View Full Version : The Lucky Penny, IC flashback thread

2008-06-20, 11:36 AM
This thread is for the IC adventures of the crew of the Lucky Penny prior to the start of the game.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-20, 12:00 PM
Lucius winces as the girl plunges the device in. At her comment on his status, he thinks quickly

Not all captains wear their stars. Makes you a bit of a target in combat situations "Oh look, an officer, kill him!" Any men I'm working with know who I am. That's enough.

He fingers a few indicators on the holocard, making sure he can work it, before detaching one of the blue Outsider Leads from his gauntlet, and plugging it into a small hole in the card (that the cable flows into, reshaping itself to fit) before finally opening the Air Car's door.

You ready then, miss, for the final test?

2008-06-20, 01:13 PM
OOC: Clark's files are about as encrypted as you'd expect a trillion dollar black-budget program. As far as the holo-display of BIANCA's vitals are concerned, you're almost positive that human beings don't have that many organs.

IC: BIANCA jumps up and down happily. "Yes, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready! I'm hungry too, but I can wait!"

Moral Wiz
2008-06-20, 02:42 PM

The old navigator takes the aerial car through the rocky valleys, moving somewhat in the direction of Topside, but keeping away from major routes. He keeps 15ft above the ground at all times.

See that rock? There, to the right, just shy of the peak.

In five seconds, I'm going to start an approach. I will be driving irregularly, as though under fire. Your task is to hit that rock.

According to the scenario, we are under attack from multiple sides. I am to drive the car appropriately. In consequence, any angle will be temporary, and

Signify your understanding

2008-06-20, 03:18 PM

"That's it?!" BIANCA looked incredulous. "That's easy!"

Moral Wiz
2008-06-20, 03:44 PM

Heh. Confident. Alright then.

The aircar swerves and bends through the sky. It heads vaguely in the direction of the target, but not well.

After a few seconds, the navigator guides her outright in the opposite direction for five seconds before swinging her. He barely keeps to a single direction for two seconds straight. He takes care to keep at least 60 ft away from the rock he'd indicated..

2008-06-20, 04:38 PM

Standing rather comfortably despite the change in direction, one of BIANCA's hands stayed outward to steady herself while the second went to one of her pistols. She moved with an unparalleled smoothness in her motions, keeping balance as nimbly as a cat while drawing the gun. A skilled gymnast had the ability to adjust as the surface changed angles and velocities. Balance was about controlling your center of gravity, and that's exactly what BIANCA could do, even without her dense bones.

Her aiming, too, was unnaturally precise. Too careful for a person being jerked about on a shaky ride. Drawing a bead on the target in less than a second, the still air sounded with the ricochet symphony of a semi-automatic weapon being emptied into a solid surface. The gun's muzzle flash was quite reduced from that of a comparable piece of weaponry, and the venting was top-notch. An impressive piece of equipment, to say the least.

Suffice to say, a soldier had a decent time hitting a target at 60 feet when he could use the sights. At 30 feet, you didn't even need the sights. But in much tougher situations, BIANCA had to strike with unrelenting precision or fail the test. Failing the test was bad, it meant more painful things. So she never failed a test once she knew the consequences.

And she wasn't going to fail now. The rock appeared pockmarked with bullet holes and shrapnel as she turned to reload. "Piece of cake"

Moral Wiz
2008-06-24, 02:53 PM

Well done. I can't confirm the result yet, but ... well, if I was you, I'd be happy right now.

Lucius beams at her, trying to keep her in this happy mood. With a flick of the controls, he changes the car's direction, taking a circular route that he knows will take him to a major lane to Topside.

So tell me, miss... err....

He's obviously a little out of place in this situation

What would you like me to call you, miss?

2008-06-24, 03:13 PM

"Everyone calls me Prototype!" She exclaims cheerfully, obviously oblivious to what the name actually means. "Or they call me B-I-A-N-C-A." She spelled out every letter of her acronym. "And sometimes, they call me Unit 1."

BIANCA effortlessly performs a tactical reload on her pistol, leaving one round in the chamber and inserting a new clip. "Is there anything more we need?"

Moral Wiz
2008-06-24, 03:19 PM

Well, I'll go with Bianca, if that's ok.

He smiles, bu doesn't pronounce it as an acronym.

And the test is over. That's definite

He joins the main path now. One or two other vehicles, most on the ground, are now in sight. The light is bright now, but secracy is no longer essential. Blue Sky's security wasn't that intrusive.

Well, might as well start now as any other time. At least sow the seads

What would you say if I told you there'd be no more tests now? At least, not anything like ones like you've been doing before. Would you?...

He leaves his sentence unfinished.

2008-06-24, 04:00 PM

"I know! Dr. Clark said there would be no more tests if I passed the last one." She nods in assent of her version of the facts. "Where are we going?" She looks in awe as to what lies ahead.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-24, 04:52 PM

Patience, Miss Biance. You'll find out soon

Just as soon as I've thought of something

The city came in to view then. Topside had been built on a flatterned out mountain peak. It wasn't as high as it had been before the settlers came, but still made an impressive sight, especially with a clear sky. The corporations who funded this place knew how to make an impression. The higher skyscrapers required life support systems.

They speed through the street's air zones at some speed, before coming to a minor area, a little away from downtown, in a quiet neighborhood. A very small house, semi-detached (Not everyone built skyscrapers, even now). Looked barely lived in, but then so did the neighborhood. It was a prety quiet place, mostly full of homes held by colos, families who could still trace themselves back to the first landings. A quiet lot, who didn't bother nabours. Something Lucius was appreciating now.

They landed in a garage who's door opened for them, with out Lucius even having to utter a word.

Jamie is his sole word of explanation, as the air car drifts to a halt.

This is my house. I've got some work to do with Jamie right now. Analyzing your results for one thing. You want to relax a bit for a few hours? Watch a show or two on the player? I've got a few collections.

After I'm done with work, we can talk about what you'll do next

2008-06-24, 06:44 PM

BIANCA looked very confused at Lucius, but didn't say anything as she was led into the house. The room she was led into was small, with no desks, cryo-tubes, or training areas, so nothing that BIANCA was used to. There was some comfortable chairs, one much longer than the other, which was big enough for BIANCA to lay down on.

Since the mission was over, BIANCA was supposed to go back to sleep, so that meant she needed to find a cryo-tube. However, she was also supposed to do what she was told, and she was supposed to wait until he talked to her again. Which meant that she was supposed to just wait for him.

