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2008-06-13, 08:41 AM
In the begginning there was nothing, and the multiverse was silent.

Then from nothing came the gods, and the multiverse was silent no more.

The first gods united their forces togheter to create the diferent planes and worlds, and in the begginning they worked in harmony, and thus the multiverse was at balance. They created the sentient races, the plants and beasts and much more, and marveled as their creations developed by themselves and created new things of their own.

However, as they grew older and developed their powers, each god started to have a diferent view on how the multiverse should be. First discussion, then disagreement and sudenly one of them tried to turn on his former brothers and sisters, killing several of them in a vile ambush. It ended up outpowered by the strenght of the other gods, but the damage had been done. The gods stoped trusting each other, and thus each retreated to his or her own plane, surroudngin himself with his creations and raising numerous defenses, watching his former brothers and sisters with distrust.

For eons then the gods have fought a slow battle of atriction. Watching in their own planes, they use their powers to help the races they created, in return of their loyalty. Every soul of a worshiper ascends to his god's plane after the death of his body, and becomes a petitioner, a servant of the god with special powers. The stronger he was in life, the stronger the petitioner created. Each god thus builds his own divine army to expand his power. The gods who ran out of worshipers, however, ended crushed by their stronger rivals.

So for millenias gods falled and new gods ascended from diferent places. Specially powerfull mortals, love between certain gods, and certain cosmic events, all have spawned new gods to replace the ones who disapeared. Alliances were made by gods with similar ideals, and betrayals hapened by gods whose minds changed. A neverending war, with countless battles and heros involved, wich reaches to our days.

Or so the legends of Gea tell. This is a story shared all the sentient races of the world of Gea, even those who live more isolated from the others. Altough each culture has their own version, they all share the same basics of the gods waging war against each other with the petitioners as their soldiers, and those petitioners are formed from the souls of their worshipers.

Gea is a vast and mysterious world, filled with perils. Inhabited by several sentinet races and a myriad of beasts and plants, Gea has no big nations. Instead, several citystates scatter the lands, each one with it's own rulers and government. Each of this city struggles to survive with internal conflicts of power and the attacks of the other city states, plus the hordes of monsters wich hide in the wilderness. Tales of undergound cities filled with horrible beasts, giants wich eat smaller humanoids, undeads wich crave for the living, the struggle for life is constant in Gea. More than one citystate has been destroyed by those dangers.

To counter this, however, there are the adventurers. These brave souls wander the land, developing their skills and helping those in need. They slay the monsters wich lurk in the wildnerness, giving the normal people space to breath and hope to live another day. Numerous stories have been written about them, of the ones who dare to face the perils of the world head on.

You are some of such adventurers. Each one of you...

That will be enough. You may leave.-said Queen Tymio to the bard eloquently speaking to you. The bard looked somewhat unsatisfied to her, and then bowed and goes behind a courtain of the audience chamber.

Queen Tymio is the ruler of the citystate of Liro. A beatifull young looking woman in a sumptuous royal dress, deep black hair and eyes, Tymio however has been ruling for over half a century, wich make many suspect she's using magic to extend her own lifespan, since she was suposed to be a pure human.

Somehow she managed to get all of you togheter today, with the use of powerfull influences. Sarl had recevein several generous invitations to perform puppet shows in several villages wich ended leading him to Liro, just as Jack had found a caravan wich paid him handsomely to entertain them in their travel to Liro. Uther had received a direct order from the church of Pelor to present himself to Tymio's service. Pie, on her side, wake up one morning to see the pet of his own former druid comrades delivering her a message to meet with Queen Tymio as soon as possible.

You all had heard of the fame of the benevolent excentric queen wich would use a new dress everyday and make a monthly crazy contest, with fat prizes to everybody. However she ruled fairly and things such as crime and poverty were nowhere to be seen in Liro's streets. The city's main source of income was it's powerfull magic users wich provided all sort of magic services and equipment to other cities and adventurers. As soon as you reached the city, beatifull maids wich seemed to be waiting just for your arrival invited you to the main palace in the center. So, guided by rich streets and silvery halls you ended up meeting with Tymio.

There, the bard had started it's long presentation, but Tymio had now interrupted him and now speaked directly to you, with a sweet soft voice wich seems almost melodical and to fill the room.

I have a big favor to ask all of you, but first, how about you present yourselfs? It's my belief you still don't know each other very well.

Says the queen with a smile and a wave of her hand towards you, inviting you to speack. The guards and court in the room fall silent as they wait you to speak.

2008-06-13, 10:14 AM
A man in a shining suit of full-plate armor stands near the front of the assembled group. His armor is engraved with the holy symbol Pelor, as is the monstrous steel shield that rests at his side. His faces is marked with unseemly stubble, and the dark circles under his eyes betray his lack of rest before this important meeting. As he moves forward to address the Queen, a longsword at his side clanks noisily, echoing around the chamber. the man quickly stifles the sound with his hand before bowing low to Typio.

"May Pelor's blessing shine upon you, your Majesty. Your kind and fair rule over Liro is well-known throughout Gea. My name is Uther Tressex, servant of the church of Pelor, Crusader in the name of The Shining One. I will offer you my sword should you ask it of me, and do my best to serve you well."

2008-06-13, 12:50 PM
Tymio chuckles softly to Uther's presentation

How chivarlous of you, crusader of Pelor. It's nice to see your church is keeping their high standards. I gladly acept your offer.

2008-06-13, 01:00 PM
The rest of the court murmurs between them at hearing Uther's title, while the guards focus their atention on the crusader, with a mixture of respect and admiration.

2008-06-13, 01:40 PM
The short hooded humanoid looks across the gathered crowd, a long black beak protruding from unter the hood. A hand like a bird's talon reches up and pulls down the hood revealing Pie's raven-like head. His claw sinks into his feather comb and scratches the skin under it.
"The people of these lands call me pie.", he says with a notable accent, that seems to originate from both a far eastern language and his bird-like heritage, yet in a surprisingly eloquent choice of words: "So may you call me. I am a guardian of nature. A druid they call us in your language. I humbly offer you my services, but know that my true allegiance is with mother nature and Gea herself.", the only gesture he performs is a brief, almost stiff bow to the front, with his clawed hands at his sides.
Pie is male. Also imagine his accent like a notable but not exaggerated japanese accent, with the throaty sound of a raven's caw
Actually Pie is able to speak without accent he just rarely does so because, with it he can speak faster and with less effort.

2008-06-13, 01:50 PM
Sarl chuckles at his colleage's theatrics. He is a lean man, seeming whithered and old somehow, although he is clearly an adult in his prime. He walks with a limp, heavily leaning on his strange dark staff. "I bear no titles, and I have no special skill with the sword or spell. My name is Sarl Kalass, and I am a Puppeteer."

2008-06-13, 02:45 PM
Is good to hear you'll be willing to help me, Pie. It's an honor for me to have the service of one of those who slew Azilias, the green dragon that terrorrized the Emerald woods for twenty years. I see you use it's skin to protect yourself now. Don't worry, I won't ask any of you anything that may endager the hearth of our dear land.

The court once again murmurs, this time the word "dragonslayer" echoing trough the room.

As for you, Sarl, you shouldn't be so humble. Your master K'Sal brought hapiness to this castle many many years ago, and isnpired me to assure the hapiness of my people during my reign. I still remember his performaces with much fondness. It's a shame he's dead now, but you seem to have inherited his skill from what I heard. K'Sal knew how to use his puppets for the good of others. I hope you've also inherited that from him.

This time the murmurs are less intense, with several people now looking at Sarl with curious eyes, and words of "where are his puppets then?"

2008-06-15, 06:23 AM
While the other two players somehow managed to ge themselves out of the game the one or the other way why not go on? they could join the party while we are already on our way.

Pie musters the puppeteer next to him before he speaks to Tymio again: "I am glad to hear so and very eager to hear what it is you require our services for."

2008-06-15, 02:48 PM
With the presentations finished, Tymio stands up from her throne and speaks again in her melodic voice:

As you all know, sometimes Gea is visited by outsiders, beings from the planes of the gods, wich come here to serve their masters. Demons trying to seduce mortals, Angels helping those in need, Slaads spreading chaos, Inevitables enforcing law and much more.

However, recently, something very strange has started to happen. Not only much more outsiders are starting to appear among us, but they also sudenly seem to don't follow their normal designs anymore. I've received news from a succubbus saving people from an earthquake in the east. Rumors from an assassin guild now run by a deva in the north. A suposed barbazu leading a resistance movement in a far away southern tyranny. Travelers from the west speak of a Zelekhut attacking caravans in the plains. They're few and far between, but these kind of cases is spreading.

My best diviners failed to obtain any usefull information on the matter, but I have my own suspicions. Something is hapening in the outer planes, and it's slowly starting to affect Gea. If we don't do anything, we risk that the number of those rogue outsiders will increase, and even if not all of them means us harm, the magnitude of their powers will inevitably wreck the delicate balance of all the mortal races.

So, I ask you to investigate the matter as best as possible. In order to acomplish this I think it would would be best for you to find and interrogate one of those suposed rebel outsiders. I can provide you with the services of my teleporters to quickly reach any well known area if you wish. I would sugest meeting first that succubbus who saved the people from the earthquake. The tales I received say she doesn't even try to hide her true devilish form when in public. Thus she should be the easier to find. But be carefull, there's always the possibility this may be some sophisticated lie from the forces of evil. One way or another I can't ignore the matter.

Any doubts you may have before departing brave adventurers?

2008-06-15, 08:41 PM
The droopy eyes of the Crusader snap to attention and his brow furrows as he takes in the strange news the Queen has just given them. He has very little experience with beings from other planes, and if he felt any fear or apprehension, he did not show it.

"When dealing with these outsiders, should we be open about our mission and objectives or try to keep some sort of cover? I assume it would be better to gather this information as subtly and quietly as possible, but if you wish us to be completely honest with the succubus then that's what we shall do."

He bows quickly to the Queen and awaits her reply.

2008-06-16, 04:03 AM
Ah, an indeed good question, Uther.

Altough I would prefer we could be completely open about this, the truth is I don't want to spread any unecessary panic along the general population, and also don't want to atract any dangers to my people in the case something may go wrong.

So, I would really apreciate if you made your best to cary this mission in secrecy. Listen as much as you can, speack only what's necessary. And if anyone should ask, you would be an independent party, and not a group hired by queen Tymio. If you get in trouble and contact me I'll do my best to help you, but I think we all agree it's best that we atract as few atention to this mission as possible.

Now don't worry about the glory. If everything goes right and if you wish, my bards shall compose epic stories about your deeds and spread them trough Gea.

The queen then let's out a small confident laugh like she's amused with some personal joke.

2008-06-16, 08:04 AM
Jack bows and smiles back.

You have my word, my lady. We shall handle this. No stone will be left unturned, no suspects left unprobed. And speaking of probing, where might these succubi be?

2008-06-16, 09:02 AM
The last news of her tell she was on the eastern lands, aparently traveling from village to village helping people for free and fighting evil doers. She seems to have stoped recently in Kromi, a peacefull little village. My mages will teleport you there directly as soon as you're ready to go.

2008-06-16, 04:17 PM
A human walks towards you, apparently coming from some place in the room.
Hello, my name's Kearn Blanck. It looks like you're capable of doing something in this world, so i would like to ask you:
Are you interested in joining me in a try to raise Krarn Morck(Look at Kearn's background) to its former glory?

2008-06-16, 04:20 PM
"I have nothing here to keep me back. I can start any time." Pie says, "I find this irregular behavior concerning and I would prefer to start immediately."

2008-06-16, 04:33 PM
Well, Kearn, if you wish my suport in raising Krarn Morck, here's an excellent oportunity. Aid this party in their quest, and my kingdom will suport you.

2008-06-16, 04:49 PM
Uther is slightly taken aback by the appearance of the new man, but nods at Pie's sentiment and seems anxious to go.

"I agree. These events are so puzzling that the sooner we can figure this out, the better. I am ready to go as soon as necessary."

2008-06-16, 04:54 PM
Strangely, right at that moment a small creature appears 20ft over head, falling and rolling on the ground.

Coming to his feet he yells: Mightin have warned me blasted bookkeeper! Yull have the Wrath of the Alimighty Kalah to hear about next I see ye!

