View Full Version : what games scared you

2008-06-10, 06:27 PM
Really, what games scared you when you played them. And not scared you in teh "oh god, that is startling" or scary in the it scared you when you played it sort of way. I mean taht after you defeat the game, the game haunts you. It terrifies you. You are literally scared of it and yet you enjoyed playing it

Me? When if was 3 i started playing myst. I finished the first game at 4 and i had beaten three games at 5 and 6. And that game scared me. I mean, that was literally the scariest game i've ever played, it made me so freaked out. I literally dreamed about it, and at a few times ran away from the screen to go to the bathroom. It was really really really scary

Anyways, what scared you

Mr. Scaly
2008-06-10, 06:37 PM
Hmm...only one really stands out. The Punished. My stepdad rented it once years ago, I couldn't get ten minutes through.

2008-06-10, 07:53 PM
Hmmm, there is another thread vaguely like this, but more based around gaming moments that have scared you.

Well, games in general, let's see...

Fatal Frame 1, 2, and 3.
Till this day I certain scenes of those games haunt me. I think in the third one something comes crawling out from under a cabinet in the bathroom at you. So of course I'll be in the shower rub-a-dub scrubing and I'll have this mental image of a creepy looking ghost sitting under the cabinet waiting to pop out and crawl after me.

I STILL haven't finished this game, Condemned 2 is actually on sale right now at Gamestop for $30 and I can't bring myself to buy it until I finish the 1st one which will be... never.

I have very poor eye sight. Ever seen The Eye? She just opens her eyes after receiving surgery and her vision is very blurry, she sees someone in the room and then sees the person walk away. She can't even make out who it is, just a human figure.
That's my eye sight without glasses or contacts. So waking up in the dark, needing to get up and use the little girls room... Kind of hard to get out of bed when you think you see that darn little girl standing in the corner waiting for you to move so she can come after you.

I know, it's hard to believe I am 22 and entirely freaked out by the dark.

2008-06-10, 08:02 PM
Diablo, back when I was 9 scared the piss out of me.

2008-06-10, 08:05 PM
Clive Barker's Undying had a bunch of good scares in Act 1 and 2. It was the wrong game to play in the dark at 2 am in the morning.

2008-06-10, 09:53 PM
Surprised nobody's mentioned Ocarina of Time for the Forest and Shadow Temples, particularly the Wallmasters and Redeads.

2008-06-10, 09:57 PM
could you explain why those scared you? OoT particularity. it was creepy when i played it, but it didn't haunt me

Am i weird for playing myst as a child

2008-06-10, 10:02 PM
It didn't particularly haunt me, but I freaked out a lot whenever I was around Redeads for a long time. Then I got older and their attack method became fairly hilarious. The Shadow Temple however is probably one of the creepiest moments in gaming I've ever experienced, after all most of the walls are made from stacked skulls. The Forest Temple had that music, too, and that was creepy enough. Other stuff regarding the game comes from what I read in an archived /x/ thread, as when I was young enough to freak out over any of the stuff in that game I never made it passed the first dungeon without cheating.

2008-06-10, 10:20 PM
system shock 2

Hands down the creepiest and scariest game I've ever seen.

2008-06-10, 10:29 PM
Myst was, quite possibly, the most haunting game I have ever played. It definitely wasn't straight-up scary, but the atmosphere, the solidarity, the rib cage on Archenar's wall ( I think it was him), everything haunted my dreams. It was one amazing game, but creepy. Doom 3 was also hella scary, but only due to enemies popping up whenever you shone a light.

2008-06-10, 10:45 PM
X-COM : UFO Defence

The atmosphere.. the music.. the fact that 1-shots could kill you.. The aliens who surprised you.. damn I jumped so often!

Cristo Meyers
2008-06-10, 10:55 PM
I have very poor eye sight. Ever seen The Eye? She just opens her eyes after receiving surgery and her vision is very blurry, she sees someone in the room and then sees the person walk away. She can't even make out who it is, just a human figure.
That's my eye sight without glasses or contacts. So waking up in the dark, needing to get up and use the little girls room... Kind of hard to get out of bed when you think you see that darn little girl standing in the corner waiting for you to move so she can come after you.

