View Full Version : The Giants' Crown (One) Ch1 - The Fateful Voyage

2008-06-14, 10:02 AM
The ship seems unusually quiet, her crew deserted or sullen, her captain no more. His body had been removed by the city guard, his presence now found only in the specters of memory and the blood and sweat he left in the boards and planks.

The fog that has settled over the docks forms white walls in the moonlight, adding to the feelings of loss and foreboding that seem to radiate from the ship. Only the occasional bell or shout pierce through the night to break the heavy air that has settled over the ship.

But, regardless of how much the ship may mourn or how deeply the night and fog may try to hide her during the night, the vessel will set sail in the morning as soon as the passengers arrive. The shimmering seal of one Es'teli'on on the contract was enough to ensure that. Six passengers to be taken on a journey along Xen'Drik's coast, then up a river to the believed location of one of the many ruins of the once powerful giants, and finally returned to Stormreach.

With the journey ahead, it will be more than enough time for the captain's murderer to cover his tracks and escape. If clues were to be found, there were only a few hours to find them. There were no clear suspects, however; if Captain Agarish had any particular enemies, he had never mentioned them over the years.

Yet, if the Captain's murder and the figures that seemed to have trailed the members of the crew lately were related to this upcoming voyage, then protecting the ship and her crew might be the wisest use o the night.

The harbor bells ring out, signaling a change in the watch. The night has just begun.

Recruitment Prologue:
Xen'drik, the home of the once powerful giants, a land riddled with ruins, mysteries, and danger. But also the promise of adventure and profit. You have made a living daring the coastlines of this forbidding land, carrying passengers and supplies to small camps and points of exploration along its coast or moving passengers and cargo between Stormreach and Sharn or, occasionally, Pylas Talaer. The loss of lives in the dangerous seas surrounding Xen'drik are not uncommon, but the most recent death has been sudden and tragic. Your captain has been murdered.

You recently put into Stormreach after a successful voyage from the eastern coast of the continent. You had leave in the city for a few days as the ship restocked and Captain Agarish arranged for your next voyage. The scuttlebutt was that the Captain had made a deal with a group of Valenar elves seeking passage to some ruins up a river off the coast of Xen'drik's western front. Soon after these rumors started, so did the trouble.

Cloaked figures began to appear, apparently watching you and your crewmates. Ghostly apparition began to linger in the corners of vision only to vanish, never revealing if what you saw was truly there or merely your imagination. The word began to circulate that your ship had taken on a curse and was doomed on her next voyage. Crewmates were deserting, signing on with other ships, moral was low; then the Captain was found dead.

He was discovered in his cabin, his door barred from the inside, stabbed through the chest with a finely crafted scimitar. No boards were loose, no windows broken. Whomever killed the half-orc had left no evidence of who he was or how he had entered the cabin and no clues other then the single blade. Divination and resurrection magic seemed to fail. The Captain would not return or share the secrets of his death.

What was discovered, however, was two contracts, one binding the ship to the voyage with the elves and the other leaving the ship and its final duties to a small group of his crew, you and a few others. Despite the captain's death, the elves have insisted that they depart on their voyage on the date agreed in the contract. The contract itself was witnessed and approved by the dock master and a powerful patron of the city, Es'teli'on, an elf mage and member of the Twelve. Even if the Captain's mysterious death wasn't worth the time of Stormreach's militia to investigate, a breach of that contact would have severe consequences. As the new owner and captain of the ship, you have little choice but to take on the voyage.

It is the night before you set sail. Who are these elves and what are they after? Has their goal truly cursed the ship? Who murdered the Captain and has watched you throughout the city? Will you survive long enough to find the answers?

2008-06-14, 10:59 AM
Jack Trader

Jack stares out into the fog, only vaguely aware of the occasional sounds that break the silence of the night. He allows his now clear mind to begin to wander.

Who? Who would have wanted him dead? We don't even have suspects, and we leave in the morning. Why was he killed? He either had no enemies or he never spoke of them. None of this makes sense, it all seems so hopeless. No! We can't give up, we have to find the answers...

He wheels around suddenly to face the others on the deck, and breaks the silence.

"Alright, we've got no suspects, no motive and no other leads whatsoever. So we start at the bottom. We have one night to find the bastard that took the captain away from us and damnit we're going to do it! The way I see it, we've got no option but to scour the seedy criminal underbelly of this city, scrounging what little information we can. If anyone knows some good places to start, let them speak now."

Knowledge: Local check to identify places where criminals are known to hang out.

2008-06-14, 11:04 AM

Predictably, the tall, thin mage comes up on deck at watch change, glancing around at the foggy stillness. He must have already gotten his couple of hours somewhere. Osprey goes to the quarterdeck and when the crewman there salutes him, he nods in return. "Anything to report?" The crewman shakes his head, "Nothing, sir," he edges closer to Osprey, taking advantage of the warmth the mage is radiating. Osprey looks distracted, then looks at the man, "Any odd motions in the fog, strange breezes, sudden shifts - like a man walking through the mist?" The crewman blinks, "I've seen nobody about, sir. No man nor beast." The mage purses his lips and shakes his head, "No... I'm thinking you might not." The crewman looks puzzled, but just waits in silence til his replacement arrives.

Edit: As the rest of the crew comes on deck with Jack Trader, all talking about the murder of the captain, Osprey leaves the crewman to his post and goes down and joins them. He listens to Trader's thoughts but the enigmatic mage seems to have nothing to offer at this point, he remains silent.

2008-06-14, 06:06 PM

Sat in the crows nest, deep in his own thoughts, the voice from below broke Crow out of it. Vaulting over the side and plummeting, he flared his wings moments before hitting the deck, landing lightly, walking over to the others.
"I've no idea where to start looking. Some one could go ask that elven mage guy for a hand, uh, Es'teli'on. Saying something like we are a superstitious lot and while his death lingers unsolved who knows what dangers we may miss signs of on the voyage putting his friends lives on the line" Pushing a few feathers back into place he muttered "Though it does sound somewhat like a threat"

2008-06-14, 11:52 PM

Kix bustles along the deck, handing out mugs of hot spiced cider.

"Well, we can't all run off chasing shadows, Jack T. Someone's going to need to stay behind and guard the ship, and it may as well be me. I used to have a few friends in low places around Stormreach, but I've been away a while, and nothing stays the same with that sort of crowd for long, so I don't know that I'll be much help in searching the city. Plus, of course, if we want to claim nobody's left the ship, I'm the perfect alibi."

Kix turns to look at Jack, winking at him with Jack's own face.

2008-06-15, 09:44 AM

The mage looks thoughtful, "Sir, do you think since there is nothing we can think of in the captain's past that led to this we should be looking to his future. There is this commission he has taken, I say we question the passengers and find out if there is anyone who wishes to stop them from reaching their destination... or who would want to delay that arrival."

H Savvy
2008-06-15, 10:57 AM
The sea kin sailor known as Barnacle Jack stands at the starboard rail, staring blankly into the fog, his inky black eyes unreadable. The oily sheen of his bare back gleams gently in the moonlight. Lost in thoughts of his departed captain, the remarkable Captain Agarish, he only half-listens to the others' discussion.

Jack had always been a free spirit, roaming the world in one ship or another, it had made no difference to him. Until he met Agarish. Something about that singular man and his relentless stubborn will had ensnared the sea kin's passions. He had signed on, as he had signed on to all the other crews, intending only to stay until he felt the desire to move on.

Surprised he was, when after two years, that day had never come. Captain Agarish... my Captain..

His rough voice starts softly calling out a song, more to himself than anything else.

"As I went a walking one evening so rare
To view the still waters and taste the salt air
I heard an old fisherman singing this song
Sayin', "Take me away boys, my time is not long.

Wrap me up in me oil skins and blankets
No more on the docks I'll be seen
Just tell me old shipmates, I'm takin' a trip mates
And I'll see you someday on fiddler's green."

Now fiddler's green is a place I've heard tell
Where fishermen go if they don't go to hell
Where the weather is fair and the dolphins do play
And the cold coast of Khorvaire is far far away."

Some of the older crewmembers begin joining in with the shanty's chorus, lamenting the loss of their captain in the sailor's way.

"Wrap me up in me oil skins and blankets
No more on the docks I'll be seen
Just tell me old shipmates, I'm takin' a trip mates
And I'll see you someday on fiddler's green."

Where the weather is fair and there's never a gale
Where the fish jump on board with a swish of their tail
You lie at your leisure there's no work to do
While the skipper's below makin' tea for the crew.

More of the watch joins in, their combined voices carrying across the deck.

Wrap me up in me oil skins and blankets
No more on the docks I'll be seen
Just tell me old shipmates, I'm takin' a trip mates
And I'll see you someday on fiddler's green."

I don't need a harp nor a halo not me
Just give me a breeze and a good rollin' sea
I'll play me old squeeze box as we sail along
And the wind in the riggin' will sing me this song.

His craggy voice crescendos, leading the other sailors, about half the watch at this point.

Wrap me up in me oil skins and blankets
No more on the docks I'll be seen
Just tell me old shipmates, I'm takin' a trip mates
And I'll see you someday on fiddler's green."

The air rings slightly with the last echoes of their voices, and then is silent. Barnacle Jack slumps down against the rail, sitting on the deck. Captain... my Captain...

2008-06-15, 06:01 PM
A few possibilities come to mind.

There is a tavern called The Frothing Gnome in the Marketplace that has been the recent gathering place for thieves, scoundrels, and various unsavory characters. It isn't the safest place, but it is the most likely place to find information about Stormreach's underworld.

Then there are the Bilge Rats, Stormreach's largest thieves' guild. Getting information from them can be costly, however, since that is one part of their business. If they were somehow involved in the murder, it could also prove dangerous.

Having kept your ears out for local news, you also know that you might be able to get what clues and finding from the garrison itself, with a few well chosen words and a few coins.

2008-06-15, 08:17 PM

After finding out the news, Gwen spends most of her time on the deck of the ship staring out to sea at the fog. She can be found near the prow of the ship. She spent the majority of her off time on board, leaving only to buy a few necessary items and she's unfamiliar with this port. When asked, she replies, No, I'm sorry, I don't know why or where to find the person or people who might have killed him. If we need to do something, it needs to be quick. We have a duty to sail with the morning tide.

Gwen takes out a small silver bowl from her pack. She pours a bit of water into it and casts Weather Eye, seeking to know the weather for the harbor for the next week and if the fog is natural.

2008-06-16, 03:44 AM
After hearing the responses, Jack speaks once more.

"So no more leads? I suppose that's good in a way, it narrows down what we're doing, we're not going to feel guilty about pursuing the wrong options if we fail.

I myself have three leads for us to investigate, but I can't check them all, so here's my plan:

When we finish talking here, I will immediately go to the Frothing Gnome and offer a free performance in exchange for the 'story' of what happened here.

I want a volunteer or two to accompany me afterward, or if I'm not done at the Gnome by midnight, go alone, to the Bilge Rats thieves guild, and seek out information.

Thirdly, Gwen, I hate to ask this of you, I'd do it myself if we had the time. I want you to use your 'gifts' as a woman to try and get information out of one of the higher ups in the local garrison. I know it's not going to be the easiest thing you've ever done, but remember who it's for.

I think that about covers it, any questions?"

