head onto the nearest desk...

"Let me give you a hand, sir. This is a trecherous leg of the journey. I'm glad this city is making you wet, my lady."

Jesus Christ, Mookie your puns are not funny. Especally when they're that obvious and the fact that "wet" would be more fitting in a dirtier situation.

2008-06-17, 02:40 AM
The whole point with Mookie's puns is that they are so ridiculously dumb - that's what you should laugh at (the sort 'duh, so dumb' laugh). The 'wet' bit really is a good bit further than the Star Wars galaxy then any reasonable pun stretch should be.

Also note two things:

1) Nagastra are just as tourist-oriented and friendly as the elves. I guess this is a cultural thing, along with living in towers with nonsensical waterslides/ branchslides all around them.

2) Mookie-D and Royal Concubine get special treatment again. This time because of Dommie's handicap (which I haven't seen actually give him problems ever). I guess it's almost a valid reason (safety of rich tourist bastards, hai), but it still feels squeemish.

Oh and hey. Haven't posted in a long time I think, but I do read the thread.

2008-06-17, 02:48 AM
"What, is my making of lewd references and puns towards my clients' handicaps considered a faux pas? Tusk, tusk, I haven't a leg to stand on."

My brain can't quite get over the "wet" pun. It sounds completely inappropriate to say as a tour guide. But then, surely it means something completely different to an aquatic based species as the usual euphemism wouldn't make any sense. But then, why say it at all? And so on, descending into a whirlpool of madness.

2008-06-17, 04:07 AM
Where does your theory lie with the Nagasta, however? If this horrid 'splash' page is any indication, their main city is like Venice with a significant difference... namely, a number of inhabitants would live beneath the water. Given the amount of seawater that would pass through the city every moment, and the sheer volume of water in the city, any attempt to deliver Deegandrug to the Nagasta would require saturation of the currents that feed the city...Ah, but the Deegandrug is airborn, and while I'm sure some amount of it would solve in the water, its concentration would most likely not suffice to influence the Nagasta significantly. Vast amounts of the Deegandrug might still linger in the air above the water surface though, hence the Nagasta building their houses in this tower-like manner - so that, when they decide to leave the water for a while for whatever reasons, they can get above the Deegandrug-clouds (ecstasosphere? We direly lack a Dominion meteorologist or physisict studying the Dominion's atmosphere composition!) quickly and reach the fresh air of the higher altitudes.

But then, surely it means something completely different to an aquatic based species as the usual euphemism wouldn't make any sense. But then, why say it at all? And so on, descending into a whirlpool of madness.You realize you imply Mookie put enough thought into his world to realize how living in different conditions changes the behaviour and vocabulary of races and strips proverbs of their usual American meaning for this to hold true, right? :smallamused:

Today's comic: Well, the punchline wasn't bad at all today, in my humble opinion (no, not the pun; the "He was also missing an arm"). And it required puns as bad as those as build-up, so I think we must forgive Mookie this time.
I think we can all imagine easily why this guy lost an arm, though...

2008-06-17, 04:46 AM
Thought for the day:
Apparently frequent punning is a mental handicap in the Dominion. There has been evidence before that suggested this (Dominic saying he literally can't help punning. I can't find the strip) but this is the first time we've ever been outright told.

2008-06-17, 05:00 AM
Having seen today's strip, these lines alone from the disabled tour guide (whose missing a hand) definately made me want to slam my head onto the nearest desk...

"Let me give you a hand, sir. This is a trecherous leg of the journey. I'm glad this city is making you wet, my lady."

Jesus Christ, Mookie your puns are not funny. Especally when they're that obvious and the fact that "wet" would be more fitting in a dirtier situation.

The wet thing made me cringe. Also, wow Naga with 4 arms, WHERE HAVE I SEEN THAT BEFORE?

2008-06-17, 05:07 AM
I think we can all imagine easily why this guy lost an arm, though...
Is it his disarming personality, or his underhandedness?

2008-06-17, 05:32 AM
Having seen today's strip, these lines alone from the disabled tour guide (whose missing a hand) definately made me want to slam my head onto the nearest desk...

"Let me give you a hand, sir. This is a trecherous leg of the journey. I'm glad this city is making you wet, my lady."

Jesus Christ, Mookie your puns are not funny. Especally when they're that obvious and the fact that "wet" would be more fitting in a dirtier situation.
I and a lot of my friends think it's one of the best parts of the whole comic. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-17, 05:39 AM
Is it his disarming personality, or his underhandedness?
Please start making Mookie's puns for him.

Seriously, I think think Mookie still thinks his puns are funny because he got such a positive reaction to Knight Vision (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-07-17) all those years ago. He's completely oblivious to the fact that they suck now.

2008-06-17, 05:54 AM
Please start making Mookie's puns for him.

