View Full Version : Cantaras: Party Two

2008-06-17, 01:37 PM
Piex: The City of Zoti

The bright face of the morning sun shines down upon the clear blue waters of the Sea of Glass even as your ship pulls into the port of Zoti. From the bow you can see the tiled roofs of the warehouses and other buildings filling out the Docktown section in the west of Zoti reflecting the light into a shimmering hodgepodge of color that seems to float slightly above the city itself. Jutting up into this wave of color are the tops of the largest buildings: The Hall of the Retainers and the largest temples on the Street of the Gods. It almost seems as if these structures themselves keep watch over the remainder of the city.

Upon disembarkment, you find yourselves upon standing upon the dock as the hustle and bustle of ship workers unloading cargo whirls around you. The smell of salt air and fresh fish permeate your nostrils. Ahead of you lies the tangle of smaller streets and alleys which comprise the disintegrated far end of Merchant’s Bridge Road. Amidst the tangle are several small shops, inns, public houses and houses of ill repute which cater to the dockworkers and sailors.

2008-06-17, 02:27 PM
A young man wearing bright mythral chain over brown worn clothes stands on the dock. A buckler in one arm, a spear in the other, and a full backpack correctly sugest he's no ordinary traveler.

Leo breathes the rich air deeply, and let's himself be bathed in the morning sun. Ah, why did he felt like he never truly apreciated those simple pleasures of life.

Holding his spear with one hand while with the other pushing his chestnut hair for the side, Leo then hears the voice of Paimon on his head, sugesting that a visit to the houses of pleasure, dancing and drinking is a much better idea than simply apreciating the sun. Maybe he should have binded someone else first thing in the morning...

Biding check for Paimon, let's say I did it back in my cabin.

2008-06-17, 02:29 PM
Sebek Kothoga

The jungle elf inhales deeply the smells of the city, enjoying the salty air as well as the scent of fresh fish. A rumble stirs his belly. "I think our first order of business should be a meal," he says with a smile as he looks at his companions.

2008-06-17, 02:34 PM
With a rare surge of will, Leo manages to repress the vestige's voice while keeping his strenght and posture.

Leo wonders if it was only luck, or if he's really geting better at the dark arts of biding...Probably luck. Few people had managed to master the vestige's art. Why would he be any better? Well, at least today he was himself for once. Speaking of wich, what did he exactly know about this town...

Paimon under control, no need for drooling mouths:smallbiggrin:

Knowledge history to see what I know about Piex. Important events that may be hapening, any adventuring guilds, any strange law that may be in effect, etc.


2008-06-17, 08:17 PM
Alloren Taifen

A young gentleman in simple, comfortable clothing steps off after the other two. His sword, his many daggers, the light chain shirt that he wears over his clothes, and his general bearing suggest that perhaps he's not unaccustomed to combat.

Smiling at the shaman's suggestion, Alloren nods, replying,

"That's fine by me. Let's see what I can remember about this town...been a while since I stopped here."

General info, but especially looking for any information about local delicacies, particularly fondly recalled restaurants, and so on. Taifen will immediately report anything that he can recall.

2008-06-19, 08:46 AM
Check results:

Leo: You know that the city of Zoti, and all if Piex, are loosley ruled by the Churches on the Street of the Gods and Retainers. There are no laws, per se, but wise people don't cross anyone who shows open affiliation with any of the larger churches, particularly Hextor, or has the patronage seal of the Hall of Retainers on themselves or their property. The seal is typically a plaque on an object and a patch upon clothing.

Taifen: In your sea faring you had been to Zoti once or twice before, although never going much farther in than the dockside area. In the docks you are familiar with two establishments you regarded as particularly good: The Travis, a sizeable inn with high quality (for the docks) food, and the Monk's Stein, an alehouse that has some food but has particularly good homebrewed ale of several varities. Nymphs Abode is also a particularly well regarded music spot and... um... house of ill repute (Up to you if Taifen has ever actually been in the place). You have also heard, but not been to, two of the more famous inns in the center of Zoti. The Philosophers Ear, located near the intersection of the Street of the Gods and the Merchant's Bridge Road, and Retainers Rest, down the block from the Hall of the Retainers. The rich and powerful of each group tend to congregate there. The food and drink is regarded as top notch but it is also expensive.

Sorry for the delay, I was waiting to see if the other two members of the group posted anything. Onward and upward I suppose.

2008-06-19, 09:10 AM
IIRC, Lord Gareth is out for just a bit... He mentioned it in the OOC. So I'd say go with: Endeca remains silent as she drinks in her surroundings. Or somesuch. :smallbiggrin:
And that leaves... Anya...aka Silverkiss...