Finally looking around, he stares in shock at the gathered group. Well 'ello folk! Be lookin for a Lord to keep you out of trouble per chance? Almighty Kalah can set ye straight, nevermind that blasted bookkeeper, no aim.

Standing before you is a small creature, a gnome, but he is unusually pale for the kind, possibly a Deep Gnome. He wears purple robes, and a flowing purple cloak. About his person are three pouches, one slightly larger and attached to front left, the other two attached on each side of a silver belt. His green eyes have a crazy glint to them, and he smiles widely at the assemblage, especially at Queen Tymio, or perhaps her throne.

2008-06-16, 05:01 PM
Oh, and I take: [roll0] Falling damage

2008-06-16, 05:26 PM
Tymio puts an hand over her face, looking sudenly tired, sighs and says in not so melodic voice.

Well, this was one vision I really wished it didn't come to true, but it seems you can't fool with destiny...

My diviners had previewed that Kalah would appear here in this room around this time, the reason I prepared this audience to happen now. If what they previewed is right, Kalah will perform a great role in you quest, and thus I ask you to acept him in your ranks. Please don't be suspicious, behind that peculiar personality lies a great soul thirsting for adventure, just like yours.

2008-06-16, 05:56 PM
So I be a famous one in this realm? Perhaps a God! Finally a place to be known as meself.

Kalah flutters his cape behind himself and frowns, Now what be this adventure nonsense? I am the great Almighty Kalah, Master of the Windswept Depths. The very Air and Stone are at my command. Also I make the pretties bubbles. So I demand something to eat right now!

With that he sits down, and looking directly at Pie says, Thank you kindly for the meal. and pulls out a pouch which he begins eating out of.

2008-06-17, 06:52 AM
Pie stares suspiciously at the little gnome before him. As he speaks suddenly his accent is vanished and he sounds exactly like the purple clad gnome: "What meal be you talking of?!", he yells almost perfectly mimicing the gnomes speech patterns.

2008-06-17, 08:22 AM
This one, course! Now what's this 'venturing we be doing? Will bubbles be involved?

2008-06-17, 09:08 AM
This "venturing" will consist of you going to a far away land and investigate the news that a succubbus has been doing selfless good deeds. If you acept lending us your great powers, Kalah, you'll be handsomely rewarded for the trouble.

Says Tymyio in a charming tone, smiling once again.

2008-06-17, 09:24 AM
Finishing his meal Kalah stands up again. Well that sounds mighty fine. Them Succies is good people from what I hear. Be happy to help. When we go and where? I can leave now.

2008-06-17, 09:40 AM
"I suggest you lead us to your mages, so we waste no more time." Pie says, his own voice and accent returned. "But I will have to get my companion first."

2008-06-17, 01:31 PM
Very well, follow me please, then. Don't worry about your companion, Pie, it has already been directed there by some one of my servants. She's, let's say, very gifted with animals. I believe you won't mind this little iniative of mine will you? Well, follow me please.

With these words then the queen directs your personally trough a smaller door hidden beihind a curtain. You are leaded trough a small dark corridor with strange runes in the walls and lighted by strange glowing blue jewels in the ceiling.

Eventually, you reach a sealed stone door. The queen whispers some words and it opens slowly, moving by itself. In the other side is a large room, even bigger than the audience chamber. There, you see a serie of scholars and mages discussing and performing what seems like alchemical. Scores of books and artifacts fill the walls. There are several fountains in the walls, bringing a flow of pure fresh water, and in the middle lays a garde wich is lighted by a large circular opening in the celing, where some of the scholars seem to rest.

The diferent people there bow to the queen as she passes near them, and Tymio smiles soflty back at them.

This is my personal library, where travelers found of knowledge, my mage retinue and some others discuss, work, study, or just come to have some intelectual estimulation. Now, where is that girl... Ah, there she is. Eling, come here, dear. Play time is over.

When you look at the part where Tymio pointed, you see (another) beatifull woman, but this one dressed with tight armor wich seems to be made from leaves. Her pitck black hair is tighted in a pony tail, and a bow in her back and a pair of shortswords in her belt. Altough at first human looking, a natural grace and slightly pointed hears sugest some elf blood on her.

Eling was entertained peting a large megaraptor near the garden, whispering something near his head and pating his back, wich Pie imediatily recognizes as Cake. Whe the ranger hears her queen call, she aproaches the party.

Ah, pleased to meet you. This is a wonderfull animal you have here, shame I can't spend more time with it. Oh, yes I'm Eiling the hunter, and I serve Tymio the wise. So, you're the ones who are going to investigate that matter wich has bugging the queen for weeks? I wish you good luck, and to solve this as quickly as possible. Tymio has barely eaten in the last...

Now now, dear, that will be enough-interrupts the queen, still keeping her smile-This is suposed to be a discrett matter, not something to be talked lightly with anyone.

Ah, sorry, my queen-says Eiling, blushing slightly, bowing and then leting herself stay behind as the party keeps following Tymio.

She's a good girl, just somewhat light headed. Now, here we are. Julius, this are the ones I told you about. Can you send them?

The men the queen speacks now, wich seemed just like another scholar at distance, covered by a hood, reveals himself to be an orc as he turns to the party. Scarred, tough, grey skin covers and tuffs of black tick hair his face, but his eyes, in contract, seem to glow with cold powerfull intelect. As he stands from the chair he was siting, he reveals himself to be exceptionally tall and well muscled. His right hand holds a large staff with a white jewel at the tip.

Hmpf. They look strong. They better be. This will be no playing matter. Are you all ready? I'll teleport you to the outskirts of the town where the succubi has been last sighted, and then I'll return to this castle. In three days time I'll return to the same location and I'll expcet you'll be there to report the situation. If, and only if, you find yourselfs in trouble, use this.

With this words, he hands Pie a black pearl ring, with strange carved runes all along it.

Breack it, and the bearer and anyone touching him will be teleported to a safe place. Don't use it lightly, please.

2008-06-17, 01:32 PM
Well, i have nothing else to do, so i can as well join you. And who knows, maybe I'll find someone who can help me at rebuilding Krarn Morck?

2008-06-17, 01:56 PM
"Thank you, good sir." Pie says stowing away the Ring carefully in his backpack. "I will take good care of it."
He turns to Eiling: "I'm impressed, Eiling, it takes a good deal of empathy not to have Cake see you as his next meal", Pie takes the large raptor and pats the side of his neck before turning to Tymio and Julius: "I am ready to go."

2008-06-17, 02:00 PM
Uther follows the Queen in silence, preparing himself internally for what was sure to be a trying expedition. As he enters the vast room, he watches the megaraptor closely, his eyes taking in every detail. "A fine creature indeed..." He turns to face the large orc, and nods along with his speech as if only half-interested. He turns to the Queen and bows one more time before addressing the orc again. "I am ready to depart as soon as you are, friend."

2008-06-17, 09:00 PM
Did someone say building? Kalah is an excellent builder! Almost as good as his destroying.

You may notice that as Kalah stops walking for conversations, he ceases all movement, not even perceptibly breathing.

2008-06-18, 12:44 PM
At the wizard's instructions, you gather in a circle holding your hands(and Cake's paws), and the the orc whispers some arcane words. You sudenly feel yourself as if pushed upwards by a mighty invisible force, but when you notice it the force is already gone and you're standing in the middle of an unknown forest. The sun is nowhere to be seen, while it was day back in Liro.

Well, here we are. The village is some minutes in that direction. Good luck. Now if you excuse me I have other affairs to atend.-says Julius, and before you can say anything he vanishes from sight.

With no other clear path to go, you decide to follow the direction the wizard instructed. After what seems like five or six minutes of walking you exit the forest, and see a small village about fifty meters away, with what seems some farming grounds beyond it. It has only a dozen of simple rustic houses, light coming from some of the windows, indicating there are still people awake.

The houses are distributed in two lines, with a main earth street in the middle. One of the lighted buildings has the main door open and seems to be some kind of bar. There's also a small decayed church, whitout lights, what looks like a closed blacksmith and the remaining building look like normal houses, some with their lights on, others don't.

And roll for spot and listen.

2008-06-18, 01:30 PM
Uther walks into town at the front of the group, a position he prefers to keep at all times. He looks about the town dully, showing little interest in the tiny village. He suspects little trouble until they found the succubus, but he remains cautious nonetheless, having heard some of the things demons are capable of.


2008-06-18, 01:41 PM
Pie who has been riding on the back of his animal companion, to not slow down the group, now slides out of the saddle overlooking the village they are just entering.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2008-06-18, 02:07 PM
Kearn stays in the back of the group, ready to cast a spell if something happens.


2008-06-18, 02:33 PM
Kalah elects not to walk in that direction, Almighty Kalah does not walk when he can avoid it. He will see you in the village. Then he begins climbing into the air by walking in an ascending spiral. When he reaches a height where he can see the village, he waves down and disappears.

Air Walk used, then Greater Teleport to the village.

When the rest of the party reaches the village, they find Kalah standing in the air 4ft off the ground at the begining of the clearing. He smiles at them and sweeps his arm in front of him, Welcome to Kalah's new domain!

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2008-06-18, 06:03 PM
As Kalah greets the party, both he and the party fail to notice that something is watching them from inside the church's roof. As soon as Kalah finishes his speech, a winged figure quickly flies from the ruined building and lands precisely behind him, a large blade resting at Kalah's neck.

The blade is wielded by what seems like a excpetionally beatifull woman in armor. Except this woman has a pair of large black bat like wings and a pair of small horns sprout from her forehead, while a tail moves provacatevely at her back. She wears a silvery chainshirt over her chest, hiding her forms, while a golden cape rests in her shoulders. She carries a bow in her back and a quiver in her belt, in wich is also what seems like anholy symbol.

I think you meant something else, demon...This isn't your domain!
-she says in an harsh tone to Kalah.

Then, looking at the rest of the party, she asks:

You, are you related to this chaos spawn? What business do you have at this late hour? I warn you, tonight this village is under my protection. If you seek to do wrong, you'll have to answer me. If you seek shelter, then I advise some more humility than what this demon shows...

2008-06-18, 11:12 PM
Kalah steps away from her, and swift current of air blocking her blade in any attempt to stop him. Then a sphere forms around him sealing them apart.

5ft step, Wings of Cover if her readied action goes off, then Resilient Sphere around self. (Using interpretation that one can willing create a smaller sphere then maximum size.)

Well now that be a mighty rude greeting, and after takin all the time to come out and see ye. Do ye be going and callin every little man with a pretty voice and a bounce in his step a demon?

Why I ain't never been no demon, not even that one time when I was mad. I be a Yugy by darn and we ain't the same thing!

2008-06-19, 03:47 AM
Seeing as Kalah steps back whitout trying to attack, the strange succubus also steps back, landing the tip of her blade in the ground. A small smile grows in her lips while she answers in a somewhat defying manner:

No, but I'll be calling every little man with a pretty voice who pops up from the air, floats above the land and claims it as his domain someone to be watched for.

She then suprisingly makes a small bow, and continues, this time with a softer voice.

But you'll be correct in the matter that I was too rude. In the last weeks I had to face some of my old brothers and sisters who didn't really aprove of my new way of life. And since they can hide their true form easily, and can also pop up from one place to another easily, It seems I've grown a little too paranoid. Please acept my apologies, strangers, if you indeed mean no harm to this village.

Then sudenly the succubus seems to remember something.

Wait, you said you were looking for me? What do you may want from this repented demon who seeks to atone for her sins?

2008-06-19, 10:41 AM
"Well, actually that is why we have come to see you.", Pie steps forward. "You see, a succubus repening for her sins is rather untypical. And, forgive me if I seem prejudiced, I really don't mean to be, but being untypical is a rather untypical, if not to say puzzling, trait for a creature from a plane of existence that exists for one alignment."
He scratches his head next to his feather crest: "You see, creatures from such plains showing such untypical traits has people of our plain worrying. Not that your deeds aren't noble and a wonderful thing to hear of, but there is the chance that something is in fact out of order, that could cause much damage to our and maybe even other worlds."
Diplomacy check for good measure: [roll0]

2008-06-19, 11:24 AM
Uther bows briefly to the succubus before stepping forward and addressing the reformed demon. "What my friend says is true. We have heard several stories of beings traveling here from other planes and behaving oddly. Some who are expected to be good or neutral have been gone on rampages of death, and so on. We mean this village no harm, we simply seek to find some sort of connection between this odd happenings. Do you know anything about these disturbances?"


