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Admiral Squish
2008-06-16, 04:11 PM
Something is afoot. All throughout khorvaire, there are reports of strange happenings. Twisted, four-armed goblins sulking through cities, hiding their nature beneath heavy cloaks, only to escape or kill themselves when apprehended. Black-purple slugs the size of cats have been found in sewers across the land, biting viciously at those who come near with tri-mandibled jaws, those bitten reporting a strange, disconcerting tingle throughout their entire bodies shortly after. Children here and there grow horrific aberrations from their own flesh, and grow sick when separated from the monstrous things. Sharn, Flamekeep, Krona Peak, Taer Valestas, everywhere. Even envoys to Arenal come back telling of news showing skinless, eyeless, tentacled creatures attacking outlying towns.

The common folk remain blissfuly ignorant of the cause, and the meaning of these signs. Rumors spread blaming it on everything from the destruction of Cyre, to oddly-fertile waters. Only some arcane scholars know what causes these things, and in turn, the leaders of the nations learn the causes. They fear these portents, but find themselves helpless against such wide-spread and stubborn symptoms of the twisted disease that spreads up from the depths of Khyber.

Meanwhile, six intrepid souls awaken on a small, green island with throbbing headaches. A wide, slow river surrounds the isle on all sides, glimmering in the midday sun, and splitting the land around them into six points. One is shrouded in a wall of thick mist near the shore. one bears a blackened, scorched forest and chunks of rubble. Three are steep cliff-faces. The last point of land leads out onto a field, and a road is visible, leading further into the field and out of sight.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-16, 06:22 PM
A human male, perhaps six feet tall, picks himself up from the isle. He appears to be in his twenties, although the deep rings under his dull green eyes give the appearance of someone far older. His hear is a black mess atop his head, looking as though it has never been groomed properly. He wears faded leather armor and seems to be supporting his weight on his quarterstaff. A light crossbow is strapped across his back.
The human takes a quick, scanning look over the other individuals lying prone on the island.

2008-06-16, 06:36 PM
A large, tall being rolls over onto its back, and starts to stand up. Its red eyes gleam from underneath a shaggy mess of hair. It grabs for a weapon, a axe around 8 feet tall, and it sneaks a quick glance at the human. "What you doing here?" The ogre says in a low guttral accent.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-16, 06:46 PM
The human furrows his brow in thought for a couple of seconds before replying in a dry, scholarly tone:

"I honestly can't remember why I'm here. Or my name. Or anything else, for that matter. A pitty, too. I have a feeling there was something that I needed to remember. Do you, perhaps, know why you are here?"

For Admiral Squish
Meanwhile, I desparately try to remember any facts about Ogres that I may have learned.
Knowledge (nature): [roll0]

2008-06-16, 06:56 PM
The ogre stares off into the distance. "Uhhhmmmmmmmm..... I dont remember. Something told me not to remember." The ogre brightens up a little. "I remember I was good at breaking stuff. What you good at?"

Admiral Squish
2008-06-16, 06:59 PM
You remember all the basics. Ogres are big, strong, stupid, and not very attractive. They also have quite the odor, and have a loosely tribal society.
You're not sure how you know it, but you do...

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-16, 07:19 PM
double post. oops. :smallredface:

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-16, 07:20 PM
(breathing a little more easily now) "Um, let me check.

a small wooden carving of an open book appears into the human's hand.

(examining it) "I appear to be a holy man, and of Aureon, no less. I seem to be pretty knowledgeable, so I guess that fits. You can call me..."

(bends down to rumage through the contents of a leather bag by his feet before picking it up and throwing it around a shoulder).


Admiral Squish
I just cast summon holy component (complete champion, page 128). The holy symbol will disappear in 30 seconds. If I am to have no more prepared spells (if I forgot to prepare them or expended all of them before falling unconscious), please inform me.

2008-06-16, 07:27 PM
The ogre backs up a little and makes a look as if it is attempting to think hard. After a second he lifts his head up, and starts speaking. "Uhh, think we should wake up them?" He says pointing at the other unconsious forms. "I guess ya can call me Axe."

Admiral Squish
2008-06-16, 07:42 PM
Yes, your spells are fully prepared. You didn't get a chance to use them.

2008-06-16, 09:08 PM

The old man awoke facing the river. The soreness in his joints gave him another, less pleasant, waking sensation. "Well at least I'm not dead" he muttered to himself in a not appropriately relieved tone.

The source of his discomfort was immediate, the old man fell unconscious wearing his plate. Whether that was a good or bad sign was lost on him, as of now it was an uncomfortable reality. The paladin sat up and inspected his pack to make sure his effects were in order. On the edge of his peripheral he spied two figures, one significantly larger than the other.

"Hey", he called out, "either you know where the hell we are?" The old man pulled his shield and spear out of the pack. The two were either there out of happenstance or sent to finish the job. He wanted to be prepared for the latter.

Meat Shield
2008-06-16, 09:42 PM
"Grrrraaaahhh, wha' happen'?" grunted the ogre dumped halfway into the bushes. "Hey, wuzzah? Gid offa me! 'M not dead yet!" The somewhat slight of stature (for an ogre anyway) creature dragged himself to his feet, swatting away a buzzard that had been pecking at his forehead for the last minute or so. His fur is less shaggy than the other ogre's, and runs from dark brown to black. It is tied in a ponytail from the back of his head, keeping it out of his eyes.

Shaking the last of his cobwebs free, he sees the humans rising. "Hrrrrmmmm, don't remember being at a pub last night....don't remember any-ting act'ly." as he checks his possessions. "Huh. These'll come in handy," hefting a greataxe, maul, and a longbow as big around as a telephone pole.

Standing back up from picking up his weapons, his eyes catch the other ogre. Something snaps within him! Quick as lightning, he grabs the greataxe, and bellows a challenge! GRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! COME GOBLIN-SPAWN! LET US FINISH THIS! ......... Wait, what'd I just say?"

Through it all, the buzzard circles overhead, seeing that dinner may be about to be served.

2008-06-16, 09:55 PM
Axe looked at the other ogre. "I don't remember you..." he said. To the old man he replied, "[COLOR="Cyan"]No idea. Somethings funny 'bout this..." Axe drew his bow and nocked an arrow, keeping it carefully away from himself.

2008-06-16, 09:56 PM
Another one of the unconscious forms begins to stir. He stands, slowly stiffly—he's been lying on the ground in full armor for Gods know how long. He shakes himself out and stretches his legs to limber up; shaking his short dirty blond hair out of his eyes.

At the sight of the two ogres, he draws his sword in one fluid motion and holds it at the ready. "Friend or foe?" He asks, his voice is heavily accented.

2008-06-16, 10:00 PM

Another one of the unconscious forms begins to stir. He stands, slowly stiffly—he's been lying on the ground in full armor for Gods know how long. He shakes himself out and stretches his legs to limber up; shaking his short dirty blond hair out of his eyes.

At the sight of the two ogres, he draws his sword in one fluid motion and holds it at the ready. "Friend or foe?" He asks, his voice is heavily accented.

Axe turned around. "D'pends. Are you? I mean no harm, but i'm not so sure about my kin here."

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-16, 10:03 PM
Book looks at the three rising figures with some relief as the wooden tome disappears from his hand.
"Me and my new friend, Axe, were beginning to think you were dead or something. It's good to know that someone else survived the...the...well, survived, in any case. Don't bother straining your brain. I think we're all suffering from amnesia of some sort."
As book walks towards the human in heavy armor, he turns to the other (apparent) human(?) and replies, "As far as friend or foe, I don't know enough details to consider myself either. For the moment, however, a friend,"
When book reaches the human in armor, he offers a hand in getting up. "At the moment, I am called book and the fellow back there is axe. What shall we call you, then?"

Meat Shield
2008-06-16, 10:07 PM
Not taking his eyes off the other ogre, the ponytail-wearing ogre says to the newcomer, "Yeah, back off runt. Da big kids got bidness to take care of - I think." Returning to the other ogre, he says "Am I su'posed to split yer skull open, ugly? I really wanna, but dunno why. Could do it fer gen'ral priciples, if ya wan'."

2008-06-16, 10:12 PM
Axe sighed. "Why do you persist in your futile attempts to kill me? I could put this arrow through your head before you could make a move. And even then, i doubt you could match me in combat." he said, drawing the bow tight, the arrow aimed at the other ogre (take 20 attack check if he makes a violent move)

2008-06-16, 10:14 PM
The elderly paladin approached the spot, quickly becoming a gathering of sorts, formerly occupied by the man and ogre. If they were sent to kill him it'd been bad form to reply. Behind the two approached another...a human by the look of it. And, as if to keep the group in balance, an ogre had appeared.

He shuffled through his bag again, to exchange his arms for a holy symbol. If they thought he was a man of the cloth they'd be less likely to turn sour against him.


Now that he had a good look at the man he could tell he was of the cloth, an unlikely choice for a killer to say the least. The party behind him was a tenser situation. Might as well get introductions out of the way.

"Aldan, least that's what it says in my locket."

2008-06-16, 10:17 PM
The elderly paladin approached the spot, quickly becoming a gathering of sorts, formerly occupied by the man and ogre. If they were sent to kill him it'd been bad form to reply. Behind the two approached another...a human by the look of it. And, as if to keep the group in balance, an ogre had appeared.

He shuffled through his bag again, to exchange his arms for a holy symbol. If they thought he was a man of the cloth they'd be less likely to turn sour against him.

Axe gave him a welcoming look. "Greetings, wise man. You are welcome with me. However, your god, or gods as it may be, I do not belive in.." (sorry, trying to roleplay a smarter than average ogre)

2008-06-16, 10:28 PM
Wait a tick. Am I somewhere off to the side, having been approached by Book or by the group/ogre?

Edit: Also, spoiler tags are your friends Dentrag.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-16, 10:28 PM
It doesn't work like that. You can ready an attack action, but not take twenty. Besides, taking twenty is called that because it actually takes about twenty minutes. Also, while your int is slightly above average for an ogre, it's below average for a human. You're talking like social upper-crust. Doesn't quite fit. I'd recommend just sticking with the dented-skull simpleton.

2008-06-16, 10:32 PM
It doesn't work like that. You can ready an attack action, but not take twenty. Besides, taking twenty is called that because it actually takes about twenty minutes. Also, while your int is slightly above average for an ogre, it's below average for a human. You're talking like social upper-crust. Doesn't quite fit. I'd recommend just sticking with the dented-skull simpleton.

Ill work with that. (Readies attack action) (radically changes speech)

2008-06-16, 10:35 PM
Axe looked slightly confused. "Uhh, Mebbe we should look fer a way offa dis island? If we fight, We migh' not make it." he said in a slowed voice.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-16, 10:46 PM
Book nods in recognition of Aldan before walking over and interposing himself between the two ogres and says (in a slightly louder voice for all to hear) "If I may speak. As we are all on the same island and I'm guessing we're suffering from the same amnesia, it may prove a tad more effective to assume the best rather than the worst. For a minute or two, let's pretend that we were allies before this amnesia and that any prejudices we are experiencing are merely mental relapses."

2008-06-16, 10:54 PM
Axe gave him a welcoming look. "Greetings, wise man. You are welcome with me. However, your god, or gods as it may be, I do not belive in.." (sorry, trying to roleplay a smarter than average ogre)

Imma just act like this never happened seeing as it was a response to an action I retracted.

Meat Shield
2008-06-16, 11:41 PM
Hmmmm, dis go bad, could be really outnumbered, he thought to himself. "OK, I'm patient. Got time to deal wit you later. Now would someone tell me wha' da' hell we doin' here?" as he lowers his axe (slightly).

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-16, 11:56 PM
"It appears that I've been quite insensitive. Given as no one here has eaten in who knows how long, it only makes sense that tensions are high. Let me fix that...
Five juicy steaks and cups of water appear on the grassy isle, arranged almost like a picnic.
"I can't testify to the flavor but I believe this should be a step in the right direction".

2008-06-17, 09:48 AM
The armored human sheaths his sword and walks over to the summoned food and seizes a piece of steak, ripping it apart savagely with his teeth and long finger nails. He watches the two ogres with contempt now. "Until you haafe an actual grievance to address, perhaps with violence, I recommend that you refrain from killing each other."

He finishes his steak with a particularly savage rip and then begins to inspect himself for clues to his identity. All he finds is silver symbol of a flame hanging on a chain around his neck. "It must be the symbol of a deity; any familiarity with this, Book?" He shrugs. "Well, until we know more you can go ahead and call me 'Silver'"

2008-06-17, 10:07 AM

The young man slowly sits up, rubbing his temples in circular motions. Dark bags under hazel eyes mar an otherwise handsome face. He looks at each of those gathered, then looks at his surroundings. He rises easily, displaying an athletic build, but one mostly built for speed. He wears a chain shirt, and a sickle and morningstar hang on opposite hips from his belt.

"I would prefer avoiding violence at the moment, as well." He says, as he works his jaw around in circles, popping the muscles of his mandible. "And since I also seem to lack any knowledge of my self, and we're giving ourselves names," he pauses a moment, considering, "I should like to be called Dusk." He looks at Silver dispassionately, clearly not intimidated by his savage manners. "At least you have the right of the situation. We need information before bloodshed."

He walks toward the summoned food and nods to its creator. He waves his hand in a curt gesture, eyes flashing black for just a moment before returning to their normal hue. "My thanks, good sir, for the repast," he says as he picks up a portion and starts to eat.

Activated Devil's Sight: see normally in darkness and magical darkness.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 11:09 AM
"Greetings new friends Silver and Dusk. As soon as our self-loathing friend over there..."
(points to the ogre)
"picks a name for himself, I guess introductions will be complete."

"As for that trinket of yours (looking at the silver flame), I see to remember something about a silver flame. Oh, what was it..."

For Admiral Squish:
I roll a knowledge (religion check to see what I remember about the silver flame)

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 11:40 AM
double post.

Stupid lagging.


Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 01:53 PM
The silver flame is a very powerful religion in Thrane, to the point of usurping the royalty and replacing it with a theocratic council, headed by the 'speaker of the flame', a powerful prophetic figure. They have a very active political position, having engineered the lycanthrope crusades years ago.

Meat Shield
2008-06-17, 02:01 PM
"Name? Dunno my name," nodding thanks as he reaches for a hunk of meat. He chews slowly, his deep brown eyes unfocusing as he considers this concept. The buzzard swoops down and lands next to him, looking up at him expectantly. After a moment the bird pecks him in the foot. And again when the first goes unnoticed. "Beat it, bird!" as the ogre takes a kick at him, but the bird skips around it easily as if he knew it was coming. Another peck and another kick ends as fruitlessly as the first. The ogre then gives up and rips a piece from one of the remaining steaks and throws it into the bushes behind him, then finishes his own as the bird flaps over and munches contentedly on his breakfast. "Mizzer'ble bird....."

After finishing his meal, the ogre grunts in approval and nods once more to Book. "Reckon you gotta call me some'tin, huh. I seem to remember something that starts wit' 'T'," running his tongue over his incisors. "Tusk sounds 'bout right. Let's go wit' dat."

2008-06-17, 02:07 PM
Axe quietly took and ate his steak, and drank the water, then set the cup back down. ""Imma gonna have a look 'round this island. I'll tell ya what I see. I'll be back."