Waiting was boring, and it didn't even take a minute for BIANCA to get antsy and restless, fidgeting on the chair she was sitting on. She was used to constant attention when awake, from Dr. Clark and everyone else. Waiting was so dull! She tried as hard as she could to wait, but eventually, she started to feel like the entire world was moving too quickly and so she stood up. She held her breath, but no one came in to yell at her, so she wasn't doing something bad. Now, she started to explore the new-found surroundings, with all sorts of things around.

The first thing she found was some sort of light, but not like the overhead lights at the lab. This was on a table, and it had really pretty patterns on it. BIANCA touched it, then started to run her fingers all over it, tracing the patterns. She smiled. Having a supernatural sense of touch made these feelings so much more rewarding, but BIANCA never saw it that way. She instead found it as something amazing to touch, so she touched harder, trying to maximize the pleasurable sensory impulse.

*CRASH* came the unexpected result as BIANCA's pushing knocked it over, off the table, and into pieces on the floor. BIANCA looked surprised and sheepish when she realized she had broken it.

Why was something so fragile even allowed? Didn't they realize how EASY is was to break it?

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 12:20 AM

As soon as he got out of the living room, Lucius strode to the "Work Room", which was kept meticulously clean. Papers were pined up across the walls, and Jamie's central unit and Holo-board took pride of place.


The holo-board flickered to life, and the familiar face appeared, in it's customary neutral expression.

Hello, Master Lucius. May I...

Skip. Give me status on the...

CRASH. Lucius jumped, then sighed

Continue decrypting the data. Take it slow, and keep a back up. Watch for viruses too.

He strode back into the main room to the sight of the ruins of his new, Star-lamp.

Keep calm. She's not used to this environment.

Bianca? What happened?

2008-06-25, 12:29 AM

"I pushed the light and it fell..." She looked like a kid caught breaking a vase, sheepish and ashamed.

She had broken equipment before. Her biomonitor was not the first to be administered to her. Neither were any of her vibroblades. Once she tripped after receiving muscular implants and destroyed much of what resided on Dr. Hanto's desk. She tended to break things, and each time, she was chided to be more careful, but generally it was accepted that because she was doing very active things, sometimes equipment for broken.

This was different. This was a conscious effort of something she was doing, not the rigors and stresses of the mission wearing down on equipment. This was new and unfamiliar territory. She never had new things like this before and now she broke it. That meant she wasn't going to get new things any more.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 12:43 AM

Lucius sighed, more at the look on BIANCA's face than at the loss of his lamp. Her worry seemed to distress him more, mostly because he wasn't quite sure what to do with her. He bent down to look her in the eyes, and patted the top of her head gently.

Look, don't worry about it. Just... try and be more careful. Ok?

Would you like something to eat? Or should I put a Vid up... oh.

She's been brought up as a weapon. She's probably never been outside a lab.

Do you even know what I mean by that?

2008-06-25, 09:09 AM

"Negative, Captain!" She giggled as she saluted. "I am hungry though. I haven't eaten in forever! And thirsty. I'm very thirsty." She sat down and tried her best to behave.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 10:59 AM

Lucius was glad that he's removed his helmet at this point. He needed the air for dealing with BIANCA.

Sure. Let's see what I can do.

He strides quickly off into the small kitchen area.

Ok. At least she's in a good mood. Get her something to eat and drink. Then see if...

Damn. What can I do? I'm in so over my head here. This... well, I'm guessing this little girl has the ability to be... somewhat destructive. Of more than that lamp. And if the military find her here, I'm toast

Ok.... Focus. One thing at a time. First, a meal of some sort. Then talk.

You want water to drink? As for food... is there anything you want, or shall I just cook something and see how you like it?

2008-06-25, 12:46 PM

"I need to write down what I eat and how much it weighs. Where is your scale? And because you don't remember a lot, make sure to remember the medicine too. Dr. Clark says I need the medicine." BIANCA completely ignored the question, as usual. It was like she had no sense of answering non-prototype related questions. She sat for all of thirty seconds before she got antsy again, fidgeting uncontrollably. Knowing she wasn't supposed to touch anything, she settled for touching the thing she was allowed to touch, namely the chair she was sitting on. She poked it, pushed it, and in no time had found the zipper to keep the stuffing in and unzipped it.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 01:10 PM

The ex-navigator looked.. slightly suprised by the girl's reply. He'd expected it of corse, but... well, it was still offputting

O...K. Don't worry about nutrients for now. I'll just cook something to keep you going, and get you water to drink. That good?

Assuming a semi-positive response, he'll duck back into the kitchen, and whisper quickly into his gauntlet

Jamie, see if you can get anything on "Project Medication" or anything like that. There should be something. If you get results, let me know. I'll want a full briefing on all decrypted files later.

With that, he gets to work. The kitchen isn't that advanced, a simple gas cooker and freezer being about it's limit. A little primitive, but well made, and generally regarded as "retro" Lucius withdraws a pre-frozen stake from the freezer, and quickly flings it onto a trey, and into the oven. He then puts a saucepan full of peas on to boil, and...

Heard the sound of BIANCA unziping the chair

He strode quickly back into the main room and sighed at the stuffing that had fallen everywhere.

This is getting repetitive.

Bianca? You did this?

Is there anything on this medicine? Jamie should hopefully be able to get something by the time the meal's done, can't see that as that heavily encrypted..

2008-06-25, 01:27 PM

"I was trying not to touch anything..." she says with a slight whine to her voice. "The chair didn't look as fragile as the light, so I wanted not to break anything else."

She tried in vain to put the stuffing back into the cushion, but it was rather difficult to get ahold of it, as was it's nature. At least it wasn't a beanbag chair.

BIANCA's medications are rather straightforward. She takes the following things every 24 hours of activity.
Nutritional Supplements - Her hyperactive liver and kidneys can process much more poisons than the average human. However, this activity comes at a price, sometimes they filter out needed nutrients as well. The supplements are designed to counteract this.
Anticoagulents - Due to the high platelet content in her blood, which aid clotting when she is injured, she has to take anticoagulents in order to prevent blood clots.
Hormonal Suppressants - This suppresses much of BIANCA's non-epinephrine based hormonal systems, as well as preventing her reproductive system from working.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 01:34 PM

Lucius sighed, and bent down to look her in the eyes

Look, Don't worry about it.

He keeps his gaze level.

You don't like resting, do you? You want something to do whirl I'm cooking?