2008-06-19, 01:00 PM
Oh, is that what we are about? Kalah just heard about a succubus, and he said to himself, "Worst case, I die happy." Then he followed. No one told him about Evil Good and Good Evil. Though I am glad we ran into Good Evil first.

Dismissing his Sphere, Kalah proffers his hand to the Succubus, Pleasant day, m'lady. Almighty Kalah at your service, I can make pretty bubbles.

2008-06-19, 01:44 PM
"Maybe no one told almighty Kalah for good reasons, such as the safety of this mission.", Pie says mimicing Kalah's voice without making any faces or even acting like he was saying anything, just his beak moving and his eyes fixed on the succubus as if he weren't talking to anyone.

2008-06-19, 03:56 PM
Kearn does not say anything, he just inspects the succubus with his eyes, analyzes it, and then says hello, without his eyes moving away from the succubus at any time.

2008-06-19, 06:14 PM
Why I'm not like the other demons, you ask? Well, I must confess I myself still don't know the exact reason.-says the succubus, looking at the sky dreamily-But listen to my history, maybe it'll somehow help you.

I once was a mortal like you. I was blessed with an healthy beatifull body, but only tought of myself and used my body to manipulate those around me. As I grew older, I struct a pact with another succubus to grant me eternal beauty. Foolish foolish me...As soon as I signed it with my blood, the succubbus I negotiated with made sure I had a little "acident". My family was quite admired when they found me impaled over a butcher knife.

And then my soul was at the hands of said Succubbus. For what seemed like an eternity to me I was one of her slaves, being tortured, used as a toy whenever she wasn't in her corrupting missions, but that wasn't the worst. Oh, the worst was the voices on my head, whispering day and night, trying to bring out the worst inside me... Oh, and they did manage to do so. I started to torture the other captive souls, using them as my own slaves, when the succubbus wasn't around. Slowly, I began to transform into what you see now. As I grew more evil and sadic I slowly transformed into a succubbus myself, the voices in my mind growing stronger and stronger. Soon I became powerfull enough to subdue my old master and take her slaves for myself. The other demons didn't really care about her old sister. The strongest and smartest would rule over all others, that was the rule on whatever hell I was. And then I was the one corrupting other maidens, stealing their souls... Untill that fatidic day.

I was tricked. What seemed like an inocent female mage summoned me. I answered, and then she cast some spell at me. Angered, I tried to rip her throat apart, but she easily avoided me, smiling even, under the hood wich hided her face. Seeing this wasn't a battle I could win, I retreated, planing to come back with reinforcments, but when I was back on my lair, I noticed something. The voices...They had stoped...For the first time I remembered, my mind was my own again. First it was just a strange sensation. I called some favors I had acumulated from some greater demons to try to kill the mage. I never heard of them again, so I guess that mage was indeed strong. But my worries then were others. All the memories of my life that had been supressed by the haunting voices started to come back. I saw how low I had truly descended. I hadn't got power, I hadn't got anything, I was just feeding an endless cycle of suffering... Agonized with myself, I fleed. I knew that I was going to be hunted, but I couldn't stand my own lair anymore. I lived some weeks hiding among the common people, using my powers to hide myself. But then, almost whitout noticing it, I started using my powers to help others. A little persuassion would stop a needless fight. A kiss would subdue a robber. But I was noticed by an adventuring group. They cornered me, blocking my traveling capacities with magic. I could have fighted, but then I remembered all the suffering I had caused, and I offered them my head, claiming that indeed I deserved to die. Then one of them steped forwards, and asked me if I repented of my sins. I answered yes, and then to my suprise the adventurer told his companions that in that case his god, Yoladana, demanded that I was given a second chance. The party protested, but he promised to assume reponsability. For six months I traveled with them, learning more about Yolada with that good knight wich spared my life. But then demons started apearing after us. The adventurers managed to repel them time after time, but I knew that it was useless. They would keep coming, as long as I was with them. I was a betrayer of the worst to my kind, heling the forces of good...I left a message to my saviors and I ran away. Since then, I travel from place to place, helping the needed to the best of my ability. Yolanda has shown me that if I ended my life I wouln't do anyone any good, but I worked for good I would atone for my sins. But I can't be directly involved with anyone. The demons are still after me. If they even suspect I care about people's lifes now, they would no doubt resort to menancing inocents to try to lure me. I cannot allow that. And that's why I normally wouldn't tell this history to anyone, but I think I can trust you. After a thousand years of trickery, one learns to see when they're being lied to.

Then the succubus notices Kearn fixed stare, and realizes she's slowly moving her body in a sensual way around the sword. She blushes, and the to your suprise she changes to small freckled girl with messy hair, her equipment fusing to her body and being replaced by childish clothes. But when she speaks, the voice is still the same.

Really sorry for that, some old habits just won't die...Now, you said this is hapening to other outsiders as well? Well, normally I would say you've been drinking too much, I must confess that before I left my "old home", I heard rumors of other demons starting to act quite strangely. Not exactly trying to do good, but definetely out of normal. Unfortenetely I didn't paid it much atention.

Now, since I've started this path, I must admit I tried to research what exactly freed me. That mage surely had something to do with it, but I never managed to find him again. I found, however, some...interesting things, wich I belive could help you uncover the truth. Clues wich I don't have the resources nor the time to further investigate, but you would probably do. And all I ask in return is for you to do me a favor. You see, from what I gathered there's a red dragon living near this village. It has gathered his personal worshiper tribe of kobolds and terrorrizes the villages around, stealing shamelessly any riches the people may produce, and preventing people from having decent lifes. I discovered his lair, but I'm not strong enough to defeat or manipulate it. So I ask of you, either slay or make the dragon leave, and my information will be yours.

2008-06-19, 06:52 PM
Oh ay, was he a pretty chap with blond hair? That boy be needing a time out! Making Kalah all confused without the helpful voices. But ay, Dragons be good people too, let's go say hello to em, and we can have a nice chat.

Kalah begins walking in circles to ascend, Which way is he now?

2008-06-19, 07:54 PM
"I thank you deeply for trusting us enough to tell us what is surely a painful story. Your information will be appreciated and invaluable to our mission, and for that, I thank you again. I'm sure my comrades here will agree that this dragon must be extricated from the area, regardless of how much of a reward we expect. If you point us in the right direction, we can start as soon as we are fully prepared, unless someone disagrees."

Uther bows again to the succubus before stepping back and awaiting the others' reactions and ideas.

2008-06-19, 10:47 PM
Ah, a dragon. How.... quaint. It seems like old habits do indeed die hard.

Well, I agree with the Kalah. We should probably pay him a visit.

Among other things.

Make small talk with the succubus, use Bluff to communicate a secret message which runs along the lines of "I am hitting on you now."
Bluff: [roll0]

ps. I am back, baby!

2008-06-20, 05:36 AM
"Had we known of this dragon we would have gone to defeat him even without your request. At least I hope I'm not speaking only for myself." Pie says. "We will free your village of that scourge."

2008-06-20, 06:54 AM
I would gladly help you, as i haven't got a decent fight since the battle for Krarn Morck. Have you ever heard about Krarn Morck? I'm gathering followers who can help me rebuild it. Let me know if you meet somebody capable of doing something in this world.

2008-06-22, 11:40 AM
After the Succubus directs them towards the Dragon's Den, Kalah begins walking in that direction above the trees.

2008-06-22, 01:54 PM
Uther follows below Kalah, still at the front of the group, keeping his eyes and ears open for any signs of danger.

This is assuming no one has anything they want to do before we leave, of course.

2008-06-22, 03:31 PM
Kearn follows Kalah and Uther, while he tries to recall what he knows about red dragons.

Knowledge (arcana): [roll0]
If he remembers something about red dragons, he'll tell the rest of the group what he knows.

2008-06-22, 04:48 PM
Looking at the bard, the succubus smiles in a cute way and then says:

Sorry, but already got a boyfriend. A very jealous one.

The succubbus points towards what seems like a medium hill, about ten kiolmeters away from your position, shrouded in the night. You can perfectly see from your position that the forest around said hill was burned down by some powerfull force.

The dragon nests in that direction. The kobolds usually patrol the surrounding forests at night, but even then I recomed you to go now. The dragon sleeps now upon his spoils, and the kobolds will not dare awaken him fearing his fury. Should you catch him sleeping he shall be an easier foe. The surroundings of the hill itself were dug by the kobolds and are now a maze of tunnels and underground fortress, leading to their red lord's den. For me it was easy to bypass since I can become ethereal, but you'll have to find your way around. I strongly sugest to capture at least one kobold alive to guide you to the dragon's chambers.

Then she looks at Kearn and coments

Ah, Krarn Morck...Some of my hell sisters told me of it. They gained a lot of souls from that battle. If you intend to rebuild it, then I sugest you try to recruit your defeated enemies into it. These kobolds, for example, if you slay the red dragon they'll hide for a time, but then they'll come back to raiding the nearby lands. But if you show them power they may be willing to work for you. Not the best of warriors, but great builders. Pay them well, keep a firm grasp, and their loyalty will be assured.

Ooc:Sorry, busy weeked. Ok, since I assume you'll all going in the pointed direction, please tell if you wish to use hide or any other trick/buff. Some kind of formation would also be usefull. You'll take around two hours of normal walking to reach the hill walking at normal speed, one hour if flying.

Also, spot and listen for everybody but Incarnum, since he already rolled.

Knowledge result:
Red dragons are the strongest and cruelest of the evil dragons. Extremely strong and capable of breathing fire, they're formidable oponents, completely immune to the flame but vulnerable to cold. In the older specimens their simple presence is enough to scare all but the bravest of souls, and they also possess a wide array of supernatural powers.

Despite being quite intelegent and wise, red dragons are also extremly greedy and take as much valuable things as possible by any means available to them.

2008-06-22, 08:30 PM
The dragon nests in that direction. The kobolds usually patrol the surrounding forests at night, but even then I recomed you to go now. The dragon sleeps now upon his spoils, and the kobolds will not dare awaken him fearing his fury. Should you catch him sleeping he shall be an easier foe. The surroundings of the hill itself were dug by the kobolds and are now a maze of tunnels and underground fortress, leading to their red lord's den. For me it was easy to bypass since I can become ethereal, but you'll have to find your way around. I strongly sugest to capture at least one kobold alive to guide you to the dragon's chambers.

Alas... well, I'm sure your boyfriend is happy :smallwink:

Now, as for this dragon, I suggest that we disguise ourselves as kobolds and infiltrate the place, stabbing him in his sleep.

I can turn myself into a Kobold. Anyone else? I also have a Hat of Disguise anyone wants.

2008-06-23, 12:54 AM
Well Kalah doesn't like entering caves without a good friend to help him fin his way.

Kalah descends to the ground and begins inscribing on the ground a circle of magic. After he completes it, he then begins calling to the earth, forming from it a creature of itself.

Finally, he speaks to the creature telepathically, Will you aid us in navigating through the Kobold Warrens to the Dragon's Lair to the best of you ability, directing us by the safest and quickest path where we wish to go? I am certain that the Dragon will have many fine metals for you to feast on when we arrive.

So I'm going to use Magic Circle Against Good, then Lesser Planar Binding to bring in a Minor Xorn. He can only make the saving throw on a 20, so if this [roll0] isn't a 20 then he comes. He has no way to escape the circle other then a opposed Cha check 1d20 vs my 1d20+8. Will roll that below.

I will however receive a +5 to the check from my Magic Circle that I took 10 on inscribing.

So: Kalah, [roll1]
Xorn [roll2]

In the likely event that I succeed, I will then make the above suggestion to the Xorn, and the DM can apply my +0 to +6 modifier based on the task and reward.

This check will be Kalah: [roll3]
Xorn [roll4]

If I succeed without any bonus, then I won't have to worry about it.

Now, how does the DM want control of the Xorn to work, I recommend that I control it in my posts, simply to save time, though if we were at a table rather then PbP I would suggest the DM control it based on my orders/commands/telling it what I want. Either way, I mostly want it to hide in the ground during combat, not engage, it's a Scout.

Finally, Kalah has the following abilities that may become important in the ground:
1) Perfect directional sense, like all Deep Gnomes. Knows every direction and detects ever change.
2) Stonecunning as the Dwarf ability, and all that that implies.

