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View Full Version : Sloppily Concieved Feat- Commanding Music

2008-06-12, 08:59 PM
Here's a feat I came up with just a few minute ago, and am writing it as I make it up. I'm sure it could use some major tweaking, but I think it could be worked into something really great. It's a feat meant for large-scale combats. It's not so good by itself, but could turn the tide handily in longer battles. Feedback would be appreciated!

The soldiers lined up, single file, presenting their shields and swords in unison, while the spearmen dug in to defend against cavalry. The troops moved in perfect unison, guided by the drummer boy, marching meekly behind. As he played, he gradually built up the Tempo, and the soldiers moved up to match.

Feat Requirements- 5 ranks Perform (Any Music), Bardic Music Ability

Every round when using a Bardic Music ability, as a full round action, Roll a DC 15 Perform check that doesn't interrupt his bardic music. Each round this check is made, the initiative positions of the performer, as well as the lowest allies within hearing distance, increase by 2, up to a maximum of 20 + (Perform ranks / 2). If more than one ally is tied for lowest initiative among allies, then increase the initiatives of every tied member by 2.

Once the Performer's initiative score is over 20, he may initiate a double-time maneuver instead of the usual battle commands. To do so, He must make a DC 25 Perform check as a full-round action. If he succeeds, he (and all allies whose initiative position is 20 or greater) drop 20 positions in initiative, and may take another full action that round, as well as taking their actions like normal next turn. (Albeit in a greatly decreased initiative position.)

If the "Roll initiative every round" variant is in effect, then this feat simply adds +2 to all initiative rolls of allies within hearing distance, and nothing else.

Greater Command Music-
Feat Requirements, Commanding Music, 10 Ranks Perform (Any Music), Leadership

Each round, the performer may attempt a DC 35 Performance check instead of other uses of Bardic or Commanding Music. If he succeeds, all of his allies who can hear him may take an extra move action before any other actions when their initiative comes up. This extra action may only be used to move, and all other rules such as attacks of opportunity apply.

So what do all you think?