View Full Version : You got your D&D in my d20 Modern! [IC]

2008-06-20, 05:55 PM
Its been a quiet week or two, relatively speaking. The city's been as it always is, but Agdor hasn't contacted you with any jobs. The only really unusual thing has been the weather, despite it being the middle of June, the air is cool, almost chilly, and the skies are a dull mass of cloud, threatening rain, yet not delivering.

Until today, anyway.

The entire city looked and felt gray and lifeless, as as many people as possible stayed indoors to avoid the downpour, which seemed to be making up for all the days it DIDN'T come down. There's a few places that remain active even through the rain, most notably (in this case) a little run-down looking hotel on the edge of downtown.

2008-06-20, 10:32 PM
Maurine Kenina

Hoping out of the bus she had taken Maurine pulled her coat tight around her in a feeble attempt to keep the rain from soaking her clothes. The run-down hotel in front of her was the safe house, sure as hell is hot didn't look very safe. Maurine put the obvious crap state of it to the back of her mind, if the shadow league said it was safe, it was safe enough. Quickly walking inside the hotel removing her soaked overcoat, her wool jumper blissfully dry, so too the linen shirt underneath, and the sports bra underneath that. Her black trousers were only mildly soaked the overcoat having taken most of the flak from the rain, and her thermal undies keeping her private area nice and toasty warm. Her walking boots on the other hand were soaked and despite their design intent the rain had proven more than they could handle and had leaked, the inside of her boot giving a light squish sound when she walked as the water moved about inside her boots. "Perfect. Just abso-****ing-lutely perfect." Her voice down trodden as she looked down at her soaked boots.

2008-06-20, 10:43 PM

A man in a thick raincoat walks through the rain. He is thoroughly soaked by the time he spots the outline of the hotel through the pouring rain. Thank you very much, Agdor. Couldn't have even checked the forecast.

He pauses to pull the hood further over his head. Suddenly, a bus drives next to him, nearly running him over. As it were, it just splashed more water on him, drenching him even more. Crud, he thinks, wringing his shirt.

The bus stops at the hotel, and a figure emerges. Ah, someone's already here. He hurries closer, but stops when he recognizes her.

"You? You're on this assignment??"

((feel free to make stuff up.))

2008-06-20, 11:09 PM
Luna, Sol

Luna and Sol arrive at the hotel in their corvette, parking the black car in one out-of-the-way corner of the parking lot. The passenger door opens first, and out steps Sol, opening a large umbrella made of black fabric with a metal tip. As he walks around to the driver's side, Luna steps out under the umbrella.

The two walk in step to the hotel entrance, both protected from the rain by the large umbrella, collapsing it again once beneath the overhang. Their feet and the lower edge of their pant legs are wet, but they are otherwise dry. Sol lets the umbrella hang from its wooden hook of a handle on his wrist and calls out to the other two figures, standing at the bus stop, "I recognize you from the email! Do either of you know why we're here?"

Luna leans against a wall under the overhang and keeps a watch to see if anyone more approaches.

2008-06-20, 11:57 PM

Clambering up the rain slicked stairs from the metro, a disheveled man in a rumpled and worn overcoat looks round at the buildings surrounding him. Eyes on the street signs and apartment numbers, he seems to be mentally counting down to his destination. As he approaches the hotel, those looking can see his features are bland, if haggard; dark hair plastered against his forehead, worried eyes peering out from above painfully sharp cheekbones. Hands jammed into his pockets, a sodden newspaper jammed under his arm, he eases through the group congregated on the doorstep with a mumbled "excuse me" before opening the door, stepping through, and closing it behind him. The man looks like none of the pictures from the email.

2008-06-21, 12:46 AM
Maurine Kenina

Seeing the faces she had seen in her recent e-mail Maurine continued walking to the hotel answering any questions with "Not untill we are inside, stupid."

OOC: Now she then proceads with what she would have done if she weren't interupted at the bus stop, ala the check of how wet she is.