2008-06-23, 05:36 AM
The Xorn first looks in a suspect manner to Kalah, then looks at the shiny metal pieces of equipment of the party with what seems like an hungry look:

I just have to get you there, not fight or anything, right? And then I'll have some tasty metal, right? I heard dragons love to collect fine food. Ok, you've got a deal. Quickest and safest path, you got it. Just point me to the direction of those warrens and den.

Ooc:I'll retain control of the xorn. Specially because if you intend to use it as a scout, then I'll be the one who knows what he finds. Also, you'll take four times as much time this way, since xorns are slow and he needs to go back and forth to report you.

2008-06-23, 06:34 AM
Impressive. So, do we tag along behind him half a mile or so, or wait here?

2008-06-23, 06:40 AM
"I don't have a head for infiltration, also I think a Kobold nest shouldn't pose a big threat even in a frontal attack. And i don't suppose these creatures would be stupid enough to believe one of us to be one of them, unless your hats can turn you to half your size.", Pie climbs onto the ack of his dinosaur companion "Also Cake is getting hungry.", he pats the side of the raptor's neck who then turns his head to the side letting out a throaty hiss as if to confirm Pie's words.

2008-06-23, 06:43 AM
The cake is a li-urk!

A hail of rocks showers Jack, killing him instantly.

2008-06-23, 07:27 AM
Well, if you don't want the sweet juicy experience and treasure from the kobolds, it's up to you. Also nevermind that positioning yourself with the kobolds at your back and the dragon at your front may have nasty results...:smalltongue:

(insert evil DM laugh here)

2008-06-23, 07:32 AM
The route that we can follow, yes. I wouldn't expect you to fight.

Well I have the same speed as the Xorn, and for right now we'll keep up. He's mostly just there to "scout" by going through walls and checking nearby for more chambers.

2008-06-23, 07:40 AM
So let me see if I undersantd, you're going to use the Xorn for scouting once only when you arrive at the hill, and for now(in the forest), you'll just go directly towards the hill, whitout using the xorn to scout there, right?

2008-06-23, 11:35 AM
"My main talent is combat, and I doubt how reliably I can sneak around an unfamiliar cave without the kobolds who made it noticing. I'm willing to give it a try, but perhaps if we are smart and not foolhardy, we can try to take these beasts head on."

2008-06-23, 12:10 PM
Speaking to the succubus: I appreciate your advice, but i don't see kobolds as worthy to rebuild Krarn.

And to the rest of the party: Yeah, i ain't so good at sneaking too, so i support Uther.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2008-06-23, 12:40 PM
Ok, still waiting for Treeshades, Frost's and Solo's spot and listen.

Also, please choose a position from the following formation, or else I'll put you into a random way once battle starts.


The xorn will be safely earth gliding below you. Once the rolls are made and the positions chosen we move on.

2008-06-23, 12:49 PM
Kalah will be walking about 20ft up at B.
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2008-06-23, 12:53 PM
Uther will take spot C

2008-06-23, 02:47 PM
Kearn takes h.

2008-06-23, 06:17 PM
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Jack takes J.

2008-06-23, 07:42 PM
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Pie will take position E

2008-06-24, 01:44 PM
The succubus blows you a kiss as you depart and then disapears in thin air saying something wich sounds "good luck", to those who didn't got dazed away by the temptive demon's act.

The forest is rather light, composed mostly of average sized pine trees with big gaps between them and some small bushes here and there. Now and then you detect some smaller animal in their usual life, untill you spot something in front. Thin silvery strands drop from some trees, almost invisible to the normal eye, but not to the party's trained sight. Looking up to see the strands origin, you see a nightmarish vision.

At first it seems like a monstruous spider waiting silently in the tree's branches, with eight big hairy legs and several red eyes in front. But this exemplar also has several red scales among it's fur. The two front paws present powerfull looking claws. Their eyes have orange pupils and seem filled with malice and greed, staring at the party hungrily. In it's mouth, between it's two pincers, it's perfectly visible a group of sharp nasty looking teeths that really shouldn't be there. A pair of bat like wings sprout from it's back, flaping, closed for now.

When you realize what it is, you notice it is ridden by a kobold on it's back, siting in some kind of improvised leather satchel between the wings. The kobold wears leather armor and loads a crossbow, looking at you with very unfriendly eyes. Looking around, you realize several other spider riding kobolds descending almost silently from the nearby trees, in order to better face the party.

KILL THEM!-screams the kobold more at the back.



Green circles are tree, block line of sight and effect, around 50 feet tall if you want to fly over them.

Orange circles are kobolds, red-grey ones are their bizzarre monstruous spider mounts.

To save time:
Kobold patrol:[roll0]

In case of tie the one with bigger modifier goes first.

2008-06-24, 05:14 PM
While waiting for my turn I will have a knowledge Nature check to see if i can make out what's the deal with those spiders

EDIT: Woohoo! Natural 20. But probably it will be an Arcana check that would help, but its worth a try.

2008-06-24, 06:22 PM
Jack raises two fingers of his right hand and makes a sweeping motion behind Kal's back.

(Hide check, if necessary: [roll0], if Sleight of Hand, just add +1)

Cast: Glibness.

Wait a moment! We are here to help you and your Red Lord! We just want to meet him and discuss business.

Bluff: [roll1]

Also, if possible, will try to instill a non-magical Suggestion with the epic usage of Bluff for the kobolds to let us through.

2008-06-24, 08:57 PM
Despite the spell only taking scarce seconds to finish, those seconds are too much, and before Jack can say more than two words the kobolds are spuring their spiders to advance.

Craxis, Grek, flame them! Everybody else, web and shoot whoever left's standing!

Then, with impressive coordination, two of the spider advance to the flanks of the party and turn towards you. Their kobold riders let out some strange noises and their mount sudenly breath forth two cones of fire wich cover the party in fire.

Just as the flames dissipate in the air, the remaining riders also advance and scream some more strange noises to their mounts, wich seem to convolute for a moment, and then let out a rain of silken threads from their abdomens over the party. As they land over your bodies, you realize they are covered with some kind of glue, wich strongly limits your movements.

Take down the flier! Take him down! NOW!-screams the leader, seeing as Kalah still hovers above the ground.

Most of the kobolds lose out their crossbows spraying Kalah with bolts, but two of them prefer to actually make their mounts jump into the air, opening their wings and flying towards the deepgnome. They bite deeply onto his flesh, and Kalah can witness firsthand as one of the spider's eyes start to change color randomly and the other grows an extra pair of feathery between the batlike wings.

The two spiders in melee with Kalah are also 20 feets up on the air, the remaining are on the ground.

Battle effects in the party:

Everybody made it's saves from the fire breaths, except Cake, who failed his second save.

Everybody is entangled, consult srd for details.

Kalah still took 8 crossbow bolts to the face, thanks to his really low AC and being entangled on top of that. And then he got biten by two spiders, luckily being poision immune. If he wants to use wings of cover let me know.

Total damage:
Pie:25 damage
Cake:37 damage
Uther:25 Damage
Kearn:25 damage
Kalah:77 damage
Jack:25 damage

Ooc for Solo:
First of all, bluffing to make someone believe some more intricate lie(aka not just a distraction) takes at least a full round action, and even distracting is still a standard action. You started your turn by casting glibness so the rest of Jack's actions get delayed untill next turn.


Also, the epic usage of bluff means the target gets a bonus on the oposed sense motive. By using the sugestion option, you're granting them +50 to their sense motive, wich means they'll only need to roll a 3 or higher to see trough your bluff.

So, it is indeed possible, but the odds of suceeding now aren't really good. Are you sure you wanna use it?

Knowledge nature result:
It's taboo among most druids, but it's a known fact dragons can breed with almost any living being. Some do it out of love, others out of lust, and some for darker purposes. One way or the other, the offspring will inherit part of his draconic parent's power. It will be stronger and tougher than normal, it's apearance will be slightly dragonlike, and it may even present some of it's parent's supernatural powers. Half dragons grow almost as fast as their nondraconic parents, thus more than one evil dragon has tried to raise it's personal army by breeding with nearby species to produce powerfull servants quickly.

2008-06-24, 09:15 PM
So the spider in front of Uther is actually 20 ft. up in the air?

2008-06-24, 09:26 PM
Oh, I thought Bluff worked differently.

Can we retcon and have Jack start buffing instead? I'm thinking either bard song, Invisibility, or Haste.

And how does someone become untangled?

Do all the kobolds wear leather armor?

How high are they off the ground? What's the jump DC to reach them?

2008-06-24, 09:27 PM
Ref: [roll0]

2008-06-24, 11:17 PM
No Wings of Cover, flatfooted means no immediate actions.Well that be mighty mean! No more Crossbow for ye!

Kalah summons up a huge storm, blowing from directly in front of his former place to nearly 200ft away across from the Kobolds. The air blows inward in tremendous force, pushing the spiders and Kobolds back. Kalah then Teleports 100ft up and 50ft backwards.

Cast Control Winds inward variety, encompasses all but the two flankers. Windstorm Winds so DC 23 saves to:
Be blown away if Small or smaller, Knocked over (or off mounts?) if medium, and checked if Large or Huge (can't move forward? Probably a detailed entry on checked in the DMG)

Then activates Belt of Battle for standard action to teleport away.

2008-06-25, 05:58 AM
First a slight breeze, then a powerfull wing fills the batlefield. The suprised kobolds are thrown of their mounts. The two unlucky ones who were riding the spiders in the air are thrown far away to the deeps of the forest screaming all the way, while the remaining are thrown to the ground. One of them is unfortonate enough to hit a tree as he's blow back and falls unscoscious, while the others seem to remain just bruised.

The two flying spiders are thrown back by the strong winds, but manage to get an hold on a nearby tree, hissing angrily for the nasty suprise. Of the spiders on the ground, most of them get pinned on it's place by the strenght of the magical air, but the one at the left seems to be strong enough to counter the wind.

Current situation

The tree at F7 now has two spiders climbing it at roughly 20 feets high. The spiders are in a vertical postion and thus fill only one square when looked from above.

If it isn't clear enough, there's a kobold in F8, fallen prone in the ground. Actually, all kobolds out of their spiders are prone right now.

The middle area is now filled with strong winds, so anyone entering it will suffer the effects at the beggining of Kalah's turn.

Ah, yes, Kalah teleported so far away he doesn't fit in the map. Also, he's so distant he can't see anything that is going on the battlefield, since it's night and his darkvision is 60 feet.

I'll let Solo change his first action from glibeness to a buff then, since it seems like he ddidn't read very well the bluff rules. Talking is a free action.
Talking well enough to fool someone who is trying to kill you isn't.

Entanglement can be broken with a sucessfull str check, escape artist, or attacking the webs with a slashing weapon or fire to deal enough damage. Warning, burning the webs will damage the entangled creature for the same amount.

Str check and escape artist are both standard actions.

2008-06-25, 06:19 AM
Hurrah! I sing the first round!

2008-06-25, 07:06 AM
"Kaiko, attack!" Pie shouts jumping out of the saddle and pointing at the spider on the left flank. The Kenku suddenly starts growing. His feathers and clothes start molding into his body, while he gains size and the inner claws on his feet become large sickles. His beak shortens and becomes a reptilian mouth full of razor sharp teeth and a long reptilian tail grows out of his feather tail. In the end of the change he suddenly has a striking resemblance with his animal companion, just instead of a riding saddle he still has the green dragonhide armor now adjusted to his new form.
Cake let's out a hissing scream and fights his way through the web to the draconic spider feet first throwing his claws and teeth against the spider while Pie surrounds him coming near to be ready to attack.

Pie dismounts quickly (free action with ride check (below)) to the square on the right in order to not get in Cake's charge line and wild shapes to a Megaraptor (spending additional use to keep the armor). Cake charges at the kobold and spider on the left using pounce for a full attack. Pie after wild shaping moves to the bottom right adjacent square of the same spider.

Ride check: [roll0]

Cake's attack:
Talons: [roll1]
Claw 1: [roll2]
Claw 2: [roll3]
Bite: [roll4]

Talons: [roll5]
Claw 1: [roll6]
Claw 2: [roll7]
Bite: [roll8]

2008-06-25, 07:19 AM
Cake is entangled by the webs and thus fails to pounce on the spider, altough it still manages to move onwards and try to hack at it with just it's talons, cuting one of the spider's legs, making a red sticky goo come out from the wound.