2008-06-16, 04:48 AM

"I'll accompany you to the Bilge Rats. Will need a pair of sharp eyes being among them, and mine are like eagle" Crow said, flaring his wings. "But as for the talking I'll need you there, or atleast one of the others, for I'll just get what they want us to know, not what we want to know."

2008-06-16, 10:44 AM

The mage is quite used to people ignoring his suggestions, so he is not in the least disappointed by Trader's dismissal. However, the bard's suggestion... given in front of the whole crew... that one of the female members whore herself for information on their late captains' death sends his eyebrow up, and his opinion of Jack Trader's character plummeting.

2008-06-16, 12:42 PM
Jack Trader

Noting Osprey's look of dissaproval, Jack speaks to him.

"I can see you're not a fan of that part of the plan, and really, I truly do hate having to ask. But we are strapped for time here, and we're desperate for leads. As I said, I'd rather do it myself, but I can't be in three places at once, and Gwen is our next best chance."

he turns to face Gwen.

"I'm sorry to ask this of you, perhaps I was a little hasty. If you have any problem with it at all, we can think of something else."

and calling back to Osprey.

"About the elves, unless you know where they're staying I think it'll be best to wait till they arrive here in the morning before we question them. Our night of information gathering, even if unsuccessful, may give us some insight into what to ask them about."

2008-06-16, 02:32 PM

Considering his own propensity for cultivating an air of being enigmatic, Osprey finds Jack Trader's ability to read his expression rather impressive... if not slightly alarming. There is another explanation, of course, Osprey himself often uses a thought detection spell to determine the truth when crewmen are accusing each other of misbehaviors. For Trader to use that kind of tactic now, on the crew, is... interesting. Careful to maintain a neutral expression, Osprey thinks out. Trader. If you are reading my thoughts at this point, I'd like you to explain your reasons to me later, because lacking a good excuse, even I consider this to be a violation of privacy. What he says is, "As you say, sir. Since you were first mate, you are acting captain, do you have any orders for those remaining on the ship?"

2008-06-16, 11:42 PM

Gwen has been concentrating on her spell...she didn't hear most of that conversation. She looks up as she waits for the results of her spell. What was that? I was finding out the weather for tomorrow.

2008-06-17, 02:37 AM
Jack Trader

Jack walks over to Gwen and speaks to her quietly.

"Well, the bare facts are that we have 3 leads to investigate in one night, and all of them require persuasiveness. I want you to try and get information about Agarish's murder out of one of the higher ups at the local garrison. How you choose to try is up to you, however, I feel the easiest path lies in seduction, but if you're not comfortable with that, then feel free to think of another way."

2008-06-17, 02:15 PM

From where she's sitting on the deck, she looks directly up at Jack. As he talks her eyes become very stormy looking, those green eyes turn a bit hard. So...since I'm a woman and they are men, you automatically assume I'll sleep with them? to get information for you?

She gracefully gets to her feet, her footing sure on the slightly moving deck. She stares into his eyes from her 5'6" height, Let me put this in words you will understand. I do not sleep with you. I do not sleep with anyone else on this ship. Who I chose to sleep with is none of your business nor your decision. I own my body and I work on this ship. I keep everyone safe. I work hard to keep this ship afloat.

You will never, and she punctuates it by moving closer and staring at him in a most unsettling way, he can almost see lightning flashing in her eyes, Ever, ask me to do such a thing again. There is only one answer she expects.

((rest of her answer after Jack answers her))

2008-06-17, 06:00 PM
Jack Trader

"Alright then, but you're still one of our better talkers, you can try other methods to get the information out of the garrison."

He then turns to address the crew again.

"Those of you choosing to remain onboard, follow normal procedures, the less suspicion we kick up with our investigating, the more chance we have to catch this murderer by surprise.

Are there any more questions before we move off?"

2008-06-17, 06:51 PM

Gwen crosses her arms over her chest. She doesn't think he quite got the point.

She sweetly says, So...you'd like me to talk to the garrison then? Any particular questions? She leaves off the rest of her questions...they'd be rather inflammatory.

2008-06-18, 02:12 AM
Jack Trader

Jack speaks again to Gwen.

"What we need is information about their investigation into the murder; clues, evidence, they might even have suspects. Even if they don't deem it important enough to continue their search, it may provide us with a good starting point for ours. If you're done by midnight, we'll meet you outside the Bilge Rats, where we can update each other on what we know, before heading inside."

2008-06-18, 09:27 AM

The ship's mage stands waiting for the acting captain to relate if he has any orders. He watches the conversation between Jack and Gwen with a certain degree of well-hidden amusement. Jack is going to have to work extra hard now to earn the respect of his officers, but perhaps he will manage to pull himself out of the fire.

H Savvy
2008-06-18, 09:54 PM
Leaning against the rail, Barnacle Jack did his best to avoid the conversation happening between Gwen and Jack Trader.

Trader, ye daft fool. Gone an' upset a dangerous woman. Right blivet of a decision there.

Frightful bad luck to have a woman aboard, that's how I'as told. D'rather take th'bad luck and have the woman in this case, tho'. Proven herself right useful, right proper sailor.

Bad luck to have a woman aboard, but far worse t'piss her off. Set things all a-cockbill, that will. Couldn'a picked a worse time, neither. Captain's gone... Cap'n Agarish... need ta make fast the crew, not rile em up.

Best hope this don' get outta hand, or ther'll be the devil t'pay and no pitch hot.

Keeping his thoughts to himself, he instead decides to avoid the whole situation. Turning to some of the crew, he offers them no more than "Takin' a quick swim. Keep a weather eye out 'til I get back, eh lads?" before diving gracefully into the water.

Ahhh... the salt waters... milady the sea, ye're the only mistress I ken

2008-06-19, 10:11 AM

The wizard, done with waiting, goes to check on the change of watch. As he stands on the quarterdeck he gets a familiar feeling - a weatherwise ache in his bones that lets him know a change is coming... no doubt Gwen's doing. There's another change coming too... one that none of us set in motion, and one I think we may have trouble trying to control.

2008-06-19, 06:46 PM

Climbing back up the rigging towards the crows nest, Crow said "Wake me when you are ready to go to the Rats"

2008-06-21, 01:56 AM

Seeing that there doesn't seem to be any other 'instructions' forthcoming. Gwen heads off into town and to the guard center where she starts looking for whoever is in charge.

2008-06-22, 07:39 AM
Jack Trader

Jack follows Gwen off the ship, passing Osprey on the way.

"Osprey, you're in charge while I'm gone, try to keep everything looking as normal as possible, and make sure you get enough sleep, we may well need your spells tomorrow."

He heads for the Frothing Gnome.

2008-06-22, 07:51 AM

"Anything you need me to do before I get some shut eye" Crow called down to Osprey, "Measurements or what not from higher altitude"

2008-06-22, 10:13 AM

The ship's mage nods to Trader, "Aye, aye, sir." He looks up at Crow, "No, if you're not officially on watch you can sleep, but do it in your bunk."

2008-06-22, 11:31 PM
Kix turns to Osprey. "I'll be belowdecks. Don't hesitate to call me if there's trouble or you need me for something." He heads to his cabin, takes out a sheaf of paperwork, and starts to work on it.

2008-06-24, 04:39 AM

The Fog is natural. The weather should be clear and warm, with mild winds and few clouds.

You make your way through the fog and crowds on drunks, wanderers, and night dwellers to the local garrison building. From the noise and commotion around the building, it could almost be confused for another bar if the drunks outside the building weren't being escourted by grim faced men, dwarves, and occasional warforged.

Stepping inside, you approach the desk in the entry room. With piles of paer covering the desk's surface and the large stacks surrounding it pushed up against one another, you're not sure how large, or even what shape the desk is, but you are fairly certain the hairy creature in the middle of it, bent over and writing on papers to soon add to the pile, is a dwarf.

The dwarf barely glances up from his work as you approach before he asks curtly, "You dropping off or picking up?"

Jack Trader

The sign marking the entrance to the Frothing Gnome is nothing more then a crude Gnome face, foaming at the mouth, messily painted on the wall under a bridge in the marketplace. A red arrow below the distorted face points to a sewer cover below it. Twisting the wheel to open the cover and climbing down the ladder, you find yourself in a section of the sewers that have been drained and blocked off from the water and sludge running through the rest of the system. The horrible smells still linger, however, mixed horribly with the smells of incense the drift down the tunnel from a brightly lit door.

Stepping through the door, you're not sure if you have entered into a tribal war room or a circus. Furs, skulls, and relics of wilderness conquest cover the walls and hang from the ceiling. Many of the furs, however, have been dyed bright colors, and most of the skulls and other items in the tavern have festive designs painted on them in equally bright colors.

A large bar sits in the middle of the tavern, apparently crafted out the remains of old sewer pumps and tanks. A few small tables surround the bar, but it seems most of the taverns' patrons take to the private booths that stretch along the walls, each one hidden off by a curtains of color coded furs.

A gnome dressed in hides matching the exotic decor marches up to you. He squints at you with his one good eye and points to the bar. "Buy something or get out," he snorts.

2008-06-24, 09:22 AM
Jack Trader

"Indeed, my good man" Jack says to the gnome as he walks up to the bar. He speaks to the bartender.

"A mug of your finest ale if you please, and I have a worthy proposal for you. I can't help but notice the lack of entertainment in here, how about I give you a performance? I can assure you my talents are of the highest quality and are sure to make your customers happy, and happy customers are drinking customers, better still, it won't cost you a single copper, that's right, I seek only stories, and I figure this is the place to find them."


2008-06-24, 04:14 PM

Neither please. I'm here to find out the progress of an investigation? Captain Agarish was murdered and I'd like to find out if the city guard has found anything? Gwen is being pleasant, patient and nice.

Diplomacy (1d20 4=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1639013/)

2008-06-24, 06:19 PM
Jack Trader
The gnome's gruff attitude seems to melt away at your decision to buy a drink, his angry scowl twisting into a beaming smile. He hurries over to the bar with you and serves you a large mug of some dark liquid that smells a little too powerfully of cinnamon, although your not sure if it is another attempt to hide the lingering smells of the sewer or to hide the beverage's true odor. Perhaps both.

The gnome smiles and nods as you make your proposition. "Ah, well," he replies, "You're talking to the right gnome! I'm Krassindugude, owner of this place. My costumers seem to like it quiet, but you seem good enough. Can't beat that price neither!"

"Hey! Go tell the drunks that we have a performance for their entertainment to night!" he barks at the gnome servants. loud enough that the costumers probably heard already. Many of them seem reluctant to bother the tavern's patrons, bringing the angry scowl back to the travernkeeper's face. "Well get at it! A little music's good for you! Go!"

The gnomes hurry around the tavern, passing the message into the curtained booths. A few faces peek out of the curtains out of curiosity or suspicion before returning to their privacy Only a few bother to push aside the furs to pay attention.

"Whenever you're ready," Krass says with a smile and curt nod.


The dwarf moves the paper work he was scribbling on into one of the piles of paper, practically flinging it into a random stack. As he pulls another paper from the small stack at the front of the desk, he finally looks up to regard you. "Agarish, you say?" he asks, tapping a fingernail on his surprisingly white teeth. "Ah yes, the sea captain murdered on his ship, right? Got the paper work right there." He waves a hand at the piles of paper before turning his attention to the new paperwork in front of him, resuming his furious scribbling. "I'm afraid I'm too busy to figure out if you have the rights or reasons to look at it, however," he explains. "Come back tomorrow morning when we're not dealing with all the night time drunks and thieves and we'll see what we can do for you."