2008-06-25, 01:46 PM

"I'm awaiting orders, Captain!" BIANCA saluted again.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 01:53 PM

Lucius smiles at the young girl

First thing first, you don't need to call me Capitan. My name is Lucius Oclaris. Call me Lucius.

Secondly, you don't need to take orders from me. I'm going to try and help you from now on, but you should feel free to act on your own initiative

He looks at her before continuing, expecting that this won't be that simple.

2008-06-25, 02:09 PM

Completely oblivious to what he said metaphyscially, BIANCA focused on everything that she could understand. Which of course, was one thing. "Affirmative, Captain Lucius." She saluted again. Children had the uncanny ability to simply ignore that which they did not understand, and well, she didn't understand, so it made sense. "So where are we going now?"

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 02:39 PM

Does she even...

He sighed, but smiled.

We're going to see Jamie. She's... well, you'll see when you get there.

Assuming now that she'll follow, he starts walking out of the room, towards the "War Room", where Jamie was kept. As he walked, he talked behind him

Tell me, Miss Bianca, do you know what "stories" are?

2008-06-25, 02:43 PM
OOC: You guys look like you are doing fine on your own, but if you need a referee for anything or any background info, or whenever you decide you are ready to meet up with the party, just let me know. :smallsmile:

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 02:47 PM
OOC BanterThanks. :smallbiggrin: What's entertainment tech like? Holo-vid series? And is Lucius' kitchen ok with Tech Levels?

Sorry BTW Sicarius for dragging you into this, and keeping both of us away from the main game for now.:smallfrown:

2008-06-25, 02:58 PM

She was cheerful, almost too cheerful, with her simple answer. "Negative, Captain Lucius. Is my next mission to fight one?" She followed him obediently, making sure not to touch anything.

2008-06-25, 03:11 PM
OOC: Holo-vids are freely available, as are computer games. Even if Lucius wouldn't normally have a collection, Jamie can easily download whatever you think might entertain Bianca. Whether that might be My Little Pony or a graphic documentary about the Kzinti wars is an exercise for the players. :smallwink:

Your kitchen is definitely retro. Most people have an autokitchen where you type in what you want and it pops out ready to eat food a few minutes later.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 03:29 PM

The "Capitan" laughed, perhaps a little too loudly

Oh no. Nothing of the sort.

She understands nothing that doesn't have a military connotation

He tries very quickly to think of a way to put this.

No, Stories are... well, you understand the concept of AARs, yes?

AAR; After Action Report. Basically a report of exactly what went on in a battle, as filled in by individual soldiers. BIANCA probably would still fill one out, or at least know how to do so, though hers would go straight to her trainers. Filling out AARs is a major way to make sure you know exactly what happened on the battlefield

Whipped this from the Cain novels, but it fits for a Sci-fi military

2008-06-25, 03:38 PM

"You mean a debriefing?" BIANCA asked with wide, curious eyes. "I know about debriefings...I get asked lots of questions and I'm supposed to answer them. Sometimes they're hard."

BIANCA's psychological limitations would prevent her from filling out an AAR in written form. She would likely do it orally, in the form of a debrief.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-25, 03:45 PM
Hmm... Ok. That's harder, but let's roll with that


Yes, that'd be it.

Well, people don't usually relax in a cryo-tube. And now, you won't be either, at least not as a rule. So I'm going to show you something to do that's not a test, or laying back in a tube. You might find it fun.

Stories are sort of ... made up debriefings, told to you. Some are real ones, some are just made up to be interesting. But instead of you answering questions, people are just going to be telling things to you. You can just sit back, and hear about what happened.

You understand me?

He wasn't that optimistic, but they had to start somewhere.

2008-06-25, 11:07 PM

"So...I'm the mission officer?" BIANCA equated it the only way she could. "I'm the mission officer, but I don't ask questions? Is that right?"

Moral Wiz
2008-06-26, 01:14 AM

That's actually what he was aiming at.

Yes. And you don't need to write anything down. It's just something for you to do.

Ok. Books might be a problem, but till then let's see what I can do.

He strode forward into the war room. There were paper pined onto every surface. Some are maps, some are writing.

Taking up most of a large table is a massive Holoboard that gives off the small, twinkling lights representing progress. There's a larger thing beneath the table, out of immediate sight.

This is Jamie. Say hello to Bianca, Jamie?

A human woman's head flickers into existence, with black hair in a ponytail, and eyes of the blue hololight.

Greetings, Miss BIANCA

Lucius winced at the pronunciation, but kept his smile.

What do you think of her, Bianca?

2008-06-26, 09:55 AM

BIANCA looked up at Jamie with confusion. Startled by the sudden appearance of someone new, she did what came naturally to curious minds confronted with something like that: try to associate it with someone else. In this case, Jamie looked like a person so she had to be a person. But she showed up out of nowhere, and that was weird.

"Hi Jamie!" BIANCA waved and smiled. She wasn't a captain so she didn't need to salute. However, when she tried to touch the strange appearing person, to her utter surprise, her hand went right through her.

"Hey...That's not supposed to happen." BIANCA looks for guidance from Lucius as she moves her hand back and forth through Jamie's spectral head.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-29, 03:00 AM

Don't worry.

Lucius can't help but laugh at Bianca's reaction to the hologram.

Jamie's a computer. A very good one. And she's going to help.

He turns to look Jamie in the eyes. This isn't nessecary, the receptors will pick up his voice from anywhere in the room, but Lucius does it anyway.

Jamie, prepare to screen a holovid from this projector. High quality.

Confirm termination of...

Lucius interrupts quickly, before Jamie said anything about the decryption.

No no. Switch to background. The holo takes priority

Confirmed. What holo do you wish to view?


Best to start on something military related

Go with "Starstorm"

He sticks around in the doorway to ensure that Bianca was watching, before heading out to both change into more.... informal clothes (He is still in the guard's uniform), and to check on the cooking

Starstorm's a "Based on a true story" kind of film. Set in the Man-Kzin wars, it's the tale of a single cruiser, the Aetherligh, and a series of battles both with the Kzin, and another human fleet, who let old grudges get the better of them. Neither names homeworlds. Story ends with a major offensive, and the Aetherlight charging into the thick of a space battle. The result isn't shown.