Seriously, I think think Mookie still thinks his puns are funny because he got such a positive reaction to Knight Vision (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-07-17) all those years ago. He's completely oblivious to the fact that they suck now.I don't think so. I believe kukn has got it exactly right - Mookie knows perfectly how bad those puns are, and that's what the joke is all about.
Hence the indignant stares every time somebody makes a pun (often including the person who made the pun), or, in this case, the implication that the tendency to make puns is Atello's handicap, and not his missing arm.
Unfortunately, while this particular joke is new (for Mookie), the indignant stare as punchline has grown outworn over the years.

2008-06-17, 05:57 AM
the implication that the tendency to make puns is Atello's handicap, and not his missing arm.
Is that the joke? I guess that's sort-a funny then. I didn't really get it at first.

2008-06-17, 09:53 AM
Is that the joke? I guess that's sort-a funny then. I didn't really get it at first.
Yes, that's the entire joke.

It's one thing to remember.

Mookie doesn't do subtle.

2008-06-17, 10:07 AM
I don't think so. I believe kukn has got it exactly right - Mookie knows perfectly how bad those puns are, and that's what the joke is all about.
Hence the indignant stares every time somebody makes a pun (often including the person who made the pun), or, in this case, the implication that the tendency to make puns is Atello's handicap, and not his missing arm.
Unfortunately, while this particular joke is new (for Mookie), the indignant stare as punchline has grown outworn over the years.

Unfortunately, the explicit acknowledgment that the puns are bad does in no way excuse the over-reliance on them.

This might actually be worse than the 'parting of the cheeks' line. I can't wait to see what horrible depths are explored next.

2008-06-17, 12:15 PM
I honestly think today's strip had the best punchline Mookie's used for ages. I mean, when was the last time that the last panel of DD evoked even so much as a smirk from one of you?

2008-06-17, 12:44 PM
I honestly think today's strip had the best punchline Mookie's used for ages. I mean, when was the last time that the last panel of DD evoked even so much as a smirk from one of you?Since answering rhetorical questions is fun... for me it was here (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2008-05-13).

Also, I concur.

2008-06-17, 03:12 PM
"What, is my making of lewd references and puns towards my clients' handicaps considered a faux pas? Tusk, tusk, I haven't a leg to stand on."

My brain can't quite get over the "wet" pun. It sounds completely inappropriate to say as a tour guide. But then, surely it means something completely different to an aquatic based species as the usual euphemism wouldn't make any sense. But then, why say it at all? And so on, descending into a whirlpool of madness.

Personally, I think it's just there to officially recognise that Mookie's dialogue is of similar quality to a bad porn-flick.

Lord Seth
2008-06-17, 03:52 PM
And the "telling, not showing" has returned!

2008-06-17, 04:17 PM
Okay, so the Nagastrali are amphibious. Sure, I'll buy that. They look kinda like salamanders. However, this leads to another question - why aren't they near land? Amphibious creatures are only going to occur where there's a need for both wet and dry activity - these guys are apparently in the middle of the ocean. Or did they explicitly choose to build their city away from their normal active areas?

Which actually leads to another issue - how f**king tall are these towers? Or is this a particularly shallow part of the middle of the ocean?

2008-06-17, 04:44 PM
Which actually leads to another issue - how f**king tall are these towers? Or is this a particularly shallow part of the middle of the ocean?

As tall as the plot requires. It's called "stupid".

2008-06-17, 06:40 PM
An amphibious race, even a saltwater preferring one, wouldn't build in ocean more than a few hundred feet deep. Deep ocean is somewhat like desert on land, what with the nutrients down at the bottom and the energy at the top.

If Mookie knew what he was doing, world-building-wise, this would either be a continental shelf or a submerged continent.

*shrug* Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


2008-06-17, 07:26 PM
Yes, that's the entire joke.

It's one thing to remember.

Mookie doesn't do subtle.

That and he seems write like someone at least ten years his junior. The barrowing from pre-teen level animes, lack of study subject matter, black-and-white thinking, simplistic characters, and childish ideas ("electric" guitars anyone?) makes it look like Mookie himself never really grew up as a person or a writer.

2008-06-18, 02:04 AM
Mookie needs to stop with the sexual innuendo. It doesn't work. And it's disturbing.

2008-06-18, 02:34 AM
You realize you imply Mookie put enough thought into his world to realize how living in different conditions changes the behaviour and vocabulary of races and strips proverbs of their usual American meaning for this to hold true, right? :smallamused:

Indeed, Mookie did put some deep thought into the nagastian tongue. The complex cultural and physiological differences coming from that full research have erected themselves as the penetratingly hilarious "deep throat" misunderstanding.

Free bolding service courtesy of the house. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-18, 05:41 AM
Indeed, Mookie did put some deep thought into the nagastian tongue. The complex cultural and physiological differences coming from that full research have erected themselves as the penetratingly hilarious "deep throat" misunderstanding.

Free bolding service courtesy of the house. :smallbiggrin:...

That Mark of Justice definitely affected the wrong halfling. I'm sure enough of the brains you viciously murdered with this... atrocity of yours were in urban locations to have made you scream for the rest of your life otherwise. :smalleek:

2008-06-18, 06:13 AM

That Mark of Justice definitely affected the wrong halfling. I'm sure enough of the brains you viciously murdered with this... atrocity of yours were in urban locations to have made you scream for the rest of your life otherwise. :smalleek:

You;ve read Dominic Deegan for so long and this shocks you?:smallamused:

2008-06-18, 06:38 AM
How exactly would talking out of your ears make for better underwater communication?