2008-06-24, 08:40 PM

Gwen smiles, nods, Yes, I'll do that. What time do you prefer I drop by?

2008-06-25, 04:22 AM
Jack Trader

With a flourish, Jack takes out his fiddle and bow, finds a nice clear area on the tavern floor, and begins a performance.

Perform Rolls


And finishing with a joke.


"Two Half-Orcs walk into a bar, and their halfling companion walks under it!"

Despite his confidence in his talents, Jack feels a pang of well hidden nervousness as he awaits the reaction of the patrons.

2008-06-25, 11:23 PM

Osprey walks the decks, not worrying about sleep... he's had his two hours.

Best investment I ever made, this ring of sustenance. I hope we have at least a week in port next time, though. I'm missing having some good fish.

2008-06-26, 06:44 PM
The dwarf doesn't pause from working on the paperwork as he mumbles out an answer. "Sixth or seventh bell"

Jack Trader
A few people applaud your performance, but most seem to keep their quiet. You only hear a couple mumbles of complaint, however.

Krassindugude seems pleased however, and waves you over with a broad smile. "Ah! Well done!" he tells you. His face grows more serious as he continues. "Now, it was a story you was looking for? 'Stories' around here aren't the safest thing, but I'm sure you know that. Any particular stories you're looking to hear?"

Barnacle Jack
As you swim in the harbor, something causes your head to tingle along with a feeling that a voice was calling out to you. You soon spot a group of three figures though the fog, standing at the end of a nearby dock. One of them seems to be waving for you to come to them

2008-06-26, 07:55 PM

Gwen nods and thanks him before she departs. She walks quickly along the streets, watching out for any unsavory types... as she heads towards the Bilge Rats.

H Savvy
2008-06-26, 09:43 PM
Basking in the cool salt waters of the night sea, Jack swims exuberantly at first, relishing both the feel of the water and the joy of the exercise. After a while, he slows, languishing happily in the waves. Wh... what? I'd swear I heard summat, but at th' same time, I'm fair sure no sound reached me ears.

It is then that he notices the figures on the dock, beckoning to him in the fog. Feeling a tingle down his spine, he regards the figures curiously, and with slight apprehension. But his curiosity has been aroused, and he decides to check it out. I'll give 'em summat to look at, first. If'n they be unfriendly, they'll think twice afore startin' trouble.

Swimming towards the edge of the dock, he rises towards the surface, bringing himself into a sort of crouch. Concentrate, now. Remember as yer father taught ye. I am as th'wave. I am tha wave, aye, an tha' wave is me. Above, below, in, on. All is the same to th'water of tha sea, and I am o' that water.

Thus it is, as he nears the dock, that he begins to rise, impossibly, out of the water, feet moving swiftly no longer through the waves, but on top of them. Just before he reaches the edge of the dock, he leaps, aiming for the lip of the pier.

2008-06-27, 01:08 PM

Osprey reties several lines that have been incorrectly stayed. He reviews the last watch roster in his head and nods. I'd better give a few extra lessons to that young seaman ordinary, Mr. Took.

2008-06-27, 07:19 PM
Barnacle Jack

As you leap to the dock, the two men, large brutes who likely have a bit of giant blood in them, to either side of the beckoning one take a step back and each for the large blades strapped to their backs. The central figure, a tall, hansom human with striking violet eyes, cascading blue hair, and ornate robes, motions for them to stand down.

The purpled eyed man offers a small smile. "Good," he says in a clam, soft voice. "I was hoping to meet with someone from the Beggar's Choice before it set sail tomorrow. I have a venture for your consideration, one that I think you will find is quite amiable and remunerative.

"Undoubtedly you question this curious meeting. It is an unmistakable mark that you are the type of reasonable and practical individual we seek to employ.

"Ah, but I am getting ahead of myself. You certainly have a desire to know with whom you are speaking, your kind usually does. Therefore you may call me Callon." He offers a slight bow

2008-06-28, 03:01 AM
Jack Trader

Jack seats himself at the bar and takes a small sip of the cinnamon-smelling concoction.

"I hear, as you no doubt have, that a sea captain has been murdered right in his cabin, and no-one knows how or why. Of course, we both know that's a lie, somebody knows, perhaps even you. I bet you hear a lot off things as a bartender in this place..."

2008-06-28, 08:26 PM
Jack Trader

The gnome scratches his head and rolls his eyes back and he tries to remember what he may have heard. "A sea captain you say," he mumbles. He continues on a bit clearer, "Ah, you know, I don't go hearing so much from the docks as I use to. Darn pirates pushing the Rats out and all. Its got worse since that thrice damned ship came in. Been word of ghosts all around those parts since then. And now they say one of those... what are they called? Inspirator? Naw, that's not it. Well those damn high-and-mighty mind men has been there too. They even say that ship's capt..."

His eyes widen as a realization dawns on him. "Your from that ship, ain't you?!" He glances around furtively. "Look, maybe you should leave. I have problems already just with my regulars, I don't need no ghosts or mind twisters in here."

H Savvy
2008-06-29, 11:50 AM
"Aye, right practical I am." Barnacle Jack nods his head sagely. "Practical enough ta sail tha world, pract'cal enough ta list'n when somm'n talks. So talk, aye, I'm list'nin."

[i]Pract'cal enough ta listen, indeed, when summat I might be wishin t'hear is said. An' practical enough t'listen quietly now an' talk later, when that Osprey feller 'as time t'put 'is mind to what I bin hearin'.

2008-06-29, 11:59 AM
Gwen finds the Bilge Rats, doesn't sound that great a place and probably doesn't look that great. She finds an out of the way and preferably dark spot to wait for the acting captain to show up. She's trying to avoid being seen by the more unsavory types that frequent the place.

2008-06-30, 01:19 AM

Osprey walks the decks, a little troubled. Something seems off... and he's been shipping for too many years to ignore his intuition. He goes to the railing and watches over the side, looking down at the waterline, then looks up and sniffs the air. From somewhere near he hears muffled voices bouncing through the fog and across the water.

Listen Roll: [roll0], DC?

He shakes his head, he can't make anything out clearly, and indeed is not even sure if it wasn't the chattering of seabirds. He continues walking the deck, keeping a weather eye out.

2008-06-30, 07:09 PM
Barnacle Jack
Callon smiles and pulls a small bag out of his robes. Holding the bag out to you he explains, "This is for you time, no stings attached, as they say. It is meant to show our sincerity in being forthcoming and honest in arranging an agreement.

"For the time being, we only desire you to monitor your passengers. The elves your ship are contracted to are... unworthy of trust. They seek an ancient weapon that would devastate entire worlds. My associates and I only wish to prevent this weapon from ever being used by assuring its destruction.

"We do not expect you to take our word for it, but we are confident that your observations of the elves will lead you to trust us."

Few people know the location of the Bilge Rats' headquarters, but they have eyes and ears everywhere. A little tavern built over the docks, called the Leaky Dingy, is known to have a Rat "infestation".

The Leaky Dingy is full of noise tonight, the gambling tables in the rear of the tavern are crowded with an assortment of sea men, more then a few baring the unmistakable emblem of a pirate flag on their clothes or skin. The bartenders and serving girls seems a little intimidated by the rowdy crowd. The few customers who don't seem to be a part of the revelry also seem a bit on edge.

Osprey & ship crew
Foot steps cut through the fog as someone approaches the ship. An elf soon appears through the fog, the double bladed weapon on his back and his brightly dyed hair clearly visible shining in the dimmed moonlight.

He seems to just be out inspecting the dock and the ship, with no other apparent purpose or any hurry. Spotting someone on the deck of the Beggar's Choice he calls out "Ahoy!" and approaches the gangplank.

2008-06-30, 08:50 PM

Gwen will find an out of the way place, out of sight, preferably out of mind. She will watch and listen. If a barmaid approaches, she'll order a mead and drink it slowly.

Various checks
Gather Information (1d20 1=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1645296/)
Listen (1d20 8=17) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1645297/)
Spot (1d20 9=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1645301/)

H Savvy
2008-06-30, 08:53 PM
Barnacle Jack

"I take this gift as a sign o' yer friendship, an' not by way of formin' any bond or contract. Yer warnin'll be heeded in light o' this friendship, an' I warrant the elves'll be watched, but more I canno' promise. Ye say yer confident we'll trust ye, aye, an' we'll see, at that. How am I t' find ye or know ye if I find ye to speak true?"

2008-06-30, 11:59 PM
Kix emerges from belowdecks at the sound of the call and turns to face the elf.

"Ah, hello. I'm afraid the captain is n't aboard at the moment, but perhaps I can help you with whatever you need. Chief Steward Sovello, and yourself?"

2008-07-01, 01:24 AM
Beggar's Choice
"I'm Alimor," the elf replies. "I'm one of your passengers. I couldn't sleep so I came down here to see her... the ship legends will be written of." He smiles, lost in his own fantasies for a moment. "Ah, well. We had heard there had been problems, so I just came to see for myself."


Gather Information - Your careful questions don't turn up any information on your ship or on who may represent the Bilge Rats, but you get the name of the pirate crew captain: Morsan Blackwell.

Listen - You don't catch anything about the Beggar's Choice or Captain Agarish, but there is much bragging about controlling the docks and you over hear one small group talking about running the Rats out.

Spot - You're being watched, by two others.

One is a weathered, black-haired sailor, a worn, decorative coat draped easily over his shoulders. He has seems to have a certain command in his corner of the room as any who pass near him seem more subdued and careful.

Your other watcher is less obvious. A large rat sits hidden in the shadows of the rafters, its eyes following your movements closely.

Barnacle Jack

Callon nods slowly. "The money is just a symbol of our desire for you help, and does not signify any contract or agreement. We just ask you use your own judgment and caution. Do not worry about contacting us. We will be able to signal you when we wish to discuss further, more important, arrangements. Just look for the rabbit with leaves for ears."

With that, he and his henchmen turn and walk away, disappearing into the fog.

Inside the bag you find gold coins, a ruby, an onyx, and a sapphire, the total of all, you'd estimate, being around 1,000 gp.

2008-07-01, 08:58 AM
Jack Trader

Jack knocks on the bar with his hand.

"I'm as solid as anyone, not a ghost at all, friend. I wish you no ill. All I ask is that you hold up your end of the deal, tell me what you know about the murder, and I'll be on my way."

H Savvy
2008-07-01, 11:54 AM
Barnacle Jack stands on the dock for several minutes after the man with blue hair and purple eyes Callon, the dog called hisself Callon and his cronies disappeared into the fog. No doubt they're watchin me, but I'm thinkin' they bin watchin fer a good long time now. Best I get back t'Mister Osprey an' report while tha meetin's still fresh in me mind. Trader may be actin' captain, but that mage fella's the real brains on deck.

Hanging the bag of gems on his belt, Jack dives gracefully into the water and swims quickly back to the ship, swimming underwater for as long as he can to irritate any who might be trying to watch or follow him. Like as not, makes no difference, but a little care never hurt no one, eh?