2008-06-29, 08:32 AM

BIANCA sits down and patiently watches the debriefing, as she was told to. Notably, however, once the Kzin show up, she gets nervous. "Aaah!" she yells as she draws the large blade sheathed on her back and in one fluid motion, brings the blade to bear with lightning speed. It started to hum with a high-pitched sound, not dissimilar to rubbing a wet finger on the rim of a glass. The enemy didn't react, but continued along it's path, so BIANCA assumed it to be a hostile response and as she was trained to do, swung her blade in a horizontal arc, which went through the hologram as if it wasn't even there and instead sliced through the nearest piece of furniture cleanly, the vibroblade tearing through the material as if it were no more solid than paper.

"Oops...it was a computer too."

Moral Wiz
2008-06-29, 08:37 AM

Lucius is still absent, checking on the cooking, now in a relaxed light blue t-shirt, and is blissfully unaware of BIANCA's further attempts to leave him without furniture.


He hums happily to himself as he activates the hologauntlet

Maintain Holo-vid projection in central unit, but show me progress stats on the decoding

2008-06-29, 09:09 AM

Ashamed, BIANCA realizes that attack was not the required option. She sits and tries to watch it as if it were a debriefing, but her questions frequently go unanswered.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-29, 11:14 AM

The navigator tuts at the decrypting stats.

Oh well. Once the movie's down, get me something Jamie. Anything.

After a few minuets of checking all the cooking was almost ready, he headed back into the War Room, casual clothes and all.

Hay Bianca?

He comes in and stands next to her, watching the vid, just at the point where they're preparing for the final battle.

How do you like it?

2008-06-29, 11:26 AM

"It's boring. All I can do is sit and watch. I'm not supposed to be this inactive."

Moral Wiz
2008-06-29, 11:31 AM

Hmm.... Ok. But since you won't be getting into a cryo-tube soon, you're going to have to be a bit inactive. Otherwise, you'll burn out.

Perhaps some kind of game....

Still, let's forget it. Terminate vid, Jamie.

The fleet of ships vanished in the blink of an eye, and Lucius smiled.

Now then. Do you want something to eat?

2008-06-29, 01:02 PM

"Yes! I'm very hungry!" BIANCA exclaimed exuberantly, clapping her hands together.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-29, 01:11 PM

Well then. Let's go.

He smiles as they head off. The dining room is small, just enough for a square table, and at best 5 people to sit down and eat their fill. There are five chairs, but only two sets of cutlery.

Sit wherever you want. I'll just bring the food through

Space, because I suspect BIANCA will end up doing... something. Call it intuition

2008-06-29, 01:34 PM

BIANCA sits and waits for her meal. While waiting, she starts to fiddle with her biomonitor, looking as if she is preparing an entry into the computer.

You gave her an order to sit down and wait for food. That means she won't make any silly mistakes. Come on, she's not going to break all of your stuff.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-30, 01:26 AM

Just checking. :smallwink:

After a few minuets, Lucius comes back in, carrying two steaming plates, smiling.

Dinner's up.

He sets down two plates on the table. Each had two beef fillets, a pile of peas, and a large number of chips. Not really artistic, or abnormally tasty all he's done is stick them in the cooker, but it's passable, nourishing food.

Lucius tucks in immediately, and with ghusto, clearly somewhat hungry himself. The day's events had been something of a strain for him. He focuses more on his food to start with than BIANCA.

2008-06-30, 01:54 AM

BIANCA waits a second before eating, by punching in a few buttons on her biomonitor, like an obedient child eating medicine before a meal. Afterward, she grabbed the food and ate incredibly quickly, similar to the way a soldier eats an MRE. She gets many peas and chips on the floor, but tries her best not to make a mess.

"The computer says I need my medicines now." BIANCA looked at the Captain and opened her hand.

Moral Wiz
2008-06-30, 11:54 PM


He gets up

Be right back.

And with that he stride, quickly and confidently out of the room

2008-07-01, 12:10 AM

Do I follow? He said he would be right back, but I didn't get an order. Food! BIANCA busies herself by picking up and eating all the food she got on the floor. Terribly unhygenic, but her enthusiasm wasn't dulled in the slightest for her activity.

Once finished, she sat down, and as usual, she started to fidget.

Behave, no breaking things...Be good and you might get a treat. BIANCA's last 'treat' was very sweet-tasting food, as a reward for sucessfully completing the Extreme Conditions Mobility Training. Even though her diet was to be regular, Dr. Clark said because she performed SO well, she got to get a treat. And it motivated her to do her best, every time.

But she had no mission, so the only way to get a treat was to not make Captain Lucius mad. And his smell was notably elevated when she broke things, so she tried not to break anything. Which meant no touching the plates or the table. Then she remembered what one of the scientists did when she sat at her desk.

"♪Have the snows fallen in spring this year♪" She began to sing a classic tune from 30 years ago, oblivious to the words' meaning.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 12:19 AM

'Captian' Lucius ducked quickly into the study

Jamie? Please tell me you got something on Bianca's medicen? Clark's note files, lightly encoded standerd, anything!

Yes sir. Three possible files.

Let's see 'em. One at a time.

2008-07-01, 12:48 AM
The first appears to be a standard nutritional supplement, with natural energy boosters, vitamins, minerals, all the things that a body needs for perfect nutrition. It appears heavy on water-soluble materials. The accompanied file states quite specifically that an implant in her liver increases catabolic activity in both frequency and spectrum, and that her kidneys have a nephritic implant deisgned to improve filtration in order to promote internal cleanliness and to improve function in chemical warfare scenarios. This however, has caused catabolic processes to work too well, and sometimes normal nutrients are broken down and filtered out as waste, which leads to the pill being used to supplement to ensure proper nutrition of the prototype.

The second are anticoagulents, designed due to her bone marrow implants being stimulated to produce more platlets than normal, increasing the ability to blood to clot and lessening the trauma received from injuries. Unlike her thalamus implants designed to release more endorphins to the response of physical trauma, this actually has a wound-lessening effect rather than simply a pain-lessening effect. However, due to the risk of thromboembolism, BIANCA takes internal anticoagulents that lessen the effects of the platlets. The effects are minor, but noticeable in internal measures without significantly hampering the ability for thrombosis due to external injury.

The third and final appears to be a hormonal suppressant, specifically designed to prevent much of her reproductive system from working. The associated file states that the process was 'unnecessary' and that the 'ramifications of the prototype breeding have yet to be determined and are not intended to be studied at this model.' This completely aborts her menustral cycle, renders her unable to bear children, and suppresses much of her psychological and hormonal impulses related to such acts. The results of which must be deterimental to the prototype's endocrine and hormonal systems. Currently, the prototype under this specific medication has stopped growing at a noticeable rate.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 12:53 AM


Put those nutrient supplements into the auto cook. And see if you can get those Anticoagulents.