Moving inside the hotel more rubbing her hair a little to try and stop it from dripping down her back, her display contacts showing the pictures of the people she was suppose to meet as she sat down in the lobby. Laying her coat by her side and bringing up her contraters field bag checking through that none of her stuff had gotten wet. Pleased that the bag had held up to the rain for now she brought up the e-mail sent to her by Agdor again on her display contacts before speaking to what she hopes is the fully assembled team. "Right. This is going to be fun." This moanful speach occuring inside her head as she motions the three to sit down.

2008-06-21, 02:48 PM
John Arkington

John arrives as the rest of the ensemble have entered the hotel. He is wearing a coat over a slightly worn suit, his hair is quite short, but enough to get messy when in the rain. True to this fact, his hair is in fact a mess. Waiting for the bus to leave he steps out of the taxi he arrived in, opening an umbrella and paying the driver. Walking towards the entrance he quickly wipes his face with the sleeve of his jacket.

Entering the hotel he takes off his coat, placing it into a nearby coat rack. He then walks towards the group, and introduces himself as John Arkington.
"I'm sorry for being late, I assume a proper introduction is in order. I'm John Arkington, nice to meet you. Now then, I assume you know just as much as to why we are here."

2008-06-21, 06:41 PM
Luna, Sol

After entering along with everyone else, Sol leans the large umbrella against the wall by the coat rack and finds a good place to lean, being watchful as Luna was before. Luna, on the other hand, starts talking. "That depends," she says, making eye contact with Arkington, "do you know quite a bit, or do you know nothing at all? My name is Luna, by the way, and his is Sol."

2008-06-22, 08:36 AM
John Arkington

Having sat down he begins to speak. "Well, I know as much as the e-mail told me. I know we are supposed to help with the investigation of several possible chasers, and that we were supposed to meet here. That is just about it."

2008-06-22, 09:23 AM

Scott refrains from taking a seat, as he is soaked from head to toe. Instead, he leans against one of the walls on the side. Checking his watch, he is annoyed to find out that it wasn't as waterproof as it said it was.

"Junk," he mutters, pocketing the ruined watch. He looks at the hotel's clock, only to find it obscured by some mystery dirt. What a dump.

2008-06-22, 10:53 PM

Stepping through a door to one of the inner rooms, a handsome man in a crisp white collared shirt, green sweater vest and light brown tie emerges carrying a cup of tea. Moxey, recognizable as such from the emails sent out, straddles a chair on which a soaked, battered overcoat hangs, soiled newspaper discarded in a nearby wastebasket. "So, looks like we're gonna be working a job together. Grab something to drink in the back so we can get this started." Taking off his glasses, you can see his eyes match his vest precisely. Looking the others up and down, he takes stock of his associates, paying special attention to the packs each has brought. A sturdy briefcase sits close by his chair.

2008-06-24, 09:27 PM
Luna, Sol

Sol remains leaned against the wall, scoping out the room. Luna sits down where she can see all of her fellows and says, "We aren't thirsty, and he can hear fine where he is."

2008-06-25, 02:35 AM
Maurine Kenina

OOC: Sorry for my absense, I'm back now.

Looking at the new arrival and then looking to the coat and newspaper for a moment, two and two do make four and those two facts equal up to this guy being a changeling. Sighing a little, annoyed at the fun group dynamic Maurine tugs a little at her jumper to cover up some flesh at the back she began to speak, "Right. I'll only be saying this once so try not to forget." after this little speach she pulls her laptop out -turning off her display contacts as she does- and gives a few keys a few clicks and brings up the image of one Gustave Davidson, his little bio sitting underneath in a word file. Spinning her laptop round so everyone could get a good look at the screen she continued, "This is Gustave Davidson he is part of a small group of men going for for government positions. The league has reason to believe that one if not all has ties to the shadow chasers. They want us to check out Mr. Davidson. We have a few leads to go on, two bars, a gentlemans club and Mr. Davidsons home." spinning the laptop back around Maurine brings up the map with the locations circled, then spinning it back around to give everyone a look. "Now you all know about as much as I do. Before we continue and do anything involving the job I'd prefer to know a bit more about y'. A first name and proffesion will do, and also any special skills you might have." She gives Mox a quick look when she says special skills, obvious that she would prefer him to go first.