Cake is entangled. Can't charge. Can still move and make normal attack tough. I assumed you wanted to attack the spider since it's the strongest, but if you wanted to attack the kobold(or do something else) let me now.

2008-06-25, 08:47 AM
Attack the spider is alright. Sorry forgot entanglement. In that case I will move up to the same spider too, since i won't get my charge benefits anytime soon. I will change that.

2008-06-25, 08:58 AM
Clarification: The spier with a rider is being attacked, right? Just wanna make sure cause I want to Handle Animal the riderless spider.

Don't hit the unattended spider! We don't want it panicking!

Don't forget, +2 to attack and damage from bard dance.

Er... about that. The bard song thing says I have to have some sort of song/music/sound performance, but I only have ranks in perform dance (versatile performer gives me ranks in Perform: Singing for the purpose of making skill checks only)

There are two option. Either I adjust my character to have slightly lower Str but a bit more Int so as to afford Perform: Song/Poetry/Oratory, or we just say I am Riverdancing.

Which do you say. DM?

2008-06-25, 09:51 AM
Yes, the spider with a rider is the one being attacked.

As for the whole bardic music thingy, here's the deal.

The rules cleary state that you can use bardic music with perform ranks of any kind, but the effect is still sound based.

So, as I see it, the bardic music consists of the bard energizing his voice with his magic powers(and thus you cannot do other magic stuff while singing, your magic is being fueled in your voice). This magic power is based on your artistic ability(perform ranks), no matter what it is.

Thus, even if your speciality is dancing, when you activate the bardic music you channel your dancing capacity in your singing capacity and for a few glorious minutes you're a rock star.

On the other hand, I won't mind if you roleplay that your character starts to dance and fight in such an awesome way that you inspire your allies to fight better thesemselves. Many heros have their own coreographys after all.

Heck, I'll even allow you to dance and sing at the same time. It's suposed to be magic after all.

2008-06-25, 10:21 AM
Uther fights with all his might against the strange webs holding him back. He closes his eyes temporarily to focus his Ki energy into every particle of his body. He feels a renewed strength flowing through him as he works against the annoying substance covering his body.

DC 15 Concentration check for a Power surge as a move action, but with a modifier of +17 I automatically make it. This gives me +8 to strength for 3 rounds. Now I'll try a strength check against unknown DC to break out of the webs.

2008-06-25, 10:52 AM
The inspiring sound of bardic music fills your hearts with warm +2 goodness.

Risin' up, back on your feet
It's now time, take your chances
Went the distance, now let's get on the bet
Just us men and our will to survive

So many times, it happens too fast
You lose your passion and glory
Don't lose your grip or you'll be outclassed
You must fight just to keep still alive

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all in the eye of the tiger

Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'til we take to the street
For we kill with the skill to survive

Risin' up, straight to the top
Have the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now we're not gonna stop
Just us men and our will to survive!

2008-06-25, 12:45 PM
The inspiring sound of bardic music fills your hearts with warm +2 goodness.

Risin' up, back on your feet
It's now time, take your chances
Went the distance, now let's get on the bet
Just us men and our will to survive

So many times, it happens too fast
You lose your passion and glory
Don't lose your grip or you'll be outclassed
You must fight just to keep still alive

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all in the eye of the tiger

Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'til we take to the street
For we kill with the skill to survive

Risin' up, straight to the top
Have the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now we're not gonna stop
Just us men and our will to survive!

You're singing all that in 6 seconds? :smalleek:

2008-06-25, 12:48 PM
Filling himself with ki, Uther opens his arms and shreds the webs restraining him with his newfound strenght, being free once again.

Nah, that's what he will sing during the whole battle.:smalltongue:

Oh, and str check sucessfull. Uther is no longer entangled

2008-06-25, 03:29 PM
Kearn lifts his hand, and sends a line of lighting right at the spider at h8. After the spell hits the spider, it divides in 12 new lines, which hits all the other kobolds and spiders, except for the kobold and spider at m3.

Kearn casts chain lighting, targeting the spider at h8, and bounces off to all the other spiders and kobolds, except the kobold and spider at m3.
Damage to h8 spider:[roll0]
Damage to all other targets:[roll1]

2008-06-25, 05:05 PM
AYEEEE!-scream the kobolds as the lighting fries their little bodies into charred carcasses. The only thing left from the first spider to be hit is a smoking crater due to her poor reflexes, and the other ones also get their fur toasted, altough they still manage to stand. Barely.

All kobolds hit dead, spider at H8 dead, remaining spiders still moving but seem badly hurt.

2008-06-25, 06:37 PM
Well thanks, for going along
with my idea to take over the mount
The spider will be easier to Handle
after you've killed it off like that

Jack adds, inventing a few new lyrics for his song in the process.

On his turn, he will Escape Artist [roll0] and move 15 feet to the left, taking cover behind a tree.

Wait a moment.... if all I'm going to do is move 15 feet anyways, why do I need to roll Escape Artist? I draw my sword and move to behind the tree.

2008-06-26, 12:37 AM
Don't kill the last kobold, we needs someone to lead us to the dragon.

2008-06-26, 03:51 AM
Please do OOC comments and questions in spoilers. This is confusing.

When does turn 2 start? I lost overview already

2008-06-26, 08:18 AM
RETREAT!-screams one of the kobolds who had been thrown from it's mount, running to the shaddows of the forest and disapearing along with other unmounted kobold.

The rider near pie, however, decides to don't take chances and backs off carefully to avoid any more nasty attacks. However, as it retreats, it shouts some strange screams at the spiders. Most of them are pinned by the wind and don't do anything, but one of them still has her head out and manages to breath fire towards Kearn and Uther. Uther stands strong, but Kearn's webs catch fire and the warmage falls in agony with the heat.

Taking this chance, the other spider who hadn't been locked by the wind advances towards Uther but it only manages to cracth it's poison filled pincers against the crusader's tick armor.

However, other spider manages to free itself from the winds, and closes in with Pie and Cake, breathing fire towards them. The druid and his companion get burned again, but at least they're not restrained by the webs anymore, wich dissolve into ashes.

The breath of fire however continues forth and manages to catch Jack behind the tree, also freeing him from his bidings, altough in a painfull way. Uther is unlucky enough to also get burned in the way, but refuses to fall to such attacks.


The big blue circle is the zone currently afected by the winds.

Battle effects:

Nobody is entangled anymore since the webs burned away, altough you take extra damage for it, except Uther who had already freed himself.

Kearn:failed save, 36 damage, is at -6 and bleeding,
Uther:failed first save, made second, total 41 damage.
Jack:made save, 29 damage.
Pie: made save, 29 damage.
Cake: made save, 29 damage.

Ah, yes, this is where I've been rolling the stuff for this campaign:

I'm rolling your saves already to save time, feel free to consult them. Monster rolls don't have modifiers because I'll keep those secret.

It's Kala's turn now, but he is so far away from the battlefield he cant see anything but some red flashes in the forest. He'll need to move at least 110 feets to gain line of sight to the situation again.

2008-06-26, 08:46 AM

2008-06-26, 08:59 AM
1) Did you ever say it was night before I teleported?
2) What did you roll Teleport effects for in the roll thread, my ability is Greater Teleport, and so has no chance of failure.
3) Kalah move forward, now that he knows it's dark outside, and will end his turn 40ft closer. So that's 70ft off the ground and 60ft back from the party. Then he will shout to the party in his telepathy, though I think they are still out of range.

My it got dark rather quick like, trapped in a time loop or something? Hello, anyone hear me?

2008-06-26, 09:25 AM
Have I taken 54 damage so far?


I have had it with these mother****ing spiders in this mother****ing forest!

Jack Snowflake Wardances and charges the spider, PA for full. He moves to flank with Pie.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Draw weapon:
Iaijuitsu Focus: [roll2] (Yes, I know i should have had it in the last post, my mistake)

2008-06-26, 09:27 AM
Iaijuitsu Focus damage: [roll0]

2008-06-26, 09:38 AM
Uther grunts in pain as the flames hit him, but uses the pain to channel more power into his attack against the abomination facing him. His blade arcs and falls four times in a few seconds, each swing searching for a possible weak point.

Swift action to enter Martial Spirit stance which allows me to heal 2 points on each succesful attack.
Current HP: 71, AC:31, Delayed Damage Pool:10... Also, for reflex saves to avoid taking full damage, I am allowed to make a Concentration check instead. Full attack on spider attacking me.
Attack 1:[roll0]
Attack 2:[roll1]
Attack 3:[roll2]
Attack 4:[roll3]
Damage 1:[roll4]
Damage 2:[roll5]
Damage 3:[roll6]
Damage 4:[roll7]
And assuming the spiders are evil...
Holy Damage 1:[roll8]
Holy Damage 2:[roll9]
Holy Damage 3:[roll10]
Holy Damage 4:[roll11]

2008-06-26, 10:13 AM
Pie hisses shocked at the condition his animal companion is in and conjures up a current of light green energy around his foreclaws then touching Cake with it unloading the energy into the dinosaur's body. As the energy flows through Cake his burns start to disappear.
The dinosaur companion keeps on hacking at the draconic spider.

Cure Critical Wounds on Cake: [roll0]

Talons: [roll1]
Claw 1: [roll2]
Claw 2: [roll3]
Bite: [roll4]

Talons: [roll5]
Claw 1: [roll6]
Claw 2: [roll7]
Bite: [roll8]

2008-06-26, 12:51 PM
Renewed by his master's curative magic, Cake shreds the carapace of the nearby monstruous spider, wich hisses a final time and falls on the back with it's long legs curved over itself.

Uther on his hand unleashes a flurry of righteous angry blows at the spider. The monster actually colapses imediatily after the first one, but the crusader is too focused to notice such irrelevant details as the enemy already being dead and keeps hacking at the body. In the end all that's left of the spider is a messy pool of red good and fur, but Uther feels a lot more relieve and most of the pain from the burns is gone.

Battle results:

Both spiders wich were meleeing the party are dead.
Uther heals himself for a total of 8 HP with his aura.
Cake recovers 20 HP.

Kearn's stabilization(suceeds in a 1):[roll0]


Incarnum3:Ups, sorry about not noticing you had that maneuver. Also, I just noticed it now, but I was suposed to have given you randomized maneuvers at start of the battle. For now let's just assume you have all of them available, but next time I'll randomize it for you at the start of battle.

Frost:Check post 32. I said the Sun was nowhere to be seen, wich is an artistic way of saying it is night. After moving 40 feet, you are around 81 feet from the party, so I think telepathy works(it's 100 feet reach isn't it?)

Solo:PLEASE keep the rolls and ooc stuff inside spoiler tags. Also, you had already spent your 2nd turn moving 15 feet behind the tree, and were entangled, so no charging. Now the 3rd turn starts, and you're first one to act. Since the spider near Pie is dead, you'll need to post some new action. And again, please put the ooc and rolls into spoiler tags.

2008-06-26, 06:19 PM
Ok, new action.

The spider at F1 is 60 feet away from me.

15 feet to the left, 45 feet upwards.

sqrt(15^2 +45^2)= 60

I move at 40 feet per round.

I charge that spider, if possible.

2008-06-26, 06:52 PM

You've got Cake and 3 trees in the way, definetely not a clear path to make a charge, wich would normally make that action impossible.

I'm, however, feeling benevolent, so I'll houserule it a little and let you do it if you suceed in a DC 25 jump check to go over Cake while charging and three DC 30 tumble checks to zig zag trough the trees at full speed whitout losing momentum. Failing any of these checks means your charge will be stoped.

2008-06-26, 07:52 PM
Thanks for the night thing. Also, two other things:

1) Threeshades, you can share spells with your Animal Companion, including healing spells, so you could just as easily have cast the spell on yourself and have both you and your companion healed.

2) Since the Kobolds are trying to run away, I need to mention my spell. It's much much larger then you have it, and this is the important thing, I choose for it to be the blowing inward version, so the Kobolds are surrounded by winds in all directions blowing towards them, so they can't run away without making at least two saves in a row.

2008-06-26, 08:27 PM

You've got Cake and 3 trees in the way, definetely not a clear path to make a charge, wich would normally make that action impossible.