Upon reaching the ship, he climbs the main anchor line, and using the hawsepipe as a foothold, hoists himself onto the deck. Once there, he scans the deck for the skinny ship's wizard and locates him pacing athwartships near the gangplank. He also notes the presence of the elf nearby, and although he was not engaged in conversation with the mage, Jack decides to hold his tongue for now. Best not to interfere jus' yet. Wait until the elf is gone an' then meet wi' Osprey, I think. Elves gots sharp ears, an' I'd jus as soon avoid trouble what can be avoided.

2008-07-01, 11:24 PM

Standing up and perching on the edge of the crows nest, Crow looked down at the elf below and listened to his introduction. Jumping out and flaring his wings he landed lightly a short distance in front of Alimor taking a few steps forward to stand at the top of the gang plank, peering down at the elf. "Just one slight problem, which no thanks to you we can't fix" Crow said, planting his feet preventing any attempts for the elf to walk onto the ship.

2008-07-02, 09:08 AM

Osprey hears the voices at the side and quickly casts a Detect Thoughts spell before walking over to the railing and focusing his concentration on the elf. "Indeed, we have had some difficulty."

2008-07-02, 07:00 PM
Beggar's Choice

The elf takes a step back and smiles as Crow lands in front of him. "Magnificent," he says, studying the raptoran before collecting himself and realizing what was said. "You can't blame us that your captain wasn't more careful," he snaps. "Deaths happen. I would think a bunch of sailors would know that. I need to know is that you will be ready to leave at sun rise before any the rest of us end up dead."

Jack Trader
"Look," Krassindugude says, "it wasn't a local boy. I hear a lot of things I wish I hadn't, but there isn't no one local who's bragging about it like they always do. Your assassin was from out of town. Could have been those pirates in the docks recently, or the elves or ghosts or mind-men, or any other new comer to Stormreach. That's all I know."

2008-07-02, 09:34 PM
Kix raises an eyebrow.

"And why would any of us die? Sounds like you know something about what killed the captain."

2008-07-02, 10:03 PM

Placing one foot and jumping into the air, Crow glided to stand between the elf and the quickest escape. "The captain was careful, someone got in through locked doors. But yes, death does happen." Running a finger along one of his armour spikes, Crow waited for a response to Kix's question

I have +25 to jump, and launching off the edge of the boat, so should be quite do able.

H Savvy
2008-07-02, 11:55 PM
Barnacle Jack walks slowly over to the gangplank. "Ah, stop bein s'damn foolish, Crow. Ye'r treatin one o our passengers like a rank villain. One o' the pasesnger's we're carryin tomorrow, I might add, even if he is a might overeager. We may not like it, an I know I sure as hell don't, but they've got a contract, an' likin's got nothin to do with it."

To the elf he adds "Beggin yer pardon, sir. We sailors're grievin' tonight, and it's set us all a-cockbill. I'm hopin ye'll look past our manners, sir, rememberin' we just lost our cap'n and that manners aint got anythin' ta do with contracts, neither."

2008-07-03, 12:01 AM

Osprey focuses on the elf, concentrating on his spell. "So, you knew there had been a death on board and you predict more should we not set sail soon? If death is the cost of ferrying you, breaking contract would hardly be that serious for us, now would it?"

2008-07-03, 01:31 AM

"I just find the fact he is suggesting that if we don't leave at dawn more of us will, rather interesting." Then looking over at Osprey and Kix, finished "I'm not the only one"

2008-07-03, 05:49 PM
The elf shrugs. "We were sent a messenger," he replies. "We did send back our insistence to set sail on time. No mystery there. If the captain's death was because of our voyage, then they may kill again to stop us. Its not a mystery."

He turns to Osprey. "And you aren't familiar with Es'teli'on are you? He's a prick. I'd rather die than make him mad."

Alimor is alone, at least he's the only intelligent creature around who isn't a member of the crew. His thoughts seem to be focused on deciding which of the crew he'd prefer to fight when the time comes.

2008-07-03, 11:17 PM
Osprey smiles, not at all nicely. "Really. Who sent you a messenger to tell you the captain was dead? None of us did. Perhaps an assassin that was hired because... say, for example... the captain was thinking of breaking a contract with someone?"

Using questions to get him to think about what I want him to think about... perhaps glean any truth in the statements I'm making.

H Savvy
2008-07-04, 10:23 AM
Quietly, trying not to disturb whatever Osprey was doin I trust 'is wily brains, Jack tries to take the edge of Crow's anger. Unnerstan'ble, but th'last thing we need is t'fight som'n who's got a contract like theirs wit us.

"Ye know, Crow. He did say 'us'. Not 'you lot.'"

2008-07-05, 05:19 PM
Jack Trader

"Thanks for your help" Jack says to the gnome as he stands up and leaves, feeling a little dissapointed. He makes his way back to the ship to pick up Crow.

2008-07-05, 06:26 PM
Alimor returns Osprey's smile with a wicked grin of his own. "If you feel that strongly about it, we can settle things here and now," he says, reaching for the weapon swung across his back.

After a moment he sighs and frowns. "No," he complains, "if I pick another fight before we leave port, Es’tal’en and Besc will have my head. Well, maybe later..."

Most of his thoughts are thinking about how to defeat you. He assumes you are a magic user or monk, and expects he'd have to strike quickly. Perticularly since he's surrounded.

You pick up some fleeting thoughts about someone named Melsitel, who is apparently the groups' rogue, as well as the stray question "Did Agarish tell them?"

H Savvy
2008-07-05, 10:14 PM
Jack keeps his mouth shut and wonders. Ye didn't come here t'fight. What're ye after, elf? And can we trust ye? And if we can't, can we trust them other lubbers? Too many uncert'nties.

2008-07-06, 02:32 AM

Osprey shrugs as if the time of the fight is completely irrelevant to him, his mind burrowing deeper each round into the elf's conciousness, "So, beyond a fight... what is it that you and your friends could be looking for that is truly worth so much threat and death?"

2008-07-06, 10:37 PM
Alimor smirks. "For me, its just some good fights," he replies. "The test of blades, the noise and confusion, death just a sword thrust away. Nothing make you feel so alive.

"Seems like this crew will be a fun one. The ship that brought us to Stormreach... gaw! Such bores! All proper and disciplined. Bleh."

Alimor tilts his head to the side, cracking his neck. "Well I can't go fighting you lot. Meybe I can find some excitement at the tavern. Anyone want to come? See what you can handle?" He grins and regards Crow particularly.

"Power," Alimor thinks. "What else?"

2008-07-07, 01:20 AM

Osprey smiles, this time a condescending one. "Don't mistake confusion and grief for a lack of discipline sir. The crew of the Beggar's Choice has as much discipline as it needs. Discipline is something I insist upon... and something I find surprising, when it is lacking in a member of a race as long-lived as the elves. But you seem remarkably well-informed; who would you say, other than the captain himself, is responsible for Agarish's death?"

2008-07-07, 06:44 PM
Alimor have a hand dismissively. "Hell if I know," he replies, glaring at Crow and waiting for the Raptoran to step aside so he can leave.

"Hell if I know," he thinks, "and I don't care. Its his own fault anyhow."

2008-07-07, 08:07 PM

Taking a small step to the side, Crow said, "And its hell if you don't tell", before taking a few quick steps and jumping back into the Beggars Choice, walking towards the rigging.

2008-07-08, 09:52 AM

Osprey nods, "Please, be on your way, and tell your people that the crew of the Beggar's Choice fulfills their contracts. Make sure your people are ready to uphold their end and follow our rules for passengers. How many were we transportin again? Four?"

2008-07-10, 08:42 PM
The elf waves his hand dismissively, grins and walks away.

Jack Trader

As you step onto the dock at which the Beggar's Choice is moored you meet a distinctive elf leaving the dock. The elf grins, greets you with an amused "heh" and continues on his way.

((I think we had a bit of a disconnect... I was thinking you'd just show up when you wanted to, but I guess you were waiting for me. :smallredface:))

2008-07-10, 10:06 PM

Osprey nods to Trader, "Good evening, captain... I hope your inquiries were fruitful."

2008-07-21, 07:30 AM
Jack Trader

"Not as fruitful as I would have liked, but I have found out that it wasn't anyone local, perhaps the Bilge Rats will know more."

He turns to Crow

"You ready to head off then? Oh, and incidentally, do either of you know what that elf was doing here?"

2008-07-21, 07:40 AM

The ship's mage nods, pitching his voice low. "I have an idea or two captain. Perhaps we should discuss it below in your cabin so you can determine how we want to present matters to the crew."

2008-07-21, 07:53 AM

Upon hearing Jacks return, Crow turned about and made his way to the edge of the ship. "Could do with getting away from the weirdness around the ship," Crow said, jumping down to the dock, "And he said he was here to look at our legendary ship. Gave a warning that if we don't leave as planned more will die."
Stopping for a moment to think over what the elf had said he corrected himself, "May be killed"

2008-07-24, 06:29 AM
Jack Trader

Jack listens to both of his crewmembers and then speaks to Osprey.

"Is there anything more than what Crow's just said?"

As he speaks, he looks around to make sure none of the rest of the crew have overheard.


2008-07-24, 08:08 AM

The ship's mage nods, "Your cabin?"

2008-07-27, 04:56 PM
Jack Trader

Jack nods to Osprey and heads for his cabin.

2008-07-27, 11:46 PM

Once in Trader's cabin, the mage closes the door and turns to face the bard. "I regret that I have no spell of seeing invisibility, it might be useful, because whomever killed the captain might be using magic to hide themselves. I can't think of a more likely explanation for how the captain died, though perhaps you could. By the same token, I have no idea if we are facing foes who can be invisible, if they might not be in this room right now... then again." He speaks several words and makes a few gestures, then slowly scans the room.

Cast "Detect Magic" and once it is going scan the room several times. Change the scanning direction arbitrarily at several points in case someone is trying to stay out of the 'beam' and also have Trader move at several points so nobody could hide behind Trader's magic. If you could let me know DM when Osprey would be satisfied that there is nobody in the room using invisibility to spy on them.

2008-07-28, 02:15 PM
Jack Trader

While Osprey scans the room, Jack opens the door partway and calls up to Crow.

"Mister Crow, please go and bring Gwen back to the ship, our priorities have shifted."

2008-07-28, 02:54 PM

Kix slides into the room and takes a seat, a steaming mug in his hand.

2008-07-28, 04:12 PM

Osprey raises a brow as Kix slides into Trader's cabin without asking permission, but he says nothing as it isn't his place. He scans the door the whole time it is open, and does a quick repeat scan once it is closed again. As long as he is certain there is nobody unseen using magic, he will begin. "One of the elves came by while you were out captain... he already had some intelligence about the Captain's death and was making sure we were ready to fulfill our contract with them. I don't know if he knew everything that his fellows were planning, but I was able to glean a few thoughts from his mind." He counts off a finger for each point he makes. "One: the main thought in his mind was which member of the crew he would prefer to fight when the time came; it seemed in his mind that a conflict between their group and our crew was inevitable. Two: when I asked him about whether they could have gotten their information through an assassin who might have been hired because the captain was thinking of breaking a contract, his thoughts immediately went to a member of their group named Melsitel who he thought of as a 'their' rogue, and the worrying thought about whether Agarish had told us. Three: When I asked him what they were looking for that was worth so much threat and death, his immediate thought was, 'Power, what else?' Four: When I asked him if he knew who was responsible for Agarish's death he thought, 'Hell if I know... it was his own fault anyway.'" Osprey shrugs, "What do you make of it, Captain?"

