View Full Version : Expedition to Undermountain IC

Holocron Coder
2008-06-19, 12:43 AM
Alright, here's the IC thread for my Expedition to Undermountain game. You post your character's actions, etc in here. You may also post metagame questions or information in spoiler tags in your post. You may handle foreign languages however you like :smallsmile:

Expedition to Undermountain

For many reasons, people travel to Watersdeep. Some travel to see the sights of such a large city. Others travel to this center of trade to make ends meet in their business. Still more call the place home.

A large number, however, view this place as just a pit stop above the enormous system that is Undermountain.

You, yourself, have just travelled to the city for similar reasons. Proving yourself, an ache for treasure or power; you have many reasons for being here.

Each of you walk into the city from a different direction. Gates adorn the walls, providing the opportunity for you to walk into the city without ever seeing each other. Such may not be the case, but it is unlikely that any one of you stand out amongst the crowd enough for others of import to notice. After checking you into the registries with a bored facade, the guards suggest a few inns to stay at. Festhalls aplenty provide lodging for any type of creature. The Greenglade Tower of the North Ward, Sapphire house in Castle Ward, and The House of Purple Silk in the Sea Ward are suggestions from the guards for the common trader or visitor.

Obvious adventurers, however, hear of the Yawning Portal Inn, The Empty Keg tavern, and the festhall known as Mother Salinka's House of Pleasure. Pointing each of you in that direction, the guards let you go about your way, although you're almost sure you heard a few of them chuckling jokes about such "fresh meat" daring the city's legendary underground.

Evening falls as you enter the square the guards described to you. A loud murmur punctuated by the occasional yelp or laugh radiates from a somewhat worn building proudly displaying "The Empty Keg" above its door. Apparently, the tavern is not quite as empty as advertised. A few doors away stands a two-story building known as the Yawning Portal Inn. Across the street from both of these is the well-decorated Mother Salinka's House of Pleasure.

The travel of the day has worn your energy low, but possibly not so low as to need sleep just yet. All three of the places were advertised as having lodging, you remember.

So :smallbiggrin: what do you do?

2008-06-19, 01:52 AM
Riktor Mathers

I hope you don't mind a different interpretation of that post as Riktor is a native of Waterdeep.

Riktor stretched his arms as he walked into the square. It had been a hard day at Katch's shop and he was feeling the need for a drink and a night on the town. In fact, he was ready for more than just a night of drinking, dancing and carousing. He had his armor. His tools. His weapons. He was prepared for it tonight, as he had been many nights. Walking towards the Yawning Portal, he had to take a moment just to look at it. This was it, the inn, an entrance into the Undermountain, from which the owner had once ventured and returned rich. Undermountain, the near endless dungeon filled with monsters, traps, and treasure. Many a night he had frequented this inn's common room, waiting to find those that were also ready to seek their fortune. And each time he had remained sitting, nursing his drink. Maybe tonight would be different. Or maybe he'd just wake up in the morning in one of the rooms, his head throbbing from drinking too much and his pocket lighter for the inn fare.

With a sigh he entered the building, taking familiar steps to the common room and ordering a drink from a barmaid, and looking, watching waiting, for those that just might be looking for a companion to deal with those dangerous, deadly, fascinatingly marvelous traps below.

2008-06-19, 05:33 AM
Jaerg Corran

Jaerg hurries into the square, eyes darting around the buildings, trying to take in everything at once.He is covered in dust, grime caking his face, and much of his equipment is worn. He briefly considers the names and possible contents of each of the establishments recommended to him.

Don't have time for any pleasures, and don't need them right now. I need a bath. Empty Keg tavern? No, no, it won't have a bath. Or will it? No time, no time, try the inn.

He slowly exhales before entering the inn, visibly calming himself. I hate cities. They're too fast. He walks in and inquire the price of a room with a bath. He'll go up and take one before entering the common room.

2008-06-19, 05:53 AM
The first thing Jole forgets to do is close his mouth as he walks around the city. He shuts it after hearing a few guards laughing, and continues to walk around, taking it all in. At one point, a few elven higher-ups walk by, and Jole excitedly greets them with a "Hello!" in Elven--drawing more than a few curious expressions, and a jump from the leader of the little clique. They pass on by, and Jole shakes his head.

He shakes his head again a few moment later, passing by the Empty Keg. Strong Drink is a Tosser, he remembers from years of his father drilling his own brand of education into him.

His eyes go wide at the sight of the House of Pleasures, and he hurriedly crosses to the other side of the street--but not without taking a glance back out of curiosity.