I know, it's hard to believe I am 22 and entirely freaked out by the dark.

it's not so bad...I've got 2 (probably closer to 3) years on you and I feel the same way...bloody Alma...

FEAR is the first real horror game I got my hands on, so it's the only one that really makes the list. I still see Alma out of the corner of my eye every so often...:smalleek:

2008-06-11, 01:38 AM
I don't think a video game has ever really haunted me. Most games tend to go for the cheap "surprise!" scares rather than actual horror. And even the ones that do has one problem compared to movies: You have to be able to beat the game. Once you defeat something, it's not really scary anymore.

With that being said, the most memorable scares I've gotten from video games are probably from HL2 and Thief 3. I think the 1st person view makes it more intense.
HL2 has a lot of cheap zombie scares and a few good ones. Thief 3 has the orphanage and the insane asylum. And let us never speak of it again.

The Punished had some nice horror bits here and there, but ultimately I found it too corny. And while the enemy design was cool, I always thought it was a little cheap to make a game with only 6 or 7 different monsters, just because they couldn't think of any more ways of executing people.

2008-06-11, 02:33 AM
For some reason, Independence Day on the PS. For some reason, it scared the crap out of me while games like Doom 3 and Condemned 2, which is very good SerenityKry, only startled me a couple of times before I expected people to run out of a wall at me on fire.

2008-06-11, 09:35 AM
X-COM : UFO Defence

The atmosphere.. the music.. the fact that 1-shots could kill you.. The aliens who surprised you.. damn I jumped so often!

Amen to that. Reading the background info about aliens you get from research and then letting your imagination run wild makes it even creepier - aliens are SO VERY NOT a friendly bunch in this game.

2008-06-11, 10:56 AM
Silent Hill 2. That's the big one.

System Shock 2 had a few, but that was more of a "Alright, just gonna go in an' OH GOD *BANGBANGBANG* Oh that was there."

It wasn't NEARLY as scary the second time through. The first time though...

I'm still scared of Silent Hill 2 though.

Bioshock, when played on hard and on a personal bet to not use ANY of the rejuvination chambers.

2008-06-11, 11:44 AM
I'm gonna have to go with Doom (and Doom 2).

Back in the day... staying up late. Lights off, dark room... computer screen the only thing you see.
Creeping around a corner with only a few shells left in your shotgun... *breathing, low growling*... nothing there... check the next corner *breathing...*
*bang bang*
Sonuva... (heart palpitations)

Those games are the only ones that ever made me jump out of my chair... granted, I was a young guy back then.

2008-06-11, 11:45 AM
Fatal Frame games take the cake. Scares the unholy bejeebus out of me. we had a room FULL of people, and all of us were screaming and rushing for the lights multiple times. I love those games.

Also, Are You Afraid Of The Dark... the bane of my childhood. Scared the devil out of me.

2008-06-11, 11:51 AM
Majora's Mask terrified me.
Excluding anything in the water, those dancing ReDeads are the single scariest thing I have ever seen in a video game.
They... ugh. I don't know why but just watching them was... eugh. It sends shivers down me.

Victor Thorian
2008-06-11, 02:27 PM
I have seen daemons jump out of details that only my eyes are capable of noticing. I have seen the corpses of angels as I walked through the halls of Hagia Sophia. But I was.. scared while I was playing American McGee's Alice.

2008-06-11, 07:06 PM
Myst terrified me when I was younger. The ultimate sense of desolation and loneliness just got to me; I could only play it during the day in a lit room with others present.

I was always afraid that something was going to kill me, largely because I knew that nothing would.

Even still, I'm a great fan of the series, from Riven to End of Ages and Uru.

I also remember another adventure game when I was in fifth grade...took place on the Titanic, and at one part a rather scary fellow clubs you over the head with a pipe. Another time, you get a psychic vision of someone being electrocuted to death.

2008-06-11, 07:34 PM
In Half-Life, you first encounter the Ichthyosaur in a rusty water plant. You see a scientist on a catwalk trying to reach a shark cage. He falls off it into the waiting mouth of some thing that flips him once before swallowing him. The water is filthy and opaque, so you can only see the thing when it charges across the water surface growling or if you actually go into the water, where you cannot possibly win. The sounds it makes aren't any less terrifying while you're underwater....