2008-06-25, 06:16 PM

"Right," taking a sip of his tea, looking their very normal contact up and down. Straightening, Mox rests both elbows on the back of his chair, cradling his cup and saucer, "You all can call me Moxey, or Mox if you'd prefer. Succinctly put, I'm good at getting where I'm not supposed to and finding what people don't want found. I have contacts in place that allow me to track people down quickly, I can get past 'deterrents' pretty easily, either by impersonating someone else or taking them apart. Got a mind for security, pays to be cautious and I'll do my best to keep y'all on your toes. Mmmm, I know my way around the street and am decent in a gunfight, should it come to that. Oh, and profession? Not really into anything steady, people hire me to do any of what I mentioned from time to time, enough to keep food on the table, at least. Anything else?"

2008-06-27, 09:03 PM
Rather surprisingly, the weather manages to get WORSE. The rainfall increases, along with the windspeed. There's also the loud rumbling of thunder in the air, and some flashes of lightning can be seen through the grungy windows.

This certainly isn't the 'light showers' that were advertised by the weatherman.

2008-06-28, 02:15 AM

This rain keeps up, I'll have to stay here for the night. Scott shudders involuntarily. "Alright, folks. Name's Scottson, Richard Scottson. You might have seen me on Killer Bear Wrestling, as Scott Richards, three-time KBW national title-holder.

"Back 'there', I trained under Master Derrelleth, in the mountain Temple of the Nine. I can throw a mean punch when y'alls'll be needing a mean punch, and I think we'll be needing a few mean punches in the near future."

He futilely tries to wring out the water from his coat.

2008-06-28, 08:07 PM
Luna, Sol

"My name is Luna, and his is Sol," says Luna calmly. "We drive, fix engines, shoot things, and race cars and motorcycles. And, sorry, but we don't really watch professional wrestling."

From where he's leaning against the wall, Sol says, "We're the cavalry."

2008-07-03, 02:59 PM
Looking over at her new team Maurine again sighs, "Good. We have very little time to waste." Twisting her laptop shut with a deft movement and then with another sliping it into her bag she stands. Quickly grabing her still wet coat off the chair next to her throwing it over her shoulder as she does, and walking back into the lobby proper before turning around and talking to them again. "However, It'll be a little too noticeable for a large group of people going about in the middle of a massive rainstorm. So get a room. Or sleep in the lobby, I don't care." With that she heads over to the desk and asks for a room for the foreseeable.

2008-07-03, 04:06 PM

"Now hold on a minute, darling"," there is no apparent hurry in the man's voice as he stirs his tea. "We were all nice enough to share a little about ourselves, and I'm just terribly curious about you." Looking up from his tea, Moxey's eyes seem to darken slightly. "For starters, what do you do? And What exactly is your plan, that you're asking us all to take part in?" Waiting, Mox placidly sips his tea, eyes not leaving the woman.

2008-07-04, 08:09 PM

"Let me get this straight first. I'm not askin' you. Agdor is tellin' you, just as Agdor told me. Now since you all managed to tell me somethin' that will help us not get killed by chasers, feel free to do the same." Now turning around placing her hands at her hips, drilling Moxey in place with her stare which would be all the more impressive if she didn't resemble a half-drowned version of herself.