I don't suppose we can get hormonal suppressants?

Negative. Outside the list of cooking substances.

Hmm... and putting her in an autodoc, or taking her to a doctor, are both out of the question. At least they're non-essential

He quickly ducked out, and came back into the room, looking ever so slightly out of breath.

Medicine's just coming. Supplies are a bit low, so I'm fabbing 'em now.

2008-07-01, 12:58 AM

♫Will we return to the way things were?♫ BIANCA continues singing, but immediately stops. "Affirmative, Captain Lucius."

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 01:01 AM


Lucius didn't immediately notice Bianca's singing, but as he sat down, it became more noticeable

What was that, Bianca?

His voice is gentle, and it is obvious that he's not angry. Simply curious.

2008-07-01, 01:04 AM

"Dr. Dentali says she likes to sing to calm herself down, and since I had to sit still for a long time during sniper missions, she taught me how to sing. This is the only song I remember most of the words to. I didn't want to break anything so I thought if I sang I could sit still like in the sniper missions."

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 01:09 AM

Very good thinking.

Lucius smiles gently at her, trying to put her at ease.

I don't have much music, but you wanna see if Jamie can get you some? Perhaps you'd like that better than a Holo Vid? Then you could learn some new songs.

2008-07-01, 01:18 AM

"Learning the songs is hard...Dr. Clark said I haven't received the memory implants yet." BIANCA looks sad. "But I'll try if that is my new mission, Captain Lucius." She perks back up again, saluting.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 01:21 AM

Ok. One. Last Try. For now at least

Lucius does his best to conceal his slight exhasperation.

Bianca, if you could chose your own mission, what would you like to do?

2008-07-01, 01:28 AM

"I do all the missions really well! One-hundred-and-ten-percent, Captain Lucius." She salutes him again, clearly missing the point entirely. "Whatever the mission, I will do it! Even if it's hard like learning songs!"

BIANCA isn't good on the old hypothetical reasoning.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 01:32 AM
Yeah, it was kind of a "Last ditch" thing


The 'captain' sighs, though he's still smiling.

Very well.

He looked up, at the small picture above the table. That of a cosmic scene. Not art, just a pict, but still pretty nice.

Tell me Bianca, have you ever been up in space? On a ship?

2008-07-01, 01:38 AM

"No, I don't think so. Why? Is there an objective there? If so, then I'll go right away!"

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 01:47 AM

The reaction of BIANCA to the idea of space was the final straw. Everything that's been happening since the raid on the truck had been getting Lucius stressed. This left him bursting out in laughter

Ha Haha... No, Bianca. Not exactly


There's a gleam in his eye, as an idea seems to occur to him

Y...es. Bianca, what sort of objectives do you usually get?

2008-07-01, 01:50 AM

"Find the target. Shoot the target. Stab the target. Recover the target. Protect the target from all hostiles. Cut as many targets as I can in under a minute. It's all in my mission files." BIANCA was confused now, she was clearly not used to this peculiar method of speaking.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 01:54 AM

Lucius noted Bianca's distress, but pushed it to the back of his mind.

Time for a gamble

Bianca, do you know what the word "freedom" means?

2008-07-01, 01:57 AM

"Negative, Captain Lucius." BIANCA cheerfully saluted and smiled again. The fact that she was so happy despite not knowing would be quite disturbing to onlookers, but BIANCA was pleased that she could answer the question correctly, and as quick as possible.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 02:00 AM

The navigator's disgust was canceled out by the joy of a plan to deal with all of this coming together. He beamed

How about "Complex abstract concept"?

2008-07-01, 02:16 AM

"Negative, Captain Lucius." She replied in the same sing-song happy way that she did before.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 02:37 AM

The navigator tries his uttermost to remain deadpan, and serious.

You have proven yourself, and your next mission requiers no test results. Your next assignment will be long term. Your objective is to locate "freedom"

The problem is it's unknown nature. It is not a location, person or object. Thus, this will be a wide ranging search mission, spanning massive areas

You will be under my supervision, and rough guidance but you will be able to do, more or less, what you want.

Any initial questions?

He manages, barely, to restrain a smile.

2008-07-01, 10:01 AM

BIANCA looks very confused. "How can I find something that's not an object, location, or person? What is it if it isn't one of those?"

Moral Wiz
2008-07-01, 11:26 AM

The navigator smiled at the question, with the air of one who is finally begining to understand how the game is played

That, Bianca, is the question. Suffice to say, that when it is percieved, you should be able to recognise it. As should I, which is why I am accompanying you.

You remember the second phrase I asked you? Complex abstract concept? That is what we believe freedom to be.

The search area will cover vast portions of space. And, as we have no leads, our pattern will be random. Do you have any reccomendations as to places where we should begin searching? Anywhere one of the Doctor's described that you'd like to see?

2008-07-01, 06:44 PM

"That sounds...hard." BIANCA sounded worried for a bit. "But I don't know where. The doctors didn't talk about places, they talked about missions and targets. But I can't track a target like that without being taught how. Am I getting a new implant to help?"

Moral Wiz
2008-07-02, 09:28 AM

I'm not sure. Perhaps.

And in that case, I'll be in charge of overall location. We'll travel the galaxy. You look out in the places we go to for freedom. That sound good?

2008-07-02, 10:03 AM

"Affirmative, Captain Lucius. I will attempt to find the target. Do we start right now?" She asked with a salute and a smile.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-02, 10:14 AM

Lucius smiled at the eager BIANCA

Not quite. I've got some prep work to do. Apart from anything else, don't you want your medicene?

Can you sleep without a Cryo Tube?

2008-07-02, 10:51 AM

"Huh? That's silly, I have to always be awake unless I'm being put to sleep." BIANCA admonishes him with the blinding reason of truth. "But I'll wait as long as we have to until the mission begins."

Moral Wiz
2008-07-03, 05:26 AM

Lucius struggled a little in his mind

I can't take much more of this. If I'm going to leave, I've got some stuff to do.

Well... how do you prefer to be put to sleep?

2008-07-03, 06:41 AM

BIANCA looked as confused as always. "The...way I always do?"

Moral Wiz
2008-07-03, 06:51 AM

Irritation gave way to pity. Lucius sighed

Look. I'm going to teach you a little technique for long term field work, Ok?

If you lie down, and don't focus on anything, you can end up going to sleep without anyone else having to make you. It's useful when you can't get to anyone.

You want to try it?