I've hated water in games ever since.

The zombies in Thief were fun too. Consumed of pity and despair, they lurch onward, mortally impaired by their decayed condition. Ever shall you hack at them, and ever always do they rise again.

2008-06-11, 08:47 PM
Turok on the n64 scared the bejeezus out of me when I was 8. Resident evil on the PS1 was pretty terrifying as well. It led to my intense fear of being alone after 2 am. At the point I check around all doors and curtains for zombies as I move around. I'm serious. I'm actually effing terrified that there are zombies in my house after 2 am.

I couldn't sleep with my head above blankets until I was 14.

Inhuman Bot
2008-06-12, 08:09 PM
http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81873 may I direct you here?

Fire warrior. When I turn around and see a Imp. Guar sergent. Chainsword'd.

Mr. Scaly
2008-06-12, 09:20 PM
I got another one. Any first person shooter type game that involves going underwater where you know swimming creatures will be around to eat you... No idea why, that scene keeps giving me chills.

2008-06-12, 09:30 PM
Custer's Revenge for the Atari.

Not only did someone think up & write a program for this horrible misogynistic waste of plastic, but they actually sold it!:smallfurious:

OH, THE HORROR.:smalleek: My life will never be the same.

EDIT: I missed the part where you requested that we "are literally scared of it and yet you enjoyed playing it."

I didn't enjoy playing Custer's Revenge, but it does still haunt me.

2008-06-12, 11:28 PM
let us never talk about Custer's revenge again

2008-06-12, 11:41 PM
Myst, when I found the Ape head in Achenar's room (last week) it freaked me out.

In Half Life 2 in Ravenholm. The sound the fast zombies make still scares me. And in Episode 2 when the train crashes and there are the stalkers there screaming in your face. The mere thought of that made me turn it off and think for a while. I needed some inspirational music so I could go on and finish the level.

2008-06-13, 02:37 AM
Ravenholm in Half-Life 2 scared me. Really badly. Like i had to play it during the day. With all the lights on. All of them.

2008-06-13, 06:59 AM
Silent Hill 2. That's the big one.

I will add my vote to Silent Hill 2. Not so much for me, but for my wife and two friends who kept playing the game till 2AM... I woke up in the middle of the night hearing screams from the livingroom. Peeked in and saw all three of them hiding behind the TV because a wolf spider crawled across the couch they sat on.

That's when I knew they had a bit too much. :smalltongue:
Even now I occasionally can unnerve them by making an air raid siren sound.

2008-06-13, 05:49 PM
Myst, when I found the Ape head in Achenar's room (last week) it freaked me out.

In Half Life 2 in Ravenholm. The sound the fast zombies make still scares me. And in Episode 2 when the train crashes and there are the stalkers there screaming in your face. The mere thought of that made me turn it off and think for a while. I needed some inspirational music so I could go on and finish the level.

This. Oh, and the next few hours of play, when you're trying to get out of that buried parking garage full of antlions and zombies.

2008-07-09, 08:08 AM
Ok it's it's..............EX-*starting to shake*exmor--...exmortis2 and 1 it's the creepiest game one time in exmortis 1 when we were in the kitchen and the microwave there and if you open it .........you will see.....a.........h...head and in exmortis2 oh no ok won't tell *gets realy scared*.

2008-07-09, 08:17 AM
I'll just try not be afraid of the dark but i'm not so scared and after all it's just a game and there's no such thing as monsters the Bible did not even mention it after all the Bible is the word of God and God did not create monsters.

2008-07-09, 09:40 AM
I periodically lose sleep over some of cutscenes of Sanitarium.

Shas aia Toriia
2008-07-09, 10:49 AM
That game . . . Couldn't sleep well for months afterwords.

2008-07-09, 03:19 PM
A old PC game by the name of Lighthouse: The Dark Being. It was similar to Myst, because it was a point and click type game. The atmosphere was the worst part, I never got past the first Act. Between a Ravenman and a pyscho tatooed freak who kidnaps a baby, this game was filled with freaky stuff. And this is only the first half hour.