Finally, the Yawning Portal comes up, and Jole smiles. Finally, an inn.

He lets himself in the door, and takes in the sight--and smells--before him.

2008-06-19, 07:34 AM
G'nar Ironfist

The stout dwarf known as G'nar Ironfist makes his way through the streets resolutely, only occassionally looking up and around him. Much of the city held little interest to him, and these . . . people . . . could have their hustle and bustle and keep it: G'nar wasn't interested. But he was interested in their coin, particularly as he didn't have much of that at the moment. He'd look for work tomorrow - right now he was too worn out from the journey here to try and find a mercenary job.

Approaching the Yawning Portal Inn that the guards at the gate had recommended, G'nar barely pauses to examine the two-story structure more than enough to notice the signpost hanging above the door. Making his way inside, G'nar heads over to the bar. "I'd like an 'nn rom, please. And an ale."

Holocron Coder
2008-06-19, 02:23 PM
Yes, Pink, that's perfectly alright :smallsmile: I knew that about your character, so I basically expected it.

As each of you enter the Yawning Portal Inn, it's easy to notice the namesake of the place. Dominating the room is a large open-topped stone ring. Around the well is a waist-high rampart wall preventing anyone from accidentally falling in. The outside of the well wall is studded at intervals with iron torch brackets, and a black-and-tackle hoist is chained to a stone lintel in the ceiling directly over the well.

If one is able to tear their eyes away from the sight, they'll notice that, otherwise, the inn looks fairly standard. The floor is covered with well-worn wooden boards, as are the walls. An elbow-height counter circles the majority of the room, littered with occupied tankards. Rich blue tapestries hang from the walls at intervals to give the room some measure of decoration. Continuing the theme, all of the tables and chairs in the room seem to be made of a heavy, stout wood designed to suffer through much wear and tear. Several of the tables seem to even be built into the room's support pillars, cementing them in place.

The room is lit by several wagon-wheel chandeliers covered in brightly-burning candles. The overall effect gives the place a dingy, but not unclean, look.

Despite the late hour, the common hall is bustling with people. Barmaids wander the tables, taking orders and avoiding lecherous hands with familiar giggles. Behind the bar stands a broad-shouldered man currently in conversation with a few people drinking at the counter. The experienced air about him may make you take more notice of him. In addition to the broad shoulders, the man sports a square jaw to match his friendly, if gruff demeanor. The gray in his shoulder-length russet hair betrays his age in direct contrast to his muscled build.

He frowns slightly at G'nar's blunt demand, but excuses himself from his conversation to retrieve the requested ale. "If you're wanting a room, dwarf, you best talk to my wife," he states, gesturing to a woman a few tables away reading from what looks to be a holy book. "She's to one to handle it."

Before he has a chance to return to his interrupted conversation, he answers Jaerg's question similarly, pointing after the dwarf.

The handsome, auburn-haired woman denoted as the barkeep's wife introduces herself to the two as Mhaere Dryndilstann and mentions her husband is Durnan, owner of the Yawning Portal Inn. Names aside, she sets G'nar and Jaerg up with their requests, additionally asking the human if he'd like a room for the night, as well. As she leads them together up the stairs, she mentions that a room is three gold pieces a night and she'll get a tavernmaid to draw up a bath for two silver, or Jaerg can put it together himself.

Riktor receives his drink from Luranla, who happily reminds him to not make a ruckus. "I'd have to handle you if it came to that", she notes. Looking around the room, Riktor sees nobody out of the ordinary amongst the patrons of the inn. Sure, many of them are what could be deemed "adventurers" but just as many just enjoyed the ambiance of the place. All of them appeared to be regulars, relaxed as they were, with few looking for any excitement for the evening. It's possible that he takes note of a dwarf and a human being brought upstairs by Mhaere. Both of them have the look of adventurers with none of the familiarity that comes from living in Watersdeep.

Generally, I don't expect my posts to be quite this long :smallbiggrin: But as this is an introductory / description post... yeah.

Glawackus, I didn't mention your character much since he just walked in. He sees all that the rest see and nobody really takes note of him.

2008-06-19, 02:47 PM
Jole stands by the door, shuffling aside to let a few halflings through, and moves to take a look down into the huge portal. Satisfied with the seeming bottomless-ness of the pit, he moves to the bar and knocks on the counter twice, quickly.

Once he has the barkeep's attention, he asks politely, "Excuse me, but who would I speak to about getting a room for the night?"