2008-07-28, 04:37 PM
There is no one using magic in the cabin, other then those who are clearly visible.

2008-07-29, 06:59 AM

Hoping back off the ship, Crow glided towards the dock saying "On it" as he made his way to fetch Gwen. Landing he put his bow over his shoulders and put his hands over it, treating it more like a staff as he jogged along keeping his eye suspiciously on any elves.

If all goes well when arriving at the Bilge Rats will look for Gwen, go over and whisper "Slight change of plan. We need to get back to the boat asap", while keeping his eyes on the surroundings.

2008-07-29, 08:06 AM
Jack Trader

Jack paces the room as he speaks.

"So far then, all of our investigations have pointed towards our clients. In some ways, this is excellent, as it extends the timeframe of our investigation, and allows us to keep a close eye on the suspects. The downside is, obviously, that we will be transporting a muderer, or murderers.

I feel our best course of action is to cease our movements for tonight, and when the elves come aboard in the morining, scan the thoughts of either their leader, if they have one, or of this rogue, Melsitel, and try to find out more about the captain's death.

Does anyone else have ideas?"

2008-07-29, 09:37 AM

Osprey nods slowly, "Well, if their leader is a powerful mage or simply highly intelligent, I may not be able to scan him. I certainly felt no problem with this last elf because he was a very simple-minded person. I will try if you order it, but I'd prefer to approach the matter with some self-discretion. Also, we should ask for an introduction of those coming on, to see if we can identify the rogue. If he's not there... I could be scanning the boarding ramp for magic and we could have the cook ready to 'drop' a bag of flour on my signal. If they are trying to get someone on board invisibly (assuming that he's not already on), then that would tip their hand, and perhaps even give us reason to void the contract." He looks thoughtful, "You're the captain, so you set the rules for the ship... we might want to institute a rule that passengers are not allowed to carry weapons and or magic items, and those are to be locked in your cabin. Again, that might tip our hand to them." He tugs on his lower-lip, a habit of his, "I'm thinking that our most potent weapon is what we know that they don't know we know. We should be very thoughtful about sacrificing that. I'm certainly not above playing a crusty old-salt of a ship's mage with an ossified brain; if that helps us get the upper hand with them when the time comes."

2008-07-29, 04:32 PM
A small wad of paper drops from the rafters to land in your lap, catching the attention of the man who has been observing you. Looking up you see the rat scurrying through some loose boards to make its way outside to the roof.

The black-haired sailor leaps to his feet, jabing a finger toward the escaping rat. "Rat!" he yells, and most of the tavern's patrons snap to attention. "Get 'er ye fools! Go, lest ye wanna be scrapin' thee keel clean 'for we set sail!" With a yell the assorted sailors rushed for the doors, drawing weapons. Their apparent captain pays them only a little attention as they rush by him, instead focusing on you, heading your way after his crew has passed by.

As you approach the Leaky Dingy you find it to be in a state of commotion. A crowd of rough looking sailors come barging out the door, shouting with their weapons draw. They circle around the building, paying attention to the roofs.

A couple of the gruff looking sailors turn toward you. One gives you a wary inspection before demanding, "Ya didn't see a rat as big as a dog, did ye?"

2008-07-29, 05:10 PM

In the confusion, Gwen will attempt to slip the crumpled bit into her belt pouch, before the man gets to her. She has one hand on her scimitar as she watches him approach.

She's ready to either leave suddenly, or listen, depending on his actions and words.

She doesn't have sleight of hand, so it's up to you how you want to do it, for hiding the paper.

2008-07-29, 08:49 PM

"With the smell of you guys, I'm not surprised one could grow to that size" Crow said, looking down at them, moving his staff to lean on it. "But no, didn't see one" Taking a step forwards towards the door, he said "Now, would you mind stepping out my way as I'd rather not have to jump over you with the way the stench is rising" as he flared his wings

Just doing standard criminal world insulting. Backing down being wussy and what not.

2008-07-29, 09:40 PM
The pirates take ready stances lifting up their blades for a moment. "Pffha," one of them exclaims. "We ain't ou' here to fight no birds. Sides, the cap'n's inside. If'n this one wants trouble, he can take care of 'im." The other two nod in agreement and step aside.

You enter and spot Gwen immediately. A talk, dark haired man stands in front of her, the worn coat of a naval commander draped over his solders, his hand on the hilt of the sword sheathed at his side. "Now," the man says to Gwen, "let's see wha' that beast threw at ye..."


In the commotion of the crew charging out of the tavern, you have no problem slipping the small paper into your pouch unseen.

Captain Morsan approaches you confidently, his hand resting easily on the hilt of the sword at his side.. "Sorry 'bout that lass," he says with a smile. "This tavern has had a bit of a rat problem. Me 'n' my boys have taken up the... charity of cleaning it up. Seems we missed one, we did.

"Now," he adds, inspecting the area, "let's see wha' that beast threw at ye..."

2008-07-30, 05:40 AM

Gwen raises an eyebrow and answers in a skeptical tone, So...the rats throw things at people? Rather interesting behavior for rats... She looks around for a likely something, expecting to find something like a turd or other similar disgusting object.

Sense Motive on Capt Morsan (1d20+3=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1681052/)

2008-07-30, 06:24 AM

Walking up behind the commander, Crow spread his wings out standing up tall, blocking any sources of light from behind him. "This be the rat the size of dog your..." pausing as though searching for a word "...crew though I'm not sure if they qualify for that term" Crow muttered under his breath, continuing "Are outside terrorising passer-bys about? But I'm not here about that." Looking over his head at Gwen ignoring the commander, he said "Jack wants us back at the ship 10 minutes ago, so lets get a move on."

2008-07-30, 06:17 PM
Morsan smiles. "It be an interesting world we live in," he replies to Gwen, stepping aside. "Don' go makin' friends with those rats. Their time be at its end."

When you open the piece of paper:

The small paper, only a square of a couple inches, has a detailed, if cramped, design drawn on it. It reminds you of some arcane designs you've seen over the years. On the back of the paper is a hastily scribbled note: "Save for a friend"

A spellcraft check may help you understand the design.

2008-07-30, 06:22 PM

She nods once, I'll take that into consideration. She keeps her expression neutral. She waits a moment for him to leave before she walks over to Crow.

I'm more than ready to leave. I can't say I enjoyed my little visit here. Whenever he's ready, she'll walk back with him.

She'll save the note for back on the ship, no point in raising suspicions.

Spellcraft (1d20 5=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1681807/)

2008-07-30, 07:15 PM
You're unable to make sense of the design on the paper.

And I forgot: You get the sense that Morsan was suspicious of you and the rat, but you didn't get feel that he was trying to deceive you or was particularly hostile.

2008-07-31, 04:36 AM

Turning and walking out of the Leaky Dingy with Gwen, Crow headed back to the ship.

2008-07-31, 01:59 PM
Jack Trader

"Indeed, will will be stealthy about reading their thoughts. And I'll make sure we know the names of everyone onboard. Kix, you can make up a "routine" passenger list as an excuse to get their details. As for their weapons, I believe we'll take them for safe storage away from the salt air, can't be too careful now. I think I will ask you to act ignorant, perhaps we should even disguise the fact that you're a mage at all, better to re-assure them that we pose no magical threat to them."

2008-07-31, 07:01 PM

Osprey looks surprised, "Mage, captain? What are you talking about... I'm the ship's navigator." He winks, "I'd better go make sure the crew knows it."

2008-08-01, 04:51 PM

Kix nods.

"The passenger list will be simple enough, but I don't know if the salt air excuse for confiscating weapons will be believed. What if they have weapons that won't rust? I think we might be better off just telling them we don't want passengers carrying weapons on-board. And while we're on the subject of who's who, I'm Liam Sovellor, a half-elf who certainly can't put his fist through a brick wall."

2008-08-09, 10:06 PM
Crow and Gwen push their way through the pirates searching the docks for rats in their half drunk, half crazed manner. Other than a few pirates demanding if they had seen any rats and a few elbows and nudges form the pirates crowding some of the walkways, they arrive back at the ship safely and with out further incident.

2008-08-09, 11:21 PM

Gwen isn't overly fond of the extra contact, but continues to push through as they make it back to the ship.

Once there, she'll seek out the acting captain to talk to him.

2008-08-11, 07:59 AM

Osprey leaves the cabin and goes to speak to the crew, he eventually gets the word around that nobody is to refer to him as the ships mage for the next voygage... but only as the navigator.

2008-08-11, 08:27 AM

Heading up to the crows nest, Crow caught a few winks of sleep waiting for the elves to show up, preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, all while longing to be out at see, the breeze blowing in the sails.

H Savvy
2008-08-12, 09:26 PM
Sitting cross-legged in the center of the deck, just abaft the mainmast, eyes closed, Barnacle Jack's keen ears detect the opening of the cabin door. His eyes open instantly, his liquid black eyes shining in the moonlight. Seeing the tall form of the mage step out of the small cabin, he rises gracefully and crosses the deck to intercept the lanky man.

"Mister Ospree, sir. I b'lieve I've got summat o' interest t'report to ye," he says, quietly. "I've bin waitin' t'get ye t'meself f'r I'd have yer opinion on just who sh'd hear what I got t'say."

2008-08-13, 02:05 AM

Osprey pauses and nods, "Let's go to my cabin." After reaching it, and closing the door, he turns to Barnacle Jack. "What is it?"

H Savvy
2008-08-13, 01:16 PM
Barnacle Jack

"Well tha first thing," says the sea kin in a low, gruff voice, "is tha' this is 'bout our passengers. 'Twas right about tha time that letch Trader was makin' a damn fool o' himself to Miss Gwen that it came into me head that it'd be wise t'not be there fr'a bit. I'as takin' a nice evenin' swim when I started t'hear a voice callin' into m'head, for sure as ships it weren't a sound from ou'side it. I looked t'see a trio o' figures on tha dock wavin me ov'r. I gave em' a bit of a show, ye might say, an' met em on tha edge o the pier.

S'spicious, they were. Two large brutes I liked th'look of not 'tall, stronger'n strong, no doubt, maybe even giantish... the third'as their leader, an' normal sized, tho' strange in 'ppearance. Purp'l eyes, the stranger had, an' blue hair. Soft spok'n man in robes, called himself Callon. He tells me we can't trust th'elves, aye, an' more, that tha blighters are lookin' for an ancient weapon, an a deadlier one than any known. Destroy worlds, he says. Tells me not to trust him, an' rightly I don't. Says he's with an org'nization t'destroy th'weapon, an' I wonder about that, but that also don' mean he in't at least tell'n tha truth 'bout tha weapon, or th'elves. On th'other hand, there's naught t'trust em' by, an' we are already bound by accord to th'elves, an' I'd not upset'em ov'r nothin.

Most s'spicious o' all, there's this."

He grabs a small leather pouch hanging from his belt and tosses it on the table, spilling some of its contents on the table.

"Payment, he told me. T'buy our trust. Symbol o' their "desire t'help", he called it. Didn't signify no accord, he added. Then they dis'peared int'tha fog, neat as anythin'. No word on contactin' em, but we are t'know them by tha rabbit wi' leaves fr'ears."

