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View Full Version : Serenity IRL

2008-06-13, 09:43 PM
So, here I am, walking along, bored out of my mind, staying in a small rural town in Wisconsin with my grandparents, in a small house with an incredibly powerful computer I'm not allowed to play games on.

So it's a lot like home apart from being much farther away and not mine. Then, I spy this, and suddenly everything is awesome.


A quick wander yields


and finally


(yes, thats me down there at the bottom)

2008-06-13, 10:50 PM
I hope you don't have no place you can be.

2008-06-14, 12:42 AM
So why all the Firefly references? This place Joss Whedon's hometown or something? :smallsmile:

2008-06-14, 08:45 AM
So why all the Firefly references? This place Joss Whedon's hometown or something? :smallsmile:

Best as I can figure, someone named Jayne started a shop and called it Firefly. Since there arn't any actual references beyond the names (no spacy western theme to the shop) I'd assume that its entirely coincidence.

2008-06-14, 08:20 PM
Jayne is not THAT uncommon a name. Firefly is a strange choice of name for a shop, but not that strange, either.

Do you know when the shop was founded?

2008-06-14, 08:53 PM
Check the records.

I'm betting the owner robs from the rich and gives to the poor.

2008-06-15, 06:57 AM
What's really freaky is that in the script for the unfilmed 18th episode, Jayne is shown to be quite skillful at flower arranging. Just kidding, but in the world of Firefly, that would NOT be impossible.

2008-06-15, 12:03 PM
Our Jayne saw the florists' backs breakin'
He saw the potters' lament
And he saw the customers takin'
Every flower and leavin' five cents...

2008-06-15, 05:04 PM
Jayne is not THAT uncommon a name. Firefly is a strange choice of name for a shop, but not that strange, either.

Do you know when the shop was founded?

It looks like... 2007.

2008-06-16, 01:57 AM
I named it Vera. It is my very favorite gun flower.

2008-06-16, 09:20 AM
"All I'm saying is, I don't see why we should help em"
"They're flowers"
"I'm in."

2008-06-16, 09:57 AM
"You know what the Daisy Chain of command is?"

2008-06-16, 08:51 PM
What are the odds that there's a secret compartment hidden by a blanket with an array of easy access flowers? You never know when that extra daffodil is the difference between life or death.

Or when you need another blanket.

2008-06-23, 12:59 AM
Our Jayne saw the florists' backs breakin'
He saw the potters' lament
And he saw the customers takin'
Every flower and leavin' five cents...
Hahaha...pure awesomeness.

That's a hilarious coincidence. I wish I saw something like that around town...