2008-07-04, 10:48 PM

"Mmhmm," draining the last of his tea, Moxey sets the cup and saucer down. "Now I don't know about the rest of you, but all I received was a name, a couple of pictures, and a few locations. That hardly consitutes a plan. I know what we have to do, but how we do it is just as important, especially where the Chasers are involved. I, for one, would be much more comfortable working with you if I knew exactly what you brought to the team. You'll excuse my insistence, but I have a hard time trusting anyone who walks in like she owns the place and demands information without even giving us her name. Now I trust Agdor, I do, but only to a point, and only because he's kept me safe and in work for a long time. You? You I don't know, and it doesn't help that you look so... normal," its hard to tell with his voice so evenly modulated, but there almost seems to be a hint of derision when he says the word. "Now I don't mean to be a pest, I don't, but I also don't need you assuming command of this operation without proffering the slightest bit of credibility. I don't need this job. I don't even need the League, when it comes down to it. What I need is to be able to trust and respect the people I'm working with when handling such sensitive information, and I need the same from them." Unperturbed, Mox meets the woman's eyes, almost smiling, even.

I don't quite understand this part:

Now since you all managed to tell me somethin' that will help us not get killed by chasers, feel free to do the same

2008-07-06, 05:40 PM

"I'm Maurine Kenina, and as a matter of fact I am normal. Which you make you people abnormal? Wouldn't it? Don't misunderstand me I've got nothing against shadowkind aslong as they obey the law, even after they tried to turn me into a feast!" Maurine manages to maintain her calm up till the end when she pulls down her jumper a little to reveal several fang scars. "I'm a private investigator and I'm one the best." Calming down now and moving her jumper back, covering her neck. "The plan is to investigate. To be specific, we need to find out if he has any ties to the shadow chasers, I don't need to tell you how bad that would be if they got people into the goverment. If you got anymore questions I'd prefer them to be now."

2008-07-08, 09:20 AM
Luna, Sol

"Yes, we've got a bit of a question," says Luna. "A bit of a trivial one really. We've never really done any investigatory work, so beyond a vague idea, we don't exactly have a good grasp of what the actual plan is. We also aren't sure where our talents fit into that scheme. So it would be nice for us at least to know more of the plan that just that our group will be investigating."

2008-07-08, 01:20 PM

"Fair enough. I assume you two have at least one van, and we'll be doing a fair bit of driving so you two will be working in shifts unless something goes wrong. We'll also need your mechanic skills to outfit the van with spy gear that we'll place about him and his. The shooting things will come in handy if things go south." Taking a long breath and looking now towards Moxey, "The bugs we'll place is your job." then turning herself to John and Scott. "Hopefully we wont need your combat skills, but we will need you to keep an eye on the equipment and do a little meat work."

2008-07-10, 02:50 PM

"No. It makes us persecuted."

Letting the woman proceed, Mox sits back, listening to her outline. He nods. "Look, this job seems simple enough, any one of us could do it on their own. The fact Agdor rounded us all up is probably because he is getting a sense of something bigger than what we're used to. If not the Chasers then something else as dangerous. Now, for a plan, while Miss Maurine has sketched a nice composite of our skills we'll need to flesh it out a little more. I will, as she suggested, run point for the bugging operation. It should be easy enough, but if we are dealing with an organization they'll probably have their own security teams in place. We'll need spotters, you muscle," he quirks his eyebrow, "will do nicely, with the added benefit of having y'all close by if things go south. Maurine, it seems you have some skill with electronics, would you be willing to handle communications? Keeping us moving together is essential to this working smoothly. And as far as transportation, I really hope you two," he looks over to the diminuitive duo, "have something a little less flashy. I personally prefer public transportation as it allows you to blend in with the crowd and doesn't give any way of tracking you. We could use eyes on the move, so maybe a taxi cab could work well. Then if things get nasty you could scoop a couple of us up and get us out of there. Vans, vans are a little conspicuous and so 90's, few things say 'spy' more than an 'Acme Plumbing' van parked out front. We should be able to set up a comm room almost anywhere, farther away from the action and with more room. That will also provide a better chance of getaway since vans can get caught in traffic or have tires shot out. Any questions? If not we should do some preliminary recon of the area, looking for coffee shops with a good view, assessing traffic patterns, and looking for escape routes. We can probably leave here in an hour or so in ones and twos. Well, except me, I can go get a head start now, if y'all don't have any other suggestions." Features morphing, he becomes another thirty year old man, different than his first persona, better posture, more confidence, and thick blond hair.