2008-06-19, 03:00 PM
Riktor Mathers

"I'll behave." He replies with a sly smile, giving her the coin for the drink before taking a sip. "Anyway, know of anyone who plans on going down tonight." He asks the barmaid. He does give a brief glance towards the travelers that are being led to their rooms, but figures that they may be there just for sight seeing and a place to sleep instead of taking the plunge into Undermountain. The entrance of the giant of a man however, catches and holds his gaze.

Riktor is ((probably)) quite easy to spot in the common room, as he is armored in his studded leather and has a bandoleer with six daggers in it strapped accross his chest. However that's not end of his equipment as he also has a crossbow holstered to his belt, a sap ready at hand beside it and on his other side a wooden club. Not to mention he also has a backpack that seems filled enough to be ready for a journey. He stands around average height or so for a human, and is a good example of a strong looking young man. His hair is long but well combed and tied together at his neck, and his his hazel eyes contain a spark of intelligence as well as a gleam of slight mischief in them.

2008-06-20, 01:11 PM

"Yes, I'll take the room for the night, and draw up my own bathwater. A little hard work before dinner is good for the body." After a short bath, he'll wander into the common room and scan the assembled patrons before looking down the shaft. He's somewhat tall, just over six feet, and sports a full beard and a mane of black hair. He wears a shield on his back and a morningstar on his belt, and he seems to have cleaned his armor before coming down.

He raises his voice a little and asks the room, "Anyone planning on going down there tomorrow?" His voice is deep, but he speaks rather quickly, as if in a rush to get the words out.

Holocron Coder
2008-06-20, 04:08 PM
Peering into the well, Jaerg sees the walls of the well slope down and down and down and down... At the very bottom is a teeny-tiny pinprick of light.

A decent number of the bar's patrons turn and look at him after his comment. A few just shake their heads and turn back to their drinks. Most give quiet declinations. A few laugh right out and make well-rehearsed jokes about amateurs.

Durnan looks up at the man and grins.

2008-06-21, 05:50 PM
G'nar coughs uncomfortably when he hears the high cost for the room. "Um, beggin' your pardons miss. But uh, I jus' got into town and am lookin' for work. I'd be happy to work for meh 'nn rom, an' I'm not lazy or a thef, but I don't have three gold a' the moment."

Holocron Coder
2008-06-22, 01:05 AM
Mhaere looks thoughtful as Jaerg walks downstairs. After pondering G'nar's question, she says, "If you're here to go down the well, you can pay me back when you return. Else I'll send my husband down to fetch what's left of your gear if you don't come back. Deal?" She says it all without malice, just simple fact.

2008-06-24, 11:09 AM
G'nar wasn't entirely sure what everything the woman said meant. His Common was fairly good, having been taught to him from a young age, but that didn't mean he couldn't be missing a special meaning common to locals. For example, wasn't usually only water at the bottom of a well? G'nar had seen the well in the floor of the inn but didn't think much of it at the time.

Still, the gist of the woman's deal seemed to be that he could stay so long as he was going down in the well, and if he didn't come back the barkeep would go down to collect his gear which he would no longer have need of because he'd be dead. G'nar wasn't particularly the sentimental type, and indeed hoped that someone would use his own crafted arms and armor after his death as a testimony to his hard-work.

"Yes, that would be fine. But um . . . this is my first time here in Waterdeep. What is down the well?"

2008-06-24, 07:43 PM
Jole turns at Jaerg's call, and timidly raises his hand.

As soon as it's high above his head, he starts wondering. Is that the dungeon? The Under-Mountain? Who is he, anyways?

2008-06-24, 11:28 PM
Jaerg walks over to Jole and claps a brotherly arm over his shoulder. "Excellent! I had feared I would be stuck here for days before anyone else arrived! Tell me, friend, what skills do you possess that would aid us in this venture? I myself am a brawler at heart, though I suppose that is obvious at first glance, eh?" As he speaks, he gently tries to lead Jole to an empty table and order a meal.

Holocron Coder
2008-06-25, 12:25 AM
The innkeeper's wife looks surprised at the dwarf's confusion. "You mean you don't know what this place is known for? The Well. It leads down into Undermountain. Hundreds of adventurers come here just to go down there. We charge a bit for using 'our' entrance, but..."

As if the thought just came to her, she tilts her head slightly to one side and says, "You do mean to go down there, right? Else, we'll have to find some other way for you to pay your room..."