I take 20 on a search check on the island, +2 from my wisdom bonus. I report back to the party what's on the island, so mind describing whats on it to them?

2008-06-17, 02:13 PM
Aldan was still stretching out his back when he made it to the assortment of food. Without bothering to bend down he skewered a steak with his spear. The elderly paladin deposited his shield in his pack before breaking his fast in silence. At this rate I'll be the only one with a real name he mused to himself.

Aldan took the lull in activity as an opportunity to pull out his helm. The headpiece was in good condition and looked to match his armor. The visor was wrought in the shape of a snarling wolf, like the emblem across his forearm. If he knew anything about arms and heraldry this would be a spot on clue as to where he was from. What knowledge Aldan lacked in emblems he made up in common sense. Noble houses and those they employed had a habit of making enemies, ones he'd rather not face yet. Best to keep this hidden. They accept me so far, no point in getting killed over allegiances I can't remember.

The old man shoved the helm back under his shield and continued his search. This time a wooden trinket. Not daring to display another article of allegiance he inspected it from the bag. The trinket was a dyed red tear inscribed in a dragon's skull. Again, not the most friendly symbol he thought. Aldan felt the trinket was more recognizable and tried to remember what it meant to him.

I hope this doesn't force me into the Paladin of Tyranny class. It's just the Blood of Vol is popular in Karrnath, even among the good state loyal types.
Knowledge (religion) check [roll0]

2008-06-17, 02:40 PM

Silver sighs and lays back on the grass. Nothing, nothing to give me a clue as to my origins—only this stylized piece of silver. He stares up into the sky, watching the vultures' circling and wracks his memory for any memory of a silver flame; anything to help him regain himself.


Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 03:03 PM
"Ah, Silver, I just remembered where I've heard about a silver flame. Its a major religion in Thane. In fact, took over the government. Bunch of strung up zealots, if you ask me. Best known for a lycanthrope genocide...sorry...crusade. I guess you're one of them. Congratulations."

Book rises up from the isle to stand once more. "If anyone else has any questions, feel free to walk up and ask at any time. Though I don't remember you or myself, I seem to know quite alot about the world"

Book then walks over towards the misty isle and ponders how such a thing could exist.

For Squish:
Trying to determine if I've ever heard of anything like this strange mist.
knowledge (nature)1d20+13
knowledge (the planes)1d20+13
knowledge (arcana)1d20+15

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 03:08 PM
Let's try this again

For Squish:
Trying to determine if I've ever heard of anything like this strange mist.
knowledge (nature)[roll0]
knowledge (the planes)[roll1]
knowledge (arcana)[roll2]

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 03:31 PM
You don't find much. The island is sparcely vegetated, mostly grass and some shrubs. In the very center of the island stand a small stone pedestal, with a short inscription. 'Here, five lords came as foes, and left as allies. May the peace of Thronehold last forever.' Below it, some angry soul has scratched a single word: 'Fools'.

Lord of the Ducks:
The symbol of the snarling wolf is the symbol of the Blood of Vol, an unpleasant group dedicated to undead, and the deaths of all those who oppose it. The cult has been around for as long as anyone can remember. They see undead as the true path to immortality, and thus, divinity. There is a strong focus on blood ties and family lines within the cult.

Rogue Monk:
Your roll screwed up, so I'll roll it here. I'll edit in any information you remember in a moment.
Knowledge: (religion) [roll0]
The silver flame is a powerful church. The land of Thrane is lead by the infinite wisdom of the speaker of the flame, a wise, just, and peaceful leader, who seeks only to spread the truth of the silver flame across the land. Once all are united beneath the banner of the silver flame, all will live in perfect, eternal harmony.

You know of nothing like it in nature, or the other planes, but something stirs in the stores of arcane knowledge you hold. You remember that the mist remains a mystery, even to arcane scholars. It hovers ominously at the borders of what used to be Cyre, and now is known only as the Mournland, a country turned into a massive grave-site by some unknown force. The Mournland is home to hundreds of dangerous, terrifying beasts, mutated my whatever it was that created the mist.

2008-06-17, 03:41 PM
Axe comes striding back over the hill. He looks down to the group and yells down: "The island is sparcely vegetated, mostly grass and some shrubs. In the very center of the island stand a small stone pedestal, with a short inscription. I coulden't read it ((illiterate)). It's over yonder." Axe points behind him.

2008-06-17, 04:24 PM
Life-giving blood
Blood of the state
Vol protects the state
Protect the state

The code was old hat, like himself. Just as well, the code was pointless without the state. Aldan felt shook up.

"You go ahead and, uh, check that out. I'll just park my old bones down" he dismisses the ogre. He took a seat by the man clutching a silver symbol.

Don't you mean the bloody tear is a symbol of Vol? The wolf is a symbol of Karrnath. Or is it intentional misdirection?

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 04:43 PM
Book walks in the direction that Axe indicates, looking for the pedestal (to read it, of course). As he walks over, he adds (in a perfect monotone)...

"We appear to be at a crossroads of sorts. That way (pointing to the mist) to the mournlands; that way (pointing to the burnt forest) to certain death; those ways (pointing to the mountainous routes with each hand) to great peril and that way (pointing to the road) to possible safety. As soon as I read this inscription, I intend to take the least suicidal route. Doe anyone plan to accompany me?"

For Squish
If I can't read the inscription, I scribe the symbols down into my currently blank book (part of my equipment) and make a decipher script check (+10 bonus) to decipher it. The result of this check is meant to be kept secret from me, however.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 05:03 PM
Lord of the Ducks
The bloody tear is a symbol of vol, and the snarling wolf is another symbol of Vol, adapted to Karrnath's purposes, due to the close ties between the two.

The inscription is in common, and reads 'Here, five lords came as foes, and left as allies. May the peace of Thronehold last forever.' However, there is hastily-scratched word in undercommon below it that reads 'Fools.'

2008-06-17, 05:09 PM

The young man with dark circles under his eyes shrugs. "Whatever. I do not plan on remaining here, that is for certain. Considering we have no knowledge of our purpose here, I think traveling together a wise course, even considering our," he pauses as he looks at the ogres, "group's composition."

Meat Shield
2008-06-17, 05:17 PM

"Agreed, lets move. Certain peril is int'restin', but I don' wanna go out not knowin' me own name. To da road." He sheathes the axe, and pulls the bow.

2008-06-17, 06:35 PM

*Axe lets out a grunting noise* "Mmmh. I'd rather not stay here, so I guess I'm goin with you book." Axe Enunciated (just showing off there. Sorry, wanted to break the "says spree") He jabbed a finger at Book. "I says he leads! He knows more than I do."
Axe drew his namesake axe, and turned his red eyes to the road. "Now, who's going first?" In a strange language he muttered: "Ix al vale waerkash nah Daeh A'dal"

For those who can speak Giant
I don't trust that dusk guy. He doesn't trust we ogres much.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 06:52 PM
As though in response to the conversation, the soft creak of wood brings your attention to the river. A large, if primitive raft, lashed together with vines, flows slowly up through the snaking waterway between the burnt forest and the wall of odd mist. It looks just about large enough for all of you to fit on, and long, straight-ish branches sit upon it, looking long enough to touch the bottom. It catches, conveniently, upon a dead tree jutting out of the water between you and the road, close enough for the ogres to reach.

Awake and alert now, you start to feel something strange about your forearms. They feel heavy, and a look a little swollen to close inspection. You can't remember if they were like that before. Not interesting enough to warrrant bothering your friends with, though.

Meat Shield:
After the headache cleared and you're more alert, you feel something odd in your hands and forearms. They feel light, and look slightly larger than normal proportions would indicate. Still, no need to mention this to the others, if they may turn out to be foes later.

Once you've gotten a handle on things, you start to notice your legs feel strong, and look a little more muscular then the rest of your body, on close inspection. Maybe you walked a lot before you lost your memory.

After getting your bearings, you notice your eyes feel dry and itchy, a little warm, too. Probably nothing of importance, though.

Lord of the Ducks:
After you've woken up, and begun looking around, you notice your legs seem thin, vaguely atrophied, but they feel oddly strong for their appearance. Looks like age doesn't steal as much strength as you thought.

Rogue Monk:
After you have some food in you, you notice your legs feel heavy, weighty and a bit stiff. You have been lying out in your heavy armor, though, so it's not strange enough to warrant mentioning.

2008-06-17, 06:58 PM
"Huh. Almost too easy." Axe says. Axe reaches over and grabs the raft and drags it towards the others. He motions the others on. "Come on, everyone on, we can't get away if we're on an island."

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 07:13 PM
"One more quick thing before we leave.


Book's eyes momentarily gain a glossy look as they shift back and forth a bit faster than is normal for humans. After a couple of seconds, he returns back to normal, rubbing his chin. That's interesting.

"I just called upon a bit of divine insight. Although it can't access information about us, the amount of knowledge at my disposal right now is...almost painful. If anyone has any more general questions, follow me and ask them quickly. This spell won't last very long."
(steps onto the raft before turning back)
(Motioning to the raft)
"Axe. Tusk. I'm afraid my arms are a bit too short to reach the raft."
"Oh. And there seems to be something in the air. pollen perhaps. I hope none of you have allergies."

For Squish:

I just cast Lore of the Gods, using it to make an untrained knowledge (history) check (reducing its remaining duration from 50 minutes to 5 minutes) trying to remember the five lords refered to, the implied treaty and (if the result is high enough) the possible opponent (likely drow) to the formation of this treaty.
Knowledge (history): [roll0]
Also, for my general information, as our starting equipment is masterwork, is it going too far to assume that my book has been waterproofed (to at least some degree) and that my ink vial has a good stopper?

2008-06-17, 07:21 PM
"Just as well", the old paladin mutters, making his way towards the boat. With a bit of heavy lifting Aldan hefts his bag into the back. He gets in alongside his possessions before laying back.

2008-06-17, 07:22 PM
"Uhm, book, What do you know about.... somethink called goliaths? I remember them being important, but I cant remember why." Axe hissed. At the same time, he motioned the others onto the raft. "Ey! If you're strong, take a branch and paddle us there!"

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 07:28 PM
"Goliaths, eh? Hmm..."

For Squish
I want to see what I know about goliaths
Knowledge (nature) = [roll0]

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 07:33 PM
The five lords mentioned were the rulers of the five kingdoms, Thrane, Aundair, Breland, Cyre, and Karrnath. With Cyre absent due to the cataclysm of the Mournland, you can only assume the fifth lord refers to the minor lords of all the other, slightly less powerful nations of the land. The treaty of Thronehold was what set all the current boundaries of the nation and ended the Last War on vaguely equal terms.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 07:43 PM
For Squish (spoilers intentionally left out):
And on the topic of goliaths...?

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 07:57 PM
Goliaths are a race of exceptionally large humanoids that live in the land of Xen'Drik, deep in the mountains. They resemble small giants, only a little larger than humans, but physically powerful. They have a strong tribal structure, are fiercely independent, and largely self-sufficient. They are nomads, never remaining in one place for long. Their nomadic nature makes them difficult to study, and even harder to find. They may be large tribes, but there's a lot of mountain to search, and the terrain is not forgiving.

Meat Shield
2008-06-17, 08:26 PM

"Sumptin' strange 'bout 'dis whole t'ing...." Tusk lingers a moment, watching behind the party, still holding the bow, watching, listening. Finally he gives in and jumps on the raft last. Behind him, the buzzard silently alights onto the rudder post, and begins preening his feathers. Tusk mutters "Mizzer'ble flying rat..."

Still moving as though he has no clear purpose, Tusk is not the swiftest seaman to ever alight upon a waterway. But simple poling he can handle. He puts his bow across one shoulder, but keeps it loose so he can arm himself swiftly if need be. He takes the upstream side, pushes off with his pole. He peers ahead and all around, looking for something to fill the gaping void in his mind that is his memories and reason for being. "Still don' tink dat's me real name, but it's close. It'll do fer now."

Squishes eyes only

Tusk is still giving Axe the evil eye and a fang now and then, but I would think it would be mostly subconsciously happening. If spot checks are needed for that sort of thing, you could allow that info to get out to those who would notice

Turning to Book, "So's if you knows ev'ryt'ing now, where's we goin'?"

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 08:38 PM
Everyone roll some spot checks, 'kay?

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 08:38 PM
"Axe, I think I know quite a bit about those goliaths of yours. Remind me to tell you about them tonight."

Hmm. Where are we going? Think. Think. Think. Book furrows his brow in thought.

"Well, Tusk, right now we're trying to cross the river and start down that road. Admittedly, I don't know what town we're heading towards. Geography apparently isn't one of my specialites. However, I don't think there's any such thing as a road to nowhere. If we follow the road long enough, we'll find some civilization. If nothing else, I can call upon another burst of insight tomorrow."

Book makes a mental note to shore up his intellectual blindspot at the first opportunity.

2008-06-17, 08:45 PM
Fully aware to what happens to heavily armored men in rivers, Aldan removed his breastplate and boots. His legs were expectedly numb so he left the greaves on. "Hey Book, you gonna magic us up some paddles or are we to just drift blindly downstream?"

2008-06-17, 08:50 PM
Methinks that was just a bad idea

2008-06-17, 08:51 PM
Still poling with Tusk across the body of water, Axe looks confused. "So, mebbe we do make it to a city or town? What then? Any idea of what we're gonna be doin?" Axe sighs and covers his eyes while poling with one hand. It was going to be a long time before he got his mind straight, he thought. Axe shook himself from his reverie and continued poling across. ((any idea how long this would take game-wise squish?))

Squishes eyes only.
[roll0]-2. This is my Geography, Knowlege check.
[roll1]-2. this is my local knowlege check. (assuming both are int based.)

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 08:58 PM
Sadly, you can't make knowledge checks untrained, not without a lot of time.
Game-wise, Dusk and Silver still haven't gotten on, so I'm assuming you're still waiting on the banks for them. It won't take long, after that, trust me.

2008-06-17, 09:04 PM
Sadly, you can't make knowledge checks untrained, not without a lot of time.
Game-wise, Dusk and Silver still haven't gotten on, so I'm assuming you're still waiting on the banks for them. It won't take long, after that, trust me.

(Ok, thanks. Better take some ranks in knowlege next level then :P)
((at this point we're just waiting for people... so lets get on with the waiting!))

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 09:06 PM
Still waiting on those spot checks, folks.

Meat Shield
2008-06-17, 09:07 PM

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Knowledge Nature [roll2]
This last roll I am looking for info about this river or approaching shore - special dangers, difficulties, does it look natural, anything odd, etc

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 09:19 PM
Meat Shield:
Knowledge results:
The river is wide and relatively shallow, but gets swifter and deeper further towards the sea. The shore is normal, but the grass further inland is rather tall, which you recognize as the favored hunting-terrain of many predators. You don't see or hear anything of interest, though.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 09:31 PM
"I'm sorry, Aldan, but neither option will be required. We are only trying to reach the other side of this river, a task that Axe is performing quite admirably with his pole.
Axe, I assure you that your apparent concern is quite unfounded. When we get to a town, we'll see what's going on. With any luck, some or all of us will be recognized by the inhabitants and we can start to rebuild our lives from there. Then again, even if nobody recognizes any of us, I'm sure that a group like this won't have trouble finding work."