2008-06-19, 11:56 AM
Alloren Taifen

"Well, if you want to eat soon, we probably should hit The Travis. It's a little ways to the west here. Once we get a bit more cash, and you aren't immediately hungry, there're a couple of other places I want to visit, but right now, it'd take a bit of walking, and we probably couldn't even eat a whole meal there."

With that, Taifen begins walking along the street, presumably toward The Travis.

So, we'll just let them join in as though they were with us all along, but just go without until then? Seems reasonable to me.

2008-06-19, 12:22 PM
Sebek Kothoga

Sebek nods deferentially to Taifen. "Please, friend. Lead onward. Will they have steak? I am tired of dried fish." He follows along, keeping an eye on Endeca as they travel.

2008-06-19, 06:25 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

As the group begins to move for The Travis, they hear a lady's voice from the boat, shouting "Hey, don't you dare to forget about me !!"; turning around, the group sees a short, young woman running towards them. She wears a dark cloak a little to big for her small body, consealing all of her cloth. Her golden ponytail waves in the air as she runs towards the group, catching up to them. Looking to the group with emerald-green eyes, she says to them "Oohh, I was really scared that you guys had forgotten about me back there ! Never do that again, please !"

Catching her breath, the pretty lady walks besides her companions, asking "So, where are we going ?"

Sorry for my delay guys, I was checking this only once in a while, and didn't knew it had already started x.x'

2008-06-19, 07:40 PM
Seeing Anya arrive, Leo realizes he had totally forgot about her. How as he ever gonna get a girl for him like this?

Oh, sorry about that Anya...Guess we just walked too fast. I was itching to put my legs in firm ground.

Well, now, I could use a good hot meal. Let's go, Taifen says he knows a good place to eat.-finishes Leo, following Taifen.

2008-06-20, 01:31 AM
Alloren Taifen

Alloren turns back, a rather embarrassed grin on his face.

"Er, right. First, sorry, Sebek, I guess that was kinda presumptuous, wasn't it? Yeah, they should have steak; this is a trade hub, after all.

Also, I should apologize too, Anya. Anyway, we're headed for the Travis. Like Leo said, it's an inn with a good eatery."

With an unburdened sigh, he starts moving again, this time walking backwards, so he can stay in the conversation, and point out various places that he's been. He's especially pleased to point out a bar that was absolutely trashed by one of the tougher bar fights he'd participated in. Happily, it looks like it's up and running again.

2008-06-20, 09:29 AM
The Travis

After walking down a few streets which meet at the odd angles of a settlement entirely unplanned, you find yourself outside a small run down inn. Above the door hangs a sign depicting a man with webbed feet and hands, sporting a mischievous looking gold-painted grin. Below the figure are the elvish characters spelling out "The Travis."

Upon crossing the threshold you notice that the inside seems as decrepit as the outside. Battered tables sit encircled by chairs of every style and the bar, behind which a brown haired and ruddy skinned man with the slightly pointed ears of a half-elf stands, is so covered with stains and nicks that it is nearly impossible to determine what its original color was supposed to be.

Despite all that, the place is packed. Of the dozen or so tables scattered about the common room only two are unoccupied. Conversations buzz and merge into the steady static of all large, crowded rooms. It's obvious why the place is so popular, the smells emanating from the kitchen are the kind that can set even a full stomach to rumbling, regardless of decor.

Sucrose, I see that you edited out the bit about the place with the bar fight. I hope that wasn't on my account. That's just the sort of detail that's totally cool to downright awesome to leave in, even though I didn't list the place as somewhere you remembered.

Also, from the last time he was here, Taifen would remember that the man behind the bar is named Levett and is the manager of the place.

2008-06-20, 10:03 AM
Sebek Kothoga

Sebek grins as he looks at his companion. "Nice, Taifen. Nice," he chuckles. "I'll give you that it smells better than it looks, and the elven characters on the sign is a nice touch." He starts to head for the nearest empty table, but looks at those at the other tables near it and compares that to those near the other empty table.

AKA_Bait:Just trying to get a sense of whether we'll have issues with anyone from the neighboring tables. Particularly issues with Endeca. :smallbiggrin:

2008-06-20, 12:05 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen returns the smile.

"Hey, who cares about looks? This's the best food on the docks, and the atmosphere's even better than last time."

His impudent grin still on his face, he slips over to the bar, and waves to the half-elf.
"Levett, old man, good to see you! Glad to see business is doin' well for you..."
Seeing that Levett is quite busy, he adds a quick "Don't be a stranger, 'kay?", then moves back to the rest of the group.

"Let's get seated. Sooner we're sitting, sooner we're eating, and I'm getting hungry now."