2008-06-30, 09:06 PM
Riktor Mathers

A smile came to the apprentice's face. It seemed that some did still come to this place by themselves without a group ready. Perhaps...perhaps this would be his opportunity as well. Standing up from his stool at the bar and taking his drink with him, He walked over to the table that the two men had just sat down at.

"Pardon me, couldn't help hearing you. Riktor is my name and it seems like you're planning on going into the Undermountain, if I heard right." He said, trying to be friendly and hopefully not seem to intrusive.

2008-06-30, 09:39 PM
"I'm pretty good with picks. You know. Pickaxes?" He makes a half-hearted chopping motion with his hand. "Someone out on the street was making fun of me, but it's not like we had swords everywhere on the farm." Jole shrugs.

2008-07-01, 05:34 AM
Jaerg pulls a chair out and motions for Riktor to sit. "Excellent, excellent, my name's Jaerg, and my pick-using friend here is apparently nameless." He guffaws at his own observation and gives Jole a friendly elbow jab, before taking a more serious tone. "Say, Riktor, you wouldn't have any knowledge of the healing arts, would you? I've seen some miracles performed by clergy in my travels, and it would greatly assist our expedition if we were to receive aid from such a fellow."

2008-07-01, 06:10 AM
"Jole! I'm sorry. I'm Jole."

On the inside, Jole smacked his face into his palm. I'll never, ever be an adventurer.

2008-07-01, 09:39 AM
Although he had been looking for a job, it sounded like he had stumbled onto a potential source of income right here. G'nar had always prefered mercenary work: the thought of adventuring into the dark places of the world for potentially no gain because the buried treasure really was a myth did not appeal to him. Mercenary work had always provided G'nar with a steady income in the past.

However, if hundreds of corpse-pickers had passed through here, it suggested that either they were all daft or there really was something to be gained by going down the well. And, it seemed, he would have to go down the well if he wanted a room tonight. So in response to the lady's question, G'nar nods. "Yes, I will go down there. Will I be going down there alone, or will I be accompanying others? And who should I speak with for being placed onto a team for tomorrow's expedition? You or your husband?"

Holocron Coder
2008-07-01, 10:17 AM
The wife smirks and replies, "Finding fellows or going on your own is your choice. Though, the bar is often full of those desiring a little adventure." She gestures back down the stairs as she says this.

Quickly, she calls one of the maids to prepare a room for the dwarf and leaves him to his devices.

2008-07-01, 03:44 PM
Riktor Mathers

"Cleric? No, You have me mistaken, though I once thought about becoming an acolyte of Gond. My trade is a trapsmith, though I'm not to shabby in a fight, and if only the least of the stories of the Undermountain are true I'm certain my skills will come in handy. A pleasure to meet you, Jaerg and Jole." He says, taking a seat amongst the two. "Though if we could find a willing man of faith it would also be a boon to an expedition into the well."

2008-07-05, 12:23 AM
G'nar briefly goes into the room to ensure everything was in order and that he knew where his room for the evening was. Then, without bothering to remove his traveling gear or freshen up, marches back down to the tavern. He would have to act quickly to find himself an adventuring party that was traveling down into the depths tomorrow.

While he could go down by himself, most of his experiences with teamwork had taught him the value of teamwork. Going solo often meant asking for a knife in the back because you had no one to watch yours. Working with groups just meant that you had to not only watch others' backs, but the rest of them as well to ensure *they* weren't the one with the readied knife. So a group of trustworthy people to adventure with was probably important as well.

Trustworthy . . . bah. As if. There was supposedly no honor amongst thieves, and G'nar typically saw those that robbed the graves of the dead in search of "adventure" as the most spineless of all thieves. But he would at least have to try.

Marching into the tavern, G'nar considered his options, then shrugged and simply moved from table to table, asking patrons there if they were planning on going into the darkness below the next morning.

Holocron Coder
2008-07-08, 09:12 AM
Most of the tavern's patrons wave G'nar on, indicating disinterest and the occasional annoyance at being interrupted. When he gets to the point of asking those at the bar, they point him towards a group of three at a table. Nothing is distinct about them except that one includes the fellow who went upstairs with him and Mhaere to get rooms earlier.

2008-07-11, 12:30 AM
Riktor Mathers

Though in conversation with the others, Riktor can't help but notice the armored dwarf that was walking from table to table. He had quit and axe on him and looked like he knew how to use it. Any skilled warrior was an asset down below, or so they said. As the dwarf was making his way through he other patrons and closer to their table, Riktor stood up and called out, "Oye, Excuse me, you there, guy with the red beard and the axe. You wouldn't happen to be interested in going into the Undermountain too would you?"