2008-07-03, 09:54 AM

"I...can try it..." BIANCA said, immediately laying down on the floor.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-03, 10:45 AM

Very good. I'm... going to get your medicine.

He bolts from the room.

Jamie, what sort of decryption do you have.


Good. Firstly, can you analyze BIANCA's biology, according to this, see if a sleeping pill could but her to sleep?

Would it be possible to concoct some sort of "super sleeper" pill?

2008-07-03, 10:52 AM
ooc:Yes, your medical equipment at home can dispense sedatives from multiple chemical families. Whether it will work on Bianca or not is up to Sicarius.

2008-07-03, 12:14 PM

This floor is very cold... BIANCA didn't like it, but it was an order so she had to obey.

Normal sleeping pills would have no effect. The potency of such a pill, to overcome her liver, would have to be pushing near a fatal dose, as well as losing potency given her kidney implants. If you can trick your autodoc into making a super-pill, it would knock her out for about 40% of the duration of regular high-strength sleeping pills.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-03, 12:34 PM
OOCHappy? That possible?

2008-07-03, 12:51 PM
ooc: You can't have a super pill, but you can tell your 'doc you are going on an extended trip and need a 6 month supply of regular pills, and just give Bianca several days worth at once. Alternatively, you can put a skill rank in Medicine and use that plus your computer skill to coax the doc into dispensing drugs that are normally restricted. If you do that, you can also get it to dispense hormone suppressants too. Up to you.

Oh, and give the poor girl a blankie! :smalleek:

2008-07-04, 03:32 PM
Or at least say it's like when she goes to cryo except for no tube. I can't imagine how comfortable sleeping in a flight suit with two knives, two pistols, and a sword strapped to your back can be.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-06, 01:36 PM

Lucius ponders for a while before ordering his Auto-Doc to dispence such pills. He then asks the auto chef to boil up a drink of hot chocolate, and additional flavoring, to counter the taste of the sleeping pills.

He heads back into the room... to the sight of Bianca laying on the floor, in full combat gear

BIANCA? It's...

He sighed

Field sleep is like going into your cryo-tube. You shouldn't do it in your kit.

Here. Follow me

He takes her hand, and leads her into the bedroom. It houses a picture of a large ship, with the White Knight across the prow, and a comfortable, single bed

What the hell. I don't expect sleep tonight

He gestures to the bed

Lay down there. And drink this.

He holds out the old blue mug of hot chocolate

2008-07-06, 02:58 PM

"I forgot my gown." BIANCA notes absently, looking around. She ignores the dressers, intently searching the room for a locker of some sort. While she doesn't see one she's used to, there seems to be a high-capacity locker in the side, with many hanging clothes. She moves over to it quickly, not really noting any protests and looks over the equipment hanging there for her cryo-clothes, or for something like them. There was a hook, so she placed her gun belt, pistols still in it, on it. There was a shelf, so she placed her knives on it. There was nothing for her sword, so she merely leaned it against a wall, where it immediately fell with a rather loud clatter. She grimaced at the noise.

Nothing in the high-capacity locker resembled her clothes, so she merely unzipped and removed her flight suit and hung it up neatly and undid the ties in her hair. Now dressed only in the barest of essentials, she grabbed the mug and took a big gulp. Lucius marks two fresh holes in her wrist from where her biomonitor had pierced her flesh in order to ensure more accurate readings.

"Ow...hot..." She notes, but doesn't stop drinking it quickly, causing a little bit to run down the sides of her mouth. "And sweet. And a little strange." After she finishes the entire thing, as ordered, she lays down on the soft surface, which was much more confortable than the floor.

"Now I just don't do anything?" She asks.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-06, 03:17 PM

Lucius nods

I'll see if I can do something about that.

He turns away out of politeness as BIANCA removes her flight suit. He smiles as she drinks, and tries not to notice the marks

Yes, just lie down, and do nothing. Try to relax, and not to think

He waits gently by the door, quietly watching over the young Bio-weapon.

2008-07-06, 04:08 PM

She fidgets a great deal, unused to periods of inactivity and the caffiene inherent in hot chocolate. But the drugs work their magic, as they're designed to, and eventually she starts to settle down and drift off to sleep.

In her dreams, perhaps she's in a field, or maybe she's reminiscing about a mission, or perhaps something else far more sinister. Who can say?

Moral Wiz
2008-07-06, 04:18 PM

Lucius smiled as the girl, slowly, but surely, fell into a doze before gently stepping away from the room

Now. I have calls to make


1; What's clothing like in KS? Dependant on world?

2; If there's a auto cook, is there a clothes fabber?

3; Can electronic based documents be falsified through hacking? Adoption papers, and ID for example

2008-07-06, 04:44 PM

1; What's clothing like in KS? Dependant on world?

Lots of high tech synthetic fabrics. Styles varies by world, but if you don't care about being on the leading edge of fashion, then there are classic styles that don't look too conspicious anywhere (like modern day t-shirt and jeans).

2; If there's a auto cook, is there a clothes fabber?


3; Can electronic based documents be falsified through hacking? Adoption papers, and ID for example

Yup. Blue Sky civil government records are more secure than in most worlds, but not anywhere near as hardened as what the military uses.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-07, 05:18 AM
Could Lucius size clothing without having BIANCA there in the room?

And would such documents be valid on other worlds?

Can I invoke Lucius' "Rogue" aspect here?

2008-07-07, 11:12 AM
ooc: Could Lucius size clothing without having BIANCA there in the room?

The fabricator will want measurements, but can make do with her height and weight, which are no doubt in your stolen files.

And would such documents be valid on other worlds?

They might come under minor scrutiny if you planned on emigrating to another world, but as a visitor, they'll pass. You think. :smallwink:

Can I invoke Lucius' "Rogue" aspect here?


2008-07-07, 12:00 PM
I will note that BIANCA is very heavy for her size. She has incredibly dense bones to help her resist the rigors of combat. Her muscles are incredibly well toned as well. She sinks like a stone in water.

2008-07-07, 12:07 PM
I will note that BIANCA is very heavy for her size. She has incredibly dense bones to help her resist the rigors of combat. Her muscles are incredibly well toned as well. She sinks like a stone in water.

ooc:Okay, but well designed children's clothes will at least stay on a child through a growth spurt, so we can assume that even if they are a little baggy, there will be enough elastic or ties or whatnot to help them stay on without looking bad.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-07, 12:14 PM
Ok. Let's try this forgery. It'll have BIANCA down as adopted by Lucius. No known parents. Much simpler this way.