I'm, however, feeling benevolent, so I'll houserule it a little and let you do it if you suceed in a DC 25 jump check to go over Cake while charging and three DC 30 tumble checks to zig zag trough the trees at full speed whitout losing momentum. Failing any of these checks means your charge will be stoped.

Jump: [roll0]
Tumble: [roll1]
Tumble: [roll2]
Tumble: [roll3]

Sorry, my tumble modifier is off. It is actually 20, so it fails on the last one. I end up in the general vicinity of the spider. Possibly behind that last tree I couldn't get out of the way of.

Actually, I can make it there mundanely. I step to the left one square 5 feet, up left two squares (25 feet) and end my first move action then. Then I charge up to the spider as a standard action, as I am within 40 feet of it after my first move action.

2008-06-26, 08:49 PM
Jump: [roll0]
Tumble: [roll1]
Tumble: [roll2]
Tumble: [roll3]

Sorry, my tumble modifier is off. It is actually 20, so it fails on the last one. I end up in the general vicinity of the spider. Possibly behind that last tree I couldn't get out of the way of.

Actually, I can make it there mundanely. I step to the left one square 5 feet, up left two squares (25 feet) and end my first move action then. Then I charge up to the spider as a standard action, as I am within 40 feet of it after my first move action.

Unfortunately for you, Standard action charges can only occur when you take no other movement that round, so you can't move then charge.

2008-06-27, 04:28 PM
1) Threeshades, you can share spells with your Animal Companion, including healing spells, so you could just as easily have cast the spell on yourself and have both you and your companion healed.

Kearn could use some healing too.:smalltongue:

2008-06-27, 06:28 PM
(Alright, just place me part of the way there.

2008-06-28, 10:44 AM
Jack gracefully jumps over the megaraptor, runs towards the spider, jumping over two trees in the way like they were not there and draws his sword in a flash of light in the night, cuting the spider in half with a single blow. The strike is so clean the weapon isn't tainted by the sticky goo that comes from the spider's guts. The kobold lands on the floor with a terrified look on his face towards the bard. It then shakily steps back, loads his crossbow and lets out a bolt wich Jack easily dodges.

Why won't you just die you soft skins? We're the servants of the red wyrm! We're stronger than you can ever imagine! Slay me, but my brothers will make you regret the day you were born!

But sudenly the spider who was half locked by the winds manages to get free, and charges madly at Uther, only for its pincers to bounce away from the tick armor, just like her sister's had.


Ok, this time hopefully I got the control winds area the way Frost originally intended. This forced me to change the last rider's place, puting him somewhere on the left side of the battlefield, since he's not idiot enough to run inside the magic winds area. But this also meant Jack had an easier path to reach him and thus managed to charge him with just the jump and two sucessfull tumble checks. The spider is dead, and the kobold is just 5 feet from him. Jack himself is around 30 feet left from M1.

Kalah is 80 feet from the battle, so if he moves at least 20 feet he gets line of sight again and can unleash his wrath.

No party member was hurt during this turn, since most of the spiders are still locked and the one who got free failed to hurt Uther.

The remaining kobolds were pushed to the north and are nowhere to be seen but you can hear scream of agony and "oh the koboldity!" coming from the shaddows along with what seems the sound of small bodies hiting trees.

Dorizzit PMd me saying he was busy with RL but now has free time again. I'm giving him a second chance and thus he'll enter battle at the end of the current iniative. Let's just all say he wasn't in the original audience and he's a stranger for now, willing to help you.

2008-06-28, 12:09 PM
Not sure when it's my turn, but when it is, Kalah will run 80ft forward, he's 70ft off the ground in J7. So he can't actually see anything, since he's out of Darkvision range. Also the winds don't effect him because he is above the cylinder. He is going to navigate above the Kobolds with his next few turns using the sound of their cries and his knowledge of their location based on how he cast the spell.

2008-06-28, 12:22 PM
Just for the record I did fail that last tumble check.

2008-06-28, 01:35 PM
Solo:Yeah I know but since the spider was in a new place you just had to cross two trees, so the last tumble check doesn't count.

Frost:It's your turn now. The ground aroun your area is solid earth, with some rocks here and there, but not enough for the spell you intended to cast do anything much relevant.

2008-06-28, 02:43 PM
Well then Kalah takes his action to run to 70ft above J7, and that's his entire round.

2008-06-29, 04:37 AM
How does the control wind spell there work? Because i would like to charge the remaining spiders

2008-06-29, 05:59 AM
The full rules are rather complicated, but long story short, as long as you are a large creature, you gotta make a fortitude save per turn if you want to move against the direction of the wind. The current wind direction is from the outter side of the spell area to it's center (upper side of the map ), so you can charge in against the spiders whitout trouble, but you won't be able to move out whitout making fort saves.

As a side note, remember that none of the spiders at the middle still used their breath weapon, since the wind reduces it range to 1/4 (personal interpretation of the rules).

2008-06-29, 07:08 AM
Alright then
With a shriek pie turns from the dead spider and pounces at the last spider still carrying a kobold. His animal companion utters a concurring hiss and attacks the spider next to it with a long leap, talons first.

Pie attacks the spider with the kobold and Cake takes the one left to it.
My attack:
Talon: [roll0]
Claw 1: [roll1]
Claw 2: [roll2]
Bite: [roll3]

Talon: [roll4]
Claw 1: [roll5]
Claw 2: [roll6]
Bite: [roll7]

Talon: [roll8]
Claw 1: [roll9]
Claw 2: [roll10]
Bite: [roll11]

Talon: [roll12]
Claw 1: [roll13]
Claw 2: [roll14]
Bite: [roll15]

2008-06-29, 08:12 AM
I'm not sure if it's Uther's turn yet, but I'll post his action here for now. AC:31, HP: 69, Delayed Damage Pool: 0

Uther faces the next spider with a grin on his face, laughing as its feeble attacks bounce off his armor. He continues to channel Pelor's holy power, feeling stronger with each swing of his blade.

Full attack on next Spider. Last round of Power Surge. Still in Martial Spirit Stance.

2008-06-29, 08:14 AM
Crit. Confirm:[roll0]
Crit Damage:[roll1]

2008-06-29, 08:17 AM
Is it my turn?

2008-06-29, 08:37 AM
Yep, turn for the puppetmaster. Also, Pie, Cake and Uther sucessfully shreded the spiders they attacked into tiny pieces, since they were already ver weakened.

And that small circle in the middle isn't a kobold, is a spider hanging on the tree 20 feets from the ground.

2008-06-29, 10:21 AM
Pie and Cake just pounced against the spiders are currently in the I line, just in front of the spider. Your area attack is going to hit them as well. Are you sure you wanna do it?

2008-06-29, 10:31 AM
Sorry, I missed that. I'll fix it.

2008-06-29, 11:08 AM
Without warning, a lithe figure jumps out of the forest. It looks much like a puppet, with swirling patterns remniscent of wind carved into its wooden body. It dances past Uther and lifts its hands. A small panel opens from the hands and its chest, and small darts shoots out of the puppet, heading towards one of the spiders. On closer examination, everyone notices faint blue strings leading from the puppet's body back. Following them, everyone who cares to look sees an odd sight: a short, bent, lame, but clearly young man dressed in black robes. He is standing on a floating staff, which is dark and smooth, with intricate patterns carved on it. The man inclines his head. "Hello. I was passing through and I figured I might as well lend a hand."

Hail enters from the south and moves to N6. He then fires three darts at one of the spiders.

Attack 1: [roll0]
And Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
And Damage: [roll3]
Attack 3: [roll4]
And Damage: [roll5]

2008-06-29, 11:26 AM
The first darts miss, but the remaining two pierce the spider's eyes and make it fall on the ground twitching.

Begginning of 4th round, Solo's turn. Only the spiders at G7 and F 8 remain alive. Oh, and Jack is still at 5 feet from a living kobold outside the map and the control winds area.

2008-06-29, 11:32 AM
Oh yeah, you can't touch this, can't touch this.

Jack stikes out at the kobold by taking a quick step in it direction, hitting it with the flat of his blade.

Attack (nonlethal): [roll0], [roll1]

Damage: [roll2], [roll3]

2008-06-29, 01:56 PM
Jack's blow knocks makes the kobold fall in the ground senseless and with the hit side of the face completely swollen.

The two remaining spiders, seeing its companions slain by the dinossaurs, hiss angrily, but can't overcome the strenght of the winds. They manage to, however, breath forth fire, wich fortunetely is strongly subdued by the wind, but still manages to burn the druid and his companion.


Kobold near Jack uncoscious.

Pie takes 32 damage. Cake takes 16 damage(it was hit only by one of the breaths)

Kalah's turn

2008-06-29, 08:50 PM
Kalah will take another run action to B7. Still 70ft above the ground, so can't see and probably can't be seen. How much farther to the Kobolds? Roughly since I'm doing this by ear instead of sight.

2008-06-30, 05:51 AM
The kobolds would be in the center of the winds area from having being pushed for so long. Since you defined a 100 feet radius, you'll still need to move about 45 feet forwards from line B.

Pie's turn

2008-06-30, 08:01 AM
With their claws and teeth covered in blood the two dinosaurs leap at the remaining two Spiders clinging to the tree.

Pie Charges at the Kobold in F8 and Cake makes a 5-foot step at the one in G7

Attack Pie:
Talon: [roll0]
Claw 1: [roll1]
Claw 2: [roll2]
Bite: [roll3]

Talon: [roll4]
Claw 1: [roll5]
Claw 2: [roll6]
Bite: [roll7]

Attack Cake:
Talon: [roll8]
Claw 1: [roll9]
Claw 2: [roll10]
Bite: [roll11]

Talon: [roll12]
Claw 1: [roll13]
Claw 2: [roll14]
Bite: [roll15]

2008-06-30, 08:05 AM
Confrming Criticals:
Threatened critical hit with Claw 2 and Bite, Confirmation rolls:
Claw 2: [roll0]
Bite: [roll1]

Extra damage, if successful:
Claw 2: [roll2]
Bite: [roll3]

2008-06-30, 08:22 AM
I miscalculated and with a run action I could have moved another 40ft forward. I meant to do that if that's okay. I just accidentally only counted a double move instead of a run action.

And Threeshades, those aren't Kobolds, those are spiders clinging to a tree, so maybe you need to make a jump check, don't know.

2008-06-30, 08:56 AM
Yep, those are spiders 20 feets up on the trees. You'll need a jump check or some ranged attack/spell to affect them.

A climb check is also possible.

And yes, it's ok to Kalah to do that.

2008-06-30, 11:39 AM
They look like Kobolds. Oh well, here go the jump checks:
Pie: [roll0]
Cake: [roll1]

2008-06-30, 01:32 PM
Pie and Cake jump high and their teeths sink on the spiders legs. When the megaraptors come down, they bring down the monsters with them, wich splatter on the ground and stop moving. Curiously, they don't taste as bad as they look, actually feeling a little spicy in the tongue.

You forgot the jump bonus you get for being faster than normal, but I added it anyway, since it allowed you to reach the spider and finish it off.

Anyway, all that's left to take care off are the kobolds locked in the center of the winds, around 40 feets from the upper side of the map.

Ah, yes, see if Kearn stablizes in a 1.


2008-06-30, 05:47 PM
In case I wasn't clear enough, since there aren't any monsters able to act anymore, you can ignore iniative and do whatever you want to do to the remaining kobolds. The battle only ends when you do when you have took care of them in a more permanent way, like killing or capturing.

2008-06-30, 06:08 PM
Well then Kalah will move forward, down, cast Resilent Sphere on the Kobold leader if he can recognize him, or any old Kobold if he can't. Then he will shot with telepathy to stay back. And cast Evard's Black Tentacles to mince the remaining Kobolds.

But it is called Kalah's Screaming Tentacles, they do sonic damage, and they provoke saves against fear each time they do damage.

After they are all killed, he will dismiss the Control winds spell and descend to stand next to the Kobold in his sphere.

Kalah does not like Kobolds, particularly ones that fire Crossbows at him. You will lead us to your master now, and we will have a talk with him. You have seen my power, and I have as little idea of what my companions can do as you. But if it comes to blows against your Dragon master we have an even chance of victory, So know that any traps you lead us into will only end in the deaths of more Dragonspawn.