Understood, AKA_Bait. I'll edit his little tale back in. I'm glad to hear that we can make up a few details for characterization.:smallsmile:

2008-06-21, 01:15 PM
Levett, who was looking down and 'cleaning' a glass with a rag which can't possibly be doing much good, nods absently over his shoulder at Taifen before noticing Sebek heading for the empty table nearest the door.

"Hey there!" he calls, dropping the glass to the floor with a thunk (they use heave duty glasses at The Travis) and turning, "That table is reserved! There's one in the back corner that's free." He points toward the other unoccupied table adjacent to the left wall.

Sebek, you didn't notice any of the patrons looking particularly troublesome. Pretty much all were engaged entirely with the meal or company in front of them. The degree for which varied from table to table. It is the usual Docktown crown of ruffians, but none of them seem to be looking for trouble in here. However, as you got close to the unoccupied table you were heading for, you did notice that it got just a little bit colder.

2008-06-21, 05:34 PM
Alloren Taifen

Alloren nods, and moves toward the last remaining table. He then calls Levett,

"Say, who's made reservations? Never saw an empty table that I couldn't have before."

2008-06-22, 04:53 PM
Well, as long as the food is good I really don't care much about the presentation. Now what I hate is those bars wich are really shiny but then they serve you food wich wouldn't be fit for a dog.

2008-06-22, 05:44 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

Smiling, Anya nods to Leo's words, saying "Oh, I agree, I agree. But if Taifen says this is a good place, then it must be."

Taking a seat on the table, Anya pays attention to the conversation between Taifen and the owner of the place, curious about the reserved table.

2008-06-24, 09:35 AM
Levett gestures Taifen closer, upon his approach he leans in and says "You must not have noticed last time you were in here, that table's always reserved," dropping his voice to a whisper he continues, "that's Travis' table. He doesn't like it when other people sit there."

2008-06-24, 10:09 AM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen grins a bit at Anya's compliment, then sidles up to the bar to listen to Levett. After the barkeep's correction, Taifen shrugs, and whispers back,

"Guess so; he must've already been here when I came last time. Why's he so touchy, anyway?"

Before Levett can respond, he shakes his head and says,
"Never mind. My friends're starved, and I can ask later. May I have a few menus, and a bottle of strawberry wine? It should be right about in season."

2008-06-25, 09:47 AM
"Well," Levitt begins before Taifen's last comment, "Sure." From below the level of the bar he produces three menus and a bottle of strawberry wine.

"The wine will be a gold," Levitt adds passing them over.

All three menus are identical and somewhat spare, they read:


Soup - 5 cp
Stew- 1 sp

Meat: Beef or Lamb with vegetables -2 sp
Poultry: Chicken or Goose with vegetables - 2 sp
Special: Owlbear - 3 sp

2008-06-25, 12:57 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen pulls out the requisite coin, and trades it for the bottle. He then heads back over to his table, pours out four glasses of wine, and gives everyone a menu.

"Hope you all like this. So, what'll you be having to eat?"

2008-06-25, 01:19 PM

"Is that strawberry wine?" asks a vaguely-familiar rasping voice, in a slightly disapproving tone.

The man who asks sits but a foot away, hunched over a neighboring table on his stool, with a bottle of rum sitting before him. He wears a set of ragged clothes, worn and tearing from long days of travel. At his feet sits an overstuffed pack, a tiny glistening of metal poking through the hole at the top - it was a net of chain links, possibly a shirt or hauberk. At his belt is a curved sword, and at his far side stands a hafted blade, resting against the table itself.

He looks up at Taifen. "If you're going to drink that, shouldn't you be wearing a dress?"

2008-06-25, 01:23 PM
Sebek Kothoga

The elf quickly scans the menu. His eyes light up as he finishes reading. "I will have the owlbear, I think," Sebek says as he sets the menu down and takes a sip of wine. "Mm. That is tasty." He turns to Endeca and shows her the menu. "What would you like Hatch?" he asks her, trying to draw her attention from the many patrons back to the table with her companions. After a moment, he shrugs and sets the menu down in front of the young elf. "Well," Sebek says with a smile to the others, "at least she followed us here without any issues."

2008-06-25, 01:46 PM
Alloren Taifen

Alloren shrugs, and takes a sip from his cup.
"I would, but I recall that your figure works better for it."

His dispassionate demeanor breaks into a grin.
"Good to see you again, Meinrad. It's been what, three years? How've you been getting by?"

2008-06-25, 02:14 PM
Meinrad Ambrosius

Meinrad's sour mood quickly vanishes, and he breaks into a smile as well. "Has it been that long?" He rubs the stuble of hair that grows on his neck. "Eh. Could be better. I've just been wasting away here, lately. No work. You?"

2008-06-25, 02:38 PM
Leo always fits a little uneasy around bars full of people, but does his best not to show it.