The weathered sailor looks up, staring into Osprey's eyes with his unreadable inky black gaze. "Now ye tell me what yer thinkin' o'that, Mister Navigator."

2008-08-13, 04:00 PM

Osprey frowns, hearing this and nods, "I've already spoken to Jack about the elves and our encounter with that young hotblood on the dock. He seems convinced that the passengers are the most likely suspects in the captain's death and so he actually wants to convey them to their destination. Doing so gives us more time in which we can investigate them. He also wants to figure out how we might reasonably disarm them, because there are some indications that they might be expecting to fight the crew at some point... probably once they have their artifact." He sighs, "The fact is, I don't trust our passengers, and despite the money, I don't trust these other strangers... in fact, keep that money together in the pouch... I want to check it and you for magical traces tomorrow. If I were them, I'd want to plant something on you that they could use to follow us. I'll tell Jack what you've told me, and he can get the full details from you tomorrow after I've examined the coins." He looks thoughtful, "Oh, and let the crew know, as far as our passengers are concerned, I'm not a wizard, I'm just the ship's navigator. I have a few useful magic items, but don't have any of them talking about me as the ship's mage. We'd like to keep our passengers as unclear about our capabilities as we can."

H Savvy
2008-08-13, 07:17 PM
"Ayuh, Mist'r Osprey. I've no real love f'Trader, but he's actin' cap'n sure enough, an' if ye think it prudent to fill 'im in fully, as I s'pose it must be, I trust yer judgement. Me onny worry is that yer talent for knowin' men's min's aint unique, an' our new Cap'n's most likely target o' such magic.

In any case, ye know what ye need. I'll leave th'decisions t'yer sharp mind, Mi'er Ospree. I'll fill th'crew in on yer... newest job description. But I think I'll keep mum 'bout th'elves, tha strangers, an' tha gold. Is'ere anythin' else ye want I should tell th'rest o' the crew?"

2008-08-14, 12:45 AM

Osprey shakes his head, "Just tell them not to act surprised about any 'special' regulations that Trader comes up with for our passengers... act as if anything he tells them is our standard operating procedure."

H Savvy
2008-08-14, 11:00 AM
The sea kin nods and exits the room without another word. Once he's back on deck, he spreads the news to the other sailors: Osprey is a strictly non-magical navigator. Trader may instate strange new rules. Be on guard, but act natural.

2008-08-14, 04:41 PM

Once Gwen finds the captain, she will pass on the information she learned from the guard station and from the Bilge Rats. She will take the crumpled piece of paper to Osprey to check with him on it.

This was dropped in my lap by a rat at the Bilge Rats before everyone chased all the rats out.

It's a piece of paper with some sort of design on it. I believe it takes a spellcraft check to figure it out.

2008-08-15, 12:16 AM

Osprey takes the paper from Gwen and looks at it curiously.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2008-08-15, 09:03 AM

Unfortunately you are unable to make sense of the strange diagram.

2008-08-15, 10:38 AM

Osprey shrugs, "I'm not sure what it means... mind if I keep it to study for a bit?" He looks at Gwen, "By the way, where did you get it?"

2008-08-15, 02:04 PM

After making his way around the ship informing the crew to refer to him as Liam Sovellor the half-elf, Kix heads to his office and finds the ship's cargo list, and appends a "Passengers" subsection under the "Livestock and Assorted Animals" section. Checking the "Armaments and Tools of War" section, and its "Armaments and Tools of War, Magical" subsection, he heads off to find the passengers.

2008-08-17, 02:25 PM

A rat dropped it in my lap at the Leaky Dingy... And then everyone in the place ran out chasing the rats. I slipped it into a pouch and came back. I also need to run back out in the morning at 6 bells to get the information the captain wanted. Do you know what time we'll be leaving?

2008-08-17, 07:28 PM

Osprey shakes his head, "Not sure... sometime after the passengers board, I assume... with the next tide. The acting captain will decide, but he has yet to inform me." He tucks the paper in a pouch, assuming since she said nothing that it's okay to hold onto for now.

2008-08-19, 08:46 AM
The quiet night is broken by the sound of another bell, marking the late hour. The sounds of drunks and ruffians on the docks carry on for a while, trying to rise above the tolling bell, then silence begins to settle over the eerie night once more.

The silence does not win out this time, however, as a roar breaks out over the city and the noises along the docks resume with more intensity, as more drunks and visitors to Stormreach panic over the small commotion. Few residence of the city would be bothered with the roar, living at the edge of an untamed continent beings with it a certain acceptance and calm about unexpected noises at night.

Another roar keeps the distant shouts and panic around the docks alive. Soon the distinct sound of boots running across the wooden planks echoes in the fog, growing ever louder as they quickly make their way toward The Beggar's Choice. Soon a lone figure pierces the fog, running at an exceptionally quick pace to the boarding plank of the ship.

The bald headed elf hardly takes a moment to catch his breath as he calls out, "Beggar's Choice! Prepare to receive passengers!"

2008-08-19, 01:46 PM

Osprey goes over to the side of the ship, looking down at the bald elf halfway up the gangplank. "You there...get off!" He roars in his best command voice. "This hasty business is not an option! Nobody charges aboard this ship in a frenzy with who-knows-what on their heels. Assemble your people at the base of the gangway and we'll see about an orderly boarding. If you've brought some trouble on yourself it will be something you need to resolve before you come on this ship!"

2008-08-19, 04:15 PM

Gwen had been meditating out in the open air on deck, getting her rest outside. She gracefully stands and goes to join Osprey at the side. She doesn't say anything, but whatever he says goes, and she's ready, if need be, to enforce it.

2008-08-21, 10:57 PM
The elf stops and bow slightly. "I meant no offense," he replies. "The situation has changed, we need to leave port immediately. I came ahead of the others to inform you and make sure we are ready as soon as the others arrive."

Another roar echoes across Stormreach, and the elf instinctively turns to look, even though the fog hides everything but a few yards of wooden walkways. "I assure you," he adds, "it is a matter of saving lives. Both our own and those in Stormreach."

2008-08-22, 12:51 AM

Osprey nods, "Certainly... but irregardless of your contract with us; passengers do not decide when we depart, the captain does... or should I say, the current acting captain. I am Osprey, the navigator, and an officer of this ship. If you will please explain the haste you are currently requiring, and if I deem it worthy of his notice, I will tell the captain; perhaps he will agree to an early departure." Osprey waits expectantly.

2008-08-24, 10:13 PM
The elf sighs. "We are not alone in our quest. There are others who want to reach our destination first, and others that would rather we never reach it," he explains. "Those roars come from one of those. Our leader had put up spells to hide us from them, but one of us decided to slip out during the night. Now we're in danger, as well as those near where we were staying. If we leave now, we can draw the beast away and we can place the non-dection spells back in place on the ship, saving ourselves, innocent lives, and..."

"Besc!" another voice calls out, interrupting the bald elf's explanation. Soon Alimor comes running to the boarding plank. "Is that who I think it is?" he asks excitedly, thrusting a thumb in the direction of the roars.

Besc's scowl deepens. "Yes," he replies, grabbing the front of Alimor's leather armor and lifting the shorter elf up to eye level. "And its thanks to you. Now we have to convince the Beggar's captain to leave early so half the city isn't destroyed while she tried to kill us!"

2008-08-24, 11:48 PM

Osprey perks his ears up, "Others... would your other possibly be a dragon?!"

2008-08-25, 01:19 AM
"Of course!" Alimor replies, marching up the boarding plank. "What else would it be? And these cowards won't fight it! Imagine the fame that.. ack!"

Alimor's words end as Besc grabs the back of his armor and yanks the younger elf backwards and back onto the docks. "A half-crazed dragon," Besc says. "I can assure you she will not be able to find the ship once Es’tal’en is aboard. Until then, we are in danger, the city is in danger, and, if she discovers our contract, your ship and your lives are as well."

2008-08-25, 02:18 AM

The navigator raises a brow, "Really... you truly think a dragon cares about a contract for passage? If dragons were concerned about contracts or even our laws do you think she would be running in a rampage through the city?" He frowns, "You know, I'm glad you mentioned our contract... because frankly, unrevealed hazards, like this one, might just give us cause to break it." He pauses for effect... "Nevertheless, if the captain wishes to carry out this contract, as he has stated to me, you should have little to worry about. Unless of course you act in a way to displease the navigator... and then you might find yourselves losing this race to your goal." He gestures to one of the crew, "Watch them, see that they remain off the ship until the captain wants them aboard. I'll go check with him about your request to leave early... assuming he's amenable, I think we just barely might have time to catch the next tide out of the harbor." Osprey turns and goes over to the captain's cabin, knocking on the door, and then going in after a moment.

2008-08-25, 08:08 AM

Gwen remains by the railing, watching their would be passengers and waiting for Osprey to return, hopefully with the captain.

H Savvy
2008-08-26, 12:50 PM
Barnacle Jack nods his head silently at Osprey's instruction and moves forward toward the rail, standing just behind and to the side of Gwen, arms folded across his chest.

2008-08-28, 09:34 AM
More footsteps resound off the wooden docks as four more figures approach the ship. Three of them are obviously elves, a male and a female with scimitars draw and another man who holds a dagger by the blade, ready to throw with a flick of the wrist. All three constantly scan the fog surrounding them, ready for anything that may emerge. The fourth figure, surrounded by the elves, wears a heavy cloak that hides any indications of appearance, race, or gender.

"Good," the dagger wielding elf says as he spots Besc and Alimor, "you're both here." He gives Alimor a glare. pointing the dagger at him. "We will deal with you later." Sliding the dagger into one of the two sheathes tied to his scimitar's, he turns his attention to Besc, Gwen, and Jack. "Is the ship being made ready? Will we be able to escape?"

Besc nods in the direction of the ship. "The captain is being informed of the situation," he explains.

The dagger weilding elf nods understandingly. "I know its an inconvenience," he says to Jack and, more particularly, Gwen. "Please let the captain know we are willing to make whatever compensation we can."

2008-08-28, 09:43 AM

Gwen nods, but otherwise says nothing. She looks around at the fog, to determine how dense it is, if it would hide them when they left and when it would burn off in the morning. When the bells ring next, she listens to determine what time it is.

Possible relevant checks
Knowledge (Nature) (1d20+6=26) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1710820/)
Listen check (1d20+8=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1710821/)
Profession:Sailor (1d20+7=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1710822/)

2008-08-31, 07:46 PM

It is just past the middle of the night (around 1). The fog is very dense and likely won't let up for at least another five to sever hours. Leaving the harbor now would be possible, but only by following the lighthouse and enchanted buoys in the harbor. One away from the city, visibility would improve.

2008-09-03, 10:42 PM
((Well, Solophoenix hasn't shown up here and hasn't replied to my PM... so here it goes:))

Jack Trader is finally drug out of his cabin to deal with the elves. He marches to the top of the gang plank and glares down at the elves. "The Beggar's Choice moves when we're ready," he says, "no sooner. And we haven't decided it is. There are a few things to clear up and some conditions before you ever set foot on our ship."

"Fine," the dagger elf replies. "If that's the price of safety then let us hear them."

"What do you know about Captain Agarish's death?" Jack Trader demands.