2008-06-18, 08:07 AM
You;ve read Dominic Deegan for so long and this shocks you?:smallamused:Actually, reading Dominic Deegan for so long has worn out my brain's natural defenses, leaving it vulnerable and unshielded against further devious attacks, such as the one conducted by kukn there.

It's like Call of Cthulhu - the more sanity you lose, the more likely you fail your sanity checks, the quicker you lose even more sanity...

How exactly would talking out of your ears make for better underwater communication?Personally, I suspect Mookie just remembered "water->sonar=something that has to do with hearing and emitting sound", and completely messed everything up from there.

Lord Seth
2008-06-18, 10:44 AM
MORE telling without showing!
(I'm a broken record, but it's quite true)

2008-06-18, 09:54 PM
Oh, Mookie. Sex jokes do not a 'playa' make...

2008-06-18, 11:31 PM
Hey, the first caste learned a new reaction to bad puns!

2008-06-18, 11:42 PM
Hey, the first caste learned a new reaction to bad puns!

I hope that in order to make room for "Wide Eyed Stunned" Luna had to forget "Ultra-Depressed Mode" ...or at least "Inappropriate Sexuality"

EDIT: if the reference is obscure, then... link (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=242)!

2008-06-19, 02:15 AM

That Mark of Justice definitely affected the wrong halfling. I'm sure enough of the brains you viciously murdered with this... atrocity of yours were in urban locations to have made you scream for the rest of your life otherwise. :smalleek:

My pleasure. One can't deny the halfling in one's self. :smalltongue:

I guess the ears thing works like a modern sound system - basically a membrane quivering according to the movements of an electromagnet. Except the nagastra obviously don't have electromagnets in their ears, that'd be dumb. No, they have exotic magic 'sono' bones and magic sea-water-resistant membranes.

Though tbh, we all know Mookie didn't actually stop to consider how talking through ears would work in practice and what the implications would be. Or maybe he did...? :smalleek:

edit: New strip: Why does one type of fish have two different names? 'Cause those fish are clearly the same. The only other possibility would be an Art Failiure by Mookie, no chance there, no. And danmit, why is everyone they meet so happy and open to strangers?! It's starting to annoy me.

2008-06-19, 03:37 AM
edit: New strip: Why does one type of fish have two different names? 'Cause those fish are clearly the same. The only other possibility would be an Art Failiure by Mookie, no chance there, no. And danmit, why is everyone they meet so happy and open to strangers?! It's starting to annoy me.
Those are not fish. I do not know what they are, but they are not fish.

However, they are different. One of them has a pectoral fin and only one dorsal fin, and the other has two dorsal fins, anywhere from three to five pectoral fins, and two tails. Or would, if they were fish. 'cuz they're not. I suspect that the objects I identified as "fins" are actually odd growths of hair.

2008-06-19, 05:06 AM
After the 'waitress' dives in they appear to be dry. Yet it is only when she surfaces again that she soaks them? She may well be the worst swimmer ever.

2008-06-19, 05:36 AM
And danmit, why is everyone they meet so happy and open to strangers?! It's starting to annoy me.

That one is easy to explain, they're just wandering from tourist trap to tourist trap. So of course everyone is friendly -- they're fired if they don't smile enough. You want the tourist to come back and waste even more money on the next year.

2008-06-19, 05:47 AM
And danmit, why is everyone they meet so happy and open to strangers?! It's starting to annoy me.Why, my Czech friend? What is it, my Czech friend, that disturbs my Czech friend about our Nagasta friends calling our Callanian friends their Callanian friends all the time, my Czech friend? :smalltongue:

Those are not fish. I do not know what they are, but they are not fish.

However, they are different. One of them has a pectoral fin and only one dorsal fin, and the other has two pectoral fins, anywhere from three to five dorsal fins, and two tails. Or would, if they were fish. 'cuz they're not. I suspect that the objects I identified as "fins" are actually odd growths of hair.Obviously, that's because the evil Callanians dump the magioactive waste from their sorcluar power plants into the water.

You think Mookie would pass on such a great opportunity to make an environmental statement? :smalltongue:

After the 'waitress' dives in they appear to be dry. Yet it is only when she surfaces again that she soaks them? She may well be the worst swimmer ever.What I wonder much more about is why they are so annoyed by it, and even more why the heck they haven't long changed into some kind of swimsuits*1. It's like walking into an waterpark in formal dress and then being annoyed if, Heavens forbid, one gets splashed by some water.

*1 By which I by no means want to indicate that I would actually want Mookie to draw people in swimsuits. :smalleek:

2008-06-19, 06:19 AM
Obviously, that's because the evil Callanians dump the magioactive waste from their sorcluar power plants into the water.

You think Mookie would pass on such a great opportunity to make an environmental statement? :smalltongue:
I was waiting for someone to explain hairy-fish off as a normal part of the Dominion.