[roll0]Ok. As I understand it, can I invoke Rogue to change a 1 to a 3, leaving the result at 4?

2008-07-07, 12:22 PM
Ok. Let's try this forgery. It'll have BIANCA down as adopted by Lucius. No known parents. Much simpler this way.

[roll0]Ok. As I understand it, can I invoke Rogue to change a 1 to a 3, leaving the result at 4?

ooc:You start out by saying what skill you are rolling on. I think in this case, it would be Computers, in order to hack into the civil government and find a copy of an adoption certificate to copy. Then if you want to improve your roll, you can use an aspect either to reroll all four dice, or to turn any one die into a 3.

Are you using your legal name on the certificate?

Moral Wiz
2008-07-07, 12:26 PM
That's what I thought. Just making sure. His computer is at 4, changing a 1 to a three keeps it even. Superb should be enough, right? And... a bonus for using Jamie? :smalltongue:

And yes. Anything else might tell against him, though his own name might have it's own problems..

2008-07-08, 10:58 AM
That's what I thought. Just making sure. His computer is at 4, changing a 1 to a three keeps it even. Superb should be enough, right? And... a bonus for using Jamie? :smalltongue:

And yes. Anything else might tell against him, though his own name might have it's own problems..
Changing a 1 to a 3 makes it +1. Jamie gives you +1, so that's +6 - a legendary success. If anyone challenges your adoption of Bianca, it won't be on the basis of the paperwork, that's for sure. :smalltongue:

Moral Wiz
2008-07-08, 11:51 AM
Ya see why you have to ask? :smallamused:

Next morning will see BIANCA wake to find a white t-shirt, with a design on it, some sort of pattern, and a pair of common, blue jeans. All sized about right for BIANCA There's also a blue mag with some strange white liquid in it.

Lucius is no where to be seen, though his voice can be heard. Faintly. From a distance.

OOCStrange white liquid's milk. It's got BIANCA's medicine in it (-the hormone suppressants)

Your choice on the pattern, Sicarius. Lucius'll just have come thru with a pre-made design, without checking it.

2008-07-08, 12:57 PM
BIANCA wakes up and puts back on her flight suit, complete with biomonitor, missing the clothes completely. The liquid though, catches her eyes, or rather her nose, because it smells a bit like her medicine to her sharp nose. Remembering that she drank her medicine before she fell unconscious, she drinks the medicine in a single gulp, then puts a face.

She goes about equpping herself for combat, strapping on her sword, knives, and guns. BIANCA felt dirty, and started looking around for a shower.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-08, 01:01 PM
BIANCA'll find a shower quite easily, just down the corridor. Lucius'll be distracted for a while, he seems to be talking with someone you can't quite hear. They sound loud, but not aggressive.

2008-07-08, 02:02 PM
After BIANCA finishes with her shower, she sniffs her flight suit, and realizing it hasn't been cleaned, hangs it back up and tries to find another one. Not finding one, or much in the way of girl's apparel as she understands it, she settles for the closest thing that fits, the clothes laid out. She makes a note to ask to clean her flight suit later, because being clean was vital to mission success.

Now dressed in a shirt with a bunny on it, she looks for Captain Lucius, following his voice.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-08, 02:30 PM
Lucius is in the war room, talking with Jamie. He's wearing a smart shirt and trousers. As she walks in, BIANCA notices a few cases about the room, and Jamie seems to ready to leave. Her units are both within boxes, with a couple of leads still connecting her to the power

Lucius turned to Bianca, with a light smile

Good morning, Bianca. Jamie?

Good morning, Miss BIANCA. Nice to see you.

Lucius smiled at the hologram, before turning back to his charge, a rougish little glint in his eye.

You slept well?

What do I roll to get transport with a trustworthy captain? One who won't blab?

Not sure on refreshing aspects, but Lucius hasn't really had time to rest yet. If I use Lucius' old knowledge as a Corp Brat, can I use that aspect?

2008-07-08, 02:38 PM
ooc: You could spend a fate point to have a contact in the right place at the right time.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-08, 02:43 PM
Could, but.... meh. Don't like it. Lucius won't have prepared for this, and when it comes to Pilots, most of the ones he knows are military.

He actually is established as knowing a pilot, Kathejen, from the Knight, but she has no ship. So I was thinking of him finding a one time trip, either working, or relaxation, paying for it.


2008-07-08, 02:53 PM

"I don'r know...I was unconscious." BIANCA answered with more of her abject honesty. "But I'm ready for the next mission commander, once my uniform is clean."

Moral Wiz
2008-07-08, 02:56 PM

Uni... ah. No need.

You have received undercover, or infiltration training?

2008-07-08, 03:02 PM
BIANCA shook her head. "No. But my uniform has to be cleaned. It's dirty! And I slept in it!"

Moral Wiz
2008-07-08, 03:08 PM


Don't worry, your uniform will be cleaned. But for now, those clothes will be your temporary uniform

Undercover. It means that we mustn't be identified. I

He taps his black gauntlet with a smile

have documents on here that'll start for that. But we can't carry weapons, or wear a "proper" uniform from now on. It's just for now.You understand?

2008-07-08, 03:39 PM
"But I'm still wearing it!" BIANCA tried to reason with him.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-08, 03:43 PM


Lucius finally understands what the Bio Weapon means

Don't worry. We'll be bringing a clothes fabber with us. Anything you want cleaned, or another copy of, just ask, Ok?

2008-07-08, 03:52 PM
"What? What is it? You're using too many weird words." BIANCA appears frustrated and cranky.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-08, 04:16 PM

Look. Don't worry. Lucius tries to keep in control, but he too sounds irritated. It has been a long night.

If you want clothes cleaned, or want more clothes, just tell me, and I'll try and get them done. Kay?

2008-07-08, 04:58 PM
ooc: In that case, you could just pay for passage and use Charm to try and convince the pilot not to talk. Or maybe Contacting or Bluff untrained. You're only going to the Belt, so you can't really work for your passage on such a short trip. If you aren't going to use military contacts, then Son of the Corps won't apply, but it seems reasonable that you'd know people who were either retired or discharged for medical reasons or otherwise no longer in active service.

2008-07-08, 05:17 PM
"But I am!" BIANCA seems confused and irritable, clearly thinking she is doing what she was told to.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-10, 07:47 AM

Ok then. Don't worry, everything's fine.