2008-07-29, 01:42 PM
The phone at the front desk rings, and the receptionist, a rather bored-looking halfling, answers it.
"Greyhawk Hotel.
...which two?
The call apparently over, she hangs up, then heads over to your group.
"That was Agdor. Something's come up. He didn't say what, but a cab is on the way for Maurine and Scott."
As if on cue, a cab can be seen pulling up through the rain-covered windows. The passenger-side door opens, and an umbrella is shoved out, followed by a tall figure. The rain is too heavy to make out his features, but he appears to be wearing a suit. He walks up to the door, but doesn't enter.
The indicated members look at each other, then the group. Without saying anything, they got up and made for the door, disappearing into the rainy outdoors.

2008-07-30, 09:12 AM
John Arkington

"Sadly, I need time to prepare for combat. This thing *Pointing at suitcase* is not exactly subtle either. I can still get by without too much noise, I suppose I've never had any role outside other than to not miss. Not that I have anything against it either. I see nothing wrong with the plan, now if you excuse me, I need to check something." He then walks towards one of the farther away chairs, opening his suitcase, and checking all of it's contents are present. He then checks the contents of his coat, more precisely the vest he wears underneath. Looking satisfied he leans back in a more restful position.

((Sorry for not getting around to posting in some time))

2008-08-03, 12:12 PM

Raising his eyebrows at the departure, the man ripples back into Moxey and sits down again. "Well that changes things a bit. Alright, the rest of you ok with this? Think we can continue until Agdor sends us reinforcements? It shouldn't be hard at all, but now some of us might have to act a little outside of our comfort zones, anyone have any other skill at anything else? Computers, etc.?"

2008-08-10, 12:15 AM
Luna, Sol

"There's a bit of a problem," says Sol, stepping forward after Mox has outlined his plan. "Unless you want us to joyride in one of our client's vehicles, we only have a very flashy two-seat sports car and a very large pickup truck. So if we're going to provide transport we either need the capital to get a used sedan and paint to make it look like a cab or we'll just have to settle for the work truck."

2008-08-12, 09:42 PM

"Mmm, I was afraid of those would be our only options, but it really shouldn't be much of a problem. Public transportation really is the way to go, you can blend into a crowd with ease and get outta there without leaving a trail; no license plates to worry about, no tire tracks, no nothin'. Plus, you don't have to worry about traffic, sucks when you're on the run and boxed in by rush hour." Taking a moment, Mox looks the two over, "How 'bout this. Truth is, sometimes things get hairy and you need to get out, fast. If everything goes well, great, but sometimes it don't. Now, no need to park something that can be tracked back to us, how 'bout you two pick out a car before settling into your lookout positions. Something quick but common. If you check the meters, you can even get an idea how long its owner'll be. That way, if things get ugly, you can pop it open and haul us out. Work? You guys look like you know what you're doing, shouldn't take you long at all to get it started and movin'."

2008-08-23, 11:15 AM
Through the growing storm, a new noise can be heard: A steady, unwavering siren. The wind outside seems to be picking up a bit...

2008-09-02, 06:46 PM
Chrysophylax Dives

"Chuff. Hurm."
Chrys's doggy nose disliking the heavy rain, he tries to snuggle further into his poncho, the plastic rubbing against his fur in a most unpleasant way.
He looks to Karen, wondering how long this whole thing will take.
He shakes himself just as the sirens being their howl, making him want to curl his toes in distaste and fear. Splattering Karen far more than he meant to, Chrys growls low in his throat at the noises around them.