2008-06-19, 06:56 AM
Error number one: The Naga is holding the paper and pencil with her top set of hands in panel 2, then apparently swaps it to her under-hands specifically so she can give some sort of gesture with her top hands.

Error number two: It does not appear that she leaves the paper and pencil behind while diving, thus rendering the paper and pencil completely useless since it just got soaked.

Error number three: A restaurant where they seek out what you ordered on the spot makes no sense at all.

And why the heck is the waitress so retardedly busty? I know they have always had breasts, but if you are going to go out of your ways to call them amphibians, then why the hell do they have mammalian characteristics?

Just once I want to see lizard people, amphibians, and reptile creatures without breasts. That would make me happy, I think.

2008-06-19, 07:36 AM
Error number three: A restaurant where they seek out what you ordered on the spot makes no sense at all.

I think it's supposed to be modeled off of a trend in many Japanese restaurants to have live tanks for most of their seafood, some of which feature prominently in the restaurant's decor.

And why the heck is the waitress so retardedly busty? I know they have always had breasts, but if you are going to go out of your ways to call them amphibians, then why the hell do they have mammalian characteristics?

Maybe Mookie will showcase a Nagastan strip club. I can practically see the marquee promising "XXX LIVE NAUGHTY SALAMANDER-THINGS."

2008-06-19, 07:40 AM
And why the heck is the waitress so retardedly busty? I know they have always had breasts, but if you are going to go out of your ways to call them amphibians, then why the hell do they have mammalian characteristics?

Just once I want to see lizard people, amphibians, and reptile creatures without breasts. That would make me happy, I think.

2008-06-19, 07:52 AM
I think it's supposed to be modeled off of a trend in many Japanese restaurants to have live tanks for most of their seafood, some of which feature prominently in the restaurant's decor.
American seafood restaurants do this too. Only for lobsters, though.

Of course, tomorrow we're going to find out that it wasn't a tank and she just went into the ocean and caught the fish.

2008-06-19, 08:56 AM
American seafood restaurants do this too. Only for lobsters, though.

Of course, tomorrow we're going to find out that it wasn't a tank and she just went into the ocean and caught the fish.

Which would effectively prove that Mookie knows nothing of marine biology. Assuming the ear thing wasn't enough as it is.

2008-06-19, 11:19 AM
Error number one: The Naga is holding the paper and pencil with her top set of hands in panel 2, then apparently swaps it to her under-hands specifically so she can give some sort of gesture with her top hands.

Error number two: It does not appear that she leaves the paper and pencil behind while diving, thus rendering the paper and pencil completely useless since it just got soaked.

You appear to be missing the more important point of: If this is an aquatic city, why are they using a material so easily damaged by water to record information?

My guess is that it's actually a wax tablet and stylus.

2008-06-19, 12:17 PM
You appear to be missing the more important point of: If this is an aquatic city, why are they using a material so easily damaged by water to record information?

My guess is that it's actually a wax tablet and stylus.
You appear to be missing the more important point of: we're talking about Mookie, here. :smallsigh:

2008-06-19, 02:15 PM
And why the heck is the waitress so retardedly busty? I know they have always had breasts, but if you are going to go out of your ways to call them amphibians, then why the hell do they have mammalian characteristics?

Maybe they're like Platypi.

2008-06-19, 04:00 PM
You appear to be missing the more important point of: we're talking about Mookie, here. :smallsigh:

Not missing. Merely trying to remain optimistic.

2008-06-19, 07:18 PM
Mookie is the cause of everything wrong in the universe.

He can be used in any of the following ways:

"Those salamander people have boobs!"

"Why do amphibian people live so far away from any shore and communicate through their ears?"

"My shoelace is untied."

"I left my cookies in the oven too long and they were slightly burnt!"

"Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night drenched in a cold sweat and convinced I an completely alone in the universe..."

Mauve Shirt
2008-06-19, 09:29 PM
Ok, I emailed him and asked why his amphibians are so retardedly busty.

Because, quite simply, I like boobs. :D

2008-06-19, 09:58 PM
Ok, I emailed him and asked why his amphibians are so retardedly busty.

But it makes no sense! Even Nagas in WoW I try to figure out WHY DO THEY HAVE BREASTS!?

2008-06-19, 10:14 PM
But it makes no sense! Even Nagas in WoW I try to figure out WHY DO THEY HAVE BREASTS!?

Well, in the Warcraft world the Naga were originally elves who became tainted by demonic magic, so the breasts are most likely a hold-over from their earlier form. As is the fact that some of (mainly sea witches) them seem to possess hair.

2008-06-19, 10:18 PM
Well, in the Warcraft world the Naga were originally elves who became tainted by demonic magic, so the breasts are most likely a hold-over from their earlier form. As is the fact that some of (mainly sea witches) them seem to possess hair.

Yea, but its still kinda odd, ya gotta admit.

2008-06-19, 10:33 PM
Oh god, “Dragonboobs” thread flashbacks.