Intimidate to change to friendly: [roll0]

2008-06-30, 07:05 PM
Those who plant winds shall reap storms

In other words, you may make the wind start blowing, but you can't make it stop. Control winds isn't dismissable. And it lasts a lot more than resilient sphere.

On the other hand, there's an uncoscious Kobold just near Jack(view last posts). A little healing and he should be ready for intimidation.

2008-06-30, 07:06 PM
Jack will point out that he has a kobold right there with him and offer to take it over, whilst still performing song and dance.

2008-06-30, 07:12 PM
"until the spell ends or until you choose to alter your handiwork, which requires concentration." So maybe dismiss isn't the right word, but it gets my point across.

2008-06-30, 08:14 PM
Uther sheathes his blade and mutters a quick prayer to Pelor. He looks at the remaining kobolds with a glint of anger in his eye, probably due to the multiple injuries he and his allies are now sporting. Nevertheless, he says,"We should keep one of the kobolds alive to act as a possible guide, or perhaps to simply give us some information regarding the layout of the dragon's lair. I would prefer it if the other kobolds were sent to the proper authorities rather than killed, as Pelor preaches love for the living. However, since these little thugs have caused all of us harm, I cannot argue against any of you doing what you will them."

2008-06-30, 08:37 PM
Sarl severs his magical strings, and slowly glides forward on his staff, sliding down to the ground next to the now immobile hail. He then takes a scroll out of his robes and unrolls it. He chants briefly, his words not heard or understood by anyone who tries to listen. Hail seems to warp for a second before being pulled into the scroll. Sarl then calmly rerolls the scroll and replaces it back in his robes.

2008-07-01, 12:36 AM
Well ye be a bit late on the authorities, see'n as most has met their fate at the hands of Kalah's Screaming Tentacles.

Now if you don't be mindin, I's got a friend to bring in. And ye Kobold, listen close, let me friend have a tasty bite or two, or else I'll be haven him eat you instead.

Kalah sets to work inscribing on the ground another circle like his previous one, and he once again brings forth a creature within it.

Planar Binding again, no magic circle this time. Bringing in a 6HD Xill
SR check (DC 21): [roll0]
Will save for Xill (DC 23) [roll1]
If appears:
SR check to escape (DC 21) [roll2]
Charisma check to escape:
Xill: [roll3] vs me: [roll4]

Followed by, if escape attempts fail, the following command:

Bite this fellow and paralyze him, implant him, and leave him alive. Guard your eggs, and if anything should happen to me, make certain that they hatch. If it looks like they won't hatch because he will be cured, then kill him.

EDIT:Well too bad, his SR passed, and he made the save, both quiet unlikely. With your permission I'd like to use another ability to try again, but can I use all the successful roles or do you want me to reroll everything?

2008-07-01, 04:57 AM
The armored megaraptor begins tu shrink, returning to a more upright position, its mouth becoming a beak and the long tail returning to a feather tail. Once Pie reverted to his true form he starts conjuring more of the light green energy and carefully places his hands on his animal companion to let the green light flow through the dinosaur's body and heal its heavy burns.

He then turns to the others. "If any of you are injured, tell me, so I can heal you. Seeing as Sir Uther is a servan of Pelor, he might also be wanting to give a hand."

Cure critical wounds on Cake once again:

2008-07-01, 06:05 AM
I hurt Jack points out.

2008-07-01, 07:51 AM
The kobold locked in the resilient sphere looks in terror as his comrades are shreded by some invisible force, and then as the winds subdue Kalah descends from the skies. The deep gnome then threatens him with a cold comanding voice, and the kobold's pupils grow even wider, as his skin seems to grow more pale.

I-I'll serve you, m-master...I-I'll lead you to the crimson wyrm if that is your desire...

The kobold locked in the resilient sphere looks absolutely terrified, as if he was threatened by some fate much worst than death, and very submissive towards Kalah


Planar biding takes 10 minutes to cast. One casting is ok. Two castings will mean the resilient sphere's effect will end. The kobold may then try to run away, or he may simply be too scared by your speech and obey you. For now, it seems like he's genuinely willing to obey you. Want to risk it? Of course, you can just put the party around him to prevent escape, so nevermind this.

Also, since we're at it, Xills are perfectly capable of planar travel, so if you don't stick a dimensional anchor on the magic circle, he'll just stick his tongue at your proposals and go away to the ethereal plane should he fails his saves and spell resistance.


From among the kobolds you find the following stuff that seems like it may be still worth anything:
-8 unditified potions.
-7 alchemist's fire
-5 light crossbows
-Red spinel
-shirt with gold threads
-60 gold pieces
-360 silver pieces
-900 copper pieces

600 Exp for everybody

Kearl is still uncoscious and bleeding. Would someone mind healing him before he has to roll a new character?

2008-07-01, 07:57 AM
Sarl walks over to Kearn. "Is this your ally? Because he appears to be bleeding to death."

2008-07-01, 08:32 AM

Heal: [roll0]

I can try to stop the bleeding, sure.

2008-07-01, 10:12 AM
Kalah passes Pie a wand as soon as Pie comes over. Here ye go, have at the healing with this. Oh and have Cake keep Mr Bill.

I figured that since it takes him a couple rounds I could propose my solution and then make the Charisma check before he leaves. I am offering him free egg laying. But let's pretend that Kalah has called a Xill before, and so would know if he can do that it time, do you think he has time?

2008-07-01, 10:52 AM
No, you don't have time. In my view, planar binding is highly annoying for the binded creature. It is living happilly in it's own enviroment, and sudenly finds itself pulled by some strange force and locked inside a small area. If it can try to escape by any means, it will imediatily try to do so.

The proposal(charisma check) can only be used when the creature realizes it can't escape by any other means but acepting the contract. No matter what you summon, in the first turns it will try to breack free from the binding by any means available to him. Only when everything else fails the creature will be willing to listen to you.

And you offer him egg laying? He's a Xill, he can come to the material plane and lay eggs whenever he wants. And the kobold definetely doesn't look that healthy or tasty anyway.

It would be the same thing as someone trying to pull you to a dark alley while offering you a 3 day old sandwich. Would you stop to listen if you could run?

2008-07-01, 11:38 AM
Okay, so if I knew that, then I would have tried to summon my next choice, the Vargouille. And he doesn't have SR, but he still passes the save on that 20 I rolled. So if I use another attempt, can I keep my other rolls?

2008-07-01, 01:34 PM
New rolls for the new biding please.

2008-07-01, 01:51 PM
Nevermind, I'll just save my last one for later and let someone else and/or the possibility of my spells killing him keep him in line.

2008-07-01, 03:39 PM
Uther mutters a quick prayer of thanks to Pelor before reaching into his pack and pulling out several vials of potions. He drinks two of them quickly, holding the rest out for his allies to take. "These are all I have. They should help a little bit at least."

I have 8 potions of CLW, 6 after I drink two. Feel free to grab them up.

2008-07-01, 03:46 PM
I would appreciate good sir Druid, if you would use this wand on me seven times, with appropriate gaps in the mean time. Feel free to use it on others if you wish.

2008-07-01, 04:03 PM
Maybe you could give a potion to Kearn, who is still uncoscious and at -8.

2008-07-01, 04:14 PM
Yes, that sounds appropriate doesn't it?

2008-07-03, 09:16 AM
I'll heal anyone including pie and me with a mass cure light wounds now if they want/need it or not, because I wont wait for everyones responses anymore:
Pie [roll0]
Cake [roll1]
Kalah [roll2]
Uther [roll3]
Sarl [roll4]
Jack [roll5]
Kearn [roll6]
I'll just assume i rounded them all up into a target area, and if anyone doesnt fit or doesnt want to be inside just leave them out.

2008-07-03, 10:02 AM
I'll heal anyone including pie and me with a mass cure light wounds now if they want/need it or not, because I wont wait for everyones responses anymore:
Pie [roll0]
Cake [roll1]
Kalah [roll2]
Uther [roll3]
Sarl [roll4]
Jack [roll5]
Kearn [roll6]
I'll just assume i rounded them all up into a target area, and if anyone doesnt fit or doesnt want to be inside just leave them out.

Can you please just use my wand 7 times on me.

2008-07-03, 10:43 AM
Can you please just use my wand 7 times on me.

Will you get super powers from it or why are you insisting?

2008-07-03, 11:05 AM
Will you get super powers from it or why are you insisting?

Because I took 77 damage and I'd like to be healed.

2008-07-03, 02:10 PM
I took over 80 damage. Anyhow, what kind of wand is it? So i can cast and roll properly

2008-07-03, 02:32 PM
I took over 80 damage. Anyhow, what kind of wand is it? So i can cast and roll properly

It is a wand of Lesser Vigor. so there are no rollings involved. All you have to do is: "I cast the wand on Kalah 7 times, delaying 11 rounds each time as he asked." Then I heal exactly 77 HP.

2008-07-03, 04:01 PM
Alright, i'd probably have some spells left too, but if you want to use the wand.

"As you wish, Kalah.", Pie takes the wand and raises it to start unloading the energy stored within it over the gnome.

I cast the wand on Kalah 7 times, delaying 11 rounds each time as he asked.

2008-07-04, 05:30 AM
Just to say the party won't move out on his own. I'm waiting untill you declare you're ready to move again to continue with the adventure.

Anyway, anybody noticed you have a crusader with the healing stance? You can just grab a weapon, declare that the earth/rock/tree is your hatred enemy and attack it untill you are at full HP. No, I don't mind this kind of abuse. And since you don't have an healbot I don't want to really force the druid to spend half his spell slots in healing stuff.

2008-07-04, 11:19 AM
I first need tons of healing

So ill get right to the point
Cure serious wounds on each of me and Cake
Pie [roll0]
Cake [roll1]

Okay Cake is up and full again, im still only slightly about half HP

That was a hell of an encounter

2008-07-04, 11:23 AM
So I'm allowed to just hit a tree until everybody is at full HP? If so, can we assume that I do so or do you want me to make the ridiculous amount of rolls that would be involved?

2008-07-04, 12:36 PM
No need to roll. And let's just reflavor it slightly as you praying to Pelor to slowly heal your allies.

Hmm, the CR system is really a funny thing. Tecnically speaking that ecounter was lower than CR12, and I played the monsters half mindlessly, but still managed to provide quite a challenge.

Anyway, these were just the forest scouts. I highly recomed you to fully recover your hp before you advance, if you value your life:smallbiggrin:

2008-07-04, 01:02 PM
"Pelor has blessed me with the ability to channel his powers. Let's see what we can do for our wounds." With that, Uther closes his eyes and concentrates for a minute, muttering a prayer to the Shining One under his breath the whole time. When he opens his eyes, you feel a soothing sensation in your chest, slowly extending throughout your body. The party finds themselves renewed with holy energy, and notice that the marks from the battle have left them.

2008-07-04, 06:19 PM
Hmm, the CR system is really a funny thing. Tecnically speaking that ecounter was lower than CR12, and I played the monsters half mindlessly, but still managed to provide quite a challenge.

That's because you are suppossed to role init for monsters individually. If you role for the group, you get a inversed bell curve instead of a bell curve. So imagine that fight with me going before the enemies, suddenly we are looking at practically no damage instead. And if you roll them individually, then we get some damage in the middle.

I am putting this outside spoilers because I have mentioned it like 3 times now and have not penetrated:

Threeshades. You can cast a single casting of cure X wounds and heal both yourself and you companion. So you could spend half the Cure Serious wounds you have, and still heal just as much.

2008-07-04, 07:47 PM
That's because you are suppossed to role init for monsters individually. If you role for the group, you get a inversed bell curve instead of a bell curve. So imagine that fight with me going before the enemies, suddenly we are looking at practically no damage instead. And if you roll them individually, then we get some damage in the middle.

With 10 riders that's just too much work and the battle would have taken twice as much time to conclude, if not more.

When you fight a smaller group of oponents then I'll roll iniative individually. Or divide them in teams. Hmm, why didn't I think of that before? I'll blame the poor kobold strategy skills.

2008-07-04, 07:53 PM
With 10 riders that's just too much work and the battle would have taken twice as much time to conclude, if not more.

When you fight a smaller group of oponents then I'll roll iniative individually. Or divide them in teams. Hmm, why didn't I think of that before? I'll blame the poor kobold strategy skills.

Oh I'm not saying it's wrong to do what you did, I would have to, just saying that's the reason for the variance.