2008-07-23, 04:00 PM
G'nar Ironfist

G'nar was gradually getting steered towards the table of three adventurers by the other patrons, none of whom seemed interested in his offer of aid. The table of three, however, did seem interested as one of them stood up and presumably addressed him. Although he was still unsure that his plan wouldn't result in him recieving a complimentary knife in the back, G'nar reaffirmed his intention to go ahead with the plan after a moment's thought.

"Aye." G'nar said simply to the man's question, moving to take a seat around the table to make it four. As he sat down, he added a few more words to his side of the conversation.

"Name's G'nar."

Here G'nar pauses in his introduction to wave one of the servers over to request a dinner to go with his ale, or gets up and goes over to the bar to order food depending on how things seem done here. With only a few silver to his name, G'nar decides to eat cheaply, purchasing only what a single silver would get him. Coming back to the table, G'nar settles back in his chair and begins removing his weapon, shield, and heavy backpack to set down under his feet - most thieves wouldn't try to make off with such heavy booty, but they definately wouldn't with it all underneath G'nar's very feet.

"I'm good with 'n axe 'n shield. Good at holding ta front lines."

G'nar shrugs, a bit of an understated motion given the heavy iron breastplate he was still wearing (and had no intention of taking off until it was time for sleep).

"Not much else. How 'bout ta rest of ya? 'N when are we leaving? Tomorrow?"

G'nar normally gruff tone holds an unusual note of expectation at the end. Given his promise to the innkeep's wife, he thought it best to fulfill his obligation and get some money fast before she grew impatient. Which meant heading down into the dark depths as soon as possible, preferably come morning.

2008-07-28, 07:02 AM
"Well, greetings, my monosyllabic friend! We'll be leaving tomorrow, at the crack of dawn. Unless I miss my guess, most of you have been traveling for some time to get here, so a good night's rest seems like just what we need. Maybe by then a real healer will arrive, too, but I don't have my hopes up too high for that, and it is almost too fortuitous for us to arrive all at the same time. we may as well make use of the time." Well, well, a very... up front group here. I hope there will be enough space at the front lines for all of us. Jaerg smiles widely, leans back, and orders ales for the entire table.

2008-07-31, 02:19 PM
Riktor Mathers

"Even if one does not show up, I feel good about this group. Four is a sturdy number and we each seem to be skilled enough to go a good distance to start with at least." Riktor says with a smile. then, raising his mug of ale he says, "Cheers to the Undermountain then?"

2008-07-31, 09:49 PM
"To the Under-Mountain," Jole says, rather liking the sound of things.

Holocron Coder
2008-08-02, 02:44 AM
The evening passes uneventfully, with occasional calls out for more ale. At some point, each of you stumble to your respective rooms, be they in the inn or at home.

Those unused to the city take a while to sleep, the intermittent noises of the city startling them awake. Eventually, dawn arrives and, along with it, the unheard of.

A long, rolling earthquake shakes the city, waking the residents of the city. Walls and floors crack a bit, but even the most unstable building remains standing. Despite the relatively mild intensity of the event, the city is in an uproar. Along with the quake came visions of darkness, destruction, and chaos.

Each of you wake with a vision in your mind's eye, the details still fresh as you stumble around your room.

Check your private messages :smallsmile:

2008-08-02, 02:53 AM
Riktor Mathers

Riktor stumbled around the room, still groggy from last nights drinking but with a huge grin on his face. When he had stumbled up here he had been sure he'd feel some regrets in the morning. But that dream, that dream had only confirmed that this was what he was meant to do. It had to be an omen of good. He could still feel that joy, the prize almost in his hands. He'd be damned if he chickened out now. Clothing, and armouring, he shook himself out of the last bit of shock at the earthquake and grabbing the rest of his gear, made his way down into the common room to await his fellow party companions.

2008-08-02, 07:53 AM
Jole staggers out of his room, shell-shocked by both the earthquake and the dream. Was...was that the treasure of the Undermountain? With his gear in hand, he stumbles down the stairs and heads off to join the others.

2008-08-04, 06:03 AM
Jaerg gets dressed slowly, carefully pondering his dream. When he at last steps out of his room, every inch a warrior, only one thought remains in his head. I'm going to die. He notices, distantly, that his hands are trembling, and with great force of will stills them. He breathes deeply before climbing down the stairs, and just before he enters the common room, he forces himself into a jovial mood.

"Hail Riktor, Jole. How did the both of you sleep?"