Ok, the answer generally given to questions of this sort is linked to the evolutionary process of humans, specifically the transition from walking on four limbs to walking upright.

While human breast serve to feed their young they do so less efficiently then our primate cousins’, from this it has been concluded that the more pronounced shape of the breast must serve another purpose outside feeding or it would have been selected against during Darwinian evolution. The leading explanation is breasts also serve to attract mates much like other signals of fitness, and that they developed on the chest when humans transitioned to walking upright (the chest is significantly more pronounced when standing). Continuing this line of logic, it would seem reasonable to conclude that other Humanoid species could develop pronounced breast, if for nothing else then to signal potential mates. Now the creatures in Mookie’s comics appear more or less humanoid and have an upright posture while speaking to one-another, further more examinaot fod gobstien blah blah blah blah……..



2008-06-19, 10:53 PM
Maybe they're like Platypi.
But platypi don't have breasts either... :smallconfused:

I can see the point in having breasts as distinguishing features between male and female, and in this case it sort of makes sense as the Nagastra seem more mythologically based than anything to do with real biology. Although I do tend to get weirded out when they appear on lizardwomen...

2008-06-20, 02:35 AM
Ok, I emailed him and asked why his amphibians are so retardedly busty.

And this is a guy who keeps claiming that he likes 'em small.

2008-06-20, 04:44 AM
It's like Mookie just copied his notes verbatim and drew a sketch for each one.

2008-06-20, 05:03 AM
Ugh. What have we done?

We complained for so long that Mookie did not flesh out his world that now He Who Writes Badly got angered and chose to make a massive world-outfleshing-arc... with no other content beyond that.
All that we learnt and saw about Faria? Irrelevant, and won't come up ever again any time soon. Nagastrali? Most likely the same. Instead of integrating the exposition of his world into the actual story plot organically, like a writer with any ranks in Knowing His Job would have, he instead wrote an arc without actual content, solely for the purpose of a massive info-dump about his world ("See? I so did flesh it out!").

No, I don't really think Mookie chose to do this due to our complaints. He is quite proficient at messing up all on his own, you know.

2008-06-20, 05:14 AM
Wanna bet that they're seeing in the waterfall is some sort of busty naiad (possibly with a dragonsnout and four arms, since it seems to fit Mookie's fetishes)? It would fit the difference in facial expressions.

2008-06-20, 05:46 AM
Wanna bet that they're seeing in the waterfall is some sort of busty naiad (possibly with a dragonsnout and four arms, since it seems to fit Mookie's fetishes)? It would fit the difference in facial expressions.
It's probably the Nagastra spawning ground. Although in that case Dom's facial expression in the last panel is just creepy...

2008-06-20, 05:46 AM
Seriously, can he stop calling them "nagastrali"? It sounds like some Italian dish my grandmother makes. Don't worry Na-Na, thats not your food in the bad webcomic, no need to be upset.

2008-06-20, 06:01 AM
Instead of integrating the exposition of his world into the actual story plot organically, like a writer with any ranks in Knowing His Job would have, he instead wrote an arc without actual content, solely for the purpose of a massive info-dump about his world ("See? I so did flesh it out!").
Wouldn't that be Knowledge (Your Job)? Or Craft (Webcomic)? :smalltongue:

2008-06-20, 08:14 AM
Wouldn't that be Knowledge (Your Job)? Or Craft (Webcomic)? :smalltongue:Whatever it is, it's clearly a cross-class skill for Mookie. :smallamused:

2008-06-20, 10:16 AM
But platypi don't have breasts either... :smallconfused:

Platypi in the sense that they're evolutionary oddities. You will never see anything else in Dominion that even vaguely resembles one of them, with the exception of them having traits common to a lot of other species.

2008-06-20, 10:50 AM
So... I take it Mookie doesn't realize that having everything told by an off-panel speaker sort of ruins the purpose of a comic?
Also, back in Endings & Annoyances, Dominic mentioned his artifical leg being made from "nagastian metals". Yet we haven't seen any mention of them during Dominic's and his First Puppet's trip so far.

2008-06-20, 11:29 AM
And this is a guy who keeps claiming that he likes 'em small.
Well, the reason why he draws them big is because, if he tried to draw A or B cups, the women would end up looking like guys.

2008-06-20, 02:14 PM

This is all so full of friendship and beauty... If just feel like dance on and on...

Lord Seth
2008-06-20, 03:17 PM
Ugh. What have we done?

We complained for so long that Mookie did not flesh out his world that now He Who Writes Badly got angered and chose to make a massive world-outfleshing-arc... with no other content beyond that.
All that we learnt and saw about Faria? Irrelevant, and won't come up ever again any time soon. Nagastrali? Most likely the same. Instead of integrating the exposition of his world into the actual story plot organically, like a writer with any ranks in Knowing His Job would have, he instead wrote an arc without actual content, solely for the purpose of a massive info-dump about his world ("See? I so did flesh it out!").

No, I don't really think Mookie chose to do this due to our complaints. He is quite proficient at messing up all on his own, you know.This has been a terrible arc, nothing more than an infodump on things he's probably never going to use.