2008-07-05, 11:15 AM
That's an impressing god. Kearn says to Uther.
Well, i think we needs a new strategy. Any ideas?

2008-07-05, 12:19 PM
Yeah we're all healed up now anyway so i wastd my spells

"If they are keeping more of these dragon-spiders, and other half-dragons we need something to avoid their fire breath. Those attacks can be devastating."

2008-07-05, 05:01 PM
I can cast a spell named fire shield that can protect us.

2008-07-05, 06:22 PM
Oh, Oslecamo, not that it matters now, but you did take my Fire Resist 10 into account right? I had forgotten about it myself.

2008-07-05, 07:31 PM
Yes. I take an effort to automatically deduce DR and resistances.

Except for the crusader's delayed damage pool.

2008-07-05, 08:05 PM
Yes. I take an effort to automatically deduce DR and resistances.

Except for the crusader's delayed damage pool.

I just meant that it doesn't really stand out on the sheet. But yeah.

2008-07-06, 06:37 AM
I just remembered that I could have activated Kearns crimson coat that gives him fire resistance 15.*Facepalm*

2008-07-06, 06:43 AM
I just remembered that I could have activated Kearns crimson coat that gives him fire resistance 15.*Facepalm*

Not when you were flat-footed you couldn't. See how much Init matters?

So maybe we should declare that we are moving on or something?

2008-07-06, 07:22 AM
I just remembered that I could have activated Kearns crimson coat that gives him fire resistance 15.*Facepalm*

I wondered that myself. But like Frost said, better get moving. That dragon isn't going to kill himself.

2008-07-06, 05:53 PM
I'm ready to move on. Also, I'll only be able to post sporadically at best over the next 4 weeks. If I'm absent for more than a few days, feel free to DMPC/NPC my character until I return.

2008-07-06, 06:20 PM
Let's move on!

2008-07-06, 08:23 PM
After the party finishes it's preparations and patching themselves up after the battle, the kobold advances in front, leading the you. Sometimes it seems like he'll run away in the night, but then he glances at Kalah and cowers himself, shivering, and proceeds to again humbly guide you. The kobold warns you of several traps hidden among the darkness and how to bypass them, altough you don't see the traps themselves.

The ground starts to become more rocky and the trees scarcer, and an elevation is evident, sugesting you're geting closer to the hill. But sudenly the kobold stops. Looking fearfully at Kalah, he says in a low, almost inadiuble tone of voice.

M-Master, some more steps ahead of this and you'll arrive at my brethern's warrens. Very well h-hidden, dug underground, with many entrances and traps... They're always vigilant, day and night, with hundreds of us ready to come out at any sign of intruders. If I don't scream the pass word, they'll shoot anything that comes out of the woods, but if you appear on sight they'll probably shoot anyway.... The warrens go all around the moutain, M-Master, there's no other way around...P-Please, lay down your arms and surrender yourself to the red Wyrm, I'm sure it'll be very satisfied to acept such valorous warriors as you and your companions, Master...

By this moment the kobold is kneeling and almost licking Kalah's feets in submission. He seems completely sincere. As for what it's front on you besides the trees, you can only see what the seems like several piles of rocks in the base of the hill, too distant to make out any details. There's a fair amount of open ground between the hill and the cover of the forest where you are, wich would leave you exposed should you try to advance any further.

The kobold anxiously looks at you awaiting your reactions.

In case nobody noticed, Solo got banned. Damn this campaign seems to be cursed. So let's just said his character vanished and nobody talked of him again for story purposes.

But well, gotta keep moving. Near the hill. Kobold's warning. Decide what to do. The hill is roughly 150 feet away from the end of the forest, with several strange rock formations all around it's base.

2008-07-06, 09:43 PM
Kalah speaks silently in the other's heads. Does anyone else here even need weapons? I certainly don't. If we go in disarmed and pretend to surrender, as long as we don't let them bind us, we should be able to be in peak fighting condition.

Aloud, Well I'm just going to meet him, I don't need to carve a path of blood if I don't have to... Although, blood is pretty. Anyway...

Calling out to his Xorn in Terran, he tells it to scout ahead underground, and to stay inside the stone only briefly looking out. He then gives a brief description of what the Kobold has told him.

2008-07-07, 05:27 AM
The Xorn nods and quickly sinks into the ground, disapearing from view, whitout making a sound or leaving any trace behind.

After some tense minutes, while you discuss what to do, the Xorn's head pops up from the ground and speacks to Kalah in terran.

How disgusting, those kobolds have filled that beatifull big rock with crude holes. I sensed plenty of little things moving inside those holes. When I looked out from the shaddows, I saw lots of little guys like that orange fellow you have there, and some other bigger things I really don't know what they are, but they moved all right, and seemed like they could hit hard. They have little metal however. Most of their weapons and armor are made with disgusting wood and skins. Oh, yes, and around half of the orange fellows seemed to be sleeping or resting.

Just to say, there are plenty of kobolds inside that hill, but not so many you don't have a good chance of defeating them should you fight well. The Xorn however never went to school, and thus really doesn't know math.

2008-07-08, 01:17 PM
"Can you describe the bigger individuals?", Pie interrupts.

2008-07-08, 01:35 PM
We should strike now! Half of the kobolds are sleeping. We should grab the opportunity now before it passes.

2008-07-08, 03:05 PM
Well there four of them in the nearby tunnels. They each had four limbs with claws, and a head with horns and two eyes. Plus a big tail.

Two of them were bigger than you but walked on all fours. Their bodies looked spicy, as they were made of magma. They released small puff of smoke from their mouths.
They didn't say a word, but had big nasty looking teeths.

The other two were bigger than me but smaller than the other two, and walked in just two limbs. They also wore armor and shields. Lots of red scales covering their skin. They talked a lot to the kobolds, about fire, something called Tiamat and burning the world. One of the kobolds laughed and the scaly guy imediatily shot a ray of fire from his claws that left a nasty scar on the little fellow.

Those two seemed like the bosses inside there. The kobolds made way for them and brought them stuff all the time.

2008-07-08, 04:23 PM
"The bipedals are probably half-dragons too. I don't know what the other creatures could be.", Pie comments "I agree with Kearn, we should head on."

2008-07-08, 06:14 PM
Half dragons, Kearn mumbles. Haven't i heard something about them before? He says, mostly to himself.

Knowledge (arcane): [roll0]

2008-07-08, 06:56 PM
From his studies on the arcane arts, Kearn remembers having read about dragons. There was a chapter or two wich talked about their mysterious mating rituals, and in there it was comented that dragons were actually able to reproduce with almost any kind of living being. The resulting offspring would look most like it's nondraconic parent, but it would present several draconic features like scales and enalrged claws, and possess some arcane powers, altough the warmage doesn't remember the exact details.

2008-07-20, 01:20 PM
I can't remember much, but I know this: Half-dragons has some arcane powers, so we should prepare for that, Kearn tells the rest of the group.

2008-07-21, 12:38 PM
"We should worry foremost about fire attacks. Their breath, as you have all witnessed on those spiders as well as an affinity to fire based magic I'm sure we can expect.", Pie adds.

2008-07-21, 05:33 PM
Kalah mutters under his breath, More concerned about the crossbows thank ye kindly.

Aloud, So if we aren't going to surrender ourselves can anyone make us a little harder to see before we run out to get our face stuffed with arrows?

2008-07-22, 12:49 PM
As you discuss your strategy, your eyes adapt better to the night and can get a better view of the hill.

Current situation, so you can choose positions before the fireworks start:

Green thingies: trees
light grey :rocks, around 20 feet tall
Dark grey: aparent dungeon entrance in the hill
brown:dificult terrain

All ground above the tree lines is considered rocky enough to use transmute rock to mud.

WARNING: Even if you can see all the principal map from your position, it doesn't mean there may not be someone or something hiding in the shadows out of your darkvision reach.

The kobold garantees there are no traps. He isn't represented in the map, but it's assumed to skulk near Kahal.

2008-07-23, 01:17 PM
I personally would never enter a hostile situation with no weapon. I apologize for any kinks this throws into the plan. I saw we proceed cautiously. With kobolds about, there are bound to be traps, despite what our little friend here may say.

2008-07-23, 02:40 PM
Alright then, Let's Go Get those suckers.

(Kalah casts Sanctuary Heightened.) (Next turn he will Teleport to someplace over the entrance).

2008-07-24, 05:20 AM
I'll have no internet connection from now and until the 2nd of August. Feel free to DMPC Kearn or something. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may bring, and I'm sorry that I first can say this so late.

2008-07-24, 09:15 AM
Kearn's eyes sudenly widen in the darkness.

I knew that I had something against red dragons!

He then starts to whisper the arcana formula, and small bluish flames start to sprout from his body. In some seconds, he seems like some kind of ghost, covered in a thin layer of saphire arcane fire wich doesn't seem to be hurting him.

You all feel the magic spreading trough the air trying to reach your own bodies. Those who acept it find themselves covered with small blue cold flames that run over all you, but don't hinder your actions in any way.

Ok, I'll DMNPC Kearn during this battle. I'll try to play him mostly as a suport/control character.

Currently casting fire shield, mass, cold anti fire version. The flames only iluminate as half a torch(10 feet), so they won't reveal your position unless you come really close to the enemy. If you don't want the buff, feel free to refuse it.

2008-07-26, 09:39 AM
After accepting the buff and Sanctuarying, Kalah Greater Teleports to above the entrance in the air at about B14.

2008-07-26, 04:04 PM
(how high?)

2008-07-26, 05:19 PM
"I will return to my wild shape now. I will stay in it as long as possible. That means I cannot articulate. It would be useful to make up a simple code of communication. I will simply express my agreement by hissing once or disagreement by hissing twice. I will also rely on simple gestures every now and then. I and Pie will advance behind the rocks to the flanks of the cave entrance.", with that said Pie turns back into his dinosaurid shape and hisses and squeaks a few orders to his companion and both of them advance to the two rocks Pie previously indicated.

I wildshape to Megaraptor again and order Cake to advance to H-20 and H-21

I myself will move to H-9 and H-10. We'll both try to be sneaky:
Hide [roll0]
Move silently [roll1]

Hide [roll2]
Move silently [roll3]

2008-07-26, 05:20 PM
Depends on how high the ground B14 is above the general F14 area (and the rest of that area) If everything white is relatively level, then 30ft above that level, as long as that keeps him at least 10ft above the ground at B14. He will otherwise go higher if needed.

(I am assuming that the gray is the begining of a relatively steep cliff/mountain such that it requires either climb checks or finding a specific path to ascend it.)

2008-08-03, 07:21 AM
Uther nods to the others, draws his sword, and proceeds cautiously behind a rock in line with Pie and Cake.

Moving to H10.
Move Silently:[roll1]

2008-08-03, 09:58 PM
I'm back!:smallsmile:

2008-08-04, 04:51 AM
As Kalah teleports to above the entrance, he can now see some kobolds hidden behind the rocks. Luckily none of the kobolds remembers to look above the entrance.

Uther then manages to slip trough the shadows to the cover of the big boulder, as well as Cake, but as Pie advances he slips for a moment and several rocks roll loudly, making the kobolds stand up alarmed and starting to whisper between themselves. Some of them then start to slip trough the boulder's edges to try to get a better view.
Only Kalah is in position to stop them, as Uther, Kearn and Pie can't see them clearly.


Battle is about to start. Your position allows you to get a suprise round before anyone else. There are normal looking kobolds with crossbows in

G3 G4 G5 E9 E10 D20 D21 D22


Sorry for the absence. I'm in holydays so expect somewhat irregular posting from me.

Everybody roll iniative. Wait for Kalah to spend his suprise round before posting your actions.

2008-08-04, 06:22 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2008-08-04, 11:43 AM
Kalah casts Kalah's Screaming Tentacles (Evard's Black Tentacles) at the lower left corner of E6 (so it should reach all of the three and one of the two).

Init [roll0]

2008-08-04, 04:21 PM

2008-08-10, 07:06 AM
Does somebody know what's happened to Threeshades?

2008-08-12, 07:02 PM
Treeshades said in the OOC thread she's gonna be in vacation and whitout regular net acess untill the 26th August.

Meanwhile, I myself have very iregular net acess, and Raamshi got banned, so campaign will be paused untill Treeshades shows signs of life again. I'll probably recruit one or two new members then to replace Raamshi.