OOC: Hi everybody!
So, who's actually playing in this?:smallconfused:

2008-09-03, 03:53 AM

"Steady on, Chrys," mutters the tall woman, wrapping her jacket about herself more tightly. "It's just up the road. We'll check in there first." There was something about rain that made it infinitely more irritating than snow.

She squints up at the sign; Greyhawk Hotel. That's the place. She pushes open the door for the poncho-clad dog, following him in and glancing around for the people who might be here.

Karen is not an unobtrusive woman; the first adjective that comes to mind is tall. The first adverb is very. Even hunched down in her coat (which is slightly too short), she has to be over seven feet tall. As she takes her hood off, it becomes clear that she has blue eyes, fair skin, and golden-yellow hair, currently plastered down under the back of her jacket despite the hood.

2008-09-04, 12:48 PM

Anyone walking into the hotel will see John sleeping restlessly on one of the chairs surrounding the tables. Most of his equipment is scattered on the table. Anyone who cares to look will see that there are notes on the plan, a map, a checklist, and several papers covered in scribbles. The thing that stands out the most is ofcourse the suitcase halfway open, pointing towards John. Set out next to it is a gun cleaning kit, and half obscured by paper, several bullets. A gun barrel can be seen slightly sticking out of the side. The papers are scattered as if to cover anything. John himself is tossing as much as one can on a chair, but tossing none the less. His jacket is hung on a coathunger by the door, the jacket is slightly drying, yet still quite wet. John himself is only damp.

2008-09-06, 11:42 AM
The halfling receptionist perks up a bit at the sight of the dog.
"Oooh, such a sweet-looking dog! What's his name?"

2008-09-06, 01:32 PM

The tall woman looks over at the receptionist, taking in her size. "He's Chrys. I wonder, miss," she adds, walking over to the desk and lowering her voice a bit, "do you know if there's a person called Mox around here?" The email had completely failed to include a picture or even a description; not like Agdor, who was usually very thorough.

2008-09-06, 02:29 PM
Chrysophylax Dives

*Pant pant pant*
The Saint Bernard flips his poncho back, walking calmly over behind the receptionist's desk.
Looking up with big, soulful eyes, he extends and tilts his head so the silver streaks in his fur catch the light, waiting to have his ears scratched.

2008-09-08, 01:59 PM

"That'd be me." The door to the kitchen swings outward on it's hinges as a man walks through cradling a fresh cup of tea. His average height is distorted by coarse, curly hair shaped into a relaxed mohawk. Honey colored skin and exotic features speak of a rich and diverse heritage. A light brown tie snakes from a crisp white collar only to disappear back beneath a green sweater vest a moment later. Along with his meticulous appearance comes an air of refinement and calculated confidence and poise. The man identifying himself as Mox takes a sip of tea. "What can myself and," he raises an eyebrow at John's sleeping form, "my compatriots do for you?"

2008-09-13, 01:14 PM
"Well, there's a group here on some official business, I think, but I don't know their na-" Her response is interrupted by Moxey announcing himself. With the query answered, she turns back to Chrys.
"You are the most adorable doggy I have ever seen!"
She starts in with the ear scratching, but is quickly distracted by a flash of lightning and the accompanying thunder, which is loud enough to cause windows and loose objects to rattle.
"Right. We might want to get in the basement, just in case we get a tornado here."

2008-09-13, 01:17 PM
Johnny Arkington

The latest thunder strike is enough to awaken Johnny. Several bullets fall of the table, clinking against the floor, otherwise the table seems to have been spared from the rattling. He gathers his gear, everything finding it's location in the suitcase, or the mysterious confines of his coat. The rifle itself is covered with papers and a false cover, making sure that it'll pass quick inspection. Anyone looking closer will still notice the false cover.

2008-09-13, 01:27 PM

"A... mutual friend of ours directed us to you," Karen answers, choosing her words carefully as she sizes him up. Odd, but she can't see anything other than a human. Maybe she was missing something. "Wants us to do something about the weather."