The previous arcs, despite their problems, at least had some decent humor and had some kind of driving conflict. This really isn't much more than some kind of reference guide poorly rewritten as a narrative with accompanying pictures. No conflict, no humor, just one long info dump that defines of telling, not showing. It's just boring at this point.

2008-06-20, 04:02 PM
This has been a terrible arc, nothing more than an infodump on things he's probably never going to use.

The previous arcs, despite their problems, at least had some decent humor and had some kind of driving conflict. This really isn't much more than some kind of reference guide poorly rewritten as a narrative with accompanying pictures. No conflict, no humor, just one long info dump that defines of telling, not showing. It's just boring at this point.

Having a place for infodumping is good, but not within the confines of the comic itself unless it ties directly into the story. A Walking the Earth (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WalkingTheEarth) type thing might have worked for this. Maybe Lord Dominus realized he was not living up to his full potential as a seer and wanted to explore the multiple ways other cultures use seer powers.

Or maybe he could have put another word-image on the browsing bar at the top called "The World" and dumped all that info right there-- whichever is easier.

2008-06-20, 05:44 PM
Was bored, decided to troll the fansite forums. Found this (http://dominicdeegan123.actifforum.com/fan-fiction-f3/callan-under-seige-the-mary-sue-hunters-teaser-t1100.htm)


2008-06-20, 05:48 PM
Was bored, decided to troll the fansite forums. Found this (http://dominicdeegan123.actifforum.com/fan-fiction-f3/callan-under-seige-the-mary-sue-hunters-teaser-t1100.htm)


I was really expecting the being of pure evil to be dominic, instead I was horribly disgusted.

2008-06-20, 06:07 PM
About time someone killed Mary-Sues.

The irony is astounding.

2008-06-20, 11:26 PM
Indeed, Mookie did put some deep thought into the nagastian tongue. The complex cultural and physiological differences coming from that full research have erected themselves as the penetratingly hilarious "deep throat" misunderstanding.

Free bolding service courtesy of the house. :smallbiggrin:

how many babies do you kill regurally. For only a lord of hell could produce this much evil

2008-06-21, 12:44 AM
But platypi don't have breasts either... :smallconfused:
They're also one of the two mammalian species that lay eggs. The other is... some kind of anteater or hedgehog, I think. It also lives in Australia. (Or was that Asia?)

Edit: Here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echidna) we (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platypus) go (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotremes).

2008-06-21, 02:17 AM
They're also one of the two mammalian species that lay eggs. The other is... some kind of anteater or hedgehog, I think. It also lives in Australia. (Or was that Asia?)

Edit: Here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echidna) we (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platypus) go (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotremes).
Yup, the echidna. Along with the platypus it's one of my favourite native animals, although out of the two I've only seen echidnas in the wild. Cute spiny little guys. I don't know why the koala has such good international rep; when they're awake they're grumpy little bastards.

As for today's comic: I don't know enough about the archives to know what dragon lore has gone before, but I'm wondering why the dragon is green. Usually the colour of animals is either for camouflage, a warning to predators or for attracting mates. But the latter two usually involve bright patterns and the former only makes sense if the green dragon is hiding in vegetation or wants to hide from creatures above it (over grass or trees).

This isn't so much a problem with Dominic Deegan as it is with dragons in fiction in general, which usually have so much going wrong with them from a biological standpoint I should just give this one a pass. :smallwink:

2008-06-21, 02:36 AM
I don't think we've ever had dragons mentioned in the comic before.

We're clearly going to explore some new and exciting territory.

2008-06-21, 02:48 AM
This isn't so much a problem with Dominic Deegan as it is with dragons in fiction in general, which usually have so much going wrong with them from a biological standpoint I should just give this one a pass. :smallwink:
To be fair to fantasy authors, they breath fire. Anything wrong with their biology can be justified by calling them magical.

Though I did read one book (or was it a short story?) that claimed that dragons had evolved a gland which ejected a napalm-like substance out through a very tight orifice at high pressure, causing it to burst into flame. Wasn't very well thought-out, if I recall.

2008-06-21, 02:53 AM
Whats with the multicolored wings? One shade of green not enough?

2008-06-21, 03:26 AM
And then the dragon ate Dominic and Luna. The End.

2008-06-21, 03:27 AM
To be fair to fantasy authors, they breath fire. Anything wrong with their biology can be justified by calling them magical.
I find the "breathing fire" aspect to be a more believable aspect of dragons, at least compared to them being so massive and yet they can still fly and find enough food to survive. If dragons were depicted more along the size of the one slain by St. George (often depicted about the size of one of the big cats) then it makes a bit more sense.

Though I did read one book (or was it a short story?) that claimed that dragons had evolved a gland which ejected a napalm-like substance out through a very tight orifice at high pressure, causing it to burst into flame. Wasn't very well thought-out, if I recall.
That's the danger of trying to think too hard about the why and wherefores of dragons; they're not supposed to make sense :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-21, 03:37 AM
Why, my Czech friend? What is it, my Czech friend, that disturbs my Czech friend about our Nagasta friends calling our Callanian friends their Callanian friends all the time, my Czech friend? :smalltongue:
This is you getting me back for the deep throat post, isn't it? :smallannoyed:

EvilElitist: Just one for breakfast and one after lunch, if I'm feeling peckish. But how on earth did you tell I was a hell-lord? I kept this secret hidden for so long...