Admiral Squish

Spot Check 1d20+2

2008-06-17, 09:56 PM
"Yeah, but... I have a feeling that any village around here wont like us ogres. Just a feelin' mebbe? If we go on the run, I'm dragging you all wit me."

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 10:06 PM
Lord of the Ducks:
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a small, gray-skinned creature peering through the tall grass at your group, before it's eyes widen, noting your gaze, and slipping off deeper into the grass quickly.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-17, 10:24 PM
"Any hamlet worth its salt will tolerate a visit, even if it doesn't accept you properly. Just in case, however, I don't suppose any of you are skilled in the art of diplomacy?"


Today, I've learned that you can't edit a dice roll into a post. Go figure.
Spot check: [roll0]

Admiral Squish
2008-06-17, 11:01 PM
You don't see anything out of the ordinary.

2008-06-18, 12:13 AM
With alacrity surprising for his age, the paladin springs up and grabs Axe's shoulder.

Hold, ogre", he hisses, "the reeds..."

In a cold and drilled manner Aldan grabs a javelin out of his pack and draws it back. Under his breath the paladin mutters instinctual holy words "sangre fuerte de vol".

Move action to ready javelin and standard to cast Divine Favor

Admiral Squish
2008-06-18, 12:44 AM
It's attempt at stealth spoiled, something in the tall grass on the far side of the river moves, and a hollow click is heard, followed by a whooshing sound as a bolt flies through the tall grass towards the old man who spoiled it's stealth. No longer caring for subtelty, the whatever-it-is runs through the grass away from the group, rustling loudly and leaving a clear trail of bent grasses in it's wake as it fights through the brush.

Combat Start!
The thing is 60 feet away at the start of it's turn, and is now 70 feet away.
Attack on Aldran: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: The bolt whizzes harmlessly wide, and there's a cracking sound from the brush. "Snek!" A voice exclaims.

An exceptionally venomous curse.

2008-06-18, 08:15 AM

How wide is the river, is the enemy on dry land or in the water? Is it possible to get to the dry land without jumping 50 feet?

Meat Shield
2008-06-18, 09:16 AM

"Here, hold 'dis," Tusk says as he tosses the pole he was using to the paladin behind him. Without even looking to see if he caught it, Tusk steps in front of the elderly human, rips his bow off his shoulder, smoothly draws and nocks an arrow, then lets fly at the retreating figure (OOC: this is assuming he is still visible when it gets to me - if not I keep poling but still try to put myself in front of Aldan).


Attack: [roll0]
Crit confirm if needed: [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-18, 09:26 AM
How I Spend My Turn :smallbiggrin:
Note: For the purposes of all knowledge checks, I am using my lowest knowledge modifier, +13. At the start of future encounters, could you please instruct which knowledge skill is applicable?
Free Action: Knowledge Check to learn about creature. [roll0]
Automatic Action: Knowledge Check to gain advantage over creature through knowledge devotion. [roll1].
Move Action: Using Dark Knowledge (tactics) against my foe, requiring another knowledge check. [roll2]
Standard Action: Use Dark Knowledge again, this time using the (puissance) ability, but only if my original knowledge check gives me reason to suspect that it has some racial ability to be wary of. Otherwise, I drop my leather pouch as a free action and move into the grass path that the creature so kindly made for me. knowledge check [roll3]

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-18, 09:32 AM
Sorry to double post but...
I need to in order to add in another important roll.
Initiative: [roll0]
Also, allow me to state the results of my turn.
I get a +5 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the creature, learn about what they are and any weaknesses they may have, and I grant myself and my allies a +2 bonus on attack rolls against it and saving throws against its abilities.
As soon as you tell me what it is, I'll make a warning to the other characters in-character as another free action.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-18, 09:57 AM
There's fifty feet of river between you and the shore, and ten feet of gently-sloped shore before the grasses arise, a wall of long, green leaves. You can't see the creature any more, apart from glimpses of gray flesh, but it's location is clear from the grass above it as it bends and shifts out of the way, leaving a clear space above it body.

Treat the creature as having 20% concealment from attacks.

Meat Shield:
I'll roll miss chance for you, in the interest of expedience.
>20 hits [roll0]

2008-06-18, 10:24 AM

Dusk understood the creature's curse. "Chok theg nisk, kenk!" he calls after it in the same language. He suddenly realizes his hand had gone up and aimed at the fleeing creature out of reflex, sensing an energy building within the hand. However, he lets the power retreat instead of pushing it towards the target. Interesting. he muses to himself.

The boards are driving me NUTS! :smallannoyed:

Translation for those who speak Undercommon:"You do well to flee, idiot!"

Admiral Squish
2008-06-18, 10:36 AM
The check is Dungeoneering, and the creature is a dolgrim, a horrific creation of the Daelkyr, a simple foot-soldier to the lords of badness and terror. Make your will save or be shaken. The creature's only specialty is it's four arms and fighting with all of them at once. The creature was bred by essentially squishing two complete goblins together into one twisted monster. It has two minds working as one, making it's will stronger than most, and able to coordinate it's multitude of strikes. You may want to edit your standard action with the information of the terrain.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-18, 10:40 AM
ignore post.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-18, 10:56 AM
Book looks like he is deep in thought for a couple of moments before his eyes begin to bulge.

He calls out "Th-th-that thing is a Dolgrim, minion of the Daelkyr. Don't get too close if you can help it. Its got four arms and knows how to use them. Hit it hard, hit it fast, and keep it the hell away from me...

Sorry. Try aiming for the solar plexis. They have a hard time blocking attacks there, a blindspot in their defenses."

Book uses his standard action to draw forth his crossbow. I almost went to engage that thing in close combat. Aureon, grant me strength.

OOC: Everyone gets a +2 bonus on all attack rolls against the dolgrim for 1 minute.

Although I am obviously spooked, let's see if I am actually shaken.
Will save [roll0]
DC=12 + CR

Admiral Squish
2008-06-18, 11:22 AM
You really like using big text, don't you?
No, you're not shaken. Also, you might want to give the combat rules I gave in the OOC thread a once-over.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-18, 11:47 AM
I admittedly like big text. :smallredface:
However, in the future, I think I will save it for when I'm on the verge of (or when I'm actually) screaming, as demonstrated in the previous post and stop using it for my spellcasting (unless I want to draw some creature's attention or something).
Also, I just saw how initiative is no longer needed. However, as the monster already went, that makes it okay for everyone else to go now (luckily for me) :smallsmile:.

2008-06-18, 01:36 PM
Silver growls and paces the edge of the raft, anxious to get at the attacker but unable to get to the shore to pursue it. "Pole us closer to shore; then, it will be mine!"

He snarls again and draws his sword, waiting for the raft to approach the shore.

Move action (?) to draw my weapon; and not much else to do.

2008-06-18, 02:04 PM

Once more, Dusk raises his hand as if about to point at the fleeing assailant, but decides against it when he realizes the being has moved beyond the range of his ability. "We might be able to get some information from it! Let's try to capture it!"

Holding action to see if there're more troublemakers.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-18, 02:26 PM
If you're willing to spend a full-round action on it, you could move the raft 15 feet towards the shore with your pole.

2008-06-18, 02:56 PM
Belatedly I realize I should have cast Bless, oh well

Not wanted to be feathered by some slimy river beast, Aldan ducks behind Tusk. In his free hand he fumbles with the pole until it's back in the water. Bracing his back against the ogre Aldan drops his javelin and pushes as hard as he can on the pole.

"Book!", the paladin calls out in between puffs and wheezes,"Get out my shield and wedge it in the prow!"

5 foot step to get behind Tusk and a full round action to push the boat

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-18, 03:13 PM
Meanwhile, Book was busy trying to load a bolt into his crossbow.
"Sorry, Aldan. I'm a bit preocupied at the moment. He's well within my range. I just need a clean shot,"

Two Things:
1. Note that I didn't actually take an action (my crossbow will be loaded and shot on my next round, after we are likely attacked again).
2. This actually is a very good shot for me. the enemy is within the first (no penalty) range increment of my light crossbow and I have bonuses up the wazoo.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-18, 09:59 PM
Tusk's wrist-thick arrow flies across the water easily, parting the grasses before it before disappearing into the tangle. An instant later, a loud thud is heard, and a gurgling squeal accompanies it. The gap in the grasses above the dolgrim shakes, and then falls still.

OOC: Combat ends.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-18, 10:11 PM
Book stares at the dead dolgrim with a befuddled gaze.
"Um...good shot, Tusk. Remind me to stay on your good side."
Putting away his crossbow, Book hands Aldan his bag, in case he still thinks that he needs it. He apologizes once more for his earlier hesitation in doing so.
"Ah, and Dusk? Why is it that you kept pointing at that thing?"

2008-06-18, 10:23 PM

With a shrug, Dusk turns to Book. "I had thought to blast at the creature, but decided against it when I realized we might get some information from it." He pointedly avoids looking at the ogre. "So much for that idea."

Meat Shield
2008-06-18, 11:26 PM

"Don' worry Book. It's wha' I do. I tink." as he calmly takes back the pole ("T'anks old man.") and begins moving the raft back to shore. "An as for in-terr-o-gatin' him, that river rat ain't gonna have any info we want. He gonna have a boss aroun' here somewhere, dat who we want."

The ogre returns to his thoughts, wondering why his first instinct was to step in front of the human to protect him. It happened without him knowing it, but the why escapes him still.

The buzzard flys away to check the fresh corpse, then wheels about when he gets within smelling distance. Some things even a buzzard won't eat. He stays in the air, circling above the party. Surely they would provide something for dinner.

2008-06-18, 11:36 PM
Pausing to catch his breath Aldan plops down in the back of the raft.

"Uheeee, uhee, maybe you should, heh, heeeh, make sure there was only one... before you start... interrogating it". The winded man secures his shield on and begins strapping in his boots. With a last cough he steadies himself.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-19, 12:27 AM
As is only took us three rounds of poling (at 15 feet per round) to cross the river, Book is going to check the downed creature to see if it yet lives. If it does, Book tries to stabilize it.

For Squish

Heal Check [roll0]

Admiral Squish
2008-06-19, 12:49 AM
As you come to the corpse, you notice a broken crossbow lying nearby, and get your first good look at the thing. It's little more than a twisted, gray, hunchbacked torso with a face glued onto the front and a pair of scrawny legs beneath it. Four arms, each unnaturally muscular, force their way out of the main, bloated body, and it's face is especially horrific. Instead of one mouth, it has two stacked right atop one another, both lined with crooked fangs, and it's eyes gleam of madness, even in death. The wrist-thick arrow jutting out it's lower mouth shows very clearly that the thing is dead, beyond the help of healing hands. It's covered in crude leathers, which are both too small for the lot of you and tailored to vaguely fit the thing. It also carries a small-sized shield, morningstar, and shortspear. On it's belt is a small pouch, holding a small spyglass, an inkpen, and a few sheafs of parchment, along with a dozen gold coins and an ebony whistle.

Meat Shield
2008-06-19, 08:38 AM

Jumping the last few feet to shore easily, Tusk investigates the kill. Eyes sweeping over the fallen foe in an expert manner, he sees that the only thing of value on him is the pouch at his waist.

Taking a quick glance inside, he takes the spyglass for himself ("Always wanted one of dese." sotto voce), and hands the rest to Book. He then finds his eyes drawn to the footsteps of the creature, his giant hands drawn to the subtle depressions left by it's passage through the reeds, the bent stalks, the scuffs on the rocks. As if former skills were coming back to the fore. He starts following these signs, slowly, allowing everyone to stay close as he tracks them back to where the odd creature came from.

Tracking the creature back to base camp or wherever he came from. I will take 10 on the Survival check, giving me a 20 for the roll

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-19, 09:48 AM
Book turns over the contents of the belt pouch a couple of times before whispering back to the group.

"Guys, judging by this paper and ink, this fellow was sent to spy on us. As he never got a chance to blow his whistle, we don't have much worry of an ambush. Even so, allow me to check.

Book's eyes roll back into his head for a couple of seconds as his body violently shakes. When he returns to normal, his breathing is heavy.

"Strange...that...didn't work...must need... a focus."

Book falls onto his knees and continues to pant.

"Let...me catch...my breath...oy."

I just tried to cast omen of peril. unfortunately, my character doesn't have the set of marked stick/bones/similar tokens needed as a focus. Being temporarily exhausted after trying to cast a spell beyond your limit is pure roleplaying on my part.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-19, 12:01 PM
Meat Shield:
You follow the tracks perfectly, it leads off about a hundred feet downstream, and then goes straight into the water, towards the island you came from. The tracks are relatively fresh, a few hours old, and seem to be the only set you can see.

2008-06-19, 12:29 PM
Ebony material or ebony color?

Aldan stoops over to take a pick of the leavings. He gives the spear a good looking over and pockets the whistle.

"The question is, what would he have called with the whistle?" the man muses as he looks down the shaft of the spear.

Appraise check on the spear: [roll0]
And appraise on the whistle if it's really ebony: [roll1]

Meat Shield
2008-06-19, 12:47 PM

The rest of the party sees Tusk in a stooped crouch-walk, his eyes close to the ground, his hands feeling their way along in a manner that seems much too gentle for someone his size. He heads downriver along the shore about a hundred feet, then stops suddenly. His head swivels back and forth for a moment, then he stands and looks back to the island they just came from. "Hrrrmm, that not much help. Look like ugly there came from the river a few hours ago, am guessing from the island," he says as he arrives back at the landing.

Seeing that the old man has a point about the whistle, Tusk readies his bow and draws himself up to his full height to see if anyone is about. His eyes also survey for paths, game trails, or anything else of use that could give them an who they should expect to run into.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
K(Nature): [roll2]
Survival: [roll3]

2008-06-19, 01:14 PM

"Was anything written?" Dusk inquires as he moves nearer to Book and attempts to look at the pages.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-19, 02:28 PM
Lord of the Ducks:
The spear is simple, relatively crude, and is sized for the creature, little more than a foot and a half long. The whistle is black and wooden, but you can't tell if it's actually that color, or if it's dyed.

Meat Shield:
You see nothing of interest, a few small birds, and perhaps a rabbit. Nothing you wouldn't expect to find in a

The pages are all blank, except the first, which only has a few lines of poorly-scrawled undercommon. 'The Subjects remain asleep, even after being moved to the surface.' 'Subjects appear to be waking up, memory-wipe appears to have caused headaches.' 'The ogres appear to be having a disagreement of some sort. Advise management to be more careful about the grouping of further subjects.' 'Subjects are all awake. Still appear unaware of the experiment's effects' 'Raft released without signal. B squad will be disciplined.' 'Subjects are moving for the Thrane shore. Withdrawing to maintain surveillance.' After that, it's all blank.

2008-06-19, 02:44 PM
((sorry guys, my internet crashed.))
Axe took out his axe. "There gonna be more round here. They wouldn' send this few if they knew who we were. Im gonna look round a bit." Axe walks off around 30 feet from the group
Search check [roll0] Spot check.[roll1]

Admiral Squish
2008-06-19, 02:55 PM
You don't see or find anything of interest, apart from a small burrow full of rabbits.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-19, 04:27 PM
The road you stand on leads off through the tall grass, gently arcing out of sight. The road itself is tightly-packed dirt, surprisingly well-kept for it's apparent remoteness. The grass grows tall on both sides all the way, and trailing the apparent path of the road, you can see a blot on the horizon, too dim to make out, but it's big enough it might be a city.