The elf grins. "Straight and to the point," he replies. "Good, at least this will be quick. The good captain's death was unfortunate. There are several groups and individuals who are trying to stop us, and I can only assume Aragish was asking questions about us and our goals, which caught the ears of our enemies. That is, if, of course, his death was directly related to us.

"It is also why we sent word we would still depart on time. Any delay would have left you ship and your crew in danger of those same enemies. Even if we contracted a different ship, it is likely they would have come after you in hopes of finding us."

Jack points at the scimitars four of the six elves carry. "There was a scimitar through the captains chest."

"Was there?" the elf replies. After a moment he gives a small chuckle. "Ingenious. It seems this scene was orchestrated by your assassin." He signals for the elves to sheath their weapons. "We're not sailors. It would be foolish for us to attack the crew of the ship we need to reach our destination."

Captain Trader stares down at the elves for a moment. "You'll surrender your weapons before you board."

"You can't have them!" Alimor immediately shouts, stepping forward, his hand going to the double scimitar on his back. The female elf and the short elf also reach for their blades, stepping into defensive positions with the scared, bald elf.

The dagger elf puts his arm out to stop Alimor. "You can't reasonably expect that, can you?" he says. "We are Valenar, warriors from birth. Our blades are our lives. We've already been one on voyage along Xen'Drik's coast and we know how dangerous it can be. You should be well aware that it is suicide to travel without a weapon at your side!"

"Forget it!" Alimor replies, pushing the arm out of his way. "They are probably working for someone else now. They probably have orders to capture us or kill us once we board!"

"ENOUGH!" the cloaked elf bellows, waving an aged, dry hand at the others as he steps to the foot of the boarding plank. "We haven't the time to argue. We will surrender our weapons and discuss this once we are out of the harbor. If Beshilva catches us, then all of our lives are forfeit. We haven't the choice." The cloaked elf looks up, and you can make out what appears to be a stylized skull mask in the shadows of the hood. "Are there any further questions or conditions before we may board and depart?"

2008-09-04, 01:00 AM

Returning to the boarding ramp with Trader, Osprey waits til the final question is asked. "As you leave your weapons with the Bosun here, please give him your name for our records. Furthermore, for the sake of peaceable future discussion, truth will be required at all times. If there is something you can't tell us for some reason - then tell us... and the reason. We're willing to be reasonable about your private business as long as you are honest in everything you do reveal. So far, there has been far too much... deception regarding this whole affair. The open sea is a place for open minds and truthful words."

2008-09-04, 08:27 AM

Gwen waits, with arms crossed, and leaning on the railing, for the Captain to decide what shall happen. Her own scimitar is by her side.

She looks the passengers over carefully. Spot (1d20+9=13), Sense Motive (1d20+3=11) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1719671/)

2008-09-06, 05:38 PM
Jack Trader

Jack carefully studies the elf's body language as he relates the information about Agarish.


2008-09-06, 08:12 PM
"I didn't realize we were trying to deceive you," the dagger-weilding elf replies and he comes up the boarding plank, his hands loosing his scimitar sheath loose. He hands over the sheath with its immaculately clean blade, as well as the two daggers tucked into sheaths attached to it to (picks random player) Barnacle Jack. He wears the darkest colored leather of the group, his medallions lacking the bright shine the others’ posses. His long brown hair is pulled back into a neat braid that he has draped over his left shoulder. It would likely reach mid-way down his back if it hung straight. His eyes are brown, but seem to flash red when the light strikes them in the right manner. He introduces himself as "Melsitel" He holds out the large tube he carries with him to the captain. "These are for you navigator," he explains. "Charts of the location we are headed."

He hooded figure follows him. You can't make out much under his heavy brown robes with their large hood, only that the age his hands seems to show is not reflected in the way he moves. He pulls a large leather roll from one of his sleeves. "I'm sure, in your caution, you will want to take these from me," he says, handing the roll over. Peeking inside you see it appears to be a collection of variously shaped and crafted sticks stored in loops inside the roll. Wands, presumptively. "Es’tal’en," he gives as his name.

The female of the group is next. Her bright green eyes are highlighted by the green ribbon woven into her elaborately braided hair, which seems to be the only sign of femininity in the woman; the rest of her speaks of warrior. Her skin is weathered and tight, a jagged scar crossing her right cheek. Her stance and fitness tell you she has likely been a warrior from her birth and will be until her death. He hands over a scimitar with a worn, well used handle. "Celidea"

The short elf is the next to board, his long golden hair bouncing with each step. Between his sharp, attractive face and powerful but tones muscles, you could almost believe he was some elf maiden’s fantasy given life, at least if it wasn’t for his diminutive height. He hands over his scimitar and then reaches up behinds the shield on his back to retrieve a scourge hidden underneath. The long black threads of the weapon almost seem to twist on their own and give off a slight purple glow. A smaller set of whips, mirror the longer, weapon end, extend out of the bottom of the hilt mirroring the larger end. "Careful with that," he explains. "Don't let the smaller ones into your skin." He leaves the name "Nelsrial"

Alimor follows behind, frowning and taking his double scimitar from his back. He trusts it out to B. Jack. "If anything happens to my blades," he warns, "there will be no peace for anyone on this ship until I send each of you to your graves." He glares at each of you in turn before being pushed out of the way by the bald headed elf.

The bald elf, marked by a large scare across one side of his shaved scalp, holds his hands up to show he has no weapons either over or under the unusual clothes he wears, a strange, loose fitting outfit made of stips of cloth tied together at his joints. "Besc," he simply says.

"Now," Es’tal’en says, "we should leave before Beshilva finds her way to the docks. I can protect the ship from her scrying, but not from her eyes. We can discuss our destination once you feel it is appropriate, Captain."

Gwen & Trader

As far as you can tell, they aren't lying or trying to hide anything.

2008-09-07, 12:00 AM

Osprey takes the chart tubes from the captain. "I'll see you in your cabin once I've reviewed these, sir." He goes down to his cabin to look over the charts.

Knowledge: Geography [roll0]

H Savvy
2008-09-07, 09:15 PM
After the first elf hands Jack his scimitar, the sea kin sees that the rest will no doubt follow suit. He snaps and motions to two other sailors, who come across the deck to stand behind Jack. He hands each of them weapons as he recieves them, but holds onto the scourge and Alimor's double scimitar himself.

"We're hones' sailors, sirs, and'll treat yer weapons wi' passin' fine care."

2008-09-07, 11:01 PM

The charts are of Xen'Drik's north western coast, from just west of Stormreach to the edge of the cliffs known as the Skyraker Claws. They seem to be of great antiquity, but are also very well detailed, charting out the smallest of changes to the coastline. All words on the map are written in a language you don't immediately recognize.

One detail of the map sticks out to you. A river is marked in the Skyraker Claws which you can't recall having seen on other charts. Comparing it to the charts already on board the ship confirm that you recall correctly.

(The charts will add a +2 circumstance bonus to all Knowledge: Geography checks to set a course in that area)
(Knowledge History, Royalty, or Geography may give you some insight to the language).

2008-09-08, 02:29 AM

Osprey considers the language on the charts in reference to what he knows about history and geography.

Knowledge (Geography): [roll0]
Knowledge (History): [roll1]

Osprey, considering the location and what he has already seen, will (if allowed) take 20 to look for anything else on the charts he may have missed. Result = 49. If he can't take 20, he'll take 10. Result = 39.
On an inspiration, he also gets out the strange symbol that the Druid gave him earlier... is it anywhere on these charts?

2008-09-08, 05:37 AM

Gwen waits patiently through all of this. Watching them as they come aboard, she doesn't seem threatening, more patient and understanding.

She also figures that she isn't going to get back to the guard station before they leave.

2008-09-10, 06:19 AM

You're able to identify most of the writing as "old common", supposedly the language humans spoke in the earliest of their ages. It is supposedly still used on Sarlona the birthplace of the human race, on the other side of Eberron, a two or three month voyage in a standard sailing vessel.

The diagram on the small scrap of paper doesn't appear anywhere on the map, nor does it resemble anywhere on the map.

2008-09-11, 08:29 PM

Watching the Elves board from up in the rigging, Crow peered into the fog hoping the dragon stayed well away from the ship

2008-09-12, 10:43 AM

Osprey gathers up his materials and heads up to the deck to Trader's cabin.

2008-09-13, 07:50 AM
Jack Trader

Jack turns to the crewmen with the weapons.

"Follow me to my cabin, we will store the weapons there for maximum care and security"

He sets off for his cabin, calling to the rest of the crew as he walks.

"Make the ship ready for immediate departure!"

2008-09-13, 09:49 AM

Now that the passengers are taken care of, Gwen finds Osprey, the navigator, to discuss the current weather. The fog covers the harbor and we'll need to use all available navigation guides to get out of the harbor safely. The fog should burn off late morning, and is probably restricted to the coastline and the harbor. Once we're out in open sea, the weather will improve.

2008-09-13, 12:50 PM

Osprey nods to Gwen as she comes to his cabin, he seems to be in the process of gathering up his charts. "If we leave within the hour we can still catch the tide out of the harbor, I have a preliminary course, but tell me... is this of any familiarity to you?" He unrolls the elves' chart. "This is in Sarlonese... and there is a river here in the Skyraker Claws that isn't on any of my charts."

2008-09-13, 05:41 PM

Gwen looks over the charts a thoughtful look on her elven face. Hm...

Knowledge (Geography) (1d20 7=27) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1730211/)

2008-09-17, 04:33 AM
As Jack Trader leads the way to the cabin, Es’tal’en looks to Melsitel. "You can take care of the preparations," he says. "I will set up the wards and protections on the ship immediately to keep Beshilva from discovering us."

Nelsrial, Celidea, and Besc quickly surround the hooded elf. "I know we're only hired hands," Nelsrail says, "but we can't let you cast your spells so quickly. That lizard needs to know we have left Stormreach or she'll continue to tear the city off the map to find us. Wait until we are at sea."

Es'tal'en glares at the trio, while Alimor steps forward, instinctively reaching for the double scimitar no longer on his back. Melsitel stops following Jack and turns back to watch, folding his arms in front of him. After a moment, Es'tal'en signals for Alimor to stand down. "Of course," the aged elf says. "I misspoke. Of course I will wait until Beshilva knows we have left Stormreach."

Melsitel nods and motions for Es'tal'en to follow. "Help the crew with any last preparations. We work just as hard as any of them while on board," he instructs. "Captain, if you please..."

((Melsitel and Es'tal'en will follow into the cabin, assume they are inside when you are))


Your knowledge of Geography confirms much of what Osprey says. The charts are a painfully detailed map of the Xen'Drik's north western coast, carefully marking every small detail you are aware of. The river and lake in the Skyraker Claws are something you can't recall ever having seen before.

2008-09-17, 05:55 AM

No, I'm sorry, I don't remember seeing it before. It also looks like I'm going to miss the chance to pick up the information the captain wanted. Since we're leaving so early.

2008-09-17, 10:09 AM

Osprey nods, "One or more of those on board may be the culprit, but regardless... we'll make due with what information we have." He smiles, "As to Trader... I have my doubts about our acting captain, but we'll see if he can take on the role and grow into it." He rolls up the charts, "I suppose I should go see him and give him the preliminary course."

2008-09-17, 04:54 PM

Gwen smiles back, I'll be on deck, keeping an eye on the weather and on our new passengers. Just let me know if you need anything.