2008-07-09, 03:43 PM
Phantasmagoria for PC.
Especially the way he killed his wife with the magician's props.

2008-07-09, 04:00 PM
Zork Nemesis, pretty much.. all of it. The asylum area is the worst, but there's an excellently creepy atmosphere throughout the whole game. Also, the nuclear countdown. If you've played it, you know what I'm talking about.

warty goblin
2008-07-09, 04:04 PM
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (subtitle: The game with the world's hardest to type title), has some...moments, most of which just plain happen, no scripting or anything. The other day I was coming back to do some trading with Sid (the merchant in the first section of the game), and I had to pass through this roadcut that had been held by the army. About a day (gametime) earlier I had killed the six soldiers defending it, and was running along, not thinking much about it, when I realized that the soldiers' corpses were being eaten by giant mutent pigs. Giant mutent pigs it turned out who were none to fond of me disturbing their lunch. I survived, barely, but I wouldn't have if I had been carrying 20 less rounds for my assault rifle, or if I had noticed the pigs a second later. That moment just sort of sticks with me somehow. Also I now shoot giant mutent pigs on sight. Not only are they annoying, digusting and dangerous, not even the overly aggressive backstabbing army deserves to be eaten by them.

Also the mutent dogs in that game are just freaky. They run in packs, and most of the time ignore you, but occasionally they attack, and they move fast, and actually coordinate their attacks, flanking and circling. Fortunately excessive gunfire seems to scare them off.

2008-07-26, 06:06 PM
Music in silent hill 2, 3, and 4. Especially 4. The games are creepy enough, but imagine trying to get to sleep, ignoring the dark you are slightly nervous about after playing the games... and then the music switches on in your head.
Kept me up.

2008-07-26, 07:00 PM
I have a high tolerance for the stock elements of horror, but I give the prize to the Den of Woe in Final Fantasy X-2.

And even though robot horror is generally much tamer than supernatural undead horror, I think that Descent deserves an honorable mention. When those mining machines come out of the tunnels towards you, every player I have ever seen has tried to dodge them by moving their head or their chair instead of using the joystick.

2008-07-26, 07:51 PM
I haven't played many games that have scared me too much (maybe that will change when I get Condemed 2 next week) but I have had my moments. Particularly the first time I got stuck on a Barnacle in HL2. I at first thought that it was just somesort of seaweed or something hanging down. But when I hit it and got stuck, and looked up just to see a large gaping maw about to eat me... *shudder*

There are alos a few freaky moments in the hospital in Bioshock, if youv'e played it then you know what I'm talking about. Especially now that I'm playing on Hard with Vita Chambers turned off... Also known as the "Out of Ammo" mode.

2008-07-26, 08:15 PM
Fallout: tactics. I played with realtime combat.

I had my squad of 6 all armed with AK47s. Very good gun, loads of cheap ammo for it. Single shots at long range, bursts at short range. The fire team could slaughter any opposition up to the point by just slowly moving forward like a wall of fire.

Then, came the first mission against super mutants. First few mutants were killed just as easily as everyone before. But then, came one all covered in metal armor. My squad shoots him and there was almost no damage done. And he keeps coming closer and closer... I ordered my whole squad to just run the hell away...

2008-07-26, 08:49 PM
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Oh, not Baal, he was a piece of cake, but all four of the other bosses had my heart going like a million beats per second. Particularly Big D himself. Oh yeah, the trailer for Diablo III (when watched at 12:30 AM) scared the crap out of me.

I'm not really a horror game/movie person, so these may not be anywhere near as scary for those who are.

2008-07-26, 09:56 PM
Only Diablo in Diablo II scared me, and only for a few seconds. After the first Red Lightning Hose, it wasn't particularly scary anymore.

Then my assassin died over... and over... and over...

† Dran †
2008-07-26, 11:32 PM
call of Cthulhu... scared the piss outa me.