2008-06-19, 04:45 PM

Pursing his lips, Dusk reads the page several times to make sure he understood correctly. "I speak better undercommon," he mutters when he finishes.

The young man straightens up and looks at those assembled. "Well, gentle-folk," he begins. "It seems that thing was observing us for some kind of reaction. They brought us to the surface after somehow wiping our memories. It suggested better choice in group selection after our large companions started to bluster earlier. Oh, and the best part is apparently we are unaware of some experiment's effects. Whatever that means. Also, apparently the whistle was to signal us to take the raft...somewhere. He mentions disciplining 'B' squad and then says that we were headed for the Thrane shore. Oh, and that it was supposed to withdraw for observation. Guess that's when Tusk opened a new hole in it."

2008-06-19, 05:55 PM
Axe frowned. "Well, if it want us to do sumthin', then we don' do what it wants us to do. Seems simple nuff. Still, I heard.... somewhere.... that clerics could 'restore' things. Could they restore what we remembered?" Axe looked slightly confused.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-19, 06:18 PM
As Book listens to Dusk's report, he stops panting and starts frowning.
"This is most troublesome. Think about it for a moment. Why would an abberation capture us while we were on our way to a city, experiment on us, and then let us go free as a bird. Furthermore, that...thing was taking notes. I think that we may pose some danger to those around us. I don't know whether they infected us with some highly contagious plague, dumped every form of pheremone into our pores to attract monsters, or simply hypnotized us to go into a frenzy whenever we hear a key word. Either way, I think we are up to our necks in proverbial horse s***, pardon my language."
Book stands up and starts pacing back and forth.
"Even so, we have little choice but to travel to the city. We need some answers. To minimize the risk of spreading any disease we may carry, I suggest that we send only one or two people into the city. Axe, you are right, of course. A cleric, even if they can't discern what is wrong with us, can at least dispel enough of the cloud over our minds to remember what happened to us."
Book stops in place, back turned to the others.
"So...who else feels like risking the start of a plague?"

2008-06-19, 06:33 PM
Axe said "Ill follow you wherever you go book. I'd follow ya to beyond the grave if it meant i'd follow you." Axe said without a hint of humor.
"Off to Thra-yne!" Axe pointed his axe down the road.

2008-06-19, 06:37 PM

"I'm up for it. I think I have the best people skills of our little crew," he adds with a grin. "And if trouble comes, I can handle myself easy enough," the young man grins as he looks around for several coin-sized rocks to pick up and pocket.

Meat Shield
2008-06-19, 08:44 PM
Tusk - ogre

"What you mean? I got people skills," as the party set off down the road. "So we don' wanna look for dis other group that let the boat free?" looking upstream through the reeds. Sighing resignedly, he followed the rest of the party, but kept his bow out and kept checking behind for anyone following.

"How much traffic dey get on a dead end road to make it look like dis?" he mused quietly as the left the river, but it was probably only heard by the buzzard circling overhead.


Spot [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-19, 09:57 PM
"Your worries are somewhat unfounded, Tusk. I believe you are quite right that we have additional pursuers, pursuers who most likely provided us with a "conveniant" way off of the isle in the direction of their choice. However, I'm inclined to guess that they are here to observe, just like the first. After all, they can't start a plague or whatever if all of their test subjects die. They may set up an ambush to scare us all into the city but until then, we have little to fear. In fact, they may clear some danger out of our way.
If you're really that paranoid, there is one way to check for sure. Tusk, you could stay behind for a bit, perhaps with one of us, while the rest of us move on. In order to keep an eye on the mobile group, at least some of their group would have to scurry after us, giving you your target, assuming that your hearing is acute. After all, it seems they've been assigned to watch whoever reaches the city. At the sounds of combat, the rest of us would come back to help.
Barring that incredibly paranoid plan, I think that we should turn our energy towards finding the town in the first place. We can discuss more strategy when we arrive."

Book takes a couple steps down the road before looking back at the rest of the party.


Meat Shield
2008-06-19, 10:08 PM
Tusk - ogre

"Meh. Someone's gotta watch your fragile hide." Tusk follows, but keeps watching behind.

2008-06-19, 11:01 PM
Aldan was still fastening on his breastplate as the group detailed its plan.

"If you need to be scoping out a city I think I'll come in handy" the paladin volunteered.

Great, a chance to get some of my more sensitive questions answered

2008-06-20, 08:59 AM

Silver sniffs the dead Dolgrim, but reels back in disgust. It doesn't smell natural, though I suppose anything with 4 mutated arms can't be. Is it likely that their experiments on us will leave us the same?

He looks around, noticing that the others were leaving him, and walks over to the road. "I'm all for heading into Thrane, I have a feeling that something about it is important."

He follows the others slowly down the road, wracking his memory for knowledge of Thrane.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-20, 12:27 PM
Rogue Monk:
Do you have any ranks in know (religion) or know (local)? If you do, give me some checks and I'll tell you what you know.

OOC: Well, I'm assuming you don't want to RP walking for eight hours, so I'm going to go ahead and timeskip you all a bit forward.

The bunch of you travel, relatively uneventfully, until the sun is hanging low in the sky, casting everything in a brilliant, fiery red. The grass around you has faded from it's lush green to a deeper green with a tinge of yellow. What had been merely a blot upon the horizon is now clear and present, a city of grand architecture, with a single massive cathedral-esque structure dominating the skyline. The details are still unclear, however. If you were to walk quickly, you could probably make it to the walls around the city before true darkness set in, and you just may be able to find an inn for the night.

2008-06-20, 02:14 PM

"Unless you vant to sleep camped in front of the gates, let's pick up our pace." And, following his own advice, he starts walking faster—his scabbard bouncing at his side.


2008-06-20, 03:04 PM
A call from the back rebuffed Silver.

"Don't go lecturing me on marching, boy. I've been doing it since before you could crawl. Double time, maggot feeders!"

With no short supply of clanks and clattering Aldan begins a paced hustle.

Meat Shield
2008-06-20, 03:15 PM
Tusk - ogre

What he talkin' 'bout with da double-time stuff? I been movin' at 'bout haff-speed so dese guys can keep up wit' me. Tusk pointedly does not strain himself whatsoever, and seems capable of easily outpacing the smaller figures in the group.


Realms of Chaos
2008-06-20, 05:51 PM
Book looks slightly flustered as he opens his mouth to speak.
"If you'll take care to remember, we don't know what's wrong with us. It may be to our advantage to keep out of the town for as long as possible. Staying in an inn could start an apocalypse, for all we know,"
Book then slackens his pace for a moment. Anyone who'd turn around would see that his cheeks are slightly red.
"Although, I'll admit, we don't know very much at all. Although I still believe my tactics would work, this seems like one of those times where action beats thought. If the rest of you guys insist upon an inn, there's certainly no way that I'd stay out here with our pursuers, even if Axe volunteered to stay with me. I can only ask you to think this through."
Book continues his march in silence after a quick run to catch up with the rest of the group.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-20, 06:31 PM
Lord of the Ducks:
Despite the pace and how long you've been walking, you feel perfectly fine. In fact, you hardly feel drained from the walk at all, even with all that armor. The shriveled look is more pronounced, and the skin feels dry and a little papery.

Meat Shield:
Every time you hands move, a small breeze seems to stir the nearby grass in the direction of the move. The skin of your arms has taken on a lighter shade than the rest of your skin, just slightly.

Even over the course of your journey, your legs seem to have gotten larger with their new strength, filling your trousers more fully, making them a little snug.

Your eyes are really feeling warm, though the itching has gone away, at least. You're finding it a little hard to focus them on things, though it's not severe enough to be of any real effect.

Rogue Monk:
You remember that the silver flame is closely tied to thrane, being the headquarters for the religion and the site of their most holy place. The details escape you, though.

During your journey, your legs have taken on a brownish color, and the skin seems thicker, and much stiffer, though it's stopped interfering with your movement.

Your arms a feeling still heavier, and the skin has gained a greenish tinge. When you flex them just right, you can see something snakelike move under the skin.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-20, 06:57 PM
Book stops in place, closes his eyes, and places his palms over his eye sockets for a moment. He then opens his eyes and, with a look of horror, declares

"Plan B!. We burst into the town, run to the nearest cleric, and get them to heal us before we turn into abberations ourselves. It may still be early enough to reverse the proccess.
Let's move it. NOW!"


I make a knowledge (dungeoneering) check to see if I've ever heard tales of humanoids turning into abberations and a knowledge (religion) check to try to reason what expression of divine magic (divine spell) would be suitable for the halting of such a process.
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1d20+13
Knowledge (religion) 1d20+13

Admiral Squish
2008-06-20, 07:40 PM
Well, I guess I'll just roll those for you, and edit-in the results.
Knowledge (dungeoneering) [roll0]
Knowledge (religion) [roll1]

The tales of humanoids shifting into aberrations are rare and hard to find, but in the dark and dusty tomes of the deepest, darkest libraries of the occult and the twisted, there are certain mentions of an artifact, a device of horrific and massive power, spun from flesh and madness. Such a device could surely change creatures thusly.

As for magic, you know of nothing that could reverse he process short of a full-on divine miracle. And even that may be iffy.

2008-06-20, 09:17 PM

At Book's shout Silver begins to run, moving swiftly but with difficulty—his legs are starting to toughen up, restricting his movement.

"The Silver Flame is headquartered in this country, they might recognize that I'm a follower."

2008-06-20, 09:26 PM
Aldan- geezer

"Don't tire on me now, boy, the city's just ahead". The old man pushes forward with freakish ease.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-20, 09:56 PM
"The Silver Flame is headquartered in this country, they might recognize that I'm a follower."

"If you're willing to steak your life on the fact that they'll purify us with something other than fire and death, by all means, lead the way. If anyone else sees a more enticing church on our way there, feel free to point it out."

Book seems quite tired out but he would not let himself stop. He couldn't let himself become one of those creatures. His repulsion towards aberations dimly puzzled him at the moment, but all true scholarly thought was pushed aside by overwhelming fear. At least, such thought was pushed back for a moment.
Suddenly, in the midst of the terror, In the middle of the unending rush, it comes back to him, that half-forgotten memory of perusing forgotten lore. Where or when he could not remember. The topic, however, was as clear as crystal. There was only one explanation.

Book's legs suddenly give out on him, or, to be more accurate, he gives up on his legs, allowing himself to skid along the road before sliding to a stop with his wide eyes gaze out into the distance. Aside from the ruffling of his clothes by the wind, the rise and fall of his chest, and the occasional blink or twitch, he is is utterly still.

For Squish:
Considering that I just skidded down a road, feel free to apply however much (most likely) nonlethal damage you think is appropriate.
Also, if you could, I recommend deleting the results of my latest knowledge check. Perhaps copy it into a PM to me in case I need to reference it later. I get the feeling that others may be tempted to peek. :smallamused:
PS. I think this might be a time to raise my depravity up to 7, or even to 8 or 9, seeing as this experience probably fits into the category of traumatizing.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-20, 10:41 PM
I'd call that two damage, and a ten-foot movement penalty for skinning your knees. Five once you get the pebbles and dirt out.
As for moving the knowledge check, nah, I trust them Besides, if they act on it, there can be disciplinary actions.
I was debating with myself about warning you about being afraid of yourself later in the game, but I am so very glad I decided to let you figure it out for yourself.
I think depravity going up would be a good idea, but what would you get, taint-wise?

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-21, 12:45 AM
For Squish

33 hp left
As for taint, nothing new happens until I reach 10 taint, at which point I get a moderate depravity symptom.
Of course, although taint is mainly a negative thing, it does compensate the player a bit when they reach moderate or severe taint by granting bonus feats (until your taint falls below that threshold, at which point the feat goes away). In otherwords, although I'd prefer for all of my taint to go away, having two depravity symptoms and one bonus feat isn't half bad either.

Meat Shield
2008-06-21, 01:04 AM
Tusk - Ogre

"Bah! To hell wit' dis! Axe, grab 'em!" Tusk grabs Aldan and Book in his massive arms and carries them on his shoulders, his long, powerful legs making short work of the countryside. "C'mon, you damned goblin-lover! Move it!"

Those two should stay under my light load limit, so base movement still at 50' now (double move 100', run 200'). The same should be for Axe. If he got the two heavy ones, I will switch out one with him to distribute the load. Get to town ASAP.

2008-06-21, 01:15 PM

Silver turns angrily on Book. "So I suppose you vould have us just walk into the first church we see and ask if they would 'please heal us of our aberrant curse?' Oh, sorry, you just happened to be an evil cult! At least we know that the Silver Flame is peaceful and just!" He spits and picks up his pace again, trying to keep up with Tusk. "I'll be headed for a temple ovf the Silver Flame, anyone interested in healing can follow me."

2008-06-21, 01:23 PM
Aldan- geezer

"Lemme down you lummox! I'm a man, not a sack of potatoes!" the flustered paladin complained amid thrashing.

2008-06-21, 03:53 PM
Axe stops for a second, and grabs both silver and dusk by the waist. "Don' even try strugglin, I'm much stronger than ya. If ya know someone who can cure us, Lemme know. Ill follow ya first." Axe looks in the direction of tusk, throws Dusk over his shoulder while still carrying Silver, and sprints off in the direction that Tusk ran to.

Of note for squish
If either dusk or silver resists, I have quite the impressive bonus on grapple. If you're wondering what "Sprinting" is, i just initiated a Run action. My constitution is high enough that I could probably run a mile or two before becoming tired.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-21, 06:58 PM
You close the distance to the gates quickly, and as you approach, you see the massive gate is emblazoned with a huge, silver version of Silver's holy symbol. The guard at the gate, all five, cross their halberds as they see the ogres approaching at full-tilt. They wear gleaming armor, with outlined flame-patterns emblazoned on the shoulders, chest, and knees.
"Hold, ogres!" Their leader calls as the massive creatures come barreling towards them. "What purpose do you have, bearing men to the gates of Flamekeep like so many sacks of flour? Speak quickly!" He commanded, setting the haft of his halberd to halt their charge should they not stop.

2008-06-21, 09:10 PM
Axe stops suddenly and drops dusk and silver. "Err. We're travelers, and we needed to get to a city, but they diden't explain why, and we were faster, so they had us carry them. I don't know! I jest do what they tell me!" Axe says in stuttering common.

Meat Shield
2008-06-21, 11:30 PM
Tusk - ogre

Tusk deposits his passengers somewhat more gently to the ground than Axe does ("Sorry 'bout da bumps, Book, grampa."). He then grabs Silver in the back as he is attempting to get back to his feet, then presents him to the guards as one would present an officer's badge. "I tink dis guy can explain to youse what goin' on. I tink someone been makin' all us sick, an tiny here (indicating Silver) "thought we should come here fer help."

Tusk then realised that Silver would MUCH rather be put down and address the guards himself and in a dignified manner. He gently lowered him to the ground and backed up a step, to allow Silver to explain what had happened.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-21, 11:39 PM
please ignore.