2008-08-04, 03:31 PM
"I had...I had the strangest dream..." Jole says, not quite sure just where to start. "There was treasure...more gold than I've ever seen in my life..."

2008-08-05, 12:10 PM
G'nar woke from his dreams of treasure to find that he was not wealthy - yet. Which simply meant that it was time to go to work. With the practiced ease of experience, he settles his armor onto his body and straps it in tight, and then slides his weapon into its sheath across his back and swings his shield up to rest hanging from his back as well for the moment.

Preparations for battle concluded, G'nar heads down to the tavern to meet up with his companions - hopefully they had not disappeared in the night. Reaching the tavern, it seemed none of them had, and G'nar moves over to join them.

"Morning." He says simply, before going over to collect whatever breakfast he could get for the last of his silver pieces. He had better find some money down in this place today, or he would be at risk of starving soon.

Coming back with a plate of food, G'nar settles himself back in his seat, and then begins to eat quickly. Between mouthfuls, he manages to choke out, "We have a plan?"

2008-08-06, 07:13 PM
Riktor Mathers

Riktor almost snickers a little at Jole's description of his dream, but instead turns it into a smile. There were far more valuable and marvelous things than gold that could be hidden down there, and the joy was in finding a way to take them, as his own dream had shown.

"Well, I slept like a rock until that shake up happened. As for a plan, well, how about keeping it simply? We head down, explore a little, try and see if we can't find some valuables. If things are going good, we stay down there and continue deeper in the next day. If things get too hairy, we pull back and regroup, back up to here if necessary." Riktor says to his party members, looking for approval from the rest.

2008-08-07, 11:49 AM
"Fair enough. Best we go slowly, in my opinion, as I'm pretty sure this is going to be a rough trip." Jaerg sits down hard and shouts for some bread and fruit.

Holocron Coder
2008-08-08, 12:11 PM
The rest of the inn seems to be taking the quake a bit more seriously than the rest of their little group. Snatches of conversation can be heard around the inn. Statements such as "never happened before... never!" and "I wonder if something happened below..." abound.

Along with comments and slight panic about the quake are stories of what appears to be a commonly shared vision amongst the remainder of the town. Many of the inn's guests claim to have seen a vision of a screaming, bearded man. Some focused on his eyes, described as blazing with an odd mix of rage, sorrow, and swimming stars. Others focus on the feelings that accompanied the vision: that of great magical forces crashing around them, destroying and crashing. Still more paid attention to the rest of the vision. It continued with scenes of pillars cracking and tumbling, ceilings collapsing in caverns and dark rooms, and surging explosions of blue-white sparks.

The foreboding scene left many on their knees or on their floors of the room, although the latter a couple attributed to the quake. Many of the adventurers seem nearly salivating at the thought of new treasure uncovered below, but had yet to make plans to retrieve such. A few were put off by the apparently new danger and were quietly sharing tales of the dangers they had seen down below on previous trips.

2008-08-13, 03:38 PM
Jaerg laughs quietly at the discomfort and fear of the townspeople. "We'll go down after breakfast. I never was one for marching on an empty stomach. Does everyone have what they need?"

2008-08-13, 04:36 PM
Riktor Mathers

"Hey, I was born ready for this." Riktor says, his excitement about today toning out the worries of the common folk as he searches out the owner of the establishment, Durnan. "Hey big man, how about one of your famous breakfast specials for a member of the next group that's going to make it big off the Undermountain. Oh, and we'll be needing to make use of the entrance today in a little bit, so be ready."

2008-08-14, 08:30 AM
G'nar frowns at the troubling stories drifting over from the surrounding tables. It sounded as if things may have changed down below, assuming the dreams actually had an substance. In his line of work, sudden change usually didn't mean an unexpected payday or unveiled treasure - it usually meant people were about to die because of some mistake.

"I agree we should be careful when we go down. I've found surprises to be more unpleasant than not."

G'nar sullenly continues eating his breakfast. After a moment's consideration, he decided not to end his contribution to the conversation on such a low note.

"'Course, I havn't run into any surprise nastier than my axe yet, either. Heh heh."

Holocron Coder
2008-08-24, 04:00 PM
Durnan walks over to the table at Riktor's beckoning and catches his comment. "So, you're the first to go down after the big quake, eh? Hoping to find something shaken loose, I take it."

Looking over the group, he nods and comments, "Group of four, not bad... You do remember that using the well isn't free, right Riktor?"

You should remember that it's 1g each way. Once paid, you can be lowered down or climb down yourself.