2008-07-27, 12:06 AM
Silent Hill for the PS.
I played it while I was pretty young and it gave me nightmares:smalleek:

Ever since then nothing in videogames have really scared me.
Although I thought the atmosphere in Resident Evil 4 was pretty creepy, but that might be because the controls are so bad for the PS2 version you feel helpless:smalltongue:

2008-07-27, 12:07 AM
Silent Hill 1. That's the only one I've played.
Diablo I was really creepy compared to Diablo II. It's not the difficulty that scares me (that only makes me go "Oh crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcraprunrunrunrunrunrun!"). It's more of the genuinely dark and horrifying atmosphere. The Butcher's room, for example. That was horrific. So was the music in the Caves (which at one point has a very loud moan that seems to come out of nowhere). Plus the crying children in the music in hell. :smalleek:


2008-07-27, 08:39 AM
Particularly the first time I got stuck on a Barnacle in HL2. I at first thought that it was just somesort of seaweed or something hanging down. But when I hit it and got stuck, and looked up just to see a large gaping maw about to eat me... *shudder*

I experienced this as well, but in HL1- Probably my scariest game moment ever. I was swimming around and suddenly there was a weird sound and I was moving upwards - "hmm, kind of odd - I seem to be climbing some kind of rope..." That was my thoughts, for a few seconds. Then I looked up... I started and got a chill spreading in my entire body, and immediately, guided by pure reflex, pressed the hotkeys for quitting to desktop. Then I just sat staring at the screen, shaken. Took me a while to work out the courage to get back in the water, and then I discovered that there was a lot more barnacles in the rooms beyond... Damn that place...
It should be mentioned that I first played HL1 a few months before the release of HL2, so the graphics were by no means good by the standards of the time - that didn't make it any less scary.

TO this day I'm paranoid about watching ceilings in Half-Life, and I always take out any barnacles from very long distance, even though it's technically a waste of ammo.

2008-07-27, 10:58 AM
When I first played The Longest Journey, the scene in the Gribbler's cottage absolutely terrified me. I was about 11 or 12 at the time, I think. Even though the monsters couldn't actually harm my character, the ambience, the music, April's rising hysteria and panic and the general sense of doom combined to freak the hell out of me. I think having a character voiced that well makes a real difference to a game like that. When April got scared, I got scared.

The scene with Roper Klacks a little while later made up for it, though. :smallsmile:

2008-07-27, 08:34 PM
The game, the one where if you think about it, you lose. To this day it haunts me, as I associate it with more and more of my precious memories. Someday it will have poisoned my entire mind, and on that day I will end my life.

2008-07-27, 11:03 PM
The deadric shrines, on the outside, had a very lovecraftian feel with their odd geometry.

Also, any point int he game with the creepy whispering chattering noises (sixth house shrines and the end rooms of tombs) freaked me out.
Also, the first time i actualy talked to one of the Ascendant Sleepers with the tenticle faces.

A few moments in HL2 scared me. Like getting grabbed for the first time by a barnicle or meeting the poison-headcraps.

Side note: Bioshock creeped my out, but did not scare me. I had to kill a splicer once while she was crying over a child-sized casket.

2008-07-31, 03:20 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one that was freaked out by HL2's Ravenholm. I'm playing it through for the second time. Even the second time through I refused to play it at night.

Bioshock had its moments, really. Especially when enemies are offscreen or you're cloaked, and they start talking to themselves. "Jesus loves me, this I know" will forever make me want to reach for a shotgun. One of the few things that kept it from being so scary was the instant respawn. I can't imagine going through the earlier parts of the game on hard with no restarts. Must be freaky...

Humans V Zombies also creeps me out sometimes. Few things beat real live paranoia.

2008-07-31, 03:28 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one that was freaked out by HL2's Ravenholm. I'm playing it through for the second time. Even the second time through I refused to play it at night.

Yeah, ravenholm is pretty freaky. And when I first played HL2, it was on the 360. Now you may be thinking "What does that have to do with anything?" Well I will tell you: The 360 has achievments... One of which involves making it all the way through Ravenholm using only the gravity gun...

At first I was like "Sure, piece of cake!" But yeah, every time a zombie came up unexpectantly, my twitch reflexes went for the shotgun. I lasted up until the second fast zombie, when I ran out of things to hurl in the immediate area, I just freaked out and started blasting away from my pistol...

2008-07-31, 03:48 PM
Eternal Darkness. I think I was... 10?... when I first played it. Scared the freaking hell out of me. One time I got so scared I switched it off and didn't play it for two months.