2008-06-22, 10:10 AM

Silver picks himself up stiffly, and nearly falls—grabbing onto Tusk for support. "There isn't much time to explain, we hafe—all of us—some form of curse or disease that is transforming us into monsters. Please, we are seeking a temple of the Silver Flame so that we can be cured."

2008-06-22, 12:25 PM
Aldan- geezer

Midst dusting himself off the old man snaps up alarmed.

"Er, monsters is a strong word. What he means is we have some monstrous conditions. No monsters here, just sick travelers seeking aid" Aldan covers for the "monster" comment.

Should we roll for diplomacy?

Admiral Squish
2008-06-22, 03:41 PM
"A temple of the silver flame? Sickness? You've come to the right place, then." The guard replied, lowering his halberd, and motioning the other guards to open the door. They complied, and the great silver flame emblazoned on the gate split, revealing a town in the midst of winding down for the night. Heads turned to see the strange party of travelers. "Follow me." Said the guard's leader, who led them through the main street, straight towards a truly massive cathedral in the very center of the city. When the reached it, he gestured them inside. The interior was just as massive as the outside, and was lit by dozens of torches, each enchanted to burn silver instead of red. The ceiling arched up, almost out of sight, and there was a long red carpet leading up to a massive set of doors, once more emblazoned they the flame symbol.
"You'll have to leave your weapons here." He said, pointing to a weapon-rack near the door. "I can't take you to see Jaela with you all carrying giant axes and whatnot." He explained.

Everyone with ranks in knowledge (religion), give me checks.

2008-06-22, 04:14 PM

Mildly starstruck, the paladin complies. Hmm, big important buildings usually house big important people with big important prejudices. With that in mind Aldan pushes his shield, helm, and trinket to the bottom of his pack. Keeping anonymity at a premium, he picks out a shawl and drapes it over his back and right arm.

"Heh, you know, just to keep any drafts off me old bones."

Knowledge (religion): [roll0]

2008-06-22, 04:32 PM

Silver visibly relaxes at the guard's pronouncement; he unstraps his scabbard and hangs it on the weapon rack. "That's the only weapon I havf."


Meat Shield
2008-06-22, 04:41 PM
Tusk - ogre

"All me weapons? Don't know dat I ever been wid-out me weapons. Feel nekkid." But getting the affirmative from Silver and (OOC: I am expecting from the following) and Book, as well as the guards, Tusk slowly makes a small mountain of weaponry appear against the wall, with two daggers, the longbow as big around as a tree, a greataxe whose head could be used as a shield by lesser beings, and a maul whose size truly beggars the imagination. All these fall from his gauntleted hands, as he turns back to the guards. "Fine, now what?"

Admiral Squish
2008-06-22, 05:04 PM
Lord of the Ducks:
Jaela Daran is the Keeper of the Flame, one of the most powerful clerics in all of Khorvaire, the religious leader of the Silver Flame, and she's also turning twelve in three months. She's the direct contact to the holy voice of the silver flame, and is surprisingly mature for her age.

Rogue Monk:
Jaela Daran is the Keeper of the Flame, one of the most powerful clerics in all of Khorvaire, the religious leader of the Silver Flame.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-22, 05:12 PM
Since being dumped on the ground by Tusk, Book has seemed to wake up...sort of. Despite his previously flaccid state and empty glare, he had remained conscious and observant throughout the entire ordeal. It was only the shock of being dropped that allowed him to coordinate messages to the rest of his body.
That said, Book wasn't entirely awake, either. He wobbled about as he stood and dragged his feet as he walked, looking as though he might keel over if not for his quarterstaff. His gaze remained distant and he had yet to actually talk. Even so, he possessed enough pressence of mind to drop his crossbow when asked (although he was currently reliant on his quarterstaff for support in walking) and to provide Tusk with a small half-nod when looked to for advice.

For Squish

Knowledge (religion) [roll0]
Heh! Guess my thoughts are too centered in my head right now to think about my surroundings. :smallbiggrin:

Admiral Squish
2008-06-22, 05:16 PM
Jaela... The name seems familiar, but you can't really place it.

2008-06-22, 09:16 PM

Silver's already stiffened legs suddenly go weak and he leans again on Tusk for support. "You said we're going to see, Jaela? The Keeper of the Flame?"

If she's the leader of the entire Silver Flame, and I'm a follower, maybe she can tell me something about my past. Silver is close to laughing with relief; first he'd awakened without a memory or a past, then they'd learned that they were the twisted experiments of four-armed aberrations, but now there was the chance that the most powerful cleric in Khorvaire could cure their curse—and give him his past back.

2008-06-23, 09:26 AM
Though looking somewhat angry at this setback, he hangs up his axe, and bow. "Ah well, if i get inta trouble, i guess i could.. punch it.... Followin ya book." Axe looks down a minute, then stares at the guards again. "do i get ta keep my armor?"

2008-06-23, 11:03 AM
Dusk -- 20-something Human

After being unceremoniously hefted and lugged to the city gates, Dusk dusted himself off and said nothing through the whole process of entering the city, paying particular attention to the tight trousers which accentuate his heavily muscled legs. Zealots. Great. he muses to himself silently. Why do I feel so uncomfortable in this holy place? A dread hovers over me. Well, no matter, should they decide to eliminate us for our...issues, they'll not find me unarmed. A smirk comes accross the young man's face.

He places his weapons on the racks without comment, then turns back to Axe. "I understand looks can be deceiving, but for your information, I can move as quickly as you two," he nods toward Tusk, " If not faster. In the future, I would appreciate it if you would allow me to avoid such indignity unless I am incapacitated."

Meat Shield
2008-06-23, 01:39 PM
Tusk - ogre

"Whatev'r you say, tiny. We's just tryin' to help. Youse sick, we take to the priests."

Overhead, the buzzard circles in the fading sun, patiently awaiting his next meal. Landing on a prominence overlooking the front of the temple, he settles in for what he hopes is not a long wait.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-23, 03:25 PM
The guard nodded as he watched the motley group set aside their weaponry into the rack, surprised by the sheer volume of gear these travelers carried. He smiled as he heard Silver comment. "Yes, that Jaela. You'd think with that kind of authority she'd be more distant, but she insists on continuing her healings." He replied. "Truly, Flamekeep is blessed to have her." He added.

As the last of the weaponry fell away, he lead the group up the carpet to the massive doors, which opened on their own as he held up his holy symbol of the flame. Beyond them was an interesting sight. The room within was truly massive, domed so high it was out of reach of even the great, silvery brightness that lit the room. The floor was nearly fourty feet below them with a staircase leading down to it, and it was richly tiled in concentric circles of brilliant blue, green, and purple, all around a massive hole, through which roared a pillar of silver flame, twice as tall as the ogres. Just in front of the fire sat a throne of finely-wrought silver, patterned after the pillar of flame behind it, and in it sat a young girl, her bare feet swinging underneath her.

She wore simple gray robes, and by the looks of her, couldn't be more than twelve. Her skins was a smooth chocolate color, and her dark, curly hair has a single lock of straight silver hair, braided softly to dangle past her shoulder, clasped with a silver ring. Around the base of the throne, a strange creature sat curled. It looked much like what would happen if a dire wolf and a dragon had a child, but with even more draconic facial features. It's scales were a gleaming silvery-white, and it's wings folded against it's back. As the doors opened, it raised it's head and swiveled it towards the door. She looked up at the entering travelers and smiled, sweetly, guessing the purpose of their visit. "Greetings, travelers. Have you come for the blessing of the silver flame on your journey?" She asked, her tiny voice still managing to echo in the huge room.

2008-06-23, 04:06 PM
Dusk -- 20-something Human

"Something like that," Dusk mutters under his breath as he waits for Book or Silver to speak; the former for his knowledge, the latter for his faith. The young man idly scratches the front of his legs.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-23, 05:07 PM
Ever since he had decided to take a nap in the middle of the road, Book had been steadily coaxing his mind back towards stability. Though not at 100%, he was read to try speaking. Book looks up at the small child...No. Not a child.
Don't call her a child.
Don't call her a child.
Don't call her a child.
...and begins.

"Allow me... to explain... what is going on, or what I think is going on...to all present. As far as my compatriots are aware... they have been experimented on by dolgrim before having their... memories erased. They are convinced that they suffer from some abberant malady, turning them into monsters. They have come here... seeking a cure.
Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. We were experimented on, true enough, but we suffer from no malady. There are tales of an ancient artifact, remembered by few, that can warp forms and defile flesh. We were subjected to the warping power of this artifact. Although the transformation apparently takes some time, I can assure everyone here that there is no formal cure or treatment. Even miracles may falter. All that we can hope for are incomplete transformations. The only blessing any of us can request is the restoration of our memories."
(Book looks around the room uncertainly)
"There is one more thing that needs to be said, your eminence, but it might be best if we could discuss the matter in private..."
(Suddenly remembering that he's talking to the most powerful person in the entire country and the strongest cleric on the planet).
"...if someone of your great importance would spare a few minutes for a sage like me, that is,"

For Squish

Meanwhile, having finally regained control over my own thoughts, I start thinking about a possibility that I've been entertaining in the back of my head this whole time. THE DAELKYR.
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll0]
Whoa! :smalleek: I guess that I know alot about them. I wonder if that should be somewhat worrisome.

2008-06-23, 05:32 PM
Aldan- geezer

"That'd been nice to know on the way over here, Book. As it seems you all are conspiring against me and the very concept of subtlety I won't try to soften the blow. We're ailing something fierce, lass. Blessings would be just a start."

Aldan bends down and begins undoing the straps on his greaves.

"I trust you've seen worse than this, so again, no punches pulled." Before the armor is even off a faint paper-like crackling can be heard. Beneath the steel and breeches the old man's skin is pallid and dry. As the pants' leg is pulled back flakes slip off with it.

Admiral Squish
2008-06-23, 05:52 PM
The daelkyr: To the common man, they are little more than bogymen, stories to tell to make children behave. Legends, childhood superstitions. Only the most brave scholars know the truth: The Daelkyr are very, very real. Residents of the plane of madness, long stranded and trapped in the depths of khyber, they bide their time, waiting for something, but nobody knows what. They are responsible for thousands on thousands of monsters all across khorvaire, twisting flesh over the milennia since their stranding to create their massive library of abominable monstrosities.

Meat Shield
2008-06-23, 05:53 PM
Tusk - ogre

"Wow, dat not pretty, old man," he says watching the spectacle shedding in front of him. Turning to the preiestess, "Me arms feel funny, uh, miss. Dey feel too light an' too big, an' I dunno how dat can be. An' now de skin color's goin' too. An I really wan' ta know who I am, uh, miss. Please?"

"Book said a whole lot o' words I dinna unner-stand, but it soun' like he knew sometin' extra bad happenin' to us an' he dinna tell us? Why you do dat, Book?"

Admiral Squish
2008-06-23, 06:07 PM
Her gray eyes widen as Book reveals the source of their curse, then again as Aldan shows the results. "Oh, my, this is most grave news!" She gasped, covering her mouth with one hand and furrowing her brow, before looking up at the guard, and gesturing him away. He quickly bowed out an left the room. "Whatever you have to say, if it has anything to do with your fellows, they deserve to know it just as much as I. I do not claim to understand your point of view, but I find it best to get such things out into the open." She replied to Book, looking surprisingly stern for one of her size.

2008-06-23, 09:19 PM
Axe stood silent at the back. "If you can help me, i'll do anything ya ask of me Keeper." averred Axe. "I'm one of ther strongest in the land. Brute force, thats me."

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-24, 01:16 AM
Book gets a somewhat stern face as he turns around to face his allies.

"I didn't tell you because when I finally realized it, I fell into a miniature coma. Remember that? If anything, I took it much harder than you are now. This is the first time I've been able to speak since then and with Aureon as my witness, I speak only the truth."

Book then turns to Aldan and speaks.

"Aldan, despite your paranoia, I assure you that I have neither noted nor instigated any degree of subterfuge against you and that I count you as an ally. I believe we've all been suffering from one symptom or another, some more readily visible than others."

(Just now remembering the all-powerful cleric in the room)

"Sorry. needed to get some of that off of my chest. Anyways, I suppose it's only fair to let everyone in on just what is going on, or at least what I have been able to postulate.
Well (producing the notes written in undercommon), it seems as though a large group of dolgrims has not only managed to gain access to an extremely potent artifact but organize themselves, something that they don't do naturally.
Furthermore, the dolgrims are actively warping individuals, something outside of their normal spheres of kill and kill-some-more (Book makes a humorless chuckle at this little non-joke).
Therefore, I am left to believe that the dolgrims are working under instructions. And the only ones who have ever been able to order them around were, well...their creators, the Daelkyr.
And here is where my predictions get a bit grim, sorry. The fact that one...or more...Daelkyr managed to contact and organize their minions from their prisons doesn't bode well for us. Even worse, their activities don't exactly suggest they intend on returning to Xoriat. If such was their intension, their minions would be building a portal, not experimenting upon the native species.
(book turns around, trying not to face anyone)
Have you ever heard of the Daelkyr Apocalypse Theory? I'm pretty sure that I've heard about it someplace, don't think I'm making it up, anyways. Either way, the concept is sound. If the Daelkyr ever accomplish their unfathomable tasks, the world would end through three simultaneous processes. First of all, the latent waves of a Daelkyr's insanity, having built up after years of imprisonment, would create a never-ending supply of horrific monsters, monsters that would appear more and more frequently until the world was overrun. Secondly, the Daelkyr would draw energy from Xoriat onto this plane to shape this world to its whims, slowly warping every being on this planet beyond recognition, likely starting with the infirm, insane, and unborn. The last step is the worst of all...
Khyber. Jailbreak."

Book pauses for a couple of seconds, allowing the impact of those last two words to sink in before turning around. His face shows no emotion but his voice is incredibly shaky.

"At least, that is how I remember the theory. If it were already in the works, I'm sure that there would already be some signs... I'm afraid that I simply don't know or remember anything more than that. I am, however, a pretty decent sage. If you could aid me in my research, perhaps I could learn a bit more..."

For Squish

Wow, that was a long speech. I hope it isn't breaking any rules. If nothing else, the Daelkyr Apocalypse Theory may have been something that I came up with before my memory loss.
Besides, what are the odds that I'd be right about something like this? :smalltongue:

Admiral Squish
2008-06-24, 01:11 PM
You spelled jailbreak wrong.:smalltongue:

Jaela frowns as Book recounts the information of their travels, and his theory on the potential meaning behind the dolgrim's acts is revealed. She remains silent for a long moment, you can almost see her thinking. Finally she hops down off her throne, her bare feet touching down on the feather-like patterns of the floor. "This is the most dire news. I can't believe this could happen right under the nose of the silver flame." she said, as she began to pace back and forth in front of the throne, before pivoting on her heel and looking straight at the group. "I can restore your memories, and I can try to cure your affliction. If an artifact truly did cause your transformation, then the chamber of the flame may be the only place with magic strong enough to put a stop to it." She explained.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-24, 01:45 PM
Book is beginning to look as uncomfortable as he feels, wobbling from side to side and figiting with his hands.

"Well, uh...no need to blame yourself for this. Even if I'm right, this matter goes beyond your normal sphere of influence. The Gatekeepers, they are the ones who should should be fighting this war...if they've realized by now...and aren't already dead".