Lucius sounds irritable himself now. He isn't sure what she means, but wants this to be over. And it sounded like she was alright

Now then. We're going to be headed out soon. And as we're undercover, I've got some documents here

He produces a small handheld holoprojection unit. It's blue, and has the government's stamp on it "Blue Sky, for a better tommorrow"

They'll say that you're my adopted daughter. If anyone asks, that's what you'll say, Ok?

She is wearing the clothes, right?

And ok then, invoking that aspect to try and find other ex-servicemen who still run a ship. And hoping I'll get a chance to rest before we meet the crew [roll0]

EDIT;... That... couldn't have gone much better really.

2008-07-10, 11:24 AM

"Ah-dop-ted daw-ter." BIANCA repeats the code phrase. "If anyone asks, you're my adopted daughter. No wait, that's not right. I am your adopted daughter. I'm bad with code words." BIANCA looks sheepish again like she does whenever she has to admit her shortcomings.

She is wearing the t-shirt and jeans

Moral Wiz
2008-07-20, 04:10 AM

Don't worry. It shouldn't come up much. Just in case

Lucius smiled

Now then, I've also got arrangements for the ship. We'll be flying with civilians for the duration of this assignment, Ok? The ship's due to leave in three hours. 1300 hours to be precise.

Thank god that Orthstine's still flying.

It's a short journey this time, we're headed to a station out in space. We'll be their for a bit until further transport becomes aviliable

Or in other words, till I can think of something. I'm not cut out for dealing with young Bio-Weapons.

Invoked the Aspect to make it 4 3s. In other words, that should be Ok, even untrained. Right?

2008-07-20, 04:12 AM
Yup, you're good.

2008-07-20, 11:03 AM

"Affirmative, Captain Lucius." BIANCA smiled and saluted again. She then started to frown as her stomach started to rumble "I'm hungry."

Moral Wiz
2008-07-23, 11:41 AM

Ok. Jamie, autocook ... err, try a GravBurger. Then brake links to the house.

He turned round and smiled.

I've gotta pack a few things. You ok waiting for a bit, BIANCA?

Hopefully, we can wrap things up soon. Sorry Sicarius for keeping you fromn the main game like this for so long. :smallfrown:

2008-07-23, 01:57 PM
BIANCA looked sad, but she tried to remain as patient as possible. After a second, the GravBurger came out and BIANCA looked much happier. She gets a few grease stains on her bunny t-shirt.

"Yum." BIANCA's biomonitor states otherwise, stating that the prototype has ingested too much saturated fats and recommends additional exercises to maintain her physical condition.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-23, 03:51 PM
The sounds of the "captain" rummaging are pretty continual. Before too long he returns to the young BioWeapon, sweaty, but triumphant.

Done. Ready to go now....

His gauntlet dinged with the Biomoniter link. Lucius looked at the display, surprised

Ah. Seems like you need a bit of a workout...

He thought for a moment, then smiled.

You like acrobatics, Bianca?

I can't believe I'm going along with this... this...

Don't think of it as working with this... program. Think of it as just a little joke on Orthstine. Or letting her play. That's all it is.

That's all it is....

He kept with his smile, though who it was trying to make easy was a debatable question

2008-07-23, 05:45 PM

"Acrobatics!" BIANCA clapped, then kneeled and leapt in the air, somersaulting once backwards, before landing perfectly. "Dr. Dentali says that I was very good at acrobatic. And Dr. Clark said I had my balance tests were always flawless!"

Moral Wiz
2008-07-24, 09:30 AM
You'll love begin on a ship then. Everyone always does. First time up is something special

The navigator brightened inside. Yes, this girl Damn it, had had her problems, like.... well, not understanding anything of the world around her, but she could make her own life. She could be happy doing what the hell she wanted.

Let's hope she gets a chance.

Well, I've just got to roll Jamie in. You wanna get in the Hovercar, BIANCA?

2008-07-24, 10:45 AM

"Acknowledged, Captain Lucius. Let me prepare my equipment." Another giggle, another salute. She walked upstairs and began to put on her weaponry, then came back down and started to walk out of the house armed to the teeth.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-24, 12:48 PM

Lucius busies himself with Jamie, satisfied at BIANCA's answer. He doesn't spot her until she's almost at the door.


His words are quick and sharp.

Undercover, Miss Bianca. And we'll be going thru very good weapon detectors.

Not to mention the fact that people will be scared to death.

He opens up the internal door to the Hovercar's garage, and opened a large chest kept in a corner

Put 'em in here. You'll have 'em back before too long.

2008-07-24, 01:04 PM

"Affirmative, Captain Lucius." She places her blades and pistols where the Captain specified. Perhaps this was an unarmed combat mission. Those were more difficult because she was not as sharp as the sword was, nor could she hit as far as a gun could. It was peculiar, but it was necessary.

Moral Wiz
2008-07-24, 02:12 PM
Well then

Lucius seemed happy at BIANCA's easy responce. A small part of his mind though screamed that this was too easy. Still, he overruled it. He went back into the house for a few moments. He returned, wheeling Jamie. He bunged her into the back seats, and opened the passenger door for miss BIANCA.

Get in, Bianca. We've got a ship to catch. And remember, adopted...?.

He lets the sentence hang.

No flight suit, weapons, or anything else right? Just the Bio-Meter?

2008-07-24, 02:36 PM
That's right, she's actually quite obedient.

"Ah-dop-ted...?" BIANCA thinks for a moment. After a few seconds, she clapped her hands and her eyes sparkled with recognition. "Daw-ter!" She looks for approval before moving into the hovercar.

2008-07-24, 02:41 PM
That's right, she's actually quite obedient.

Good thing too, or she'd be spending the whole campaign in the autodoc. :smallbiggrin:

Moral Wiz
2008-07-24, 04:27 PM
Lucius smiles, not as unlike a parent as he might think. He smiles, proud, at the minor feat of memory.

Well done.

With that, he started up the HoverCar. A press of his gauntlet opend the garage doors (the house ones auto locked on the HoverCar leaving). With a few presses, the HoverCar headed off, in the direction of the spaceport.

Towards a new beginning. For both it's passengers.

Ok Sic, we can cut from here to wherever you want. Spaceport, space ship, space station?

You should probably choose I think. I owe you that much. ;D

2008-07-24, 05:20 PM
I'm easy. Anywhere BIANCA goes, she's going to cause, as HT puts it, adorable mayhem. We are, however, going to meet the Penny on Monday, and I don't have much internet access this weekend, so...

Moral Wiz
2008-07-25, 01:58 AM
Ok. We'll leave it there then, and rejoin the IC Monday.