I think it was the bathroom scene which got me (where you see Alex's dead, decaying corpse in the bath for a split second.)

2008-07-31, 07:43 PM
Almost forgot about Eternal Darkness. Ya, watched my bro play that game. Things were really freaky there. Insane asylum scene, your character turning into undead/becoming mortar for structures. Nothing like a sanity bar with matching on screen effects to mess you up.

Oh ya, almost forgot about the achievements in the Orange Box. I took one look at that one and said screw it. Ravenholm is a pain even with the amazingness of the shotgun.

Phae Nymna
2008-07-31, 10:11 PM
Bioshock. Hauntingly twisted and hauntingly beautiful.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-07-31, 10:46 PM
Fatal Frame and Silent Hill are my two big creepies. i thought SH 3 was scarier than 2, but two had Pyramid Head.

Fatal Frame 3 had "The lullaby puzzle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ8bH1lfYgE)" The link may be considered a small spoiler to a puzzle, but I solved this right before bed and heard it all night long.

Fatal Frame 1 is the game that holds the record for biggest jump and loudest yell , but that's because during a suspenseful "I know something is waiting to get me scene" the two cats in the house started fighting right next to me.

As far at Silent Hill goes, the name Stanley Coleman still sends shivers down my spine. I'm pretty sure that was the name, and if it wasn't, well, thats the name I remember.

Honorable mention goes to S.I.R.E.N. which had its moments, as well.

The Clocktower series usually has good villians, and decent scenes,(Scissorman in clock tower 1 in particular) but either the gameplay suffers or the plot does. Haunting Ground is good, but its no Silent Hill. I own, but haven't played ....sigh...I forget its name, but it takes place in a space station. It looks decent, but I have my doubts.

as an aside:
Dear Capcom,

If you are going to have your heroine running around in a school girl uniform with a micro micro skirt, and all her unlockable outfits are going to have her in microskirts, including the leather strappy outfit, and if you are going to often have her crawling through tunnels with camera angles that highlight the underwear beneath the micro skirt, then DO NOT have the focus of the story, that the events are happening on the eve of her 15th birthday!! That aspect of the game did make me creeped out, but not the good kind of creeped out that most horror games provide. This was more of a "dateline is gonna show up at my door" kinda creeped out.

2008-07-31, 11:45 PM
Bioshock. Hauntingly twisted and hauntingly beautiful.

A lot of people say Bioshock, but honestly only the beginning freaked me out. Once I got a couple plasmids I started cackling maniacally whilst shooting fire and electricity from my fingers...ok maybe not like that, but splicers did get pretty non threatening.

2008-08-01, 12:23 AM
A lot of people say Bioshock, but honestly only the beginning freaked me out. Once I got a couple plasmids I started cackling maniacally whilst shooting fire and electricity from my fingers...ok maybe not like that, but splicers did get pretty non threatening.

That's true, eventually the wrench and gun splicers got a bit boring.

However, I never stopped dreading the houdini and Nitro splicers.

The way the houdini's continually vanish freaked me out and ALWAYS got my heart racing. I could never quite figure out where they were until they were attacking again, even with the research bonus that made them easier.

As for the Nitros, I hated them because they were quite rare, so everytime I saw one I had to run around with my camera dodging molotov cocktails while I tried to take research photos :smallbiggrin:

The true terror in Bioshock came from the way the came set the scene of insanity, violence and bloodshed and then it TRAPPED you in confined spaces with the perpetrators. Specifically, I recall:

The end of one of the early levels when you have to wait for Atlas to open an airlock and can only stand there and wait while Splicers close in;

The submarine bay, where you have to watch through the glass as Splicers destroy the place and force your only ally to flee; and

The last level of the game, when you have to escort the little sister through the museum without her dying (this gets much less frightening when you realise that another one replaces her if she dies, so that you can in fact run away and desert them)

2008-08-01, 02:13 AM
System Shock 2

I'm not a fan of gore or shock tactics. If a game relies too much on gore or shocking the player, I'm not interested. The same goes for movies. Most slasher films and almost all of the recent horror films suck. Give me some Hitchcock or Twilight Zone.