Dang. That sounded so much more reassuring in his head.

2008-06-24, 08:39 PM
Aldan- geezer

"Let the lass have her crusade. It'll only further our interests of being cured. To hell with whose domain is being intruded on."

With that he turns to Jaela.

"Now what was that about refreshing our memories? You have my rapt attention."

Admiral Squish
2008-06-24, 09:59 PM
Meat Shield:
You recognize the name Daelkyr. To your knowledge, though, they're more like boogeymen, things parents tell their children about to get them to behave. Things dismissed as fantasy long ago.

Meat Shield
2008-06-25, 09:53 AM
Tusk - ogre

"Daelkyr?" he says, wrapping his mouth around the unfamiliar word. "I know dem, I tink. Dey are de monsters that come in de night to steal children, right? Dey aren't real - dey only told me that when I wuz a kid. Now you jus' tryin' to scare us, Book."

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-25, 10:31 AM
Book slightly chuckles at the idea of being obliterated by a boogeyman.

"Tusk, I'm sorry to say that the Daelkyr are very real. In fact you met, and killed, one of their minions earlier today."

2008-06-25, 09:26 PM
((Sorry, but i have to be gone from saturday to around monday or tuesday next week for a family vacation. I hearby give Squish control of my character until then. (from saturday forward.)))

Admiral Squish
2008-06-26, 03:15 PM
[Since nobody's talking, onward we go!]

Jaela nodded as the group came closer. She turned her back to the group and closed her eyes. "Tira Moron! I, Jaela Daran, Keeper of the Flame, call upon your powers! Cleanse their minds and bodies of this unholy taint with the searing light of the holy fire!" She called out into the chamber, her arms spread wide to receive the power. As the last of her words died off, the flame puffed once, and slowly the room was filled with sound. Quiet at first, mere whispers, but it grew and grew, mish-mashed snippets of prayers, whispered pleadings, calls of glory and fragments of sermon. Louder and louder, until it was like the roar of a waterfall. Suddenly, from the depths of the flame emerged six glowing spheres, and amid the voices, the orbs lazily hovered towards the six of them, one in front of each, before they simply slid into each of their chests.

Imagine watching your entire life, from start to this very moment, not sped up or skipped or anything, then coming to reality again, and realizing that absolutely no time has passed. Twenty years for some, in the space of a blink.

The last month came back to you last. You were each snatched from the surface and dragged into caves, drugged, paralyzed, bound, any way they could think of to keep you from struggling. You were lined up with a huge horde of people, of all sorts, shapes, and sizes, naked and bound in heavy iron shackles and kept in line by wicked dolgaunts as they proceeded one by one through a heavy iron door. As each of you came through the door, you saw a single room, ten by ten, with some... THING in the center. It was deep purple and throbbed maliciously, like some huge heart big enough to fit an ogre inside, rooted in the middle of a clear pool of sticky, clear protoplasm. A single, oddly beautiful androgynous figure sat in a heavy throne of stone, watching. You were forced into the thing at spearpoint though a flap of cold, wet flesh. It was dark, wet, and cold. Then, it began. Each of you saw things differently as the process went on, but one thing was common, and there is no doubt in your collective mind that you saw insanity in it's most distilled form. You no longer stood in the pulsing darkness of the heart, you were ripped through an infinity of possible realities, one after another after another., each more maddenng than the last. Crystal spheres the size of fists that rain down in zigzags, then hatch on the green, slimy ground into ticks as big as horses. A plain of chrome where neon orange spirals frolic like animals, curling and uncurling. In the core of an ocean made of sapphire gelatin, with rubies the size of your head suspended in the mix. Falling from nowhere through a tunnel of inky blackness, gently-glowing jellyfish the size of mice wooshing past you as you plummet towards nothingness. Floating in an infinity of white while plankton-like motes of every color and shape drift aimlessly about. A battlefield on a cloud, where bright green creatures with four legs and serpentine necks fought piles of ooze with limbs and implements that shouldn't work, but kill relentlessly. After a seeming eternity of this, it ended, and you were dragged out of the fleshy flap, and your limp form dragged away into another room. Of what could only be guessed at as thousands, you six were the only ones left, and they locked you in a single stone room. Then, twisted priests of the daelkyr entered the room, and cast an endless procession of spells, one after another, before leaving you alone for a week. Finally, one more entered, and cast something that produced a huge flash, and then you woke up on the island.

Then for the second part. From the very core of your being, you feel heat rising. A hot swelling, until you feel like you're about to burst, when suddenly your entire body is engulfed in white flames that lick at your flesh hungrily, but leave no mark of their passage and leave your gear untouched. The roar of prayers and voices is almost deafening now. Then, all at once, the voices ceased, and the flames winked out, but the twisted mutations remained. Jaela panted for breath as she sat back in the throne, seeming drained. "I'm sorry... whatever... changed you... is stronger... than me... it seems." She replied, panting all through the apology, a sorrowful look on her face.

2008-06-26, 03:34 PM
Dusk -- 20-something Human

For a moment, Dusk stood still, a look of utter horror on his face. Then he fell to his knees and emptied the contents of his stomach onto the polished floor as tears streamed down his face. "I-I apolo--" his next words were cut off by another bout of vomiting.

Finally, when it seemed only yellowish bile was all that came up, he stands back up, and straightens his clothing. "I am sorry. C-could I get some water?" he pants.

Meat Shield
2008-06-26, 08:58 PM
Tosk - ogre

Once everyone's vision clears, they take a moment to glance around themselves. They note that everyone else apparently had a similar vision, and that everyone is holding their heads, covering their eyes, or as in the case of Dusk, attempting to control their bodily functions. Then you notice Tusk.

He is off to the side, crying uncontrollably. Tears flow past the massive hands that cover his eyes. His chest is wracked by the sobbing convulsions. After a moment, he lifts his head and screams a terrible roar, a mix of anguish, challenge, and promise. "FAAAAAAAA-THER!!!!!!!!!!!" echoes through the chamber. He sees nothing throught he glistening tears that have matted down his facial fur. And then he sees Axe.

He leaps to his feet, and crosses the distance between the two giants in the blink of an eye. "Grrrraaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He pulls his hands back and lays a two-gauntleted roundhouse up under Axe's chin, sending him flying backwards. "You did it, you were one of them weren't you!"


Attack [roll0]
Crit confirm if needed (not pulling my punch on this attack) [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Tusk then staggers, and holds his brow in his hand. "No, I not a barbarian! I am Tosk! Tosk! I know when ta fight. Not min'less killing machine." Visibly struggling with controlling his rage, he looks back at Axe, "No, you too young. You not 'sponsible. 'M sorry. But better not step out o' line."

And finally coming out of his rage to realise where he was, and who the small little girl was (that bore such a resemblance to a foster sister he knew a long time ago), he was able to resume his usual calm and laid back persona. "'M very sorry, uh, miss. Lived too much too fast, I tink. Am better now. 'M sorry." He bowed low, and backed away from the priestess, taking a station on the side of the group, as far away from Axe as he could go. If an ogre could show sadness, rage, and remorse all at the same time, Tosk would be it right now.

2008-06-27, 08:15 AM

Silver falls to the floor and curls himself into a ball, panting and with his eyes rolling in his head. His human thoughts have been completely forced out by the memory of the terrors; replaced with base animal instinct. His face starts to lengthen and hair begins to grow on his limbs and face, but with a scream he pulls himself back and lies there, his mind returned but terrified thoughts still racing through it.

2008-06-27, 09:40 AM
Axe lifted his hand to eye level, and stared at it for a second. "It's back. Pain, Fire, Light..... and before then....." He looked up, horror in his eyes, fire and madness. "I'm gonna KILL them all!" Axe looked forward, not seeing anything.
"Xledesh, ka gon de berut matr edjendir Daelkyr. Andeth daelkyr matr E egonde. Arbacide."

"Everyone thinks that they dont exist, the daelkyr. I do. The Daelkyr must Die. Kill them all."

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-27, 12:52 PM
"Book" stood in the middle of the room, trying very hard not to show any of his redescovered inner stress.
He looked around to see that he was doing relatively well with only the occasional facial twitch. Everyone else seemed to be falling apart where they stood. Attacking. Cowering. Screaming. Vomitting. Book had no authority over anyone else in the room. Indeed, they all seemed to have their own worries. This motley group needed someone with a level head, however. Right now, he would have to do. Turning to Jaela, he says.
"I apologize but I think it may be better to continue this talk tomorrow. I think my comrades and me need a chance to come to grips with ourselves and be reintroduced to each other. The stress has also seems to have exacerbated Silve...er, um...the cowering man's mutation (refering to his momentary transformation)."

If "Axe" was hit by Tosk:

"Book" walks up to the injured ogre and intones positive energy into his hands to cast cure moderate wounds. "Caelacoa"

Book then turns to Aldan, the only other one who hasn't broken down...yet. "Aldan, could you help me calm them down...Aldan?"

For Squish:

Although I doubt it is necessary, here is a diplomacy check if you deem one is needed (if, for example, Jaela is particularly impatient or on edge).

2008-06-28, 06:19 AM
((As of now, i am officially out of town. Squish, i bet you know what to do.))

Admiral Squish
2008-06-28, 07:36 PM
The ogre known as Axe cursed loudly as the heavy hamfist of his 'friend' slammed into his jaw. He roared back a challenge and charged, swinging his own heavy, gauntleted fists at Tosk.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Jaela shouted, her voice echoing through the space, her hands working motions in the air as a silvery burst of energy poured over the group.

Will saves, please.

Meat Shield
2008-06-28, 08:29 PM

"S'pose I had dat comin' to me," he says as he rubs his chin. "Ye got yer shot back, nows we even." He still glared at the other ogre, but seemed fully in control of himself now, the momentary rage passed and the normal calm that is so odd to find in an ogre returned.

Will save:

Will save: [roll0]

OOC: If this is a calm emotions or similar spell, I won't fight it.

Realms of Chaos
2008-06-28, 09:17 PM
For Squish

Will save [roll0]


Where is LordoftheDucks?
He hasn't posted in 4 days.

2008-06-29, 10:45 PM
Aldan- mid 60 human

The paladin stood there for a moment, letting the years and madness simmer.

"A good soldier knows he's already dead", words of a drill sergeant decades dead found there way past his lips.

Aldan turns to his fellow human.

"There are two ways to deal with a battle broken man. Give 'em space and time or a little Karrnathi mercy. And I don't have my spear."

2008-07-02, 02:48 PM
Aldan- again

The silence weighed uneasily on the old man.

"Well, Book, or whatever your name is. Where do you propose we drag this motley? I'd imagine Jaela here has prepared us a room, but I'll not fault you for seeking an inn."

Realms of Chaos
2008-07-02, 07:00 PM
"Book" looks at the pannicking warrior on the ground to the vommiting human to the brawling ogres and back to the elderly human.
"Well, Aldan, although the few coins we scrounged earlier may earn us a night in an inn, I'd rather not have to worry about ambushes from those...things again.
And, if you'd like to know, my name is Takerr, although we may want to save our reintroductions for when we've pulled our collective selves together."

To Aldan, Silver, Dusk, and Squish
I think we're waiting for you guys to roll will saves.
Even you, Squish, as you are controlling Axe right now (unless you already made the roll in secret)

2008-07-03, 08:41 AM
Dusk -- 20-something Human

Dusk blearily looks at his companions, absently scratching the fronts of his thighs.

Sorry. Totally missed that need for a Will roll. :smallredface:

2008-07-03, 09:39 PM
Will save: [roll0]

Bah, why am I rolling high on all the things that don't matter!

2008-07-04, 12:46 PM
Jaela sighs, rubbing her hand against her temple. "Look. I am unaware of what you remembered, although it seems to have had quite an effect. Nonetheless, now is not the time to deal with it. Rooms have been prepared for you all in the back of the temple; we have space for wandering travelers. In the morning we may deliberate further on the situation at hand, if I am not busy with the other higher members of the order. I must contact them now. You should all retire to a night's rest and prepare for the dawn. It may be awhile before you have the opportunity to rest in a clean and safe bed once again."

Jaela stands and moves to the head of the creature curled around her throne. "Glith, you need to contact the Argent Flight."

Then she turns to the pillar of flame and extends her hands into it, deep in concentration, as the draconic creature uncurls itself from the throne, spreads its huge wings, and flies out a large slit in the domed ceiling.

A servant decked out in silver livery comes in through a back door and comes forward to gesture you towards a back hall.

2008-07-04, 06:10 PM
Aldan- geezer

Aldan follows the chamberlain to their quarters. The paladin walks briskly as to avoid the company of others. In silence he busies himself by depositing his armor and trinkets beside his bed. As he removes his articles he feels something on his head he hadn't noticed before. A leathery skullcap he was not aware of covers his own bald head. Under it he can feel budding follicles along his otherwise smooth head.

The old man excuses himself to the nearest bath chamber and crops his beard and scalp to his satisfaction. After a moment of consideration Aldan pockets the razor and makes his way back to the room.

Under his armor is a simple pair of brown breeches and a, what could have once been considered white, linen shirt. Across his chest a silver locket hangs, the one he presumably derived his name from. The clothes are slightly loose and hint at a mesh of scars and muscles beneath.

The paladin plopped on his bed and shuffled the razor beneath his pillow.

Icewalker's blessing of course, I'm not sure of Thrane's policies concerning pointy objects in their bathrooms. Since I don't think many of you are going to perform search checks on me I think I can skip the first sleight of hand check. I'd imagine a razor counts as a small dagger, so I'm adding the bonus to the check

Last question, are we staying in the same room? If not that was unnecessary.

Meat Shield
2008-07-04, 10:10 PM
Tosk - ogre

The ogre follows the servant quietly, his mind on his situation and his embarrassing outburst earlier. Upon reaching his assigned room, he pays little attention to the decor, other than to make sure the bed would hold him through the night. He does ask that the servant send some food along, including a side of beef - "An keep 'bout dis much o' it raw," describing the amount with his hands.

After the servant returns with he meal, Tosk thanks him genuinely and closes the door, waiting a moment for him after he leaves before blocking the door with a chair to keep out all but serious interruptions. He then opens the window and whistles a low, resounding call. A moment later, Mizzer the buzzard appears, and alights upon the bureau in the corner. Tosk gives him an affectionate pat, and hands over the raw meat to his faithful hunting companion. He leaves the window open in case Mizzer feels like a flight later in the night.

For himself, he takes his meal back to the bed, and chews contentedly on it. He resides deep in though for some time, and eventually shrugs. "Wha's done is done. Need find out wha' those daelkyr wan' wit' us." At that, he takes the tray of bones to the table and goes back to bed. After a moment, soft snoring can be heard from the bed.

Realms of Chaos
2008-07-05, 11:57 AM
As soon as everyone has gathered in one place and we are alone, Takerr says, "Before we discuss anything else, it may be wise to reintroduce ourselves, as I suggested earlier. I suggest we go around telling others our real named and however much or little else as we please. Omission is permissible. Blatant lies are not.
I'll go first. My name is Takerr. I was brought up my an abusive grandfather and got a job as an archivist in a church of Aureon after he died. That sums me up quite well, I think."