2008-08-24, 04:57 PM
"Are the earthquakes common?" Jole asks.

2008-08-24, 10:44 PM
Hey, I actually have some gold left for in game spending!
Anyway, also taking out five silver for drinks/food/room/food. Tell me if I should be taking off some more.

Riktor Mathers

"Course not. Here's my gold piece." Riktor says to the big man, pulling out a gold as well as the silver coin necessary for his breakfast before chowing down on it. "You can bet we're going to find something really spectacular down there. The quake's just good timing really, probably has knocked something loose now that you mention it. Maybe brought down a wall that'll lead to some secret cache of treasure."

2008-08-25, 04:31 PM
"...Yeah, treasure..." Jaerg looks uneasy for a moment before shrugging and placing three coins on the table, all gold. "We'll see you in a bit, eh? We've got some wraiths to wrangle." He stands and walks to the well, looking into the depths again before turning to the innkeeper. "Well, let's go. All that treasure's just gonna rot if we let it."

Holocron Coder
2008-08-31, 10:09 PM
Durnan pockets the offered coins and gestures towards the well. "Best hope wraiths weren't woken with that quake. Such would make short work of many adventurers heading below."

As he talks, he readies the pulley, assuming they will want to utilize it to go down. "As for the quake... no, I don't ever remember having one of those. In other places, sure, but, not here."

The lower-able platform has enough room to handle quite a load. Well more than your little party.

2008-08-31, 10:28 PM
Riktor Mathers

"Keep an eye out for shouts or lights from below to signal our return when We've got some stuff." Riktor says, full of confidence and he finishes his breakfast, grabs together all his supplies and, with a deep breath, steps onto the lift platform, trying to appear calm and professional even though deep within he's an excited little boy that's going on an adventure.

2008-09-02, 02:46 PM
G'nar finishes his breakfast, washing it down with the last of his ale, and then moves to join the others on the platform. "Time to earn my keep." He mutters to no one in particular, strapping his shield into place over his arm and holding his waraxe in a readied grip. Seemingly confident that he was prepared for battle, G'nar nods and steps onto the platform off to one side. "Lower us when ready."

Holocron Coder
2008-09-09, 06:52 AM
The rest of your little band finishes grabbing what gear they have and pay the toll for the well. Boarding the platform, you can glance over its side to again confirm that the well is deep. Really deep.

With a shudder, the platform begins to lower into the well. Eventually, the last echoes of the crowd's toasts and betting whisper about you as descend into the well. As the flickering light from the torches above fades, a chill overtakes you and you find yourself still sinking with no end in sight. You drop slowly and steadily deeper on the rope, almost as if you were the bait on an unweighted fishline in placid waters, but the cold and quiet of the well that surrounds you is anything but peaceful. The silence has more of a threatening quality to it.

AFter being lowered for what seems like too long a time, you at last see the bottom. Below you stretches sand-covered ground and whatever fine fate awaits you in Undermountain.

2008-09-09, 07:36 AM
As the group descends, Jaerg's demeanor changes. His jocular attitude seems to melt away and in it's place a serious one forms. He prepares his weapons and checks his armor, straining to see any hint of an ambush below.

Khalumniyet, empower me. My strength is yours, my mind is yours, my glories are yours. In your name I conquer, and in your shadow I live. Grant me speed of thought and sense, that the treasure of these lessers may be yours.

Everyone gains +1 to Listen, Spot and initiative as long as they remain within 30 feet of me.

2008-09-09, 09:08 AM
Jole tosses a pick up in one hand, letting it spin in the air, and then catches it. "So, this is it?" he asks, peering down over the side.

This is a very, very long way down.

2008-09-09, 11:14 AM
Riktor Mathers

As the platform is lowered beyond the light of the tavern, Riktor pulls from his pack a lanturn and, carefully filling it with oil, lights it and allows it to illuminate the shaft as they're lowered. As they continue down, and down, and down, Riktor gives a slow impressed whistle. "Some place eh?"

As they finally reach the bottom, Riktor is the first to step off, carefully stepping on the sand a couple times with only one foot, before standing upon it if he finds it firm and then takes a look around at the cavern they've landed in.

2008-09-09, 02:05 PM
G'nar looks over the side of the lift as they are lowered down if he is able, peering into the darkness beneath them. Once they are on solid ground and this is confirmed by Riktor, G'nar follows him off. While Riktor is examining their surroundings one way, G'nar sweeps the darkness with his darkvision in the opposite direction.