I'll try the owlbear then. Sebek has a good eye for good foods. Say, where do you get the meat? It's the passing adventurers that sell the meat to you?

He then takes a seat at the table, but just takes a litle sip of wine, not necessarily because it tastes bad, but because Leo isn't really used to alcohol.

2008-06-25, 03:59 PM
Endeca stares blankly at the menu, her mouth open in what seems to be mild astonishment. Finally, her face settles into a pretty pout.

"They still don't have icegrip," the elf whines under her breath, but her frown is quickly replaced by a smile.

"I think I want chicken," she muses aloud, "but I'm not entirely sure. I'm thinking chicken, though..."

Finally she shrugs and says she'll have whatever Sebek is having before propping her elbows up on the table and resting her chin on her hands.

"I'm tired..."

2008-06-25, 04:13 PM
AHHHH my eyes! My eyes! Please only color the text of spoken dialogue...

Also, I'll have a map of this room up just as soon as I can figure out how the hell to get the grid to transfer trom the GIMP file to a JPG or GIf.

After another few moments, a serving woman emerges from the door in the back wall and approaches the table. She is of middle years and looks it. Noticing Meinrad and Taifen's conversation she enquires as to if he would like to move over to their table and takes the order of everyone who had already decided before turning back to Taifen.

"And for you?"

2008-06-25, 04:22 PM
Meinrad Ambrosius

With a nod to the serving woman, Meinrad collects his things, taking a seat at the group's table, beside Taifen. "This the same old gang, or are these friends...new?" he asks his old comrade, glancing about to those present. His eyes settle on Endeca for more than just a moment, and then he turns back to Taifen for his answer.

2008-06-25, 04:38 PM
Sebek Kothoga

Stifling the growl that threatened to escape his mouth at the newcomer's obvious appraisal of Endeca, Sebek sits back and allows Taifen to handle introductions.

2008-06-25, 04:50 PM
Endeca, for her part, looks up as if noticing the newcomer for the very first time. The young elf smiles broadly and utterly without guile - if Meinrad didn't distinctly know that there was no such thing, he'd guess that she was a total innocent. She gets up, streatches, and walks over to him. She studies him for just a moment before hugging him firmly.

"You're warm," she announces plainly. And comfy."

2008-06-25, 04:51 PM
The Inside of the Travis: The party is sitting around the table at E4.

It's not lovley, but it seems servicable. Not bad for a first attempt.


2008-06-25, 05:02 PM
Meinrad blinks. "Wha..."

While he didn't particularly mind the hug, being entirely unused to such affection makes him freeze up a bit. He hesitates to struggle, hug back, or even comment.

2008-06-25, 05:07 PM
Sebek Kothoga

With a slight frown, Sebek clears his throat. "Hatch, come back to your seat," he says to the young elf. The older elf looks to the newcomer. "Meinrad? Meet Endeca," he says with a nod. "I am Sebek Kothoga."

2008-06-25, 05:08 PM
"Oh, fine."

'Deca walks back over to her seat and immediately latches onto Sebek, since she's sitting next to him.

"When do we get to the fun part, Seb? I'm boooooored."

2008-06-25, 05:11 PM
And I'm Leo. Pleased to meet you. So, you already had met one of us right? What a fortunate coincidence finding we meeting here!-says Leo, extending one hand to Meinrad, altough his eyes are fixated with a reproving light to Endeca.

Calm down girl. We can't have fun with empty stomaches can we?

2008-06-25, 05:14 PM
Sebek Kothoga

"Food first, Hatch. It will take the edge off from our trip. Afterwards, we'll see what we can see, hm?"

2008-06-25, 06:23 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

Anya laughs at Endeca's behavior, then turns to the newcomer, saying "Hello, I am Anya. You're friends with Taifen already ? How nice !" - Anya then gives a warm smile to Meinrad.

Turning to the menu for a few instants, Anya continues: "Oh, I think I will go with Sebek's choice here, and have the owlbear too."

Damn y'all, you decide to post alot in the exact day that I can't acess the internet until late at night xD

2008-06-25, 06:40 PM
Alloren Taifen

Allowing the typhoon of introductions to take their course, Taifen waits until there's a momentary lull before responding.

"Yeah, these guys are new. We met about a year after you and I parted ways. We wander around, help those who need it, explore anything that no one's been to, and so on. It's been pretty good, all said and done."

Realizing that he still hasn't replied to the serving woman, he turns to her for a moment, and says that he'll have the goose with vegetables.

Sheesh, I leave for five hours, and you guys post about a full page. Truly astounding.

2008-06-25, 07:13 PM
"Pleased to meet all of you." Meinrad says with a sort-of half-smile, shaking hands where they're offered. Remembering the server, he turns to her before continuing. "Stew, please." He takes a moment to breath in the air around him, still smiling a bit awkwardly.