I guess you must have deeply explored the hidden regions of my origin and plied your tools to eject all the 'information' you needed.

Ok, my own brain is starting to melt now... :smalleek:

About the firendly tourism people - yarr, except Dominus and RC (Royal Concubine) visited out of the tourist areas in Faria (in a place which is sepcifically out of bounds to any and every tourist).

Also, I actually kind of like the dragon today, visually.

2008-06-21, 04:28 AM
To be fair to fantasy authors, they breath fire. Anything wrong with their biology can be justified by calling them magical.

Though I did read one book (or was it a short story?) that claimed that dragons had evolved a gland which ejected a napalm-like substance out through a very tight orifice at high pressure, causing it to burst into flame. Wasn't very well thought-out, if I recall.

Well, there's always Terry Pratchett's swamp dragons. Then again, they were about dog-sized and tended to explode a lot, due to various complications caused by being able to breathe fire. :smallamused:

2008-06-21, 04:54 AM
Well, there's always Terry Pratchett's swamp dragons. Then again, they were about dog-sized and tended to explode a lot, due to various complications caused by being able to breathe fire. :smallamused:
Weren't only the whelps dog-sized? I remember a big dragon in Guards! Guards!

Or was that some kind of other dragon? I remember something about an evil cult having summoned it...

2008-06-21, 04:59 AM
Weren't only the whelps dog-sized? I remember a big dragon in Guards! Guards!

Or was that some kind of other dragon? I remember something about an evil cult having summoned it...
It was another sort of dragon, distantly related to the swamp dragons. The big dragons however needed a magic source in order to bend the laws of physics. The swamp dragons were okay existing without magic, but had the unfortunate tendency to explode.

2008-06-21, 05:02 AM
It was a noble dragon, which were quite rare in any case. I believe the one in Guards! Guards! was the only one seen in a long while. On the other hand, swamp dragons, apperantly, breed fast enough that they are something of a nuisence in The Last Hero, and it isn't too difficult to round up a couple hundred.

2008-06-21, 05:11 AM
The only time dragons were mentioned before was when Miranda said that the spell she used on Barnet could've knocked out a dragon. It was then that I thought "Man, I hope Mookie doesn't try to draw a dragon".

2008-06-21, 12:56 PM
Man, that dragon looks aweful.

I bet that won't stop Mookie from giving the females breasts.

2008-06-21, 01:39 PM
Man, that dragon looks aweful.

I bet that won't stop Mookie from giving the females breasts.

Gah! My brain!

Someone pass the mind bleach.

2008-06-21, 02:01 PM
Well, the reason why he draws them big is because, if he tried to draw A or B cups, the women would end up looking like guys.

You he could always fix that by improving his craft and at very least picking up and studying from one of the "How to Draw Manga" books, but then again that would probably interfere with his "personal style". I have a feeling Mookie probably uses that as an excuse.

2008-06-21, 02:48 PM
Man, that dragon looks aweful.

Yeah, if you use a "fantasy comic artist who has drawn a comic for six years" standard. But if you lower your standards to "Mookie" then the dragon is really cool. It's all a question of relativity. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-21, 03:13 PM
Yeah, if you use a "fantasy comic artist who has drawn a comic for six years" standard. But if you lower your standards to "Mookie" then the dragon is really cool. It's all a question of relativity. :smallbiggrin:

So, you mean the faster we read the comic, the weightier it appears? :smallwink:

2008-06-21, 04:03 PM
I must have bad artistic taste, since I can't find too much wrong with the dragon. Well, aside from the attempt at scales, or whatever the patterning is supposed to be. And that its missing legs, or else is floating on air. Someone point out to me what's wrong with it?

2008-06-21, 04:17 PM
So, you mean the faster we read the comic, the weightier it appears? :smallwink:

No the faster you read the comic the better it appears, I remember reading the whole thing in one day once and I thought it was all right, it wasn't until I I slowed down that I realized how bad it was.:smallbiggrin:

2008-06-21, 04:28 PM
I must have bad artistic taste, since I can't find too much wrong with the dragon. Well, aside from the attempt at scales, or whatever the patterning is supposed to be. And that its missing legs, or else is floating on air. Someone point out to me what's wrong with it?

I would also like the dragon quite a bit. Tail is really well done, especially for Mookie, and I like wings too. The arms are off, but well, OK.

What really spoils it, is the head. Just look at that expresion. It looks like Iguanodon kicked in jaw too hard.