2008-07-06, 09:44 AM

Silver stands slowly, his unthinking terror of before now replaced with a cold, calculating fear that someone will discover what he really is. He strides along behind the servant, letting the others rush ahead as they will.

Arriving at the rooms, he puts his hand on the servant's arm to stop him. "It appears that most of my companions are more interested in dining in our rooms, perhaps it would be simpler if food could be brought here for all of us—allowing us to discuss what needs to be discussed in privacy?" He nods his head in the direction of Book. "Oh yes, I am a complete vegetarian—I am eating no meat of any kind, if you could please take that into account when preparing the meal?" He smiles at the man, I am truly sorry if this causes any sort of disturbance to your plans, and thank you very much."

2008-07-06, 11:49 AM
"That should be no problem, sir." says the servant, bowing. "You may wish to meet and talk in this room," he says, gesturing towards one of the giant's rooms "It was a small meeting room which we adapted as it could better fit your needs. It should have the space for you all to sit down and converse. We can bring you your meals there."

Realms of Chaos
2008-07-06, 12:55 PM
OOC: I have edited my previous post. Pretend that I say that quote when we get somewhere that we can speak in private (because I quite frankly don't know where we are going anymore)

Meat Shield
2008-07-06, 09:46 PM

Assembling for breakfast the next morning, the ogre shuffles into the central area. He finishes pulling his fur and hair back into a pony tail away from his face and, after getting a large platter-full of food ("Wha'? Whadda ya mean dere's no more sausage! grumble grumble grumble.") he sits down heavily just as Takerr begins his introduction.

"Archivist, eh? Well, dat explains a lot. What wit yer big brain an' tings." He takes a bite of a large melon, and starts to wipe the juice from his maw on his sleeve, then remembers himself. He picks up one of the napkins and wipes it a little clumsily across his face, then sets it aside.

"'M Tosk," pointing to himself with his left thumb. "Ah hail from de area beh'tween de Shadowcrags and Byeshk Mountains, jus' nort' o' Droamm." He glances at Axe. "Not sher' how much else 'bout dat I wanna say - fer now at least. But let's jus' say I don' get on too well wit' me own kind an' haf been on me own fer a while. An' dat I don' look to kind on people actin' like crazy berzerks. Gots to be a little civ'lized."

2008-07-07, 12:08 AM
Aldan- geezer

Aldan shuffled into the room. He hadn't enjoyed getting up. His dream was particularly good, the elves were screaming louder than ever. In his pocket he carried the same razor from last night. He was glad he remembered his policy to never go unarmed in Thrane before anyone got a good look at his heraldry.

The assortment of breakfast foods suited Aldan just fine. In silence the groggy man downed two glasses of milk, a bowl of oatmeal, and half a loaf with onion butter. It would pay to get this out of the way as fast as he could.

"Aldan, I'm an instructor at the Rekkenmark", he grumbled to his empty bowl.

2008-07-07, 09:17 AM
Axe strode into the room, hair covering his face. As he took a seat in a chair, opposite from Tosk, he spoke.((I'm going to assume that i ate before i sat down, while Takerr was speaking"
"Kragesh wuz my name, before I left. I war raised by the mountain men called Goliaths. 'Umans would call me a barbarian. Not shure where it is, but I know my way round a mountain."He sat silent for a second, then in a questioning voice, he asked "Where's rekkenmark? Whut we gonna do now?"

2008-07-07, 11:09 AM

Silver pulls himself out of bed and quickly dons his armor. In the breakfast hall, he looks around for the servant he'd spoken to last night, before spearing himself several pieces of sausage and wolfing down an entire plate of bacon.
"Just keep calling me 'Silver' for now, I vas born and raised in the Eldeen Reaches; I spoke mostly elven until I was 10 years old and converted to the Silver Flame about that time; after that I traveled for several more years. That will be all." He finishes speaking and rips into a meat-filled roll, washing it down with water.

2008-07-07, 11:53 AM

"A military academy. Finest in Khorvaire, but I'd thank you to not remind our Thranish hosts."

His post was troubling at this hour. No doubt a replacement was filling it in his absence. He'd have to send a letter to the headmaster to explain his leave.

2008-07-07, 02:05 PM
Dusk -- 20 something human

The younger man looks around at his companions. He leans towards Silver. "I thought you were a vegetarian?" he whispers with a gentle smile before straightening up and nodding to Book -- or Takerr, or whatever his name was.

"Who I was is unimportant. For me this is an opportunity to change the direction of my life for the better of both myself and perhaps Khorvaire as well. Please continue to call me Dusk," he says with a brief bow of his head.

2008-07-07, 08:19 PM

Silver shrugs at Dusk's comment. Even vegetarians can crave meat some times, it must have something to do with the Daelkyr transformation. Don't you feel different as well?" He shrugs again and turns away from Dusk towards Aldan. As soon as anyone knows I'm a werewolf, I'm, He imagines a slitting motion across his throat. Apparently even ogres are more welcome in Thrane than I would be.

Meat Shield
2008-07-08, 01:26 PM
Tosk - ogre

"We cert'ly a motley group, dat's fer sher'. Wonner what's dat little girl priest-tess gonna say."

Continuing to eat as he speaks ("Hey, Silver, youse gonna eat all dat?", reaching for the last plate of sausage), Tosk continues. "I know I don' like people mutzin' about wit me head. Dem dalkyr gonna have sumptin' comin' to dem, no doubt. Ah'm hopin' she gonna point me in da right direction. Anybody else int'rested in comin' wit? Since ye haven't tried ta tear dis place down, and dey haven't tried to use pitchforks an' torches on us yet, I figger we can work wit dese people. Better'n dose people dat did try da pitchforks and torches on me like da last town I was in....grumble grumble."

2008-07-08, 03:35 PM
Aldan- geezer

"Knowing full well how the Rekkenmark tolerates diseased teachers don't think I have a choice. I'd rather we limit our reliance on Thrane, though. If we could avoid a return visit all the better."

Realms of Chaos
2008-07-08, 03:54 PM
Book/Takerr finishes eating a small plate of waffles and bacon before speaking up.
"If Jaela thinks she knows what should be done, I suggest we do it. This is not a question of who we serve or what we believe in but rather trusting that our incredibly powerful patron doesn't want everyone in the world to die.
If she's fresh out of ideas, I suggest we see the gatekeepers next. This entire thing seems to fall into their domain.
Incidentally, Aldan, I'm surprised you're willing to make your feelings about Thrane public, considering the high probability that we're being scryed upon right now, you know, to show the high council how we're good and noble people."
Book/Takerr then calmly helps himself to another piece of toast.
"Oh, and Silver, there's something that I need to talk to you about when we get the chance"

2008-07-08, 04:03 PM
Aldan- geezer

"The cowards can snoop all they like. It's no secret what every Karrn thinks of them. What I'm surprised by is that they haven't purged us in their righteous flame."

Edited out Aldan's tenure as that would rob him of any motivation to be on this adventure

But yeah, now that he remembers he's from Karrnath he's going to get a whole lot more blunt and cold.

2008-07-08, 07:35 PM

Silver stands forcibly, knocking over his chair and sending his plate of unfinished sausages clattering to the floor. "If you intend to insult the Silver Flame, save your remarks for the bureaucrats and the blind among us; but if you are raising one insulting word against The Flame or their Keeper, I will kill you in battle for your blasphemy—take my word for the truth."

He glares icily at Aldan for a moment longer, then begins picking up the sausages. You may have them, Tosk, if you still wish to eat food that has fallen to the ground."

2008-07-08, 08:47 PM
Aldan- geezer

The old man meets the glare. Under the table his right hand slips into his pocket.

"You might wanna think that over a bit, boy. The way I see it, regardless of what I was gonna say next if at all, you've just challenged a Karrn to a duel. Now that requires a lot more thinking."

2008-07-08, 09:17 PM

Silver stands again, meeting Aldan's gaze cooly. "Think of it as a warning, it would be unchivalrous to challenge you at a later timing without a full explanation—though I will have no qualms matching you now if you so desire, regardless of your nationality."

Meat Shield
2008-07-08, 09:50 PM

"Wha? Ye mean ye're jus' gonna throw dat stuff away? Gimme." Tosk muscles his way in between Aldan and Silver, completely breaking their view of one another with his bulk. "Ye can' jus' throw dis stuff out!", as he bulks himself out even farther, just to make sure.

Standing back up to his full height of almost ten feet tall, Tosk then looks at both Aldan and Silver. "Ah sher am glad we's gettin' along so well. Ah'd hate to see sumptin' go wrong in this nice church, where day took us in an' fed us and gave us a warm place ta sleep. Dat'd be a shame."

Going back to his seat with the sausages, Tosk sits down and finishes the rest of the food he had originally brought to the table while attempting to surreptitiously give Takeer a wink - and failing miserably at his attempts to make it subtle. He does not touch the sausages that weer on the ground except to take a couple and wrap them in a napkin, putting them in a pouch to take back to his room.

2008-07-08, 10:02 PM
Aldan- geezer

Aldan's pocket hand loosened its grip on the razor. The ogre was more right then he knew. If he killed the boy within city limits no doubt a mob would be out for the blood of some 'horrid Karrnathi murderer'. Just one more reason to vacate Thrane as soon as possible.

2008-07-09, 03:20 PM
Axe quickly glances at everyone in the room, and then speaks. "I'm stickin' with Takerr, If he still needs my help. Wouldn' be long before they threw me out anyway. Bu' we still need a map. Anyone got one? Cn' we actually win 'gainst the daelkyr? We wuz'nt strong enough last time."

2008-07-09, 03:39 PM
Dusk -- 20 something human

"It must surely have been subterfuge. I doubt any of us would have been taken easily. I know I would not have done so without many...casualties to my enemies. An enemy we all share, aside from our previous lives," Dusk adds with an arched eyebrow as he looks from Silver to Aldan.

2008-07-09, 07:05 PM
The servant from the night before knocks and enters the small dining area. "Sirs, the high priestess will see you now." he states, offering the door with the path back to the room of the flame in the center of the temple.

Meat Shield
2008-07-09, 07:17 PM

Tosk rather clumsily uses his napkin again, and pushes back from the table. "Dat were good stuff. Nice place dey got here."

He moves to the central chamber, but lets Takeer and Silver go first, thinking that they would be doing most of the talking so would need to be in front. He also attempts to place himself between Silver and Aldan, as subtly as a ten-foot tall, muscle-bound monstrosity can.

Upon arriving, he attempts a clumsy bow to the High Priestess.

Realms of Chaos
2008-07-09, 08:12 PM
Takerr walks back, taking the lead unless someone else takes it. As he enters the remarkable chamber of the flame, he scans the room for a moment before walking into the center of the room and lowering into a kneeling position,

"Have you decided upon a course of action, Jaela?"

2008-07-09, 08:59 PM
Aldan falls to the rear of the group. With little more than a nod he acknowledges Jaela.

2008-07-10, 01:41 AM
Jaela sits on her throne still, looking tired. "I have spoken to the Council. There are many similar problems cropping up around the land. We are going to begin recruiting adventurers to help twist back the ebb and flow of the evils rising from the land." Jaela gestures to the servant who led you here, who leaves. You seem to fit the bill perfectly, however, so I have a first mission to send you on." The servant returns, leading another man. He is tall and slender, middle aged and with white hair, but still fit. A cudgel lies at his belt on one side, and a silver etched book on the other. He is in silver and white robes and a holy symbol of the silver flame is on a chain bracelet on his wrist.

"This is Ilrecc, one of the many priests of the church. He will accompany you. The mission has been detailed to him, and he will lead you to your destination, an abandoned fort within the Burnt Wood to the Southeast."

Ilrecc bows before speaking. "To reach the Burnt Wood with any reasonable measure of speed we will need to travel a short ways by boat before continuing on foot. The port is a small town several miles to the south of here. I can detail the rest of the mission on our way there. We leave as soon as possible. Gather whatever things you need from your rooms."

Upon entering the room, you begin to feel the top of your leg warm up. It quickly gets a lot hotter as time passes. When the servant returns with Ilrecc, he turns to you and grabs you by the shoulder, pushing you back a step, glancing down at your pocket, which you see is glowing silver. You realize the metal razor has heated up to the point that it is almost burning your leg. "Sir, back up out of the room and I will take it, whatever it is, before more trouble is caused," he whispers to you.

OOC: go ahead and respond in spoiler if you don't want to bring attention to what is going on. Nobody else noticed because Jaela is talking and you are at the back of the group.

2008-07-10, 02:49 AM

The paladin slips out the door behind them. Avoiding the priest's look and folding his arms, for all his age he looks like a child caught filching sweets.

"It's not a crime to defend yourself" he says to his shoulder.

Aldan had thought the day could have brightened since breakfast but he was mistaken. If they know what I think they do this is one sick joke.

2008-07-10, 10:49 AM
Dusk -- 20 something human

Dusk steps forward. "Priestess. We have little in the way of gear, only the most basic of supplies. Whatever we had before our...abducion is lost, I fear, to the enemy. Sending out unprepared people will result in failure."

2008-07-10, 12:50 PM
"Hrm...very well, you may gather what supplies you desire from the armory. Vantres will lead you there." The servant from before reenters the room from the hallway which you entered from, bowing. Aldan seems to be standing just outside of the chamber, frowning, as is usually the case.

The servant takes the razor, places it on a small table near the door, and returns into the chamber at his name.

2008-07-10, 01:08 PM
Aldan follows from the back once more. The paladin seems distracted. When they reach the armory he loses interest in whatever daydream he was having and scrutinizes each piece nearly to the point of insult. After considerably too much time he picks out a well honed spear with a bloodwood shaft, a sturdy but unadorned shield, and a bundle of javelins.

"You don't expect me to assault them with rocks and harsh language, do you?", the Karrn snaps at what he perceives to be a disapproving glare from Vantres

I'll be hitting the road in two hours so Icewalker will take over from there.

Based on our level I would trust they are a +2, +1, and masterwork respectively?

2008-07-10, 02:23 PM

Silver lets out a sigh of relief as the servant leads them away from the Keeper of the Flame; The less time I spend in her company, the less likely she is to notice me.

In the armory, he inspects the weapons with utmost care; picking up several and setting them down again in disgust. After several minutes of this inspection, he finally picks out a finely crafted longsword, a large, solid metal shield, and a lethal-looking lance. He then walks over to the bow racks and pulls a short recurve off of them with only a glance to check its veracity.

Realms of Chaos
2008-07-10, 03:06 PM
Takerr walks around the room briefly.
"no sense doing this uninformed.


I cast detect magic and walk slowly through the armory. If I find anything magical, I attempt to discern the school of magic.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

PS: in the character sheet I handed you, I forgot to plug in the synergy bonus to spellcraft checks that I get from my ranks in knowledge arcana (I only just realized that I get this bonus). You may want to edit that on my stat block.

2008-07-10, 05:12 PM
Kragesh takes a finely made ((masterwork or +1, maybe +2 for the weapons.)) Greataxe, and a composite longbow of exceptional craftsmanship, along with some arrows.

Meat Shield
2008-07-21, 08:46 PM
Tosk enters the armory and takes a long, slow look around, emitting a low whistle at the end. "Pretty...," he says in a low voice.