"Yeah, Taifen and I go back. I think we actually met here with a band of other sell-swords. Joined up together to do a few missions." He turns to Taifen. "So you're just wandering now, eh?" He glances around. "You folks making good money, that way?"

2008-06-25, 07:52 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

"I was the last one to join up, a few months ago, so I can't say much for the money. But we really get along well, which makes things easier." - Quickly going quiet, Anya drinks from her cup.

2008-06-25, 11:46 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen shrugs.
"It's off and on, mostly depending on whether there's a patron for where we happen to be wandering. Still, if someone's paying, and the work's dangerous, you'd be surprised at the kind of money that gets thrown around."

2008-06-26, 01:10 AM
"Interesting." replies Meinrad, who uncorks his bottle and takes a swig. "So, as far as your team goes - find yourselves working alright? Have you noticed you're short a set of blades?"

2008-06-26, 09:54 AM
Sebek Kothoga

Sebek smiles and pokes Taifen's elbow. "I think he's looking for an invite," the elf says in a stage whisper before winking at Meinrad. "If he trusts and vouches for you, I've no issues," he says with a nod.

2008-06-26, 11:58 AM
Alloren Taifen

Alloren nods, and smiles a bit at Sebek's jest.

"Another swordsman would be useful. If you want to join us, then I'll vouch for you."

2008-06-26, 12:28 PM
'Deca shrugs and sets one of her flasks on the table. It's hard to see what's inside - it could be water or alchemist's fire. The elf starts spinning it idly, always looking at the person it points to like she could actually tell something that way.

2008-06-26, 12:57 PM
Leo looks worried at Endeca:

That's not something explosive or dangerous you're playing with there is it?

Damn why hadn't he paid more atention at the alchemy classes?

2008-06-26, 01:04 PM
"I dunno," she says cheerfully, "but I can find out if you like!"

She continues spinning the bottle, but now takes long pauses to stare at whomever the bottle points at.

2008-06-26, 01:25 PM
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Taifen. I'm only pointing out your party isn't as good as it could be - I said nothing about having desire to join. As you said yourself, things are "off and on". Do you think I'm one to accept such an unreliable income?" He says with a weary smile, and takes another swig from his bottle of rum. His face then grows a little more serious, and he speaks at a slower pace. "Although, there hasn't been much in the way of work around here in quite some time. If you really want me tagging along..." He gives everyone a look once-over. "Yeah, alright, I'll join your gang. For an equal cut of the pay, that is."

He tries hard to ignore the antics of Endeca. As cute as she was, her attitude was simply a little too strange for him to tolerate.

2008-06-26, 02:57 PM
The serving woman scuttles off to the kitchen and returns a few minutes later precariously balancing several plates and a bowl. She distributes them around the table and then asks "Did one of you mention something about hunting owlbears?"

2008-06-26, 03:02 PM
"Yeah!" Endeca says brightly, "He did! It sounds like fun - can we do it? Please?"

2008-06-26, 03:03 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen continues speaking to Meinrad, shifting out of the way whenever Endeca points the flask toward him.

"Well, thank you, 'Rad. We shouldn't have any objections to equal pay; hell, it's one of the main stipulations in the band charter."

2008-06-26, 03:11 PM
Sebek Kothoga

Sebek smiles at the serving woman. "Indeed, my companion wondered if adventurers brought the meat to you. Is that the case?" he inquires with a raised eyebrow.

2008-06-26, 03:56 PM
"Ah. You were just curious where we got it," she says shooting a venom laced look at Levitt, "Used to be we did get from an adventuring type. Fellow named Otis used to bring it in regular, but he went and ticked off Travis and now we can't even let him back in the place no more.

"I was under the impression," she continued giving another stare to wilt plants in the direction of the bar, "ya'll might be selling some, or know someone who was. What you folks got there is darn near the end of it, gonna have to change the menu soon."

2008-06-26, 04:09 PM
Leo tries out some of the owlbear to see how well it's made.

Well, we're kinda new around here, and we currently don't have any job. Do you know if there are owlbears near the town? If yes, I think we could perfectly spare spare some time to hunt them and give you a fresh supply.

2008-06-26, 10:54 PM
Alloren Taifen

Shifting his attention to the conversation with the server, Taifen nods.

"That we could. And after you've got a decent stockpile, we could talk with Travis to convince him to let Otis come back, so our leaving won't leave you high and dry."

2008-06-27, 10:14 AM
The owlbear steak is fantastic. Seasoned to perfection and tender as all get out. It seems Taifen's claim that the food here was the best in the docks was not an exaggeration.