2008-09-14, 06:08 AM

"Mmm," the man muses, almost purring, "The weather, you say. I believe the rest of us were contracted to check up on the prevailing winds of the political climate, so if thats what you mean, welcome aboard. If not, I'd be glad for some sunshine, but sure wouldn't know how to assist you."

2008-09-14, 03:09 PM

"I was actually speaking literally," Karen says, realizing how much she'd sounded like she was speaking in some kind of code. She lowers her voice, "Our friend's determined that someone is messing around with the weather, and he thinks they're based somewhere around here. We don't know if the storm is what they're trying for or a side effect, but either way it probably isn't good."

2008-09-14, 06:28 PM

"Alright." The man sips his tea. "Are we to help you? And our original investigation; is it somehow connected, or are we off it for now?"

2008-09-15, 08:00 PM
Chrysophylax Dives

The dog trots out from behind the desk, subtly trying to get the halfling to follow(mostly be accidentally tripping over her chair).
After shaking off the fall, Chrys moves across the room to look at Johnny.

2008-09-21, 04:17 PM
The weather outside seems to have stopped getting worse, as far as you can tell. It's still rather unpleasant, though.

"Goodness, you should be more careful, you big furry thing. Anyway, the basement's just down there, there's some chairs and a table, plus the protective wards."

2008-09-24, 10:56 PM

"I don't really know anything about your original investigation," the tall woman admits, "so I couldn't tell you. He did say you'd be compensated for helping us."

2008-09-28, 04:33 AM

"Well, seeing as it's pretty bad out there, I can see how this is more urgent." He gathers the rest of his stuff, and starts walking towards the counter.

2008-10-03, 01:05 PM
Anyone that happens to look out a window at this point will note that the weather is improving. The wind has died down, and the volume of rainfall is slowly decreasing.

2008-10-04, 05:48 PM

"Alright," he shrugs, "What actionable intelligence do we have on this?"

2008-10-04, 05:55 PM

"Not as much as you want, probably, but it's a recent development and they haven't had much time to look into it. A—our friend thinks it might be a cult, and recommended we look into warehouses and abandoned buildings around here. That's all I've got." Karen looks out the window. "This looks like as good a time as any to head outside. Should we start?"

2008-10-05, 06:04 PM
Chrysophylax Dives

At the mention of empty warehouses, Chrys barks, walks over to Karen, looks meaningfully at the halfling receptionist, then returns to looking at Johnny as though his briefcase contains food.

2008-10-06, 09:42 PM

"Sure," the man shrugs once more, "You'll get no complaint here. Give me a moment to slip into character." Turning, he pops open his briefcase for a moment, removing a clipboard, trading out a wallet and placing a id tag on his vest. Moving to the coat stand, he retrieves his not- quite-dry overcoat, whirling it around and on. Standing there is a tired, middle aged man, hair thinning in front, pasty white from an apparent life spent pushing papers. "Think I'll take the direct route," the man intones, a twinkle flashing in the dull, grey eyes for a moment before receding, "Leave y'all free to go round back or on to another building." Closing the briefcase, Moxey looks the part of any other overworked civil servant, though he takes a moment to peel up the sweatervest, cinching the straps on a pair of decidedly extraordinary pistols, snugly in their holsters. "What?" the man asks, all trace of luster removed from his eye, "Think I'd go in unprepared?"

2008-10-14, 11:00 PM

"No, it's probably good to take those along," Karen says, a little surprised at the change. Shapeshifting isn't completely new to her, though, so she spends only a moment staring. "Let's go." She heads for the door, pausing as she ducks under to make sure Mox and his crew are following—and to see exactly who his 'crew' is.

2008-10-18, 12:10 AM
Chrysophylax Dives

Chrys stops bothering to try to make people listen to him, and follows Karen out the door.