He wanders about the room, running his appreciative hands over all manners of weapons. He almost completes his circuit of the armory, when his eye is caught by something in a forgotten corner. Moving aside a weapons cabinet ("'Scuse me, grampa."), he uncovers a matching flail and suit of armor, covered in a layer of fine dust. A mighty gust from Tosk's lips uncovers the black and blue chain shirt and matching heavy flail, both much too large for the other members of the party. Turning to Ilrecc, he asks "Where'd dese come from? I don' tink these are normal Silver Flame issue."

"Oh, those! I forgot those were in here. Many years ago, we hunted down an orc raiding party that was being led by an ogre named," pausing for a moment to recall the information, "oh, yes, Karthys! Quite an evil customer I am afraid. Personally responsible for the deaths of six entire families of farmers to the south, and then another seven of our soldiers that were sent to apprehend him. Eventually he was captured, tried and executed as the Silver Flame judged him."

"Hmph. 'S good you stopped him. Sounds like youse dealt wit' him right. Good work." Tosk picks up the flail, feeling the heft, listening appreciatively to the sound of the head dragging across the floor, making a noise similar to an anvil being scraped across the ground of a forge. Donning the armor, he notes the scales of midnight blue added in strategic locations about the armor, and the strange binding used throughout.

"That armor our mages examined. It is non-magical, but the extra scales and bindings come from a blue dragon. The bindings are his sinews. Apparently it gives a little more protection than a mundane chain shirt," explained Ilrecc.

"Shinyyyyyy..." muttered Tosk, almost drooling as he ran his hands over the iridescent blue scales and the blackened chain. He lovingly takes the armor and flail, and joins the others outside the armory.

2008-07-21, 09:35 PM

On his way out the door Aldan stops at a last rack of assorted swords. Without bothering to examine the blade he grabs one to get a feel for its weight. Satisfied by the heft he makes his way out.

"I've got chores to handle. I'll meet you lot at the gate"

Masterwork, I trust.

Since it's of no value to RP here's the rundown. The letter has already been written up in the OOC thread. He's taking it to a rookery, preferably a discreet one on the other side of town. Then out to hock his old shield and spear, the proceeds of which to buy a couple litres of Nightwood ale and two metal cups. True to his word he'll wait out by the gate for the rest.

Realms of Chaos
2008-07-22, 08:12 AM
Takerr walks through the aisles of swords, knives, and other stabbing implements before coming across a particularly attractive quarterstaff.

"this should serve me just fine. Just fine..."

Searching through the armor, Takerr happens across a fine suit of breastplate, apparrently made from mithral. Afraid to miss on the chance, he changes into it on the spot (he is wearing clothes underneath his armor, after all).

For DM

I know that mithral armor is probably a bit more expensive than is wise. However, as an "intellectual", I will be insisting on only half-shares of any treasure we find for an adventure or two. As soon as Takerr gets into a more "adventury" mindset, he'll ask for his fair share.
My AC just shot up to 17

2008-07-22, 11:07 AM
((Edit, Nvm, i took some of the stuff on the OOC page.))

2008-08-07, 11:00 PM
"If you have all equipped yourselves as you desire from our stocks, we can leave immediately," Ilrecc says from the doorway. There is a boat waiting at the docks to the east, it is quite close, we should make it in under an hour on foot."

2008-08-07, 11:35 PM
I know I said it had little RP value, but someones gotta get this started


The paladin is already out the door on his way to seedier parts of town. After getting a block away from the cathedral he begins his search.

"Bloody tossers. All bow before the mighty bonfire and it'll grant your wishes," he mutters crossly to himself.

"Hey, you! Where's a post office?" the old man demands of the nearest pedestrian.

2008-08-08, 12:39 AM
The man points down the block towards a nearby silver building, with some horses and a carriage tethered outside it.

There isn't much in the city with regards to seedy: Being the home of the Silver Flame, it's on the whole a pretty well kept looking place.

2008-08-08, 01:40 AM
Shades of off-white my friend, shades of off-white

Anyway, turnings fine. Keeps things RAW and who else would undead see fit to command them besides a man who can shake their bonds to this world.

The old man pulls his pack closer and walks off as silently as his guide.

Aldan makes a beeline for the desk and pulls his letter on the attendee. "I want this on its way to the Rekkenmark Academy on your fastest line. Let professor Gil Gorbachev handle the bill. If word gets back to me that the seal was broken I'll do the same for the courier's nose"

The paladin's mood was lightening. If there was one way to turn this morning around it would be infecting Flamekeep with his temper.

2008-08-08, 03:36 AM
A few people waiting in line in the office speak out, annoyed, as you brush past them, but they quiet at your foul mood and significant armament.

The young man behind the desk takes the letter with wide eyes and a slightly shaking hand, placing it in a box behind him.

((Presumably you head back to meet with Ilrecc. Does anybody else have any business in town before leaving?))

Meat Shield
2008-08-08, 07:27 AM
Tosk - ogre ranger

Upon Aldan's return to the group from his errand, "Now gramps youse shouldn't be runnin' off like dat, youse a stranger here. Don wan' youse getting hurt."

Tosk is oblivious to the stares of the smaller humanoids, being used to his role as pariah. He tries to smile to the children as he passes, but the sight of is fangs and fearsome visage somehow get in the way of their realizing he is just a giant teddy bear.

"C'mon Illrec, let's git goin'." Tosk steps adroitly towards the gate, the buzzard following from high above, it's belly sated by raw meat gathered from the keep's kitchen.

Realms of Chaos
2008-08-08, 08:56 AM
Book, stowing his new weapon on his back, says:

"onto the port, then, I suppose"

2008-08-08, 12:58 PM

The Karrn stooped to fasten on the last bits of his armor.

"'s fine by me. I was going to pick up some trail rations when we got to the docks anyway"

2008-08-08, 03:21 PM
"Let's head out then," Says Ilrecc, taking the lead as you leave the city. "You need not worry about rations, I can supply us with the food we'll need. But anyways, to business: the mission. We are headed to a ruined fort inside the Burning Wood. It has been abandoned since the Karns drew out after the war, but recently a group of undead have moved in. This could be a serious threat to those in the country near the forest, so we are heading to empty it of the abominations and then collapse the fort itself."

2008-08-08, 09:18 PM
Canada is pushing up my post schedule. Hope you don't feel like I'm rushing you

Aldan bit his tongue on the word "abomination". He had a feeling silence would be a virtue on the matter.

Realms of Chaos
2008-08-08, 11:20 PM
Takerr raises an eyebrow inquisitively.

"What precisely is the point of collapsing a fort after slaying everything inside? Wouldn't have the current undead scourge moved directly to the countryside without stopping if they hadn't found the fort in the first place?"

2008-08-09, 04:46 AM
"It's true, they would proceed immediately to the country. Lives would be lost, but local militia would be able to deal with them. This will be the case with any normal undead, fort or not. There is a reason the undead stopped to bolster their forces instead of wandering blindly into our lands: they are being led. There is a pair of the Karrnathi undead leading them," he says, and mutters a short curse under his breath. "These undead have strategy and tactics. It won't be as easy as battling a mindless horde. The point of collapsing the fort is so that if a similar situation arises in the future, it can be more easily dealt with."

2008-08-09, 09:47 PM

That Karrns were involved did not come to a shock to the paladin. After a few moments thought, however, it became the best news this day had to offer.

Aldan strides to the front of the party and removes his left gauntlet. Signet ring in full display he addresses the priest.

"Then on the authority of the Ministry of the Dead and by my duties as major of the armed forces of Karrnath I am making a claim of jurisdiction on these two ringleaders. It is my duty to bring them to military tribunal to await trial and termination."

"Before you would challenge claims to these bodies I'd have you know the Ministry takes pride in their thorough records. What's more, in the the aims of extermination of their subordinates you'll not find a more learned expert in the area of Karrnathi pike formations this side of the Rekkenmark."

Meat Shield
2008-08-09, 10:23 PM
Tosk - ogre ranger

"Durrr, wha? Wha's all dat, gramps?" Tosk had been following along quite nicely with the concept of find undead, smash undead, burn fort. He was OK with that. But the claims of jurisdiction, international politics, military tribunals, and other big words that Aldan had uttered threw him for a loop.

Trying to catch back up, "So's youse know who dese guys are, or wha? Youse want we shouldn't smash dem so dey can go back an' have a trial? Won't dat make dis a little tougher tho'?"

2008-08-09, 10:37 PM
Raising a concerned eyebrow at the sight of the ring and statements of authority, Ilrecc frowns. "I'm sorry, but these monstrosities have entered Thrane territory. You have no jurisdiction here to bring them anywhere. Renegade or not, they must be destroyed before they have any opportunity to harm our people."

2008-08-10, 10:05 AM

The Karrn didn't move. Rather he leaned toward the priest and panned a more vulnerable position.

"And that is precisely why I'm making these claims. Karrnath has a keen interest in upholding its part to the Treaty of Thronehold, Ministry's claims or not. If there appears to be a lack of control the shame, and wrath, of the local Karrnath embassy will be on you. These are simply formalities. We have ways to ensure the 'capture' of turncoats go wrong in all the right ways."

Just trying to keep in character. As long as there's a chance to butter up the Ministry Aldan is keenly interested.

2008-08-10, 08:45 PM
Ilrecc grinds his teeth, but quiets angrily at the threat of political concerns. "Very well. You may make your attempts to capture and return these monsters to your government. I assume these actions can be carried out at the Karrnath embassy, and that I don't need to escort you to or past the border?"

Not a problem. It's thrown me a little because I don't know much about Eberron governments, but it makes sense, and makes for an interesting confrontation, which is what I was planning with Ilrecc, although admittedly with someone else.

2008-08-10, 09:09 PM
((Sorry, I haven't had internet for a week so it's been rather hard to post. As far as i can tell, i have no point in this argument , so Kragesh will stay silent, but I'll be checking in again later. Just checking in.))

2008-08-11, 09:38 AM
"Certainly," Aldan agreed. It's not as if he actually planned to take them that far. It wasn't unheard of for Claw members marked for 'capture' to fall on their swords, seven or nine times, and clout themselves about the head a bit for good measure.

"I'll expect a floor plan and any other intelligence you've collected on the band in writing. His Grace, Kaius III, thanks you for your cooperation."

Aldan slides the gauntlets back on and resumes his position in the back. "If I 'knew' a turncoat he'd certainly have more sympathetic companions to turn to," he dismissed the ogre, "This is standard protocol. Public relations, if you will"

It would pay to note that while I think I know which two you're talking about Aldan doesn't. He thinks it's too unlikely even to consider and isn't even aware of the second's state of undeath.

2008-08-11, 04:58 PM
Ilrecc sighs. "Very well then. We will do what is necessary. I do have a rough map of the fort, which I can show you once we reach the boat, and we can begin planning our assault."

Actually, I'm still not sure whether or not I'm going to do that. I'd need to figure out, to some extent, how it would play out before I do it. May save it for later :smalltongue:

2008-08-12, 07:02 PM

Silver has followed along quietly after the others, listening to the Karrn and priest of the Silver Flame argue. As he sees the priest back down, he steps up in front of Aldan. "I apologize for seeming like a simple peasant lad, but I would still be extremely interested in an exact explanation of why Karrnath has any jurisdiction inside the borders of Thrane." He smiles at Aldan in a friendly way, that still holds a hint of predatory anger. Please, enlighten a poor youth from the Eldeen Reaches."

2008-08-13, 09:14 AM
Aldan snorted at the naivety of the question.

"Members of the armed forces are subject to military law wherever they may be, pup," he almost spits the last word, "And you and altar boy can wipe away those cheshire smiles. I didn't come here for the tour."

Meat Shield
2008-08-13, 10:30 AM
Tosk - ogre ranger

Bah! Stupid big-words talk. Gimme 'find, smash, burn' any day. Much easier. Tosk ignores the discussion between grampa, Silver, and the priest.

He grabs a grilled hunk of beef from a stand as they march through the marketplace ("Here ya go, chief.", flipping a coin to the cowering merchant as he passed), and munches on it as they approach the docks. Mizzer alights upon his shoulder about three seconds after he grabs the meat, and Tosk absent-mindedly rips off a piece and flips it into the air. Mizzer flies off immediately, expertly grabbing the meat as he goes to a rooftop over the harbor to finish his meal.

As they reach the ship, Tosk has had about enough of the inane back and forth between the posturing elder, the hirsute youngster, and the priest. He turns to the trio and says, "Can't youse guys -" and smacks his head hard on a yardarm, for the ship was certainly designed for creatures of smaller stature than himself. Grabbing his head for a moment, he continues, "I say gentlemen, can we not resolve this dispute in a much less heated manner. Illrec, you desire these miscreants removed from your domain for the safety of the citizenry, yes? Then our efforts should be resolved to do so. If they survive, removing them to Karnath would accomplish this correct? Then there are no worries." Shaking his head to clear the last of the cobwebs, he finishes, "Dur, or sumptin' like that, right?"

"Why youse guys lookin' at me like dat? I got sumptin' in me teef?", he asks, pecking at his teeth with a finger-claw.

2008-08-13, 05:13 PM

Silver seems to recognize Aldan's superior knowledge, so he doesn't press the matter further. But he still bears a feral grin as he looks at the paladin. He leans in a little closer and stares right down into the man's eyes. "Never liken me to that intolerant bastard again." He hisses, too quietly for anyone but Aldan to hear. He then turns on his heel, as far as he's concerned the argument is over, and walks over to the rail of the ship.

2008-08-14, 02:04 AM
The ship waiting is a small one, matching with the small port it's docked at. A substantial deck area, enough for the party to lounge comfortably, although if they did they'd probably get in the way, considering all the hustle that's regular business on a ship. There are rooms made up below decks, and rough beds set up in the hold for the ogres. Ilrecc takes you below into the captain's cabin, as there is a table and chairs to sit. Tosk and Kragesh barely squeeze through the door, almost damaging it, as well as regularly hitting their heads on the low, cross-beamed ceiling.

Ilrecc spreads two maps across the tables. "Here is the map of the fort. First floor, second floor," He says, pointing to the two maps.

http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/8488/ilreccsmaper0.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com/)

http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/9150/ilreccsmap2ndfloorrd7.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com/)

"As you can see, the fort is not merely a combat station. It was often used as a first post for new recruits, to keep up with practice and get a feel for life as a soldier in the forts. We're going to be going straight in the front door. These," he continues, pulling a cloth sack from his pack, "Are our ticket in, as well as our method of taking down the fort once it is complete." He opens the bag and pulls out a small cloth-wrapped sphere. His finger seems to be making a slight indent where he is holding it. "We had our top enchanter prepare these for us. They will explode at a pre-determined time, one two hours in advance of the others, so we can use it to take down the main gate. The rest must be placed in the towers, as well as a few other calculated locations."

2008-08-14, 08:12 AM
"Uhhh. I'll leave that to you, shorty. point me at what i smash. I don' lead anyway. How many dead are there?" Kragesh traces his finger along some parts of the map, memorizing it for later.

2008-08-14, 08:20 AM
"We have no idea how many there are, but we are likely to have a very challenging fight ahead of us. They may have built up forces slightly further than what they came with as well. Karrnathi undead have been known to gather whatever unusual and strong creatures they can find to convert into their dark soldiers."