"Well, as I recall, Otis used to go out into the Grilwald looking for them and come back a week or so later" the server replies, indicating a sizeable peice of wilderness to the north-east of Zoti, "I don't think he'll be coming back though afterward. Travis doesn't change his mind about things and he gave Otis a right scare. We warned him about messing around in the kitchen and sitting at that table but listinin ain't exactly Otis' strong suit.

"If yer willin ta make the trip out and do some hunting, I might have a rough map around here someplace."

2008-06-27, 10:38 AM
Sebek Kothoga

Sebek nods. "We might take you up on that. I'd like to get familiar with the area anyway. Are there any ruins or points of interest within the Grilwald?" the druid asks.

[roll0]: Any major events occur within the Grilwald?
[roll1]: What other kinds of creatures and natural formations are within the Grilwald?

2008-06-27, 11:43 AM
"C'mon Seb, we gotta! It's gonna be fuuun!"

Endeca pauses for a moment, pondering something, and asks to no one -

"I wonder if rainbow colored meat would sell more..."

2008-06-27, 12:05 PM
"As far as I know, it's just a big old forest." She replies before looking at Endeca. "We actually tried that once. Didn't work. Got a lot of complaints. We even had one of them paladins down here to make sure we weren't poisoning people."

History: You know that around 450 years ago, a major battle took place in the northern part of the forest between the newly forming and short lived Novne Empire and northerners who wanted to keep their independence. The losing force, the latter group, was driven farther back below the shade of the trees during their retreat and dispursed from there. According to some, a fair number of those who retreated settled to the south along the coast in the place that would slowly grow into Zoti.

Nature: The Grilwald is a forest that is relativley dense. It's temprate and most temperate natural animals can be found in it if you look hard enough. The most common dangerous animals are wolves, black bears and wild boar.

2008-06-27, 12:18 PM
"Aww, rainbows make things prettier! Oh well."

She pauses.

"Wait, what's a paladin?"

She really, honestly doesn't know, for anyone who's wondering. Even if she was perfectly sane, she has no clue.

2008-06-27, 12:25 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

Smiling to Endeca, Anya explains to her in a low voice: "Paladins are the holy heroes that fight for a god, they protect justice and the weak. That's why they were worried about poisoned food."

2008-06-27, 12:35 PM
"Either that or big stuffy pains in the arse," the server adds, "regardless, let me know if you're interested in doing some hunting. Till then it'll be a gold and four for the lot of ya."

2008-06-27, 03:18 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

"Hahaha, I agree, I agree. Well, seems we all agree, right ? We could do some hunting for you guys."

2008-06-27, 10:48 PM
Meinrad stays mostly quiet, not showing much enthusiasm for hunting. At the mention of owed payment, he silently hands over his due.

2008-06-27, 11:25 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen cheerfully draws out a pair of gold coins, and hands them to the server.

"That should cover things. As Anya said, we've some free time, so we'd be happy to work for you. We'll negotiate the price when we get back. Where can we find Otis? Oh, and we'll take the map if you can find it."

2008-06-28, 10:19 AM
Hmm, I never actually killed an owlbear. But for what I heard, they're no stronger than a bear. They can't be that hard to kill...Right?

2008-07-01, 01:26 PM
"Thanks!" She says, pocketing the coins, "hold on a moment and I'll look for the map." A few moments later she returns, holding a batter old parchment in her hand and proffers it to Taifen. "Here ya go. And if you're looking for Otis, he's probably over at Monk's. Spends most of his time there since he stopped bein' allowed in here."

2008-07-01, 01:30 PM
Sebek Kothoga

"I wonder if this Otis would aid us with details since we would be taking a position which he recently filled?" Sebek asks with a bemused smile.

He turns to Taifen. "And since you have picked up this meal, I will cover our next. May we finish before we depart?" the elf inquires with a wink.

2008-07-01, 04:52 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen takes the offered map, and nods and smiles back at Sebek.

"Sounds good. I suppose we can wait a little while, but finish in human time, not elven."

He turns back to his food, and quickly finishes what little remained. Picking up his glass, he calls to the barkeep,
"Now, Levett, could I hear about Travis?"

2008-07-01, 05:01 PM
Sebek Kothoga

The elf snickers at his friend's comment about time. "It's always rush, rush, rush with you humans," he says with a wide grin. Sebek then proceeds to devour his meal with relish.

2008-07-01, 05:50 PM
Well, Sebek, we humans, unlike you elves, only live one century at best. Gotta make the most out of it.

2008-07-01, 07:59 PM
Meinrad silently ponders on the conversation at hand - he appears interested, in the words exchanged between the elf and the men, as he takes the first notable pause from his stew to watch them as they continue their discussion. He makes no comment, however, and eventually returns to his meal once things grow silent.