"Yeah. Doesn't compare to a good dwarf hold." G'nar grumbles, and it occurs to him immediately thereafter that except for a few dim early childhood memories and one or two short visits to dwarven lands, he's never really seen a "good dwarf hold".

"Least, that's been uh, my experience. Maybe it'll look more impressive further in. Like inside the treasury." G'nar adds hastily, attempting to cover up his guilt with more words. In G'nar's experience, that never really worked either, and with a loud cough he continues his examination of the room.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-10, 06:54 AM
Several inches of sand covers the floor of this roughly square room. Broken and dented shields hang on stone walls covered with chalk and charcoal graffiti. The ceiling looms a mere ten feet above you -- as it does in the hallway that leads out of the room to the south -- but a thirty-foot-diameter hole in the ceiling that you came through forms a chimney that rises up over a hundred feet.

2008-09-10, 08:10 AM
Jaerg moves to cover the doorway, peering in and raising his shield, in case the denizens of the dungeon decide to lay in wait. If the corridor is dimly lit, he motions Riktor to join him and illuminate it.

"I'll take the lead. Gnar, stay next to me. Riktor, just behind and keep the lantern on. Jole, you take rearguard, make sure nothing sneaks up on us. Everyone keep your eyes open, we don't know what kind of surprises the creatures here left for us. Any problems with that setup?"

Assuming there are none, Jaerg begins marching down the corridor when everyone is assembled.

Taking a spot check every round, with a bonus of +1.

2008-09-10, 12:16 PM
G'nar nods his head as he shifts his grip on his war-axe to "ready". "No problem here." He grunts, shuffling up to stand beside Jaerg at the hallway's entrance. He then moves in-step with him down the hallway once their little group is ready to depart the entry room.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-11, 11:57 PM
The hallway extends about twenty feet into darkness, the light from the shaft fading quickly to the shadows of the underground. You can see that the hallway makes a right ahead, with no sign of further light sources.

2008-09-12, 07:01 AM
Jole, picks at the ready, keeps his back to the others and watches warily. "Do you know what those shields were, G'nar?" he asks, genuinely curious.

2008-09-13, 12:40 AM
Riktor Mathers

Riktor takes his place in the line up, lifting his lantern high to help illuminate for everyone (at least those that need light).
"Awesome." He whispers as he actually begins to walk into the halls of Undermountain. "Just slow down and let me take the lead if we start coming to anything that looks odd or unusual, or especially mechanical." Riktor then says to Jaerg.

Holocron Coder
2008-09-15, 04:26 PM

In response to Jole's question, you can see that the shields are dented and worn, obviously useless. However, some bear the mark of royal houses or ancient dwarven clans.

After the hallway turns, it extends a ways into the dark, the way ahead lit by Riktor's lantern. A short ways ahead, the hall turns right then sharply left again, opening into a larger hallway. Ahead, you can see a lit chamber at the bottom of some stairs.

2008-09-23, 01:47 PM
G'nar pauses a moment in his progress down the hallway to carefully examine the shields in the lantern light. Then he snorts and shakes his head.

"They're all useless. Have ta' melt 'em down and reforge 'em to make 'em useful again. Some are pretty old though - have symbols from one leadbrained human noble or another. Couple have dwarven crests - might snag those on the way back if we're not loaded down with treasure."

Although practical and not having lived in a dwarf hold for many years, G'nar still felt some sense of kinship, and therefore dutiful respect to his dwarven brethren. And as such, the only thing left of them should be displayed on some wall with pride, not as part of some filth's trophy room in a dungeon.

Still grumbling a bit over that thought, G'nar continues on down the hallway with the others, although he quiets up upon seeing the light. Light meant there were others down here.

"Humanoids don't need light. Maybe someone else is down here?" G'nar whispered, stopping his forward movement for a moment to look to his companions for direction. No sense in descending into a potential situation without being sure his compatriots had his back.

"We should check it out. Carefully."

2008-09-25, 02:13 PM
"Agreed." Jaerg looks back at the group and whispers, "Whoever's good at sneaking around, check out the place. Try to save some for the rest of us, huh? The rest of us will get as close as possible to offer support in case anything goes wrong." He carefully lays down his shield and follows about twenty feet behind the scout/s. He'll stop at the edge of the light though, unwilling to risk going any further.

Finally, it's been too long since I've seen a good combat. I do so hope they aren't peaceful. No glory in killing pacifists.

Sneaking down, so [roll0] and [roll1].

Also, [roll2] - if at any point Jaerg sees what could be down there, he'll stop and try to get a better look.