The Evil Thing
2008-08-01, 03:49 AM
When I first played System Shock 2 I was around 10 at the time. It scared me so much I couldn't finish it. :smallredface:

Sadly, I can't finish it now since I can't get it to run on XP or Vista. Muh. :smallannoyed:

† Dran †
2008-08-01, 12:58 PM
id also like to add an old game, Fade to Black. Hella old and i played it when i was 6ish but it freaked me out alot.

Sir Enigma
2008-08-01, 01:36 PM
I'm gonna have to go with Doom (and Doom 2).

Back in the day... staying up late. Lights off, dark room... computer screen the only thing you see.
Creeping around a corner with only a few shells left in your shotgun... *breathing, low growling*... nothing there... check the next corner *breathing...*
*bang bang*
Sonuva... (heart palpitations)

Those games are the only ones that ever made me jump out of my chair... granted, I was a young guy back then.

Same here, was about 10 at the time... what really did it to me was the big floating red beholder-like things.

2008-08-01, 02:55 PM
Silent Hill 1, practically the whole game, but especially the beginning in the alleyway with the knife-babies and in the school. I first played it over a friends house and then had to walk home around midnight...I ran all the way home...

Resident Evil 2 had a ton of "jump" parts that freaked me out, and I couldn't play that game very long in one sitting before I started getting scared.

Diablo 1, when you first meet the butcher. I was pretty young and once he came out and absolutely destroyed me, I was too scared to play for a while!

Myst creeped me out a bit, I think it was a combination of the music, the sense of loneliness and finding that one brother's torture room.

I pretty much share everyones experiences with the Half Lifes and other FPS mentioned here!

2008-08-05, 10:17 PM
When I was younger, Yoshi's story and Majora's Mask.

Yoshi's Story had adorable little dinosaur creatures...AS BABIES!!!Then I had to watch them be murdered in a color coded system, and the song...

The opening scene and level scared the crap out of me when I was a kid, then I remembered that unlike in real life, if something scares me, I can stab it.

2008-08-07, 06:34 AM
Yeah, those tombs in Morrwind with the whispering...and skeleton lords directly behind the doors.:/
Well Stalker and fear could become quite scary.
But the worst was Vampire the masquerade:bloodlines (just a little quest, though)

The Ocean View Hotel.

never before a video game scared me to such extent.
take the worst moments of fear and Silent hill.
I had to force myself to complete that quest...the horror...the horror.

Kuma Da
2008-08-07, 07:13 AM
For a long while, I thought the Wheel of Time first person shooter/survival horror/gratuitous trap abuse simulator (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wheel_of_Time_%28computer_game%29) was the scariest game that I had played or would ever play. The color scheme was so dark in most levels that it could only be played at midnight in a pitch-black basement with all the curtains drawn (which was how I played it.) Add to that the fact that all its enemies have sophisticated AI (for the time,) lurk in pockets of impenetrable shadow, and whisper maliciously at you as you pass...plus, you usually have so little ammo that your only possible defense against the lurking legions of shadowmonkies is twenty or so mines. I actually beat the game, but I think my cousins and I jumped at every single encounter.

I've played the dooms, a few silent hills, F.E.A.R., most of the Resi series, and I never thought I'd play a scarier game than The Wheel of Time. Then, earlier this year, I downloaded a pair of NWN mods by this guy (http://pixelscapes.com/twoflower/) on the premise that he was a pretty good writer (loved his penultima series,) and they were survival horror. This first one, Elegia Eternum, wasn't actually all that scary. Foolishly, I took this as a good gauge of my ability to resist horror games and started up the sequel. Within about ten minutes I was shaking.

NWN doesn't have the best graphics around. It's kinda polygonal and bland at times. Even the cut scenes aren't spectacular. That really didn't matter with Excrucio Eternum. It could have been entirely text-based and still have scared the ever loving crap out of me. The horror in it is all character-horror, of the "Oh, God. They're not going to do that to him...are they?" variety. Add to that the fact that the whole module is set in an insane asylum run by a very well-adjusted crazy...

Of course, the writing for Excrucio was so compelling that I couldn't really set it aside, which made it worse. I don't remember a single jumping-out-of-my-seat scare in the entire game, but it still kinda haunts me. Totally got chills just writing this post.