2008-07-02, 04:21 PM
Levitt hears Taifen from across the room, looks up at his loud enquiry, shakes his head and gestures toward the kitchen door before holding up an open hand. It's the kind of universal sign language that translates into "not here, there, five minutes".

2008-07-02, 04:57 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen nods, seemingly at both of his compatriots.

"'sright. Me, though? I'm going to live forever."

His contemplative mood breaks as quickly as it came on, upon seeing Levett's hand signals.

A few minutes later, he eases out of his chair, and says,

"Well, guys, I'll see you in a bit."

He then walks into the kitchen, to speak with Levett more privately.

2008-07-03, 11:48 AM
Upon seeing Taifen rise and make for the kitchen, Levett waves to the serving girl to take over behind the bar and follows through the back doors. Passing through he gestures to Taifen to move back away from the door toward the far wall and then leans in to speak softly.

"As I was saying before, you might be a little protective about a table if you'd died on it around a month ago too." He shrugs, "Not really sure what happened. Came in one morning and there he was, laid out across the table without a mark on him. Course a little thing like death apparently wasn't going to keep him from trying to run the place..."

2008-07-03, 12:31 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen takes a half-step back, his eyes wide. He then leans in and hisses,
"You're telling me that you've got a poultrygeist here?! Owlbear aside, this's serious! He's bein' kept from his eternal reward, and your patrons, 'specially any new ones, could be in danger. You have any idea what's keeping him on this plane?"

He pauses for a moment, then adds,
"Also, your lack of explanation tells me you don't know what killed 'im. Where's his body bein' kept?"

2008-07-03, 02:44 PM
"Oh, I don't think he's actually dangerous," Levett replies blandly, "worst he's done is tossed some pots, pans and bottles around when Otis moved a bunch of stuff from it's normal spot in the kitchen and then sat in his chair. I figure he's just hanging around because he was a bloody minded codger and this place was his whole life. Still, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread it over town. Could be bad for business.

As for the body... it got burned the next day. Some underling from Pelor's church came by when Maggie was the only one around and insisted that it be gotten rid of since we couldn't figure out what killed him. 'In case of a plague' they said."

2008-07-03, 08:47 PM
After it having been established that Meinrad would be tagging along, he pondered on how he could get to know the party a little more. It'd help their ability to cooperate if they could at least had something to discuss.

"So," Meinrad pauses to wait for the others to look his way. "How was it you all met Taifen? He recruit you, or you him?"

2008-07-03, 09:35 PM
Alloren Taifen

Realizing that he may be coming across as a touch unhinged, Taifen takes a moment to calm down, then replies.

"...That right?... Well, did Maggie get his name? Sorry if I'm bein' a pain in the arse, but even if there isn't any danger to the living, it still bothers me that the old man's staying here. It ain't natural, and I'd like to help him move on, if I can."

2008-07-04, 02:13 PM
"Poor man"-Leo tought. Unable to move on, even dead...Would he find some true purpose in life or would he be doomed to wander like a ghost also?

Did he have family? Friends? Anyone who may giveus a clue why he hasn't proceeded in the afterlife?

2008-07-07, 01:03 PM
"Humm," Levett answered, "she said the fellers name was... ah... Tormy, or Tommy, or Timmy... somethin like that. I'm sure it started with a T..." He scratches his head, "as for friends and family, not too many. Mostly just us that worked here and Otis. He used to have a wife, but she left him 3 or 4 years back."

2008-07-07, 01:28 PM
Alloren Taifen

Taifen nods.

"All right; thanks for the explanation, Levett. C'mon, Leo, let's go back to the others."

When he gets back to the rest of the group, Alloren explains the deal with the poultrygeist, taking care to explain that they need to keep this quiet, and then asks what everyone would like to do: hunt some owlbear, or take care of Mr. Travis.

2008-07-07, 05:35 PM

At a loss for words, Meinrad hesitates to state his opinion. "I'm not...eh...much for dealing with the intangible." He eventually comments, rubbing his forehead.

2008-07-07, 06:42 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

"I'm fine with anything..." - With a smile, Anya continues -"Actually... why don't we do both jobs ?"

2008-07-08, 01:08 PM
Sebek Kothoga

The elder elf listens to Taifens explanation of events, nodding throughout. "What do you think we can do about Master Travis'...situation?"

2008-07-08, 01:47 PM
Alloren Taifen

Alloren fields the questions, starting with Anya's.

"Well, yeah, we could. I'd like that, too. If that's your vote, what do you want to work on first?"

He then turns to Sebek.

"Honestly, I don't have any idea. Still, I think that with the right spells, we could talk to him; that'd at least be a start."

He turns to Endeca.

"You have any idea how to cast something like that, 'deca?"