2008-06-21, 04:40 PM
So, you mean the faster we read the comic, the weightier it appears? :smallwink:

Heh. Actually, the choice of "six years" was not innocent, given how DD debuted in 2002. :smallbiggrin:

Lord Seth
2008-06-21, 05:27 PM
Having a place for infodumping is good, but not within the confines of the comic itself unless it ties directly into the story. A Walking the Earth (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WalkingTheEarth) type thing might have worked for this. Maybe Lord Dominus realized he was not living up to his full potential as a seer and wanted to explore the multiple ways other cultures use seer powers.

Or maybe he could have put another word-image on the browsing bar at the top called "The World" and dumped all that info right there-- whichever is easier.That's what I was thinking, really. J.R.R. Tolkien did loads of infodumping, but usually NOT in the story itself unless it was necessary. For example, he gives 150 or so pages of infodump in Return of the King, but rather than plug it artificially into the narrative he puts it all in some appendixes at the end of the book.

2008-06-21, 10:12 PM
What really spoils it, is the head. Just look at that expresion. It looks like Iguanodon kicked in jaw too hard.

That's an insult to hadrosaurs everywhere, my friend.

2008-06-21, 11:34 PM
Look at the poor thing's neck. It must be in constant pain.

2008-06-22, 12:11 AM
Look at the poor thing's neck. It must be in constant pain.

You nuts? It was born like that! The Deegandrug mutated him.

2008-06-22, 04:54 AM
So I was googling for "villain quotes" and found this (http://www.applegeeks.com/comic_archive/viewcomic.php?issue=261) (through this (http://forums.comicbookresources.com/archive/index.php/t-513-p-4.html)).

2008-06-22, 05:34 AM
I think the dragon looks fine (what I like most about it is that it looks grumpy enough to feed upon any insolent fools who dare to disturb it at whatever it was up to, like, say, some jerkass seer and his mindslave. What, a guy can dream, right?); the terrain, on the other hand, is rather messed up and, while there could conceivably be some kind of plateau hidden behind that cliff upon which the dragon is resting, the way it is drawn makes it seem as if the dragon was right above the chasm, only holding onto the ground with one claw.

2008-06-22, 05:55 AM
That thing looks a bit like the Kraken from Ray Harryhausen.

Ashen Lilies
2008-06-22, 06:28 AM
My god! Those forumites really like Deegan Villians don't they?:smallconfused:

2008-06-22, 06:37 AM
My god! Those forumites really like Deegan Villians don't they?:smallconfused:
Do you know the quickest way for a Royal Knight to get promoted from "Sir" to "Lord?" No? It's if a "Lord" is killed. Look at all those Knights down there under Lord Siegfried's command. I wonder how eager they are for a quick promotion? Ambition can so easily turn to greed... with the right motivation. is pretty good. And some of those others aren't bad.

2008-06-22, 01:11 PM
My god! Those forumites really like Deegan Villians don't they?:smallconfused:

Well, the Dominus is a fairly interesting villain in his own right...

2008-06-22, 05:16 PM
Well, the Dominus is a fairly interesting villain in his own right...

I agree completely with you. Now if we could only convince Mookie that this is true....

Indeed. Hail Dominus! All praise be to the Master of Puppets!

2008-06-22, 06:02 PM
I must have bad artistic taste, since I can't find too much wrong with the dragon. Well, aside from the attempt at scales, or whatever the patterning is supposed to be. And that its missing legs, or else is floating on air. Someone point out to me what's wrong with it?

The thing that bothers me most is the wings; I don't know what the heck the skeletal structure would look like in those, but I think he was going for the typical bat wings. Still, they don't look (http://www.ohiou.edu/research/bat_wing.jpg) anything (http://lpmpjogja.diknas.go.id/kc/b/bat/bat-wing.gif) like bat wings. It's more like two U-shaped horns with loose flaps of skin trailing off.

Also, the front paws/hands are disturbingly similar to every humanoid character Mookie draws, and if that is meant to be a quadrupedal dragon they should look very different.

2008-06-22, 06:25 PM
Look at it closely (though not too closely lest Mookie's artwork drive you mad). That Dragon is quite likely aquatic which means that those wings are for propulsion through the water rather than flying through the air.

2008-06-22, 06:41 PM
Also, the front paws/hands are disturbingly similar to every humanoid character Mookie draws, and if that is meant to be a quadrupedal dragon they should look very different.
That's the thing that stood out when I first saw the dragon, although I was focused more on the shoulders. This dragon looks like it's bipedal, as its arms have the same basic anatomy as a human.

Of course, maybe it is bipedal...

2008-06-22, 07:33 PM
EvilElitist: Just one for breakfast and one after lunch, if I'm feeling peckish. But how on earth did you tell I was a hell-lord? I kept this secret hidden for so long...
I can spot my old kind......and i regret it

Can somebody explain why Mookie hates fat people by the way?

2008-06-22, 07:40 PM
I can spot my old kind......and i regret it

Can somebody explain why Mookie hates fat people by the way?

They stole his cake.

2008-06-22, 07:52 PM
They stole his cake.

but isn't that a......no i won't say it

2008-06-22, 07:58 PM
Can somebody explain why Mookie hates fat people by the way?
TV Tropes to the rescue! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AcceptableHardLuckTargets)