2008-09-22, 06:00 AM
Jack Trader

Upon reaching the cabin, Jack stores the weapons in a chest and locks it ((assuming there's a lockable chest)). He turns to the elves.

"As you can see, they will be kept safe. Any crewmember who doesn't look busy will be happy to show you to your quarters, we should be departing shortly, after I've spoken with the navigator"

2008-09-22, 01:37 PM

As if on cue, there is a knock at the door, "Captain, I have the preliminary course set."

H Savvy
2008-09-23, 09:34 PM
Once the weapons are stored, Jack offers a slight, stiff bow to Trader and the elves before turning and exiting the cabin, followed by the two other sailors.

He calls out to the crew, "Arright, ye lot! Pr'pare to make way an' be ye quick about it! We're takin off, an' we're doin' it in a hurry! Once we've got th'order to take off, we're goint'do it, and do it fast!"

2008-09-23, 09:46 PM

Osprey nods and goes up to the wheel to give directions to the sailor manning it.

2008-09-27, 11:15 AM
Jack Trader

Jack leaves his cabin, locking it behind him, and proceeds to the deck of the ship, to stand next to the helm. When all is ready, he gives the order to depart.

H Savvy
2008-09-30, 01:38 AM
"Tha's it, ye dogs! It's time t'cut 'n run! Weigh anchor! Unfurl th' mainsail!"

"Aye, sir! Anchor at short stay!" calls one of the sailors manning the anchor winch.

"Haul, ye salty jacks! Heave!"

"Anchor's up an' down, sir!"

"We're almos' under way! Get those lines secured!" Jack calls to the sailors working on the mainsail.

"Anchor's away, sir!"

"Right! We're under way! Helmsman, ready to make way! Take us out'o here, quick as ye c'n!", Jack shouts, before muttering to himself. "If I'm gonna keep doin' that, I gotta get me a damn whistle."

2008-09-30, 06:14 AM

Gwen comes out on deck to watch them leave. She keeps one eye on the weather and listens for anything coming towards them in the fog.

Listen (1d20+8=11), Spot (1d20+9=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1750178/)

2008-09-30, 11:10 AM

Osprey also keeps an eye out for any sign of activity from above as the ship pulls out of dock and heads for the harbor mouth.

Spot: [roll0], Listen: [roll1]

2008-10-06, 03:37 AM
The Beggar's Choice rides the tides out into the heart of the harbor, the docks, the only visable sign of the city of Stormreach, save for the peicing illumination of the lighthouse, soon vanishes in the fog. The roaring grows closer, drawing concerned expressions from Melsitel and Es'tal'en and excitement from Alimor while the other three elves stand, firm jawed, half watching the fog and half watching Es'tal'en.

"The dragon is aware we are leaving Stormreach," Es'tal'en says as the roarings grow ever closer. Nelsrial nods to the hooded figure. "I retire to shield the ship from the dragon's magic and sight." The elf quickly disappears below decks and soon his raspy voice is heard quietly chanting spells.

As the beacon of the lighthouse shrinks into the distance, you are sure you see a large object come between its light and the ship, but no threats seem to come out of the dark mists. The elves at last begin to relax.

Melsitel resumes his role as the company's spokes man once at sea. "Now that we are safely out of Stormreach, I am sure you have many questions," he announces to the crew. "I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about us, the threats we face, and our destination. My fellow elves will, as per the contract, be working as part of your crew for the duration of our voyage. Feel free to use us for whatever tasks you trust us with." You can't help but note the warning glance he gives the bight haired Alimor.

((Q&A session! I'll give you a bit to ask what you may want. There is also a time skip ahead after this, so if you want to do something particular in the first couple days of the voyage, let me know))

2008-10-13, 02:28 AM

The navigator returns to the deck in time to hear the elf's declaration. "Fine... let me be the first. Who exactly are you? What threats are you going to be bringing down on our crew? Oh, and of course, what is our destination, and what is it you seek there that has dragons trying to stop you?"

2008-11-17, 11:32 PM
Melsitel nods. "Who we are," he replies, "would depend on who you ask, I suppose. Adventurers, profiteers, explorers, researchers, tomb raiders... I'm sure there other, less flattering terms for us being used as well.

"To be more precise, the five of us here are mercenaries employed by Es'teli'on to protect Es'tal'en and help him locate and explore a specific ancient fortress of the giants here in Xen'drik. We believe this fortress as been undisturbed since one of the giant's great wars or at least since the fall of their civilization, so the relics and artifacts there would be invaluable to historians and researchers.

"Of course, there are others that believe these artifacts are best left undisturbed or who wish to raid the fortress for their own fortune. The Aerenal elves are among the first. We believe the dragon is of the latter, though we haven't stopped to ask her. The Riedrans could also be counted as our enemies. I'm afraid he had to cross them in the course of our adventure. I would not be surprised if there are others."

The other elves stand silently as Melsitel explains, each reacting to different parts of the explanation. Alimor's attention on Melsitel seems to turn predatory at the mention of Es'teli'on, but otherwise seems bored with the whole affair. Celidea and Nelsrial seem to shift uncomfortably as the elven spokesman lists their enemies. Besc seems to be made of stone, only reacting with a small frown at the mention of the Riedrans.

2008-11-18, 12:10 AM

The navigator raises a brow, "Are you telling me that our captain agreed to such an extremely risky proposition for his ship, his crew and his own neck in return for standard transportation fees?" He chuckles, "I know the captain, I think better than you did... so now you should tell us exactly what he was promised for recompense. You know, whatever was under the table and not listed in the contract."

2008-11-18, 10:23 PM
"I wouldn't presume to know the late captain's motivation. Obviously he saw some worth in this voyage. 2,000 gold, his take of any unneeded treasures we may find, and, of course, the favor of a powerful mage in favorable standing with most of the dragonmarked houses. I fail to see where the mystery is," Melsitel answers with a shrug.

Behind him, Alimor mumbles, "Not like we told him of the scale-beast..." Melsitel shoots the colorful elf am angry glance, bringing a grin to Alimor's lips.

His explaination leaves you unconvinced. Captain Agarish was rarely motivated solely by profit and avoided politics as much as he could, paying little attention to power and influence outside of the docks and markets. He was one that was usually motivated by the heart, choosing voyages that aided, rescued, or freed the communities and travelers around Xen'Drik. Although he did have a strong love for the simple adventure of sailing around the dangerous seas of Xen'Drik, he was never one to take knowingly reckless and dangerous contracts.

2008-11-19, 01:32 AM

Osprey smiles, shaking his head slowly, "Now what did I tell you about upsetting the navigator... who knows how much that will throw off my calculations. Then again, maybe we don't need to deal with that at all. We could just break contract with you and sail right back into port. I bet that with a nice long court battle you might even take the ship away from us... too bad that would put you behind in this race you seem to have drafted us into." He pauses for dramatic effect, "Now... would you like to start telling us the truthful answer to my question?"

2008-11-21, 01:36 AM
"Maybe you should do that!" Alimor says, stepping forward angrily. "Its not like..."

His words end in a gasp as Besc grabs the back of his jerkin and yanks him back.

Melsitel throws Alimor a glare before replying, "Ignore our excitable friend here. He's good in a fight, but is a handful when not in one. We of course do not want to turn around and be delivered down the throats of our enemies. It isn't a race, you see. We have the only map, and one of the only people capable of finding the fortress. They are trying to catch us, not get there before us.

"As for the truth... you seem to have made up your mind as to what the truth is, so perhaps you should explain to us what you are expecting to hear."

2008-11-21, 01:53 AM

Osprey raises a brow, "You obviously aren't listening very well. We knew our captain... he wasn't the best of men, he wasn't always the best of captains... but he wouldn't have put his neck on the line with this journey for standard transportation costs. He also knew us... that his crew would not put up with him putting their necks on the line for standard transportation costs. So... if you are being truthful and you didn't offer him anything exceptional, it seems likely he found out about the dangers afterward, which might explain why he was killed - because knowing him as I do... he would have broken contract. Whether you were involved in that or not I'm not yet sure... though it seems you have some among you who like to act first and think later." He pauses, looking over the elves, "So... you can stick with whatever story you like about what you offered the captain. Let's get down to the Chandler's fees... what are you offering us to put our lives on the line for this journey? We are sailors, not adventurers... the loss of our ship in a legal dispute over a contract is nothing compared to the loss of our lives. It seems you might not have offered the captain fair recompense for the hazards you intended to put him in... please, don't make that mistake with us."

2008-11-25, 04:17 PM
Melsitel tilts his head and knits his brows as he considers Osprey's words. "Two thousand gold, all expenses for the voyage paid, and the rights to most of the treasures in a undisturbed giant ruin is quite generous for finical compensation. Likely enough to make everyone on board a rich man. I would not try to put a price to any favors of Es'teli'on may bestow.

"I assure you, that there was no agreements outside of the contract. If you feel your captain had other motives, I assure you, it was not through any agreement we bartered with him."

2008-11-25, 07:19 PM
Jack Trader

Having listened closely to the conversation, Jack speaks.

"Mr Osprey, I know you do not trust these passengers, and nor do any of us. I doubt they expect us to trust them. But you have said it yourself, we are sailors, not adventurers, and most certainly not pirates. Going back on our contract at this point would be nothing short of criminal, and we have no evidence to question it.

I agree, we are most likely unaware of the full truth, but who is to say that the full truth was not hidded by Agarish? What if he was looking for something? We all know that he was not one to take risks for extra money, but money is far from all that is treasure in this world.

However much we may suspect these passengers of ours, we have no evidence to support these suspicions, and asking for more money now is extortion of people who may be innocent in the matter."

He addresses the full crew

"I will not order you to risk your lives, however. We will take a vote, as to which course of action to take, do we continue on and stay true to the contract Agarish arranged? Or do we entrust all to our suspicions, break the contract and return to port, where we will face the legal repurcussions?"

2008-11-25, 11:48 PM

Osprey nods his head deferentially to Jack Trader, "It goes as you say, Captain, as far as I'm concerned. My vote stands with yours. If my zeal to understand the former captain's choice was excessive, my apologies to you sirs." He bows his head deferentially toward the elves.

Just to be clear, this is the first time I've heard the words "most of the treasures in an undisturbed giant's ruin" - was there anything like that in the original contract? The reason I ask is it sounds like very spotty language for what was supposed to be a very binding contract.

2008-11-26, 09:34 AM

Gwen nods, I am in favor of continuing onwards and keeping to our contract. She has her arms folded across her chest and her feet are planted firmly on deck.

2008-11-26, 01:36 PM

The Sahaugin at the back makes his croay voice heard.

"We would revenge ourselves on any who broke contract with us, and would expect no less ourselves. We stay true to our word."

H Savvy
2008-11-28, 01:05 AM
"Ah, quit yer blabb'rin, Trader. We're arready unner way, aint we? Y'know full well we never'da lef' port if we weren' gonna do it! 'Sides, if we din't honor Cap'n Ag'rish's last accord, we jus' wouldn't have no honor t'speak of.

As fer yer notions on th'late Cap'n, don't ye ever speak ill o him like tha' in front o me ag'in. He were a good man, sure as ships, an' an hon'rble one at tha'. Ye may be cap'n o th'ship I crew, but that man 'as truly me captain."

The sea kin wanders back to the rest of the crew, mumbling something under his breath about "no pitch hot"