2008-07-08, 02:15 PM
I say we take first care of Travis. The owlbears aren't really hurting anyone right now, but this ghost may become dangerous if he's not taken care off. He clearly has some unfinished business, and if we don't help him find peace, he'll probably become more and more violent.

2008-07-08, 02:20 PM
Sebek Kothoga

"Very well. Perhaps we should begin with his ex-wife? Does she hold any stake in the business?" Sebek inquires softly.

2008-07-09, 08:51 AM
The serving woman, passing the table, overhears Sebeks question.

"You mean Travis' wife?" She asks, "heck no. She probably wouldn't be caught dead in this place anymore. Travis brought her up out of the street and at her first chance she took up with one of them retainers and never even looked back at this part of town. Took Travis a week to even find out where she went when she left. Trollop."

2008-07-09, 10:27 AM
Sebek Kothoga

The elf nods. "Noted. Perhaps her new lifestyle requires more than she thought, however. Additionally, from what I understand of spirits, they usually have something unfinished which is the anchor to this realm. Perhaps she is the reason, through her own action or not, that his spirit lingers?"

2008-07-09, 02:29 PM
"I suppose it's possible," she replies, "but they haven't spoken in years as far as I know and he didn't talk about her kindly before he died."

2008-07-10, 04:28 PM
Meinrad, not paying very much attention to the conversation at-hand, keeps his eyes set on his bottle of rum. He takes another swig, slowly scanning the tavern hall for anything interesting. A dice game. A pretty girl. Other hired blades.

More rum.

2008-08-08, 10:06 AM
Sebek Kothoga

Smiling wisely, Sebek continues. "What one says aloud and what one truly means are sometimes very different things, don't you think?" he inquires of the serving woman. "Except for Hatch, here," he comments wryly with a nod to the elven girl at the table.

2008-08-11, 09:57 AM
"True." The woman replies, "he must have cared for her a great deal. Some men would have just blocked out or tried to forget about a woman after a thing like that and a few years time. Travis was ticked until the day he died. Can't say as I blame him."

Around the bar Meinrad notices one or two relativley pretty young girls, always in the company of at least one man. There don't appear to be any dice or darts games going on, which is odd for a tavern, but perhaps less so for one that is as well known for its food as the Travis.

2008-08-11, 10:08 AM
Sebek Kothoga

The elf nods. "I think that settles it, then. What is her name and do you know where we might find her?"

2008-08-11, 09:37 PM
With little going on elsewhere, Meinrad begrudgingly turns his attention back to the conversation at the table. He silently awaits the woman's answer.

2008-08-12, 08:25 AM
"Well, when she was 'ere she went by Rosie. I'd bet now that she's on a Retainter's arm she's goin by something more regal. Probably Lady Rosalinda or some such silliness. The retainers name was Paetor tho, I think."

2008-08-12, 09:32 AM
Sebek Kothoga

The elf nods again. "Let's finish our meal and then see if we can track down Paetor or Rosie-Rosalinda, hm?" Sebek asks as he takes another bite of his owlbear.

2008-08-12, 12:06 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

"That seems to be best option, right ?" - Anya says as she finishes her meal.

2008-08-12, 02:48 PM
"Whatever you say." says Meinrad, in a laid-back tone. He remains seated, cleaning his fingernails as he waits for the rest of the party to get moving.

2008-08-12, 06:44 PM
Right beyond you guys. -says Leo, geting up and picking up his stuff, wondering if he should go look for a place to wash his hands or the people will consider him a sissy for caring for his higiene.

2008-08-14, 08:34 AM
The meal finishes without event and the serving woman comes by to collect the plates.

"If there's nothin else you're wanting?" She asks, indicating with a head nod that a few people were standing by the doorway obviously looking for a table.

2008-08-14, 05:14 PM
Sebek Kothoga

"Of course. We will see you later, then." Sebek rises and grabs his pack. Looking at the others, he motions towards the door. "Shall we? Does anyone have a keen ear for gossip or somesuch that could track down our quarry?"

2008-08-14, 09:08 PM
Meinrad just collects his things silently. He stands idle, waiting for someone else to take the initiative and step forward.

2008-08-15, 02:39 PM
Anya Shadowbringer

Anya gets her possessions and gets up, ready to leave the tavern.

"Oh, I might do that. Yea, I could do that. I'll be right back, wait for me in front of the tavern !"

Without giving room for any answers, Anya quickly leaves the place, vanishing of sight from the party.

[roll0] - Gather Information for clues about Rosie or Paetor

2008-08-17, 11:37 PM
"If you want gossip," Meinrad finally speaks up. "aren't we already in the sort of place to be to looking for it? Why is she..." he stops, just sort-of glancing to the other party members.